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The greatest threat to terrorist groups like the Islamic State, the Taliban, Boko

Haram, al shabaab and al qaeda is not a U.N. resolution or the US military. The
greatest threat to terrorists is an informed population because only an informed
population can undermine the ideology that gives rise to jihad. With this in mind,
let's go through ten facts about the Koran, history's most effective manual for
violently subjugating nations and cultures.

Fact number one, the word Koran means recitation. The Koran is something that's
supposed to be recited from memory. Mohammed and his companions weren't big on
reading, and in Mohammed's time, portions of the Quran were only written down as
memory aids. It wasn't until later that some of his followers came up with the idea
of putting it all together into book form.

So why would Muslims want to recite the Koran? Because, in fact, no two Muslims
believe that the Koran is the word of Allah. Angel Gabriel, as the story goes,
delivered verses to Mohammed and Mohammed past these verses on to his followers.
But as far as the Koran is concerned, Gabriel and Mohammed were mailmen. It's the
word of Allah, not the words of Gabriel or Mohammed.

Why do Muslims believe that the Koran is the word of Allah, because fact number
three, Mohammed said so the Koran was supposedly revealed to one man, Mohammed.
Unlike the Bible, which contains numerous shorter works written by around 40
different authors, the Koran stands or falls with the lone testimony of Mohammed, a
guy whose first impression of his revelations was that there were demonic, a guy
who repeatedly tried to kill himself, a guy who believed he was the victim of magic
spells that gave him delusional thoughts and false beliefs. A guy who delivered
verses to his followers and later blamed the devil for tricking him. A guy who had
ses with a nine year old girl had nine wives at one time. Even though the Koran
says Muslims can only have four. married the divorced wife of his own adopted son
after causing the divorce told his followers it's OK to beat their wives into
submission and so on. So what evidence did Mohammed offer to show that his
revelations were from Allah? Fact,

For Mohammed's main argument, for the inspiration of the Koran was what we'll call
the argument from literary excellence, one of the silliest arguments ever offered
by anyone for anything. My poetry is better than your poetry. So my poetry must be
the inspired word of allah. The idea is that no one can produce something as
wonderful as or more wonderful than the Koran. There are all kinds of things we
could do to make the Koran better than it is. We could take out the verses about
slaughtering unbelievers or about r _ping female captives or about having ses with
prepubescent girls.

But one simple way to improve the Koran would be to put it in chronological order,
because, in fact, number five, the Koran is not arranged chronologically. Apart
from the first chapter, which is a short prayer, the rest of the Koran is basically
arranged from the longest chapters to the shortest chapters. But the longer
chapters were generally much later than the shorter chapters. So the Koran is
thoroughly disorganised, making it very difficult to read.

You might not care about the order, but it's actually extremely important because
in fact, number six, some parts of the Koran abrogate or cancel other parts of the
Koran. Later revelations typically abrogate earlier revelations. But since the
Koran isn't arranged chronologically, we don't know which verses are canceled in
which verses still apply without massive collections of commentaries to help sift
through this mess. You'll recall that the Caron's main argument for its divine
origin is that it's so incredibly well written. Must be from God. Yeah, it's so
wonderfully written that no one can understand what they're supposed to do without
consulting a team of scholars.
This is my modern take on the Koran. What did Muhammad's contemporaries think of
it? In fact, number seven, Mohamed's contemporaries were convinced that the Koran
was plagiarized from earlier sources. How do we know what they thought about the
Koran? We know because the Koran repeatedly tells us that Muhammad's contemporaries
accused him of stealing his stories from others.

How did Mohammed respond to charges of plagiarism? He declared that fact number
eight, the Koran is a continuation of previous scriptures. The reason so much of
the Koran sounded so familiar to the people of Arabia wasn't that Mohammed was
plagiarizing earlier sources. Those earlier sources were also the word of Allah.
That's why they sounded the same.

Of course, Muslims today know that those earlier sources thoroughly contradict the
Koran, so they're forced to claim that the earlier sources were corrupted. This is
extremely odd because fact number nine, the Koran was only compiled into a book
because much of it was lost. According to Muslim sources, entire chapters of the
Koran were forgotten. Large passages came up missing, verses vanished. This was in
spite of the fact that allah promised in chapter 15, verse 9 to protect the Koran
from corruption.

He couldn't do it, which calls into question the rest of what he said. Why is this
relevant? Because fact number 10, the Koran is the highest authority on matters of
Sharia, r_ping captives, beating women into submission, chopping off hands for
stealing grown men, marrying little girls. These things come from Quran, which most
certainly is not the word of God. Learn these facts.

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