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Nama : Purwanti Nurindah Sari

NIM : P07120218027
Prodi : STr. Keperawatan
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris 2

A. Describe activities you’ve done/nursing duty in ward with your own words. Submit
and present in class

I practiced mental care for the first time as a 5th semester student at Grhasia
Mental Hospital. When I am on duty in the morning, I take part in changing shifts from
nurses who have been doing night shifts. After changing shifts with the nurse I did a vital
sign check, after that I did morning activities such as gymnastics which was done in the
field around 08.00 WIB followed by all the patients. When doing gymnastics, I help the
patient to do the exercises slowly so that the patient can understand the movements of the
exercises. After exercising, I accompany the patient to do rehabilitation. During my
rehabilitation, I help patients find the skills they need. such as helping patients with
sewing, drawing, or other skills. At 11.00 WIB, after I was rehabilitated, I helped the
patient to have lunch. after lunch, the patient will take a nap.

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