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The Bolivian war of independence began in 1809 with the establishment

of government juntas in Sucre and La Paz, after the Chuquisaca Revolution and La
Paz revolution. These Juntas were defeated shortly after, and the cities fell again
under Spanish control. The May Revolution of 1810 ousted the viceroy in Buenos
Aires, which established its own junta. Buenos Aires sent three large military
expeditions to Upper Peru, headed by Juan José Castelli, Manuel Belgrano and José
Rondeau, but the royalists ultimately prevailed over each one. However, the conflict
grew into a guerrilla war, the War of the Republiquetas, preventing the royalists
from strengthening their presence. After Simón Bolívar and Antonio José de
Sucre defeated the royalists in northern South America, Sucre led a campaign that
was to defeat the royalists in Charcas for good when the last royalist general, Pedro
Antonio Olañeta, suffered death and defeat at the hands of his own defected
forces at the battle of Tumusla. Bolivian independence was proclaimed on August 6
of 1825.


The National Anthem of Bolivia was premiered on November 18, 1845 in the city
of La Paz, in front of the Government Palace. At 12 noon, 90 musicians belonging
to the military bands of the fifth, sixth and eighth battalions, play for the first
time the vibrant chords of the "Patriotic Song", which was called this when it
was released.

That day the fourth anniversary of the Battle of Ingavi was celebrated with
several acts of extraordinary magnitude, among which the opening of the
Municipal Theater and the premiere of the National Anthem stood out. At night,
before the public gathered at the new Theater, Dr. Sanjinés explained about
the lyrics of the Patriotic Song, which is interpreted by an eight-voice choir
accompanied by an orchestra led by Benedetto Vincenti. Exclamations of
jubilation rewarded the brilliant choral performance; the public, the government
officials, the same hero of the battle of Ingavi, President José Ballivián;
ardently congratulated the authors of the National Anthem.




Born in Chuquisaca, he was a delegate to the Asambleas Deliberante y
Constituyente (Deliberative and Constituent Assemblies) of 1825 and 1826, when
Bolivia first became an independent republic. He signed the Bolivian Declaration
of Independence and the first Bolivian Constitution. Sanjinés is perhaps best
known for writing the lyrics to the National Anthem of Bolivia.His lyrics were
meant to inspire patriotism, hatred of tyranny and love of freedom, and
admiration for Bolivian soldiers who had recently won Bolivia's war of
independence against Spain. He died in Sucre in 1864.


He studied at the Paris Conservatory. Accompanying a French marine expedition,
Vincenti arrived in Chile, where he worked in the Chilean army's musical band —
for which he learned the melody of the Chilean national anthem, composed by
Ramón Carnicer in 1828—. Later, the then president of Bolivia, José Ballivián
(1841-1847), hired him to compose a hymn in homage to
the fourth anniversary of the battle of Ingavi (1841).
Despite the melodic similarities between the national
anthems of Bolivia and Chile, there is no conclusive
evidence for plagiarism. In addition, on September 24,
1847 he directed the comic opera L'elisir d'amore by
Donizetti at the inauguration of the Municipal Theater of
La Paz. He stayed to live in the city of La Paz, where he
married a Bolivian lady. Years later he returned to his
country, where he died.

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