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These documents detail specific house rule changes to the core Pathfinder RPG rules mechanics, for use in the Aviona campaign.
Most of these changes are hopefully relatively non-intrusive and can be kept track of by the referee (a term used in preference to
“DM” or “GM”), but a number of them provide a significantly greater number of options to the players, especially those with
martially-oriented classes, with a correspondingly greater system complexity. This is something that should be borne in mind
when evaluating house rules; this set will certainly not appeal to most groups.
Important: These house rules are not intended to represent a separate and independent game system, nor are they expected to
be used except specifically in conjunction with the Pathfinder role-playing game and other supplements credited. They are for
personal (home) use only. Individual home groups are encouraged to change these rules amendments to suit their own taste, and
to share how their changes impacted the game experience.
House Rules Conversion Kirth Gersen
Pathfinder Core Rules Paizo Publishing, LLC (Jason Bulmahn et al.)
3rd Edition Source Wizards of the Coast (a subsidiary of Hasbro)
Additional Source Malhavoc Press, Fiery Dragon Publishing, etc. (as credited in text)
Alpha Playtesting houstonderek, Jess Door, Silverhair, Andostre, TriOmegaZero
Comments, Alpha Rules Mistah Green, Frank Trollman
Beta Playtesting, Live houstonderek, Andostre, TriOmegaZero, Cyz, Psyschicmachinery, Mundane
Beta Playtesting, Play-by- Freddy Honeycutt, David James Olsen, Chainsaw, Doodlebug Anklebiter, heliopolix, nighflyer,
Post downrightamazed
Lead Editor Christopher Hauschild
Beta Proofreading Alice Margatroid et al.
Technical and Web TriOmegaZero

Rationale & Applicability Class Rebalancing: Not only in combat (e.g., changing of
casting rules), but in terms of narrative power: fighters,
These house rules are not intended for general use. Indeed, rogues, etc. are more versatile, and receive class features
for most groups, the Core rules are far superior in many enabling them to do more than simply fight and disarm traps.
respects. In creating these house rules, there were several The ranger regains his “schtick” as a tracker, scout, locator,
design goals which, if not actually achieved, were at least and guide―even across the planes. As long as high-level
strived for; any failure to attain them is mine. The major casters can travel to Heaven at will and stop time, there will
goals, and cautions for use, are summarized below. never be a total balance, but our hope is that the number of
Character Building: Base classes are more versatile, levels of which all classes are playable has been expanded
filling a variety of concepts, making prestige classes or upwards a bit. If you, personally, believe that there is no
“archetypes” less important. Multiclass options (see “Class martial-caster disparity in the core rules, then these house
Synergy Features” below) are intended to allow multiclassing rules are not for you; please delete and/or shred your copy.
of casters as well as martial characters, in nearly limitless Fewer “Timmy” Cards: As much as possible, obviously
combinations. Finally, the rules are extremely mechanically good or extremely substandard options are obtained
“crunchy,” geared towards players who especially enjoy the automatically, without needing to decide whether to spend a
various tasks associated with creating or “leveling up” a limited resource (feat, talent, etc.) on a “tax” option or on
character. If your group just wants to roll up characters and something interesting but sub-par. That means providing
play, then these house rules are not for you; sticking with the bonus skill ranks (to avoid “skill taxes”) and expanded
core Pathfinder game (or some other system) is bundling of skills; selective “beefing up” or “nerfing” of
recommended. Likewise, if you consider multiclassing to be talents and feats, and so on. In addition, many feats scale
“cheesy,” you will doubtless intensely dislike these house with skill ranks or base attack bonus, so as to remain useful
rules. throughout the character’s career rather than becoming
obsolescent at some point.
Nostalgia: In a number of cases, a seemingly bizarre rules Because of the bonuses associated even with relatively low
change has been implemented as a “nod” to previous scores (12+) in the Pathfinder rules, the 1^st^ edition
editions, especially 1e AD&D. Overall, those rules were expectation of mostly 15s and above is not carried over in the
mechanically a mess, but they did provide a certain type of Aviona campaign (indeed, a 15 Dexterity in 1^st^ edition is
experience that these rules use as a reference. exactly equivalent to a 12 Dexterity in Pathfinder and by
Player Involvement: Considerable creative power is extension in these rules, in terms of bonuses). Also, all people
intentionally shifted from the hands of the “DM” or “GM” to are not created equal. Therefore, I prefer a simple “roll 4d6,
those of the players. Accordingly, the person running the drop the lowest” for each attribute. You can then arrange the
game is now termed a “referee” instead, in order to focus on six scores in any order you like. This corresponds to the
this shift in role. Custom races, design of personal magic “Standard” method described in the Core Rules.
items, expanded leadership options in these rules all very After rolling, if you decide the resultant scores are
intentionally contribute to player empowerment. If you unplayable, you can instead choose to start with the Heroic
believe the “GM” should wield absolute authority and array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8, plus racial adjustments) for
exercise sole creative power, stop reading now and attribute scores. Unless otherwise noted, cohorts and other
delete/burn/shred your copy of these rules. These rules followers with PC classes always use the Heroic NPC array.
assume that the referee’s job is to design and run encounters, For people who refuse to roll for stats, a 15-point buy as
and to impartially facilitate the rules during play. His or her described in the core rules, is an acceptable alternative.
job is not to railroad the adventure, “fix” the rules by fiat, and If your group prefers the very high stats (20- or 25-point
so on. This implies a correspondingly high level of buy and the like) that seem to be more or less expected in a
responsibility required of the players not to intentionally straight Pathfinder game, that’s fine, but expect your referee
disrupt play or “break the game.” to jack up the challenges you face accordingly. In the default
Rebalanced Attributes: Uses have been rebalanced so that Aviona setting, however, the PCs are expected to become
there are fewer obvious “dump stats” (particularly Charisma). exceptional through their deeds, not by virtue of being
Rock-Paper-Scissors: In many ways, a d20 + modifier task genetically-superior beings from the start.
resolution system breaks down very quickly when the Strength: A character whose Strength is reduced to 1 is
disparity of modifiers becomes too great. However, entangled (see Conditions, below). A character with a
abandoning the core d20 mechanic is beyond the scope of Strength of 0 is helpless, prone, and cannot stand up. Note
these house rules, so the problem noted above becomes a that certain animals in the Pathfinder Bestiary are indicated
something of a necessary evil. In order to ameliorate this, as being much weaker, in terms of Strength, than their real-
some “full stop” options are included in order to nullify part life counterparts; certain animals such as apes might
of a numerically overwhelming advantage. For example, at therefore use the 3.5 edition Strength scores instead. As
low levels AC can be “jacked up” to the point where a target is described in the core rules, your Strength modifier applies to
essentially impervious to attacks except on a natural 20; melee attacks and damage; your carrying capacity is also
however, a number of feats and talents are included that determined by your Strength score.
potentially allow an attacker to ignore armor bonuses, insight Dexterity: Note that attack rolls with projectile weapons,
bonuses, deflection bonuses, etc. This in no way eliminates rays, etc. use the Wisdom modifier (see below). Thrown
potential disparities, but it re-introduces an element of risk to weapon attacks, initiative, Reflex saves, and AC are still
investing in any “obviously overpowered” ability or feature. modified by Dexterity, as in the Core Rules. A character with
a Dexterity of 1 is slowed; a character with a Dexterity of 0 is
Character Creation Constitution: A character with a Constitution of 1 is infirm
As noted above, these house rules are written on the and can do nothing but rest; a character with a Constitution
assumption that the players enjoy working on their of 0 is dead. As in the Core Rules, undead and constructs
characters―when leveling up, for example, they enjoy have no Constitution scores. Undead use their Charisma
selecting feats, allocating skill ranks, etc. Accordingly, there modifier for hit points and Fortitude saves in place of their
are far more options at each level, and at the start, than is Con modifier, as in the core rules. Constructs use their
typical. If you’re looking for a system in which you can roll up Strength modifier similarly; this supersedes the arbitrary
a character in minutes and start playing, there are far better size-based bonus hp listed in the Core Rules.
options for that than these house rules. Intelligence: A character with an Intelligence of 1 is
feebleminded, with the mental acuity of a reptile. A character
Attribute Scores and Modifiers with an Intelligence of 0 is a mindless automaton. In these
house rules, animals (especially higher primates) may have
The term “abilities” is overly vague, in my opinion (especially Intelligence scores higher than 2, to reconcile them with the
given the existence of other terms like “spell-like abilities”); intelligence of some of their real-life counterparts.
Strength, Dexterity, etc. need a better name. “Attributes” is Wisdom: Wisdom is poorly-defined in D&D in general. In
recommended, unless someone comes up with an alternative these house rules, it is assumed to be a general measure of
suggestion. your awareness, both in terms of your physical senses and in
terms of your being “in touch with the universe” (faith,
karma). It is also a measure of patience, caution, and mental
calm. I personally envision it along the lines of the Perception
attribute from the old Victory Games rules.
The bonus for ranged attacks with projectiles has been In addition to the “main six” attributes, there are optionally
moved from Dexterity to Wisdom, both to relieve the two “secondary attributes”—normally hand-waved or ignored
predominance of Dexterity as an attribute, and to give —that can be used to flesh out characters more quantitatively.
something back to Wisdom (see below). If a rationale is These are included for the sake of nostalgia, and for the
needed, we have these words: benefit of people who just really like to roll for stats.
“The most important lesson I learned… was the winner of a Comeliness: In order to emphasize that Charisma
gunplay usually was the man who took his time. The second represents force of personality and magnetism, rather than
was that, if I hoped to live long on the frontier, I would shun appearance, some groups may choose to add a seventh
flashy trick-shooting—grandstand play—as I would poison.” attribute, Comeliness, which reflects only appearance. Per
―Wyatt Earp. the 1^st^ edition Unearthed Arcana, racial adjustments to
Earp also stressed the need for constant practice, whereas Comeliness in Aviona are as follows:
a low Wisdom score would seem to indicate someone too Race Adjustment
careless or impatient to do so.
“Intuition” saves against illusions and charm effects (see Orc, hobgoblin -3
below) are modified by Wisdom, whereas compulsions and Half-orc -2
other more forceful Will saves are modified by Charisma (see
below). Dwarf, gnome -1
A character with a Wisdom of 1 is confused. A character Halfling, human 0
with a Wisdom of 0 is completely insane, has no external Half-elf, wood elf +1
sensory input, and is unaware that the outside world exists.
Charisma: Charisma in these house rules strictly High elf +2
represents confidence, presence, and force of personality
(physical attractiveness is governed by the optional A high comeliness therefore suggests a “classical” beauty
Comeliness attribute; see below, and is totally decoupled as defined by elves, as appropriate for the campaign setting. A
from Charisma). Charisma is therefore directly analogous to character’s Comeliness modifier can be applied to initial
the Willpower attribute from the old Victory Games rules. To reactions in social settings.
reflect this, the Charisma modifier, rather than the Wisdom Social Class: Rather than rolling randomly for starting
modifier, applies to Will saves against compulsions, fear, etc. wealth, and declaring one’s social status arbitrarily, social
You also apply your Charisma modifier to certain uses of status can be rolled randomly, if desired. Starting wealth can
Hero Points (see below). These uses provide a disincentive then be determined as the results of a Social Class check
for everyone other than bards, paladins, and sorcerers to (1d20 + modifier) x 15 gp.
always make Charisma their lowest attribute (as is expected
for 3^rd^ edition and Pathfinder). Social Class Civilian Status Military Status
Social skill is dictated by your bonuses in Bluff and 3 or below Slave —
Diplomacy—with your personal confidence and magnetism 4–5 Outlaw —
(Cha) providing a modifier, rather than dictating your
baseline. People with low Charisma are typically unsure of 6–7 Servant/field hand —
themselves, lack presence, and are often ignored. Characters 8–9 Tradesman Private
with high charisma scores are heeded and paid attention to;
they are leaders, rather than followers. 10 – 11 Professional Corporal
A character with a Charisma of 1 has insufficient ego to 12 – 13 Skilled professional Sergeant
exert autonomy; he or she acts as if charmed by everyone he 14 – 15 Land owner Lieutenant
or she interacts with. A character with a Charisma of 0 is
dominated, likewise. 16 – 17 Knight Captain
How Wisdom and Charisma Interact: A character with a 18 – 19 Baronet Major
high wisdom (awareness and caution) and low Charisma
(confidence and force of personality) is likely to be timid and 20 – 21 Baron Colonel
overly-paranoid about “getting in trouble.” His or her constant 22 – 23 Earl/count General
warnings will often be ignored by companions. 24 – 25 Marquis Supreme Warlord
Conversely, a character with low Wisdom and high
Charisma is likely to be egocentric and careless, assuming 26 – 27 Duke —
that things will “somehow work out.” He can be bold and 28+ Prince —
reckless, like Douglas Fairbanks’ Robin Hood, but he or she
will also often need to be rescued by companions, and may, in Depending on one’s kingdom of origin, race might also
the worst case, have a tendency to treat others as tools. influence his or her starting social class, as shown in the
A character with high scores in both stats is like Dashiell following table. The Kingdom of Northwind is highly
Hammett’s Sam Spade―ruthless, domineering, guileful, and egalitarian; no racial modifiers to Social Class apply there.
always with a backup plan or two. For locations such as the Estren Frontier, social class
receives no racial modifiers, but starting social class can
Secondary Attributes (Optional) generally be no higher than 15.
Race Aviona Aramni Favored Class
Dwarf, hill -1 -2 Dwarf, mountain* +1 -2 Elf, high +2 -4 Elf, Note: I do not like the concept of a “favored class,” but it has
wood* -1 -3 Elf, half- +1 -2 Gnome 0 -2 Halfling -2 -2 become so heavily ingrained in the d20 rules that it’s hard to
Hobgoblin -1 0 Human 0 +2 Orc -2 0 Orc, half- -2 +1 get rid of.
* Under normal circumstances, wood elves are never found You gain one (1) favored class of your choice. Additionally,
outside of the Estren Territories, and mountain dwarves are certain races have classes that are always considered favored
not found above-ground at all. The modifiers shown apply to for them. When gaining a level in a favored class, you can
exceptional PCs of one of these races venturing beyond their select either 1 bonus hp or 1 bonus skill rank. Certain classes
typical borders. and races provide alternative options, as described in the
It is important to note that social class should not be fixed appropriate sections.
at the starting value; it should rise and fall according to the
ongoing events in the campaign. Also, there is generally only Hit Points
very limited reciprocity from one kingdom to another. Starting hit points are equal to your hit die size + your
Constitution modifier, so a 1^st^ level fighter with a 14
Age Constitution (+2 modifier) starts with 12 hp (1d10+2).
“In layman’s terms, I’ve sucked the magic from him. That Thereafter, you can either choose to roll hp (but take
leaves him two hundred and twenty-six years old. I believe whatever you roll), or else receive average hp for the next hit
that gives me the win.” die gained (plus your Constitution modifier, as normal). In the
―Larry Niven, What Good is a Glass Dagger? (1972) latter case, the fighter mentioned above would gain 7 hp at
Unlike in the Core rules, aging penalties apply to mental 2^nd^ level, 8 hp at 3^rd^ level, 7 hp at 4^th^ level, etc., not
scores, as well as physical ones; a creature past its prime including bonuses for favored class and/or Toughness. You
never gains attribute bonuses for aging. The penalty to may decide each level whether to roll or to go with the
Intelligence simulates memory issues and eventual dementia; average.
Wisdom can be accounted for as a dimming of senses and
slight absentmindedness, etc. Saving Throws
Unlike in the core rules, there are two types of mental saves:
Alignment is totally optional for most mortals other than Intuition saves (modified by Wisdom), which apply
paladins and others who are deeply devoted to a specific deity against curses, divination, illusions, charm effects,
or cause; it can be recorded as a measure of convenience, for confusion, and insanity; and
players for whom it is helpful. Outsiders such as demons, etc. Will saves (modified by Charisma) which apply against
—creatures that embody cosmic principles—have alignments most compulsions, fear, and most other core rules Will
in an absolute sense. Fey are inherently [chaotic]. save effects not specifically enumerated under Intuition
For purposes of adjudicating spells like holy smite, most saves.
mortals are treated as “neutral.” Detect evil, when used on
normal creatures, will detect actively evil thoughts, but not There are thus four saving throw categories, each governed
absolute alignment. by a different attribute.
Use of spells with an alignment descriptor leaves behind Saving Throw Progression: All saving throws progress at
lingering traces that can be detected by detect evil, etc. in the the rate of +1/2 your CR or effective character level. Good
way that detect magic detects lingering traces of spells. saving throws for your class(es) additionally gain a +2 class
These traces also remain on creatures who cast such spells, bonus, thus matching the Good saving throw progression in
or are affected by them. See also “corruption,” below. the core rules. (Because class bonuses do not stack, you gain
Alignment Descriptors: Outsiders and mortals devoted to no benefit if you multiclass into another class with the same
aligned powers or causes (e.g., clerics and paladins) gain the good saves.)
appropriate alignment descriptor(s), generally indicated in A summary of good (+2) saving throw bonuses provided by
brackets (e.g., [good]); they register as that alignment to the various classes and creature types is provided below.
abilities such as detect evil, and are fully affected by spells
and abilities that target those descriptors. Certain races Class Fort Ref Intu Will
(Chapter 2) also gain alignment descriptors as a part of their Barbarian Y Y
Corruption: Continued use of, or being affected by, [evil] Bard Y Y Y
spells or magic items can cause corruption, gradually Cleric Y Y
changing a mortal from “neutral” to [evil]. Each such incident
requires an Intuition save (see below) at DC 10 + the spell Archivist Y Y
level to avoid succumbing; each additional incident after the Druid Y Y
first within a 24-hour period adds a +1 profane bonus to the Fighter Y Y Y
save DC. Once a creature succumbs, an atonement spell is
needed to remove the corruption. Incarnate Y Y

Favored Class
Class Fort Ref Intu Will Scope of Adventure Completion Advancement
Monk Y Y Y Y Major story arc Successful Full Level
Prestige Paladin Y Y Y Major story arc Unsuccessful Half-Level
Ranger Y Y Y Major story arc Incomplete None
Rogue Y Y Minor adventure Successful Half-Level
Sorcerer Y Y Minor adventure Unsuccessful or None
Battle Sorcerer Y Y
Very minor side Any None
Summoner Y Y quest
Wizard Y Y
A “major story arc” might comprise one or more full
Creature Type Fort Ref Intu Will adventure path installments, and will generally occur over
Aberration Y Y weeks or months. It is generally assumed that substantial
time―months or years―may elapse between major story
Animal Y Y Y arcs. A “minor adventure” would be something more along
Construct the lines of a GameMastery module or Dungeon magazine
adventure, and can take place over a time span of days or
Dragon Y Y Y weeks.
Fey Y Y Half-levels can be “saved up” towards full level
Giant Y Y advancement, or can be optionally used for half-level
advancement (see below).
Humanoid Y Half-Levels (Optional): In order to smooth level
Magical beast Y Y progression and provide more frequent advancement awards,
the referee might choose to use advancement by half-levels
Monstrous humanoid Y Y (e.g., a 1st level character completes a major adventure and
Ooze Y becomes a 1.5-level character). At levels ending in 0.5, the
Outsider Y Y character gains the Hit Dice, saving throws, and skill points
associated with the next level (2nd, in this example), and any
Plant Y Y other features automatically linked to hit dice (feats at every
Undead Y odd-numbered hit die, and +1 to an attribute every 4 HD), but
none of the actual class features such as spells, talents, class
Vermin Y bonus feats, etc.
In this system, each level in an NPC class counts as a half-
Level Advancement level. Racial hit dice that do not provide new abilities also
Let’s face it, it’s fairly absurd that you can get up in the count as half-levels. A 5.5-level character might be a wizard
morning an inexperienced 18-year-old peasant and, a week 5.5, a fighter 4/wizard 1.5, or a fighter 4/warrior 3, for
later, be a demigod. But that’s what 3.5 advancement rates are example.
like. In addition to being a problem with verisimilitude, in Non-Associated Class Levels: Certain multiclass
these rules there’s a second problem: classes have been combinations are obviously less advantageous than others.
rewritten so as to provide a large number of options at each When not using the half-level system (see above), characters
new level, and leveling too fast means that PCs often don’t of at least 2nd level in a primary class can take up to one level
have a chance to get used to their new abilities before being in another class that adds little to their overall effectiveness
granted yet another set of options. (for example, a druid taking one level of sorcerer without
Experience and Leveling: I strongly advocate the theurgy; or anyone taking one level in an NPC class) and
elimination of experience points (xp). In AD&D, you got them ignore that level for purposes of determining their challenge
for amassing gold, and that drove a treasure-hunt mentality rating (CR). This means that a 7th level fighter/1st level expert
that sometimes bordered on the absurd, to where PCs would can adventure alongside 7th level characters on more or less
check the bodies of their enemies for gold fillings. If that’s the even footing.
game experience you’re going for, stick with 1 gp = 1 xp, but Retraining: Although efforts have been made to make
everyone else got past that by 1987 or so. “organic” character growth viable (through scaling feats and
In 2nd edition, and into 3rd and Pathfinder, you get xp for class synergy), there will still be cases in which previous
killing monsters and so on. This of course encourages you to choices render your current goals impossible. In general,
farm mooks, rather than complete adventures. Again, if that’s when leveling up, players should be given reasonable latitude
your bag, go for it, but it doesn’t really do anything to drive a to re-assign feats, talents, etc.—or even proportions of class
coherent campaign. levels—in order to best fit the character as currently played.
These rules assume level advancement by completion of Changes that are not obvious in play, or that actually
adventures, according to the following table: underline and support recent campaign events, can generally
be made without consultation.
Changes that create contradictions in continuity (“How is it Class Level Full Synergy Strong Synergy Weak Synergy
you’ve been using electrical blasts this whole time, but you 1st +1 +1 +0
suddenly don’t have that ability any more?!”) are more
difficult, but can still be done. In such cases, a reasonable 2nd +2 +1 +1
coherent rationale is needed, and, with that presented, the 3th +3 +2 +1
agreement of the referee and/or other players must be 4th +4 +3 +2
For example, the player of a sorcerer (Destined bloodline) 5th +5 +4 +2
decides he/she wants to change his bloodline to Elemental 6th +6 +4 +3
Fire. This is a fairly major rewrite, creating definite continuity
issues. The player announces, “When my character was 7th +7 +5 +3
burned to death last adventure and then resurrected, his 8th +8 +6 +4
destiny was fulfilled. The flames that consumed him now 9th +9 +7 +4
permeate his being; I’d like to use fire-themed powers from
now on, and rework my character with the Elemental Fire 10th +10 +7 +5
bloodline instead of the Destined bloodline.” The request 11th +11 +8 +5
directly supports recent campaign events and should be
approved by the referee without issue. 12th +12 +9 +6
On the other hand, “I want to change my bloodline to fire. 13th +13 +10 +6
We encountered a salamander somewhere in the last 14th +14 +10 +7
dungeon, right?” is a stretch and would require unanimous
agreement from the referee and other players. 15th +15 +11 +7
16th +16 +12 +8
Class Synergy Features 17th +17 +13 +8
The core Pathfinder rules are intentionally geared towards 18th
encouraging characters to stay with a single class for their +18 +13 +9
entire careers; incentives include favored class bonuses and 19th +19 +14 +9
capstone features; discouragements towards multiclassing
include non-stacking spellcasting and other class features. In The total is your effective class level, for purposes of that
these rules, multiclassing is intended to be equally as particular class feature only. For example, a fighter 6/rogue 6
advantageous as remaining in a single class. gains the Martial Outlaw rogue talent, providing Weak
The single-class perks in the core rules are retained here, synergy towards the effects of fighter talents. That character
as most players will expect them. However, there are also a would adjudicate the effects of his fighter talents as if he were
large number of feats and class features in these rules a 9^th^ level fighter, rather than a 6^th^ level fighter.
intended to facilitate multiclassing. For example, the Eldritch Maximum Synergy: Synergy, in any combination, can
Knight fighter talent allows you apply a half your fighter level provide a maximum effective class level equal to your total
towards your wizard level, when determining your total spell character level, and no higher.
capacity (Chapter 7). This type of improvement towards the New Class Features: Synergy from another class does not
feature of one class by levels in another class is termed “class provide access to higher-level class features unless the
synergy.” description for the source for that synergy specifically states
There are three rates of advancement for class synergy: that this is the case.
Full (levels in both classes stack), Strong (roughly ¾ of your Stacking Synergy: Although synergy features from two
levels in one class are added to the level of the other), and different classes can be applied individually to a third class
Weak (half your level in the synergy class is added to your without restriction, class synergy features that apply between
level in the base class). These rates are summarized in the the same two classes do not stack. Any exceptions to this
table below. general rule (e.g., Practiced X feats) will carry a disclaimer
Applying Synergy: When you gain synergy towards a specifically stating the intent. Any instances of stacking
particular class feature from another class, add the total from synergy from the same two classes, that are not specifically
the appropriate column in the Synergy table above to your spelled out as being permissible, are not permissible.
level in the class granting the class feature in question. No Positive Feedback Loops: As a sub-rule of the above,
TABLE : CLASS SYNERGY ADVANCEMENT in some cases it’s tempting to create positive feedback loops,
attempting to use Class Feature A to boost Class Feature B in
order to boost Class Feature A again in turn (an example is
provided below). This is never permissible. If you think you
find an instance where it technically applies, it does not.
Example: Assume the fighter 6/rogue 6 mentioned above,
with the Martial Outlaw talent, also selects the Practiced
Rogue Talent feat (which allows him to treat his rogue level
as up to 4 higher for purposes of adjudicating his rogue
How it works: The character’s rogue level is 6^th^. The Low-Light Vision: If you already have low-light vision and
Martial Outlaw talent provides weak synergy from fighter gain that ability from another source, you instead gain
levels, for an effective rogue level of 9^th^ for determining the superior low-light vision, and can see three times as far as
effects of rogue talents (6 + 0.5 * 6). The Practiced Rogue a human in dim light, rather than twice as far. Each time
Talent feat allows him to treat his effective rogue level (for you gain low-light vision again, increase the range
determining the effects of talents) as up to 4 higher, to a accordingly (e.g., a character receiving low-light vision
maximum equal to his total character level; in this case, three times would be able to see 4x as far in dim light as a
12^th^. human).
The Martial Outlaw talent also provides Weak synergy to
his fighter talents, for an effective fighter level of 9^th^ (see Theurgy: As described in Chapter 7 (Spells), in some cases
above). you can gain improved spell capacity in one class through
The rules stated above prohibit the following: class levels in another class (Cf. the Eldrtich Knight fighter
The character cannot first apply the effects of Practiced talent). Theurgy is always based on actual class levels, never
Rogue Talent, for an effective rogue level of 10^th^, and on “effective class levels.” For example, a fighter 4/rogue
then also claim full synergy from Martial Outlaw (+3 more, 4/wizard 4 with the Eldritch Knight talent and the Practiced
for a total of 13th). This would be a violation of the Fighter feat would have spell capacity as a 6^th^ level wizard
“maximum synergy” rule: the character is only 12th level, (4 wizard levels + half his fighter level), not as an 8^th^ level
so his or her maximum effective rogue level stops at 12th, wizard, because the Practiced Fighter talent does not count
no matter how many talents and feats get stacked. as actual levels in Fighter for purposes of spellcasting
theurgy (that would be a violation of the “stacking synergy”
The character does not apply Practiced Rogue Talents to rule above).
his rogue level, for a total of 10th, then apply half of that to
his fighter level, for an effective fighter level of 11th. That Effective Class Level Cap
would be a violation of the “no positive feedback loops” Stated simply, your effective class level for any purpose can
rule. “Virtual rogue levels” granted by the fighter levels’ never be higher than your total character level. If you have
effects (from the Practiced Rogue Talents feat) can never some ability that allows you to cast spells at +1 caster level,
be used to create more virtual fighter levels in turn. that’s fine and good, but if your caster level is already equal to
your total character level, that ability has no effect. This is
Identical Class Features Gained from More Than One already stated in the rules for class synergy (the “maximum
Class: In some cases, it is possible to obtain the same class synergy” rule), but is re-stated here as a general rule as well.
feature from two or more different classes, and that are not Unless otherwise noted, this restriction applies to all class
covered by the above synergy rules. Typical examples include features. No matter what combination of feats, class features,
channel energy, evasion, favored enemies, and favored and abilities you use, there is no way to achieve a number of
terrain. Unless otherwise noted, when this occurs, do not sneak attack dice greater than half your class level (rounded
keep track of them separately; rather, levels in the classes up), for example.
granting the ability stack (Full synergy). Therefore, a cleric Exceptions to this rule are rare, and will always have a
5/mercy incarnate 5 with Charisma 15, gaining the ability to disclaimer indicating the intent (e.g., “this is a specific
channel positive energy from both classes, would channel exception to the general rule…”). Any exploit you think you
5d6 hp worth of positive energy up to 5/day (DC 17), rather find that violates this general rule and lacks such a disclaimer
than channeling 2d6 hp worth of positive energy 10/day (DC is hereby expressly prohibited.
14) as in the Core Rules. Rounds per Day Use: A specific exception to this rule* are
For favored enemies, the maximum bonus for any one type feats or favored class bonuses that grant additional rounds
is 1 + half your character level. For favored terrains, the per day uses of barbarian rage or bardic inspiration. Using
maximum bonus for any one terrain is equal to 2 + half your those features, it is possible to gain additional rounds per day
character level. For sneak attack damage and channeling of use in excess of what a character of your class level would
energy, the maximum number of dice is equal to half your normally be capable. However, this applies only to the
character level (round up). number of rounds per day of use, not to the level at which
Stacking Vision: It is possible to gain darkvision and/or effects are determined.
low-light vision from class features when you already have * (Note disclaimer of intent.)
one or both abilities due to your race. In general, limited
synergy is possible―with the specific exception of spells and
magic items, which create effects that overlap with (do not
stack with) your existing special vision
Darkvision: If you already have darkvision and gain
darkvision from another stacking source, unless otherwise
specified, the range of your existing darkvision increases
by half the range youwould otherwise gain. For example, a
character somehow acquiring darkvision 60 ft. three times
would have darkvision 120 ft. (60ft. + 30 ft. + 30 ft.).
What Does Character Level Mean? Alchemist (Advanced Players Guide): This class has three
main abilities: can throw bombs (similar to a 3.5 edition
In order to make some sense of the powerful abilities that rogue’s sneak attacking with alchemist’s fire); can gain
high-level characters possess, some conceptual framework is physical enhancements using mutagens (similar to barbarian
helpful. General level equivalents are summarized below, rage); and can prepare extracts (similar to wizard spells). A
based on the challenge rating of the character. multi-classed rogue/barbarian/wizard in these rules can
Character CR Level Title
stand in for an Alchemist almost perfectly, by taking 1 level in
wizard, then one in barbarian, then the rest in rogue,
1st – 5th Journeyman selecting the Arcane Trickster, Grenadier, and Savage Outlaw
6th – 10th Hero talents ASAP, in that order (alternatively, take a 2^nd^ level of
wizard after your first rogue level, then stay in rogue
11th – 15th Champion thereafter). For an unusual variant, use archivist or druid
16th – 20th Demigod levels in place of wizard levels, and select Temple Raider in
place of Arcane Trickster.
A journeyman character is a competent adventurer of no Duskblade (Player’s Handbook II): This is simply a
great worldwide fame. fighter/sorcerer or fighter/battle sorcerer with appropriate
A hero has established a great reputation for mighty deeds, talents and feats, and can be even more closely simulated
and is likely to be known in songs and legends; pseudo- using High Elf Paragon racial levels (Chapter 2).
historical figures such as Charlemagne’s paladins, Robin Inquisitor (Advanced Players Guide): This class can be
Hood at the peak of his career, and so on, are presented in simulated using a cleric/rogue or cleric/ranger; the
legend as hero-level characters. This is the maximum level Inquisition domain in these rules was specifically created to
range for any “realistic” framework. simulate the Inquisitor’s “judgments.”
Champion-level characters operate on a scale that cannot Summoner (Advanced Players Guide): This has been
be modeled in real-world terms, and leave real-world handled as a variant sorcerer, which gains an eidolon in place
expectations largely behind. For this reason, many groups will of a bloodline.
prefer to stop play sometime at or before reaching this level. A Swashbuckler (Complete Warrior): A more functional
champion-level character is one of the greatest adventurers in version can be simulated using a fighter or fighter/rogue and
the world, and will be called upon to save nations, invade selecting appropriate feats/talents.
other planes, etc. Advanced Class Guide Hybrids: Arcanist—wizard with
A demigod-level character’s power eclipses any reasonable High Sorcerer esoteric branch; Bloodrager—
analog. Characters at this level can be expected to save or barbarian/sorcerer with the Bloodline totem; Brawler—
conquer entire worlds, contest with demon lords, and foil the fighter/monk with the Ascetic Warrior talent; Hunter—
machinations of gods. druid/ranger with druidical theurgy spellcasting option and
In general, it is assumed that only a modest number of spiritual hunter lore (aspect of nature initiation); Shaman—
adventurers survives and progresses through each tier. incarnate/witch with the Spirit Magic feat; Skald—bard
Adventuring is a dangerous profession, and the mortality rate (skald)/barbarian with the roaring skald lore; Slayer—
for journeymen adventurers and heroes is high. Those who ranger/rogue (or simply ranger with the swift ambusher
are not killed will generally settle down, establish combat style); Warpriest—fighter/cleric with the Templar and
strongholds, and retire before reaching Champion level. Very Personal Weapon talents. Note that most of these hybrid
few champions are able to find enough challenges suitable to class options could be created using these rules long before
allow them to acquire demigod-like power. the Advanced Class Guide was announced.
1:1 Correspondences: In some cases, a base class is
Adding New Material presented that is simply a minor variant of an existing core
class. For example, the Pathfinder Witch (Advanced Players
These house rules are intended to be modular enough to Guide) is basically a wizard with a more limited spell list and
accommodate new material. Although each group will hexes; it is simulated in these rules as an esoteric branch of
collectively have the final say on what is allowed, the wizardry. The 3.5 edition Spirit Shaman (Complete Divine) is
following guidelines are intended to help with the process. a minor druid variant, simulated in these rules using a
Base Classes: This is one of the most frequently-asked druidic initiation. The Investigator (Advanced Class Guide) is
questions received in conjunction with these house modeled adequately using the rogue in these rules. Likewise,
rules―conversion of new base classes from various sources. the Cavalier (Advanced Players Guide), Gunslinger (Ultimate
“Where is the Pathfinder Alchemist?” “What about the Combat), Samurai (Ultimate Combat, or Complete Warrior in
Inquisitor?” “Can you convert the 3.5 edition Duskblade?” 3.5 edition), and Swashbuckler (Advanced Class Guide)
“How do I play a Swashbuckler?” In general, the base classes classes can be simulated using the fighter class in these
listed above can be simulated (in some cases very closely) by house rules.
using multiclassing and taking advantage of the various class For other player-requested classes, go through the above
synergy features (see above). Common examples are outlined recommendations; if the class absolutely can’t be built using
below. those guidelines, I recommend a vote on whether to simply
“port” it in.
1. one
2. teo Variations in the Core
Prestige Classes: In general, almost all Pathfinder Rules
“archetypes,” and most prestige class features, can be
simulated using feats and class modularity features (cleric Actions
domains, druidic initiations, fighter talents, sorcerer Attacks of Opportunity and Immediate Actions: In these
bloodlines, etc.). I do not recommend the creation of separate rules, an attack of opportunity is specifically defined as an
prestige classes unless a base class or multiclass immediate action. Any time these rules refer to making an
combination cannot be used to produce the same end effect. attack of opportunity, doing so requires spending an
Other Stuff: In general, I use the following process in immediate action. Preemptive actions (see Combat rules,
evaluating whether and how to “convert” new stuff. below) and Aiding Another (likewise) also require spending
1. Does it violate design principles inherent in these rules immediate actions. Because of the importance of immediate
(for example, anything that allows you to increase your actions in combat, the number of immediate actions you can
caster level beyond your Hit Dice, or that lets you “cheat” make during one round of combat automatically scales with
on magic item or wish costs)? If so, reject it outright. If your base attack bonus, as follows:
not, go to step 2. Base Attack Number of Immediate Actions per Round of
Bonus Combat
2. Is it something that can already be adequately
mechanically modeled within the existing rules? If so, use +0 None
what’s already here; if not, go to step 3. +1 to +5 1
3. Is it something that can be easily adapted into one or +6 to +10 2
more feats, talents, bloodlines, domains, or whatever? If +11 to +15 3
so, do that, making sure that the individual abilities are
more or less on a par with existing ones. If not, go to step +16 or higher 4
Immediate actions are still subject to the normal triggering
4. Is it something that can be used as-is, or will it require conditions, and are limited to one immediate action per
substantial conversion? If it needs conversion, is the trigger
demand worth the effort involved? Economy of Action―Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: There
5. Are the players OK with the end result? If dissent exists, are a number of instances in the core Pathfinder rules that
invite discussion and call a vote. require a character to “borrow” against the next round’s
actions. The most prevalent example involves taking an
immediate action, which counts as a swift action the next
Adding New Players round. Another example is the Step Up feat as written in the
In the long run, any cooperative game is only as good as the Pathfinder rules, which counts as the next round’s 5-ft. step.
cooperation between players. Even with rules loopholes These sorts of Faustian bargains disproportionately inhibit
closed, disagreements will still arise on occasion. For this martial characters, and are therefore abolished in these
reason, I strongly advocate screening potential house rules. Unless otherwise noted, actions from a future
players/referees to get a feel for whether they are socially round do not need to be “borrowed against” in order to take
compatible with the group (this can obviously be waived for actions in the current round.
existing long-term friends). I use the following guidelines: Losing a Turn (Game Play Etiquette): During combat, if
for some reason a player cannot decide upon a course of
Neutral, non-game setting (go out to lunch or for a pint of action within a reasonable period of time on his or her turn,
beer). that PC is automatically dazed until the beginning of his or
her next turn (even if normally immune to effects that cause
General conversation rather than game-focused. the dazing condition). There is no saving throw and no appeal,
Existing players all invited, but not required to participate. but the referee will always announce “last call” before
invoking this penalty.
If at the end of the meeting, the existing players feel the
new candidate doesn’t “click” socially with them, no invitation Bonuses and Random Number
need be extended. This screening process can of course be Generation
waived in the case of existing friendships, but for unknown Stacking of bonuses can get fairly extreme in the core rules,
people, I have found it to be an invaluable tool. to the point at which the accumulated bonuses swamp the
base d20 being rolled. These rules do not eliminate that
problem by a long shot, but do attempt to ameliorate it in
certain areas.
Bonus Types: “Typeless” bonuses are abolished. All bonuses There are several ways to implement and keep track of
have a type, and very few bonus types (Circumstance and this: (1) calculate effective bonuses on the fly (for people who
Dodge) stack with like-named bonuses. If you come across an are adept at mental arithmetic); (2) keep a table of effective
untyped bonus, assign it a type that fits from the following bonuses like the one above handy, perhaps by reproducing it
list: Alchemical, Armor, Circumstance, Competence, on character sheets; (3) convert everything (bonuses and
Cover/Shield (considered the same bonus type), Deflection, DCs) in advance, and halve conditional bonuses/penalties.
Dodge, Enhancement, Insight, Luck, Morale, Natural Armor, Groups choosing not to use this rule can play using the
Racial, Resistance (specifically considered a type of Core rules with no impact, except for the imbalances
enhancement bonus in these rules; the name is retained from currently present in high-level play. Groups choosing to
the core rules to make cross-references simpler), implement this rule will find that almost-certain successes
Sacred/Profane, and Size. and failures become somewhat less certain, but that there are
Compensation: As noted above, a certain amount of “rock- still hard limits to what a person can succeed or fail at.
paper-scissors” is intentionally introduced in these rules. For Saving Throws: Saving throw progression has been
example, feats and talents have been added that allow an evened out somewhat, with no “poor” progression.
attacker to ignore armor bonuses, deflection bonuses, etc. to Spells and Magic Items: Spells that improve skill checks
AC. To compensate, more ways to bolster AC (Canny always provide enhancement bonuses, and in general, when
Defense, etc.) are added. In general, for each way to drive up a arcane spells directly grant bonuses, those too should be
bonus to a very high level, there is (or at least should be) a enhancement bonuses. An exception is for bard spells, which
way to compensate. all provide morale bonuses. Magic items typically provide
Diminishing Returns: Using this optional rule, all bonuses enhancement bonuses as well (at a greater cost than listed in
and penalties to any one particular d20 roll (AC, attack bonus, the core rules―see Chapter 6). Therefore, guidance,
skill check, saving throw, etc.) are calculated normally up to invisibility, and a cloak of elvenkind no longer provide
± 5. Any total combined bonuses and/or penalties after that stacking bonuses to Stealth, for example.
are cut in half, according to the following table. Shield Bonuses: Do not apply to your flat-footed AC.
Total Bonus Effective Bonus Total Bonus Effective Bonus
Critical Failure
+1 +1 +21 +13
Note: This optional rule applies only to skill checks with non-
+2 +2 +22 +13 fatal consequences for failure, in situations in which the
+3 +3 +23 +14 character would not normally be on “full alert.” It should
never be used in combat or other potentially lethal situations.
+4 +4 +24 +14 In other words, it can be used (with player agreement) to
+5 +5 +25 +15 liven up otherwise mundane proceedings, but should never
+6 +5 +26 +15 result in a life-threatening fall, for example.
On a natural “1” on such a skill check (assuming the task
+7 +6 +27 +16 would normally fail on a 1), rather than the task simply
+8 +6 +28 +16 failing, some major blunder is committed in the process. For
example, a character arrives in a shady bar to meet with an
+9 +7 +29 +17 informant; unbeknownst to the player, there is a bad guy
+10 +7 +30 +17 lurking there, too. The player rolls vs. Perception to notice;
+11 +8 +31 +18 failure indicates that he fails to spot the bad guy. Total Failure
results, on the other hand, might mean that the character
+12 +8 +32 +18 doesn't even spot the informant (who might have stepped out
+13 +9 +33 +19 for a moment) and thus blows the whole meeting.
A natural 1 also threatens a critical failure. Roll a second
+14 +9 +34 +19 check. If this one fails, the Total Failure is even worse. The
+15 +10 +35 +20 referee should then manipulate the situation disastrously for
+16 +10 +36 +20 the character. In the example above, if the character rolled a
critical failure for the Perception check, then not only would
+17 +11 +37 +20 he fail to spot the bad guy AND the informant, but he would
+18 +11 +38 +20 fail to notice that his wallet has just been lifted, and that a
+19 +12 +39 +20
gang of kids outside is engaged in stealing his car.
+20 +12 (etc.) +20 Critical Success
No effective bonus can ever be higher than +20. To On the other end of the spectrum from Critical Failures (see
compensate, DCs above 15 are treated similarly, and no DC above) are critical successes. In this option, skill checks with
(or AC, CMD, etc.) can ever be higher than 30. a DC higher than (10 + the character’s sill modifier) that
succeed with a natural 20 should also be played up to be
more awesome than regular successes. This can be done in
terms of story bonuses; mechanically, it might mean treating
the results as 10 higher than is actually the case.
Hero Points Each player character begins play with one hero point.
Hero Points are a concept stolen from Victory Games' James Tough adventures will start with a bonus hero point being
Bond 007 rules (and which also appear―often under the awarded to each PC at the start of the adventure, to help
name of “Action Points”―in any number of other sources, ensure survival—the rationale being that the characters
including Unearthed Arcana, Trailblazer, and the Pathfinder are aware a difficult task lies ahead, and are keyed up for
Advanced Players Guide). Hero points provide considerable it.
narrative control to the players, as an alternative to referee Successful completion of a major adventure or long-term
“fudging.” goal (fraught with peril and otherwise heroic; not “I finally
Spending Hero Points: Spending a hero point can be wallpapered the house”) results in the gain of 1 hero point.
done at any time, even if it is not your turn, and does not
require an action on your part. In game terms, one hero point Finally, particularly heroic deeds or awesome
can have any of the following standard effects: outcomes―ones that cause the entire table to break out in
Add 1d6 + your Charisma modifier as a circumstance spontaneous heartfelt cheering― might result in a hero
bonus to any one d20 roll or damage roll. This amount point award. Successful execution of a particularly
increases to 2d6 + Cha mod at 6^th^ level, 3d6 + Cha mod cunning or daring plan might likewise provide 1 hero
at 11th level, and 4d6 + Cha mod at 16th level and above. point.
Allow you to completely re-roll one die roll, or force an
opponent to do the same. Opposed Checks
Allow you to immediately take a single 5-ft. step, move In the event that two checks are made in opposition to one
action, or single iterative attack. another (for example, a Perception roll to notice a person
Allow you to disregard the effects of fatigue or exhaustion using Stealth to sneak up on you), then there are two basic
for a single encounter. means of resolution:
Cause an attack or spell targeting an ally to target you 1. Standard opposed checks, as in D&D 3.5, with the higher
instead (by “getting in the way”). results winning.
Change the result of a d20 roll to a “10” (as if the 2. Bidding War: This method can be used for contests in
character had Taken 10, but without any of the limitations which one party is determined to outdo the another and is
of that mechanic). willing to take risks to force the issue. The declaring party
Convert a critical hit against you to a normal hit; can state a higher check DC and some set of consequences
Provide an additional 1d6 rounds of use of a “rounds per that could logically result from failure. Such consequences
day” ability such as Rage or Bardic Inspiration, or an might scale all the way up to significant damage (say, 1d6 per
additional use of a 1/day ability. point by which the DC is missed) in situations like car chases.
If referee and players can all agree on particulars, then The opposing party then has three options: (a) give up,
hero points can also be used to cause remote but non- without any consequences greater than normal for the
quantifiable possibilities to become likelihood or even opposed check; (b) "call," whereupon both parties roll against
certainty. For example, a hero point might allow a player to that DC, with the stated consequences to each for failure; or
"remember" that his character bought potions of cure light (c) "raise" by declaring a higher DC and worse set of
wounds at the end of the last adventure (even though the consequences (generally done only if the initial party was
player himself forgot all about the need to restock). The more bluffed into the bidding war to begin with). Raising can go
reasonable the scenario, the fewer hero points would be back and forth until someone gives up or calls.
required; less likely coincidences ("What are the chances that Once both parties roll, the higher successful results (if any)
somebody recently lost a \$100 bill near here?") should win, but any results that do not meet the final DC indicate
require a larger outlay. Judgment and compromise are often failure, with the associated consequences.
necessary here. Examples of when this method is used: chases (for damage
Left for Dead: When you would otherwise be killed by hit upon failure); music competitions between two musicians (for
point damage, you may spend two (2) hero points to avoid penalties to Diplomacy and Streetwise against all onlookers
being killed outright. You are instead “left for dead.” A in the future), or any analogous situation; any situations
character who is left for dead appears dead to a casual involving two similar or identical checks being made (two
examination, though he still has a chance of recovering. If guys attempting to seduce the same girl, etc.). A comedic
within 1 hour you are healed to a total number of hit points example is the progressively more outrageous attempts made
high enough to leave you dying rather than dead, you are by Michael Caine's and Steve Martin's characters to con the
considered to be stable. If not healed, you must make a girl, in the film Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, with consequences
Fortitude saving throw to stabilize at that time. If it fails, you like loss of money, potential relocation or delay (as by the
die, whether or not you have any hero points left. sailors), and damage (caning Steve Martin).
Regaining Hero Points: Each hero point can only be spent A hero point may be awarded in the case of winning a
only once. With the exception of special bonus hero points particularly egregious bidding war.
awarded to certain classes (e.g., fighters and rogues), hero
points are not automatically regained upon resting, nor upon
gaining a level. However, additional hero points can be
accrued in a number of ways, as described below.
Accumulating Hero Points: An unlimited number of hero
points can be accumulated.
Heavy Wound: At one-fourth his or her normal total hp, a
Aid Another and Flanking character is heavily wounded (and also must succeed at a DC
In melee combat, you can help a friend attack or defend by 20 Fort or be dazed 1 round) and exhausted, suffering a –3
distracting or interfering with an opponent. If an opponent fatigue penalty to attacks, damage, AC, saves, and all checks
that is engaging an ally in melee combat is within your reach, (including concentration checks), and to the save DCs of
you can attempt to aid your ally by spending an immediate spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. Again,
action, granting the ally either a +2 circumstance bonus on this simplifies the effects of the –6 attribute penalties. A
attack rolls against that opponent or a +2 circumstance creature incurring a heavy wound is unable to take a 5-ft. step
bonus to AC against that opponent (your choice) until the for the remainder of that round.
beginning of your next turn. You must declare your intent Note: Barbarians are immune to the effects of fatigue
before the attack is made. while raging. Fighters and rangers gain resistance to fatigue
Unlike most bonus types, circumstance bonuses stack. as a class feature. Some paladins can cure fatigue or even
However, when multiple creatures Aid Another for the same exhaustion using the “mercy” mechanic in the final
ally, each additional such creature after the first increases the Pathfinder rules. Characters with exceptional ranks in
total bonus by only +1, rather than +2. If eight kobold warriors Endurance might be able to ignore some of these penalties;
surround a lone hero, for example, and all Aid Another for the see the Endurance skill for details.
leader, the leader attacks with a +8 bonus (+2 for the first Aid
Another, +1 for each of six additional aids). Combat Maneuvers
This change effectively supersedes the Core flanking rules. The unified CMB mechanic presented in the Pathfinder RPG
Instead of needing to be exactly opposite one other ally to rules is retained, and is broadened somewhat to include
flank, instead you need merely both be in reach, and use Aid situational maneuvers not specifically listed (for example,
Another to each other’s attacks. The added flexibility is made pulling someone’s jacket down over his arms to inhibit him
up for by the action cost. Note that a character with access to from attacking for 1 round). CMB is equal to your BAB + your
more than one immediate action (see above) can Aid Another Strength modifier + your size modifier, as in the core rules.
for more than one ally at a time, by spending additional CMD is equal to 10 + CMB + the following AC modifiers (if
immediate actions. applicable): dexterity, dodge, luck, morale, and penalties due
to blindness, fatigue, etc. If you lose one or more applicable
Battle Fatigue bonuses to AC (e.g., when flat-footed), you lose those bonuses
First: Fatigue and exhaustion affect mental stats, not just to CMD as well. The following bonuses to AC are specifically
physical ones (see Conditions, below). This is true in life, and not included: armor, armor training, deflection, enhancement,
should be true in the game as well in order to make the insight, natural armor, shield.
mechanics run more smoothly and to preserve some Types of Maneuvers: For ease of characterizing them,
semblance of balance. combat maneuvers can be divided into four broad types:
The optional rule outlined below is a two-edged sword: it Forcing Maneuvers (including the bull rush, overrun, etc.);
allows accumulated hit point damage to hinder combat Tricky Maneuvers (including Feint); Weapon Maneuvers
effectiveness. This tends to slightly improve the overall (including disarm, and sunder); and Wrestling Maneuvers
effectiveness of melee and of evocation spells, vis-à-vis (including grapple and trip). Maneuvers not included in the
battlefield-control spells. However, it also inhibits “Die Hard” core rules are also possible; the maneuvers described here
scenarios for PCs, by presenting them with penalties for are not meant to represent every possible maneuver; rather,
wounds. they provide a list of common options. New maneuvers can
Light Wound: When using this rule, loss of half of a be created by player and referee agreement.
character’s normal (full) hp is considered a light wound. Upon Forcing Maneuvers: In addition to the standard bull rush
incurring a light wound, any living creature with a discernable and overrun maneuvers, forcing maneuvers can be used to
anatomy is unable to take a 5-ft. step for the remainder of that check opponents (stopping them from moving past you), to
round. Thereafter, lightly wounded creatures are fatigued, deflect charging opponents, and to otherwise reposition
suffering a –1 fatigue penalty to attacks, damage, AC, saves, opponents around the battlefield.
and all checks (including concentration checks) and to the Check: Any time someone moves past an area you can
save DC of spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural reach, you can attempt to stop that creature in its tracks
abilities. This flat penalty is to simplify applying the effects of (its movement ends, and any remaining movement for the
the normal –2 attribute penalties for fatigue, and also serves round is lost rather than beingheld as a preemptive
to inconvenience casters as much as it does warriors. action). Checking an opponent is an attack action, made by
spending an attack of opportunity or a Preemptive Action
(q.v.). Checking provokes an attack of opportunity unless
you have the Improved Bull Rush feat (q.v.). This maneuver
supersedes the “Stand Still” feat in the final Pathfinder
Counter Charge: If you have one attack remaining as a held Dirty Trick: As a standard action you might use some dirty
action (see Preemptive Actions, below), you can use it to trick to inflict a condition upon an opponent, as described
perform a forcing maneuver against any creature that in the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. Examples
charges you. If successful, the charging opponent include kicking sand into an opponent’s face to blind him,
automatically misses you. For every 5 points by which you pulling down an enemy’s pants to halve his speed, or
beat the charging opponent’s CMD, you can cause him to hitting a foe in a sensitive spot to make him sickened for a
move 5 ft. past you (either straight past or diagonally, at round. If your attack is successful, the target takes a
your option). This maneuver supersedes the Swordsage penalty. The penalty is limited to one of the following
counter of the same name, from the Tome of Battle. conditions: blinded, deafened, entangled, shaken, or
sickened. This condition lasts for 1 round. For every 5 by
Reposition: You can attempt to reposition a foe to a different which your attack exceeds your opponent’s CMD, the
location as a standard action. You can only reposition an condition lasts 1 additional round. This condition can
opponent that is no more than one size category larger usually be removed if the target spends a move action. If
than you. A reposition attempts to force a foe to move to a you possess the Improved Feint feat, the penalty lasts for
different position in relation to your location without doing 1d4 rounds, plus 1 round for every 5 by which your attack
any harm. If you do not have the Improved Bull Rush feat exceeds your opponent’s CMD. In addition, removing the
or a similar ability, attempting to reposition a foe provokes condition requires the target to spend a standard action. If
an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver. you do not have the Improved Feint feat or a similar ability,
If your attack is successful, you may move your target 5 feet attempting a dirty trick provokes an attack of opportunity
to a new location. For every 5 by which your attack exceeds from the target of your maneuver.
your opponent’s CMD, you can move the target an
additional 5 feet. The target must remain within your reach Interrupt Action: In place of a held attack, you can attempt
at all times during this movement, except for the final 5 feet to interfere with an enemy’s actions—knocking aside his
of movement, which can be to a space adjacent to your hand as he completes a spellcasting gesture, or whatever.
reach. An enemy being moved by a reposition does not Make a combat (tricky) maneuver check against any
provoke an attack of opportunity because of the movement opponent within 30 ft. If the result exceeds the opponent’s
unless you possess the Improved Bull Rush feat and BAB CMD, the opponent’s action is wasted (spells, magic item
+11 or greater. You cannot move a creature into a square charges, or daily uses are lost harmlessly).
that is occupied by a solid object or obstacle. Source: Weapon Maneuvers: In addition to disarming and
Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. sundering, the bind maneuver (from Art of the Duel, Sinister
Clever Positioning: When using the Reposition maneuver Adventures LLC, and later included the Pathfinder Campaign
(above), instead of moving the opponent a set number of Setting) is also included.
spaces, you can simply choose to switch places with him or
her. Both you and the target must be able to move into and Bind: As a melee attack, you can perform a combat
legally occupy the new space in order for this feat to maneuver to attempt to bind your opponent’s weapon. A
function. For example, an incorporeal character inside a bound weapon cannot be used to make attacks. A bound
solid object couldn't exchange places with a corporeal weapon can be wrenched free with a successful opposed
character, nor could a non-flying creature exchange places maneuver check, or can be dropped as a free action. If
with an airborne flying creature. This subsumes the Clever your opponent does not free or drop his weapon he does
Opportunist feat from Drow of the Underdark, and also the not threaten an area and cannot move. While binding your
clever positioning maneuver from the Tome of Battle. opponent, you suffer the same limitations, except you may
end the bind as a free action and make an attack of
Tricky Maneuvers: These include the Feint maneuver, and opportunity against that opponent as an immediate action.
also the following. If you use this attack of opportunity to attempt to disarm
your opponent or sunder the bound weapon, you do not
provoke an attack of opportunity in turn, and you get a +4
bonus on the CMB roll and the damage roll.
Wrestling Maneuvers:
Grapple: Grappling works normally as per the Pathfinder
core rules, except that if your base attack bonus is +6 or
higher, instead of damaging, moving, or pinning a grappled
opponent, you can instead use the victim as cover against
a single attack. If the attack misses you, that attack targets
the creature you used as cover, using the same attack roll.
You cannot use this ability against a creature grappling
you, and the cover you gain ends after the attack you
gained cover against is resolved. This supersedes the
Body Shield feat from Ultimate Combat.
Unbalance: Instead of tripping an opponent to the ground, [Debilitation]: Debilitating conditions target the victim’s
you can instead choose to merely knock the target off- attribute scores.
balance. An off-balance opponent loses his Dexterity Minor: Fatigued (–2 to all attributes (treat as -1 to all rolls
bonus to AC for 1 round. (This maneuver supersedes the for the sake of simplicity); cannot run or charge). Doing
Unbalancing Strike feat from Oriental Adventures.) anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the
Nonstandard Maneuvers: In some cases, a character may fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of
attempt a maneuver that mechanically duplicates an existing complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.
maneuver, but uses a different feat or mechanism. For
example, a character might attempt to force a fencing Moderate: Exhausted (-6 to all attributes (treat as -3 to all
opponent back using dazzling swordplay, rather than brute rolls); move at half speed; cannot run or charge). After 1
force. Treat this as a Bull Rush maneuver, but allow Improved hour of complete rest, an exhausted character becomes
Weapon Maneuvers to apply, rather than Improved Bull Rush. fatigued. A fatigued character becomes exhausted by
All attempts need to be provided with a halfway reasonable doing something else that would normally cause fatigue.
rationale by the player, and be approved by the referee. Severe: Attribute damaged.
Conditions Critical: Attribute drained.
In order add interest to combat by shifting the focus away [Fear]: Conditions resulting from fear are spelled out as a
from simple full attacks, a variety of Strike feats (Chapter 5) coherent chain in the Core rules, as follows:
have been created that allow single attacks to apply
conditions to the target in addition to hit point damage. As a Minor: Shaken (-2 to attacks, saves, and checks).
counterbalance, there are a number of class features
(barbarian rage, monk’s sutras, paladin’s mercy, etc.) that Moderate: Frightened. A frightened creature flees from the
allow for the amelioration or removal of certain conditions. source of its fear as best it can. If unable to flee, it may
Given the importance of conditions in combat, an attempt fight. A frightened creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack
was made to establish a coherent framework and rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. A
terminology. frightened creature can use special abilities, including
Condition Severity: Conditions are rated in terms of spells, to flee; indeed, the creature must use such means if
severity: a minor condition is one that applies only a small they are the only way to escape. Frightened is like shaken,
penalty, and can often be applied by a combatant with a base except that the creature must flee if possible. Panicked is
attack bonus of +1, or by a 1^st^ level spell. Severity scales a more extreme state of fear.
from there to moderate (BAB +6 or 3^rd^ level spell), severe Severe: Panicked. A panicked creature must drop anything
(BAB +11 or 5^th^ level spell), and critical (BAB +16 or 7^th^ it holds and flee at top speed from the source of its fear, as
level spell). For example, a barbarian in a lesser rage is well as any other dangers it encounters, along a random
temporarily unaffected by the entangled, fatigued, flat-footed, path. It can't take any other actions. In addition, the
shaken, and sickened conditions; in the text, these can now creature takes a –2 penalty on all saving throws, skill
all simply be described as “minor conditions,” rather than checks, and ability checks. If cornered, a panicked
listing them all each time. creature cowers and does not attack, typically using the
The base attack bonus and spell level guidelines given for total defense action in combat. A panicked creature can
each severity level are for basic comparison purposes only use special abilities, including spells, to flee; indeed, the
and should not be taken for hard and fast rules. In many creature must use such means if they are the only way to
cases, momentary conditions (lasting only 1 round) can be escape.
applied at lower base attack bonuses/spell levels than the
ones shown, for example. Critical: Cowering (the character is frozen in fear and can
Descriptors: Conditions of escalating severity that form take no actions). A cowering character takes a –2 penalty
logical chains (e.g., shaken, frightened, panicked, and to Armor Class and loses his Dexterity bonus (if any).
cowering) for the most part are given like descriptors in order
to make their relationships clear. Common descriptors, and a
list of the conditions of escalating severity associated with
them, are listed below.
[Affliction]: Afflictions include disease, nausea, poisons,
and so on: conditions that target Fortitude saves and are
generally non-magical. The chain of affliction conditions
includes the following; others that fall outside a chain are
listed below.
Minor: Sickened (–2 on all attacks, damage, saves, and
Severe: Nauseated (unable to attack, cast spells,
concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring
attention; the only action such a character can take is a
single move action per turn).
[Inertia]: These conditions result from interference with the Critical: Paralyzed (frozen in place and unable to move or
victim’s ability to respond to actions taking place around him act). A paralyzed character has effective Dexterity and
or her. Strength scores of 0 and is helpless, but can take purely
Minor: Flat-Footed. A character who has not yet acted mental actions. A winged creature flying in the air at the
during a combat is flat-footed, unable to react normally to time that it becomes paralyzed cannot flap its wings and
the situation. A flat-footed character loses his Dexterity falls. A paralyzed swimmer can't swim and may drown. A
bonus to AC (if any) and cannot make attacks of creature can move through a space occupied by a
opportunity or take other immediate actions. paralyzed creature—ally or not. Each square occupied by
a paralyzed creature, however, counts as 2 squares to
Moderate: Staggered. A staggered creature may take a move through.
single move action or standard action each round (but not
both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered [Sensory]: These conditions interfere with the victim’s
creature can still take free, swift and immediate actions. A ability to perceive the world around him or her. Visual
creature with nonlethal damage exactly equal to its [sensory] conditions form something of a chain:
current hit points gains the staggered condition.
Minor: Dazzled. The -1 to attacks and Perception rolls
Severe: Dazed (unable to act normally). A dazed creature cited in the Core rules is so minor as to be hardly worth
can take no actions, but has no penalty to AC. A dazed tracking; instead, the dazzled condition now applies partial
condition typically lasts 1 round. concealment (20% miss chance) to everything the afflicted
Critical: Stunned. A stunned creature drops everything creature sees. In addition, the penalty to Perception
held, can't take actions, takes a –2 penalty to AC, and loses checks is increased to -4.
its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). Severe: Blinded. The creature cannot see. It takes a –2
penalty to AC, loses its Dex bonus to AC (if any), and takes
[Restraint]: Conditions interfering with the victim’s ability a –4 penalty on physical skill checks and on opposed
to move are grouped under this descriptor. Note that the slow Perception skill checks. All checks and activities that rely
spell applies a severe condition essentially combining the on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based
effects of entangled and staggered. on sight) automatically fail. All opponents are considered
to have total concealment (50% miss chance) against the
Minor: Entangled (moves at half speed, cannot run or blinded character. Blind creatures must make a DC 10
charge, and takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and a –4 Acrobatics skill check to move faster than half speed.
penalty to Dexterity). An entangled character who Creatures that fail this check fall prone.
attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check
or lose the spell. Critical: Senseless (blinded and deafened; cannot smell or
taste; has no tactile awareness). A senseless creature
Moderate: Grappled (cannot move; –4 penalty to cannot use special senses such as blindsight, scent, and
Dexterity). A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all tremorsense, and has no sense of balance (falls prone). It
attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those is helpless and cannot take actions.
made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled
creatures can take no action that requires two hands to Other: A number of other conditions not neatly fitting into
perform. A grappled character who attempts to cast a chains are listed here by severity; descriptors are shown in
spell or use a spell-like ability must make a Concentration brackets.
check or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make
attacks of opportunity. Minor: Attribute penalized [debilitation] (e.g., from a ray of
enfeeblement spell), sickened [affliction].
Severe: Pinned. A pinned creature cannot move and is
denied its Dexterity bonus.. A pinned character also takes Moderate: Charmed [mind-affecting]; deafened [sensory];
an additional –4 penalty to his Armor Class. A pinned diseased [affliction].
creature is limited in the actions that it can take. A pinned
creature can always attempt to free itself, usually through Severe: Confused [mind-affecting]; energy drained [death];
a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check. A fascinated; poisoned [affliction].
pinned creature can take verbal and mental actions, but Critical: Dominated [mind-affecting]; feebleminded
cannot cast any spells that require a somatic or material [debilitation]; insane [mind-affecting]; petrified;
component. A pinned character who attempts to cast a unconscious.
spell or use a spell-like ability must make a Concentration
check or lose the spell. Pinned is a more severe version of
grappled, and their effects do not stack.
Defensive Fighting Iterative Attacks
You can fight defensively, gaining a +1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 As shown on the class progression tables, the iterative attack
per 4 points of your BAB (to a maximum bonus of +6 at BAB penalty is capped at –5. For example, a 16^th^ level ranger
+20). You take a –2 penalty to your attack rolls for every +1 to would attack at +16/+11/+11/+11, not +16/+11/+6/+1 as in
AC; this applies to every attack you make during a round in the core rules. The Multiattack feat, applied to iterative
which you fight defensively (even attacks of opportunity). attacks rather than to natural attacks, reduces the penalty
Using the total defense option works similarly, except that from –5 to –2.
you give up your normal attacks for the round and instead
gain a +2 bonus to AC, +2 per 4 points of BAB (this requires a Miniatures FAQ
full attack action). You can make attacks of opportunity while In the home game, I do not use battlemats and miniatures
using total defense, but if you do so, the penalty to attacks is – except in the cases of combats involving large numbers of
2 per +2 bonus to AC. participants and/or complicated terrain. Note that this is a
The Combat Expertise feat (q.v.) now reduces the attack personal preference, not an ingrained feature of these house
penalties to half—it functions as an “Improved Defensive rules. For players who can’t imagine how things might work
Fighting” feat. The ratio of defense bonus to attack penalties without those tools, the following FAQs are provided.
can be further improved with the fighter’s Elaborate Defense How do I know if there’s a table, staircase, spittoon, or
talent (in effect, a “Greater Defensive Fighting” feat). whatever? For most combats, the setting will have been
Untrained briefly described, and other features reasonably expected to
Base Attack Attack Defensive Total
be present will be present if declared by the participants. For
Bonus Penalty Fighting Defense example, if a fight erupts in a restaurant or tavern, a player
can announce “I jump up on one of the tables and then leap
+1 to +3 a b c up and grab a hold of the chandelier.” Both tables and
+4 to +7 a b c chandeliers would reasonably be expected to be present, so it
is within the player’s scope of authority to use them (subject
+8 to +11 a b c to the usual skill checks for jumping about, of course). On the
+12 to +15 a b c other hand, less likely features, or features located in
+16 to +19 a b c precisely the place you want them in relation to the
combatants, might require expenditure of a Hero Point (see
+20 a b c above). For example, “I cut the rope so that the chandelier
directly over my opponents’ heads falls on them” requires a
Combat Expertise common feature, but located in a very specific place.
Base Attack Attack Defensive Total How do I know if I can move into flanking position, or run
Bonus Penalty Fighting Defense around the fountain, or whatever? Unless the setting as
+1 to +3 a b c described would otherwise prevent it (e.g., you’re in a narrow
corridor, or there are obstructions creating difficult terrain),
+4 to +7 a b c you can usually move anywhere your rate of movement
+8 to +11 a b c allows. Distances can be generalized as “adjacent” (within 5
+12 to +15 a b c
ft.), “within reach” (of weapon or attack with longer reach),
“within 20 ft.,” “within 30 ft.,” or whatever. Note that flanking
+16 to +19 a b c as been simplified in these rules (see Aid Another and
+20 a b c Flanking, above).
How do Attacks of Opportunity work? Moving out of an
Elaborate Defense** enemy’s threatened area provokes an attack of opportunity as
Base Attack Attack Defensive Total
normal. However, once inside an opponent’s threatened area,
Bonus Penalty Fighting Defense you need not track attacks of opportunity unless you leave
that area or do something else to provoke them. Doing things
+1 to +3 a b c like drinking potions or casting non-defensively still provokes
+4 to +7 a b c attacks of opportunity as normal (although a Sleight of Hand
check can sometimes ameliorate this, in the same way an
+8 to +11 a b c Acrobatics check can negate them for movement).
+12 to +15 a b c How do I know if my ally is in the way? If you have at least
+16 to +19 a b c 5 ft. of movement remaining, you can always choose to step
to the side of an adjacent ally to fire a missile past him or her.
+20 a b c If you have enough movement left to move around a nearby
ally, you can also choose to intentionally step in front of that
ally to interpose yourself between that ally and attackers (in
this manner, “tank” characters who retain some movement
for later use (see Preemptive Actions, below) can serve as
effective bodyguards without the need for some kind of
“taunt” mechanic.

Iterative Attacks
Monsters Undead Spawn: There are two proposed rules keeping
undead spawn from overrunning the world; a combination of
The referee will need to make minor adjustments to existing the two is recommended. A referee should break these rules
monsters in order to fit these rules. The easiest thing to do is only in the event of an epic campaign-destroying adventure
to simply swap out feats, and as a general rule this should involving a zombie apocalypse or something similar.
always be done, making sure that the rules in Chapter 5 for
feats are used (the Stamina Training feat and ranks in Bound to Location: In this variant, spawn cannot stray
Endurance is a favorite). Adding one or more class levels is more than 100 ft, from where they were created. This is
also a good way to increase the threat posed by a monster in appropriate for haunted grave sites and so on.
a way that is consistent with these rules. Other specific Bound to Master: Using this variant, no single undead can
adjustments are described below. have more spawn at one time than described under the
Attributes of 1: Creatures with attribute scores of 1 are Command Undead feat (Chapter 5). This is especially
immune to the corresponding conditions (see Attribute appropriate for vampires and the like.
Scores and Modifiers, above).
3.5 Edition Attributes: A number of monsters, notably
animals (especially primates), griffins, etc., were Monsters and Expectations
“downgraded” in Pathfinder, relative to their 3.5 edition stats The duel with the Hill Magician started with a dream, the
(in terms of Strength scores, total number of Hit Dice, and so night after the Warlock's speech made that duel inevitable. It
on). In these cases, it is recommended that the 3.5 edition ended thirty years later.
stats be retained. ―Larry Niven, What Good is a Glass Dagger? (1972)
Animal Intelligence: To reflect the large differences in Even modifying monsters as outlined above, it should be
intelligence of real-world animals, creatures of the Animal patently clear that a 3^rd^ level fighter with PC gear (CR 3)
type can have intelligence scores higher than 2 and still be will slaughter a single CR 3 ogre most of the time. This is
unable to use humanoid languages (due to missing or especially true in these rules—the fighter doesn’t necessarily
incompatible speech organs, etc.). Dogs might have Int scores do more damage than in 3.5/PF, but the means by which he
of 4; apes of 6; and dolphins of 10+, for example. can do it are pretty obvious to anyone, not just hardcore
Breath Weapons: Creatures with breath weapons can use optimizers. Then again, we should remember that, as a
the breath weapon in place of a bite attack with that head, fighter, that’s his job. Against an assassin vine (also CR 3), his
rather than as a standard action. success is less certain, and the CR 3 shadow might make him
Constructs: Much in the way that undead in Pathfinder flee. The cleric doesn’t worry about the shadow, but the
were given d8 HD/medium BAB and Cha bonus to Fort and assassin vine eats him for lunch. A 3^rd^ level wizard might
hp, constructs in these rules also have d8 HD/medium HD, shut down the ogres, but within reach of them he can’t cast,
and use their Strength scores in place of Constitution to and gets smashed to a pulp.
determine hp and Fort saves. This supersedes the arbitrary A 10^th^ level fighter might be 50/50 against a CR 10
size-based bonus hp constructs receive in PF. This bebelith and probably loses against a CR 10 adult white
amendment, borrowed from Frank and K’s “Tomes” rules, dragon, but a 10^th^ level fighter with a 10^th^ level wizard
allows constructs to be difficult to destroy without increasing supporting him demolishes a pair of either of them.
their BAB; a strong but clumsy golem running amok is an So what does all this actually mean?
iconic image not modeled well by constructs with a full BAB Fighters will slaughter hordes of martial mooks at low
progression. levels, without being too worried about being injured in the
Giants: If you make these guys vulnerable to charm person process. That’s not necessarily a bad thing; the historical
and hold person spells, as in the Pathfinder rules, they get a Tokagawa Shogunate kept order by withholding arms and
lot less scary all of the sudden. I’d suggest not doing that. martial training from peasants, so an armored guy with a
Gore Attacks: Like spears, natural gore attacks should halfway decent sword and some rudimentary training (a
have a x3 critical multiplier. 1^st^ level fighter) could easily keep order among twenty or a
Iterative Attacks: Monsters whose only attack is a primary hundred peasants. Likewise, an Aristocrat 1 (CR 1/3) with a
natural attack (e.g., bite, slam) should either gain iterative high-powered rifle can kill a CR 4 rhinoceros, because their
attacks per their base attack bonus, or else should be equipment disparity eclipses their combat disparity. But as
assigned Vital Strike as a bonus feat. you level up, offenses scale faster than defense and
Numen: Use the “minimum” (NPC gear) column in equipment, and magical save-or-lose effects come on line, and
Chapter 6 and assign magical bonuses and properties gradually, the fighter starts to lose—unless he has a caster
accordingly, even to creatures that do not use items. For friend buffing him and the enemy doesn’t, in which case he
example, there is no reason a winter wolf (CR 5; 3,450 gp kicks ass even more. Ideally, the caster equally needs the
minimum) could not be given a +1 enhancement bonus to its fighter to keep the monsters from shutting down his
bite (2,000 numen) and a +1 resistance bonus to saves (1,000 spellcasting and eating him—that’s why casting is a full
numen). attack action, and why casting while threatened is more
Spell-Like Abilities: For monsters that get a mess of spell- difficult.
like abilities, consider using a racial suite (Chapter 7). This
will ensure that the abilities are level-appropriate, and will
keep them down to a manageable number.
With that understanding, intelligent adversaries are NEVER Preemptive Actions
going to want to fight the party 4-on-1. At that point, the game
becomes more about tactics: whose buffing/martial combo A combatant can choose to hold movement and/or attacks, to
package outdoes the other side’s? And that leads us to the last his normal limit, for immediate use later in the round. For
piece: if you know in advance what that package will be, or example, a ranger with attacks +6/+1 could attack once at +6,
can interfere with it, you win. And that means, ultimately, that then choose to wait make an attack at +1 asd an immediate
strategy is the key determining factor, especially at mid to action at any time before his next turn, even if his doing so
higher levels. interrupts someone else’s turn. These rules supersede the
I envision a game in which a party that charges in against a normal rules for Readied Actions and Delay.
prepared foe gets wiped out. TPK. Sorry, guys. But if they Holding attacks and movement can be used in conjunction
ruthlessly exploit their advantages and deny the enemy his with the tactical movement option described below. For
own, eventually they’ll tip the scales to the point where the example, if the ranger above had a speed of 40 ft., he could
villain goes down like a chump. move 5 feet and attack at +6, then wait and later that round
Rolling dice for a straight-up fight is sometimes fun, and move 15 more feat and attack again at +1, possibly saving an
the game supports that. But these rules, hopefully, also ally.
support a Sun Tzu-style game in which the outcome is Any attacks or movement not used before the end of the
decided before the fight even begins. round are lost. You are still limited to one immediate action
per round unless you have the Combat Reflexes feat (see
Parrying Actions, above).
Beating to the Punch: If two or more creatures attempt to
If you have base attack bonus of at least +6, whenever you preempt one another with held actions, make a new initiative
take a full attack action, you can elect not to take one of your check to determine who goes first in that particular exchange;
attacks (as described under Preemptive Actions, below). At the loser must attempt to continue his stated action. Once the
any time before your next turn you can attempt to parry an series of preemptive actions ends, initiative returns to the
attack against you using the held attack. To parry the attack, normal order.
you make an attack roll, using the same bonuses as the attack
you chose to forego during your previous action. If your attack Tactical Movement
roll is greater than the attack results of the attacking
creature, your opponent’s attack automatically misses. A character can move up to half his or her speed and still
For each size category the attacking creature is larger than make a melee full attack that round (making a full ranged
you, you take a –4 penalty on the roll. You also take a –4 attack still limits you to a 5-foot step). This movement can be
penalty when attempting to parry an attack made against an taken before, in between, or after attacks, or in any
adjacent ally. You declare the use of this ability after the combination thereof, but it must be made in at least 5-ft.
attack is announced, but before the roll is made. increments. For example, a character with Speed 30 ft. and
BAB +16 could attack once at +16, move ten feet, attack again
Precision Damage at +11, then move five more feet and attack again at +11.
Because this is normal movement, rather than a series of 5-ft.
A number of abilities, notably sneak attack, allow you to hit a steps, you still provoke attacks of opportunity for leaving a
vital spot for extra damage, usually expressed as a number of threatened area.
six-sided dice. This additional damage is called “precision If you are using Two-Weapon Fighting, you must take your
damage,” and follows the standard rules outlined here. attacks in pairs (one primary, one off-hand) when possible,
Unless otherwise noted, precision damage is of the same type unless you also have the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
as the attack that delivered it. It does not multiply on a An attack of opportunity can be traded for a 5-ft. step (this
critical. supersedes the Evasive Reflexes feat from the Tome of
Precision damage applies only against creatures with a Battle).
discernable anatomy; oozes and elementals are immune, and
the Fortification ability applies against it. You must be able to Taking a Breather
see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be
able to reach such a spot. Normally, you cannot deal precision Using this option from Monte Cook’s Collected Book of
damage against opponents with concealment. The Blind- Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press), once per encounter,
Fight feat enables you to deal precision damage in melee any character can take a full round action to rest, regroup,
against opponents with concealment; the Precise Shot feat and focus his or her thoughts. Taking a breather allows you to
allows you to deal ranged precision damage against do one of the following:
opponents with concealment, as detailed in the feat Heal lost hit points to an amount up to your character
description. level + your Constitution bonus;
Normally, ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if Gain a morale bonus equal to +1, plus an additional +1 per
the target is within point blank range (normally 30 feet, 4 levels, to one attack or damage roll made during the next
although the Point-Blank Shot feat can expand this range). As round; or
a full attack action, you can make a single ranged sneak Gain a +1 morale bonus to the save DC of one spell cast
attack at any range. the next round.
Unless otherwise noted, precision damage stacks.

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Campaign Setting

his section provides a brief introduction to the The City of Hylore: Hylore is the capital of Aviona,
Aviona Campaign Setting, a homebrew world analogous to Dumas’ Paris. It is here that the Elvenking holds
in which the home game takes place. Note that court; duels in the streets are fought between the
the house rules presented in the other swashbuckling, adventure-loving King’s Guard on the one
chapters can be used in other settings; hand, and the plotting, scheming remnants of the sinister
however, this setting is the “default” for these Chancellor’s Battalion on the other. Sheraviel (played by Jess
rules, much as the World of Greyhawk is for Door), the former leader of the main PC adventuring party in
AD&D, and Golarion for the Pathfinder RPG. Selected the campaign, was a young elf attached to the King’s Guard.
details are provided here, but even if you use this setting, try Hylore is also home to a human criminal mob enterprise, run
not to get too hung up on details or “canon.” Rather, referees by the enigmatic “Mr. C”― Cadogan (a major PC played by
and players are encouraged to work together to create a Derek) is a professional criminal in Mr. C’s organization.
unique campaign that all of them will enjoy equally. South Province: West of Hylore extends a series of grassy
plains, woodlands, and mild coast, with farming, fishing, and
The Kingdom of Aviona horses everywhere in evidence; the cities of Vayonnes (on the
The sky was a deep, dusky blue, and the same blueness coast) and Sovalles (in the farm and horse country) typify this
pervaded the air as if he rode under water, Grass grew long area. Also in evidence are scars from the Battle of the
and soft, with a silvery hue underlying its pale green; white Seladan Hills, in which the Marquis d’Ansac, who dared rebel
flowers starred the earth. Asphodels, Holger thought. Here against the Crown, was put down.
and there he saw bushes of white roses. Trees stood alone The Andoor Mountains: North of Hylore is an old range of
and in copses, tall, slim, milky of bark, their leaves the color mountains, now eroded and shrouded in forests. Similar to
of the grass. The slow wind blew through them with a tiny the Appalachians of North America, the Andoor Mountains
ringing sound. A brook ran close by which did not tinkle but are home to hillbillies, ogres, and forest gnomes. The
played, an endless melody on an alien scale. ―Poul Corundum River Valley holds the cities of Rainville and
Anderson, Chambard, centers of mining and metallurgy. Further upriver,
Three Hearts and Three Lions (1953) the mountains steepen, and the ancient demesnes of Ostfels
The Kingdom of Aviona is the primary area of play. It is a and Serraval (home to the elf-lord Fiachra, played by Derek)
culture of ancient, decadent elven aristocracy and their can be found.
halfling servants, with human immigration and intermarriage High Zothique Plain: Past the Andoor mountains is the
increasingly common in the last few centuries as the pure old, magic-haunted steppe of the Zothique Plain, home to
elven population wanes. Style-wise, it draws most heavily religious fanatics and other malcontents.
from two or three sources; familiarity with some or all of Western Aviona: Far to the west are the haunted Forest of
these is helpful, but in no way necessary: Trevallaine and the great Northern Forest, in which the last
traditional elven tree-city can be found—a historical oddity.
Anderson, Poul. Three Hearts and Three Lions. On the far western cape is the city of Oceanbrook, where
Count Golvring was lynched amidst the massive Hunger
Brust, Steven. “Vlad Taltos” series. Riots of 1463.
Dumas, Alexandre (Père). The Three Musketeers, et al. Island of Montour: This large island is the demesnes of
Marclore the Archimage, a powerful wizard who general
prohibits lesser spellcasters from overtly dominating the
Aviona’s current monarch is Elcore I, a young, weak king politics of the setting (much like Murgen from Jack Vance’s
who in the past relied on his minister of state, the Chancellor “Lyonesse” novels). The island is used by Marclore for
Palamis, to do most of the actual governing ― much to his experiments involving the resurrection of dinosaurs as
regret, as Palamis proved to be a demonic high priest who species, for eventual use as a food source. As the Archimage
nearly toppled the kingdom before he was unmasked. The frowns upon visitors, he usually allows trespassers to be
Queen, Elfreyja (“Ellie”), a half-elf, half-sirine, is beloved of the eaten by his experiments.
elven nobles and believed by them to be the reincarnation of
the historical Queen Silmar the Good. Other Elven Grand Duchies
The sky in Aviona is a peculiar indigo color not seen in
most other places, indicative of a sorcerously-thick ozone Balvora: The Duchy of Balvora was once a settled part of
layer above (a boon to the fair-skinned high elven folk)―this Aviona. The western part (Cortland) is now largely marshes
one of the attributes of the elven lands that makes human and woods, with the low stone walls of former farms running
visitors immediately aware that they have left the mortal through them – all that remain to show that the area was
world behind. once inhabited. The eastern portion (Tellaria) is sparsely-
The language spoken in Aviona is High Elvish, a language settled after the depredations of its last ruler, a vampire. To
distinct from the tongue of wood elves. Humans in Aviona the north the terrain becomes mountainous, terminating in
mostly speak this as a matter of survival, and most of them Baumergarth Pass, a direct route into Northwind (see below)
speak Common as well. Halflings in Aviona speak Halfling guarded by the impregnable Findach Keep.
and High Elvish, and many speak Common.
The sky in Balvora cycles from twilit to starry; there is no full The Kingdom of Northwind
daylight there. Farming is therefore poor, despite the richness
of the soil; the vinyards around the scattered keeps (including The Kingdom of Northwind was settled a millennium ago by
the castle of Brut de Corbel and the manse of Rémy the barbaric humans who crossed over the polar wastes. It now
magician) rely on daylight spells. boasts a relatively high level of civilization and a relatively
The natural eastern border of Balvora is the Lake of Fallen enlightened central government―a constitutional monarchy
Stars, a huge crater lake formed millennia ago by the impact under Abalore “The Axe,” a titular king who shares power
of multiple meteors. On clear nights, the stars above the lake with an elected parliament. About 100 years before the
and beneath it are reflected in the waters, and it is said that current campaign date, all of Northwind paid tribute to Talvar
anyone diving at the center will be destroyed by silver fire – or I, the Napoleon-like elf-king of Aviona (and later “Emperor of
emerge as a sorcerer, with powers derived from the fallen the Pinesvaald”). Northwind is fiercely proud of its current
stars. independence, and has built large navies to maintain it in the
Autrisch: The Grand Duchy of Autrisch has long been future. They are also famous merchant marines, sailing to
affiliated with Aviona, but technically independent. The Aramni and even across the sea to the World of Greyhawk to
western part features the scarecrow-haunted Pheasant Hills trade. Common is the official language of Northwind.
and the drowned city of Antaalmoray; the eastern part is Baervania: This province, due north of Aviona, is largely
mountainous, with the great City of Weimach sitting like occupied by the alpine Griffin Peaks; the low northwest coast
jewel on the Crystal River. Weimach is cosmopolitan, with receives abundant rain, and is known for logging and fur
elves, humans from Northwind and Aramani, and even trapping.
Orientals from across the sea all living there. It is famous for Arkavore: The great prairies of Arkavore county are known
its banking and skiing, and for the Imperial Museum, as the “Breadbasket of the North.” Along the northern coast,
accessible by cable car. Northwind’s massive shipyards can be found.
Wilden: A rural province, mostly heath and marsh to the
The Estren Frontier south, with the northern reaches covered by swamp and
mixed birch and fir forest. Wilden is famous for gin,
Across the Lake of Fallen Stars are the broad Estren crossbows, water fowl, and wild rice. The wizards from the
Territories, which owe something to James Fennimore forested area are said to be among the most powerful in the
Cooper’s “Leatherstocking Tales” and to Robert E. Howard’s world.
“Beyond the Black River.” The forests of Estren are the last Gunderland: A very cold, foggy, gloomy province,
strongholds of the Wood Elves―xenophobic near-savages apparently stuck in the Viking age. Savage orc tribes can also
living in tribal villages, skirmishing with neighboring tribes be found here, as well as occasional hill and frost giants from
and beasts. The wood elves represent those elven folk who the north. Most of the human population is centered in the
rejected settling in cities, and who met human immigration port city of Northaven.
with violence. They especially hate “civilized” elves from
Aviona, whom they view as unnatural traitors to their race. Foreign Kingdoms
Their language, Wood Elf, is closer to the root elven tongue
than is the High Elvish spoken in Aviona (and the two have Most of the hemisphere has been intentionally left undetailed,
diverged far enough to be treated as separate languages). so as to provide individual groups the opportunity to explore
The Estren Territories are bounded to the east by the (and create) new areas as the campaign progresses. Areas
impassible Elder Mountains. Beneath these snowy peaks is already established as part of the campaign setting include
the kingdom of the insular Mountain Dwarves; Agun (played the following.
by Jeff) and Rim (played by Jerry “Silverhair”) were the first of Aramni: To the east of Autrisch lies the human Kingdom of
their race in centuries to emerge from beneath the mountains Aramni, a nation of strict laws and secret police, in which
to adventure in the surface world. Dwarven is the official slavery is legal and worship of Asmodeus is the state religion.
language of the Elder Mountains. Nevertheless, a triangle trade exists with Aramni, dominated
South Estren: Recent settlement by human farmers along by unscrupulous Northwind traders: liquor (which is illegal in
the eastern shores of the river and lake have been met by Armani) is smuggled through the ports and sold in Balakash
raids, followed by reprisals, and have finally settled into an (see below) for slaves, which are in turn sold in Aramni for
uneasy truce after the extermination of the Blackbird Clan of silver.
wood elves. For a time, South Estren was combined with Aramni owes something in flavor to what Spain might have
Autrisch and Balvora to form the “League of the Southeast,” become, if the Moorish occupation had been permanent and
with the city of Kaisersburg as its capital; unfortunately, had become totalitarian in nature. The official language is
Queen Käcia was imprisoned in a pore 45 miles beneath the Aramnic, which is distantly related to Mabrahoring (aka
surface of the earth at the shore of Estren Lake during a “Infernal”); many of the people also speak Orc as well. Half-
magical duel, leaving Autrisch and Balvora independent orcs are more common as a part of mainstream society in
again, and Estren largely ungoverned. Aramni than they are elsewhere.
North Estren: The Estren Highlands are the home of the Bailakash: Far to the southeast, off the map beyond
hill dwarves, enemies of both elves and men, who have Aramni, stretch the vast reaches of the Bailakash deserts,
largely turned to Sicilian-style banditry in response to human including a Caliphate built with the aid of bound genies. This
incursions. Goblin and hobgoblin tribes are also numerous. is an Arabian Nights setting, the original homeland of Jazeed
The main bastion of humans and elves here is Fenrift Keep (played by Jeff). The people of Bailakash speak Bailakish,
(the “Keep on the Borderlands”), where young, ambitious which is distantly related to Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran.
soldiers from Aviona come to serve.

The Kingdom of Northwind

Pentabrin Isles: Lying off the map to the southwest, the The primary unit of value in the campaign setting is the
Pentabrin Isles are where many of the natives of Aramni fled pound sterling―the value of a pound of silver. Due to the
when their nation was conquered by the followers of relative plentifulness of this metal in the setting, the relative
Asmodeus. These isles are now a haven of pirates and value of silver to gold is a modern 1:50, rather than the
buccaneers of Aramnic descent. historical 1:20 modeled in the 1^st^ edition D&D rules. The
D&D “gold piece,” weighing 1/50 of a pound, is therefore
The World of Greyhawk equivalent to 1 pound sterling.
If one sails west from Aviona or Northwind far enough, The pound sterling is traditionally represented in Aviona by
eventually the ship will reach the World of Greyhawk setting. the silver lunate (the “lunate d’argent”), a heavy coin stamped
The trip is long and dangerous, and only the most daring of with the image of a dragon turtle on the back; they are
Northwind mariners regularly brave it. More recently, therefore often called “dragon turtles” or “shellbacks.” The
Cadogan arranged for shipments of grain from Ulek to Silver Lunate is actually minted from palladium (which the
replace the harvests lost in Aviona during d’Ansac’s Rebellion. humans call “witch-silver”) rather than actual silver; the
The “Common Tongue” of this setting is Oeridian, which is neighboring human kingdoms will not touch these coins,
distinct from the Common spoken in Northwind. Various believing them to be cursed. In order to overcome this
other languages, including Sueloise and Bakluni, are spoken problem, Aviona also mints a gold coin called the livre,
here was well. equivalent to the gold piece in the core rules; the livre is now
used far more often than the silver lunate.
In general, all coins other than the silver lunate and the
Currencies flammonde (see below) are universally accepted, due to the
value of the metal in them. A table of currency conversions
for the various kingdoms is provided below (the Avionan sou
and the Northwind skilling, like the traditional English
shilling, weigh 1/20 pound, and are hence worth 1/20 of a
pound of silver, or 1/20 of a Pound Sterling). The Northwind
word “mark” indicates 1/50 of a pound in weight.
GP Equiv. 1^st^ Edition 3^rd^ Ed./ PF Aviona (Noble) Aviona (Common) Northwind Aramni
20 -- – Flammonde** – – –
10 – 1 pp – Pistole "Kraken" –
5 1 pp – – Écu "Blood Eagle" Presidente
1 1 gp 1 gp Lunate d’Argent* Livre Gold mark (Guilder) Doubloon
1/2 1 ep – – – Florin Ducat
1/8 – – – – Half-crown –
1/10 – 1 sp – – – Piastre ("Piece of 8")
1/20 1 sp – – Sou Skilling –
1/50 – – – – Silver mark (Thaler) –
1/80 – – – – – Reale
1/100 – 1 cp – – Pfennig –
1/200 1 cp – – Dennier Half-pence Maravedi

* The Avionan flammonde (“Fallen Star”) is another coin not Aviona: The elven pantheon, particularly Corellon
accepted outside of Aviona, Balvora, and Autrisch; it is a Larethian, is predominant here. Humans often pray to
heavy coin made from iridium (“elf-gold”), a metal found in Greyhawk gods, and when circles of concern overlap (as with
recoverable quantities only in the sediments at the bottom of Hanali Celanil and Myhriss), the corresponding elven and
the Lake of Fallen Stars. Greyhawk deities are often simply considered to be aspects of
the same entity. Many of the good- and neutral-aligned
Religion Greyhawk deities have something of a unified church, with
The campaign setting is almost schizophrenically bishops, cardinals, etc. The god Rao is presumed dead; he
polytheistic. has one temple, deserted, that sits on the shore of the Bay of
Arken (would-be paladins must kneel a week-long holy vigil
Northwind: Worship of the Norse pantheon predominates
here, along with some of the Greyhawk gods.
Estren: Originally, the elven peoples followed a druidic
religion, worshipping trees, the night sky, and a few gods like
the Oak King (correlated with the elven god Rillifane
Ralathil). The wood elves of Estren still follow this practice.
The hill dwarves, goblins, and mountain dwarves all have
their own pantheons as well.
Aramni: Devil worship is the state religion, with each of
the nine provinces having a separate patron arch-devil.
Bailakash: Ancient noble genies and gods of all
descriptions are worshipped here; players selecting a
Golarion deity as a patron deity for their PC can simply
assume their god is worshipped in Bailakash as well, for the
sake of convenience.
Chapter 2: RACES
Some effort has been made to standardize races in terms In order to begin to understand the laws, customs, and
of powers and abilities. Accordingly, each basic race now social structure of Aviona, it is imperative to remember that
gains a net +2 to starting attribute scores, two racial feats, we are dealing with a (relatively) recent human infusion into
two traits (each being equivalent to about half a feat), and an ancient, alien culture of fey origins. Elves are not simply
weapon familiarity. These numbers are not absolute; traits skinny, pointy-eared humans; despite the fact that they can
that confer a net disadvantage (such as the gnomes’ small interbreed with mankind, their mind-set and social customs
size and slow speed), for example, might allow an additional in some cases inspire disbelief or even outright repugnance,
trait to compensate. In some cases, options are presented, until one realizes that their morality (such as it is) is founded
from which the character may choose. Unless otherwise upon totally different perceptions of the world in which they
noted (as for gnomes and halflings), PC races are Medium live. Their conduct is governed by elaborate conventions that
size. are largely incomprehensible to others, and many of which
More advanced racial abilities can be gained by taking are idiosyncratic to each individual. Although they often “sin
levels in a racial paragon class (modified from the 3.5 edition by omission,” and happily allow others to be misled, outright
System Reference Document). Paragon class entries follow lying seems to constitute an admission of fallibility and is
the primary race entry. In addition, half-races can be created never done.
using the rules in Appendix A; a number of examples are Physical Description: Elves in Aviona average the same
provided. Many of the racial feat and trait options presented height as humans, although with more variance (many are
are from the Advanced Player’s Guide. only 5 feet; others are over six and a half); they are thin and
graceful; some metabolic irregularity prevents them from
gaining or losing too much weight except in cases of famine.
Standard Races Musculature almost never adds perceptible bulk; elves
Following are the common PC races for the world of Aviona. remain lean even after years of weightlifting. Avionan elves
Other races are allowable by referee permission and player lack the ridiculous bunny ears of their Golarion counterparts;
agreement. Elves and humans are listed first, out of their ears are small, distinctly pointed, and lie flat against the
alphabetical order, because of their importance in the head. Their eyes are almond-shaped, with pupils often
campaign setting. unusually colored (indigo, amber, or grass green, for
example). They are pale-skinned, often with faint freckles, and
Elf, High feel discomfort in direct sunlight except in Aviona and
Balvora, where the indigo sky’s exceptionally thick ozone
They were clad in colors that seemed luminous against the layer filters out most of the ultraviolet radiation.
twilight, crimson, gold, purple, green, but the hue of each Type: High elves are Humanoids [Civilized], and also have
garment shimmered and flickered and changed from moment the [Elf] subtype.
to moment. Some wore chain mail or plate, argent metal Languages: Elves begin play speaking Common and High
elaborately shaped and chased; others had robes and Elvish (as distinct from Wood Elf; the Aviona setting does not
coronets. They were a tall people, moving with a liquid grace have a single unified “Elven” language). Elves with high
no human could rival, nor even a cat. A cold haughtiness Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran,
marked their features, which were of a strange cast, high Celestial, Gnome, Goblin, Wood Elf, and Sylvan.
tilted cheekbones, winged nostrils, narrow chin. Their skin Typical Classes: Fighter, Wizard. Elf sorcerers and rogues
was white, their long fine hair blue-silver, the men beardless. are also common. All high elves treat wizard as a favored
―Poul Anderson, class, even if they select a different one at 1st level. High Elves
Three Hearts and Three Lions (1953) are eligible for the High Elf Paragon (“Daoine Sidhe”) class
High elves are the dominant natives of Aviona. Long-lived, described below, and always treat that as a favored class.
arrogant, haughty, and egocentric, they are nonetheless High elves view deities simply as beings very much like
exceptionally polite among themselves and those they view as themselves, and so are largely irreligious. Clerics among
equals, as they happily slaughter one another in duels over them are more rare than they are among other races.
the slightest provocation. The typical elf views him or herself When gaining a level in a favored class, rather than gaining
as a nascent godling, studies magic and swordplay to the +1 hp or 1 skill point, a high elf can instead choose one of the
point of obsession, and ultimately seeks to gain enough following:
personal power to guarantee freedom and liberty for the
remainder of his or her long life.
Weapon Familiarity: High Elves have Martial proficiency
Bladesinger (Ex): Reduce your arcane spell failure with light blades and with the longsword. Those who have
chance for wearing armor by 1%. Martial proficiency with these weapons, as from a class
feature, also gain Exotic proficiency with one specific type
Critical Focus (Ex): You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on (e.g., the rapier). High elves dislike the touch of iron and steel,
critical hit confirmation rolls with the longsword, rapier, or and whenever possible prefer to use arms and armor made of
smallsword. You can gain this benefit multiple times; each mithral or glassteel (if they can afford it) or alchemical silver
time, select a different weapon, or increase an existing or bronze (if not).
confirmation bonus by +1 (to a maximum bonus of +4, at Racial Progression: Elves are eligible for the High Elf
which point you are considered to have the Critical Focus Paragon (Daoine Sidhe, pronounced something like ”Danny
feat with that weapon). This bonus does not stack with Shee”) class, allowing them to fully regain their otherworldly
that from the Critical Focus feat. heritage as Sidhe. With each level, an elf’s pupils grow less
Eternal Grudge (Ex): You grew up in an elitist community He looked at her through the strange slant eyes of the
where generations-old slights and quarrels linger as elves, all cloudy-blue without whites or a readily-seen pupil.
eternal blood feuds. You gain a +1 favored enemy bonus There were little moon-flecks drifting in Imric’s eyes, and
(see ranger) against civilized humanoids other than high shadows of ancient knowledge, for he had dwelt long in the
elves, or improve this existing favored enemy bonus by an land. But he was ever youthful, with the broad forehead and
additional +1, to a maximum bonus equal to half your high cheekbones, the narrow jaw and straight thin-chiseled
character level +1 (as noted in Chapter 1). nose of the elf lords.
―Poul Anderson, The Broken Sword (1971 ed.)
Attribute Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2
Constitution: Elves are nimble, both in body and mind, but
their forms are somewhat frail.
Racial Feats: Select any two of the following:
Dream Speaker (Sp): A few elves have the ability to tap
into the power of sleep, dreams, and prescient reverie. You
gain a +1 racial bonus to saving throw DCs for spells of
the Divination school and all sleep effects you cast. In
addition, if your Charisma is 15 or higher you may use
dream once per day as a spell-like ability. Source:
Advanced Player’s Guide.
Elven Immunities (Ex): You gain Arcane Defense
(enchantment) as a bonus feat, and additionally are
immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic (Su): You gain Skill Focus (Concentration) or
Spell Penetration as a bonus feat.
Graceful Warrior (Ex): You gain Weapon Finesse as a
bonus feat.
Quicksilver (Ex): You gain Superior Initiative as a bonus
Racial Traits: High elves receive the following:
Keen Senses (Ex): Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on
Perception checks when not in bright light. They can use
Perception instead of Disable Device to detect secret
doors, and receive passive checks to notice secret or
concealed doors within 5 ft.
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Elves are dazzled in bright light or
within the radius of a daylight spell. Note that the indigo
sky in Aviona reduces sunlight from bright to normal light,
mitigating this weakness.
Low-Light Vision (Ex): Elves can see twice as far as
humans in conditions of dim light.
Other elves become so consumed with the building of Arcane Channeling (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain Spellstrike
personal power that they turn to the service of demon lords as a bonus feat, simulating the 3.5 edition Duskblade’s
and become Dark Elves, or drow. Such elves are “arcane channeling” class feature.
sadomasochistic parodies of their former selves, but are also Weapon Training (Ex): Also at 2nd level, you gain the
filled with the dark power that consumed them. For PCs, effects of the Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization
drow are treated as a 2-level paragon class for particularly feats, applying to all light blades (Chapter 6).
evil elves; there are no “good drow” (drow that somehow find Attribute Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, your racial bonus to
redemption would trade their drow levels for Daoine Sidhe Dexterity or Intelligence (your choice) increases by +2.
levels). Armored Casting (Ex): At 4th level, you gain Arcane Armor
Very rarely, a high elf will retreat back to the forests, Training as a bonus feat.
reclaiming the ancestral elven way of life; such a character Elf-Lord (Su): At 5th level, you fully join the ranks of the
can take levels in Lledrith Sidhe, despite not technically sidhe. You gain a +2 racial bonus to Charisma. Your type
being a wood elf, but must forsake city life forever. changes from Humanoid to Fey, and you become immortal
unless killed (you are also soulless, and therefore cannot be
Daoine Sidhe Hit Dice: d8 raised or resurrected if killed). As a fey, you gain the [chaotic]
Level BAB Special alignment descriptor. Finally, your blind-seeming eyes grant
1st +0 Damage reduction, Sidhe magic you continuous see invisibility.
2nd +1 Arcane channeling, weapon training Drow Hit Dice: d8
3rd +2 Attribute boost Level BAB Special
4th +3 Armored casting 1st +0 Dark sidhe magic, darkvision, favored terrain,
light blindness, spell resistance, thrall to demons
5th +3 Elf-lord
2nd +1 Attribute boosts, sadism/masochism
Saving Throws: Daoine Sidhe gain a +2 class bonus to
Reflex and Will saves. Saving Throws: Drow gain a +2 competence bonus to
Bonus Skills: You receive 1 free rank per class level in Reflex and Intuition saves.
Concentration, Planar Sense, and Spellcraft; these are Bonus Skills: You gain 1 free rank per drow level in
otherwise treated as class skills. Concentration, Knowledge (the planes), and Stealth. These
Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (any), Diplomacy, are otherwise treated as class skills.
Knowledge (any), Perception, Profession (any), Stealth, and Class Skills: Administration, Bluff, Craft (any), Diplomacy,
Survival. Knowledge (lore), Perception, Planar Sense, Profession
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. (mining), Spellcraft.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: High elf paragons are Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
proficient with light armor, but not with shields. If they do not Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Drow gain Martial
already possess it, they gain Exotic proficiency with one light proficiency with darts, hand crossbows, light and heavy
blade of their choice (or the longsword). maces, short swords, whips and flails, and bucklers, and have
Damage Reduction (Ex): You gain DR/cold iron equal to Exotic proficiency with one of the items in the list. They are
your paragon level (i.e., DR 1/cold iron at 1st level, to a proficient with light armor.
maximum of DR 5/cold iron at 5th level). However, you also Dark Sidhe Magic (Sp): Drow gain the following spell-like
gain iron allergy 1, taking 1 hp of damage per round spent in abilities, as if from the Magical Talent feat (minimum 1/day
contact with at least 2 pounds of iron or steel. A thin covering use)—dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire, magic vestment1,
of cloth is insufficient to protect you from this effect, so you magic weapon1.
cannot wear iron or steel armor, for example, even if you wear At 2nd level, they gain the following additional spell-like
padding under it. abilities (likewise): detect magic, deeper darkness, discern lie,
Sidhe Magic (Sp): Your fey heritage provides you with the dispel magic, feather fall, greater magic weapon1, levitate,
following magical abilities: suggestion.
In addition, drow levels provide Weak theurgy to any
You gain the following spell-like abilities, as if from the existing spellcasting (if you have no existing spellcasting
Magical Talent feat: dancing lights, daze, faerie fire. ability, you gain that ability, defaulting to cleric for females, or
You gain a suite of racial spell-like abilities, as described in wizard for males). Drow levels also provide full synergy for
Chapter 7. Your list of racial spell-like abilities is as determining the level at which domain powers function, and
follows: 1st—hypnotism, 2nd—personal shield of faith, 3rd to Abyssal bloodline abilities (if any).
—create food & drink, 4th—beast shape II, 5th—mirage
arcana, 6th—true seeing, 7th—instant summons, 8th
—screen, 9th—refuge.

You can choose to trade in your racial spell-like abilities in

exchange for Strong theurgy towards one arcane
spellcasting progression, or Weak theurgy towards one
other spellcasting progression.
Darkvision (Ex): At 1st level, you gain darkvision 60 ft.; at 2nd When choosing a favored class bonus, wood elves can
level, the range increases to 120 ft. This supersedes (does not select one of the following in place of the usual +1 hit point or
stack with) the darkvision granted by your favored terrain skill point:
(see below). Critical Focus (Ex): Choose a weapon from the following
Favored Terrain (Ex): Drow gain Favored Terrain list: dagger, hand axe, heavy club, short bow, longbow. Add
(underground) as a bonus feat. a +1 circumstance bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls
Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light with that weapon (maximum bonus of +4, at which point
blinds drow for 1 round; on subsequent rounds, they are you are considered to have the Critical Focus feat with
dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area. that weapon). This bonus does not stack with that from
Spell Resistance (Ex): At 1st level, you gain spell the Critical Focus feat.
resistance equal to 6 + your total character level. At 2nd level,
your SR improves to 11 + your character level. Favored Enemy (Ex): Gain a +1 favored enemy bonus (see
Thrall to Demons (Su): As a sworn servant of demonic ranger) against civilized humanoids or against animals,
powers, you gain the [chaotic] and [evil] alignment magical beasts, and vermin; or improve this existing
descriptors. This palpable aura of dark power also provides a favored enemy bonus by an additional +1.
+2 racial bonus to Charisma.
Attribute Boosts (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain a +2 racial Green March (Ex): Add 1 ft. to your base land speed. In
bonus to Dexterity and Wisdom. These stack with any combat this has no effect unless you have selected this
existing racial bonuses (such as the standard high elf’s +2 option 5 times (or another increment of 5); a speed of 34
Dexterity). feet is effectively the same as a speed of 30 feet, for
Sadism/Masochism (Su): When a female drow reduces example. This bonus stacks with a class’s fast movement
an opponent to half its hit points or below, she gains the feature and applies only under the same conditions as that
effects of divine favor for the remainder of the encounter. ability.
Conversely, a male drow reduced to below half his or her
normal hit points gains the effects, likewise for the remainder Silent Hunter (Ex): You reduce the penalty for using
of the encounter. Stealth while moving by 1 x the number of times you
select this option.
Elf, Wood
Wilderness Runner (Ex): You receive a +1 racial bonus on
At the head of a long line of feasters sat a woodland king with Constitution checks, Endurance checks, and Fortitude
a crown of leaves upon his golden hair… The elvish folk were saves to avoid fatigue, exhaustion, or ill effects from
passing bowls from hand to hand and across the fires, and running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, or hot or cold
some were harping and many were singing. environments.
―J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit (1937)
The wood elves of Estren (something like “Nûñnëhī” in Attribute Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, –2
their own tongue) are an offshoot of the ancestral elf race, Charisma: Wood Elves are nimble and at home in nature, but
retaining a closer semblance of the older way of life. They live are taciturn, xenophobic, and get along poorly with livestock
in clans in the forests, existing as hunter/gatherers and and with other races.
skirmishing with other clans/tribes as well as with those of Racial Feats: Wood elves receive Favored Terrain (forests)
other races. They are generally hostile to the established as a bonus feat, and choose one of the following additional
order of things (it was they who refused to consent to human racial feats:
immigration in the ancient councils, preferring to make war
on them instead), and are not citizens of any nation but their
own, nor do they appear on census counts unless they have
given up tribal life and become "civilized."
Physical Description: Wood elves, as a result of living
away from Aviona, have reddish skins to better withstand the
sun (although they remain within the gloomy depths of the
forests whenever possible). They have black or reddish-brown
hair, and brown, hazel, or dark green eyes.
Type: Wood elves are Humanoids [Uncivilized], and also
have the [Elf] subtype.
Languages: Wood elves begin play speaking Common and
Wood Elf. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose
from the following: Draconic, Dwarven, Gnome, Goblin,
Orcish, High Elvish, and Sylvan.
Typical Classes: Most wood elves are rangers; their
shamans are druids. All wood elves treat ranger as a favored
class, even if they select a different one at 1st level.
Additionally, they are eligible for the Wood Elf Paragon
(“Lledrith Sidhe”) class, as described below, and always treat
it as a favored class.
Elven Immunities (Ex): You gain Arcane Defense Bonus Skills: You receive one free rank per class level in
(enchantment) as a bonus feat, and additionally are Concentration, Planar Sense, and Survival. These are
immune to magic sleep effects. otherwise treated as class skills.
Quicksilver (Ex): You gain Superior Initiative as a bonus Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (any), Diplomacy,
feat. Endurance, Handle Animal, Knowledge (any), Perception,
Profession, Spellcraft, Stealth.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Shared Insight (Ex): You can grant all friendly creatures Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Elf paragons are
within 30 feet who can see or hear you a +2 circumstance proficient with light armor, but not with shields. If they do not
bonus on Perception checks. already possess it, they gain Exotic proficiency with the short
bow and martial proficiency with the sling.
Racial Traits: Wood elves gain the following traits: Damage Reduction (Ex): You gain DR/cold iron equal to
your paragon level (i.e., DR 1/cold iron at 1st level, to a
Endure Elements (Ex): You have a permanent endure maximum of DR 5/cold iron at 5th level). However, you also
elements effect (as the spell, but the effect cannot be gain iron allergy 1 (see under Daoine Sidhe, above).
dispelled). Elfsight (Ex): An elf paragon has exceptional visual acuity.
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Elves are dazzled in bright sunlight Your racial bonus on Perception checks increases by +2. In
or within the radius of a daylight spell. Note that a forest addition, your low-light vision increases in range, allowing
canopy reduces sunlight from bright to normal light or you to see three times as far as a human in starlight,
even dim light (dense forest or forest on a cloudy day), moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor
mitigating this weakness. illumination.
Sidhe Magic (Sp): Your otherworldly heritage provides
Low-Light Vision (Ex): Wood elves can see twice as far as you with the following magical abilities:
humans in conditions of dim light. You gain the following spell-like abilities, if from the
Keen Senses (Ex): Wood elves receive a +2 racial bonus Magical Talent feat: dancing lights, daze, faerie fire.
on Perception skill checks when not in bright light. They
can also sense the planet’s magnetic field, allowing them
to use know direction at will.
Weapon Familiarity: Wood Elves have Martial proficiency
with bows and slings, heavy clubs, daggers, and hand axes.
Those who gain Martial proficiency in all weapons from a
class feature also gain Exotic proficiency with short bows.
Wood elves intensely dislike the touch of iron and steel, and
refuse to use arms and armor made from these materials;
they instead have flint-headed arrows, sling stones made
from baked ceramic, and, when possible, weapons crafted
using the ironwood spell.
Racial Progression: Wood Elves are eligible for the Wood
Elf Paragon (“Lledrith Sidhe”) class, allowing them to fully
regain their otherworldly heritage as Sidhe. It is rumored
that their demesnes are composed of a variety of sylvan demi-
planes, stitched together by shadowmasters using the Power
over Shadow feat, and that other creatures cannot enter them
without permissionm; whatever the truth of it, the Lledrith
Sidhe have the ability to sense adjacent planes.
In the Aviona campaign setting, it is unheard-of for a wood
elf to become a drow (see above); however, some referees
might allow it under unique circumstances.
Lledrith Sidhe Hit Dice: d8
Level BAB Special
1st +0 Damage reduction, elfsight, Sidhe magic
2nd +1 Elven woodcraft, elven archery
3rd +2 Attribute boost
4th +3 Careful speaker
5th +3 Elf-lord

Saving Throws: Lledrith Sidhe gain a +2 class bonus to

Reflex and Intuition saves.
In addition to being the dominant race in the Kingdoms of
You gain the following racial suite of spell-like abilities Northwind and Aramni, and on the Estren Frontier, humans
(Chapter 7): 1st—pass without trace, 2nd—hawkeyeCAd, represent a large fraction of the population of Aviona itself,
3rd—quench, 4th—tree stride, 5th—mirage arcana, 6th representing immigration from Northwind during the
—ironwood, 7th—control weather, 8th—create historical reign of the elf queen Silmar, and also a lesser
demiplaneUM, 9th—antipathy. You can choose to give up number of political refugees from Aramni from the time of
your racial spell-like abilities in exchange for Strong the occupation there.
theurgy towards druid or ranger spellcasting ability, or Physical Description: Humans in the Pinesvaald are
Weak theurgy towards one other casting progression. primarily fair-skinned caucasians, of Northwind ancestry; less
common are olive-skinned people from Aramni. Also
Lledrith Sidhe levels provide Strong synergy towards encountered are dark-skinned Flans and other swarthy folk of
druidical initiate abilities, both for gaining new ones and Continental stock, Orientals from distant lands (there is a
for determining the effects of initiate abilities you already sizeable enclave in Weimach), blacks from Hepmonaland, etc.
possess. A Lledrtih Sidhe without druid levels receives no Type: Humans are Humanoids. The vast majority live in
benefit from this feature. settlements, towns, communities, etc. and have the [civilized]
subtype, although those few living as savages in the
Elven Archery (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain the effects of the wilderness might have the [uncivilized] subtype.
Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization feats, applying to Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common.
all bows and slings. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any
Elven Woodcraft (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you are an languages they want (except secret languages, such as
heir to the legendary woodcraft of the sylvan elves. This Ogham).
manifests itself in the following ways: Typical Classes: Any. Humans are eligible for the Human
Paragon class (see below), and always treat it as a favored
Add half your Lledrith Sidhe class level to your favored class.
terrain (forest) bonus. Your maximum favored terrain Attribute Modifiers: Human characters get a +2 bonus to
bonus is equal to 2 + half your total character level, as one attribute score of their choice at creation.
noted in Chapter 1. Racial Feats: Humans gain one bonus feat that can be
You gain the tracking abilities (tracker, direction sense, used for anything desired, assuming the prerequisites are met
swift tracker, etc.) of a ranger equal to your Lledrith Sidhe (this takes the place of one racial feat and one trait). The
class level. If you have levels in ranger, your Lledrith Sidhe other racial feat can be used for any one of the following (the
levels instead provide Full synergy towards gaining these default selection from the Core rules is Open Minded):
abilities. Adaptable Nature: You receive one of the following as a
bonus feat: Adaptability, Deep Intuition, Great Fortitude,
Attribute Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, your Dexterity or Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (any one), or
Constitution score (your choice) increases by 2 points. Toughness.
Careful Speaker (Ex): At 4th level, you gain Careful Defiant Luck: You gain one free Hero Point (Chapter 1)
Speaker as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the Arcane per day. Unlike normal hero points, these cannot be
Resistance prerequisite (you must meet the other accumulated; if not used, they are lost. This subsumes the
prerequisites normally). feat of the same name, and also the human’s Inexplicable
Elf-Lord (Su): At 5th level, you fully join the ranks of the Luck feat, from the Advanced Race Guide.
sidhe. Your racial bonus to wisdom increases by +2. Your type
changes from Humanoid to Fey, and you are immortal unless Favored Terrain: You gain favored terrain (any one) as a
killed (you are also soulless, meaning you cannot be raised or bonus feat.
resurrected if killed). As a fey, you gain the [chaotic]
alignment descriptor. Finally, your blind-seeming eyes grant
you continuous see invisibility.

I know that the history of man is not his technical triumphs,
his kills, his victories. It is a composite, a mosaic of a trillion
pieces, the account of each man’s accommodation with his
conscience. This is the true history of the race.
―Jack Vance, The Last Castle (1966)
Human Paragon Hit Dice: d8
Open Minded: Humans are adaptable and learn easily. Level BAB Special
Those with this racial feat gain Open Minded as a bonus feat, 1st +0 Attribute boost, class synergy
granting 1 free skill rank per class level. 2nd +1 Attribute boost, bonus feat, theurgy
Racial Traits: The versatility of the unrestricted human 3rd +2 Attribute boost, defiance
bonus feat counts as one trait. In addition, select any one of
the following additional traits: 4th +3 Attribute boost, heroic defiance

Additional Favored Class (Ex): You have two favored Saving Throws: Human paragons gain a +2 class bonus to
classes, rather than one. all saving throws.
Bestow Luck (Ex): You can gain this trait only if you have Class Skills: Choose any ten skills as class skills. (Craft,
the Defiant Luck racial feat (q.v.). You can bestow an Knowledge, Perform, and Profession skills must be selected
unused hero point on an ally who can see and hear you as individually.)
an immediate action; this supersedes the feat of the same Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier (this does not
name from the Advanced Race Guide. include the bonus skill point at each level from the “Open
Minded” racial feat, if applicable).
Eye for Talent (Ex): You have great intuition for hidden Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Human paragons have
potential. You gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff checks to Simple proficiency with all weapons, and are proficient with
sense motive and to your Leadership score (if applicable). light armor. In addition, a human paragon gains Martial
In addition, if you acquire an animal companion, bonded Weapon Proficiency (any one weapon group) as a bonus feat.
mount, cohort, or familiar, that creature gains a +2 bonus Attribute Boost (Ex): At each new level in human paragon,
to one attribute score of your choice. you gain a +1 racial bonus to any attribute score of your
choice; this stacks with any existing racial bonuses. The
Heart of the Fields (Ex): Humans born in rural areas are boosts gained at higher levels can be applied to the same
used to hard labor. You gain Skill Synergy as a bonus feat score that you improved at 1st level, or to different score(s), at
(choose any three of the following synergy skills: your option.
Endurance, Handle Animal, one Craft skill, one Profession Class Synergy (Ex): Human paragons are endlessly
skill). adaptable. Human paragon levels provide Strong synergy
Heart of the Streets (Ex): Humans from bustling cities are towards the class features (not including spellcasting
skilled with crowds. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to progression) of all other classes.
AC and Reflex saves when adjacent to at least two allies. Bonus Feat (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain a bonus feat. Due to
the varied talents and adaptable nature of humans, this feat
Heart of the Wilderness (Ex): Humans raised in the wild can be any feat for which you meet the prerequisites.
learn the hard way that only the strong survive. Add half
your character level to your Constitution score when
determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill
Pathfinder Trait (Ex): You gain one of the traits from the
Pathfinder rules. However, the following traits are not
available: Heirloom Weapon (Adventurer’s Armory),
Reactionary (Advanced Players Guide). Also, the names
and descriptive “fluff” for setting-specific traits will
obviously need to be modified according to the campaign.
Sociable (Ex): If you attempt to change a creature’s
attitude with a Diplomacy check and fail by 5 or more, you
can try to influence the creature a second time even if 24
hours have not passed.
Weapon Familiarity: Humans have Simple proficiency
with all weapons. Those who possess Martial Weapon
Proficiency (heavy blades) gain free Exotic proficiency with
one specific heavy blade of their choice.
Racial Progression: Humans who push the boundaries of
experience may become human paragons. They turn
adversity into opportunity by finding new ways to apply their
skills, discovering new techniques to solve problems, and
challenging entropy by constantly seeking out ventures they
have not yet mastered. Humans, and the paragons who rise
from among them, balance strength with agility and temper
intellect with intuition.
Theurgy (Ex): Unlike the paragons of the various elder races,
human paragons do not gain racial spell-like abilities.
However, human paragon levels provide Weak theurgy
towards any existing spellcasting progression(s).
Defiance (Ex): The triumph of the human spirit over
adversity is difficult to suppress. At 3rd level, you gain
Defiance as a bonus feat. You also gain Heroic Defiance as a
bonus feat at 4th level.
Dwarf, Hill
As anyone familiar with Sicilian folk music will tell you, Racial Enmity (Ex): You gain a +1 favored enemy bonus
Giuliano is considered a national hero in many quarters. He (see ranger) against one of the following: civilized
epitomized many of the inherent contradictions and humanoids; dragons; uncivilized humanoids; or
conflicting impulses of Sicily itself. A populist and separatist monstrous humanoids and giants. Alternatively, you can
who saw himself as a liberator of his people, he nevertheless improve an existing favored enemy bonus by an additional
allowed himself to be the pawn in machinations and power +1.
plays that had little to do with improving the lot of the Sicilian
populace. At times too, it was hard to tell where his role as Stability (Ex): You gain a +1 racial bonus to your CMD to
insurrectionary leader broke off and his life of crime and resist bull rushes, overruns, and trips; each additional
banditry began. time you select this option, the bonus increases by +1.
―Nella Coputri,
Banditry and Organized Crime in Sicily (2005) Attribute Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2
A race of shepherds, smiths, and distillers from the Estren Charisma: Hill dwarves are tough and strong, but also tend to
Highlands, it is unknown at what time hill dwarves diverged look down on other races.
from their mountain brethren; they are the remnants of Racial Feats: Choose two of the following:
breakaway groups seeking liberation from the rigid class Additional Traits: Hill dwarves can gain two additional
structure under the mountains. traits in place of one racial feat.
Unlike humans and elves, hill dwarves are a comparatively
minor race in Aviona, with little role in politics or national Arcane Resistance (Ex): You receive a +1 racial bonus on
importance; those who are Avionan citizens are often saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. This
laborers, brewers, miners, metallurgists, or criminals. While bonus increases by an additional +1 per 5 Hit Dice you
off-duty, they keep to their own kind and drink ale, smoke possess.
tobacco, and sing maudlin songs. When found in the Estren
Highlands, hill dwarves are notorious as bandits. Backstabber (Ex): You gain sneak attack +1d6 (see Rogue
Physical Description: Hill dwarves are a short and stocky class description).
race, and stand about a foot shorter than most humans Defensive Training (Ex): You receive Giant-Slayer (see
(“Stump” is a derogatory term for a hill dwarf). They have tan Combat Feats) as a bonus feat.
or brown skin, brown or red-brown hair, and brown eyes.
Male and female dwarves pride themselves on the length of Highlander (Ex): You gain Favored Terrain (hills and
their hair, and male dwarves often decorate their beards with mountains) as a bonus feat.
a variety of clasps and intricate braids. They typically dress in
furs and/or armor.
Type: Peaceful and/or gainfully employed hill dwarves are
Humanoids [Civilized]. The many hill dwarves who live as
outcast brigands who stalk the highlands waylaying others, as
bandits, have the [uncivilized] subtype instead. All dwarves
also have the [Dwarf] subtype
Languages: Hill Dwarves begin play speaking Common
and Dwarven. Hill dwarves with high Intelligence scores can
choose from the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orcish,
Terran, and Wood Elf.
Typical Classes: Ranger, Rogue. Hill dwarves are eligible
for the Hill Dwarf Paragon (“Maahiset”) class (see below),
and always treat it as a favored class. When gaining a level in
a favored class, a hill dwarf has the following options (instead
of the standard +1 hp or +1 skill point):
Level BAB Special
Stubborn (Ex): You receive Arcane Defense (enchantment) 1st +1 Highlander, hill magic
as a bonus feat. In addition, if you fail a save against an 2nd +2 Warcraft, weapon training
enchantment effect, you receive another save 1 round later
to prematurely end the effect (assuming it has a duration 3rd +3 Hale
greater than 1 round). This second save is made at the 4th +4 Tenacity
same DC as the first. If you have a similar ability from
another source (such as a rogue's slippery mind), you can 5th +5 Dwarven immunities
only use one of these abilities per round, but can try the
other one on the second round if the first reroll ability Saving Throws: Maahisets gain a +2 class bonus to
fails. Fortitude and Will saves.
Bonus Skills: A maahiset receives one rank in Craft (any
Toughness: You gain Toughness as a bonus feat. one) and Endurance per paragon class level. These does not
count against your skill point total, but are otherwise treated
Racial Traits: All hill dwarves receive the following traits: as normal class skills.
Class Skills: Athletics, Concentration, Craft (any), Handle
Darkvision (Ex): You have darkvision 60 ft. Animal, Heal, Knowledge (lore), Knowledge (warfare),
Dwarven Craftsmanship (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy as a Profession (any), Stealth, and Survival.
bonus feat (synergy applies to all Craft checks and Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Knowledge: Lore). Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Maahisets have Martial
proficiency with all weapons and shields, and are proficient
Slow and Steady (Ex): Dwarves have a base land speed of with light and medium armor.
20 ft. per round, but their speed is never modified by Highlander (Ex): You gain favored terrain (hills and
armor or encumbrance. mountains), with a bonus equal to your hill dwarf paragon
level. If you already have this favored terrain, the existing
In addition, hill dwarves with the Additional Traits racial bonus increases by an additional +1 per class level. Your
feat gain any two of the following: maximum favored terrain bonus for hills and mountains is
equal to 2 + half your total character level (see Ranger).
Battle-Magic (Sp): As the Magical Talent feat; choose Hill Magic (Sp): You gain the following suite of racial spell-
magic stone or magic weapon; once selected, you cannot like abilities (Chapter 7): 1st—magic stone, 2nd—personal
change your mind. The chosen spell-like ability is usable barkskin, 3rd—greater magic weapon, 4th—divine power, 5th
once per day even if you have only 1 rank in —transmute rock to mud, 6th—heroes’ feast or move earth,
Concentration. 7th—symbol of stunning, 8th—earthquake, 9th—
Mordenkainen’s disjunction.
Endure Elements (Ex): You have a permanent endure
elements effect (as the spell, but the effect cannot be
Hardy (Ex): You receive a +4 racial bonus on saving
throws against [affliction] conditions.
Intimidating Prowess (Ex): You gain Intimidating
Prowess as a bonus feat.
Relentless (Ex): You are skilled at pushing your way
through a battlefield, tossing aside lesser foes with ease.
You gain Improved Bull Rush or Improved Overrun as a
bonus feat.
Weapon Familiarity: All hill dwarves have Martial
proficiency with axes, crossbows, and hammers. If proficient
with all martial weapons, you gain Exotic proficiency with
one specific weapon from one of the groups listed above.
Racial Progression: Known for their skill in warfare and
their ability to withstand hardship, hill dwarves grow as
strong as their highland homes. Hill dwarf paragons, known
as “Maahiset,” exemplify this strength, building upon their
already proven toughness, and promoting the crafts and
strengths of their people whenever possible.
Maahiset Hit Dice: d10
You can choose to lose your racial spell-like abilities in When gaining a level in a favored class, a mountain dwarf
exchange for Weak theurgy to any one existing spellcasting has the following options (instead of the standard +1 hp or +1
progression. skill point):
Maahiset levels also provide Weak synergy when
determining the effects of clerical domain powers, sorcerer Elder Craftsman: You gain a +1 competence bonus to any
bloodline powers, or incarnate revelations. Craft skill of your choice. You may select this option
Warcraft (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, Maahiset levels multiple times; each time, select a different Craft skill or
provide Strong synergy to your fighter level (if any) for increase the bonus of an existing skill by +1 (to a
purposes of determining the effects of any fighter talents you maximum such bonus equal to half your class level). This
possess, and to your rogue level (if any) when determining otherwise duplicates the effects of Skill Focus feat.
your sneak attack progression and the effects of combat
talents. Racial Enmity (Ex): You gain a +1 favored enemy bonus
Weapon Training (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain the effects of (see ranger) against one of the following groups:
the Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization feats, applying constructs and oozes; giants and monstrous humanoids;
to all axes. or uncivilized humanoids. Each time you select this bonus,
Hale (Ex): At 3rd level, your racial bonus to Constitution you can apply it to a different favored enemy or improve an
increases by an additional +2. existing favored enemy bonus by +1.
Tenacity: At 4th level, you gain Fight On as a bonus feat. Stability (Ex): You gain a +1 racial bonus to your CMD to
Dwarven Immunities (Ex): At 5th level, you are immune to resist bull rushes, overruns, and trips; each additional
[affliction] conditions (Chapter 1). In addition, you gain spell time you select this option, the bonus increases by +1.
resistance equal to 11 + your character level.
Dwarf, Mountain Attribute Modifiers: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, –2
Charisma: Mountain dwarves are both tough and wise, but
Who should the race Of dwarfs create are so well-integrated into their strict social hierarchy that
From the bloody sea And from Blain's bones. they have little personal presence; in a group, they tend to be
In the likeness of men Made they many followers rather than leaders.
Dwarfs in the earth, As Durin said. Racial Feats: Mountain dwarves automatically gain
―The Völuspá, as cited by Snorri Sturluson in Favored Terrain (underground) as a bonus feat. The bonus
The Prose Edda (ca. 1220) this provides to your Profession (Mining) skill supersedes the
Mountain dwarves are a stoic but stern race, ensconced in “stonecunning” ability from the core rules.
cities carved from the hearts of mountains and owing fealty In addition, choose one of the following options:
to a strong monarch of their own. It could be said that their
history shapes the dark disposition of the race, for they reside Arcane Resistance (Ex): You receive a +1 racial bonus on
below the high mountains, in dangerous realms below the saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. This
earth, constantly at war with giants, goblins, and other such bonus increases by an additional +1 per 5 Hit Dice you
horrors. Mountain dwarves deny any kinship with hill possess.
dwarves (q.v.). Armored Might (Ex): You gain light, medium, and heavy
Physical Description: Mountain dwarves superficially armor proficiency, and Martial proficiency with all shields.
resemble hill dwarves, although their skin is hard and gray,
and their hair is often gray, blond, or black. They dress in
armor (when proficient) or tunics. Their bones are
exceptionally dense.
Type: Mountain dwarves are Humanoids [Civilized], and
also have the [Dwarf] subtype
Languages: Mountain dwarves begin play speaking
Common and Dwarven. Dwarves with high Intelligence
scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Giant,
Gnome, Goblin, Orcish, Terran, and Undercommon.
Typical Classes: Fighter, Cleric. Mountain dwarves are
eligible for the Mountain Dwarf Paragon (“Dverge”) class (see
below), and always treat it as a favored class.
Hardy (Ex): You receive a +4 racial bonus on saving
Azer Blood (Ex): You receive the Arcane Defense feat, throws against [affliction] conditions.
which applies to spells and abilities with the [fire] descriptor.
In addition, you have resistance 5 to fire; this stacks with any Weapon Familiarity: All mountain dwarves have martial
existing resistance to fire. proficiency with hammers and picks. If proficient with all
martial weapons due to a class feature, they gain Exotic
Defensive Training (Ex): You receive Giant-Slayer (see proficiency with one specific hammer or pick of their choice.
Combat Feats) as a bonus feat. Racial Progression: Certain mountain dwarves becomes
paragons of their race: tenacious warriors and craftsmen
capable of producing mighty magic items. At the end of 8
Stone Warden (Ex): You gain a natural armor bonus to AC levels of Dverge progression (see below), a mountain dwarf is
equal to your Constitution modifier (maximum +1 per HD nearly identical to the Midgard Dwarf as described in
you possess). This bonus does not stack with any Dexterity Frostburn.
bonus to AC. Certain other mountain dwarves come to revel in evil and
greed, and forsake their kin—or are outcast by them—to
Stonesinger (Sp): If you have levels in cleric (Earth domain), dwell among the more dangerous races of the Underdark.
incarnate (metal or stone mystery), sorcerer (deep earth or These “gray dwarves,” or duergar, lose their hair and quickly
elemental earth bloodline), or wizard (earth elemental become emaciated in the struggle to survive away from the
esoteric branch), you gain Weak synergy from your other rest of dwarven society. The Duergar is presented here as a 2-
class levels when adjudicating the effects of the granted level paragon class for Mountain Dwarves.
powers, revelations, or school powers associated with that
domain, mystery, bloodline, or school. A dwarf with this racial
feat and the acid resistance trait emulates an oread, from the
Pathfinder Bestiary 2.
Racial Traits: You receive the following traits:
Darkvision (Ex): The range of your existing darkvision
increases by 40 ft., providing a total range of 60 ft. when
combined with your favored terrain.
Dwarf-Lore (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy as a bonus feat
(synergy applies to all Craft checks and to Knowledge:
Slow and Steady (Ex): Dwarves have a base land speed of
20 ft. per round, but their speed is never modified by
armor or encumbrance.
You may choose one or both of the negative traits listed
below, although this is not required. If you choose one or both
negative traits, you also gain one additional optional trait
from the list below per negative trait selected. Alternatively,
you can take both negative traits and choose an additional
racial feat.
Agoraphobia (weakness): The first time each day that you
venture outdoors (aboveground) during daylight hours,
you must succeed at a DC 15 Will save. If you fail, you are
shaken whenever you are outdoors for the remainder that
Light Sensitivity (weakness): You are dazzled in bright
Additional Traits List:
Acid Resistance (Ex): You gain resistance 5 to acid.
Battle-Magic (Sp): As the Magical Talent feat; choose
magic stone or magic weapon; once selected, you cannot
change your mind. The chosen spell-like ability is usable
once per day even if you have less than 2 ranks in
Master Smith (Ex): Add half your Dverge class level as a
Dverge Hit Dice: d10 racial bonus to all Craft checks; this stacks with the bonus
Level BAB Special
from your racial traits. Also add half your Dverge level as a
racial bonus to Spellcraft checks. When crafting items, you
1st +1 Forge magic spend 10% less gold for raw materials. You also require 50%
2nd +2 Master smith, spell resistance less time to create those items (this supersedes the Arcane
Builder discovery from Ultimate Magic). Items you personally
3rd +3 Alternate form, natural armor +1 craft count only half of their effective price towards your
4th +4 Dvalinn’s gift magical item affinity score (“numen”—see Chapter 6). If you
have levels in generalist wizard, the total cost reduction for
5th +5 Son of Niðavellir, natural armor +2 raw materials is 20%, and you can make items in one-fourth
the normal time.
6th +6 Mótsognir’s roar Spell Resistance (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain spell
7th +7 Curse, natural armor +3 resistance equal to your total character level + your number
of levels in Dverge (for example, a dverge 4 with no other
8th +8 Attribute boosts class levels has SR 8; a mountain dwarf wizard 4/dverge 4
has SR 12).
Saving Throws: Dverge gain a +2 class bonus to Fortitude, Alternate Form (Sp): At 3rd level, you learn to assume the
Intuition, and Will saves. form of certain Tiny animals at will, as if by a beast shape II
Bonus Skills: Dverge receive one free rank per class level spell. Choose from the following: badger, otter, raven, salmon,
in Concentration, Craft (smith) and Spellcraft. These do not or weasel.
count against your skill point total, but are otherwise treated Natural Armor (Ex): At 3rd level, your skin begins to
as class skills. become as hard as the metals you work at your forge. You
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft (any), Endurance, Escape Artist, gain a +1 natural armor bonus, or improve your existing
Knowledge (lore), Knowledge (the planes), Planar Sense, and natural armor bonus by an additional +1. You gain another +1
Profession (mining). Mountain dwarf paragons generally at 5th and 7th levels.
select Craft (lapidary) as their secondary skill (Chapter 4), in Dvalinn’s Gift (Ex): At 4th level, you gain full access to the
order to make the most of their Master Smith ability. Rune domain, including bonus spells, domain powers, and
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. variant channeling. If you have no spellcasting ability, you
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dverge have Martial gain the domain bonus spells as a suite of racial spell-like
proficiency with all weapons and shields, and are proficient abilities (Chapter 7). If you have spellcasting ability, you can
with light, medium, and heavy armor. select Rune domain spells in place of your normal bonus
Then went Loki to the dwarfs that are called the Sons of spells.
Ivaldi, and they made the golden hair and ship Skidbladner, Son of Niðavellir (Ex): At 5th level, your type changes to
and the spear that Odin owned and is called Gungnir. Outsider [native]. You no longer suffer attribute penalties for
Thereupon Loki wagered his head with the dwarf, who hight aging, and are effectively immortal unless killed. You also
Brok, that his brother Sindri would not be able to make three receive a +1 racial modifier to Strength, Dexterity,
other treasures equally as good as these were. Constitution, and Intelligence; these bonuses stack with
―Snorri Sturluson, The Prose Edda (ca. 1220) existing racial modifiers.
Forge Magic (Ex, Sp): Dverge are paragon magical Mótsognir’s Roar (Ex): At 6th level, you receive a +2 racial
craftsmen. At 1st level, you gain the following: bonus to Charisma (effectively removing the -2 you originally
Imbue Item as a bonus feat (if you already have this feat, had for being a mountain dwarf).
you gain no additional benefit). Curse (Sp): Starting at 7th level, once per year as a
standard action you can lay a powerful curse on someone
who has wronged you (usually by stealing from you, injuring
Domain Access (Artifice domain) as a bonus feat, using you, or killing a close relation). This functions like bestow
your Craft (smith) skill in place of Knowledge (the planes). curse (DC 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier),
If you have levels in Cleric or Archivist, your Dverge levels except that the range is unlimited, and the spell is
provide Full synergy towards your granted powers from dismissible. You must be able to see or describe his target
the Artifice domain. (for example, “the thief who took my gold, wherever he is” or
“the one who killed Snorri”) and the target must be guilty of
If you have no spellcasting ability, you gain the spells from the injury you specify. Dwarves on the brink of falling in battle
the Artifice Domain or Dwarf Domain (choose one) as a have been known to forego an attack in order to curse the
suite of racial spell-like abilities (Chapter 7). enemy who is about to defeat them.
If you have spellcasting ability, your Dverge levels instead
provide Weak theurgy to one existing spellcasting
Instead of targeting a person, you can choose to curse any Gnomes are fey creatures that can be found in small,
item you personally have crafted; the curse then affects insular clans in the Griffin Peaks of Northwind or in other
anyone possessing the item. hilly, rocky areas (these are called “rock gnomes”); dwelling in
Attribute Boosts (Ex): At 8th level, you gain an additional the hollows of ancient trees in the elf-lands (“forest gnomes”);
+1 racial bonus to Str, Dex, Con, Int, and Charisma. or living in the cellars of buildings, among elves or men in
cities (“city gnomes”). Rock gnomes are obnoxious and
Duergar Hit Dice: d10 disinclined to speak with (or be seen by) outsiders. Forest
Level BAB Special
gnomes are furtive around bigger folk, although they are
friendly with animals, druids, elf children, and halflings. City
1st +1 Favored terrain, light sensitivity, sneaky, spell- gnomes are great faddists, and while liked for their
like abilities outlandish sense of humor, many people of other races find
their humor bizarre or downright incomprehensible.
2nd +2 Duergar immunities, spell theurgy
Physical Description: Think Huygen & Poortvliet, rather
than Golarion. Gnomes are very small (3 feet tall), with
outrageously large noses. Young gnomes have pale, soft skin;
Saving Throws: Duergar gain a +2 class bonus to as they age, their skin darkens, becoming tan and eventually
Fortitude and Will saves. dark brown; it also toughens, so that an elderly gnome’s skin
Bonus Skills: You gain 1 free rank per duergar level in is like tree bark. Gnomes are occasionally thin, but more
Concentration and Profession (mining). These are otherwise often stocky. Their hair is blonde or black in youth, becoming
treated as a class skill. white or gray (respectively) as they age; they do not sport the
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft (any), Endurance, Escape Artist, Cyndi Lauper day-glo colors of their Pathfinder namesakes.
Knowledge (lore), Perception, and Stealth. Type: Gnomes are Fey, rather than humanoids; they are
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. immune to humanoid-specific spells such as hold person. As
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Duergar have Martial fey, gnomes have the [chaotic] alignment descriptor.
proficiency with all weapons and shields, and are proficient Languages: Gnomes begin play speaking Common and
with light, medium, and heavy armor. They also gain Exotic Gnome. Gnomes with high Intelligence scores can choose
proficiency with warhammers. from the following: Dwarven, High Elvish, Wood Elf, Giant,
Favored Terrain (Ex): Your existing favored terrain Goblin, Sylvan, and Terran.
(underground) bonus from starting off as a mountain dwarf Typical Classes: Ranger, Druid, Illusionist (gnomes always
increases by +1 per Duergar level, increasing the range of treat illusionist as a favored class, even if they choose a
your darkvision to at least 100 ft. by 2nd level, and providing different one at 1st level). Gnomes are also eligible for the
you with a burrow speed of 5 ft. at 2nd level (see Ranger). Gnome Paragon class (see below), and always treat it as a
Light Sensitivity (Ex): At 1st level, you gain light favored class. When gaining a level in a favored class, instead
sensitivity, assuming you didn’t already have that trait. If you of choosing +1 hp or +1 skill point, a gnome can choose the
already had light sensitivity, it becomes light blindness following:
Sneaky: You are adept at avoiding your former kin, and the Favored Enemy (Ex): You gain a +1 favored enemy bonus
horrors that dwell in your underdark home. At 1st level, you (see ranger) against aberrations, uncivilized humanoids,
gain Skill Focus (Stealth) as a bonus feat. Your commitment oozes, or vermin, or improve an existing favored enemy
to darkness also imposes the [evil] alignment descriptor on bonus by +1.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At 1st level, you gain Magical Attribute Modifiers: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, –2
Talent as a bonus feat (Chapter 5); the associated spell-like Strength. Gnomes are physically weak but surprisingly hardy.
abilities are enlarge person (self only) and reduce person (self They tend to be very cautious, especially of bigger folk.
only). These are usable 1/day even if you have only 1 rank in Racial Feats: Choose any two of the following:
Concentration. At 2nd level you gain invisibility (self only); Camouflage (Sp): You gain Magical Talent (blur—self only)
likewise usable at least 1/day with only 2 ranks in as a bonus feat. You can use thus ability once per day, even
Concentration. if you have only 1-3 ranks in Concentration.
Duergar Immunities: Starting at 2nd level, you are
immune to paralysis, phantasms, and poison. Defensive Training (Ex): You gain Giant-Slayer (see
Spell Theurgy: Duergar levels provide Weak theurgy Combat Feats) as a bonus feat.
towards any one existing psionic or spellcasting progression.
Holger didn’t see him till a hand plucked at his trousers
and a bass voice rumbled, “Here I be.” Looking down, he saw
a knotty, earthbrown man with jug handle ears, outsize nose,
and white beard, clad in a brown jacket and breeches, with
bare splay feet. The man was not quite three feet tall.
“This is Hugi,” said Mother Gerd. “He’ll be your guide to
Faerie.” ―Poul Anderson,
Three Hearts and Three Lions (1953)
Speak with Forest Animals (Su) (forest gnome only): You
Favored Terrain (Ex): You gain Favored Terrain as a bonus can speak with animals, as if under a continuous speak
feat. The type of terrain depends on your sub-race: city with animals spell.
gnomes have urban; forest gnomes have forests; and rock Speak with Burrowing Animals (Su) (rock gnome only):
gnomes have hills and mountains or underground (choose You can speak with burrowing animals, as if under a
one) as their favored terrain. continuous speak with animals spell.
Gnome Magic (Sp): You gain Spell Focus (illusion) as a bonus Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes have Martial proficiency
feat. If your Charisma is 11 or higher you also gain the with light hammers, light picks, and spears. Those with
following spell-like abilities, as if from the Magical Talent feat martial proficiency in all weapons (due to a class feature)
—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation. gain Exotic proficiency with any one of the previously-listed
Illusion Resistance (Ex): You gain Arcane Defense (illusion)
as a bonus feat, and are immune to the color spray spell.
Magical Linguist (Sp) (city gnome only): You add a +1 racial
bonus to the DC of spells you cast with the language-
dependent descriptor or those that create glyphs, symbols, or
other magical writings. If your Charisma is 11 or higher, you
gain the following spell-like abilities, as if from the Magical
Talent feat: arcane mark, message.
Nonedetection (Su): You are continuously affected as if by a
nondetection spell (effective caster level equal to your
character level, even if your number of ranks in Concentration
is less than that).
Pass without Trace (Su): You are continuously affected as if
by a pass without trace spell. You can suppress or resume this
ability as a free action.
Racial Traits: Gnomes have the following traits:
Low-Light Vision (Ex): Gnomes can see twice as far as
humans in conditions of dim light.
Small Size: Gnomes are Small creatures and gain a +1
size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –
1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat
Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth
checks. Their base land speed is 20 ft. per round, rather
than 30 ft. per round.
In addition, choose any two of the following:
Gift of Tongues (Ex) (city gnome only): Gnomes with this
racial trait gain a +1 racial bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy
checks, and they learn to speak and read one additional
language every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill
(rather than having to choose whether to speak or read).
Keen Senses (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy (as the bonus
feat) in Craft (Alchemy) and Perception.
Skill Knack (Ex): You gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat. If
you are a city gnome, you receive Skill Focus in any one
Craft, Knowledge, Perform, or Profession skill of your
choice; forest gnomes instead gain Skill Focus in Handle
Animal or Survival; rock gnomes gain Skill Focus in Craft
(Construction) or Profession (Mining).
Racial Progression: Gnome paragon class levels grant fey Fey Shroud (Su): At 2nd level, you have a 5% miss chance
racial hit dice, as described below. Alternatively, some rock (as if from partial concealment) against all opponents; this
gnomes, instead of venturing forth from their hilly homes, dig miss chance is negated once an opponent actually strikes
ever deeper into the earth and eventually find homes deep you. The initial miss chance improves by 5% per gnome
underground, as Deep Gnomes. A deep gnome's ties to the paragon level thereafter, to a maximum of 20% at 5th level.
eerie realm of the fey are even stronger than those of their This ability supersedes the Haunted Gnome Shroud feat
surface-dwelling gnome kin, and this makes them either from Ultimate Combat. It overlaps with (does not stack with)
strangely detached from their emotions or violently random other miss chances, as from a blur or displacement spell, the
in their outbursts. They also gain powers related to rock and Wind Stance feat, or the cloak of shadow illusionist ability.
stone, becoming equivalent to svirfneblin (Bestiary) and Gnome Cunning (Ex): At 3rd level, your Intelligence,
eventually to pech (Bestiary 2). Wisdom, or Charisma score (your choice) increases by 2
Gnome Paragon Hit Dice: d6 Evasion (Ex): At 4th level, you gain evasion, as the rogue
Level BAB Special
class feature. If you have levels in rogue, your Gnome
Paragon level instead provides Full synergy towards gaining
1st +0 Damage reduction, gnome trickery, keen senses improvements.
2nd +1 Fey shroud True Seeing (Su): A 5th level gnome paragon gains the
continuous effects of a true seeing spell as a supernatural
3rd +1 Gnome cunning ability.
4th +2 Evasion
5th +2 True seeing
Deep Gnome Hit Dice: d6
Level BAB Special
Saving Throws: Gnome paragons gain a +2 class bonus to 1st +0 Damage reduction, deep magic, favored terrain
Reflex and Intuition saves.
Bonus Skills: You gain 1 free rank per gnome paragon 2nd +1 Agile dodge, twilight luck
level in Concentration, Handle Animal, Planar Sense, and 3rd +1 Nondetection, spell resistance
Stealth. These are otherwise treated as a class skills. 4th +2 Earth mastery, light blindness, natural armor,
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Bluff, Craft (any), strength of stone
Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Knowledge (any), Perception,
Perform (any), Profession (any), Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, 5th +2 Immunities, stone knowledge
and Survival. 6th +3 Cooperative magic
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Gnome paragons have Saving Throws: As fey, deep gnomes gain a +2 class bonus
Simple proficiency with all weapons and shields, and are to Reflex and Intuition saves. Your connection with the earth
proficient with light armor. also provides a +2 class bonus to Fortitude saves.
Gnome Trickery (Sp): Your fey heritage provides you with Bonus Skills: Deep gnomes automatically gain 1 rank per
the following magical abilities: class level in Concentration, Craft (construction) and
Profession (mining). These are treated as class skills, except
You gain the following suite of racial spell-like abilities you need not spend any skill points on them.
(Chapter 7): 1st—camouflageMF, 2nd—mirror image, 3rd Class Skills: Athletics, Craft (any), Disable Device,
—nondetection, 4th—greater invisibility, 5th—mislead, 6th Endurance, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Knowledge (any),
—quickened mirror image, 7th—quickened greater Perception, Profession (any), Stealth, and Survival.
invisibility, 8th—screen, 9th—time stop. You can choose to Skill Points at Each Level: 3 + Int modifier.
give up these spell-like abilities in exchange for Strong Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Deep gnomes have
theurgy towards illusionist spellcasting, or Weak thurgy Simple proficiency with all weapons and shields, and are
towards any one other spellcasting progression. proficient with light armor. They also gain Exotic proficiency
with heavy picks.
If you are an illusionist, Gnome paragon levels provide Damage Reduction (Ex): You gain DR/cold iron in an
Strong synergy for purposes of determining your amount equal to your Deep Gnome level (maximum DR
specialist bonus, your school powers, and the level at 6/cold iron at 6th level).
which your school powers function. Deep Magic (Sp/Ex): The magic of the earth and stones
rests in you. You gain the [Earth] subtype, and each of the
Damage Reduction (Ex): You gain DR/cold iron in an following, as applicable:
amount equal to your gnome paragon level.
Keen Senses (Ex): A gnome paragon's racial bonus on
Perception checks and Craft (alchemy) checks increases by
Stone Knowledge (Ex): Starting at 5th level, your
You gain the following suite of racial spell-like abilities knowledge of earth and stone grants a +1 racial bonus on
(Chapter 7): 1st—disguise self, 2nd—summon nature’s ally II attack and damage rolls and the benefits of the Improved
(Small earth elemental) or blur, 3rd—stone shape or Critical feat against creatures and objects made of stone or
blindness/deafness or meld into stone, 4th—wall of stone, 5th earth or with the [earth] subtype.
—stone tell, 6th—flesh to stone or stone to flesh, 7th— Cooperative Magic (Sp): An experienced deep gnome can
summon nature’s ally VII (greater earth elemental), 8th manage a cooperative group, working together to use higher-
—earthquake, 9th—clashing rocksAPG. level spell-like abilities than he or she would otherwise be
capable of. For every two assistants with at least one level of
Deep Gnome, you can increase your effective number of
A deep gnome with levels in incanate (Stone mystery), ranks in Concentration (for purposes accessing and casting
sorcerer (Deep Earth or Earth Elemental bloodline), or racial spell-like abilities only) by +1. This is a specific
wizard (illusionist or Earth elementalist) can choose to give exception to the rule against increasing your caster level
up all spell-like abilities in exchange for Strong spell theurgy. above your total number Hit Dice (Chapter 1). Each assistant
must be adjacent to you during the casting, and each must
Also, if you have levels in cleric (Earth domain), incarnate use a full-round action to take part.
(Stone mystery), sorcerer (Deep Earth or Elemental Earth
bloodline), or wizard (illusionist or earth elemental specialist), Goblin
your deep gnome levels provide Strong synergy for purposes The horse was coming down the trail at a sloppy gallop.
of determining your bloodline/domain/revelation/ school Bestriding it was a small and dumpy figure that bounced
powers and their effects. most amazingly with each motion of its mount. It was a far
Favored Terrain (Ex): You gain favored terrain from graceful rider, with its elbows thrust out on either side
(underground), as the ranger class feature, with a bonus of it, flapping like a pair of wings.
equal to your Deep Gnome level, with a maximum bonus The horse came tearing down the slope and swung out on
equal to half your total character level +2. You gain double the the green. It was no more graceful than its rider, but a shaggy
normal darkvision range from this ability (i.e., 20 ft. per +1 plow horse, and its mighty hoofs, beating like great hammers,
bonus, rather than 10 ft., for a maximum range of 120 ft. at a tore up clods of turf and flung them far behind it. It came
favored terrain bonus of +6). straight at the flier, almost as if intent on running over it, then
Agile Dodge (Ex): Deep gnomes become increasingly at the last moment wheeled clumsily and came to a
adept at evading the horrid threats that dwell in the shuddering halt, to stand with its sides heaving in and out like
Underdark. At 2nd level, you gain a +2 racial bonus to bellows, and snorting through its flabby nostrils.
Dexterity, and gain Dodge as a bonus feat. Its rider slid awkwardly off its back and when he hit the
Twilight Luck (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you gain a +2 ground, exploded in a gust of wrath.
luck bonus to all saving throws. "It is them no-good bummers!" he shouted. "It is them
Nondetection (Su): Starting at 3rd level, you are under the lousy trolls!”
constant effects of nondetection (as the spell), with a caster ―Clifford Simak, The Goblin Reservation (1968)
level equal to your total character level (even if your number In the wild, goblins dwell in tribes in mountain caves,
of ranks in Concentration is less than that). If you already ruined castles, or forest bramble thickets, along with their
have this as a gnomish racial feat, the caster level of the effect larger bugbear kin (see below). In civilized lands, goblin
increases by +2. bands sometimes skulk at the edges of cities in Roma-like
Spell Resistance (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you gain spell shanty towns; the goblins themselves are viewed with deep
resistance equal to 11 + your character level. mistrust, as likely thieves and probable murderers as well.
Earth Mastery (Ex): At 4th level, you gain the [earth] They therefore fill much the same niche as the Pathfinder
subtype. You also gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls ratfolk (Advanced Race Guide), some of whose trait options
if both you and your foes are touching the ground. If an are included here.
opponent is airborne or waterborne, you take a –4 penalty on Physical Description: A goblin stands 3 to 3½ feet tall and
attack and damage rolls. weighs about 45 pounds. Its eyes vary in color from yellow to
Light Blindness (Ex): By 4th level, your pupils have pitch black. A mountain goblin’s skin color ranges from
disappeared, leaving you with blank, bulging white eyes. You yellow through any shade of orange, gray, or brown to a deep
are blinded for 1 round if exposed to bright light. You are brick red; forest breeds are green instead. Goblins tend to
dazzled as long as you remain in areas of bright light. wear clothing of dark leather, preferring drab, soiled-looking
Natural Armor (Ex): At 4th level, you gain a +2 bonus to colors.
natural armor; this increases to +4 at 5th level.
Strength of Stone (Ex): At 4th level, you gain a +2 racial
bonus to Strength (essentially eliminating the -2 racial
penalty from being a gnome). The bonus to Strength
increases by an additional +2 per class level thereafter, to a
maximum of +6 at 6th level.
Immunities (Ex): Starting at 5th level, you are immune to
illusions and petrifaction.
Type: Goblins are Humanoids [Uncivilized]. They also have Eat Anything (Ex): Raised with little or no proper food,
the [goblinoid] subtype. many goblins have learned to survive by eating whatever
Languages: Goblins begin play speaking Goblin. Goblins they happen across and can digest nearly anything without
with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: getting sick. You gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws
Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnome, Halfling, Orcish, and against [affliction] conditions.
Sylvan. Keen Senses (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy as a bonus feat
Typical Classes: Rogue, Wizard. Goblin wizards (“pukje”) (Craft: alchemy and Perception).
often live in the mountains, and are renowned for their skill at
alchemy. All goblins treat rogue as a favored class, even if Scavenger (Ex): Goblins who live within the boundaries of
they select a different one at 1st level. Goblins with human human cities survive by scavenging for refuse and hunting
blood (hobgoblins—see Appendix A) are eligible for the stray animals. You gain Skill Synergy (Perception and
Goblin Paragon class (see below), and always treat that as a Survival) as a bonus feat, and can use Survival to forage
favored class. for food while in a city.
Attribute Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, –2
Charisma. Goblins are agile and hardy, but a lifetime and Swarming (Ex): Goblins are used to living and fighting
ancestral heritage of skulking in the shadows means that they communally, and are adept at swarming foes for their own
have very little presence or magnetism to speak of. gain and their foes' detriment. Up to two goblins with this
Racial Feats: Goblins gain the following racial feats: trait can share the same square at the same time. If two
goblins in the same square attack the same foe, they are
Additional Traits: Goblins gain two additional traits, considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two
reflected below. opposite squares.
Favored Terrain (Ex): You gain Favored Terrain Tinker (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy (Disable Device,
(underground, hills/mountains, or forests, depending on Spellcraft) as a bonus feat.
where you come from) as a bonus feat.
Racial Traits: All goblins share the following traits:
Small size: Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to
their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to
their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver
Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Darkvision (Ex): Goblins have darkvision with a 60 ft.
Fast (Ex): Despite their small size, goblins have a base
speed of 30 ft., rather than 20 ft.
Sneaky (Ex): Goblins gain Skill Focus (Stealth) as a bonus

In addition, choose two of the following (from your

Additional Traits racial feat):
Bite (Ex): Goblins are known for their balloon-like heads
and enormous maws, but some have even more
exaggeratedly large heads filled with razor-sharp teeth.
You gain a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage.
Brewer (Ex): Craft (Alchemy) as a bonus feat.
Wolf-rider (Ex): You gain Skill Focus (Handle Animal) as a I suppose hobbits need some description nowadays, as they
bonus feat. have become rare and shy of the Big People, as they call us.
Weapon Familiarity: Goblins have Martial Weapon They are (or were) a little people, about half our height, and
Proficiency with bludgeons, cutlasses (“dogslicers”), spears, smaller than the bearded dwarves. There is little or no magic
and with either one ranged weapon of their choice or with about them, except for the ordinary everyday sort which helps
halberds (“horse-choppers”). Those proficient with all martial them disappear quietly and quickly when large stupid folk
weapons from a class feature receive Exotic proficiency with like you and me come blundering along… They are inclined to
the cutlass, halberd, or spear (choose one). be fat in the stomach; they dress in bright colours (chiefly
Racial Progression: Certain exceptionally powerful and green and yellow); wear no shoes, because their feet grow
bloodthirsty goblins choose to advance by racial hit dice, natural leathery soles and thick warm brown hair like the
following the goblin paragon (“Bugbear”) class to eventually stuff on their heads (which is curly); have long clever brown
become full bugbears. To create a bugbear, start with the fingers;, good natured faces, and laugh deep fruity laughs
Hobgoblin half-breed race (see Appendix A) to represent a (especially after dinner, which they have twice a day if they
particularly large and strong goblin, then take class levels as can get it).
follows. The creature type of a goblin with levels in Bugbear ―J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit (1937)
changes to Monstrous Humanoid. Halflings (“hobbits” to elves, or simply “hobs,” among
themselves) are the exception to the Avionan rule of racial
Bugbear Hit Dice: d10 tolerance; they get teased a lot, and learn to just deal with it
Level BAB Special (there's really nothing they can do about it, as they are
smaller and weaker than all the other races except the
1st +1 Catch off-guard, intimidating prowess, natural gnomes, and less intelligent than all but the hill dwarves).
Groups of halflings are typically under the protection of an
2nd +2 Scent, sneak attack +1d6 elven noble, like the Teckla in Steven Brust’s Dragaera
3rd +3 Attribute boost (+2 Str) novels. Although legally entitled to full citizenship, they are
treated like second-class citizens, and have an unusually high
Saving Throws: Bugbears retain the quickness and incidence of servants, etc. vs. better jobs. This treatment
cunning of their goblin heritage, and also the hardiness and might explain why halflings make such good rogues.
will of a hobgoblin. Bugbears gain a +2 class bonus to all In any event, halflings, as a "hard-working, industrious"
saving throws. race, respond well to recognition, advancement opportunity,
Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (any), Disable Device, and pay, and can be the most loyal and efficient of all
Endurance, Heal, Perception, Stealth, and Survival. servants, if they don't end up as thieves (since they tend to
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier. dislike adventures and such, this is not unlikely). In rural
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Goblin paragons have areas, halflings are overwhelmingly found serving as farm
Simple proficiency with all weapons and shields, and have hands, or in segregated halfling villages consisting of two or
Martial proficiency with bludgeoning weapons (they prefer three extremely large extended families.
spiked maces) and javelins. They are proficient with light and Despite their generally low social status, halflings often
medium armor. conduct themselves as if they were great and important
Catch Off Guard: You gain Catch Off-Guard as a bonus personages, inventing grandiose nicknames for themselves
feat at 1st level, allowing you to use maces as thrown and elaborate tales of their greatness. One on one or in small
weapons. groups, they are headstrong, full of life, and very difficult to
Intimidating Prowess (Ex): You gain Intimidating ignore.
Prowess as a bonus feat. Physical Description: Avionan halflings are small (about
Natural Armor (Ex): You gain a natural armor bonus equal 3½ feet tall), with skin color varying from fair to dark; many
to your goblin paragon class level. This stacks with any individuals also have light and dark skin in markings (a ring
existing natural armor bonus you may possess (or around an eye, pale skin and black hands, etc.) or are actually
subsequently gain). piebald. Female halflings ("jills") in Aviona are typically
Scent (Ex): At 2nd level, a bugbear becomes hairy and exceptionally curvy (quite unlike the anorexic things depicted
bestial. Your nostrils widen and become sensitive to smells, in the 3rd edition art). All halflings are generally hirsute,
giving you the scent special ability. although they cannot grow beards (males often wear long
Sneak Attack (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain sneak attack, as mutton-chop sideburns to make up for it).
the rogue class feature of the same name. This stacks with Halflings are fecund, and twins, triplets, etc. are more
any existing sneak attack ability (although your maximum common in halflings than in other races. As a balancing
number of sneak attack dice is always limited to half your factor, some 1% of halfling females have four breasts, rather
total number of Hit Dice, rounded up). than the standard two; perhaps 1% of those have six instead
Attribute Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, you reach your full (three rows of two). Approximately one male in 200 has a
growth as a bugbear. Your height is seven feet, and you third testicle.
receive an additional +2 racial bonus to Strength.
Progression: Goblin paragons can tap into fiendish
heritage as well by taking levels in Planetouched (worghest),
as described in Appendix C.

Type: Halflings are Humanoids [Civilized]. Skillyman (Ex): You are adept at stitching small spells into
Languages: Halflings begin play speaking Common and boots, cloaks, and so on. You gain Imbue Item as a bonus
Halfling. Halflings with high Intelligence scores can choose feat, and one free rank per class level in Craft
from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin. (needlework).
Typical Classes: Rogue, Bard. All halflings treat rogue as a
favored class (in addition to any other favored class they Racial Traits: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1
select at 1st level). Halflings are also eligible for the Halfling size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1
Paragon class (see below), and always treat that as a favored penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat
class as well. Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Attribute Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Their base land speed is 20 ft. per round, rather than 30 ft.
Strength. Halflings are agile, headstrong, and likeable, but per round, and their carrying capacity is ¾ that of a Medium
their small stature grants them poor leverage and makes creature.
them weaker than other races. They may also choose three of the following traits:
Racial Feats: Halflings choose two of the following:
Animal Senses (Ex): You receive a +2 racial bonus on
Auspices (Sp): Once per week you can use augury as a Perception checks.
spell-like ability by interpreting the flight of birds. You Athletic Prowess (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy (Athletics,
must be outdoors to use this ability. If you are trained in Stealth) as a bonus feat.
Concentration, you can use this ability once per day per 4
ranks you possess. Bravery (Ex): You have been so terrified for so long that it
is difficult to affect you further. Whenever you are
Beginner’s Luck (Ex): You are adept at making your way in subjected to a fear effect, the intensity is lowered by one
a world filled with bigger, more powerful, more step (cowering or panicked to frightened, frightened to
experienced creatures. You gain Beginner’s Luck as a shaken, shaken to no effect). This stacks with the fighter’s
bonus feat. Bravery class feature, if applicable.
Favored Terrain (Ex): You gain Favored Terrain as a bonus
feat, selecting plains if you grew up in rural areas, or cities
if in an urban center.
Good Companion (Ex): Once per day, when one of your
allies within 30 feet makes a saving throw, you may roll
the same saving throw as if you were the one subject to
the effect requiring it. Your ally may choose to use your
saving throw in place of his own. You may use this ability
after your ally has rolled, but before the referee declares if
the roll was a success or failure (this supersedes the
Lucky Halfling feat).
Halfling Jinx (Su): You have the ability to curse another
creature within 30 ft. with bad luck (-1 penalty to all saving
throws; Intuition negates, DC 10 + half your character
level + your Charisma modifier) at will as a standard
action. This jinx lasts for 24 hours or until you jinx
another creature. Source: Halflings of Golarion.
Halfling Luck (Su): You receive a +1 luck bonus on all
saving throws.
Halfling Magic (Sp): You gain Spell Focus (Divination) as a
bonus feat. You also gain the following spell-like abilities,
per the Magical Talent feat: keep dry, mending, predict
Halfling Nimbleness: You can move through the spaces of
hostile creatures that are larger than you without
provoking attacks of opportunity.
Hard-Headed (Ex): You gain Arcane Defense against
illusions as a bonus feat. In addition, you are immune to
the color spray spell.
Keen Scent (Ex): You gain the Scent special ability.
You gain the following suite of racial spell-like abilities
Endure Elements (Ex): You have a permanent endure (Chapter 7): 1st—magic stone, 2nd—aid, 3rd—remove
elements effect (as the spell, but the effect cannot be disease, 4th—divination, 5th—faithful hound, 6th—antilife
dispelled). shell, 7th—animate plants, 8th—moment of prescience,
9th—foresight. You can choose to give up your racial spell-
like abilities in exchange for Weak theurgy to one
Helpful (Ex): When you use the Aid Another action, the spellcasting progression of your choice, or Strong theurgy
normal bonus you provide is +4, rather than +2. You can use towards the advancement of rogue skill tricks.
Improved Aid Another normally (see Skills).
Multi-Talented (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, halfling paragon
Magic Stone (Sp): You gain Magical Talent (magic stone) as a levels provide Strong synergy towards any of the following:
bonus feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisite. bardic inspiration (uses per day and college available, but not
Outrider (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy (Handle Animal, effortless inspiration); effective cleric level for effects of
Survival) as a bonus feat. Domain granted powers (this does not stack with your hedge
magic ability); evasion; sneak attack.
Practicality (Ex): Halflings are grounded in hard work and Weapon Training (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain the effects of
common sense. You gain Secondary Skill Synergy (artisan the Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization feats, applying
or professional). to all throwing weapons and slings (Chapter 6).
Agility (Ex): At 3rd level, your racial bonus to Dexterity
Weapon Familiarity: Halflings have Martial Weapon increases by +2.
Proficiency with slings, and also receive a +1 racial bonus to Adaptability: At 4th level, circumstances no longer faze
attacks with thrown weapons and slings. Those proficient you; you gain Adaptability as a bonus feat.
with all martial weapons from a class feature receive Exotic Fortune’s Friend (Ex): At 5th level, you gain a free Hero
proficiency with any one sling of their choice. Point/Action Point (see “Variations in the Core Rule
Racial Progression: Clever and capable, halfling paragons Mechanics”) each day. These cannot be accumulated; if you
love travel, and they embody the curiosity of the halfling start the next day with the previous day’s bonus point
people. Despite their generally good-natured outlook, halfling unspent, it is lost in favor of the new one.
paragons are also the most capable members of their race.
They are survivors― cunning, fearless, and resourceful
enough to traverse a world filled with large, dangerous
Halfling Paragon Hit Dice: d8
Level BAB Special
1st +0 Greater halfling luck, hedge magic
2nd +1 Multi-talented, weapon training
3rd +2 Agility
4th +3 Adaptability
5th +3 Fortune’s friend

Saving Throws: Halfling paragons gain a +2 class bonus

to Reflex and Intuition saves.
Bonus Skill: Escape Artist.
Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (any), Diplomacy,
Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Perception, Perform (any),
Profession (any), Sleight of Hand, Stealth, and Survival.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Halfling paragons have
Simple proficiency with all weapons, Exotic proficiency with
all slings, and are proficient with light armor.
Greater Halfling Luck (Ex): You gain a luck bonus to
saving throws equal to your halfling paragon class level. This
overlaps with (does not stack with) the Halfling Luck racial
feat, and supersedes the Halfling Opportunist’s “exceptionally
lucky” prestige class feature, from Halflings of Golarion.
Hedge Magic (Sp): Your endless good fortune and magical
nature manifests itself as follows:
You gain the granted powers from the Luck domain, using
your ranks in Escape Artist in place of your cleric level (if
Favored Terrain (Ex): Some orcs are especially at home in
Orc the wilderness or underground, gaining Favored Terrain
…such things as he saw: but beyond, things as a bonus feat (choose one, but not a planar terrain).
unspeakable―dragons, giants, rocs, orcs, witch-whales,
griffins, chimeras, satyrs, enchanters, Paynims, Saracen Ferocity (Ex): You gain Diehard as a bonus feat.
Emirs and Sultans...
―Charles Kingsley, Hereward, The Wake (1898) Keen Scent (Ex): Your pig-like snout gives you the scent
Along with their brute strength and comparatively low special ability.
intellect, the primary difference between orcs and the
civilized humanoids is their attitude. As a culture, orcs are Loping Gait (Ex): Your base land speed increases by 10 ft.
violent and aggressive, with the strongest ruling the rest. Sacred Tattoo (Su): Tattoos, piercings, and ritual
They are quick to anger when challenged. scarification are sacred markings to many orcs. Orcs with
Orcs are “monsters” in Aviona, where they are killed on this racial trait gain a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
sight. In the wilderness, however, an orc character might wax
powerful and rise to leadership of many of his people. Orc Tusks (Ex): You gain a bite attack dealing a base 1d6
tribes also exist in a state of temporary truce with the piercing damage.
humans in the northern province of Gunderland in the
Kingdom of Northwind. Orcs are more common in the nation Racial Traits: All orcs have the following traits.
of Aramni, where they are considered citizens; there, they
have become organized, disciplined thugs in the service of the Night vision (Ex): You have either low-light vision or
secret police and others. darkvision 60 ft. (your choice).
The Orc race can also be used to represent Neanderthals Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs are dazzled in areas of bright
and other strong, primitive humanoids. sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
Physical Description: An adult male orc is roughly 6 feet
tall and powerfully built, weighing 210 pounds. on average.
Orcs are bestial and savage, with hard gray skin and greasy
black hair. Their eyes are dark brown or black, with very little
or no whites.
Type: Orcs are Humanoids [Uncivilized], and also have the
[orc] subtype.
Languages: Orcs begin play speaking Common and their
own language (“Orcish”). (Those from Aramni will generally
speak Aramnic rather than Common.) Orcs with high
Intelligence scores can choose from among the following
bonus languages: Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Undercommon,
Wood Elf.
Typical Classes: Barbarian (this is always a favored class
for orcs, even if they initially select a different one). Orcs are
also eligible for the Orc Paragon class (see below), and
always treat it as a favored class. When gaining a level in a
favored class, instead of choosing +1 hp or +1 skill point, an
orc can choose the following:
Hatred (Ex): You gain a +1 favored enemy bonus (see
ranger) against civilized humanoids, or improve this
existing favored enemy bonus by an additional +1, to a
maximum bonus equal to half your character level +1.
Attribute Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, –2
Intelligence (but see below). Orcs have powerful physiques
and keen senses, but are not overly-bright.
Racial Feats: Choose two of the following:
Bestial Might (Ex): Some full-blooded orcs gain an
additional +2 racial bonus to Strength, but suffer a -2
racial penalty to Charisma.
Bravery (Ex): As the fighter class feature of the same
name, but use your total character level to determine the
Bullying Blow (Ex): As Daunting Strike feat.
In addition, choose two of the following: Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Bestial Senses (Ex): You gain a +2 racial bonus on Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Orc paragons have
Perception checks. Simple proficiency with all weapons and Martial proficiency
with shields, and are proficient with light and medium armor.
Endure Elements (Ex): You have a permanent endure In addition, they retain their orc racial weapon familiarity.
elements effect (as the spell, but the effect cannot be Brutal Magic (Sp): You gain a suite of racial spell-like
dispelled). abilities (Chapter 7), using the list for the Orc sorcerer
bloodline (q.v.). If you have other class levels, you can choose
Gatecrasher (Ex): You gain a +2 bonus on Strength checks to give up your racial spell-like abilities in exchange for one of
to break objects and a +2 bonus on sunder attempts. the following:
When attacking unattended objects, you ignore the first 5
points of the object’s hardness. Barbarian―Strong theurgy towards your rage power
Intimidating Prowess (Ex): You gain Intimidating Prowess
as a bonus feat. Cleric―Weak spellcasting theurgy and domain power
Squalid (Ex): You gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws
against [affliction] conditions. Druid―Weak spellcasting theurgy and initiation power
Surface Dweller (Ex): You are accustomed to daylight, and
lose your light sensitivity trait. Fighter—Strong synergy for determining bravery and
effects of fighter talents.
Weapon Familiarity: Orcs have Martial proficiency with Sorcerer (orc bloodline only)―Strong spellcasting
great axes and falchions. Those with martial proficiency in all theurgy and sorcerer bloodline power progression.
weapons (as from a class feature) gain Exotic proficiency with
one of the above, and with all weapons with the word “orc” in Light Tolerance: You lose your race's light sensitivity at 1st
their names. level. In addition, the range of your darkvision increases by 30
Some orcs have escaped from slavery and reforged the feet.
chains of their imprisonment into deadly weapons. Orcs with Elf-Slayer (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you gain civilized
this racial trait lose the proficiencies noted above, but gain humanoids and fey as favored enemies, with a bonus equal to
Martial Weapon Proficiency (flails and whips) as a bonus feat. your orc paragon class level.
Those already proficient in all martial weapons from a class
feature also gain Exotic proficiency with the spiked chain and
the heavy flail.
Racial Progression: This version of the orc paragon
subsumes the Orc Warlord prestige class, from Races of
Faerun. The creature type of an orc with levels in Orc
Paragon changes to Monstrous Humanoid.

Orc Paragon Hit Dice: d10

Level BAB Special
1st +1 Brutal magic, light tolerance
2nd +2 Elf-slayer, rage
3rd +3 Savage strength
4th +4 Inspire savagery
5th +5 Final rage, orc warlord

Saving Throws: Orc paragons gain a +2 class bonus to

Fortitude and Will saves.
Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (any), Endurance,
Handle Animal, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.
Rage (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to rage;
your effective barbarian level is equal to your orc paragon
level –1. If you have levels in barbarian, your orc paragon
levels instead provide Strong synergy for purposes of
determining rage rounds per day and type of rage.
Savage Strength (Ex): At 3rd level, your racial bonus to
Strength increases by +2.
Inspire Savagery (Ex): Starting at 4th level, you can
inspire your companions to greater feats of savagery. While
you rage, all allies within 30 ft. who can see and hear you are
affected as by inspire courage (as the bardic inspiration of the
same name from a bard of level equal to your base attack
Final Rage (Ex): At 5th level, you gain the ability to incite a
rage in all your nearby allies for one last phenomenal attack.
Once per day as a free action, any allies within ten feet
immediately enter a rage as if they were barbarians of level
equal to their base attack bonus (maximum 5th), even if they
could not normally do so. This rage lasts until your next turn,
and all penalties for leaving a rage apply (for example, the
creatures are fatigued, and if already fatigued they become
Orc Warlord (Ex): Starting at 5th level, you can use your
Strength bonus in place of your Charisma bonus for purposes
of determining your Leadership score (if you do not have the
Leadership feat, this ability has no effect). If your Charisma is
13 or higher, you can apply both your Strength modifier and
your Charisma bonus.
Appendix A: Simple Half- Half-orcs are extremely rare in Aviona; elves view orcs as
little more than savage, evil, and cunning baboons, and in the
Breeds past they were genocidally hunted down to near-extinction.
There are three types of hybrid races in these house rules: The concept of a sentient creature actually breeding with
common simple half-breeds (such as half-elves and half-orcs); orcs is deemed almost too horrible to imagine; an elf cannot
exotic half-breeds (following the same basic rules, but conceive that any product of such a union could avoid
representing unique or near-unique individuals, as described committing suicide from sheer self-loathing. Therefore, half-
in Appendix B); and powerful hybrids (those with “level orcs are viewed as monstrosities, their tragic births the result
adjustments,” such as aasimars and farspawn, described in of perversion and violence. Feared, distrusted, and spat upon,
Appendix C). half-orcs still consistently manage to surprise their detractors
Simple half-breed races start with one of the primary races with great deeds and unexpected wisdom—though
described above. You can then selectively exchange racial sometimes it's easier just to crack a few skulls.
feats and traits on a one-for-one basis to create the hybrid The attitude is quite different in the far northern province
race. By choosing to trade in fewer feats and/or traits than of Gunderland in Northwind, where exchanges of captives
shown in the examples, you can create a “quarter-elf” and so and/or fosterlings between orc tribes and men occasionally
on. It is also possible to create rare half-breed characters not occur, and civilized half-orcs (see below) are greatly admired
shown as examples, such as a half-dwarf. for their strength and prowess. In the nation of Aramni to the
Special: Any attempt to acquire three or more races east, orcs are full citizens, and human/orc crossbreeds are
results in defaulting to Mongrelfolk, also described in this almost commonplace.
section. Primary Race: Orc; Secondary Race: human.
Physical Description: Both genders of half-orc stand 6
Half-Elf feet tall, with powerful builds and greenish or grayish skin
and black eyes. In bestial half-orcs, the canines often grow
Elves have become intermingled with the human population long enough to protrude from their mouths, and these
of Aviona to a large extent; half-elves (“Hanner” in the “tusks,” combined with heavy brows and slightly pointed ears,
Avionan vernacular) and other part-elves are common, and give them their notoriously monstrous appearance. Civilized
can interbreed with humans or elves. There is no strict half-orcs appear nearly human, although large, powerfully-
human/half-elf boundary; various amounts of elf vs. human built, and ill-favored in appearance.
blood are possible. Pure high elves, without any human blood, Type: Half-orcs are Humanoids. Those in Aviona, viewed as
are often rather snobbish about it (elves, on the whole, tend monsters, have the [uncivilized] subtype; those integrated
to be much less fertile than humans, so that the percentage of into Aramnic society have the [civilized] subtype instead.
pure elves vs. half-elves is constantly decreasing). They retain the [Orc] subtype.
Primary Race: Human; Secondary Race: high elf (or Languages: Half-orcs begin play speaking Common (or
wood elf, in Estren). Aramnic) and Orcish. Half-orcs with high Intelligence scores
Physical Description: Half-elves inherit the lean build and can choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic, Giant,
comely features of their elven lineage, but their skin color is Gnoll, and Goblin.
dictated by their human side. While half-elves retain the Typical Classes: Half-orcs always treat barbarian and orc
pointed ears of elves, theirs are more rounded. A half-elf's paragon as favored classes, even if they pick a different
human-like eyes tend to range a spectrum of exotic colors favored class at 1st level.
running from amber or violet to emerald green and deep Racial Feats: Exchange one orc racial feat for Adaptable
blue. Nature.
Type: Half-elves are Humanoids; they retain the subtype Racial Traits: Retain two orc traits, or one orc trait and the
descriptors of their Elf parent. following additional trait:
Languages: Half-elves begin play speaking Common and
either High Elven or Wood Elf (depending on their elf Veiled Vileness (Ex): You appear outwardly human, with
parentage). Half-elves with high Intelligence scores can no obvious signs of your orcish heritage (no disguise
choose any languages they want (except secret languages, check needed). Your subtly menacing presence and
such as Druidic). strength grant a +1 racial bonus on Bluff checks and Will
Typical Classes: Bard. Half-elves are also eligible for the saves. This supersedes the feat of the same name from the
Elf Paragon and Human Paragon classes (see above), and Pathfinder Campaign Setting.
always treat them as favored classes as well.
Racial Feats: Exchange the open human bonus feat for
elven immunities. Retain one of the other human racial feats.
Racial Traits: Exchange one or both of your human racial
traits for low-light vision and/or keen senses.
Typical Classes: Fighter (hobgoblins always treat fighter
Halfling, Stout as a favored class, even if they select another). They make
Shorter but broader than hairfoot halflings, stouts have excellent duelists or fighter/rogues. Hobgoblin “loremasters”
some dwarven blood (and therefore often make good (wizards) are not unknown, and rare hobgoblin heroes might
craftsmen). This hybrid race includes the 3rd edition “deep even be eldritch knights. Hobgoblins are also eligible for the
halfling.” Goblin Paragon class, and always treat it as a favored class.
Primary Race: Halfling; Secondary Race: Hill dwarf or Attribute Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Cha (as a goblin).
mountain dwarf. Racial Feats: Hobgoblins trade their goblin racial feats for
Type: Humanoid [Civilized]. two of the following options:
Racial Feats: Exchange one of your halfling racial feats for
two dwarven traits (e.g., darkvision and dwarven Attribute Boost (Ex): You gain an additional +1 racial
craftsmanship). bonus to one attribute (choose Strength, Dexterity, or
Halfling, Tallfellow Bonus Feat (Ex): As the human bonus feat, but more
Tallfellows are halflings with a bit of wood elf blood (the limited; select either Combat Expertise, Toughness,
Wood Elf term for them is something like “Yûñwī Tsunsdi’”). Weapon Finesse, or Weapon Focus as a bonus feat.
Less commonly, use of a halfling servant as a prostitute by a Elven Immunities (Ex): You gain Arcane Defense
high elf will result in a tallfellow offspring. Tallfellows are (enchantment) as a bonus feat, and additionally are
more slender and light boned than the typical hairfoot, immune to magic sleep effects.
looking much more like a miniature human. The average
tallfellow male stands 4'1" and weighs 60 pounds. Tallfellow Military Predisposition (Ex): As the human’s Open Minded
clothing is similar to the hairfoot's, though typically racial feat, but use the extra skill rank per level for
incorporating more natural forest shades. Tallfellows have Knowledge (warfare).
much finer foot hair than the hairfeet, but still typically shun
boots. Both male and female tallfellows typically wear their Scarred (Ex): You gain a +1 natural armor bonus.
hair long Spell Eater (Su): If a you succeed on a save against a
Primary Race: Halfling; Secondary Race: Wood elf or hostile spell, you gain 1 temporary hp per level of the spell
high elf. and a +2 bonus on attack rolls. The attack bonus lasts for
Type: Humanoid [Civilized]. 1 round, and the temporary hit points last for 1 minute.
Racial Feats: Retain your halfling racial feats. Source: Monster Manual V.
Racial Traits: Exchange the optional two traits that
halflings receive for elven keen senses and low-light vision.
Racial Traits: Hobgoblins have darkvision 60 ft. (from their
Hobgoblin goblin parentage) and also retain one of the following goblin
Although hobgoblins are a true race, it is said that a traits. They lose the other goblin racial traits, including the
hobgoblin can also be the result of the mating of a goblin with goblin’s small size.
a human or an elf; it is presented here as such. Such
crossbreed hobgoblins, especially those of elven blood, are
called “Anhardd” in High Elvish (as in the Relics & Rituals:
Excalibur setting from Sword & Sorcery Studios). This race
also supersedes the half-goblin from Creighton Broadhust’s
The Lonely Coast setting (Raging Swan Press).
Primary Race: Goblin; Secondary Race: Human, High
Elf, or Wood Elf.
Physical Description: A typical hobgoblin stands 5 to 6
feet tall and weighs 160 pounds, with a lean and ropy build.
Fiercely ugly, they have reddish, yellowish, gray, or olive-
colored skin, and large males have blue or red noses. Their
eyes are yellowish to dark brown and have very little visible
whites. Ears are long and pointed. Even hobgoblins of elf
parentage are considered hideously ugly by other races.
Type: Humanoid [Uncivilized]. Hobgoblins that abandon
their goblin ways, and instead choose to live in elven or
human society, have the [civilized] subtype instead. They
retain the [goblinoid] subtype.
Languages: Hobgoblins begin play speaking Common and
Goblin. Hobgoblins with high Intelligence scores can choose
any of the following bonus languages: Draconic, Dwarven,
High Elvish, Giant, Orcish, Wood Elf.
Sound Mimicry (Ex): You can mimic any voice or sound
Bandy-Legged (Ex): You have an even more exaggerated you have heard. Listeners must succeed at an opposed
stature than other hobgoblins, with bowed legs and Bluff check to detect the ruse (at -8 if the listener is
massive shoulders. You gain Skill; Synergy (Athletics, unfamiliar with the sound you are imitating). See
Handle Animal) as a bonus feat, and gain a +2 racial Pathfinder Bestiary.
bonus to your CMD against bull rush or trip attempts
while on solid ground. Source: Advanced Races Guide. Weapon Familiarity: Mongrelfolk have Martial proficiency
with light and heavy clubs, blowguns, bolas, and boomerangs,
Fast (Ex): Your base land speed increases by 10 ft. and also gain Catch Off-Guard as a bonus feat.
Keen Senses (Ex): You gain Skill Focus (Craft (Alchemy)
and Perception) as a bonus feat. Wood Elf, Boar Clan
Low-light vision (Ex): Self-explanatory, from elven The wood elves of the Boar clan, in far northern Estren, are
heritage. infamous for their strength and cruelty, compared to the
other clans. These elves have a strain of orc blood from a
Sneaky (Ex): You gain Skill Focus (Stealth) as a bonus tribe in the Elder Mountains, and are treated as a half-breed
feat. race. Note that all other wood elf clans are at eternal enmity
with the Boar clan.
Weapon Familiarity: Hobgoblins are larger than goblins, Primary Race: Wood elf; Secondary Race: orc.
and correspondingly prefer larger weapons. They have Type: Humanoid [Uncivilized], and they retain both the
Martial proficiency with long swords, longbows, and with all [Elf] and [Orc] subtypes..
polearms. Those with Martial proficiency in one or more of Attribute Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Int (as orc).
the weapons listed (as a class feature) also gain Exotic Racial Feats: Retain the wood elf’s favored terrain, and
proficiency with one of those weapons. gain orc ferocity as your other racial feat.
Racial Traits: Retain both parent races’ light sensitivity,
Mongrelfolk and the wood elf’s low-light vision and keen senses. You also
gain darkvision 60 ft. from your orc ancestry.
Mongrelfolk are extreme hybrids, who may have the blood Weapon Familiarity: Wood elves of the Boar clan prefer
of humans, elves, goblins, orcs, halflings, dwarves, and/or simple weapons that take advantage of their greater strength
others in their veins. Any character combining three or more (heavy clubs) or that have some totemic significance (short
races defaults to mongrelfolk. spears). They have Martial proficiency with slings, heavy
Primary Race: Any; Secondary Races: Any. clubs, daggers, hand axes, and spears. Those who gain
Type: Humanoid [Uncivilized]. Some mongrelfolk have a Martial proficiency in all weapons from a class feature also
more conventional appearance and manage to blend into gain Exotic proficiency with heavy clubs or short spears.
society, rather than being outcasts; these mongrelfolk have
the [Civilized] subtype instead. In addition to the above, any
individual mongrelfolk have may have one or more of the
[Elf], [Human], [Orc], [Goblinoid], or other subtypes.
Attribute Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Int. Mongrelfolk
benefit from hybrid vigor, but are otherwise tend to be brutish
and dull-witted, either through poor nutrition, lack of
education, or simply bad luck.
Racial Feats: Select any one racial feat from one of the
standard races above. In addition, you gain the following:
Diffuse Blood (Ex): Mongrelfolk count as any race (if
advantageous) for purposes of activating magic items or
gaining other racial-dependent advantages. For example,
they can select the Racial Heritage feat for any standard
race, can gain any race’s favored class bonuses, and are
eligible to take levels in any of the racial classes in this
chapter. You also count as not being of a particular racial
subtype when it is advantageous (for example, when
targeted by a ranger’s Favored Enemy ability).
Racial Traits: Choose two of the following:
Low-Light Vision (Ex): You can see twice as far as a
human in conditions of dim light.
Natural Thievery (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy (Sleight of
Hand, Stealth) as a bonus feat.
Natural Linguist (Ex): You gain Skill Focus (Linguistics) as
a bonus feat.
Appendix B: Exotic Half- Weapon Familiarity: Changelings have Simple proficiency
Breeds with all weapons, but do not automatically gain any armor or
shield proficiency.
These races are treated more or less as are simple half- Racial Progression: A changeling or human with the Skill
breeds, but are far more rare. Players wishing to play one of Synergy (Bluff and Perform: Acting) feat can take levels in the
these more exotic races should be warned that this will make Doppelganger racial class, eventually becoming a true
them, at best, an object of mistrust and unwanted attention. doppelganger.
Be sure to discuss these options with the other players and
referee before selecting one, as they may not be available for Doppelganger Hit Dice: d10
all campaigns, or may have additional restrictions (for
example, a lizardfolk walking into a human city would likely Level BAB Special
be killed on sight in most campaign settings). If a mutual 1st +1 Monstrous humanoid type, natural armament,
agreement as to their inclusion is not reached, then it is unnatural vitality
generally considered very poor game etiquette to select one.
2nd +2 Change shape, still mind
Changeling 3rd +3 Alter self, detect thoughts
Descended from humans and doppelgangers, changelings 4th +4 Attribute boosts, perfect copy
appeared in Races of Eberron. In normal society they are
forced to keep their true race a secret, lest they be shunned Saving Throws: Doppelgangers gain a +2 class bonus to
or even killed outright; many a changeling has deep identity Reflex and Will saves.
conflicts as a result. Bonus Skills: You gain one free rank per doppelganger
Primary Race: Human; Secondary Race: Doppel-ganger. level in Bluff and in Perform (acting). These are otherwise
Physical Description: In their natural forms changelings treated as class skills.
resemble gray-skinned humans, but lack some facial Class Skills: Athletics, Concentration, Craft (all),
definition such as nostrils or lips (though they still have noses Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Perception, Stealth, and
and mouths). Changelings can indeed take on the appearance Streetwise.
of either gender but in their natural forms they have a default Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int bonus.
gender, unlike their doppelganger forebears. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Doppelgangers have
Type: Retain the base creature type and gain the Martial proficiency with all weapons and shields, and are
[shapechanger] subtype. Changelings with levels in proficient with light, medium, and heavy armor.
Changeling Paragon (see below) become Monstrous Natural Armament (Ex): You receive a natural armor
Humanoids with the [shapechanger] subtype. As monstrous bonus to AC equal to your Doppelganger level. In addition,
humanoids, doppelgangers have darkvision 60 ft. and are you can shape your hands into claws (base damage 1d4) and
immune to spells that specifically target humanoids. back as a swift action. Your claw damage increases with your
Languages: Common. doppelganger level, to 1d6 at 2nd level and 1d8 at 3rd level.
Typical Classes: Changelings always treat Rogue and Unnatural Vitality (Ex): As you master your shapeshifting
Changeling Paragon (see below) as favored classes. potential, you become stronger, more resistant, and harder to
Attribute Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Con. Chanegelings kill. You gain a racial bonus to Strength and Constitution
are strong and cautious, but somewhat frail until they master equal to your Doppelganger level; these bonuses stack with
their shapeshifting potential. existing racial attribute modifiers.
Racial Feats: Exchange your human bonus feats for the Change Shape (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you can use your
following: minor shape change ability as a standard action rather than a
Minor Shape Change (Su): You can create a supernatural full-round action. If you do not already have the minor shape
effect equal to a disguise self spell on yourself (which does change ability, you gain it, with use as a standard action.
not affect your possessions) at will as a full-round action. Still Mind (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain a +2 racial bonus to
This effect lasts until you change shape again, and you Wisdom (this stacks with your initial changeling modifier, for
automatically resume your true form if killed. A true a total bonus of +4). You also gain Arcane Defense
seeing spell reveals your true form. (enchantment) as a bonus feat and are immune to magical
sleep. If you already have Arcane Defense against
Slippery Mind (Ex): You gain Arcane Defense enchantment (as from the changeling racial feat), you become
(Enchantment), and are additionally immune to magical immune to all charm spells and effects.
sleep effects. Alter Self (Su): Starting at 3rd level, your change shape
ability duplicates the effects of an alter self spell, rather than
Racial Traits: Exchange your human racial traits for the disguise self.
following: Detect Thoughts (Sp): Also at 3rd level, you can use detect
thoughts at will as a spell-like ability.
Deceitful (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy (Bluff, Perform: Attribute Boosts: A 4th level doppelganger’s unique
Acting) as a bonus feat. physiology and mind-set provides it with a +2 racial bonus to
Dexterity and Charisma.
Perfect Copy (Su): Starting at 4th level, when using your Racial Progression: Deep Ones can embrace their aquatic
change shape ability you can assume the appearance of parentage and return to the sea by taking racial levels in Kuo-
specific individuals. Toa (see below). Their type changes to Monstrous Humanoid,
granting them darkvision 60 ft., and they gain additional
Deep One abilities as follows. Kuo-toa continue to grow as time goes on;
"Wal, as I says, the natives met the things on the little if you have at 2 levels in kuo-toa, you can also take levels in
volcanic islet―goin' thar in canoes with the sacrifices et Giant (see below) to represent this growth.
cet'ry, and bringin' back any of the gold-like jools as was The name kuo-toan may have come from “Croatoan,” a
comin' to 'em. At fust the things didn't never go onto the main mysterious word carved into a tree―the only clue left when
island, but arter a time they come to want to. Seems they the English colony vanished from Roanoke Island after
hankered arter mixin' with the folks, an' havin' j'int colonizing it in 1587. Alternatively, the name may be related
ceremonies on the big days―May-Eve an' Hallowe'en. to the Kulullu―Babylonian fish-men, a race of demons that
"When it come to matin' with them toad-lookin' fishes, the Tiamat gave birth to.
Kanakys kind o' balked, but finally they larnt something as put Kuo-Toa Hit Dice: d10
a new face on the matter. Them things told the Kanakys that
ef they mixed bloods there'd be children as ud look human at Level BAB Special
fust, but later turn more'n more like the things, till finally 1st +1 Adhesive, favored terrain, hybrid vigor, natural
they'd take to the water an' jine the main lot o' things daown armor, slippery
―H.P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth (1936) 2nd +2 Dreams of R’lyeh, fisheye, resistances
You are descended from Lovecraftian fish-people or
aboleth-bred skum (Pathfinder Bestiary). Saving Throws: Kuo-toa, as monstrous humanoids, gain a
Primary Race: Human; Secondary Race: Skum. +2 class bonus to Reflex and Will saves.
Physical Description: You have the “Innsmouth Look.” As Bonus Skills: You gain 1 free rank per kuo-toa level in
described in Irvin S. Cobb’s “Fishhead” (1911): “His skull Athletics, Bluff, Escape Artist, and Planar Sense. These are
sloped back so abruptly that he could hardly be said to have a otherwise treated as class skills.
forehead at all; his chin slanted off right into nothing. His eyes Class Skills: Concentration, Craft (any), Handle Animal,
were small and round with shallow, glazed, pink-yellow Knowledge (any), Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth,
pupils, and they were set wide apart on his head, and they Survival.
were unwinking and staring, like a fish's eyes.” Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int bonus.
Type: Civilized humanoid. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Kuo-toa have Simple
Languages: Common. Those with high Intelligence can proficiency with bludgeons, and Martial proficiency with
learn Aquan, Aboleth, and other similar languages. daggers, heavy shields, light shields, mancatchers, nets, and
Typical Classes: Cleric (cultist domain; patron spears. Those with proficiency in all martial weapons (as
Blibdoolpoolp, Cthulhu, or Dagon); Sorcerer (Deep One from a class feature), gain Exotic proficiency with one of the
bloodline). Deep Ones always treat Kuo-Toa (see below) as a martial weapons listed above (usually the harpoon,
favored class. mancatcher, or net). Kuo-toa gain no automatic proficiency
Attribute Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha. Deep Ones with armor.
are hardy, and share the wisdom of the sea. However, having In addition, you gain a natural bite attack (base 1d4
been bred as slaves (or merely outcast due to their looks damage). You can choose to give up all manufactured weapon
and/or heritage), they have poor force of personality. and shield proficiencies in exchange for two claw attacks
Racial Feats: Deep Ones retain the Adaptable Nature (base 1d4 each) and the Eldritch Claws feat.
racial feat from their human ancestry. They also gain Favored Adhesive (Ex): Kuo-toas use their own body oil and other
Terrain (underwater) as a bonus feat, granting swim speed materials to give their shields a finish almost like flypaper,
and the hold breath ability. holding fast any creatures or items touching them. While you
Racial Traits: Deep Ones have the following traits: are wielding a shield, anyone who makes an unsuccessful
melee attack against you must succeed on a Reflex save (DC
Keen Senses (Ex): +2 racial bonus on Perception checks 10 + half your BAB + your Strength modifier) or the attacker’s
when not in bright light. weapon sticks to the shield and is yanked out of the wielder’s
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Dazzled in bright light. grasp. Creatures using natural weapons are automatically
grappled if they get stuck. You requires 1 hour and special
Low-Light Vision (Ex): Deep Ones can see twice as far as materials costing 20 gp to coat a shield with adhesive. The
humans in conditions of dim light. adhesive remains good for up to three days or until it actually
catches someone or something (in which case the shield can
Weapon Familiarity: Deep Ones have Simple proficiency trap no additional items, since the adhesive is used up).
with daggers and with all spears. Pulling a stuck weapon or limb from a shield requires a DC
20 Strength check.
Favored Terrain (Ex): Your favored terrain (underwater)
bonus increases by +1 per racial level. At a bonus of +4 (2nd
level), you gain the [aquatic] subtype and the [amphibious]
trait, as described under Ranger (favored terrains).
Hybrid Vigor (Ex): You gain a racial bonus to Strength and Typical Classes: Rogue, illusionist, sorcerer (Shadow
Constitution equal to your kuo-toa level; these stack with any bloodline). In addition, fetchlings are eligible for the Shade
existing racial bonuses. (fetchling paragon) class, and always treat it as a favored
Natural Armor (Ex): You gain a natural armor bonus equal class.
to your kuo-toa level. Attribute Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Con. Fetchlings
Slippery (Ex): All kuo-toas secrete an oily film that makes are quick and forceful, but wispy and frail in comparison with
them difficult to grapple or snare. You gain Skill Focus more solid folk.
(Escape Artist) as a bonus feat, and are immune to being Racial Feats: Fetchlings gain Favored Terrain (Plane of
trapped in webs and web spells. Shadow) as a bonus feat. In addition, choose one of the
Dreams of R’lyeh (Ex): At 2nd level, come into your full following:
tainted heritage. You stop ageing, and no longer accrue Fleet (Ex): You gain Fleet as a bonus feat.
attribute penalties (existing penalties remain). You also gain
the [evil] alignment descriptor and, despite being a monstrous Flickering (Ex): You gain Superior Initiative as a bonus
humanoid, you are also affected by abilities and properties feat.
that target aberrations. You are soulless, rendering you
immune to abilities such as magic jar and trap the soul, but Racial Traits: Fetchlings descended from humanoids of
you also cannot be raised or resurrected. Small size retain that trait. All fetchlings have the following
Fisheye (Ex): At 2nd level, your staring eyes grant the racial traits:
Light blindness: Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as Cultist (Ex): Fetchlings gain Skill Synergy (Knowledge
sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds you for 1 round. On (the Planes), Stealth) as a bonus feat.
subsequent rounds, you are dazzled as long as you remain Darkvision (Ex): You gain darkvision 120 ft.
in the bright area.
Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light (such
Perceive illusions: You gain Arcane Defense (Illusion) as a as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds you for 1 round. On
bonus feat. subsequent rounds, you are dazzled as long as you remain
in the bright area.
See invisibility as a continuous effect that cannot be
dispelled. In addition, select one of the following options:
Staredown: Your hideous appearance and lidless stare
inspire fear in others; you gain Staredown as a bonus feat. Shadow Disguise (Sp): You gain Magical Talent (disguise
self) as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the
Resistances (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain resistance 10 to prerequisites.
electricity, resistance 4 to force, and immunity to poison.
As described in the Bestiary 2 (and as equivalent to the
shadowswyft race from the Planar Handbook and gloamings
in Underdark), fetchlings are descended from generations of
mortal races trapped on the Plane of Shadow. Infused with
the essence of that plane, they are more and less than
human, and often serve as middlemen in planar trade and
politics. Fetchlings are not native to the world of Aviona, and
can be played only with referee approval.
Primary Race: Any humanoid or fey; Secondary Race:
Shade (see below). Per Gary Gygax’s City of Hawks, human
fetchlings are called “phantom-folk,” elf fetchlings are “fuligi,”
and dwarven or gnome fetchlings are “murklings.”
Physical Description: Other than their yellow or smoke-
colored eyes, a fetchling’s flesh has no particular color—it is
either stark white, midnight black, or a shade of gray,
depending on the light conditions. On the Material Plane,
they conceal themselves with heavy clothing or dim light so
they can work without prejudice.
Type: Retain the primary race’s creature type.
Languages: Common. A fetchling with a high Intelligence
score can choose any of the following languages: Aklo,
Aquan, Auran, Draconic, D'ziriak (understanding only, cannot
speak), Ignan, Terran, and any regional human tongue.
Outsider: At 4th level, your type changes to Outsider. You
Shadow Resistances (Ex): You have resistance 5 to cold and stop ageing and are immortal unless killed, but you cannot be
electricity. raised or resurrected. You also gain the Shadow Creature
Weapon Familiarity: Fetchlings do not gain any automatic simple template (from the Advanced Race Guide), but with no
weapon or armor proficiencies. increase in your effective CR.
Racial Progression: Fetchlings (or other humanoids) can
embrace the stuff of Shadow, progressing in the Shade class Feytouched
below (this provides abilities similar to the Shade template This racial option works for generic fey and swanmays; water
from Races of Faerun). The Shadowdancer prestige class can fey half-breeds, however, are more appropriately portrayed as
be simulated by playing a shade/rogue. River Spirit Folk (Aquatic Feytouched; see below). Half-sylphs
also have a separate sub-entry below.
Shade Hit Dice: d8 Primary Race: Any humanoid; Secondary Race: Any fey.
Level BAB Special Physical Description: Feytouched are a widely varied
1st +0 Favored terrain, fleet, shadow defense, shadow group of beings—some are wispy and beautiful, while others
magic are ugly and brutish. Some resemble elves, with pointed ears
2nd +1 Shadow step and almond-shaped eyes. Others look more like trolls, with
warty skin and disproportioned limbs. Regardless, all
3rd +2 Fast healing feytouched have at least one feature or characteristic that is
4th +3 Outsider type out of the norm—vibrantly colored hair, feathered eyebrows,
or a propensity for speaking in rhyme, for example. Your eyes
Saving Throws: Shades gain a +2 class bonus to Reflex may be of two different colors; one of them is of a color rarely
and Intuition saves. or never seen among humans (e.g., amber, lavender, crimson,
Bonus Skills: You gain 1 free rank per shade level in etc.). Despite their actual appearance, all feytouched are
Concentration, Planar Sense and Stealth. These are highly charismatic beings that draw attention wherever they
otherwise treated as class skills. go.
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Type: Retain the base creature type; Feytouched who gain
Perception, Perform (any), Sleight of Hand. Paragon levels (see below) become Fey.
Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int bonus. Languages: Common, Sylvan. Feytouched with high
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Shades have Simple intelligences can choose from the following: Auran, High
proficiency with all weapons. They do not gain any Elvish, Giant, Goblin, Gnome, and Wood Elf.
proficiency with armor or shields. Typical Classes: Bard, sorcerer. Feytouched always treat
Favored Terrain (Ex): You gain a favored terrain bonus sorcerer (fey bloodline) as a favored class, even if they pick a
(Plane of Shadow) of +1 per Shade level. As a being of the different favored class at 1st level. Feytouched are also eligible
Plane of Shadow, you gain the [extraplanar] subtype when on for the feytouched paragon class (see below), allowing them
any other plane (including the Prime Material). to eventually become full half-fey, and they always treat it as a
Fleet (Ex): At 1st level, you gain Fleet (Chapter 5, “General favored class.
Feats”) as a bonus feat. Attribute Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha. Feytouched
Shadow Defense (Ex): While in shadowy light, you gain a are graceful, and those which are not beautiful are terrifying,
deflection bonus to AC and a luck bonus to saving throws but they are physically weak.
equal to your Shade class level. Racial Feats: Feytouched gain the following racial trait in
Shadow Magic (Sp): A shade gains a suite of racial spell- lieu of one of their existing ones:
like abilities, as described in Chapter 7. The shade’s list of Fey Immunities (Ex): You gain Arcane Defense
spell-like abilities is as follows: 1st—darkness, 2nd—mirror (enchantment) as a bonus feat, and additionally are
image, 3rd—displacement, 4th—shadow conjuration, 5th immune to magic sleep effects.
—shadow evocation, 6th—shadow walk, 7th—plane shift
(Plane of Shadow or Prime Material Plane only), 8th You can also choose to trade your remaining racial feat for
—summon undead VIII (greater shadow; Command Undead
feat not needed for control), 9th—shades. one of the following:
Theurgy: If you have levels in illusionist or sorcerer Favored Terrain (Ex): You gain Favored Terrain as a bonus
(Shadow bloodline only), you can choose to give up your feat. The specific terrain depends on the environment
racial spell-like abilities in exchange for Strong spell theurgy listed for the type of fey from which you are descended.
towards that progression. Your Shade levels also provide
Strong theurgy towards your school powers or Shadow
bloodline powers.
Shadow Step (Ex): You gain Shadow Step (Chapter 5,
“Reserve Feats”) as a bonus feat at 2nd level.
Fast Healing (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you gain fast
healing 1 whenever you are in an area of shadows, dim light,
or darkness. At 4th level, this improves to fast healing 2.
Saving Throws: As fey, feytouched paragons gain a +2
Horns (Ex): You have stag’s antlers, goat horns, or some other class bonus to Reflex and Intuition saves.
indication of your fey heritage growing from your forehead. Bonus Skills: You gain 1 free rank per class level in
You may use these to deliver a natural attack dealing a base Concentration, Escape Artist, and Stealth. These are
1d6 (for Medium characters) piercing damage (critical 20/x3). otherwise treated as class skills.
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Bluff, Craft (any),
Diplomacy, Fly, Knowledge (lore), Perception, Perform (any),
Spell-Like Ability (Sp): Choose one 1st level enchantment Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Survival.
or illusion spell (charm person is the default). You can use Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
this as a spell-like ability, as per the Magical Talent feat (1/day Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Feytouched paragons
even if you have only 1 rank in Concentration). have Simple proficiency with all weapons, and Martial
Racial Traits: Regardless of their non-fey parentage, fey- proficiency with short swords and short bows. They are not
touched trade their racial traits for low-light vision and one of proficient with any type of armor or shields.
the following: Fey Type: Your type changes from humanoid to fey. You
become immortal, and do not age or die of old age, but cannot
Keen Senses (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy (Craft (Alchemy) be raised or resurrected if killed. You gain the [chaotic]
and Perception) as a bonus feat. alignment descriptor. Additionally, you gain DR/cold iron,
with the amount of damage reduced being equal to twice your
Loresong Magic (Sp): If your Charisma is 10 or higher you feytouched paragon class level. However, you also gain iron
gain the following spell-like abilities, per the Magical allergy, taking 1 hp of damage per round in iron or steel
Talent feat: dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound. armor.
Fey Magic (Sp): A half-fey gains a suite of racial spell-like
Quickling Speed (Ex): Feytouched with this trait gain abilities (Chapter 7). The exact abilities gained depend on the
Fleet as a bonus feat, and also have a +1 racial bonus to half-fey's heritage, but typical progression is as follows: 1st
initiative. —faerie fire, 2nd—hypnotic pattern, 3rd—deep slumber, 4th
—greater invisibility, 5th—feeblemind, 6th—mass suggestion,
Sneaky (Ex): You gain Skill Focus (Stealth) as a bonus 7th—insanity, 8th—irresistible dance, 9th—time stop.
feat. You can choose to give up all of your feytouched paragon
spell-like abilities in exchange for Strong spellcasting theurgy
You can also choose to be of sprite or brownie parentage; in any one class. In addition, Feytouched paragon levels
in those cases, you are Small sized, and gain a +1 size bonus provide Full synergy with sorcerer levels for determining fey
to AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to CMB bloodline powers and their effects, and Weak synergy to
and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. Your base bardic inspiration abilities.
land speed is 20 ft. per round, rather than 30 ft. Small Fey Immunities (Ex): At 2nd level, you become immune to
feytouched gain one additional trait from the list above (with all spells and effects from the enchantment school. This
the quickling speed racial trait, a Small feytouched is ability replaces the saving throw bonus against these effects
equivalent to the Quickling faen from Arcana Evolved). included in the feytouched base racial features. You also gain
Weapon Familiarity: Feytouched gain no automatic resistance 10 to cold and electricity.
weapon or armor proficiencies.
Racial Progression: Feytouched can embrace their fey
heritage, progressing by racial hit dice. The Feytouched
Paragon class provides this capability, emulating the fey
creature template from the Bestiary 3, or the half-fey template
from the Fiend Folio by 3rd level. Note that a feytouched
paragon 3/bard 5 makes a reasonable facsimile of the satyr in
the Pathfinder Bestiary, and that a feytouched paragon
5/druid 4 makes a close nymph substitute (albeit with 9 Hit
Dice rather than 8, and without the nymph’s signature
blinding beauty ability). A swanmay is a human
ranger/feytouched paragon with the swan shawl fey gift.
Feytouched Paragon Hit Dice: d6
Level BAB Special
1st +0 Fey type, fey magic
2nd +1 Fey immunities, fey presence
3rd +1 Attribute boost (+2 Dex), fey gift
4th +2 Fey gift, spell resistance
5th +2 Attribute boost (+2 Int), fey gift
Fey Presence (Ex): You gain a bonus to Charisma equal to Unearthly Grace (Su): You gain a deflection bonus to AC
your feytouched paragon level -1. This stacks with your equal to your Charisma bonus.
existing racial bonus to Charisma from being a half-fey. Wings (Ex): You grow insect-like wings (usually similar to
Attribute Boosts (Ex): You gain racial bonuses to your those of a butterfly) and may use them to fly at up to twice
attribute scores as shown in the table; these stack with any your land speed with good maneuverability.
existing racial modifiers.
Fey Gift: At 3rd, 4th, and 5th levels, you receive a gift from
your fey heritage. These vary depending on your fey ancestor, Spell Resistance (Ex): At 4th level, you gain spell
but might include the following: resistance equal to 11 + your character level.
Energy Resistance (Ex) You gain resistance 10 to one Feytouched, Aquatic
energy type, or increase an existing resistance by 10.
Resistance increased beyond 30 becomes immunity Feytouched are mortals of some other race with a touch of
instead. This ability can be selected more than once. fey blood. In the Aviona campaign setting, the most common
Feytouched are those descended from the fey “river-maidens”
Evasion (Ex): As the rogue class feature of the same name. of Balvora, the Sirines. These half-Sirines, or “river folk,”
You do not automatically gain Improved Evasion or tend to be serene and calm, attuned to the rivers and the
Greater Evasion, but if you have levels in a class granting greater flow of the natural world. River folk as a race are
evasion, your feytouched paragon levels stack with those modeled on the river spirit-folk from Oriental Adventures;
class levels for purposes of determining when you receive they can also be used to stand in for the undine from the
those improvements. Bestiary 2. Note that non-aquatic feytouched are dealt with in
Greater Invisibility (Ex): A feytouched paragon of at least a separate entry.
5th level with this gift can use invisibility at will, and Primary Race: Any humanoid; Secondary Race: Any
greater invisibility for a number of rounds per day equal to aquatic fey (generally Sirine).
your total number of Hit Dice. You can suppress or Physical Description: River folk appear somewhat elven,
resume your invisibility as a free action. At this point you with small eyes and slender mouths. Their eyebrows are very
are roughly equivalent to a 3.5 edition pixie (+4 LA + 1 thin and their complexions are very pale, with a slight blue or
racial HD = 5th level)—especially if you selected Small green tinge. They have no facial or body hair, but they have
size as a 1st level feytouched racial trait. thick hair, black, brown, or green in color like kelp.
Inspiration (Su): You can choose an intelligent creature to
inspire by giving that creature some token of your
affection (typically a lock of hair). As long as the creature
carries your token, he or she gains a +4 insight bonus on
all Will saving throws, Craft checks, and Perform checks.
A bard who has you for a muse in this way can use his
bardic performance for an additional number of rounds
per day equal to your Charisma modifier. You retain a link
to your token and its carrier as if you had cast a status
spell on the carrier. You can end all these effects at any
time as a free action. You may only inspire one creature at
a time.
Long Step (Su): You can teleport up to 5 feet per Hit Die
as a move action. You may use this ability once every 1d4
Natural Armor (Ex): You gain a bonus to natural armor
equal to your feytouched paragon level +1.
Swan Shawl (Su): You can wild shape into the form a
swan once per day, as a 4th level wild shaper druid. You
gain additional uses per day as a druid of level equal to
your Hit Dice. Use of this ability requires a focus you—
specifically, a feathered shawl.
Stunning Glance (Su): As a standard action, you can stun
a creature within 30 feet with a look. The target must
succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + your feytouched
paragon level + your Charisma modifier) or be stunned for
a number of rounds equal to your feytouched paragon
level. Any specific creature can be affected by this ability
only once per day.
Type: Retain the base creature type. River folk who take Water Fey Hit Dice: d6
levels in Water Fey (see below) become Fey instead.
Languages: River folk begin play speaking Common and Level BAB Special
Sylvan. River Folk with high Intelligence scores can choose 1st +0 Fey type, water fey magic, wisdom of the waters
from among the following bonus languages: Aquan, High 2nd +1 Water fey gift, favored terrain
Elvish, Giant, Goblin, and Wood Elf. All river folk can also
speak with animals at will as a spell-like ability. This ability is 3rd +1 Fey presence
limited to use with aquatic creatures (fish, otters, etc.). 4th +2 Water fey gift
Typical Classes: Bard, Sorcerer. Bard is always a favored
class for river folk, even if they initially select a different one. 5th +2 Immunities
Sorcerer is automatically a favored class only if the aquatic 6th +3 Water fey gift
fey or elemental (water) bloodline is selected. River folk are 7th +3 Spell resistance
also eligible for the Sirine (river folk paragon) class, and
always treat it as a favored class. 8th +4 Water fey gift
Attribute Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 9th +4 Transparency
Wisdom. River folk are graceful and have the eldritch
presence of their fey parentage, but lack concentration and 10th +5 Water fey gift
awareness. 11th +5 Beguiling aura
Racial Feats: River folk gain Favored Terrain (underwater)
with a starting bonus of +4 rather than +2, granting you the Saving Throws: Water fey gain a +2 class bonus to Reflex
[aquatic] subtype and the amphibious trait. This can be and Intuition saves.
improved by taking feats, ranger, levels, etc., to a maximum Bonus Skills: You gain 1 free rank per water fey level in
bonus of 4 + half your character level. This ability counts as Athletics, Concentration, Escape Artist, Perform (music), and
both of your starting racial feats. Stealth. These are otherwise treated as class skills, but do
Racial Traits: River folk have the following traits: not cost skill points.
Elemental Resistance (Ex): River folk have resistance to Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Craft (any), Diplomacy,
cold 5, and receive Arcane Defense against spells and Perception, Perform (any), Profession, Sleight of Hand,
effects with the [water] or [cold] descriptors. Spellcraft, and Survival.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Low-Light Vision (Ex): River folk can see twice as far as Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Fey have Simple
humans in conditions of dim light. proficiency with all weapons, but are not proficient with any
type of armor or shields.
Weapon Familiarity: Feytouched gain no automatic Fey Type: Your type changes from humanoid to fey, and you
weapon or armor proficiencies. gain the [chaotic] alignment descriptor. You becomes
Racial Progression: NPC river folk most often advance by immortal, and do not age or die of old age, but cannot be
racial (fey) hit dice, in essence talking the Water Fey class raised or resurrected if killed. You gain DR/cold iron, with the
described below. By selecting appropriate water fey gifts, this amount of damage reduced being equal to your water fey
racial class can be used to simulate a rusalka (Frostburn, at class level (maximum DR 10/cold iron). However, you also
2nd level), a sirine (Monster Manual II, at 4th level), a glaistig gain iron allergy, taking 1 hp of damage per round in iron or
(Monster Manual III, at 6th level), or a nereid (Bestiary 2, at steel armor, or if wielding an iron or steel weapon.
11th level). Wisdom of the Waters (Ex): You gain a racial bonus to
Wisdom equal to your water fey class level. In addition, your
ability to glide through the waves provides a racial bonus to
Dexterity equal to your class level. These bonuses stack with
your existing racial attribute modifiers.
Favored Terrain (Ex): Your favored terrain (underwater)
bonus improves by +1 per 2 class levels you possess. This
cannot cause your total bonus to exceed 4 + half your total
character level.
Water Fey Magic (Ex, Sp): Your fey heritage grants you
the following magical abilities:
Your water fey level provides Full synergy for purposes of
determining aquatic fey bloodline powers (if any) and the
effects of those powers; it also provides Weak synergy for
purposes of determining your bardic inspiration abilities
(including inspirations known, rounds of inspiration per
day, and the level at which they operate), if any.
Poison (Ex): You can poison those you touch (contact DC
You gain the following suite of racial spell-like abilities (as 10 + your water fey level + your Constitution modifier;
described in Chapter 7): 1st—charm person or fog cloud, 2nd damage 1d2 Con/round for 6 rounds plus blindness; cure
—invisibility, 3rd—nixie’s lureARG, 4th—captivating song (as 2 consecutive saves). This touch is a standard action that
the harpy’s ability of the same name), 5th—mass charm does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You cannot
person, 6th—summon nature’s ally VI (one Huge water deliver both poison and your mindless touch at the same.
elemental or giant octopus; 1d3 Large water elementals, You must be at least 6th level to gain this gift. If you are at
giant moray eels, or orcas; or 1d4+1 Medium water least 8th level, you can also spray this poison up to 10 ft. as
elementals), 7th—mass suggestion, 8th—mass charm a ranged touch attack. The range increases by an
monster, 9th—shapechange. Most of these abilities require additional 5 ft. per class level thereafter.
verbal components in the form of signing. Shawl (Ex): A portion of your life force becomes embodied
in diaphanous shawl (hardness 2, hp 6). While in
You can choose to give up your racial spell-like abilities in possession of your shawl, you gain a racial bonus to
exchange for Strong spellcasting theurgy (bard, aquatic fey Constitution equal to your class level. However, if the
bloodline sorcerer, or enchanter only) or Weak theurgy (any shawl is ever destroyed, you take 1d6 points of
one other progression). Constitution drain per hour until you die. You can create a
new shawl from water by making a DC 25 Will save, but
Water Fey Gift: At every even-numbered class level, you each attempt takes 1d4 hours to complete. Attempts to
gain one of the following gifts, related to your fey heritage: destroy or steal your shawl require sunder, disarm, or
Sleight of Hand attempts.
Blood Drain (Ex): If you establish or maintain a pin, you Unearthly Grace (Su): As long as you are not wearing
drain blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage. armor, you gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to your
You heal 5 hit points or gain 5 temporary hit points for 1 Charisma bonus.
hour (up to a maximum number of temporary hit points
equal to your full normal hit points) each round you drain
blood. Fey Presence (Ex): Your racial bonus to Charisma
increases by +1 per 3 water fey class levels you possess
Drowning Kiss (Su): You can flood the lungs of a willing, (maximum +3 at 9th level, for a total bonus of +5 including the
helpless, or fascinated creature by touching it initial river-folk racial adjustment).
(traditionally by kissing the creature on the lips). This Immunities (Ex): At 5th level, you gain immunity to cold
functions similarly to a suffocation spellAPG. You must be and poison.
at least 10th level to gain this gift. Transparency (Su): Starting 7th level, your body becomes
transparent when you are underwater, effectively rendering
Fast Healing (Ex): You gain fast healing; the number of hit you invisible (as invisibility). You can become visible or
points healed each round is equal to half your class level. transparent at will as a free action while in the water.
This fast healing is overcome by fire, acid, and cold iron.

Mindless Touch (Su): You gain a touch attack usable as

a standard action that does not provoke an attack of
opportunity. This touch deals 1d4 points of intelligence
damage to the victim (2d4 intelligence damage on a
confirmed critical). You also gain a soothing touch that can
remove up to 1d6 points of intelligence damage caused by
a fey.
Natural Armor (Ex): You gain a bonus to natural armor
equal to 1 + half your water fey level.
Spell Resistance (Ex): At 9th level, you gain spell resistance Powerful Build (Ex): Although Small sized, the physical
equal to 11 + your total character level. prowess of grugach lets them function in many ways as if
Beguiling Aura (Su): At 11th level, your ability to beguile they were one size category larger. A grugach treats his
other creatures does not even require a song (spell-like ability size as Medium when calculating CMB and CMD, and
use) on your part. Any creature sexually attracted to when determining whether a creature’s special attacks
humanoids or fey runs the risk of being beguiled if it looks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole)
upon your beauty from a distance of 30 feet or less (Will save can affect him. A grugach can use weapons designed for a
at DC 10 + your class level + your Charisma modifier or be Medium creature without penalty. The benefits of this
fascinated). You may use your suggestion spell-like ability at ability stack with the effects of most powers and spells
will against creatures that are fascinated by your beguiling that change the subject’s size category, but not with the
aura. Giant’s Stance feat.
Feytouched, Sylph Racial Traits: Grugach receive the following:
Sylphs (as in the Bestiary 2) are feytouched with an affinity
to the element of air. They are thin and waifish, looking as if Ambuscade (Ex): Gruguach are skilled at skulking and
they might fade into the breeze at any moment. ambush; they receive Skill Synergy (Disable Device,
Race: Feytouched (see above). Stealth) as a bonus feat.
Typical Classes: Sorcerer (elemental air or fey bloodline).
Racial Feats: Exchange your spell-like ability for feather Aura (Ex): Grugach are so wild and xenophobic that they
fall at will. gain the [chaotic] alignment descriptor.
Racial Traits: Exchange your “sneaky” trait for resistance Fast (Ex): Despite their small size, grugach have a base
5 to electricity. speed of 30 ft., rather than 20 ft.
Racial Progression: You can still advance by means of the
Feytouched Paragon class, eventually gaining wings. Sylph Low-Light Vision (Ex): Grugach can see twice as far as
levels provide Full synergy with sorcerer (air bloodline) levels humans in conditions of dim light.
in determining bloodline powers and their effects. Small Size: Grugach are stunted enough to count as being
Small sized. Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to
Grugach their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to
Found only in the most distant reaches of the Estren their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver
wilderness, the tribe of grugach, or “wild elves,” are the Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
stunted offspring of wood elves and some unknown
progenitor (possibly goblins, or a race of giant-kin such as the Weapon Familiarity: Grugach have Simple proficiency
firbolgs). To some extent, they can stand in for exotic, with weapons and shields. They are also proficient with light
primitive races such as the “Picts” from Robert E. Howard. armor. They never use iron or steel weapons or armor, even
Primary Race: Wood Elf; Secondary Race: Unknown. when those are available, preferring leather and stone; more
Physical Description: Grugach are smaller than wood sophisticated grugach might use bronze.
elves―averaging only about four feet tall―and are broad- Racial Progression: At the referee’s option, grugach might
shouldered and muscular compared to wood elves. They are be eligible for the Lledrith Sidhe paragon racial class (see
darker-skinned and somewhat twisted-looking. above).
Type: Grugach are uncivilized humanoids; they gain the
[elf] subtype from their wood elf ancestry.
Languages: Wood elf. Particularly debased grugach might
speak Aklo instead. Particularly intelligent grugach might
learn Sylvan and/or Giant.
Typical Classes: Barbarian, druid. When choosing a
favored class bonus, in place of the usual +1 hit point or skill
point, a grugach can gain a +1 favored enemy bonus (see
ranger) against civilized humanoids, or against animals,
magical beasts, and vermin. Thus option can be selected
multiple times, to gain the other category of favored enemies
or to improve an existing favored enemy bonus by +1.
Attribute Modifiers: Str +2, Int -2, Wis +2. Grugach are
particularly strong for their size. However, they are less
intelligent than most civilized races.
Racial Feats: Choose two from the Wood Elf racial feats
list (particularly debased grugach might choose underground,
rather than forests, as a favored terrain). Alternatively, you
can select the following as one of your racial feats:
Enlarge Self (Sp): You gain Magical Talent (enlarge
Genasi person) as a bonus feat, except it has a range of Personal
The desert kingdom of Bailakash, far to the east of Aviona, and always affects you, regardless of your creature type
is a land of strange magic and genies. Sometimes these (humanoid, fey, outsider, etc.). You can use it 1/day even if
powerful creatures mate with humans; the result is a half- you have only 1 rank in Concentration. You also gain
genie or “genasi” (Monsters of Faerun) as described here. Arcane Defense (transmutation) as a bonus feat.
Primary Race: Any humanoid; Secondary Race: genie Planar Terrain (Ex): You gain Favored Terrain as a bonus
(any). The most common half-genie is a human/janni, called a feat, selecting any one elemental plane as your favored
“Suli,” or “suli-jann,” per the Bestiary 3. Half-efreeti are terrain (alternatively, if you are from Bailakash you can
“ifreets,” per the Bestiary 2. choose deserts instead). Your maximum such bonus is
Physical Description: Suli-jann appear as tall, regal equal to 4 + half your total character level or number of hit
humans whose eyes sparkle with a strange light. Other dice.
genasi appear stranger: ifrits, for example, appear as
muscular, red-skinned members of the primary race, albeit Spell-Like Ability (Sp): You gain Magical Talent as a bonus
with fiery-colored hair and small horns. Half-shaitans or half- feat (1/day use even if you have only 1 rank in
dao are heavy and solid, with chiseled, angular features that Concentration). The spell-like ability depends on the
make them look almost like statues brought to life. element chosen: air—feather fall; earth—magic stone; fire
Type: Retain the base creature type. Genasi Paragons —burning hands; water—hydraulic push.
(genies; see below) are Outsiders with the appropriate
elemental subtype (janni are native outsiders, and do not gain Racial Traits: Half-genies can trade one or more of their
an elemental subtype). racial traits for genasi traits (choose from the following):
Languages: Half-genies begin play speaking Common and
one elemental language of their choice (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Darkvision (Ex): 60-ft. range.
or Terran). Elemental Resistance (Ex): You have resistance to acid,
Typical Classes: Cleric (with appropriate elemental cold, fire, or electricity 5 (or any existing resistance
domain); fighter; sorcerer (genie bloodline). Half-genies increases by 5). You may gain this trait more than once.
always treat sorcerer with the appropriate bloodline as a
favored class. Low-Light Vision (Ex): You can see twice as far as humans
Attribute Modifiers: Str +2, Cha +2, Wis -2. Half-genies are in conditions of dim light.
powerful of body and in force of personality, but their Negotiator (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy (Bluff, Diplomacy)
passions are extreme and difficult to control. as a bonus feat.
Racial Feats: Exchange one or both of your existing racial
feats for half-genie racial feats, selected from the following:
Weapon Familiarity: Half-genies lose their existing racial
Elemental Affinity (Su): Genasi spellcasters with an weapon familiarity and instead gain Martial proficiency with
elemental domain, esoteric branch, mystery, or bloodline scimitars and falchions (if they possess Martial proficiency
use their powers and bonus spells at +1 caster level. with one or both of those weapons, as from a class feature,
Elemental Assault (Su): As a swift action, you can call on they gain Exotic proficiency instead).
the elemental power lurking in your veins to shroud your
arms in acid, cold, electricity, or fire (as appropriate to your
genie parentage). Unarmed attacks with your elbows or
hands (or attacks with weapons held in those hands) deal
+1 points of damage of the appropriate energy type until
your next turn. It you have a spell or spell-like ability with
the appropriate energy or elemental descriptor (e.g., [cold]
or [water] for cold damage) ready for use, the bonus
damage is instead equal to the level of the highest-level
such spell or ability you have available.
Racial Progression: A four-level progression for genies is Genie’s Guile (Ex): At 4th level, you gain a +2 racial bonus
provided here; you must progress as the type of genie from to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. These stack with
which you are descended (half-djinnis become djinn, etc.). A existing racial modifiers.
reasonably close approximation of a djinni, efreeti, shaitan, or Telepathy (Su): Starting at 4th level, you can communicate
marid can be made by multiclassing into battle sorcerer with any creature within 60 ft. that has a language.
(genie bloodline) and trading in your spell-like abilities for
spell theurgy (see below). Genasi, Azer
Genie Hit Dice: d10 The basic genasi rules included above can be modified to
produce an azer character (Bestiary 2).
Level BAB Special Primary Race: Mountain dwarf; Secondary Race: genie
1st +1 Genie magic, planar terrain (efreet).
Physical Description: Azer appear as squat, brass-skinned
2nd +2 Genie’s might dwarves; their heads and shoulders blaze with a mane of fire.
3rd +3 Improved initiative, natural armor Type: Outsider [Elemental Fire].
Languages: Azer trade Dwarven for Ignan.
+4 Genie’s guile, telepathy Typical Classes: Fighter, expert. Azer also advance by
racial hit dice; see below.
Saving Throws: Genies gain a +2 class bonus to Fortitude Attribute Modifiers: Retain the mountain dwarf’s racial
and Intuition saves. modifiers of +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Bonus Skills: You gain 1 free rank per genie level in Racial Feats: Exchange your favored terrain
Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge (lore), and Knowledge (underground) for favored terrain (Elemental Plane of Fire).
(the planes). These are otherwise treated as class skills. Your other racial feat must be Azer Blood (q.v.).
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft (any), Endurance, Escape Artist, Racial Traits: Choose Arcane Resistance (q.v.) as your
Fly, Handle Animal, Perception, Spellcraft, and Stealth. optional trait.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. Weapon Familiarity: As mountain dwarf.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Genasi paragons have Racial Progression: You can come into your full heritage
Martial proficiency with all weapons and shields. They are by taking levels (i.e., racial hit dice) in Azer, as described
proficient with light armor. below.
Genie Magic (Sp): Your genie heritage provides you with
the following: Azer Hit Dice: d10
Genies receive racial spell-like abilities (as described in Level BAB Special
Chapter 7), depending on their type. Their progression for
spell-like abilities is the same as that of a sorcerer 1st +1 Favored terrain, natural armor
(Chapter 3) of the appropriate Genie bloodline. 2nd +2 Heat, spell resistance
If you have levels in cleric or archivist (any elemental 3rd +3 Attribute boosts
domain), incarnate (any elemental mystery), sorcerer (any 4th +4 Attribute boosts
genie bloodline), wizard (an elemental esoteric branch),
you can choose to give up your racial spell-like abilities in Saving Throws: Azer levels provide good progression in
exchange for Strong spellcasting theurgy. Fortitude and Will saves, and poor progression in Reflex and
If you have levels in sorcerer (genie bloodline), your genie Intuition saves.
level provides Full synergy for purposes of determining Bonus Skills: Azer gain 1 free rank per class level in Craft
bloodline spells known, bloodline powers gained, and the (smith) and Endurance. These are otherwise treated as class
effects of these powers. skills.
Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (any), Diplomacy,
Knowledge (lore), Knowledge (the planes), Perception,
Planar Terrain (Ex): At each level in Genie, you gain a +1 Profession (any), and Spellcraft.
favored terrain bonus (see Ranger), which you can allot to any Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
one of the Elemental Planes. Djinn, efreet, marids, and Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Azer retain their
shaitans/dao will generally put all available points in a single dwarven weapon familiarity, and are proficient with light and
elemental plane (air, fire, water, and earth, respectively); jann medium armor.
spread them out more or less evenly among all four planes.
Genie’s Might: Starting at 2nd level, you gain a racial bonus
to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution equal to half your
genie level. These stack with existing racial modifiers.
Improved Initiative: At 3rd level, you gain Improved
Initiative as a bonus feat.
Natural Armor (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain a +1 bonus to
natural armor (or any existing natural armor bonus increases
by +1). This bonus increases by +1 per genie class level
Favored Terrain (Ex): Your favored terrain bonus (Plane of Powerful Build (Ex): Although Medium sized, your
Fire) increases by +1 per azer level you possess. You physical stature lets you function in many ways as if you
therefore gain the [fire] subtype at 2nd level, when your were one size category larger. Treat your size as Large
favored terrain bonus reaches +4. when calculating CMB and CMD, and when determining
Natural Armor (Ex): Your bronze-like skin grants you a whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as
natural armor bonus equal to your azer level. improved grab or swallow whole) can affect you. You can
Heat (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, the heat from your body use weapons designed for a creature one size larger
deals 1d6 points of fire damage whenever you hit an without penalty. However, your space and reach remain
opponent in melee, or in each round you maintain a grapple. those of a creature of your actual size. The benefits of this
Spell Resistance (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you lose your racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and
Arcane Resistance racial trait, but instead gain spell spells that change your size category.
resistance equal to 11 + your class level. Spell Resistance (Ex): You gain spell resistance equal to
Attribute Boosts (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain a +1 racial 11 + your character level.
bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence. These bonuses
increase to +2 at 4th level.
Racial Traits: Hagspawn trade one or both of their existing
Hagspawn racial traits for choices from following list:
Hagspawn are the horrid progeny of humans and hags. Male Darkvision (Ex): Your hag parentage gives you darkvision
hagspawn (as described in Unapproachable East) resemble with a 60-ft. range
half-giants (see below); females are tall and thin, as the so-
called changelings from Pathfinder Adventure Path #43 Green Widow (Ex): Female greenhag spawn can gain Skill
(“The Haunting of Harrowstone”). Synergy (Bluff, Perform: Acting) as a bonus feat.
Primary Race: Any; Secondary Race: hag (any). Monstrous Humanoid: Hagspawn with this racial trait are
Physical Description: Male hagspawn resemble brutish Monstrous Humanoids, rather than Humanoids, and are
members of the primary race (usually human). They are tall therefore immune to spells that specifically target
and powerfully built, with long arms, big hands, and a humanoid races.
distinctive hunched posture. Their hair is long and lank,
usually black in color. Their skin is pale, with a hint of color Weapon Familiarity: Hagspawn have long, hard nails,
dependent on their parentage: pallid blue for annis spawn, providing them with two natural claw attacks (base damage
sickly green for greenhag spawn, etc. Female hagspawn are 1d4, or 1d6 if they also possess the Powerful Build racial
tall and slender (sometimes even gaunt). They often have feat). They gain no other armor or weapon proficiencies due
mismatched, differently-colored eyes. to race.
Type: Retain the base creature type, although hagspawn Racial Progression: Female hagspawn can choose to
can also gain the Monstrous Humanoid type as a racial trait advance by taking Monstrous Humanoid racial hit dice,
(see below). eventually becoming true hags. A class progression chart
Languages: Common, Aklo. Those with high Intelligence would need to be worked out.
scores can learn Giant, Goblin, Orcish, or Draconic as well.
Typical Classes: Barbarian (males); sorcerer (hag
bloodline) (females).
Attribute Modifiers: Male hagspawn gain Str +2, Con +2,
Cha -2. They are strong and hardy, but also sullen, ill-
tempered, and easily led. Female hagspawn gain +2 Wis, +2
Cha, -2 Con. They are frail, but possess a sharp wit and force
of personality.
Racial Feats: All hagspawn have claws (see Weapon
Familiarity, below). Also, exchange one or both of your
existing racial feats for hagspawn racial feats selected from
the following list:
Favored Terrain (Ex): You gain Favored Terrain as a bonus
feat; the specific terrain depends on the type of hag from
which you are descended2: annis, green hag, or swamp
hagCC—swamps; bheur hagUE, marzannaFB, or ice hagCC
—arctic; cavern hagCC—underground; dune hagSSt—
desert; moon hagCC—mountains; night hag—lower
planes; sea hag or brine hagCC—underwater; shrieking
Natural Armor (Ex): You gain a +2 natural armor bonus.
Racial Traits: Half-giants trade one or both of their
Half-Giant existing racial traits for an equal number of selections made
“Some men have arrived here, outside, a group of twelve, if from the following:
they could be called ‘men,’ but they’re more like ogres than Endure Elements (Ex): A half-giant can endure either heat
human beings in size and looks.” or cold (choose one upon creating the character), as if
―Egil’s Saga (ca. 1240) under a continuous endure elements spell.
Rare creatures from the far northern reaches of
Gunderland, half-giants are descended from one of the Intimidating Prowess (Ex): You gain Intimidating Prowess
standard races and a giant of some type. While not as large as a bonus feat.
as their monstrous progenitors, half-giants can grow into Low-Light Vision (Ex): Half-giants can see twice as far as
mighty warriors. The basic half-breed race presented is humans in conditions of dim light.
adapted from the 3.5 edition System Reference Document
(Psionic Races). Relentless (Ex): You are skilled at pushing your way
Primary Race: Any humanoid; Secondary Race: giant through a battlefield, tossing aside lesser foes with ease.
(any). An orc half-giant is an “orog.” You gain Improved Bull Rush or Improved Overrun as a
Physical Description: Half-giants are often over 7 feet in bonus feat.
height and weigh over 315 pounds. Skin and hair color are
variable, depending on the type of the giant parent. Most half- Survivor (Ex): You gain Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus
giants have human-like eyes, though about one in five have feat.
the white pupils common to ogres. Their odor is noticeable,
but it is not as overpowering as that of a full-blooded giant or Weapon Familiarity: Half-giants have Martial proficiency
ogre. with bludgeons. If already proficient with all martial weapons
Type: Humanoid [Uncivilized]. (as through a class feature), they gain Exotic proficiency with
Languages: Half-giants begin play speaking Common and great clubs.
Giant. Those with high Intelligence scores can learn Racial Progression: Some half-giants have particularly
Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, and/or Orcish as bonus strong giant heritage. Upon taking levels in the Giant class
languages. below, they gain the [giant] subtype. A 1st level giant is
Typical Classes: Barbarian, psychic warrior. Half-giants effectively a half-ogre (Cf. Races of Destiny). A verbeeg (per
are eligible for the half-giant paragon class (see below), and the 1st edition Monster Manual II and the 3.5 edition
always treat it as a favored class. Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk) is a human with one
Attribute Modifiers: Str +2, Con +2, Int -2. Half-giants are level of giant. Those with troll blood can gain up to 4
big and strong, but also rather slow-witted. additional levels, simulating the half-troll template from the
Racial Feats: Exchange one of your existing racial feats for Fiend Folio.
the following:
Giant Hit Dice: d8
Powerful Build (Ex): Although Medium sized, the physical Level BAB Special
stature of half-giants lets them function in many ways as if 1st
they were one size category larger. A half-giant treats his +0 Deformities, powerful physique
size as Large when calculating CMB and CMD, and when 2nd +1 Large size, rock catching
determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on
size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect Saving Throws: Giants gain a +2 class bonus to Fortitude
him. A half-giant can use weapons designed for a creature and Will saves.
one size larger without penalty. However, his space and Bonus Skills: Giants gain 1 free rank per class level in
reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The Endurance. This is otherwise treated as a class skill.
benefits of this ability stack with the effects of most Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (any), Handle Animal,
powers and spells that change the subject’s size category, Heal, Profession (any), and Survival.
but not with the Giant’s Stance feat. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Giants have Simple
Your other racial feat can be chosen from among those proficiency with all weapons and shields, and are proficient
listed for your non-giant parentage, or you can instead choose with light and medium armor. In addition, they retain their
one of the following: half-giant racial weapon familiarity.
You also gain the ability to throw Small (ca. 40-lb.) rocks
Favored Terrain (Ex): You gain Favored Terrain (arctic or with a range increment of 20 ft. A rock thrown by you deals a
hills/mountains) as a bonus feat. base 1d8 bludgeoning damage, with a base critical threat
Stomp (Sp): Once per day, your foot stomp precipitates a range and multiplier of 20/x2.
psychokinetic shock wave that travels along the ground in Deformities (Ex): A giant (especially one descended from
a 20-ft. cone, toppling creatures and loose objects. The an ogre or fomorian) can choose one beneficial and one
shock wave affects only creatures standing on the ground disadvantageous deformity from the options given under
within the area; those that fail a Reflex save (DC 10 + half Ogrekin, in the Bestiary 2. You are not required to select any
your character level + your Strength modifier) are thrown deformities if you do not wish.
to the ground, prone, and take 1d6 points of nonlethal
N.B. A half-giant paragon with orc parentage can select the Man-Ape
thick skin and weak mind deformities and can trade in rock
throwing for Exotic proficiency with unarmed attacks, “Firstly, you shall know that Busyrane dwells in the woods
essentially creating an ogrillon (per the 1st edition Fiend where the Losels breed, those most hideous creatures that
Folio). are half-human in form, yet eat of human flesh…”
Powerful Physique (Ex): At 1st level, although you are still Out from among the trees loped a pair of naked, hairy
technically Medium sized, your stature and powerful physique seven-foot ape men. They had huge ears with tufts of hair
grants you a +2 size bonus to Strength and Constitution, and sprouting from them, and throat pouches like orangutans. In
a -1 size penalty to Dexterity. You gain a +1 natural armor their hands were clubs. For a moment they stood at gaze,
bonus that stacks with any existing natural armor bonus you then came splashing through the stream at a gallop.
may possess. The first of the ape men ran at him, bellowing. Shea never
Large Size (Ex): At 2nd level, your size increases to Large. knew whether he had gained his senses or lost his nerve, but
This supersedes (does not stack with) your half-giant he next instant he and Chalmers were running round and
Powerful Build racial feat. Your size bonus to Strength and round the tethered animals, with the ape-men foaming
Constitution increase by +2 (to +4 total), your natural armor through their tusks behind.
bonus increases by +2, and your size penalty to Dexterity ―L. Sprague deCamp and Fletcher Pratt,
increases by an additional -1. Your reach extends to 10 feet. “The Mathematics of Magic” (1940)
(You now have the equivalent of the Giant simple template, One of the more bizarre races possible, a human/ape
from the Pathfinder Bestiary). crossbreed character was conceived by one of the players in
Rock Catching (Ex): Once per round, a Giant that would the Aviona campaign after reading H.P. Lovecraft’s “Facts
normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family” and
a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium seeing Bela Lugosi’s Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932). The
one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile provides a character, played as a henchman to one of the PCs with the
magical bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that Leadership feat, was a circus attraction before being rescued
amount.) You must be ready for and aware of the attack in and befriended by the PC. This race is also useful for creating
order to make a rock catching attempt. such NPCs as Thak, from Robert E. Howard’s “Rogues in the
There was a man named Hallbjörn, nicknamed Half-Troll, House.”
who was the son of Úlf the Brave. He lived on the island of Primary Race: Human; Secondary Race: ape. Another
Hrafnista, which lies near Raumsdal. He was a powerful man possibility is to make orc-ape crossbreeds, as in Gygax’s
and influential over the farmers north of there. He was Artifact of Evil (called “losels” in homage to deCamp and
married, and had a son named Ketil, who grew up to be a big Pratt, who in turn were referencing Spenser’s Faerie
and strong man. Queene).
―The Saga of Ketil Trout (ca. 13th century) Type: Humanoid [Uncivilized].
Languages: Common, and a man-ape can communicate
Trollborn Hit Dice: d8 with apes and dire apes as well, as if by speak with animals.
(Alternately, you can use Edgar Rice Burroughs’ conception
Level BAB Special of “Mangani,” a language spoken by gorillas, dire apes,
3rd +2 Fast healing, might of Járnviðr baboons, and monkeys.)
Typical Classes: Barbarian. Man-apes always treat ape
4th +3 Natural armament levels (see below) as favored class levels.
5th +3 Rend, scent Attribute Modifiers: Str +2, Int -2, Wis +2. Man-apes are
6th +4 Regeneration
strong and alert, but are less intelligent than true men.
Racial Feats and Traits: Man-apes retain the human
Fast Healing (Ex): At 3rd level you gain fast healing 2, Adaptable Nature racial feat (q.v.), and exchange the other
overcome by fire or acid. This fast healing increases by +1 per human bonus feat for Favored Terrain (choose a terrain
trollborn level thereafter. appropriate to the ape parent’s habitat―a typical lowland
Might of Járnviðr (Ex): Your racial bonus to Strength and gorilla would select forests and jungles, but a mountain
Constitution increase by +1 per trollborn level (up to +4, or +6 gorilla or Himalayan-like gray ape might have hills and
total with your half-giant racial bonuses). mountains instead). In addition, you trade your human racial
Natural Armament (Ex): At 4th level, when not wielding traits for low-light vision and the Intimidating Prowess feat.
manufactured weapons, you gain two natural claw attacks Weapon Familiarity: Man-apes have Simple proficiency
(base damage 1d6) and a bite attack (base damage 1d8). In with bludgeons. They gain no armor or shield proficiencies.
addition, at 4th and every subsequent level, your natural Racial Progression: You can tap into your bestial heritage
armor bonus increases by +1. by taking levels in the Ape Paragon class, described below. A
Scent (Ex): At 5th level, you gain the Scent ability. 3rd level ape paragon is equivalent to a gorilla; a 4th level ape
Rend (Ex): At 5th level, you gain Two-Weapon Strike and paragon is more or less similar to an intelligent dire ape.
Vital Strike as bonus feats, even if you do not meet the
prerequisites. If your base attack bonus is less than +6, your
Vital Strike deals an additional +2d4 damage, rather than
Regeneration (Ex): At 6th level, your fast healing improves
to regeneration.

Ape Paragon Hit Dice: d8
Level BAB Special
1st +0 Natural armor, savage attributes
2nd +1 Agile climber, slam
3rd +2 Powerful build, scent
4th +3 Bite, rend

Saving Throws: Ape paragons gain a +2 class bonus to

Fortitude, Reflex, and Intuition saves.
Bonus Skills: Ape paragons gain 1 free rank per class level
in Acrobatics, Athletics, and Bluff; these are otherwise
treated as class skills.
Class Skills: Endurance, Escape Artist, Perception, and
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ape paragons are
proficient with their natural weapons.
Natural Armor (Ex): You gain a natural armor bonus equal
to your Ape Paragon class level.
Savage Attributes (Ex): You gain a racial bonus to
Strength equal to your Ape Paragon class level. Starting at
2nd level, you also gain a racial bonus to Dexterity and
Constitution equal to half your Ape Paragon level. These
bonuses stack with existing racial attribute modifiers.
Agile Climber (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain a climb speed of
10 ft.; this increases by an additional 5 ft. per ape level
thereafter (maximum 20 ft. at 4th level). If you already have a
climb speed (from a favored terrain or existing class feature),
add this speed to your existing climb speed.
Slam (Ex): Also at 2nd level, you gain two slam attacks
(base damage 1d4).
Powerful Build (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, your physical
stature lets you function in many ways as if you were one size
category larger. This applies to your CMB and CMD. You are
also considered to be one size larger when determining
whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as
improved grab or swallow whole) can affect you. Your heavy
weapons and unarmed strikes deal damage as if they were
one size larger (and your base slam damage increases to
1d6). However, your space and reach remain those of a
creature of your actual size. The benefits of this ability stack
with the effects of most powers and spells that change the
subject’s size category, but not with the Giant’s Stance feat.
Scent (Ex): Also at 3rd level, you gain the scent special
Bite (Ex): At 4th level, you gain a natural bite attack (base
damage 1d6).
Rend (Ex): Starting at 4th level, your slam attacks become
claw attacks. You also gain Improved Grapple and Two-
Weapon Strike as bonus feats (even if you do not meet the
prerequisites); the latter applies to your claw attacks.
Natural Armor (Ex): You gain +1 natural armor per level
in Amberite, for a total of +2 at 2nd level.
Superhuman (Ex): At 1st level, you gain a +2 racial bonus
Appendix C: Powerful to all attributes (this stacks with existing modifiers). At 2nd
Hybrid Races level, this bonus increases to +4.
In the case of more powerful races, simply trading racial Centaur
feats and traits is not sufficient to balance them. In those
cases, the character chooses a primary race as normal Aloof with other races and at odds even with their own kind,
(unless one is already specified for the powerful race), but the centaurs are an old race only slowly coming to accept the
your first level (and possible some subsequent levels) is modern world. While the majority of centaurs still live in
dictated by your first racial hit die. Examples include tribes roaming vast plains or the fringes of eldritch forests,
planetouched and those with the Blood of Amber, as many have abandoned the isolationist ways of their ancestors
described below. to walk among the more cosmopolitan cities of the world.
These guidelines can be used to allow other monstrous Often such free-spirited centaurs are considered outcasts and
races, in a manner similar to that promulgated in Savage are shunned by their own tribes, making the decision to leave
Species. However, in all cases, racial hit dice and level a heavy one.
adjustment should be merged, so that every level carries a hit Primary Race: Human; Secondary Race: Horse.
die (even if only a d6) and skill points (even if only 2/level). Physical Description: Typically found on the fringes of
There is no guarantee that these races are allowable in any civilization, these stoic people vary widely in appearance,
given campaign; the approval of the other players and referee their skin tones typically appearing deeply tanned but similar
(and an appropriate character back-story) are always needed. to the humans who occupy nearby regions, while their lower
bodies borrow the colorations of local equines. Centaur hair
Amberite and eyes trend toward darker colors and their features tend
to be broad, while the overall bulk of their bodies is
Although you appear as a normal human, the blood of Amber influenced by the size of the horses their lower quarters
flows in your veins (Cf. Roger Zelazny’s “Amber” series). You resemble.
are not a full Prince of Amber like Corwin, and not even a Type: Monstrous Humanoid. As a monstrous humanoid,
direct bastard like Dalt, but rather a more distant relation like you have darkvision 60 ft. and are immune to spells that
Lord Rein. Still, your heritage makes you more powerful than specifically target humanoids.
normal mortals. Languages: Common, Sylvan.
Primary Race: Human; Secondary Race: Outsider (Lord Typical Classes: Barbarian, ranger. Centaurs always treat
of Amber). their racial class levels as favored class levels.
Physical Description: As a normal human. Attribute Modifiers: Dex +2, Int -2, Wis +2. Centaurs are
Type: PC Amberites are distantly-related enough from the agile and perceptive, but less intelligent than most other
House of Amber that their type is Humanoid [Civilized], races.
rather than Outsider. You also gain the [Lawful] alignment Racial Feats and Traits: Centaurs are Large sized, with a
descriptor. -1 size penalty to Armor Class and attack rolls, -4 racial
Languages: Common, Thari. penalty on Stealth checks, +1 size bonus to CMB, and lifting
Attribute Modifiers: As human. and carrying limits are double those of Medium characters.
Racial Feats and Traits: Exchange your human bonus feat Your equine lower body makes it difficult for you to fit in
for Power over Shadow as a bonus feat (you gain this feat passages meant for Medium creatures (you must squeeze
even though you do not meet the prerequisites). For the other through at half speed). Although you are Large, your upper
human feat, you gain Skilled, with the bonus skill ranks torso is the same size as that of a Medium humanoid; as a
automatically being taken in the Walk in Shadow skill. result, you wield weapons meant for Medium creatures, and
Racial Progression: You start at 1st level with one level in do not have natural reach.
an NPC class of your choice (Adept, Aristocrat, Expert, or You otherwise gain no human racial feats nor traits;
Warrior). When advancing to 2nd level, you again must take a instead, refer to the racial class features below.
level in an NPC class. At 2nd level, you are equivalent to a 2nd Racial Progression: You progress through 4 levels’ worth
level NPC with the Advanced simple template – still CR 2, of racial hit dice (outlined below) before beginning
like a 2nd level PC. Thereafter, you progress using normal PC progression in a standard PC class.
classes. If your NPC class was Warrior, you always treat
Fighter as a favored class. If your NPC class was Adept, you Centaur Hit Dice: d10
always treat sorcerer (Amber bloodline) as a favored class.
Level BAB Special
Amberite Hit Dice: By NPC Class 1st +1 Draft horse, hooves 1d4, speed 35 ft.
Level BAB Special 2nd +2 Agility, natural armor, speed 40 ft.
1st +1 Natural armor, superhuman 3rd +3 Combat training, speed 45 ft.
2nd +2 — 4th +4 Hooves 1d6, speed 50 ft.

Saving Throws, Class Skills, and Weapon and Armor Saving Throws: As monstrous humanoids, centaurs gain a
Proficiencies: By NPC class. +2 class bonus to Reflex and Will saves.
Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (any), Endurance, Handle
Animal, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Centaurs have Simple
proficiency with all weapons and shields, and Martial
proficiency with bludgeons, with bows, and with the lance.
They are proficient with light armor.
Draft Horse (Ex): You gain a racial bonus to Strength and
Constitution equal to your centaur level (maximum +4 at 4th
Hooves: You can fight with your fore-hooves as a secondary
attack form while using weapons, or as a primary attack form
while unarmed. Your hooves deal a base 1d4 damage; at 4th
level, the base damage increases to 1d6.
Speed: You have a base land speed of 30 ft. plus 5 ft. per Type: Any creature with at least 1 level in Farspawn in
racial hit die you possess. considered an Aberration, rather than a humanoid or fey, by
Agility (Ex): You gain a racial bonus to Dexterity equal to type. It is always treated as [evil] aligned for purposes of
half your class level (maximum +2 at 4th level). This stacks adjudicating spells and auras.
with any existing racial bonuses. Attribute Modifiers: As primary race, with an additional
Natural Armor: At 2nd level, you gain a +1 bonus to natural +2 bonus to Constitution. At 5th level, you gain additional
armor. racial modifiers (see below).
Combat Training (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you are Racial Feats and Traits: As per the base race.
treated as if you had the Mounted Combat feat for purposes Racial Progression: Farspawn are more powerful than
of qualifying for other feats such as Spirited Charge. fully mortal beings; they begin with one level in the Farspawn
However, you do not need a separate steed, as you already class. Thereafter, they may advance by character class or by
have the lower body of a horse. racial hit dice (the latter representing additional levels in the
Farspawn Farspawn class).
A low-level farspawn is equivalent to a creature with the
Lavinia Whateley had no known husband, but according to pseudonatural template from Complete Arcane. Higher-level
the custom of the region made no attempt to disavow the farspawn mimic the half-farspawn template from Lords of
child; concerning the other side of whose ancestry the Madness. By 8th level, a farspawn has many of the abilities of
country folk might―and did―speculate as widely as they a mind flayer, from the 3.5 edition Monster Manual.
chose. On the contrary, she seemed strangely proud of the
dark, goatish-looking infant who formed such a contrast to Farspawn Hit Dice: d8
her own sickly and pink-eyed albinism, and was heard to
mutter many curious prophecies about its unusual powers Level BAB Special
and tremendous future. 1st +0 Aberrant resistances, blindsight, spell-like
He was soon disliked even more decidedly than his mother abilities
and grandsire, and all conjectures about him were spiced 2nd +1 Damage reduction, natural armor, natural
with references to the bygone magic of Old Whateley, and weapons, spell resistance
how the hills once shook when he shrieked the dreadful 3rd +2 Alternate form, immunities
name of Yog-Sothoth in the midst of a circle of stones with a
great book open in his arms before him. 4th +3 Change shape
―H.P. Lovecraft, “The Dunwich Horror” (1928) 5th +3 Attribute boosts
Much as fiends produce terrible mortal progeny, certain
entities of the Far Realm occasionally venture to the Material 6th +4 Improved grab
Plane to procreate. Sometimes the mortal parent is willing, a 7th +5 Innate metamagic
fanatical cultist or creature so debased in evil that he or she 8th +6 Extract
deliberately invites the union. Other times, the Far Realm
being visits its horrible taint on whatever mortal creature best
suits its abhorrent purpose. Saving Throws: Farspawn are aberrations, gaining a +2
Physical Description: Farspawn are horrible in class bonus to Intuition and Will saves.
appearance. By the capriciousness of fate and heritage, they Bonus Skills: You gain 1 free rank per farspawn level in
might appear largely normal, strongly favoring the mortal Concentration and in Planar Sense. These are otherwise
parent, but always prominently bear abnormal features: extra treated as class skills.
limbs, writhing cilia, tentacles, translucent flesh, variable Class Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Bluff, Escape Artist, Fly,
coloration, or slavering maws or alien eyes embedded in Knowledge (lore), Knowledge (the planes), Perception,
otherwise normal flesh. With heavy clothing, a humanoid Profession (mining), Spellcraft, Stealth, and Survival.
farspawn might conceal its true nature for a time, but anyone Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
viewing the farspawn without its coverings could not possibly Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As aberrations,
miss its differences. Farspawn have Simple proficiency with all weapons. They do
not automatically gain any proficiency with armor.
Aberrant Resistances (Ex): At 1st level, farspawn gain Improved Grab (Ex): Starting at 6th level, on a successful
resistance 5 to acid, electricity, and sonics. At 4th these tentacle attack against a creature of your size or smaller, you
resistances improve by an additional 5 points per 4 hit dice can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
you possess. For example, a farspawn 4/fighter 8 (12 HD provoking an attack of opportunity. If you beat the opponent’s
total) would have resistance 20 to acid, electricity, and sonics. CMD, you establish a hold and attach the tentacle to the
Blindsight (Ex): Farspawn gain blindsight with a range of opponent’s head. If you begin your turn with at least one
10 ft. per farspawn level possessed. tentacle attached, you can try to attach your remaining
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): You gain a racial suite of spell- tentacles with a single grapple check. The opponent can
like abilities, as described in Chapter 7: 1st—true strike, 2nd escape with a single successful grapple check or an Escape
—detect thoughts, 3rd—blink or displacement, 4th—greater Artist check, but you get a +2 circumstance bonus to CMD
invisibility, 5th—telekinesis, 6th—plane shift, 7th—ethereal against this for every tentacle that was attached at the
jaunt, 8th—scintillating pattern, 9th—implosion or summon beginning of the opponent’s turn.
monster IX. If you have one or more class levels in archivist, Innate Metamagic (Sp): A 7th level farspawn gains Innate
cleric, incarnate, sorcerer (aberrant bloodline only), or wizard, Metamagic, to be applied to one of its spell-like abilities, as a
you can choose to forego all racial spell-like abilities in bonus feat. The standard mind flayer in the Monster Manual
exchange for Strong spellcasting theurgy. would have taken Enlarge Spell to increase the area of effect
Damage Reduction (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you gain of its psionic blast.
DR 5/magic, with the enhancement bonus needed to bypass Extract (Ex): A farspawn that begins its turn with all of its
this damage reduction equal to half your class level (round tentacles attached to a single opponent automatically extracts
up). For example, a 3rd level farspawn has DR 5/+2. This the opponent’s brain as a standard action on a successful pin
reduction increases by 5 hp per 4 levels in Farspawn you that round, instantly killing that creature. This ability is
possess. useless against constructs, elementals, oozes, plants, and
Natural Armor (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain a bonus to undead. It is not instantly fatal to foes with multiple heads,
natural armor equal to half your Farspawn class level. This such as ettins and hydras.
stacks with any existing natural armor bonus.
Natural Weapons (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you gain two Lich
tentacle attacks in addition to your normal attacks. These are He learned of the otherworldly powers that lay waiting in the
secondary attacks that deal a base 1d4 damage (assuming world’s hidden places. He learned how to tap into their
you are Medium). When using these tentacles to assist in a potency and so quicken his own resources. And ultimately, he
grapple, you gain a +2 racial bonus to your CMB. You gain an learned how he could have it all. It required one’s own death,
additional tentacle per 4 levels in Farspawn you possess (an but repaid that death a hundredfold with eternity—but not in
8th level farspawn therefore has 4 tentacle attacks). some nebulous afterworld. What use was that?
Spell Resistance (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you gain spell ―Charles deLint, Spiritwalk (1992)
resistance equal to 5 + your farspawn class level + your total These rules allow a character to become a lich and retain
number of hit dice (including aberration HD). For example, a some semblance of a class progression, rather than simply
farspawn 4/fighter 8 (12 HD) would have SR 21. becoming a monster NPC.
Alternate Form (Su): Starting at 3rd level, as a standard Primary Race: Any.
action you can take the form of a grotesque, tentacled mass Type: Undead. A lich also gains all of the traits of the
(or another appropriately gruesome form, as determined by Undead type, and gains the [evil] alignment descriptor.
you and the referee). Despite the alien appearance, your Attribute Modifiers: As primary race. The character also
abilities remain unchanged. Other creatures receive a -1 loses its Constitution score upon becoming a lich, and applies
morale penalty on their attack rolls against you when you are its Charisma modifier to Fortitude saves and hit points per
in this alternate form. die. As you gain levels, you receive mental attribute bonuses
Immunities (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you are immune to as indicated in the table.
[affliction] conditions. Racial Traits and Feats: As primary race.
Change Shape (Su): At 4th level, your alternate form Special: The process of becoming a lich is unspeakably
increases in power. While in your tentacular form, you gain evil and can be undertaken only by a willing character. An
two additional tentacle attacks and become amorphous (you integral part of becoming a lich is creating a magic phylactery
cannot be flanked, and are not subject to extra damage from in which the character stores its life force. As a rule, the only
critical hits). way to get rid of a lich for sure is to destroy its phylactery.
Attribute Boosts (Ex): At 5th level, you receive a +2 racial Unless its phylactery is located and destroyed, a lich
bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma, and a +4 racial reappears 1d10 days after its apparent death.
bonus to Constitution and Wisdom. These bonuses stack Each lich must make its own phylactery, which requires the
with existing racial attribute modifiers. Imbue Item feat. The character must be able to cast
Necromancy spells and have at least 11 ranks in
Concentration. The phylactery costs 30,000 gp per lich level
(which counts against the owner’s numen—see Chapter 6)
and has a caster level equal to that of its creator at the time of
The most common form of phylactery is a sealed metal box Fear Aura (Su): Starting at 3rd level, creatures within 60
containing strips of parchment on which magical phrases feet that look upon you must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 +
have been transcribed. The box is Tiny and has 40 hit points, half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier) or become
hardness 20, and a break DC of 40. Other forms of frightened (if they have fewer than 5 HD) or shaken (if they
phylacteries can exist, such as rings, amulets, or similar have 5 or more HD) for a number of rounds equal to your
items. total number of Hit Dice. Creatures with HD greater than
Racial Progression: Upon gaining sufficient experience to yours are not affected. A creature that successfully saves
gain a level, instead of advancing normally, the would-be lich cannot be affected again by your aura for 24 hours. This is a
undertakes a dread ritual that culminates in his death, rising mind-affecting fear effect.
1d10 days later with 1 level in the Lich class. Lich class levels Rejuvenation (Su): When a lich with at least 4 lich class
count as Undead hit dice. levels is destroyed, its phylactery (which is generally hidden
by the lich in a safe place far from where it chooses to dwell)
immediately begins to rebuild the undead spellcaster's body
Lich Hit Dice: d8 nearby. This process takes 1d10 days—if the body is
destroyed before that time passes, the phylactery merely
Level BAB Special starts the process anew. After this time passes, the lich
1st +0 Channel resistance, damage reduction, natural wakens fully healed (albeit without any gear it left behind on
armor, spell theurgy, wisdom of the grave its old body), usually with a burning need for revenge.
2nd +1 Attribute boost (+2 Int), immunities, touch of
corruption Lizardfolk
3rd +2 Attribute boost (+2 Wis), fear aura These guidelines can be used not only to represent the
lizardfolk race as presented in the Pathfinder Bestiary, but
4th +3 Attribute boost (+2 Cha), rejuvenation also to advance into a dragonborn race (four levels in
Lizardfolk Paragon is equivalent to the half-dragon template).
Saving Throws: Liches, as undead, gain a +2 class bonus Primary Race: Human; Secondary Race: Dragon or other
to Will saves. reptilian race. You can potentially model kobolds as lizardfolk
Bonus Skills: Liches receive 1 free rank per class level in using goblin, rather than human, as the primary race.
Concentration, Knowledge (the planes), and Spellcraft. These Physical Description: Most lizardfolk stand 6 to 7 feet tall
are otherwise treated as class skills. and weigh 200 to 250 pounds, their powerful muscles
Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Fly, Knowledge (lore), covered in scales of gray, green, or brown (or some other
Perception, Perform (acting), and Stealth. color appropriate to dragon ancestry, if any). Some have short
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. dorsal spikes or brightly colored frills.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Liches do not gain any Type: Monstrous Humanoid; you also gain the [reptilian]
additional weapon or armor proficiencies. subtype. As a monstrous humanoid, you have darkvision 60 ft.
Channel Resistance (Ex): You gain channel resistance and are immune to spells that specifically target humanoids.
equal to +1 per lich level you possess. Languages: Common, Draconic.
Damage Reduction (Ex): At 1st level, you gain DR Typical Classes: Barbarian, sorcerer. Lizardfolk always
6/bludgeoning and magic. The amount improves by +3 per treat their racial class levels as favored class levels.
level thereafter, to a maximum of DR 15/bludgeoning and Attribute Modifiers: Str +2, Con +2, Int -2. Lizardfolk are
magic at 4th level. strong and hardy, but not as intelligent as humans.
Natural Armor (Ex): A 1st level lich gains a +2 natural Racial Feats and Traits: Lizardfolk trade their human
armor bonus; this improves by +1 per lich level thereafter. feats for favored terrain and natural armor, as described
Spell Theurgy: Lich levels provide Strong theurgy towards below.
your existing spellcasting ability. Racial Progression: Lizardfolk progress through two
Wisdom of the Grave (Ex): You gain a competence bonus levels’ worth of racial hit dice before selecting a PC class.
on Bluff, Perception, and Stealth checks equal to twice your Alternatively, they can discover or embrace a draconic
lich class level. heritage through two more levels’ worth of racial progression,
Immunities (Ex): At 2nd level, you are immune to cold and as shown below.
Touch of Corruption (Su): You gain a touch attack that Lizardfolk (Dragonborn) Hit Dice: d10
deals an amount of negative energy damage equal to 1d8 +
half your number of ranks in Concentration. Any creature Level BAB Special
damaged by this attack must also succeed at a Fortitude save 1st +1 Favored terrain, natural armor
(DC 10 + your Concentration bonus) or be paralyzed for 1
round per rank in Concentration you possess. At 2nd level, the 2nd +2 Natural weapons, strength of Semuana
paralysis lasts 10 minutes per level instead; at 3rd level it 3rd +3 Draconic heritage
lasts 1 day per level; and at 4th level it is permanent unless a 4th +4 Breath weapon, wings
remove curse (with a successful check equal to the save DC)
is used. A paralyzed victim appears to be dead (DC 15 Heal Saving Throws: As monstrous humanoids, lizardfolk gain
check to realize he or she is still alive). a +2 class bonus to Reflex and Will saves.
Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (any), Endurance, Fly,
Handle Animal, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.
Skill Points
Points at
at Each
Each Level:
Level: 44 ++ Int
Int modifier.
modifier. Skill
Skill Points
Points at
at Each
Each Level:
Level: 44 ++ Int
Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Lizardfolk have Simple
proficiency with all weapons and shields, and Martial Lycanthrope
proficiency with bludgeons. They are proficient with light Under these rules, a person bitten by a lycanthrope who
armor. contracts the curse simply becomes an NPC on nights of the
Favored Terrain (Ex): You gain Favored Terrain (swamps full moon, with no recollection of his or her actions while in
and marshes) as a bonus feat. You also gain a swim speed animal form (which works as per the beast shape I spell). By
equal to half your base land speed, and can hold your breath taking levels in the lycanthrope class, however, the character
for a number of rounds equal to 4 times your Constitution can learn to use these abilities to his or her advantage.
score before you risk drowning. Likewise, a class progression allows natural lycanthrope
Natural Armor (Ex): You gain a bonus to natural armor characters to start play, but with only a fraction of their
equal to your lizardfolk level. eventual abilities.
Natural Weapons (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you gain two Primary Race: Any humanoid; Secondary Race:
claw attacks (base 1d4 damage) and a bite (base 1d4 damage) Lycanthrope.
as natural weapons. Alternatively, you can use a Type: Lycanthropes retain their base creature type, but
manufactured weapon and still gain a secondary bite attack. also gain the [shapechanger] subtype.
If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can also attack Attribute Modifiers: Con +2, Wis +2, Cha -2. Lycanthropes
with a claw as a secondary (off-hand) weapon. At 3rd level, are hardy and perceptive, but lack poise and self-confidence.
your base bite damage increases to 1d6. Racial Feats and Traits: Unless noted otherwise,
Strength of Semuana (Ex): Your racial bonus to Strength lycanthropes retain all the racial feats and traits of the
increases by an additional +2 per lizardfolk level above 1st, to primary race. They also gain the following:
a maximum total of +8 at 4th level (including the initial +2
bonus for being a lizardfolk). Animal Empathy (Ex): Lycanthropes gain a +4 racial
Draconic Heritage (Ex): If you choose to take a 3rd level in bonus to Handle Animal checks made with animals of the
Lizardfolk, your type changes to Dragon. Do not recalculate same type as the lycanthrope’s animal form (including dire
skills or hit points, but you gain Great Fortitude and Deep animals).
Intuition as bonus feats. You gain low-light vision and
immunity to sleep and paralysis; you also gain a +2 racial Animal Senses (Ex): Lycanthropes have low-light vision in
bonus to Intelligence (which essentially removes the -2 all forms.
penalty you took at 1st level), Strength, and Charisma. At 4th
level, the bonus to Intelligence increases to +4 (for a net Racial Progression: Lycanthropes come into their power
bonus of +2). by advancing in the Lycanthrope class.
Choose one dragon type; your scales take on that color
predominantly, and you gain immunity to the corresponding Lycanthrope Hit Dice: d8
energy type (see table below). If you have levels in Sorcerer Level BAB Special
with the Draconic bloodline of the same type as yours, you 1st +0 Animal form, damage reduction, natural armor,
add your Dragonborn class level to your sorcerer level; for scent
purposes of determining your bloodline powers and their
effects. 2nd +1 Hybrid form (+4, bite), moon magic, savagery
Breath Weapon (Ex): At 4th level, you gain a breath 3rd +2 Hybrid form (+6, claws), curse
weapon usable once per day based on your dragon type (see 4th +3 Hybrid form (+8), savagery
below). The breath weapon deals 1d6 hit points of damage
per racial HD you possess (initially 4d6); a Reflex save 5th +3 Hybrid form (Large, +2)
applies for half (DC 10 + half your racial HD + your Con 6th +4 Hybrid form (Large, +4), savagery
Dragon Type Breath Weapon Saving Throws: Lycanthropes gain a +2 class bonus to
Black or copper 60-ft. line of acid
Fortitude, Reflex, and Intuition saves.
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance, Perception,
Brass 60-ft. line of fire Stealth, and Survival.
Blue or bronze 60-ft. line of electricity Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Lycanthropes are
Gold or red 30-ft. cone of fire proficient with their natural weapons. They gain no weapon
Green 30-ft. cone of acid or armor proficiencies.
Silver or white 30-ft. cone of cold
Animal Form (Su): Once per day as a standard action, you
can assume the form of an animal, as if under the effects of a
beast shape I spell. The type of animal depends on the type of
Wings (Ex): At 4th level, you gain a pair of leathery wings lycanthrope you are: werebear—Medium black bear;
and a fly speed equal to your base land speed. wereboar—Medium boar; weretiger—Medium cat; wererat—
Small dire rat; werewolf—Medium wolf. Starting at 5th level,
you can take the form of a Large animal of the appropriate
type (e.g., a brown bear, dire boar, or dire wolf) or Tiny animal
(rat), as if under the effects of a beast shape II spell.
Damage Reduction (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you gain Wolf: favored terrain (plains; maximum bonus equal to
damage reduction 5/silver when in animal form. At 2nd level, your lycanthrope class level), sneak attack +1d6 (you may
you have DR 5/silver in your human form, and DR 10/silver select this more than once to increase the bonus), or
in animal or hybrid form (see below). bonus feat (Dodge, Fast Recovery, Improved Critical (bite),
Natural Armor (Ex): Your natural armor bonus increases Improved Flanking, Improved Trip, Maneuvering Strike
by +1 per lycanthrope class level you possess. The maximum (trip), or Skirmish).
such bonus in humanoid form is +2; in animal or hybrid form
(see below), you receive the full bonus. You must meet all normal prerequisites for feats, but can
Scent (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you gain the scent special otherwise select freely from the choices available to you. Lists
quality (you gain the effects of this quality in your humanoid for other animal types (for unusual lycanthropes) can be
and hybrid forms, not just in your animal form). developed similarly.
Hybrid Form (Su): Starting at 2nd level, as a standard Curse (Su): Starting at 3rd level, your bite in animal or
action you can assume an animal-like humanoid form. While hybrid form inflicts lycanthropy (Fortitude DC 15 negates). If
in hybrid form, you gain a bite or gore attack (base damage the victim's size is not within one size category of yours, this
1d6). Starting at 3rd level, your hybrid form also has two claw ability has no effect.
or slam attacks (base damage 1d4). You can wield weapons Large (Ex): Starting at 5th level, your hybrid form is Large
while in hybrid form, but cannot cast spells with verbal sized (roughly 8 ft. tall). The damage from your natural
components (nor use bardic inspirations that require singing attacks improves by 1 die type (bite 1d8, claws 1d6), your
or chanting) unless you also have the Natural Spell feat (q.v.). natural armor bonus increases by +3, and you gain a +2 size
While in hybrid form, you also gain an additional +4 total bonus to Strength and Constitution while in hybrid form. At
profane bonus to your physical attributes, divided as you see 6th level, the bonus to Strength and Constitution increases to
fit or as appropriate for your animal type. For example, a +4.
werebear might gain +4 Strength; a wererat might choose +4
to Dexterity; and a werewolf might choose +2 to Dexterity Planetouched
and Constitution. The total bonus to physical stats while in
hybrid form improves as shown in the table. The additional You are descended from a planar entity such as a celestial
+2 at 3rd and 4th levels can be applied to any physical stat(s) or a demon; either from a more or less distant ancestor (if
you choose. you end up taking only your first level in Planetouched) or
You can spend a maximum number of rounds per day in even a parent (if you progress through all six levels). [Good]
hybrid form equal to twice your lycanthrope class level + your planetouched (descended from celestials) are assimars; [evil]
(hybrid) Constitution bonus. ones (descended from demons, devils, or daemons) are
Moon Magic (Ex): Lycanthrope levels provide Weak “tieflings,” [lawful] ones (descended from Axiomites and the
theurgy to any existing druid, ranger, transmuter, or sorcerer like) are “resolute,” and [chaotic] ones (descended from true
(bestial bloodline only) spellcasting progression you possess. Proteans or slaadi) are “proteans” or “neraphim,”
It also provides Weak synergy towards advancing bestial respectively.
bloodline powers or moonspeaker Druid initiation abilities Primary Race: Any humanoid or fey; Secondary Race:
(both in terms of gaining new powers and the level at which Celestial, fiend, etc.
those powers function). Type: Planetouched are Outsiders [native], rather than
Savagery (Ex): At 2nd, 4th, and 6th levels, you gain a humanoids or fey; planetouched levels are considered
special ability appropriate to your animal type, chosen from outsider racial hit dice, as described below. They and gain all
the list below. alignment descriptor(s) and subtype(s) appropriate to their
Outsider parentage.
Bear: grab (see Bestiary), immunity to poison, or bonus Typical Classes: Planetouched tend to multiclass into
feat (Fast Recovery, Giant’s Stance, Improved Grapple, cleric or paladin (aasimars), rogue (tiefling), or sorcerer
Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack, Power (Celestial, Celestial, Daemon, Infernal, or Protean bloodline).
Attack, Toughness, or Two-Weapon Strike); Aasimars always treat paladin as a favored class; Tieflings
Boar: impale (x3 crit multiplier with gore), or bonus feat always treat rogue as a favored class; and all planetouched
(Cleave, Defiance, Diehard. Fast Recovery, Improved Bull treat their planetouched levels as favored class levels.
Rush, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Overrun, Power Favored Class Bonus: If you have Planetouched as a
Attack, Skirmish, Toughness, or Vital Strike); favored class, instead of choosing +1 hp or +1 skill point as a
favored class bonus, you can instead gain a favored enemy
Rat: disease (filth fever by bite; see Bestiary), immunity to bonus (aberrations and evil outsiders for aasimars; good
afflictions, or bonus feat (Ability Focus (disease), Combat outsiders for tieflings; etc.) of +1 each time you select this
Expertise, Dodge, Fast Recovery, Improved Feint, option, to a maximum bonus equal to half your character
Improved Weapon Maneuvers, Toughness, Unclean level.
Strike, or Weapon Finesse); Attribute Modifiers: Depend on planar heritage; these
modifiers are in addition to the modifiers for the base race.
Tiger: grab, pounce, or rend (see Bestiary) or bonus feat
(Bleeding Strike, Combat Reflexes, Crippling Strike, Fast Aasimars: +2 Wisdom, Charisma
Recovery, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack, Proteans: +2 Constitution, Charisma; -2 Wisdom
Skill Focus, or Weapon Focus);
Resolute: +2 Constitution, Wisdom; -2 Charisma
Tieflings: +2 Dexterity, Intelligence; -2 Charisma.
Racial Feats and Traits: Unless noted otherwise, Planar Heritage (Ex): You gain Favored Terrain (lower
planetouched retain all the racial feats and traits of the planes or upper planes, as appropriate) with a bonus equal to
primary race. your Planetouched class level (maximum bonus of 2 + half
Racial Progression: To play a planetouched, a character your character level). In addition, at 1st level, planetouched
starts with one of the standard races (generally human), and gain resistance 5 to three energy types, depending on their
then selects the Planetouched class for at least one level. heritage:
Thereafter, the character can multiclass to progress in one of Aasimar—acid, cold, and electricity
the standard classes when leveling. He or she can also
choose to continue progress in the Planetouched class, Protean—acid, fire, and negative energy
eventually becoming a celestial or fiendish character (or even
a half-celestial or half-fiend). Resolute—acid, cold, and fire
Planetouched Hit Dice: d10 Tiefling—cold, electricity, and fire.
Level BAB Special
1st +1 Darkvision, planar heritage, planar magic, skill
These stack with similar resistances, if any.
synergy Planar Magic (Sp, Ex): You gain a suite of racial spell-like
abilities (Chapter 7) appropriate to your heritage, as follows.
2nd +2 Natural weapons, spell resistance
3rd +3 Immunities, smite
Axiomatic (Resolute): 1st—axiomatic weapon (as bless
weapon, but lawful), 2nd—calm emotions, 3rd—magic
4th +4 Natural armor circle against chaos, 4th—order’s wrath, 5th—dispel
5th +5 Attribute boosts (+2 to all scores) chaos, 6th—hold monster, 7th—dictum, 8th—shield of law,
9th—summon monster IX (marut).
6th +6 Wings
Celestial (Aasimar): 1st—bless, 2nd—daylight, 3rd
Saving Throws: Good saves are dependent on heritage: —remove disease, 4th—holy smite, 5th—dispel evil, 6th
Aasimar or Resolute—Fortitude and Will; Tiefling or Protean —hallow, 7th—holy word, 8th—holy aura, 9th—summon
—Reflex and Intuition. monster IX (celestials only).
Bonus Skills: You gain 1 free rank per planetouched level Entropic (Protean): 1st—entropic shield, 2nd—alter self,
in Concentration and in Knowledge (the planes). These are 3rd—magic circle against law, 4th—confusion, 5th—major
otherwise treated as class skills. creation, 6th—disintegrate, 7th—word of chaos, 8th
Class Skills: Bluff, Fly, Perception, and Stealth. Additional —cloak of chaos, 9th—shapechange.
class skills are based on your specific planar heritage.
Aasimar: Athletics, Diplomacy, Endurance, Heal Fiendish (Tiefling): 1st—darkness, 2nd—desecrate, 3rd
—contagion, 4th—poison, 5th—unhallow, 6th
Protean: Endurance, Escape Artist, Planar Sense, —blasphemy, 7th—destruction, 8th—unholy aura, 9th
Survival —summon monster IX (fiends only).

Resolute: Endurance, Craft (any), Knowledge (any), Alternatively, choose a specific planar being as your
Streetwise ancestor, and build a suite of racial spell-like abilities using
Tiefling: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, the abilities possessed by that being. For example, a
Streetwise. planetouched character descended from a green slaad (a
“green neraph”) might use the following: 1st—protection from
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier. law, 2nd—see invisibility, 3rd—deeper darkness, 4th—fear,
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As outsiders, 5th—dispel law, 6th—animate objects, 7th—delayed blast
Planetouched have Martial proficiency with all weapons. fireball, 8th—cloak of chaos, 9th—summon monster IX (1
They do not automatically gain any proficiency with armor or green slaad, 1d3 blue slaadi, or 1d4+1 red slaadi). A character
shields. descended from an angel of light might use the Heavenly
Bonus Language: Aasimars gain Celestial as a bonus Radiance feat from the Advanced Race Guide as a starting
language. Tieflings gain Abyssal or Mabrahoring (Infernal), point. Examples are limited only by the requirement of player
depending on their heritage. Resolute and Proteans gain and referee agreement.
Thari (the language spoken in Amber and the Courts of You also gain the following class synergy options:
Chaos), or another language (Slaadi, etc.) if more appropriate If you have levels in archivist, cleric, incarnate (Aspirancy
to their parentage. mystery), sorcerer (appropriate planar bloodline only), or
Darkvision (Ex): Planetouched gain darkvision with a 60- wizard, you can choose to forego all racial spell-like
ft. range. If they already possess darkvision due to their non- abilities in exchange for Strong spellcasting theurgy.
outsider parent race, the range of their existing darkvision
increases by 30 ft. Planetouched who multiclass into sorcerer and select an
appropriate planar bloodline (Celestial for aasimars, etc.)
gain Full synergy from their planetouched levels for
purposes of determining bloodline powers and resistances
gained, and their effects.
Skill Synergy: Planetouched gain Skill Synergy as a bonus Planetouched, Worghest
feat; the specific skills are dependent upon their planar
heritage, as follows: Aasimar—Diplomacy, Perception This planetouched variant supersedes the “worghest” from
(despite the normal prohibition on choosing Perception as a Dragon magazine, issue 350.
synergy skill); Protean—Escape Artist, Planar Sense; Primary Race: Goblin; Secondary Race: Barghest.
Resolute—Concentration, Streetwise; Tiefling—Bluff, Type: Outsider [Evil, Lawful, Goblinoid].
Stealth. Racial Progression: Worghests progress in levels as
Natural Weapons (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a tiefling Goblin Paragons (see above) and as fiendish Planetouched
gains two claw attacks (base 1d4 damage) and a bite attack (tieflings) for at least three levels, gaining the appropriate
(base 1d6 damage). abilities at the indicated level breaks. They also take levels in
Spell Resistance (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you gain spell lycanthrope (werewolf), in order to gain the change shape
resistance equal to 5 + your character level. ability. A goblin paragon 2/tiefling 3/werewolf 1 is the
Immunities (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you are immune to equivalent of a lesser barghest; additional levels of tiefling
[affliction] conditions. and/or lycanthrope to approximate a greater barghest. Use
Smite (Su): Starting at 3rd level, you can smite once per the following substitutions for the standard tiefling class
day as a swift action. This work’s as the prestige paladin’s abilities:
smite evil ability, but affects an enemy of alignment opposite Feed (Su): Once per day when you slay a humanoid
yours, and functions at an effective class level equal to your opponent, it can feed on the corpse, devouring it as a full-
total hit dice. round action. Feeding destroys the victim’s body and
Natural Armor (Ex): At 4th level, you gain a +1 bonus to prevents any form of raising or resurrection that requires
your natural armor. This stacks with any existing natural part of the body. There is a 50% chance that a wish,
armor bonus. At 6th level, this bonus improves by an miracle, or true resurrection spell can restore the victim to
additional +1. life (check once only; if the first check fails, the victim
Attribute Boosts (Ex): At 5th level, you become infused cannot be restored). You gain the effects of a death knell
with the power of the planes. You gain a +2 racial bonus to all when it feeds in this manner. This ability replaces the
attribute scores (this stacks with your initial racial bonuses to standard tiefling’s smite good ability.
Wings (Ex): At 6th level, an aasimar grows feathered wings Planar Magic: Replace the tiefling’s Infernal bloodline
(a tiefling gains bat-like wings instead, proteans shifting mist- with the Goblin bloodline. Replace the standard tiefling
like ones, and resolute mechanical ones) and can fly at twice spell-like abilities with the following: 1st—misdirection,
the base creature’s base land speed (good maneuverability). 2nd—levitate, 3rd—crushing despair, 4th—dimension
door, 5th—heightened charm monster, 6th—mass bull’s
Planetouched, Eladrin strength, 7th—destruction, 8th—unholy aura, 9th
—summon monster IX.
4th edition D&D renamed high elves as “eladrin” (a race of
elflike celestials from previous editions), and retained the
names of specific eladrin types (bralani, ghaele, etc.) as Vampire
“noble” eladrins infused with fey powers. I recommend a The vampire progression presented here assumes a
fusion of the two approaches for the Aviona campaign, as character is infected mid-campaign―apparently dead, but
outlined here. then slowly transforming into a vampire.
Primary Race: High Elf; Secondary Race: Celestial. Racial Progression: 1d4 days after being drained by a
Type: Outsider [Chaotic, Good, Elf]. vampire, you rise as an Undead with the blood drain, servant
Racial Progression: Celestial high elves (“eladrin”) can of darkness, and shadowless abilities, and all of the vampire
also gain levels in the Feytouched Paragon racial class weaknesses (described below). As an undead, you gain the
(Appendix B). The addition of other class levels helps define [evil] alignment descriptor. Thereafter, you may choose to
the variety of eladrin: an eladrin barbarian with favored continue to progress using PC classes, although you have all
terrain: Arctic or an eladrin frost incarnate is a “bralani;” an of the weaknesses of a vampire and almost none of its
eladrin paladin is a “shiere;” and so on. strengths. Alternatively, you can take levels in the Vampire
Use the following substitutions for the standard aasimar class in order to gain vampiric abilities to compensate for the
class abilities: many weaknesses you gain as a new vampire slave. At 4th
Planar Magic (Ex): Create a list appropriate to your level, you are equivalent to a vampire spawn; at 8th, you are a
eladrin type (e.g., a ghaele eladrin might have 1st—cure full vampire.
light wounds, 2nd—detect thoughts, 3rd—dispel magic, 4th Blood Drain (Su): As the vampire ability in the Bestiary;
—globe of invulnerability, 5th—wall of force, 6th—chain this is how you survive, being unable to eat.
lightning, 7th—prismatic spray, 8th—holy aura, 9th—mass Servant of Darkness (Su): A vampire is under the
hold monster). Add alternative synergy appropriate to your complete control of the vampire that created it, and remains
eladrin type: incarnate (Frost mystery) or Boreal bloodline enslaved until its master's destruction.
for bralani; paladin class features for shiere, etc.

Planetouched, Worghest
A vampire cleric or archivist devoted to a non-evil deity Attribute Modifiers: A vampire gains profane bonuses to
loses all class abilities, including spells, unless you renounce attribute scores as shown in the table. The bonuses shown
former allegiances and swear an oath to the forces of for each level supersede (do not stack with) those shown in
darkness. This restores your former abilities, but as a cleric previous rows.
or archivist sworn to evil, so that the ability to channel Natural Armor (Ex): A vampire’s natural armor bonus
negative positive becomes channel negative energy, etc. You improves as shown in the table.
lose your former domains and instead gains access to two of Slam (Ex): At 1st level you gain a slam attack (base
the following: Death, Destruction, Evil, or Trickery. Vampire damage 1d6), if you didn't have one. Your natural weapons
levels provide Weak theurgy to spellcasting. (including the slam) are treated as +1 weapons for the
Shadowless (Ex): A vampire casts no shadows and shows purpose of overcoming DR.
no reflection in a mirror. At the referee’s option, this also Spider Climb (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you can climb
applies to modern imaging methods such as film and sheer surfaces as though by spider climb.
videotape. Bonus Feat: You receive one bonus feat per level from 2nd
Undead Type: As an undead, a vampire has no through 7th level. These must be chosen from the following
Constitution score. It uses its Charisma modifier to list: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved
determine hit point and Fortitude saving throw adjustments. Iron Will, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus
Vampires gain all of the undead traits listed on pp. 309-310 of (Perception), Toughness.
the Pathfinder Bestiary Channel Resistance (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you gain
Vampire Weaknesses: You have all of the weaknesses channel resistance with a bonus equal to half your vampire
described on pp. 270-271 of the Bestiary. You also have level.
resurrection vulnerability (Su): a raise dead or similar spell Damage Reduction (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain damage
with a spell level higher than your vampire level destroys you reduction 5/silver. The amount improves by +1 per vampire
unless you succeed at a Fortitude save (if your vampire level level thereafter. At 8th level, you have DR 10/magic and silver.
is higher than the level of the revivification spell, you are Fast Healing (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain fast healing at the
immune to its effects). rate shown in the table.
Gaseous Form (Su): Starting at 3rd level, as a standard
Vampire Hit Dice: d8 action you can assume gaseous form at will, but you can
Attribute Fast Natural
remain gaseous indefinitely and have a fly speed of 20 feet. If
Level BAB Special Modifiers: Healing Armor reduced to 0 hp, you automatically assume gaseous form. You
must reach your coffin within 2 hours or be destroyed (you
Str Dex Int can travel up to 9 miles in 2 hours). Additional damage dealt
0 +0 Blood drain, servant of +0 +0 +0 to you in gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest, you are
darkness, shadowless, helpless. You regain 1 hit point after 1 hour, then are no
vampire weaknesses longer helpless and resume fast healing as in the table.
1st +0 Slam, spider climb +0 +0 +0 Resistances (Ex): At 4th level, you gain resistance 10 to
cold and fire.
2nd +1 Bonus feat, channel +0 +1 +0 Dominate (Sp): Starting at 4th level, you can crush a
resistance humanoid opponent's will; you gain dominate person as a
3rd +2 Bonus feat, damage +1 +1 +0 spell-like ability, useable at will.
reduction, gaseous Energy Drain (Su): Starting at 4th level, any creature hit by
form your slam (or other natural weapon) gains one negative level.
4th +3 Bonus feat, +2 +2 +0 This ability only triggers once per round, regardless of the
resistances, dominate, number of attacks you make. At 8th level, this ability bestows
energy drain two negative levels instead of only one.
5th +3 Bonus feat, change +3 +2 +0 Change Shape (Su): Beginning at 5th level, you can use
shape change shape at will to assume the form of a bat, a wolf, or a
6th +4 Bonus feat, children of +4
dire wolf, as beast shape II.
the night
+3 +0
Children of the Night (Su): Starting at 6th level, once per
night you can call forth 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat
7th +5 Bonus feat +5 +3 +1 swarms, or 2d6 wolves as a standard action. They arrive in
8th +6 Energy drain (2 levels) +6 +4 +2 2d6 rounds and serve you for up to 1 hour.
Saving Throws: Vampires, as undead, gain a +2 class
bonus to Will saves. 1. The effects of these abilities are suppressed in normal
Bonus Skills: Vampires gain 1 free rank per class level in light, and dispelled in bright light.↩
Bluff, Perception, and Stealth. These are otherwise treated 2. Non-Paizo sources are as follows: CC = Creature
as class skills. Collection (Sword & Sorcery Studios); FB = Frostburn;
Class Skills: Athletics, Concentration, Craft (any), SSt = Sandstorm; UE = Unapproachable East.↩
Diplomacy, Fly, Knowledge (any), Perform (any), and
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Vampires do not gain
any additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
Kirthfinder Barbarian (Unchained)
Barbarian rage need not imply a Viking berserkergang; nor
And when Kveldúlf boarded the ship, he told his men to go
even something like the Celtic ríastrad, the Maasai battle-
along the gunwales and strike the pegs from the forks, while frenzy of okiluriti, the Malay amok, Navaho iich’aa, etc.
he went back to the stern- deck frenzied, and then, it is said, (although those can all be represented using this mechanic).
he shape-shifted, and many of his companions shape-shifted Despite the name, you could imagine your “rage” as a kind of
too. They killed every single man who was in their way. meditative battle-trance during which your senses and
Skallagrim did the same—neither father nor son stopped muscular control are heightened; there is no reason that
before they had cleared the ship. And when Kveldúlf came every character with levels in this class must be a primitive
back to the stern deck, he raised his halberd and struck at
savage. Choice of a totem, which provides minor benefits and
abilities, allows you to customize the “flavor” of your
Hallvard’s helmet and sank it up to the shaft; he then jerked it
character’s background―anything from a mongol of the Gobi
so hard that he lifted Hallvard into the air and slung him (or Fremen of Arrakkis, from Frank Herbert’s Dune), to a
overboard. Skallagrim unleaded the stem and killed Sigtrygg. Norse berserk (like Kveldúlf and Berdla-Kari from Egil’s
Many of the men jumped into the water, but Skallagrim’s men Saga, quoted above), an Irish champion like Cúchulainn from
took the boat that they had come in and rowed to them and the Táin Bó Cúailnge, a Maasai lion hunter, a skulker in the
killedeveryone who was in the water. ― Egil’s Saga (ca. 1240) rain forests—or even the Incredible Hulk.
Hit Dice: 1d12
Class Skills
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Craft (any), Handle Animal, Knowledge (linguistics, lore, warfare), Planar Sense, Profession
(sailing), Stealth, Survival. Your totem (q.v.), provides additional class skills.
Skill Ranks per level 4 + Int modifier
Bonus Skills: All barbarians automatically receive one free rank per class level in Athletics, Endurance, and Perception. These
are otherwise treated as class skills, but do not count against your total number of skill points.
barbarian (unchained)
Level Base Attack Bonus Special lesser imp. greater mighty primal
1st +1 Endure elements, Bonus Feats, Furious counterstroke, Rage (+1), — — — — —
2nd +2 Damage reduction 1/–, lesser rage power 1 — — — —
3rd +3 Totem ability 1 — — — —
4th +4 Totem feat, lesser Rage power, Superstition +1 2 — — — —
5th +5 Improved rage (+2) 2 — — — —
6th +6/+1 Damage reduction 2/–, improved rage power 2 1 — — —
7th +7/+2 Totem ability 2 1 — — —
8th +8/+3 Totem feat, Improved rage power, Superstition +2 2 2 — — —
9th +9/+4 Greater rage (+3) 2 2 — — —
10th +10/+5 Damage reduction 3/–, Greater rage power 2 2 1 — —
11th +11/+6/+6 Totem ability 2 2 1 — —
12th +12/+7/+7 Totem feat, greater rage power, Superstition +3 2 2 2 — —
13th +13/+8/+8 Mighty rage (+4) 2 2 2 — —
14th +14/+9/+9 Damage reduction 4/–, mighty rage power 2 2 2 1 —
15th +14/+10/+10 Indomitable Will 2 2 2 1 —
16th +16/+11/+11/+11 Totem feat, mighty rage power, Superstition +4 2 2 2 2 —
17th +17/+12/+12/+12 Primal rage (+5) 2 2 2 2 —
18th +18/+13/+13/+13 Damage reduction 5/–, Primal rage power 2 2 2 2 —
19th +19/+14/+14/+14 Perpetual rage 2 2 2 2 —
20th +20/+15/+15/+15 Totem feat, primal rage power, Superstition +5 2 2 2 2 1
Saving Throws: Barbarians gain a +2 class bonus to
Fortitude and Intuition saves.
It’s said about people who are in a berserksgangr,
that while that’s going on they’re so strong that
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: nothing can withstand them, but as soon as it’s
A barbarian has Martial proficiency with all weapons and passed, they’re weaker than usual. Kveldúlf was like
shields, and is proficient with light armor and medium armor. that, too, so that when the hamramr passed, he felt
At your option, you can make one or more of the following exhausted from the fight he’d had and was so weak
exchanges: that he took to his bed. ―Egil’s Saga.
Agile Dodge (Ex): You may choose to give up light and
medium armor proficiencies in exchange for the Dodge
feat. When unarmored, you also gain a morale bonus to Rage (Ex):
saving throws against fear equal to your dodge bonus. You As a free action, a barbarian can call upon inner reserves of
can gain these benefits and still use a shield. strength and ferocity, granting additional combat prowess.
Starting at 1st level, you can rage for a number of rounds per
Canny Defense (Ex): You can trade proficiency with day equal to 4 + your Constitution modifier. At each level after
shields for the Canny Defense feat. 1st, you can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary
Brawler (Ex): You may choose to downgrade your weapon increases to Constitution, such as those gained from spells
proficiencies to Simple rather than Martial. If you do so, like bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of
you gain Exotic proficiency with unarmed attacks and rounds that you can rage per day. You can enter rage as a free
Two-Weapon Fighting (unarmed only) as bonus feats. At action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed
6th level you gain Improved Two-Weapon Fighting after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to
(unarmed) as a bonus feat. be consecutive. While in a rage, you gain the following:
+1 morale bonus to all d20 rolls (attacks, combat
Endure Elements (Ex): maneuver checks, initiative, saving throws, skill and
Whether they hail from the frozen north, the steaming attribute checks, etc.) and to all static d20 target values
jungles, or the blazing deserts, barbarians are inured to harsh (AC, CMD, special ability DCs, etc.). This bonus overlaps
climates. A barbarian can survive in conditions between –50 (does not stack with) morale bonuses from other sources
and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make (spells, a bard’s inspire courage ability, etc.). However,
Fortitude saves or Endurance checks. This ability provides no during any round in which both effects are active, you
protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect choose which of the bonuses to accept, and that round
against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of does not count against your daily rounds’ worth of rage.
air, and so forth. Temporary hit points equal to your rage bonus x your total
Bonus Feats (Ex): number of hit dice. When your rage ends, any temporary
Barbarians are ferocious in combat and notoriously hard to hit points not already lost disappear.
kill. All barbarians gain Diehard, Fast Recovery, Power Attack, Temporarily immunity to the effects of minor conditions
and Vital Strike as bonus feats at 1st level. (Chapter 7). These conditions are not removed; they are
merely suspended until your rage ends.
Furious Counterstroke (Ex): When in a rage, all successful attacks you make deal Vital
At 1st level, you gain Diehard as a bonus feat. In addition, Strike damage, even if the normal activating conditions
when near death you are spurred to a murderous fury. are not met, and this additional damage stacks with sneak
Whenever you have less than 1 hit point remaining but are attack damage (if any).
still functioning (due to the Diehard feat), you gain a +1 While in a rage, you cannot cast spells, use any
circumstance bonus to attack rolls and +2 to damage in Intelligence-based skills, or use any other ability that
melee or with hurled weapons (other than splash weapons or requires patience or care on your part; your effective
grenade-like missiles). These bonuses increase depending on Intelligence score for other purposes is reduced by an
the type of rage of which you are capable, according to the amount equal to your twice rage bonus (to a minimum
following table. effective score of 2). The use of spell-like abilities in a rage
Furious Counterstroke
is generally permitted, however.
Rage Attack/Damage bonus When your rage ends, you damage (not reduced by damage
Lesser +1/+2 reduction) equal to your rage bonus x the number of rounds
spent raging. You are also fatigued for a number of rounds
Improved +2/+4 equal to twice the number of rounds spent in the rage. If
Greater +3/+6 already fatigued, you become exhausted instead (if already
exhausted, you become unconscious). You cannot enter a new
Mighty +4/+8 rage while fatigued or exhausted unless you succeed at an
Primal +5/+10 Endurance check (Chapter 4) to ignore that condition. (Note
that your bonus ranks in Endurance render you immune to
fatigue and exhaustion at 6 and 11 ranks, respectively,
however). If you fall unconscious for any reason while raging,
your rage ends, and you are at risk of death when you take
the damage from your rage ending.
Totem (Ex): Improved Rage (Ex):
You may select one totem from the list provided in Appendix Starting at 5th level, during your rage, your rage bonus
A, to reflect the guardian spirit associated with your tribe, or improves to +2, and you are temporarily immune to the
else a personal spirit guide. Each totem grants a favored effects of minor and moderate conditions (Chapter 7). These
terrain and has two associated skills, as listed in Appendix A. conditions are not removed; they are merely suspended until
You do not receive bonus skill ranks, but totem skills are your rage ends. Likewise, any magical [death] effects you
always treated as class skills, and when using your totem would otherwise succumb to (such as a wail of the banshee
skills you gain a sacred bonus to checks equal to your rage spell), as well as death from massive damage, are delayed
bonus (even when not raging). You gain a +4 sacred bonus on until your rage ends. You can ignore up to 1 negative level
Handle Animal checks when dealing with creatures of the while raging, and attempt a save to remove that negative level
same general category as your totem (e.g., amphibians, fish, when your rage ends.
reptiles, canines, felines). With creatures that match your As the name implies, improved rage is an improvement to
totem (e.g., frogs, sharks, snakes, wolves, lions, repectively), your normal rage, not a separate ability to be kept track of
this bonus increases to +8. As a rule of thumb, general separately. Likewise, the greater rage ability (q.v.) is an
categories should be based more on casual visual recognition improvement to your improved rage, and so on.
by laypersons than on scientific taxonomy; when in doubt, Greater Rage (Ex):
referee discretion prevails. Starting at 9th level, your rage bonus improves to +3, and you
Damage Reduction (Ex): are temporarily immune to the effects of minor, moderate,
At 2nd level, a barbarian gains damage reduction. Subtract 1 and severe conditions. These conditions are not removed;
from the damage you take each time you are dealt damage they are merely suspended until your rage ends. If ignoring
from a weapon or a natural attack. Every four barbarian an energy drained condition, you can attempt a save to
levels thereafter (6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level), this damage remove the negative levels when your rage ends.
reduction increases by 1 point. While you are raging, add Mighty Rage (Ex):
your rage bonus to this damage reduction (e.g., an 11th level Starting at 13th level, your rage bonus improves to +4, and
barbarian in a greater rage has damage reduction 6/—, rather you are temporarily immune to minor, moderate, severe, and
than DR 3/—). critical conditions. These conditions are not removed; they
Rage Powers: are merely suspended until your rage ends.
As you gain levels, you learn to use your rage in new ways. Indomitable Will (Ex):
You gain the benefits of rage powers only while raging, and Starting at 15th level, once per rage, you may attempt a
some of these powers require you to take an action first. second saving throw against any condition temporarily
Unless otherwise noted, you cannot select an individual suppressed by your rage; if successful, that condition ends. If
power more than once. Rage powers come in 5 “levels”— you are affected by an enchantment spell or effect while not
lesser, improved, greater, mighty, and primal—based on the in a rage, you can choose to activate your rage as an
level of rage (q.v.) of which you are capable. When eligible for immediate action so as to delay the onset of the effects
a new rage power, you can choose to select a lower-level (assuming you have rounds of rage remaining for that day).
power in place of a higher-level one, if desired. Tables listing Primal Rage (Ex):
examples of rage powers are provided in Appendix B, with Starting at 17th level, your rage bonus improves to +5. During
rules descriptions following. a rage you are temporarily immune to the effects of all status
Totem Ability (Ex): conditions and effects—including death—that would impede
Your totem provides a special ability at 3rd level, as described your fighting. These conditions are not removed; they are
for the totem chosen at 1st level. You gain additional totem merely suspended until your rage ends.
abilities at 7th and 11th levels. You may also choose to have Perpetual Rage (Ex):
no totem, gaining more generic barbarian class features At 19th level, as an immediate action you can initiate any rage
instead (see Totems, below). power you know even when you are not raging. This lasts as
Superstition (Ex): long as desired, but only one such power can be in effect at a
At 2nd level, you gain a +1 sacred bonus on saving throws time. You can switch out the power manifested as an
made to resist spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like immediate action.
abilities. This bonus improves by an additional +1 per 4 levels
thereafter. However, in order to be the willing recipient of any
spell not cast by you, you must succeed at a Will save (DC 10
+ spell level + the caster’s Charisma modifier).
Totem Feat:
At 4th level, and every 4 class levels thereafter, your totem
provides you with a bonus feat, drawn from the list given for
your totem (barbarians without totems still gain bonus feats,
taken from a separate list). You must meet all prerequisites to
select any given listed feat.

Improved Rage (Ex):

Mutagenic Form (Special)
Although it is assumed that you retain your normal
appearance while raging, this need not be the case. From
Irish legend:

The first warp-spasm seized Cúchulainn, and made

him into a monstrous thing, hideous and shapeless,
unheard of. His shanks and his joints, every knuckle
and angle and organ from head to foot, shook like a
tree in the flood or a reed in the stream. His body
made a furious twist inside his skin, so that his feet
and shins switched to the rear and his heels and
calves switched to the front... On his head the
temple-sinews stretched to the nape of his neck,
each mighty, immense, measureless knob as big as
the head of a month-old child... he sucked one eye
so deep into his head that a wild crane couldn't
probe it onto his cheek out of the depths of his
skull; the other eye fell out along his cheek. His
mouth weirdly distorted: his cheek peeled back
from his jaws until the gullet appeared, his lungs
and his liver flapped in his mouth and throat, his
lower jaw struck the upper a lion-killing blow, and
fiery flakes large as a ram's fleece reached his
mouth from his throat... The hair of his head
twisted like the tangle of a red thorn bush stuck in a
gap; if a royal apple tree with all its kingly fruit were
shaken above him, scarce an apple would reach the
ground but each would be spiked on a bristle of his
hair as it stood up on his scalp with rage.
— The Táin Bó Cúailnge, Thomas Kinsella
(translator), 1969

By selecting a monstrous rage form, the “mutagenic form” of

the Alchemist can be duplicated using barbarian levels
Appendix A: Totems Powerful Build (Ex): Starting at 7th level, your physical
stature lets you function in many ways as if you were one
Standard (Totemless) Barbarian size category larger. This applies to your CMB and CMD.
Like Robert E. Howard’s Conan, you shun any spiritual You are also considered to be one size larger when
connection with some tribal totem and instead exemplify the determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on
unthinking wariness and hair-trigger violence of a born killer. size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect
Favored Terrain: Plains or Hills. you. Your heavy weapons and unarmed strikes deal
Totem Skills: Stealth, Survival. damage as if they were one size larger. However, your
Bonus Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Improved Initiative, space and reach remain those of a creature of your actual
Staredown, Strength Training, Toughness. Totem Abilities: size. The benefits of this ability stack with the effects of
most powers and spells that change the subject’s size
Keen Senses (Ex): You gain low-light vision and scent category, but not with the Giant’s Stance feat.
Mistrust of Magic (Ex): By concentrating as a full-round Simian Reach (Ex): Starting at 11th level, your long arms
action, you can detect magic in a 60-ft. cone. By grant you an additional 5 ft. of reach.
concentrating an additional round, you sense the power of
the most potent aura, and after a third round you correctly Anklyosaurus totem
identify any illusions in the area. Unlike most barbarians, you come from a tribe that values
Gather Barbarian Horde (Ex): Given one week in an area heavy armor and solid protection. This totem supersedes the
in which barbaric tribes dwell, you may gather a horde of Armored Hulk archetype from Ultimate Combat.
barbarians. These number the same as your followers Favored Terrain: Plains.
would if you had the Leadership feat, but all are Totem Skills: Endurance, Craft (smith).
barbarians, and you add your Strength bonus in addition Bonus Feats: Crushing Blow, Exotic Shield Proficiency
to your Charisma modifier when determining your (tower shield), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (heavy mace,
Leadership score. The horde must be gathered for a morning star, or heavy flail), Heavy Armor Proficiency,
specific, short-term purpose (e.g., “destroy the City of Weapon Specialization (heavy mace, morning star, or heavy
Necromancers and slay all within”), and can be held flail). Totem Abilities:
together a maximum number of weeks equal to the
number of class levels you possess. If the purpose has not Armor Training (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain Armor
been fulfilled by that time, the horde disbands, and you Training (as the fighter talent of the same name), with a
cannot gather another horde from that area. bonus equal to your rage bonus. If you have levels in
fighter, use the fighter progression for that talent, and your
Ape Totem
barbarian levels provide Full synergy (Chapter 1).
"In seconds, while holding a lit cigarette in one hand, he can Powerful Build (Ex): As the ape totem ability; you gain
climb a tree and triangulate precisely the best spot from this at 7th level.
which to view an orangutan from the ground." ―Sy Immovable [Stance] (Ex): Starting at 11th level, you can
Montgomery, Walking With The Great Apes (1991) You are adopt a stance that makes you nearly impossible to move
agile and strong, possessed of the bestial reflexes needed to by physical or magical means. While in this stance, you
survive in the rain forests of your homeland. are immune to bull rush, reposition, drag, trip, and throw
Favored Terrain: Forests and jungles. maneuvers, and cannot be picked up, carried, or moved by
Totem Skills: Acrobatics, Escape Artist. magical or physical effects; you also have a personal
Bonus Feats: Alertness, Giant-Slayer, Improved Grapple, dimensional anchor effect.
Strength Training, Two-Weapon Strike, Staredown.
Totem Abilities:
Brachiation (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you gain a climb
speed equal to 10 ft. x your rage bonus (even when not
raging). This stacks with any climb speed derived from
favored terrain, it stacks with this one. You can move
through trees, vines, etc. at your full climb speed.
Bat totem Blood Casting (Su): Starting at 3rd level, you can cast
You are small and agile, adept at hiding from your enemies sorcerer spells while in a rage. You gain Weak sorcerer
and baffling their attacks. spellcasting theurgy from your barbarian levels. Your
barbarian levels also provide Full synergy for purposes of
Favored Terrain: Underground. determining your bloodline resistances, and weak synergy
Totem Skills: Acrobatics, Stealth. towards determining bloodline powers gained.
Bonus Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Dodge, Feat Mastery Blood Sanctuary (Ex): Starting at 7th level, you can
(Blind-Fight), Spring Attack, Wind Stance. choose not to be affected even if you are within the area of
Totem Abilities: an area-effect spell cast by you or one of your allies.
Darkvision (Ex): At 3rd level, the range of the darkvision
provided by your favored terrain (10 ft.) expands by an Bloodrage Spell (Ex): Starting at 11th level, whenever you
additional 50 ft.. If your race provides darkvision as well, activate your rage you can simultaneously cast any one
the ranges stack. sorcerer spell you know on yourself as a swift action. This
spell ends when your rage ends, even if its normal
Evasion (Ex): At 7th level, you gain Evasion (as the rogue duration has not ended.
class feature of the same name); you gain Improved
Evasion at 15th level, but do not gain Greater Evasion. Boar Totem
Vampire Bat (Su): Starting at 11th level, you can use Heavy-set, gluttonous, and monstrously ugly, you have few
vampiric touch at will, with a caster level equal to your friends—but your enemies fear your ferocity and resistance
base attack bonus. You can use this normally as a melee to injury. Favored Terrain: Plains. Totem Skills: Endurance,
touch attack, or can channel it through a melee weapon as Survival. Bonus Feats: Improved Natural Armor, Improved
a [strike]. Overrun, Iron Will, Skirmish, Stamina Training, Toughness.
Totem Abilities:
Bear Totem Improved Damage Reduction (Ex): Starting at 3rd level,
You are bigger and stronger than most others of your race, your normal barbarian damage reduction doubles.
and they tend to look to you for protection and leadership. In Powerful Charge (Ex): At 7th level, you gain Spirited
Mi’kmaq and some other Native American cultures, the bear Charge as a bonus feat. You can use this ability with any
makes an astral journey to bring medicines to the people. piercing weapon, even when you are not mounted. In
Favored Terrain: Hills and mountains (brown or black addition, if you have the Spearfighter feat, you can use it in
bear totem), arctic (polar bear totem), or Astral Plane (Ursa conjunction with any piercing weapon or natural attack.
Major). Pig’s Gluttony (Su): Starting at 11th level, you can derive
Totem Skills: Diplomacy, Heal. nutrition from anything you can swallow, and are immune
Bonus Feats: Defensive Rebuke, Fight On, Improved to ingested poisons. You can even eat active spell effects;
Grapple, Leadership, Shared Shield, Strength Training. treat this as dispel magic with a range of touch and a
Totem Abilities: caster level equal to your class level. Starting at 19th level,
Scent (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain the Scent special quality you can eat magic items as well (treat as 3.5 edition
(as the bear warrior prestige class from Complete disjunction, again with a range of touch).
Powerful Build (Ex): As the ape totem ability; you gain this
at 7th level.
Medicine Giver (Ex): At 11th level you gain a suite of racial
spell-like abilities, using your Heal skill in place of
Concentration: 1st—cure light wounds, 2nd—lesser
restoration, 3rd—create food & water, 4th—neutralize
poison, 5th—dream, 6th—globe of invulnerability, 7th—
regenerate, 8th—animal shapes (bears only), 9th—astral
Bloodline Totem
Pick a sorcerer bloodline (q.v.); your totem is represented by
that bloodline in some way. This allows you to simulate a
Bloodrager (Advanced Class Guide) by multiclassing
barbarian with sorcerer.
Favored Terrain: None.
Totem Skills: Concentration, Spellcraft.
Bonus Feats: Choose from the bonus feats listed for your
sorcerer bloodline.
Totem Abilities:
Bull Totem Elephant Totem
Favored Terrain: Plains. In addition to being admired for its size and prowess in war,
the elephant has long been a symbol of wisdom, royalty,
Totem Skills: Bluff, Escape Artist. divine protection, and virility. You consider your rage to be
Bonus Feats: Cleave, Daunting Strike, Heedless Charge, akin to a bull elephant’s musth state.
Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Strength Training. Favored Terrain: Plains or Forests.
Totem Abilities: Totem Skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (lore).
Dashing Step (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, the penalty to AC Bonus Feats: Awesome Blow, Heedless Charge, Improved
when you charge is reduced by 2 (minimum 0). You also Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Improved Natural Armor,
receive a sacred bonus to AC against attacks of Moral Training.
opportunity made against you while charging equal to
your rage bonus (even when not raging). Totem Abilities:
Gorgon’s Blood (Ex): Starting at 7th level, you are immune Great T’Phon (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, your carrying
to Dexterity damage and Dexterity drain, and cannot be capacity triples (as if affected by an ant haulAPG spell, but
paralyzed or turned to stone. this is an extraordinary ability and cannot be dispelled.
Unstoppable Charge (Ex): At 11th level, you gain immunity Powerful Build (Ex): As the ape totem ability; you gain
to entanglement and Check maneuvers. If you have the this at 7th level.
Improved Overrun feat, you can use your trample ability
on barriers in the path of your charge, and ignore any Wisdom of Ganesha (Ex): At 11th level you gain a suite
hardness on barriers attacked in this manner. You gain a of racial spell-like abilities, using your Diplomacy skill in
combat maneuver (Overrun) check to destroy a wall of place of Concentration if the bonus is greater: 1st—
force or prismatic wall if you charge into it (1d20 + your protection from evil, 2nd—bull’s strength, 3rd—prayer, 4th
class level + your Str bonus, against a DC of 11 + the —divination, 5th—greater heroism, 6th—geas, 7th—
wall’s spell level + the wall’s caster level. If you fail to repulsion, 8th—earthquake, 9th—storm of vengeance.
destroy a wall of force, you take damage as if you had
trampled yourself and you stop immediately in front of the Fox Totem
barrier. Failing to destroy a prismatic wall subjects you to Favored by Small barbarians such as gnomes and halflings,
the wall’s full effects. the fox totem is for swiftness and cunning more than brute
Dragon Totem
Your prowess and ferocity strike fear into the hearts of those Favored Terrain: Forest (red fox), cold (arctic fox), or desert
who stand against you. (fennec or coyote).
Favored Terrain: Hills and mountains or underground Totem Skills: Acrobatics, Stealth
(dragon totem), or arctic (linnorm totem). Bonus Feats: Agility Training, Careful Attack, Combat
Totem Skills: Bluff, Perception. Expertise, Dodge, Giant-Slayer, Improved Feint.
Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight, Improved Natural Armor, Iron Totem Abilities:
Will, Penetrating Strike, Resist Energy, Shatter Defenses. Reynard’s Luck (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you gain a
Totem Abilities: bonus Hero Point (Chapter 1) at the start of each day. If
not used within 24 hours, it is lost in favor of the new one
Totem Immunities (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you are for the next day; you cannot accumulate these bonus
immune to fear, paralysis, and sleep. points.
Breath Weapon (Su): At 7th level, you gain a breath Evasion (Ex): At 7th level, you gain evasion, as the rogue
weapon as a supernatural ability usable three times per class feature of the same name. At 15th level, this
day; it takes the shape of a 60-ft. line or 30-ft. cone and improves to Improved Evasion. You do not receive greater
deals energy damage (of a type appropriate to your evasion, however.
specific dragon or linnorm totem) equal to 1d6 x your Sour Grapes (Su): You are accustomed to surviving the
class level (Reflex half, DC 10 + half your class level + your humiliating failures of even your most audacious tricks.
Con modifier). Starting at 11th level, you are immune to the effects of
Frightful Presence (Ex): At 11th level, you gain starvation and dehydration (including desiccation
Staredown and Feat Mastery (Staredown) as bonus feats. damage), and need not breathe (rendering you immune to
inhaled poisons, suffocation, and drowning).

Elephant Totem
Frog Totem Hive Totem
Barbarians with the primordial Frog totem represent the Certain tribes of barbarians revere the mindless vermin of
most primitive of their class. Favored Terrain: Marshes and their homelands, honoring their toughness, sense of
swamps (frog), or underground (lizard totem; otherwise community, and ability to strip all edible material bare. This
identical). totem was adapted from the rage powers of the same name
from Ultimate Combat.
Totem Skills: Bluff, Planar Sense.
Favored Terrain: Jungle, swamp, or underground.
Bonus Feats: Careful Speaker, Chaotic Mind, Great
Fortitude, Penetrating Strike, Skill Trick (jump), Toughness. Totem Skills: Craft (toxicology), Handle Animal.
Totem Abilities: Totem Feats: Chaotic Mind, Combat Reflexes, Fight On,
Disruptive (Ex): At 3rd level you gain the Disruptive Improved Flanking, Iron Will, Serenity.
fighter talent (q.v.), using your barbatian level in place of Totem Abilities:
your fighter level. If you have levels in fighter, they provide
Full synergy towards this ability. Hive Resistance (Su): Starting at 3rd level, you take no
damage from attacks by swarms, preventing harmful
Nondetection (Ex): At 7th level, you gain a permanent secondary effects of such attacks like distraction, poison,
nondetection effect, as the spell with a caster level equal etc. In addition, you can use the Handle Animal skill on
to your class level (even if you have no ranks in vermin without the usual +4 to the DC.
Concentration), except that this is an extraordinary ability
and cannot be dispelled. *Hive Toxicity (Su): Starting at 7th level, you can envenom
any piercing weapon you use with the equivalent of giant
Spell Resistance (Ex): Starting at 11th level, you gain scorpion venom (DC 10 + half your class level + your
spell resistance equal to 11 + your class level. Constitution modifier, damage 1d2 Str/rd. for 6 rounds,
cure 1 save) at no cost, to a maximum number of doses
Hawk Totem per day equal to your barbarian level plus your number of
Hawk totem barbarians are fast and graceful, often preferring ranks in Craft (toxicology) skill.
the use of ranged weapons. Cloak of Vermin (Su): Starting at 11th level, you are
Favored Terrain: Hills and mountains, or desert. constantly surrounded by a 5-ft. radius swarm of
Diminutive biting, flying insects. Those within the area
Totem Skills: Handle Animal, Perception. (except you) are attacked by the swarm (damage equal to
that of your Vital Strike, plus distraction). Your cloak of
Bonus Feats: Blinding Strike, Dodge, Far Shot, Precise vermin has Hit Dice equal to your class level, and uses
Shot, Rapid Shot, Skirmish. your Constitution modifier, AC, and saving throws. If your
attendant vermin swarm is destroyed, it recovers at the
Totem Abilities: rate of 1 effective druid level per day.
Animal Companion (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain a hawk as
an animal companion. Your effective druid level is equal to Honey Badger Totem
your barbarian level; you can improve your animal Barbarians with this totem often live in burrows in the hills,
companion as a druid does, and eventually attain a more bursting forth to slay their enemies with great ferocity and
powerful hawk-like animal (e.g., a roc at 12th level). It tenacious resolve.
takes 1 in an appropriate terrain, and a DC 15 Handle
Animal check, to find a new companion if the previous one Favored Terrain: Hills and mountains.
dies. Totem Skills: Bluff, Escape Artist.
*Eyes of the Eagle (Sp): Starting at 7th level, you can
spend a move action in order to lose your own vision and Bonus Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Grapple, Improved
instead see through the eyes of your animal companion; Natural Armor, Stamina Training, Toughness, Unclean Strike.
switching back is a free action. You can do this as often as Totem Abilities:
desired. In addition, up to 3 times per day you can see
through the eyes of a different bird of prey; treat this as a Burrow (Ex): A 3rd level, you gain a burrow speed equal
clairvoyance spell (at a caster level equal to your class to 5 ft. x your rage bonus (through sand and earth only, not
level), but it works only outdoors. solid rock).
Speed of the Hawk (Su): Starting at 11th level, as a swift Fearless (Ex): Starting at 7th level, you are immune to all
action, you can act as if hasted for 1 round. This ability can [fear] effects. In addition, you are immune to the attacks of
be used a number of times per day equal to your class swarms.
Snake-Eater (Ex): At 11th level, you gain immunity to all
[afflictions], including disease, poison, nausea, and

Hive Totem
Horse Totem Freedom of Movement (Ex): Starting at 7th level, you are
Like a Comanche brave or one of Genghis Khan’s Mongols, at home beneath the choppy seas, and are as adept as
you were born in the saddle. You are keenly aware that, on escaping as the jetting squid. You can grant yourself
the plains or steppes of your homeland, a man without a freedom of movement and water breathing (as the spells,
horse is soon a dead man. Horse totem barbarians often call but as an extraordinary ability) as a swift action, lasting 1
themselves Horselords (as per Dragon magazine, issue 338), minute per class level per use. You can use this ability
and may refer to their rage as a “battle ecstasy.” once per day per 3 class levels you possess.
Favored Terrain: Plains or desert. Storm Magic (Sp): At 11th level, you gain the following
suite of racial spell-like abilities: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd
Totem Skills: Handle Animal, Survival. —resist energy, 3rd—call lightning, 4th—dominate animal
(marine life only), 5th—control winds, 6th—summon
Bonus Feats: Magical Talent (create water, predict weather, nature’s ally VI (marine life only), 7th—control weather,
etc.), Mounted Combat, Skirmish, Spirit Banner (as the 8th—maelstromCD, 9th—storm of vengeance.
fighter’s “banner” talent), Spirited Charge, Steady Aim.
Totem Abilities: Lion Totem
Like a Maasai warrior, you are at home on the grassy
Animal Companion (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain a horse as savannah and rough badlands. A barbatian with this totem
an animal companion (as that function of the Druid’s mark supersedes the Singh Rager prestige class from Oriental
of the wild class feature). It takes 1 week and a DC 15 Adventures. N.B. The pounce ability granted by the spirit lion
Handle Animal check to find a new companion if the totem (from Complete Champion) has been superseded in
previous one dies. If you have Plains as your favored these house rules by the Skirmish feat (q.v.). The damage
terrain, your mount also receives the bonus to base land bonus when charging conferred by the Unearthed Arcana
speed. As your skill in Handle Animal improves, you can lion totem is likewise already subsumed into the Vital Strike
improve your horse as noted for animal companions; at and Skirmish feats.
higher levels, you can conceivably trade an actual horse
for a horse-like steed such as a hippogriff, nightmare, Favored Terrain: Plains.
pegasus, or dragon horse, subject to the CR limits based
on your level and skill bonus. Totem Skills: Acrobatics, Stealth.
Ferocious Mount (Ex): At 7th level, your animal Bonus Feats: Agility Training, Fleet, Lightning Reflexes,
companion gains damage reduction equal to yours. While Skirmish, Spearfighter, Staredown.
you rage, your mount gains the benefits of your rage and
all active rage powers for as long as you remain mounted Totem Abilities:
or adjacent to it. Lion-Hearted (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain low-light vision.
Planar Mount (Su): At 11th level, your mount gains the You are also immune to fear and [fear] effects.
following suite of racial spell-like abilities (Chapter 8), Lion’s Pounce (Ex): Starting at 7th level, when you make a
using your class level as its caster level in place of ranks in charge attack, the critical threat range of your weapon(s)
Concentration: 0—create water, 1st—expeditious retreat, increases by one (e.g., from 19-20 to 18-20). This ability
2nd—blur, 3rd—water walking, 4th—air walk, 5th—plane stacks with the effects of the Improved Critical feat and/or
shift, 6th—find the path, 7th—ethereal jaunt, 8th—rapid keen weapon property. This ability supersedes the Jaguar
journeyRR, 9th—astral projection (self and riders only). Pounce feat from Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the
Kracken Totem Lost Colony.
You are at home in and on the waves of the icy seas. Swiftness of the Lioness (Ex): Starting at 11th level, as a
swift action, you can act as though under a haste spell for
Favored Terrain: Water (shipboard) or Water (underwater). one round, but this is an extraordinary ability, rather than
Totem Skills: Concentration, Knowledge (planes). a spell-like ability. You can use this ability a number of
times per day equal to your class level.
Bonus Feats: Favored Terrain (increase existing bonus by +2;
you can gain this multiple times), Improved Grapple,
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-
Weapon Strike, Two-Weapon Versatility.
Totem Abilities:
Strong Swimmer (Ex): Swim speed equal to 5 ft. x rage
bonus (even when not raging); stacks with swim speed
from favored terrain (if any).
Oiroboros Totem Scorpion Totem
You revere the Worm Ouroboros, a symbol of the unity of Scorpion totem barbarians can represent the “whirling
your home world and defense against outsiders. This totem dervishes” of the desert places. They are generally ascetics,
was adapted from the chain of World Serpent Totem rage eschewing material possessions other than their clothing and
powers (Ultimate Combat). weapons.
Favored Terrain: Plains, mountains, or underwater Favored Terrain: Deserts.
Totem Skills: Knowledge (planes), Planar Sense. Totem Skills: Concentration, Knowledge (planes).
Bonus Feats: Aligned Strike, Anchoring Blow, Counterport, Bonus Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (scimitar),
Moral Training, Paragon of Insight, Serenity. Improved Natural Armor, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting,
Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Strike, Weapon Finesse.
Totem Abilities:
Totem Abilities:
World Stability (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you cannot be
knocked prone, and gain a sacred bonus to CMD against Dust Devil (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain the ability to can
other maneuvers equal to your rage bonus (even when not kick up a cloud of dust while you fight as a free action,
raging). granting you partial concealment (20% miss chance). You
World Serpent Unity (Ex): At 7th level, you gain can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to
outsiders (all) and aberrations as favored enemies (as the your class level. If activated while raging, you pay the
ranger lore of the same name), using your barbarian level duration cost only for the first round; the effect
in place of your ranger level (if you also have levels in automatically lasts thereafter until your rage ends.
ranger, they provide Full synergy). You can use the Aligned Wisdom of the Wastes (Sp): At 7th level, you gain the
Strike or Anchoring Blow feat (if possessed) in following suite of racial spell-like abilities (Chapter 8): 1st
conjunction with a full attack against these enemies —locate waterSSt, 2nd—blades of fireCA, 3rd--
without the normal -5 attack penalty. haboobSSt, 4th—poison, 5th—control winds, 6th—true
seeing, 7th—summon nature’s ally VII (djinn), 8th—
World Serpent Resistance (Ex): At 11th level, you gain whirlwind, 9th—etherealness.
spell resistance equal to 11 + your class level.
You achieve complete submission to the will of your deity,
Rat Totem At 11th level, you become immune to [mind-affecting]
Rat totem barbarians are often Small creatures themselves, spells and effects.
like goblins, kobolds, or halflings.
Serpent Totem
Favored Terrain: Urban or underground. Living deep in the rain forests, Serpent totem barbarians
Totem Skills: Escape Artist, Stealth. often use poisoned missiles from ambush, then swiftly attack
and slay their foes in melee.
Bonus Feats: Catch Off-Guard, Giant-Slayer, Great Fortitude, Favored Terrain: Forests and jungles, or marshes and
Improved Feint, Unclean Strike, Weapon Finesse. swamps.
Totem Abilities: Totem Skills: Bluff, Craft (toxicology).
Sneak Attack (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain sneak attack Bonus Feats: Ability Focus (hypnotic gaze), Improved
+1d6 (as the rogue class feature of the same name). This Grapple, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus
improves by +1d6 per 4 levels thereafter (maximum +5d6 (Stealth), Venomous Strike.
at 19th level).
Call of the Sewers (Sp): Starting at 7th, level, you can Totem Abilities:
summon a rat swarm once per day as a spell-like ability, as Serpent’s Glide (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain a climb speed
per a summon swarm spell with a caster level equal to and a swim speed, each equal to 5 ft. x your rage bonus
your barbarian class level (even if you have no ranks in (even when not raging). If you already have a climb and/or
Concentration). At 7th level, you can either use this ability swim speed, the speed(s) stack.
twice per day, or else once per day to summon 1d4+1 rat
swarms. At 11th level, you can use this ability at will, or Poison Use (Ex): Starting at 7th level, you never risk
three times per day to summon 1d3 rat swarms, or once poisoning yourself when envenoming your weapons. In
per day to summon 3d6 rat swarms. your native rain forest, you can envenom your arrows
Survivor (Ex): At 11th level, you gain immunity to all and/or blowgun darts with the equivalent of black adder
[afflictions], including disease, poison, nausea, and venom (DC 10 + half your class level, damage 1d2 Con/rd.
sickness. for 6 rounds, cure 1 save) at no cost, to a maximum
number of missiles per day equal to your barbarian level
plus your number of ranks in Craft (toxicology) skill.

Scorpion Totem
Hypnotic Gaze (Su): Starting at 11th level, as a standard Spirit Totem
action, you can entrance any single creature within 30 ft. You are at one with the spirit world, allowing you to access
that meets your gaze. The victim must succeed at a Will mystical abilities that most barbarians shun and fear. This
save (DC 10 + your barbarian level) or be fascinated for totem is intended to synergize with the incarnate’s Rage
2d4 rounds. The creature stands or sits quietly, taking no mystery, in order to supersede the Rage Prophet prestige
actions other than to pay attention to the fascinating class from the Advanced Player’s Guide. It can also be used
effect. The victim takes a –4 penalty on skill checks made to simulate the Rage Mage prestige class from Complete
as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential Warrior.
threat, such as a hostile creature approaching, allows the
fascinated creature a new saving throw against the Favored Terrain: Extraplanar (choose one).
fascinating effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone
drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged Totem Skills: Concentration, Planar Sense,
weapon at the fascinated creature, automatically breaks Bonus Feats: Arcane Armor Training, Expanded Arcana (you
the effect. A fascinated creature's ally may shake it free of can select this multiple times), Extra Rage, Magical Talent,
the spell as a standard action. Starting at 15th level, you Practiced Bloodline (or Practiced Channeling, Practiced
can activate this ability as a move action. At 19th level, you Initiate, or Practiced Revelations).
can target one creature per round as a swift action.
Shark Totem Totem Abilities:
Sharks are often viewed as deified ancestor spirits in Spell Rage (Ex): Choose one spellcasting class in which
Hawaiian mythology, making this a particularly appropriate you have levels. Starting at 3rd level, your barbarian levels
totem for characters from a society modeled on the Pacific provide Weak theurgy towards that class’ spellcasting
Islands. Barbarians with the shark totem manifest the spirit progression, and you can cast spells from that class’ list
of the ocean’s most feared predator, with senses and instincts while in a rage. Your spellcasting class levels also provide
designed to stalk prey from huge distances. Weak synergy for purposes of determining the type of rage
of which you are capable, your rage bonus, and your total
Favored Terrain: Water (underwater). number of rounds per day of rage. While raging, you can
Totem Skills: Athletics, Bluff. expend a spell slot as a swift action in order to regain a
number of daily rounds’ worth of rage equal to the level of
Bonus Feats: Bleeding Strike, Furious Focus, Great the spell slot.
Fortitude, Improved Natural Armor, Intimidating Prowess, Spirit Guardian (Sp): Starting at 7th level, as a swift action
Toughness. you can spend 1 round of rage (whether you are raging or
Totem Abilities: not) to give your armor and weapons the ghost touch
property for 1 round. If you have the ghost rager rage
Keen Scent (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain the scent special power, that functions normally, and imbuing your weapons
quality. If you can breathe underwater (using water (and armor/shield, at 9th level) when not raging do not
breathing or by having favored terrain [underwater] of +4 cost rounds of rage.
or better), your scent ability functions underwater at
double the normal radius, and you can smell blood up to a Spell Fury (Sp): Upon reaching 11th level, you can quicken
mile away. one spell of 2nd level or lower (as if by the Quicken Spell
feat) cast while raging, but without adjusting the spell’s
Quarry (Ex): At 7th level, you gain the Quarry ability, as the level or casting time. You may use this ability once during
ranger class feature of the same name. For purposes of each rage. The maximum spell level increases by +1 per 4
this ability, you effective ranger level is equal to your levels after the 11th (maximum 4th level spell at 19th
barbarian level -4. If you have levels in ranger, your level).
barbarian level provides Strong synergy to your quarry
class feature.
Aumakua (Su): At 11th level and above, you are a living
ancestor to your people, able to appear in various spirit
forms. You gain the wild shape ability (as the druid class
level feature), limited to the following forms: huge shark
(as beast shape III), normal owl (beast shape II), a rock
(meld into stone), or in dreams (as the dream spell). You
can use this ability once per day per six class levels you
possess; if you possess levels in druid, they provide Full
synergy, unless you have the Wild Shaper initiation, in
which case your barbarian level provides Full synergy to
your druid level, and the additional forms (rock, dream)
are retained.

Spirit Totem
Thylacine Totem Wolf Totem
Ritual scars, battle scars, or both—possibly enhanced with The wolf has taught you that cooperation with your
brands and/or paint—crisscross your face and body like the companions can mean the difference between survival and
stripes of your totem animal, the so-called “Tasmanian tiger” starvation.
or “Tasmanian wolf.” This totem is derived from the Scarred
Rager archetype, from Ultimate Combat. Favored Terrain: Plains.
Favored Terrain: Desert or plains. Totem Skills: Endurance, Survival.
Totem Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy. Bonus Feats: Adaptable Flanking, Combat Reflexes,
Exhausting Defense, Improved Flanking, Improved Trip, Skill
Bonus Feats: Evade Reach, Fight On, Intimidating Prowess, Focus (Endurance).
Shatter Defenses, Staredown, Toughness.
Totem Abilities:
Totem Abilities:
Scent (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, your nose is as keen as a
Scarred Hide (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, any continuing wolf’s. You gain the scent special quality.
damage you sustain (as from a bleed effect, an acid arrow Sneak Attack (Ex): At 7th level, you gain sneak attack
spell, etc.) is reduced by an amount equal to your totem +2d6, as the rogue ability. Your sneak attack damage
bonus (minimum 0). Any sneak attack or Vital Strike made increases by +1d6 per 4 class levels beyond the 7th (i.e., to
against you has its damage reduced by a number of dice +3d6 at 11th level, +4d6 at 15th, and to +5d6 at 19th level).
equal to your totem bonus (your normal damage reduction At a total bonus of +5d6, you also gain Improved Sneak
is applied thereafter). Attack (q.v.).
Bushfire Markings (Ex): Aboriginal legend attributes the
markings of the thylacine as soot from a bush fire. At 7th *Pack Lord (Su): Starting at 11th level, once per day you
level, you gain the [fire] subtype, including immunity to fire can summon wolves to fight with you. This works as
and vulnerability to cold. summon nature’s ally (4d6 wolves, 1d4+1 dire wolves, or
1d3 winter wolves), except the duration is 10 minutes per
Tolerance (Ex): If you fail a save against an effect that level (it operates at a caster level equal to your class level,
causes you to become dazed, exhausted, fatigued, even if you have no ranks in Concentration). The number
frightened, nauseated, sickened, shaken, or stunned, you of wolves summoned increases as you gain levels, as
can make a second save to negate the effect on the start of follows; you can summon only one type at a time.
your next turn. Only one additional save is allowed. If the
effect does not allow a saving throw, its duration is halved Wolf Summons
instead (minimum of 1 round). Class Level: 11th 13th 15th 17th
Wolves 4d6 6d6 10d6 15d6
Weasel Totem
You may not be the largest of your people, but none doubt the Advanced Wolves 2d6 4d6 6d6 10d6
savage ferocity and uncanny reaction speed of which you are Dire Wolves 1d4+1 2d6 4d6 6d6
capable. Winter Wolves 1d3 1d4+1 2d6 4d6
Favored Terrain: Cold (wolverine totem), forest (marten
totem), plains (stoat totem), or underground (badger totem). Zombie Totem
You belong to a primitive death cult. Barbarians with this
Totem Skills: Acrobatics, Stealth. totem often go into battle with their faces painted like skulls,
Bonus Feats: Agility Training, Crippling Strike, Giant-Slayer, leading zombies animated by their tribal witch doctors.
Improved Initiative, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse. Favored Terrain: Ethereal Plane.
Totem Abilities: Totem Skills: Concentration, Knowledge (planes).
Weasel War Dance (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain the Bonus Feats: Command Undead, Iron Will, Skill Focus
Defensive Roll rogue combat talent. (Knowledge: planes), Spellstrike, Toughness, any Death
Riposte (Ex): At 7th level, you gain the Riposte fighter Domain or [Necromantic] feat.
talent (q.v.), with an effective fighter level equal to your Totem Abilities:
barbarian class level. You must have the Dodge and
Weapon Finesse feats in order to gain the effects of this Taint of the Grave (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you are healed,
ability. rather than damaged, by negative energy (if you are undead,
Feigned Opening [Stance] (Ex): At 11th level, you gain you instead gain channel resistance equal to your rage
the Robilar’s Gambit advanced fighter talent. bonus; this stacks with any existing channel resistance you
possess. You are treated as if you had access to the Death
domain and the ability to channel negative energy, for
purposes of qualifying for [divine], [domain], and
[necromantic] feats (Chapter 5).
Wolf Totem
Touch of Death (Sp): At 7th level, you gain access to a
racial suite of spell-like abilities (Chapter 8), as follows: 0
—reduced ray of entropy (1d6), 1st—damage attribute
(Str), 2nd—ghoul touch, 3rd—vampiric touch, 4th—
enervation, 5th—crypt warden’s graspCM, 6th—
Heightened slay living (6d4 Con), 7th—ethereal jaunt, 8th--
blackfireCA, 9th—wail of the banshee.
Baron Samedi (Su): If you are at least 11th level and are
killed, you rise the next night as one of the walking dead;
you gain the juju zombie template (Bestiary 2) except that
you can benifit from moral bonuses. If destroyed as a juju
zombie, you rise again the next night unless basic steps
are taken to prevent it (e.g., burning the body or casting
sanctify corpse on it, making sure the body is within the
area of a hallow spell, etc.).
(the legendary Welsh bard, especially as described in
“These praises, King / Won't cost you dear That I Charles deLint’s Moonheart), Morgon (from Patricia
shall sing / If you will hear: Who beat and blazed / McKillip’s The Riddle-Master of Hed), and Silver John (from
Your trail of red, ‘Til Odin gazed / Upon the dead.” Manley Wade Wellman’s Appalachian stories). Minstrels often
Egil’s Saga (ca. 1240) take levels of Prestige Specialist (see Wizard), choosing
enchantment or illusion as their specialist school);
Väinämöinen (from Elias Lönnrot’s Kalevala) is an example of
Each bard must choose to follow one of two traditions: that of a bard/wizard or bard/sorcerer.
a minstrel (who uses an instrument as an arcane spellcasting Examples of skalds include Egil Skallagrimsson (from
focus, and is capable of a variety of magical effects) or a skald Snorri Sturlusson’s Egil’s Saga), Rostand’s Cyrano de
(a warrior-poet, who fights while chanting). The type of bard Bergerac, Volker of Alzey (from The Niebelungenlied), and
chosen has an effect on skills, spellcasting, and other class Lemminkäinen (from Elias Lönnrot’s Kalevala). Skalds often
features. take levels in fighter or barbarian to further increase their
Examples of minstrels from mythology and literature combat prowess; Gurney Halleck (from Frank Herbert’s
include Orpheus (from Greek mythology), Alan-a-Dale (from Dune) is a bard/fighter.
The Adventures of Robin Hood and his Merry Men), Taliesin
Table 1: The Bard Hit Dice: d8
Class Level Base Attack Bonus Spell Capacity Special
1st +0 1st Bardic tradition and performance, college (Fochlucan/+1), bardic inspiration
2nd +1 2nd Bardic lore, skill focus
3rd +2 3rd College (Mac-Fuirmidh/+2)
4th +3 4th Lore master 1/day, well-versed
5th +3 4th Bardic lore, tradition keeper
6th +4 5th College (Doss/+3)
7th +5 6th Effortless inspiration (1^st^), move inspiration
8th +6/+1 6th Accompaniment, bardic lore, skill focus
9th +6/+1 7th College (Canaith/+4)
10th +7/+2 8th Effortless inspiration (2^nd^), lore master 2/day
11th +8/+3 8th Bardic lore, gift of tongues
12th +9/+4 9th College (Cli/+5)
13th +9/+4 10th Effortless inspiration (3^rd^), swift inspiration
14th +10/+5 10th Bardic lore, jack of all trades, skill focus
15th +11/+6/+6 11th College (Anstruth/+6)
16th +12/+7/+7 12th Effortless inspiration (4^th^), lore master 3/day
17th +12/+7/+7 12th Bardic lore, tradition keeper
18th +13/+8/+8 13th College (Ollamh/+7)
19th +14/+9/+9 14th Effortless inspiration (5^th^), lingering inspiration
20th +15/+10/+10 14th Bardic lore, college (Magnus Alumnus/+8) inspiration of life, skill focus

Saving Throws: Bards gain a +2 class bonus to Reflex, Other Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (all), Diplomacy,
Intuition, and Will saves. Escape Artist, Knowledge (all), Perception, Perform (all),
Bonus Skills: All bards automatically receive one free rank Profession (all), Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, and Streetwise. A
per class level in Concentration, Knowledge (Linguistics), and skald also has Endurance as a class skill.
Knowledge (Lore). These are otherwise treated as class Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
skills, but do not count against the bard’s total number of skill Favored Class: When gaining a level of bard as a favored
points per level. class, rather than choosing +1 hp or skill point, you can
instead choose one of the following:
Extra Inspiration: You gain an additional daily round of Minstrel: A minstrel gains 1 free rank per class level in
use of your Bardic Inspiration ability (q.v.) each time you Diplomacy and Perform (music). These are otherwise
select this option. treated as class skills, but do not count against the bard’s
Maneuver Mastery: You gain a +1 class bonus to your total number of skill points per level.
CMB with one type of maneuvers (forcing, tricky, weapon, Skald: A skald has Endurance as a class skill, and has
or wrestling, as outlined in Chapter 1). The effects stack, Martial proficiency with all weapons and shields. Skalds
but the maximum bonus in any one category gained in this are also proficient with light and medium armor. A skald
manner cannot exceed +1, with an additional +1 per 4 can cast bard spells (but not arcane spells received from
class levels you possess. other classes, if any) while wearing light or medium armor
and use a shield without incurring the normal arcane spell
Practiced Sage: You gain a +1 competence bonus to any failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a skald
Knowledge skill of your choice. You may select this option wearing heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell
multiple times; each time, select a different Knowledge failure if the spell in question normally has a somatic
skill or increase the bonus of an existing skill by +1 (to a component. You can choose to give up medium armor and
maximum such bonus equal to half your class level). This shields proficiencies in exchange for the Canny Defense
otherwise duplicates the effects of Skill Focus feat. feat.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A bard has Simple Bardic Performance (Ex): Your bardic tradition influences
proficiency in all weapons and with the buckler. They have the way you cast spells and use bardic inspiration. In any
Martial proficiency with the longsword, rapier, sap, short case, the use of spells requires sound from you (either music
sword, short bow, and whip. or chanting of poetry); you therefore cannot apply the Silent
Bards are also proficient with light armor. A bard can cast Spell feat to any of your spells.
bard spells (but not arcane spells received from other classes, Minstrel: A minstrel’s spells and inspirations have only two
if any) while wearing light armor and/or using a buckler components: an arcane focus (a musical instrument) with
without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. associated somatics (playing). A minstrel must have both of
Like any other arcane spellcaster, a bard wearing medium or his hands free in order to cast spells, but can otherwise be
heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the gagged or restrained. You cannot use the Still Spell feat in
spell in question has a somatic component. conjunction with your bard spells. Arcane spell failure applies
Spellcasting: Bards cast spontaneous arcane spells, for medium or heavy armor.
gaining spells known and spells per day according to the When casting spells, you can extend the spell duration by
progression shown on the table. Your spellcasting attribute is continuing to play. In that case, the spell lasts for as long as
Charisma (if you are a Minstrel) or Intelligence (if you are a you continue playing (maximum 1 round per class level), and
skald). Optional: some referees may allow some bards to the spell’s normal duration begins thereafter. Concentration
choose prepared casting, rather than spontaneous casting; checks are needed to continue a spell in this manner if you
prepared-caster bards must have books of sheet music or are injured. If you choose not to extend spell durations in this
poetic verses equivalent to a wizard’s spellbooks (q.v.). manner, you can continue to cast spells from round to round,
Bard spells are drawn from the expanded bard spell list as does any other spellcaster.
(the standard list of the core bard, plus referee-approved bard A minstrel (and only a minstrel) can sing and play an
spells from other sources, plus the additional spells listed in instrument simultaneously in order to cast a spell and
Appendix A). You can also learn martial maneuvers from the maintain an inspiration at the same time. If you have one
White Raven school (from the Tome of Battle) as if they were hand free, you can sing in order to maintain inspiration while
spells of the same level. fighting with a light or one-handed weapon in the other hand.
Upon reaching 5th level, and at every third bard level after You cannot begin an inspiration, cast spells, or maintain
that (8th, 11th, and so on), you can choose to learn a new spell spells unless both hands are free to play an instrument,
in place of one you already know. In effect, you “lose” the old however. Alternatively, you can maintain two types of bardic
spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell's level must inspiration simultaneously, by playing an instrument and
be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must singing. The usage costs, in terms of rounds of inspiration,
be at least one level lower than the highest-level bard spell stack—in other words, maintaining inspire courage and
you can cast. You may swap only a single spell at any given inspire greatness would cost 2 rounds’ worth of inspiration
level and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the per round. This ability supersedes the War Chanter
same time that he gains new spells known for the level. (Complete Warrior) and the Seeker of the Song (Complete
Bonus Spells: The bard’s bonus spells (see Spellcasting Arcane) prestige class feature of the same name.
Table 1 in Chapter 7) are as follows: 1st—hypnotism; 2nd
—suggestion; 3rd—fear; 4th—break enchantment; 5th—mass
suggestion; 6th—greater shout; 7th—mass cure serious
Bardic Tradition (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a bard must
choose one of two bardic traditions: the minstrel or the skald.
The specific tradition determines the character’s standard
bardic performance (q.v.) and also his tradition keeper
abilities (q.v.). Certain bardic inspirations and items of bardic
lore are available only to bards of one or the other tradition.
Skald: A skald’s spells and inspirations all have verbal If you have prepared spellcasting (due to multiclassing with
components only. You need not have your hands free in order wizard, cleric, druid, etc.), only bard spells (or other spells
to cast spells, but must be able to speak in a loud, clear voice. approved by a case-by-case basis) can be used as inspirations,
This means that you can cast a spell as a standard action, and only spells currently prepared can be used for inspiration
rather than as a full-attack action, and that the DC of —with the exception that the bard bonus spells are always
Concentration checks to cast defensively is at -8 (Chapter 4). available, even if not currently prepared.
When casting spells, you can extend the spell duration by Starting an inspiration is a standard action at 1st level, but
continuing to recite. In that case, the spell lasts for as long as becomes quicker as the bard gains levels (see below). Once
you continue reciting that verse (maximum 1 round per class started, bardic inspiration can be maintained each round
level), and the spell’s normal duration begins thereafter. using the bardic performance ability (see above) as a free
Concentration checks are needed to continue a spell in this action. Changing an inspiration from one effect to another
manner if you are injured. A skald (and only a skald) can requires you to stop the previous effect and start a new one. A
maintain a spell or inspiration in this manner while fighting. bardic inspiration cannot be disrupted except by another bard
College (Ex): As you gain experience, you become more using the countersong ability (q.v.). It ends immediately if you
adept at inspirations (see below) and other bardic features. are killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or
The use of college names, rather than simply using numerals, otherwise prevented from taking a bardic performance action
is included as a tribute to the 1st edition AD&D bard. Bardic to maintain it each round.
colleges are as follows: Targets must be able to hear you for the inspiration to have
Bard Level College Name College Bonus
any effect, and chanted (skald) inspirations are language-
dependent. A deaf bard has a 20% chance to fail when
1st Fochlucan +1 attempting to use a bardic inspiration. If you fail this check,
3rd Mac-Fuirmidh +2 the attempt still counts against your daily limit.
Inspire Courage (Su): When using bardic inspiration,
6th Doss +3 rather than activating a spell, you can instead choose inspire
9th Canaith +4 courage in yourself and your allies, bolstering against fear
12th Cli +5
and improving combat abilities. Those affected receive a
morale bonus to attacks, weapon damage, and saving throws
15th Anstruth +6 against fear effects. The magnitude of the bonus is equal to 1
18th Ollamh +7 + half your college bonus (maximum +5 at 20th level).
Each round, allies within 30 ft. who are already under a
20th Magnus Alumnus +8 fear or despair effect can attempt a new save each round
using your Perform (music) or Knowledge (linguistics) skill
Inspiration (Su): You are trained to use music (for check results for that round in place of the saving throw. This
minstrels) or poetry (Linguistics skill, for skalds) to magically does not work on effects that don’t allow saves. Inspire
inspire those around you, including yourself if desired. You courage is a mind-affecting ability. This inspiration
can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 supersedes the Arcane Duelist’s rallying cry variant class
+ your Charisma modifier (for minstrels) or Intelligence feature from the Advanced Player’s Guide, and also the
modifier (for skalds). For each class level after the 1st you can Marshal’s motivate ardor, motivate attack, and steady hand
use bardic inspiration for 2 additional rounds per day. auras, from the Miniatures Handbook.
To conduct a bardic inspiration, choose any bard spell you Bardic Lore: Starting at 2nd level, and every 3 levels
know (of maximum level equal to your college bonus) that thereafter, you gain new abilities based on your experiences
affects one or more creatures. You can use Heighten Spell or and learning. The various types of lore are normally
other metamagic on a lower-level spell, as long as the final restricted to a specific tradition, although some are available
spell level is less than or equal to your college bonus. When equally to all bards. Possible examples of bardic lore are
you use the inspiration, the effects of that spell occur as a described in Appendix C.
supernatural ability, with a save DC equal to 10 + half your Skill Focus: At 2nd level, specific training you have
class level + your Charisma modifier, and lasting as long as undertaken in a particular field begins to manifest itself.
you pay the cost to maintain the inspiration. This does not Choose one class skill; you gain Skill Focus in that skill as a
use up any spell slots. bonus feat. You gain an additional skill focus every 6 levels
Inspirations affecting an area always use your square as after the 2nd. This ability supersedes the various skill-
their point of origin. If the effects are beneficial and apply to boosting variant class features from the Advanced Player’s
multiple targets (or an area), your enemies are excluded from Guide and Ultimate Combat. Note that a minstrel need not
the effects; if the effects are harmful and apply to multiple select Skill Focus (Perform: Music), as the well-versed ability
targets (or an area), you and your allies are excluded. If the (q.v.) essentially already grants that.
spell normally affects only a single target, you can affect Lore Master (Ex): At 4th level, you become a master of lore
multiple creatures by multiplying the inspiration cost in and can choose to take 10 on any Knowledge skill check (as
rounds by the total number of targets. Spells with a range of long as you have ranks in the appropriate Knowledge skill). In
“personal” cannot be modified to affect multiple creatures. addition, once per day, you can take 20 on any Knowledge
Instantaneous effects are applied each round at the end of skill check as a standard action. You can use this ability one
your turn. additional time per day for every six levels you possess
Examples of typical inspirations are provided in Appendix beyond 4th, to a maximum of three times per day at 16th level.
B. Well-Versed (Ex): Starting at 4th level, you apply your
college bonus in the following ways:
Martial Prowess (Skald): At 5th level, a skald’s base attack
As a competence bonus to saving throws against bardic bonus increases by +1 (from +3 to +4), exactly as if you had
spells and inspirations; language-dependent effects; gained a level in a class that provided a +1 to base attack
[sonic] effects; and symbols, glyphs, and magical writings bonus that level. This means that a single-classed skald
of any kind. reaches BAB +6 (and gains an iterative attack) at 7th level
instead of 8th. At 17th level, your base attack bonus increases
As a competence bonus on caster level checks and saving by an additional +1 (to +14). A single-classed skald therefore
throws to see through disguises and protections against gains a 4th iterative attack (BAB +16/+11/+11/+11) at 19th
divination (such as magic aura, misdirection, and level.
nondetection). This subsumes the archivist bard’s “magic Effortless Inspiration (Su): Starting at 7th level, when you
lore” variant and the detective-bard’s “arcane insight” inspire courage or use a Fochlucan (1st level) inspiration, you
variant from the Advanced Player’s Guide. can maintain that inspiration for multiple rounds without
paying the maintenance cost (only the first continuous round
of use requires you to expend a round of bardic inspiration
You gain sonic resistance equal to 5 x your college bonus. use). If the inspiration normally requires more than 1 round
At 20th level, you are immune to sonic attacks. of use per round―for example, when paying extra to affect
additional creatures―then the total cost of each round after
If you are a minstrel, your college bonus applies as a the first is reduced by one.
competence bonus to Perform (music) checks. If you are a You can end an ongoing effortless inspiration as a free
skald, instead add your college bonus as a competence action. Any interruption in the inspiration’s verbal and/or
bonus to your Leadership score (Chapter 5). somatic component(s) ends the inspiration immediately,
whereupon you must start it again as normal, paying the
Tradition Keeper (Ex): At 5th level and 17th levels, you normal 1st round cost. This means that, barring casting
gain special abilities based on the bardic tradition you silence on yourself and then using the accompaniment ability
represent. (q.v.), there is almost no way to be at all stealthy while
Lyric Spell (Minstrel): Starting at 5th level, you can extend maintaining an inspiration.
the duration of a bardic inspiration after you stop As you gain experience, you gain the ability to maintain
concentrating, without expending additional rounds of use, by more powerful inspirations in this manner, as shown in Table
sacrificing a spell slot as a swift action. The inspiration’s 1.
effects linger for 1 extra round per level of the spell. This lore Move Inspiration (Su): At 7th level, you can start a bardic
supersedes the bardic magician’s Extended Performance inspiration as a move action instead of a standard action.
variant class feature from the Advanced Player’s Guide. Accompaniment (Su): Starting at 8th level, your bardic
Metamagic Song (Minstrel): Starting at 17th level, when spells and inspiration continue to operate even in magical
you cast an arcane spell that is enhanced by a metamagic silence, as long as you continue to play, sing, and/or chant.
feat, you can spend a number of rounds of your bardic You are also immune to magical deafness. This duplicates the
inspiration ability equal to twice the number of extra levels feat of the same name from the Book of Eldritch Might II
that the metamagic feat imposes on the spell, rather than (Malhavoc Press).
raising the spell's effective level. Applying metamagic Gift of Tongues (Sp): At 11th level, you gain the ability to
spontaneously using this method does not increase the speak and understand the language of any intelligent
casting time of the spell. You cannot use the Metamagic Song creature, whether it is a racial tongue or a regional dialect, as
feat to add metamagic feats that would make the spell's if under a permanent tongues spell (this effect cannot be
effective level higher than the highest level of spell that you totally dispelled; merely suppressed for 1d4 rounds). You can
can cast normally. You must sing and play an instrument (as if speak only one language at a time, although you may be able
maintaining inspiration and casting a spell), so you cannot to understand several languages.
use this lore in conjunction with the Still Spell or Silent Spell Swift Inspiration (Su): At 13th level, you can start a bardic
feat. inspiration as a swift action.
When applying a metamagic feat to a spell, you must either Jack of All Trades (Ex): Starting at 14th level, you treat all
use Metamagic Song to completely offset the increase in the skills as class skills, and can use trained-only skills untrained.
spell's effective level, or apply the metamagic feat normally Lingering Inspiration (Su): Starting at 19th level, the
and cast the spell at its higher level. You cannot partially effects of your bardic inspirations continue for two rounds
increase the level of the spell (or split the cost) to reduce the after you cease paying the maintenance cost. Any other
number of rounds of inspiration spent when using the requirements, such as range or specific conditions, must still
Metamagic Song feat. be met for the effect to continue. If you begin a new bardic
This supersedes the feat of the same name from Races of inspiration during this time, the effects of the previous one
Stone, and also the bardic magician’s “metamagic mastery” immediately cease (unless you would normally be able to
performance from the Advanced Player’s Guide. maintain a bardic inspiration while starting a new one, as a
minstrel with an instrument can do).

In addition, your inspirations can
can persist even if you
you are In
In addition, your
addition, and inspirations
inspirations can
can persist
persist even
even if you
you are
addition, and
effects of
of your
and inspirations
maintain persist
for a
even youif choose,
number of
are the
choose, the incapacitated
effects of
of your
your and unable
for a
a youif choose,
number of
are the
choose, the
rounds equal
Intelligence to
your Charisma
(for skalds) bonus
after you(for
dazed, or
held, rounds
rounds equal
Intelligence to
to your
skalds) bonus
after you(for
dazed, or
stunned, bonus
killed, and (for
so skalds)
on, and after you
would are dazed,
ordinarily held, to
be unable Intelligence
stunned, bonus
killed, and
and (for
so skalds)
so rounds
on, and after you
and count
would are dazed,
ordinarily be held, to
unable to
maintain them. and
them. These
Theseso rounds
on, and count
rounds would
count ordinarily
toward yourbenumber
your unable
number ofto
of maintain
maintain them.
maintain them. These
them. These rounds
These rounds count
count toward
toward your
toward your number
your number of of
This ability supersedes the feat of the same name, and also
the Battle Herald’s “persistent commands” prestige class
feature, from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Inspiration of Life (Su): A bard of 20th level (a “Magnus
Alumnus”) learns to use his inspiration to cause one enemy
to die from joy or sorrow, or to lure a fallen comrade back
from the land of the dead.
To be affected by the killing version, the target must be able
to hear you perform or recite for 1 full round and be within
30 feet. The target receives a Will save (DC 10 + half your
class level level + your spellcasting attribute modifier) to
negate the effect. If a creature's saving throw succeeds, the
target is staggered for 1d4 rounds, and you cannot use this
ability on that creature again for 24 hours. If a creature's
saving throw fails, it dies. This is a mind-affecting death
To bring a creature back to life, you must perform or chant
an elegy for 20 consecutive rounds, expending 1 round worth
of bardic inspiration per round. You must be within 10 ft. of
the body during this time. After 20 rounds, the fallen creature
rolls for resurrection survival (a Fortitude save, with DC
based on his race’s life span; see Introduction). If successful,
he or she is brought back to life, as if by a resurrection spell.
If this check fails, the creature is brought back to life, but only
for as long as the inspiration effect continues thereafter. He
or she is immune to curative spells and stabilization during
that time; when the inspiration ends, the creature dies again
for good. This function supersedes the Songhealer bard’s
funereal ballad ability from Ultimate Magic.
Appendix A: Bard Spells
In order to better simulate the range of abilities available to
3.5-edition bards through various feats and prestige classes, it
is recommended that the following spells be added to the Weaponshatter
bard’s class list. Non-core sources (indicated by superscripts) School: Evocation [sonic]
are cited in Chapter 7. Level: Bard 7
0 Level: canny effortAUG, guidance, learn heritageBEM3, Casting Time: 1 standard action
quick soberRR. Components: Somatic, Focus (stringed instrument)
` 1st Level: astute fightingAPM, bane, bless, calm animals, Range: 30 ft.
command, detect evil (etc.), distract assailantCAd, divine favor, Area: 30-ft.-radius spread, centered on you
doom, greater canny effortAUG, incite actionMH, magic Duration: Instantaneous
weapon, protection from evil (etc.), sanctuary, serpent’s Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (magical object) or
stareRR2, smiteRR, stabilize, swift expeditious retreatCAd. partial (non-magical object) or half (see text)
2nd Level: aid, bear’s endurance, bulls’s strength, curse of Spell Resistance: Yes
ill fortuneCD, curse of impending bladesMH, dissonant When you strike the appropriate magical note at the
chantSS, divine insightCAd, glossolaliaSRD, gust of wind, culmination of this spell, all drawn or readied weapons
healing lorecallCAd, lesser restoration, litany of eloquenceUC, (including magical wands and staves) within 30 ft. of you are
lively stepPGF, mindless rageCAd, natural rhythmAPG (self destroyed. Magical weapons that succeed at the saving throw
only; all melee attacks), phantom’s howlRR, resist energy, are unaffected; non-magical weapons that succeed at the
snake’s swiftnessMH, sonic weaponCAd, status, stormrunner’s saving throw gain the broken condition, but are not destroyed
wardSW, surmount afflictionUM, welterBEM2, zone of truth. outright. Crystalline creatures within the area of effect take
3rd Level: arcane eye, beast shape I, bestow curse, curse of 1d6 points of sonic damage per caster level (maximum 15d6),
petty failingMH, dazzlesphereAUG, destructive resonance with a Fortitude save for half damage.
(from Pathfinder #6), dirge of discordCAd, drums of Source: This spell, essential a mass shatter, was inspired
despairGA, greater magic weapon, greater weapon of by Morgon’s harp from Patricia McKillip’s The Riddle-Master
energySC (sonic only), keen edge, legion’s curse of impending of Hed.
bladesMH, legion’s snake’s swiftnessMH, magic circle against
evil (etc.), magic vestment, prayer, protection from energy,
righteous vigorAPG, sonorous humSS.
4th Level: beast shape II, blessing of fervorAPG, discern
lies, dreadmantleRR2, enervation, fire shield (sonic instead of
hot or cold), lower spell resistanceDN, mass resurgenceCD,
sending, stoneskin, ward the faithfulAPG, waves of fatigue.
5th Level: baleful polymorph, beast shape III, cacophonic
burstSC, dispel evil (etc.), doomwailRR, feeblemind, legion’s
curse of petty failingMH, nightstalker’s transformationCAd,
prying eyes, symbol of sleep.
6th Level: antipathy, aura of evasionDN, beast shape IV,
breath of life, demand, find the path, flesh to stone, greater
mystic flowAUG, heroes’ feast, legion’s greater magic
weaponME, litany of madnessUC, mass bear’s endurance,
mass bull’s strength, mass hold person, mass moment of
clarityBED, mass rage, sympathy, transformation, true seeing,
waves of exhaution.
7th Level: banishment, bestow greater curseCD, charm’s
aegisRR2, circle of clarityUM, control weather, crown of
despairDr331, discern location, greater shadow conjuration,
heroic invocationUC, insanity, instant summons, mass charm
monster, mass cure serious wounds, mass invisibility, mass
lesser geasDr312, moment of prescience, power word: blind,
greater prying eyes, repulsion, scintillating pattern, spell
turning, summon monster VII, vision, weaponshatter (see
Appendix B: Bardic Inspiration

ountersong checks can be made by anyone with
ranks in Perform (music), as described in the
Skills rules. Other examples of Pathfinder RPG
bardic performances are duplicated by spells, as
summarized in the following table (those marked
with an asterisk are included in the bard’s list of
bonus spells).
Inspiration Source Spell Equivalent College Spell Level
Chant of the Long Road Complete Scoundrel InvigorateAPG Fochlucan 1st
Dirge of Doom Core Rulebook Doom Fochlucan 1st
Fascinate Core Rulebook Hypnotism Fochlucan 1st
Fortune’s Favor Ultimate Combat Divine favor Fochlucan 1st
Goad Adventurer’s Handbook (SGG) Incite actionMH Fochlucan 1st
Glorious Epic Advanced Player’s Guide Distract assailantCAd Fochlucan 1st
Harmless Performer Advanced Player’s Guide Sanctuary Fochlucan 1st
Satire Advanced Player’s Guide Bane Fochlucan 1st
Sustaining Song Complete Adventurer Stabilize Fochlucan 1st
Derring-Do Ultimate Combat Cat’s grace Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Disappearing Act Advanced Player’s Guide Invisibility Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Discordant Voice Ultimate Combat Sonic weaponCAd Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Encourage Failure Dragon mazine #337 QualmUC Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Inspire Competence Core Rulebook Divine insightCAd Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Inspire Fury Races of Stone Rage Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Keep Your Heads Advanced Player’s Guide Eagle’s splendor Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Lamentable Belaborment Advanced Player’s Guide Daze monster Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Motivate Urgency Miniatures Handbook Lively stepPGF Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Raid Tactics Adventurer’s Handbook (SGG) Surmount afflictionUM Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Still Water Advanced Player’s Guide Stormrunner’s wardSW Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Suggestion Core Rulebook Suggestion Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Whistle the Wind Advanced Player’s Guide Gust of wind Mac-Fuirmidh 2nd
Bladethirst Advanced Player’s Guide Greater magic weapon Doss 3rd
Frightening Tune Core Rulebook Fear Doss 3rd
Mockery Advanced Player’s Guide Bestow curse Doss 3rd
Pedantic Lecture Advanced Player’s Guide Confusion or dazzlesphereAUG Doss 3rd
Rain of Blows Ultimate Combat Haste Doss 3rd
Slumber Song Advanced Player’s Guide Heightened deep slumber Doss 3rd
Sound the Retreat Advanced Player’s Guide Displacement Doss 3rd
Grant Move Action Miniature’s Handbook Blessing of fervorAPG Canaith 4th
Inspire Greatness Core Rulebook Ward the faithfulAPG Canaith 4th
True Confession Advanced Player’s Guide Discern lie or detect thoughts Canaith 4th
Wearying Dance Complete Scoundrel Waves of fatigue Canaith 4th
Inspire Greatness Core Rulebook Greater heroism Cli 5th
Mass Slumber Song Advanced Player’s Guide Symbol of sleep Cli 5th
Mass Suggestion Core Rulebook Mass suggestion Cli 5th
Scandal Advanced Player’s Guide Song of discord Cli 5th
Battle Song Advanced Player’s Guide Mass rage Anstruth 6th
Mass Bladethirst Advanced Player’s Guide Greater legion’s magic weaponME Anstruth 6th
Song of the Fallen Advanced Player’s Guide Summon monster VI Anstruth 6th
Warning Shout Complete Scoundrel Aura of evasionDN Anstruth 6th
Call the Storm Advanced Player’s Guide Control weather Ollamh 7th
Soothing Performance* Core Rulebook Mass cure serious wounds Ollamh 7th
Appendix C: Bardic Lore
Arcane Bond (Ex) (Minstrel or Skald): You gain the
Lore Tradition Description Arcane Bond ability, as a wizard of level equal to your class
Arcane bond Both As wizard class feature level. A skald either gains a weapon as a bonded item, or else
Bonus feat Both Choose a feat can choose the Diligent Preparation ability (allowing you to
use your Intelligence bonus to calculate your spell and
Countersong, reactive Minstrel Immediate action inspiration saving throw DCs). A minstrel can choose a
Dauntless Both Bonus vs. mind-affecting familiar (usually something exotic, like a monkey or parrot),
or a musical instrument as a bonded item. The latter
Discordance Both Gain sonic attack functions exactly as a specialist enchanter’s pendant or
Elder kantelist Both Multiclass with arcane illusionist’s mirror (your choice), except the instrument must
Evasion Both As rogue class feature be played in place of your spells’ somatic components (and
verbal components, in the case of a woodwind or brass
Fighter talent Skald (Self-explanatory) instrument).
Fortune’s friend Both Bonus hero point/day If you are a minstrel, starting at 10th level, whenever you
use a spell completion item (wand or instrument of the bards)
Green ear Minstrel Powers affect plants, fey containing a spell on your spell list, you use your Charisma
Harmonic sage Minstrel Boost spells indoors bonus to set the item’s save DC. At 16th level, when using
Inspiration, masterful Both +1 to inspiration effects such an item, you use your number of ranks in Concentration
in place of the item’s default caster level.
Instant daze Skald Daze those hitting you Bonus Feat (Minstrel or Skald): You can gain one bonus
Mythic song Minstrel Affect giants, dragons feat in place of an item of bardic lore; you must meet the
prerequisites normally. You may gain this lore multiple times;
Network of
Minstrel Call in favors from NPCs each time, select a different feat.
Countersong, Reactive (Ex) (Minstrel): You can begin a
Oral tradition Skald +2 inherent bonus to Int countersong as an immediate action. You cannot use Reactive
Outlaw performer Both Multiclass with rogue Countersong at the same time you are using another bardic
inspiration ability (though you could stop the other
Perform., versatile Minstrel Swap out skill checks inspiration to begin Reactive Countersong if so desired).
Powerful voice Both Double inspiration range Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Epic
Probable path Both Take 10 on any d20 rolls
Dauntless (Ex) (Minstrel or Skald): You gain a morale
Requiem Minstrel Affect undead bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells and
Roaring skald Skald Multiclass with barbarian effects, including all fear effects, equal to your college bonus.
In addition, if you fail to save against a [fear] effect, the
Rune lore Skald Access to Rune domain condition’s severity is lessened by one step, plus an additional
Sacred performer Both Multiclass with cleric step per 6 class levels you possess. This lore supersedes the
Sneak attack Both Also incl. cloaked casting
Daredevil’s variant class feature of the same name, from
Ultimate Combat.
Social graces Minstrel +2 inherent bonus to Cha Discordance (Sp) (Minstrel or Skald): As long as you
Splendor Both As a rod of splendor have at least one bard spell slot of 1st level or higher available
and ready to cast, you can inflict harm on your enemies with
Stone singer Both Boost effects
a single word of power (skalds) or discordant note (minstrels).
Choose one target within close range; you must succeed at a
Twilight luck Both +2 luck bonus to saves ranged touch attack against that target. If successful, the
Wilderness harper Both Multiclass with druid victim takes 1d6 sonic damage per level of the highest-level
spell slot you have remaining. This ability is otherwise similar
Words of power Skald Reroll failed Diplomacy to a sorcerer’s eldritch blast ability, and also supersedes the
Sound Striker archetype from Ultimate Magic. It counts as a
1st level spell-like ability for purposes of the Innate
Metamagic feat.
At 8th level, you gain Innate Metamagic, applied to your
discordance ability, as a bonus feat. Choose one of the
following effects: Channel Spell, Coercive Spell, Deafening
Spell, Empower Spell, Entangling Spell, Fell Frighten, Fell
Weaken, Imbue Missile, Maximize Spell, Merciful Spell,
Shape Spell, or Storm Evocation. You must meet all
At 14th level, you gain an additional discordant metamagic When you use bardic inspiration with audible components
feat; add Blast Spell, Chain Spell, Dazing Spell, Forceful in a forest, the range or area of your chosen performance
Evocation, Irresistible Evocation, and Slowing Spell to the is doubled.
list shown. The saving throw bonuses from your Well-Versed class
feature apply to saving throws against the spells, spell-like
Elder Kantelist (Ex) (Minstrel or Skald): You must have abilities, supernatural abilities, and extraordinary abilities
levels in an wizard or sorcerer to select this lore. You gain the of plants and fey.
following benefits when multiclassing:
Your arcane class levels provide Strong synergy towards This lore supersedes the feat of the same name from
your number of rounds per day of bardic inspiration and Complete Adventurer, and also the Leaf Singer feat from the
the DC of your inspirations. You do not gain new colleges Advanced Player’s Guide.
(spell levels) of inspirations in this manner, however. Harmonic Sage (Ex) (Minstrel): While inside an artificial
Your bard levels provide Weak synergy for purposes of structure, you can spend a free action to make a DC 15 Craft
determining the effects of your school powers or bloodline (construction) check when you begin an inspiration. Success
abilities. on this check allows you to do one of the following.
Self-Harmonize: By performing over the reverberations of
You can choose to give up your bard spellcasting ability. In your performance, you increase the DC of your
exchange, your bard levels provide Strong theurgy inspirations by +1.
towards your arcane spellcasting progression. You retain
access to both class spells lists. Reverberation: You can choose to have the effect of your
current bardic inspiration continue for 1 round after you
Using this option, the Prestige Bard from Unearthed cease maintaining it, regardless of why you cease.
Arcana can be modeled. A wizard/bard or sorcerer/bard can
also be used to simulates the great spellcasting heroes from Source: Ultimate Combat.
the Kalevala. Inspiration, Masterful (Su) (Minstrel or Skald): When
Evasion (Ex) (Minstrel or Skald): You gain evasion, as the you use any bardic inspiration that grants a numerical bonus
rogue class feature. If you have at least 10 levels of bard or applies a numerical penalty, the bonus or penalty increases
and/or rogue in any combination, you also gain Improved by 1. Thus, a 9th level bard with this feat grants his allies a +4
Evasion. If you have at least 18 levels of bard and/or rogue in bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws
any combination, you also gain Greater Evasion. against fear when he uses inspire courage, rather than the +3
Fighter Talent (Ex) (Skald): You can learn a fighter talent he would normally grant. You may learn this lore up to two
in place of an item of bardic lore. You must meet all times; the effects stack. It supersedes the Master Performer
prerequisites listed. You may learn advanced fighter talents in feat from the Pathfinder Faction Guide, the Song of the Heart
this manner if your base attack bonus is +11 or higher. feat from the Eberron Campaign Setting, and the Epic
If you have levels in Fighter, your bard level provides Full Inspiration feat from the 3.5 edition System Reference
synergy when determining the effective the effects of fighter Document.
talents you possess. Instant Daze (Su) (Skald): You can daze an enemy who
Fortune’s Friend (Ex) (Minstrel or Skald): You gain a free strikes you in melee (Will negates) by spending 1 round of
Hero Point/Action Point (see “Variations in the Core Rule inspiration upon being struck. The effect lasts for 1 round, or
Mechanics”) each day. These cannot be accumulated; if you as long as you continue to extend the inspiration and spend
start the next day with the previous day’s bonus point additional rounds of use. This is a mind-affecting compulsion.
unspent, it is lost in favor of the new one. You can gain this Creatures with HD greater than your bard level are immune.
talent multiple times; the effects stack. This talent largely You can’t activate this ability in response to an attack you are
supersedes the Fortune’s Friend prestige class, from unaware of. Source: Players Handbook II.
Complete Scoundrel. Mythic Song (Su) (Minstrel or Skald): You are attuned to
Green Ear (Su) (Minstrel): You are attuned to the green the lore and magic of mythical creatures, providing you with a
places and the magic of the fey, providing you a number of number of benefits:
benefits. Your spells and inspirations affect magical beasts as if
You gain Domain Access and Improved Domain Access they were animals, and affect monstrous humanoids and
(Plant domain) as bonus feats, using your Knowledge giants as if they were humanoids.
(lore) skill in place of Knowledge (the planes).
Dragons normally immune to sleep and paralysis are
Plants and plant creatures are not immune to your mind- vulnerable to those effects from your spells or bardic
affecting spells and bardic inspiration abilities, and your inspiration abilities.
spells affect fey as if they were humanoids (making them
vulnerable to a hold person cast by you, for example). You can spend rounds of bardic inspiration to extend the
above benefits to all allies within 60 ft.
You can spend rounds of bardic inspiration to extend the
preceding ability to allies within 60 feet as well.

The saving
saving throw
throw bonuses
bonuses from your
your Well-Versed
fromagainst Well-Versed class
class The
The saving
feature throw
apply to bonuses
bonuses from your
your Well-Versed
fromagainst Well-Versed class
feature apply
to saving
throws against
abilities, and
the spells,
spells, spell-like
extraordinary spell-like
abilities feature apply
abilities, to saving
throws against
abilities, and
the spells,
spells, spell-like
extraordinary spell-like
of dragons,
dragons, giants,
giants, monstrous
monstrous humanoids,
humanoids, and
and magical
magical of
of dragons,
beasts. giants,
giants, monstrous
monstrous humanoids,
humanoids, and
and magical
beasts. beasts.
Network of Contacts (Ex) (Minstrel): You have contacts For example, when attempting a Handle Animal check, you
and “friends of friends” all over the world. Whenever you are might be able to soothe the animal with music, even if you
in any settlement, town, or city, once per week you may call in would normally be unable to handle such a fierce beast.
favor from someone you know, or who knows someone you Powerful Voice (Su) (Minstrel or Skald): Double the
know. The maximum CR of this NPC is equal to half your range of any bardic inspiration ability that has a range (as if
bard level. The NPC will try to accomplish any one task that using Reach Spell, but without any increase in casting time or
is not suicidal, doesn’t seriously affect his or her resources, spell level).
and takes up to one day. Exact details on how calling in the In addition, if the power affects multiple creatures, it
favor works, who the NPC is, etc., are subject to player and affects one additional creature (over the normal number) for
referee agreement. every five levels beyond 5th (this does not affect powers that
Oral Tradition (Ex) (Skald): Your long practice at affect only a single creature).
composing and memorizing complex lays has heightened You can learn this lore multiple times; its effects on range
your memory and sharpened your intellect. You gain a +2 stack (remember that two doublings equals a tripling, and so
inherent bonus to Intelligence, as if from a Tome of Clear forth). This lore supersedes the Ranged Inspiration epic feat
Thought. You must be at least 11th level to learn this lore. You from the 3.5 edition System Reference Document, the
may learn this lore multiple times; each time, the bonus Verbose Performer feat from the Pathfinder Faction Guide,
improves by +1, to a maximum inherent bonus of +5 at 20th and the War Singer and Wide Audience variant class features
level (after taking it 4 times). from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Outlaw Performer (Ex) (Minstrel or Skald): You can Probable Path (Ex) (Minstrel or Skald): You can
learn rogue skill talents (if you are a minstrel) or combat calculate the action likely to bring success with the least risk.
talents (if you are a skald) in place of bardic lore, although Any time you make a d20 roll, you can choose to take 10, even
you still must meet all prerequisites listed. Your effective if this is not normally possible. This lore supersedes the
rogue level for these talents is equal to your rogue level plus archivist-bard’s class feature of the same name, from the
half your bard level (Full synergy); you qualify for advanced Advanced Player’s Guide.
rogue talents if your effective rogue level is 10th or higher. Requiem (Su) (Minstrel): Add speak with dead to the
If you have levels in rogue, your bard levels provide Weak class list of 3rd level spells. Undead are not immune to your
synergy when calculating your sneak attack damage. mind-affecting spells and bardic inspiration abilities, and you
can spend rounds of bardic inspiration to extend this ability
Your rogue levels provide Weak synergy when calculating to allies within 60 feet. Alternatively, you can expend bardic
the number of rounds of bardic inspiration per day that inspiration use in order to produce an effect that duplicates a
can be maintained and the DC of your bardic inspirations. halt undead spell, lasting as long as you continue the
inspiration. This lore supersedes the feat of the same name
You can choose to give up your rogue skill tricks and from Libris Mortis.
instead gain Strong theurgy (see Chapter 7) from your Roaring Skald (Ex) (Skald): You may learn this lore only
rogue levels to your bardic spellcasting ability and college. if you have at least one level in barbarian.
Alternatively, if you give up all bard spellcasting, your bard
levels provide Strong theurgy to your rogue tricks You take no penalty to Intelligence while raging, and can
progression, and you still retain access to the bard bonus use bardic inspiration while in a rage. Your barbarian
spells in the form of inspirations. levels provide Strong synergy towards your bardic
inspiration (rounds per day, and DC) and college.
This lore largely supersedes the Archaeologist archetype Your bard levels provide Weak synergy for determining the
from Ultimate Combat. type of rage you can enter, your rage attribute bonuses,
Performance, Versatile (Minstrel) (Ex): You become and your effective initiator level for determining the effects
adept at bolstering your chances of success with other skills of level-dependent rage powers.
by judicious use of performance. When using any of the skills
from the list below, if conditions allow you can choose to take Whenever you become eligible for a new item of bardic
a full round action and also make a Perform check of the lore, you can elect to choose a rage power instead. Your
associated type. If the perform check is better, you can use barbarian levels provide Weak synergy when calculating
those results in place of the skill check results. You cannot the effects of level-dependent bardic lore.
use this ability in combat, or when you would otherwise be When using the rage spell as an inspiration on allies, you
unable to take 10. You must possess at least one rank in the can spend one additional round of inspiration per round to
associated skill to use this ability, although this requirement give affected allies access to any one rage power you
is waived once you gain the Jack-of-All-Trades ability (q.v.) at possess. You can likewise spend additional rounds to give
10th level. your allies access to additional rage powers you have.
Skill Associated Performance
Finally, you can freely spend rounds of bardic inspiration
Acrobatics Dance in order to extend your rage, or spend rounds of rage in
Bluff Acting order to maintain bardic inspirations.
Diplomacy Music
Fly Dance
Handle Animal Music
Rune Lore (Su) (Skald): You gain Domain Access. Improved Spell Kenning (Sp) (Minstrel or Skald): Once per day,
Domain Access, and Domain Channeling (Rune domain) as you can cast any spell on the cleric or sorcerer/wizard spell
bonus feats, using your Knowledge (linguistics) skill in place list as if it were one of your spells known. Casting the spell
of Knowledge (the planes). Add explosive runes and all requires you to expend two spell slots of that spell level or
symbol spells to your list of class spells. higher, and the spell takes 1 full round per spell level to cast
“No man should carve runes / (or increase the existing casting time by that much, if the
unless he can read them well; desired spell normally requires 1 full round or longer to cast).
many a man go astray / around those dark letters.” At 11th level, you can use this ability twice per day. At 17th
―Egil’s Saga level, you can use this ability three times per day.
Sacred Performer (Su) (Minstrel or Skald): You can Splendor (Su) (Minstrel or Skald): You must be at least
select this lore only if you already possess levels in cleric, 11th level to gain this lore, which grants a +4 enhancement
archivist, or incarnate. You gain the following advantages bonus to your Charisma score. Once per day, you can garb
when multiclassing: yourself in magically-created clothing of the finest fabrics,
Your bard levels provide Strong synergy to your plus adornments of furs and jewels. Apparel created by this
channeling energy progression (for purposes of magic remains in existence for 12 hours. However, if you
determining your number of channeling dice and the attempt to sell or give away any part of it, use it for a spell
channeling DC) or to your incarnate resistances or terrain. component, or the like, all the apparel immediately
disappears. The same applies if any of it is forcibly taken
Your cleric or archivist levels provide strong synergy to from you. The value of noble garb created ranges from 7,000
your bard level, for purposes of determining your number to 10,000 gp (1d4+6 × 1,000 gp)—1,000 gp for the fabric
of rounds per day of bardic inspiration, inspiration DC, alone, 5,000 gp for the furs, and the rest for the jewel trim
and college. (maximum of twenty gems, maximum value 200 gp each).
In addition, you gain a second special power, usable once
You may choose to give up your bard spellcasting ability. If per week. As a full-round action, you can create a palatial tent
you do so, your bard levels provide Strong theurgy to your —a huge pavilion of silk 60 feet across. Inside the tent are
cleric, archivist, or incarnate spellcasting progression. You temporary furnishings and food suitable to the splendor of
retain access to spells on both class lists. the pavilion and sufficient to entertain as many as 100
people. The tent and its trappings last for 1 day. At the end of
This lore supersedes the feat of the same name from that time, the tent and all objects associated with it (including
Dragon magazine (issue 357). A bard/cleric using this option any items that were taken out of the tent) disappear.
supersedes the Divine Bard from Unearthed Arcana, and also Stone Singer (Su) (Minstrel or Skald): The power of the
the Evangelist archetype from Ultimate Combat (such a earth infuses your songs and poems. Source: Advanced
character might prepare the following in the place of Domain Player’s Guide.
bonus spells: 1st—command; 2nd—enthrall; 3rd—tongues; When you use a bardic inspiration with audible
4th—suggestion; 5th—greater command; 6th—geas/quest; 7th components underground, the range or area of your
—mass suggestion; 8th—sympathy; 9th—demand).
Sneak Attack (Ex) (Minstrel or Skald): You gain sneak chosen inspiration is doubled.
attack +1d6, as the rogue class feature. You also add a +1 You can affect deaf creatures if they possess tremorsense
circumstance bonus to the save DC of spells and bardic and are in your new range.
performance against opponents who are denied their
Dexterity bonus, and +2 circumstance bonus to In addition, the DC for saving throws against your bardic
Concentration checks to overcome spell resistance against inspiration is increased by +2 for creatures of the earth
such foes. You may select this lore multiple times; each time, subtype, regardless of where the performance occurs.
increase your sneak attack damage by 1d6, the save DC You gain favored terrain (underground), as the ranger
bonus improves by +1, and the level check boost to defeat SR class feature, with a bonus equal to the highest spell level
improves by +2. you are able to maintain as a bardic inspiration.
If you already have sneak attack from another class, the
damage dice stack (subject to the limitations described in If you have the Earth elemental or Dao sorcerer bloodline,
Chapter 1). This lore subsumes the Sandman’s variant class Stone incarnate mystery, or Elemental Earth domain, your
feature of the same name, from the Advanced Player’s Guide. bard levels provide Strong synergy for purposes of
Social Graces (Ex) (Minstrel): You are long accustomed determining your bloodline, domain, or mystery powers
to social interactions of all kinds, from dealing with the (the levels at which you gain them and at which they
common folk to entertaining nobles. You gain a +2 inherent operate).
bonus to Charisma, as if from a Tome of Leadership and
Influence. You must be at least 11th level to learn this lore. Twilight Luck (Ex) (Minstrel or Skald): You receive a +2
You may learn this lore multiple times; each time, the bonus luck bonus to all saving throws. You can select this lore
improves by +1, to a maximum inherent bonus of +5 at 20th multiple times; each time, the bonus increases by +1 (to a
level (after taking it 4 times). maximum bonus of +5, after selecting this lore 4 times).
Wilderness Harper (Ex) (Minstrel or Skald): When you A minstrel with this lore can use Perform (music) in place
gain new spells known, you can learn druid spells as if they of Handle Animal in efforts to befriend animals, vermin,
were bard spells of equal level. The normal druid oaths etc. This supersedes the Soothe the Beast feat from the
regarding armor are relaxed, allowing you to wear light metal Eberron Campaign Setting handbook.
armor (or medium armor, for skalds) with no loss of
spellcasting, supernatural, or spell-like abilities. A druid/skald using this option can simulate the Fochlucan
If you have levels in druid, your druid levels provide Strong Lyrist prestige class from Complete Adventurer.
synergy with your bard levels for purposes of determining Words of Power (Ex) (Skald): Even the most prideful
your number of rounds per day of bardic inspiration, the noble, no matter how deeply offended, might be mollified to
DC of those inspirations, and your college. hear mighty stanzas composed and recited in his honor). If
you fail a Diplomacy check, you can subsequently attempt a
Your bard levels provide Weak synergy with your druid Linguistics check and use those results instead, “erasing” the
level for purposes of determining the druidic initiate results of the failed Diplomacy check.
powers (q.v.) you have and their effects. For example, a 6th You also learn the words of power that govern magic; when
level bard/4th level wild shaper druid would create bardic making a Spellcraft check as a full round action, you can also
inspirations as a 8th level bard, and would wild shape as a make a Linguistics check and use the better of the two
7th level druid. results.
You gain access to the druid class spells list. If you have
levels in druid, you can choose to give up your normal bard
spellcasting; if you do so, your bard levels provide Strong
theurgy with your druid spellcasting progression. You
retain access to both class spells lists.

Appendix D: Bard Feats

The following feats are listed here, rather than in Chapter
5, because they are specific to bard characters.

Inspiration, Extra
You can use your bardic performance ability more often than
Prerequisite: Bardic inspiration class feature.
Benefit: You can use bardic inspiration for 6 additional
rounds per day.
Special: The effects of this feat stack with other class
synergy features, and with itself (if selected multiple times),
and the normal HD limits described in Chapter 1 do not

Inspiration, Practiced
Prerequisite: Bardic inspiration class feature.
Benefit: Treat your bard level as 4 levels higher than is
actually the case for purposes of determining the DC of your
bardic inspirations, your college, and the number of rounds
per day your inspirations may be maintained. Your effective
bard level cannot exceed your total number of hit dice.
Special: The effects of feat stack with class synergy
features improving your effective bard level; this a specific
exception to the non-stacking rule. Your total limit based on
effective character level, as described in Chapter 1, remains in
Saving Throws: Clerics gain a +2 class bonus to Fortitude
From another direction comes Archbishop Turpin; and Intuition saves.
He spurs his horse and climbs a hill. Bonus Skills: All clerics automatically receive one free
He calls the French, he preached a sermon to them:
rank per class level in Concentration, Heal, and Knowledge
(the Planes). These are otherwise treated as class skills, but
My lord barons, Charles left us here,
do not count against the cleric’s total number of skill points.
We must die well for our king. Class Skills: Craft (all), Diplomacy, Knowledge (all), Planar
The French dismount, they knelt to the ground, Sense, Profession (all), Spellcraft.
And the Archbishop blessed them in God’s name. Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
For a penance, he commands them to strike. Bonus Languages: A cleric's bonus language options for a
―La Chanson de Roland (ca. 1100) high Intelligence score include Celestial, Abyssal, and
Mabrahoring (the languages of good, chaotic evil, and lawful
A cleric must choose one of two types of ordainment. evil outsiders, respectively). If you have access to an
Outgoing priests like Friar Tuck or the Archbishop Turpin elemental domain (air, earth, fire, or water), you may also
(referenced above), who actively minister in the field, are most select the appropriate language (Auran, Terran, Ignan, or
often called simply “clerics.” Cloistered clerics, sequestered Aquan, respectively). These choices are in addition to the
in their monasteries or palaces and knowledgeable in lore bonus languages available to the character because of her
(Cardinal Richelieu et al.), are called Archivists. Each of the race.
two types of ordainment offers slightly different class Favored Class: When gaining a level of cleric as a favored
features, as described below. The Mystic Theurge prestige class, rather than choosing +1 hp or skill point, you can
class can now be emulated by selecting the Arcanist domain instead choose one of the following options:
(see below). Clerics with the War domain also receive Divine Exorcist (Su): Each time you select this option, you
excellent synergy with levels in fighter. gain a +1 sacred (or profane) bonus to defeat the spell
TABLE 1: THE CLERIC HIT DICE: D8 resistance of creatures with the opposite alignment type.
Class Base Attack Spell Channel Divine Wrath (Su): Your damaging spells and spell-like
Level Bonus Capacity Energy Special abilities deal +1 point of damage against creatures with an
alignment subtype opposite that of your deity or cause.
1st +0 1st 1d6 Aura, channel
energy, domain Selective Channeling (Su): When channeling energy, you
access can choose to omit one creature of your choice from the
2nd +1 2nd 1d6 Bonus feat effects.
3rd +2 3rd 2d6 ― Spontaneous Casting (Sp): Each time you select this
4th +3 4th 2d6 Domain power(s) bonus, choose one Domain spell or one cure/inflict spell
(depending on whether you channel positive or negative
5th +3 5th 3d6 ― energy). You can cast this spell spontaneously by
6th +4 6th 3d6 Steadfast faith +1 sacrificing a prepared spell of equal or higher level.
7th +5 7th 4d6 ―
8th 7th
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Clerics have Martial
+6/+1 4d6 Bonus feat, domain
proficiency with bludgeons and hammers, and Simple
proficiency with flails, slings, and shields. Clerics of specific
9th +6/+1 8th 5d6 ― deities (as opposed to ideals, churches, or pantheons of
10th +7/+2 9th 5d6 Planar channeling deities) gain Martial proficiency with their deity’s favored
weapon as well. Clerics are proficient with light and medium
11th +8/+3 10th 6d6 ― armor. You can choose to trade in your armor and shield
12th +9/+4 11th 6d6 Steadfast faith +2 proficiencies for the Canny Defense feat.
13th 12th
To simulate an AD&D cleric in heavy plate, but with no
+9/+4 7d6 ―
spells at 1st level, simply start with one level of fighter and
14th +10/+5 13th 7d6 Bonus feat then multiclass into Cleric, remaining a cleric for the
15th +11/+6/+6 13th 8d6 Crusader’s aura remainder of your career.
Spellcasting: Clerics cast prepared divine spells, drawn
16th +12/+7/+7 14th 8d6 Handle relic from the cleric spell list, using the progression shown on the
17th +12/+7/+7 15th 9d6 ― standardized table in Chapter 7. Your spellcasting attribute is
18th +13/+8/+8 16th 9d6 Steadfast faith +3
Wisdom. Clerics have the additional requirement that extra
spell slots derived from high Wisdom scores must be filled
19th +14/+9/+9 17th 10d6 ― with Domain spells (see below).
20th +15/+10/+10 18th 10d6 Bonus feat, domain
Clerics meditate or pray for their spells. Choose a set time Creatures that take damage or other ill effects from
each day (which cannot be changed thereafter) when you channeled energy receive a Will save for half (DC of this save
must spend 1 hour each day in quiet contemplation or is equal to 10 + half your class level + your Charisma
supplication to regain your daily allotment of spells. As modifier). Creatures healed by channeled energy cannot
described under “Casting Spells on Other Planes” in Chapter exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is
7, you cannot regain spells on planes into which your deity’s lost.
awareness and power do not extend. This is an unusual You may channel energy a number of times per day equal
occurrence, and in general you will not encounter this to 3 + your Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that
situation on the Inner Planes. An exception is if you are does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You can choose
inside a demi-plane or extra-dimensional space (such as from whether or not to include yourself in this effect. You must be
a rope trick spell), in which case you must prepare your spells able to present your holy symbol to use this ability.
outside of that space. Domain Access: Your faith influences your values, how
You may prepare and cast any spell on the cleric spell list others see you, and what magic you can perform. You gain
from the Core Rulebook (except those opposed to your deity’s access to two domains (Appendix A) from among those
alignment and those specifically removed from the list, as associated with your deity or cause (subject to referee
noted in Chapter 7), provided that you can cast spells of that approval).
level. Clerics can learn spells from other sources, but such In addition, you gain the 1st level granted power from both
spells generally must be learned from distant sects of clerics, of your domains. You do not gain the archivist skill
and they count against the character’s personal numen enhancements listed for the domains.
(Chapter 6) as if they were scrolls being kept on hand. Bonus Feat: At 2nd level, you gain a bonus feat chosen
Domain Spells: Your bonus spells (as shown on the from the following: any Domain feat, any Divine feat, Exotic
Prepared Spellcasting table in Chapter 7) are drawn from the Weapon Proficiency (deity’s favored weapon), Heavy Armor
bonus spells provided by your domains. Each day, you can Proficiency, Serenity, Skill Focus (Concentration, or the
prepare one of the spells from your domains in that slot. If a archivist skill for one of your domains), Spontaneous Spell
domain spell is not on the cleric spell list, you can prepare it (the spells from one of your domains, or cure spells or inflict
only in an appropriate domain spell slot. If the same spell spells), or Thaumaturgist (Chapter 5). Your domains might
appears on both your domain lists, you gain a +1 sacred (or grant additional choices, as listed in Appendix A. You must
profane) bonus to the save DC for that spell, to compensate meet all prerequisites normally.
for the reduced spell choice. For every 6 class levels you attain thereafter, you gain an
Holy Symbol: In order to cast spells, use domain spell-like additional bonus feat, as shown in the table.
or supernatural abilities, or channel energy, you must have a Domain Powers: You receive additional granted powers
holy symbol of your deity or cause; this functions as a focus from your domains at 4th and/or 8th level, as described in the
component for your powers. Domains section.
Spontaneous Casting: At 1st level, you may choose to cast Steadfast Faith (Su): At 6th level, you are granted special
spontaneously (like a sorcerer) instead of preparing your protection against hostile magic. You gain a +1 sacred (or
spells, with the referee’s permission. Once made, this choice profane) bonus on saving throws against the following:
cannot be changed. Arcane spells and spell-like abilities;
Aura (Su): You have an aura of alignment identical to the
alignment of your deity or cause. You are also affected by Divine spells with an alignment descriptor opposite that of
spells as if you yourself were of that alignment. your deity or cause, or cast by enemies of your faith; or
Channel Energy (Su): You can release a wave of energy by
channeling the power of your faith through your holy (or The spells and spell-like abilities of Outsiders with
unholy) symbol. Choose one of your domains (Appendix A); alignment opposite that of your deity or cause.
you channel energy as described for that domain.
Alternatively, you can instead choose to channel positive At 12th and 18th levels, this bonus increases by an
energy (for good deities) or negative energy (for evil ones); a additional +1, as shown on Table 1.
cleric who worships a neutral deity (or a cleric not devoted to Planar Channeling (Su): You are charged with banishing
a particular deity) can choose whether to channel positive or the servants of Powers opposed to your patron or cause. At
negative energy. Once this choice is made, it cannot be 10th level, you gain Planar Channeling as a bonus feat.
reversed. Crusader’s Aura (Sp): Starting at 15th level, your very
When you channel energy, the power manifests in a burst presence inspires holy zeal in your allies and dread in your
that affects a 30-foot radius centered on you. Channeled enemies. You are surrounded at all times by a 40-ft. radius
positive energy heals living creatures and damages undead; aura that is equivalent to a prayer spell. If dispelled, you can
channeled negative energy heals undead and damages living restore the aura as a full-round action.
creatures; and channeled domain energy has variant effects Handle Relic (Su): You are expected to destroy the tools of
depending on the domain. The amount of damage dealt or the enemies of your faith. At 16th level, you gain Handle Relic
healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of as a bonus feat.
damage for every two class levels you possess beyond the Domain Exemplar: At 20th level, you are the earthly
first (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). embodiment of one of your domains. Choose one domain for
which to gain this ability (unlike other domain powers, you do
not gain it for all domains). The specific effects are listed
under the domain descriptions below.
Favored Class: As for the Cleric (see above), and add the
following option:
This variant cleric is intended to supersede the Cloistered Spell Mastery (Ex): Each time you select this option,
Cleric (from Unearthed Arcana), the Archivist (from Heroes of choose one spell. You can prepare that spell without
Horror), and the Priest (from Adamant Entertainment’s Tome referring to your prayer book.
of Secrets). It allows for a priest more focused towards the
powers of your domains, and less towards melee combat. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Archivists have Simple
TABLE 2: THE ARCHIVIST HIT DICE: D6 proficiency with all weapons, and are proficient with light
armor. They do not gain any shield proficiencies. You can
Class Base Spell Channel choose to trade in your light armor proficiency for the Canny
Level Attack Capacity Energy Special Defense feat.
1st +0 1st 1d6 Aura, channel energy,
Spellcasting: Archivists cast prepared divine spells which
domains are drawn from the cleric spell list. Your spellcasting attribute
is Intelligence or Wisdom (your choice; once chosen, you
2nd +1 2nd 1d6 Bonus feat cannot re-assign it).
3rd +1 3rd 2d6 Versatile channeling Prayer Book: Unlike a standard cleric, you do not receive
4th 4th
your daily spell complement directly from whatever deity or
+2 2d6 Domain power(s), skill
cosmic force you worship. Rather, you must seek out and
collect new spells much as a wizard does, but from such
5th +2 5th 3d6 Rune domain esoteric sources as holy tablets, ancient steles, or other
6th +3 6th 3d6 Bonus feat magical scriptures. You cannot prepare any spell not
recorded in your prayer book except for read magic, which all
7th +3 7th 4d6 Versatile channeling archivists can prepare from memory.
8th +4 8th 4d6 Domain power(s), skill You begin play with a prayer book containing all of the Core
focus rules 0-level cleric spells, plus three 1st level cleric spells of
9th +4 9th 5d6 Additional domain your choice, plus your domain spells. For each point of
Intelligence bonus you have, the prayer book has an
10th +5 10th 5d6 Bonus feat additional 1st level cleric spell. At each new class level, you
11th +5 11th 6d6 Versatile channeling gain one new cleric spell for your prayer book; this can be of
12th +6/+1 12th 6d6 Skill focus
any spell level or levels that you can cast (based on your new
level). In addition, you always add the domain spells of your
13th +6/+1 13th 7d6 — domains to your prayer book; these do not count against your
14th +7/+2 14th 7d6 Bonus feat spells added due to level advancement.
At any time, you can also add spells found on scrolls
15th +7/+2 15th 8d6 Versatile channeling containing clerical spells to your prayer book, but you must
16th +8/+3 16th 8d6 Skill focus make any checks and spend the time and numen required
17th +8/+3 17th 9d6 —
(see Adding Spells to a Wizard's Spellbook). You can similarly
add non-cleric spells that directly pertain to your domains as
18th +9/+4 18th 9d6 Bonus feat if they were cleric spells, at the referee’s discretion. For
19th +9/+4 19th 10d6 Guarded mind, versatile example, an archivist with access to the Air, Knowledge, and
channeling Plant domains finds a druid scroll with magic fang and speak
20th +10/+5 20th
with plants on it, and an arcane scroll with identify and
10d6 Domain exemplar, skill fireball. The archivist could add speak with plants to his
prayer book as a 3rd level spell and identify as a 1st level spell.
Saving Throws: Archivists gain a +2 class bonus to He could not add magic fang or fireball, as they fall outside
Intuition and Will saves. the general themes of his domains. When determining
Bonus Skills: All archivists automatically receive one free themes, player and referee agreement is the standard of
rank per class level in Concentration, and Knowledge (the comparison.
Planes). These are otherwise treated as class skills, but do Domain Spells: Your bonus spells (as shown on the
not count against your total number of skill points. In Prepared Spellcasting table) are drawn from the bonus spells
addition, your domains grant bonus skill ranks as well, as provided by your domains. Each day, you can prepare one of
listed under “Archivist Skill.” the spells from your domains in that slot.
Class Skills: Diplomacy, Disable Device, Heal, Knowledge Aura (Su): You have an aura of alignment identical to the
(all), Planar Sense, Profession (all), and Spellcraft. alignment of your deity or cause. You are also affected by
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier. spells as if you yourself were of that alignment.
Bonus Languages: An archivist’s bonus language options Channel Energy (Su): As the cleric class feature of the
for a high Intelligence score include Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, same name; you choose positive energy, negative energy, or
Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Ignan, Mabrahoring, and Terran. one domain. Regardless of your initial choice, you eventually
These choices are in addition to the bonus languages gain the ability to channel energy of the other types and
available to the character because of her race. domains through your versatile channeling class feature (q.v.).
Domains: Your faith influences your values, how others see
you, and what magic you can perform. Choose one domain
(Appendix A) from among those belonging to your deity. If you
are not devoted to a particular deity, you still select a domain
to represent your spiritual inclinations and abilities (subject
to referee approval). In addition to the domain selected, you
automatically gain the Knowledge domain as well. Your
domains provide the following:
Bonus spell choices, as listed.
One class skill or skill-related feat, as listed for the
Granted powers, as listed.
You automatically gain additional domains at 5th and 9th
levels, as described below.
Bonus Feat: At 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, you
receive a bonus feat, which must be selected from the
following list: Imbue Item, Spell Focus, Thaumaturgy, any
Divine feat, any Domain feat (Chapter 5), or any metamagic
feat (Chapter 7). Your domains might grant additional
choices, as described in Appendix A. You must meet all
prerequisites normally.
Domain Powers: You receive additional granted powers
from your domains at 4th and/or 8th level, as described in the
Domains section.
Skill Focus: At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, you
gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat. These must be taken in
either Knowledge skills and/or in the archivist skills listed for
your domains.
Versatile Channeling: At 3rd level, you receive Versatile
Channeling as a bonus feat. You gain this feat an additional
time every 4 levels thereafter, each time choosing a different
energy type or domain channeling. When you reach 19th level,
each time you channel energy, you can therefore choose to
channel positive energy, negative energy, and/or energy from
any of your four domains.
Rune Domain: Your research has revealed the secrets of
ancient glyphs. At 5th level, you gain access to the Rune
Additional Domain: At 9th level, select one domain from
among those belonging to your deity, spiritual inclinations, or
cause. You gain access to that domain, including bonus
spells, granted powers, etc.
Guarded Mind (Su): Sometimes your peering into places
that mortals were not meant to see attracts unwanted
attention, and you gradually learn to defend against that. At
19th level, you gain a permanent mind blank effect.
Domain Exemplar: At 20th level, you are the earthly
embodiment of two of your domains. Choose two domains for
which to gain this ability. The specific effects are listed under
the domain descriptions below.
Ancestral Advice (Su): An ancestral speaker may pray to
his ancestors for advice or knowledge. Once per day, they
grant you a competence bonus to one skill check equal to half
Appendix A: Domains your class level. It does not matter if you already possesses
any ranks in this skill or not; you can use the skill even if you
In some cases, more than one domain spell is listed for a are untrained in its use or cannot normally use it. The bonus
particular level. Clerics with a domain spell of that slot can lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1 plus your Charisma
choose which of the listed spells they will use to fill that slot bonus. At 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter, you may use
(if any). Spells from non-core sources are indicated by this power an additional time per day.
superscripts; the sources are listed in Chapter 7. Improved Resurrection (Ex): Starting at 8th level, you can
“Subdomains” from the Advanced Players Guide can be call on the ancestors to smooth over the transition for anyone
chosen in place of domains, again with referee approval. making the crossing between life and death.
For powers that allow saving throws, the save DC, unless
otherwise noted, is equal to 10 + half your class level + your Add half your class level as a sacred bonus to Fortitude
Charisma modifier. Unless otherwise noted, using a domain saves for resurrection survival, and to remove a negative
power is a standard action. level gained from a raise dead spell.
Anyone raised by you gains only one negative level, rather
Air Domain than two. Those you resurrect gain no negative level.
Archivist Skill: Fly.
Feat Options: Storm Bolt [Reserve], Wind-Guided Arrows Living Ancestor (Ex): Upon reaching 20th level, you
[Reserve], Wind Stance [Stance]. become a living ancestor. You are immune to attribute
Variant Channeling: Channeled energy is electrical damage, attribute drain, death effects, and energy drain. You
(rather than positive or negative), dealing electrical damage to no longer age, and are effectively immortal unless killed.
those within the channeling radius. This is otherwise similar
to channeling negative energy, except you heal air elementals Animal Domain
and outsiders of the [air] subtype, instead of healing undead.
Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—wind wall, 3rd Archivist Skill: Handle Animal.
—gaseous form, 4th—air walk, 5th—control winds, 6th Feat Options: Skill Focus (Endurance, Handle Animal, or
—chain lightning, 7th—elemental body IV (air only), 8th Survival).
—whirlwind, 9th—elemental swarm (air) or winds of Variant Channeling: You can turn or rebuke animals as a
vengeance. cleric with the appropriate feats can turn or rebuke undead.
Cloudwalker (Ex): You gain favored terrain (Elemental See the Command Undead and Turn Undead feats for
Plane of Air), as the ranger class feature of the same name, details.
with a bonus equal to 1 + half your class level. Domain Spells: 1st—calm animals, 2nd—hold animal, 3rd
Lightning Arc [Reserve] (Sp): Starting at 4th level, as a —dominate animal, 4th—summon nature's ally IV (animals
standard action you can unleash an arc of electricity targeting only), 5th—beast shape III (animals only), 6th—antilife shell,
any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This arc of 7th—animal shapes, 8th—summon nature's ally VIII (animals
electricity deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per level of only), 9th—shapechange.
the highest-level Air domain spell you have prepared. You can Speak with Animals (Sp): You can speak with animals, as
use this ability at will as long as you have at least one Air per the spell, at will.
domain spell prepared. Mark of the Wild (Ex): As the druid class feature of the
Air Exemplar (Sp): At 20th level, you are continuously same name; you gain this ability at 4th level.
under the effects of a winds of vengeance spell. You can Animal Exemplar (Sp): At 20th level, you can use beast
suppress this effect as a free action. If suppressed or shape III at will as a spell-like ability; each use lasts until you
dispelled, you can renew the effect as a standard action. change back as a move action.
Ancestors Domain Aquatic Domain
This domain supersedes the Ancestral Speaker variant cleric, This domain was presented in Ultimate Magic as a variant
from Dragon magazine, issue 311. terrain domain for druids; it is included here so as to keep
Archivist Skill: Diplomacy. domains in one place (and because there is no reason a sea
Feat Options: Ghost Strike [Strike], Racial Heritage. god could not grant access to this domain to a cleric).
Variant Channeling: Turn Undead (as the feat). Archivist Skill: Athletics.
Bonus Spells: 1st—detect undead, 2nd—ancestral Feat Options: Skill Focus (Endurance, Handle Animal, or
communionDG, 3rd—speak with dead, 4th—ancestral giftDG, Survival).
5th—commune, 6th—geas/quest, 7th—legend lore, 8th Variant Channeling: You heal creatures with the [aquatic]
—compelOA, 9th—foresight. or [water] subtype or command them (similar to using the
Command Undead feat against undead).
Domain Spells: 1st—hydraulic pushAPG, 2nd
—slipstreamAPG, 3rd—water breathing, 4th—freedom of
movement, 5th—black tentacles, 6th—freezing sphere, 7th
—animal shapes (aquatic only), 8th—seamantleAPG, 9th
Ocean Born (Ex): You gain favored terrain (underwater), as Domain Spells: 1st—animate rope or honeRRO, 2nd—heat
the ranger class feature of the same name, with a bonus metal or wood shape, 3rd—keen edge or stone shape, 4th
equal to 1 + half your class level. —greater magic weapon or minor creation, 5th—fabricate,
Seastrike [Strike] (Su): Starting at 4th level, as a standard 6th—animate objects, 7th—dismantleRRO or wall of iron, 8th
action you can throw a weapon underwater without the —iron body or polymorph any object, 9th—stone
normal penalties for throwing weapons. If your target is in or warriorsRRO.
under the water, the weapon also acts as a returning weapon Artificer's Touch [Reserve] (Sp): You can cast mending at
for that attack. will, using your class level as the Craft ranks to repair
Aquatic Exemplar (Sp): At 20th level, you are can use damaged objects. In addition, you can cause damage to
seamantleAPG at will as a spell-like ability. objects and construct creatures by striking them with a melee
touch attack as a standard action that does not provoke
Archery Domain attacks of opportunity. Objects and constructs take 1d6 points
This domain appears in Relics and Rituals: Olympus (Sword of damage per level of the highest-level Artifice domain spell
& Sword Studios). Only deities with bows as favored you have prepared and available to cast. This attack bypasses
weapons will grant access to this domain. an amount of damage reduction and hardness equal to your
Archivist Skill: Craft (bowyer/fletcher). class level.
Feat Options: Archery-related and [Ranged] feats. Dancing Weapons (Su): At 8th level, you can give a
Variant Channeling: You channel a storm of spiritual weapon touched the dancing special weapon quality for 4
arrows dealing piercing damage within a 30-ft. radius of you rounds. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and
(Reflex half). an additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th.
Domain SpellsRRO: 1st—longshotUC or arrow mindCAd, Artifice Exemplar (Ex): At 20th level, you can create
2nd—hunter’s mercyMF, 3rd—flame arrow, 4th—bow magical items using your Craft skills and the Imbue Item feat
spiritAPG, 5th—bane bowCD, 6th—arrow stormCAd, 7th in half the normal amount of time, and for half the normal
—horizon shotRRO, 8th—prismatic bowCM, 9th—greater
arrowlinkRRO. Chaos Domain
Zen Archery (Ex): At 1st level, you gain a +1 insight bonus
to damage with ranged weapons. This bonus increases by +1 Archivist Skill: Bluff.
per class level beyond the 1st, to a maximum bonus equal to Feat Options: Adaptability, Beginner’s Luck, Chaotic Mind.
your Wisdom modifier. Variant Channeling: You call upon the raw power of
Puissant Archery (Ex): At 4th level, you gain a bonus entropy. You channel negative energy, as a standard cleric.
archery-related combat feat for which you meet the Domain Spells: 1st—protection from law, 2nd—align
prerequisites. In addition, after 4th level you can select weapon (chaos only), 3rd—chaos hammer, 4th—confusion, 5th
archery-related combat feats in place of cleric/archivist bonus —dispel law, 6th—animate objects, 7th—word of chaos, 8th
feats. —cloak of chaos, 9th—summon monster IX (chaotic only).
Archery Exemplar (Ex): At 20th level, you ignore all range Touch of Chaos (Sp): You can imbue a target with chaos
penalties when using bows, and ignore any cover or as a melee touch attack that does not provoke an attack of
concealment less than total when targeting with bows. opportunity. For the next round, anytime the target rolls a d20,
he must roll twice and take the less favorable result.
Artifice Domain Creatures under the effect of this touch count as chaotically-
A version of this domain also appears in Relics & Rituals: aligned for the purposes of alignment-specific spells and
Olympus (Sword & Sorcery Studios). It has been combined effects.
with the Forge domain from the Book of Hallowed Might II Chaos Blade (Su): At 8th level, as a free action you can
(Malhavoc Press). give a weapon touched the anarchic special weapon quality
Archivist Skill: Craft (any). for a number of rounds equal to half your class level. You can
Feat Options: Favored Terrain (Elemental Plane of Fire), use this ability once per day at 8th level, and an additional
Imbue Item Weapon Focus (any hammer), Weapon time per day for every four levels beyond 8th.
Specialization (any hammer). Exemplar of Chaos (Su): At 20th level, you gain the
Variant Channeling: You can repair damage to objects and Entropic template.
constructs. This works the same as channeling positive Charm Domain
energy on living things, but deals no damage to undead.
Objects within the area of the channeled energy also gain 1 Archivist Skill: Perform (Acting).
temporary point of hardness per die of channeled energy, for Feat Options: Coercive Spell [Metamagic], Mental
a number of rounds equal to half your class level. Distraction [Reserve], Skill Focus (Enchantment).
Alternatively, your channeled energy is fire (rather than Variant Channeling: You channel a wave of adoration for
positive or negative), dealing fire damage to those within the you that affects those around you. Enemies within 30 ft. must
channeling radius. This is otherwise mechanically similar to succeed at Will saves to attack you. This affects a maximum
channeling negative energy, except you heal fire elementals number of Hit Dice worth of enemies equal to the total rolled
and outsiders of the [fire] subtype, instead of healing undead. on your channeling dice. This protection lasts for a number of
Make this choice upon selecting this domain; once chosen, rounds equal to half your class level. Enemies you attack are
you cannot re-assign the type of channeled energy (although freed from the effect.
you can gain access to both by taking the Versatile
Channeling feat).
Domain Spells: 1st—charm person, 2nd—calm emotions, Cudgel Domain
3rd—suggestion, 4th—heroism, 5th—charm monster, 6th
—geas/quest, 7th—insanity, 8th—demand, 9th—dominate This domain was specifically created to simulate a priest of
monster. St. Cuthbert.
Dazing Touch (Sp): You can cause a living creature to Archivist Skill: Diplomacy.
become dazed for 1 round as a melee touch attack that does Feat Options: Confusing Blow [Strike], Crushing Blow
not provoke an attack of opportunity. Creatures with more Hit [Combat], Pulverize Foe [Combat].
Dice than your class level are unaffected. Variant Channeling: You channel positive energy, as a
Charming Smile (Sp): At 8th level, you can cast charm standard good-aligned cleric.
person as a swift action, with a DC of 10 + half your class Domain Spells: 1st—charm person, 2nd—detect thoughts,
level + your Charisma modifier. You can only have one 3 —mace of odoMF, 4th—discern lies, 5th—disrupting
creature charmed in this way at a time. The total number of weapon or mark of justice, 6th—heroes’ feast, 7th—dictum,
rounds of this effect per day is equal to your class level. The 8th—shield of law, 9th--convertRR.
rounds do not need to be consecutive, and you can dismiss Billet (Su): In your hands, any quarterstaff or heavy club
the charm at any time as a free action. Each attempt to use automatically gains the effects of a shillelagh spell for as long
this ability consumes 1 round of its duration, whether or not as you wield it.
the creature succeeds on its save to resist the effect. Mace of Cuthbert (Su): Starting at 4th level, you can
Charming Exemplar (Ex): At 20th level, you gain an designate a specific heavy mace, heavy club, or quarterstaff as
inherent +4 bonus to Charisma. As with other like-named your bonded weapon (as the wizard’s arcane bond class
bonuses, inherent bonuses do not stack. feature). If the weapon is a heavy club or quarterstaff, the
increased damage dice from your billet ability are retained,
Community Domain but the enhancement bonus from the shillelagh effect is
This domain also supersedes the Missionary domain from Exemplar of St. Cuthbert (Su): At 20th level, your
Relics & Rituals (Sword & Sorcery Studios). steadfastness and zeal for your deity’s cause render you
Archivist Skill: Streetwise. immune to all mind-affecting spells and effects.
Feat Options: Communal Spell [Metamagic], Favored
Terrain (Urban), Leadership, Selective Spell [Metamagic]; any Cultist Domain
feat that applies benefits to adjacent or nearby allies.
Variant Channeling: You can channel your own life energy Occasionally the power of evil outsiders, or of even stranger
to aid your companions. For each die of channeling, apply the beings from beyond the curved rim of space, attract the
results of that die roll as temporary ability damage to yourself servitude of depraved or debased beings from the Prime
(you choose which attribute each die will affect). You can Material Plane. Although not necessarily even aware of their
choose to channel less than your level would otherwise allow. worshippers, they are able to impart some measure of power
Attribute points you channel in this manner can then be to them. This domain allows customization of demon-
bestowed on willing companions. Channeling dice can be worshipping cultists, beyond simple selection of domains.
divided among companions’ various attributes as you see fit, Particularly skulking cultists can be modeled by multiclassing
but no more than one die of results can be added to any with rogue and taking the Tomb Raider skill talent.
single attribute possessed by one companion. Temporary Archivist Skill: Bluff.
damage and bonuses last for a number of rounds equal to Feat Options: Nameless.
half your class level. Variant Channeling: None. You channel negative energy,
Domain Spells: 1st—bless, 2nd—shield other, 3rd—prayer, as a standard cleric.
4 —status, 5th—telepathic bond, 6th—heroes' feast, 7th
th Domain Spells: The specific domain spells depends on
—refuge, 8th—mass cure critical wounds, 9th—miracle. your cult’s patron; see Appendix B.
Calming Touch [Reserve] (Sp): You can touch a creature Granted Powers: 1st and 4th or 8th level domain powers
as a standard action to heal it of 1d6 points of nonlethal are dependent upon the entity you worship, as detailed in
damage per level of the highest-level Community domain Appendix B. Regardless of the specific patron, you gain the
spell you have prepared. This touch also removes the fatigued, same exemplar domain power. Fiendish Apotheosis (Su): At
shaken, and sickened conditions (but has no effect on more 20th level, you gain the Fiendish template.
severe conditions).
Unity (Su): At 8th level, whenever a spell or effect targets
you and one or more allies within 30 feet, you can use this
ability to allow your allies to use your saving throw bonus
against the effect in place of their own. Each ally must decide
individually. Using this ability is an immediate action. You can
use this ability once per day at 8th level, and one additional
time per day for every four class levels beyond 8th.
Exemplar of the Community (Ex): At 20th level, you form
the center of a limited form of hive mind between
companions within 200 ft. of you. If one of the group is aware
of a particular danger, all are. If one member of the group is
not flat-footed, none of you are. No one in the group is
considered flanked unless all of you are.

Cudgel Domain
Shift Blame (Su): When you provoke an attack of
Darkness Domain opportunity, you can attempt to deceive the creature making
Archivist Skill: Stealth. the attack of opportunity into believing the provoking action
Feat Options: Blind-Fight [Combat], Fade into Darkness was performed by another creature as long as it is adjacent to
[Arcane], Gloom Attack [Reserve], Night Stalker, Shadow Veil you and also threatened by the attacker. Doing so requires an
[Reserve], Umbral Shroud [Reserve]. opposed Bluff check (the attacker gains a bonus equal to its
Variant Channeling: You channel absolute blackness in a base attack bonus on this check). If your Bluff check is
30-ft. radius. Within this area, not even darkvision operates; successful, the attack of opportunity instead targets an
the darkness can dampen a number of levels of light spells adjacent creature chosen by you. You can use this ability only
equal to the sum of your channeling dice (e.g., a 5th level once per provoking action.
archivist could dampen 3d6 levels worth of light spells). This Burning Blade (Su): Starting at 4th level, any scimitar you
sphere of darkness moves with you and lasts a number of wield gains the flaming (+1d6) property for as long as you
rounds equal to half your class level. You can see within the wield it. At 8th level, it gains the flaming burst property. At
darkness; if you have the Selective Channeling feat, you can 12th level, the fire damage increases to 2d6, and to 3d6 at
assign other creatures the ability to see as well. 16th level.
Domain Spells: 1st—darkness, 2nd—blindness, 3rd Exemplar of the Dawn (Su): At 20th level, when killed,
—deeper darkness, 4th—damning darknessBVD, 5th
your body is engulfed in a column of holy fire equivalent to a
—summon undead V (1d3 shadows), 6th—shadow walk, 7th
flame strike (CL 20th). At the beginning of your next turn,
—power word: blind, 8th—screen, 9th—shades.
your spirit returns in the form of a phoenix that fights as you
Touch of Darkness [Reserve] (Sp): As a melee touch direct for up to 20 rounds and then disappears. This phoenix
attack that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you can is not considered called or summoned. You are reborn (as
cause a creature's vision to be fraught with shadows and resurrection) 1d4 rounds after it disappears in a random
darkness. The creature touched treats all other creatures as location within 1 mile, with your gear intact but with two
if they had concealment, suffering a miss chance of 5% x the permanent negative levels. If the phoenix is killed before it
level of the highest-level [darkness] spell you have available. disappears, you cannot be reborn via this ability, though other
on all attack rolls. This effect lasts for a number of rounds methods of raising you still work.
equal to half your class level (minimum 1 round). Death Domain
Eyes of Darkness (Su): At 8th level, your vision is not
impaired by lighting conditions, even in absolute darkness Archivist Skill: Heal.
and magic darkness. You can use this ability for a number of Feat Options: Any [Necromantic] feats; Spell Focus
rounds per day equal to half your class level. These rounds do (Necromancy).
not need to be consecutive. Variant Channeling: None. You channel negative energy,
Dark Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, you are perpetually as a standard cleric.
shrouded in darkness. Your 8th level granted power becomes Domain Spells: 1st—cause fear, 2nd—death knell, 3rd
continuous. Also, you gain a measure of concealment from —animate dead, 4th—death ward, 5th—slay living, 6th
the shroud of darkness; enemies suffer a 20% miss chance —create undead, 7th—destruction, 8th—create greater
when attacking you. undead, 9th—wail of the banshee.
Bleeding Touch (Sp): As a melee touch attack that does
Dawnflower Domain not provoke an attack of opportunity, you can cause a living
This domain simulates the Dawnflower Dissident prestige creature to take 1d6 points of damage per round. This effect
class from Paths of Prestige. persists for a number of rounds equal to half your class level
Archivist Skill: Bluff. (minimum 1) or until stopped with a DC 15 Heal check or any
Feat Options: Disguise Spell, Exotic Weapon Proficiency spell or effect that heals damage.
(scimitar), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Skill Focus Death's Embrace (Ex): At 8th level, you heal damage
(Bluff), Two-Weapon Fighting, and Weapon Finesse. instead of taking damage from channeled negative energy.
Variant Channeling: Your channel the morning light of You still heal from channeled positive energy as well.
dawn, granting allies within 15 feet a new saving throw Exemplar of Death (Su): At 20th level, creatures that die
against any one ongoing condition or effect that allows a save. within 30 ft. of you are automatically animated 1 round later
This does not affect instantaneous or permanent effects or as zombies (not necessarily under your control).
effects that do not allow a saving throw. Demonic Domain
Domain Spells: 1st—illusion of calmUC, 2nd—rope trick,
3rd—nondetection, 4th—detect scrying, 5th—private This domain draws from the Demonic Apostle (Advanced
sanctum, 6th—veil, 7th—magnificent mansion, 8th—screen, Race Guide) and the Abyss domainSC.
9th—communal mind blankUC. Archivist Skill: Bluff.
Feat Options: Thaumaturgist.
Variant Channeling: You channel negative energy, as a
standard evil cleric. However, you gain additional effects as
described below.
Domain Spells: 1st—corrupt weaponBVD, 2nd—bull’s Destruction Domain
strength, 3rd—babau slimePnH, 4th—dimensional anchor, 5th
—slay living, 6th—planar binding, 7th—summon monster VII Archivist Skill: Craft (Construction).
(1 vrock or 1d3 shadow demons or succubi), 8th—bodak’s Feat Options: Explosive Spell [Metamagic], Spell Focus
glarePnH, 9th—gate. (Evocation), Vital Strike [Strike].
Demonic Familiar (Ex): You gain a familiar, as a wizard’s Variant Channeling: You channel negative energy, as a
arcane bond, using your class level as your effective wizard standard cleric. Any object destroyed by your channeled
level. If you have the Thaumaturgist feat, you can improve energy is disintegrated.
your familiar within the limits described for that feat. Domain Spells: 1st—true strike, 2nd—shatter, 3rd—rage,
Demonic Channeling (Su): You gain the following 4 —inflict critical wounds, 5th—shout, 6th—harm, 7th
improvements to your Channeled Negative Energy: —disintegrate, 8th—earthquake, 9th—implosion.
Destructive Smite [Strike] (Su): You gain the
You gain Planar Channeling as a bonus feat at 1st level (a supernatural ability to make a single melee attack as a
10th level cleric gains no additional benefit. standard action with a morale bonus on damage rolls equal
Starting at 4th level, [chaotic evil] allies within the burst to your class level (minimum +1).
are affected as if targeted by a rage spell with a duration of Destructive Aura (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot
1 round. aura of destruction for a number of rounds per day equal to
your class level. All attacks made against targets in this aura
At 8th level, [lawful] or [good] enemies are also sickened (including you) gain a morale bonus on damage equal to half
for 1d6 rounds if they fail their saving throw against the your class level, and all critical threats are automatically
demonic channel. confirmed. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Exemplar of Destruction (Ex): At 20th level, your attacks
Demonic Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, you gain the ignore all damage reduction and hardness. Your critical
Fiendish template. threats are automatically confirmed.

Desert Domain Dwarf Domain

This domain was presented in Ultimate Magic as a variant From the Spell Compendium, this domain also subsumes the
terrain domain for druids; it is included here so as to keep dwarven cleric racial substitution levels from Races of Stone.
domains in one place (and because there is no reason a Archivist Skill: Endurance.
desert god could not grant access to this domain to a cleric. Feat Options: Dwarven racial feats (Chapter 2).
Archivist Skill: Endurance. Variant Channeling: When you expend a channel energy
Feat Options: Sand Dancer [Stance]. use as a swift action, you gain the ability to smite racial
Variant Channeling: Your channeled energy sucks the enemies, as a prestige paladin smites evil Choose a dragon,
moisture from those in the area; it works as channeled giant, or uncivilized humanoid (or group of similar uncivilized
negative energy, but deals desiccation damage instead. humanoids, such as an army of goblins); the bonuses last
Domain Spells: 1st—cloak of shadeAPG, 2nd—shifting until your target is dead, or until active battle is broken off for
sandAPG, 3rd—cup of dustAPG, 4th—hallucinatory terrain, 5th 1 round.
—transmute rock to mud (creates loose sand instead of mud),
Domain Spells: 1st—magic weapon, 2nd—bear’s
6th—siroccoAPG, 7th—sunbeam, 8th—sunburst, 9th—horrid endurance, 3rd—glyph of warding, 4th—divine power, 5th
—wall of stone, 6th—stone tell, 7th—dictum, 8th—protection
wilting. from spells, 9th—elemental swarm (earth).
Dweller in the Wastes (Ex): You gain favored terrain Moradin’s Fortitude (Ex): At 1st level, you gain Great
(deserts), as the ranger class feature of the same name, with a Fortitude as a bonus feat.
bonus equal to 1 + half your class level. Hammer Specialist (Ex): At 4th level, you gain Weapon
Servant of the Sands (Sp): At 8th level, once per day, you Focus (warhammer) and Weapon Specialization
may call upon the aid of a janni as if using lesser planar ally. (warhammer) as bonus feats.
At 12th level, you may call upon the aid of any type of common Exemplar of the Dwarves (Ex): Upon reaching 20th level,
(non-noble) genie as if using planar ally. At 16th level, you may you become a master of dwarven magic. You can apply any of
call upon the aid of a noble genie as if using greater planar the following feats to any [earth] or stone spell without
ally. If you use this power while in desert terrain, you need increasing the spell level or casting time: Extend Spell, Reach
not make an offering to call the creature(s), and the cost of Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell, or Widen Spell. The maximum
any service is halved. amount of “free” metamagic you can use in this manner is
Exemplar of the Desert (Su): At 20th level, you gain a equal to 2 spell levels (In any combination: extended to
siabrie paramour (from the Wizards of the Coast web site, double duration and with reach increased by 1 range step, or
Far Corners of the World, “Sand and Sun: Monsters of the range increased by 2 steps, etc.). You need not know the feats
Desert”). This desert fey is an ally, and is treated as a follower in question.
(although it does not count against your Leadership or
similar potential).

Destruction Domain
Entropic Bolt [Reserve] (Sp): As a standard action you
Earth Domain can fire a ray of entropy as a ranged touch attack, dealing 1d6
Archivist Skill: Profession (mining). damage per level of the highest-level entropy domain spell
Feat Options: Favored Terrain (Elemental Plane of Earth). you have prepared. Half the damage is sonic damage, and half
Variant Channeling: You channel seismic energy into the is unholy damage that cannot be reduced by sonic resistance
earth, resulting in a tremor. Creatures within 30 ft. that are or immunity.
standing on the ground take bludgeoning damage according Entropic Field (Su): Starting at 8th level, as a standard
to your number of dice of channeling, and are knocked prone. action you can surround yourself with a field of invisible,
A Reflex save halves the damage and negates the prone entropic energy that lasts for 1 round per class level. The field
condition. Creatures with the [earth] subtype are immune. extends in radius of 5 ft. per level, centered on you. All
Domain Spells: 1st—magic stone, 2nd—soften earth and magical healing automatically fails within the entropic field.
stone, 3rd—stone shape, meld into stone, 4th—spike stones, Starting at 12th level, the entropic field becomes strong
5th—wall of stone, 6th—stoneskin, 7th—elemental body IV enough to warp the laws of probability. Once per round as
(earth only), 8th—earthquake, 9th—elemental swarm (earth a free action, you can force one creature within the field
only). (including you) to reroll an attack, save, or check. You
Fist of Stone (Su): As a free action, your hands can demand the reroll after you knows whether the attack,
become as hard as stone. While under the effects of this save, or check succeeded or failed, but before the exact
power, you have Martial proficiency with your fists (unarmed consequences have been calculated and applied. The
attacks), and gain a bonus on damage rolls with them equal to result of the reroll takes precedence, even if it's worse
your class level. than the original roll.
Elemental Attunement (Ex): At 4th level, you gain favored
terrain (Elemental Plane of Earth), as the ranger class feature Starting at 16th level, the entropic field causes wounds
of the same name, with a bonus equal to 1 + half your class created within it to continue bleeding, dealing an
level. additional 1 point of damage per round thereafter (at the
Earth Exemplar (Ex): At 20th level, elemental power end of your turn) as long as they remain within. A
surges through your body. You gain damage reduction successful Heal check (DC 15) stops the bleeding. If
10/adamantine, and immunity to sneak attacks and critical multiple wounds are suffered, then the creature takes 1
hits. point of damage per wound. You are subject to the
bleeding effect.
Entropy Domain
A cleric with the Entropy domain supersedes the Exemplar of Entropy (Ex): At 20th level, you are immune
Entropomancer prestige class from Complete Divine. An to negative energy and disintegration. You can control a
entropy domain also appeared in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of sphere of annihilation as if you were using a talisman of the
the Abyss. sphere, and you are personally unaffected by a sphere of
Archivist Skill: Spellcraft. annihilation, which passes through you as if your square was
Feat Options: Energy Admixture [Metamagic] (negative completely empty.
energy only). Evil Domain
Variant Channeling: You channel a miniature shard of
entropy that lasts while you concentrate (up to 1 round per Archivist Skill: Craft (toxicology).
class level). The shard is a chunk of absolute blackness, 2 Feat Options: Energy Admixture [Metamagic] (unholy
inches across, and can be moved up to 30 feet by you as a only), Favored Terrain (Lower Planes).
standard action. The shard deals negative energy damage Variant Channeling: None. You channel negative energy,
against creatures (ranged touch attack needed to hit); against as a standard cleric.
objects and undead, the shard deals disintegration damage, Domain Spells: 1st—bane or protection from good, 2nd
bypassing the object's hardness. Any creature who passes —align weapon (evil only) or desecrate, 3rd—unholy blight,
through the shard's square takes damage as if the shard 4th—dispel good, 5th—slay living, 6th—create undead, 7th
struck him, as does any creature that's in the same square as —blasphemy, 8th—unholy aura, 9th—summon monster IX
the shard at the beginning of your turn. You can move the (evil only).
shard into another square with a move action, or aim it at a Touch of Evil (Sp): You gain a touch attack that carries the
specific creature (dealing damage immediately) as a standard effects of the Sickening Strike feat (Chapter 5), except that
action. you need not meet the prerequisites, and it applies only to
If you channel at least 8d6 of energy, the shard exerts an melee touch attacks (you can apply the effects to other
inexorable tug on creatures within 15 ft., pulling them attacks by using the Versatile Blow feat).
towards itself. This is treated as a bull rush attempt with a Scythe of Evil (Su): Starting at 8th level, any weapon you
CMB of +11, at the end of your turn. If the shard wins, it pulls wield gains the corrupt property (as corrupt weaponBVD). As
creatures in a direct line toward its square. You are not a swift action you can give a weapon touched the unholy
immune to this effect. special weapon quality (+2d6 negative energy damage, half
Domain Spells: 1st—entropic shield, 2nd—inflict unholy and not subject to resistance) for a number of rounds
moderate wounds, 3rd—magic circle against chaos/law, 4th equal to half your class level. You can use this ability once per
—rusting grasp, 5th—waves of fatigue, 6th—disintegrate, 7th day at 8th level, and an additional time per day for every four
—insanity, 8th—orb of the voidUM, 9th—abyssal riftFC1. levels beyond the 8th.
Exemplar of Evil (Su): At 20th level, you gain the Fiendish Exemplar of Fury (Ex): Starting at 20th level, you gain the
template. frightful presence ability. Whenever you charge or attack, all
opponents within 30 ft. must succeed at Will saves or be
Fire Domain shaken for 5d6 rounds. Creatures with less than half as many
Archivist Skill: Perform (any one). Hit Dice as you have class levels are frightened instead.
Feat Options: Burning Evocation [Metamagic], Fiery Burst Glory Domain
[Reserve], Searing Evocation [Metamagic].
Variant Channeling: Channeled energy is fire (rather than Archivist Skill: Diplomacy.
positive or negative), dealing fire damage to those within the Feat Options: Blinding Spell [Metamagic], Staredown.
channeling radius. This is otherwise mechanically similar to Variant Channeling: You channel positive energy, as a
channeling negative energy, except you heal fire elementals standard cleric. When you channel positive energy to harm
and outsiders of the [fire] subtype, instead of healing undead. undead creatures, the save DC to halve the damage is
Domain Spells: 1st—produce flame, 2nd—resist energy increased by 2.
(fire), 3rd—fireball, 4th—wall of fire, 5th—fire shield, 6th—fire Domain Spells: 1st—shield of faith, 2nd—bless weapon,
seeds, 7th—elemental body IV (fire only), 8th—incendiary 3 —searing light, 4th—celestial brillianceBED, 5th
cloud, 9th—elemental swarm (fire spell only). —righteous might, 6th—sunbeam, 7th—holy sword, 8th
Fire Bolt [Reserve] (Sp): As a standard action, you can —crown of gloryBED, 9th—blinding gloryBED.
unleash a scorching bolt of divine fire from your outstretched Touch of Glory (Sp): You can cause your hand to shimmer
hand. You can target any single foe within 30 feet as a ranged with divine radiance, allowing you to touch a creature as a
touch attack with this bolt of fire. If you hit the foe, the fire standard action and give it a bonus equal to your class level
bolt deals 1d6 points of fire damage per level of the highest- on a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability
level fire spell you have prepared. check. This ability lasts for 1 hour or until the creature
Dweller in Fire (Ex): At 4th level, you gain favored terrain touched elects to apply the bonus to a roll.
(Elemental Plane of Fire), as the ranger class feature of the Divine Presence (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot
same name, with a bonus equal to 1 + half your class level. aura of divine presence for a number of rounds per day equal
Fire Exemplar (Ex): Upon reaching 20th level, you become to your class level. All allies within this aura are treated as if
a master of fire. You can apply any one of the following feats under the effects of a sanctuary spell with a DC equal to 10 +
to any fire spell you cast without increasing the level or half your class level + your Wisdom modifier. These rounds
casting time: Extend Spell, Reach Spell, Silent Spell, or Still do not need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is a
Spell. standard action. If an ally leaves the area or makes an attack,
the effect ends for that ally. If you make an attack, the effect
Fury Domain ends for you and your allies.
This domain appeared in Oriental Adventures. It is modified Exemplar of Glory (Su): At 20th level, your mere presence
here so as to supersede the Rage Cleric variant, from Dragon dazzles onlookers within 30 ft. for 1 minute unless they
magazine (issue 333). succeed at Will saves. If your divine presence is active, those
Archivist Skill: Endurance. failing their saves are blinded instead of dazzled. Those who
Feat Options: You can select barbarian rage powers (for successfully save are immune to this aura for 24 hours.
which you meet the type of rage required; see below) in the Good Domain
place of bonus feats.
Variant Channeling: When you channel energy, you can Archivist Skill: Diplomacy.
give yourself and allies a bonus on weapon damage and Feat Options: Energy Admixture [Metamagic] (holy only),
critical hit confirmation rolls until your next turn. This bonus Favored Terrain (Upper Planes)., Merciful Spell [Metamagic].
is equal to the number of dice your channeled energy Variant Channeling: None. You channel positive energy, as
normally heals or harms. This option supersedes the Foment a standard cleric.
the Blood feat from the Advanced Race Guide. Domain Spells: 1st—bless or protection from evil, 2nd
Domain Spells: 1st—shatter, 2nd—castigateAPG, 3rd —bless weapon, 3rd—holy smite, 4th—dispel evil, 5th
—rage, 4th—shout, 5th—flame strike, 6th—harm, 7th —summon monster V (good only), 6th—blade barrier, 7th
—destruction, 8th—earthquake, 9th—implosion. —holy word, 8th—holy aura, 9th—summon monster IX (good
Ferocious Strike [Strike] (Su): As a standard action, you spell only).
can make a single melee attack that receives a divine bonus Touch of Good [Reserve] (Sp): You can touch a creature
to damage equal to half your class level (minimum +1). You as a standard action, granting a sacred bonus on attack rolls,
can use this ability in conjunction with a full attack, but doing skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round.
so imposes a -5 penalty to all attack rolls that round. The magnitude of the bonus is equal to the level of the
Rage (Ex): At 4th level, you gain the rage ability, as a highest-level Good domain spell you have available.
barbarian of level equal to half your class level. This applies to Holy Lance (Su): Starting at 8th level, any weapon you
the type of rage and the number of rounds of use per day, and wield gains the blessed property (as bless weapon). You can
also grants you the furious counterstrike ability, but does not give a weapon you touch the holy special weapon quality for a
grant you rage powers. If you have levels in barbarian, your number of rounds equal to half your class level (this weapon
cleric/archivist level instead provides Weak synergy towards need not actually be a lance). You can use this ability once per
your rage ability. day at 8th level, and an additional time per day for every four
levels beyond 8th.
Holy Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, you gain the Celestial Combat Medic (Ex): You do not provoke attacks of
template. opportunity when casting Necromancy (Healing) spells or
using the Heal skill to stabilize another. You do not need to
Greed Domain channel defensively, nor do you ever provoke attacks of
This domain, and the associated non-core spells, are from the opportunity from channeling, even from an opponent with the
3rd edition Book of Vile Darkness supplement. Disruptive fighter talent. Source: Ultimate Combat.
Archivist Skill: Sleight of Hand. Healer's Blessing (Su): At 4th level, all of your cure spells
Feat Options: Eye for Larceny [Skill]. are treated as if they were empowered, increasing the amount
Variant Channeling: You can channel material wealth, in of damage healed by half (+50%). This does not apply to
the form of coins. Roll dice normally; a total number of coins damage dealt to undead with a cure spell. This does not stack
equal to the total on the channeling dice are teleported into with the Empower Spell metamagic feat.
your hands from within a 30-ft. burst. Creatures within the Healing Exemplar (Su): Upon reaching 20th level, you
area are entitled to Will saves to avoid having any of their become a bastion of life. All living creatures within 30 ft. of
coins taken. The channeling effect applies to gold coins first you gain regeneration at the rate of 1 hp/round. Negative
(if available within range; with coins being affected in order of energy, profane damage, and evil-aligned weapons still deal
increasing distance), then silver, then other metals if no more normal damage, however. Healing domain spells you cast are
gold or silver coins within range can be affected (and you still both Empowered and Maximized.
have additional coins’ worth of channeling remaining). The Hunting Domain
channeling effect can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1
inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood This domain, combined with the ordained hunter lore, is
or dirt blocks it. ideal for a cleric/ranger of Ehlonna, for example (clerics of
Domain SpellsBVD: 1st—cheat, 3rd—entice gift, 5th Ehlonna will generally select Animal as their other domain).
—knock, 7th—emotion, 9th—fabricate, 11th—guards and Archivist Skill: Survival.
wards, 13th—vanish, 15th—phantasmal thief, 17th Feat Options: Favored Terrain (forest); any Favored Enemy
—sympathy. feats (see Ranger).
Appraiser’s Touch (Su): As a standard action, you can Variant Channeling: You channel divine energy into the
touch an item to know its value. You make a Knowledge (lore) pursuit of your quarry. When you invoke this ability, you treat
check with a +1 sacred bonus per 2 class levels you possess; one opponent as if it were a ranger’s Quarry (q.v.) with a
success indicates you know its market value to the copper bonus equal to the number of dice you would normally
piece. You can always take 10 on this roll. channel. This otherwise works identically to the ranger class
Safeguard Valuables (Sp): Starting at 8th level, you can feature, except that the effect automatically ends after 1
place your valuables beyond the reach of nearly any thief. For minute per die you would normally channel (if it has not
a number of rounds per day equal to your number of ranks in ended sooner).
Concentration, any items held by you that you designate Domain Spells: 1st—longstrider or pass without trace, 2nd
become ethereal. These rounds need not be consecutive, but —hunter’s stalkRR, 3rd—snare, 4th—locate creature, 5th
sending the items to the ethereal plane requires a move —commune with nature, 6th—find the path, 7th—wind walk,
action, as does retrieving them. 8th—discern location, 9th—shapechange.
Exemplar of Greed (Su): At 20th level, items on your Endure Elements (Su): You are continuously under the
person or held or worn by you cannot be stolen by means of effects of endure elements.
the Sleight of Hand skill or the Steal maneuver, nor broken Sacred Hunter (Su): Starting at 4th level, you gain the
by means of the Sunder maneuver. Additionally, they are tracking ability of a ranger equal to half you class level. If you
immune to incidental damage from attacks targeting you, have levels in ranger, you instead gain Weak synergy towards
even if you fail your save, and cannot be deactivated with your ranger tracking ability.
dispel magic or mage’s disjunction. Exemplar of Hunting (Su): You gain the ranger’s master
hunter class feature.
Healing Domain
Archivist Skill: Heal. Inquisition Domain
Variant Channeling: You channel positive energy, as a A cleric/rogue with the Inquisition domain is intended to
standard cleric. If you are capable of channeling at least 6d6 replace the Inquisitor base class from the Advanced Players
hp worth of positive energy, you can expend three uses of Guide and the Church Inquisitor prestige class from
your channel energy to restore a dead creature to life as if you Complete Divine. A cleric 4/rogue 16 with this domain and
had cast the breath of life spell. This supersedes the the Temple Raider rogue skill talent has a BAB of +15 and a
Channeled Revival feat from Ultimate Combat. spell capacity of 16th, and can use rogue combat talents to
Domain Spells: 1st—cure light wounds, 2nd—lesser gain additional Strike feats to use with your variant
restoration, 3rd—remove disease, 4th—neutralize poison, 5th channeling (aka “judgment”) ability.
—breath of life, 6th—heal, 7th—regenerate, 8th—mass cure Archivist Skill: Bluff. This supersedes the Inquisitor’s
critical wounds, 9th—mass heal. “stern gaze” class feature.
Feat Options: [Strike] feats.
Variant Channeling: You can channel divine judgment on Class Knowledge
heretics. As a swift action, expend one daily use of channel Level Type Effects of 1 Die of Channeling
energy, and choose any one opponent and any one Strike feat 2nd Tactics +1 insight bonus to attacks against
you possess. Until the end of the current encounter, the creatures of designated type
effects of that feat apply to all of your weapon attacks against 5th Puissance +1 insight bonus to saves against
that opponent, even if you make iterative attacks. Also, use abilities used by creatures of the
your full cleric or archivist level (in place of your BAB derived designated type
from that level) to determine the effects of Strikes used in this 8th
manner. You can select Strike feats as class bonus feats. Foreknowledge +1 insight bonus to AC against
creatures of the designated type.
If you could otherwise channel 4d6 of energy, when you 11th Foebane +1d6 insight bonus to damage rolls
use your variant channeling ability, you can choose to against creatures of the designated
expend two uses and gain the effects of two simultaneous type
Strike feats (even if you do not have the Striking Mastery 14th Dread secret One creature of the designated type
feat). must save vs. Will or be dazed 1
If you could otherwise channel 8d6 of energy, you can
expend three uses to simultaneously gain the effects of You can assign multiple dice to a single category, providing
three Strike feats. higher bonuses, to a maximum of 3 dice in any one particular
category. If you assign multiple dice to a single creature to be
Domain Spells: 1st—wrathAPG, 2nd—detect thoughts, 3th affected by the Dread Secret knowledge, 2 dice renders the
—discern lies, 4th—bladebaneUE, 5th—mark of justice or target dazed instead of dazzled, and 3 dice renders it stunned
dispel evil (etc.), 6th—forbiddance or geas, 7th—dictum (etc.), instead of dazzled.
8th—shield of law (etc.), 9th—imprisonment. Spells noted Example: Jazeed and his friends encounter a group of dark
with “etc.” should be swapped out for the equivalent spells for creepers, led by a dark stalker. Jazeed is 11th level, giving him
other alignments, as appropriate for your deity or cause. 6 dice of channeling. He channels knowledge and assigns 2
Detect Alignment (Sp): At will, you can use detect chaos, dice in an effort to daze the dark stalker. With his remaining
detect evil, detect good, or detect law. You can only use one of 4 dice, he elects to give himself and his allies a +1 bonus to
these at any given time, however. attacks and saves, and a +2d6 bonus to damage rolls, against
Penetrating Stare (Su): Starting at 4th level, you the dark folk.
automatically gain an Intuition save to detect illusions, even if Domain Spells: 1st—identify, 2nd—detect thoughts, 3rd
you do not interact with them. In addition, you gain a +4 —tongues, 4th—detect scrying, 5th—contact other plane, 6th
sacred/profane bonus to Perception checks to penetrate —legend lore, 7th—sequester or vision, 8th—discern location,
disguises (see Perform: Acting skill) and to Intuition saves to 9th—foresight.
penetrate illusions. Lore Keeper (Su): You can touch a creature to learn about
Exemplar of Judgment (Su): At 20th level, whenever you its abilities and weaknesses. With a successful touch attack,
use your variant channeling ability, you can invoke true you gain information as if you made the appropriate
judgment on a foe as a swift action. Once declared, you can Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 15 + your class
make a single melee attack (or ranged attack, if the foe is level + your Wisdom modifier.
within point-blank range) against the target. If the attack hits, Remote Viewing (Sp): Starting at 8th level, you can use
it deals damage normally and the target must succeed at a clairvoyance/clairaudience at will as a spell-like ability. You
Fortitude save or die. Regardless of whether or not the save can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to
succeeds, the target creature is immune to your true your class level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
judgment ability for 24 hours. Exemplar of Knowledge (Sp): At 20th level, you can take
20 on all Knowledge skill checks. Your attunement to the
Knowledge Domain fundamental underpinnings of reality has also become so
This domain includes most of the class features of the advanced that once per week, you can cast wish as a spell-like
Archivist base class, from Heroes of Horror. ability. This ability does not require a material component,
Archivist Skill: Knowledge (Lore). but the wish cannot be used to grant ability score bonuses,
Feat Options: Arcane Defense (Enchantment). nor can it be used to replicate spells with expensive material
Variant Channeling: You channel the secret knowledge of components.
your enemies’ weaknesses, rather than simple energy. Each
die of channeling you would normally receive can be assigned Law Domain
to a single type of creature. You and your allies within 30 ft. Archivist Skill: Concentration (you gain no additional skill
receive benefits against that creature type for a number of ranks, but can use one of your bonus Skill Focus feats in this
rounds equal to half your class level; the specific benefits skill).
depend on how you assign the total number of dice. Your
options expand as you gain higher levels, as shown in the
following table.
Variant Channeling: You channel the power of law. All d20 Luck Domain
rolls within 30 ft. are treated as if the result were 11, without
any need to actually roll. This effect lasts for 1 round per 2 Archivist Skill: Bluff.
class levels you possess (minimum 1 round) or else for a Feat Options: Beginner’s Luck, Hexblade’s Curse
number of rolls equal to the total of your channeling dice. For [Reserve].
example., a 5th level archivist might roll a 10 on 3d6 for Variant Channeling: At the time you receive this domain,
channeling. The effect would last for 10 rolls, or for a choose whether you will channel good luck or ill fortune.
maximum of 2 rounds, whichever comes first. Once made, this choice cannot be changed (although you can
Domain Spells: 1st—protection from chaos, 2nd—calm gain both choices by selecting the Versatile Channeling feat).
emotions, 3rd—order’s wrath, 4th—dispel chaos, 5th—spell For good luck, roll 1d6 for each ally within 30 ft. (maximum
resistance, 6th—hold monster, 7th—dictum, 8th—shield of number equal to the number of dice of channeling you would
law, 9th—summon monster IX (law spell only). normally receive). Each affected ally receives his or her 1d6
Touch of Law (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a roll as a luck bonus on his or her next d20 roll. Ill fortune
standard action, infusing it with the power of divine order and works similarly, except that affected enemies use their 1d6
allowing it to treat all attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, total as a penalty on their next 1d20 roll. Ill fortune can be
and saving throws for 1 round as if the natural d20 roll reduced by half by a successful Will save.
resulted in an 11. Creatures under the effect of this touch Domain Spells: 1st—true strike, 2nd—aid, 3rd—protection
count as lawfully-aligned for the purposes of alignment- from energy, 4th—freedom of movement, 5th—break
dependent spells and effects. enchantment, 6th—mislead, 7th—spell turning, 8th—moment
Staff of Order (Su): At 8th level, you can give a weapon of prescience, 9th—miracle.
touched the axiomatic special weapon quality for a number of Bit of Luck (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a
rounds equal to half your class level. You can use this ability standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any
once per day at 8th level, and an additional time per day for time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the
every four levels beyond 8th. more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of
Exemplar of Order (Su): At 20th level, you gain the times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Resolute simple template. Good Fortune (Ex): At 8th level, you can reroll any one roll
that you have just made before the results of the roll are
Liberation Domain revealed. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it's
worse than the original roll. You can use this ability once per
Archivist Skill: Escape Artist. day at 8th level, and one additional time per day for every four
Feat Options: Chaotic Mind. class levels beyond 8th.
Variant Channeling: You may apply your channeling dice Exemplar of Luck (Su): At 20th level, your great good
as sacred bonus against grappling, entanglement, paralysis, fortune protects you from harm. You gain greater evasion, as
slow, and other inhibitions of mobility; or against mind- the rogue class feature.
affecting spells and powers (choose which application each
time you channel). These dice can be divided among you and Madness Domain
your allies within 30 ft. as you see fit; the effects last for 1 full
round. For example, a 15th level archivist with the Liberation This domain appeared in Pathfinder #5, Sins of the Saviors.
domain could provide each of 4 people a +2d6 bonus to saves Archivist Skill: Bluff.
against mind-affecting powers for 1 round. Feat Options: Bewitching Spell [Metamagic], Chaotic
Domain Spells: 1st—remove fear, 2nd—remove paralysis, Mind, Confusing Blow [Strike].
3 —remove curse, 4th—freedom of movement, 5th—break
rd Variant Channeling: As a swift action, you can emit a 30-ft.
enchantment, 6th—greater dispel magic, 7th—refuge, 8th aura of madness for a number of rounds equal to half your
—mind blank, 9th—freedom. class level (minimum 1). Enemies within this aura are
Liberation (Su): You have the ability to ignore affected by confusion unless they succeed at Will saves.
impediments to your mobility. For a number of rounds per Creatures that succeed on their saving throws are immune to
day equal to your class level, you can move normally this aura for that channeling usage. You can affect a total
regardless of magical effects that impede movement, as if you number of Hit Dice worth of enemies as determined by the
were affected by freedom of movement. This effect occurs total of your channeling dice. You are immediately aware of it
automatically as soon as it applies. These rounds do not need if your turning check is insufficient for the number of Hit Dice
to be consecutive. to be affected, and can expend an additional channeling use
Freedom's Call (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot as part of the initial channeling. The confusion effect ends
aura of freedom for a number of rounds per day equal to your immediately for creatures that leave the area, or when the
class level. Allies within this aura are not affected by the aura expires. You can choose to expend one or more
confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, or additional channeling uses to extend the duration.
shaken conditions. This aura only suppresses these effects, Domain Spells: 1st—lesser confusion, 2nd—touch of
and they return once a creature leaves the aura or when the idiocy, 3rd—rage, 4th—confusion, 5th—nightmare, 6th
aura ends, if applicable. These rounds do not need to be —phantasmal killer, 7th—insanity, 8th—scintillating pattern,
consecutive. 9th—weird.
Liberated Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, you are immune to
the confused, entangled, grappled, frightened, panicked,
paralyzed, pinned, or shaken conditions.

Luck Domain
Vision of Madness [Reserve] (Sp): You can give a creature a Feat Options: Arcane Defense (Enchantment), Bewitching
vision of madness as a melee touch attack that does not Spell [Metamagic], Concentration Spell [Metamagic], Deep
provoke an attack of opportunity. Choose one of the following: Intuition, Mental Distraction [Reserve], Insightful Strike, Iron
attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. The target Will, Moral Training, Open-Minded, Paragon of Insight,
receives a bonus to the chosen rolls equal to the level of the Paragon of Intellect.
highest-level Madness domain spell you have prepared, and a Variant Channeling: You channel mental energy,
penalty of the same magnitude to the other two types of rolls. generating a blast of disorienting psychic energy that inflicts
This effect fades after 3 rounds. nonlethal damage. Creatures that fail their Will saves for half
Insanity (Su): At 4th level, you gain an insanity score equal damage are also sickened for 1 round. Creatures without
to one-fourth of your class level. For spellcasting (determining Intelligence scores are immune to this ability.
bonus spells) and other abilities that rely on Wisdom, you use Domain Spells: 1st—comprehend languages, 2nd–detect
your Wisdom score plus your insanity score in place of thoughts, 3rd—lesser geas, 4th—discern lies, 5th—telepathic
Wisdom alone. For all other purposes, such as skills and bond, 6th—mass suggestion, 7th—demand, 8th—mind blank,
ranged attacks, use Wisdom minus insanity in place of 9th—weird.
Wisdom. Daze (Sp): You can use daze at will as a spell-like ability.
Once per day, you can see and act with the clarity of true Starting at 4th level, you can also use daze monster at will.
madness. Use your insanity score as a positive rather than a The maximum number of Hit Dice you can affect with this
negative modifier on a single roll involving Wisdom. Choose ability is equal to 2 + your class level; the effective spell level
to use this power before the roll is made. of this ability is equal to half your class level.
Exemplar of Madness (Su): At 20th level, you are immune Mental Fortress (Su): At 8th level, your mind becomes a
to all mind-affecting spells, powers, and abilities. fortress warded against intrusion. You gain spell resistance
against mind-affecting abilities equal to 12 + half your class
Magic Domain level. Any creature that successfully uses a mind-affecting
Archivist Skill: Spellcraft. In addition, you can activate ability against you is dazed for 1 round due to psychic
arcane spell-completion items (e.g., scrolls) and spell-trigger feedback (Will save negates). Starting at 16th level, victims of
items (e.g., wands) as if those spells were on your class list. this effect are stunned for 1 round instead.
Feat Options: Any [Arcane] feats. Tower of Iron Will (Su): At 20th level, your mind is a
Variant Channeling: You can channel arcane energy as an bastion of strength in a sea of chaos. You are immune to
immediate action in order to counterspell. Each time, you can charm and compulsion effects, and all allies within 30 feet of
counterspell any arcane spell of level equal to or lower than you gain a +5 sacred bonus to resist such effects. Additionally,
your number of channeling dice (so at 19th level you can if an opponent attempts to use a mind-affecting ability against
counterspell even epic spells in this manner). You need not you, you can target that foe with a mind-affecting spell you
know the exact spell you are attempting to interfere with; you know as an immediate action.
simply channel the held energy and roll 1d20 + your Music Domain
channeling level + your Charisma bonus. If this check equals
or exceeds a DC of 11 + the number of ranks in This domain appears in Relics and Rituals: Olympus (Sword
Concentration of the spell’s caster, the spell is countered and & Sorcery studios). Many who have access to this domain will
does not take effect. This option supersedes the divine multiclass with bard, selecting the sacred performer lore (q.v.).
counterspell variant class feature, from Complete Mage. Archivist Skill: Perform (music).
Domain Spells: 1st—identify, 2nd—magic mouth, 3rd Feat Options: Extra Inspiration, Practiced Inspiration.
—dispel magic, 4th—scrying, 5th—spell resistance, 6th Variant Channeling: Channeled energy is sonic (rather
—antimagic field, 7th—spell turning, 8th—protection from than positive or negative), dealing sonic damage to those
spells, 9th—mage's disjunction. within the channeling radius. This is otherwise mechanically
Arcane Bolt [Reserve] (Sp): As long as you have a 1st or similar to channeling negative energy
higher level Magic domain spell prepared, you can launch an Domain Spells: 1st—hypnotism, 2nd—sound burst, 3rd
arcane bolt as a ranged touch attack against a target within —deep slumber, 4th—insistent beatRRO, 5th—shout, 6th
close range. If this attack hits, it deals ld6 points of force —song of discordRRO, 7th—dissonant chorusRRO, 8th
damage per level of the highest-level Magic domain spell you —irresistable dance, 9th—wail of the banshee.
have remaining. This ability supersedes the Magic Devotion Well-Versed (Ex): You are resistant to the bardic
feat from Complete Champion. performances of others, and to sonic effects in general. You
Dispelling Touch (Sp): At 8th level, you gain Dispelling gain a +4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic
Strike as a bonus feat; you also gain a melee touch attack that performances and spells, and to sonic and language-
carries the same effects. dependent effects.
Arcane Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, you can prepare Inspire Courage (Su): You gain inspire courage, as a bard
arcane spells as if they were divine spells. You are limited to a of level equal to your cleric level. If you already have the
number of levels of arcane spells per day equal to 3 + your bardic inspiration ability, your cleric/archivist levels provide
Wisdom modifier. Strong synergy for purposes of determining the college, DC,
and number of rounds of inspiration available to you per day.
Mind Domain If you have the Sacred Performer bardic lore, you instead
Adapted from Complete Divine. gain Full synergy towards your college and inspiration ability,
Archivist Skill: Concentration (no additional skill ranks, and can use appropriate cleric/archivist spells (by referee
but available for one of your bonus Skill Focus feats). approval on a case-by-case basis) as inspirations.
Musical Exemplar (Ex): At 20th level, add all bard spells to Spell Synthesis (Su): At 20th level, once per day you can
your list of cleric spells of the same levels (if you do not cast two spells, one from each of your spellcasting class lists,
already have theurgic spellcasting with bard levels). using one action. Both of the spells must have the same
casting time. You can make any decisions concerning the
Mystic Domain spells independently. Any target affected by both of the spells
This domain is intended to supersede the Mystic Theurge takes a –2 penalty on saves made against each spell. You
prestige class, facilitating multiclassing with sorcerer or receive a +2 bonus on Concentration checks made to
wizard. overcome spell resistance with these two spells.
Archivist Skill: Spellcraft. Nobility Domain
Feat Options: Any [Arcane] feats.
Variant Channeling: You can apply any metamagic feats Archivist Skill: Diplomacy.
you know to your channeled energy, with no increase in Variant Channeling: You channel the power of rulership.
activation time. Doing so reduces the number of channeling Humanoids within 30 ft. of you when you channel this ability
dice by a number equal to the final spell level increase of the must succeed at Will saves or fall under your control, obeying
metamagic applied. your commands to the best of their ability (giving self-
If you have the eldritch blast ability (see Sorcerer, q.v.) and destructive commands ends the effect instantly). You can
you channel energy of the same energy type, you can apply control any number of people, so long as their total Hit Dice
your improved blast and greater blast improvements (and any do not exceed your class level. This ability lasts for 1 minute
other Innate Metamagic feats you have that apply to your per class level you possess.
eldritch blast) to your channeled energy as well, without Domain Spells: 1st—divine favor, 2nd—enthrall, 3rd
reducing the number of channeling dice. —magic vestment, 4th—discern lies, 5th—greater command,
Domain Spells: 1st—magic aura or magic missile, 2nd 6th—geas/quest, 7th—repulsion, 8th—demand, 9th
—see invisibility, 3rd—arcane sight, 4th—arcane eye or —overwhelming presenceUM.
sending, 5th—disc of concordant oppositionGA, 6th—analyze Inspiring Word (Sp): As a standard action, you can speak
dweomer or greater dispel magic, 7th—greater arcane sight, an inspiring word to a creature within 30 feet. That creature
8th—mind bank, 9th—time stop. receives a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks,
Mystic Theurge (Ex): Choose one of the following options; ability checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds
once this choice has been made, you cannot change it. equal to half your class level (minimum 1). You can use this
power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom
a. Your cleric/archivist levels and your sorcerer/ wizard levels modifier.
provide Weak spell theurgy towards each other; or Leadership (Ex): At 8th level, you receive Leadership as a
b. You combine cleric and arcane casting, with arcane class bonus feat. In addition, you gain a +2 sacred bonus to your
levels providing Strong theurgy towards your divine leadership score as long as you uphold the tenets of your
casting progression. You retain access to both spell lists; deity (or divine concept if you do not venerate a specific deity).
however, the maximum level of arcane spells you can Exemplar of Nobility (Ex): At 20th level, all allies fighting
access is equal to your arcane casting class level, so that a on your behalf automatically receive a +1 morale bonus to
cleric 8/wizard 4 has a spell capacity of 11th, but can cast attacks, damage, and saving throws against fear.
only 0 – 4th level arcane spells.
Plant Domain
Combined Spells (Su): If you chose option A (weak “I grow plants,” said the monk, “and I do things with them.”
synergy) at 1st level, then starting at 4th level you can prepare As he talked the plants rose, swaying like charmed snakes.
and cast spells from one of your spellcasting classes using They dug green tendrils into the smooth rock, making cracks
the available slots from any of your other spellcasting classes. where they did not find them. Up they went, wriggling and
Spells prepared or cast in this way take up a slot one level twisting, until the tops of the two vines were out of sight.
higher than they originally occupied. The components of ―John Bellairs, The Face in the Frost (1969)
these spells do not change, but they otherwise follow the Archivist Skill: Profession (horticulture). In addition, you
rules for the spellcasting class used to cast the spell. can speak with plants once per day as a spell-like ability.
Spontaneous spellcasters can only select spells that they Variant Channeling: You can command plant creatures as
have prepared that day using non-spontaneous classes for an evil cleric with the Command Undead feat commands or
this ability, but can do so even if the spells have already been rebukes undead.
cast. For example, a cleric/sorcerer can use this ability to Domain Spells: 1st—entangle, 2nd—barkskin, 3rd—spike
spontaneously cast a bless spell using a 2nd level sorcerer growth, 4th—command plants, 5th—wall of thorns, 6th
spell slot, if the character had a prepared bless spell using a —repel wood, 7th—animate plants, 8th—control plants, 9th
1st level cleric spell slot, even if that spell had already been —shambler.
cast that day. Wooden Fist (Su): As a free action, your hands can
Spontaneous Spells (Sp): Starting at 8th level, your become as hard as wood, covered in tiny thorns. While under
theurgy works similarly to that of a sorcerer with the Arcane the effects of this ability, you have Martial proficiency with
bloodline with the theurgy option listed under the prepare unarmed attacks, and your fists gain an enhancement bonus
spells ability. equal to the level of the highest-level Plant domain spell you
have prepared and available to cast.
Bramble Armor [Reserve] (Su): At 4th level, you can cause a Domain Spells: 1st—sanctuary, 2nd—shield other, 3rd
host of wooden thorns to burst from your skin as a free —protection from energy, 4th—spell immunity, 5th—spell
action. While bramble armor is in effect, any foe striking you resistance, 6th—antimagic field, 7th—repulsion, 8th—mind
with a non-reach melee attack takes 1d6 points of piercing blank, 9th—prismatic sphere.
damage per level of the highest-level Plant domain spell you Resistant Touch [Reserve] (Sp): You receive a +1
have prepared and available. You can use this ability for a resistance bonus on saving throws. This bonus increases by
number of rounds per day equal to your class level. These an amount equal to half the level of the highest-level
rounds do not need to be consecutive. Protection domain spell you have available to cast (for
Plant Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, your type changes to example, if you have spell immunity prepared and unused, the
plant. As long as you have ample earth and sunlight you do bonus would be +3). As a standard action, you can touch an
not require food, and you are immune to sneak attacks and ally to grant him your resistance bonus for 1 minute (you lose
critical hits. your bonus during that time). You can transfer your bonus to
allies a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom
Possession Domain modifier.
Archivist Skill: Bluff. Aura of Protection (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-
Feat Options: Spell Focus (Enchantment). foot aura of protection for a number of rounds per day equal
Variant Channeling: You channel the spiritual connection to your class level (these rounds do not need to be
between you and another creature, and cast spells along that consecutive). You and your allies within this aura gain a +1
connection. You can channel energy only against an deflection bonus to AC and resistance 5 against all elements
individual who has affected you with a spell, or from whom (acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic). The deflection bonus
you have a sample of hair, nail clippings, blood, etc. When you increases by +1 for every four class levels you possess beyond
channel energy, you are able to cast a s Possession domain 8th. At 14th level, the resistance against all elements
spell on that creature from any distance, as long as you are on increases to 10.
the same plane. This uses up the physical sample (or spiritual Exemplar of Protection (Su): At 20th level, your resistant
spell connection) as if it were a material component. The touch is always active on you, and also extends to all allies
maximum level of spell you can cast in this manner is equal within 10 ft. of you.
to the number of dice you would normally channel. Repose Domain
Domain Spells: 1st—charm person, 2nd—hypnotic
pattern, 3rd—suggestion, 4th—dominate person, 5th—magic Archivist Skill: Heal.
jar, 6th—symbol of persuasion, 7th—demand, 8th—binding, Feat Options: Ghost Strike [Strike].
9th—dominate monster. Variant Channeling: None. You channel positive energy, as
Possession Sense (Su): You are instantly aware if any a standard cleric.
creature you are conversing with is charmed, dominated, Domain Spells: 1st—deathwatch, 2nd—speak with dead,
possessed and/or under a magic jar effect. 3 —deep slumber, 4th—death ward, 5th—slay living, 6th
Break Protection (Su): Starting at 4th level, your spells are —undeath to death, 7th—destruction, 8th—waves of
not affected by protection from evil or similar 1st level spells, exhaustion, 9th—undeath’s eternal foeMF, wail of the
although a magic circle is still effective against them. At 8th banshee.
level, your spells also ignore a magic circle against evil or Gentle Rest (Su): As a melee touch attack that does not
similar warding, and at 12th level you and your spells are provoke an attack of opportunity, you can fill a creature with
immune to spells such as holy aura. At 16th level, you can lethargy, causing a living creature to become staggered for 1
penetrate even a mind blank spell. round (Intuition save negates). If you touch a staggered living
Exemplar of Possession (Su): At 20th level, you become a creature, that creature falls asleep for 1 round instead
true possessing entity. At will as a standard action, you can (Intuition negates); undead creatures touched are staggered
attempt to use your consciousness to take over any nearby for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier.
body as if by a magic jar spell, but no physical receptacle is Ward Against Death (Su): At 8th level, as a free action you
needed (the transfer is direct). There is no limit to the can emit a 30-ft. aura that wards against death for a number
duration, so you can gain effective immortality by possessing of rounds per day equal to your class level; these rounds do
a chain of younger bodies over time. not need to be consecutive. Living creatures in this area are
immune to all death effects, energy drain, and effects that
Protection Domain cause negative levels. This ward does not remove negative
Archivist Skill: Perception. levels that a creature has already gained, but the negative
Feat Options: Shared Shield [Stance], Spell Focus levels have no effect while the creature is inside the warded
(Abjuration), Urgent Shield [Arcane]. area.
Variant Channeling: You create a halo of shelter around Repose Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, you radiate a
yourself and allies within 30 ft. of you. This halo can absorb continuous aura of gentle repose (as the spell) within 120 ft.
as many hit points of damage as you would normally heal by Corpses within this aura cannot be animated as undead
channeling positive energy. This is a total amount; it does not unless the animating magic succeeds at an opposed
apply separately to each creature affected. The halo collapses Concentration check.
when its total damage capacity is exceeded, or after one
minute per class level, whichever comes first. Allies who
move more than 30 ft. away from you while the halo is up
lose its protection, but can regain it by re-entering the area.
Venomous Stare [Reserve] (Sp): As a standard action,
Rune Domain you can activate a gaze attack with a 30-foot range. This is an
Archivist Skill: Knowledge (linguistics). You can store active gaze attack that can target a single creature within
spells in inscribed runes, using this skill; these work as do range. The target takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per
scrolls, except for the difference in medium. level of the highest-level Scalykind domain spell you have
Variant Channeling: You can destroy magical traps, prepared and is also fascinated until the beginning of your
including glyphs of warding and the like, by channeling next turn (Will half/negates). This is a mind-affecting effect.
energy. When you channel, make a Concentration check. Any Serpent Companion (Ex): At 4th level, you gain the service
magical traps within 30 ft. with a caster level of that result – of an animal companion (as the cohort function of a druid’s
11 are destroyed. You can destroy a number of spell levels mark of the wild, but using your class level in place of your
worth of magical traps with one channeling attempt equal to ranks in Handle Animal). You may choose either a viper or a
the amount of damage you would otherwise heal if constrictor snake as your companion.
channeling positive energy. Father of Serpents (Su): At 20th level, you gain the Ti-
Domain Spells: 1st—erase, 2nd—secret page, 3rd—glyph Khana template, from the 3.0 edition Fiend Folio; this does
of warding, 4th—explosive runes, 5th—lesser planar binding, not change your effective character level.
6th—greater glyph of warding, 7th—instant summons, 8th Space Domain
—transcribe symbolMF, 9th—teleportation circle. In addition,
add all spells with the word “symbol” in the name to your list This domain allows a character to reproduce a 1st edition
of class skills. cleric of Celestian.
Blast Rune [Reserve] (Sp): As a standard action, you can Archivist Skill: Fly.
create a blast rune in any adjacent square. Any creature Feat Options: Dimensional Agility [Arcane], Dimensional
entering this square takes 1d6 points of damage per level of Jaunt [Reserve], Favored Terrain (Astral Plane), Trans-
the highest-level Rune domain spell you have prepared dimensional Spell [Metamagic].
(Reflex save applies for half damage). The rune deals either Variant Channeling: You channel the chill and void of
acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, decided when you create interstellar space. Channeled energy is cold (rather than
the rune (if you can channel negative energy, you can set the positive or negative), dealing cold damage to those within the
blast rune to inflict negative energy damage instead). The channeling radius. This is otherwise mechanically similar to
rune is invisible and lasts a number of rounds equal to your channeling negative energy.
class level or until discharged. You cannot create a blast rune Domain Spells: 1st—feather fall, 2nd—levitate, 3rd—fly,
in a square occupied by another creature. This rune counts as 4 —dimension door, 5th—teleport, 6th—suffocationAPG, 7th
a 2nd level spell-like ability (DC 27 Spellcraft to —greater teleport, 8th—sunburst, 9th—astral projection.
identify/disarm). Meteors [Reserve] (Sp): At 1st level, you can fire stone
Spell Rune (Sp): Starting at 8th level, you can attach meteors from your hands. Each meteor is a ranged touch
another spell that you cast to one of your blast runes, causing attack (close range) dealing 1d6 points of bludgeoning
that spell to affect the creature that triggers the rune, in damage; you can fire a number of meteors equal to the level
addition to the damage. This spell must be of at least one of the highest-level Stars domain spell you have prepared.
level lower than the highest-level cleric spell you can cast and Adaptation (Su): Starting at 4th level, you gain favored
it must target one or more creatures. Regardless of the terrain (Astral Plane), as the ranger class feature of the same
number of targets the spell can normally affect, it only affects name, with a bonus equal to 2 + half your class level.
the creature that triggers the rune. Exemplar of the Orbs (Su): At 20th level, you are at home
Runic Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, you are automatically in the interstellar void. You gain immunity to cold, and
aware of any glyphs, runes, or other written magic within 60 vacuum and a fly speed of 60 ft.
ft. of you. You can bypass them (with your companions) or
trigger them at will. You are also instantly aware when any Strength Domain
glyph or rune that you scribed is activated, and you can Archivist Skill: Athletics.
activate them yourself from any distance as a move action. Feat Options: Awesome Blow [Strike], Endurance
Scalykind Domain Training, Explosive Spell [Metamagic], Great Fortitude,
Inexorable Evocation [Metamagic], Paragon of Health,
Archivist Skill: Athletics. Paragon of Might, Overhand Chop [Strike], Power Attack
Feat Options: Improved Natural Armor, Poison Spell [Combat], Pushing Spell [Metamagic], Strength Training.
[Metamagic], Snake Style [Stance], Venomous Strike [Strike]. Variant Channeling: When you channel energy, roll your
Variant Channeling: When you channel energy, you can channeling dice and divide the total as evenly as possible
choose to deal nonlethal damage. Those taking full damage among creatures within 30 ft. as temporary hit points. These
are fascinated until the beginning of your next turn. last a maximum of 1 round per class level you possess, unless
Domain Spells: 1st—magic fang, 2nd—animal trance, 3rd lost first.
—serpents of TheggeronBVD, 4th—poison, 5th—snake Domain Spells: 1st—enlarge person, 2nd—bull's strength,
staffAPG, 6th—eyebite, 7th—creeping doom, 8th—animal 3rd—magic vestment, 4th—spell immunity, 5th—righteous
shapes, 9th—shapechange. might, 6th—stoneskin, 7th—grasping hand, 8th—clenched
fist, 9th—crushing hand.
Strength Surge [Reserve] (Sp): As a standard action, you Radiance (Su): When you cast any spell or use a spell-like
can touch a creature to give it great strength. For one round, or supernatural ability with the [light] descriptor, the radius of
the target gains an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to illumination is doubled, and the spell is treated as if it were
the level of the highest-level Strength domain spell you have one level higher than it actually is for all purposes, including
prepared. determining whether it can counter or dispel a spell with the
Might of the Gods (Su): At 8th level, you can add your [darkness] descriptor.
class level as an enhancement bonus to your Strength score Searing Light [Reserve] (Sp): Starting at 4th level, at will
for a number of rounds per day equal to your class level. This you can fire a beam of sunlight as a close range ray (ranged
bonus only applies on Strength checks and Strength-based touch attack) that deals damage based on the spell level of the
skill checks. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. highest-level Sun domain spell you have prepared (the
Exemplar of Strength (Ex): At 20th level, you gain a +5 reserve spell), as follows:
inherent bonus to Strength. As with other like-named Creature Type Damage
bonuses, inherent bonuses do not stack.
Undead, molds, fungi, etc. 1d6 per spell level
Suffering Domain Undead vulnerable to daylight 1d8 per spell level
Archivist Skill: Profession (Torturer). Constructs and objects 1d6 per 2 spell levels
Feat Options: Fell Affliction [Metamagic], Fell Nausea
[Metamagic], Sickening Grasp [Reserve], Sickening Spell All others 1d8 per 2 spell levels
Variant Channeling: None; you channel negative energy. Half of the damage is fire damage; the other half results
Domain Spells: 1st—bane, 2nd—inflict moderate wounds, from divine power and is not subject to fire resistance.
3rd—bestow curse, 4th—enervation, 5th—symbol of pain, 6th Solar Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, your mere presence
—harm, 7th—forcecage, 8th—horrid wilting, 9th—implosion. blinds onlookers within 30 ft. for 1 round and dazzles them
Hasten Death [Reserve] (Sp): You can touch a living for 10 minutes thereafter unless they succeed at Will saves or
creature as a standard action, dealing 1d6 damage per level have some means of protecting their vision from the light. If
of the highest-level Suffering domain spell you have prepared. your variant channeling is active, those failing their saves are
You can only use this ability on a creature that is below 0 hit permanently blinded, and even those who save successfully
points. are dazzled 1 round. Those who successfully save are
Curse of Agony (Su): Starting at 4th level, all of your inflict immune to further effects from this aura for 24 hours.
spells are treated as if they were Empowered, increasing the
amount of damage dealt by half (+50%). This does not apply Thievery Domain
to damage healed to undead with an inflict spell. This does An archivist with the Thievery and Luck domains, and
not stack with the Empower Spell metamagic feat. possibly multi-classing with rogue, can neatly supersede the
Exemplar of Suffering (Su): At 20th level you can choose Temple Raider of Olidammara prestige class from Complete
for your inflict spells and channeled negative energy to deal Adventurer.
either non-lethal or lethal damage (decide each time you cast Archivist Skill: Disable Device.
or channel). Any creature failing a Will save against one of Feat Options: Evasion (as the rogue class feature), Skill
your inflict spells or channeled negative energy is rendered Focus (any).
helpless for 1 round as they writhe in agony. Variant Channeling: You can channel energy as a swift
action, granting yourself the ability to perform sneak attacks
Sun Domain (as a rogue) for 1 round. Your sneak attack damage is equal to
This domain also incorporates the Master of Radiance the damage a standard cleric would gain by channeling
prestige class from Libris Mortis. negative energy. This does not stack with any existing sneak
Archivist Skill: Survival. attack ability.
Feat Options: Blinding Spell [Metamagic], Blinding Strike Domain Spells: 1st—detect secret doors, 2nd—locate
[Strike], Positive Spell [Metamagic]. object, 3rd—dispel magic, 4th—death ward, freedom of
Variant Channeling: You can channel a 30-foot nimbus of movement, 5th—shadow door, 6th—passwall, 7th—phase
light. This acts as a daylight spell centered on you, with a 60- door, 8th—mind blank, 9th—foresight.
ft. radius (half normal, or 30 ft. x 2 for your radiance ability), Alertness (Ex): You always treat Perception as a class skill.
that lasts 1 round per die of channeling. Undead within this In addition, at 1st level, you gain Alertness as a bonus feat.
aura take normal channel energy damage each round that Uncanny Talent (Ex): At 4th level, you gain a rogue talent
they remain inside the nimbus, and must save vs. Fortitude or of your choice. Your effective rogue level is equal to your
be sickened for as long as they remain within the nimbus. cleric/archivist level. If you have levels in rogue, your
Spells and spell-like abilities with the [darkness] descriptor of cleric/archivist level instead provides Full synergy towards
spell level less than or equal to your number of channeling determining the effective rogue level at which your rogue
dice +1 (due to your radiance ability) are automatically talents function.
dispelled if brought inside this aura. Exemplar of Thievery (Ex): At 20th level, you gain an
Domain Spells: 1st—endure elements, 2nd—scorching ray, advanced rogue skill talent (see Rogue) of your choice.
3 —searing light, 4th—fire shield, 5th—flame strike, 6th
—fire seeds, 7th—sunbeam, 8th—sunburst, 9th—prismatic
Travel Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, you gain Power over
Time Domain Shadow; this functions as the Amberite racial feat (Chapter
Archivist Skill: None. However, you can use know time at 2). You can survive and move normally on any of the
will as a spell-like ability. elemental or inner planes.
Feat Options: Delay Spell, Extend Spell, Lingering Spell, Trickery Domain
Personal Spell, Quicken Spell, Sudden Spell
Variant Channeling: When casting a non-instantaneous Archivist Skill: Perform (acting).
spell, you can channel time in order to extend the spell’s Feat Options: Bouncing Spell [Metamagic], Disguise Spell
effect. As a swift action as part of the casting, expend one use [Metamagic], Face-Changer [Reserve], Improved Feint.
of channel energy; this doubles the duration of the spell being Variant Channeling: You can channel energy as a swift
cast (as per the Extend Spell metamagic feat) and subsumes action, granting yourself the ability to perform sneak attacks
the +1 spell level metamagic cost for the extension. The (as a rogue) for 1 round. Your sneak attack damage is equal to
maximum level of spell you can affect in this manner is equal the damage a standard cleric would gain by channeling
to the number of dice you would normally channel. negative energy. This does not stack with any existing sneak
You can expend more than one channeling use in order to attack ability.
extend the duration further; each use takes the place of one Domain Spells: 1st—disguise self, 2nd—invisibility, 3rd
additional spell level of metamagic cost (see Extend Spell feat —nondetection, 4th—confusion, 5th—false vision, 6th
in Chapter 7). —mislead, 7th—screen, 8th—mass invisibility, 9th—time stop.
Domain Spells: 1st—precognition, 2nd—silence, 3rd Copycat (Sp): You can create an illusory double of yourself
—haste, 4th—research aidDr342, 5th—second chance, 6th as a move action. This double functions as a single mirror
—contingency, 7th—fate of one, 8th—temporal stasis, 9th image and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your class
—time stop. level, or until the illusory duplicate is dispelled or destroyed.
Extend Spell: At 1st level, you gain Extend Spell as a You can have no more than one copycat at a time. This ability
bonus feat. does not stack with the mirror image spell. You can use this
Blinding Speed (Sp): Starting at 8th level, you can act as if ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom
hasted for 1 round per day per class level you possess. The modifier.
duration of the effect need not be consecutive rounds. Master's Illusion (Sp): At 8th level, you can create an
Activating this power is a swift action. illusion that hides the appearance of yourself and any number
Temporal Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, you stop aging, of allies within 30 feet for 1 round per class level. This ability
and do not die when your natural life span would normally be otherwise functions like the spell veil. The rounds do not
up. need to be consecutive.
Exemplar of Trickery (Su): At 20th level, you are immune
Travel Domain to divination and location magic, and any magic that would
Archivist Skill: Endurance. inhibit you from lying—your thoughts cannot be read, you can
Feat Options: Dimensional Jaunt [Reserve], Fleet, Power lie undeterred by a zone of truth and undetected by a discern
Over Shadow. lies, you cannot be located by a locate person or even a
Variant Channeling: You can channel great celerity of discern location spell, and your aura does not register to a
motion. When you channel energy, divide your channeling detect evil spell, for example.
dice as you see fit among creatures within 30 ft. of you. Add Vermin Domain
the total roll of the dice you assign to each creature to all of
that creature’s movement speeds (minimum +5 ft.). For Archivist Skill: Craft (Toxicology).
example, a 7th level archivist might channel celerity to grant Variant Channeling: You channel a cloud of biting,
himself and 3 companions each a +1d6 ft. bonus to stinging vermin that deals piercing damage (subject to
movement. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to half damage reduction normally).
your class level. Domain Spells: 1st—spider climb, 2nd—summon swarm,
Domain Spells: 1st—expeditious retreat or longstrider, 3rd—repel vermin, 4th—giant vermin, 5th—insect plague, 6th
2nd—locate object, 3rd—fly, 4th—dimension door, 5th—plane —summon nature’s ally VI (shark-eating crab), 7th—creeping
shift or teleport, 6th—shadow walk, 7th—greater teleport, 8th doom, 8th—summon monster VIII (1d3 bebeliths), 9th
—phase door, 9th—astral projection. —weird.
Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased Vermin Empathy (Su): You gain the supernatural ability to
mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all communicate with vermin. This functions as speak with
difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving animals, but applies to vermin instead. You also have the
through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equivalent of Handle Animal with vermin, using your cleric or
equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. archivist level as your effective number of skill ranks even if
Dimensional Hop (Sp): At 8th level, you can teleport up to you have no actual ranks in that skill. Finally, your spells that
10 feet per class level per day as a move action. This normally only affect creatures of certain types (animals or
teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such humanoids, for example) also affect vermin.
movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must
have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You
can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must
expend an equal amount of distance for each creature
Master of Swarms (Su): At 4th level, swarms no longer see Exemplar of War (Su): Upon reaching 20th level, you can
you as prey. You can walk among swarms without fear of channel enough positive energy to allies within a 100-foot
being harmed by them at all. Starting at 8th level, by taking a radius that they will continue to fight even after suffering
standard action to mentally command a swarm in which you mortal wounds. Using this ability is a move action and
stand, you can direct that swarm’s attacks and movements as requires concentration. While in use, allies within the radius
long as you have more Hit Dice than the swarm. You can also who suffer enough damage to become disabled, dying, or
command or rebuke vermin as an evil cleric with the dead ignore the effects of that damage and continue fighting.
Command Undead feat commands or rebukes undead. Disabled or dying characters must keep track of further
Exemplar of Vermin (Su): At 20th level, you are damage. When the ability ends―because you stop
perpetually surrounded by a cloud of biting vermin equivalent concentrating, fail a Concentration check, or becomes
to a crown of vermin spell (3.5 edition System Reference disabled or worse―the full effects of all damage take effect.
Document, “Epic Spells”). As per the spell, you may This ability supersedes the Warpriest’s prestige class feature
completely suppress the aura of insects as desired. Your aura of the same name, from Complete Divine.
of vermin constantly replenishes itself at a rate of 200 vermin
per round (unlimited duration). When vermin die off either by Water Domain
being slain or by dealing damage to another creature, the Archivist Skill: Athletics.
aura does not permanently collapse, even if all the vermin are Feat Options: Aquatic Breath [Reserve], Drowning Glance
slain or if all 1,000 vermin deal their damage in 1 round. As [Reserve], Favored Terrain (Underwater), Steam Spell
soon as any vermin are replenished, they participate normally [Metamagic].
in the crown of vermin effect. Variant Channeling: You can command or rebuke water
War Domain creatures and creatures with the [aquatic] subtype, as if you
had the Command/Turn Elemental feat.
Archivist Skill: Knowledge (Warfare). Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 3rd—fog cloud, 5th
Feat Options: Channel Spell [Metamagic], Initiate of the —water breathing, 7th—control water, 9th—ice storm, 11th
Open Sky, Mass Effect Spell [Metamagic], any [Combat] feats. —cone of cold, 13th—elemental body IV (water only), 13th
Variant Channeling: You channel energy to smite your —horrid wilting, 15th—elemental swarm (water spell only).
foes. Each time you expend a use of channel energy, select Water Jet [Reserve] (Sp): As a standard action, you can
one foe. Thereafter, you gain a sacred (or profane) bonus to create a jet of water targeting any foe within 30 feet as a
attack rolls against that opponent equal to your Charisma ranged touch attack. The jet deals 1d6 points of nonlethal
bonus, and deal +1d6 holy (or unholy) damage per die of damage per level of the highest-level Water domain spell (or
energy you would normally channel against that creature. other spell with the [water] descriptor) you have prepared. In
This lasts until combat with that opponent is interrupted (e.g., addition, the target is buffeted by the pressure and/or blinded
you spend a round doing something other than attacking that by the spray, taking a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round.
enemy) or the opponent is dead. Protection of the Waves (Su): Starting at 8th level, as a
Domain Spells: 1st—magic weapon, 2nd—spiritual swift action you can grant all allies within 30 ft. freedom of
weapon, 3rd—magic vestment, 4th—divine power, 5th—flame action, and they suffer no risk of involuntary drowning.
strike, 6th—blade barrier, 7th—power word: blind, 8th Enemies within 30 ft. who are in the water take a penalty on
—power word: stun, 9th—power word: kill. attack rolls equal to your Charisma bonus due to interference
Martial Training (Ex): You gain Exotic proficiency and of waves. You can use this ability a number of rounds per day
Weapon Focus with your deity’s favored weapon as bonus equal to your class level; these rounds used need not be
feats. If your deity has no favored weapon, you gain the consecutive.
effects of these feats with the heavy mace instead. You also Water Exemplar (Ex): At 20th level, you are can use
gain heavy armor proficiency. seamantleAPG at will as a spell-like ability.
Weapon Master (Su): At 8th level, you gain the use of one
[Combat] feat for a number of rounds per day equal to your Weather Domain
class level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive and Archivist Skill: Survival. In addition, you suffer no penalties
you can change the feat chosen each time you use this ability. to Perception checks due to precipitation or wind.
You must meet the prerequisites to use this feat. Feat Options: Clap of Thunder [Reserve], Conductive
In addition, if you have levels in fighter, your cleric/archivist Evocation [Metamagic], Deafening Spell [Metamagic], Storm
level provides Strong synergy towards determining the Bolt [Reserve].
effects of your fighter talents. Variant Channeling: Channeled energy is electrical
(rather than positive or negative), dealing electrical damage to
those within the channeling radius. This is otherwise
mechanically similar to channeling negative energy.
Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—gust of wind,
3 —call lightning, 4th—sleet storm, 5th—ice storm, 6th
—control winds, 7th—control weather, 8th—whirlwind, 9th
—storm of vengeance.
Storm Burst [Reserve] (Sp): As a standard action, you can
create a storm burst targeting any foe within 30 feet as a
ranged touch attack. The storm burst deals 1d6 points of
nonlethal damage per level of the highest-level Weather
domain spell you have prepared. In addition, the target is
buffeted by winds and rain, causing it to take a –2 penalty on
attack rolls for 1 round.
Lightning Lord (Sp): At 8th level, you can call down a
number of bolts of lightning per day equal to your class level.
You can call down as many bolts as you want with a single
standard action, but no creature can be the target of more
than one bolt and no two targets can be more than 30 feet
apart. This ability otherwise functions as call lightning.
Exemplar of Storms (Su): At 20th level, you are immune
to electricity and sonic energy. You are treated as if your size
were Colossal, for purposes of wind effects on you (only).
Winter Domain
This domain is from Frostburn. The domain powers from the
Pathfinder water domain have been moved here, in order to
de-emphasize the assumption in Pathfinder cosmology that
“water = cold.”
Archivist Skill: Survival.
Feat Options: Flash Frost Evocation [Metamagic],
Numbing Cold Evocation [Metamagic], Piercing Cold
Evocation [Metamagic], Winter’s Blast [Reserve].
Variant Channeling: Channeled energy is cold (rather
than positive or negative), dealing cold damage to those
within the channeling radius. This is otherwise mechanically
similar to channeling negative energy.
Domain SpellsFB: 1st—snowsight, 2nd—snow walk, 3rd—
winter’s embrace, 4th—ice storm, 5th—blizzard, 6th—death
hail, 7th—control weather, 8th—summon giants (frost), 9th
Icicle [Reserve] (Sp): As a standard action, you can fire an
icicle from your finger, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a
ranged touch attack. The icicle deals 1d6 points of cold
damage per level of the highest-level [cold] spell you have
Dweller in Winter (Ex): At 4th level you gain favored
terrain (arctic), as the ranger class feature of the same name,
with a bonus equal to 1 + half your class level.
Exemplar of Winter (Su): Upon reaching 20th level, you
become a master of cold. You can apply any one of the
following feats to any [cold] spell without increasing the level
or casting time: Extend Spell, Reach Spell, Silent Spell, or
Still Spell.
Desert Resistance (Ex): You gain favored terrain (deserts),
as the ranger class feature, with a +2 bonus (this stacks with
Appendix B: Unspeakable any existing bonus). You also receive a a +4 profane bonus on
Cults saves against effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion.
Dehydrating Strike (Ex): At 8th level, you gain the
The following index of demon lords and other Staggering Strike feat as a bonus feat. For purposes of
blasphemous patrons is not intended to be all-encompassing; determining the scaling effects of this feat, treat your BAB
rather, it represents a list of examples from which other cults derived from cleric/archivist levels as being equal to your
can be developed (for example, each of the orcish gods would cleric/archivist class level.
likely have its own cult). This section is primarily intended as
a utility to the referee in fleshing out evil opponents; it is not Andirifkhu, The Razor Princess
geared towards PCs (the “you” terminology is retained for the
sake of consistency). Interests: Illusions, traps, knives.
To prepare spells, you spend an hour performing some Obedience: Torture a living creature that is smaller than
fetishistic obedience to your patron, as described in the your size category on a mechanical device that utilizes blades
entries below. Unless otherwise noted, the examples given or spikes, or torture a bound creature of any size with a knife.
are from the Pathfinder Campaign Setting (Lords of Chaos). The creature must remain alive for the duration, and must
Non-core sources, as indicated in the domain spells lists, are die within 1 minute of the obedience’s end.
as noted in Appendix A. Domain Spells: 1st—magic weapon, 2nd—phantom trap,
3 —chain of perditionUC, 4th—dancing chainsBVD or
phantasmal killer, 5th—summon monster V (babau demon),
6th—greater glyph of warding, 7th—mass invisibility, 8th—
Empowered blade barrier, 9th—weird.
Resistances (Ex): You gain a +4 profane bonus on saves
against illusions and a +4 profane bonus to AC against traps
that inflict slashing damage.
Deeper Cuts (Ex): At 8th level, you gain the Bleeding
Strike feat as a bonus feat. For purposes of determining the
scaling effects of this feat, treat your BAB derived from
cleric/archivist levels as being equal to your cleric/archivist
class level.
Angazhan, The Ravenous King
Abraxas, Master of the Final Interests: Apes, jungles, brutal tyrants.
Obedience: Ingest hallucinogenic jungle plants and then
Incantation beat a complex rhythm on a large drum made of human skin
Interests: Forbidden lore, magic, snakes. and bones while chanting prayers to Angazhan.
Obedience: Self-flagellate with a small whip or tree Domain Spells: 1st—entangle, 2nd—bull’s strength, 3rd—
branch, punctuating each stroke with utterances of mystic girallon’s blessingSS, 4th—summon monster IV (fiendish dire
words of power. ape), 5th—jungle’s raptureWotC, 6th—summon monster VI
Domain Spells: 1st—identify, 2nd—augury, 3rd—illusory (1d3 bar-lgura demons, fiendish girallons, or advanced
script, 4th—confusion, 5th—fleshshiverPGF, 6th—greater fiendish dire apes), 7th—summon monster VII (1d3 advanced
dispel magic, 7th—vision, 8th—power word: stun, 9th fiendish girallons), 8th—animal shapes, 9th—crushing hand
—imprisonment. or summon monster IX (baregara demon)
Resistances (Ex): You gain Arcane Defense Jungle Resistances (Ex): You gain favored terrain (forests
(Enchantment) as a bonus feat; the save bonus provided by and jungles), as the ranger class feature, with a +2 bonus (this
this feat also applies to all written magical effects (glyphs, stacks with any existing bonus). You also receive a a +4
runes, symbols, etc.). profane bonus on saves against disease and poison caused by
Penultimate Incantation (Sp): At 4th level, you gain exposure to the jungle or creatures native to jungles.
Improved Dispelling as a bonus feat. Jungle’s Might (Su): At 4th level you gain a +2 profane
bonus to Strength and a +2 profane bonus on all Fortitude
Aldinach of the Six Venoms saving throws.
Interests: Sand, scorpions, thirst. Areshkagal, The Faceless Sphinx
Obedience: Pray to Aldinach while lying prone on sand for
an hour, during which time you must eat at least one live Interests: Greed, portals, riddles.
scorpion. Obedience: Inscribe several of the 23 riddles of the flesh
Domain Spells: 1st—Extended endure elements, 2nd (an interlocked series of conundrums, the answer to which no
—glitterdust, 3rd—searing light, 4th—giant vermin, 5th—flesh mortal has achieved) on your own flesh with a bone knife
to saltSSt, 6th—mass desiccateSSt, 7th—mass flesh to saltSSt, carved from a child’s rib.
8th—summon monster VIII (fiendish giant emperor Domain Spells: 1st—hold portal, 2nd—touch of idiocy, 3rd
scorpion), 9th—summon monster IX (fiendish black —shrink item, 4th—confusion, 5th—plane shift, 6th—legend
scorpion). lore, 7th—greater teleport, 8th—power word: stun, 9th—gate.
Resistances (Ex): You gain a +4 profane bonus on Will Baphomet, Lord of Minotaurs
saving throws against sonic and language-dependant effects.
Portal Jump (Sp): Starting at 8th level, as a move action This combines the options
you can step through one doorway, arch, or window and given in Lords of Chaos with
emerge from another at any point within 500 feet. This is a the abilities of the Thrall of
teleportation effect similar to dimension door, but you do not Baphomet prestige class from
become disoriented when you use this ability. Dragon Magazine (issue 341).
Asmodeus, Prince of Darkness
Asmodeus is worshipped in
Aramni as “Ashmedei” or
“Asmodei,” head of the
pantheon. This cult draws on
the Disciple of Asmodeus
prestige class from the Book
of Vile Darkness.
Interests: Beasts, labyrinths, minotaurs.
Obedience: Remain motionless for 55 minutes, and then
spend the last 5 minutes speaking 50 observations regarding
your surroundings into a hollowed-out bull’s horn.
Interests: Devils, contracts, absolute order. Domain Spells: 1st—curse water, 2nd—misdirection, 3rd
—dragon’s breath, 4th—nightmare, 5th—extended monstrous
Obedience: Litany and vows of obedience. physique II (minotaur), 6th—summon monster VI (1d3
Domain Spells: 1st—command, 2nd—scorching ray, 3rd fiendish minotaurs or schir demons, or one ankshar or
—vigorCD, 4th—lesser geas, 5th—greater command, 6th
—mass suggestion, 7th—summon monster VI (1d3 hellcats),
bulezau demon), 7th—insanity, 8th—maze, 9th—summon
8th—greater planar ally (devils only), 9th—dominate monster. monster IX (ghour demon).
Learn Secret (Ex): Through trickery, deceit, and Cunning (Ex): You gain immunity to maze and a +4
sometimes even intimidation, you can learn secrets otherwise profane bonus on saving throws against confusion and
unattainable. You can use Bluff in place of Streetwise to insanity effects. While in a maze or labyrinth, you gain a +2
gather information; you gain a competence bonus to to the profane bonus to armor class, weapon damage rolls, and
check equal to half your class level. Intuition saving throws.
Evil Authority (Sp): Once per day, at the command of a Feral Visage (Ex): At 4th level, you grow a pair of bull’s
disciple of Asmodeus of 8th level or higher, all [lawful] and/or horns on your head, providing a natural gore attack for 1d6
[evil] creatures within 50 feet that have Hit Dice less than base damage (if you already have a gore attack, you gain a
your class level must succeed at a Will save or recognize you bite attack; if you already have a bite attack as well, you gain
as their superior. Affected creatures do not attack you and do the Multiattack feat instead). You gain a +4 competence
as you command as though affected by a mass suggestion bonus on Bluff checks to demoralize or browbeat.
spell. This mind-affecting ability lasts for 24 hours. Blibdoolpoolp, The Sea Mother
Baalzebul, Lord of the Flies
Adapted from the Disciple of Baalzebul prestige class, from
the Book of Vile Darkness. Cultists of Baalzebul are most
common in Aramni’s Seventh Province.
Interests: Lies, deceit, flies, slugs.
Domain Spells: 1st—ray of enfeeblement, 2nd—scare, 3rd
—suggestion, 4th—glibness, 5th—insect plague (biting flies),
6th—mass suggestion, 7th—summon monster VII (bone
devil), 8th—greater planar ally (horned devil), 9th—mass
charm monster.
Sneak Attack (Ex): At 1st level, you gain sneak attack
+1d6, as the rogue class feature. This improves to +2d6 at 8th Interests: Elemental water,
level, and +3d6 at 16th level. If you have levels in rogue, your insanity, kuo-toa.
cleric/archivist levels instead provide Weak synergy to your Obedience: Cultists wear pearl-colored vestments, shell
existing sneak attack progression (this increases to Strong helms, and drape themselves in nets; sacrifice pearls or
synergy if you have the Temple Raider talent). humans (if available), or lobsters (if not).
King of Lies (Ex): You gain an inherent bonus to
Charisma equal to +1 per 4 class levels you possess.

Baphomet, Lord of Minotaurs

Domain Spells: 1st—lesser confusion, 2nd—silence, 3rd Demogorgon, Prince of Demons
—touch of blibdoolpoolpDr342, 4th—summon monster IV
(Medium water elemental), 5th—call lightning storm This cult supersedes the Thrall of Demogorgon prestige class
(horizontal, not vertical lines), 6th—summon nature’s ally VI from Dragon magazine, issue 357.
(Huge water elemental), 7th—insanity, 8th—horrid wilting, 9th Interests: Dinosaurs, reptiles, split personality.
—elemental swarm (water elementals). Obedience: Drug-fueled violent orgy.
Restrain Defectives (Ex): At 1st level, you gain Exotic Domain Spells: 1st—hypnotism, 2nd—scare, 3rd—
Weapon Proficiency with the mancatcher (“pincer-staff”) and exteneded barkskin (scales), 4th—summon monster III
Improved Grapple as bonus feats. (1d4+1 fiendish venomous snakes), 5th—slay living, 6th
Punish Infidels (Sp): Starting at 4th level, all foes within —transformation, 7th—limited wish, 8th—summon monster
30 feet who can see and hear a kuo-toa whip are affected as if VIII (1d3 fiendish tyrannosaurs), 9th—two mindsRR.
by a doom spell (Intuition negates). Reaching Touch (Ex): Your reach increases according to
the following table.
Cyth-V’sug, Prince of the Blasted Level Touch Attacks Melee Attacks
Heath 1st – 8th +5 ft. +0
Interests: Disease, fungus, parasites. 9th – 16th +10 ft. +5 ft.
Obedience: Eat moldering flesh rife with parasitic worms 17th +
during a 1-hour feast. +15 ft. +5 ft.
Domain Spells: 1st—ray of enfeeblement, 2nd—warp wood,
3rd—contagion, 4th—rusting grasp, 5th—insect plague, 6th Rotting Touch (Su): Starting at 8th level, as a standard
—enveloping coccoonCD, 7th—creeping doom, 8th—summon action you can deal 1d6 points of Constitution damage as a
monster VIII (fiendish purple worm), 9th—shambler. melee touch attack (Fortitude negates).
Demonic Health (Ex): You gain a +4 profane bonus on all
saving throws against disease and effects that cause sickness Deskari of the Locust Host
or nausea. Interests: Chasms, infestations, locusts.
Parasitic Link (Su): Starting at 8th level, once per day with Obedience: Meditate while allowing insects or worms of
a successful touch attack, you can infest a living creature with any type to crawl upon your body—if no such vermin is
tiny worms and gnawing mites unless the target makes a available, you must instead lie face-down in a trench dug into
Fortitude save. These parasites retain an unholy link to you, soil and mouth prayers to Deskari into the dirt while
draining that creature’s energy and transferring it to you. This scratching yourself with sharp bits of bone or wood.
infestation persists for 10 rounds, during which you act as if Domain Spells: 1st—inflict light wounds, 2nd—summon
hasted and the infested victim is staggered. As a swift action, swarm, 3rd—contagion, 4th—summon monster IV (d’ziriak or
you can quicken the parasitic infestation—this reduces the fiendish giant wasp), 5th—insect plague, 6th—swarm
remaining duration by 1 round, but causes the parasites to skinAPG, 7th—creeping doom or summon monster VII
chew and feed at an accelerated rate, dealing 1d2 points of (chasme demon), 8th—reverse gravity, 9th—Quickened insect
Constitution damage to the target. You can only maintain a plague.
parasitic link with one creature at a time. These parasites Resistances (Ex): You gain a +4 profane bonus on all
count as a disease effect. saving throws against disease and against effects caused by
Dagon, The Shadow in the Sea Swarm Walker (Su): Starting at 4th level, you can walk
Interests: Deformity, the sea, sea monsters. through any swarm without fear of taking damage or
Obedience: Offer a bowl of fresh blood to Dagon by suffering any ill effects—swarms recognize you as one of
speaking prayers over the blood and then emptying the blood their own. As long as you stand within a swarm, you gain a +4
into the sea. The bowl must be made of gold and inscribed profane bonus on Initiative checks and on all saving throws.
with runes sacred to Dagon—such a bowl must be worth no
less than 100 gp, but can be reused for multiple obediences. Dispater, Master of the Iron City
Domain Spells: 1st—speal with animals (aquatic only), 2nd Adapted from the Disciple of Dispater prestige class, from
—disfiguring touchUM, 3rd—water breathing, 4th—freedom the Book of Vile Darkness. Cultists of Dispater are most
of movement, 5th—contact other plane, 6th—mass bear’s common in Aramni’s Second Province.
endurance, 7th—control weather, 8th—blood mistUM, 9th— Interests: Domination, Iron, military strategy.
summon monster IX (chernobue qlippoth, fiendish kraken, or Domain Spells: 1st—bane, 2nd—darkness, 3rd—greater
shoggoth). magic weapon, 4th—rusting grasp, 5th—stoneskin
First Invocation of the Sea (Ex): You gain favored terrain (“ironskin”), 6th—wall of iron, 7th—summon monster VII
(underwater), as the ranger class feature of the same name, (1d3 erinyes, or 1d4+1 kytons), 8th—iron body, 9th
with a bonus equal to half your class level (minimum +1). —imprisonment.
Your appearance changes slightly—your eyes may take on a Iron Hews [Reserve] (Su): This functions as does the
glassy appearance, or your fingers and toes may be slightly Godhammer divine feat, but it can be applied to any iron or
webbed. steel weapon.
Second Invocation of the Sea (Ex): At 8th level, you gain
terrain mastery (underwater), as the ranger class feature of
the same name. Typically you gain gills, scales, bulging eyes,
etc. as well.
Demogorgon, Prince of Demons
Iron Power (Ex): Any iron or steel weapon you wield gains Dark Charisma (Ex): When dealing with evil creatures,
an enhancement bonus equal to +1 per 4 class levels you you gain a +1 enhancement bonus to Charisma. This applies
possess for as long as you wield it. Starting at 8th level, you to your skill checks made in interacting with evil creatures,
also gain the effects of the Improved Critical feat when spells and ability DCs when used against evil creatures, and
wielding any iron or steel weapon. so on. The bonus improves by an additional +1 per 2 class
levels after the 1st (maximum +10 at 19th level).
Erythnul, The Many Spell Betrayal (Su): Starting at 4th level, whenever you
Interests: Ugliness, hate, envy, malice, panic, slaughter. cast a damaging spell on targets denied their Dexterity bonus
Domain Spells: 1st—enlarge person, 2nd—scare, 3rd to AC, you deal an additional +1d6 hp of damage per 4 class
—rage, 4th—fear, 5th—summon monster V (2d4+1 fiendish
levels you possess. Starting at 8th level, you deal half this
gnolls, 1d4+1 fiendish bugbears, 1d3 fiendish ogres, or 1 number of dice to any targets being threatened in melee.
fiendish troll), 6th—transformation, 7th—giant form I, 8th Haagenti, The Whispers Within
—wrathful castigationMF, 9th—crushing fist of spiteBVD.
Mace of Terror [Strike] (Ex): When wielding Erthnul’s Interests: Alchemy, invention, transformation.
favored weapon (a stone-headed mace), you gain the effects of Obedience: Practice the Divine Experiment by following
the Daunting Strike feat, using your cleric level in place of the procedure to transmute lead into gold; this process
your BAB derived from cleric levels. normally requires a philosopher’s stone, but for this
Blood Servitors (Sp): Starting at 8th level, once per day obedience, you can substitute any material—it’s not the actual
when you are struck in combat, you can cause the drops of transmutation that functions as obedience, but the act of
blood you shed to spring up into monsters. This acts as a going through the motions.
Quickened summon monster IV spell (1d4+1 fiendish gnolls Domain Spells: 1st—enlarge person, 2nd—alter self, 3rd
or 1d3 fiendish bugbears). —beast shape I, 4th—polymorph, 5th—baleful polymorph, 6th
Thief of Life (Ex): Also at 8th level, you also gain Thief of —transformation, 7th—reverse gravity, 8th—polymorph any
Life as a bonus feat. Remember that [Strike] effects cannot object, 9th—shapechange.
be combined in the same attack, so you cannot use this ability Truth in the Flesh (Ex): You gain Arcane Defense
in conjunction with your mace of terror ability. (transmutation) as a bonus feat.
Master of Shapes (Su): At 8th level, you gain the
Fraz’Urb-Luu [shapechanger] subtype. Your body can react instantaneously
This cult supersedes the Thrall of Fraz-Urb’luu prestige class, to mitigate attacks, granting immunity to critical hits and
from Dragon magazine (issue 333). sneak attacks (which are treated as normal attacks).
Interests: Deception, illusions, imprisonment. Whenever you are affected by a polymorph effect, you heal
Domain Spells: 1st—silent image, 2nd—misdirection, 3rd 1d6 points of damage per spell level of the effect.
—glibness, 4th—illusory wall, 5th—seeming, 6th—planar ally
(two skurchur demons), 7th—project image, 8th—trap the Hextor
soul, 9th—wish. Interests: War, discord, conflict, murder.
Bonded Item (Ex): You gain a staff as a bonded item. This Obedience: Fight Club-like brawl with other worshippers.
follows the rules for a generalist wizard’s staff arcane bond. Domain Spells: 1st—murderous commandUM, 2nd—scare
Deception (Ex): Once per day per four class levels you or spiritual weapon, 3rd—girallon’s blessingSS, 4th—black
possess, you can accomplish any one of the following as a tentacles, 5th—incite riot, 6th—transformation, 7th—finger of
free action: death, 8th—iron body, 9th—implosion.
Deceptive Magic: Add a +1 profane bonus to the DC of any Sneak Attack (Ex): At 1st level, you gain sneak attack
illusion spell you cast; +1d6, per the rogue class feature. Your number of sneak
attack dice increases by 1 per 4 class levels you possess
Deceptive Summoning: Deceive a monster summoned by (maximum +6d6 at 20th level). If you have levels in rogue,
someone else into believing you are its summoner. This your cleric level instead provides Weak synergy to your sneak
requires a Concentration check opposed to the attack progression; if you also have the Temple Raider talent,
summoner’s. your cleric levels provide Full synergy instead (this
supersedes the sneak attack synergy from both sources).
Deceptive Will: You gain a +4 profane bonus on a single Assassination (Ex): At 8th level, you gain Killing Stroke as
Will save. If successful, you can make a Perform (acting) a bonus feat, using your cleric or archivist class level in place
check to convince the caster that you failed the save. of your BAB derived from cleric or archivist levels.
Graz’zt Incabulos
This cult is based on the Thrall of Graz’zt prestige class from Interests: Plague, famine, drought, nightmares, ill sendings.
the Book of Vile Darkness. Obedience: Weird humming and droning chants, with no
Interests: Drow, lamia. light other than that of black candles.
Domain Spells: 1st—charm person, 2nd—mirror image, Domain Spells: 1st—sleep, 2nd—feast of ashesAPG, 3rd—
3 —deeper darkness, 4th—fear, 5th—dominate person, 6th
rd contagion, 4th—phantasmal killer, 5th—nightmare, 6th
—summon monster VI (one fiendish lamia, lamia matriarch, —endless slumberCM, 7th—bestow greater curseCD or
or succubus; or 1d3 babaus), 7th—disintegrate, 8th—trap the eyebite, 8th—plaguePHII, 9th—weird.
soul, 9th—gate.
Eye of Possession (Sp): Once per day, you can use Domain Spells: 1st—chill touch, 2nd—bull’s strength, 3rd
hypnotism as a spell-like ability. You gain an additional use —sleet storm, 4th—foebaneCAd, 5th—cone of cold, 6th
per day every 4 class levels thereafter; at 20th level, you can —summon monster VI (1d3 giant fiendish leucrottas, aka
use this ability at will. “hounds of Kostchtchie”), 7th—giant form I, 8th—summon
Nightmare Mount (Su): At 8th level, you gain a nightmare monster VIII (1d3 fiendish frost giants), 9th—polar
steed. This functions similarly to fighter’s Mount talent, in midnightUM.
terms of scaling the mount’s abilities. Inured to Frost (Ex): You gain favored terrain (arctic), as
the ranger class feature of the same name, with a bonus
Juiblex, The Faceless Lord equal to half your class level (minimum +1). If you already
Interests: Oozes, poison, sloth. have this favored terrain, your levels in classes granting that
Obedience: Submerge a small, severed piece of a human ability stack to determine your total bonus.
body in a vial of acid and chant praise to Juiblex as the flesh Rage (Ex): Starting at 4th level, you can rage as a barbarian
dissolves. of level equal the base attack bonus derived from your
Domain Spells: 1st—grease, 2nd—delay poison, 3rd cleric/archivist level (e.g., a 4th level cleric of Kostchtchie
—contagion, 4th—touch of slimeUM, 5th—corrosive
rages as a 3rd level barbarian). This applies to the type of rage
consumptionUM, 6th—conjure black puddingUM, 7th available and the number of rounds of use per day, but does
—destruction, 8th—fluid formAPG, 9th—summon monster IX
not grant you rage powers or any other barbarian class
(1d3 alkilith demons or one omox demon). features. If you have levels in barbarian, your cleric/archivist
Sign of the Faceless Lord (Ex): You gain a +4 profane levels instead provide Strong theurgy towards your rage
bonus on all saving throws against poison and resistance to ability.
acid 5. Lamashtu, Mother of Monsters
Ooze Form (Sp): Starting at 8th level, you can assume the
form of a Medium ooze once per day, as if using beast shape Interests: Madness, monsters, nightmares.
III, but you receive no bonus to natural armor and are Obedience: Engage in a tryst with the sincere intention of
immune to poison, sneak attacks, and critical hits while in being impregnated or impregnating your partner, or sacrifice
ooze form. You can use this ability an additional time per day a creature that has been alive for no more than a week.
per 4 class levels after the 8th. Domain Spells: 1st—lesser confusion, 2nd—touch of
idiocy, 3rd—summon monster III (1d3 fiendish gnolls or 1
Kabriri (Doresain), King of Ghouls fiendish bugbear), 4th—nightmare, 5th—baleful polymorph,
Interests: Ghouls, graves, secrets kept by the dead. 6th—summon monster VI (1d3 lamias or pack of 1d4+1 yeth
Obedience: You must partake of a cannibal feast; the body hounds), 7th—insanity, 8th—symbol of insanity, 9th
—dominate monster.
upon which you feed must either be at least a week old or be Teratoma (Ex): You gain a beneficial deformity. Generally,
eaten while atop a grave. this deformity manifests as a tentacle, tail, claw, or bite that
Domain Spells: 1st—deathwatch, 2nd—ghoul touch, 3rd grants you a secondary natural attack dealing a base 1d6
—speak with dead, 4th—summon undead IV (1d3 fiendish
ghasts), 5th—ghoul gauntletLM, 6th—create undead, 7th damage.
—finger of death, 8th—temporal stasis, 9th—energy drain.
Third Eye (Su): At 4th level, a third eye opens in your
Kiss of the Grave (Ex): You gain a +4 profane bonus on all forehead. This eye grants you darkvision to a range of 60 feet
saving throws against paralysis, poison, and disease. (if you already have darkvision, it extends the range of your
Ghoulish Apotheosis (Ex): Starting at 8th level, the next darkvision by 30 feet) and a +4 profane bonus on Perception
time you die, you rise as a ghoul after 24 hours. Your type checks and Intuition saves.
changes to undead and you lose all previous racial traits and Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders
racial feats (except small size), replacing them with +2
natural armor, darkvision 60 feet, channel resistance +2, and Interests: Drow, poison, spiders, arachnids.
a ghoul's physical attacks. You do not change your total Hit Obedience: Bind a living creature so only a few key
Dice. If you achieve this boon when you’re already an undead portions of anatomy (such as the belly, mouth, or eyes)
creature, you instead gain a +4 profane bonus to Charisma. remain exposed, allowing you to torment these exposed areas
with needles, tiny knives, or poisonous vermin. During rituals,
Kostchtchie, The Deathless Frost clerics of Lolth are nude or clad in black robes and/or tight
This cult incorporates the Thrall of Kostchtchie prestige class leather.
from Dragon magazine, issue 345. Domain Spells: 1st—animate rope, 2nd—web, 3rd—snare,
Interests: Cold, giants, revenge. 4th—poison, 5th—vermin shape II (spider), 6th—summon
Obedience: Spill the blood of a living creature onto snow- monster VI (yochlol demon), 7th—summon monster VII
covered ground; the creature must remain alive during the (bebelith or fiendish drider), 8th—maze, 9th—reach (close
entire obedience, and must die within a minute of the range) temporal stasis.
obedience’s end. Command Arachnids (Su): At 1st level, you gain a limited
form of the druid’s Mark of the Wild ability, but using your
Knowledge (the planes) skill in place of Handle Animal, and it
affects only vermin (spiders and other arachnoid creatures,
including fiendish or demonic ones). Unallocated leadership
potential can be used to spontaneously summon monster
(arachnoids and demons only).
Strike as Touch
aa bonus (Ex):
feat. For At
At 44thth level,
purposes level,of you
you gain
gain Venomous
determining the Poisonous
Strike as Touch
aa bonus (Ex):
feat. For At
At 44thth level,
purposes level,of you
you gain
gain Venomous
determining the
scalingas bonus
effects of
of feat.
this For
feat, purposes
treat your
your of
BAB determining
derived the
from Strike
scalingas bonus
effects of
of feat.
this For
feat, purposes
treat your
your of
BAB determining
derived the
class level. levels
levels as
as being
being equal
equal to
to your
your cleric/archivist
cleric/archivist cleric/archivist
class level. levels
levels as
as being
being equal
equal to
to your
your cleric/archivist
class level. class level.
Orcus, Prince of the Undead
Malcanthet, The Succubus Queen This cult draws from both the Pathfinder demonic obedience
This cult supersedes the Thrall of Malcanthet prestige class, and from the Thrall of Orcus prestige class from the Book of
from Dragon magazine (issue 353). Vile Darkness.
Interests: Lust, succubi, torture. Interests: Necromancy, undead, wrath.
Domain Spells: 1st—charm person, 2nd—sanctuary, 3rd— Obedience: Grind a half-pound of bones from the skeleton
touch range energy drain (typically by kiss), 4th—charm of a sentient creature, mix with water to create a gray paste,
monster, 5th—dominate person, 6th—summon monster VI and then eat it at the end of a long recitation of prayers to
(succubus), 7th—summon monster VII (dubbuk), 8th Orcus.
—demand, 9th—dominate monster. Domain Spells: 1st—detect undead, 2nd—command
Dominating Voice (Su): You receive a +1 profane bonus undead, 3rd—vampiric touch, 4th—summon undead IV (allip,
on Bluff and Diplomacy checks, and on the save DCs of an shadow, or zombie ogre), 5th—overland flight (demon wings),
language-dependent spells or spell-like abilities you use. This 6th—summon undead VI (1 wraith, 1d3 wights, or 1d4+1
bonus increases by +1 per 5 class levels you possess. shadows), 7th—finger of death, 8th—summon undead VII (1
Profane Beauty (Su): At 4th level and above, when not fiendish morgh or 1d3 bodaks or spectres), 9th—summon
wearing armor or using a shield, you gain a deflection bonus undead IX (1 nightwing or 1d3 devourers).
to AC equal to your Charisma modifier. Carrion Stench (Ex): As a free action, you can emit the
reek of carrion in a 10-ft. radius; those within (other than you)
Mephistopheles must save vs. Fortitude or be sickened for 1 round per class
Adapted from the Disciple of Mephistopheles prestige class, level you possess. You may use this ability a number of
from the Book of Vile Darkness. Cultists of Mephistopheles rounds per day equal to your Charisma modifier; these need
are most common in Aramni’s Eighth Province. not be consecutive.
Interests: Fire, cold, scheming, horned devils. Pallor of Death (Su): Starting at 8th level, as a standard
Domain Spells: 1st—command, 2nd—scorching ray, 3rd action you can adopt the appearance of a humanoid undead
—suggestion, 4th—fire shield, 5th—hellfireBVD, 6th—cone of
creature of your size, as if using an alter self spell. While
cold, 7th—hellfire stormBVD, 8th—summon monster VIII using this ability, you radiate an aura of fear in a radius equal
(barbed devil), 9th—summon monster IX (1 ice devil or 1d3 to 5 ft. per 4 class levels you possess. You can use this ability
barbed devils). for a number of minutes per day equal to half your class level;
Hellfire Grasp [Reserve] (Su): You gain a touch attack these need not be consecutive, but each use counts as at least
dealing 1d6 fire damage per level of the highest-level domain one minute.
[fire] or Cultist domain spell you have prepared. You can use
this ability as a [strike] effect in conjunction with unarmed or Pazuzu, King of the Wind Demons
weapon attacks. Interests: Sky, temptation, winged creatures.
Body of Flame (Su): Starting at 8th level, you can Obedience: String up the intestines of a freshly killed
transform your body into flame for up to 1 round per class creature somewhere that will attract the attention of hungry
level per day (these rounds need not be consecutive, but each birds (such as the branches of a tree or the crenellations of a
activation requires a standard action). This functions as tower), then meditate on the offering.
elemental body II, and creatures hitting you with natural Domain Spells: 1st—charm person, 2nd—enthrall, 3rd
weapons or unarmed attacks take 2d6 points of fire damage —fly, 4th—charm monster, 5th—magic jar, 6th—mass
and also catch fire unless they succeed at a Reflex save (DC suggestion, 7th—creeping doom (appears as a breath
15). weapon), 8th—summon monster VIII (1d3 vrock demons), 9th
—dominate monster (winged creatures only).
Mormo, Mother of Witches Temptation (Ex): You gain a +2 profane bonus on Bluff
Interests: Cruelty, deception, hags. and Diplomacy checks made to convince a creature to
Obedience: Perform an act of cruelty upon a nonbeliever perform an action against its nature. When casting a spell
after spending an hour observing the nonbeliever—preferably from the school of Enchantment, you gain a +1 profane bonus
from a vantage unknown by the victim. This act must, at the to the spell’s DC, and +2 profane bonus to penetrate spell
very least, incite the victim to tears or anger. resistance.
Domain Spells: 1st—disguise self, 2nd—misdirection, 3rd Winged Avatar (Sp): Starting at 8th level, you can assume
—bestow curse, 4th—fear, 5th—baleful polymorph, 6th
the form of a winged creature at will, as if by a beast shape I
—eyebite, 7th—summon monster VII (1d4+1 will-o’-the-
spell. This ability improves to beast shape II at 10th level,
wisps), 8th—greater bestow curse, 9th—wail of the banshee. beast shape III at 12th, beast shape IV or swarm skin at 14th
Witch’s Cunning (Ex): You gain Arcane Defense (illusions) level, form of the dragon II at 16th level, and form of the
as a bonus feat. dragon III at 18th level.
Elder’s Grace (Ex): At 8th level, you immediately age into
the next age category, taking all of the appropriate bonuses to
mental ability scores without any of the penalties to physical
ability scores. If you are venerable when you achieve the
boon, you die and become a ghost. Any illusion effect you
create gains a +2 profane bonus to the save DC.

Orcus, Prince of the Undead

Zuggtmoy, Demon Queen of Fungi
Wastri, The Hopping Prophet This cult supersedes the Thrall of Zuggtmoy prestige class
As described in the 1st edition World of Greyhawk from Dragon magazine, issue 337.
gazetteer, cultists of Wastri often multiclass into monk, Interests: Fungi, molds, putrescence.
taking the Sacred Fist sutra. Obedience: Drink putrid alcohol distilled from strange
Interests: Amphibians, bigotry, bullywugs, human fungi during a 1-hour ceremony.
supremacy and extermination of demi-humans (dwarves, Domain Spells: 1st—entangle, 2nd—tree (fungus) shape,
elves, etc.), self-deception, swamps. 3rd—fungal infestationUM, 4th—summon monster IV
Obedience: Drown a living creature in swamp water (or at (fiendish fungal crawler, phantom fungus, phycomid, or violet
the very least, in muddy water), then impale the dead body on fungus), 5th—memory rotMF or spore cloakRF, 6th—summon
a sharp branch so wild creatures can feast on it. After monster VI (fiendish rot grub swarm or 1d3 fiendish
impaling the creature, you must spend the rest of your ascomids), 7th—destruction, 8th—control plants, 9th
obedience meditating on the sound of fluid dripping from its —shambler.
sodden body. Infestation (Ex): You become infested with abyssal spores
Domain Spells: 1st—jump, 2nd—personal barkskin and fungoid parasites, imposing a –4 penalty on Diplomacy
(“warty skin”), 3rd—summon monster III (fiendish giant toad), checks with civilized humanoids. However, you gain
4th—confusion (verbal component is a croak), 5th—insect Toughness as a bonus feat. You are immune to effects that
plague, 6th—bestow greater curseCD (warts causing -6 Cha normally cause the sickened condition; effects that would
and lose action 50%), 7th—summon monster VII (1 mogobo normally cause nausea make you sickened instead.
or 1d4+1 fiendish glacier toads), 8th—summon monster VII Zuggtmoy’s Embrace (Su): At 8th level, your type changes
(1 hezrou or 1d3 fiendish dire crocodiles), 9th—summon to Plant. You are immune to disease, mind-affecting spells
monster IX (fiendish froghemoth). and effects, nausea, poison, sickness, and sleep. However,
Swamper’s Boon (Ex): You gain favored terrain (swamps), your penalty to Diplomacy checks from your infestation
as the ranger class feature of the same name, with a bonus increases to –8.
equal to half your class level (minimum +1). If you already
have this favored terrain, your levels in classes granting that Zura, The Vampire Queen
ability stack to determine your total bonus.
Superior Summoning (Su): At 4th level, when you use a Interests: Blood, cannibalism, vampires.
summon monster spell, there is a 50% chance an additional Obedience: Drink some of the blood of a willing creature,
creature of the same type is summoned. When you cast a and allow the same creature to drink some of your own blood.
Heightened summon monster spell to summon a variable Alternatively, you can feed on the flesh of a creature of your
number of creatures, the chance is 100%. This ability own race until you are full.
emulates the feat of the same name from Ultimate Magic, Domain Spells: 1st—deathwatch, 2nd—spider climb, 3rd
and supersedes the bullywug’s summoning racial trait from —fangs of the vampire kingLM, 4th—summon monster IV
Monsters of Faerun. (1d4+1 fiendish wolves), 5th—dominate person, 6th—create
undead or summon undead VI (1d3 vampire spawn), 7th
—undead anatomy IV (vampire), 8th—blood mistUM, 9th
Xoveron, The Horned Prince —energy drain.
Interests: Gargoyles, gluttony, ruins. Zura’s Favor (Ex): You gain a +4 profane bonus on all
Obedience: Perch atop a high outcrop and look out over saving throws against the spells, spell-like abilities, and
the surrounding terrain. If the outcrop is in an inhabited area supernatural abilities of undead creatures.
(such as a city), no passersby should realize you are a living Blood is Life (Su): Starting at 8th level, once per day as a
thing—any who do must be slain before the hour’s end. full-round action, you may drink the blood of a creature that
Domain Spells: 1st—sanctuary, 2nd—shatter, 3rd has been dead for no more than an hour to gain the benefits
—vampiric touch, 4th—stoneskin, 5th—summon monster V of heroes’ feast and death knell. The blood imbibed must
(1d3 fiendish gargoyles), 6th—summon monster VI (nabasu), come from a creature with a minimum CR of your character
7th—statue, 8th—heightened finger of death, 9th—wail of the level –2.
Gargoyle’s Gift (Ex): You gain a +4 profane bonus on
saving throws against effects that cause sickness, nausea,
fatigue, or exhaustion.
Glutton’s Feast (Sp): Starting at 8th level, you can cast
heroes’ feast once per day. The food created by this effect
consists of raw or rotting meat and rancid milk; it can be
consumed and take effect in only 1 minute. Non-worshipers
of Xoveron must make a Fortitude save to avoid being
sickened by the feast for 6 hours (though all other benefits of
the feast still apply).

Zuggtmoy, Demon Queen of Fungi

…they escaped them in the shapes of deer near the Bonus Languages: A druid automatically knows Ogham
standing stones at Lia Mor in the north. For though they were (“Druidic”), a secret language known only to druids, which is
known as the ‘Mellifluous Harpers’, they were druids, men of taught to all aspirant druids. Ogham is a free language for a
great cunning and great power of augury and magic. druid; that is, you know it in addition to your regular
―Táin Bó Cúalnge, Joseph Dunn (translator), 1914 allotment of languages and it doesn't take up a language slot.
This version of the druid also supersedes the Spirit Druids are forbidden to teach this language to non-druids.
Shaman (Complete Divine) and the Greenbond (from Arcana Ogham has its own alphabet. Druids with high Intelligence
Unearthed, Malhavoc Press). Examples include Cathbhadh, scores can choose Sylvan as one of their bonus languages, in
Mogh Roith, Amergin, and other druids from Irish legend, as addition to the bonus languages available to the character
well as Thomas Hengwr (from Charles deLint’s Moonheart), because of his or her race.
the Voth brothers (from Manley Wade Wellman’s The Old Favored Class: When gaining a level of druid as a favored
Gods Waken), Zogar Sag (from Robert E. Howard’s “Beyond class, rather than choosing +1 hp or skill point, you can
the Black River”), and the Brotherhood of the Eleventh instead choose one of the following options:
Commandment (from Sterling Lanier’s Hiero’s Journey).
Bonded Companion: One animal companion (if any) gains
Table 1: The Druid Hit Dice: d8 +1 hp and +1 skill point each time you select this option.
Class Spell Energy Resistance: You gain energy resistance 1 against
Level Attack Bonus Capacity Special acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonics. Each time you selects
1st +0 1st Detect spirits, mark of the
this option, increase your resistance to one of these
wild, wild speech energy types by 1.
2nd +1 2nd Favored terrain
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Druids have the
3rd +2 3rd Bonus spell, resist nature’s following weapon proficiencies:
4th +3 4th Druidical initiation
Simple proficiency with the cutlass, dagger, dart, great
club, guisarme, hand axe, hunting blowgun, light flail, long
5th +3 5th ― spear, spear, staff sling, and tonfa;
6th +4 6th Initiate ability Martial proficiency with the bolas, boomerang, heavy club,
7th +5 7th ― light club (ranged option), light hammer, quarterstaff,
8th +6/+1 8th Initiate ability
scimitar, scythe, short bow, short spear, sickle, and sling;
9th +6/+1 9th ― Proficiency with all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so
10th 10th
forth) of any form they assume with wild shape (see
+7/+2 Initiate ability below).
11th +8/+3 11th ―
12th +9/+4 12th Initiate ability Druids are proficient with light and medium armor but are
13th +9/+4 13th ―
prohibited from wearing metal armor; thus, they may wear
only padded, leather, or hide armor. A druid may also wear
14th +10/+5 14th Initiate ability wooden armor that has been altered by the ironwood spell so
15th +11/+6/+6 15th ― that it functions as though it were steel (Chapter 6). Druids
have simple proficiency with shields but must use only those
16th +12/+7/+7 16th Timeless body crafted from wood. A druid who wears prohibited armor or
17th +12/+7/+7 17th ― uses a prohibited shield is unable to cast druid spells or use
18th +13/+8/+8 18th Master of all terrains
any of her supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing
so and for 24 hours thereafter.
19th +14/+9/+9 19th Hierophant Druids can “trade in” one or more proficiencies, as follows:
20th +15/+10/+10 20th Numinous hierophant Canny Defense (Ex): You can choose to give up all armor
and shield proficiencies in exchange for the Canny
Saving Throws: Druids gain a +2 class bonus to Fortitude Defense feat.
and Intuition saves.
Bonus Skills: All druids automatically receive one free
rank per class level in Concentration, Handle Animal, and
Planar Sense. These are otherwise treated as a class skills,
but do not count against your total number of skill points.
Class Skills: Athletics, Craft (all), Fly, Heal, Knowledge
(all), Perception, Profession (all), Spellcraft, Survival.
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Variant Druids: At 1st level, you may choose to cast
Oakheart Brother (Ex): You can choose to take oaths spontaneously instead of preparing your spells; once made,
against the use of all weapons other than the quarterstaff, this choice cannot be changed.
light club, heavy club, natural attacks, and unarmed Detect Spirits (Sp): You can detect spirits (incorporeal
attacks (the penalties for violating these oaths are the creatures, fey, elementals, nature spirits, oni, outsiders, and
same as for wearing prohibited armor). In exchange, you creatures in astral or ethereal form or with astral or ethereal
gain Exotic proficiency with the quarterstaff or heavy club bodies) at will. Most natural features (trees, rivers, rock
(your choice). The Oak Brother option is from The formations, etc.) have one or more nature spirits (kami)
Quintessential Druid (Mongoose Publishing). associated with them; in general, the larger and more
imposing the feature, the stronger the spirit. The amount of
Spellcasting: A druid casts prepared divine spells which information revealed depends on how long you study a
are drawn from the druid spell list. Your casting attribute is particular area.
Wisdom. You require a focus (analogous to a cleric’s holy 1st Round: Presence or absence of spirits.
symbol) to cast spells; traditionally this is a sprig of mistletoe
you personally harvest on Midsummer's Eve with a gold or 2nd Round: Number of spirits and the strength of the
silver sickle, catching the cuttings in a golden bowl before strongest present. If a spirit’s strength is overwhelming
they touch the ground. Other foci are permissible. (see below), and the spirit has HD of at least twice your
You must spend 1 hour each day in a trance-like meditation character level, you are stunned for 1 round and the effect
on the mysteries of nature to regain your daily allotment of ends.
spells. You may prepare and cast any spell on the druid spell 3rd Round: The strength and location of each spirit. If a
list in the Core Rulebook, provided that you can cast spells of spirit is outside your line of sight, then you discern its
that level, but you must choose which spells to prepare during direction but not its exact location.
your daily meditation. Druids can learn spells from other
sources, but such spells generally must be learned from
distant sects, and they count against the character’s personal Aura Strength: The strength of spirit is determined by its
numen (Chapter 6) as if they were scrolls being kept on hand. HD, as given on Table 2.
Add the following to the druid’s list of class spells; they are Lingering Aura: A spirit’s presence lingers after the spirit
treated as if they were on the druid spells list in the Core departs or is destroyed. If the detect spirits ability is directed
Rulebook; non-core sources (indicated by superscripts) are at such a location, the spell indicates an aura strength of dim
cited in Chapter 7. (even weaker than a faint aura). How long the aura lingers at
this dim level depends on its original power, as given on Table
0 Level: ghost sound, ignite, predict weatherAUG. 2.
1st level: detect evil (etc.), detect undead, protection from Each round, you can detect spirits in a new area. The spell
evil (etc.). can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common
metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
2nd level: augury, charm person, sleep of the deadRR. This ability supersedes the Spirit Shaman class feature of the
same name (Complete Divine), and also the Greenbond’s
3rd level: beast shape I. “percipience” class feature (from Arcana Evolved, Malhavoc
4th level: beast shape II, bestow curse, charm monster, Press) and the Menhir Savant’s spirit sense ability (from
hallucinatory terrain, lesser geas. Ultimate Magic).
5th level: beast shape III. (or) Lingering
6th level: beast shape IV, flesh to stone, geas, shadow Feature Scale
Aura Strength Duration
Tree, pond, boulder, 1 or less Faint 1d6
7th Level: bestow greater curseCD, plane shift (elemental, etc. rounds
shadow, faerie, etc.), sequester. Copse, grove, hill, 2-4 Moderate 1d6
9th level: etherealness. outcrop, etc. minutes
Forest, lake, river, 5-10 Strong 1d6 x 10
Bonus Spells: Unless otherwise noted, a druid’s bonus 1st mountain, etc. minutes
and 2nd level spells (see Spellcasting Table 1 in Chapter 7) Sea, mountain range, 11+ Overwhelming 1d6 days
can be any spells of the appropriate level from the druid class etc.
list. Bonus spells of 3rd level and above are determined by the
druid’s initiation instead (see below). Mark of the Wild (Su): Wild things recognize you as one
Green Faith: When you cast spells that deal damage, of their own. You gain leadership potential as if from the
channel negative energy, or otherwise use abilities that harm Leadership feat (Chapter 5), but using your Handle Animal
life, they do not hurt normal or magical plants. Plant skill in place of Diplomacy. You can retain followers and/or a
creatures are not protected by this feat, but plants that grow cohort (ignoring the 6-rank minimum requirement) of the
or are created as a result of magic are. This supersedes the Animal, Plant, or Fey type. If you have less than 5 ranks in
Green Faith Acolyte feat from the Pathfinder Campaign Handle Animal, the maximum CR of your animal cohort is as
Setting. follows:
Skill Ranks Maximum CR
Link (Ex): You can handle your animal companion as a
free action, or push it as a move action, even if you don't
1 ½ have any ranks in Handle Animal. The animal learns a
2 1 number of additional tricks equal to 1 + 1 per 3 ranks in
Handle Animal you possess. You gain a +4 circumstance
3 1 bonus on Handle Animal checks made regarding a
4 2 bonded companion.
5+ No. of ranks -3 Share Spells (Ex): You may cast a spell with a target of
“You” on your animal companion (as a spell with a range
Any animals you retain in this manner also gain the of touch) instead of on yourself. You may cast spells on
Bonded Companion template (see below). You can apply your animal companion even if the spells normally do not
other templates (Giant, Advanced, Young, etc.) and/or class affect creatures of the companion's type (animal). This
levels in order to fine-tune the CR of specific ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are
followers/cohorts; treat awakened (as the spell) as a +1 CR not spells, even if they function like spells.
template. You can also choose to advance your companion(s) Evasion (Ex): If you have at least 3 ranks in Handle
by racial hit dice, at a rate of +1 CR per 2 additional HD (the Animal, your bonded companion gains Evasion (as the
animal gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor per 3 rogue class feature of the same name). At 15th level, this
additional hit dice). This supersedes the Core druid’s animal improves to Improved Evasion.
companion nature’s bond.
You can gain and release followers (except your cohort) Devotion (Ex): If you have at least 6 ranks in Handle
gained through this ability at will, although it requires a Animal, your bonded companion gains Arcane Defense
successful Handle Animal check (per “befriending an (enchantment) as a bonus feat.
animal”) to establish control over new followers.
If you still have potential left over after assigning followers, Multiattack: If you have at least 9 ranks in Handle Animal,
you can perform the following: your bonded companion gains Multiattack as a bonus feat
Wild Empathy (Su): Any time you are faced with animals, if it has three or more natural attacks and does not already
fey, lycanthropes, magical beasts, plants, and/or vermin of have that feat. If it does not have the requisite three or
total encounter level (EL) less than your remaining potential, more natural attacks, the animal companion instead gains
these beings must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + your iterative attacks with one of its natural weapons as its
Handle Animal bonus) or be unable to attack you. Those that BAB allows, albeit with the normal -5 penalty.
are magically controlled use the controller’s Will save instead.
This ability does not require an action on your part, but does Wild Speech (Sp): As you gain experience, you learn to
require you to keep track of your unallocated potential, inform speak with the spirits. You gain the following suite of spell-
the referee of the amount, and make sure he or she applies like abilities (as per Racial Spell-Like Abilities in Chapter 7):
the effect against the correct number/CR of creatures. If 1st—speak with animals, 2nd—speak with verminWotC, 3rd
more creatures are potentially attacking you than can be —speak with plants, 4th—tongues, 5th—commune with
affected, you decide the order in which the effect is to be nature, 6th—stone tell, 7th—speak with woodUM, 8th—speak
applied. with anythingMW. These powers all have a range of
Spontaneous Summons (Sp): If you have sufficient “personal.”
potential, you can spontaneously cast summon nature’s ally Favored Terrain (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you gain one
spells, as if from the Spontaneous Spell feat. The spell levels favored terrain (see Ranger class for details). Your favored
you can spontaneously cast depends on the minimum terrain bonus is equal to half your class level, but you do not
amount of unallocated potential you have remaining: automatically gain additional favored terrains as a ranger
Spontaneous Spell Minimum CR Available does. If you have levels in Ranger, your druid levels instead
provide Full synergy with your ranger levels for purposes of
Summon nature’s ally I ½ determining your number of favored terrains and their
Summon nature’s ally I-II 1 bonuses.
Resist Nature's Lure (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you gain a
Summon nature’s ally I-III 2 +4 bonus on saving throws against the extraordinary, spell-
Summon nature’s ally I-IV 4 like, and supernatural abilities of animals, elementals, fey,
Summon nature’s ally I-V 5 and plants. This bonus also applies to spells and effects that
utilize or target plants, such as blight, entangle, spike growth,
Summon nature’s ally I-VI 7 and warp wood. Note that certain initiations (see below) add
Summon nature’s ally I-VII 9 other creature types as well.
Druidical Initiation (Su): At 4th level, you become initiated
Summon nature’s ally I-VIII 11 into the deeper mysteries of nature. Choose one of the
Summon nature’s ally I-IX 13 options described in Appendix A. Each of these initiations
provides an initial ability at 4th level, and improvements
BONDED COMPANION (TEMPLATE) CR +0 and/or additional abilities at 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, and 14th
A bonded companion gains the following abilities, based on levels. They also determine your bonus spells, as noted above.
your number of ranks in Handle Animal:
Timeless Body (Ex): After attaining 16th level, you stop Improved Spell Capacity (Sp): You gain one spell slot per
ageing. You no longer take attribute score penalties for aging, day of any level up to one level higher than the highest-level
cannot be magically aged, and will not die of old age. Any age spell you can already cast (which can be used to hold lower-
penalties you may have already incurred, however, remain in level spells or spells whose level has been increased beyond
place. 9th by the application of metamagic feats). You must have a
Master of All Terrains (Ex): Starting at 18th level, all Wisdom score of at least 20 in order to prepare a 10th level
natural terrains are treated as favored terrains for you with a spell. If you have a high enough ability modifier to gain one or
+2 bonus (your existing favored terrain bonus is not affected). more bonus spells for this spell level, you also gain the bonus
In addition, the following planar terrains are considered spells for this spell level. This supersedes the feat of the same
favored terrains: Astral, Ethereal, Elemental (all), Faerie, name from the 3.5 edition System Reference Document
Shadow. Specific planes included in the campaign that fit this (“Epic Feats”).
general motif, such as the Beastlands, should be treated as Mastery of Elements (Sp): You can alter a divine spell
favored terrains (+2) as well. when cast so that it utilizes a different element from the one
Hierophant (Sp): At 19th level, your insights into nature it normally uses. This ability can only alter a spell with the
have superseded the normal limitations on druidical magic. acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic descriptor. The spell’s
You gain one of the Hierophant abilities described below. casting time is unaffected. You decide whether to alter the
Numinous Hierophant: At 20th level, you come into the spell’s energy type, and choose the new energy type when you
full power of your druidical initiation, as described below. begin casting.
Mastery of Shaping (Sp): You can alter area and effect
Hierophant Abilities spells that use one of the following shapes: burst, cone,
The most common hierophant abilities are summarized in cylinder, emanation, or spread. The alteration consists of
the table below and described thereafter. Other abilities can creating spaces within the spell’s area or effect that are not
be added at the referee’s discretion. subject to the spell. The minimum dimension for these
spaces is a 5-foot cube.
Ability Name Description Furthermore, any shapeable spells have a minimum
Bonus Feat Gain bonus feat
dimension of 5 feet instead of 10 feet. Spells cast in this way
always have a somatic component that you must perform,
Freedom of Continuous supernatural effect even if this would not otherwise be the case (for spells
Movement normally without one, or by using a Stilled spell or having a
Hollow Hill Permanent magnificent mansion familiar to perform the somatic component for you).
Gain 10th level spell slot
Mind Over Matter (Ex): You can use your knowledge of
Improved Spell
the secrets of nature to gain an advantage in situations that
usually demand some other faculty. Any time you would
Mastery of Change energy types freely normally use some other attribute modifier (attribute check,
Elements skill check, attack and damage rolls, CMB, etc.), you may
Mastery of Shaping Leave gaps in area of effect instead apply your Wisdom modifier as an insight bonus. For
Mind over Matter Substitute Wis modifier for others
example, to force open a stuck door, you can make a Wisdom
check to understand the disposition of the departed spirits of
One with Nature Commune with nature freely the wood of the door, and therefore more easily open it than
Powerful Shape Larger form in wild shape by making a Strength check. This mimics the Magister class
feature of the same name, from Arcana Unearthed (Malhavoc
Reach Spells Use touch spells as 30-ft. rays Press).
Spell Power +1 to effective caster level One with Nature (Sp): As a standard action, you can use
Unimpeded Magic Your spells function normally on
commune with nature as a spell-like ability a number of times
other planes per day equal to your Wisdom bonus. This ability supersedes
the Archdruid class feature of the same name, from The
Bonus Feat: You can select a bonus feat in place of the Quintessential Druid (Mongoose Publishing).
special ability. You must meet all prerequisites normally. Powerful Shape (Su): Choose one form into which you
Freedom of Movement (Su): You have perpetual freedom can wild shape. When taking this form, add the Giant simple
of movement, as the spell, except this is an supernatural template as well. This ability supersedes the feat of the same
ability that cannot be dispelled. name from Mythic Adventures.
Hollow Hill (Su): Upon gaining this ability, designate one Reach Spells (Su): You can use spells with a range of
doorway: a tree, a spot on a rock wall, a ring of standing touch on a target up to 30 feet away. Spells cast in this way
stones, a circle of toadstools, or whatever. That doorway always have a somatic component that you must perform,
becomes the opening to a permanent, Widened (2x even if this would not otherwise be the case (for spells
dimensions) magnificent mansion spell, with you as the normally without one, or by using a Stilled spell or having a
caster. familiar to perform the somatic component for you). You must
make a ranged touch attack.
Spell Power (Ex): This ability increases your effective
caster level by +1 (for purposes of concentration, penetrating
SR, dispelling and counterspelling DCs, and determining
level-dependent spell variables such as damage or range). You
do not gain new spells known or spells per day.
Unimpeded Magic (Su): Your spells function normally on all Totem Transformation (Su): At 4th level, you can adopt an
planes except those that are dead-magic, without the need to aspect of your totem animal while retaining your normal
succeed at Spellcraft checks to alter them, or to prepare them form. While using totem transformation, you may speak
specifically to suit the conditions of those planes. This ability normally. Using this ability is a standard action at 4th level, a
supersedes the wizard substitution feature of the same name, move action at 8th level, and a swift action at 12th level. You
from the Planar Handbook. can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to
your class level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive,
but they must be used in 1-minute increments. This is a
Appendix A: Druidical [polymorph] effect and cannot be used while you are using
Initiations another polymorph effect (such as wild shape). While under a
totem transformation, you gain one bonus appropriate to your
Note: It is possible to acquire abilities from more than one animal type:
initiation. Abilities gained in initiations other than your
primary one (i.e., the one chosen at 4th level) are always at Ape: Movement (climb speed 20 ft., +4 racial bonus on
least one “step” lower than the initiation you would have Climb checks), senses (low-light vision, scent), natural
gained by continuing in your primary initiation. For example, weapons (2 slams [1d6 for a Medium druid], +2 on combat
a 14th level druid could gain, at best, a 12th level initiate maneuver checks to grapple), or toughness (+2 natural
ability from a different initiation. Abilities that are armor bonus to AC, +2 to Endurance checks).
improvements of lower “step” abilities cannot be gained
unless the relevant lower-step abilities are gained first. For Bat: Movement (fly speed 30 ft. [average]; you must be at
example, you cannot take the greater wild shape ability least 6th level to select this bonus), natural weapons (bite
unless you already have wild shape and improved wild shape. [1d4 for a Medium shaman]), or senses (blindsense 20 ft.).
Unless otherwise noted, the save DC against initiate
abilities and druidic feats that allow a saving throw is equal to Bear: Movement (+10 enhancement bonus to land speed,
10 + half your class level + your Charisma modifier. +4 racial bonus on Swim checks); senses (low-light vision,
scent); natural armor (+2); or natural weapons: bite (1d6)
Animal Shaman and 2 claws (1d4) for a Medium shaman, +2 to CMB on
This variant druid is from the Advanced Player’s Guide. Each grapple checks.
animal shaman selects a single totem animal, which provides
spiritual guidance. The types described here are those listed Boar: Movement (+10 enhancement bonus to land speed),
in the APG and in Ultimate Combat; others may be allowed senses (low-light vision, scent), natural weapons (gore
at the referee’s discretion. [1d8 for a Medium druid], +2 on combat maneuver checks
Initiate Spells: Upon choosing this initiation, you gain to overrun), or +2 natural armor bonus to AC.
Domain Access (as the feat) to either the Animal domain or
one domain associated with your totem animal, as follows: Eagle: Movement (fly speed 30 feet (average); senses (low-
Ape: Community, Fury, Strength; light vision, +4 racial bonus to Perception); or natural
weapons: bite (1d4), 2 talons (1d4) for a Medium shaman.
Bat: Air, Animal, Darkness, Trickery;
Lion: Movement (+20 enhancement bonus to land speed);
Bear: Earth, Protection, Strength; senses (low-light vision, scent); or natural weapons: bite
Boar: Destruction, Protection, Strength; (1d4), 2 claws (1d4) for a Medium druid, rake, +2 CMB to
Eagle: Air, Nobility, Weather; Serpent: Movement (climb speed 20 feet, swim speed 20
Lion: Glory, Nobility, Sun; feet); scales (+2 natural armor bonus to AC); senses (low-
light vision, scent); or natural weapons: bite (1d4), poison
Serpent: Charm, Trickery, Water; (Con-based DC, 1 Con/rd. for 6 rounds, cure 1 save), +2
Wolf: Community, Liberation, Travel. CMB to grapple.
Wolf: Movement (+20 enhancement bonus to land speed);
Your initiate bonus spells are drawn from the appropriate senses (low-light vision, scent, +4 racial bonus to Survival
domain list. when tracking by scent); or natural weapons: bite (1d4
Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Add magical beasts to the plus trip) for a Medium druid, +2 CMB to trip.
creature types listed.
Totemic Summons (Sp): Also starting at 4th level, you can
cast summon nature’s ally as a standard action when
summoning animals appropriate to your totem, and these
summoned totem animals gain temporary hit points equal to
your druid class level.
Wild Shape (Su): As per the Wild Shaper ability of the same Channel Animal (Sp): Starting at 8th level, twice per day
name (q.v.), except you gain this ability at 6th level, rather than you can establish a magical conduit between yourself and a
4th, and you can wild shape only into a form that matches that single animal that you touch (including an animal companion
of your totem animal. You gain improved wild shape at 8th and/or familiar, if applicable). For each use of this ability, a
level and greater wild shape at 10th. single spell with a range of touch or greater can originate
Bonus Feats: An animal shaman receives bonus feats at from the animal instead of from you, provided you have a line
10th, 12th, and 14th levels. These feats must be drawn from of sight and effect from you to the animal. The spell’s line of
the list corresponding to the animal shaman’s totem, as effect then extends from the animal to the target, based on
follows: the senses of the animal. If the spell has a range of touch, the
animal is considered to be holding the charge, once the spell
Animal Bonus Feat Choices
has been cast. For every 2 class levels beyond the 8th, you can
Ape Animal Devotion (ape’s fury), Improved Grapple, use this ability an additional time per day.
Great Fortitude, Toughness Channel Plant (Sp): As channel animal (q.v.), but the
Bat Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Lightning conduit extends from you to a single plant. For non-animated
Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception) plants, use your senses to extend the line of effect from the
Bear Fast Recovery, Great Fortitude, Skill Focus
plant to the target; touch spells are discharged when the plant
(Endurance), Toughness conduit is touched. Plant creatures are entitled to a Will save
to resist the effects. You gain 1 daily use of this ability at 10th
Boar Diehard, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Vital Strike level. For every 4 class levels thereafter, you gain an additional
Eagle Animal Devotion (hawk’s flight), Lightning daily use.
Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception), Wind Stance Wild Shape (Su): Starting at 12th level, you can wild shape
Lion Animal Devotion (cheetah’s sprint), Lunge, as a Wild Shaper initiate of 4th level. For every class level
Skirmish, Iron Will thereafter, your effective Wild Shaper level increases by 1
(granting you improved wild shape 2/day at 14th level, greater
Serpent Animal Devotion (serpent’s strike), Combat wild shape 3/day at 16th, and superior wild shape 4/day at
Expertise, Deep Intuition, Improved Feint
18th level).
Wolf Dodge, Improved Trip, Skill Focus (Endurance). Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you learn the
Skirmish secrets of spell synthesis. Once per day, you can cast one
druid spell and one arcane spell using one action (total). Both
Numinous Hierophant (Su): At will as a standard action, of the spells must have the same casting time. You can make
you can command or rebuke animals as an evil cleric or any decisions concerning the spells independently.
archivist with the Command Undead feat commands undead.
Ascetic Druid
Arcane Hierophant Some sects of druids seek oneness with nature through
This option is intended to allow viable multiclassing between mediation and physical discipline. Monks of this initiation
the druid class and an arcane spellcasting class, along the generally select the Canny Defense option in lieu of armor
lines of the prestige class of the same name in Races of the proficiencies. In conjunction with the monk’s “sacred fist”
Wild. The Geomancer (q.v.) also presents a similar option. sutra, this initiation can be used to create a viable multi-
Prerequisite: 1 level in an arcane spellcasting class. classed druid/monk.
Initiate Spells: Bonus spells are gained according to those Initiate Spells: These work as do monk ki powers, with
for your arcane spellcasting class. respect to being attack or personal powers, and in that
Spell Theurgy (Ex): Starting at 4th level, ignore your druid spellcasting disruption and concentration do not apply. 3rd
spellcasting progression. Instead, your druid level advances —cure serious wounds, 4th—sudden dimension door, 5th--
your arcane spellcasting ability (for purposes of determining slay living (Strike; effect can be delayed up to 1 day per caster
your caster level, spells known, spells per day, and bonus level), 6th—heal (self only), 7th—ethereal jaunt, 8th—mind
spells), according to the “Strong” column for theurgy in blank, 9th—astral projection.
Spellcasting Table 3 in Chapter 7. For example, a wizard Martial Artist (Ex): Starting at 4th level, you gain Dodge as
6/druid (arcane hierophant) 6 would prepare and cast spells a bonus feat and Exotic proficiency in unarmed attacks, as a
as a 10th level wizard, with access to the druid and wizard monk of your druid level. If you have levels in monk, your
spell lists. The maximum level of arcane spells you can druid levels provide Weak synergy with your monk levels for
access is equal to your arcane casting class level, however, so purposes of determining your unarmed damage and weapon
that a druid 12/wizard 6 has a spell capacity of 16th, but can form bonus; if you also have the sacred fist monk sutra, this
cast only 0 – 6th level arcane spells. This limitation does not improves to Full synergy (this is a specific exception to the
apply to bonus (initiate) spells, which are always those general rule prohibiting stacking of synergy features between
appropriate to the arcane casting class. the same two classes).
Armored Caster (Ex): Starting at 6th level, when wearing Monk Sutras (Su): At 6th, and 10th levels, you gain a monk
any form of armor (or using a shield) permitted to druids (see sutra in place of a druidical initiate ability. Your monk levels
above), you suffer no arcane spellcasting failure chance from and druid levels (if any) provide Full synergy for purposes of
that armor and/or shield. determining the effects of these sutras.
Combat Style Feats (Ex): At 8th and again at 12th level, Aquatic: You grow gills, enabling you to breathe
you gain a bonus feat chosen from the list of monk Combat underwater (while retaining your ability to breathe air).
Style feats. Also add the following to the list of options: Webbing between your fingers and toes grants you a swim
Adaptability, Beginner's Luck, Chaotic Mind, Nameless. You speed of 40 feet (or 30 feet if wearing medium or heavy
must meet all prerequisites normally. armor or carrying a medium or heavy load) and a +8 racial
Advanced Sutras (Su): At 14th level, you gain an advanced bonus on Swim checks.
monk sutra in place of a druidical initiate ability. Flight: You grow wings (feathery or batlike, at your option)
Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you become a that enable you to fly at a speed of 40 feet with average
magical creature. You are forevermore treated as an outsider maneuverability (or 30 feet if wearing medium or heavy
rather than as a humanoid (or whatever your creature type armor or carrying a medium or heavy load).
was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects. Your ki
strike ability (if any) is permanently active, and no longer Improved Physical prowess: You gain a +6 enhancement
requires you to have any unused spells. Additionally, you gain bonus to your physical attribute scores, divided up as you
damage reduction 10/chaotic. Unlike other outsiders, you can see fit. When you gain access to multiple aspects, you can
still be brought back from the dead as if you were a member select this aspect more than once, but the total bonus to
of your previous creature type. one attribute cannot exceed +6.
Aspect of Nature Poison: You gain a bite attack that delivers a lethal venom
This initiation is similar to the Wild Shaper (q.v.), but rather (Fortitude save; damage 1d2 Con/round for 6 rounds; cure
than assuming the form of an animal, elemental, or plant, the 2 consecutive saves).
druid merely takes on specific aspects (more complete
transformations are made using the initiation bonus spells). Multiple Aspects (Su): At 8th level, you can take on up to
This variant is from Unearthed Arcana. two aspects simultaneously. Each aspect taken on counts as
Initiate Spells: 3rd—beast shape I, 4th—beast shape II, 5th one daily use of the ability. Multiple versions of the same
—beast shape III, 6th—plant shape II, 7th—elemental body aspect don't stack. Some aspects can only be combined with
IV, 8th—form of the dragon III, 9th—shapechange. certain other aspects, as indicated in their descriptions.
Aspect of Nature (Su): At 44h level, once per day you may Plant Aspect (Su): At 10th level, you gain access to the
take on one aspect from those described below. Taking on following aspect.
one or more aspects is a standard action which does not Plant: Your body becomes plantlike. While in this form,
provoke attacks of opportunity, and the effect lasts for up to 1 you gain a +8 favored terrain bonus on Stealth checks
minute per druid level. Unless otherwise noted in an aspect's made in areas of forest, overgrowth, or similar terrain. You
description, you retain your own type and subtype(s), keep are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. You
your extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like abilities, and gain a slam attack that deals bludgeoning damage equal to
retain your ability to communicate and cast spells. You are a light mace (1d6 for Medium druids, 1d4 for Small
considered proficient with any natural attacks granted by the druids). Your natural armor bonus becomes +4 (replacing
aspect. any other natural armor bonus you have, though
You can use the Aspect of Nature ability an additional time enhancement bonuses to natural armor still apply
per day at 6th level and every two levels thereafter, for a total normally). You can't combine this aspect with any other
of eight times at 18th level. At 20th level, you can use this aspect except for physical prowess (and its improvements).
ability at will.
Aspects available at 4th level include the following: Improved Multiple Aspect (Su): Starting at 12th level, you
can take on up to three aspects simultaneously as a standard
Night vision: You gain darkvision 60 ft. and low-light action.
vision. Primal Aspect (Su): At 14th level, you can take on up to
Physical prowess: You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to four simultaneous aspects. You also gain access to the
your physical attribute scores, divided up as you see fit. following additional aspects:
Scent: You gain the scent ability. Elemental Air: Your body becomes gaseous (as the
gaseous form spell, except that you can fly at a speed of
Speed: You gain a +30-foot enhancement bonus to your 100 feet with perfect maneuverability and don't lose your
base land speed. supernatural abilities while in this form). While in this
form, you are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and
Tooth and Claw: You gain a primary bite attack (at your full stunning, and gain other immunities provided by the
base attack bonus) and two primary claw attacks that do gaseous form spell. You cannot cast spells while this
damage as normal for your size (1d6 and 1d4, respectively, aspect is in effect. You can't combine this aspect with any
for a Medium druid). other aspect except for agility and endurance.
Improved Aspect (Su): At 6th level, you gain access to the
following aspects:
Initiate Spells: 3rd—greater magic fang, 4th—charm
Elemental Earth: Your body becomes stony and monster, 5th—animal growth, 6th—antilife shell, 7th
rocklike. While in this form, you are immune to poison, —blasphemy, 8th—mass charm monster, 9th—mass hold
sleep, paralysis, and stunning. You gain a slam attack that monster.
deals bludgeoning damage equal to a heavy mace (1d8 for Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Add magical beasts to the
Medium druids, 1d6 for Small druids). Your natural armor creature types listed.
bonus becomes +8 (replacing any other natural armor Bestial Bond (Sp): At 4th level, you can call out to the
bonus you have, though enhancement bonuses to natural savage powers of the wilds to aid you and your animal
armor still apply normally). You also gain damage companion. As a standard action, you can use aid, cure
reduction 10/+5 or adamantine. You cannot cast spells serious wounds, neutralize poison, or remove disease as a
while this aspect is in effect. You can't combine this aspect spell-like ability on any creature bound to you by your Mark of
with any other aspect except for physical prowess (and its the Wild ability.
improvements). Exotic Companion (Ex): At 6th level, you can have a
magical beast instead of an animal as a Bonded Companion
Elemental Fire: Your body bursts into flame. While in this (the CR limitations are the same). With the referee’s
form, you are immune to fire, poison, sleep, paralysis, and permission, certain aberrations might also be allowed. For
stunning. In addition, any creature struck by you in melee example, a 6th level Ashvawg tamer could select an Advanced
(whether with a weapon, unarmed attack, or natural worg or an ettercap (CR 3) as a bonded companion.
weapon) takes an extra 1d6 points of fire damage and Whatever your bonded companion’s actual type, it is affected
must succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire for 1d4 by your spells as if it were an Animal, however.
rounds. The save DC is 10 + half your class level + your Undying Bond (Sp): Starting at 8th level, add heal and
Con modifier. Creatures hitting you with natural weapons resurrection to the list of spell-like abilities duplicated by your
or unarmed attacks while this aspect is in effect take 1d6 bestial bond class feature (q.v.).
points of fire damage and also catch fire unless they Eyes of the Beast (Su): At 10th level, your companion’s
succeed on the Reflex save noted above. You also gain devotion bonus on saves against enchantments increases to
damage reduction 10/+5 or adamantine. You cannot cast an amount equal to half your class level. You may scry on any
spells while this aspect is in effect. You can't combine this of your bonded companions at will as if using the scrying
aspect with any other aspect except for physical prowess spell, except you need no focus or divine focus, and this ability
(and its improvements). requires only a move action to activate. You may view the area
Elemental Water: Your body becomes semi-fluid. While in around your companion, or see through its eyes and listen
this form, you gain a +8 racial bonus on Escape Artist through its ears.
checks, resistance to fire 10, and immunity to poison, Iron Claws (Su): At 12th level, your bonded companion(s)
steep, paralysis, and stunning. You gain a swim speed of and any creatures you summon with summon nature’s ally
90 feet and a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. Your touch gain DR/cold iron, to an amount equal to half your druid level
puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other (maximum DR 10/cold iron at 20th level). In addition, their
open flames of non-magical origin if these are Large or natural weapons are considered +3 weapons for the purpose
smaller. You can dispel magical fire you touch as if you of overcoming damage reduction.
had cast greater dispel magic on it. You also gain DR Savage Wild Shape (Su): Starting at 14th level, you can
10/adamantine. You cannot cast spells while this aspect is wild shape into the form of a magical beast (as per beast
in effect. You can't combine this aspect with any other shape IV) once per day. See the Wild Shape initiation (q.v.) for
aspect except for physical prowess (and its improvements). more details on wild shaping.
Numinous Hierophant (Ex): At 20th level, whenever you
Primal physical prowess: You gain a +14 enhancement cast a summon nature’s ally spell, you can automatically
bonus to your physical attribute scores, divided up as you Quicken or Empower the spell (your choice) without
see fit. You can select this up to three times, although the increasing the casting time and without using a higher-level
bonus to any one score cannot exceed +14. slot. Additionally, add magical beasts of the appropriate HD
and CR range to the lists of nature’s allies you can summon.
Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you become a
living aspect of nature. Your creature type becomes Fey, and
you gain damage reduction 5/cold iron. You can have up to
four aspects active at all times; you may change these at will
as a standard action.
Ashvawg Tamer
Many ashvawg tamers worship the demon queen Lamashtu,
although a few have discovered these baleful practices
independently. As they gain power, tamers can gain
monstrous animal companions, but they are far more limited
in wild shaping than are standard druids. This initiation
duplicates the variant druid of the same name, in Pathfinder
Adventure Path volume 5: “Sins of the Saviors.”
Miasma (Su): Also starting at 10th level, you gain a 5-ft.
Blighter aura; at the beginning of its turn, each creature within the
When a druid turns away from the land, the land turns miasma must succeed at a Fortitude save or become
away from him or her. Some druids make peace with this sickened for 1 round. A creature of the animal, fey, or plant
change; others seek to restore the bond. A few, however, type that fails its save is nauseated for 1 round and sickened
actually embrace their disconnection from growth and for 1 minute thereafter. If the creature makes its save, it is
become forces of destruction and decay. These few, called immune to this effect for 24 hours, as are creatures immune
blighters, leave their mark wherever they tread. This initiation to disease.
combines the prestige class of the same name (Complete Plaguebearer (Su): Starting at 12th level, any creature that
Divine) with the Blight Druid archetype from the Advanced strikes you with a touch attack, unarmed strike, or natural
Players Guide. weapon must succeed at a Fortitude save or contract a
Initiate Spells: 1st—bane or doom or inflict light wounds, disease, as the contagion spell. You can also inflict contagion
2 —death knell or defoliate, 3rd—animate dead animal, 4th
nd at will by touch.
—antiplant shell or blight, 5th—repel wood, 6th
Unbond (Su): Starting at 14th level, you can temporarily
—pestilenceBVD, 7th—fire storm, 8th—horrid wilting, 9th
sever the bond between an animal companion, familiar,
—wail of the banshee. Alternatively, choose one domain:
ranger’s favored weapon, etc. and its master as a full-round
Darkness, Cultist (Cyth-V’sug, Deskari, or Zuggtmoy), Death, action. The target must be within 60 ft. of both its master and
or Destruction; you gain Domain Access to that domain and you. If the master fails a Will save, the bond terminates as if
use that bonus spells list. the servitor had died or been destroyed. Normally hostile
Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Add vermin to the creature creatures attack their masters but are otherwise unaffected.
types listed. The bond returns after 1 minute per class level you possess,
Deforestation (Sp): You regain your spellcasting ability by restoring all benefits; or it can be restored before then by the
stripping the earth of life; a swath of deforested land always usual methods listed for that bond.
marks your path through the wilderness. Upon becoming a Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you are a living
blighter, you lose your green faith spellcasting feature and embodiment of decay. You gain an aura of disease; those
instead gain the ability to kill all non-sentient plant life within within 60 ft. must save vs. Fortitude or contract a disease of
a radius of 20 feet per blighter level as a full-round action your choice (select from those listed for the contagion spell).
once per day. If a potentially affected plant is under the In addition, wooden objects and structures are weakened in
control of another (such as a druid's liveoak or a dryad's this area, taking 1d6 points of structural damage per hour
home tree), the controller can make a Fortitude save to keep (this bypasses the hardness of the wood).
it alive. Except for plants saved by a controller, nothing can Corpselight Whisperer
grow in a deforested area until it has a hallow spell cast upon
it and it is reseeded. Deforestation enables you to regain your The bogs of the Bane Mires are stagnant and reek with the
daily allotment of spells. This ability works in any terrain, but stench of decay. But while they are a boundless well of
deforesting a sandy desert, ice floe, or other environment sickness and death, they are also part of nature, at least
with only sparse vegetation does not empower you to cast according to the merciless will-o-wisps that live there. There
spells. are few even among the druids who are willing to make their
Blighted Druid (Ex): Upon becoming a blighter, your Mark home in such an inhospitable land. But there are secrets to be
of the Wild ability works only on molds, fungi, and vermin. In learned, for those who with a keen ear and a light step. For
addition, your summon nature’s ally spells can no longer be while the corpse lights may share their secrets, they may also
used to call beings other than molds, fungi, and vermin. Your lead one into the fast bogs from which there is no escape.
speak with animals and speak with plants spell-like abilities ―Frank Trollman and “K,” The Tome of Necromancy
allow you to speak only with dead animals or plants. This is one of the more flavorful efforts from The Gaming
Blightfire [Reserve] (Sp): Also starting at 4th level, as a Den; this particular prestige class seemed like a good
standard action, you can invoke a 15-ft. cone of fire from your addition here, albeit somewhat shoehorned to fit the slightly
hands or a 10-ft. burst of fire surrounding you, dealing fire lower-power spellcaster options in these rules.
damage equal to 1d6 x the level of the highest-level spell you Prerequisites: A would-be corpselight whisperer must
have prepared (Reflex half). Flammable objects within the have chosen marshes and swamps as a favored terrain at 2nd
area catch on fire. level. His or her spontaneous summon nature’s ally V and
Sustenance (Su): Starting at 6th level, you no longer need higher-level spontaneous nature’s ally spells always summon
food and water to survive. one or more will-o’-the-wisps, according to the following table.
Undead Wild Shape (Su): Starting at 8th level, you gain
the ability to wild shape once per day (as the wild shaper Spell Number of Will-o’-Wisps
druid ability), but you take on an undead form, as by an Summon nature’s ally V 1
undead anatomy I spellUM. At 10th level, this improves to Summon nature’s ally VI 1d3
undead anatomy II; at 12th, to undead anatomy III, and at
16th to undead anatomy IV. At 12th, 16th, and 20th levels, you Summon nature’s ally VII 1d4+1
gain an additional daily use. Summon nature’s ally VIII 2d4+4
Blightblooded (Ex): At 10th level, you become immune to
[affliction] conditions (Chapter 1). Summon nature’s ally IX 3d6
You have normal access to the full list of nature’s allies when Prerequisite: You must survive the test of meat by allowing
preparing the spell; this restriction to will-o’-wisps applies a tyrannosaurus (or similar dinosaur) to swallow you whole.
only when casting one of the listed spells spontaneously You must then begin praying to the dinosaur god for
using your Mark of the Wild ability. acceptance. Each round you remain inside the dinosaur’s
Initiate Spells: 3rd—animate dead, 4th—solid fog, 5th gizzard, you suffer normal damage and must make a level
—insect plague, 6th—create undead, 7th--programmed image, check (modified by your Wisdom modifier; DC 20) to be
8th—create greater undead, 9th—shambler. heard by the dinosaur god. Failure indicates nothing happens,
Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Add undead to the creature but you may attempt the level check again next round.
types listed. Success indicates that the dinosaur god has heard your pleas
Wild Shape (Su): As the wild shaper druid class feature of and accepts you as a new cultist; the tyrannosaurus
the same name, but the form chosen must be appropriate to a immediately regurgitates you, cleans you off with its tongue,
marsh or swamp. then leaves you in peace to serve the dinosaur god.
Death Domain (Su): At 6th level, you gain Domain Access Initiate Spells: 3rd—Personal greater magic fang (can be
(Death domain) and the use of one Death domain feat or re-assigned if change shape), 4th—shout, 5th—righteous
granted power. You can also use dancing lights at will as a might, 6th—Extended bull’s (self only; +6 for 1 hour/level), 7th
spell-like ability. —animal shapes (dinosaurs), 8th—greater shout, 9th—
Terrible Nectar (Su): At 8th level you begin to gain summon nature’s ally IX (1d4+1 advanced tyrannosaurs).
sustenance from the terror of others. If you are within 60 feet Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): The save bonus applies against
of an intelligent creature that is affected by a fear effect, you the extraordinary abilities of dinosaurs.
need one less meal that day and can get by with 2 hours less Dinosaur Wild Shape (Su): At 4th level you gain wild
sleep (the effects do not stack for multiple victims). If such a shape (as the Wild Shaper druid class feature of the same
creature is killed while demoralized or under the influence of name), except your forms are limited to Medium or Small
a fear effect and within 60 feet of you, you do not need to eat dinosaurs (deinonychus, velociraptor, etc.). You can use this
or sleep that day at all. ability once per day per 4 class levels you possess (maximum
Plant Wild Shape (Su): At 10th level, you gain the ability 5/day at 20th level).
to wild shape into a Large plant once per day, per the plant Savagery (Ex): At 6th level, you gain 1 rank per class level
shape II spell. in Endurance as a class skill, and also gain Stamina Training
Hands of the Corpselight [Reserve] (Su): Like a will-o’- as a bonus feat. In addition, you suffer a –2 circumstance
wisp, a corpselight whisperer of 12th level can deliver penalty to Diplomacy checks, but gain a +2 circumstance
powerful electric shocks. Any touch or natural weapon attack bonus to Handle Animal checks against dinosaurs and to
you deliver also inflicts additional electricity damage (even if Bluff checks to demoralize. Your spells gain a +1 sacred
it would already inflict electricity damage) equal to 1d6 per 2 bonus to the save DCs when targeting dinosaurs.
levels of the highest-level spell you have prepared. Greater Dinosaur Wild Shape (Su): At 8th level, you can
Sanctum (Su): At 14th level, you gain Sanctum Spell as a use wild shape to change into a Large or Tiny dinosaur (as
bonus feat; it must apply to a place in a marshy setting beast shape II): compsognathus, dimetrodon, etc.
(generally a ramshackle shack, although this need not be the Superior Wild Shape (Su): At 10th level, you can use wild
case as long as the swamp setting is adhered to). shape to change into a Huge dinosaur (as beast shape III):
Bog's Heart (Su): At 16th level, you do not gain the allosaurus, ankylosaurus, elasmosaurus, triceratops, etc.
Timeless Body class feature. Instead, if you are killed, you are Primal Wild Shape (Su): At 12th level, you can use wild
reincarnated (as the spell) 1d10 days later in the middle of shape to change into a Gargantuan dinosaur (as beast shape
your designated sanctum, provided that no one has cut off III, but also with the Giant simple template): brachiosaurus,
access in the meantime (either by physically making the area kronosaurus, spinosaurus, tylosaurus, tyrannosaurus, etc.
into something other than a swamp, or through magic such Improved Savagery (Ex): At 14th level, you gain Diehard
as desecrate). Being reincarnated in this fashion does not as a bonus feat. In addition, you gain the scent special quality.
result in level loss. Unlike the normal spell effect, you return Finally, the sacred bonus to your spells’ save DCs against
with a new young adult body if you die by reaching your dinosaurs increases to +2.
maximum age. Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you gain the Ti-
Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you gain the Khana template, from the 3.0 edition Fiend Folio; this does
incorporeal wild shape ability; you can use your wild shape not change your effective character level.
ability to assume the form of an undead creature of the
[incorporeal] subtype, as if using an undead anatomy IVUM
Dinosaur Cultist
This initiation supersedes the prestige class of the same
name from Villains: Rebirth (Bastion Press).
Feral Child You have been trained in the ancient druidic tradition of the
Gatekeepers, founded originally to ward off an extraplanar
assault by aberrations (Eberron Campaign Setting). This
initiation also incorporates some of the abilities of the Green
Faith Acolyte (Paths of Prestige).
Initiate Spells: 1st—protection from evil, 2nd—zone of
natural purityECS, 3rd—dimensional anchor, 4th—nature’s
wrathECS, 5th—banishment, 6th—dimensional lock, 7th
—return to natureECS, 8th—mind blank, 9th—imprisonment.
Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Add aberrations to the creature
types listed.
Repel Aberration (Su): At 4th level, you gain the ability to
channel energy (as the cleric class feature), using your druid
level in place of your cleric level. Your channeled energy
damages aberrations and evil outsiders. In addition, any
creature taking full damage is held at bay, unable to move
This initiation represents toward you for as long as you maintain concentration. The
characters like Tarzan or Mowgli or Romulus and Remus, creature's actions are not otherwise restricted: it can fight
raised by animals in the wild. Along with the favored terrain other creatures, use its supernatural or spell-like abilities, or
class feature, it supersedes the human archetype of the same attack you with ranged weapons. If you move closer to it,
name from the Advanced Race Guide. nothing happens; the creature is not forced back. The
Prerequisite: You must have one or more bonded creature is free to make melee attacks against you if you
companions of the appropriate type. come within reach. If a repelled creature moves away from
Initiate Spells: 3rd—dominate animal, 4th—summon you and then tries to turn back toward you, it can't move any
nature's ally IV, 5th—beast shape III, 6th—antilife shell, 7th closer.
—animal shapes, 8th—summon nature's ally VIII, 9th— Hounds at the Gates (Su): At 6th level, any animal
summon nature’s ally IX. companion(s) gained through your Mark of the Wild ability
* Animals native to your favored terrain only. gain the following:
Native Cunning (Ex): At 4th level, you gain Alertness and
Dodge as bonus feats, and you gain 1 bonus rank in They share your saving throw bonuses against
Perception per class level. While in your favored terrain, you aberrations’ spell-like and supernatural abilities;
also gain the effects of Trapfinding (as the rogue skill talent). They gain the Eldritch Claws feat, using your druid level in
Native Fortitude (Ex): At 6th level you gain Fast Recovery place of their BAB (if higher);
as a bonus feat. You also apply your Alertness bonus as a
competence bonus to saving throws against [affliction], Their melee attacks gain the bane property against
[debilitation], and [fear] effects (Chapter 1). When in your aberrations. The +2 enhancement from this ability does
favored terrain, apply your favored terrain bonus instead (if not stack with the effective bonus from the Eldritch Claws
higher). feat.
Strength of the Wild (Ex): At 8th level, you gain a +2
inherent bonus to Strength and Constitution. These bonuses Invest Byeshk Weapon (Su): Starting at 8th level, as a
improve by +1 per 4 levels thereafter (maximum +5 at 20th swift action you can enable any weapon you wield to
level). overcome any form of damage reduction possessed by an
Extended Summoning (Su): Starting at 10th level, any aberration or evil outsider for 1 round. Additionally, any
summon nature's ally spells you use to summon animals that aberration struck by the weapon during this time is dazed for
are native to your favored terrain last twice the normal 1 round unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save.
duration, as if under the Extend Spell feat (but with no Aberration Banemagic (Su): At 10th level, you gain Bane
increase to spell level or casting time). Magic (aberrations and evil outsiders) as a bonus feat. You
Augmented Summoning (Su): At 12th level, any animals also gain Bane Magic against undead.
you summon that are native to your favored terrain gain the Slippery Mind (Ex): At 12th level, you gain Deep Intuition
effects of the Augmented Summoning feat, even if you do not and Iron Will as bonus feats, using your Concentration skill
meet the prerequisite. If you already have that feat, you in place of Bluff and Perception. Any bonded animal
instead gain Animal Devotion as a bonus feat, even if you do companion(s) gained through your Mark of the Wild also
not meet the prerequisite. share this ability.
Native Call (Su): Starting at 14th level, when you use Purifying Arc (Su): Starting at 14th level, your spells, spell-
summon nature's ally spells to summon animals native to like abilities, and supernatural abilities that damage
your favored terrain, those animals gain a +2 sacred bonus to aberrations also affect them as if by the Sickening Spell feat.
Strength and Constitution. This stacks with the effects of the Any aberration taking full damage from your repel aberration
Augmented Summoning feat. ability is nauseated for 1 round, in addition to the other
Numinous Hierophant (Sp): At 20th level, you can use effects.
shapechange at will to take the form of any creature native to
your favored terrain.

Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you are You sprout leaves and become photosynthetic (you can
constantly surrounded in a 20-ft. radius by a holy aura (as the subsist on 1 hour/day of sunlight in lieu of food, though
spell, but cannot be dispelled); aberrations and evil outsiders you still require the same amount of water as before).
are stunned instead of blinded. Your blood flows as slowly as tree sap (the speed at which
Geomancer progressive damage, such as that from wounding or
decomposition, affects you is halved).
This initiation supersedes the prestige class of the same
name from Complete Divine. Your eyes become as sharp as a rat's (you gain low-light
Prerequisite: At least 1 level in another spellcasting class. vision).
Initiate Spells: Bonus spells are gained according to those Your skin adapts like that of an octopus (you can change
for your other spellcasting class. color to blend with your surroundings, gaining a +4
Spell Versatility (Ex): Upon being initiated, you learn to enhancement bonus on Stealth checks).
blend divine and arcane magic. Your druid level provides
Weak theurgy towards your other spellcasting class, and vice
versa. You still acquire and prepare spells in the normal Stage 3 Drift (Ex): At 10th level, and again at 11th, you
manner for your individual spellcasting classes. When you gain one of the following:
cast them, however, you can mix or match spellcasting Deer antlers grow from your forehead (you gain a gore
parameters from any of your classes to gain the maximum attack for 1d6 damage).
possible advantage for any spell of 1st level or lower. Thus, as
a 4th level geomancer, you can cast any of your 1st level Thorns grow on your body (your unarmed attacks do
sorcerer/wizard spells with no chance of arcane spell failure piercing damage, and those striking you with natural
from armor. (The druidic prohibition against metal armor still weapons take 1d3 points of piercing damage per
applies to geomancers, however, since this stricture stems successful hit).
from a spiritual oath rather than a practical limitation.) If a You can constrict like a snake (you gain Improved Grapple
spell requires either an arcane material component or a as a bonus feat).
divine focus, you may use either. A geomancer who also has
levels of wizard, sorcerer, or bard can spontaneously summon You can spin a web like a spider (you can use your web to
nature’s ally (see Mark of the Wild) by sacrificing arcane snare prey as described in the giant spider entry in the
spells. Bestiary, but you cannot attack with it).
The maximum level of spell you can use your spell
versatility ability with increases by +1 per class level after the You sprout fish gills (you can breathe both water and air).
4th, subject to the maximum spell level you can cast. Your eyes become as sharp as an eagle's (you gain a +4
Stage 1 Drift (Ex): Drift represents your gradual enhancement bonus on Perception checks).
devolution into some other form. At 6th level, and again at 7th,
you gain one of the following: leopard spots or zebra stripes Your fingers grow talons (you gain Weapon Finesse and
appear on your body; you grow a cat's tail; you sprout feathers can make two claw attacks per round for 1d4 damage
(but not wings); your eyebrows become green and bushy; your each).
hair becomes a tangle of short vines; light, downy fur covers
your skin; your skin turns green and scaly; your touch causes Your mouth extends like a crocodile's (you gain a bite
flowers to wilt; your voice sounds like a dog's, though it is still attack for 1d6 damage).
intelligible. Your toes grow lionlike claws (you can make two rake
Stage 2 Drift (Ex): At 8th level, and again at 9th, you gain attacks for 1d4 damage each if you gain a hold on your
one of the following: target).
A small camel's hump grows on your back (you can go Stage 4 Drift (Ex): At 12th level, and again at 13th, you
without water for up to five days). gain one of the following:
You grow a coat of white fur like a polar bear's (you gain You grow an acid stinger like that of a giant ant (you can
Favored Terrain (arctic) as a bonus feat). sting for 1d4 piercing damage + 1d6 acid damage).
The pads of your feet become sticky, like those of a lizard You can trip like a wolf (you gain Improved Trip as a bonus
(you gain continuous spider climb). feat; this automatically activates on a successful bite
You become as swift as an elk (your land speed increases attack).
by +5 feet). You can rage similar to a wolverine (if you take damage,
You become as comely as a dryad (you gain a +4 you rage as a 1st level barbarian, or gain +1 effective level
enhancement bonus to Comeliness and on Diplomacy of any class you have that grants rage as a class feature,
checks). but only for determining the benefits of rage).
You become as graceful as a cat (you gain a +4 You gain a boar's ferocity (you gain Diehard as a bonus
enhancement bonus on Acrobatics checks.) feat and 1 free rank per class level in Endurance).
Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you learn the
You can grab like a bear (you gain Improved Grapple as secrets of spell synthesis. Once per day, you can cast one
a bonus feat; it activates automatically on a successful druid spell and one arcane spell using one action (total). Both
claw attack). of the spells must have the same casting time. You can make
any decisions concerning the spells independently.
You can pounce like a leopard (you gain Skirmish as a
bonus feat). Greenbond Initiate
Your hands become as strong as a gorilla's (you gain a +2 The greenbond initiate simulates the Greenbond base class
sacred bonus on Strength checks to break objects). from Arcana Unearthed (Malhavoc Press).
Initiate Spells: Upon gaining this initiation, you gain
Your jaw becomes as powerful as a weasel's (you can Domain Access (Healing); your initiate bonus spells are
attach to an opponent with a successful bite and inflict chosen from the list of Healing domain spells.
1d3 points of damage per round until unattached. Infuse with Life (Su): At 4th level, you gain Domain
However, you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while Channeling (healing) and any one other Healing domain feat
attached). or granted power.
You can fire an ink cloud as a squid does (in water, you can Bond with the Green (Su): At 6th level, in a four-hour
emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 ft. on a side once per ritual that you conducts in your favored terrain, you gain an
minute as a free action; this provides total concealment intuitive sense of the condition of the land—a literal bond
and those within the cloud suffer the effects of total with the Green. This means that if an area of your favored
darkness). terrain is harmed in any way (for instance, a forest fire, a
famine, or a disease) within one mile per class level, you
Your nose becomes as sensitive as a hound's (You gain the become aware of it and gains a general understanding of
scent special quality). what is happening. If you succeed at a DC 25 Concentration
check, you gain more details, such as distance and direction.
Stage 5 Drift (Ex): At 14th level, and again at 15th, you In order for an event to trigger the bond, it must affect an
gain one of the following: area at least 100 yards across or involving at least 25
creatures or large plants (such as trees). Natural, daily events,
You grow a unicorn horn (you gain a +4 sacred bonus on such as predators hunting, do not alert you. For example, if a
saves vs. poison, and a gore attack for 1d8 damage). bestial cyclops band is hacking down trees to burn in a huge
Feathered or batlike wings grow from your back (you gain pyre, a 7th level druid four miles away becomes alerted once
a fly speed of 60 feet). they chop down about 25 trees. All the druid knows is that
numerous trees are dying rapidly. If he or she succeeds at the
You can curl into a spiny ball like a hedgehog (when concentration check, the appoximate distance and direction
curled, you gain a +4 natural armor bonus to AC, but you are revealed. The druid still does not know specifically that
may not move or attack; curling or uncurling is a move the cyclops band is the culprit.
action) Speak With Nature Spirits (Su): Starting at 8th level,
your bond allows you to speak with the spirit of a tree, a
You are as graceful as a pixie (you gain a +2 sacred bonus brook, the air, or any other part of nature that you touch.
on Reflex saves). Once per day, you can ask a spirit a question that requires an
You gain the tremorsense of an earthworm (you gain answer of up to one word per class level or a series of yes/no
tremorsense 30 ft.). questions (one per class level). Only natural things have
spirits you can speak with—wood made into a door or water
Your canine teeth exude poison (if you hit with a bite in a fountain usually has lost its spirit. The spirit is not
attack, your target must make a Fortitude save against omniscient. It knows all observable facts about its
poison: injury, Fortitude save, damage 1d2 Dex/round for surroundings, and can answer any such question with 100
6 rounds; cure 2 saves). percent accuracy. For example, if you asked the spirit of a
river if any people on horseback had crossed it in the last
Your senses become as sharp as a bat's (you gain three days, it would be able to answer the question. A spirit's
blindsense 30 ft.). surroundings are never more than a 300-ft. radius, however—
Your feet extend to elephantine width (you gain Improved a river miles long has many spirits. A spirit has a 75 percent
Overrun and Vital Strike as bonus feats and can make chance, plus 1 percent per class level you possess, to know
trample attacks). the answer to a question about things farther afield, such as,
“Is the dragon still over the next hill?” It never knows the
You can move like a cheetah (once per hour, you can take a answer to a question pertaining to the future or to the
charge action to move ten times your normal speed). thoughts of another: “Can I defeat the dragon in battle?” or
Your skin becomes tree bark (your natural armor bonus to “Does the dragon know I'm here?” To convince the spirit to
AC increases by +1). give an answer, you must make a Diplomacy check. A failed
check might result in no answer, or it might result in a lie
(DM's discretion). The check's Difficulty Class depends on the
type of spirit, per the following table:
Spirit Type Diplomacy DC Holt Warden
Water 10 You draw on the inherent spiritual power of nature and make
that power accessible to the larger spiritual community.
Wood 15 Above all else, you are a spiritual seeker and guide. This
Air 18 initiation is based on the prestige class of the same name
Animal 20
from Complete Champion, and includes some abilities of the
Nature Warden from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Stone 30 Initiate Spells: 3rd—protection from energy, 4th—spike
stones, 5th—hallow, 6th—liveoak, 7th—heal, 8th
Speak with Nature Spirits, Greater (Su): Starting at 10th —antipathy/sympathy, 9th—refuge.
level, you can talk freely with nature spirits, asking any Mystic Harmony (Su): At 4th level, you gain the Terrain
number of questions with any types of answers. Also, spirits Defense feat (see Ranger).
can talk with one another and relay answers back to you; the Guardian of the Green (Ex): Starting at 6th level, you can
range of awareness is expanded to one mile from any edge of use Swift divine favor at will as a spell-like ability. You can use
a particular geographic feature (forest, plain, mountain range, this ability only when in a natural setting; it cannot be used in
river, swap, or ocean, for example). cities, dungeons, etc.
Nature’s Gift (Su): Starting at 12th level, at will as a Earth's Communion (Sp): At 8th level, you learn to heal
standard action you can draw on the power of nature and and replenish yourself and others by communing with the
infuse it within yourself. You must be touching something earth once per day. At the end of 10 full minutes of
solid and natural (the ground, a bit of unworked stone, a concentration, you are affected as if by a heal spell. If you so
plant, an animal, or a beast) to activate this ability. You gain a choose, you can allow others to sit with you in a circle,
sacred bonus equal to half your class level that you can add to holding hands, during your communion. In that case, you can
any one d20 roll you make per round; this lasts for 1 round choose to divide the hit points and other benefits provided by
per 4 class levels you possess. Alternatively, you can impart your communion among the people in the circle. Each other
some or all of this gift to any allies you touch, giving each a benefit of the heal spell can affect only one person in the
portion of the bonus as you decide, with the same duration circle, at your discretion. Thus, only one person can be cured
and 1/round usage. of blindness, and so forth. You do not gain the advantages of
Plant Bond (Ex): At 14th level, the greenbond undergoes a any healing benefits that you distribute to others.
three-day solitary trek into the wilderness, eating and You can use this ability twice per day at 10th level, three
drinking nothing other than special herbs and water. This times per day at 12th level, and four times per day at 14th
experience increases your bond with the Green so that plants level.
surrounding you infuse into your body. From that point on, Guarded Lands (Ex): At 10th level, you may designate an
you are no longer considered a humanoid (or whatever type area as your guarded lands, allowing you to treat it as favored
you are), but a plant. Anything that specifically does not harm terrain with a bonus of +1 per 2 druid levels you possess (if
plants will not harm you (including most mind-affecting spells the terrain of the area is already favored terrain, the bonuses
and effects). overlap, and do not stack). The area must be no larger than 1
Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, the fusion with square mile, and you must spend 24 hours carefully studying
plants that occurred at 14th level becomes so complete that the entire area. You may also designate one creature type as a
your anatomy changes to resemble a plant’s. Your skin takes favored enemy within those guarded lands, gaining a favored
on a greenish sheen, and you become immune to sneak enemy bonus against the creature type of +1 per 4 druid
attacks and critical hits. You can take the shape of a tree as a levels you possess; this stacks with any favored enemy bonus
standard action, if standing on solid ground where a tree you already have against that type of creature (if any).
could potentially grow. There is no way to determine that the Allies who can see and hear you gain an initiative bonus
tree is actually other than what it seems—even magic does equal to half your favored terrain bonus for that terrain. You
not reveal you to be anything but the tree you appear to be. may have a number of guarded lands equal to your Wisdom
While a tree, you cannot move or take actions other than to bonus (minimum 1). When you reach your maximum number
cast spells or use abilities that affect only you. For example, of guarded lands, you can select a new guarded land by
you could cast barkskin on yourself while you were a tree or abandoning an existing one and performing the ritual for a
use infuse with life upon yourself. None of this requires new area.
movement of any kind on your part. Whispers of the Forest (Sp): Starting at 12th level, the
You must root himself in natural earth and take on the form spirits of plants, trees, and rocks speak to you, bringing you
of a tree for eight hours each day rather than sleeping. During news. These voices give you a short answers to any simple
this time, you remain completely aware of your surroundings question you pose pertaining to current events in the area, as
and can change back as a move action. The eight hours need an augury spell. When in your favored terrain, the effect
not be consecutive. Due to this transformation, you need only improves to be equal to a divination spell. Questions about
sunlight, water, and the touch of the earth to sustain you. You distant events require 1 minute per mile of distance to
no longer require sleep, air, or food. answer. At the referee's discretion, when the forest deems an
issue important, the whispers bring you news without your
request. This supersedes the Forest Reeve’s “whispers of the
forest” prestige class feature, from Complete Champion, and
the Spirit Ranger’s spirit bond and wisdom of the spirits
variant class features from the Advanced Player’s Guide.

Holt Warden
Web of Life (Sp): At 14th level, you can lead your Moonlight Summons (Ex): Starting at 10th level, all
community in spiritual union with the interconnected web of summon nature’s ally spells you cast last twice their normal
all life. Once per day, when you sing, chant, or speak duration (as if by the Extend Spell feat, but with no increase
inspiringly for at least 1 full minute, every living creature that in spell level or casting time). In addition, the creatures you
hears your voice gains a +2 bonus to Wisdom for the next ld4 summon with them shed light as a light spell, are immune to
hours. In addition, each divine spellcaster who hears you, confusion and sleep effects, and their natural weapons are
including yourself, gains back ld4 levels of spells (up to four treated as silver for the purposes of overcoming damage
lst level spells, two 2nd level spells, one 3rd level and one 1st reduction.
level, or one 4th level spell). These regained spells must be You treat the planar ally spells as if they were on the druid
spells you've cast since you last prepared spells. No class list.
spellcaster can be affected by this spell-regaining ability more Improved Natural Attacks (Ex): At 12th level, all of your
than once per day, even if it is activated by multiple holt natural attacks (including unarmed attacks and any natural
wardens. attacks gained in wild shape) gain the effects of the Improved
Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, the spirits of Natural Attack feat. In addition, you and your animal
the forest constantly whisper news to you; your whispers of companion(s), if any, gain Eldritch Claws as a bonus feat.
the forest ability is continually active. Additionally, the spirits Improved Wild Shape (Su): At 14th level, you gain
give you insights into other beings. Once per day, you can ask improved wild shape, as a 6th level wild shaper druid (animal
the voices of the forest about a single creature. For the rest of forms only). In addition, if you have levels in lycanthrope
that day, you gain a +10 insight bonus on all Bluff and (Chapter 2), your druid levels above 12th provide Weak
Diplomacy checks pertaining to that creature. Again, at the synergy towards your hybrid form’s abilities (maximum +4
referee's discretion, the forest might occasionally volunteer effective levels, at 20th level).
information about a person or creature, but only if it Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you are at home
considers the being remarkable in some way. in the Dreamlands. You longer need to sleep, although you
can still regain spells only once per day (at moonrise). You are
Moonspeaker immune to sleep effects, fatigue, exhaustion, and hostile
This initiation is adapted from the prestige class of the transmutation effects.
same name, from Races of Eberron. Naga Aspirant
Initiate Spells: 3rd—deep slumber, 4th—moonstruckAPG,
5 —dream or moon pathFR, 6th—bite of the werebearSC or
th The naga aspirant follows the ancient beliefs and engages
lunar revelationRRO, 7th—insanity or waxing healthRRO, 8th in the rituals of a druidic sect dedicated to the transcendence
—were-doomBVD, 9th—gate. of his or her form through absolute devotion to nagas and
Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Add creatures with the naga gods. Through acting as a herald to the naga deities, the
[shapechanger] subtype to the list. aspirant is rewarded with the ability to unlock his or her
Augmented Summons (Su): Upon being initiated, you ultimate spirit form and become a true naga. This initiation is
gain Spell Focus (Conjuration) and Augment Summoning as taken from the Advanced Race Guide.
bonus feats. In addition, add the following to your possible Initiate Spells: Upon being initiated, you gain Domain
summons lists: summon nature’s ally IV—yeth hound; Access (Scalykind domain); initiate spells are selected from
summon nature’s ally V—bralani azata or nightmare; the list for that domain.
summon nature’s ally VI—lillend azata, hellcat, or invisible Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Add creatures with the
stalker; summon nature’s ally VII—nymph. [reptilian] subtype, including naga, dragons, etc., to the list of
Lunar Resistances (Ex): At 6th level, you gain a the creature types.
following blessings from the moons: Naga Magic (Sp): Upon being initiated, add the following
arcane spells to your druid spell list: 0--acid splash, bleed,
Blessing of Luna: You gain damage reduction 1/silver. daze, mage hand, open/close, ray of frost; 1st—charm person,
This increases by 1 hp per class level thereafter, to a divine favor, expeditious retreat, mage armor, magic missile,
maximum of DR 15/silver at 20th level. ray of enfeeblement, shield, shield of faith, silent image, true
strike; 2nd—acid arrow, detect thoughts, invisibility, mirror
Blessing of Celene: You gain resistance 5 to one energy image, scorching ray, see invisibility; 3rd—dispel magic,
type (choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative displacement, fireball, lightning bolt, suggestion; 4th—divine
energy, or sonic). For every 2 levels thereafter, this power, greater invisibility.
resistance increases by 5. At 18th level, you are immune. Naga Shape (Su): At 6th level, you can wild shape once per
At 14th level, choose a second energy type from the list. day into the form of a true naga. When taking naga form, your
You gain resistance 5 to that energy type; this also body transforms into that of a large serpent and you lose your
increases by 5 per 2 levels thereafter (maximum limbs, though you keep your own head. Your size increases by
resistance 20 at 20th level). one category, granting you a +4 size bonus to Strength and
Constitution, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity, and a +2
enhancement bonus to natural armor. You gain a +10 ft.
Wild Shape (Su): At 8th level, you gain wild shape (as the enhancement bonus to land speed and a bite attack that deals
4 level wild shaper druid initiation ability). This ability does 1d6 points of damage. You can cast verbal spells in this form,
not automatically improve, however, except as noted below. but cannot cast spells with other components without
metamagic or feats such as Natural Spell.
Augmented Form (Su): At 8th, 10th, 12th, and 14th levels Oakheart Adept (Ex, Sp): Starting at 4th level, you gain
(each), you can choose one of the following abilities to Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization (quarterstaff) as
enhance your naga form. Once chosen, this augmentation bonus feats. Any wooden club or quarterstaff you wield is
cannot be changed and always applies to your naga form. treated as if it were under the effects of a shillelagh spell;
Charming Gaze (Sp): You gain a gaze attack that affects treat this as a continuous spell-like ability with a caster level
creatures within 30 feet as a charm person spell (Intuition equal to your druid caster level. If dispelled, you can recreate
negates). the effect as a swift action.
Foot Sweep (Ex): Starting at 6th level, you gain Improved
Guarded Thoughts (Ex): You gain Arcane Defense Trip with the quarterstaff, and treat the quarterstaff as if it
(enchantment) as a bonus feat, and immunity to any form had the trip weapon property. You also gain Improved Two-
of mind reading (such as detect thoughts). Weapon Fighting (quarterstaff only) as a bonus feat.
Improved Staff Fighting (Ex): At 8th level, you gain Two-
Hypnosis (Su): Once per day, by weaving and coiling your Weapon Defense and Pulverize Foe (quarterstaff) as bonus
body as a standard action, you can force all creatures feats, even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
within 30 ft. to make a Will save to avoid becoming Magic Staff (Sp): At 10th level, any quarterstaff you wield
fascinated. You can maintain this fascination effect as long is treated as if it were under the effects of the greater magic
as you concentrate; fascinated creatures follow you if you weapon and weapon of impactMF spells (both ends). Treat
move, as long as you maintain the effect by concentrating. these as continuous spell-like abilities. If dispelled, you can
Naga’s Senses (Su): You gain darkvision 60 ft. and can use renew the effects as a swift action.
detect thoughts at will. Stunning Jab (Ex): At 12th level, you gain Sickening Strike
and Staggering Strike as bonus feats; these can be applied
Poison Immunity (Ex): You gain immunity to all poisons. only to attacks made with a quarterstaff.
Blur of Oak (Ex): At 14th level, you gain Crushing Blow
Poisonous Sting (Ex): You grow a stinger on the end of and Two-Weapon Strike as bonus feats; these can be applied
your tail, dealing 1d6 piercing damage plus poison (injury; only to attacks made with a quarterstaff. You also gain
Fortitude save; frequency 1 round; effect sleep for 2d4 Superior Two-Weapon fighting (as the Fighter talent of the
minutes; cure 1 save). same name) with the quarterstaff.
Spit Venom (Ex): You can spit venom up to 30 feet as a Numinous Hierophant (Ex): At 20th level, you gain
standard action. This is a ranged touch attack with no weapon mastery with the quarterstaff, as the fighter’s
range increment. Any opponent hit by this attack must capstone feature of the same name. When wielding a
make a successful save (see above) to avoid the effect. You quarterstaff, you automatically confirm all critical threats, and
must already have a poisonous bite to gain this ability. gain a critical multiplier of x4 rather than x3. You cannot be
disarmed while wielding a quarterstaff.
Water Scales (Ex): Your enhancement bonus to natural
armor increases by +2. You also gain a swim speed equal Ooze Master
to your base land speed, and a +4 racial bonus to Escape This initiation supersedes the prestige class of the same
Artist checks. name from Masters of the Wild.
Venomous Bite (Ex): Your bite attack becomes poisonous. Prerequisite: You must have chosen Underground as your
Bite—injury; Fortitude save; damage 1 Con/round for 6 favored terrain in order to select this initiation.
rounds; cure 1 save. Initiate Spells: 3rd—resinous skinUC, 4th—touch of
slimeUM, 5th—fluid formAPG, 6th—ooze shape II or tar
Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you poolUC, 7th—slime waveCD, 8th—skeletal delequescenceMF,
metamorphose into a unique naga. Your wild shape form 9th—quagmire vortexWotC.
becomes your natural form, though you can transform into From Quid Novi, XIII:I (Spes Magna Games).
your original shape at will. Your creature type permanently Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Add oozes to the creature types
changes to aberration, and you stop aging. listed. In addition, you gain resistance to acid 5; this
resistance improves by an additional 5 points per 2 class
Oakheart Initiate levels thereafter.
This initiation represents the fighting style of the same name, Friend to Oozes (Ex): Upon being initiated, you treat
from The Quintessential Druid (Mongoose Publishing). oozes as if they were animals for purposes of your Wild
Prerequisite: You must have the Oakheart Brother option Empathy ability, and you can select oozes instead of animals
(see Weapon and Armor Proficiencies, above) to gain this as Bonded Companions. You add the following choices to
initiation, which further expands on your abilities with the your summon nature’s ally choices: II—giant amoeba; III—
quarterstaff in the form of spell-like abilities and bonus feats garden ooze, slime mold; IV—gelatinous cube, gray ooze,
(for which you do not need to meet the prerequisites). slithering tracker; V—globster, ochre jelly; VI—black
Initiate Spells: 3rd—magic vestment, 4th—divine power, pudding; IX—carnivorous blob.
5 —righteous might, 6th—spellstaff, 7th—changestaff, 8th—
persistent bull’s strength (self only; +10 enhancement bonus
for 24 hours), 9th—crushing hand.
Touch of Ooze [Reserve] (Su): At 6th level, you gain a melee Thunder Strike (Su): Starting at 6th level, all of your
touch attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity; it melee attacks are treated as if you were wielding a shock
deals acid damage equal to 1d6 points per level of the weapon (+1d6 electrical). thundering weapon At 10th level, all
highest-level druid spell you have prepared and uncast. This melee attacks you make are treated as if they had the
damage is dealt automatically to any creature you grapple. thundering property (+2d6 sonic and deafness as a [strike]
Any melee attack you make also deals +1d6 acid damage. effect; Fort negates). At 14th level, all melee attacks you make
Indiscernible Anatomy (Ex): At 8th level, you gain light are treated as if you were wielding a thundering shocking
fortification, providing a 25% chance to ignore the effects of burst weapon.
critical hits, sneak attacks, and Vital Strikes. This improves Frightful Presence (Ex): At 8th level, you gain the ability to
to 50% at 12th level, 75% at 16th level, and 100% at 20th level. frighten opponents whenever you attack or charge.
Malleability (Su): Starting at 10th level, you can compress Opponents within 30 ft. become shaken for 4d6 rounds (Will
your body enough to squeeze through an inch-wide crack. You save negates). This ability affects only opponents with fewer
cannot expand inside a space that offers any resistance, such Hit Dice or levels than you have. An opponent that succeeds
as an occupied suit of armor. You gain a competence bonus to on the saving throw is immune your frightful presence for 24
Escape Artist checks equal to half your class level. hours. Frightful presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Paralyzing Touch (Su): Starting at 12th level, any living Improved Storm Resistances (Ex): At 10th level, your
creature that takes damage from your touch of ooze must storm resistances improve. You gain resistance to electricity
succeed at a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1 round per 20 and sonic 20, and the insight bonus on Reflex saves
rank in Concentration you possess. increases to +2. You can see through 60 feet of fog, mist, etc.
Ooze Limbs (Ex): Starting at 14th level, you can extend Improved Initiative: At 12th level, you gain Improved
your limbs like pseudopodia, increasing your reach by 5 ft. In Initiative as a bonus feat.
addition, your hands and feet become sticky at will, giving you Greater Storm Resistances (Ex): At 14th level, your storm
a continuous spider climb effect. Finally, you gain the ability resistances improve again. You gain resistance to electricity
to spit gobs of acid, allowing you to use your touch of ooze 30 and sonic 30, and the insight bonus on Reflex saves
ability as a ranged touch attack. increases to +3. Finally, you become immune to natural and
Numinous Hierophant (Ex): At 20th level, you are as slimy magical wind effects, and can see through any distance of fog
as the creatures you favor. Your type changes to Ooze. You and mist.
gain blindsight 100 ft. and become immune to acid, flanking, Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, your being is
poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, all mind-influencing effects, infused with the power of storms. You are immune to
and baleful polymorph. electricity and sonic effects, and gain a +4 insight bonus to all
You also gain the ability to engulf creatures in your path. Reflex saves. All melee attacks you make are treated as if you
You merely have to move over opponents, affecting as many were using a thundering lightning blast weapon (+3d6
as you can cover. Targeted creatures can make attacks of electrical damage, which multiplies on a confirmed critical).
opportunity against you, but if they do so, they are not entitled
to a saving throw against the engulf attack. Those who do not Spirit Shaman
attempt attacks of opportunity can attempt a Reflex save to Migizi was familiar with the Manitou, enough to recognize
avoid being engulfed―on a success, they are pushed back or and put a name to all the mysteries, great and small. Some
aside (target's choice) as you move forward. Engulfed came―wind shadows and small thunders―for the smoke of
opponents gain the pinned condition, begin suffocating, are the tobacco Migizi offered from his spirit pipe: they told him
trapped within your body until they are no longer pinned, and secrets in return. Others came only to watch, though they,
are subject to your touch of ooze and paralyzing touch too, would accept his tobacco.
abilities each round they remain pinned. ―Charles deLint, Spiritwalk (1992)

Order of Storms A druid with the Spirit Shaman initiation supersedes the
Spirit Shaman base class, from Complete Divine.
This initiation represents the Storm Druid described in Initiate Spells: 3rd—remove curse or speak with dead, 4th
Dragon magazine, issue 328; it also supersedes the Storm —dismissal, 5th—dispel evil/good/law/chaos, 6th—planar
Druid archetype from Ultimate Magic. binding or undeath to death, 7th—banishment, 8th—mind
Initiate Spells: Upon being initiated, you gain Domain blank, 9th--etherealness.
Access (Weather domain); initiate spells are selected from Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Add oni, outsiders, incorporeal
that domain list. creatures, and creatures in astral or ethereal form or with
Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Add spells, spell-like, and astral or ethereal bodies.
supernatural abilities with the [electricity] and/or [sonic] Spirit Guide (Su): You can use unallocated leadership
descriptors. potential from your Mark of the Wild ability to gain a spirit
Storm Resistances (Ex): You are immune to deafness, guide, an incorporeal familiar (see Wizard). Your effective
gain resistance to electricity 10 and sonic 10, and receive a wizard level is equal to twice the CR of Leadership potential
+1 insight bonus on Reflex saves. The penalties from natural you devote to the spirit guide.
or magical wind effects are treated as one step less severe for
you. Finally, you can see through 10 feet of magical fog, mist,
gas, wind, rain, or similar inclement weather conditions,
ignoring any concealment it might grant.
Chastise Spirits (Su): At 4th level, you gain the ability to Green Magic (Su): The Verdant Lord initiation confers a
chastise spirits (undead, fey, elementals, oni, and creatures in number of plant-related abilities on you:
astral form or with astral bodies). This works similarly to You are treated as if continuously under the effects of a
channeling negative energy to damage living creatures, speak with plants spell.
except only the listed creature types are affected. Damage is
not reduced for incorporeal spirits. You may use this ability a You gain 1 free rank per class level in Profession
number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. (horticulture).
This ability counts as channeling energy for purposes of
qualifying you for channeling feats. Your spells that normally affect only animals also work on
Ghost Warrior (Su): Beginning at 6th level, you gain Ghost plants.
Strike as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the You gain any one Plant domain feat or granted power.
prerequisites. For purposes of determining the effects of this
feat, use your number of ranks in Concentration in place of
your base attack bonus. In addition, when you are personally Plant Master (Su): At 6th level, you gain Domain
on the ethereal plane, add your Wisdom modifier as an Channeling (Plant Domain) as a bonus feat. You can also use
insight bonus to your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution plant growth at will as a spell-like ability.
scores. Plant Immunities (Ex): At 8th level, you gain Arcane
Blessing of the Spirits (Sp): Starting at 8th level, you can Defense (enchantment) and are immune to sleep, paralysis,
perform a special rite to gain the blessings of spirits friendly and stunning. Given water and sunlight, you no longer need
to you. You go into a meditative state in which you travel to food.
the spirit world. Performing this rite requires 10 minutes. Animate Tree (Sp): At 10th level, you gain the ability to
The blessing functions as a protection from evil or magic cause trees to uproot themselves and attack your enemies.
circle against evil spell, except that it protects against spirits You can use liveoak as a spell-like ability once per day.
and lasts until dismissed or dispelled. Treant Wild Shape (Su): At 12th level, you can wild shape
Spirit Form (Sp): At 10th level, you learn to temporarily into a treant once per day. This works like a wild shaper
transform yourself into a spirit. Once per day as a standard druid’s primal wild shape ability (as a plant shape III spell).
action, you can become ethereal for up to 1 round per class Because a treant has a voice and manipulative appendages,
level, as if by an ethereal jaunt spell. Starting at 15th level, you you can cast spells normally while in treant wild shape.
can use this ability twice per day; at 20th level, you can Fast Healing (Ex): Starting at 14th level, you gain fast
assume spirit form 3 times per day. healing 5 as long as you are in sunlight or the equivalent
Greater Chastise (Su): Starting at 12th level, you can use (such as the effects of a daylight spell). Your need to eat and
your chastise spirits ability (q.v.) to affect any creature with a sleep are reduced as if you were wearing a ring of
spirit or soul. sustenance.
Recall Spirit (Sp): At 14th level, you gain the ability to call Numinous Hierophant (Ex): At 20th level, your type
back the spirit of a dead creature before it has arrived at its changes to Plant. You gain low-light vision, are immune to
planar destination. To be effective, this ability must be used poison, polymorph, critical hits, and mind-influencing effects.
within 1 round of the victim’s death. It functions like You no longer suffer penalties for aging and cannot be
resurrection, except that the raised creature receives no level magically aged. Any aging penalties you may already have
loss, no Constitution loss, and no loss of spells. Resurrection suffered, however, remain in place. Your life span is extended
survival checks apply as usual. The creature is restored to –1 by a thousand years, like an old sequoia.
hp and stabilized.
Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you become one Vermiurge
with the spirit world. Your creature type becomes Fey. You This option draws from the Vermin Lord prestige class from
gain damage reduction 5/cold iron. You also learn to perform the Book of Vile Darkness and the Master of Flies from
a special rite that bargains part of your life force for Savage Species.
protection from death. The rite requires 8 hours; after its Initiate Spells: Upon being initiated, you gain Domain
conclusion, the first time you are reduced to 0 hp or below, or Access (Vermin domain) as a bonus feat. Your initiate bonus
have any ability damaged or drained to 0 or below, you spells are chosen from the list of Vermin domain spells, and
instantly receive the benefits of a heal spell. You receive this your spontaneous summon nature’s ally spells always
benefit immediately, as the damage takes effect; you may thus summon swarms or vermin.
survive an otherwise fatal blow. The rite’s protection is Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Add vermin to the creature
discharged once it is triggered, and you must perform a new types listed.
rite to gain this protection again. Master of Vermin (Su): At 4th level, you gain the Vermin
Heart feet (see Appendix). You treat vermin as if they were
Verdant Lord animals with Intelligence 2 for purposes of your spell
This initiation mirrors the prestige class of the same name targeting and effects (this includes spells with the mind-
from Masters of the Wild, and also subsumes the Treesinger affecting descriptor). In addition, you gain and use vermin
druid from the Advanced Race Guide. domain powers at your full class level (rather than at a
Initiate Spells: Upon being initiated, you gain Domain reduced number of ranks in Knowledge: the planes; see
Access (Plant domain); your initiate bonus spells are chosen Domain Access feat). You also gain immunity to webs,
from the list of Plant domain spells. including the web spell.
Cloak of Vermin (Su): Also starting at 4th level, you are Wild Shape (Su): Starting at 4th level, you gain the
constantly surrounded by a 5-ft. radius swarm of Diminutive [shapechanger] subtype and the ability to turn yourself into
biting, flying insects. Those within the area (except you) are any Small or Medium animal and back again once per day.
subject to being attacked by the swarm (damage 1d6 per 4 Your options for new forms include all creatures with the
class levels you possess, plus distraction). Your cloak of animal type that could reasonably be found in your favored
vermin has Hit Dice equal to your druid level, and uses your terrain (an arctic druid could become a lynx, but not a jaguar).
Constitution modifier, AC, and saving throws. If your This ability functions like a beast shape I spell, except as
attendant vermin swarm is destroyed, it recovers at the rate of noted here. The effect lasts for 1 hour per druid level, or until
1 effective druid level per day. you change back. Changing form (to animal or back) is a
Venomous Vermin (Ex): Starting at 6th level, your cloak of standard action and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.
vermin is poisonous (injury; Fortitude save; damage 1d2 Dex The form chosen must be that of an animal with which you
per round for 1 round per 3 class levels; cure 1 save). are familiar.
Swarm Armor (Ex): Starting at 8th level, the insects You lose your ability to speak while in animal form because
swarming around you provide you with a natural armor you are limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained animal
bonus of +1 per 4 class levels. In addition, half of all damage can make, but you can communicate normally with other
inflicted on you by targeted attacks is taken by your cloak of animals of the same general grouping as your new form. The
vermin instead. normal sound a wild parrot makes is a squawk, so changing
Verminsight (Su): Starting at 10th level, your growing hive to this form does not permit speech.
mind with flying insects alerts you to danger. You gain the All of your gear melds into your body. Items that provide
equivalent of blindsense with a range of 5 ft. per class level constant bonuses and do not need to be activated continue to
you possess. function while melded in this way (with the exception of
Swarm Shape (Su): Starting at 12th level, you can wild armor and shield bonuses, which cease to function). Items
shape (as a wild shaper druid) at will into one or more that require activation cannot be used while you maintain
swarms. This works as the swarm skinUM spell. that form.
Hive Mind (Su): Starting at 14th level, you can form a hive You can use this ability an additional time per day at 6th
mind with up to one willing ally per 3 class levels you level and every two levels thereafter, for a total of eight times
possess. Those affected are in constant telepathic at 18th level. At 20th level, you can use wild shape at will.
communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, you all Improved Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, you can use wild
are. If one in the group is not flat-footed, none of you are. shape to change into a Large or Tiny animal (as beast shape
None of the members of the group are considered flanked II) or a Small elemental (as elemental body I).
unless all of you are. You can activate this ability once per day Greater Wild Shape (Su): At 8th level, you can use wild
as a full-attack action that provokes attacks of opportunity; shape to change into a Huge or Diminutive animal (as beast
the effect lasts for up to 1 hour. Starting at 18th level, you can shape III), a Medium elemental (as elemental body II), or a
use it twice per day. Small or Medium plant creature (as plant shape I).
Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, you gain the Superior Wild Shape (Su): At 10th level, you can use wild
Worm that Walks template (Bestiary 2), with no increase to shape to change into a magical beast (as beast shape IV), a
your CR. If gravely threatened, you can discorporate as a free Large elemental (as elemental body III) or a Large plant
action, simply falling into a pile of individual vermin that creature (as plant shape II).
slither quickly away. So long as any of the component vermin Primal Wild Shape (Su): At 12th level, you can use wild
survive, they can breed and create a new body to house your shape to change into a Huge elemental (as elemental body IV)
intelligence and personality. Discorporating is a dangerous or a Huge plant creature (as plant shape III).
tactic, because once separated, the vermin are treated no A Thousand Faces (Su): At 14th level, you gain the ability
differently than other vermin. Also, you stand a good chance to change your appearance at will, as if using the alter self
of losing all your equipment. However, discorporation almost spell, but only while in your normal form.
assures that at least one vermin (if not dozens) will manage Numinous Hierophant (Su): At 20th level, your wild shape
to crawl away, and so provide for your continued existence. ability ripples through your being. You are immune to harmful
Transmutation effects, and you can shift to become at home
Wild Shaper anywhere in the multiverse: your Terrain Mastery ability
The wild shaper initiate represents the standard Pathfinder expands to include all planes of existence, and you gain
druid, and allows access to the class’ signature wild shape Power over Shadow as a bonus feat.
Initiate Spells: Wild shaper druids are extremely versatile.
Your initiate spell slots can be filled with any spells of the
appropriate levels from the druid class list. A variant is the
Master of Many Forms (Complete Adventurer), who has the
following: 1st—enlarge self, 2nd—alter self, 3rd—vermin
shape I, 4th—vermin shape II, 5th—polymorph, 6th—form of
the dragon I, 7th—form of the dragon II or giant form I, 8th
—form of the dragon III or giant form II, 9th—shapechange.
Eldritch Blast [Reserve]
Appendix B: Druid Feats Reserve Spell: 1st level druid spell.
These feats are listed here, rather than in Chapter 5, Benefit: You gain the spell-like ability to fire a bolt of red-
because they pertain specifically to druids. Feats with the gold fire from your hands as a standard action. This strikes as
[Wild Shape] descriptor require wild shape or aspect of a ranged touch attack (a ray) with close range (25 ft. + 5 ft.
nature as a prerequisite. Many druids also take Arcane Bond per 2 caster levels), dealing 1d6 damage per level of the
as a feat, gaining a staff, a familiar, or a “spirit guide” highest-level druid spell you have prepared and ready to cast.
(incorporeal familiar). Half this damage is fire damage; the other half results directly
from divine power and is therefore not subject to being
Aspect of the Beast reduced by resistance to fire-based attacks. It is otherwise
similar to the sorcerer’s eldritch blast ability, but gains no
Whether by magic or a curse of your blood, some part of you automatic improvements as you increase in power.
is more beast than man.
Prerequisite: Wild shape, aspect of nature, or lycanthrope. Fast Wild Shape [Wild Shape]
Benefit: Your bestial nature manifests itself in one of the You assume your wild shape faster and more easily than you
following ways. You choose the manifestation when you otherwise could.
choose the feat, and then you cannot change it. Prerequisites: Wild shape or aspect of nature.
Night Senses (Ex): You gain low-light vision. If you have Benefit: You gain the ability to use wild shape or aspect of
low-light vision, you gain darkvision 30 ft. instead. If you nature as a move-equivalent action.
have darkvision as well, the range of your darkvision Normal: Use of wild shape or aspect of nature is a
increases by 30 feet. standard action.
Source: Complete Divine.
Predator’s Leap (Ex): You can make a running jump
without needing to run 10 feet before you jump. Grove Defender [Skill]
Wild Instinct (Ex): You gain a +2 insight bonus on initiative You are tied to a specific sacred druidical grove.
checks and Survival checks. Prerequisites: Mark of the Wild class feature, Survival 1
rank, able to cast druid or ranger spells.
Benefit: You receive a sacred bonus to AC, attacks, and
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. This feat also subsumes damage equal to +1 per 4 ranks in Survival you possess, but
the Cougar’s Vision feat from Complete Adventurer. only when fighting within close proximity of your sacred
grove (half a mile per rank in Survival you possess).
Boar's Ferocity [Wild Shape]
If you have at least 6 ranks in Survival, while within your
Prerequisite: Wild shape or aspect of nature. sacred grove, you receive the benefits of one full hour of
Benefit: If your hit points are reduced to 0 or less (but you sleep for every half hour you rest. For every four hours
aren't killed), you can spend one wild shape as an immediate spent therein, you heal as if a full day had passed, and you
action to continue acting as if not disabled or dying. The can recover spells as if you had slept 8 hours.
effect lasts for one minute.
Normal: When reduced to 0 hp, you are disabled and can If you have at least 11 ranks in Survival, all druid and
take only a single move or standard action each round. When ranger spells you cast within your grove receive a +1
reduced to -1 to -Con hp, you are dying and drop unconscious. sacred bonus to the save DCs.
Source: Complete Divine.
If you have at least 16 ranks in Survival, all druid and
Druid of Earth and Metal [Skill] ranger spells you cast within your grove receive a +2
sacred bonus to the save DCs, and druid/ranger spells you
Prerequisites: Druid level 1st, Craft (smith). cast in close proximity to your grove (see above) receive a
Benefit: You can wear and wield any weapons or armor +1 sacred bonus to the save DCs.
that you make with your Craft (smith) skill, even those not on
the list of allowable druid weapons and armor. You do not Special: You weaken and die if you remain away from your
gain proficiency with these items, but you suffer a –2 penalty chosen grove for too long. Each week away from the grove,
rather than a –4 penalty on attacks with non-proficient you must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or suffer 1d6
weapons you have personally constructed. In the case of points of damage per day spent away thereafter. The save DC
magical weapons and armor, you must also imbue them increases by an additional +1 per week thereafter. This
yourself in order to use them without restriction. damage can be healed only within the boundaries of the
Source: Book of Hallowed Might II: Portents and Visions chosen grove.
(Malhavoc Press). Source: This feat largely supersedes the Grove Defender
prestige class, from The Quintessential Druid (Mongoose

Eldritch Blast [Reserve]

Vermin Heart
Oaken Resilience [Wild Shape] You have a special bond with creeping things.
Prerequisite: Greater wild shape. Prerequisites: Mark of the Wild class feature.
Benefit: You can spend a wild shape use to gain immunity Benefit: You may target Vermin with spells and special
to critical hits, poison, sleep, paralysis, polymorph, and abilities that normally only affect animals (although they are
stunning. You also gain great stability, which gives you a +8 still affected by spells targeting vermin as well). You may use
bonus on checks to avoid being bull rushed or tripped. The wild empathy to influence vermin as easily as you influence
effect remains for 10 minutes. animals.
Source: Complete Divine. If you would normally gain an animal companion, you can
gain a monstrous vermin companion instead.
Practiced Initiate Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Prerequisites: Druidical initiation.
Benefit: Your effective druid level for your druidical Wild Shape, Planar [Wild Shape]
initiation abilities increases by +4. This applies to initiate You can infuse your wild shape with planar strength.
powers gained and the level-dependent effects of your Prerequisites: Wild shape, Knowledge (the planes) 6
existing abilities; it does not grant you any other druid class ranks.
features. Benefit: When you use wild shape to take the form of an
This feat can't increase your total effective druid level animal, you can expend an additional daily use of your wild
beyond your HD. However, even if you can't benefit from the shape class feature to add the celestial template or fiendish
full bonus immediately, if you later gain non-druid HD you template to your animal form. (Good druids must use the
may be able to apply the rest of the bonus. celestial template, while evil druids must use the fiendish
Special: The effects of feat stack with class synergy template.)
features improving your effective druid level; this a specific If your form has the celestial template and you score a
exception to the non-stacking rule. Your total limit based on critical threat against an evil creature while using your form’s
effective character level remains in force. natural weapons, you gain a +2 bonus on the attack roll to
confirm the critical hit. The same bonus applies if your form
Spirit Spell has the fiendish template and you score a critical threat
Prerequisite: Chastise spirits class ability. against a good creature.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can spend 3 uses of your Source: Ultimate Combat.
chastise spirits ability to maximize the next spell you cast,
with no adjustment to spell level or casting time. Wild Shape, Swift [Wild Shape]
Source: Dragon magazine, issue 343. Prerequisite: Fast Wild Shape.
Benefit: You can activate your wild shape or aspect of
Spontaneous Affliction nature ability as a swift action.
You punish those who would despoil the wilderness Normal: Activating these abilities is a standard action.
by infecting them with a mild illness. Source: Complete Champion.
Prerequisite: Able to cast druid spells.
Benefit: You can transform the stored energy of a spell you Wolverine's Rage [Wild Shape]
have prepared and use it as a spell-like ability to weaken your Prerequisite: Wild shape or aspect of nature ability
enemies. To use spontaneous affliction, you must spend a Benefit: If you have taken damage during the last round,
standard action and sacrifice a prepared spell. All humanoids you may spend a wild shape or aspect of nature use as a free
within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Fortitude save or action on your turn to enter a rage, as a 1st level barbarian.
become sickened for a number of rounds equal to the level of This rage lasts a number of rounds equal to 4 + your (pre-
the spell sacrificed. rage) Constitution modifier, and cannot be ended voluntarily.
Source: Exemplars of Evil. Source: Complete Divine.
Venom’s Gift [Wild Shape]
Prerequisite: Greater wild shape.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend one daily
use of your wild shape ability to envenom your natural attacks
for up to 1 round per class level you possess. An ordinary
unarmed strike does not qualify for this benefit; you must
have a true natural attack, though it can be the result of a
transmutation spell or other shapechange effect. Poison:
Injury, Fortitude negates, ld2 Str/round for 6 rounds, cure 1
Source: Complete Champion.

Vermin Heart
A revision of the fighter class follows, allowing one to
“Can you understand a man who, for almost every day of a eventually become a master of warfare like Miyamoto
lifetime like that, has spent some time dwelling with weapons, Musashi or Lancelot du Lac, or, more extremely, John Carter
of Mars or Benedict of Amber. The fighter’s new saving throw
tactics, strategy? All that there is of military science thunders
progression and Warlord abilities simulate the 1st edition
in his head. He has commanded armies so vast that you could
fighter’s primary class features: excellent saves at high levels,
watch them march by day after day and see no end to the and a free army.
columns. Although he is inconvenienced by the loss of his The Pathfinder class feature of armor training is now a
arm, I would not wish to fight with him either with weapons or choice in a broader range of “fighter talents.” A number of the
barehanded. It is fortunate that he has no designs upon the fighter’s talents and abilities have been chosen so as to allow
throne, or he would be occupying it right now. If he were, I the fighter to naturally supersede the Duelist prestige class
believe that I would give up at this moment and pay him
from the core rules and the Cavalier and Samurai base
classes (Advanced Players Guide), as well as a number of
other classes in 3.5 edition sources such as Complete
―Roger Zelazny, The Guns of Avalon (1972) Warrior.
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1st +1 Bravery (1 step), combat expertise, fighter talent
2nd +2 Bonus feat, weapon aptitude, weapon training
3rd +3 Fighter talent, versatile weapon use
4th +4 Bonus feat, grit (1/day)
5th +5 Fighter talent, mettle
6th +6/+6 Bonus feat, onslaught of blows, vital strike
7th +7/+7 Bravery (2 steps), fighter talent
8th +8/+8 Bonus feat, grit (2/day), threat assessment
9th +9/+9 Fighter talent, warlord
10th +10/+10 Bonus feat, improved weapon aptitude
11th +11/+11/+11 Advanced fighter talent, improved onslaught of blows
12th +12/+12/+12 Bonus feat, grit (3/day)
13th +13/+13/+13 Advanced fighter talent, bravery (immune to fear)
14th +14/+14/+14 Bonus feat, unstoppable
15th +15/+15/+15 Advanced fighter talent
16th +16/+16/+16/+16 Bonus feat, greater onslaught of blows, grit (4/day)
17th +17/+17/+17/+17 Advanced fighter talent, supreme warlord
18th +18/+18/+18/+18 Bonus feat, greater weapon aptitude
19th +19/+19/+19/+19 Advanced fighter talent, fighting spirit
20th +20/+20/+20/+20 Bonus feat, grit (5/day), weapon mastery

Saving Throws: Fighters gain a +2 class bonus to Fortitude, These are treated as class skills, but do not count against
Reflex, and Will saves. the fighter’s total number of skill points.
Bonus Skills: All fighters automatically receive one free Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (all), Diplomacy, Handle
rank per class level in Endurance and in Knowledge Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Linguistics), Perception,
(warfare). In addition, for each class level, choose a Profession (all).
specialized form of military training to receive; that level, you Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
gain 1 bonus rank in one applicable skill. Examples include Favored Class: When gaining a level of fighter as a favored
cavalry (Handle Animal), corps of engineers (Craft: class, rather than choosing +1 hp or skill point, you can
construction), infantry (Survival), marine (Profession: sailor), instead select one of the following options:
medic (Heal), officer (Diplomacy), and sapper (Profession:
mining); others may be added with referee approval.
Critical Focus: Choose a weapon with which you have at For purposes of meeting the prerequisites of other feats,
least Martial proficiency. Add a +1 circumstance bonus on you are always treated as having the Weapon Focus and
critical hit confirmation rolls with that weapon (maximum Weapon Specialization feats.
bonus of +4, at which point this ability is equivalent to the When attacking with a manufactured or natural weapon
Critical Focus feat for that weapon). This bonus does not or unarmed attack, you gain a bonus on damage equal to
stack with Critical Focus. half your class level. Your training is so ingrained that this
Maneuver Mastery: You gain a +1 class bonus to your is considered a racial bonus, rather than a competence
CMB with one type of maneuver (e.g., overrun, trip, etc.). bonus.
The effects stack, but the maximum bonus in any one
category gained in this manner cannot exceed +1, with an You gain a +1 competence bonus to your CMD against
additional +1 per 4 class levels you possess. weapon maneuvers (disarm, sunder, etc.) and saving
throws against spells targeting any weapon you are
wielding (e.g., grease, heat metal, shatter, warp wood).
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A fighter has Martial This bonus increases by an additional +1 per 4 levels after
proficiency with all weapons and shields, and is proficient the 2nd (maximum +5 at 18th level). At 20th level, you
with all armor (heavy, medium, and light). Additionally, you cannot be disarmed.
gain Exotic proficiency in one shield or one weapon of your
choice. You also have the following options: Weapon Aptitude (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, each
You can choose to trade your medium and heavy armor morning, you can choose to spend 1 hour in weapon practice
proficiencies for the Canny Defense feat. to change the designated weapon for any feat you have that
applies to a specific weapon or weapons group (such as the
You can choose to give up your exotic shield or weapon Weapon Focus feat). You must have the newly-designated
proficiency to gain Dodge as a bonus feat instead. weapon available during your practice session in order to
make this change. You can adjust any number of your feats or
Bravery (Ex): Starting at 1st level, when subjected to a talents in this way, and you need not adjust them all in the
[Fear] effect, the severity is lessened by one category (e.g., same way. This ability is similar to the Warblade’s class
severe to moderate). You can shrug off effects that would feature of the same name, from the Tome of Battle.
normally leave another person shaken. Versatile Weapon Use (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, all
At 7th level, the severity of [fear] conditions are reduced by manufactured and natural weapons you wield are treated as
two steps. if they dealt bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Grit (Ex): Starting at 4th level, your toughness and resolve
At 13th level, you are immune to fear and [fear] effects. to defeat your enemies allows you to perform heroic deeds.
You gain 1 daily use of this “grit” per 4 class levels you
Combat Expertise (Ex): All fighters are skilled at possess.
defending themselves in battle. You gain Combat Expertise as ___
a bonus feat at 1st level, even if you do not meet the It was some daring move on the part of the deputy marshal
Fighter Talent (Ex): Starting at 1st level, and at each odd- whose manliness and grit I had doubted. No grit? Rooster
numbered level thereafter, select one talent from the Fighter Cogburn? Not much!
Talents list (Appendix A). Fighter talents are similar to feats, ―Charles Portis, True Grit (1968).
but are obtainable only by fighters and are generally more
powerful. Talents that are designated as [Strikes] or [Stances] Spending one point of “grit” allows you to do any of the
follow those general rules, as outlined in Chapter 5. following:
Bonus Feat: At every even-numbered class level, you can
select any combat feat, stance feat, or strike feat for which Activate the effects of one [Strike] feat or ability on any hit,
you meet the prerequisites. For purposes of qualifying for even if the activating conditions are not met;
combat feats that require a minimum attribute score, treat Gain the effects of one Hero Point (see Chapter 1) without
your relevant score as the sum of the actual score + half your actually using one of your own hero points;
fighter level. For example, if your actual Dexterity is 12, you
could still potentially qualify for the Improved Two-Weapon Gain the use of one combat feat whose prerequisites you
Fighting feat (prerequisite of Dex 15) at 6th level. meet for 1 round (if you have more than one round of use
Sneak Attack: Alternatively, a bonus feat can be traded for available, you can spend them simultaneously so as to
sneak attack (as the Rogue class feature of the same name). If gain the use of more than one feat that round);
this option is selected, sneak attack damage is 1d6 for each
time you select this option (so that a fighter spending all Instantly stabilize and remain conscious when reduced to
bonus feats on Sneak Attack would have sneak attack +10d6 0 hp or below, but not slain (you are staggered, but do not
at 20th level). Sneak attack is always capped at a maximum of fall unconscious and begin dying if you take a standard
1 die per 2 character levels (rounded up), no matter how action).
many sources of stacking sneak attack damage you have
access to.
Weapon Training (Ex): Fighters are experts with all
weapons. Starting at 2nd level, you gain the following benefits:
Threat Assessment (Ex): By 8th level, your experience in
Starting at 16th level, if you have at least two uses of grit fighting combatants of all styles and levels of skill allows you
remaining, you can spend all of your remaining uses to to accurately size up new opponents. After studying a
avoid death from hit point damage. Regardless of the creature within 60 ft. for 1 round (which requires a swift
source of the attack that would have killed you, you are left action on your part), you can tell by the way it moves how
alive (at –1 hit points, or lower if you were already below – skilled in combat it is likely to be:
1), unconscious, and stable. Base Attack Bonus Assessment
Grit is restored at the beginning of each day. You cannot +0 Untrained
“save up” grit from previous days; any uses not spent are lost +1 to +5 Competent/trained
when your full number of uses is restored. You can regain +6 to +10 Extremely experienced
spent uses (up to your daily maximum) before the next day in
the following ways: +11 to +15 Exceptionally skilled

Each time you confirm a critical hit in the heat of combat, +16 to +20 World-class
you regain 1 grit. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or +21 or higher Godlike
unaware creature, or on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice
than half your character level does not restore grit. You can also assess the type of threat the primary type of
When you use grit as part of an attack that reduces a threat it presents (magical, melee, ranged, supernatural). A
creature to 0 or fewer hit points in the heat of combat, you creature intentionally concealing its prowess is entitled to a
regain 1 grit use. Bluff check; in that event, you must succeed at an opposed
Perception check to learn the information given. Any creature
in disguise with at least one rank in Perform (acting) is
Synergy: If you also have the Challenge talent, whenever assumed to be Bluffing as to its prowess, in accordance with
you defeat the target of your challenge you regain one daily its assumed role.
use of grit, up to your maximum number of uses per day. On a larger scale, you can scan the battlefield as a move
Defeating the target of a challenge usually involves reducing action to learn which enemy within 60 feet of your current
the target to 0 hit points or fewer, but the referee might rule position has the highest base attack bonus. This assessment
that an enemy who surrenders or flees the battle is also includes only those enemies you can see. This usage
defeated. If you retreat from battle against a challenged foe, supersedes the Myrmidon’s “eye for danger” opportunism
you lose the ability to make a challenge for 24 hours. ability from the Iron Heroes Player’s Companion (Fiery
Source: This ability supersedes the Gunslinger’s “grit” Dragon Productions).
class feature (with the combat feat use simulating the Warlord (Ex): Starting at 9th level, your reputation as a war
Gunslinger’s “deeds”) and also the Samurai’s “resolve” and master grants you advantages when dealing with others. You
“honorable stand” class features, from Ultimate Combat. It gain the benefits of Skill Synergy (Bluff, Diplomacy) as a
can be used to emulate the cleric’s “weapon master” War bonus feat. In addition, you can attract a body of men-at-arms
domain power from the core rules. led by an above-average fighter. This works similarly to the
Mettle (Ex): Starting at 5th level, if you make a successful Leadership feat (Chapter 5), using your ranks in Knowledge
Fortitude or Will save against an attack that would normally (Warfare) rather than Diplomacy, but you can attract only
have a lesser effect on a save (such as any spell with a saving fighters, warriors, or experts with this ability.
throw of Fortitude Partial), you instead completely negate the Instead of maintaining a standing army, you can choose to
effect. This supersedes the Hexblade class feature of the keep some or all of your leadership potential unallocated.
same name (Complete Warrior), and also the Pious Templar Thereafter, whenever you demoralize an opponent or defeat a
prestige class feature. creature in combat but spare its life, you can choose to have
Onslaught of Blows (Ex): At 6th level, when making that creature join your service on the spot, renouncing its
iterative attacks you suffer no attack penalty for the second former loyalties in the process. The target receives a Will
attack with any given weapon (i.e., the first iterative attack), save (DC 10 + half your fighter level + your Charisma
including off-hand weapons; the effects of this ability are modifier) to resist, and is subject to your normal CR
reflected in Table 1. If your base attack bonus improves from limitations.
other classes and you gain a third iterative attack in that Special: If you establish a stronghold, you receive a noble
manner, the normal -5 penalty applies to it. For example, a 6th title appropriate to the size and usefulness of the lands you
level fighter attacks at +6/+6; a 3rd level fighter/3rd level clear around your stronghold. Thereafter, you gain income in
ranger attacks at +6/+1. the form of rent, which you can use to support your men-at-
Vital Strike (Ex): Even when not making iterative attacks, arms and stronghold. Being a noble provides you with
the fighter has an edge over other combatants. At 6th level, substantial input into the political and world-building aspects
you gain Vital Strike as a bonus feat. Note: If you also have of the campaign, as you can lobby the king (or other
the Combat Reflexes feat, this provides the equivalent of the potentate) directly; in game terms, this allows you limited
Trailblazer fighter’s “punishing strike” ability (Badaxe GM-like powers of fiat when it comes to national affairs
Games). (subject to agreement between you and the referee). Note that
your title isn’t just frills; it also carries the responsibility of
aiding your liege in times of war―unless you prefer to openly
rebel, which starts a new adventure at a time when you might
have more important things going on.
Improved Weapon Aptitude (Ex): At 10th level, you gain Greater Weapon Aptitude (Ex): At 18th level, your
Exotic proficiency with all weapons and shields. Even if aptitude with weapons is so great that you can instinctively
exposed to a totally unfamiliar weapon from a completely apply training and methods learned with one weapon to
different technology level, you can become proficient with it others, without the need for additional practice. From this
after handling it for one round. You also gain Catch Off Guard point on, the effects of all talents and feats you possess that
as a bonus feat. normally apply only to a specific weapon, type of weapon, or
In addition, you have the ability to recall the vital statistics weapons group (Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, etc.)
and important quirks of practically all known commercially automatically apply to all weapons you wield.
available weapons. This includes, but is not limited to, their Fighting Spirit (Ex): Starting at 19th level, you no longer
general level of reliability as well as all vital statistics— automatically fail saving throws on a roll of 1 (you still fail the
material composition, ammunition capacity, caliber, possible save if your total result fails to equal or beat the DC,
outfitted accessories, etc. however). This supersedes the Knight’s “impetuous
Advanced Talent (Ex): Starting at 11th level, each time you endurance” class feature from the Player’s Handbook II.
would gain a new talent, you can select an advanced talent Weapon Mastery (Ex): At 20th level, all your critical
instead, from the list of Advanced Fighter Talents below. If threats are automatically confirmed, and you treat the critical
you cannot meet any of the prerequisites for a new advanced multiplier of weapons you wield as one higher than normal (a
talent, you can select a regular talent instead. ×2 becomes a ×3, for example).
Onslaught of Blows, Improved (Ex): At 11th level, when
making iterative attacks you suffer no attack penalty for the
second or third attacks with any given weapon (including off-
hand weapons); the effects of this ability are reflected in Table
1. If your base attack bonus improves from other classes and
you gain a fourth iterative attack in that manner, the normal
-5 penalty applies to it. For example, an 11th level fighter
attacks at +11/+11/+11; a 6th level fighter/5th level ranger
would attack at +11/+11/+6, and a 3rd level fighter/8th level
ranger attacks at +11/+6/+6.
Unstoppable (Ex): Starting at 14th level, your actions can
no longer be interrupted by immediate or pre-emptive
actions. Those actions can still occur, but do not prevent your
own actions from being completed.
Onslaught of Blows, Greater (Ex): A fighter of 16th level
or above suffers no iterative attack penalties; all of your
attacks are made at your full attack bonus.
Supreme Warlord (Ex): Starting at 17th level, your martial
prowess is near-legendary. After one round of combat with
you, certain opponents must save vs. Will (DC 10 + half your
class level + your Charisma modifier) or break from the fight
and attempt to surrender to you. For this ability to apply, the
opponents must meet the following criteria:
CR no higher than your CR –5;
Intelligence greater than 2 and less than your class level;
Primarily martial (melee or ranged) combatants;
Must not have a leader of CR greater than or equal to
Creatures affected by this ability immediately become
Indifferent rather than Hostile, and can be affected by Bluff or
Diplomacy thereafter. If you refuse to accept their surrender,
affected creatures flee, demoralized, and will refuse to fight
you or your allies thereafter. Creatures normally immune to
[fear] effects are still subject to this ability, but gain a +4
bonus to the saving throw.
Any number of creatures in battle or led by creatures in
battle with you can be affected, as long as they can see you
and/or they are led by another affected creature. You can
potentially sway entire armies in this manner, across tribal,
racial, and national boundaries.
Arcane Resistance
Benefit: You gain a resistance bonus equal to half your
Appendix A: Fighter class level on all saving throws against spells and spell-like
Talents abilities (but not supernatural abilities). At 16th level, this is
therefore the equivalent of a permanent protection from
spells effect, except that it is an extraordinary ability and
Talent Description cannot be dispelled.
Arcane resistance +1/2 levels vs. spells, SLAs Source: This talent supersedes the Hexblade class feature
Armor training Bonus to AC, max Dex, DR of the same name (Complete Warrior), and also the Occult
Slayer’s “magical defense” prestige class feature.
Armored skin +1 natural, +1/3 levels
Ascetic warrior Multiclass with monk Armor Training
Banner Charge, save bonuses to allies Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency.
Bulwark Grant soft cover to adjacent allies Benefit: Whenever you are wearing armor with which you
are proficient, you gain the following:
Challenge +Level damage until foe defeated
Combat feat Bonus combat feat
An additional +1 competence bonus to AC;
Deflect blows +1 deflection, +1/4 levels Reduction of the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum
of 0)—this benefit stacks with the benefit for ranks in
Disruptive Prevent adjacent spellcasting Endurance (-1 per 3 ranks);
Eldritch knight Multiclass with arcane casting
Reduction of the arcane spell failure chance (if applicable)
Evasion As rogue class feature by 5% (to a minimum of 0%);
Foebane Gain a favored enemy Increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by your
Fortification Negate crit, sneak attack 5%/level armor by 1; and
Grace Add Cha bonus to saves Damage reduction 1/— (this stacks with other DR/— from
Guarded attributes Reduces attribute damage other sources, such as barbarian levels or adamantine
Hand of justice Hold attacks to increase threats
Iaijutsu Improves initiative, surprise atks These benefits improve by +1 for every 4 levels in fighter
Knightly order See Appendix you possess (for example, a 16th level fighter would have a +5
Marshal, field Multiclass with bard
armor bonus, a -5 reduction of check penalties, a -25% arcane
spell failure chance, a +5 to maximum Dex bonus allowed,
Mobility +10 ft. speed, AC bonus vs. AoO and DR 5/— when wearing armor). At 20th level, your armor
Mount Animal companion (steed) cannot be sundered while you are wearing it.
Special: If you are actively using a light or heavy shield (not
Parry spells Attack roll to negate spell a buckler, animated shield, shield spell, or Two-Weapon
Perfect defense CMB to parry all of foe’s atks Defense), you gain your armor training bonus with the shield
Personal weapon +1, +1/4 lvls in enhancements
if no armor is worn. If using both armor and a shield, the
benefits listed apply to both your armor and shield (i.e., they
Physical condition. Inherent bonus to Str, Dex, or Con stack).
Primal warrior Multiclass with barbarian If you have this talent and reduce your armor check penalty
to 0, you are treated as being “unarmored” for purposes of
Punishing stance +1d6 dmg, -2 AC; scales w/ level feats such as Canny Defense and Giant-Slayer.
Resilient Lessens stun, daze, KO, etc. Source: This talent supersedes the core fighter’s armor
Riposte Immediate AoO on parry
training talent, and also a number of the Armor Master’s
variant class features from Ultimate Combat.
Second wind Regain level x Con mod hp/day
Shield other You take ½ of ally’s damage Armored Skin
Spellsword Multiclass with arcane caster Either from immersion in some magical liquid (perhaps the
River Styx, as for Achilles in The Illiad, or the blood of a
Strong stomach Resist nausea, poison, disease dragon, as for Siegfried in The Niebelungenlied)—or possibly
Strike team leader Grant 6th Sense bonus to allies simply from long and brutal training—your skin is as tough
Templar Multiclass with cleric/incarnate as armor.
Thicket of blades Threatened area is difficult terrain
Benefit: You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC, or any This ability supersedes the Cavalier’s banner class features
existing natural armor bonus increases by +1. This bonus from the Advanced Player’s Guide, the bolstering voice
improves by +1 per 3 class levels you possess, to a maximum maneuver from the Tome of Battle, and the Legendary
bonus of +7 at 18th level. If you have another class feature Leader’s “fearless” and “to hell and back” prestige class
that improves natural armor (such as the monk’s iron skin features from Heroes of Battle.
sutra or the ranger’s barkskin lore), you do not gain the
separate benefits from each; instead, your levels those classes Bulwark
stack in order to determine a single improvement. Benefit: As long as you are able to act, are not flat-footed, and
Ascetic Warrior have at least one attack of opportunity remaining to you, you
provide soft cover (+4 cover bonus to AC against missile fire)
Prerequisite: At least one level in monk. to all adjacent allies.
Benefit: You gain the following synergy between fighter
and monk levels: Starting at 6th level, you provide soft cover to all allies
within reach.
Your fighter levels provide Full synergy for purposes of Starting at 11th level, you are a citadel for your allies.
determining your unarmed mastery bonus damage. When wearing heavy armor, you grant hard cover (+4
Your fighter levels provide Strong synergy for determining cover bonus to AC and Reflex saves) to those adjacent to
the improvements of monk sutras. you (subject to the conditions above).
Your monk levels provide Full synergy towards your At 16th level, you provide hard cover for all allies within
weapon training ability (this supersedes the monk’s reach.
weapon form ability), and for determining the effects of
your fighter talents. Source: This supersedes the armiger’s “bulwark” and
You may select monk sutras in the place of fighter talents, “citadel” class features, from the Genius Guide to the
and vice versa. You may select advanced fighter talents or Armiger (Super Genius Games).
monk sutras in the place of normal ones if your combined
fighter and monk levels total at least 11. Challenge
Benefit: As a swift action, you can choose one target within
Source: This talent supersedes the feat of the same name, sight to call out. Your gain a morale bonus to melee attacks
from Complete Adventurer. against that opponent equal to your Charisma bonus
(minimum +1), to a maximum bonus equal to your class level.
Banner Successful attacks against that opponent deal extra damage
Your fame on the battlefield makes your pennant or shield equal to your fighter level. The challenge remains in effect
device a symbol of inspiration to your allies and companions. until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat
A banner must be prominently carried and displayed by you ends. Challenging a foe requires much of your concentration;
or your mount to function. A Knowledge (warfare) check at you take a –2 circumstance penalty to Armor Class, except
DC 25 minus your class level is sufficient to identify you from against attacks made by the target of your challenge.
your banner. As long as your banner is clearly visible, when If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the target of
you personally lead followers in battle, the benefits of your your challenge also takes a –2 circumstance penalty to its
bravery class feature (q.v.) apply to all of your allies, followers, AC against the attacks of all opponents other than you.
and cohort(s) who have a line of sight to you.
You gain additional effects as your level increases, as If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, your focus on
follows: the target of your challenge is absolute. While your
challenge is in effect, melee and ranged weapon, unarmed,
At 6th level, you gain Lead the Charge as a bonus feat; this and natural attacks by creatures other than the target of
applies only as long as your banner is displayed. your challenge automatically deal minimum damage to
Starting at 11th level, your banner becomes a rallying call
to your allies. While your banner is displayed, allies within You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional
60 ft. gain a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against time per day for every three fighter levels beyond the 1st
charm and compulsion effects. (maximum 7/day at 19th level). In addition, if an ally is
At 16th level and above, you can spend a standard action rendered helpless or unconscious or killed within your sight,
to wave the banner through the air, granting all allies you automatically gain the effects of this talent against the
within 60 feet an additional saving throw against any one creature that felled him or her, without spending a daily use.
spell or effect that is targeting them. This save is made at Special: If you belong to a knightly order (q.v.), your
the original DC. Spells and effects that do not allow saving challenge gains an additional effect.
throws are unaffected by this ability. An ally cannot benefit
from this ability more than once per day.
Source: This talent supersedes the Cavalier’s class feature of Source: This feat now subsumes the Spellbreaker feat
the same name, from the Advanced Players Guide, and from the Core rules; the Occult Opportunist feat from Dragon
incorporates part of the Samurai’s “last stand” ability from magazine (issue 340), the Spellcasting Harrier feat from the
Ultimate Combat. It also supersedes the Samurai’s kiai smite 3.5 edition System Reference Document (“Epic Feats”), and
and the Knight Proctor’s retributive attack from Complete also the Occult Slayer’s “vicious strike” prestige class feature
Warrior, and the Outcast Champion’s avenging strike from from Complete Warrior.
Races of Destiny.
Eldritch Knight
Combat Feat You are trained in combining arcane spellcasting with
You gain one bonus [Combat] feat. You must meet all combat.
prerequisites; the provisions of your feat aptitude class Prerequisites: Arcane spell capacity 1st.
feature still apply. Benefit: Your fighter levels provide Weak theurgy towards
Source: Selecting this option at 1st level mimics the 1st your arcane spellcasting progression (spell capacity),
level fighter bonus feat listed in the core rules. including spells known and spells per day.
Source: This talent largely supersedes the prestige class of
Deflect Blows the same name from the core rules. It can be used to create a
You are skilled at causing attacks to skitter harmlessly past 1st edition-like fighter/magic-user.
you. Evasion
Benefit: You gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC. For every 4
fighter levels you possess, this deflection bonus increases by Benefit: You gain evasion, as the rogue class feature. If you
an additional +1 (to a maximum +6 at 20th level). have at least 11 levels in fighter, you also gain Improved
Evasion (you do not gain Greater Evasion with this talent
Disruptive [Stance] alone).
Your training makes it difficult for enemy spellcasters to Synergy: If you have levels in Rogue, your fighter levels
safely cast spells near you. instead provide Full synergy towards the rogue’s evasion
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes feat. progression.
Benefit: The DC to cast spells defensively increases by 4 Foebane
for all enemies within your threatened area. This increase
only applies if you are aware of the enemy’s location and are Benefit: You gain one favored enemy, as the ranger lore of the
attempting to disrupt his or her casting. same name, treating your fighter level as your effective ranger
In addition, you may make an attack of opportunity against level (minimum effective level 2nd).
any opponent you threaten who dismisses a spell, directs or
redirects an active spell, casts a quickened or swift spell, or Fortification
attempts to channel energy without doing so defensively (by Prerequisites: Armor Training talent.
way of a concentration check). If your attack is successful, Benefit: When you wear heavy armor, there is a 5% chance
your opponent must succeed at a Concentration check (DC per fighter level you possess that any critical hit or sneak
10 + damage dealt) or lose the action that provoked the attack attack against you is negated and damage is instead rolled
of opportunity. normally.
If your fighter level is 6th or higher, when you hold an If an opponent scores a critical hit against you that is not
action to attack a spellcaster while he or she is casting or negated by this ability, you can still turn the critical hit into a
channeling, you deal double damage if the attack hits. normal hit. If you do, either your armor or your shield (your
Precision-based damage (as from Sneak Attack) and other choice) gains the broken condition, providing half the normal
forms of bonus damage expressed in dice (such as from a AC bonus and imposing double the normal check penalties.
flaming weapon) are not doubled. This option emulates the Fortified Armor Training feat from
Ultimate Combat.
If your fighter level is 11th or higher, enemies in your
threatened area that fail their checks to cast spells or Grace
channel defensively also provoke attacks of opportunity
from you. You are gifted with an almost supernatural ability to avoid
misfortune. Whether this is a matter of divine protection or
If your fighter level is 16th or higher, spells, spell-like only your own boldness of spirit, the effect is the same.
abilities, or channeling with casting times greater than a Prerequisite: Charisma 13+.
swift action cannot be completed within your threatened Benefit: Add your Charisma bonus as a sacred or profane
area. Any attempt to do so automatically fails, in addition bonus to all saving throws.
to provoking an attack of opportunity from you. Special: If you have the Serenity feat, you can apply your
Wisdom bonus instead.
Normal: Enemies that fail to cast spells defensively lose Source: This talent supersedes the paladin’s divine grace
their spells, but do not provoke attacks of opportunity. class feature from the Core rules.
Supernatural abilities do not require Concentration checks to
use defensively.
At 16th level and above, you do not need to roll initiative
Guarded Attributes [Skill] while in this stance; it is always treated as if you had rolled
Benefit: When you suffer any effect that causes a a natural 20.
[debilitation] condition, including attribute damage, attribute
drain, or temporary attribute score penalties, the effect is Synergy: If you also have the Deafening Strike feat and
reduced by 1 point per 2 ranks in Endurance you possess. If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can add the
multiple attributes are affected, this ability applies only once; effects of your Deafening Strike and Vital Strike feats
however, you can allot the total reduction among them as you normally to a single attack made during a surprise round, and
see fit. the BAB +1 effects of the Deafening Strike feat also apply to
Against poison and disease, this talent is applied once per all enemies within 30 ft. This supersedes the sword saint’s
dose or case of the disease, not once per instance of ongoing “roaring iaijutsu” ability from the Pathfinder Player
damage. Companion: Dragon Empires Primer.
Source: This talent supersedes the Iaijutsu Master’s
Hand of Justice [Stance] “strike with no thought” prestige class feature from Oriental
Adventures, and the Kensai’s “iaijutsu focus” and “iaijutsu
Benefit: As a swift action, choose one opponent in melee master” variant class features from Ultimate Combat.
combat with you. For each round you use a full attack action
against that opponent, each melee attack against that Knightly Order
opponent you voluntarily give up completely (taking no action
instead) grants a +1 insight bonus to the critical threat range Benefit: You have pledged yourself to a specific order of
and on any roll to confirm a threat for the next attack you do knighthood. The order grants you additional class skills and
make against that opponent. Effects that are triggered on a special abilities.
crit (e.g., Strike feats, or the flaming burst weapon property) At 1st level, you are sworn into the order. You accept the
do not activate unless the attack roll is within your normal Order’s edicts (see below) and gain a skill focus and 1st
(unmodified) threat range. level ability from that Order.
The maximum threat range increase is equal to your class
level. For example, an 11th level fighter could give up two full At 8th level, you are a Knight of Renown. You gain the 8th
rounds’ worth of melee attacks against a single opponent level ability from your order, and can expect to receive
(taking no action instead), and on the third round, his first hospitality by any noble who recognizes you or your Order,
attack would have a critical range expanded by 6 places (e.g., anywhere in the world you go.
from 19-20 to 13-20), and gain a +6 insight bonus to confirm At 15th level, you are a Knight of Quality, and one of the
the crit. masters of your order. You gain the 15th level ability listed
If you perform any other actions, or if the opponent leaves under your Order, and are automatically obeyed by lesser
your threatened area, the bonus resets to 0. knights of the same Order.
Special: Because this talent uses up full attacks, it can be
used in conjunction with Combat Expertise, but not with the
full defense action. This is a specific exception to the general Synergy: If you also have the Challenge talent, your order
rule of non-stacking of stance effects. of knighthood grants an additional effect when using that
Source: This talent emulates the spell of the same name, ability.
from Relics & Rituals (Sword & Sorcery Studios). Special: Each order includes a number of edicts that its
members must follow. If you violate any of these edicts, you
Iaijutsu [Stance] lose all benefits gained from your order for 24 hours. The
violation of an edict is subject to referee interpretation. You
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Sleight of Hand 1 rank. cannot change your order without undertaking a lengthy
Benefit: While in this stance, apply your Intelligence, process to dedicate yourself to a new cause. When this choice
Wisdom, or Charisma modifier as an insight bonus to is made, you immediately lose all of the benefits from the old
initiative. In addition, once per round you can draw a weapon order. You must then follow the edicts of your new order for
at any time (even if it is not your turn); this happens one entire level without gaining any benefits from that order.
instantaneously, and does not require an immediate action on Once accomplished, you gain all of the bonuses from the new
your part. order.
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can make a Special: You cannot belong to more than one order of
single attack during a surprise round that, in addition to knighthood.
normal damage, deals 1½ times your Vital Strike damage Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
and carries the effects of any one other Strike feat you
know. This use supersedes the sword saint’s “iaijutsi
strike,” from the Pathfinder Player Companion: Dragon
Empires Primer. You cannot use this option in conjunction
with two-weapon fighting or a flurry of blows.
If you are at least 11th level, if you are in this stance and
begin combat within reach of an opponent, you gain a free
surprise round, even though your opponents are aware of
your presence.
Mounts with aerial speeds greater than 60 ft. should be
Marshal, Field treated as 1 CR higher than actual, making a hippogriff
You are a beacon to those on the battlefield; your tactical available at 6th level, a pegasus at 7th, a young bronze dragon
mastery, communicated in shouted commands, inspires your at 13th, and a sleipnir (Bestiary 3) at 15th. You can add the
allies to fight to their utmost. Phantom Steed template (see below) at a CR +1 cost.
Prerequisites: Int 13 or Cha 13. Should your mount die, you may find another mount to
Benefit: You gain the inspire courage ability, as a 1st level serve you after 1 week of mourning. This new mount does not
skald (q.v.). For purposes of rounds of use per day and the gain the link, evasion, devotion, or improved evasion special
effects of the inspiration, your effective bard level is equal to abilities until the next time you gain a fighter level.
your fighter level. Special: The creature generally is one that is suitable as a
Special: If you have levels in bard, your fighter level mount for you (e.g., boar, camel, dog, horse, pony, or wolf), but
provides Full synergy with your bard level for purposes of with referee approval you can choose one or more animals
determining the DC and number of rounds of inspiration per other than a mount―a hunting hawk, for example, or a pair
day and to your college. This supersedes the benefits of attack dogs, subject to the normal total CR limit.
described above. Source: This talent supersedes the Cavalier class feature
of the same name, and also the Expert Trainer class feature,
from the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide.
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 1 rank, Dodge. A mount with this template gains the following cumulative
Benefit: You are trained in moving during combat. You gain special abilities, depending on your class level:
the following benefits: Increased Speed (Ex): Your mount’s base land speed
Your base land speed for tactical movement in combat increases by 5 ft. per 2 class levels you possess, to a
only (not for overland movement) increases by 10 ft. maximum base speed of 100 ft. per round.
You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the attack roll per 10 Swamp Stride (Ex); Starting at 8th level, the mount can
feet of movement taken immediately before an attack. ride over sandy, muddy, or even swampy ground without
difficulty or decrease in speed.
You gain a dodge bonus equal to your class level to Armor
Class against attacks of opportunity caused when you Water Walk (Sp): At 10th level, the mount can use water
move out of or within a threatened area. If you have at walk at will as a spell-like ability; this ability does not
least 11 ranks in Acrobatics, your movement through require an action to activate.
threatened areas does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Air Walk (Sp): Starting at 12th level, the mount can use air
The bonus from your Dodge feat also applies to saving walk at will as a spell-like ability, which does not require
throws or checks against effects causing you to become an action to activate. However, it lasts only 1 round at a
entangled, immobilized, paralyzed, or slowed. Starting at time, after which time the mount falls to the ground.
16th level, you gain a perpetual freedom of movement Flight (Su): Starting at 14th level, the mount can fly at its
effect. base land speed, with a competence bonus on Fly skill
checks equal to your class level.
Special: Mobility has been changed to a fighter talent,
rather than a feat, so as not to devalue the Acrobatics skill
(which allows movement without provoking attacks of Parry Spells
opportunity). Benefit: You gain the ability to use held attacks to parry
Source: This talent subsumes the feat of the same name spells. You must have a weapon in hand to parry a spell, and
from the core rules, and also the Mobile Fighter archetype have one or more unused attacks available to you (per the
from the Advanced Player’s Guide. Parry maneuver; see Chapter 1). Only spells targeting you
alone can be parried—not area spells or spells targeted
Mount [Skill] elsewhere. You make an attack roll opposed by the caster's
Prerequisite: Handle Animal 1 rank. Concentration check. If your roll is higher, the spell fails to
Benefit: You gain Skill Focus (Handle Animal) as a bonus affect you. You can parry only spells you are aware of; spells
feat. In addition, you gain the service of a loyal and trusty from invisible casters or those casting mental-action only
steed to carry you into battle. This mount functions similarly spells cannot be parried.
to a druid’s bonded companion (per the Mark of the Wild
ability), having a maximum CR equal to 3 less than your Perfect Defense [Stance]
number of ranks in Handle Animal. Exotic mounts (magical Prerequisites: Improved Weapon Maneuvers.
beasts or even dragons, rather than animals) are also Benefit: As a full-round action, roll a combat maneuver
possible: at 7th level, for example, you can gain a griffon (CR check (weapon maneuver) against the CMD of one opponent
4) as a steed; at 12th level, a dragon horse (CR 9) is not out of in melee with you. If successful, you automatically parry all of
the question. his melee attacks until your next turn or until he moves
outside of your reach without you immediately following.
If the check succeeds by a margin of at least +5, the
opponent cannot move from his current square.
Source: This talent duplicates the Counterstrike feat from Your barbarian level provides Strong synergy towards
the Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press). your fighter level for purposes of qualifying for advanced
fighter talents.
Personal Weapon
Benefit: Choose a specific weapon (not a weapon category Punishing Stance [Stance]
or type of weapon) you own. When wielding that specific Benefit: While you are in this stance, you deal an extra 1d6
weapon, treat its enhancement bonus as 1 greater than is points of damage with all melee attacks. This additional
actually the case (a non-magical weapon is +1 in your hands, damage is considered precision-based and is not multiplied in
a +1 weapon is +2, etc.) for all purposes. the case of a critical hit; however, it does stack with Vital
The effective bonus of your personal weapon increases by Strike or sneak attack damage. You also take a -2 penalty to
+1 per 4 class levels you possess (maximum +6 at 20th level). AC, because this fighting stance emphasizes power over a
The total bonus can be applied as an enhancement bonus defensive posture. As with most stances, you cannot maintain
and/or traded in for weapon properties (as described in this stance while moving.
Chapter 6), as long as the total bundled enhancement bonus For every 4 levels in fighter you possess, you can increase
is always at least +1. If you have the Weapon Aptitude class the bonus damage by an additional +1d6 by increasing the
feature, these allocations can be changed each morning. AC penalty by an additional -2 (maximum +6d6 damage, -12
If your personal weapon is destroyed, you can select a to AC at 20th level).
different one after one week. The new weapon need not be of Source: This talent supersedes the stance of the same
the same type as the previous one, as long as it is in your name, from the Tome of Battle.
possession and you are proficient with it. You cannot use
Weapon Aptitude or Improved Weapon Aptitude (q.v.) to Resilient [Skill]
transfer personal weapon properties to another weapon.
Special: The effects of this talent to not stack with the Benefit: The severity of [Inertia] conditions affecting you are
effects of similar weapon enhancement-granting class lessened by one step (e.g., stunned to dazed; see Chapter 1).
features (e.g., the monk’s ki strike, the ranger’s favored For purposes of this ability, treat unconsciousness as a
weapon lore, or the barbarian’s wrath of ancestors rage critical [inertia] condition (this does not render you immune
power. Rather, if you have one of those class features, your to magical sleep effects, nor does it remove your need for
levels in the relevant class provide Full synergy to this ability. sleep).
You can select this talent more than once. Each time, it If you have at least 6 ranks in Endurance, the severity is
applies to a different weapon. lessened by 2 steps, rather than one.
Variant: Instead of a personal weapon, you could choose a
personal suit of armor or personal shield. If you have at least 11 ranks in Endurance, the severity is
lessened by 3 steps.
Physical Conditioning
If you have at least 16 ranks in Endurance, you are
Benefit: Choose one physical attribute score. You gain a +1 immune to [Inertia] conditions and cannot be knocked
inherent bonus to that attribute, as if from a manual of gainful unconscious.
exercise or similar tome. For every 5 levels you possess, the
bonus increases by +1 (maximum +5 at 20th level).
Special: You can select this talent multiple times. The Riposte [Finesse]
effects do not stack; each time, select a different attribute. Prerequisites: Dex 13, Dodge, Weapon Finesse.
Benefit: You can make an immediate attack of opportunity
Primal Warrior against any creature whose attack you successfully parry (see
Prerequisite: Ability to rage. combat rules), so long as the creature you are attacking is
Benefit: You gain the following benefits when within reach. This attack counts as part of the parry, and does
multiclassing between barbarian and fighter: not require an additional immediate action on your part.
Your fighter level provides Strong synergy when If your fighter level is at least 6th, each round you are in
determining the type of rage you have available (improved, melee, designate a single enemy. Any attack made by the
greater, mighty, etc.), your attribute bonuses from rage, the enemy you have designated provokes an attack of
number of rounds of rage per day you can sustain, and the opportunity from you. This special attack of opportunity is
effects of level-specific rage powers. called a counterattack. You may not counterattack an
opponent’s counterattack. Any counterattack uses one of
Your barbarian levels provide Full synergy when your attacks of opportunity for the round; you may make
determining the level-dependent effects of fighter talents only one counterattack in a round, even if you have the
you possess. Combat Reflexes feat. Trading the counterattack for a 5-ft.
You can gain fighter talents in the place of rage powers or step emulates the Sidestep feat chain from the Pathfinder
improved rage powers, and advanced fighter talents in the Advanced Players Guide.
place of greater rage powers or mighty rage powers. You
can also learn rage powers in the place of fighter talents.
If your fighter level is 11th or higher, when you trade the Prerequisites: Eldritch Knight talent.
counterattack for a 5-ft. step, you move just out of the Benefit: You gain the following additional benefits when
opponent’s reach before the attack can connect; this multiclassing between fighter and an arcane spellcasting
supersedes the Swordsage shifting defense stance, from class:
the Tome of Battle.
For purposes of determining the effects of fighter talents
If your fighter level is 16th or higher, you can take a 5-ft. you possess, and for qualifying for advanced fighter
step and also counterattack as a single immediate action talents, one arcane spellcasting class provides Strong
in response to an attack by the designated target. synergy towards your fighter level.
Special: You may use a counterattack to parry. Resolve this Your fighter level provides Weak synergy towards your
as combat maneuver against your attacker (the bonus from bloodline abilities or school powers (and arcane bond
Improved Weapon Maneuvers applies, if you also possess abilities, if applicable). This includes the powers gained as
that feat). If successful, one melee attack against you by that well as the effects of those powers.
opponent within the next round is negated. You can gain fighter talents in the place of wizard bonus
Source: Art of the Duel (Sinister Adventures LLC). This feats or school powers. You can also gain arcane feats in
talent also supersedes the Counterattack option for fighters, place of fighter bonus feats, or combat feats in the place of
from the Players Handbook II. sorcerer bonus feats.
Second Wind
Benefit: You can instantly recover a number of hit points per Strong Stomach
day equal to your fighter class level x your Constitution The constant sight and stench of blood has left you inured to
modifier. You can divide this healing however you see fit, but any hint of queasiness.
each use requires an immediate action. If you use this ability Benefit: You are immune to any effect that would apply the
to increase your hit points above their normal total, the sickened condition to a normal person. If you succumb to an
excess are treated as temporary hit points that disappear effect that normally causes nausea, you are sickened instead.
after 1 minute if not lost to damage before then. You also gain a +1 racial bonus to saving throws against
Source: This talent supersedes the Warblade’s iron heart [affliction] conditions.
endurance boost from the Tome of Battle. If you have at least 6 ranks in Endurance, you are immune
to nausea, and your racial bonus against afflictions
Shield Other [Stance] increases to +2.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can declare one ally within If you have at least 11 ranks in Endurance, you are
reach as the recipient of this ability. The subject gains a +1 immune to disease and ingested poisons. Your racial
circumstance bonus to AC and saving throws. Additionally, bonus to saves against afflictions increases to +3.
the subject takes only half damage from all wounds and
attacks (including those dealt by special abilities) that deal hit If you have at least 16 ranks in Endurance, you are
point damage. immune to all [affliction] conditions.
The amount of damage not taken by the warded creature is
taken by you. Forms of harm that do not involve hit points,
such as charm effects, temporary ability damage, level Strike Team Leader
draining, and death effects, are not affected. If the subject Benefit: You gain the following benefits when leading allies:
suffers a reduction of hit points from a lowered Constitution
score, the reduction is not split with you because it is not hit Whenever you can act in a surprise round, allies adjacent
point damage. If the warded ally moves out of reach, the to you can also act in the surprise round (even if they
effect ends instantly. would normally be unable). If such an ally would normally
Energy resistance, damage reduction, and so on are be denied the ability to act in the surprise round, his or her
applied separately to you and the person you are shielding. initiative is equal to his or her initiative roll or your roll –1,
Evasion (if any) is also applied individually, after the damage whichever is lower.
is divided. If you are at least 6th level and both you and your ally
As an immediate action you spend one unused attack of would be able to act in the surprise round without the aid
opportunity to absorb all the damage (plus any associated of this talent, your ally may take both a standard and a
effects, such as poison) from a single attack directed against move action (or a full round action) during the surprise
the shielded ally. You must decide whether to use this ability round.
after the attacker determines that an attack has succeeded
but before he rolls damage. Synergy: If you also have the Alertness feat, you also gain
Source: This talent emulates the Knight of the Realm’s “At the effects of the Alert Bodyguard feat, but the effects extend
the Throne” prestige class feature, from Relics & Rituals: to all allies within 30 ft. of you. In addition, you gain a +1
Excalibur (Sword & Sorcery Studios), the In Harm’s Way feat competence bonus per fighter level to Perception rolls to
from the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide, and the sense nearby allies.
Knight’s “shield ally” class feature from the Player’s
Handbook II.
Source: This
This talent
Source:Players talent supersedes
supersedes the
the Lookout
Lookout feat from
from the
the Source: This
This talent
Advanced talent supersedes
Guide, the the
the Lookout
Tactician’s “tacticalfeat from
from the
variant Players
class feature,
feature, Guide,
from the
the Tactician’s
Ultimate “tactical
Combat, the
the awareness”
Dread Advanced
variant Players
class Guide,
feature, from
from the Tactician’s
Ultimate “tactical
Combat, the
the awareness”
Commando’s “team initiative bonus” prestige class feature Commando’s
Commando’s “team
“team initiative
initiative bonus”
bonus” prestige
prestige class
class feature
from Heroes
“teamwork of“team
class feature
from Heroes
“teamwork” prestige class features from
“teamwork” prestige class features from Complete Complete “teamwork”
“teamwork” prestige
“teamwork” prestige class
prestige class features
class features from
features from Complete
from Complete
Thicket of Blades [Stance]
Your strict vigilance and active defensive maneuvers force
your opponents to move with care. You stand your ground
against all enemies, warding the spot where you make your
stand to prevent foes from slipping past and attacking those
you protect.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, No Retreat.
Benefit: Any opponent that begins its turn in your
threatened area treats all the squares that you threaten as
difficult terrain. (Each square of difficult terrain counts as 2
squares of movement, and the creature cannot run, charge, or
take a 5-ft. step).
Starting at 6th level, add your fighter level as a competence
bonus to the DC for Acrobatics checks to ignore the
effects of this difficult terrain. For an opponent who is
successful (or who has the Surefooted feat), you gain a like
bonus to the DC for Acrobatics checks to move through
your threatened area or your space without provoking
attacks of opportunity.
Starting at 11th level, your threatened area is difficult
terrain for all enemies, even if they do not start their turns
within that area.
Starting at 16th level, enemies within your threatened area
have the entangled condition.
Special: By trading the attack of opportunity provoked by
movement for a 5-ft. step (Variations in the Core Rules
Mechanics: “Tactical Movement”), you can also simulate the
Polearm Master’s “step aside” variant class feature, from the
Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. This step does not
automatically end your stance.
Normal: The Acrobatics check DC to move through
squares you threaten is equal to your CMD. Threatened
squares do not count as any specific type of terrain.
Source: This talent supersedes the Knight’s “vigilant
defender” class feature from the Player’s Handbook II. It
supersedes the Crusader’s stance of the same name from the
Tome of Battle.
Source: This talent subsumes the d20 Modern Weapons
Encyclopedia feat, and also the
Advanced Talent Description Countering Strike [Strike]
Blinding speed Haste self 1 rd./lvl per day Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack against a
target that has an extraordinary or supernatural ability of
Countering strike Denies use of Su or Ex ability which you are aware (either by observing it in use, or by
Devastating strike Automatic critical succeeding at a DC 20 Knowledge or other skill check
Diamond defense Add level to results of save
appropriate to the creature). Only a single ability can be
targeted with a use of this talent; spellcasting abilities cannot
Diamond mind Immune to mind-affecting be affected. If the attack hits and deals damage, the target
Diamond soul SR 12 + fighter level must succeed at a Fortitude save or lose the use of the
selected ability for a number of rounds equal to your class
Dodge, epic Avoid one attack per round level.
Elaborate defense Improved Combat Expertise Source: This talent emulates the Mighty Godling’s
Fast healing Fast healing 1/2 lvls after 9th
“counter power” talent, from the Genius Guide to the Godling
(Super Genius games).
Flurry of blows Two-weapon fighting with single
weapon Devastating Strike [Strike]
Last word AoO when reduced to 0 hp Benefit: As a full round action, make a single attack at a –5
Mountain hammer Doubles melee Vital Strike penalty. If you hit, you score a critical hit. Special weapon
Overexertion Shuffle attribute points abilities that activate only on a critical hit, such as flaming
burst, do not also activate.
Parry, manticore Redirect parried attack Synergy: If you also have the Deadly Aim, Point-Blank
Pierce the fog of war See through illusions, etc. Shot, Precise Shot feats, you can use this talent with ranged
attacks (this does not also work in conjunction with the
Pierce magical
Strike ignores and dispels magical
Manyshot feat).
Source: This feat duplicates the effects of the two-handed
Power attack, greater 4x attack penalty fighter’s Devastating Blow feature from the Advanced Players
Precise strike Additional damage with one-handed Guide, and also the Archer’s “critical shot” token ability from
finesse weapon Iron Heroes (Fiery Dragon Productions).
Powerful bolt Doubles ranged Vital Strike
Diamond Defense
Prowess, epic +1 bonus to all attack rolls
In time of need, you can draw on your focus and training to
Robilar’s gambit Attackers provoke AoO ensure that you overcome almost any effect.
Sheltered life Immune to death effects Benefit: Once per encounter as an immediate action, you
can add your fighter level as a competence bonus to the roll
Sheltered vitality Immune to attribute damage when making any single saving throw. You must declare the
Shield guard Negates flanking use of this ability before rolling the die.
Stance mastery Maintain stances freely Source: Tome of Battle.
Striking mastery Apply more than one effect Diamond Mind
Threat zone Threat reach increases You are nearly impossible to sway with honeyed words or
Two-weapon Eliminates penalties for two-weapon magic.
fighting, superior fighting Prerequisite: Immunity to fear.
Benefit: You are immune to [mind-affecting] effects.
Source: This talent supersedes the Unbreakable’s
Blinding Speed “unbreakable mind” variant class feature, from Ultimate
Benefit: You can act as if hasted for 1 round per day per Combat.
fighter level you possess. The duration of the effect need not Diamond Soul
be consecutive rounds. Activating this power is a free action.
Special: You can gain this talent multiple times. Each time Prerequisite: Arcane Resistance talent.
you take the talent, it grants an additional number of daily Benefit: You gain spell resistance against hostile spells
rounds of use equal to half your fighter level. equal to 11 + your fighter level.
Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Epic

Countering Strike [Strike]

For example, an 11th level fighter with this talent and the
Dodge, Epic Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat, armed with a longsword
Prerequisites: Dodge; Riposte talent. and a shield, could attack with the longsword at +11/+11/+11
Benefit: When struck by an attack from an opponent you and gain the shield bonus to AC, or could instead make a
have designated as the object of your 6th level Riposte talent flurry of six attacks with the longsword at +9 each (but lose
ability, you can spend an attack of opportunity to the shield bonus to AC in the meantime, as a flurry of blows
automatically avoid all damage from the attack. is treated as two-weapon fighting).
Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Epic Source: This talent supersedes the Slashing Flurry feat
Feats.” from the Player’s Handbook II, and also the Bladesinger’s
“Song of Fury” prestige class feature, from Complete
Warrior. It also resurrects the abortive Weapon Swap feat,
Elaborate Defense from the Pathfinder Beta playtest, and subsumes the
Prerequisite: Armor Training talent or Weapon Finesse feat Dawnflower Dervish’s “lightning strike” ability from the
(see below). Pathfinder Inner Sea Primer.
Benefit: The AC bonus granted by your Combat Expertise
feat is doubled (see table below), provided one of the Last Word
following conditions applies: Benefit: You can make an attack of opportunity as an
You have the Armor Training talent and are actively using immediate action against an opponent within reach, in
a shield (not an animated shield or a shield spell); or response to any attack that would reduce you to negative hit
points, knock you unconscious, or kill you. For example, if
You have the Weapon Finesse feat, are wielding a light or you have 1 hit point left when a red dragon bites you, may use
one-handed finessable weapon in one hand, and have this ability even if the dragon’s bite would otherwise kill you
nothing in the other hand. instantly. This attack of opportunity automatically carries the
effects of your Vital Strike feat (and Mountain Hammer
Base Attack Attack Defensive Total talent, if you possess it).
Bonus Penalty Fighting Defense Once your attack is resolved, you suffer the normal effect of
the attack that provoked this ability (unless you kill or
+11 -3 +6 +9 incapacitate your attacker so that he or she cannot complete
+12 to +15 -4 +8 +12 the attack against you).
+16 to +19 -5 +10 +15 Synergy: If you also have the Riposte talent, you can use
the attack of opportunity granted by this talent in an attempt
+20 -6 +12 +18 to parry the incoming attack (Chapter 1); if successful, it deals
no damage to you.
Source: This talent supersedes the Duelist prestige class Source: This talent supersedes the Stalwart Defender’s
feature of the same name, and also the Shielded Fighter’s prestige class feature of the same name, from the Pathfinder
“active defense” variant class feature from the Advanced Advanced Player’s Guide.
Player’s Guide. It has been altered somewhat to use the same
mechanics as fighting defensively and Combat Expertise. Mountain Hammer
Fast Healing Prerequisites: Vital Strike.
Benefit: When you execute a Vital Strike with a melee
Prerequisite: Fast Recovery feat. attack, the bonus damage is doubled, and you automatically
Benefit: You gain fast healing 1; this improves by an ignore any hardness or damage reduction the target
additional 1 hp/round per 2 class levels after 11th, to a possesses.
maximum of fast healing 5 at 19th level. Source: Tome of Battle.
Flurry of Blows Overexertion
Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting. Benefit: As a move-equivalent action, select one or more
Benefit: When you make a full attack with any single melee attribute scores you would like to boost, and increase them by
weapon, you gain all the effects of any Two-Weapon Fighting the same total amount that you decrease one or more other
feats you possess, even though you are not fighting with two scores. All score decreases are treated as a special form of
weapons. This applies to number of attacks, Strength bonus attribute damage, called attribute burn, which cannot be
to damage, application of Strike feats, etc. You may substitute magically healed—it goes away only through natural healing.
disarm, sunder, and trip combat maneuvers for attacks with You can boost attributes by a number of points equal to
weapons that permit those maneuvers as part of a flurry of your fighter level (or any lesser total), assuming you can afford
blows. to burn your other ability scores to such an extent.
After 1 round per fighter level, your attribute boost ends,
but the burn remains until it is healed naturally.
Synergy: You can reduce the total attribute burn using the
Guarded Attributes talent.
Source: This is equivalent to the Psychic Warrior’s Additional Damage From:
psychofeedback power, from the d20 System Reference Weapon Type Power Attack
Light 1 x atk penalty
Parry, Manticore Single-handed 2 x atk penalty
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Improved Weapon Maneuvers or Two-handed 3 x atk penalty
Open-Handed Parry feat.
Benefit: When you successfully parry an attack against you Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
with a held action (see combat rules), you can bat aside the
blow, causing it to target an adjacent enemy other than your Powerful Bolt
attacker. Use the results of the original attack roll to
determine whether it hits the new target. Prerequisites: Vital Strike.
Source: This talent supersedes the Warblade counter of Benefit: When you execute a Vital Strike with a ranged
the same name, from the Tome of Battle, and also the weapon, the bonus damage is doubled, and you automatically
Swordsage scorpion parry counter from that source and the ignore any hardness or damage reduction the target
“redirect attack” rogue ability from the Advanced Player’s possesses.
Guide. When combined with the Riposte talent, this talent Source: In conjunction with a thrown javelin or spear, this
also supersedes the Free Hand Fighter’s “reversal” variant supersedes the Gae Bolga feat from the 2nd edition Celts
class feature, also from the Advanced Player’s Guide. Campaign Sourcebook.

Pierce the Fog of War Precise Attacks [Finesse]

Prerequisite: Blind-Fight. Prerequisite: Vital Strike, Weapon Finesse.
Benefit: Through superior tactical reasoning, you deduce Benefit: When using a finessable weapon in one hand, with
the true locations of your enemies. You ignore all the other hand free, you apply your Vital Strike damage to
concealment when attacking, including invisibility, blur, every successful attack. Additional damage from Mountain
displacement, and mundane and magical darkness, fog, or Hammer does not apply, however.
other concealing conditions. Furthermore, you are able to
deduce the true caster from the images when facing an Prowess, Epic
opponent under a mirror image spell, and can deduce when Benefit: You gain a +1 epic bonus on all attack rolls and to
and where a blinking opponent will appear (negating that CMB.
spell’s usual miss chance). By observing a projected image, as Special: You can gain this advanced talent multiple times;
a free action you can determine the location of the image’s unlike most like-named bonuses, epic bonuses stack.
caster. Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Epic
Pierce Magical Protection [Strike]
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a melee attack Robilar's Gambit [Stance]
that ignores any bonuses to Armor Class and damage By offering Robilar's Gambit, you absorb damage to place
reduction granted by spells (including spell effects created by yourself in an advantageous position. This dangerous
magic items, including enhancement bonuses to AC from sacrifice is not for the unfit or the unwise, for one failed
magic armor and shields). You also ignore spells or magical retaliatory strike can undo the advantage gained. Lord
effects that take effect when a foe is attacked, such as fire Robilar, a rash and impetuous fighter, gained fame using this
shield. technique against his enemies.
If you deal damage to your opponent, you also instantly and Prerequisites: Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Dodge; Riposte
automatically dispel all that opponent's spells and spell talent.
effects that grant damage reduction or a bonus to Armor Benefit: At the start of your action, you can adopt a fighting
Class, and also strip away any temporary hit points gained stance that exposes you to harm but allows you to take
from magical means (such as a false life spell). advantage of your opponents' exposed defenses as they attack
Source: Complete Arcane. This talent also supersedes the you. Anyone who attacks you gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls
Mage Blade’s “slice through wardings” class feature, from and damage rolls against you. In return, they provoke attacks
Arcana Evolved (Malhavoc Press). of opportunity from you each time they swing. Resolve your
attack of opportunity after your foe's attack.
Power Attack, Greater Normal: Opponents do not provoke attacks of opportunity
Prerequisite: Power Attack. by attacking. Further, when an opponent provokes an attack
Benefit: You gain additional damage from the Power of opportunity, you resolve your attack before he completes
Attack feat equal to the feat’s attack penalty, as summarized the action that provoked the attack of opportunity.
in the table below. Source: Player’s Handbook II. This talent also supersedes
the Two-Weapon Warrior’s “deadly defense” variant class
feature from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
For every 2 fighter levels after 11th, your threatened area
Sheltered Vitality increases by an additional 5 ft., to a maximum of +25 ft. at
Prerequisite: Guarded Attributes talent. 19th level.
Benefit: You are immune to [Debilitation] conditions, death Two-Weapon Fighting, Superior
effects, and energy drain.
Prerequisites: Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon
Shield Guard [Stance] Fighting.
Prerequisite: Proficient with shields. Benefit: Your attack penalties for two-weapon fighting are
Benefit: As a swift action, designate one square adjacent to eliminated. In addition, when making an attack of opportunity,
you. You may designate two squares if using a heavy shield or you can attack with both weapons, rather than only with the
three squares if using a tower shield, but these squares must primary weapon, in the place of one attack of opportunity.
be contiguous. Enemies in these squares cannot flank you Source: This talent subsumes the Two-Weapon Warrior’s
and do not count for flanking with other creatures. This effect “improved balance” and “equal opportunity” from the
lasts until you move from your position or use another swift Advanced Player’s Guide.
action to change the affected squares.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Striking Mastery
Prerequisites: Two or more strikes.
Benefit: You can apply the effects of two strikes to a single
attack (plus Vital Strike, if applicable, when using a standard
action). If you do so in conjunction with a strike that imposes
penalties on your attack rolls (as with multiple attacks), the
attack penalties stack.
At +16 level or higher, you can apply the effects of three
strikes simultaneously.
If you also have the Combat Reflexes feat, when
combining Strikes with attacks of opportunity, you can
either apply more than one strike to a single attack of
opportunity, or else apply a single strike to all attacks of
opportunity made in that round (your choice).
If you have the Bleeding Strike, Crippling Strike, Shatter
Defenses, Staredown, and Vital Strike feats, you can
combine them into a single “Deadly Stroke” against a
stunned or flat-footed opponent that deals your Vital
Strike damage, Crippling Strike attribute damage, and
also 1 point of Constitution bleed per round thereafter; if
your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the bleed effect is
attribute drain, rather than damage.
Normal: You can only apply the effects of one strike to a
given attack (in addition to the normal damage dealt).
Threat Zone
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes.
Benefit: Through training, your awareness and mobility in
a small area have expanded considerably. The area you
threaten increases by 5 ft. in all directions. This does not
mean that the length of your weapon or arms increases;
instead, it assumes that you are able to instantaneously move
out of your square in order to make an attack of opportunity
in the expanded area (and then automatically return to your
square upon completion of the attack). This movement does
not count against any movement you are normally entitled to,
but any obstruction to that movement also obstructs your
threat zone. This free movement does not provoke attacks of
opportunity if your threat area overlaps with area that one or
more opponents threaten.
Appendix B: Knightly Orders

he following orders represent the most Challenge: You receive an additional +1 bonus on all melee
common chosen. Members of these orders are damage rolls made against the target of your challenge as
not necessarily bound together, but some long as you are the only creature threatening the target. This
organizations do exist that are comprised of additional bonus increases by +1 for every four fighter levels
fighters that all belong to one specific order. you possess. This bonus ends if the target of the challenge
Note that the names of these orders might vary makes a successful melee attack against you (it is not
depending upon the campaign setting. A restored until you issue a new challenge).
member of a knightly order is hereafter termed a “cavalier.” Skill Focus: Knowledge (lore) and Perform.
Braggart (Ex): You are adept at extolling your own
Order of the Blue Rose accomplishments and battle prowess. You gain Staredown as
The cavaliers of the Order of the Blue Rose are warriors and a bonus feat, and receive a +2 profane bonus on melee attack
diplomats, dedicated to defending the weak and promoting rolls made against targets demoralized in this way.
peace in the lands they roam. Source: Ultimate Combat. Steal Glory (Ex): At 8th level, you can steal the glory from
Edicts: You must seek to stop conflict with a minimum of another creature’s successful strike. Whenever a creature
bloodshed, to encourage peaceful resolutions to other than you scores a critical hit, you can immediately
disagreements between intelligent creatures, and to mend make an attack of opportunity against the same victim.
the wounds opened by battle. You must also honor quarter Moment of Triumph (Ex): At 15th level you can, as a free
given, protecting captives who have surrendered even from action, declare a moment of triumph. For 1 round, you receive
your own allies if need be. a competence bonus equal to your Cha modifier to all attacks,
Challenge: You receive a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls damage, saving throws, checks, and AC. In addition, any
made against the target of your challenge, if it is an intelligent critical threats you make are automatically confirmed. You
creature to whom you offered the chance to surrender (by can use this ability once per day.
taking a standard action to offer terms). This bonus increases Order of the Dragon
by +1 for every four class levels you possess (maximum +6 at
20th level). Knights belonging to the Order of the Dragon dedicate
Skill Focus: Diplomacy. themselves to a group of like-minded individuals, be it a
Flat of the Blade (Ex): You no longer take a –4 penalty mercenary company or a small band of adventurers. They
when attacking with a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal believe in loyalty and friendship, and are willing to die to
damage. When dealing nonlethal damage, you receive a +1d6 protect allies.
bonus on damage rolls. When you make use of this ability, Edicts: You must remain loyal to your allies and must
you must attempt to subdue your target without killing it; always work to further the aims of the group.
dealing lethal damage after using this ability, or allowing your Challenge: Your allies receive a +1 circumstance bonus on
allies to kill the target, is a violation of your edicts. melee attack rolls against the target of your challenge
Inner Peace (Ex): Starting at 8th level, once per day as an whenever you are threatening the target. This bonus
immediate action, you may ignore an amount of damage from increases by +1 for every four fighter levels you possess.
a single source (one attack, spell, or effect) equal to your class Skill Focus: Survival.
level plus your Charisma modifier. You can only ignore hit Aid Allies (Ex): You gain the Back to Back stance as a
point damage in this fashion. You can use this ability one bonus feat.
additional time per day every three levels thereafter Strategy (Ex): Starting at 8th level, allies within 30 ft. of
(maximum 5/day at 20h level). you can use any Combat feats that you possess.
Shield of Blades (Ex): At 15th level, you gain Shared Act as One (Ex): At 15th level, once per combat you can
Shield as a bonus feat. In addition, you can attempt one parry spend a standard action to move up to your speed and make a
per round while using the total defense action. melee attack. All allies within 30 feet can also move up to
their speed and make a melee attack as an immediate action.
Order of the Cockatrice This movement and attack can be made as a charge if the
A knight who belongs to this order serves only himself, movement qualifies. All attacks gain a +2 circumstance bonus
working to further his own aims and increase his own (this stacks with the bonus from a charge) and all participants
prestige. receive a +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Edicts: You must keep your own interests and aims above Order of the Lion
those of all others. You must always accept payment when it
is due, rewards when earned, and (at least) an even share of A cavalier who belongs to this order has pledged himself to a
loot. You must take every opportunity to increase your own sovereign, be it a king, queen, or even the local warlord.
stature, prestige, and power. Edicts: You must protect the life and lands of your
sovereign at all costs. You must obey the commands of your
sovereign without question. You must strive to expand the
power and prestige of his realm.
Challenge: You receive a +1 dodge bonus to your AC against Edicts: If your charge is a place, you must keep intruders
attacks made by the target of your challenge; this bonus out. If a thing, you must keep it safe from thieves—and
increases by +1 for every four fighter levels you possess. restore it to its rightful place if taken (only those attacking you
Skill Focus: Diplomacy. with the specific intent to steal the object would quality, not
Lion’s Call (Ex): You gain the Field Marshal talent. merely anyone attacking you). If a secret, you must kill all
For the King (Ex): At 8th level, you gain rage as an others who know it. You cannot select a person or creature.
additional inspiration. Challenge: You can make a free combat maneuver any
Shield of the Liege (Ex): At 15th level, as an immediate time you take the full attack action against the target of your
action, you can redirect an attack made at a creature adjacent challenge. This free combat maneuver does not provoke an
to you on to yourself, as long as the creature making the attack of opportunity.
attack is within your reach. This ability must be declared Skill Focus: Bluff.
before the attack roll is made. The attack is made against Keeper (Ex): Once per day you must select a location, or a
your AC and defenses, even if the creature could not normally secret that you have sworn to protect. If you choose a location
reach or attack you. You lose any cover or concealment or thing, you gain a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls when
bonuses when subject to the redirected attack. directly defending it. If you choose a secret, you gain a +1
morale bonus on saving throws and opposed checks to resist
Order of the Raven revealing information about your charge or leaving it
A knight of the Order of the Raven is an enforcer, sworn to vulnerable. You gain these bonuses until you pick a new
the service of a specific lord. The cavalier’s master might be a object, location, or secret to protect. This bonus increases by
senior member of the order, a king or powerful lord, or the an additional +1 per 4 class levels you possess.
high priest of a religious order. Because his ability to Unmoving (Stance) (Ex): At 8th level, you can draw on
intimidate is as important as his fighting skill, cavaliers of the your dedication to overcome physical weakness. In this
order of the raven promote a dark, menacing presence and stance, you receive a dodge bonus to CMD equal to your class
cloak themselves in dark colors and darker rumors. Source: level, and also gain the effects of a dimensional anchor (caster
More Cavalier Orders (Super Genius Games). level equal to your class level, even if you do not have the
Edicts: You must obey your sworn master in all things, and Concentration skill).
if your master falls you must seek a new master who is Driving Assault (Strike) (Ex): At 15th level, you can drive
acceptable to the Order as a whole. You are tasked with opponents back without giving ground. While using any
acting as much as a warning as a warrior, and must work to [Stance] feat or ability, every melee attack you make, in
maintain a forbidding appearance and reputation. addition to dealing damage, also counts as a Bull Rush
Challenge (Ex): You and all allies gain a morale bonus to attempt (results equal to the damage dealt; no need for you to
Bluff checks made against the target equal to 1 + half your roll), if you so choose.
class level. In addition, the target takes a like penalty on saves Order of the Shield
against [fear] effects you initiate.
Skill Focus: Bluff. Cavaliers who join the Order of the Shield devote their lives
Fearsome Prowess (Ex): You gain Daunting Strike as a to protecting the common folk.
bonus feat. In addition, you gain a morale bonus to saves Edicts: You must protect the lives and prosperity of the
against [charm] and [compulsion] effects equal to +1 per 3 common folk, shielding them from the deprivations of those
class levels you possess. who would seek to cause them harm or exploit them. You
Knight of Shadows (Su): At 8th level, you gain darkvision must give charity when it is warranted and aid when needed.
60 ft. (if you already have darkvision, you can choose to You must take no action that would cause harm or hardship
instead gain low-light vision, or else increase the range of to those who cannot defend themselves.
your existing darkvision by 30 ft.). You also gain Blind-Fight Challenge: Whenever the target of your challenge attacks
as a bonus feat. anyone other than you, you receive a +1 sacred bonus on
Lord of Darkness (Su): At 15th level, you gain the ability to attack rolls made against him, her, or it. This bonus lasts for
prepare and cast spells as a cleric of your fighter level –14, 1 minute. The bonus increases by +1 for every four fighter
with access to the Darkness and War domains. If you already levels you possess.
have clerical spellcasting ability, your fighter levels instead Skill Focus: Heal.
provide Weak spellcasting theurgy (which does not stack with Armor Training (Ex): An Order of the Shield cavalier
synergy from the Templar talent) and access to the Darkness receives the Armor Training talent.
and War domains. Stem the Tide (Ex): At 8th level, you receive Improved Bull
Rush and Improved Overrun as bonus feats, even if you do
Order of the Seal not meet the prerequisites.
A secretive order; each knight is charged with the protection Protect the Meek (Ex): At 15th level, you can move to
of a specific object (such as a dangerous magic item), place intercept foes, even if you do not have any held actions
(e.g., a lost temple), or secret (for example, that a certain available. As an immediate action, you can move up to your
peasant is actually the last descendant of the royal line). speed (or your mount’s speed, if mounted) and make a single
Source: Ultimate Combat. melee attack. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity
as normal. You must end this movement adjacent to an
enemy. Thereafter, you are staggered (and cannot use this
ability) for 1 round.
Knight’s Challenge (Ex): At 15th level, you can make a
Order of the Star knight’s challenge once per day. This functions like a normal
Cavaliers who join the Order of the Star dedicate Challenge, but you add your Charisma bonus on all attack
themselves to the protection and service of a faith and its and damage rolls made against the target of the challenge
members. Cavaliers belonging to this order follow the tenets (this supersedes the normal attack and damage bonuses). In
and guides of the religion that they serve. addition, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus to confirm
Edicts: You must strive to protect your faith and all those critical hits against the target of your challenge.
who follow its teachings. You must adhere to the strictures of Order of the Tome
the faith, promote its cause whenever possible, and serve the
agents of the divine. The members of this order devote themselves to the
Challenge: You receive a +1 morale bonus on all saving preservation of knowledge. Most would protect written
throws as long as you are threatening the target of your knowledge at all costs, but there are members that believe
challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four class there is such thing as knowledge too dangerous to be allowed
levels you possess. to exist, and seek to destroy it. Source: Ultimate Combat.
Skill Focus: Knowledge (the planes). Edicts: You must protect approved written knowledge at all
Calling (Ex): You gain the Templar fighter talent. costs. You are also devoted to the destruction of proscribed
For the Faith (Ex): At 8th level, you can call out the name knowledge and are equally zealous in the pursuit of its
of your deity as a free action, granting you a sacred bonus to destruction.
attacks equal to your Cha modifier for 1 round. In addition, Challenge: You gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws
any allies within 30 feet also receive half this bonus against spells or spell-like abilities cast by the subject of your
(minimum +1). You can use this ability once per day, plus one challenge and a +2 morale bonus on all Bluff checks involving
additional time per day at 12th level and every four levels the subject of your challenge.
thereafter. Skill Focus: Knowledge (lore) and Knowledge (linguistics).
Retribution (Ex): Starting at 15th level, whenever an Specialized Knowledge (Sp): You can use read languages
enemy makes a successful melee attack against you or an and read magic at will as spell-like abilities.
adjacent ally devoted to the same faith or cause as you, the Powerful Knowledge (Ex): Starting at 8th level, you can
enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from you. If the cast arcane or divine spells from scrolls as if you had a caster
attack made by the enemy was a critical hit, you may treat the level equal to your class level.
enemy as the target of your Challenge talent (if applicable) for Defensive Knowledge (Ex): Starting at 15th level, allies
the attack of opportunity. You can use this ability once per adjacent to you gain a +2 morale bonus on all saves against
round. spells or spell-like abilities cast by the subject of your
challenge. In addition, as an immediate action, a number of
Order of the Sword times per day equal to your Int or Wis modifier (minimum 1),
Cavaliers who join the Order of the Sword dedicate their lives you can allow one ally adjacent to you to reroll a single failed
to the code of chivalry, living a life of honor, valor, and saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability from the
fairness. Those of this order tend to swear service to a lady or target of your challenge. The ally must be able to see and
lord of the opposite gender. hear you in order to gain this reroll.
Edicts: You must show courage in the face of danger, Order of the Warrior
mercy to those who have wronged you, and charity to the
poor and the meek. You must be just and honorable at all Most samurai swear themselves to the code of the warrior,
times; you must defend that honor and, above all, the honor of which emphasizes duty, honor, loyalty, and obedience. This
those you serve. code extends not only to your lord and master, but also to
Challenge: You receive a +1 circumstance bonus on attack your comrades and family. Source: Ultimate Combat.
rolls against the target of your challenge so long as you are Edicts: You must protect the life and lands of your lord
astride your mount. The bonus increases by +1 per four with your life. You must be truthful and courageous,
fighter levels you possess. respectful to your elders and masters, and loyal to your
Skill Focus: Diplomacy. Also, you can use the Diplomacy friends and liege. You must conduct yourself with honor and
skill in place of the Bluff skill to sense motive. dignity.
By My Honor (Ex): As long as you fulfill your edicts, you Challenge: Whenever you declare a challenge, you receive
receive the benefits of Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, or Great DR 1/— against attacks made by the target of the challenge.
Fortitude (select one). This DR increases by +1 for every four fighter levels you
Mounted Mastery (Ex): At 8th level, whenever you make a possess.
mounted charge, you receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC to avoid Skill Focus: Diplomacy.
attacks set against the charge. When making such an attack, Honor (Ex): Whenever you make a skill check or saving
you can add your mount’s Strength modifier to the damage throw, you can draw strength from your sense of honor as a
roll, in addition to your own. You also receive a bonus feat free action to grant you a +4 morale bonus on the roll. You
chosen from the following list: Mounted Combat, Skill Focus can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per
(Handle Animal), or Spirited Charge. You must qualify for the day for every four class levels you possess.
feat selected.

Way of
of the Samurai (Ex): Starting at th
88th Once
level, you can, as Way
Way of
of the
the Samurai
Samurai (Ex):
(Ex): Starting
Starting at th
88th Once
atwill. level,
level, you
you can, as
standard the
your to
to roll
attack Once
to roll
an will.
attack Once
skill theas
or saving
saving throw
throw three
three times and take
take the best result. You or
or saving
saving throw three
three times
throwuse times and
and take
take the
the best
result. You
must decide
decide to
to use
use thistimes
this abilityandbefore
ability before the
the best
the roll isisresult.
roll made.You
made. must
must decide
decide to
to use this
this ability
ability before
before the
the roll
roll is made.
Strike True (Strike) (Ex): At 15th level, you gain the
Devastating Blow talent, even if you do not meet the
prerequisites; it applies to any weapon you wield.
Knight Errant
Some knights find themselves without a master, either as a
result of disgrace or death, or occasionally by choice. Known
as knights errant, or ronin, these masterless knights wander
the lands, serving their own code of ideals. While ronin are
significantly freer to do as they please, they do not receive the
same respect and support that a more dedicated knight can
count on. Source: Ultimate Combat.
Becoming a Knight Errant: Normally, when a knight
wishes to change orders, he must undergo a lengthy process
that requires adherence to the edicts of the new order for a
period of time before receiving any benefits. This is not the
case with knight errant. Once a cavalier decides to become a
knight errant, he immediately loses all of the bonuses, skills,
and abilities of his old order and gains those of this order. If
he wishes to once again dedicate himself to another order, he
must do so using the normal rules.
Edicts: Knights errant follow their own personal code of
ethics and honor. You determine your own edicts, which
should include at least three provisions. These edicts are
subject to referee approval.
Challenge: Whenever you are the target of a challenge,
smite, quarry, or similar effect, and you issue a challenge
against that character in return, you receive a +1 profane
bonus on attack rolls made against the target of your
challenge and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made
by the target of your challenge. These bonuses increase by +1
for every four fighter levels you possess.
Skill Focus: Streetwise.
Self-Reliant (Ex): You learn to rely solely on yourself, even
in the most difficult of times. Whenever you fail a Will save
against an effect with a duration greater than 1 round, you
can attempt another saving throw at the end of the second
round. If you succeed on this saving throw, it has the same
effect as if you had made the original save (negating part or
all of the effect). In addition, whenever you are brought below
0 hp, on your next turn you can roll twice to stabilize, taking
the better result.
Masterless (Ex): Starting at 8th level, you can summon up
your willpower as an immediate action once per encounter,
applying it in one of the following three ways:
When an attack would reduce you to fewer than 0 hit
points but wouldn’t kill you, you are instead reduced to 1
hit point and conscious.
After making an attack roll to confirm a critical hit, you
can reroll the confirmation roll.
You can take 10 on a skill check during combat, even if the
situation or the skill would not normally allow it.
Chosen Destiny (Ex): At 15th level, you gain Deep
Intuition and Iron Will as bonus feats, even if you do not meet
the prerequisites.
Bonus Skills: You gain one free rank per class level in
“Being a god is being able to recognize within one's self these
Concentration. This otherwise counts as a class skill, but
things that are important, and then to strike the single note does not count against your total number of skill points.
that brings them into alignment with everything else that Class Skills: Craft (all), Heal, Knowledge (lore), Knowledge
exists. Then, beyond morals or logic or esthetics, one is wind (the planes), Planar Sense, Profession (all), and Spellcraft. In
or fire, the sea, the mountains, rain, the sun or the stars, the addition, incarnates receive additional class skills depending
flight of an arrow, the end of a day, the clasp of love. One rules upon their divine mysteries.
through one's ruling passions. Those who look upon gods then Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
say, without even knowing their names, He is Fire. She is
Favored Class: When gaining a level of incarnate as a
favored class, rather than choosing +1 hp or skill point, you
Dance. He is Destruction. She is Love.” can instead choose one of the following:
―Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light (1967)
Additional Spells Known: Add one level of spells known
Far more than a priest of a deity of some planar force, an from your spell list. Levels of spells gained in this manner
incarnate is a living embodiment of that force itself. As you can be “saved up” to gain higher-level spells (maximum
gain in power, that force moves more strongly through you, level equal to the highest-level spell slot you have
providing you with additional strengths, resistances, and available). For example, a 5th level incarnate who chose
abilities. This class has been altered so as to include the this option 5 times would have an additional 2nd and 3rd
favored soul, the incarnate, and the contemplative (Complete level spell known, or one additional 3rd and two additional
Divine); the shugenja (Oriental Adventures and Complete 1st level spells known, or 5 additional 1st level spells
Divine); the mystic (Dragonlance campaign setting); the known, or any other combination totaling 5 levels of
healer (Miniatures Handbook); and the “oracle” (Advanced spells. Alternatively, he or she could continue saving bonus
Player’s Guide). levels for an eventual higher level spell known. Spells
TABLE 1: THE INCARNATE HIT DICE: D8 gained in this manner must thematically relate to your
Class Base Attack Spell Special Divine Wrath (Su): Your damaging spells and spell-like
Level Bonus Capacity abilities deal +1 point of damage against creatures with an
alignment subtype opposite that of your deity or mystery, if
1st +0 1st Curse, divine mystery, any.
2nd +1 2nd Resistance or terrain Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Incarnates have Simple
3rd +2 3rd Revelation
proficiency with all weapons, and are proficient with light
armor. Some incarnate revelations grant additional
4th +3 4th Fast recovery proficiencies. You can choose to give up armor proficiencies
5th +3 5th Damage reduction (+1) in order to gain the Canny Defense feat.
Spellcasting: An incarnate spontaneously casts divine
6th +4 6th Purity of body spells. Unless otherwise noted for your mystery (see below),
7th +5 7th Revelation your spellcasting attribute is Charisma. Your spells list is
8th +6/+1 8th Strength of self
special, as follows:
9th +6/+1 9th Damage reduction (+2) Your first and third “spell known” for each spell level are
drawn from the cleric and shugenjaCD spell lists.
10th +7/+2 10th Diamond body
11th +8/+3 11th Revelation
The second (and any additional spells from your favored
class bonus) can be taken from any full-caster spell list
12th +9/+4 12th Planar body (cleric, druid, or wizard/sorcerer), but must be thematically
13th +9/+4 13th Damage reduction (+3) appropriate to your mystery (see below)—i.e., share a
subtype descriptor, do something similar, etc. Each
14th +10/+5 14th Diamond soul mystery in Appendix A has guidelines for thematic spells
15th +11/+6/+6 15th Revelation listed.
16th +12/+7/+7 16th Sheltered vitality
17th 17th
Unlike a cleric or archivist, you do not need a holy symbol
+12/+7/+7 Damage reduction (+4) as a focus, nor any material components; rather, the forces
18th +13/+8/+8 18th Sheltered life that manifest in you mean that you yourself are a living divine
19th +14/+9/+9 19th Revelation focus for your incarnate spells.
Bonus Spells: You learn additional bonus spells known (the
20th +15/+10/+10 20th Apotheosis “+1” notations in Spellcasting Table 1 in Chapter 7), derived
from your mystery (Appendix A)
Saving Throws: Incarnates gain a +2 class bonus to
Fortitude and Will saves.
Curse (Ex): An incarnate can choose Cursed by the Gods Sheltered Vitality (Ex): At 16th level, you are immune to
at any time as a bonus feat (see Divine Feats in Chapter 5). [debilitation] conditions (Chapter 1).
Divine Mystery: Each incarnate draws upon a divine Sheltered Life (Su): At 18th level, you gain immunity to
mystery (Appendix A)―analogous to a cleric’s domain―to [death] effects and energy drain.
grant his or her spells and powers. This mystery also grants Apotheosis (Su): At 20th level, you become a living
additional class skills and other special abilities. You must manifestation of the forces associated with your mystery.
pick one mystery upon taking your first level of incarnate. Your creature type changes to Outsider (native), and you
Once made, this choice cannot be changed. receive the following benefits:
Revelation: At 1st level, 3rd level, and every four levels You stop aging, becoming effectively immortal unless
thereafter (7th, 11th, and so on), you uncover a new secret killed.
about your mystery that grants you powers and abilities. You
must select a revelation from the list of revelations available Penetrating your damage reduction requires aligned
to your mystery. If a revelation is chosen at a later level, you weapons (holy, unholy, anarchic, or axiomatic)—i.e., you
gain all of the abilities and bonuses granted by that revelation have DR 10/+4 and aligned.
based on your current class level. Unless otherwise noted,
activating the power of a revelation is a standard action. You gain an additional ability or abilities determined by
Unles otherwise noted, the saving throw DC for revelations your Mystery.
allowing a save is equal to 10 + half your class level + your
Charisma modifier.
Resistance or Terrain (Su): At 2nd level, you gain
resistance 5 against an energy type determined by your
mystery (Appendix A). This resistance improves by an
additional 5 points per 2 class levels thereafter (to resistance
10 at 4th level, resistance 15 at 6th, etc.). At 18th level, you are
immune to the specified energy type(s).
Alternatively, some mysteries instead grant a specific plane
as Favored Terrain, as the ranger class feature; the favored
terrain bonus is equal to half your class level.
Fast Recovery (Ex): Starting at 4th level, the forces you
embody speed your recovery from near-death experiences.
You gain Fast Recovery as a bonus feat.
Damage Reduction (Ex): At 5th level, the cosmic forces
moving through you grant you gain damage reduction. The
number of hit points reduced is equal to half your class level;
the enhancement bonus or other properties needed to
overcome this resistance are as follows:
Class Level Damage Reduction
5h 2/+1
9th 4/+2
13th 6/+3
17th 8/+4

Purity of Body (Ex): Starting at 6th level, you gain

immunity to minor and moderate afflictions (e.g., disease, and
the sickened condition).
Strength of Self (Ex): Starting at 8th level, when you suffer
any effect that causes attribute damage, attribute drain, or
temporary attribute score penalties, the effect is reduced by 1
point per 2 class levels you possess. Against poison and
disease, this ability is applied once per dose or case of the
disease, not once per instance of ongoing damage.
Diamond Body (Ex): At 10th level, you gain immunity to
severe afflictions (e.g., poison and nausea).
Planar Body (Ex): Starting at 12th level, the planar forces
you embody allow you to survive nearly anywhere in the
multiverse. You are constantly protected as by an planar
adaptationAPG spell, except that this is an extraordinary,
rather than a spell-like ability.
Diamond Soul (Ex): At 14th level, you gain spell resistance
equal to 11 + your class level.
Brain Drain (Su): You can take a standard action to
violently probe the mind of a single intelligent enemy within
Appendix A: Incarnate 100 feet. The target receives an Intuition save to negate the
Mysteries effect and immediately knows the source of this harmful
mental prying. Those who fail this save are wracked with
New mysteries can be created with referee and player pain, taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per class level
cooperation, using the guidelines below. In addition, you possess. After successfully attacking with this ability, you
appropriate revelations can be similarly added to the list for may use a full-round action to sort through the jumble of
an existing mystery. stolen thoughts and memories to make a single Knowledge
Non-core spells referenced in the spells lists are indicated check using the victim’s skill bonus. The randomly stolen
with superscripts; sources are cited in Chapter 7. thoughts remain in your mind for a number of rounds equal
to your Int or Cha modifier (whichever you chose as your
Akashic spellcasting attribute). This is a mind-affecting effect. You can
Just outside the range of the senses are collective memories use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional
of all sentient creatures. An Akashic is one who can tap into time per day for every 4 class levels thereafter.
these memories, learning secrets long forgotten and Confusion Curse (Su): Your command of lore can cause
eventually becoming an embodiment of the collective weaker minds to become mired in confusion. As a standard
memory. This mystery supersedes the class of the same action, choose a single intelligent target within 30 feet; that
name from Arcana Evolved (Malhavoc Press), and also the creature must succeed at an Intuition save or become
Lore mystery from the Advanced Players Guide. confused for a number of rounds equal to your spellcasting
Class Skills: You treat all skills as class skills. In addition, attribute modifier (minimum 1). You can affect any given
you gain one free rank per class level in Knowledge (lore). creature only once per day with this ability.
Spellcasting Attribute: Because you focus on Delve into Personal Memory (Su): Once per day as a
understanding, organizing, and using the collected memories standard action, you can mentally probe the memory of one
and lore of entire civilizations, you may choose Intelligence other creature within 25 feet. You mentally form a question
(rather than Charisma) as your spellcasting attribute. Once the creature can answer with a single word. No shared
this choice is made, you cannot change it. language is needed, nor does it matter whether the creature
Mystery Spells: 1st—object readingSRD, 2nd—sensitivity is conscious or aware. You gain the answer as if the creature
to psychic impressionsSRD, 3rd—tongues, 4th—modify mentally answered the question as truthfully as possible
memory, 5th—contact other plane, 6th—legend lore, 7th (Intuition negates; if the save is successful you gain no
—vision, 8th—hypercognitionSRD, 9th—metafacultySRD.
information). In either case, the creature does not know you
Thematic Spells: Sorcerer/wizard spells of the school of made the attempt. Starting at 13th level, answering the
Divination, and psion powers of the Clairsentience discipline. question can require up to 1 word per class level you possess.
Divine Resistance: Your connection with lore has led you Divinatory Awareness (Ex): You gain Spell Focus
to spend time with bards, and you have become accustomed (Divination) as a bonus feat. At 9th level, you gain Greater
to their music―and occasional discord. Alternatively, you can Spell Focus (Divination) as a bonus feat.
remember the sound made at the very beginning of the Feat Memory (Su): Once per day, you can reach into the
universe. In either case, you are resistant to sonic damage. collective memory and produce an ability normally gained as
Revelations: Choose from the following. a feat. You must meet the prerequisites of the feat. After a full
Arcane Enlightenment (Su): Add a number of arcane round of concentration, you can use the feat for 1 round per
spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list equal to your class level.
Charisma modifier to your class list; these spells need not be Memory Possession (Su): Once per day, you can absorb
thematically-appropriate. the memories of any intelligent creature who is alive or who
Battle Memory (Su): Calling upon the knowledge of the has ever lived for 1 round per class level. During this time, the
greatest warriors who have ever lived, you can concentrate for creature's personality takes control of your body. Akashics
1 round. Afterward, for 1 round per class level, you gain a +1 use this ability to allow their allies to speak with and ask
competence bonus to attack and damage rolls, as well as a +1 questions of the possessing memory (often that of an
dodge bonus to Armor Class. These bonuses increase by +1 ancestor, absent friend, or other well-known figure). If the
per 4 levels after the 1st, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. possessing memory seeks to say or do something against
You can use this ability once per day, plus an additional time your will, you may attempt a DC 20 Will save to prevent it.
per day per 4 class levels above 1st. You must be at least 15th level to gain this revelation.
Mental Acuity (Ex): Your explorations into the secret
mysteries of the world have granted you a preternatural
understanding of all things—and you just keep getting
smarter. You must be at least 3rd level before selecting this
revelation. You gain a +1 inherent bonus to Intelligence upon
taking this revelation; this bonus improves by an additional
+1 at every 4 class levels thereafter (max. +5 at 19th level).
Perfect Recall (Ex): You gain the effects of the Skill Focus Celestial: 1st—bless, 2nd—daylight, 3rd—remove disease,
feat, except it applies to all Knowledge skills. In addition, 4 —holy smite, 5th—dispel evil or hallow, 6th—heal, 7th
once per day you can re-attempt any previously failed —resurrection, 8th—holy aura, 9th—summon monster IX
Knowledge check. On this attempt, add a +10 competence (celestials only).
bonus to the check. For every 4 class levels beyond the 1st, Fiendish: 1st—bane, 2nd—darkness, 3rd—contagion, 4th
you can use this ability an additional time per day. —unholy blight, 5th—dispel good or unhallow, 6th—harm, 7th
Finally, you can enter a deep meditation, blocking out —destruction, 8th—unholy aura, 9th—summon monster IX
visual and auditory stimuli and allowing you to deeply delve (fiends only).
into the collective memory. This trance lasts 1d6 rounds, Thematic Spells: Spells with the appropriate alignment
during which time you can only take move actions. During descriptor, or named after a creature of an appropriate plane
this period, you gain an insight bonus equal to your class level (e.g., barghest’s feast for a fiendish aspirant).
on all saves against sonic effects and gaze attacks. When you Planar Terrain: You gain Favored Terrain (Upper or Lower
come out of your trance, you may make a single Intelligence- Planes, as appropriate to your aspirancy) with a bonus equal
based skill check with a +20 circumstance bonus. to half your class level.
Skill Memory (Su): You can reach into the collective Revelations: An aspirant can select from the following
memory and gain insight into a needed skill—even one in revelations.
which you have no ranks and cannot use untrained. After a Attribute Boost (Ex): You gain a +1 inherent bonus to one
full round of concentration, you gain a +1 insight bonus to a of your attribute scores (select one). This bonus increases to
single skill check attempt made the next round. The bonus +2 at 7th level, +3 at 11th, +4 at 15th, and +5 at 19th level. You
increases by +1 per 2 class levels after the 1st, to a maximum can gain this revelation multiple times; each time, select a
of +10 at 19th level. You can use skill memory to receive this different attribute score.
insight bonus a number of times per day equal to half your Balefire (Su): You call upon the cleansing or searing fires
class level (minimum 1/day). of the planes to burn your foes. As a standard action, one
Sneak Attack (Ex): As the rogue class feature of the same target within 30 feet is wreathed in screaming flames and
name; sneak attack damage is equal to 1d6, plus an takes 1d6 points of fire damage per class level you possess. A
additional 1d6 per 6 class levels you possess. successful Reflex save halves this damage. At 9th level, the
Spell Memory (Su): You can delve into the collective fire’s howls cause any creatures damaged by it to be
memory once per day to cast a single spell from any class list. staggered for 1 round. At 17th level, creatures who fail their
This requires a spell slot of one level higher than the spell’s saves against the balefire are staggered for 1d4 rounds and
actual level. stunned for 1 round. You can use this ability once per day plus
Apotheosis: At 20th level, once per day you can delve into one additional time per day at 11th and 19th levels.
the collective memory once per day to gain any ability of any Bonus Metamagic Feat: In place of a revelation, you can
other class, gained at 20th level or lower. This ability cannot select any metamagic feat as a bonus feat. In addition to the
be used to gain spells, a different base attack bonus, or standard feat, however, you also gain the Innate Metamagic
different saving throws—only level-based class abilities. No version of the feat, and also the Sudden Metamagic version of
ability gained lingers longer than 24 hours. the feat. The metamagic level cost of the feat can be no more
than 1 spell level per 3 class levels you possess.
Aspirancy Energy Resistance (Su): In addition to your divine
Some cultures believe divine ascension is possible―that resistance, you gain resistance of an equal amount to one of
mortals can rise to take a seat beside the gods themselves. the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, force,
This divine mystery is included to model the favored soul positive energy, negative energy, or sonic. You may gain this
from Complete Divine, the mystic (Dragonlance campaign revelation multiple times; each time, select a different energy
setting), and the Aspirant variant cleric class (Dragon type.
magazine, issue 311). It can also stand in for the Outer Rifts Natural Armor (Ex): You gain a +1 natural armor bonus
mystery, from the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea (or any existing natural armor bonus improves by +1). For
Magic. every 4 class levels beyond the 1st, this bonus increases by an
Ultimately, an Asprirancy incarnate can essentially become additional +1. In addition, starting at 9th level your damage
a half-celestial, half-fiend, etc., but over 20 levels rather than reduction requires either silver weapons (for celestial
eight (see Planetouched in Appendix C of Chapter 2), and aspirants) or cold iron weapons (for fiendish aspirants) to
with the retention of full divine spellcasting capability. penetrate, or else weapons with a permanent enhancement
Class Skills: Add Athletics, Bluff, and Fly to your list of bonus of +2 or greater (+3 or greater at 17th level).
class skills. Additionally, you gain automatic Martial Shield of the Divine (Ex): You gain a +1 sacred bonus to
proficiency with your deity’s favored weapon (if you do not AC. At 5th level, and every four levels thereafter, the bonus
have a deity, select one martial weapon). increases by +1. This bonus applies even when you are flat-
Bonus Spells: An aspirant’s bonus spells depends on the footed or helpless.
plane from which your powers are drawn. For those
embodying the power of the upper or lower planes, the
following lists are recommended; other lists can be developed
for other planes, subject to player and referee agreement.
Smite (Su): Once per day as a swift action you can smite an The Athar work tirelessly to discredit the gods, interfering
creature whose alignment or nature is opposite the source of with their clerics and attempting to sway the faith of their
your planar power (i.e,, aspirants who draw their power from congregations. An athar must abandon the worship of gods
the Upper Planes can smite evil, etc.). You gain a sacred or and refuse to acknowledge them as beings worthy of praise.
profane bonus to attacks equal to your Charisma bonus Either your spells are granted by some unknown force, or
against the target of your smite, and deal additional damage else you (consciously or unconsciously) steal divine power
equal to your class level. The smite persists until the target is from the gods. Athar cannot gain levels as clerics or
dead or until you rest. At 5th level, and every 4 class levels archivists. Athars who pray to or call upon a deity for aid
thereafter, you can use this ability an additional time per day become ex-athars and lose all incarnate spells and class
(maximum 5/day at 17th level). If you gain this ability through features. This mystery supersedes the prestige class of the
another class (e.g., Prestige Paladin levels), your levels in the same name from Dragon magazine (issue 287), the Ur-Priest
classes granting the smite ability stack (do not keep track of from Complete Divine, and the Defiant prestige class from
smiting separately for separate classes, unless the targets the Planar Handbook.
differ). Class Skills: Add Bluff and Perception to your list of class
Spontaneous Casting (Sp): Once per day, you can expend skills.
an unused spell slot to cast any clerical spell of equal or lower Bonus Spells: 1st—disdain the divineBEM2, 2nd—see
level, even one you do not know. At 5th level, and every 4 levels invisibility, 3rd—dispel magic, 4th—divine interdictionWotC,
thereafter, you can use this ability an additional time per day. 5th—burden of faithRR2, 6th—banishment, 7th—divine
Telepathy (Su): You can mentally communicate with any interferenceRRO, 8th—spell turning, 9th—astral projection.
other creature within 100 feet that has a language, as per the Thematic Spells: Abjuration spells from the
telepathy power of demons and angels. You must be at least sorcerer/wizard list.
7th level before selecting this revelation. Divine Resistance: You are resistant to divine damage: i.e.,
Unearthly Terrain (Su): You can twist the material world any magical damage described as sacred, profane, holy,
into the harsh, jagged edges and uneven angles of the outer unholy, anarchic, or axiomatic.
planes. As a standard action, you can turn one 5-foot square Revelations: An athar can choose from any of the following
per class levels into difficult terrain; this lasts for 1 round per revelations.
class level. These squares can be arranged however you see Destroy Planar Servants [Reserve] (Su): As long as you
fit, but each must be adjacent to at least one other affected have at least one incarnate spell slot of 1st level or higher
square. You may use this ability a number of times per day remaining, your attacks automatically penetrate damage
equal to 3 + your Charisma bonus. reduction based on an alignment component. If you have
Wings (Ex): You gain wings and can fly at a speed of 60 higher-level incarnate spell slots remaining, your attacks deal
feet (good maneuverability). A celestial aspirant grows additional force damage to aligned opponents (those with the
feathered wings; a fiendish one gains bat-like wings; an [chaotic], [evil], [good], or [lawful] descriptor, and/or who
anarchic one gains membranous wings like the fronds of a detect as such or are affected by spells as such). The
sea creature, etc. You must be at least 15th level to gain this additional damage is equal to 1d6 per 2 levels of the highest-
revelation. level incarnate spell slot you have unused.
Apotheosis: At 20th level, you gain the celestial, fiendish, or Divine Counterspell (Sp): You gain Improved
other equivalent template. This does not change your Counterspell as a bonus feat. In addition, you can counter a
effective CR. divine spell cast by another spellcaster without expending a
spell slot. You must be high enough level to cast a spell of the
Athar same level as the spell you wish to counter. To do so, you
These blessings did not fall from the skies. These benefits did need not determine what the spell is. If the spell cast is not a
not drop from the outstretched hands of priests. They were divine spell, you cannot counter it using this ability.
not found in cathedrals or behind altars—neither were they Divine Interference (Su): You generate a field that
searched for with holy candles. They were not discovered by interferes with all divine spellcasting (except your own). Any
the closed eyes of prayer, nor did they come in answer to divine spellcaster within 10 feet must succeed at a
superstitious supplication. They are the children of freedom, concentration check (DC 10 + your class level + Cha
the gifts of reason, observation and experience—and for modifier) in order to successfully cast a divine spell. Failure
them all, man is indebted to man. indicates that the spell does not take effect but is lost as
―Robert Ingersoll, God in the Constitution (1890)
though cast. This ability can be consciously suppressed as a
free action. You must be at least 11th level to gain this
Divine Prevention (Su): As a standard action, you can to
bestow temporary spell resistance (15 + your class level)
upon a single target by touch. This spell resistance affects
only the next divine spell targeted at the subject; if the target
has not used the spell resistance within 24 hours, it fades. As
a touch attack, you can force this resistance on an unwilling
creature, which is then unable to lower it (Intuition save
Divine Resistance: You gain a profane bonus to saving Apotheosis: Upon reaching 20th level, you and your
throws against cleric/archivist spells (and spell-like abilities motives exist outside of the gods’ established order. You are
that duplicate cleric-only spells) equal to your Charisma protected from all devices and spells that detect, influence, or
bonus. read emotions or thoughts. You are immune to all mind-
Divine Retribution: Any divine spell you successfully affecting spells and effects, as well as information gathering
counterspell, or that fails to penetrate your spell resistance, by divination spells or effects; even limited wish, miracle, and
can be reflected back at the caster instead of simply failing. wish spells fail when they are used in such a way as to affect
You can use this ability only on divine spells that target you, your mind or to gain information about you. In the case of
not area-affecting spells or those targeting another creature. scrying that scans an area you are in, such as arcane eye, the
You must be at least 11th level to gain this revelation. spell works but you simply aren’t detected. Scrying attempts
Nondetection (Su): You gain the continuous benefits of a that specifically target you do not work at all.
nondetection spell. This ability can be suppressed or resumed
as a free action. At 19th level, you gain mind blank instead. Battle
You can suppress or reestablishing the effects of this Class Skills: Add Bluff, Endurance, Handle Animal,
revelation a free action. Knowledge (warfare), and Perception to your list of class
Siphon Spell Power (Ex): Because you steal whatever skills.
power you can, you can learn to manipulate divine spell Bonus Spells: 1st—enlarge person or shield of faith, 2nd
energy in ways that confound other casters. You can —sound burst, 3rd—magic vestment, 4th—divine power, 5th
temporarily sacrifice two (or more) lower-level spell slots and —righteous might, 6th—transformation, 7th—spell turning,
use those slots to cast a higher level spell. The higher-level 8th—iron body, 9th—meteor swarm.
spell must be of a level you can cast, and must come from the Thematic Spells: Abjurations and evocations.
cleric spells list, but need not be a spell you know. Only one Divine Resistance: Each time you gain 5 points of energy
exchange of this sort can be made each day. The levels of the resistance, you choose whether it applies to fire, force, or
lower-level slots are totaled, then reduced to three-quarters sonic attacks. For example, a 14th level incarnate of battle
(round down) to determine the level of the extra higher-level (total resistance 35) might have resistance to fire 10,
spell slot. For example, an athar who sacrifices a 3rd level resistance to sonics 10, and resistance to force 15. At 18th
spell slot and a 5th level spell slot can use that energy to cast level, choose one of your resistances to make an immunity.
a a 6th level spell. Revelations: An incarnate with a battle mystery can
Spell Immunity (Ex): You are immune to the following choose from any of the following revelations.
spells: bane, bestow curse, blasphemy, chaos hammer, Battle Cry (Ex): You gain the ability to inspire courage, as
dictum, doom, forbiddance, holy smite, holy word, geas/quest, the bardic inspiration of the same name. Your effective bard
order’s wrath, unholy blight, and word of chaos. You can level, for purposes of determining your rounds per day of use
freely attack creatures under the effects of sanctuary, aura of and your college bonus, is equal to your incarnate level (if you
chaos, holy aura (etc.) without ill effects, and can enter areas have levels in bard, your incarnate levels instead provide Full
sealed with forbiddance spells as if you had the password. synergy to your bardic inspiration abilities).
Effects tied to a hallowed or unhallowed site do not affect Battlefield Clarity (Ex): You gain Improved Great
you. Finally, when subject to a divine spell that does not allow Fortitude as a bonus feat. Starting at 10th level, you also gain
a saving throw, you gain a Will save to resist the effects. Improved Iron Will.
Steal Spell-Like Ability (Su): You can use the same Combat Mastery (Ex): You gain one [Combat] feat as a
techniques that siphon off the gods' spell power to steal the bonus feat, plus an additional such feat for every 4 class
spell-like abilities of another creature within 60 ft. of you. As a levels you possess.
full attack action, you gain one of the creature’s spell-like Combat Healer (Su): You do not provoke attacks of
abilities (you must have a minimum number of ranks in opportunity when you cast spells that heal allies or remove
Concentration equal to twice the spell level of the ability). The harmful conditions from them, even if you do not cast on the
creature can resist with a successful Intuition save. defensive. In addition, you cast cure spells (cure light wounds,
You can use the stolen spell-like ability three times within etc., but not heal) as a swift action (as if using the Quicken
the next day; if the creature has fewer daily uses, your total Spell feat, but without using a higher-level slot).
number of uses are decreased accordingly (this ability lasts Curse of Suffering (Su): As a swift action, you can cause
only 24 hours). The creature with the spell-like ability does any creature(s) you desire within 30 feet to take more
not lose the ability when you “steal” it. damage from bleed effects and to cause their wounds to heal
Because you do not automatically know the creature’s at a slower rate. When a cursed creature takes bleed damage,
spell-like abilities, this ability is generally used after it takes an additional hit point of bleed damage (even if the
witnessing the creature using abilities, or in conjunction with bleed is ability damage). Furthermore, when the target is
an appropriate Knowledge check (Chapter 4). If you try to subject to an effect that would restore hit points, that effect
steal a spell-like ability that the creature doesn't have, or try to only restores half the normal hit points. This curse lasts for
steal an ability that is supernatural rather than spell-like, the as long as the victim is within 30 ft., and for a number of
attempt automatically fails. You must provide a material additional rounds equal to your class level.
component if costs more than 1 gp.
Deadly JuggernautUC (Su): Whenever you reduce a credible Apotheosis: Upon reaching 20th level, you become an
opponent to 0 or fewer hp with a melee attack in the heat of avatar of battle. You can take a full attack action and move up
combat, you gain a +1 luck bonus on melee attack rolls, to your speed as a full round action. Whenever you score a
melee damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based critical hit, you can ignore any DR the target might possess.
skill checks, and also DR 2/—. These benefits are cumulative You gain a +4 insight bonus to your AC for the purpose of
while durations overlap (maximum +5 bonus and DR 10/—). confirming critical hits against you. When you are below 0 hit
A credible opponent has a minimum number of Hit Dice points, you do not die until your negative total is in excess of
equal to or greater than your Hit Dice –4, and must be in twice your Constitution score.
combat against you or your allies. You must be at least 7th
level to select this revelation. Flame
Divine Power (Ex): You gain Permanent Spell (divine An incarnate with the flame mystery represents a fire
power) and Internalize Spell (divine power) as bonus feats. shugenja, as from Oriental Adventures or Complete Divine. It
You must be at least 15th level to gain this revelation. is also useful for emulating various highly-specialized fire-
Enemies’ Bane (Su): As a swift action, you can imbue a using classes such as the pyrokineticist from 3.5 edition
single weapon you are wielding with the bane weapon special System Reference Document (“Psionic Classes”). Charlie
ability, choosing the type of creature affected each time you McGee, from Stephen King’s Firestarter, is a flame incarnate.
use this ability. The effect lasts for 1 minute. If the weapon Class Skills: Add Acrobatics, Climb, and Perform to your
already has the bane special weapon ability of the type list of class skills.
chosen, the extra damage dealt by the bane ability increases Bonus Spells: 1st—produce flame, 2nd—resist energy, 3rd
to 4d6. You can use this ability a number of times per day —haste, 4th—wall of fire, 5th—greater fireburstCA, 6th—fire
equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. seeds, 7th—fire storm, 8th—incendiary cloud, 9th—meteor
Fighter Training (Ex): You gain one fighter talent, and swarm.
thereafter may gain fighter talents in place of battle Thematic Spells: Spells and psionic powers with the [fire]
revelations. These function at an effective fighter level equal descriptor.
to the sum of your fighter level and your incarnate level (as do Planar Terrain: You favored terrain (Elemental Plane of
any talents you receive from fighter levels, if any). If your Fire).
effective fighter level is at least 11th, you can gain advanced Revelations: A fire shugenja can choose from any of the
fighter talents in place of battle revelations. Your other battle following revelations.
revelations function at an effective incarnate level equal to the Channel Elemental Energy (Su): You channel elemental
sum of your fighter level (if any) and your incarnate level. energy (fire) as an archivist with the Fire domain, using your
Maneuver Mastery (Ex): When determining your CMB incarnate level in place of your cleric/archivist level. In
and the effects of combat maneuvers feats you possess, you addition, you gain Command/Turn Elemental as a bonus feat.
treat your incarnate level as your base attack bonus. At 5th Cinder Dance (Ex, Sp): You gain one free rank in
level, and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain one Improved Acrobatics per class level. You also gain a 10-ft. enhancement
Maneuvers feat (such as Improved Bull Rush, Improved bonus to your land speed and flying speed (if applicable).
Grapple, Improved Overrun, Improved Trip, or Improved Starting at 9th level, you can use fire strideFR at will as a
Weapon Maneuvers). You do not need to meet the spell-like ability; activating this ability for use within the next
prerequisites to receive these feats. 10 minutes per class level is a full attack action; each “jump”
Resiliency (Ex): You gain Skill Focus (Endurance) and is a move-equivalent action. At 13th level, the range increases
Diehard as bonus feats. to 100 miles per class level you possess. At 19th level, there is
Skill at Arms (Ex): You gain Martial proficiency in all no range limit; even other planes are open to you.
weapons, plus proficiency with medium and heavy armor Control Fires (Su): This works as the psionic power of the
(you cannot gain this revelation if you traded light armor and same name from the 3.5 edition System Reference
shields proficiency for Canny Defense). At 5th level, you gain Document, except you can manifest it at will. For purposes of
Weapon Focus with one weapon of your choice. At 9th level, this ability, your manifester level is equal to your number of
you gain Weapon Specialization with that weapon. At 13th ranks in Concentration, and you can expend a number of
level, you gain Improved Critical with that weapon. At 17th power points’ worth of effects and/or augmentation per round
level, you have Exotic proficiency with all weapons. You do equal to half your class level (round up), with no daily
not need to meet the prerequisites to receive these feats. maximum.
Surprising Charge (Ex): Once per day, you can move up to Elemental Focus (Ex): You gain Spell Focus (Fire) as a
your speed as an immediate action. You can use this ability bonus feat. At 9th level, you gain Greater Spell Focus (Fire) as
one additional time per day at 5th, 13th, and 17th levels. a bonus feat.
War Master (Ex): Your base attack bonus improves by +1. Fiery Metamagic (Su): Choose one of the following feats:
You may select this revelation multiple times; the effects Extend Spell, Searing Evocation, or Selective Spell. The
stack. effects of that feat automatically apply to all of your spells and
War Sight (Su): Whenever you roll for initiative, you can spell-like abilities with the [fire] descriptor, without any
roll twice and take either result. At 9th level, you can always increase in casting time or spell level. Keep track of what the
act in the surprise round, but if you fail to notice an ambush, modified spell level would be; this cannot exceed the
you act last, regardless of your initiative result (you act in the maximum level of spells you are able to cast. You may select
normal order in following rounds). At 17th level, you can roll this revelation more than once; each time, choose another
for initiative three times and take any one of the results. feat from the list.
Fire Breath (Su): As a standard action, you can unleash a Heat Death (Sp): By concentrating for a full round, you
15-foot cone of flame from your mouth. This flame deals 1d6 can raise the internal temperature of one living creature
points of fire damage per class level (maximum 10d6). A within 30 feet to lethal levels. The target must succeed on a
Reflex save halves this damage. You can use this ability once Fortitude save or die horrifically at the start of your next turn
per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every as its blood (or other internal fluid) boils. Creatures immune
five levels thereafter. to fire are immune to this ability; creatures with fire
Fire Lash (Sp): You gain the ability to create a 15-foot-long resistance gain a +1 resistance bonus to the save per 5 points
whip of fire as a move-equivalent action. You take no damage of fire resistance. On a successful save, the target takes 4d8
from a fire lash you create. The whip remains in existence as points of fire damage from the heat. You can use this ability
long as you hold it.. You gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency on any particular creature only once per day, and as a spell-
(whip) with the fire lash, which you can use to attack any like ability its use provokes attacks of opportunity if you do
target within 15 ft. as a ranged touch attack. The lash deals not cast defensively and is subject to disruption if you are
fire damage equal to 1d8 + half your class level; your damaged before it takes effect. You must be at least 15th level
Strength modifier does not apply. As you increase in power, to learn this revelation, which duplicates the Pyrokineticist’s
your skill with the lash increases; you gain the following prestige class feature of the same name, from the 3.5 edition
bonus feats applicable to the lash only) at the indicated level System Reference Document (“Psionic Classes”).
breaks: 5th—Weapon Focus; 9th—Improved Grapple; 13th— Nimbus of Fire (Su): As a move action, flames that harm
Weapon Specialization; 17th—Improved Critical. neither you nor your equipment engulf your entire body. This
Firestarter (Su): You can use spontaneous immolationUC functions as a fire shield spell (hot flames only). Dismissing
at will as a spell-like ability. You must be at least 3rd level to the nimbus of fire is a free action. You can apply the effect to
select this revelation. Starting at 9th level, you can target a willing creature instead by touch, but only one creature
objects as well as creatures. Also at 9th level, you gain the use (including you) can be warded at a time, and creatures other
of quench at will as a spell-like ability. Starting at 13th level, than you can receive this effect only once per day. You must
all of your spells and spell-like abilities with the [fire] be at least 7th level to select this revelation.
descriptor automatically receive the benefits of the Burning Ray of Fire [Reserve] (Sp): This functions exactly as the
Evocation feat (+1 spell level effect); this does not increase eldritch blast ability of a battle sorcerer with the elemental
their casting times or spell level. fire bloodline, including the improved blast and greater blast
Flame Curse (Su): As a standard action, you can cause enhancements, iterative attack use, and powerful blast ability.
one creature within 10 feet per class level to become Sense Elements (Sp): The signature ability of any
vulnerable to fire until end of your next turn. Whenever the incarnate with an elemental mystery (a “shugenja”) is the
creature takes fire damage, it takes half again as much revelation of sense elements. As a full-round action, you can
damage (+50%). If the creature is immune to fire, this ability become aware of all sources of one chosen element (air,
has no effect on it. If the creature is already vulnerable to fire, earth, fire, or water) within 10 feet. You learn the size of the
this hex has no effect. At 9th level, the duration increases to 1 object(s) but not their precise location or actual nature. Each
round per level; at 17th level, this ability can be used on additional round spent in concentration allows you to add 5
creatures normally immune to fire; the effect is to temporarily feet to the radius of your sense ability, to a maximum of 5
suppress that immunity, rather than impose vulnerability. additional feet per shugenja level. Alternatively, you can focus
After the duration ends, a creature cannot be the target of on one source of the sensed element per round, attempting a
this ability again for 1 day. Spellcraft check to determine more about that single item.
Form of Flame (Su): At will as a standard action, you can The amount of information you learn depends on the check
assume the form of a Medium fire elemental, as elemental result:
body II. At 11th level, you can assume the form of a Large fire
elemental, as elemental body III. At 15th level, you can Check Information Learned
assume the form of a Huge fire elemental, as elemental body Result
IV. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this 20+ Item's general location (5-foot square containing it,
revelation. or its nearest boundary if it is larger than a 5-ft.
Heat Aura (Su): As a swift action, you can cause waves of square).
heat to radiate from your body for 1 round. This heat deals 25+ Whether the item is natural or a spell effect. (A
1d6 points of fire damage per level of the highest-level spell Spellcraft check against DC 20 + spell level can
slot you have remaining to all creatures within 10 feet (Reflex then determine the nature of the spell effect.)
half). In addition, your form wavers and blurs, granting you 30+ Whether the item is a creature or an object.
20% concealment. You can use this ability once per day, plus
one additional time per day at 5th level and every four levels 35+ The exact nature of the item (for example, whether
thereafter. a creature is an efreeti or a fire elemental, whether
an object is gold or stone, whether air is breathable
or not).

In subsequent rounds, you can either retry your Spellcraft

check on the same item, shift your attention to a different
item, or extend the range of your senses.
A 1st level incarnate can use this ability three times per day. Aurora Borealis (Su): As a move action, you cause cold
You gain an additional daily use at 5th level, and every 4 levels flames that harm neither you nor your equipment engulf your
thereafter (5/day at 9th, 6/day at 13th, 7/day at 17th). Like entire body. This functions as a fire shield spell (cold flames
many divination spells, sense elements is blocked by 1 foot of only). Dismissing the aurora is a free action. You must be at
stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet least 7th level to select this revelation.
of wood or dirt. Black Ice (Su): Snow and ice effects you create have a
For example, an incarnate with the flame mystery and the melting point of 100 degrees Fahrenheit, rather than 32
sense elements revelation enters a room and concentrates to degrees; they also take half damage from fire. Non-
sense water. (Although you are a fire shugenja, you can just as instantaneous, non-permanent spells and spell-like abilities
easily sense any other element, including water.) A basin of you use that have the [cold] descriptor have double their
water rests on the nightstand, a person lurks behind the door normal durations, as if from the Extend Spell feat (but with
(living creatures are made of all four elements) holding a vial no increase in spell level or casting time). Finally, you can cast
of poison. You would discover three sources of water within meltCA (choosing which of your snow and ice effects within
10 feet of you: one Medium-size, one Small, and one Fine. the area are affected) and thawFB at will as spell-like abilities.
Focusing on the Medium-size source and concentrating for a Frozen Metamagic (Su): Choose one of the following
round, you make a Spellcraft check and get a result of 31 (for feats: Numbing Cold Evocation, Piercing Cold Evocation, or
example), in which case you would learn that the Medium- Staggering Spell. The effects of that feat automatically apply
size source of water is a creature, that it is natural, and where to all of your spells and spell-like abilities with the [cold]
it is. descriptor, without any increase in casting time or spell level.
Touch of Flame [Reserve] (Su): As a standard action, you However, you must keep track of what the modified spell level
can perform a melee touch attack that deals 1d6 points of fire would be, if you had applied this feat normally; the final spell
damage per level of the highest-level spell slot you have level cannot exceed the maximum level of spells you are able
remaining. Any weapon that you wield is treated as a flaming to cast. You may select this revelation multiple times; each
weapon, dealing half as many dice of additional fire damage time, choose another feat from the list.
as your touch attack. HoarfrostUM (Su): One target within 60 ft. turns pale and
Wings of Fire (Su): As a swift action, you can manifest a blue, and takes 1 point of Constitution damage per minute
pair of fiery wings that grant you a fly speed of 60 feet with until it dies, saves (Fort negates; once per minute), or is cured.
average maneuverability. You can use these wings for 1 Break enchantment, dispel magic, remove curse, and similar
minute per day per incarnate level. This duration does not spells end the effect. If the target saves, it is immune to this
need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1 minute ability for 1 day. You must be at least 11th level to gain this
increments. You must be at least 7th level before selecting revelation.
this revelation. Ice Magic (Ex): You gain Spell Focus (cold) as a bonus
Apotheosis: Upon reaching 20th level, you can use fiery feat. At 9th level, you gain Greater Spell Focus (cold) as a
body (as the spell from the Advanced Player’s Guide) on bonus feat.
yourself at will as a supernatural ability. Activating this ability Ice TombUM (Su): A storm of ice and freezing wind
is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity; envelops the target, which takes 1d6 points of cold damage
you can dismiss the effect at will as a free action. per two class levels you possess (Fortitude half). If the target
fails its save, it is paralyzed and unconscious but does not
Frost need to eat or breathe while the ice lasts. The ice has 20 hit
This mystery also supersedes the Winter Witch prestige class points; destroying the ice frees the creature, which is
from Paths of Prestige and the Cryokineticist from Frostburn. staggered for 1d4 rounds after being released. Whether or
Class Skills: Add Athletics, Endurance, and Survival to not the target’s saving throw is successful, it cannot be the
your list of class skills. target of this ability again for 1 day. You must be at least 11th
Bonus Spells: 1st—endure elements, 2nd—chill metal, 3rd level to gain this revelation.
—control temperatureFB, 4th—fire shield (cold flames only),
Icy Path (Sp): You can use ice slickFB at will as a spell-like
5th—icy prisonUM, 6th—freezing sphere, 7th—whiteoutFB, ability (as grease, except the area or object is icy instead of
8th—frostfellFB, 9th—comet swarm (as meteor swarm, but greasy). Starting at 9th level, all spells and spell-like abilities
cold damage instead of fire). you use that have the [cold] descriptor can be modified with
Thematic Spells: Spells with the [cold] descriptor. the Flash Frost Evocation feat (the +1 spell level cost
Planar Terrain: You gain favored terrain (arctic). function) at will; this does not change their normal casting
Revelations: A frost shugenja can select from the following times or spell levels. Starting at 13th level, your cold spells
list of revelations. can instead automatically gain the effects of the +2 spell level
Aura of Cold (Su): As a swift action, you can cause waves cost function of Flash Frost Evocation (but again, without any
of cold to radiate 10 ft. from your body for 1 round. This chill increase in spell level or casting time).
deals 1d6 points of cold damage per level of the highest-level
spell slot you have remaining. A Reflex save halves this
damage. In addition, your form wavers and blurs, granting
you 20% concealment. You can use this ability once per day,
plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every four
levels thereafter.
You can also skate at will, as per the psionic power of the Thematic Spells: Sorcerer/wizard spells from the school
same name in the 3.5 edition SRD, on a line of ice you of Necromancy.
creates ahead of you as you move. The trail remains iced over Divine Resistance: You are as one with the powers of
for one round. On existing ice, you can ice skateFB at will. unlife, and are resistant to negative energy damage (if you are
Starting at 5th level, you can skate across liquids, as water undead, you are instead resistant to positive energy).
walking, by freezing a path across the surface. At 9th level, Revelations: An incarnate with the bones mystery can
you can use pass through iceFB at will. Starting at 13th level, choose from any of the following revelations.
you can skate through the air by creating a sheet of ice to Armor of Bones (Su): At will as a standard action, you can
travel across (the steepest angle at which you can travel gird yourself in armor made of bones that functions as splint
upwards is 45 degrees (as per the air walk spell). This power mail armor, but also provides DR/bludgeoning an amount
is adapted from the Snowscaper class features from the equal to your class level (maximum DR 20/bludgeoning at
Tome of Tiamat (The Gaming Den). 20th level). You are always treated as being proficient with
Numbing Chill (Su): Whenever you cast a spell that deals your own bone armor. At 5th level, and every 4 class levels
cold damage, you can imbue the spell with a debilitating chill thereafter, the armor check penalty is reduced by 1 and the
as a swift action. Choose one of the spell’s targets or a max Dex bonus increases by 1; at 13th level, the armor no
creature within the spell effect. If that creature takes cold longer slows your movement. If multi-classed, you can cast
damage from the spell, it must also succeed at a Fortitude arcane spells from the school of Necromancy while in bone
save or take 1d4 points of Dexterity damage and be staggered armor with no chance of spell failure. You can dismiss the
for 1 round. The creature need only make this saving throw armor as a free action.
once per spell, even if the spell deals damage multiple times. Bleeding Wounds (Su): Whenever a creature takes
If the target saves successfully, it is immune to this power for damage from one of your spells or abilities that causes
1 day. Source: Paths of Prestige. negative energy damage (such as inflict light wounds or
Ray of Frost [Reserve] (Sp): This functions exactly as the channel negative energy), it begins to bleed, taking 1 point of
eldritch blast ability of a sorcerer with the Boreal bloodline, damage each round per die of damage inflicted. This bleeding
including the improved blast and greater blast can be stopped by a Heal check (normal save DC) or by any
enhancements, iterative attack use, and powerful blast ability. effect that heals damage (requiring a successful
Snowsculpt (Sp): You can shape snow and ice to your will, Concentration check against the same DC).
and create sculptures formed from magical ice. This ability Bone Lock (Su): With a quick incantation, you can cause a
manifests as a suite of related powers that work like racial creature within 30 feet to suffer stiffness in the joints and
spell-like abilities (Chapter 7): 1st—snowdriftFB, 2nd— bones. The target is affected as by the slow spell for 1 round
Leomund’s tiny iglooFB, 3rd—ice shapeFB, 4th—wall of ice, (Fortitude negates). At 9th level, the duration is increased to a
5th—fabricate (snow and ice only), 6th—move snow and number of rounds equal to your class level, though the target
iceFB, 7th—ice castleFB, 8th—simulacrum, 9th—ice assassin. can attempt a save each round to end the effect. At 17th level,
Wintry Touch [Reserve] (Su): You gain a melee touch the target no longer can attempt a saving throw each round to
attack that deals 1d6 points of cold damage per level of the end the effect.
highest-level spell slot you have available. In addition, any Connaissance (Su): You can spend a full-round action to
weapon that you wield is treated as a frost weapon, dealing attune yourself to the spirit world, gaining the benefit of a
half as many dice of additional cold damage as your touch moment of prescience spell with an insight bonus equal to
attack. half your class level (minimum +1). You may use this ability a
Apotheosis: At 20th level, you become a master of the number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier
Frostfell. You can create an ice castle (as the spell from (minimum 1/day), but you may only have one connaissance
Frostburn) at will as a spell-like ability; or you can extend the effect active at a time.
duration of an existing ice castle; you may have only two such Curse of Suffering (Su): As a swift action, you can cause
castles in existence at any one time, however. any creature(s) you desire within 30 feet to take more
damage from bleed effects and to cause their wounds to heal
Graves at a slower rate. When a cursed creature takes bleed damage,
This mystery has been renamed from “bones” to emphasize it takes an additional hit point of bleed damage (even if the
that not only corporeal undead are the focus. An incarnate bleed is ability damage). Furthermore, when the target is
with this mystery (a “boccor”) makes an excellent substitute subject to an effect that would restore hit points, that effect
for a True Necromancer or Master of Shrouds (Libris Mortis) only restores half the normal hit points. This curse lasts for
or an oracle with the Juju Mystery (Pathfinder Adventure as long as the victim is within 30 ft., and for a number of
Path, Vol. 39). additional rounds equal to your class level.
Class Skills: Add Bluff, Perform (acting), and Stealth to Dark Channeling (Su): You can channel negative energy
your list of class skills. as a cleric or archivist of level equal to your incarnate level. In
Bonus Spells: 1st—cause fear, 2nd—false life, 3rd—speak addition, you gain Command Undead as a bonus feat.
with dead, 4th—fear, 5th—magic jar, 6th—create undead, 7th
—finger of death, 8th—trap the soul, 9th—wail of the banshee
or soul bind. At least two of the revelations offered by the Juju
Mystery (dream haunter and path of the snake) are best
simulated by simply choosing the appropriate spells known
(dream/ nightmare and ethereal jaunt, respectively).
False Death (Su): Add charm person to your list of spells Zone of Desecration (Su): You constantly radiate a
known. At 8th level, add charm monster to your list of spells desecrate effect (as the spell) in a 5-ft. emanation around
known. 10th level, add dominate person. At 19th level, add yourself. The radius of this effect increases by an additional 5
dominate monster. Any creature under the effect of one of ft. per 4 levels after the 3rd, to a maximum of 25 ft. at 19th
your charm or dominate spells appears dead to any level. You must be at least 3rd level to gain this revelation.
examiners. Although affected creatures do not detect as Apotheosis: Upon reaching 20th level, you gain all
undead, they look pale and death-like while under the effects immunities common to the Undead type.
of your magic, and those dominated do not need to eat, drink,
or breathe. Those familiar with juju magic refer to such Heavens
beings as “laubo.” An affected creature ordered to lie still Class Skills: Add Fly, Perception, and Survival to your list of
gains a circumstance bonus equal to your class level on class skills.
Perform (acting) skill checks to look like a corpse. Bonus Spells: 1st—spark shower (as burning hands, but
Grave Sight (Su): Your senses are attuned to life and electrical damage), 2nd—hypnotic pattern or glitterdust, 3rd
death. You gain deathwatch and detect undead as continuous —daylight or deeper darkness, 4th—rainbow pattern, 5th
abilities requiring no concentration on your part. In addition, —overland flight, 6th—chain lightning, 7th—sunburst, 8th
you gain lifesense 30 ft. (as blindsense, but works on living —prismatic wall, 9th—meteor swarm.
creatures only). You can automatically sense if any creature Thematic Spells: Spells related to the Astral Plane, stars,
you see is diseased, poisoned, or suffering from energy drain. space, the sun, the moon, or other heavenly bodies. Also add
Life from Unlife (Su): Negative energy heals you, as if you phantasmal killer and weird to your list of thematic spells,
were undead. However, positive energy still heals you as well; simulating the “dweller in darkness” revelation.
this ability is not an exchange. You are not subject to being Planar Terrain: You gain Favored Terrain (Astral Plane).
turned or rebuked. Revelations: An incarnate with the Heavens mystery can
Path of the Snake (Su): Once per day, as a standard choose from any of the following revelations.
action, you can become incorporeal. While in this form, you Awesome Display (Su): Your phantasmagoric displays
can move in any direction and through any object (except for accurately model the mysteries of the night sky,
those made of force). You can take no action other than to dumbfounding all who behold them. Creatures affected by
move while in this form. You remain in this form for a your illusion [pattern] spells are treated as if their total
number of rounds equal to your class level, but you can end number of Hit Dice were equal to their number of Hit Dice
this effect prematurely with a move action. You must be at minus your Charisma modifier (if positive, minimum 1).
least 9th level to select this revelation. At 13th and 17th levels, Coat of Many Stars (Su): You conjure a coat of starry
you gain an additional use per day. radiance that grants you a +1 deflection bonus to AC per 4
Reminder of Death (Sp): You can imbue a handful of salt class levels you possess. In addition, you gain a miss chance
with the power of life, making it a potent ward against of 5% (as if from concealment); this improves by 5% per 4
undead creatures. As a standard action, you can throw salt at levels above the 1st (maximum 25% at 17th level).
a single undead creature within 5 feet, affecting it as per the Energy Resistance (Ex): Choose one energy type; you
spell halt undead. Alternatively, you can spend a full-round gain resistance to that energy equal to your divine energy
action covering a 5-ft. square with imbued salt, causing any resistance. You may select this revelation multiple times; each
single undead creature that enters this square within the next time, choose a new energy type.
10 minutes to be affected as per halt undead. Guiding Star (Su): Choose a star in the heavens. You
Spiritual Defense (Sp): Your chanting grants protection always know where this star lies, giving you know direction at
against your enemies (and sometimes your allies). As a move will as a spell-like ability. When this star is visible in the sky,
action, you can begin chanting to gain the benefit of a you may also add your Charisma modifier to your Wisdom
protection spell (such as protection from evil). This protection modifier on all Wisdom-based checks and Intuition saves.
lasts until you stop chanting or for the spell’s normal Once per night, you can cast one spell as if it were modified
duration, whichever comes first. Chanting after the initial by the Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, or Still spell
round of the effect is a free action, and you can incorporate feat without increasing the spell’s casting time or level, so
verbal components and communication into the chant; long as the star is visible.
magical silence ends a chant and its effects. At 6th level the Heaven’s Leap (Sp): You are adept at creating tiny tears in
effect is equal to a magic circle (such as magic circle against the fabric of space, and temporarily stitching them to reach
evil). other locations with a limited, one-way wormhole. At will, can
Summon Spirits (Sp): Add the following to your list of use jester’s jauntAPG on you or any willing ally within 30 ft. A
spells known of the indicated spell levels: 4th—summon specific individual can be affected by your use of this ability
undead IV (allip or shadow); 6th—summon undead VI only once per day, however.
(wraith); 7th—summon undead VII (spectre or greater Interstellar Void (Su): You call upon the frigid depths of
shadow); 8th—summon undead VIII (caller in darkness or outer space to bring a terrible chill to your enemies. You can
witchfire); 9th—summon undead IX (banshee, bhuta, or channel energy as an archivist of level equal to your incarnate
dread wraith). You can use higher-level spell slots to summon level, using the variant channeling effects for the Winter
more numerous lower-level undead (Chapter 7, Heighten domain. At 9th level, the interstellar void you channel is so
Spell). extreme that enemies who fail their saving throws are
True Necromancer (Ex): You gain Spell Focus fatigued. At 15th level, creatures who fail their saves are
(Necromancy) as a bonus feat. At 9th level, you gain Greater exhausted and stunned for 1 round.
Spell Focus (Necromancy) as a bonus feat.
Lure of the Heavens (Su): Your connection to the skies Channel Positive Energy (Su): You can channel positive
above is so strong that your feet barely touch the ground. At energy like a cleric, using your incarnate level as your
1st level, you no longer leave tracks. You gain the following effective cleric level when determining the amount of damage
additional effects at the indicated level breaks; these are healed (or caused to undead) and the DC. You can use this
continuous or at will, as appropriate: 5th—feather fall and ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma
water walk; 9th—air walk; 13th—fly; 17th—overland flight. modifier. If you can already channel positive energy, your
Mantle of Moonlight (Su): Your innate understanding of incarnate levels instead provide Full synergy to your existing
the moon renders you immune to lycanthropy. You gain ability.
Wolfsbane Strike as a bonus feat, using your incarnate level Combat Healer (Su): As the Battle mystery revelation of
as your base attack bonus for determining the effects. As you the same name (q.v.).
gain access to spells of the indicated levels, you can Deny Succor (Su): As a standard action, you render one
automatically add the following to your list of spells known: target within 30 feet immune to magical healing and effects
1st—lunar speedRRO, 2nd—lunar armorRRO, 3rd—rage, 7th that relieve conditions (Intuition save negates). This effect
—insanity. lasts for a number of rounds equal to your class level.
Moonlight Bridge (Su): You summon a bridge of Divine Companion (Ex): You gain a magical beast as a
shimmering moonlight. The 10-ft.-wide span touches the special mount. This works similarly to the fighter’s Mount
ground at a point adjacent to your position. From this point it talent, but works according to your class level, rather than
can extend in any direction for 10 feet per class level. The your number of ranks in Handle Animal, making the following
path persists up to 24 hours, or until you dismiss it as an base creatures available to you at the indicated level breaks:
immediate action. For every 4 levels past the 1st that you 6th—unicorn (CR 3); 10th—water naga (CR 7); 11th—
possess, you can specify one type, subtype, or other lammasu or gynosphinx (CR 8); 12th—androsphinx or shedu
description of creatures for whom the bridge is insubstantial (CR 9); 13th—couatl (CR 10).
(they fall through if they try to use it). Your description can be Energy Body (Su): As a standard action, you can
physical (e.g., “those wearing the symbol of the flaming eye”) transform your body into pure life energy, resembling a
or moral (e.g., “[evil] creatures”), but must be precise; golden-white fire elemental. In this form, you gain the
“creatures I don’t like” isn’t good enough. You may summon a [elemental] and [positive energy] subtypes and give off a
moonlight bridge a number of times per day equal to your warm, welcoming light that increases the light level within 10
Charisma bonus. feet by one step, up to normal light. Any undead creature
Shooting Stars [Reserve] (Sp): As an attack action, you striking you with its body or a hand-held weapon deals
can unleash a ball that explodes in a 5-ft. radius burst, normal damage, but at the same time the attacker takes 1d6
dealing 1d6 points of fire damage per level of the highest-level points of positive energy damage + 1 point per class level.
spell slot you have available and unused (Reflex half). This Creatures wielding melee weapons with reach are not subject
otherwise functions as the eldritch blast ability of a Starsoul to this damage if they attack you.
sorcerer, including the improved blast and greater blast If you grapple or attack an undead creature using unarmed
enhancements, iterative attack use, and powerful blast ability. strikes or natural weapons, you may deal this damage in
Apotheosis: Upon achieving 20th level, your rapport with place of the normal damage for the attack. Once per round, if
the heavens grants you perfect harmony with the universe. you pass through a living allied creature’s square or the ally
You receive a sacred bonus on all saving throws equal to your passes through your square, it heals 1d6 hit points + 1 per
Charisma modifier. You automatically stabilize if you are class level. You may use this ability to heal yourself as a move
below 0 hit points, are immune to fear effects, and action. You choose whether or not to heal a creature when it
automatically confirm all critical hits. Should you die, you are passes through your space.
reborn 3 days later in the form of a star child, who matures You may return to your normal form as a free action. You
over the course of 7 days (treat as the reincarnate spell). may remain in energy body form for a number of rounds per
day equal to your class level.
Life Enhanced Cures (Su): Whenever you cast a cure spell, the
Called “healers” or “curates,” incarnates with the Life effect is automatically Maximized, as if using the Maximize
mystery bring blessings of healing and alleviate the suffering Spell metamagic feat (except that the spell level and casting
of those in need. An incarnate with the Life mystery time are unaffected). Whenever your healing spells heal a
supersedes the Healer class, from the Miniatures Handbook. target up to its maximum hit points, any excess points persist
Class Skills: Add Handle Animal and Survival to your list for 1 round per level as temporary hit points (up to a
of class skills. You also adds half your class level as a sacred maximum number of temporary hit points equal to your class
bonus to all Heal checks, and you do not require a healer’s level).
kit. Healing Hands (Ex): You gain a +4 bonus on Heal checks.
Bonus Spells: 1st—detect undead, 2nd—lesser You may provide first aid to two people or treat two people for
restoration, 3rd—neutralize poison, 4th—restoration, 5th poison as a standard action (make a separate Heal check for
—breath of life, 6th—vigorous circleCD, 7th—greater
each creature). When using the Heal skill to treat wounds
restoration, 8th—mass death ward, 9th—true resurrection. from caltrops (and so on), treat deadly wounds, treat poison,
Thematic Spells: Spells of healing and restoration. treat disease, or treat long-term care, you may treat double
Divine Resistance: You are resistant to negative energy the normal number of people you may treat at the same time.
damage. You may provide long-term care for yourself.
Revelations: An incarnate with the life mystery can choose
from any of the following revelations.
Healer’s Blessing (Su): Whenever you cast a cure spell, the Charming Smile (Su): You can use charm person as a
amount of damage healed is automatically increased by 50% swift action. You can only have one creature charmed in this
(as if you had applied the Empower Spell feat) but without an way at a time. The total number of rounds of this effect per
increase in spell level or casting time. day is equal to your cleric level. The rounds do not need to be
Lay on Hands (Su): As the prestige paladin class feature consecutive, and you can dismiss the charm at any time as a
of the same name. In addition to the ability to lay on hands, free action. Each attempt to use this ability consumes 1
you also gain one mercy per 4 levels after the 1st (i.e., at 5th, round of its duration, whether or not the creature succeeds
9th, 13th, and 17th levels; the mercies available duplicate on its save to resist the effect.
those gained by a prestige paladin of 4th, 7th, 10th, and 13th Charm’s Aegis (Su): You can channel energy as an
levels, respectively. archivist of class level equal to your incarnate level; the effect
Life Link (Su): When allies within 10 ft. of you suffer hit is always that of the Charm domain variant channeling power
point or attribute damage, you can choose to transfer some or (see Cleric).
all of that damage to yourself as an immediate action. If there Dazing Touch (Sp): You can cause a living creature to
is an additional effect associated with that damage, you suffer become dazed for 1 round as a melee touch attack that does
that effect in lieu of the target if all of the damage is not provoke an attack of opportunity. Creatures with more Hit
transferred; otherwise, your ally suffers the effect normally. Dice than your incarnate level are unaffected. You also gain
Lifesense (Su): You notice and locate living creatures the following spells known, upon gaining access to spells of
within 30 feet, just as if you possessed the blindsight ability. the appropriate levels: 0—daze; 2nd—daze monster; 4th
Apotheosis: Upon reaching 20th level, you become a —mass dazeUM.
bastion of life. All living creatures within 30 ft. of you gain Energy Drain (Su): If you lure someone into an act of
regeneration at the rate of 1 hp/round (profane damage and passion, or else simply grapple and pin him or her, you can
damage from evil-aligned weapons is not regenerated, bestow one negative level upon the victim (Fortitude save to
however). remove). You must be at least 11th level to select this
revelation. This supersedes the Thrall of Malcanthet’s
Lust draining kiss prestige class feature, from Dragon magazine
An incarnate of lust wraps mortals around his or her fingers, (issue 353).
using irresistible charm to get his or her way. Enchantress (Ex): You gain Spell Focus (Enchantment) as
Class Skills: Add Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, and a bonus feat. At 9th level, you gain Greater Spell Focus
Streetwise to your list of class skills. (Enchantment) as a bonus feat.
Bonus Spells: 1st—charm person, 2nd—Rie’s lustful Inspiration (Ex): Your incarnate levels provide Strong
gazeRR2, 3rd—veil of lustRR2, 4th—charm monster, 5th theurgy towards bardic inspiration ability (including rounds
—dominate person, 6th—Rie’s dance of seductionRR2, 7th
per day and the number and types of inspiration available).
—crown of despairDr331, 8th—mass charm monster or
This ability applies even if you have no bard levels (with a
sympathy, 9th—dominate monster. default bard type of minstrel), so that a 1st – 2nd level
Thematic Spells: Sorcerer/wizard spells from the school incarnate would use bardic inspiration as a 1st level minstrel.
of Enchantment (especially the [charm] subschool). Instant Daze (Sp): Once per round as an immediate
Divine Resistance: Your divine resistance applies against action, you can daze an enemy who strikes you in melee (Will
all energy types, but only when used by creatures biologically negates). This is a mind-affecting compulsion. Creatures with
and emotionally compatible with your species. For example, HD greater than your class level are immune. You can’t
assuming you are human, a fireball or lightning bolt cast by activate this ability in response to an attack you are unaware
an elf or a centaur would be subject to your divine energy of. Source: Players Handbook II.
resistance, but the same spell cast by a lich would not. Stubborn Enchantment (Su): Any creature that
Referee and player discretion may be called for in successfully saves against one of your enchantment spells or
adjudicating certain cases. spell-like abilities must save again 1 round later (as if you had
Revelations: Choose from the following. cast the spell again) with a +4 bonus on the save. You can use
Beguiling Aura (Su): Any creature sexually attracted to this ability up to 3 times per day. You must be at least 11th
your race runs the risk of being beguiled if it looks upon your level to gain this revelation, which emulates the moderate
beauty from a distance of 30 feet or less (Intuition save or be enchantment esoterica from the Master Specialist prestige
fascinated). You may use suggestion at will as a spell-like class (Complete Mage).
ability against creatures that are fascinated by your beguiling Unearthly Grace (Su): You gain a deflection bonus to AC
aura. You must be at least 15th level in order to gain this equal to your Charisma bonus (to a maximum bonus of +1
revelation. per class level).
Beguiling Look (Su): As a standard action, you can make Apotheosis: At 20th level, you gain an inherent +5 bonus to
eye contact with a single target up to 300 ft. away. The Charisma. As with other like-named bonuses, inherent
targeted creature must succeed at a Will save or move bonuses do not stack.
towards you at its normal speed, taking no other actions but
to defend itself if attacked. You can maintain this effect as a
standard action each round. The victim stops within 5 ft. of
you, whereupon it must succeed at an Intuition save or be
charmed (as if by a charm monster spell). Success frees the
victim from the effect and renders it immune to further uses
of this ability for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting ability.
Metal Curse (Su): At will as a standard action, you can
Metal cause a creature within 30 feet to become slightly magnetic
This mystery appeared in Ultimate Magic. until the end of your next turn. Whenever the creature is
Class Skills: Add Disable Device to your list of class skills. attacked by a melee or ranged attack made primarily of metal,
In addition, you gain 1 free rank per class level in Craft the creature suffers a “hit chance” (the opposite of a miss
(smith). chance—a chance that attacks that would otherwise miss, hit
Bonus Spells: 1st—lead bladesAPG, 2nd—heat metal or instead) equal to 5%, plus an additional 5% per 4 class levels
versatile weaponAPG, 3rd—bands of steelCA, 4th—shape after the 1st (maximum 25% at 17th level).
metalRF, 5th—major creation (metal items only), 6th—wall of Rusting Grasp (Sp): At will as a standard action, you can
iron, 7th—repel metal or stone, 8th—iron body, 9th—summon perform a melee touch attack that rusts iron or corrodes
monster IX (iron golem). other metals, as the rusting grasp spell. You must be at least
Thematic Spells: Spells dealing with metal. 7th level to select this revelation. If you are at least 11th level,
Divine Resistance: Your command of the secrets of metal you can use this ability as a ray (requiring a ranged touch
allows you to act in some ways as a lightning rod. You gain attack) with a range of 30 ft. If you are at least 19th level, you
resistance to electricity. can cause the effect in a 30-ft. cone instead.
Revelations: An incarnate with the Metal mystery can Shape Metal (Su): Your touch can alter the physical
choose from any of the following revelations. properties of a metal object (up to 5 lbs. per class level you
Armor Training (Ex): You gain Martial proficiency with all possess) so that it runs like water (if in a creature’s
shields, and proficiency with heavy armor. You also gain possession, a Will save negates). The melted metal does not
armor training (as the fighter talent of the same name, but change temperature, but flows as a liquid for 1 round and
using your class level as your effective fighter level; if you then returns to its normal solid state, usually in a form
have levels in fighter, your incarnate levels provide Full resembling a puddle. If the object is a magic item, this
synergy instead). This applies only when using metal armor renders it broken and nonfunctional, although a character
and/or shields. with the Imbue Item feat and Craft (smith) skill can repair it.
Colossus of Iron (Ex): Your skin hardens and takes on the You must be at least 9th level to gain this revelation. If you are
appearance of iron, granting you a +2 natural armor bonus. at least 13th level, while the metal is molten, you can shape it
This bonus improves by +1 per 2 class levels you possess as if by a fabricate spell.
after the 1st (maximum +11 at 19th level). Steel Needle (Sp): At will as a standard action, you can
Detect Metal and Minerals (Sp): As the spell of the same conjure and fire a steel needle at any target within close
name from Races of Faerun, but useable at will, and this range. This is a ranged (projectile) attack that deals 1d4
ability cannot be dispelled or counterspelled. In addition, the piercing damage per class level you possess. Because this is a
number of rounds of concentration needed for each “step” is spell-like ability, you can apply Innate Metamagic to it to
reduced by 1 (i.e., 1 round to estimate weight, and 2 rounds shape it into a cone or burst, increase the damage, etc., by
to determine distance and direction; you can detect presence/ appropriate selection of metamagic feats.
absence and type as a free action). Transmute Metal (Su): At will as a standard action, you
Iron Constitution (Su): You gain a +1 inherent bonus to can touch up to 1 lb. of metal per class level (all of the same
Constitution. This improves by +1 per 4 class levels after the type) and change it into a different type of non-radioactive
1st, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. metal. The new metal is magical only if the original metal was
Iron Skin (Sp): You gain damage reduction, overcome by (and retains the same magical properties). The
adamantine weapons, in an amount equal to half your class transformation in type lasts 1 round per class level you
level. possess. Starting at 9th level, the effect lasts 1 minute per
Iron Weapon (Su): At will as a standard action, you can class level; at 13th level it lasts 10 minutes per class level; and
create a weapon that lasts for 1 minute for every class level at 17th level it lasts up to 1 hour per class level.
you possess. You are considered to have Martial proficiency Vision in Iron (Sp): You can use any piece of polished
with the weapon. The weapon has an enhancement bonus metal at least the size of a dagger as a scrying device, as if
equal to +1 per 4 class levels you possess; you can apply this using the spell scrying. At 15th level, this functions like
in the form of a straight enhancement bonus, or use some of greater scrying. You can scry for a number of rounds per day
it for other weapon properties, so long as it retains an actual equal to your class level; these rounds do not need to be
enhancement bonus of at least +1. Alternatively, you can consecutive. You must be at least 7th level to select this
spend a +1 bonus to make the weapon cold iron, or a +2 revelation.
bonus to make it adamantine. The weapon disappears after 1 Apotheisis: At 20th level, you are a master of all metal. You
round if it leaves your grasp. take no damage from metal weapons or creatures made of
Magnetism (Sp): You can use telekinesis at will as a spell- metal (such as iron golems). Metal weapons and spell-like
like ability, but it affects only metal items (or metal-armored abilities wielded by you always deal maximum damage (no
creatures). You must be at least 11th level to gain this damage roll necessary).
Mastery of Steel (Ex): You gain Martial proficiency with
all metal weapons. In addition, you gain Weapon Training (as
the fighter class feature of the same name, but treating your
incarnate level as your effective fighter level) with all metal
weapons. If you have levels in fighter as well, those levels
provide Full synergy for purposes of this talent.
Natural Divination (Ex): You can read the entrails of a
Nature freshly-killed animal or humanoid to gain an insight bonus
An incarnate with the Nature mystery is, in essence, a equal to your Charisma modifier on one saving throw.
spontaneous-caster druid. Alternatively, by observing and interpreting the flight of birds,
Class Skills: Add Handle Animal, Fly, Perception, and you may apply a +10 competence bonus on any one skill
Survival to your list of class skills. check. Finally, by charting marks in dirt or on stone, or
Bonus Spells: 1st—charm animal, 2nd—barkskin, 3rd observing the behavior of sand thrown into the wind, you gain
—beast shape I, 4th—ice storm, 5th—awaken, 6th—plant
a +4 insight bonus on one initiative check. These bonuses
shape II, 7th—creeping doom, 8th—animal shapes, 9th must be used during the next 24 hours, and you must declare
—storm of vengeance.
you are using the bonus before the check or save is made.
Thematic Spells: Spells from the Druid spell list that deal Making a natural divination takes 10 minutes. You may use
with nature (as opposed to those dealing with the ethereal natural divination (in any combination) once per day plus one
plane, spirits, elements, etc.); also beast shape and plant additional time per day for every four class levels you have
shape spells not already on the bonus spells list. attained.
Divine Resistance: You gain one favored terrain (choose a Nature Sense (Ex): You gain Skill Focus (Survival) as a
natural terrain, rather than a planar one). bonus feat. Starting at 5th level, your knowledge of the
Revelations: An incarnate with the Nature mystery can wilderness gives you a +4 bonus on saving throws against the
choose from the following revelations. spell-like and supernatural abilities of fey. This bonus also
Animal Domain (Ex): You gain Domain Access, Improved applies to spells and effects that utilize or target plants, such
Domain Access, and Domain Channeling (Animal domain) as as blight, entangle, spike growth, and warp wood.
bonus feats. If you can already channel energy, you gain Plant Domain (Ex): You gain Domain Access, Improved
Versatile Channeling (Animal) instead of Domain Channeling. Domain Access, and Domain Channeling (Plant domain) as
Druidic Initiation (Su): You gain one druidic initiation bonus feats. If you can already channel energy, you gain
(q.v.), obtaining the associated abilities as if your incarnate Versatile Channeling (Plant) instead of Domain Channeling.
level were your druid level. Spirit of Nature (Su): When in a natural setting, whenever
Entangling Curse (Su): At will as a standard action, you you are reduced to negative hit points, you automatically
can choose entangle a creature within 30 feet for a number of stabilize. At 5th level, you gain fast healing whenever you have
rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (Reflex negates). less than 0 hp, and for 1d4 rounds thereafter; the number of
Once a creature is affected by this ability, it cannot be hit points healed each round is equal to 1 per 4 levels above
targeted by you again with this ability for 1 day. the 1st that you possess (i.e., fast healing 1 at 5th level, fast
Erosion Curse [Reserve] (Su): You can summon the healing 2 at 9th, fast healing 3 at 13th, and fast healing 4 at
powers of nature to erode a construct or object within 30 feet. 17th). At 10th level, the ability works everywhere, even in
This erosion deals 1d6 points of damage per level of the civilized or wholly artificial realms.
highest-level spell slot you have remaining; this damage Transcendental Bond (Su): You become so attuned to the
ignores hardness and damage reduction. If used against a common spirit shared by all living things that you can use it
construct or an object in another creature’s possession, the to communicate with allies. You may communicate with your
construct or the creature possessing the item can attempt a allies for a number of rounds per day equal to your class level
Reflex save to halve the damage. Once an object or a as if using telepathic bond. You may designate a number of
construct is damaged with this ability, it cannot be targeted creatures as your ally equal to your Charisma modifier.
again for 1 day. You can instead use this ability as a melee Designating a creature is a standard action that requires a
touch attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, touch. At 9th level, you may use this bond to cast a touch spell
dealing 1d6 points of damage per class level to objects or on a designated ally once per day. At 17th level, it functions as
constructs. If used against an object in another creature’s interplanar telepathic bond.
possession, treat this attack as a sunder combat maneuver. Undo Artifice (Sp): At 11th level, you can gain the ability to
Life Leach (Su): You can draw life force from the bodies of reduce a nonliving item to its component parts, essentially
enemies and channel it into yourself. As a standard action, erasing the hand of artifice and rendering the item into a pile
you can drain the life essence from one living target within 30 of raw natural materials. This effect acts as the spell
feet. The target takes 1d6 points of damage per two class polymorph any object, working on both magical and
levels you possess (maximum 10d6). You gain temporary hit nonmagical nonliving objects. The duration is always
points equal to the damage you deal. You can’t gain more than permanent. Unlike polymorph any object, it cannot be used to
the target’s current hit points + the target’s Constitution score mimic the effects of other spells. Items subject to this effect
(which is enough to kill the subject). The temporary hit points receive a Fortitude save to negate the effect. Magic items
last a number of hours equal to your Charisma modifier. The receive a circumstance bonus on this save equal to +1 for
target receives a Fortitude save to halve the damage (and the every 5,000 gp in the item’s value. You may use undo artifice a
temporary hit points you gain). You must be at least 7th level number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.
before selecting this revelation. You may use this ability once Wild Speech (Ex): As the druid class feature of the same
per day at 7th level, plus one additional time per day for every name.
4 levels you possess beyond 7th. Apotheosis: At 20th level you can wild shape (as the druid
Mark of the Wild (Su): As the Druid class feature of the class feature) at will, with no daily limitation on usage.
same name.
Forewarned (Su): You receive a +1 insight bonus on
Oracular initiative checks; this bonus increases by an additional +1 per
"I respond to three questions," stated the augur. "For 4 class levels above the 1st. Starting at 19th level, anytime you
twenty terces I phrase the answer in clear and actionable roll initiative, assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.
language; for ten I use the language of cant, which Precognition (Su): Precognition allows your mind to
occasionally admits of ambiguity; for five, I speak a parable glimpse fragments of potential future events―what you see
which you must interpret as you will; and for one terce, I will probably happen if no one takes action to change it.
babble in an unknown tongue." ―Jack Vance, “Guyal of However, your vision is incomplete, and it makes no real
Sfere” (1950) sense until the actual events you glimpsed begin to unfold.
An incarnate with the Oracular mystery is properly termed That’s when everything begins to come together, and you can
an “oracle.” Whether they receive their visions from volcanic act, if you act swiftly, on the information you previously
smoke (as at Delphi) or from the flight of birds, oracles received when you manifested this power. Once per day, you
receive divine visions that allow them glimpses of the future may use this precognitive edge, allowing you to immediately
or of distant places. This mystery can also be used to reroll any single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. You
simulate the Divine Oracle prestige class, from Complete can use this ability an additional time per day at 5th level, and
Divine. every 4 class levels thereafter (maximum 5/day at 17th level).
Class Skills: Add Bluff and Perception to your list of class Prescient Sense (Ex): Due to a sense of impending blasts,
skills. you gain the benefit of Evasion, as the rogue class feature of
Spellcasting Attribute: Because your abilities require the same name. At 11th level, this improves to Improved
awareness and insight rather than sheer force of personality, Evasion; at 19th level, you gain Greater Evasion. Alternatively,
you may choose Wisdom (rather than Charisma) as your if you have levels in rogue (or another class granting evasion),
spellcasting attribute. Once this choice is made, you cannot your incarnate level instead with your level in that class for
change it. purposes of determining improvements to your evasion
Bonus Spells: 1st—identify, 2nd—augury, 3rd ability.
—clairaudience/clairvoyance, 4th—divination, 5th—contact
Scrying Adept (Su): You gain a continuous nondetection
other plane, 6th—true seeing, 7th—greater scrying, 8th effect, as the spell. You also gain Careful Speaker as a bonus
—discern location, 9th—foresight.
feat, using your Perception skill instead of your Bluff skill
Thematic Spells: Sorcerer/wizard spells of the school of when determining the effects.
Divination, and psion powers of the Clairsentience discipline. Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions (Su): You gain
Divine Resistance: You are unfazed even by the weight of historical vision in a given location. Rooms, streets, tunnels,
destiny that cuts across dimensions. You are resistant to force and other discrete locations accumulate psychic impressions
damage. left by powerful emotions experienced in a given area. These
Revelations: An oracle can choose from any of the impressions offer you a picture of the location’s past. The
following revelations. types of events most likely to leave psychic impressions are
Arcane Sight (Su): You can detect magic at will. At 9th those that elicited strong emotions: battles and betrayals,
level, this ability improves to arcane sight, which is marriages and murders, births and great pain, or any other
continuously active until you dismiss it as a free action (you event where one emotion dominates. Everyday occurrences
can activate it again at will as a swift action). At 13th level, the leave no residue for you to detect. The vision of the event is
effect improves again to greater arcane sight. dreamlike and shadowy. You do not gain special knowledge of
Augury (Sp): You can use augury at will as a spell-like those involved in the vision, though you might be able to read
ability. At 9th level, the effect improves to duplicate a large banners or other writing if they are in your language.
divination spell. At 17th level, you can contact other plane at Beginning with the most recent significant event at a
will. You must be at least 3rd level to gain this revelation. location and working backward in time, you can sense one
Danger Sense (Ex): You gain a +1 insight bonus to all distinct event for every 10 minutes you maintain
saving throws; this increases by +1 per 4 class levels you concentration, if any such events exist to be sensed. Your
possess, to a maximum bonus equal to your Wisdom or sensitivity extends into the past a maximum amount of time
Charisma bonus (whichever you chose as your spellcasting as determined by your class level:
attribute). In addition, you gain Alertness as a bonus feat. Incarnate Level Maximum Past Sensitivity
Diviner's Fortune (Sp): You can touch any creature as a 1st – 4th 1 day/level
standard action to give it an insight bonus on all of its attack
rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws equal to 5th – 8th 1 year/level
half your incarnate level (minimum +1) for 1 round. At 9th 9th – 12th 10 years/level
level, the duration increases to 2 rounds. At 13th level, it 13th – 16th
increases to 3 rounds, and again at 17th level to 4 rounds 100 years/level
total duration. You can use this ability a number of times per 17th + 1,000 years/level
day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Divination Enhancement (Ex): When using spells such as Apotheosis: At 20th level, you are constantly seeing a few
augury and divination, you roll twice for results and choose moments into the future, as well as seeing the present. You
the better result. cannot be surprised. Additionally, you exist slightly outside of
Divinatory Awareness (Ex): You gain Spell Focus time; treat this as a continuous mind blank effect that cannot
(Divination) as a bonus feat. At 9th level, you gain Greater be dispelled.
Spell Focus (Divination) as a bonus feat.
Totem-Strong (Ex): Your incarnate levels provide Full
Rage synergy for purposes of determining your totem bonus, totem
This mystery, in conjunction with the barbarian’s Spirit abilities, and totem feats. If you have no levels in barbarian,
Totem, is intended to replace the Rage Prophet prestige class choose a totem; you gain the sacred bonus for that totem and
(from the Advanced Player’s Guide) by allowing a the totem abilities (but not bonus feats) as a barbarian of level
straightforward but viable barbarian/ incarnate multiclass equal to your incarnate level.
combination. Apotheosis: At 20th level, you gain the barbarian’s
Class Skills: Add Athletics, Endurance, and Survival to perpetual rage class feature.
your list of class skills. Stone
Bonus Spells: 1st—unseen servant, 2nd—see invisibility,
3rd—speak with dead, 4th—arcane eye, 5th—dream, 6th An incarnate with the stone mystery represents an earth
—shadow walk, 7th—ethereal jaunt, 8th—cloak of chaos, 9th shugenja, as from Oriental Adventures or Complete Divine.
—etherealness. Class Skills: Add Athletics, Bluff, and Endurance to your
Thematic Spells: Spells dealing with emotion or wrath, or list of class skills. In addition, you gain a competence bonus
that provide morale bonuses. equal to half your class level to Craft (construction) checks
Divine Resistance: When you use the guidance spell while involving earth or stone.
fighting a fey, outsider, undead, or incorporeal creature, the Bonus Spells: 1st—magic stone, 2nd—glitterdust, 3rd
bonus is increased by +1 per 5 points of energy resistance —meld into stone, 4th—stoneskin, 5th—wall of stone, 6th
shown on Table 1 (maximum total bonus of +10 at 18th level). —stone tell, 7th—statue, 8th—repel metal or stone, 9th
If you have the ability to rage, you can cast guidance on —elemental swarm (earth only).
yourself as a free action once per rage. Thematic Spells: Spells with the [earth] or [acid}
Revelations: A rage prophet can choose from any of the descriptor. As an option, an earth shugenja can choose to be a
following revelations. member of one of two secret orders. Members of a secret
Battle Revelation: You can select one revelation from the order add the following to the list of thematic spells:
Battle mystery in place of a Rage revelation. You must meet
any prerequisites (including effective Incarnate level) Order of the Impenetrable Crucible: magic weapon, sound
normally. burst, greater magic weapon, dismissal, death ward,
Divine Rage (Ex): You can rage as a barbarian of level banishment, repulsion, binding, imprisonment.
equal to your incarnate level. If you have levels in barbarian, Order of the Perfect Sculpture: shield of faith, soften earth
your incarnate levels provide Full synergy for purposes of and stone, stone shape, subvert planar essenceCD,
determining the rounds per day of use and the type of rage transmute rock to mud, flesh to stone, disintegrate,
(and attribute bonuses). You can select rage powers (of a level earthquake, antipathy.
appropriate to the type of rage to which you have access) in
place of incarnate revelations. Planar Terrain: You gain favored terrain (Elemental Plane
Ghost Slayer (Su): You gain Ghost Strike as a bonus feat. of Earth).
For purposes of determining the effects of this feat, treat your Revelations: An earth shugenja can choose from any of the
Incarnate levels as if they provided full BAB, rather than following revelations.
medium progression. For example, a 11th level incarnate Alkaline Touch [Reserve] (Su): As a standard action, you
would be treated as BAB +11, rather than BAB +8, for can perform a melee touch attack that deals 1d6 points of
purposes of determining the feat’s effects. acid damage per level of the highest-level spell slot you have
Indomitable Will (Ex): Once per rage, you may attempt a remaining. Any weapon you wield deals half as many dice of
new saving throw against one of the following conditions that bonus acid damage as your touch attack.
may be affecting you: blinded, confused, dazzled, deafened, Channel Elemental Energy (Su): You channel elemental
nauseated, or sickened. If you succeed at the save, the effect is energy (earth) as an archivist with the Earth domain, using
suppressed for the duration of your rage. You also may your incarnate level in place of your cleric/archivist level. In
attempt a new saving throw if poisoned or suffering from a addition, you gain Command/Turn Elemental as a bonus feat.
disease; a successful save counts against those required for a Clobbering Strike (Ex): Whenever you score a critical hit
cure, but a failed save has no ill effect. If you are affected by against an opponent with an attack spell, that spell gains the
an enchantment spell or effect while not in a rage, you can effects of the Forceful Spell feat (obviously without any
choose to activate your rage as an immediate action so as to increase in casting time or spell level).
delay the onset of the effects (assuming you have rounds of Clutch of Earth [Reserve] (Su): You can spend a standard
rage remaining for that day). action to reduce the speed of any land bound creature(s)
Your incarnate level and barbarian level (if any) must total within 30 feet of you. The creatures’ normal land speeds, as
to at least 14th to gain this ability. If you also gain this ability well as burrow and climb speeds, decrease by 5 feet per level
as a barbarian class feature, you gain no additional benefit of the highest-level spell slot you have available to cast, to a
(the effects do not stack). minimum speed of 0 feet. This effect lasts for 1 round. A
Savage Seer (Ex): Your incarnate levels and barbarian successful Fortitude save halves this effect (a minimum speed
levels provide Strong synergy to one another for determining of 5 ft. is maintained) and renders the target immune to
damage reduction (from both classes) and the effects of rage further uses of this effect for 24 hours. Creatures currently
powers, revelations, and incarnate resistances (including swimming or flying are not affected. This revelation simulates
strength of self, etc.). the feat of the same name, from Complete Mage.
Earth Power (Su): As long as you are standing on stone or Spell Transmission (Su): Earth and stone do not block
unworked earth (including normal soil), you can pull energy the line of effect of your spells (see “Castles and Dungeons”
from the earth to you cast a mystery spell or spell with the in Chapter 7), although they do still block your line of sight
[earth] descriptor. When you cast a spell in this way, it unless you use the crystal sight ability from your favored
requires a full-round action rather than a full attack action, terrain.
but you use a spell slot one level lower than normal (e.g., you Steelbreaker Skin (Su): As an immediate action, you can
could use a 4th spell slot to cast wall of stone). You cannot use harden your flesh so that weapons that impact you are
this ability on 1st level spells. This is similar in effect to the damaged or destroyed. Anytime a melee or ranged weapon
feat of the same name from Races of Stone. hits you, you can make a sunder attempt against that weapon
Earth Spell (Sp): As long as you are standing on stone or as a free action, even if it is not your turn (if the weapon was
unworked earth (including normal soil), you can use the from a ranged attack, treat its CMD as 15 + the attacker’s
Heighten Spell ability to added effect. If you cast a spell using BAB for this purpose rather than using the attacker’s CMD).
a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level, the This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If your sunder
spell is treated as a spell of two levels higher; if you use a combat maneuver is successful, you deal damage to the
spell slot two levels higher, the spell is treated as three levels weapon as if you had hit weapon with an unarmed attack that
higher; and so on. This effect is not gained with automatic does normal (not nonlethal) damage. This damage bypasses
Heightening from other metamagic feats (Chapter 7); it hardness equal to your incarnate level. This ability does not
applies only if you use Heighten Spell itself to increase the prevent the weapon from harming you unless the sunder
spell level. You cannot gain the benefit of this ability when destroys the weapon attacking you. You can use this ability
casting a spell with the [air], [fire], or [water] descriptor. This once per day, plus an additional time per day per 2 class
revelation supersedes the feat of the same name, from Races levels beyond the 1st (maximum 10/day at 19th level).
of Stone. Apotheosis: Upon reaching 20th level, you become a
Elemental Focus (Ex): You gain Spell Focus (Earth) as a master of acid and earth. You can apply any of the following
bonus feat. At 11th level, you gain Greater Spell Focus (Earth) feats to any acid or earth spell without increasing the level or
as a bonus feat. casting time: Extend Spell, Reach Spell, Silent Spell, Still
Form of Stone (Su): At will as a standard action, you can Spell, or Widen Spell. The maximum amount of “free”
assume the form of a Medium earth elemental, as elemental metamagic you can use in this manner is equal to 2 spell
body II. At 11th level, you can assume the form of a Large levels (In any combination: extended to double duration and
earth elemental, as elemental body III. At 15th level, you can with reach increased by 1 range step, or range increased by 2
assume the form of a Huge earth elemental, as elemental steps, etc.). You need not know the feats in question.
body IV. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this
revelation. Time
Lodestone (Su): At will as a standard action, you can This mystery appeared in Ultimate Magic.
cause one creature within 30 feet to become heavy and Class Skills: Add Endurance, Perception, and Planar
lethargic (Intuition negates). The creature is treated as if it is Sense to your list of class skills.
carrying a load one step heavier than is actually the case Bonus Spells: 1st—memory lapseAPG, 2nd—sensitivity to
(light to medium; medium to heavy). If the creature is already psychic impressionsSRD, 3rd—sands of timeUM, 4th—
carrying a heavy load, its maximum Dexterity is reduced to 0, threefold aspectAPG, 5th—contingency, 6th—disintegrate, 7th
it takes a –9 armor check penalty, and its movement is —expend, 8th—temporal stasis, 9th—time stop.
reduced to 5 feet. The effect lasts for a number of rounds In addition, you are always under a continuous know time
equal to your class level. Starting at 9th level, you increase the effect, even when unconscious, and you can choose to wake
load by 2 steps (save for half). up at any time if you are sleeping normally (rather than
Rock Throwing (Su, Ex): You gain the eldritch blast ability having been rendered unconscious).
of a sorcerer with the Elemental Earth bloodline, including Thematic Spells: Spells dealing with time.
the improved blast and greater blast improvements. In Divine Resistance: You are resistant to the pull of entropy,
addition, you are an accomplished rock thrower and have a and gain resistance against negative energy. In addition, you
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown rocks. You can gain a sacred bonus to saving throws against death effects
hurl rocks up to two categories smaller than your own size. equal to half your class level.
The range increment for a rock is 20 feet, and you can hurl it Revelations: An incarnate with the time mystery can
up to 5 range increments. Damage for a hurled rock is 2d4 choose from any of the following revelations.
for a Medium creature or 2d3 for a Small creature, plus 1½ Aging Touch (Su): Your touch ages living creatures and
times your Strength bonus. objects. As a melee touch attack against a living creature, you
Sense Elements (Sp): See description of this revelation can deal entropy (negative energy) damage equal to 1d6 x the
under the Flame mystery (q.v.). highest-level spell slot you have remaining. In addition,
Shard Explosion (Ex): As a swift action, you can cause starting at 6th level your aging touch carries the effects of the
jagged pieces of stone to explode outward from your body. Crippling Strike feat, using your class level in place of your
These shards deal 1d6 points of damage per incarnate level BAB derived from your Incarnate level.
to all creatures within 10 feet. A Reflex save halves this Against objects or constructs, you deal 1d6 points of
damage. In addition, the broken shards make the area damage per class level. (If used against an object in another
difficult terrain until your next turn. You can use this ability creature’s possession, treat this attack as a sunder combat
once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and maneuver.)
every four class levels thereafter.
Erase from Time (Su): You gain timeless step, as the monk Time Sight (Su): You can peer through the mists of time to
sutra of the same name, using your incarnate level in place of see things as they truly are, as if using the true seeing spell.
your monk level (if you have levels in monk as well, those You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal
levels provide Full synergy when determining the effects).You to your class level, but these rounds do not need to be
can also perform a temporal strike (as per the timeless step consecutive. Starting at 9th level, the duration increases to
monk sutra) once per day as a melee touch attack. At 9th level, minutes per day, rather than rounds; and you can also use
you gain full access to the timeless step sutra, also applying time pool (as the spell from the 2nd edition Tome of Magic) as
your incarnate levels as effective monk levels. At 13th level, a spell-like ability once per day. Starting at 17th level, the true
you can manifest suspend lifeSRD at will as a spell-like ability. seeing effect is continuous.
Momentary Glimpse (Su): You can see a few milliseconds Apotheosis: Upon reaching 20th level, you become a true
into the future, allowing you to avoid blows. Upon selecting master of time. You stop aging, cannot be magically aged, no
this revelation, you gain Canny Defense as a bonus feat. You longer take penalties to your attribute scores for aging, and
also gain a +1 insight bonus to all skill checks. At 5th level, are immune to any effects which impose an altered time
you gain Insightful Strike as a bonus feat, using your frame on you from externally (e.g., you act normally during a
Incarnate class level in place of your BAB derived from time stop spell cast by someone else). You are also immune to
Incarnate levels. At 9th level, the bonus to skill checks necromancy spells and effects, and can manifest timeless
increases to +2. Starting at 13th level, you can call on a bodySRD (as the psionic power) at will as a spell-like ability.
moment of prescience effect once per day. At 17th level and You cannot die of old age, but you can be killed or die through
above, you can also use foresight once per day as a spell-like accident, disease, poison, or other external effects.
Recall Agony (Sp): You can use recall agonySRD as a spell- Waves
like ability; the damage dealt is equal to 1d6 per class level An incarnate with the waves mystery represents a water
you possess. Starting at 5th level, the target is also sickened shugenja, as from Oriental Adventures or Complete Divine.
for 1 minute if it fails the save (as a destiny dissonance effect). Class Skills: Add Acrobatics, Athletics, Escape Artist, and
Starting at 17th level, the target dies on a failed save (as a Survival to your list of class skills.
recall death effect) and is sickened even if the save is Bonus Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—chill metal, 3rd
successful. You can use this ability a number of times per day —quench, 4th—control water, 5th—baleful polymorph, 6th
equal to your Charisma modifier. —control water, 7th—waterspoutSW, 8th—maelstromCD, 9th
Rewind Time (Su): Once per day as an immediate action, —shapechange (water subtype only).
you can reroll any one d20 roll that you have just made after Thematic Spells: Spells with the [water] or [cold]
the results of the roll are revealed. You must take the result of descriptor. As an option, a water shugenja can choose to be a
the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. For every 6 member of a secret order. Members of a secret order add the
levels beyond the 1st, you can use this ability an additional following to the list of thematic spells:
time per day (maximum 4/day at 19th level).
Speed or Slow Time (Sp): As a standard action, you can Order of the Forbidding Wasteland: remove fear, scent,
speed up or slow down time, as either the haste or slow spell. phantom steed, restoration, dance of the unicornCD,
You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation. control weather, greater scrying, horrid wilting, shambler.
Starting at 13th level, you can use this ability to create a mass
haste effect. Planar Terrain: You gain favored terrain (Elemental Plane
Temporal Celerity (Su): You gain Alertness as a bonus of Water).
feat. You also gain Iaijutsu, as the fighter talent of the same Revelations: A water shugenja can choose from any of the
name, using your Incarnate level as your fighter level (if you following revelations.
also have levels in fighter, you gain Full synergy from the two Armor of Waves (Su): At will as a swift action, you can
classes when determining the effects of this talent). conjure a haze of water vapor that grants you a deflection
Time Flicker (Su): As a standard action, you can flicker in bonus to AC equal to +1 per 4 class levels you possess. In
and out of time, gaining concealment (as the blur spell). You addition, you gain a miss chance of 5% (as if from
can use this ability for 1 minute per class level that you concealment); this improves by 5% per 4 levels above the 1st
possess per day. This duration does not need to be (maximum 25% at 17th level).
consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. Channel Elemental Energy (Su): You are able to
Starting at 9th level, each time you activate this ability, you command and rebuke water elementals, and turn or destroy
can treat it as the blink spell instead. other elements, as a an archivist with the Water domain
Time Hop (Su): As a move action, you can teleport up to variant channeling. Use your incarnate level in place of your
10 feet per day per class level you possess. This teleportation cleric/archivist level.
must be used in 5-foot increments. This movement does not Control Water (Sp): You can use control water at will as a
provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to spell-like ability. You must be at least 7th level to gain this
your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing revelation.
creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of
distance for each creature brought. You must be at least 7th
level to select this revelation.
Drowning Glance (Sp): You can use a standard action to Order of the All-Seeing Eye: A group of shugenja
transform a small portion of the air in a living creature's lungs specializing in air and divination magic; spell access
to water, making it difficult for the creature to breathe. The includes detect snares and pits, detect thoughts,
subject must be within 30 feet. The target becomes clairaudience/ clairvoyance, divination, commune with
exhausted for a number of rounds equal to half your class nature, find the path, legend lore, vision, foresight.
level; if it succeeds on a Fortitude save, it is instead fatigued. Order of the Spring Zephyr: A group of shugenja
Whether or not a targeted creature successfully saves, it is specializing in air and illusion magic; spell access includes
immune to any further uses of your drowning glance for 24 daze, disguise self, blur, invisibility, air walk, greater
hours. Creatures that can breathe water (or who don't invisibility, veil, mislead, screen, foresight.
breathe) are immune to this effect. You must be at least 7th
level to gain this revelation, which simulates the feat of the
same name, from Complete Mage. Planar Terrain: You gain favored terrain (Elemental Plane
Elemental Focus: You gain Spell Focus (Water) as a bonus of Air).
feat. At 11th level, you gain Greater Spell Focus (Water) as a Revelations: An air shugenja can choose from any of the
bonus feat. following revelations.
Fluid Travel (Su): You can walk on liquid as if it were a Channel Elemental Energy (Su): You channel elemental
solid surface. Walking on the liquid does not harm you; you energy (electrical) as an archivist with the Air domain, using
can walk on acid or even lava (as if walking on a solid your incarnate level in place of your cleric/archivist level. In
temporary crust), though you would still take fire damage addition, you gain Command/Turn Elemental as a bonus feat.
from being near the lava. You can move across this surface at Cloak of Winds (Su): You can surround yourself in a
your normal land speed. At 7th level, while this ability is in whirling cylinder of severe winds that provide defense against
effect, you can instead go underwater, gaining a swim speed incoming missiles and other threats. This acts as a cloak of
of 60 feet and the ability to breathe water. You can use this winds spell (from the Advanced Player’s Guide). These
ability for 1 hour per day per incarnate level. This duration buffering winds also provide you with a deflection bonus to
does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1 AC equal to +1 per 4 class levels you possess.
hour increments. At 9th level, this barrier also acts as a fickle winds spell
Sense Elements (Sp): See description of this revelation (Ultimate Magic). At 17th level, the winds increase in strength
under the Flame mystery (q.v.). to the equivalent to a windstorm, checking Medium creatures
Storm (Su): As the Frost Mystery’s “winter storm” and blowing away smaller ones. The winds do not interfere
revelation (q.v.). with your own attacks, spells, or missiles. You can dismiss
Water Form (Su): At will as a standard action, you can these encircling winds as a free action, and raise them again
assume the form of a Medium water elemental, as elemental as a standard action.
body II. At 11th level, you can assume the form of a Large Control Winds (Sp): You can use control winds at will as a
water elemental, as elemental body III. At 15th level, you can spell-like ability. You must be at least 11th level to gain this
assume the form of a Huge water elemental, as elemental revelation.
body IV. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this Eldritch Blast [Reserve] (Sp): This ability duplicates the
revelation. Air elemental bloodline sorcerer class feature of the same
Water Sight (Su): You can see through fog and mist name, including the improved blast and greater blast
without penalty as long as there is enough light to allow you enhancements, iterative attack use, and powerful blast ability.
to see normally. At 7th level, you can use any pool of water at Elemental Focus (Ex): You gain Spell Focus (Air) as a
least 1 foot in diameter as a scrying device, as if using the bonus feat. At 11th level, you gain Greater Spell Focus (Air) as
scry spell. At 15th level, this functions like greater scrying. a bonus feat.
Apotheosis: Upon reaching 20th level, you can create a Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, you can assume
seamantleAPG effect on yourself at will as a supernatural gaseous form (as the spell). You can remain gaseous for 2
ability. Once invoked as a standard action, the effect lasts minutes per day per incarnate level. This duration does not
until you dismiss it as a free action. need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute
increments. You must be at least 5th level before selecting
Wind this revelation. You can bring other creatures with you in
An incarnate with the wind mystery represents an air gaseous form, but each passenger costs an additional minute
shugenja, as from Oriental Adventures or Complete Divine. per minute of travel.
Class Skills: Add Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Fly, and Invisibility (Su): As a standard action, you can become
Stealth to your list of class skills. invisible (as per the invisibility spell). You can remain invisible
Bonus Spells: 1st—feather fall, 2nd—gust of wind, 3rd—fly for 1 minute per day per incarnate level. This duration does
or gaseous form, 4th—freedom of movement, 5th—control not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1 minute
winds, 6th—overland flight or chain lightning, 7th—control increments. Starting at 9th level, each time you activate this
weather, 8th—whirlwind, 9th—storm of vengeance. ability you can treat it as greater invisibility, though each
Thematic Spells: Spells with the [air] or [electricity] round spent this way counts as 1 minute of your normal
descriptor. As an option, an air shugenja can choose to be a invisibility duration.
member of one of two secret orders. Members of a secret Sense Elements (Sp): See description of this revelation
order add the following to the list of thematic spells: under the Flame mystery (q.v.).
Thunderburst (Ex): As a standard action, you can create a Wood
blast of air accompanied by a loud peal of thunder. The blast
has a 20-ft. radius, increasing by 5 feet for every 4 incarnate This option is modified from the version presented in
levels after 7th. Creatures in the area take 1d6 points of Ultimate Magic.
damage per incarnate level and are deafened for 1 hour, with Class Skills: Add Endurance and Survival to your list of
a Fortitude save resulting in half damage and no deafness. class skills. In addition, you gain a competence bonus equal
You must be at least 3rd level before selecting this revelation. to half your class level to Craft (construction) checks involving
You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time wood and to Profession (horticulture) checks.
per day at 9th level and every four levels thereafter. Bonus Spells: 1st—shillelagh, 2nd—barkskin, 3rd—minor
Touch of Electricity [Reserve] (Su): As a standard action, creation (wood only), 4th—thorn bodyAPG, 5th—tree stride,
you can perform a melee touch attack that deals 1d6 points of 6th—lignification (as flesh to stone, but turns target to wood),
electricity damage per level of the highest-level spell slot you ironwood or transmute metal to wood, 7th—changestaff, 8th
have remaining. Any weapon that you wield is treated as a —control plants, 9th—wooden phalanxUM.
shock weapon, dealing half as many dice of bonus electrical Thematic Spells: Spells dealing with wood or plants.
damage as your touch attack. Divine Resistance: You gain favored terrain (forests).
Vortex Spells (Ex): Whenever you affect an opponent with Revelations: Choose from the following.
an [air] or [electricity] spell or spell-like ability, the target Bend the Grain (Sp): At will as a standard action, you can
must save vs. Fortitude or be staggered for 1 round. The shape wooden objects; this functions as wood shape. Starting
duration increases by an additional round per 4 class levels at 5th level, you can also create a warp wood effect. At 13th
above the 7th. You must be at least 7th level to gain this level, you can use this ability to push wood away from you, as
revelation. repel wood.
Wind Form (Su): At will as a standard action, you can Speak with Wood (Sp): You can talk to wood and learn
assume the form of a Medium air elemental, as elemental what it knows. You must spend 1 minute meditating on and
body II. At 11th level, you can assume the form of a Large air communing with the wood. At the end of this time, you can
elemental, as elemental body III. At 15th level, you can speak with the wood. This functions as the stone tell spell,
assume the form of a Huge air elemental, as elemental body except with wood instead of stones. You can use this ability
IV. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this for 1 minute per class level. This duration does not need to be
revelation. consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. You
Wind Sight (Ex): You ignore penalties to Perception can speak with natural or worked wood. You must be at least
checks based on wind and the first 100 feet of distance. At 9th 11th level to select this revelation.
level, you can see and hear into any area (as if using Splintered Spear (Su): As a standard action, you can
clairaudience and clairvoyance) within range as long as there create a wooden shortspear appropriate to your size, which
is an unobstructed path for air to travel between you and the hurls itself as a ranged attack against one target within 100
target area (this does not require line of effect, meaning the feet (range penalties apply), using your Charisma modifier as
path can turn corners and go through spaces no smaller than an attack bonus instead of your Strength or Dexterity
1 inch in diameter). You can use this ability a number of modifier. The spear deals normal damage according to its
rounds per day equal to your incarnate level, but these rounds size, plus your Charisma modifier, then breaks into countless
do not need to be consecutive. At 13th level, you can also use splinters; the target takes bleed damage thereafter (as the
whispering wind at will as a spell-like ability. Bleeding Strike feat, using your class level as your effective
Wind Ward (Sp): You can use entropic shield (affecting base attack bonus if it is higher). At 5th level the spear gains a
any creature touched, rather than being “personal”) once per +1 enhancement bonus; this bonus increases by +1 per 4
day as a spell-like ability. The effect manifests as small gusts class levels thereafter (maximum +4 at 17th level).
of wind that help deflect missiles targeting a protected Thorn Burst (Su): As a swift action, you can cause sharp
creature. For every 4 class levels beyond the 1st, you can use splinters of wood to explode outward from your body. These
this ability an additional time per day; at 17th level, you can splinters deal 1d6 points of piercing damage per two class
use it at will. levels (minimum 1d6) to all creatures within a 10-foot burst.
Wings of Air (Su): As a swift action, you can manifest a A Reflex save halves this damage. In addition, the sharp
pair of translucent, cloud-like wings that grant you a fly speed splinters count as caltrops in the area until your next turn.
of 60 feet with good maneuverability. At 9th level, your speed You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time
increases to 90 feet and your maneuverability increases to per day at 5th level and every four levels thereafter.
perfect. You can use these wings for 1 minute per day per Tree Form (Sp): At will as a standard action, you can
incarnate level. This duration does not need to be assume the form of a Large living or dead tree or shrub, as
consecutive, but it must be spent in 1 minute increments. At tree shape. At 9th level, you can assume the form of a Small
You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation. or Medium plant creature, as plant shape I. At 13th level, you
Apotheosis: Upon reaching 20th level, you can create a can assume the form of a Large plant creature, as plant shape
winds of vengeanceAPG effect on yourself at will as a II. At 17th level, you can assume the form of a Huge plant
supernatural ability. This is a standard action that does not creature, as plant shape III. You must be at least 3rd level to
provoke attacks of opportunity; you can dismiss it as a free select this revelation.

Wood Armor (Su): You can conjure wooden armor around You give up your arcane spellcasting ability in exchange
yourself, which grants you an armor bonus equal to 3 + half for Full theurgy towards your incarnate casting
your class level. The armor has no armor penalty, does not progression. However, you can choose to be a prepared,
inhibit your speed, and has no maximum Dex limit. Starting rather than a spontaneous, caster.
at 9th level, it grants DR 5/slashing; this improves to DR Your incarnate and witch levels provide Full synergy for
10/slashing at 17th level. You can maintain the armor determining the effects of your hexes and revelations, and
indefinitely, but it vanishes if you remove it. their save DCs.
Wood Bond (Ex): Your mystical bond with wood is such
that your weapons become an extension of your body. When
wielding a weapon made of or mostly consisting of wood An incarnate/witch with this feat can more or less stand in
(such as a bow, club, quarterstaff, or spear), you gain an for the Shaman hybrid class from Paizo’s Advanced Class
insight bonus to attacks equal to ¼ your class level, and an Guide.
insight bonus to damage equal to half your class level. You
can use this revelation in conjunction with the splintered
spear revelation (q.v.).
Wooden Weapon (Su): At will as a standard action, you
can create a wooden club, quarterstaff, longspear, shortspear,
or spear that lasts for 1 minute for every class level you
possess. You are considered to have Exotic proficiency with
the weapon. The weapon has an enhancement bonus equal to
+1 per 4 class levels you possess; you can apply this in the
form of a straight enhancement bonus, or use some of it for
other weapon properties, so long as it retains an actual
enhancement bonus of at least +1. The weapon disappears
after 1 round if it leaves your grasp.
Apotheosis: Upon reaching 20th level, you become a living
creature of wood. You are forevermore treated as the Plant
type rather than your original type for the purpose of spells
and magical effects. Your skin takes on the appearance of
polished wood grain, and your natural armor bonus improves
by +4 (you gain a bonus of +4 if you did not already have one).
You also gain DR 20/— against wooden weapons or any
natural attacks made by a wooden or wood-like creature. You
gain immunity to paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and
stunning. At will, you can meld with any tree or single block of
wood (as meld into stone, except wood only, and with no limit
to how long you can remain in the wood).

Appendix B: Incarnate
The following feats are listed here, rather than in Chapter 5,
because they apply specifically to Incarnates.
Revelations, Practiced
Prerequisite: Revelation class feature.
Benefit: For purposes of the effects of your revelation
powers, treat your incarnate level as if it were 4 levels higher
than is actually the case, to a maximum effective class level
equal to your Hit Dice.
Special: The effects of feat stack with class synergy
features improving your effective incarnate level; this a
specific exception to the non-stacking rule. Your total limit
based on effective character level remains in force.
Spirit Magic [Arcane]
Prerequisite: Able to prepare arcane spells, hex class
feature, access to an incarnate mystery.
Benefit: You gain the following benefits when
multiclassing with Witch (see Wizard, Appendix E):
“Once upon a time in China, some believe around the year ―Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill 2 (2004)
one double-ought three, head priest of the White Lotus Clan, This version of the monk replaces the ki pool and a
Pai Mei, was walking down the road, contemplating whatever number of the other class features with half-caster
it is that a man of Pai Mei's nearly infinite powers would progression for spell-like ki powers. Instead of receiving
contemplate, when a Shaolin monk appeared on the road, specific resistances/immunities at specified levels, the monk
traveling in the opposite direction. As the monk and the priest instead gains sutras, knowledge of selected methods of self-
crossed paths, Pai Mei, in a practically unfathomable display perfection (analogous to rogue talents). By selection of sutras,
of generosity, gave the monk the slightest of nods. The nod a close simulation of the Oathsworn base class (from Arcana
was not returned. Unearthed, Malhavoc Press) can be made. Examples of
“Now, was it the intention of the Shaolin monk to insult Pai monks from popular entertainment include Remo and Chiun
Mei? Or did he just fail to see the generous social gesture? (from Warren Murphy’s Destroyer series), Max the Silent
The motives of the monk remain unknown. What is known (from Andrew Vachss’ Burke series), Kwai Chang Caine (from
were the consequences. The next morning Pai Mei appeared the Kung Fu TV series), Li Mu Bai (from Crouching Tiger,
at the Shaolin Temple and demanded of the Temple's head Hidden Dragon), Pai Mei (cited above), and any number of
abbot that he offer Pai Mei his neck to repay the insult. The others from “Kung Fu Theatre” and like films.
Abbot at first tried to console Pai Mei, only to find Pai Mei
was… inconsolable. So began the massacre of the Shaolin
Temple and all sixty of the monks inside at the fists of the
White Lotus. And so began the legend of Pai Mei's five-point-
palm-exploding-heart technique.”
Base Attack Ki Power Class

Level Bonus Capacity Features

1st +1 0 Combat style feat, ki powers, serenity, sutra
2nd +2 1st Ki attack (+1), weapon form
3rd +3 1st Sutra

4th +4 2nd Combat style feat, unarmed mastery +1d6

5th +5 2nd improved sutras
6th +6/+1 3rd Ki attack (+2), worldly detachment
7th +7/+2 3rd Sutra
8th +8/+3 4th Combat style feat, unarmed mastery +2d6
9th +9/+4 4th greater sutras
10th +10/+5 5th Ki attack (+3), flowing water
11th +11/+6/+6 5th Advanced sutras
12th +12/+7/+7 6th Combat style feat, unarmed mastery +3d6
13th +13/+8/+8 6th superior sutras
14th +14/+9/+9 7th Ki attack (+4), act without thought
15th +15/+10/+10 7th Advanced sutra
16th +16/+11/+11/+11 8th Combat style feat, unarmed mastery +4d6
17th +17/+12/+12/+12 8th Sublime sutras
18th +18/+13/+13/+13 9th Ki attack (+5), no self
19th +19/+14/+14/+14 9th Advanced sutra
20th +20/+15/+15/+15 10th Combat style feat, perfect self, unarmed mastery +5d6

Saving Throws: Monks gain a +2 class bonus to all saving Bonus Skills: You gain one free rank per class level in
throws Concentration and Endurance. These are otherwise treated
as class skills, but do not count against your total number of A strike power follows the general rules for [Strike] feats.
skill points. You automatically succeed at Concentration It can be used as part of an unarmed attack (a melee
checks to use ki powers defensively. attack that deals unarmed damage and spell effects on a
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Bluff, Craft (all), Escape hit) or as a melee touch attack that simply delivers the
Artist, Heal, Knowledge (the planes), Perception, Perform spell. In either case, the attack and discharge (if the attack
(all), Planar Sense, Profession (all), and Stealth. hits) generally take 1 standard action. Other activating
Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int modifier. conditions for [Strikes] can also be applied; see Chapter 5.
Favored Class: When gaining a level of monk as a favored
class, rather than choosing +1 hp or skill point, you can Ki powers otherwise exactly resemble the spells or psionic
instead select one of the following options: powers for which they are named, except as follows.
Energy Resistance: You gain energy resistance 1 against Components: Ki powers require no verbal, material, or
acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative energy, or sonics. focus components.
Each time you select this option, increase your resistance
to one of these energy types by 1. Casting Time and Duration: “Sudden” powers have a
casting time of 1 swift action and a duration of 1 round
Maneuver Mastery: You gain a +1 class bonus to your (i.e., until your next turn). “Immediate” powers have a
CMB with one type of maneuver. The effects stack, but the casting time of 1 immediate action (they can be used even
maximum bonus in any one category gained in this when it’s not your turn) and a duration of 1 round.
manner cannot exceed +1, with an additional +1 per 4
class levels you possess. Disruption and concentration: You need not cast
defensively, even when threatened; monk ki powers
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Monks have Simple cannot be disrupted the way spells can.
proficiency with all weapons. In addition, they have Exotic
proficiency in unarmed attacks, and with any one specific The monk’s ki power (spells) list is as follows; non-core
“temple weapon” of their choice. Monks are not proficient sources (indicated with superscripts) are cited in Chapter 7.
with any armor or shields. In addition to the proficiencies Additional powers can be added with referee approval
listed, all monks gain Canny Defense and Dodge as bonus (psychic warrior powers from the 3.5 edition System
feats. Reference Document and Setting Sun and Shadow Hand
Note: The “special monk weapons” listed in the Core rules maneuvers from the Tome of Battle both make good
are abolished. The kama is simply a sickle. Treat the additions).
siangham as a short spear, and treat shuriken as darts. The 0-Level Personal: accelerated movementCAd, detect evil
nunchaku is a light flail. (etc.), detect magic, detect poison, endure elements, feather
Combat Style Feat: At 1st level, you may select a bonus fall (which can be used to stand in for the core monk’s slow
combat feat. This feat can be any [Combat] feat (including fall ability), fist of stoneCA, foundation of stoneWotC, guidance,
[Strike] and [Stance] feats) for which you meet the sudden jump (representing the core monk’s high jump
prerequisites. In addition to combat feats, you may choose ability), know time, resistance, standPHII, virtue.
from the following: Alertness, Arcane Defense, Deep 0-Level Strikes: doom.
Intuition, Diehard, Fleet (you gain double the listed increase 1st Level Personal: accuracyCA, blade of bloodPHII,
in speed), Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, sudden blood windSC, immediate blur, cure light wounds,
Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus, Skill Synergy. sudden divine favor, entropic shield, expeditious retreat,
For every 4 class levels you possess, you gain an additional sudden expeditious retreat, greater canny effortAUG, lesser
combat style feat (as shown on Table 1). deflectPHII, lesser energy surgePHII, inertial armor (as mage
Ki Powers (Sp): At 1st level you gain a pool of ki, energy armor, but ki-based rather than arcane, so it specifically
you can use to accomplish amazing feats. You gain the use of works in conjunction with Canny Defense), ki arrowUM,
ki powers, similar to spells. You learn a limited number of ki longstrider, maestro’s touchPHII, nerveskitterSC, immediate
powers and manifest them spontaneously, the way a sorcerer inertial armor, magic weapon, mountain stanceDr314,
spontaneously casts spells. At 1st level, you gain one 0-level ki protection from arrows, protection from evil (etc.), remove
power, usable at will. Starting at 2nd level, your ki powers fear, sudden shield, personal shield of faith, sudden shield of
known and per day are as shown on Spellcasting Tables 1 faith, spider climb, sudden spider climb, stretch weaponPHII,
and 2 in Chapter 7 (following the spell capacity shown on the sustainOA, ventriloquism, lesser vigorCD.
Monk Table 1, above). Your manifesting (spellcasting) 1st Level Strikes: chill touch, lesser confusion,
attribute is Wisdom. frostbiteUM, forcewaveMF, Nybor’s gentle reminderMF, ray of
Expended slots (spells per day) can be regained by sickeningUM, sleep, touch of fatigue, touch of nauseaAUG,
meditating for 10 minutes per level of the slot to be regained. whelmPHII.
Alternatively, after 8 hours of sleep, you regain all expended
ki slots.
There are only two types of ki powers:
Personal powers have a target of “personal”―in other
words, you can “buff” yourself, but not your companions.
2nd Level Personal: ablative barrierUC, alter fortunePHII, Sutra: At 1st level, you receive knowledge of a sutra, a form
barkskin, bear’s endurance, blades of fireCA, bladeweaveCAd, of ascetic mastery. You gain an additional sutra at 3rd level,
blindsightShS, blur, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, crown of and every 4 class levels thereafter. Sutras are described in
veilsPHII, darkvision, deflectPHII, energy surgePHII, sudden Appendix A. Most have effects that scale with your class level,
ghost touch weaponLM, guided shotCAd, sudden haste, representing steps along your path to self-perfection;
sudden invisibility, sudden levitate, sudden lion’s chargeSS, improvements occur at levels 5th (Improved Sutra), 9th
misdirection, owl’s wisdom, resist energy, resist touchBHM, (Greater Sutra), 13th (Superior Sutra), and 17th (Sublime
lesser restoration, see invisibility, sudden see invisibility, Sutra), as listed for each sutra. Class synergy effects that
sleep of the deadRR, speak with animals, sudden water walk, apply to the level at which your sutras operate apply towards
water walk. these improvements.
2nd Level Strikes: battering ramSC, Bigby’s striking Ki Attack [Reserve] (Su): Starting at 2nd level, as long as
fistPHII, force punchUM, mindburnME, ray of enfeeblement, you have at least one 1st level ki power remaining unused, any
ray of exhaustion, ray of sicknessDrAn5, shatter, stolen weapon with which you have Exotic proficiency you wield
breathDr314. (including your unarmed attacks) gains a +1 enhancement
3rd Level Personal: air walk, sudden air walk, attune bonus to attacks and damage, and is thus treated as a magic
formMP, celerityPHII, cure serious wounds, dispel magic (you weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
can use this on yourself with merely a mental effort with no Additionally, if you make an attack against an object as a full-
components), dispelling touchPHII, immediate displacement, round action, you ignore hardness equal to twice the level of
divination, ghost touch weaponLM, sudden greater the highest-level ki power you have remaining. Your ki attack
acrobaticsAUG, greater energy surgePHII, greater magic improves in according to the highest-level unused power or
weapon, neutralize poison, nondetection, speak with plants, spell slot you have available:
spell immunity, tongues, vigorCD, weapon of impactMF, If you are at least 6th level and have a 2nd level power slot
wraithstrikeCAd. available, the enhancement bonus increases to +2 (your
3rd Level Strikes: deep slumber, dispel magic, finger of attacks therefore also bypass DR/silver as well). Standard
agonyCM, hand of battleAUG, ki leechUM, slow, ray of attacks against objects ignore 1 point of object hardness
dizzinessDrAn5, touch of idiocy, true formAPG, vampiric touch. per 2 class levels you possess.
4th Level Personal: cure critical wounds, displacement,
immediate dimensional anchor, divine power, freedom of If you are at least 10th level and have a 3rd level slot left,
movement, moment of prescience, shadow formCAd, sudden your enhancement bonus increases to +3 (your attacks
protection from energy, sudden stoneskin, true seeing. therefore bypass DR/cold iron).
4th Level Strikes: bestow curse, blindness/deafness,
charm monster, confusion, dimensional anchor, orb of If you are at least 14th level have a 4th level slot available,
forceCA, orb of soundCA, poison, rogue waveDr314, spell your enhancement bonus increases to +4 and your
vulnerabilityPnH, teeth of the windAPM. unarmed attacks and weapons are treated as aligned for
5th Level Personal: dimensional lock, ethereal jaunt, the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. All of your
sudden etherealness, greater spell immunity, heal, iron body, attacks against objects ignore 1 point of hardness per
mislead, phase door, shadow walk, speak with anythingMW, class level you possess.
unicorn heartCM. If you are at least 18th level and have a 5th level slot
5th Level Strikes: disintegrate, feeblemind, flesh to stone available, your enhancement bonus increases to +5 and
(this supersedes the Cockatrice Strike feat from the your unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine for
Advanced Player’s Guide), ki shoutUM, rushing watersUnd, purposes of overcoming hardness and damage reduction.
Bonus Powers: When you gain access to 1st level ki
powers, you gain daze (strike) as a bonus ki power known Weapon Form (Ex): When using a weapon with which you
(this is the “+1” power known on the 1st level spells row in are proficient (no non-proficiency penalty), you gain a
Spellcasting Table 1 in Chapter 7). This ability to some extent competence bonus to damage equal to half your class level.
can be used to simulate the core monk’s stunning fist ability; Unarmed Mastery (Ex): Your unarmed attacks gain a
unlike the spell, the maximum number of HD of the target is damage bonus equal to +1d6 per 4 class levels you possess,
equal to 3 + your number of ranks in Concentration. Your reflecting your advanced knowledge of vulnerable points and
other bonus powers known are as follows: 2nd—cure unarmed techniques. This damage is treated as precision-
moderate wounds, 3rd—sudden dimension door, 4th—slay based, and therefore does not multiply on successful critical
living (strike; effect can be delayed up to 1 day per manifester hits. When making unarmed attacks, you can also make
level), 5th—ethereal jaunt. These bonus powers represent, sounds like in old Kung Fu movies, at your option.
respectively, the core monk’s wholeness of body, abundant If you have an unused ki power slot of at least 1st level, you
step, quivering palm, and empty body abilities. can choose to convert some or all of your unarmed mastery
Serenity: Monks are trained in introspection and bonus damage to [force] damage, to a maximum number of
meditation. You gain Serenity as a bonus feat at 1st level, dice equal to the level of the highest-level ki power slot you
allowing you to calculate Charisma-based save DCs using have remaining. For example, a 12th level monk with an
your Wisdom modifier instead. unused 3rd level ki slot could convert all 3d6 of his unarmed
mastery damage to force damage.
Worldly Detachment (Ex): Starting at 6th level, your
detachment from worldly concerns allows you to instantly
adjust to changing circumstances. You gain Adaptability
(Chapter 5) as a bonus feat.
Flowing Water (Ex): By 10th level, you are expert at
turning an enemy’s strengths against him. You gain
Beginner’s Luck as a bonus feat, allowing you to ignore
enemies’ competence bonuses.
Advanced Sutra (Ex): Starting at 11th level, the monk
gains access to deeper insights, which represent a greater
level of self-perfection. Instead of a standard sutra at each
odd level, you may instead choose an advanced sutra for
which you qualify.
Act Without Thought (Ex): At 14th level, you do not
telegraph your actions, and can go from total stillness to a
blur of motion without blinking an eye. You gain the effects of
the Chaotic Mind feat, allowing you to ignore opponents’
insight bonuses.
No Self (Ex): At 18th level, you gain the effects of the
Nameless feat (although you can still keep your name, if you
Perfect Self: At 20th level, you are treated as a native
outsider rather than as a humanoid (or whatever your
creature type was). Unlike other outsiders, you can still be
brought back from the dead as if you were a member of your
previous creature type, and there is no change to your
resurrection save DC (Chapter 7). Your ki attack ability is
permanently active, and no longer requires you to have any
unused powers/spell slots, and you ignore up to 20 points of
hardness when attacking objects. Additionally, you gain
damage reduction 10/chaotic.
Improved: You gain the 3rd level eldritch resistances for
that bloodline.
Appendix: Monk Sutras
The following represent the most common sutras unlocked Greater: You gain 7th level eldritch resistances and the 9th
by monks. Others may be added with the referee’s approval. level power for that bloodline.
Superior: You gain the 11th level eldritch resistances for
Sutras that bloodline
Sutra Description Sublime: You gain the 15th level eldritch resistances and
the 15th level power for that bloodline.
Attribute development +1/3 levels enhancement
Deflect blow +1 deflection/4 levels If you multiclass with sorcerer, you must select the same
Devoted guardian Insight to initiative, surprise bloodline or path, and your monk level instead provides Full
synergy with your sorcerer level for purposes of improving its
Diamond defense + Level as saving throw bonus resistances and powers.
Domain disciple Gain access to one domain Deflect Blow (Ex): You are skilled at shunting aside
Elusive target Reflex save for half damage potentially lethal attacks. You gain a +1 deflection bonus to
AC; this improves by an additional +1 per 4 levels above 1st
Enlightened fist Multiclass with arcane caster (maximum +5 at 17th level).
Evasion As rogue class feature Devoted Guardian (Ex): You gain Alertness as a bonus
feat. Your insight bonus to initiative from this feat (to a
Fast healing Gain fast healing maximum equal to your Wisdom bonus) is always active, not
Fist of the forest Multiclass with druid/ranger merely during surprise rounds.
Healing hand Can heal others with ki powers Improved: Once per round you can draw a weapon or
Iron skin Natural armor bonus other item at any time (even if it is not your turn); this
happens instantaneously, and does not require an
Light step Movement spell-like abilities immediate action on your part.
Mettle No effect on Fort or Will save
Greater: You gain Vital Strike as a bonus feat; your Vital
Perfect senses Gain exceptional senses Strike damage applies to any attack you make during a
Planar body Survive on hostile planes surprise round.
Purity of body Resist nausea, poison, disease Superior: You can Take 10 on initiative checks. If you
Resistant body Energy resistance 5 + 5/3 lvls begin combat within reach of an opponent, you gain a free
surprise round, even if your opponents are aware of your
Sacred fist Multiclass with divine caster presence.
Sensei Multiclass with bard
Sublime: You do not need to roll for initiative; you treat
Sheltered vitality Reduce or eliminate penalties your initiative roll as if it resulted in any number of your
Spell immunity Immune to 1 level/lvl of spells choosing (from 1 to 20).
Spell reflection Rays missing you hit caster
This sutra supersedes the devoted guardian (Ultimate
Steadfast DR 1/– per 2 levels Combat), and uncanny initiative (Advanced Players Guide)
Steal ki Strike replenishes your ki slots variant class features, and incorporates aspects of the
Iaijustsu fighter talent.
Sustenance Go without air, food, sleep Diamond Defense (Ex): Once per encounter as an
Timeless step Move forward in time immediate action, you can add your class level as a
Vigor Temporary hp equal to level competence bonus to the roll when making any single saving
throw. You must declare the use of this ability before rolling
Weapon kata Additional weapon proficiencies the die. Source: Tome of Battle.
Diamond Mind (Ex): You gain Arcane Resistance
Attribute Development (Ex): Choose one attribute (Str, (Enchantment) as a bonus feat.
Dex, Con, Int, Wis, or Cha). Constant practice and training
results in a +2 enhancement bonus to that score; this bonus Improved: You are immune to compulsion effects.
improves by an additional +1 per 4 class levels after the 1st Greater: You are immune to [charm] and [compulsion]
(maximum +6 at 17th level). You may select this sutra multiple effects, except those designated as “harmless” (e.g., bless,
times; each time, choose a different attribute). heroism, etc.).
Bloodline Disciple (Su, Ex): Choose one sorcerer
bloodline or battle sorcerer martial path. You gain the 1st Superior: You are immune to all mind-affecting spells and
level power for that bloodline or path, using your monk level abilities except those designated as “harmless.”
in place of your sorcerer level when determining the effects.
You may also gain that spells from that bloodline’s list in place Sublime: You gain a continuous mind blank effect that
of your bonus ki powers, if desired. cannot be dispelled.
Domain Disciple (Su): You gain Domain Access as a bonus You gain the ability to deliver arcane touch spells as if they
feat for one of the following domains: Ancestors, Community, were monk attack powers, in conjunction with an
Destruction, Fury, Inquisition, Law, Mind, Mysticism, unarmed attack and without a chance of disruption by
Protection, Repose, Suffering, Time, Travel, War. You also threatening opponents. You can also deliver arcane spells
gain the 1st level granted power for that domain. normally requiring ranged touch attacks (e.g., ray of
Improved: You gain the 4th level granted power for that enfeeblement) in this manner.
domain (if applicable). Your arcane class level provides Weak synergy to your
monk level for purposes of determining your unarmed
Greater: You gain the 8th level granted power for that mastery damage, your weapon form bonus, and the effects
domain (if applicable). of your monk sutras, and for purposes of qualifying for
Superior: You gain Domain Channeling for that domain advanced sutras.
(as the feat).
Sublime: You gain the Domain Exemplar ability for that Evasion (Ex): You gain Evasion, as the rogue class feature.
domain. If you have levels in Rogue, they provide Full synergy to this
Depending on the campaign, the domain list might be Improved: You also gain Lightning Reflexes as a bonus
altered or expanded (for example, to include elemental feat.
domains, or the Archery domain). Greater: You gain Improved Evasion.
Elusive Target (Ex): As an immediate action, you may
expend an unused ki power slot (of at least 1st level) to Superior: ―
attempt a Reflex save opposed by an attacker’s attack roll. You
gain a bonus to the saving throw equal to the level of the ki Sublime: You gain Greater Evasion.
slot expended. If successful, you take only half damage from
the attack (evasion does not reduce this to no damage, Fast Healing (Ex): You heal wounds inordinately quickly.
however). Upon receiving this sutra, you gain fast healing 1; this
increases by 1 hp/round per 4 class levels after the 1st
Greater: When activating your Elusive Target sutra, you (maximum fast healing 5 at 17th level).
take no damage on a successful save, or half damage on a Fist of the Forest (Ex): You have a number of abilities in
failed save. common with rangers and druids.
Superior: Any attack you reduce or negate using thus Add all ranger spells of the appropriate level to your class
ability is automatically redirected to an opponent flanking list of ki powers that can be learned. If you actually have
you or the attacker. Use the same attack roll, and if the levels in druid or ranger, you can choose to give up your ki
attack hits the new target, that creature takes half damage progression in exchange for Weak theurgy towards your
(or full damage if the attack is completely avoided). Any progression in druidic or ranger spellcasting. You retain
associated effects from the attack (such as bleed, poison, both lists of powers.
or spell effects) apply fully even if the attack deals only half
damage. If you have an animal companion (q.v.) with the share
spells ability, when you are mounted on or adjacent to it,
Sublime: You need not spend an unused ki power to use the effects of any monk sutras you possess, as well as your
this ability. You are still limited to 1 use per round, ki attack ability and AC bonuses from your Canny Defense
however, even if you have the Combat Reflexes feat. and Dodge feats, apply to your companion as well.
This sutra supersedes the Flowing Monk’s variant class Your monk level provides Weak synergy to your ranger
feature of the same name, from Ultimate Combat. level for determining your tracker bonus and tracking
Enlightened Fist (Ex): You gain the following advantages abilities. For example, the monk 8/ranger 4 mentioned
when multiclassing with sorcerer or wizard. This sutra above would have a +4 bonus to Survival checks to track,
supersedes the prestige class of the same name, from and would have the swift tracker and anchored navigation
Complete Arcane. abilities in addition to the tracker and direction sense
You can choose to give up your ki power progression in
exchange for Weak theurgy towards your arcane Healing Hand (Su): Your 0-level personal ki powers can be
spellcasting progression. You retain your ki attack ability used on your allies, as per the original spell descriptions. The
even if the other class uses prepared casting, but levels in maximum level of ki power that can be used on allies
the arcane spellcasting class do not automatically advance increases by +1 per 4 levels beyond the 1st (maximum 4th
your ki attack ability unless you also have the improved ki level ki powers at 17th level). Also add raise dead to your class
attack advanced sutra.. list of 5th level ki powers. This sutra can be used to simulate a
Monk of the Healing Hand from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Iron Skin (Ex): Through training, you have rendered your Greater: Your immunity to disease extends to
skin as tough as iron. You gain a +2 natural armor bonus to supernatural and magical diseases and disease-like
AC, or any existing natural armor bonus increases by +2. This curses, such as mummy rot and lycanthropy. You are also
bonus improves by +1 per 4 class levels above the 1st, to a immune to nausea.
maximum bonus of +6 at 17th level. If you have another class Superior: You become immune to all poisons, including
feature that improves natural armor (such as the fighter’s drugs and alcohol.
armored skin talent or the ranger’s barkskin lore), you do not
gain the separate benefits from each; instead, your other Sublime: You are immune to hostile transmutation effects.
applicable class levels provide Full synergy towards the best
progression. Resistant Body (Ex): You gain resistance 5 to one type of
Light Step (Sp): You gain the following suite of racial energy (acid, cold, electrical, fire, force, negative energy,
spell-like abilities (Chapter 7): 1st—pass without trace, 2nd positive energy, or sonic). This resistance increases by 5 for
—feather stepAPG, 3rd—water walk, 4th—air walk, 5th
—overland flight, 6th—shadow walk, 7th—phase door, 8th
every 4 class levels after the 1st (resistance 20 at 13th level).
—greater teleport, 9th—astral projection. Unless you also
At 17th level, you are immune.
have the Healing Hand sutra, all of these abilities are Sacred Fist (Ex): You gain the following advantages when
personal only. This sutra subsumes the Wanderer monk’s multiclassing with archivist, cleric, druid, or incarnate (the
variant class feature of the same name, from the Advanced latter is a natural match, given its strengths and immunities).
Race Guide. This sutra supersedes the prestige class of the same name,
Mettle (Ex): You are immune to fear. from Complete Divine.
Improved: If you make a successful Will save against an You can choose to give up your ki power progression in
attack that would normally have a lesser effect on a save exchange for Weak theurgy towards your divine
(such as any spell with a saving throw of Will Partial), you spellcasting progression. You retain your ki attack ability
instead completely negate the effect. even if the other class uses prepared casting, but levels in
the divine spellcasting class do not automatically advance
Greater: If you make a successful Fortitude save against your ki attack ability unless you also have the improved ki
an attack that would normally have a lesser effect on a attack advanced sutra..
save (such as any spell with a saving throw of Fortitude Your monk level also provides Weak synergy towards your
Partial), you instead completely negate the effect. channeling energy ability and effects of your domain
powers, or to your druid initiation abilities (this applies to
Superior: You are immune to energy drain. gaining new initiation abilities, and to the effective level at
which they operate).
Sublime: You are immune to [death] effects and negative
energy damage. Your monk level provides Full synergy with your incarnate
level (if any) for purposes of determining your damage
Perfect Senses (Ex): You gain low-light vision (if you reduction, divine resistance, and the effects of your
already have low-light vision, you can see three times as far revelations. You can gain monk sutras in the place of
as a normal human in dim light, rather than twice as far). In revelations.
addition, you are immune to the dazzled condition. Your divine class level provides Weak synergy to your
monk level for purposes of determining your unarmed
Improved: You gain darkvision 60 ft. (if you already have damage, your weapon form bonus, and the effects of your
darkvision, the range is increased by 30 ft.). In addition, monk sutras, and for purposes of qualifying for advanced
you are immune to deafness. sutras.
Greater: You gain the scent special quality, and are
immune to blindness. In addition, you can see invisibility. Sensei (Ex): Your sage advice in combat is identical to
Superior: You gain tremorsense 60 ft. bardic inspiration, allowing you to inspire courage as a bard
(skald) of level equal to your monk level, usable a total
Sublime: You gain a continuous true seeing effect. number of rounds per day equal to your monk level + your
Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round).
Planar Body (Ex): You are constantly under the effects of If you have levels in bard, you instead gain the following
planar adaptationUM spell, except that this is an benefits:
extraordinary, rather than a spell-like ability that cannot be Your monk levels provide Weak synergy to your bardic
dispelled, and it affects only you. inspiration (rounds per day and DC) and college.
Purity of Body (Ex): You are immune to effects that
normally cause the sickened condition. Any effect that would Your bard levels provide Weak synergy to your ki attack,
normally nauseate the victim makes you sickened instead. unarmed mastery, and weapon form abilities.
Improved: You also gain immunity to all diseases. You can choose to give up your ki powers. In exchange,
your monk levels provide Weak theurgy towards your
bardic spellcasting ability.
This sutra supersedes the monk archetype of the same Steadfast (Ex): You gain DR 1/— per 2 monk levels you
name, from Ultimate Combat. possess (round up), to a maximum of DR 10/— at 19th level.
Sheltered Vitality (Ex): When you suffer any effect that Source: Unearthed Arcana; Dragon magazine, issue 310; this
causes attribute damage, attribute drain, or temporary also supersedes the adamantine monk variant class feature
attribute score penalties, the effect is reduced by an amount from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
equal to half your class level (round up). If multiple attributes Steal Ki [Strike] (Su): You can steal ki from other
are affected, this ability applies to only one. Against poison creatures, though this ability is controversial in some circles
and disease, this sutra is applied once per dose or case of the of monks, who see it as nothing less than a form of
disease, not once per instance of ongoing damage. vampirism. As a standard action, make a single unarmed
Improved: The effect applies to multiple attributes. attack against a creature of the [humanoid] type. If this attack
damages your opponent, you can steal some of that creature’s
Greater: You are immune to temporary attribute penalties ki. This replenishes 1 level of your ki potential per 2 CR of
(as from ray of enfeeblement), including exhaustion and the victim. You can divide these levels however you choose
fatigue, but not attribute damage. among the slots normally available to you. For example, an
11th level monk stealing the ki of a CR 6 opponent could
Superior: You are immune to attribute damage. choose to regain one 3rd level slot, or one first and one
Sublime: You are immune to attribute drain. second level slot, or three first level slots. You cannot exceed
your ki pool’s maximum for any given spell level. You can steal
ki from a particular creature (or type of creature, in the case
Spell Immunity (Su): You are immune to all offensive 0- of nearly-identical specimens―i.e., those that share a stat
level spells. For every 2 class levels above 1st, you can select block) only once per day.
one more spell of maximum level equal to half your class
level; you are immune to that spell as well (as if by the spell Improved: You can affect dragons, giants, magical beasts,
immunity spell, except that this is a supernatural ability that and monstrous humanoids, as well as humanoids.
cannot be dispelled). For spells on more than one class list,
use the highest-level incidence of that specific spell. Greater: You can affect animals, fey, plant creatures, and
Spell Reflection (Ex): You gain a +1 dodge bonus against vermin.
spells and spell-like abilities that require attack rolls. This
bonus increases by an additional +1 per 4 class levels after Superior: You can affect aberrations, undead, and oozes.
the 1st (maximum +5 at 17th level). Supreme: You can affect constructs and outsiders.
Improved: If an enemy misses with a spell, spell-like ability,
or supernatural ability aimed at you, you can use an Source: Modified from the Hungry Ghost Monk’s variant
immediate action to redirect the effect back at its class feature of the same name from the Advanced Player’s
originator. The spell or ability attacks the original caster Guide.
(who makes a new attack roll using the same attack bonus Sustenance (Ex): Your spiritual discipline enables you to
as the original attack). If it hits, the caster is subject to the suppress your basic needs. You can go without food for a
normal effect of the spell or ability. This effect applies only number of days equal to 3 x your class level; without water for
to spells and spell-like abilities that require an attack roll. a number of days equal to half your class level; and without
Other spells and spell-like abilities that affect a target air for a number of hours equal to your class level. You also
aren't subject to this reflection. gain a permanent endure elements effect (as the spell, but
Greater: If a single spell or ability misses you more than cannot be dispelled).
once at the same time (such as scorching ray cast by a Improved: You no longer need food to survive.
high-level caster), you can redirect each portion of the spell
that missed. For example, if you were missed by two of the Greater: You no longer need water to survive.
three rays from an 11th level wizard's scorching ray spell, Superior: You are immune to altitude sickness.
you could redirect only those two rays (but not the one
that hit). Sublime: You no longer need to breathe, and are immune
to inhaled poisons, vacuum, etc.
Superior: You can spell resistance equal to 12 + your class
level. Timeless Step (Su): As a full-round action, you can step
Sublime: When a spell or spell-like ability targeting you forward in time 1 round. In effect, you disappear, then
fails to overcome your spell resistance, you may reflect the reappear in the same place after one full round has elapsed.
effect onto its caster (as spell turning). You appear in the same condition and orientation you were
in; for you, no time passes at all. If the space you were in is
This sutra subsumes both the variant class feature of the occupied upon your re-arrival, you appear in the closest
same name, and also the Spell Sense variant class feature, unoccupied space. Determine the exact space randomly, if
from Complete Mage. It also includes the Core monk’s multiple equidistant spaces are available.
Diamond Soul class feature, and the Flowing Monk’s “volley Improved: The effect can last up to a number of rounds
spell” ability from Ultimate Combat. equal to your Wisdom modifier (decide the total duration
each time you use the ability)
Advanced Conditioning (Ex): Choose one attribute. You
Greater: You can impose the effects of the standard gain a +1 inherent bonus to that attribute, as if from a manual
timeless step on another creature in the form of an attack, of gainful exercise or similar tome. This bonus increases by
the so-called temporal strike (this follows the standard +1 per 2 class levels above 11th, to a maximum of +5 at 19th
rules for [Strike] feats). As a standard action, make a level. You can select this sutra multiple times; each time,
single unarmed strike. Any target damaged by this attack select a different attribute.
must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + half your class level Blinding Speed (Ex): As a free action you can haste
+ your Wisdom modifier) or be hurled forward in time a yourself, as the spell, except this is an extraordinary effect
number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier that cannot be dispelled. You can use this ability a number of
(minimum 1 round), or less, if you so choose. The subject rounds per day equal to your class level; these rounds need
can act normally on its next turn upon reappearing. not be consecutive.
Freedom of Movement (Ex): You gain perpetual freedom
Superior: You can shift your body partly outside of the of movement, as the spell but as a continuous extraordinary
time stream as a standard action. Until the end of your ability. You are also immune to dazing, paralysis, staggering,
next turn, you ignore all effects and conditions (disease, and stunning.
fatigue, poison, spells, etc.). In addition, while in this state Ki Attack, Improved (Su): You must have the enlightened
you are immune to all attacks and powers. However, you fist, fist of the forest, sacred fist, or sensei sutra to select this
cannot act while in this state. sutra. Your levels in the associated theurgy class stack with
Sublime: You gain time stop as a spell-like ability, usable your monk level for purposes of determining your ki attack.
once per week. If you are capable of using powers/spells of greater than
5th level, your ki attack enhancement bonus is equal to the
highest-level power or spell level you have available. Although
This sutra largely supersedes the Zerth Cenobite prestige you cannot have a +6 enhancement bonus to an unarmed
class from Complete Psionic. attack, you can use an additional +1 bonus property to give
Vigor (Ex): You can grant yourself a number of temporary your unarmed attacks the ability to penetrate epic (+6)
hit points per day equal to your monk level x your Wisdom damage reduction, once your ki strike is already at +5.
modifier. You need not take them all at once, but each use Alternatively, you can add properties such as flaming to your
requires an immediate action on your part. If not lost to unarmed strikes (Chapter 6), much as a ranger with the
damage before then, temporary hp granted by this ability last favored weapon lore adds properties to his or weapon. You
up to 1 hour per class level. can change out the specific properties each time you regain
Weapon Kata (Ex): You gain Martial proficiency with all spells/powers.
weapons (you retain Exotic proficiency with any weapons for Regeneration (Ex): You must have fast healing from some
which you already have it). source to select this sutra. Your fast healing becomes
Improved: Gain Catch Off-Guard as a bonus feat. regeneration instead; fire, acid, and chaotic-aligned weapons
still inflict normal damage on you.
Greater: You gain Exotic proficiency with an additional Striking Mastery (Ex): This functions as the advanced
weapon (in addition to your Exotic proficiency with fighter talent of the same name. You can combine ki strike
unarmed attacks and your temple weapon from 1st level). effects with standard [Strike] feats, but still cannot add more
than one ki power to a single attack unless you have access to
Superior: You gain Critical Focus as a bonus feat. 5th level ki/spell slots and use the Quickened Spell feat on
Sublime: You have Exotic proficiency with all weapons. one of them.
Timeless Body (Ex): You stop aging. You no longer take
penalties to your attribute scores for aging, and cannot be
Advanced Sutras magically aged. Any aging penalties that you have already
In place of an advanced sutra, you can always choose to take taken are removed. There is no change in your resurrection
a basic sutra instead. survival DC (Chapter 1).
Unstoppable (Ex): Your actions can no longer be
Advanced Sutra Description interrupted by immediate or pre-emptive actions. Those
Advanced conditioning Inherent bonus to attribute actions can still occur, but do not prevent your own actions
from being completed.
Blinding speed Haste self as free action
Freedom of movement Continuous; as spell
Ki attack, improved Ki attack continues to scale
Regeneration Fast healing becomes regen.
Striking mastery Apply multiple effects
Timeless body You stop ageing
Unstoppable Your actions can’t be interrupted
My good blade carves the casques of men, Saving Throws: Prestige paladins gain a +2 class bonus to
My tough lance thrusteth sure, Fortitude, Intuition, and Will saves.
My strength is as the strength of ten, Bonus Skills: All prestige paladins automatically receive
Because my heart is pure. one free rank per class level in Concentration, Diplomacy,
―Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Sir Galahad. and Handle Animal. These are otherwise treated as class
Rather than beginning play as a paladin, a character skills, but do not count against your total number of skill
aspiring to become a paladin must meet special prerequisites points.
beforehand. The paladin is therefore presented as a prestige Prestige paladins with levels in bard also gain 1 rank per
class in these rules. Depending on the class(es) you level in either Perform (music) or Knowledge (Linguistics),
possessed before becoming a paladin, there may be additions depending on the bardic tradition followed.
and/or alterations to your standard class features (Appendix Class Skills: Bluff, Craft (all), Endurance, Heal, Knowledge
A). (the planes), Knowledge (warfare), Profession (all).
Paladins from fiction and literature include Galahad from Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur and other sources; Favored Class: When gaining a level of prestige paladin as
Charlemagne’s paladins from Le Chanson de Roland; Sir a favored class, rather than choosing +1 hp or skill point, you
Ogier from Poul Anderson’s Three Hearts and Three Lions; can instead gain one of the following:
and, more recently, Paks from Elizabeth Moon’s The Deed of
Paksenarrion. A more irreverent example might be “Rooster” Bonded Companion: Your special mount (if any) gains +1
Cogburn from True Grit. hp and +1 skill point each time you select this option.
Energy Resistance: You gain resistance 2 against acid,
Prerequisites cold, electricity, fire, or negative energy. Each time you
Base Attack Bonus: +4. select this option, increase your resistance to one of these
Skills: Diplomacy 2 ranks, Handle Animal 4 ranks, energy types by 2.
Knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks. Favored Enemy: You gain a +1 favored enemy bonus
Spellcasting: Ability to cast (or manifest) protection from against one of the following: dragons; giants, monstrous
evil as a spell or spell-like ability. humanoids, and uncivilized humanoids; evil outsiders and
Special: You must successfully kneel the week-long holy aberrations; or undead. Each time you select this favored
vigil at the deserted Temple of Rao on the shore of the Bay of class bonus, choose a new favored enemy or improve an
Arken. Only those true of heart and of the most upstanding existing favored enemy bonus by an additional +1 (to a
virtue can successfully complete this vigil; others emerge maximum bonus equal to half your character level +1).
from the temple embittered and somehow marked with the
stamp of their failure. Steady Resolve: You gain a sacred bonus to Concentration
TABLE: THE PRESTIGE PALADIN HIT DICE: D10 checks equal to the number of times you select this option.
Class Base
Level Attack Special Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Paladins have Martial
1st +1 Archetype, aura of good, detect evil, smite
proficiency with all weapons and shields, and are proficient
evil, spell theurgy with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light).
Archetype (Ex): Dependent upon the class(es) you
2nd +2 Divine bond, divine grace, lay on hands progressed in before becoming a paladin, you may gain
3rd +3 Lesser divine aura, swift abjuration advancement in existing class features as you gain prestige
paladin levels. Compare the Archetypes listed in Appendix A
+4 Mercy with the classes you had levels in before becoming a paladin;
5th +5 Bonus feat, mettle you gain the benefits of those archetypes. Classes acquired
6th +6 Divine aura after becoming a prestige paladin do not gain archetype
7th +7 Mercy Aura of Good (Ex): You are consecrated to the powers of
8th +8 Bonus feat Good, and detect as both [lawful] and [good]. Additionally, you
are affected by spells such as protection from good,
+9 Greater divine aura, paladin’s focus protection from law, and unholy blight.
10th +10 Mercy Detect Evil (Sp): At will, you can use detect evil as a spell-
11th +11 Bonus feat, divine impetus like ability. You can, as a move action, concentrate on a single
item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil,
12th +12 Superior divine aura learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3
13th +13 Mercy rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, you do
not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.
+14 Bonus feat Smite Evil (Su): At 1st level, you gain Channeling Smite as
15th +15 Exalted divine aura, holy champion a bonus feat. When executing a smite attack, you gain the
following additional benefits:
Holy Symbol: At will, you can cause the holy symbol to
Your attacks automatically bypass the target’s damage shed light like a torch. At 2nd level, your holy symbol grants
reduction, if any. one bonus. For every three levels beyond 2nd, the symbol
grants one additional bonus. These bonuses can be spent
On a crit with a x2 critical multiplier weapon, treat all 1s in a number of ways to grant you enhanced abilities to
rolled for the channeled energy as 2s; for a x3 weapon, channel positive energy and to cast spells. Each bonus can
treat all 1s and 2s as 3s, etc. be used to grant one of the following enhancements: +1 to
Your gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma the effective caster level to any paladin spell cast; +2 to the
modifier against attacks made by the target until it is DC to halve the damage of channel positive energy when
defeated. used to harm undead; +1d6 to channel positive energy; or
+1 use/day of lay on hands. These enhancements stack
and can be selected multiple times. The enhancements
Spell Theurgy: Prestige paladin levels provide Weak granted are determined when the spirit is called and
theurgy towards any one spellcasting or ki using class you cannot be changed until the spirit is called again. If you
possess, as noted in Appendix A (archetypes). You gain access increase your number of uses of lay on hands per day in
to spells unique to the paladin's spell list, at the same levels this way, that choice is set for the rest of the day, and once
indicated for the standard paladin. You can also prepare used, these additional uses are not restored (even if the
Devoted Spirit and White Raven maneuvers from the Book of spirit is called again that day). The holy symbol grants no
Nine Swords as if they were divine spells of the appropriate bonuses if held by anyone other than you, but resumes
level. giving enhancements if returned to you. If a bonded holy
If you had no spellcasting progression before becoming a symbol is destroyed, you lose the use of this ability for 30
paladin (i.e., you used the Magical Talent feat or a racial spell- days, or until you gain a level, whichever comes first.
like ability to fulfill the protection from evil requirement), you During this 30-day period, you take a –1 penalty on attack
gain spell capacity at the rate of one level of spellcasting per 2 and weapon damage rolls. Source: Advanced Player’s
class levels in prestige paladin. Your spellcasting can be Guide.
either spontaneous or prepared (at your option), and your
spellcasting attribute can be either Wisdom or Charisma (at Mount: As the fighter talent of the same name. You can
your option). Once made, these choices cannot be changed add the celestial or half-celestial template to your mount at
thereafter. the appropriate CR cost. Your special mount, if normally
Divine Bond (Su): Upon reaching 2nd level, you form a an animal, gains the magical beast type instead, granting it
divine bond with the forces of Good. This bond can take one improved BAB and hit die type, darkvision 60 ft., and
of several forms: immunity to spells that specifically affect animals. Once
per day, as a full-round action, you may magically call your
Divine Weapon, Armor, or Shield: As the personal weapon mount to your side. This ability is the equivalent of a spell
fighter talent. Your fighter levels (if any) provide Full of a level equal to half your number of ranks in
synergy to this ability. Concentration. The mount immediately appears adjacent
Domain: Choose one of the following domains: to you. You can use this ability once per day at 2nd level,
Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Law, Protection, and one additional time per day for every 4 levels
Repose, or War. You gain Domain Access and Improved thereafter, for a total of four times per day at 14th level.
Domain Access to that domain as bonus feats.
Divine Grace (Su): At 2nd level, you gain a sacred bonus
equal to your prestige paladin level on all saving throws, to a
maximum equal to your Charisma bonus.
Lay on Hands (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, you can
convert one use of channel energy into two uses of lay on
hands. If you do not have the ability to channel positive
energy, you gain a number of daily uses of Lay on Hands
equal to half your prestige paladin level + your Charisma
modifier, using your prestige paladin level as your effective
cleric level when determining damage. You can then channel
positive energy (as a good cleric) by expending two uses of
your lay on hands ability.
With one use of this ability, you apply the same amount of
positive energy as when channeling energy, but the energy
affects only the creature touched. Using this ability is a swift
action. Despite the name of this ability, you need only one free
hand to use this ability. Positive energy deals damage to
undead creatures; using lay on hands in this way requires a
successful melee touch attack and doesn’t provoke an attack
of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against
this damage.

Your lay
lay on
on IfIfhands ability damages evil
evil outsiders as ifif they Your lay
lay on
on IfIfhands
Yourundead. hands ability damages
abilitysomeone evil
evil outsiders
damagespossessedoutsiders as ifif they
were undead.
creature, this
hands you
you touch
the host
host and
possessed by
inflicts anasevil
were undead.
creature, this
you touch
ability touch
the host
host possessed
inflicts anasevil
directly upon the possessing
directly upon the possessing entity.entity. directly
directly upon
upon the
the possessing
possessing entity.
Lesser Divine Aura (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, a prestige Mettle (Ex): Starting at 5th level, if you make a successful
paladin gains a lesser divine aura, chosen from the 3rd level Fortitude or Will save against an attack that would normally
auras presented in Appendix B. This aura has an initial have a lesser effect on a save (such as any spell with a saving
radius of 10 feet. Divine auras function continuously while throw of Fortitude Partial), you instead completely negate the
you are conscious, but not if you are unconscious or dead. effect.
Swift Abjuration (Su): Starting at 3rd level, you can cast Divine Aura (Su): At 6th level, you gain one of the 3rd or
abjuration spells on yourself as a swift action, as if you had th
6 level auras listed in Appendix B. The effects of different
applied the Quicken Spell feat (but without any increase in divine auras generally stack, although as usual like-names
spell level). The maximum spell level you can quicken in this bonuses overlap, rather than stack. Additionally, if you have
manner is equal to 1/3 your Prestige Paladin class level. This more than one aura in a given suite (Appendix B), the radius
ability is similar to the Abjurant Champion’s prestige class of all your auras from that suite expands, as shown in the
feature of the same name, from Complete Mage. following table.
Mercy (Su): At 4th level, your lay on hands and channel Number of Auras in Set Radius of Emanation
positive energy abilities also remove a specific condition
afflicting that subject or subjects. This works similarly to 1 10 ft.
dispel magic, remove disease, etc.; removing most conditions 2 30 ft.
requires a Concentration check on your part against the DC
of the condition (DC 30 if the condition did not allow a save). 3 60 ft.
Whenever you use lay on hands or channel positive energy to 4 120 ft.
heal damage to one or more targets, those targets also 5 Line of sight
receives the additional effects from all of the mercies
possessed by you. The conditions that can be removed
depend on your class level. Unless otherwise noted, once a Greater Divine Aura (Su): At 9th level, you gain one of the
condition or effect is chosen, it can't be changed: 3rd, 6th, or 9th level auras described in Appendix B.
Paladin’s Focus (Ex): Starting at 9th level, you are able to
At 4th level, you can select any minor condition (Chapter marshal your resolve and act deliberately, despite the
1). distractions around you. Once per encounter, you can choose
At 7th level, your mercy also removes one moderate to Take 10 on any d20 roll, even one that does not normally
condition with the same descriptor as the minor one you allow it (such as an attack roll or saving throw), and add a +1
chose at 4th level. In addition, choose one of the following competence bonus to the result. This ability duplicates the
additional conditions to remove as well: charmed, cursed, Crusader’s aura of perfect order stance from the Tome of
or any one moderate condition. Battle.
Divine Impetus (Ex): Starting at 11th level, once per round
At 10th level, your mercy also removes the severe you can spend one channel energy use (two uses of lay on
condition with the same descriptor as the minor one you hands) as a free action in order to gain an additional swift
gained at 4th level. In addition, choose one of the following action that round. This ability supersedes the Ruby Knight
additional conditions to remove: confused, or any one Vindicator’s prestige class feature of the same name from the
severe condition. Tome of Battle.
Superior Divine Aura (Su): At 12th level, choose one of
At 13th level, your mercy also removes the critical the 12th or lower-level auras described in Appendix B.
condition with the same descriptor as the minor one you Exalted Divine Aura (Su): At 15th level, choose any one of
chose at 4th level. In addition, choose one of the following the auras described in Appendix B.
conditions to remove: energy drained, feebleminded, Holy Champion (Su): At 15th level, you gain damage
insane, petrified, or any one critical condition. reduction 10/evil. Whenever you channel positive energy or
uses lay on hands to heal a creature, you heal the maximum
A mercy can remove a [debilitation] caused by a curse, possible amount.
disease, or poison without curing it; such conditions return
after 1 hour unless the mercy actually removes the cause Code of Conduct
itself. A prestige paladin must be of lawful good alignment and
You yourself are immune to any condition you can remove loses all class abilities if he ever willingly commits an evil act
using this ability. Immunity to attribute damage or drain or knowingly allows an evil act to be committed when it is
applies to only one of your attributes (your choice; once potentially within his power to stop it (see below).
made, you cannot change it). Additionally, the paladin must follow a code as agreed upon
Bonus Feat: At 5th, 8th, 11th, and 14th levels, you gain a by the player and the referee. If disagreements occur, they
bonus feat chosen from the following list: Defiance, Diehard, must be adjudicated in a calm and respectable manner after
Great Fortitude, Heroic Defiance, Iron Will, Serenity, Skill the session ends, without disrupting game play and without
Focus (Concentration), any Combat feat (including Strike the referee unilaterally stripping the paladin of his abilities
feats and Stance feats), any Paladin Feat (Appendix C), or any during the game. In general, the referee is responsible for
Divine feat. You must meet all prerequisites normally. warning the player whenever an action on the paladin’s part
represents a minor or gross violation of the paladin’s code.
Ex-Paladins: A prestige paladin who grossly violates the code Knight-Troubadour (Bard)
of conduct (see above), or makes repeated lesser violations
despite warnings made prior to the act or acts, loses all A 6th level minstrel or 5th level skald can qualify for the
prestige paladin class abilities. In general, this requires Prestige Paladin prestige class, providing a wide range of
agreement by the player and referee; it should not be spells, group support, and combat abilities. Although a skald’s
imposed unilaterally. If the act is premeditated and egregious, martial focus makes it a more obvious starting tradition, a
you may not atone. Otherwise, you can regain your abilities minstrel/paladin (a so-called “knight-troubadour”) can focus
and advancement potential if you atone for your violations on a high Charisma score for both classes. Also, because of
(see the atonement spell description), as appropriate. the paladin’s reliance on heavy armor and shields, upon
becoming a Prestige Paladin, a minstrel’s normal
requirement to play an instrument to cast spells or inspire
Appendix A: Paladin allies is relaxed, and he or she can perform these effects in
combat by singing instead (which means that all spells and
Archetypes inspirations gain a verbal component, like the skald’s).
Depending on the class(es) you had before becoming a Benefits from both singing and playing an instrument can still
paladin, you may gain additional abilities or variations to be obtained, if the troubadour chooses to play as well as sing.
normal abilities. Characters may gain abilities from multiple Prestige paladin levels provide Full synergy with bard
archetypes if they have levels in more than one paladin levels for all purposes of bardic inspiration (rounds per day of
archetype class. use and DC) and college. A Knight-Troubador therefore
makes an exceptionally able replacement for the Battle
Dark Knight (Rogue) Herald prestige class described in the Advanced Player’s
Your paladin level provides Weak synergy to your rogue level
when calculating your sneak attack damage and determining Martial Champion (Fighter)
the effects of any rogue talents you possess. Theurgy from
prestige paladin levels can be applied to your skill tricks in If you had levels in fighter before becoming a prestige
lieu of a spellcasting progression. paladin, your prestige paladin levels provide Full synergy for
purposes of determining the effects of your fighter talents.
Devoted Tracker (Ranger) In addition, you can choose the Banner and/or Knightly
You have found a balance between your woodland training Order fighter talents in place of paladin bonus feats
and your devotion to religious training, blending these two (treating your Smite Evil ability as the Challenge talent for
aspects into one seamless whole. Your prestige paladin level purposes of meeting the prerequisites and for Order of
provides Strong synergy to your ranger level for purposes of knighthood enhancements), following the same
determining the effects of your ranger lore and quarry restrictions.
abilities. In addition, your prestige paladin level provides If you have levels in fighter and possess the Riposte talent
Weak synergy to your ranger tracking abilities (tracker, and the other prerequisites, you can gain the Robilar’s
direction sense, swift tracker, wilderness guide, anchored Gambit advanced fighter talent in place of an 11th or 14th
navigation, planar tracking, nondetection, find the path, level bonus feat.
unerring tracker, and personal preserve).
Holy Exemplar (Incarnate) Monastic Crusader (Monk)
Your prestige paladin levels provide Full synergy with your If have the ki attack ability, your prestige paladin levels
incarnate level for purposes of determining your divine provide Full synergy with your monk levels for purposes of
resistance and damage reduction, and Weak synergy to the determining your Unarmed Mastery and Weapon Form
effectiveness of your revelations. damage bonuses. For example, a human monk 4/paladin 4
would deal +4 bonus damage with weapons, and gain an
Holy Champion (Cleric, Archivist) additional +2d6 points of damage with unarmed attacks.
For the purpose of determining your ability to channel Noble Savage (Barbarian)
positive energy, prestige paladin class levels provide Full
synergy with levels from all other classes from which you A single-classed barbarian of at least 4th level with the
gained the ability to channel energy. For instance, a 4th level protective spirits rage power is eligible to gain levels in
fighter/1st level cleric/2nd level prestige paladin would Prestige Paladin; levels of prestige paladin provide Strong
channel positive energy as a 3rd level cleric. In addition, spell synergy towards your rage (rounds of rage per day and types
theurgy from prestige paladin levels also applies to the of rage available).
effectiveness of your domain powers. At your option, instead of improving spellcasting
progression, prestige paladin theurgy could allow you to gain
additional rage powers as if your paladin levels were
barbarian levels, and to improve the effects of existing rage
powers likewise. If this option is used, certain spells on the
core paladin’s spell list might be adapted into rage powers as
well (1st level spells as rage powers, 2nd level spells as
improved rage powers, etc.).
Knight-Troubadour (Bard)
Marshal’s Aura, Superior (12th): You can project any one
Fochlucan, MacFuirmidh, Doss, or Canaith bardic inspiration
Appendix B: Divine Auras you know as a continuous aura, without expending rounds of
As shown below, auras generally come in sets of similarly- bardic inspiration use and without the need for activation or
themed effects, called “suites.” Upon gaining a new aura, you performance.
can choose a higher-level aura in the same suite (and expand Marshal’s Aura, Exalted (15th): You can project any one
the radius of all auras belonging to that set) or you can Cli or lower-level bardic inspiration you know as a continuous
choose an aura of the appropriate level or lower from a aura, without expending rounds of bardic inspiration use and
different suite, as you see fit. Suites of auras are as follows. without the need for activation or performance.
Life Purity
You are a dedicated hunter of undead. You stand firm against fiends and horrors from beyond space.
Aura of Life, Lesser (3rd): You can detect undead at will, The 3rd and 9th level auras in this suite supersede the
in addition to your detect evil ability. Living creatures within Oathbound paladin’s abilities of the same names, from
your aura gain a sacred bonus on saves to resist death effects, Ultimate Magic.
negative energy, or energy drain equal to the number of auras Aura of Purity (3rd): You gain SR 16 + your class level
in this suite that you possess. against the spells and spell-like abilities of aberrations. You
Aura of Life (6th): You emit an aura of life around you that and all allies within your aura gain a sacred bonus on saves
weakens undead creatures. Undead within your aura take a against the spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities,
penalty on Will saves made to resist positive energy equal to and extraordinary abilities of aberrations equal to the number
the number of auras in this suite that you possess. In of auras in this suite that you possess (this also applies to the
addition, undead within your aura do not regain hit points spells and bloodline powers of Aberrant bloodline sorcerers).
from channeled negative energy. This variant ability is from Aura of Protection (6th): You emanate a magic circle
the Advanced Player’s Guide and Ultimate Magic. against evil effect (+2 to AC and saves vs. evil; hedge out
Aura of Life, Greater (9th): When you channel positive summoned evil creatures), with a radius equal to the radius of
energy or lay on hands, instead of rolling the dice, you may your aura. Evil outsiders within this area cannot use
treat each die as if it had scored a number equal to 2 + the summoning, plane travelling, or teleportation powers. Source:
number of auras in this suite that you possess. At 15th level, Dragon magazine, issue 349; this also supersedes the
with access to all five auras, you would therefore heal 7 hp Oathbound paladin’s anchoring aura power from Ultimate
per die of channeled energy. This supersedes the maximize Magic.
channeling function of the core paladin’s Holy Champion Cleansing Flame (9th): Your aura sheds light as a torch.
class feature. Aberrations and evil outsiders within the aura take a sacred
Aura of Life, Superior (12th): Undead you strike while penalty on attack rolls against you and your allies equal to the
using your smite evil ability must save vs. Fortitude (DC 10 + number of auras in this suite that you possess.
the number of auras in this suite you possess + your Aura of Spell Resistance (12th): You and all allies within
charisma modifier) or be destroyed, as if you were using a your aura receive spell resistance of 11 + your prestige
disruption weapon. Allies within your aura gain a sacred paladin level against [evil] spells, and the spells and spell-like
bonus to damage against undead equal to the number of abilities of evil creatures.
auras in this suite that you possess. Holy Aura (15th): Evil creatures striking you must save vs.
Aura of Life, Exalted (15th): You are immune to negative Will (DC 18 + your Charisma bonus) or be blinded, as per the
energy and death effects. Allies within your aura gain blindness spell. Additionally, you and all allies within your
resistance to negative energy equal to 5 x the number of aura receive a deflection bonus to AC and a resistance bonus
auras in this suite you possess. to saving throws equal to the number of auras in this suite
you possess.
You are the ultimate battlefield commander, granting benefits Resolve
to all followers within your aura. You and your allies receive a suite of resistances and
Marshal’s Aura, Lesser (3rd): You can project inspire immunities.
courage or any one Fochlucan inspiration you know (see Aura of Courage (3rd): You are immune to fear (magical
Bard) as a continuous aura, without the need for activation or or otherwise). In addition, allies within your aura receive a
performance, and without expending rounds of bardic sacred bonus to attacks, weapon damage, and saving throws
inspiration use. against fear effects equal to the number of auras in the Suite
Marshal’s Aura (6th): You can project any one Fochlucan of Resolve you possess.
or MacFuirmidh bardic inspiration you know as a continuous Aura of Fearlessness (6th): Allies within your aura are
aura, without expending rounds of bardic inspiration use and immune to fear and fear effects; this supersedes the feat of
without the need for activation or performance. the same name from Ultimate Magic.
Marshal’s Aura, Greater (9th): You can project any one Aura of Resolve (9th): You are immune to charm spells
Fochlucan, MacFuirmidh, or Doss bardic inspiration you and spell-like abilities. Each ally within your aura gains a
know as a continuous aura, without expending rounds of morale bonus on saving throws against charm effects equal
bardic inspiration use and without the need for activation or to the number of auras in this Suite that you possess
Aura of Endurance (12th): You are immune to exhaustion Stigmata (6th): As a swift action, you may stop or start a
and fatigue. Allies within your aura who would normally be steady flow of blood from your stigmata; activating stigmata
fatigued suffer no penalties; allies who would normally be causes bleed damage to you equal to the number of auras in
exhausted are treated as fatigued instead. You and affected this suite you possess, and this bleed damage is not halted by
allies gain a morale bonus to Endurance skill checks equal to curative magic. While your stigmata are bleeding, you gain a
the number of auras in this suite that you possess. This aura sacred bonus equal to the number of auras in this suite you
is adapted from the limbs of endurance spell from Relics & possess. Each time you activate your stigmata, you decide if
Rituals (Sword & Sorcery Studios). the bonus applies to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls,
Aura of Righteousness (15th): You gain immunity to Armor Class, Concentration checks, or saving throws; to
compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. Each ally within change what the bonus applies to, you must deactivate and
your aura gains a morale bonus on saving throws against reactivate your stigmata.
compulsion effects equal to the number of auras in this suite Bloodfire (9th): When you use your smite evil ability or the
that you possess. Channel Smite feat, blood runs down your weapons like
liquid energy. You receive a sacred bonus to damage equal to
Righteous Fury the number of auras in this suite that you possess. If you use
Aura of Awe (3rd): You are immune to fear (magical or this ability while your stigmata are bleeding (see above),
otherwise). In addition, enemies within your aura suffer a targets struck must save vs. Fortitude or be sickened and take
morale penalty to attacks, weapon damage, and saves against amount of bleed damage each round on their turns equal to
fear effects equal to the number of auras in the Suite of the number of auras in this suite that you possess. Each
Righteous Fury that you possess. Source: Races of Destiny. target can attempt a new save every round to end the
Aura of Menace (6th): Any hostile creature within the sickened and bleed effects.
radius of your aura must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + Bloodrain (12th): Positive energy you channel is
your class level + your Charisma bonus) or be shaken for 24 accompanied by a burst of sacred energy, increasing the
hours or until they successfully hit you. A creature that has amount of energy channeled by 1d6. If your stigmata are
resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by your bleeding, undead failing their saves against the channeled
aura for 24 hours. This is modified from the Archon ability of energy become sickened (despite normally being immune to
the same name, from the 3.5 edition System Reference that condition) and take 1d6 points of bleed damage each
Document. round (likewise). Affected creatures can attempt a new save
Aura of Justice (9th): When you activate your smite evil every round to end the sickened and bleed effects.
ability, you can also grant it to a number of allies within your Aura of Holy Blood (15th): While your stigmata are
aura equal to the number of auras in this suite that you bleeding, allies within your aura also gain the 6th level sacred
possess. Affected allies that move beyond that radius lose the bonus, but do not themselves suffer bleed damage.
bonuses. Variant: Knight of the Pale
Aura of Faith (12th): Your weapons are always treated as
blessed for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction Some paladins are solitary bastions against evil, going
and confirming critical hits. All attacks made against enemies alone against the forces of darkness. Such paladins can gain
within your aura are treated as good-aligned for the purposes suites of personal abilities in place of auras; each time a new
of overcoming damage reduction. special ability is gained, choose one of the options from the
Perfect Bastion (15th): While your smite evil ability is menu below. Selecting this option prevents you from gaining
active, you and all allies within your aura gain regeneration standard paladin’s auras; a paladin has either auras or Knight
against the target (essentially regeneration that is overcome of the Pale abilities, but never both. These variants supersede
by any damage not caused by the target) equal to 2 x the the prestige class of the same name from the Book of
number of auras in this suite that you possess. This aura Hallowed Might (Malhavoc Press).
replicates the Sacred Shield’s variant class feature of the
same name, from Ultimate Combat. Any weapon you wield automatically gains the effects of a
bless weapon spell.
Vindicator You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to +1
You willingly give your blood in service to your faith, and per 3 class levels you possess.
are marked by scarified wounds appropriate to your deity. You gain an enhancement bonus to Dexterity equal to +1
This suite of auras is adapted from the Holy Vindicator per 3 class levels you possess.
prestige class in the Advanced Players Guide.
Aura of Martyrdom (3rd): Allies within your aura are You gain an enhancement bonus to Constitution equal to
automatically stabilized when at less than 0 hp. At will as a +1 per 3 class levels you possess.
swift action, you can cause your stigmata to weep blood; You gain a resistance bonus to all saving throws equal to
when this ability is active, enemies within your aura to be +1 per 3 class levels you possess.
affected by a bleed effect if under 0 hp (you can stop this
effect as a swift action). Finally, you are immune to blood You gain the ability to see invisible as a continuous spell-
drain and bleed damage from any source other than your like ability.
stigmata ability, and you automatically stabilize if reduced to
below 0 hp.
Debilitating Touch
Prerequisite: Lay on Hands, or spontaneous cure or inflict
Appendix C: Paladin Feats Benefit: You learn to channel your lay on hands ability (or
A prestige paladin can select from any of the following as cure/inflict spells) into a painful touch attack. Using
bonus feats. This allows the simulation of the divine paladin debilitating touch does not provoke attacks of opportunity. An
option from Complete Champion, and also supersedes a opponent hit by this attack is sickened for a number of
number of prestige classes. For example, a Gray Guard rounds equal to the level of the spell or the number of dice of
(Complete Scoundrel) would simply select the Versatile healing the lay on hands would otherwise cure. A successful
Channeling feat to simulate the “unbound justice” feature, Fortitude save (DC 10 + your number of ranks in
and also the Debilitating Touch feat below. Concentration + your Charisma modifier) negates the effect.
This is a supernatural ability.
Annihilate Undead Source: This feat supersedes the Gray Guard prestige
class feature of the same name, from Complete Scoundrel.
Prerequisites: Greater divine aura; at least on aura from the
Suite of Life. Faith Healing
Benefit: You can expend one use of your smite evil ability
as a standard action and make a single melee attack against Prerequisite: Ability to lay on hands.
an undead creature. If this attack hits, the undead creature Benefit: Any cure wounds spells you cast on yourself are
must make a Will save or be destroyed. The save DC is equal automatically empowered (as if by the Empower Spell feat),
to 10 + your paladin level + your Charisma modifier. Undead except they do not use higher spell level slots or an increased
with twice as many Hit Dice as you have are unaffected by casting time. If you target yourself with a cure spell that
this ability. If the attack misses, the smite evil is wasted affects multiple creatures, this ability only applies to you.
without effect. Source: This feat supersedes the Holy Vindicator’s
Source: This feat supersedes the Undead Scourge’s prestige class feature of the same name from the Advanced
“undead annihilation” variant class feature from the Players Guide.
Advanced Player’s Guide.
Holy Armor
Bastion of Good Prerequisite: Canny Defense, Heavy armor proficiency,
You can call upon the powers of good to defend your allies Monastic Crusader archetype (see above).
against evil. Benefit: You retain the AC bonus granted by the Canny
Prerequisite: Smite evil. Defense feat even when wearing armor or carrying a shield
Benefit: You can expend one daily use of smite evil, which or a medium or heavy load.
grants no benefit on attack or damage rolls against your Source: This feat supersedes the Argent Fist’s prestige
target. Instead, any attacks the target makes against allies class feature of the same name, from Faiths of Eberron.
within 10 feet of you deal half damage until the end of that
encounter (or until the target is killed, whichever comes first). Knight’s Charge
Attacks against you deal full damage, but you gain a Prerequisite: Divine Bond (special mount), Handle Animal
deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma bonus (if any) 11 ranks.
against attacks made by the target of the smite. This bonus Benefit: When you charge a foe, your movement does not
increases by +1 for every three paladin levels you possess (to provoke attacks of opportunity, for either you or your mount.
a maximum of +6 at 15th level). As with smite evil, if you In addition, if your target is also the target of your smite evil
target a creature that is not evil, your bastion of good ability is ability and the charge attack hits, the target must make a Will
wasted with no effect. This is a supernatural ability. save or be panicked for a number of rounds equal to half your
Source: This feat supersedes the Sacred Shield’s variant class level. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + half your
class feature of the same name, from Ultimate Combat. fighter level (if any) + half your prestige paladin level + your
Charisma modifier.
Cast into the Void Source: This feat supersedes the Shining Knight’s variant
Prerequisites: Exalted divine aura; at least one aura from the class feature of the same name from the Advanced Player’s
Suite of Purity. Guide.
Benefit: Whenever you use smite evil and successfully
strike an aberration, the creature must succeed at a Will save Shining Light
(DC 10 + your paladin level + your Charisma modifier) or be Prerequisite: Ability to channel positive energy; superior
banished to oblivion. This ability does not kill the creature, divine aura; at least one aura from the Suite of Righteous
but it is sent to a remote place, such as deep underground or Fury.
far into space (if it is a creature native to space), and cannot
return under its own power for at least 100 years.
Source: This feat emulates the capstone power of the
Oathbound Paladin (oath against corruption), from Ultimate

Benefit: When
When you
you channel
channel positive
positive energy,
energy, all
all evil
evil Benefit: When
When you
you channel
damage channel
(rather positive
than energy,
energy, all
all evil
were take
and are
blinded being
as ifif they
dragons, theyevil creatures
were take
undead, damage
and are (rather
also than11being
blinded being
Evil as
as ifif they
dragons, theyevil
successful and
and evil
saving undead
throw forare
are blinded
half damage for
for 1d4
also rounds.
negates AA evil
were undead,
successful and
are also
are blinded
half damage
for Evil
negates AA evil
blindness. saving
Good throw
creaturesfor half
withindamage also
this burst, negates
in addition the to successful
blindness. saving
Good throw
creaturesfor half
within+2this also
thissacred negates
in addition
addition the to
being healed
healed normally,
normally, receive
receive +2thissacred
aa +2 burst,bonus
sacred addition
bonus on
on ability to
ability being
being healed
being healed normally,
healed normally, receive
normally, receive aaa +2
receive +2 sacred
sacred bonus
bonus on
on ability
on ability
―James Fenimore Cooper, Last of the Mohicans (1826)
His person, though muscular, was rather attenuated than full;
but every nerve and muscle appeared strung and indurated by
unremitted exposure and toil. He wore a hunting-shirt of
In the 3.5 edition game, most terrain challenges become
obsolete due to magic effects by mid-level, rendering the
forest green, fringed with faded yellow, and a summer cap of
ranger’s primary area of expertise largely useless. As a
skins which had been shorn of their fur. He also bore a knife in solution, the ranger now becomes increasingly adept at
a girdle of wampum, like that which confined the scanty tracking and at finding his way, to the extent that he can
garments of the Indian, but no tomahawk. A pouch and horn eventually find the gaps between planes, walk in shadow, and
completed his personal accoutrements, though a rifle of great find the path. This version of the ranger also subsumes the
length leaned against a neighboring sapling. The eye of the Horizon Walker prestige class from the Advanced Player’s
hunter, or scout, whichever he might be, was small, quick, Guide. The inclusion of Alertness as a bonus feat is a nod to
keen, and restless, roving while he spoke, on every side of him,
the first edition ranger’s class ability to avoid being surprised.
Rangers from folklore, fiction, and literature include the
as if in quest of game, or distrusting the sudden approach of
above-referenced Natty Bumppo (from James Fennimore
some lurking enemy. Notwithstanding the symptoms of Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales), Robin Hood, Aragorn (from
habitual suspicion, his countenance was not only without Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings), Belphebe (from L. Sprague
guile, but at the moment at which he is introduced, it was deCamp & Fletcher Pratt’s “Harold Shea” stories), and Orion
charged with an expression of sturdy honesty. (from Lord Dunsany’s The King of Elfland’s Daughter).
Class Spell
Level Capacity
Base Attack Bonus
1st +1 1st Alertness, favored terrain, mark of the wild, ranger lore
2nd +2 1st Combat style feat, quarry, tracker
3rd +3 2nd Ranger lore, tireless
4th +4 2nd Direction sense, low-light vision
5th +5 3rd Additional favored terrain, ranger lore
6th +6/+1 3rd Combat style feat, swift tracker
7th +7/+2 4th Ranger lore, sustenance
8th +8/+3 4th Wilderness guide
9th +9/+4 5th 3rd favored terrain, ranger lore
10th +10/+5 5th Anchored navigation, combat style feat
11th +11/+6/+6 6th Advanced lore
12th +12/+7/+7 6th Planar tracking
13th +13/+8/+8 7th Advanced lore, 4th favored terrain
14th +14/+9/+9 7th Combat style feat, nondetection
15th +15/+10/+10 8th Advanced lore, terrain mastery
16th +16/+11/+11/+11 8th Find the path
17th +17/+12/+12/+12 9th Advanced lore, master of all terrains
18th +18/+13/+13/+13 9th Combat style feat, unerring tracker
19th +19/+14/+14/+14 10th Advanced lore, improved quarry
20th +20/+15/+15/+15 10th Master hunter, personal preserve

Saving Throws: Rangers gain a +2 class bonus to Fortitude,

Reflex, and Intuition saves.

in Bonus
Bonus Skills: Rangers
Endurance, Rangers receive
Animal, one
oneth free
free rank
Perception, rank
Planarper class
perSense, level
class level in Bonus
Bonus Skills:
Endurance, Rangers
Rangers receive
Animal, one
oneth free
free rank
Perception, rank
Planarper class
class level
perSense, level
in Endurance,
Stealth, and
and Handle
Survival. Animal,
Starting Perception,
at 11
11 th level,
you Sense,
also gain
gain 1
1 in Endurance,
Stealth, and
and Handle
Survival. Animal,
Starting Perception,
at 11
11 th level,
you Sense,
also gain
gain 1
free rank per level
level in Knowledge
Knowledge (the planes),
planes), but you
you do not free
free rank
rank per
per level
level in
in Knowledge
Knowledge (the
(the planes),
planes), you
you do
butBonus not
gain rank
free ranks
ranks retroactively
retroactively for
for previous
previous levels.butBonus
levels. Bonus doskills
skills gain free ranks
gain free ranks retroactively
retroactively for previous
for previous levels. Bonus skills
are otherwise treated as class skills, but do not count against 0 Level Spells: Arcane mark, canny effortAUG,
your total number of skill points. chill/warmthRR, cleanRR, comrade’s trailAEST, create water,
Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (all), dancing lights, dawnMW, detect magic, detect poison,
Disable Device, Escape Artist, Heal, Knowledge (all), guidance, endure elements, ignite, keep dryAEST, keep
Profession (all), Spellcraft, and Streetwise. freshAEST, know direction, light, magic stone, mending,
Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier. message, naturewatchMF, predict weatherAUG, purify food
Favored Class: When gaining a level of ranger as a favored and drink, ram’s mightMF, read magic, resistance, scent
class, rather than choosing +1 hp or skill point, you can baneAUG, seekerAUG, virtue.
instead choose one of the following options: 1st Level Spells: Accelerated movementCAd, animate rope,
Bonded Companion: Your animal companion (if any) gains arrow mindCAd, Artemis’ blessingRRO, aspect of the wolfSC,
+1 hp and +1 skill point each time you select this option blades of fireSC, blissful sleepBEM3, bloodhoundCAd, branch
(maximum bonus equal to the companion’s total number to branchCAd, burning brandBHM, camouflageCD, cure light
of hit dice). wounds, darkvision, delay diseaseARG, detect
shapechangersRR2, disguise self, ease of breathFB, easy
Energy Resistance: You gain energy resistance 1 against trailCAd, exacting shotCAd, expeditious retreat, faerie fire,
acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonics. Each time you selects feather fall, guided shotCAd, hawkeyeCAd, healing lorecallCAd,
this option, increase your resistance to one of these hunter’s mercyMF, instant searchCAd, lay of the landPnH,
energy types by 1. lightfootMH, locate cityRD, low-light visionMF, magic weapon,
obliterate tracksWotC, precipitationAPM, quickswimSW,
Favored Enemy: You gain a +1 favored enemy bonus (as rankletasteWotC, recent occupantBEM3, resist planar
the ranger lore of the same name) against one category of alignmentPnH, rogue’s stabBEM3, silvered weaponDr340,
favored enemies, or improve any existing favored enemy sleep, sniper’s shotCAd, stalking brandMF, surefootSC, swift
bonus by an additional +1, to a maximum bonus equal to expeditious retreatCAd, tern’s persistanceCAd, travelers’
half your class level (minimum +1). mountCD, vigilant slumberCM, webfootSW.
Invulnerable Companion: Add DR 1/silver to one animal 2nd Level Spells: Alter self, balancing lorecallCAd, beast
companion (if any). Each time you select this benefit, the shape I, blight enemyBHM, blood biographyAPG, blur, bull’s
DR increases by 1 (maximum DR 10/silver). If you ever strength, clairaudience/clairvoyance, cure moderate wounds,
replace your animal companion, the new companion gains curse of arrow attractionPHII, detect evil, divine favor, easy
this DR. climbCAd, flame blade, follow auraAPG, freedom of breathSSt,
Gaean repastRRO, hunter’s eyePHII, hunter’s stalkRR, hunter’s
moonRR2, hydrateSSt, invisibility, lesser restoration,
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A ranger has Martial Liliandel’s flurryRR, linked perceptionPHII, listening
proficiency with all weapons and shields, and is proficient lorecallCAd, living printsMF, locate object, mass hide from
with light armor and medium armor. You can choose to trade animalsAEST, nature’s favorCAd, near horizonCM,
medium armor and shield proficiency for the Canny Defense nondetection, scentCD, see invisibility, shield of faith,
feat. surefooted strideWotC, swift hasteCAd, water breathing,
Spellcasting: You cast divine spells, which are drawn from whispering wind.
the ranger spell list. Unlike members of most other 3rd Level Spells: Air walk, animal spyRR, avoid planar
spellcasting classes, rangers choose at 1st level whether they effectsMP, bane of the forgeRR2, beast shape II, blade
will cast prepared spells or spontaneous spells. Once this stormCAd, blink, cure serious wounds, detect favored
decision has been made, you cannot change it. In either case, enemyCD, dimension door, dispel magic, displacement, find
your spellcasting attribute is Wisdom. the gapDN, fire trap, forsestfoldCD, glyph of warding, instant
You do not gain bonus spells (indicated by the “+1” on enemyAPG, keen edge, locate creature, greater magic
Spellcasting Table 1 in Chapter 7), so you gain 1st level spells weapon, heal animal companionWotC, magic vestment, mark
at 1st level only if your Wisdom is 12 or higher. of the hunterCD, mass feather stepAPG, Tanil’s spectral
You must spend 1 hour per day in quiet meditation to archersRR2, wake trailingSW, wraithstrike.
regain your daily allotment of spells. You may prepare and 4th Level Spells: Animal growth, arrow stormCAd, attune
cast any spell on the ranger spell list, provided that you can formMP, baleful polymorph, charm monster, cure critical
cast spells of that level, but you must choose which spells to wounds, bane bowCD, beast shape III, elemental body I,
prepare during your daily meditation. foebaneCAd, detect scrying, dimensional anchor, dismissal,
Add the following spells to the core ranger’s spell list; non- greater invisibility, hydra’s bloodRRO, implacable pursuerCD,
core sources (noted as superscripts) are cited in Chapter 7. lesser aura of coldFB, mass camouflageCD, mass
You also have access to all of the Nomad psionic discipline longstriderPHII, mass surefooted strideWotC, perinarchPnH,
powers from the d20 System Reference Document, as if they planar adaptationAPG, plane shift, restoration, ricochetRR2,
were spells of the appropriate level, and you can learn certain scrying, secret chest, sending, spike stones, stoneskin, swift
martial maneuvers from the Tome of Battle as if they were lion’s chargeMH, Tanil’s purgingRR, telepathic bond, true
spells of the same level, choosing from the following seeing.
disciplines: Diamond Mind, Tiger Claw, and Desert Wind (the 5th Level Spells: beast shape IV, control winds, elemental
latter only if you have deserts as a favored terrain). body II, greater dispel magic, greater glyph of warding, mass
bear’s endurance, mass bull’s strength, mass cat’s grace,
mass cure light wounds, mass owl’s wisdom, mass planar
adaptationAPG, stone tell, teleport, transport via plants, wall
of thorns.
Druidical Theurgy (Multiclass Option): If you have levels in Terrain Movement: While in your favored terrain, you gain
druid, your ranger levels provide Weak progression towards the ability to move at full speed through certain features
your druid spellcasting ability, and you have access to both that normally impede or stop movement, or that make
spell lists. This supersedes the spell progression shown in movement more hazardous, as summarized in Appendix
Table 1. A. Features that are magically manipulated to impede
Alertness (Ex): Rangers are constantly alert for possible motion still affect you unless you also have the swift
danger. At 1st level, you gain Alertness as a bonus feat. tracker ability (see below).
Favored Terrain (Ex): At 1st level, select a type of terrain Additional Terrain Abilities: Each favored terrain bonus of
from the list provided below. at least +2 provides a minor benefit, as indicated in
RANGER FAVORED TERRAINS Appendix A. Additional abilities accrue if your favored
Arctic (ice, snow, and tundra) terrain is at least +4, +6, and +8, also as shown. These
abilities supersede the Horizon Walker’s terrain mastery
Desert (sand and wastelands) and terrain dominance prestige class features, from the
Forest or jungle Advanced Player’s Guide.
Mountains and hills
Favored Terrains from Multiple Sources: Certain other
Plane, Astral classes, races, and feats provide access to favored terrain
Plane, Elemental Air bonuses as well. In general, bonuses to the same favored
Plane, Elemental Fire terrain from multiple sources stack, as noted in Chapter 1.
However, the maximum bonus for any one favored terrain is
Plane, Elemental Earth normally limited to 2 + half your character level.
Plane of Shadow Mark of the Wild (Ex): Just as Davy Crockett could “grin
down a bear,” you have a limited degree of empathy with wild
Planes, Lower (and Negative Material) beasts. You gain Mark of the Wild, as the druid class feature
Planes, Upper (and Positive Material) of the same name. Your bonded companion(s) share your
Plains favored enemy and favored terrain bonuses. Planar templates
(Celestial, Fiendish, etc.) can be applied if you have an
Swamps and marshes appropriate plane as a favored terrain.
Underground Ranger Lore: At 1st level, you learn one item of ranger lore
(Appendix B), analogous to a rogue talent. You gain additional
Urban (buildings, streets, sewers) lore at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels. Unless otherwise noted,
Water (shipboard) each item of lore can be selected only once.
Water (underwater) and Elemental Plane of Water Combat Style Feat (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain a bonus
combat feat for which you meet the prerequisites (note: in the
While in your favored terrain, you have the following Pathfinder core rules, the ability to ignore prerequisites is a
advantages. consequence of the “feat chains;” in these rules, scaling
combat feats reduce the need). You gain an additional such
Terrain Skills: You gain a +2 competence bonus on feat every 4 class levels thereafter.
initiative checks and on certain skill checks when in this If all of your combat style feats are in a reasonably well-
terrain (these skills are Athletics, Perception, Stealth, and defined “style” (e.g., archery, mounted combat, two-weapon
Survival). Certain terrains also provide this bonus to an fighting, or whatever), then with the referee’s approval you
additional skill, as indicated in Appendix A. You can can gain other special abilities that also tie in with that “style”
always take 10 on applicable skills while in a favored in place of feats. For example, a ranger specializing in
terrain, even if conditions would normally prevent you mobility, who takes the Spring Attack and Skirmish feats,
from doing so; if not threatened or distracted, you can take might be allowed to select the fighter’s Mobility stance as a
20, even if there is a penalty for failure. You can use the 10th level combat style feat.
Stealth skill in your favored terrain even if the terrain In lieu of a normal combat style, a ranger can choose one
doesn’t grant cover or concealment. While in your favored of the following:
terrain, you can also use the Stealth skill while being Shifter: Instead of choosing a combat style and gaining
observed. feats that support it, you instead learn to wild shape (as a
druid) and become increasingly good at it; each combat style
Terrain Sight: In general, you ignore concealment due to feat instead “uprgardes” your wild shape, as follows: 2nd
natural conditions within your favored terrain, as —beast shape I (1/day); 6th—beast shape I (2/day); 10th
summarized in Appendix A. For example, a ranger with —beast shape II (3/day); 14th—beast shape III or plant shape
the desert favored terrain can see through sandstorms I; 18th—beast shape IV or plant shape II. If you have levels in
without penalty. druid (wild shaper initiate), you can give up the progression
above (and your combat style class feature). Instead, your
druid levels and ranger levels stack for purposes of determing
your druid wild shape ability. Your druid and ranger levels
also stack when determining your favored enemy bonuses
(see Ranger Lore). This option supersedes the feat of the
same name from Ultimate Combat.
Swift Ambusher: You are skilled at flanking and at attacking Tireless (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain Skill Focus
from surprise. Instead of a 2nd level combat style feat, you (Endurance) as a bonus feat. You also gain immunity to
gain sneak attack +1d6, as the rogue class feature of the magical sleep effects, and no longer receive a –10 penalty on
same name. Each additional combat style feat improves your Perception checks while asleep. You become intuitively aware
sneak attack damage by +1d6. Sneak attack damage gained of the passage of time, and can cause yourself to awake at any
from this combat style stacks with sneak attack damage from pre-selected time you choose, regardless of external stimuli.
other sources (e.g., rogue levels), if applicable. Direction Sense (Ex):
Quarry (Ex): At 2nd level, you are a deadly hunter. As a “I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused
standard action (or a move action at 8th level and above) you for several weeks.” ―Daniel Boone.
can denote one target within your line of sight as your quarry, Starting at 4th level, your tracking ability and sense of
with the following effects: direction improve to the point that you always know generally
You gain an insight bonus equal to half your class level on where you are. This ability is useful to characters who end up
attack rolls against your quarry, and on Bluff, Knowledge, at unfamiliar destinations after teleporting, using a gate, or
Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks when using traveling to or from other planes of existence. Direction sense
these skills against your quarry. reveals general information about your location as a feeling
or presentiment. The information is usually no more detailed
Successful attacks against your quarry deal additional than a summary that locates you according to a prominent
damage equal to twice the attack bonus. local or regional site. Using this ability also tells you what
direction you are facing, and you always know which
If you wound your quarry and it subsequently escapes, you direction north is.
know the direction in which your quarry lies, and the Low-Light Vision (Ex): Also at 4th level, you gain low-light
approximate distance to it (to within 10%). This subsumes vision. If you already have low-light vision, you gain superior
the Consecrated Harrier’s implacable hunt prestige class low-light vision instead (per the “Class Synergy Features”
feature from Complete Divine. rules in Chapter 1).
As a standard action, you can automatically determine the Additional Favored Terrain (Ex): At 5th level and every
presence or absence of your quarry in a cone extending 5 four levels thereafter, you may select an additional favored
ft. per class level. A second round of concentration tells terrain. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus to any
you the location and status (exhausted, fatigued, unhurt, one favored terrain (including the one just selected, if so
etc.). desired), increases by +2. Any favored terrain with a bonus of
+4 or higher confers an advanced terrain ability, as shown in
Appendix A.
You can have no more than one quarry at a time. You can If a specific terrain falls into more than one category of
dismiss this effect at any time as a free action, but you cannot favored terrain, the bonuses do not stack; you simply use
select a new quarry for 24 hours. If you see proof that your whichever bonus is higher.
quarry is dead, you can select a new quarry after waiting 1 By spending two uninterrupted hours surveying the lay of
hour. This ability supersedes the Consecrated Harrier’s the land and succeeding at a DC 20 Survival check, you can
“implacable hunt” prestige class feature, from Complete familiarize yourself with unfamiliar terrain. After successful
Divine, and also the Ranger Guide’s “ranger’s focus” variant study, an area equaling one square mile per ranger level is
class feature from the Advanced Player’s Guide. treated as favored terrain for you (with a +2 bonus) until you
Tracker (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you gain Skill Focus sleep away from it. This ability subsumes the Battle Scout’s
(Survival) as a bonus feat. You can always choose to take 10 “infiltration” ability, from Ultimate Combat.
on Survival checks, even if conditions would otherwise Swift Tracker (Ex): Starting at 6th level, you can move at
prohibit this. your normal speed while following tracks, without taking the
If you detect a lingering magical aura (as with the detect normal –5 penalty. You take only a –10 penalty (instead of the
magic spell) from a magical item or an active spell, you can normal –20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while
keep detect magic active while using the Survival skill to tracking. In one of your favored terrains, you can track at any
follow the trail of the lingering aura (DC 30 – the caster level speed at no penalty, and your movement is no longer impeded
of the effect). You can even track creatures under a pass by magical adjustments to the terrain (entangle, etc.).
without trace spell, albeit at a penalty equal to the caster level This ability also allows you to move at full speed while
of the spell. using the “trackless step” function of the Survival skill, and to
When tracking using detect magic you treat recently ended move at full speed using the Stealth skill, without penalty.
magical effects as though they were one category stronger Sustenance (Su): Starting at 7th level, you can survive
when determining how long a lingering aura remains, and by without food or water for up to 1 day per class level (even
concentrating for an additional round you can determine with strenuous activity). If you restrict yourself to light activity,
exactly how long the lingering aura has been there (effectively you can survive for 1 week per ranger level without food, and
allowing you to learn when the spell that caused the aura was with only minimal water (e.g., dewdrops). While in a favored
cast). This subsumes the Sleepless Detective’s forensic terrain, you also gain the effects of the Fast Recovery feat
thaumaturgy class feature, from Paths of Prestige. (q.v.). This lore supersedes the Draw from the Land feat from
Unapproachable East.
Wilderness Guide (Ex): Starting at 8th level, when you are in If you are sent to another plane, you can identify it as a
your favored terrain, all allies within your line of sight that move action with a successful DC 20 Knowledge (the
can hear you gain that favored terrain as well (with a +2 planes) check, even if there are no obvious visual,
bonus, regardless of what your bonus in that terrain is). This environmental, or terrain clues (e.g., if you are held
ability applies even to planar favored terrains, allowing you to blindfolded in a featureless cell on another plane). You can
effectively lead parties through hostile planes. Source: also determine the flow of time, relative to that on your
Advanced Player’s Guide; this ability also supersedes the home plane.
Battle Scout’s “advantageous terrain” variant class feature You can use shadow walk as a spell-like ability at will.
from Ultimate Combat, and the ranger’s “terrain bond” class
feature from the core rules.
Anchored Navigation (Ex): Starting at 10th level, your Nondetection (Ex): Starting at 14th level, you are so
tracking skill becomes so instinctive that you cannot become difficult to track that even magical means often miss you. You
lost. are under a permanent nondetection effect (using your class
I can’t get lost. I always know which way is north, the level as the caster level). This is an extraordinary ability and
direction of the point where I started and how far away it is. I cannot be dispelled. It supersedes the Scout’s “cunning
can head straight back or retrace my steps, even in dark and stealth” special ability, from Green Ronin’s Advanced Player’s
jungle. Manual.
―Robert A. Heinlein, Glory Road (1963) Terrain Mastery (Ex): At 15th level, you gain exceptional
You retain a perfect mental trail of where you have been, abilities related to your favored terrains.
and can retrace your steps without hesitation without using a When dealing with creatures native to those terrains, you
map, or simply short cut directly back to any point along the treat your favored terrain bonus for that terrain as a
route (assuming some means of passing through the favored enemy bonus (q.v.) against those creatures. This
intervening terrain), no matter how convoluted the original bonus overlaps (does not stack with) bonuses gained
route. This ability is automatic, even if you are blindfolded or when fighting a favored enemy or quarry.
unconscious, and the memory is retained permanently, so
that you can always find your way to any place you have ever On any plane which you have as a favored terrain, you are
been. always treated as a native of that plane when
Anchored navigation operates even in reference to a single advantageous to you (for example, for determining effects
point in n-dimensional space, so that if you bury an object in such as those of a holy word spell).
the middle of a featureless plain, then come back years later
and find the area underwater, you could guide a boat Find the Path (Sp): At 16th level, your tracking abilities
unerringly to the burial site and know exactly how far under improve to the point where you can find even places you’ve
water (and below the surface of the underlying sediment) the never been. You gain the ability to use find the path as a spell-
object lies―assuming it has not been moved in the like ability at will. This duplicates the 3.5 edition spell, without
meantime. This ability applies even across planar boundaries the Pathfinder rules limitations, and it operates even across
and to psychoportive routes through the Astral plane, so that planar boundaries. You can use this ability to find even
you treat any place you have ever been as “very familiar” for “unfindable” things (like an escape route from Hell). N.B. In
purposes of teleportation (you do not automatically gain the the interest of niche protection, the find the path spell is
ability to teleport or plane shift, however). removed from the cleric and druid general spell lists, as noted
Advanced Lore: Starting at 11th level, you gain insight into in Chapter 7.
deeper lore. Every time you would become eligible for a new Master of All Terrains (Ex): At 17th level, your favored
item of ranger lore, you can select an advanced lore instead. terrain bonus for all terrains increases by +2; this improves
Planar Tracking (Su): At 12th level, you are adept at existing favored terrains, and grants you a +2 favored terrain
tracking and finding your way even across planar boundaries. bonus for all other terrains as well. Thereafter, you can
You gain Power over Shadow as a bonus feat, and also gain survive and move freely about on all planes. Your spells
the following additional abilities: always function on all planes (except on null-magic planes),
You can use the Survival skill to track creatures across the without the need for alteration, and you treat all planes as
featureless expanses of the ethereal and astral planes, being “in touch with deity” for purposes of spellcasting (see
with a base check DC of 25. This ability subsumes the Casting Spells on Other Planes in Chapter 7).
Astral Tracking feat from Dragon magazine, issue 313 Unerring Tracker (Sp): At 18th level, you can find anyone
or anything. At will, you can duplicate the effects of discern
You can track creatures across planar boundaries without location as a spell-like ability. The listed casting time of 10
penalty (even barring a means to follow immediately, you minutes applies.
can eventually catch up with them using your Power over Improved Quarry (Ex): At 19th level, your ability to hunt
Shadow feat). This subsumes the Consecrated Harrier’s your quarry improves. You can now select a quarry as a free
“faultless hunt” prestige class feature from Complete action, and can take 20 while using Survival (or Streetwise)
Divine. to track your quarry, while moving at normal speed without
If you determine the destination of a portal, gate or penalty. Your favored enemy bonus to damage your quarry is
teleport and can yourself teleport or plane shift (as equal to your class level (this supersedes your normal favored
appropriate), then you may attempt to follow as if you had enemy bonus to damage). If your quarry is killed or dismissed,
viewed the destination once (or as if very familiar, if you you can select a new one after 10 minutes have passed.
have been there at some point in the past).
Master Hunter [Strike] (Ex): At 20th level you can, as a
standard action, make a single attack against a quarry at your
full attack bonus. If the attack hits, the target takes damage
normally and must make a Fortitude save (DC 20 + your
Wisdom modifier + your quarry bonus) or die. You can
choose instead to deal an amount of nonlethal damage equal
to the creature’s current hit points (a successful save negates
this damage). You cannot use this ability against the same
creature more than once in a 24-hour period. This
supersedes the Death of Enemies feat, from the 3.5 edition
System Reference Document (“Epic Feats”).
Personal Preserve (Sp): At 20th level, you are at home
anywhere in the multiverse. By spending a week walking in
Shadow, you can locate a relatively unused demiplane in the
back waters of the planes and claim it as your personal
demesnes. Your personal preserve has the following
At the time you claim the demiplane, you can set whatever
gravity trait, elemental traits, and alignment traits you like,
and you can choose whether the plane is finite or self-
Although the demiplane isn't morphic, you have total
control over the landscape when you find the place. The
demi-plane can be no larger than a small continent; for
finite planes, you decide what the boundaries will be like
(endless waterfalls, impenetrable thorns or mists, etc.).
Time is always normal.
You can set magic and psionics operability as you wish
(although your ranger spells always function normally
Access can be unrestricted, or permitted only via a single
portal entry which you can control for access. Those who
know of the demiplane's existence can plane shift to the
When on your personal demiplane, your favored terrain
bonus is always +10. Inhabitants are not necessarily friendly,
but you can use Diplomacy or Handle Animal to influence
their reactions even if this would not normally be possible.
In general, you can have only one such demiplane at a time.
If yours is somehow destroyed, you can claim another by
spending another week searching.
+2 Endure Elements (Ex): You gain continuous endure
Appendix A: Favored elements (heat only) as en extraordinary ability. This
supersedes the Heat Endurance feat from Sandstorm. You
Terrain can also use locate oasisRR2 once per day as a spell-like
Typical favored terrains are listed here; each entry lists any ability.
additional terrain skills (if any), terrain sight, terrain +4 Resist Elements (Ex): You gain resistance to fire and to
movement, additional abilities, 5th level advanced terrain desiccation damage equal to 5 x half your favored terrain
abilities, and 15th level terrain mastery abilities. Terrains not bonus (these stacks with any existing resistance, if
specifically listed here can be added with referee approval. applicable). This subsumes the Improved Heat Endurance
feat from Sandstorm.
Arctic +6 Sustenance of the Wastes (Ex): You no longer need food
or water to survive. In addition, you are immune to blindness
Arctic terrain includes conditions of ice (glaciers, etc.), snow, effects.
and tundra; it also applies to Frostfell planes. +8 Fire Immunity (Ex): You are immune to fire and
Additional Terrain Skills: Endurance. Also, apply you desiccation damage.
favored terrain bonus to saving throws against cold effects;
this supersedes the Arctic Adaptation feat from Races of Forest
Terrain Sight: Snowsight (Ex): You do not take penalties to Forest favored terrain includes jungles and forest-dominated
Perception checks due to sleet or snow; you can see to the planes such as Arboria.
normal limits of your vision through snowfall, even in Additional Terrain Skills: Acrobatics.
whiteout conditions. This enables you to see normally in an Terrain Sight: Woodland Sight (Ex): You ignore partial
ice storm or sleet storm, or in similar natural snowstorms. concealment due to plant growth, leaves, etc. This ability
You are also immune to snow glare and snow blindness. supersedes the Ehlonna’s Way feat from Dragon magazine
Terrain Movement: Icewalking (Ex): You have no chance (issue 315) and also the Pierce the Foliage function of the
of slipping on ice; you can move across icy surfaces without Woodland Archer feat from Races of the Wild.
penalty, and do not need to make Acrobatics checks to run or Terrain Movement: Woodland Stride (Ex): You ignore
charge on ice. You also ignore difficult terrain due to snow difficult terrain due to undergrowth and heavy undergrowth.
and heavy snow. This ability subsumes the Driftwalker feat You can move through any sort of undergrowth (such as
from Dragon magazine (issue 315) and the Snowrunner feat natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain)
from Frostburn. at your normal speed and without taking damage or suffering
Additional Terrain Abilities: any other impairment; this supersedes the “woodland stride”
+2 Endure Elements (Ex): You gain continuous endure class feature from the core rules.
elements (cold only) as en extraordinary ability. This Additional Terrain Abilities:
supersedes the Cold Endurance feat from Frostburn. +2 Forest Tongue (Sp): You can speak with animals (forest
+4 Resist Elements (Ex): You gain resistance to cold equal animals only) at will.
to 5 x your favored terrain bonus. Thus supersedes the +4 Treetopper (Ex): You gain a climb speed of 5 ft. and
Improved Cold Endurance feat from Frostburn. retain your Dex bonus to AC while climbing; this supersedes
+6 Cold Subtype: You gain the [cold] subtype. You are the feat of the same name from the Players Guide to Faerun.
immune to cold, but gain vulnerability to fire. +6 Treefriend (Sp): You can speak with plants 1/day (2/day
+8 Cold Immunity (Ex): You are immune to cold, but lose at terrain bonus +8, and 3/day at +10).
your vulnerability to fire. +8 Phantom Forest (Sp): You can use hallucinatory terrain
(forests only) as a spell-like ability 3/day.
Desert favored terrain includes sand, wastes, salt flats, and
other arid environments. Mountainous favored terrain applies to hills and broken
Additional Terrain Skills: Endurance. country as well.
Terrain Sight: Sandsight (Ex): You can see through dust Additional Terrain Skills: Mountain Stance (Ex): Your
storms and brownouts (see Sandstorm) without the normal favored terrain bonus applies to your CMD against bull rush,
penalties to Perception, and are immune to the dazzled drag, reposition, and similar combat maneuvers, and to
condition and from blindness due to sun glare. Add your saving throws against effects that would physically move you
favored terrain bonus to saving throws against gaze attacks. from your position. This supersedes the mountain druid’s
Terrain Movement: Sandwalker (Ex): You ignore difficult variant class feature of the same name, from the Advanced
terrain due to shallow sand or deep sand, do not break Player’s Guide.
through sand crust when moving, and cannot be involuntarily Terrain Sight: Mountain Warrior (Ex): You are constantly
buried by collapsing sand dunes (this supersedes the aware of the heights above you, as well as your lateral
Sandskimmer feat from Sandstorm). You suffer no penalty to surroundings; opponents on higher ground do not gain the
speed or on Acrobatics or Stealth checks when moving normal +1 attack bonus against you for higher ground. When
through sandy or desert terrain; this supersedes the desert on higher ground, you gain the attack bonus for higher
druid variant class feature of the same name from the ground when using ranged weapons, as well as with melee
Advanced Player’s Guide. attacks. This ability supersedes, in part, the feat of the same
Additional Terrain Abilities: name from Races of Stone.
Terrain Movement: Mountain Stride (Ex): You can move +6 Gazelle’s Stride (Ex): Your base land speed increases by
through scree and dense rubble at your normal movement an additional 5 ft per round. At a favored terrain bonus of +8
speed. You can also move up steep slopes at your normal and +10, it again increases by an additional 5 ft., for a total
movement speed. You ignore DC modifiers to Acrobatics and base land speed increase of +25 ft. with a +10 favored terrain
Stealth checks derived from scree, light rubble, dense rubble, bonus. Once per encounter, you may run or charge at double
steep slopes, or stairs. You need no longer make DC 10 your normal speed.
Acrobatics checks to run or charge down steep slopes. These +8 Master of the Steppe (Ex): You are immune to the
abilities supersede the Highland Stalker’s prestige class effects of high winds. In addition, you gain evasion (as the
feature of the same name, from Races of Stone. rogue class feature of the same name), but do not
Additional Terrain Abilities: automatically gain improved or greater evasion.
+2 Altitude Affinity (Ex): You are unaffected by altitude
fatigue, altitude sickness, lack of oxygen, or any of their Plane, Astral
accompanying complications while at high altitudes, Additional Terrain Skills: Planar Sense.
including the “death zone” above 26,000 feet elevation. Terrain Sight: None.
Source: Pathfinder Campaign Setting; this also supersedes Terrain Movement: On planes with no gravity, or with
the Altitude Adaptation feat from Frostburn. In addition, you subjective directional gravity, you gain a fly speed equal to 10
can resist the cold of the heights; you gain a continuous ft. x your favored terrain bonus. In combat in zero-gravity or
endure elements effect (cold only). subjective-gravity conditions, you are always considered on
+4 Expert Climber (Ex): You gain a Climb speed equal to 5 higher ground unless your opponent has an equal or higher
ft. x your favored terrain bonus (maximum equal to your base favored terrain (Astral Plane) bonus.
land speed), and no longer lose your Dexterity bonus to AC Additional Terrain Abilities:
while climbing or jumping. +2 Timeless Healing (Ex): You can heal naturally even
+6 Surefooted (Ex): You are more sure-footed than a while on Timeless planes like the Astral.
mountain goat. You are under a continuous spider climb +4 Adaptation, Lesser (Ex): You are somewhat inured to
effect, except this cannot be dispelled. You also add your the chill of space, and gain a continuous endure elements
favored terrain bonus to your CMD against bull rush and effect (cold only). In addition, lack of pressure in a vacuum
push attempts against you, and to saving throws against does not harm you.
effects that would otherwise shove you from your position +6 Astral Movement (Sp): You gain dimension door 1/day
(e.g., telekinesis). If you are somehow thrown from a height, as a spell-like ability (2/day at a favored terrain bonus of +8,
you are protected by a feather fall effect. 3/day at +10). In addition, your movement in zero-gravity or
+8 Stoneskin (Ex): You gain DR 5/adamantine (DR subjective-gravoty conditions does not provoke attacks of
10/adamantine when actually in hilly or mountainous opportunity.
terrain). You are also immune to petrifaction. +8 Adaptation, Greater (Ex): You need not breathe, and are
Plains immune to inhaled poisons and suffocation effects. In
addition, while you are astrally projected, your silver cord
This terrain includes savannah and steppes. It incorporates cannot be severed.
most of the terrain abilities of the plains druid from the +10 Native of the Silver Sky (Ex): Your type changes to
Advanced Player’s Guide. outsider, and you stop aging. You can use astral projection
Additional Terrain Skills: Endurance (this supersedes the (self only) as a spell-like ability once per day.
Grass Trekker feat from Savage Species).
Terrain Sight: Eagle Eyes (Ex): You ignore a distance of up Plane, Elemental (Air)
to 10 ft. x your favored terrain bonus when calculating the DC Additional Terrain Skills: Fly (this applies at all times, not
for visual Perception checks, allowing you to see accurately merely when on the Plane of Air).
at much greater distances than most (the DC normally Terrain Sight: Eye of the Storm (Ex): You can see through
increases by +1 per 10 ft. of distance). This ability supersedes up to 5 ft. x your favored terrain bonus of fog, mist, gas, wind,
the feat of the same name from the Advanced Player’s Guide. rain, or similar inclement weather conditions, ignoring any
Terrain Movement: Your base land speed increases by 10 concealment it might grant. This supersedes the Tempest
ft. Druid’s variant class feature of the same name from Inner
Additional Terrain Abilities: Sea Magic.
+2 Wind Resistance (Ex): You are treated as one size Terrain Movement: On the Elemental Plane of Air, you
category larger for the purpose of ignoring wind effects. gain a fly speed (average maneuverability) equal to 10 ft. x
+4 Grasslands Ambush (Ex): You can stand up from prone your favored terrain bonus.
as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity, or Additional Terrain Abilities:
as an immediate action during a surprise round (this +2 Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take a –1 penalty
supersedes the Ankheg Tribe Ambush feat from Shining on attack and damage rolls against you.
South). In addition, you can charge through allies’ squares +4 Feather Fall (Sp): Whenever you involuntarily fall more
without penalty. than 10 feet, you are protected by a feather fall effect.
+6 Energy Resistance (Ex): You gain resistance to
electricity equal to 5 x your favored terrain bonus. At a
favored terrain bonus of +10, you are immune to electrity.
+8 Wings of Air (Su): You gain the fly speed listed under +6 You gain the ability to use fire stride (from the Forgotten
terrain movement even when not on the Elemental Plane of Realms Campaign Setting) 1/day as a spell-like ability (2/day
Air. at a favored terrain bonus of +8, and 3/day at a favored terrain
+10 Native Elemental: Your type changes to outsider bonus of +10). Readying this ability for use is a full attack
(elemental), and you gain the [air] subtype. action; each “jump” is a move-equivalent action, and all jumps
must be completed within 10 minutes x your favored terrain
Plane, Elemental (Earth) bonus.
Additional Terrain Skills: Profession (Mining) +8 Burn (Su): All of your spells, spell-like abilities, and
Terrain Sight: Earthsight (Su): You can see through the supernatural abilities with the [fire] descriptor gain the
stuff of the Elemental Plane of Earth. When on that plane, effects of the Burning Spell metamagic feat (Chapter 7), with
your gaze can penetrate a number of feet equal to 10 x your no increase in spell level or casting time. The amount of burn
favored terrain bonus. damage is 1d6; this increases to 2d6 at a favored terrain
Terrain Movement: You gain a burrow speed in soil or on bonus of +10. If you have no applicable abilities, each of your
the Elemental Plane of Earth equal to 5 ft. x your favored natural attacks deals burn damage in an amount equal to the
terrain bonus. On the Elemental Plane of Earth, this ability base damage of the attack.
also permits you to breathe, by burrowing out small air +10 Native Elemental: Your type changes to outsider
pockets. (elemental), and you gain the [fire] subtype.
Additional Terrain Abilities: Plane, Ethereal
+2 Earth Mastery (Ex): You gain a +1 circumstance bonus
on attack rolls and CMB and damage rolls if both you and Additional Terrain Skills: Planar Sense.
your foe are touching the ground. If an opponent is airborne Terrain Sight: You gain Witch Sight as a bonus feat,
or waterborne, you take a –4 penalty on attack and damage adding your favored terrain bonus to your number of ranks in
rolls. These modifiers apply to bull rush and overrun Planar Sense when calculating the effective distance.
maneuvers, whether you are initiating or resisting these Terrain Movement: On planes with no gravity, you gain a
kinds of attacks. fly speed equal to 5 ft. x your favored terrain bonus.
+4 Energy Resistance (Ex): You gain resistance to acid Additional Terrain Abilities:
equal to 2 x your favored terrain bonus. +2 Waveless Sea (Ex): You are immune to the effects of
+6 Crystal Sight (Su): You can see through a thickness of ether cyclones.
stone, earth, or sand equal to 5 ft. x your favored terrain +4 Ghost Strike (Ex): You gain Ghost Strike as a bonus
bonus. When not on the Plane of Earth, you can use this feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisite. For purposes of
ability a number of rounds per day equal to your favored adjudicating the effects of this feat, treat your base attack
terrain bonus; these rounds need not be consecutive. bonus as at least +6 if your favored terrain bonus is +4, +11 at
+8 Earth Glide (Su): You gain the earth glide ability, a favored terrain bonus of +6, and +16 at a favored terrain
allowing you to pass through stone, dirt, or almost any other bonus of +8.
sort of earth except metal at your base land speed as easily as +6 Dimensional Anchor (Su): You gain Anchoring Blow as
a fish swims through water. This burrowing leaves behind no a bonus feat, with a minimum effective base attack bonus as
tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other sign of defined under ghost strike, above.
your presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing +8 Ethereal Jaunt (Sp): You gain the ability to become
you flings you back 30 feet, stunning you for 1 round unless ethereal (as per the ethereal jaunt spell) a number of rounds
you succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 16 + caster’s Cha per day equal to your favored terrain bonus. These rounds
modifier). need not be consecutive, but each use is a move action.
+10 Native Elemental: Your type changes to outsider +10 Multiplanar Existence (Ex): You gain DR 10/force and
(elemental), and you gain the [earth] subtype. can see invisible as if under the effects of that spell, except
this is an extraordinary ability that cannot be dispelled.
Plane, Elemental (Fire)
Additional Terrain Skills: Craft (smith). Plane of Shadow
Terrain Sight: Fire Sight (Ex): You can see through fire When in areas of shadowy (dim) light on the Prime Material
and smoke without penalty, ignoring any cover or Plane, your Plane of Shadow favored terrain bonus applies,
concealment bonuses from fire and smoke. This does not but is reduced by 2 points.
allow you to see anything you could not otherwise see (for Additional Terrain Skills: Acrobatics (this subsumes the
example, invisible creatures are still invisible). You are movement function of the Dusk Stalker’s “shadow bond”
immune to the dazzled condition. This ability supersedes the variant class feature from the Advanced Race Guide); Bluff.
Ifrit racial feat of the same name, from the Advanced Race Terrain Sight: Gloomsight (Ex): You gain low-light vision.
Guide. Terrain Movement: See above.
Terrain Movement: None. Additional Terrain Abilities:
Additional Terrain Abilities: +2 Shadow Blend (Su): In any condition of illumination
+2 Energy Resistance (Ex): You gain resistance to fire other than bright light, you blend into the shadows, giving you
equal to 5 x your favored terrain bonus; unless otherwise concealment (miss chance 5% x your favored terrain bonus).
noted, this stacks with existing resistance to fire. You can suspend or resume this ability as a free action.
+4 Fire Subtype: You are immune to fire, but gain
vulnerability to cold. In addition, you suffer no ill effects from
smoke inhalation.
+4 Shadowboxing (Ex): When you are within an area of dim +6 Damage Reduction (Ex): You gain DR/evil in an amount
light or darkness, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against equal to your favored terrain bonus. You also treat your own
enemies that are also within dim light or darkness. This attacks (natural, unarmed, and with manufactured weapons)
supersedes the Gloom Strike feat from the Advanced Race as if they were aligned.
Guide. +8 Purity of Body (Ex): You are infused with the purity of
+6 Shadow Step (Sp): You gain Shadow Step as a bonus the Upper Planes, and are immune to disease and poison.
feat. If you are a single-classed ranger, you can treat all ranger +10 Angel-Born (Ex): You are treated as a native of the
spells as if they were Shadow spells one level higher than upper planes, and gain the Celestial simple template (the
their actual ranger spell levels, for purposes of this feat. benefits overlap with, rather than stacking with, those gained
+8 See in Darkness (Ex): You can see in darkness, even above).
magical darkness, as if it were lit.
+10 Shade (Ex): You are treated as a native of the Plane of Swamps
Shadow, and gain the Shadow creature simple template This favored terrain also includes marshes, bogs, fens, and
(Advanced Race Guide; the benefits overlap with, rather than wetlands of all descriptions.
stacking with, those gained above). Additional Terrain Skills: Escape Artist, Profession
Planes, Lower (sailing)—small craft only.
Terrain Sight: Mist Sight (Ex): You can see through up to 5
Additional Terrain Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (planes). ft. x your favored terrain bonus of fog, mist, gas, wind, rain, or
Terrain Sight: You can use detect evil as a spell-like ability similar inclement weather conditions, ignoring any
a number of times per day equal to your favored terrain concealment it might grant.
bonus. Terrain Movement: Bog Stride (Ex): You ignore the effects
Terrain Movement: Most mortals venturing into Hell or of bogs, deep bogs, mud, quicksand, and reeds on your
Carceri are trapped there forever; this does not apply to you movement. This ability also subsumes the Child of the
(i.e., you can leave freely). Your companions cannot also do so Swamps feat from the Players Guide to Eberron.
unless you also have the wilderness guide ability (q.v.). Additional Terrain Abilities:
Additional Terrain Abilities: +2 Strong Stomach (Ex): You are immune to any effect that
+2 Resist Planar Alignment (Ex): You take no penalties for would apply the sickened condition to a normal person. If you
being on evil-aligned planes, and can cause your alignment to succumb to an effect that normally causes nausea, you are
register as that of the plane at will. sickened instead. You gain a bonus on saving throws against
+4 Resist Energy (Ex): You gain resistance to cold, fire, and other afflictions (Chapter 1) equal to your favored terrain
negative energy equal to your favored terrain bonus, allowing bonus; this supersedes the Jungle Stamina feat from Races of
you to survive on minor negative-dominant planes. Faerun.
+6 Damage Reduction (Ex): You gain DR/good in an +4 Swarm-Walking (Ex): You also gain DR/— against
amount equal to your favored terrain bonus. You also treat swarms to an amount equal to your favored terrain bonus
your own attacks (natural, unarmed, and with manufactured (i.e., DR 4/— against swarms when you gain this ability).
weapons) as if they were aligned. +6 Purity of Body (Ex): You are immune to minor,
+8 Guarded Life (Su): You are immune to negative levels moderate, and severe afflictions.
and energy drain. +8 Bogtrotter (Ex): You gain continuous freedom of
+10 Fiend-Born (Ex): You are treated as a native of the movement.
lower planes, and gain the Fiendish simple template (the
benefits overlap with, rather than stacking with, those gained Underground
above). Additional Terrain Skills: Disable Device, Profession
Planes, Upper (Mining).
Terrain Sight: You gain darkvision with a range of 10 ft. x
Additional Terrain Skills: Diplomacy, Fly. your favored terrain bonus.
Terrain Sight: You can use detect good as a spell-like Terrain Movement: Tunnel Runner (Ex): You ignore
ability a number of times per day equal to your favored terrain difficult terrain due to rubble, dense rubble, and stairs. You
bonus. can move through narrow spaces at your normal speed, and
Terrain Movement: While on good-aligned upper planes, squeeze without penalties; this supersedes the cave druid’s
you gain a fly speed equal to 5 ft. x your favored terrain variant class feature of the same name from the Advanced
bonus. Player’s Guide, and also the feat of the same name from
Additional Terrain Abilities: Underdark.
+2 Resist Planar Alignment (Ex): You take no penalties for Additional Terrain Abilities:
being on good-aligned planes, and can cause your alignment +2 Tunnel Fighting (Ex): You ignore the melee penalties for
to register as that of the plane at will. fighting in low or narrow spaces; this supersedes the feat of
+4 Energy Resistance (Ex): You gain resistance to the same name from Races of Stone. In addition, you cannot
electricity, force damage, and positive energy (when be detected by tremorsense; this supersedes the cave druid’s
damaging; you can still choose to be healed by it) equal to “lightfoot” from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
your favored terrain bonus. +4 Burrow (Ex): You gain a burrow speed of 5 ft. This
speed increases by an additional 5 ft. per additional +2 of
your favored terrain bonus (maximum 20 ft. at +10).
+6 Evasion (Ex): You are constantly alert against cave-ins, +4 Great Captain (Ex): If you are in command of a vessel,
methane gas explosions, and the like. You gain evasion (as you can use the Aid Another action to assist all other persons
the rogue class feature), but not improved or greater evasion. on board who are performing the same action in the current
If you already have evasion, your vigilance is instead round. Commanding the vessel in combat is a move action for
channeled into your senses, and you gain Blind-Fight as a you. This supersedes the feat of the same name from
bonus feat. Stormwrack.
+8 Stone Sense (Ex): You gain tremorsense at a range +6 Storm Sailor (Ex): You can choose to treat winds as one
equal to the range of your darkvision. This ability supersedes category more or less severe (your choice) for purposes of
the feat of the same name from the Advanced Player’s Guide. sailing and navigating a vessel; this supersedes the Inner Sea
Pirate’s trick of the same name, from Pirates of the Inner
Urban Sea.
This favored terrain also applies when in buildings, streets, +8 Storm-Lashed (Ex): You are accustomed to sailing
and sewers. Its effects supersede the Crowd Tactics feat from through storms and force ten gales. You are immune to
Races of Destiny. electricity and the effects of high winds, as is any vessel you
Additional Terrain Skills: Diplomacy, Streetwise; Bluff personally pilot.
checks to intimidate crowds. Water (Underwater) or Elemental
Terrain Sight: None.
Terrain Movement: Crowd Control (Ex): You gain a +1 Plane of Water
bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC when Additional Terrain Skills: None.
adjacent to two or more enemies. In addition, your movement Terrain Sight: You suffer no penalties to Perception for
is not impeded by crowds. You can move through the space being under water or looking into water from the surface.
occupied by local citizens as if they were allies (this does not Terrain Movement: Expert Swimmer (Ex): You gain a
apply to creatures intent on harming you). This ability is from Swim speed equal to 5 ft. x your favored terrain bonus. You
the urban barbarian archetype from Ultimate Combat, and also ignore difficult terrain due to light or heavy surf. This
also subsumes the urban ranger’s “push through” ability from ability supersedes the Expert Swimmer feat from
the Advanced Player’s Guide. Stormwrack, and any number of similar feats from previous
Additional Terrain Abilities: sources.
+2 Pass as Local (Ex): You automatically pass as a local Additional Terrain Abilities:
(treat as a disguise with DC 10 + your Stealth skill bonus; this +2 Hold Breath (Ex): You can hold your breath a number of
disguise does not take an action to don). Although you are not rounds equal to (your favored terrain bonus +1) x your
invisible, enemies do not notice your presence in particular Constitution score. This supersedes the Deep Breather feat
and take no actions against you unless they are taking actions from Dragon magazine (issue 335).
against the local citizens in general. Source: Advanced +4 Seaborn (Ex): You gain the [aquatic] subtype and the
Player’s Guide. [amphibious] trait. You are also inured to the chill of the
+4 Charm Person (Sp): You gain charm person as a spell- depths, and can endure cold effects as if by endure elements.
like ability 1/day (2/day at a favored terrain bonus of +6, 3/day This simulates the Aquatic Druid’s variant class feature of the
at +8, and 4/day at +10). You also apply half your favored same name, from the Advanced Players Guide.
terrain bonus to saving throws against charm and +6 Aquatic Adaptation (Ex): You are immune to the effects
compulsion effects. of pressure at depth; this subsumes the Pressure Resistance
+6 Street Lore (Sp): While in a city, you can use commune feat from Dragon magazine (issue 314). You are also immune
3/day as a spell-like ability, but only to learn information to inhaled poisons, and cannot be suffocated.
about that city known by at least 1 creature within the city. +8 Freedom of Movement (Ex): You gain continuous
+8 City Mind (Ex): You are immune to charm and freedom of movement while underwater.
compulsion effects. +10 Native Elemental: Your type changes to outsider
(elemental), and you gain the [water] subtype.
Water (Shipboard)
Additional Terrain Skills: Profession (sailing).
Terrain Sight: Eyes of the Storm (Ex): You ignore any
concealment provided by fog, rain, sleet, mist, wind, or other
weather effects that is less than total concealment, and any
penalties weather applies on Perception checks are halved.
This ability, and the terrain movement ability below, are from
the Sea Reaver barbarian archetype from Ultimate Combat.
Terrain Movement: Sure-Footed (Ex): You ignore cluttered,
slippery, or pitching decks and rocking, slippery conditions,
including green water surges (Stormwrack) and spells such
as grease, sleet storm, etc. You are not at risk of falling, are
not denied your Dexterity bonus when moving across such
areas, and do not treat them as difficult terrain. You can move
through rigging at half speed.
Additional Terrain Abilities:
+2 Sea Legs (Ex): You are immune to seasickness.
Other examples of ranger lore can be added with the referee’s approval.
Ranger Lore
Examples of ranger lore are listed here; substitute lore, if appropriate to the character, can be included by player request and
referee permission.
Ascetic Hunter (Ex): You must have at least one level in
Lore Description monk to select this lore, which provides a number of benefits
Ascetic hunter Multiclass with monk when multiclassing between ranger and monk classes.
Barkskin +1 natural AC, +1/3 levels Your ranger levels provide Full synergy for purposes of
Combat style feat Gain additional combat feat determining your unarmed mastery.
Domain bond Gain access to one domain Your ranger levels provide Weak synergy for purposes of
Dragon hunter Ignore +1/2 level natural AC determining the damage bonus from your Weapon Form
ability and the level-dependent effects of monk sutras you
Empathic link,
Share senses with animal
Energy resistance 5 + 5/3 levels to one type Your monk levels provide Weak synergy for purposes of
determining the effects of level-dependent ranger lore. You
Evasion And improved evasion at 11th qualify for advanced lore if your effective ranger is 11 or
Familiar As wizard class feature higher. You may select monk sutras in the place of ranger
Fast healing Gain fast healing 1
lore and vice versa.
Fast movement +10 ft. to you and mount (if any) You can choose to give up normal ranger spellcasting, and
have your ranger levels instead provide Weak theurgy
Favored enemy Constant Quarry vs. 1 type towards your ki powers (Spellcasting Table 3 in Chapter
Favored weapon Weapon gains enhancements 7). Alternatively, you can give up your ki powers, in which
Feral state You gain claws, bite attack
case your monk levels provide Weak spellcasting theurgy.
Harper scout Multiclass with bard Finally, when using a ki attack power against a favored
enemy or quarry, add half your favored enemy/quarry
Hide in nature Concealment in favored terrain bonus to the DC of the saving throw (if applicable).
Hunting party Allies gain ½ quarry bonuses
Magic fang Permanent greater magic fang This lore supersedes the feat of the same name, from
Complete Adventurer, and also the Sohei’s “monastic mount”
Mettle As fighter class feature variant class feature, from Ultimate Combat.
Ordained hunter Multiclass with cleric Barkskin (Su): You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC,
Outlaw hunter Multiclass with rogue or any existing natural armor bonus increases by +1. This
bonus improves by +1 per 3 class levels you possess, to a
Ranger knight Multiclass with fighter maximum bonus of +7 at 18th level. If desired, you can
Ranger mage Multiclass with sorcerer/wizard cosmetically indicate this effect by having small shoots and
leaves grow in your hair, etc.
Ranger’s luck Bonus hero point (1/6 levels) If you have another class feature that improves natural
Savage hunter Multiclass with barbarian armor (such as the fighter’s armored skin talent or the monk’s
Scent Gain scent special ability iron skin sutra), you do not gain the separate benefits from
each; instead, your levels those classes stack in order to
Silver weapons Weapons penetrate DR determine a single improvement.
Spiritual hunter Multiclass with druid Combat Style Feat: You can gain an extra combat style
feat (q.v.) in place of an item of ranger lore. This feat must be
Spiritual bond Shield other (animal companion) chosen from the list of combat style feats available to a ranger
Stoneskin Gain DR /+1 or better of your class level with your combat style (i.e., you cannot
Trapfinding As rogue talent choose a higher-level feat, or a feat from a different combat
Twilight luck Luck bonus to saving throws
Whispers of the Gain augury and/or divination
Wrankletaste Nauseates biting opponents
Domain Bond (Su): Choose one of the following domains: Fast Healing (Ex): You gain fast healing 1 (acid, fire, and
Animal, Archery, Consecrated Harrier*, Liberation, Plant, negative energy damage are healed at the normal rate). You
Rune, Sun, Travel, Weather, Winter. You gain Domain Access must be at least 5th level to select this lore. You may select
(proviing bonus spells as shown in Spellcasting Table 1 in this lore multiple times; the effects stack.
Chapter 7) and Improved Domain Access for the selected Fast Movement (Ex): Your base land speed increases by
domain as bonus feats. (Selecting the Rune domain allows 10 ft. Until you gain the Tireless ability at 3rd level, this
the ranger to represent the 2nd edition Runecaster base benefit applies only when you are wearing no armor, light
class, from the Vikings Campaign Sourcebook.) armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply
Special: The Consecrated Harrier prestige class from this bonus before modifying your speed because of any load
Complere Divine, can be simulated using Domain Bond with carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other
the Consecrated Harrier domain (see below) and selecting bonuses to your land speed. This option was presented in
Favored Enemy (heretics) as an additional ranger lore. Complete Warrior.
Consecrated Harrier Domain spells: 1st—command, 2nd If you have an animal companion (q.v.) that also serves as a
—see invisibility, 3rd—crushing despair, 4th—dismissal, 5th mount, it gains the benefits of this ability whenever you are
—false vision, 6th—greater dispel magic, 7th—greater mounted on it.
scrying, 8th—discern location, 9th—foresight.
Granted Powers:
Sanctified Sight (Ex): You gain a +4 sacred bonus on
saving thows against illusions.
Dispel Magic (Sp): Starting at 4th level, you can use dispel
magic as a spell-like ability a number of times per day
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1/day). When
using this against favored enemies, add your favored
enemy bonus as a sacred bonus to the dispelling check.
Dragon Hunter (Ex): Your melee and ranged attacks
ignore 1 point of natural armor per 2 class levels you possess.
Empathic Link, Improved (Su): You gain an improved
empathic link with all bonded companions (if any) you gained
through your Mark of the Wild ability. This functions like an
empathic link with a familiar, except you can also see through
a companion’s eyes as a swift action, maintaining this
connection as long as you like (as long as the companion is
within 1 mile) and ending it as a free action. You can only see
through the eyes of one companion at a time, and are blinded
while maintaining this connection. Source: Advanced Player’s
Energy Resistance (Ex): You gain resistance 5 to acid,
cold, electricity, fire, force, negative energy, positive energy, or
sonic attacks. This resistance increases by 5 for every 3
ranger levels you possess, to a maximum resistance of 35 at
18th level. At 20th level, you are immune. You may select this
lore multiple times; each time, choose a new energy type.
Evasion (Ex): As the rogue class feature of the same name.
If you have at least 11 levels in Ranger, you also gain
Improved Evasion (you do not gain Greater Evasion)
Familiar (Ex): You gain a familiar, as the wizard class
feature. Your functional wizard level for determining the
abilities of the familiar is equal to your number of ranks in
Concentration. You do not lose experience points if your
familiar is slain, and you require only 24 hours to replace one
that is lost. Your familiar has total hit points equal to 3/4 of
your own hit points, rather than half as per a wizard’s
familiar. The familiar gains the ability to speak with other
animals of its kind when you have an effective master level of
1st, rather than 7th. When you reach an effective master level
of 7th, you can speak with animals of your companion's kind,
as per speak with animals. This is a supernatural ability that
functions constantly, and it requires only a free action to
reactivate if somehow dispelled. (Source: Cityscape web
Favored Enemy (Ex): Select a type of creature from among 5 Includes slave owners, per the Steel Falcon prestige class
those listed on the table below (if you choose humanoids or in Andoran: Spirit of Liberty.
outsiders as a favored enemy, you must also choose an If a specific creature falls into more than one category of
associated subtype, as indicated on the table). Against favored enemy, the bonuses do not stack; you simply use
creatures of that type, the following apply: whichever bonus is higher. You may select this lore multiple
You always treat all creatures of the designated type as times; each time, choose a new favored enemy type from the
Quarry, without needing to use that class feature. This is table.
an exception to the rule against having only one quarry at Favored enemies not listed can be allowed by player and
a time. referee agreement, using the ones shown above as
Your favored enemy bonus applies as a competence bonus Favored Weapon (Su): By calling upon the aid of nature
to Knowledge or related skill checks when attempting to spirits when you prepare spells (or regain spell slots), you can
identify favored enemies and their weaknesses. You can imbue your weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus per level
make such checks untrained. of the highest-level spell you prepare. This bonus can be
added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon bonuses
If you have chaotic outsiders and oozes as a favored to a maximum of +5. Alternatively, as long as the weapon
enemy, you can score critical hits and precision damage retains a bundled enhancement bonus of at least +1,
against oozes. additional enhancement bonus can be traded in for other
If you have constructs and undead as a favored enemy, magical properties as described in Chapter 6. The bonus and
these creature types are no longer immune to any feats, properties granted are determined when you prepare spells
fighter talents, or ki powers you possess that normally and cannot be changed until the spirits are called again (i.e.,
allow a Fortitude save. In addition, constructs and undead the next time you prepare or regain spells). The weapon has
damaged to less than half their full hp total by your attacks no additional bonuses if held by anyone other than you, but
take penalties as if fatigued; those to below one-fourth as if they resume if the weapon is returned to you. These bonuses
exhausted. This subsumes the Bane of the Clockwork apply to only one end of a double weapon.
variant class feature, from Dragon magazine (issue 351). As you use up your prepared spells, you must choose which
properties to remove from the weapon. Any property which is
Having a favored enemy of any type makes you eligible for only partially active is considered totally negated, unless it
Hunter feats (Appendix C). can be downgraded without actually changing it. For
example, a 10th level ranger (3rd level spells, +3 in bonuses)
TABLE: RANGER FAVORED ENEMIES might imbue his masterwork bow as a +1 weapon, trade the
additional +2 for 12,000 numen, and used that to purchase
Animals, magical beasts, and vermin the greater shock (+3d6) property. Upon using his 3rd level
Arcanists1 spell, he would have insufficient numen to maintain the
greater shock effect, and could reduce it to shock (+1d6)
Dragons instead. If he’d instead spent the 12,000 numen on the keen
Fey and plants property, he’d simply lose that property, as 6,000 numen is
Giants, monstrous humanoids, and uncivilized insuffient to maintain it and it cannot be downgraded.
humanoids2 Feral State (Su): By living like a wild animal, you have
regressed to a more bestial state. Your hands and feet
Humanoids (civilized)3 become claws dealing 1d6 base damage, and your teeth
Organization (select one)4 lengthen and grow pointed, giving you a bite attack dealing a
Outsiders (chaotic) and oozes
base 1d8 damage. You must sleep in natural environments,
never inside buildings, unless forced by circumstances.
Outsiders (elemental) and elementals Furthermore, you cannot purchase food—you must obtain it
Outsiders (lower planar) and aberrations by hunting, gathering, begging, or stealing. Some even give up
speech, the use of fire and tools, and all possessions, but such
Outsiders (upper planar) extremes are not required. This lore, in conjunction with the
Outsiders (other: native, astral, shadow, etc.) Savage Hunter lore, largely supersedes the Fist of the Forest
prestige class from Complete Champion.
Harper Scout (Ex): You can gain this lore only if you have
Undead and constructs at least one level in bard. Thereafter, you may learn ranger
lore in the place of bardic lore, and vice versa. Your effective
1 Includes any creatures capable of casting arcane spells level in each class for purposes of adjudicating level-
or using invocations or spell-like abilities, per the variant dependent effects of lore is equal to your level in the class
described in Complete Mage, granting the lore plus half your level in the other class. You
2 In the Aviona setting, this includes orcs, goblins, hill may qualify for advanced ranger lore if your effective ranger
dwarves, wood elves, etc. This broad category emulates the level derived in this manner is 11th or higher. You gain the
1st edition ranger’s bonus against “giant class” opponents. following additional benefits.
3 In the Aviona setting, this includes humans, mountain
dwarves, high elves, halflings, etc.
4 Choose one type of organization: e.g., churches, police
departments, criminal gangs, etc.
Your bard level provides Weak synergy for purposes of Outlaw Hunter (Ex): You must have at least one level in
determining your tracking abilities and the level at which rogue to gain this lore. Thereafter, you can select rogue
they operate. For example, a ranger 8/bard 6 would have talents (combat talents or skill talents) in the place of ranger
an effective ranger level of 11th when calculating the lore, and vice versa. You gain the following additional
effects of range lore, could select advanced ranger lore in benefits:
the place of ranger lore, would gain a +5 bonus to Survival Your ranger level provides Weak synergy to your rogue
checks to track and would have the planar tracking ability level when determining your sneak attack damage, the
in addition to direction sense, swift tracker, and anchored level-dependent effects of your rogue talents, and for
navigation. purposes of qualifying for advanced rogue talents. For
Your ranger levels provide Weak theurgy towards your example, a 6th level ranger/7th level rogue would have an
arcane spellcasting ability. This supersedes your ranger effective rogue level of 10th when determining the effects
spellcasting, although you still have access to all spells on of rogue talents, would qualify for advanced rogue talents,
the ranger list as if they were bard spells of the and would have sneak attack +5d6 (as a 10th level rogue).
appropriate level.
Your rogue level provides Weak synergy when determining
Finally, your ranger level provides Weak synergy to your your effective ranger level for any level-dependent ranger
bard level for purposes of determining the DC and lore, and for purposes of qualifying for advanced lore. For
number of rounds of inspiration per day, and your bardic example, an 8th level ranger/6th level rogue would have an
college. effective ranger level of 11th when determining the effects
of ranger lore, and can choose advanced lore in the place
Hide in Nature (Ex): While in one of your favored terrains, of normal ranger lore.
you gain a miss chance equal to your favored terrain bonus x You can choose to give up ranger spellcasting. If you do so,
5%. This works similarly to a blur spell, except that this is an your ranger levels provide Weak theurgy towards your
extraordinary ability that cannot be dispelled. rogue skill tricks (see Spellcasting Table 3 in Chapter 7).
Hunting Party (Ex): You can spend a swift action to grant
half your quarry or favored enemy bonuses to companions
within 30 feet who can see and hear you. If you have the Ranger Knight (Ex): You must have at least one level in
Favored Defense or Favored Dodge feat, half of those fighter to gain this lore. Thereafter, you can select fighter
bonuses apply to affected allies as well. These bonuses last talents in the place of ranger lore, and vice versa. You gain
for 1 minute. These bonuses do not stack with any favored the following additional benefits:
enemy bonuses possessed by your allies; they use whichever Your ranger level provides Strong synergy to your fighter
bonus is higher. level when determining the level-dependent effects of your
Magic Fang (Su): You or your bonded companion(s) (if fighter talents, for purposes of qualifying for advanced
applicable) gains the effects of a permanent greater magic fighter talents, and when determining the effects of your
fang spell. You may gain this lore twice, in order to have it onslaught of blows ability. For example, a 6th level
apply to you and to your bonded companion(s). ranger/7th level fighter would have an effective fighter level
Mettle (Ex): If you make a successful Fortitude or Will of 11th when determining the effects of fighter talents,
save against an attack that would normally have a lesser would qualify for advanced fighter talents, and would
effect on a save (such as any spell with a saving throw of make weapon attacks without iterative penalties.
Fortitude Partial), you instead completely negate the effect.
Ordained Hunter (Ex): You must have at least one level of Your fighter level provides Weak synergy to your ranger
cleric, archivist, or incarnate to select this lore. You gain the level when determining your effective ranger level for any
following benefits: level-dependent ranger lore, and for purposes of qualifying
for advanced lore. For example, an 8th level ranger/6th
Your ranger levels provide Weak theurgy towards your level fighter would have an effective ranger level of 11th
divine spellcasting ability (Spellcasting Table 3 in Chapter when determining the effects of ranger lore, and can
7). This supersedes your ranger spellcasting, although you choose advanced lore in the place of normal ranger lore.
still have access to all spells on the ranger list as if they
were cleric spells of the appropriate level. Ranger Mage (Su): Add all sorcerer/wizard spells of the
Your ranger level also provides Strong synergy to your appropriate levels to your class spells list. You also gain the
cleric or archivist level for purposes of determining your following multiclassing benefits:
channel energy dice and save DC; or to your incarnate Your ranger levels provide Weak theurgy towards your
level for purposes of determining your incarnate arcane spellcasting ability (Spellcasting Table 3 in
resistance and the level at which your revelations function. Chapter 7). This supersedes your ranger spellcasting,
Your cleric, archivist, or incarnate level provides Weak although you still have access to all spells on the ranger
synergy to your ranger level for purposes of determining list as if they were wizard/sorcerer spells of the
the effective level at which your ranger lore functions (not appropriate level. Your ranger level also provides Weak
including this one, per the Class Synergy Features rules in synergy for determining the effects of your bloodline
the Introduction). and/or arcane school powers
Stoneskin (Ex): You gain damage reduction, to an amount
For purposes of determining the effects of ranger lore you equal to half your class level. This damage reduction is
possess (except this one), and for qualifying for advanced penetrated by the following, depending on your class level:
lore, your arcane spellcaster levels provide Weak synery to Level DR Penetrated By
your ranger level. You can gain ranger lore in the place of
wizard school powers. 1 Magic (+1), silver, cold iron, or adamantine
5 +2, silver, cold iron, or adamantine
Special: If you also have the druidical theurgy ability or 10 +3, cold iron, or adamantine
ordained hunter lore (q.v.), ranger levels do not count towards
both spellcasting progressions; you choose one or the other. 15 +4 or adamantine
Ranger’s Luck (Ex): You must be at least 6th level to gain 20 +5 or adamantine
this lore. You gain one free Hero Point (see “Variations in the
Core Rule Mechanics”) each day per 6 class levels you Twilight Luck (Su): You receive a +2 luck bonus to all
possess. Unlike normal hero points, these cannot be saving throws. You can select this lore multiple times; each
accumulated; if you start the next day with the previous day’s time after the first, the bonus increases by +1.
bonus points unspent, they are lost in favor of the new ones. Whispers of the Forest (Sp): When you are in one of your
This supersedes the ability of the same name from the favored terrains, the plants, trees, and rocks speak to you,
Advanced Player’s Guide. bringing you news. These voices give you a short answer to
Savage Hunter (Ex): You must have at least one level in any simple question you pose pertaining to current events in
barbarian to gain this lore. Your ranger level provides Strong the area, as an augury spell. Questions about distant events
synergy to your barbarian level for purposes of determining require 1 minute per mile of distance to answer. At the
the type of rage you have available (improved, greater, mighty, referee's discretion, when the forest deems an issue
etc.) and your attribute bonuses from rage, for determining important, the whispers bring you news without your request.
the number of rounds of rage per day you can sustain, and for Starting at 12th level, you can gain augury-like results even
determining the level-dependent effects of rage powers. when not in one of your favored terrains. When in your
Your barbarian level provides Weak synergy to your ranger favored terrain, the effect improves to be equal to a divination
level when determining the level-dependent effects of ranger spell. This lore supersedes the Forest Reeve’s “whispers of
lore, and for purposes of qualifying for advanced lore. You can the forest” prestige class feature, from Complete Champion,
learn ranger lore in the place of rage powers, and advanced and the Spirit Ranger’s spirit bond and wisdom of the spirits
lore in the place of greater rage powers, or you can learn new variant class features from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
rage powers in the place of ranger lore. Wrankletaste (Ex): The hardness of your existence has
Scent (Ex): You gain the scent special quality (see left your very flesh unpalatable. Any creature that bites,
clarifications under the Perception skill heading). When engulfs, or swallows you must succeed a Fortitude saving
tracking, you ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor throw (DC 10 + half your class level + your Constitution
visibility. modifier) or be sickened for 1d4 rounds. Starting at 11th
Silver Weapons (Su): All melee weapons you wield, as level, the victim is nauseated instead of sickened.
well as all projectiles you throw or fire, and all of your
unarmed and natural attacks, are capable of penetrating Advanced Ranger Lore
damage reduction as if they had an enhancement bonus of +1.
The effective enhancement bonus for purposes of penetrating Advanced Lore Description
DR increases by an additional +1 per 4 class levels you Blinding speed Haste 1 round/level per day
possess (so that they penetrate DR/+5 or adamantine at 16th Deadly sniper All ranges are point-blank
Spiritual Bond (Su): As an immediate action, you can Freedom of movement As spell, but permanent
activate a two-way shield other effect between you and one or Ghost warrior Ghost touch weapons, armor
more of your bonded companions, sharing the damage
equally between those affected. This effect lasts until you Indomitable mind Immune to mind-affecting
dispel it as a free action. Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Mutliplanar skirmish Quickened blink
Spiritual Hunter (Ex): This lore is most effective when Regeneration Fast healing becomes regen.
combined with the druidical theurgy spellcasting option.
When multiclassing with druid, you gain the following Spell reflection Reflects ranged attack spells
additional benefits: Wilderness whispers Cannot be surprised
Your druid levels provide Full synergy for determining Wind walk As spell-like ability, 1/day
ranger tracking abilities gained (tracker, direction sense, Wraithstrike Touch attacks; 1/day per level
swift tracker, wilderness guide, anchored navigation,
planar tracking, nondetection, find the path, unerring Blinding Speed (Sp): You can act as if hasted for 1 round
tracker, and personal preserve) and the class level at per day per ranger level you possess. The duration of the
which they operate. effect need not be consecutive rounds. Activating this power
Your ranger levels provide Weak synergy towards gaining is a free action. You can gain this lore multiple times. Each
and using the abilities of one druidic initiation. time, it grants an additional number of daily rounds of use
equal to half your ranger level.
Deadly Sniper (Ex): You must have the Point-Blank Shot If a single spell or ability misses you more than once at the
feat to select this talent, which provides the following same time (such as scorching ray cast by a high-level
benefits. caster), you can redirect each portion of the spell that
All distances up to your maximum range are considered missed. For example, if you were missed by two of the
point-blank range for you. If you have the sneak attack three rays from an 11th level wizard's scorching ray spell,
ability, you may make sneak attacks within this range. you could redirect only those two rays (but not the one
that hit).
When hidden, you can make one or more ranged attacks If you have spell resistance from some source, when a
against a target at least 10 ft. away, then immediately hide spell or spell-like ability targeting you fails to overcome
again as a free action. The penalty to do so (normally –20) your spell resistance, you may reflect the effect onto its
is reduced by a number equal to your ranger class level. caster (as spell turning).
If you have the Vital Strike feat and use it to make a single
shot with a crossbow or long firearm while sniping, you This talent subsumes both the variant class feature of the
double the bonus damage from that feat. same name, and also the Spell Sense variant class feature,
from Complete Mage.
This ability supersedes the “stealthy sniper” talent from the Wilderness Whispers (Su): While within any of your
Advanced Player’s Guide and also the Deadly Sniper feat favored terrains for which you have terrain mastery (q.v.), you
from the Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc cannot be surprised and always act as if you had rolled a
Press). natural 20 on any initiative check. This lore supersedes the
Freedom of Movement (Ex): You have perpetual freedom Warden’s variant class feature of the same name, from
of movement, as the spell, except this is an extraordinary Ultimate Combat.
ability that cannot be dispelled. This lore supersedes the Wind Walk (Sp): Once per day, you can shift partway to
variant class feature of the same name, from Complete another plane (alone or with companions). Treat this ability as
Warrior. the wind walk spell, except you can use it as a spell-like
Ghost Warrior (Su): Your mastery of different planar ability.
conditions allows you to strike incorporeal and ethereal Wraithstrike (Su): Your movement through the planes is
opponents as if they were corporeal, and to more effectively so certain that you can selectively phase weapons in and out
defend yourself from their attacks. All of your weapons and of the material plane. As a swift action, all attacks you make
armor are treated as if they had the ghost touch property for ignore armor and shield bonuses to AC for 1 round. You can
as long as you use them; this property affects ethereal as well use this ability a number of times per day equal to your
as incorporeal targets. ranger level. You must already have the ghost warrior lore
Indomitable Mind (Ex): You are immune to all mind- (q.v.) to select this advanced lore.
affecting spells and abilities except those designated as
[harmless], such as bless and heroism. This lore supersedes
the variant class feature of the same name, from Dragon
magazine #340.
Multiplanar Skirmish (Sp): You are so adept at finding
your way through the planes that you can cause yourself to
flicker between two adjacent planes, appearing and
disappearing randomly from one to the other. Once per day
as a swift action, you gain the effects of a blink spell; each
“blink” counts as 5 feet of movement for purposes of the
Skirmish feat. This effect lasts up to 1 round per class level
you possess. For every 2 class levels above 12th you possess,
you can use this ability an additional time per day (e.g., 5/day
at 20th level).
Regeneration (Ex): You must already have fast healing to
gain this lore. Your fast healing becomes regeneration
instead (fire, acid, and negative energy deal normal damage).
Spell Reflection (Su): You gain a +4 dodge bonus against
spells and spell-like abilities that require attack rolls.
If an enemy misses with a spell, spell-like ability, or
supernatural ability aimed at you, you can use an
immediate action to redirect the effect back at its
originator. The spell or ability attacks the original caster
(who makes a new attack roll using the same attack bonus
as the original attack). If it hits, the caster is subject to the
normal effect of the spell or ability. This effect applies only
to spells and spell-like abilities that require an attack roll.
Other spells and spell-like abilities that affect a target
aren't subject to this reflection.
These feats rely on ranger class features; they are therefore Benefit: Select a favored enemy type. When fighting a
listed here rather than in Chapter 5. favored enemy or creature designated as your quarry (q.v.),
you may apply your quarry bonus as a dodge bonus to your
Dragonslayer [Combat] Armor Class and CMD. This bonus applies against creatures
Prerequisite: Favored enemy (dragons). of the appropriate type (and/or your quarry) only.
Benefit: You gain evasion (as the rogue class feature of the Source: Dragon magazine, issue 335. This feat also
same name) against breath weapons. This ability improves supersedes the Favored Defense feat from the Advanced
with your favored enemy bonus, as follows: Player’s Guide.
+4: You also gain evasion against the spell-like abilities Hunter’s Power [Combat]
and supernatural abilities of creatures of the dragon type Prerequisites: Quarry.
(or sorcerers with the draconic bloodline). Benefit: When you use the Power Attack feat against your
+6: You gain improved evasion against breath weapons. quarry, the bonus damage is increased by an amount equal to
the attack penalty, as per the fighter’s Greater Power Attack
+8: You also gain improved evasion against the spell-like talent (q.v.).
abilities and supernatural abilities of creatures of the Source: Complete Warrior.
dragon type (or sorcerers with the draconic bloodline).
+10: You gain greater evasion against breath weapons. Quarry, Practiced
Prerequisite: Quarry and/or favored enemy.
Source: This feat supersedes the Oathsworn paladin’s Benefit: Calculate your favored enemy and quarry bonuses
breath evasion ability, from Ultimate Magic. as if your class level were 4 higher than is actually the case,
to a maximum effective ranger level equal to your total
Hunter’s Critical [Combat] number of Hit Dice.
Special: The effects of feat stack with class synergy
Prerequisites: Quarry and/or favored enemy bonus +3. features improving your effective ranger level; this a specific
Benefit: Select one of your favored enemy types that is exception to the non-stacking rule. Your total limit based on
normally subject to critical hits. Whenever you attack this effective character level remains in force.
type of creature, the threat range of whatever weapon you are
using increases by 1 (e.g., a longsword goes ftom 19-20/x2 to Terrain Defense [Combat]
18-20/x2). Oter effects that expand the critical threat range
(keen, Improved Critical) are always applied first. The very trees and rocks of your favored terrain move to your
If the creature type is not normally subject to critical hits defense.
(e.g., constructs and oozes), you are able to score critical hits Prerequisite: Favored terrain.
against that enemy anyway, but using the normal threat Benefit: While in a favored terrain, apply your favored
range. terrain bonus as a shield bonus to your AC and CMD.
For every additional +3 to your favored enemy/ quarry Source: This feat stands in for the Nature Warden’s mystic
bonus, this feat expands your threat range by an additional +1 harmony prestige class feature from the Advanced Players
(e.g., from 18-20/x2 to 17-20/x2 at a +6 bonus, and 16-20/x2 Guide; the Guardian of the Wild feat from the Advanced Race
at a bonus of +9 or higher). Guide; and also subsumes the Desert Fighter, Jungle Fighter,
Source: Masters of the Wild. This feat also duplicates the and Mountain Fighter feats from Dragon magazine #318.
Slayer’s Knack feat from Ultimate Combat.
Tracker, Practiced
Hunter’s Defense [Combat] Prerequisite: Tracker class feature.
Prerequisite: Favored enemy. Benefit: For purposes of ranger tracking class features,
Benefit: Select a favored enemy type. You add your favored treat your effective ranger level as 4 higher than is actually
enemy bonus as an insight bonus to saving throws against the the case, to a maximum equal to your total number of ranks
extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities of enemies in Survival. These features, and the level breaks at which they
of that type. are gained, are as follows: 2nd—tracker; 4th—direction sense;
Source: This feat supersedes the Halfling Ranger 6th—swift tracker; 8th—wilderness guide; 10th—anchored
substitution level, from Dragon magazine, issue 341. navigation; 12th—planar tracking; 14th—nondetection; 16th
—find the path; 18th—unerring tracker; 20th—personal
Hunter’s Dodge [Combat] preserve.
Special: The effects of feat stack with class synergy
Prerequisite: Quary and/or favored enemy. features improving your effective ranger level; this a specific
exception to the non-stacking rule. Your total limit based on
effective character level, as described in Chapter 1, remains in
This revision of the rogue class focuses on skills use and
“Is this the conduct of a ‘sly and unpredictable villain’?” underhanded fighting. Ambush talents, that apply to the
“Decidedly so, if the villain, for the purposes of his joke, rogue’s signature sneak attack ability, have been rolled into
thinks to simulate the altruist.”
the Strike feats mechanic, using the Opportune Strike ability
to bridge the gap. In order to reinforce this competency,
“Then how will you know villain from altruist?”
combat talents are gained every 3 levels. Skills use is
Cugel shrugged. “It is not an important distinction.” bolstered by the new uses for class skills (Chapter 4) and the
―Jack Vance, Cugel’s Saga (1983) large number of skills on the class skills list, by acquisition of
free Skill Focus feats, and by skill tricks that allow seemingly
magical use of skills.
Classic rogues from folklore and fiction include Reynard
the Fox, Brer Rabbit, Cugel the Clever (quoted above), the
Gray Mouser (from Fritz Leiber’s “Lankhmar” Saga), Slippery
Jim DiGriz (from Harry Harrison’s The Stainless Steel Rat),
Kiera the Thief (from Steven Brust’s Jhereg novels), Han Solo
and Lando Calrissian (from the Star Wars films), Burke (from
Andrew Vachss’ novels), and even James Bond.
Level Base Attack Bonus Skill Trick Capacity Special
1st +0 1st Alertness, opportune strike, sneak attack +1d6, weapon finesse
2nd +1 2nd Evasion, general talent
3rd +2 2nd Combat talent, sneak attack +2d6
4th +3 4th General talent, sneak attack +3d6
6th +4 4th Combat talent, rogue’s luck (1/day)
7th +5 5th Jack of all trades (untrained), sneak attack +4d6
8th +6/+1 6th General talent, skill focus
9th +6/+1 6th Combat talent, improved sneak attack +5d6
10th +7/+2 7th Improved evasion, network of contacts
11th +8/+3 8th Advanced general talent, sneak attack +6d6
12th +9/+4 8th Advanced combat talent, rogue’s luck (2/day), skill focus
13th +9/+4 9th Skill focus, sneak attack +7d6
14th +10/+5 10th Advanced general talent
15th +11/+6/+6 10th Advanced combat talent, sneak attack +8d6
16th +12/+7/+7 11th Jack of all trades (class skills), skill focus
17th +12/+7/+7 12th Advanced general talent, sneak attack +9d6
18th +13/+8/+8 12th Advanced combat talent, greater evasion, rogue’s luck (3/day)
19th +14/+9/+9 13th Greater sneak attack +10d6
20th +15/+10/+10 14th Advanced general talent, skill focus

Saving Throws: Rogues gain a +2 class bonus to Reflex Class Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Concentration, Craft
and Intuition saves. (all), Diplomacy, Disable Device, Knowledge (linguistics),
Bonus Skills: Rogues are alert for danger, and are adept at Knowledge (lore), Perform (all), Planar Sense, Profession
remaining hidden from it, escaping from it, and talking their (all), Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft. A rogue of at least 16th level
way out of it. You receive 1 free rank per class level in Bluff, treats all skills as class skills.
Escape Artist, Perception, Stealth, and Streetwise. These Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
bonus skills are otherwise treated as class skills, but do not
count against your total number of skill points.
Favored Class: When gaining a level of rogue as a favored Unlike spells, skill tricks are not limited by “uses per day.”
class, rather than choosing +1 hp or skill point, you can Instead, to successfully pull off a trick you are attempting, you
instead choose a weapon with which you have at least Martial must succeed at a skill check at DC 10 + (4 x the spell level of
proficiency, and add a +1 circumstance bonus on critical hit the skill trick). As spell-like abilities, skill tricks can be
confirmation rolls with that weapon (maximum bonus of +4, disrupted in combat (see Concentration skill), but you make a
at which point this ability is equivalent to the Critical Focus relevant skill check in place of the Concentration check..
feat for that weapon and counts as that feat for meeting Likewise, your initiator level (i.e., effective caster level) is
prerequisites). This ability does not stack with the Critical equal to your number of ranks in the applicable skill, rather
Focus feat. than your number of ranks in Concentration. Saving throw
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Rogues have Simple DCs, if applicable, are determined using the applicable
proficiency with all weapons, plus Martial proficiency with attribute modifier for that skill (10 + level of skill trick +
crossbows, darts, light blades, short bows, and the sap. They relevant attribute modifier).
are proficient with light armor, but not with shields. You can A list of skill tricks, sorted by level and relevant skill, is
choose to trade light armor proficiency for the Canny Defense provided in Appendix A.
or Dodge feat, at your option (in either case, you gain the Sneak Attack (Ex): If you can catch an opponent when he
bonuses only when unarmored). is unable to defend himself effectively from your attack, you
Alertness (Ex): Rogues have an innate knack for sensing can hit a vital spot for extra damage. The attack deals extra
danger. You gain Alertness as a bonus feat at 1st level. damage whenever any of the following apply:
Opportune Strike (Ex): Rogues are adept at seizing Your target is flat-footed or would otherwise be denied a
opportunities in combat. You can use your total rogue level in Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a
place of your base attack bonus derived from rogue levels for Dexterity bonus or not).
a number of abilities and feats that scale with your base
attack bonus. For example, an 11th level rogue, in some When you flank the target (i.e., receive an Aid Another
cases, treats his BAB as if it were +11, rather than +8. bonus to attacks against it, as described in Chapter 1).
Opportune Strike applies to the following:
When you attack a target that is not aware of your
When determining your number of immediate actions in presence.
combat (Chapter 1).
For purposes of qualifying for and determining the effects This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6
of [Strike] feats (Chapter 5). every two rogue levels thereafter. Should you score a critical
hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
For purposes of determining the effects certain other Normally, ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if
combat feats (e.g., Precise Shot), as listed in their the target is within point blank range (normally 30 feet,
descriptions. although the Point-Blank Shot feat can expand this range). As
a full attack action, you can make a single ranged sneak
Skill Tricks (Sp): You are so sure in the use of certain attack at any range.
skills that you can perform seemingly magical feats with You must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a
them. You know only a limited number of such tricks, vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Normally,
according to the progression in Table 1 (referencing you cannot make melee sneak attacks against opponents with
Spellcasting Table 1 in the Introduction), except that there concealment. The Blind-Fight feat enables you to make melee
are no 0-level skill tricks. You gain bonus tricks based on your sneak attacks in melee against opponents with concealment;
Intelligence modifier (much as a wizard gains bonus spells the Precise Shot feat allows you to make ranged sneak
per day), and a rogue with an intelligence of 8 or lower learns attacks against opponents with concealment, as detailed in
1 fewer skill trick per level. You do not gain bonus tricks other the feat descriptions. Your Opportune Strike ability (q.v.)
than for high intelligence (i.e., ignore the “+1” notation in applies to both of those feats.
Spellcasting Table 1 in the Introduction). With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap,
There is no minimum Intelligence score needed to use whip, or an unarmed attack), you can make a sneak attack
most skill tricks. However, you must have a minimum number that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. You
of ranks in the relevant skill equal to (2 x the level of the skill cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal
trick) -1. Skill tricks require no verbal, material, or focus nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –
components. 4 penalty, unless you have the Enforcer talent (q.v.). You
Unless otherwise noted, using a skill trick requires a full- cannot use splash weapons to deal sneak attack damage
round action, unless the talent in question involves movement unless you have the Grenadier talent (q.v.).
(such as dimension door, feather fall, and spider climb), in
which case the action of using the skill trick is part of the
movement (re-activation is needed each round of movement).
“Swift” tricks are usable as a swift action, but last only until
the beginning of your next turn. Spells with longer casting
times than 1 round take equally long to activate as skill tricks.
Skill tricks such as expeditious retreat, that provide some
enhancement or benefit (“buff”) to the target, can be used
only on yourself. Also note the restrictions on skill-boosting
spells in Chapter 7.
If you make a sneak attack during a surprise round with a Skill Focus: At 4th level, you gain Skill Focus in one class
concealed weapon that the opponent does not know about, skill as a bonus feat. You gain an additional skill focus every 4
your sneak attack damage is automatically maximized if you class levels thereafter. This ability supersedes the Trapfinding
succeed at a Sleight of Hand check made as part of the attack ability from the core rules, and also the various analogous
(DC 10 + the opponent’s base attack bonus). Your sneak talents and variant class features from the Advanced Player’s
attack damage is also maximized when used against a Guide.
creature that is totally unaware of your presence and is not Surprise Attacks (Ex): Starting at 4th level, opponents are
expecting to be in immediate danger. You can use a always considered flat-footed to you during a surprise round,
maximized sneak attack in this manner only once on any even if they have already acted. You can take a move action, a
particular creature; thereafter, it will be wary of such a trick standard action, and a swift action during a surprise round,
from you (even when surprised). This function supersedes the rather than being limited to a move action or a standard
“underhanded” talent from Ultimate Combat. action.
Synergy: You can add the effects of any one strike you Synergy: If you also have the Spring Attack feat, you can
know (see “Combat Feats, Strikes” in Chapter 5) to any sneak move, attack, and retreat during a surprise round (subject to
attack that successfully deals damage, even if the normal your maximum allowable movement), making a Stealth check
activating conditions are not met. You cannot add Vital Strike during your retreat to hide; this supersedes the “go
to sneak attacks in this manner, however. Also, this synergy unnoticed” talent from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
does not apply to sneak attacks made with splash weapons Rogue’s Luck (Ex): A skilled rogue can routinely pull off
using the Grenadier talent (Appendix C). seemingly impossible escapes and gambits. At 6th level, you
Weapon Finesse: You gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus gain a free Hero Point (Chapter 1) each day. For every 6 levels
feat at 1st level. Use the Rogue's level in place of his BAB for thereafter (i.e., at 12th and 18th levels), you gain an additional
determining its effects bonus hero point per day. Unlike normal hero points, these
Evasion (Ex): A rogue can avoid even magical and unusual cannot be accumulated; if you start the next day with the
attacks with great agility. At 2nd level, you gain the following previous day’s bonus points unspent, they are lost in favor of
abilities: the new ones. Note that this ability largely supersedes the
If you make a successful Reflex saving throw against an Fortune’s Friend prestige class, from Complete Scoundrel.
attack that normally deals half damage on a successful Jack of All Trades (Ex): A rogue of 7th level or higher can
save, you instead take no damage. Evasion can be used attempt untrained skill checks for all skills, even ones that do
only if you are wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless not normally allow it. At 16th level, you treat all skills as class
rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion. skills.
Improved Sneak Attack (Ex): Starting at 9th level, any
When targeted by a ranged attack, you can choose to drop attack against a cowering, dazed, grappled, off-balance,
prone as an immediate action, gaining the +4 bonus to AC. panicked, prone, or sitting opponent is always considered a
You apply this bonus retroactively to the triggering attack. sneak attack.
(This ability supersedes the Gunslinger’s “leap for cover” Improved Evasion (Ex): Starting at 10th level, you still
class feature from Ultimate Combat.) take no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against
attacks, and also take only half damage on a failed save.
When a swarm attacks you by ending its turn in your
space, you may attempt a Reflex save to avoid damage (DC In addition, if you succeed on a Reflex save against a spell
equal to the swarm’s distraction save DC + 10). If the save or effect, you can choose to move out of the area of the
succeeds, you also avoid any poison, blood drain, or spell or effect as an immediate action. You must take the
similar effects that normally result from damage by the shortest path available to you, and you can't move farther
swarm. If you also have improved evasion (q.v.), it also than your speed. If more than one path of equal distance is
applies to swarm damage. You must still make a Fortitude available, you can choose which path to use. If no such
save to avoid distraction if you begin your turn in a space path is available, you can't use this ability. This movement
occupied by a swarm. (This supersedes the Swarm provokes attacks of opportunity as normal for movement,
Dodger feat, from Osirion: Land of Pharaohs.) and emulates the “evasive skitter” racial substitution
feature from Races of the Dragon.
General Talent: At 2nd level, you gain one rogue general Instead of taking a full move, you can choose to take a 5-ft.
talent (Appendix B), representing a particular knack you have step and also make a Stealth check to hide. If the step
picked up in your checkered career. You gain an additional moves you to into cover, the Stealth check can be made
general talent for every 3 levels of rogue thereafter. Unless without penalty. This supersedes the Cunning Evasion
otherwise noted, you cannot select an individual talent more feat from the Players Handbook II.
than once.
Combat Talent: For every 3 class levels you possess, you A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of improved
gain a combat talent (Appendix C) representing your evasion.
knowledge of underhanded fighting techniques and ability to
seize upon openings. Unless otherwise noted, you must meet
all prerequisites normally.
Network of Contacts (Ex): By 10th level, you are assumed to
be a notorious underworld figure, celebrated secret agent,
master thief, or whatever, with your own
employees/underlings and/or contacts and “friends of
friends” all over the world. Treat this as the Leadership feat,
but use your Streetwise skill in place of the Diplomacy skill;
this limits your followers to rogues, members of NPC classes,
spies and/or criminals, and politicians.
Your permanent followers permit illegal activities to occur
close to your home base only with your approval; if you do
allow it, you are entitled to “wet your beak” and collect a 10%
“tax” (which is sufficient to pay for the housing and upkeep of
your followers, and for gifts to visiting bosses from
elsewhere). This puts considerable narrative power into your
hands (as opposed to the referee’s), insofar as you can declare
what illegal activities are undertaken in your area, and how
they are run.
If you leave some or all of your leadership potential
unassigned, whenever you are in any settlement, town, or city,
you may call in favor from someone you know, or who knows
someone you know. Treat this as gaining another follower, but
the effect lasts only as long as you remain in town and/or the
contact assists you, and the potential is then refunded to you.
Exact details on how calling in the favor works, who the NPC
is, etc., are subject to player and referee agreement, but it is
not out of the question to call in favors from politicians,
business leaders, a gang of thieves, or even adventurers,
assuming the CR falls within the limits you can afford.
If you also have the Leadership feat, you gain the effects of
that feat separately.
Advanced General Talents: Starting at 11th level,
whenever you become eligible for a new general talent, you
can select an advanced general talent instead.
Advanced Combat Talents: Starting at 12th level,
whenever you become eligible for a new combat talent, you
can select an advanced combat talent instead.
Greater Evasion (Ex): Upon reaching 18th level, you are
immune to all effects that normally allow a Reflex save. This
means that your Reflex save is effectively unbeatable (as if
you always rolled a natural “20”), except in the case of the
Defensive Roll talent and similar special cases. You are also
immune to the attacks of mobs and swarms.
Greater Sneak Attack (Ex): Starting at 19th level, any
attack against a blinded, cowering, dazed, dazzled, entangled,
frightened, grappled, kneeling, nauseated, off-balance,
panicked, prone, or sitting opponent is a sneak attack. Also,
when attacking from higher ground, all your attacks are
considered sneak attacks. This ability duplicates the “Using
the Advantage” feat, from the Collected Book of Experimental
Might (Malhavoc Press).
Bluff: alibiRR, cause fear, detect thoughts, hidden
speechAPG, qualmUC (-1/rank; maximum -5), shock and
Appendix A: Skill Tricks aweDr325
Examples of skill tricks, and their associated skills, are Craft (Alchemy): alchemical allocationAPG, dust of
provided below. These are not meant to represent all possible twilightAPG, fire breathAPG, fog cloud, glitterdust, grease,
tricks; rather, player ingenuity and referee judgment are pyrotechnics, sound burst
called for on a case-by-case basis. In addition to those listed, Craft (Construction): breakAPG
you can learn Shadow Hand maneuvers (from the Tome of Craft (Fine Arts): create treasure mapAPG, silent image
Battle) as if they were skill tricks of the appropriate levels. Craft (Toxicology): accelerate poisonAPG, memory
Non-core sources, indicated by superscripts, are cited in lapseAPG, pernicious poisonUM, touch injectionUC, toxic
Chapter 7. giftUM, transmute potion to poisonAPG
Diplomacy: eagle’s splendor, honeyed tongueAPG
1st Level Skill Tricks Disable Device: arcane lock, destabilize powderUC, knock,
recoil fireUC, snare, stabilize powderUC, thunder fireUC
Any: immediate assistanceCM Escape Artist: cushioning bandsUM, surmount afflictionUM
Acrobatics: accelerated movementCAd, catsfeetCM, feather Knowledge (Linguistics): litany of eloquenceUC
fall, feather stepAPG, rooftop striderRD, standPHII Knowledge (Lore): fool’s gold
Athletics: expeditious retreat, jump, quickswimSW, swift Perception: acute sensesUM, critical aimCM, listening
expeditious retreatCAd lorecallCAd, scentCD, see invisibility
Bluff: bane, compelling questionAUG, delusional prideUM Perform (Acting): compel hostilityUC, disguise otherUM,
(you can use this as an immediate action whenever you must ghostly disguiseUM, imbue with auraUM, misdirection,
save vs. charm or compulsion), distract assailantCAd, incite miserable pityUM
actionMH, innocenceAPG, interrogationUM, message, Sleight of Hand: abundant ammunitionUC, pilfering
persuasive goadUM, private conversationBEM3, unwitting handUC, reloading handsUC, returning weaponUC, ricochet
allyAPG shotUC (does not stack with Manyshot feat), silk to steelUM,
Craft (Alchemy): bomber’s eyeAPG, flare burstAPG summon weaponCM, wracking touchCAd
Craft (Toxicology): detect poison, extract drugBVD, quick Spellcraft: bypass wardAUG, dispel wardsDr313, Enkiki’s
soberRR prankRR
Diplomacy: bless (affects others), charm person, friendly Stealth: invisibility, rogue’s stabBEM3, swift blur
faceRD Streetwise: summon swarm
Disable Device: damp powderUC, detect secret doors, hold
portal, instant locksmithCAd, jury-rigUC, peacebondUC, safe 3rd Level Skill Tricks
searchBEM3, understand objectWotC, weaken powderUC
Endurance: blissful sleepBEM3, invigorateAPG, remove Acrobatics: burst of speedUC, shadowslipDr337
sicknessUM Athletics: haste
Escape Artist: liberating commandUC, protection from Bluff: glibness, inevitable defeatPHII, instrument of
possessionGW, remove paralysis (you can use this on yourself agonyUC, vital strikeCM
even when you are paralyzed) Craft (Alchemy): amplify elixirAPG, fundamental
Knowledge (Linguistics): comprehend languages, erase breakdownTM2
Knowledge (Lore): identify, object loresightAUG Craft (Toxicology): rusted bladeCM, spit venomUM
Knowledge (the Planes): detect undead Diplomacy: good hope, suggestion
Knowledge (Warfare): phantom threatCM, tactical Disable Device: malfunctionUM
acumenUC Endurance: lesser age resistanceUM, nap stackAPG
Perception: alarm, guided shotCAd, instant searchCAd, keen Escape Artist: resinous skinUC
sensesAPG, longshotUC, seekerAUG, sniper’s shotCAd, true Heal: healing thiefUC
strike, unerring weaponUC, vigilant slumberCM Knowledge (Linguistics): enthrall, tongues
Perform (Acting): combined talentCM, disguise self, Elina’s Perception: clairaudience/clairvoyance, find the gapDN,
wardrobeRR2, greater raimentAPG, haunted fey aspectUC, hunter’s eyeAPG, litany of sightUC, locate weaknessUC
illusion of calmUC, hypnotism, lock gazeUC, ventriloquism, Perform (Acting): screechAPG, veil of lustRR2
vocal alterationUM Sleight of Hand: absorbing touchAPG, shadow cacheMP,
Sleight of Hand: animate rope, cheatDN, mage hand, mirror shrink item
strikeUC, prestidigitation, shadow weaponUM Spellcraft: arcane sight, dispel magic (you can use this on
Spellcraft: detect magic, hex wardUM, magic aura yourself with merely a mental effort with no components)
Stealth: mask dweomerAPG, obscure object, relative Stealth: nondetection, swift displacement, swift
identityRRO, remove scentWotC, vanishAPG invisibilityCAd
Streetwise: locate cityRD Streetwise: enduring scrutinyCM, winding alleysRD (urban
settings only)
2nd Level Skill Tricks
Acrobatics: balancing lorecallCAd, cat’s grace, graceAPG,
water walking
Athletics: certain gripUC, lesser celerityPHII, spider climb,
Spellcraft: analyze dweomer, greater dispel magic
4th Level Skill Tricks Streetwise: city strideRD, incite riotPHII
Acrobatics: shadow stepUM 7th Level Skill Tricks
Bluff: aura of doomUM, battlemind linkUM, discern lies,
greater interrogationUM Bluff: expendAPG, mind blank
Craft (Alchemy): firefallAPG, solid fog Craft (Alchemy): incendiary cloud
Craft (Fine Art): tattoo itemRR Diplomacy: charm’s aegisRRO, marks of forbiddanceAPG,
Craft (Tailor): treasure stitchingAPG mass charm monster
Craft (Toxicology): absorb toxicityUC, Melf’s slumber Escape Artist: etherealness, freedom, passwall
arrowsCM, neutralize poison, poison Knowledge (as appropriate for creature type): greater
Diplomacy: charm monster, control summoned creature, named bulletUC
denounceAPG Knowledge (Linguistics): power word stun
Endurance: age resistanceUM Knowledge (Lore): vision
Escape Artist: freedom of movement (you can use this on Knowledge (the Planes): soul bind
yourself even if you would otherwise be unable to move), Perception: deathsightCM
primal screamUM Perform (Acting): project image, veil
Heal: cursed bladeCW Spellcraft: control constructUM, greater arcane sight,
Knowledge (as appropriate for creature type): named mage’s disjunction
bulletUC Stealth: superior invisibilitySC
Perception: detect scrying, echolocationUM, sniper’s Streetwise: city transportBHM2
Perform (Dance): dance of a hundred cutsUM
Planar Sense: mirror safeRR Appendix B: General
Sleight of Hand: death bladeRR Talents
Spellcraft: arcana theftUM, curse of magic negationUM,
Stealth: greater invisibility, shadow formCAd General Talents
Streetwise: locate person
Talent Effects
5th Level Skill Tricks Arcane trickster Multiclass with arcane casting
Bluff: mind fog Bottomless bag Turn sack into bag of holding
Craft (Toxicology): cloudkill
Diplomacy: adoring crowdRRO City born Favored terrain (urban)
Disable Device: symbol of strikingUC (replace descriptive Daggerspell shaper Multiclass with druid
text with you actually rigging the weapon like a trap) Dungeon delver Favored terrain (underground)
Endurance: greater age resistanceUM
Escape Artist: break enchantment (you can use this trick General feat Gain bonus general feat
on yourself to break an effect that would otherwise prevent Guarded mind Permanent nondetection
you from doing so), swift etherealness
Knowledge (Lore): contact other plane Infiltration Treat area as favored terrain
Perception: true seeing Light sleeper Need less rest; immune to sleep
Perform (Acting): false vision, maligned performanceRR2, Night vision Low-light vision or darkvision
Sleight of Hand: telekinesis, wreath of bladesUC Sabotage item Use Disable Device on magic
Spellcraft: thief of spellsBEM2 Skill inspiration Floating Skill Focus feat
Stealth: mislead, unseen strikeCM
Streetwise: commune with cityBHM2 Slippery mind Deep Intuition, Iron Will
Temple raider Multiclass with cleric
6th Level Skill Tricks Trapfinding Auto-check for traps in 10’r.
Acrobatics: air walk Twilight luck +2 luck bonus to saves
Athletics: cloak of the seaCAd
Craft (Toxicology): euphoric tranquilityAPG Arcane Trickster (Ex): You gain the following advantages
Diplomacy: aura of trustAEST, mass suggestion when multiclassing with an arcane casting class:
Escape Artist: phase door
Knowledge (Linguistics): speak with monstersPH2 Your arcane class level provides Weak synergy towards
Knowledge (Lore): legend lore your sneak attack damage and effective rogue level for the
Perform (Dance): dance of a thousand cutsUM, dance of effects of talents (and qualifying for advanced talents).
seductionRR Your rogue level provides Weak synergy to your arcane
Planar Sense: gate sealMF spellcaster level for purposes of determining the effects of
Sleight of Hand: animate objects, instant summons, bloodline powers, school powers, etc.
You retain magical bonuses from magic items while in
You may choose to give up all skill tricks. If you do so, wild shape. If you are holding one or more magical
your rogue levels provide Strong theurgy towards your slashing or piercing weapons and wild shape into a form
arcane casting progression (Spellcasting Table 3 in with claw attacks, each claw gains the enhancement
Chapter 7: Spells). bonus and weapon properties (if any) of the weapon held
in the corresponding hand. If the assumed form does not
Combining this option with diviner levels allows you to have claw attacks with limbs that corresponds to your
simulate an Unseen Seer from Complete Mage. Other arms, this has no effect.
combinations, with appropriate talents, can be used to You can choose to give up your rogue skill tricks. If you do
simulate the Spellthief and the Daggerspell Mage (Complete so, your rogue level provides Strong theurgy towards your
Adventurer). druidic spellcasting ability.
Bottomless Bag (Su): You can treat any one ordinary sack,
backpack, or other container as a bag of holding (type I). The This talent largely supersedes the prestige class of the
container remains a bag of holding until it leaves your same name from Complete Adventurer.
possession or you designate a different container; when the Dungeon Delver (Ex): You gain favored terrain
effect ends, the container resumes its normal properties, and (underground), as the ranger class feature of the same name,
any items too large to fit within its true dimensions with a bonus equal to half your number of ranks in
immediately and harmlessly fall out of the opening. Profession (mining) (minimum +2 bonus).
Unlike a permanent bag of holding, the bag created by this General Feat: You can learn one general feat or [Skill] feat
ability cannot be overloaded or ruptured, nor does it have any (Chapter 5) in place of a general talent. You may select this
special interaction with other kinds of extradimensional talent more than once; each time, choose a different feat.
spaces. Guarded Mind (Ex): A lifetime of guarding your thoughts
At 6th level, your bottomless bag increases to the size of a has left you with three major effects:
bag of holding II. At 11th level, your bottomless bag increases
to the size of a bag of holding type III. Alternately, you can You are permanently under the effects of nondetection (as
create two bags of holding type II, though their the spell), with a caster level equal to your number of
extradimensional spaces are not linked in any way. This ranks in Bluff. However, this is an extraordinary ability
talent supersedes the Balanced Scale of Abadar class feature and cannot be dispelled (although you can lower the effect
of the same name, from Dark Markets: A Guide to Katapesh. as a swift action and reinstate it as a free action).
City Born (Ex): You gain favored terrain (urban), as the
ranger class feature, with a bonus equal to half your number If a magical effect is used against you that would normally
of ranks in Streetwise (minimum +2). This allows you can detect your lies or force you to speak the truth (e.g.,
move at your normal speed through crowds, and do not treat discern lies, zone of truth), the user of the effect must
them as difficult terrain; you gain the other favored terrain succeed at a Concentration check opposed to your Bluff
bonuses and abilities as listed. check to succeed. Failure means the effect does not detect
You can make Stealth checks while being observed as long your lies nor force you to speak only the truth.
as you are in a “crowd” (for this purpose, defined as 10 or You and all magic items you carry are constantly under the
more creatures of at least half your size within a 10 ft. radius effects of a magic aura spell, for the purpose of making
of you) that is Indifferent to you or better. When in cities you you appear non-magical. The effective caster level is equal
normally leave no trail and cannot be tracked; if you choose to your number of ranks in Bluff.
to "lay low" in a city, you become all but impossible to find
without magical means. All attempts to find you with urban This talent supersedes the Unseen Seer prestige class
tracking (see Streetwise skill) simply fail outright unless the feature of the same name (from Complete Mage) and the
tracker also has favored terrain: urban. You may leave a trail Scout’s “cunning stealth” special ability from Green Ronin’s
if you so choose, however. Advanced Player’s Manual. The magic aura effect supersedes
This talent subsumes the favored terrain ability, the “go to the Master Spy’s nonmagical aura prestige class feature,
ground” ability from the Cityscape web enhancement, and the from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Crowd Tactics feat from Races of Destiny. Infiltration (Ex): If you spend at least 15 minutes studying
Daggerspell Shaper (Su): You must have at least one level an area or structure up to the size of a small castle, you get a
in Druid (wild shaper) in order to gain this talent. You gain “feel” for the place. (You must have a vantage point from
the following benefits when multi-classing between druid and which to observe the entire area to be affected, or at least a
rogue: significant portion of it; merely studying the entrance to a
Your rogue level provides Weak synergy to your druidic dungeon doesn’t work.) Thereafter, you treat that place as
initiation abilities, both in terms of the level at which they favored terrain (as the ranger class feature of the same name)
function, and for purposes of gaining new abilities. with a bonus equal to your Alertness bonus; the skill bonuses
also extend to Acrobatics, Athletics, and Disable Device
checks within the place. Allies with you in that place gain half
the bonus you do whenever they have a line of sight to you.
These bonuses last until you leave; if you come back, you
must spend another 15 minutes studying the place.
Source: This talent is modified from the Nightsong Skill Inspiration (Ex): You gain Skill Focus as a bonus
Infiltrator prestige class feature of the same name, and the feat, but instead of being fixed to one skill, you choose the
Nightsong Enforcer’s “teamwork” prestige class feature, from skill each morning. In addition, as a free action, you can
Complete Adventurer. change the skill to which it applies; you can change the skill
Light Sleeper (Ex): You are immune to magical sleep in this way a number of times per day equal to your
effects, and do not receive the normal –10 penalty on intelligence bonus (if any) + half your class level.
Perception checks while asleep. Also, you gain the benefits of Slippery Mind (Ex): You gain Deep Intuition and Iron Will
8 hours of rest after only 7 hours; this time is reduced by an as bonus feats.
additional hour per 3 class levels you possess (e.g., at 18th Temple Raider (Ex): You can select this talent only if you
level, you need only 1 hour of sleep per day). have levels in a divine spellcasting class.
Night Vision (Ex): You gain low-light vision and darkvision Your rogue level provides Strong synergy towards
60 ft. If you already have darkvision, you can instead choose determining your effective divine class level for purposes
to increase its range by 30 ft. You can select this talent of channeling energy, or divine resistance, damage
multiple times; its effects stack. reduction, and the effects of revelations (Incarnate).
Sabotage Item (Ex): You can use the Disable Device skill
to “rig” magical items, interfering with their normal When calculating your sneak attack damage and the
functioning, in the following ways. effects of your rogue talents, and for purposes of
Task DC qualifying for advanced talents, your divine spellcaster
class level provides Weak synergy to your rogue level.
De-activate item 15 + caster level
Cause backfire 20 + caster level You can choose to lose all skill tricks. In exchange, your
rogue levels provide Strong theurgy towards your divine
Take over item 25 + caster level spellcasting progression. If you have access to the
Destroy artifact 35 Thievery domain, theurgy from rogue levels also applies
towards gaining domain powers.
De-Active Item: Given access to an unattended magical
item, as a full-round action you can attempt to sabotage it, This talent supersedes the feat of the same name, from
rendering it useless for either 1 round per class level you Dragon magazine (issue 357). It can be used to simulate the
possess, or else for the next attempted use, no matter when Temple Raider of Olidammara (Complete Divine), and the
that occurs (your choice). This requires a Disable Device Balanced Scale of Abadar (from Dark Markets: A Guide to
check at DC 15 + the item’s caster level. You can attempt this Katapesh).
trick while the item is in someone else’s possession, but this Trapfinding (Ex): You are an expert at finding, disarming,
provokes an attack of opportunity. You can use this ability to and activating traps, and gain the following abilities:
suppress a cursed item’s effects on you and thus get rid of it. You gain a passive Disable Device or Spellcraft check
Cause Backfire: If you succeed by a margin of 5 or more, (Chapter 4), as appropriate, to notice any trap, secret door,
you can instead cause the item to backfire the next time it is hidden mechanical gadget, or spell effect within 5 ft. per 2
used (e.g., activating a wand of fireball might cause the class levels you possess.
fireball to detonate centered on the wand).
Take Over Item: If you succeed on the check by a margin of You can disable traps by touch. You take no penalties for
10 or more, you can cause the item to remain useless for finding or disabling traps in darkness or while blinded. In
everyone except you until it is repaired using the Imbue Item addition, you can apply your Dexterity modifier, rather
feat and the appropriate Craft feat and spells, or until it the than your Intelligence modifier, to Disable Device checks
tampering is corrected by another successful sabotage item if you choose. This ability supersedes the Tactile
check opposed to the one that disabled it (you can also Trapsmith feat from Complete Adventurer.
restore it to use at will). You can also gain beneficial effects
from a cursed item without suffering the curse or other ill As you gain skill ranks, you gain the following additional
effects from it. abilities that pertain to mechanical traps (Disable Device
Destroy Artifact: If you have at least 19 ranks in Disable ranks) and magical traps (Spellcraft ranks):
Device, you can disable or destroy even minor artifacts. You
must have possession of the minor artifact for at least a week, At 6 ranks, as a swift action you can set off any trap within
which you must spend in uninterrupted contemplation of the 5 ft. per 2 class levels that you personally constructed or
nature of the artifact. At the end of that week, you make a DC have successfully bypassed in the past; this supersedes
35 Disable Device check to unweave the fabric of the item, the “cunning trigger” talent from the Advanced Player’s
and if you are successful, the artifact is disabled (rendered Guide. When you trigger a trap against opponents, that
inoperable until repaired with this ability) or destroyed. If you trap receives a circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls
fail, you cannot try to affect the artifact again with this ability, and saving throw DC equal to your Alertness bonus (as
but another rogue can. This mimics the Iconoclast’s “destroy the Trapper’s Setup feat from Ultimate Combat).
artifact” variant class feature, from Ultimate Combat.
At 11 ranks, you are at home walking through minefields
and opening trapped safes. You receive a passive check to
avoid setting off any traps you would normally trigger, even
if you have not detected them,
At 16 ranks, when you intentionally set off a trap, you can Dexterous Will (Ex): You must have the Slippery Mind
shift its target square(s) by up to 5 ft. per 2 relevant skill talent to select this advanced talent. Once per round, when
ranks you possess. Because you affect each square targeted by an effect that requires a Will saving throw, you
individually, you can potentially create a “safe” area may make a Reflex save instead to avoid the effect (evasion,
surrounded by otherwise deadly effects. improved evasion, and greater evasion are not applicable).
This supersedes the feat of the same name from the 3.5
Synergy: edition System Reference Document (“Epic Feats”).
Lord of Lies (Ex): When you attempt a Bluff check, your
If you have the mage hand spell, you can use it in target cannot attempt an opposed check to see through your
conjunction with the Disable Device and Sleight of Hand lies until 1 round after your skill check. For that round, he or
skills. Working at a distance increases the normal skill she automatically believes your deception. Targets who
check DC by 5. Any object to be manipulated must weigh 5 succeed at the check are not affected by this talent from you
pounds or less. You can only use this ability if you have at for the rest of the day: they are now on guard against you and
least 1 rank in the skill being used. suspect of everything you say. You can still trick them, but
they no longer delay their counterchecks.
If you use Lord of Lies to feint, you always get at least one
Twilight Luck (Ex): You receive a +2 luck bonus to all attack against your opponent with their active defense
saving throws. You can select this talent multiple times; each denied: they automatically believe your feint long enough for
time, the bonus increases by +2, to a maximum bonus equal you to make that attack. Even if you can feint as a free action,
to your Charisma modifier (minimum +2). you don't get a full round of attacks with active defense
denied by using Lord of Lies. You only gain this benefit of
Advanced General Talents Lord of Lies once per opponent per encounter, but may feint
Talent Effects normally against them (without the benefit of Lord of Lies) as
often as you like through the rest of the encounter.
Bypass spell Treat active spell as magic trap This talent supersedes the Thief ability of the same name
Cunning rogue +2 inherent bonus to Int from Iron Heroes (Fiery Dragon Productions).
Dexterous fortitude Make Reflex save in place of Fort
Nick of Time (Ex): You have a knack for choosing the best
time to act. Once per encounter, you can use an immediate
Dexterous will Make Reflex save in place of Will action to perform an action that normally requires a standard
Lord of lies You Bluff unopposed 1 round action to perform. This talent supersedes the Pathfinder
Delver prestige class feature of the same name, from Seekers
Nick of time Standard action as immediate of Secrets.
Quickness of action +2 inherent bonus to Dex Quickness of Action (Ex): You gain a +2 inherent bonus to
Silver tongue +2 inherent bonus to Cha
Dexterity, as if from a Manual of Quickness of Action. You
may select this talent multiple times; each time, the bonus
Bypass Spell (Ex): You can use the Spellcraft skill on increases by +2, to a maximum bonus of +6.
active spell effects as if they were magical traps. For example, Silver Tongue (Ex): You gain a +2 inherent bonus to
if trapped in a telekinetic sphere, you might spend a full- Charisma, as if from a Tome of Leadership and Influence.
round action determining how to bypass it, thus freeing You may select this talent multiple times; each time, the
yourself. Alternatively, you might spend a full-round action bonus increases by +2, to a maximum bonus of +6.
figuring out how to attack an opponent guarded by a
prismatic sphere without being affected by it. This requires a
Spellcraft check, at DC = 10 + the caster level of the spell +
the level of the spell.
When you successfully disarm a magical trap using the
Spellcraft skill, you always treat your Spellcraft check as if it
were 20 higher than the spell DC (see Spellcraft skill for
Cunning Rogue (Ex): You gain a +2 inherent bonus to
Intelligence, as if from a Tome of Clear Thought. You may
select this talent multiple times; each time, the bonus
increases by +2, to a maximum bonus of +6.
Dexterous Fortitude (Ex): You must have the Slippery
Mind talent to select this advanced talent. Once per round,
when targeted by an effect that requires a Fortitude saving
throw, you may make a Reflex save instead to avoid the effect
(evasion, improved evasion, and greater evasion are not
applicable). This supersedes the feat of the same name from
the 3.5 edition System Reference Document (“Epic Feats”).
Grenadier (Ex): A rogue with the Craft (Alchemy) skill can
use alchemist’s fire, acid flasks, and other splash weapons to
Appendix C: Combat increased effect. As long as you have at least 1 rank in Craft
Talents (alchemy) + 2 ranks per additional +1d6 of sneak attack
damage, you deal sneak attack damage with such weapons.
This talent provides for the favored rogue “builds” of the
Combat Talents “CharOps” boards. An equivalent of a Pathfinder Alchemist
character (from the Advanced Players Guide) would be made
Combat Talent Effects using a multiclass rogue/wizard/ barbarian, with this talent
Combat style feat Gain bonus Combat feat/strike and the Arcane Trickster talent (q.v.).
Synergy: You can treat alchemical weapons as if they were
Death in the dark Empower sneak attack damage 1st level spell-like abilities (Evocation school), for purposes of
Defensive roll Reflex half for 1 attack/day gaining the Innate Metamagic feat and applying metamagic
Fast getaway Withdraw after sneak attack
effects to them. You can also use the Blast Spell and Imbue
Missile feats (if you have them) in conjunction with
Grenadier Alchemical flask sneak attacks alchemical weapons. These effects allow you to emulate most
Guardbreaker Favored enemy (constructs, etc.) of the Pathfinder alchemist’s “bomb-making discoveries.”
Guardbreaker (Ex): Your familiarity with the strange
Martial outlaw Multiclass with fighter guardians often left in tombs allows you to attack them more
Ninjitsu training Multiclass with monk effectively. You may also treat your Alertness bonus as a
Resiliency Gain temp hp
favored enemy bonus against constructs, oozes, and undead;
this bonus stacks with any ranger favored enemy bonuses.
Savage outlaw Multiclass with barbarian This talent supersedes the Pathfinder Delver prestige class
Strike team leader Confer 6th sense bonus to allies feature of the same name, from Seekers of Secrets.
Martial Outlaw (Ex): You can select fighter talents in the
Combat Style Feat: Choose any the following feats: place of rogue combat talents, and vice versa. In addition, you
Adaptable Flanking, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Combat gain the following benefits when multiclassing with Fighter:
Reflexes, Deft Opportunist, Disengaging Feint, Dodge, Draw Your rogue class level provides Strong synergy when
Attack, Flanking Shot, Improved Feint, Improved Flanking, determining your effective fighter level for any level-
Paired Opportunist, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus, Wind dependent fighter talents or class features you possess,
Stance, or any Strike feat. You must meet the prerequisites and for purposes of qualifying for advanced fighter talents.
normally, but your Opportune Strike ability (q.v.) applies to
any feat you select as a combat style feat. You may select this Additionally, your fighter level (if any) provides Strong
talent multiple times; each time, choose a different feat from synergy to your rogue level when determining your sneak
the list. attack damage, the level-dependent effects of your combat
Death in the Dark [Strike] (Ex): When you make a sneak talents, and for purposes of qualifying for advanced
attack against a flat-footed opponent, if the opponent fails a combat talents.
Fortitude save, your sneak attack or damage is Empowered Your fighter level provides Weak synergy to general
(150% of normal). If the saving throw is successful, however, talents.
the sneak attack damage is halved. Because this is a [strike]
effect, it cannot be combined with other [strike] effects unless If you gain the Eldritch Knight fighter talent, you can elect
you also have the Striking Mastery feat. Source: Tome of for it to apply to your rogue skill tricks instead of to an
Battle. arcane casting progression.
Defensive Roll (Ex): With this talent, you can roll with a
potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than you Ninjitsu Training (Ex): You must have at least 1 level in
otherwise would. When you would otherwise take damage monk to select this talent, which provides the following
that would reduce you to below 0 hp, you can attempt to roll advantages when multiclassing between rogue and monk:
with the attack. To use this ability, you must attempt a Reflex
saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, you Your rogue levels provide Full synergy for determining
take only half damage from the attack (or damage equal to your monk unarmed attack damage.
your remaining hp; whichever is lower. If it fails, you take full
damage. You must be aware of the attack and able to react to Your rogue levels provide Strong synergy for purposes of
it in order to execute a defensive roll—if you are denied your determining your Weapon Form damage bonus, for
Dexterity bonus to AC, you can't use this ability. Since this determining the effects of level-dependent monk sutras,
effect would not normally allow you to make a Reflex save for and for purposes of effective monk level for qualifying for
half damage, the evasion ability and its improvements do not advanced sutras. You can gain monk sutras in the place of
apply to the defensive roll. rogue skill and combat talents, and vice versa.
Fast Getaway (Ex): After successfully making a sneak Your monk level provides Weak synergy when determining
attack or Sleight of Hand check, you can spend a move action sneak attack damage and type (improved, etc.), level-
to take the withdraw action. You can move no more than your dependent effects of rogue talents, and for purposes of
speed during this movement. Source: Advanced Player’s qualifying for advanced talents.
Advanced Combat Talents
You can choose to give up your monk ki powers in Combat Talent Effects
exchange for Weak theurgy towards skill tricks known.
You retain ki slots of the appropriate levels (Spellcasting Blink Swift blink 1 round/level
Table 2) for purposes of your monk ki strike ability. Burning link Damage familiar or companion
Alternatively, you can give up your skill tricks in exchange Dodge, epic Avoid 1 attack per round
for Weak synergy towards your ki power progression.
Evasion, friends’ Adjacent allies have evasion
This talent supersedes the Ascetic Rogue feat from Flurry of throws Additional thrown weapon atks
Complete Adventurer and the Ascetic Stalker feat from Ghost blade Opponent loses Dex to AC
Complete Scoundrel. A monk/rogue with this talent
replicates the ninja base class from Ultimate Combat. Hunter’s surprise Automatic sneak attacks 1 rd./day
Resiliency (Ex): You can instantly gain a number of Lingering damage Damage on 2nd round as well
temporary hit points per day equal to your rogue class level x
your Dexterity modifier. You can divide the total however you Manticore parry Parried attack hits adjacent foe
see fit, but each use requires an immediate action, and Persistent attacker Sneak attack next round
temporary hit points not lost to damage disappear after one Quiet death Confuse eyewitnesses
Savage Outlaw (Ex): You must have at least one level in Savvy strike Strikes bypass immunities
barbarian to gain this talent. You gain the following Striking mastery Apply more than one effect
advantages when multiclassing between rogue and
barbarian: Surprise spells Deliver sneak attack with spells
True death Add to resurrect survival DC
Your barbarian level provides Weak synergy when
determining sneak attack damage, for adjudicating the Unstoppable Actions cannot be interrupted
level-dependent effects of rogue talents, and for purposes
of qualifying for advanced rogue talents. Blink (Sp): You can blink a number of rounds per day
equal to your rogue level. These rounds need not be
Your rogue level provides Strong synergy for purposes of consecutive. Activation is a swift action; you can end the
determining the type of rage you have available (improved, effect as a free action. This talent supersedes the planar
greater, mighty, etc.) and your attribute bonuses from rage, rogue class feature of the same name from the Planar
for determining the number of rounds of rage per day you Handbook.
can sustain, and for determining the level-dependent Burning Link [Strike] (Su): When you successfully
effects of rage powers. execute a sneak attack, you can choose to apply any or all of
You can choose to give up your rogue skill tricks. If you do the additional sneak attack damage to the target’s animal
so, your rogue level also provides Strong synergy with companion, familiar, or bonded object (if any) instead of the
your barbarian level for purposes of learning new rage target, bypassing any hardness or damage reduction the
powers. secondary target possesses. Base weapon damage and other
bonuses apply to the target itself. Source: Dragon magazine,
Alternatively, you can choose to give up your rage powers. issue 344.
If you do so, your barbarian level provides Strong synergy Dodge, Epic (Ex): You must already have the Dodge feat,
with your rogue level for purposes of determining skill the Improved Evasion class feature, and the Defensive Roll
tricks known. talent to select this advanced talent. Designate one opponent
per round against whom you are being especially wary. Once
Strike Team Leader (Ex): This functions as the fighter per round, when struck by an attack from that opponent, you
talent of the same name. may automatically avoid all damage from the attack. This
supersedes the feat of the same name from the 3.5 edition
System Reference Document (“Epic Feats”).
Evasion, Friends’ (Ex): Every ally adjacent to you gains
evasion. If you also have the Improved Evasion talent, this
does not extend to allies; only evasion does. Source:
Complete Champion.
Flurry of Throws [Strike] (Ex): When throwing weapons
(throwing daggers, darts, shuriken, acid flasks, alchemist’s
fire, etc.) against flat-footed opponents, you may choose to
reduce your sneak attack damage to throw one additional
weapon per die “traded.” These additional attacks are made
with a -2 penalty to the attack rolls. Your remaining sneak
attack damage applies to all attacks against susceptible
targets. For example, an 11th level rogue (BAB +8/+3) could
reduce his sneak attack damage by 3d6 to throw 5 daggers
(at +8/+6/+6/+6/+3), each dealing normal damage plus 3d6
sneak attack damage. Source: Dragon magazine, issue 344.
Advanced Combat Talents
Ghost Blade [Strike] (Ex): As a standard action, make a Savvy Strike (Ex): When you use a [Strike] feat that
single attack. The victim of this attack is automatically normally applies an effect on the target against an opponent
treated as being flat-footed against it. This emulates the strike that is immune, your strike still has some effect (albeit
of the same name, from the Tome of Battle (used in reduced). Creatures immune to sneak attacks take half sneak
conjunction with a charge attack, it also subsumes the attack damage; creatures immune to ability damage take half
Neraph Charge feat from the Planar Handbook). In addition, damage from your Crippling Strike feat; creatures immune to
you can activate this ability as a free action (even as part of a certain scaling conditions are affected but at a condition one
full attack) once per day per 6 class levels you possess; this step less severe (e.g., dazzled instead of blinded, staggered
supersedes the Arcane Trickster’s “impromptu sneak attack” instead of dazed, shaken instead of frightened, etc.).
ability. Striking Mastery (Ex): As the advanced fighter talent of
Hunter’s Surprise (Ex): Once per day as an immediate the same name.
action, you can designate a single adjacent enemy as your Surprise Spells (Sp): You can add your sneak attack
prey. Until the end of your next turn, you can add your sneak damage to any spell that deals damage, if the targets are flat-
attack damage to all attacks made against this opponent, footed. This additional damage only applies to spells that deal
even if the normal conditions for sneak attacks do not apply. hit point damage, and the additional damage is of the same
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. type as the spell. If the spell allows a saving throw to negate
Lingering Damage [Strike] (Ex): You must already have or halve the damage, it also negates or halves the sneak
the Persistent Attacker advanced combat talent (q.v.) to select attack damage. This talent supersedes the Arcane Trickster
this talent. Any time you deal damage to an opponent with a prestige class capstone feature from the core rules.
sneak attack, that opponent takes your sneak attack damage True Death (Su): You must possess the Killing Stroke feat
again on your next turn. You must choose whether to apply to gain this ability.
this effect or that of your persistent attacker talent, unless you Anyone slain by your sneak attack or Killing Stroke
have the Striking Mastery feat (q.v.), in which case they both becomes more difficult to bring back from the dead; add
apply. your number of sneak attack dice to the resurrection
Synergy: If you also have the Killing Stroke feat, any death survival DC (for example, a rogue with sneak attack +7d6
attack you make that deals sneak attack damage but fails to adds +7 to the save DC). Casting remove curse the round
kill its target continues to pose a threat. On your turn on the before attempting to bring the creature back from the
round after the failed death attack, the target must make a dead negates this effect; the DC of the remove curse is 15
second Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + lingering sneak + your class level + your Charisma modifier.
attack damage) to avoid being slain. Source: Dragon
magazine, issue 297. Once per day, when you make a successful Killing Stroke,
You can select this talent multiple times; each time, the you can cause the target's body to crumble to dust. This
number of rounds the lingering damage and/or death prevents raise dead and resurrection entirely (although
remains increases by 1. true resurrection works as normal).
Manticore Parry (Ex): When you successfully parry an
attack against you with a held action (see combat rules), you This talent supersedes the Assassin prestige class feature
can bat aside the blow, causing it to target an adjacent enemy of the same name, and also the Assassin’s angel of death
other than your attacker. Use the results of the original attack class feature, from the core rules.
roll to determine whether it hits the new target. This talent Unstoppable (Ex): Your actions can no longer be
supersedes the Warblade counter of the same name, from the interrupted by immediate or pre-emptive actions. Those
Tome of Battle, and also the Swordsage scorpion parry actions can still occur, but do not prevent your own actions
counter from that source and the “redirect attack” rogue from being completed. You must have an Alertness bonus of
ability from the Advanced Player’s Guide. When combined +5 or higher (16 ranks in Perception) to select this talent.
with the Riposte talent, this talent also supersedes the Free
Hand Fighter’s “reversal” variant class feature, also from the
Advanced Player’s Guide.
Persistent Attacker [Strike] (Ex): On a successful sneak
Appendix D: Rogue Feats
attack, you can cause your first successful attack against that The following feats are listed here, rather than in the Chapter
creature on your next turn to also be considered a sneak 5, because they are generally applicable only to rogues.
attack, even if it wouldn’t normally qualify. This talent
supersedes the ambush feat of the same name, from Rogue Talents, Practiced
Complete Scoundrel. Prerequisite: Rogue talent class feature.
Quiet Death (Ex): Whenever you sneak attack and/or kill a Benefit: For purposes of the effects of your general rogue
creature during a surprise round, you can also make a Stealth talents, treat your rogue level as if it were 4 levels higher than
check, opposed by Perception checks of those in the vicinity is actually the case, to a maximum effective class level equal
to prevent them from identifying you as the assailant. If to your Hit Dice. This does not provide additional talents; it
successful, those nearby might not even notice that the target merely improves the level-dependent effects of existing
is dead for a few moments, allowing you to avoid detection. talents.
This supersedes the Assassin’s prestige class feature of the Special: The effects of feat stack with class synergy
same name. features improving your effective rogue level; this a specific
exception to the non-stacking rule. Your total limit based on
effective character level remains in force. This feat has no
effect on your other class features.
Sneak Attack, Practiced
Prerequisite: Sneak attack +1d6.
Benefit: Treat your rogue class level as if it were 4 levels
higher when determining your sneak attack damage, to a
maximum effective rogue level equal to your Hit Dice.
Special: The effects of feat stack with class synergy
features improving your sneak attack; this a specific
exception to the non-stacking rule. Your total limit based on
effective character level remains in force.

or an old man Quarmal was not particularly hideous until his eyes were noticed. They were peculiar in their shape,
and the ball was a rich ruby-red. The dead-white iris had that nauseous sheen of pearly iridescence found only in the
sea dwellers among living creatures; this character he inherited from his mother, a mer-woman... For Quarmal was a
sorcerer, as were all the Lords of Quarmall from the eon-mighty past. From childhood up through manhood each
male was trained into his calling, like some vines are coaxed to twist and thread a difficult terrace.
―Fritz Leiber, The Lords of Quarmall (1964)
A sorcerer’s magic springs either from his or her own magical heritage, or from an initiation that allows the practitioner to tap
into a wellspring of arcane power. Note that standard spell progression rules (Chapter 7) allow the sorcerer to gain level-
appropriate spells, and that additional class features are granted to make up for the limitations of spontaneous spellcasting. The
various energy ray, energy burst, and breath weapon bloodline abilities from the Pathfinder core rules have been consolidated
under the eldritch blast ability, which works according to the rules for Reserve feats (Complete Mage). By using the battle sorcerer
variant (Appendix B; originally from Unearthed Arcana), a fair approximation of the Warlock class from Complete Arcane can be
Examples of sorcerers from fiction and literature include Juan Matus (from Carlos Castenada’s The Teachings of Don Juan: A
Yaqui Way of Knowledge), Gentle (from Clive Barker’s Imajica), and Merlin (from Roger Zelazny’s second “Amber” series).
Table 1: The Sorcerer Hit Dice: d6
Class Level Base Attack Spell Capacity Special
1st +0 1st Bloodline or initiation, eschew materials, expanded arcana
2nd +1 2nd Bloodline feat, eldritch blast
3rd +1 3rd Eldritch resistances +2
4th +2 4th Blast metamagic
5th +2 5th Rapid metamagic
6th +3 6th Bloodline feat, expanded arcana II
7th +3 7th Eldritch resistances +3
8th +4 8th Expanded arcana III, improved blast
9th +4 9th Bloodline power
10th +5 10th Bloodline feat, expanded arcana IV
11th +5 11th Eldritch resistances +4
12th +6/+1 12th Expanded arcana V, iterative blast
13th +6/+1 13th Impromptu metamagic
14th +7/+2 14th Bloodline feat, expanded arcana VI
15th +7/+2 15th Bloodline power, eldritch resistances +5
16th +8/+3 16th Expanded arcana VII, greater blast
17th +8/+3 17th Impromptu spell
18th +9/+4 18th Bloodline feat, expanded arcana VIII
19th +9/+4 19th Eldritch immunities, powerful blast
20th +10/+5 20th Bloodline power, expanded arcana IX

Saving Throws: Sorcerers gain a +2 class bonus to Reflex Favored Class: When gaining a level of sorcerer as a
and Will saves. favored class, rather than gaining +1 hp or 1 skill point, you
Bonus Skills: You receive one free rank per class level in can instead choose one of the following options:
Concentration. In addition, you receive 1 free rank per class
level in two other skills specific to your bloodline, as listed
under “bonus skills.” These are otherwise treated as a class
skills, but do not count against your total number of skill
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft (all), Fly, Knowledge (all), Planar
Sense, Profession (all), Spellcraft.
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Expanded Arcana: At 1st level, you gain Expanded Arcana
Additional Spells Known: Add one level of spells known as a bonus feat, providing an extra 1st level spell known. This
from the sorcerer spell list. Levels of spells gained in this spell must be in some way related to your bloodline or
manner can be “saved up” to gain higher-level spells initiation: either sharing a descriptor or subtype, appearing
(maximum level equal to the highest-level spell slot you on a bloodline creature’s list of spell-like abilities, or being
have available). For example, a 5th level sorcerer who otherwise thematically appropriate. These choices should
chose this option 5 times would have an additional 2nd generally be approved provided that some reasonable
and 3rd level spell known, or one additional 3rd and two explanation is given.
additional 1st level spells known, or 5 additional 1st level You gain this feat additional times as you gain experience,
spells known, or any other combination totaling 5 levels of as shown in Table 1; each time, you gain a spell of the
spells. Alternatively, he or she could continue saving bonus indicated spell level. You also gain an additional cantrip (0-
levels for an eventual higher level spell known. level spell) known at 1st, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels.
Bloodline Feat: At 2nd level, and at every four levels
Energy Puissance: Choose on energy type (acid, fire, etc.), thereafter, you receive a bonus feat chosen from the list
generally one corresponding to your bloodline. Each time specific to your bloodline. A multi-classed sorcerer can
you select this option, you gain +1 damage to spells, spell- choose Practiced Bloodline as a bloodline feat as well. You
like abilities (including your eldritch blast, if applicable), must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats.
and sorcerer bloodline powers of that energy type. Eldritch Blast [Reserve] (Sp): Starting at 2nd level, as
long as you have a spell slot of at least 1st level available, you
can unleash a blast of arcane power as a standard action. The
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Sorcerers have Simple eldritch blast is a ray (ranged touch attack) with close range
proficiency with all weapons. They are not proficient with any (25 ft. + 5 ft. per two ranks in Concentration you possess)
type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a sorcerer's dealing 1d6 damage per level of the highest-level spell slot
gestures, which can cause her spells with somatic you have remaining. The type of damage is determined by
components to fail (see Arcane Spells and Armor). your bloodline; see below.
Spellcasting: A sorcerer spontaneously casts arcane spells An unshaped eldritch blast has no saving throw, but does
drawn primarily from the sorcerer/wizard spell list presented allow spell resistance. An eldritch blast can be affected by
in Spell Lists. Your spellcasting attribute is Charisma. spell-like metamagic feats as if it were a 1st level spell, even if
Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even-numbered it is shaped or carries additional effects (see below). It is also
sorcerer level after that (6th, 8th, and so on), you can choose treated as a 1st level spell for purposes of making
to learn a new spell in place of one she already knows. In concentration checks to cast defensively, etc. The eldritch
effect, you lose the old spell in exchange for the new one. The blast is subject to the normal spell failure chance for wearing
new spell's level must be the same as that of the spell being armor.
exchanged. You may swap only a single spell at any given Because it requires an attack roll, you can apply feats such
level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the as Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, and ranged
same time that you gain new spells known for the level. [Strike] feats to your eldritch blast. Your arcane blast ability
Bloodline Spells: For each spell level, you learn an also automatically improves in a as you gain in power, as
additional spell derived from your bloodline (representing the described below.
bonus spells indicated on Spellcasting Table 1 in Chapter 7). He lifted his hands, drawing on the last shreds of his
These spells cannot be exchanged for different spells at waning power. The fire in his hands burned like a miniature
higher levels. Non-core sources are designated by nova and he flung it at his enemy.
superscripts and cited in Chapter 7. ―Charles deLint, Moonheart (1984)
Bloodline or Initiation: You have a source of magic that Eldritch Resistances (Ex): At 3rd level, the power of your
grants you spells, bonus feats, an additional class skill, and bloodline begins to manifest itself more strongly, rendering
other special abilities. This source can represent a bloodline you resistant to certain attack forms. You gain resistance 5 to
heritage, an extreme event somewhere in your or your one energy type, damage reduction 2 (overcome by certain
family's past, or an actual initiation into power that you weapons), and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against
yourself undergo. For example, you might have a dragon as a certain attack forms. These benefits improve as follows:
distant relative, your grandfather might have signed a terrible
contract with a devil, or you might have walked the Broken Class Energy Saving Throw Damage
Pattern and become an adept of the Keep of the Four Worlds Level Resistance Bonus Reduction
(or whatever). For the sake of brevity, this source of power will 3rd – 6th 5 +2 2
hereafter be referred to simply as a “bloodline.” 7th – 10 +3 4
Regardless of the source, this influence manifests in a 10th
number of ways as you gain levels. You must pick one
bloodline or initiation (Appendix A) upon taking your first 11th – 15 +4 6
level of sorcerer. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.
Starting at 1st level, your bloodline grants you a minor power 15th – 20 +5 8
or ability. It also has subtle effects on spells you cast, as 18th
described for the “bloodline arcana.” 19th – Immune Immune 10
Eschew Materials: A sorcerer gains Eschew Materials as 20th
a bonus feat at 1st level.
Blast Metamagic: At 4th level, you gain Innate Metamagic The effects of your greater blast, together with those of
(Chapter 7) as a bonus feat. This must be applied to your your improved blast (q.v.), are together treated as a single
eldritch blast. You must meet all prerequisites for the [Strike] effect (Chapter 5) for determining when they can be
metamagic feat to be applied, and also for the Innate activated (i.e., on a single blast attack, on multiple blasts if
Metamagic feat itself. you have the Battle Touch feat, each with a -5 penalty; or on
Rapid Metamagic: Starting at 5th level, you can apply any of the other special conditions listed).
metamagic feats to your spells without any increase in Impromptu Spell (Sp): At 17th level, you learn to cast
casting time. Spells with a casting time listed as 1 standard spells from the wizard/sorcerer list that you don’t know, by
action in the core rules require a full attack action, rather constructing a basic spell framework and running magical
than a full round action to cast, meaning you can still take a power through it. Spellcasting in this manner is extremely
5-ft. step. wasteful of magical energy, and also requires a high degree of
Improved Blast [Strike] (Su): Starting at 8th level, your skill. Casting an impromptu spell requires one full round (i.e.,
eldritch blast carries an additional effect specific to your the effects takes place at the beginning of your next turn). You
bloodline. This is represented using the Innate Metamagic must succeed at a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + twice the level of
feat, with the spell-like ability being your eldritch blast and the spell to be cast) and expend two spell slots of the correct
the metamagic equivalent as listed for the appropriate spell level. If you fail the skill check, the spell fails, the spell
bloodline. When the metamagic feat in question allows a energy is wasted, and you are dazed for 1 round. Because
variable spell level cost, the effect unless otherwise specified spellcasting in this manner is considered the use of a spell-
is for the +1 spell level cost effect (unless the minimum cost like ability, it provokes attacks of opportunity (unless you
is higher than that, in which case the effects for lowest listed successfully cast defensively) and is subject to being
cost apply). However, the actual metamagic level adjustment disrupted, counterspelled, etc. (in which case the attempt fails
for improved blast feats is always considered to be +0 (i.e., it and the spell slots are lost).
automatically applies, and does not affect applications of your Powerful Blast (Sp): At 19th level and above, your eldritch
Blast Metamagic ability). blast no longer relies on unused spell slots to maintain its
The effects of your improved blast are treated as a [Strike] potency; it instead deals a base 10d6 damage of the
effect (Chapter 5) for determining when it can be activated appropriate type(s), regardless of the level of spell slots you
(i.e., on a single blast attack; on multiple blasts if you have the have remaining at any given time.
Battle Touch feat and the iterative blast ability and/or
Manyshot feat or Ray Splitting feat; or on any of the other
special conditions listed). Appendix A: Bloodlines
Bloodline Power: At 9th, 15th, and 20th levels, you gain The following bloodlines and initiations represent only some
additional powers related to your bloodline or sorcerous of the possible sources of power that a sorcerer can draw
initiation, as described in Appendix A. upon; additional bloodlines, or modifications to existing ones,
Iterative Blast (Sp): Starting at 12th level, you can make are always possible with referee approval. Unless otherwise
iterative attacks with your unmodified eldritch blast, as your noted, most sorcerers are assumed to have the arcane
base attack bonus allows. bloodline.
Impromptu Metamagic (Su): At 13th level, you learn to For those bloodline powers and abilities that allow saving
apply metamagic effects to your spells by burning additional throws, the DC, unless otherwise noted, is equal to 10 + half
spell slots. For each level of metamagic cost, you must your class level + your Charisma modifier.
expend two levels’ worth of spell slots (in any combination
from those you have remaining); this is in addition to a slot of Aberrant
the spell’s normal level. Despite the fact that the spell does
not take up a higher-level spell slot, the total spell level (base There is a taint in your blood, one that is alien and bizarre.
spell level plus total metamagic cost, in levels) can be no You tend to think in odd ways, approaching problems from an
higher than the highest-level spell you are normally able to angle that most would not expect. Over time, this taint
cast. manifests in your physical form.
Greater Blast [Strike] (Su): At 16th level, your eldritch Starting at 5th level, you are affected by spells and effects
blast gains another innate metamagic effect. As with the that target chaotically-aligned creatures, and you detect as
improved blast ability, this is generally represented by gaining such.
Innate Metamagic as a bonus feat again, with the specific Bonus Skills: Athletics, Planar Sense.
effects depending on your bloodline (see below). When the Bonus Spells: 1st—true strike, 2nd—blur, 3rd—stinking
metamagic feat in question allows a variable spell level cost, cloud, 4th—greater invisibility, 5th—feeblemind, 6th—veil, 7th
the effect unless otherwise specified is for the +2 spell level —ethereal jaunt, 8th—scintillating pattern, 9th—implosion.
cost effect (unless the minimum cost is higher than that, in Bonus Feats: Bewitching Spell, Chaotic Mind, Great
which case the effects for lowest listed cost apply). However, Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple, Skill Focus
the metamagic level adjustment for greater blast feats is (Concentration, Planar Sense, or Profession: Mining),
always considered to be +0 (i.e., it automatically applies, and Staggering Strike, Thaumaturgist.
does not affect applications of your Blast Metamagic ability). Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the
[polymorph] subschool, increase the duration of the spell by
50% (minimum 1 round). This does not stack with the
increase granted by the Extend Spell feat.
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is of bilious fluids; it Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast channels the fury
deals acid damage. Improved blast: Sickening Spell; greater of the abyss; it deals fire damage. Improved Blast: Energy
blast: Fell Nausea. Admixture (unholy); greater blast: you can apply the effects of
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—acid; saving throws— your eldritch blast to your claw attacks (see below); the total
spells or effects that damage or drain mental attributes; number of dice of damage may be divided between the two
damage reduction—magic (+1 at 3rd level, +2 at 7th, +3 at claw attacks as you see fit.
11th, +4 at 15th, and +5 at 19th). Eldritch Resistances: Energy—electricity; saving throws
Long Limbs (Ex): Your reach increases according to the —poison; damage reduction—cold iron or good.
following table. Claws (Ex): At 1st level, you can grow claws as a free
Class Level Touch Attacks Melee Attacks
action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing
you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using
1st – 8th +5 ft. +0 your full base attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d6 points of
9th – 16th +10 ft. +5 ft. damage each (1d4 if you are Small) plus your Strength
17th + +15 ft. +5 ft.
At 7th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for
Eldritch Touch (Sp): Starting at 2nd level, when you gain the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
your eldritch blast ability, at will you can use your eldritch At 16th level, they also carry the effects of your arcane
blast as a melee touch attack rather than as a ranged touch blast, with the dice divided between them as you see fit
attack. (declare before attacking as a free action).
Unusual Anatomy (Ex): At 9th level, your anatomy
changes, giving you a 25% chance to ignore any critical hit or
sneak attack scored against you. This chance increases to Strength of the Abyss (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2
50% at 13th level, to 75% at 17th level, and to 100% at 20th inherent bonus to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4
level. at 13th level, and to +6 at 17th level.
Alien Resistance (Su): At 15th level, you gain spell Added Summonings (Su): At 15th level, whenever you
resistance equal to your sorcerer level + 11. summon a creature with the demon subtype or the fiendish
Aberrant Form (Ex): At 20th level, your body becomes template using a summon monster spell, you summon one
truly unnatural. Your type changes to Aberration, and you gain additional creature of the same kind.
blindsight with a range of 60 feet. You also gain two tentacle Demonic Might (Su): At 20th level, the power of the Abyss
attacks as natural weapons dealing a base 1d6 damage; these flows through you. You gain the Fiendish simple template,
have a 15-ft. reach. although your character level and CR are still treated as
being the same as they would be without it.
Generations ago, a demon spread its filth into your heritage.
While it does not manifest in all of your kin, for you it is Your ancestry extends back to a Prince of Amber. Although
particularly strong. You might sometimes have urges to chaos you do not share your ancestor’s superhuman strength and
or evil, but your destiny is up to you. Alternatively, you might stamina, the Pattern of Amber is inscribed at some level in
have picked up the demonic taint yourself, perhaps by your cells, granting you insights into the true workings of the
traveling to Abyssal places where mortals were not meant to Multiverse as you progress in power. This bloodline is loosely
go. based on the cosmology of the first half of Roger Zelazny’s
You are affected by spells and effects that target [chaotic] “Amber” series.
and/or [evil] aligned creatures, and you detect as such. You are affected by spells and effects that target [Lawful]
Bonus Skills: Endurance, Knowledge (the planes). creatures, and you detect as such.
Bonus Spells: 1st—cause fear, 2nd—bull's strength, 3rd Bonus Skills: Endurance, Planar Sense.
—rage, 4th—greater infernal healingISWG, 5th—dismissal, Bonus Spells: 1st—shocking grasp, 2nd—bull’s strength,
6th—Tenser’s transformation, 7th—greater teleport, 8th 3rd—blink, 4th—scrying, 5th—dispel chaos, 6th—shadow
—unholy aura, 9th—summon monster IX (demons and walk, 7th—regenerate (self only), 8th—mind blank, 9th—gate.
creatures with the fiendish template only). Bonus Feats: Arcane Blade, Great Fortitude, Imbue Item,
Bonus Feats: Arcane Bond (familiar), Augment Iron Will, Maximize Spell, Power over Shadow, Skill Focus
Summoning, Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Power Attack, (Knowledge: the planes), Toughness.
Skill Focus (Planar Sense), Spell Focus (conjuration), Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with a range
Thaumaturgist. of “personal,” you gain a luck bonus equal to the spell's level
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the on all your saving throws for 1 round.
[summoning] sub-school, the creatures summoned gain Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast carries some of the
DR/good equal to half your sorcerer level (minimum 1). This effects of contact with the Pattern of Amber. It deals electrical
does not stack with any damage reduction the creature might damage. Improved Blast: Dazing Spell; greater blast:
have. Versatile Evocation (force).
Eldritch Resistances: Instead of standard resistances, you
instead gain fast healing 1 (damage inflicted by chaotically-
aligned weapons negates this healing). Your rate of fast
healing improves by 1 per 4 class levels thereafter, to a
maximum of fast healing 5 at 19th level.
Influence Shadow (Su): At 1st level, you gain what seems to Arcane Bond (Su): At 1st level, you gain an arcane bond, as
be incredible luck; this is actually a subtle, unconscious a wizard equal to your sorcerer level. Your sorcerer levels
influence on your part on the stuff of Shadow. You may reroll stack with any wizard levels you possess when determining
one skill check involving variables in your environment—for the powers of your familiar or bonded object.
example, a Streetwise check to find a friendly barkeeper, an Prepare Spells (Su): Starting at 9th level, you can prepare
Athletics check to find a smoother route up a mountainside, a single spell in advance as if you were a wizard. This spell
or a Profession (gambler) check when drawing to an inside need not be one of your spells known, but if not, you must
straight. This ability cannot be used to influence invariable succeed at a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + level of the spell) to
quantities, such as a Disable Device check against a set DC. prepare the spell (on a failure, the spell slot and attempted
You must declare a use of this ability after the original roll, spell are both lost). Preparing a spell uses one of your “spells
but before the results are announced. For every 6 levels past per day” slots of the appropriate level. You can prepare the
the 1st, you may use this ability an additional time per day, to spell with any metamagic feat you know; if so, it uses a
a maximum of 4/day at 19th level. higher-level slot. You can prepare an additional spell at 11th
Primal Strength (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent level, and a third spell at 17th level.
bonus to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th Theurgy: If you have levels in Wizard, you can choose to
level, and to +6 at 17th level. give up your Wizard spellcasting in exchange for Strong
Timeless Body (Ex): After attaining 15th level, you no theurgy towards your sorcerer spellcasting. However, when
longer take ability score penalties for aging and cannot be you gain new spells known, you can instead designate some
magically aged. Any penalties you may have already incurred, or all of those new spells (except bonus spells) as prepared
however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue. spell slots, rather than fixed spells known. You may then
Living Trump (Sp): At 20th level, you become an prepare spells in those slots (see above). At each level of spell
embodiment of the power behind the Great Trumps of Amber. capacity gained thereafter, you choose how many of the new
You can use greater teleport at will (self and 50 lbs. only; not spells known will be permanently filled with spells known, vs.
blocked by earth or stone). Your spells, spell-like abilities, how many will be left open as prepared spell slots. The
psionic powers, etc. automatically work normally on any maximum spell level for which you can retain prepared slots
plane (except null-magic planes), without the need for you to is equal to your wizard class level, so that a wizard 5/sorcerer
modify them (see Chapter 7). Given 1 minute of 10 has a spell capacity of 14th level, and can retain prepared
concentration, you can cause a technological item to work spell slots for spells of level 0 through 5th (his 6th and 7th
somewhere it shouldn’t (except in Amber itself) for as long as level spells are all spontaneous).
you retain possession of it. Additionally, your fast healing School Power (Ex): At 15th level, pick one school of
improves to regeneration. magic. You gain a +2 competence bonus on the saving throw
DCs for any spells you cast from that school, and on checks to
Arcane defeat SR for spells from that school.
You have bound yourself to some source of arcane power that Arcane Apotheosis (Ex): At 20th level, your body surges
you can now draw upon at will. Alternatively, your family may with arcane power. You can cast impromptu spells (q.v.) using
have always been skilled in the eldritch art of magic, and an only a single spell slot of the appropriate level, rather than
inborn talent manifests itself in you as well. two.
Bonus Skills: Knowledge (linguistics), Spellcraft. Artistry
Bonus Spells: 1st—identify or magic missile, 2nd
—invisibility or knock, 3rd—dispel magic, 4th—dimension You are an artist of supernatural skill. Either your ancestors
door or scrying, 5th—teleport, 6th—true seeing, 7th—greater were the most gifted artists of their time, or perhaps you have
teleport or greater scrying, 8th—power word: stun, 9th—wish. the blood of lillends in your veins. Alternatively, your own
Bonus Feats: Arcane Boost, Improved Counterspell, studies and work have given you insights into the nature of
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Concentration), Art and reality that others lack.
Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus, Still Spell. Bonus Skills: Craft (Fine Arts), Perception.
Bloodline Arcana: Unlike most sorcerers, whose innate Bonus Spells: 1st—erase, 2nd—hypnotic pattern, 3rd
magic is powered by force of personality, you use your —major image, 4th—hallucinatory terrain, 5th—major
intellect to understand and master your mystic powers. You creation, 6th—permanent image, 7th—prismatic spray, 8th
can choose to apply Intelligence, rather than Charisma, as —prismatic wall, 9th—wish.
your spellcasting attribute. This is from the Sage archetype, Bonus Feats: Catch Off-Guard, Chaotic Mind, Deep
from Ultimate Magic.) Intuition, Imbue Item, Power over Shadow, Shape Spell, Skill
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals fire damage. Focus (Craft), Weapon Finesse.
Improved blast: Versatile Evocation (force); greater blast: Ray Bloodline Arcana: Any spells of the Illusion school that
Splitting. you cast gain +1 to the saving throw DC; this stacks with the
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—force; saving throws— effects of the Spell Focus feat (if applicable).
arcane spells and spell-like abilities (maximum saving throw Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is a riot of colors
bonus +6 at 19th level; you do not become immune); damage and shapes that quickly fade away; it deals nonlethal
reduction—magic (+1 at 3rd level, +2 at 7th, +3 at 11th, +4 at (subdual) damage. Those affected are also dazzled for 1
15th, and +5 at 19th). round. Improved blast: Blinding Spell; greater blast: Dazing

Eldritch Resistances: Energy nonlethal

damage; saving Eldritch
Eldritch Resistances:
Resistances: Energy—nonlethal damage; saving
Eldritch Resistances: Energy saving to Energy nonlethal damage; saving

throws —illusions
— (due
damage to
to sureness

reduction nonlethal
cold judgment
iron damage;
(due of
ofto light
light and
exposure throws
throws —illusions
— illusions
perspective); (due
damage to sureness

sureness in
in judgment
cold judgment
iron (due of
ofto light
light and
to strange damage
pigments reduction
and — cold
— in iron
exotic(due to
to strange pigments and chemicals in exotic paints). exposure perspective);
to strange damage
strange pigments
pigments andreduction —
and chemicals cold

chemicals in iron
in exotic(due
iron (due
exotic to
to exposure
Sure Perspective (Ex): Your eye for detail, aesthetic sense, Bonus Feats: Eldritch Claws (use your class level in place
and sure perspective provide an enhancement bonus to of your BAB derived from sorcerer levels), Fast Recovery,
Wisdom equal to half your class level (rounded up). Great Fortitude, Kin Mastery (command/rebuke animals),
Personal Trump Deck (Sp): At 9th level, your command of Natural Spell, Skill Focus (Survival), Wolfsbane Strike, or any
artistry is so profound that your paintings of people allow you [Animal] Domain feat.
to speak with them, and your paintings of places allow you to Bloodline Arcana: Your spells that normally target only
step through to them. Choose up to one person or place per animals can also affect magical beasts with Intelligence
point of your Charisma bonus. For each of these, you can scores less than or equal to 1 + the level of the spell.
create a magical “trump,” a small magical portrait, allowing Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is a whirlwind of
you to use sending to the person depicted, or greater teleport claws and fangs; it deals slashing and piercing damage.
or plane shift to the place shown. Having established contact Improved blast: Versatile Evocation (force); greater blast:
(via sending) to a person, you can also teleport (or plane shift, starting at 16th level, your shaped eldritch blast is similar to a
depending on your location) to their location, or allow them whirlwind of teethBVD spell. Whenever your eldritch blast is
to teleport or plane shift to your location, as long as both of modified by Innate Metamagic (Shape Spell), it also gains the
you are willing. Each trump can be used up to twice per day; effects of the Lingering Spell feat, but lasts 1 round per 4
one sending and associated teleport or plane shift counts as class levels you possess.
both uses. Eldritch Resistances: Energy—instead of resistance to
Creating a new trump (to replace one lost or destroyed) energy, you gain improved senses: low-light vision at 3rd level,
takes 1 week of work, and requires you to succeed at a Craft scent at 7th, and blindsense at 11th. Saving throws—at 3rd
(fine art) check as if you were imbuing a magic item (DC 29); level, you gain Alertness as a bonus feat, as if Perception were
you can take 20 on this check, but doing so increases the a class skill. Damage reduction—silver.
creation time to 36 days. You need not know or have access Mark of the Wild (Su): As the druid class feature of the
to the appropriate spells, however, and need not spend gold same name.
or personal numen. Strength of the Beast (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2
Trump Artist (Sp): At 15th level, the speed and sureness of inherent bonus to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4
your draftsmanship improve; you can produce a replacement at 13th level, and to +6 at 17th level.
trump in only 1 day, or 1 week if you can take 20 on the Wild Shape (Su): Starting at 15th level, you can primal
check. You can also produce copies of your personal trump wild shape 1/day (as a Wild Shaper druid of 4th level;
deck that can be used by others. At any one time, you can emulates beast shape IV). You can use this ability twice per
have a number of decks in existence equal to your Charisma day starting at 17th level, and 3/day starting at 19th level.
bonus. Generally, these are given to the people depicted, Bestial Nature (Ex): At 20th level, you regeneration 5 (fire
although this is not required. All of the individual trumps and silver), and a +2 bonus to natural armor.
must be the same as the ones in your own deck, with the
exception that you can substitute any one card with a trump Beguiler
of yourself. Once produced and handed out, individual cards You are a born manipulator. Subtlety is in your blood, whether
can be separated from the decks without interfering with inborn or from a past infusion of blood from a race of
their properties. manipulators such as devils, doppelgangers, or even mind
Master of Perspective (Sp): At 20th level, you can instill flayers. This bloodline supersedes the Beguiler base class,
your paintings and sketches with a bit of reality. You can from the Player’s Handbook II.
duplicate any of the following spells at will as a spell-like Bonus Skills: Bluff, Perform (acting).
ability: shadow conjuration, greater shadow conjuration, Bonus Spells: 1st—charm person, 2nd—hypnotic pattern,
shadow evocation, greater shadow evocation, or shades. Each 3 —glibness, 4th—zone of silence, 5th—dominate person,
use requires a full round action and a successful Craft (Fine 6th—mass suggestion, 7th—project image, 8th—mind blank,
Arts) check at DC 20 + the level of the spell to be duplicated. 9th—dominate monster.
Bestial Bonus Feats: Arcane Armor Training, Armor Proficiency
(light), Improved Feint (and opponents are flat-footed to your
The call of the wild pulls at your soul. This potentially means spells and spell-like abilities, in addition to your weapon
an ancestor was a druid or lycanthrope, but perhaps you were attacks), Lightning Reflexes, Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Bluff),
exposed to some other form of animal magic—or maybe you Still Spell, or any [Charm] Domain feat.
obtained your powers as part of a vision quest in the Bloodline Arcana: Your training focuses on subtlety over
wilderness, on a night of the full moon. flash. Remove all spells from the schools of Evocation and
Bonus Skills: Handle Animal, Survival. Necromancy from your list of class spells.
Bonus Spells: 1st—charm animal or magic fang, 2nd— Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is a wave of
bull’s strength, 3rd—bite of the werewolfSC or greater magic despair that deals nonlethal (subdual) damage. Improved
fang, 4th—claws of the savageBVD or summon nature’s ally blast: Coercive Spell; greater blast: Bewitching Spell.
IV, 5th—baleful polymorph, 6th—antilife shell or bite of the Eldritch Resistances: Energy—negative energy; saving
werebearSC, 7th—summon nature’s ally VII, 8th—animal throws—instead of a bonus to saves, you gain an equivalent
shapes or spread of savageryBVD, 9th—curse of were-doom. bonus to Bluff checks to conceal your motives or cover up
your lies; damage reduction—lethal (i.e., at 3rd level you gain
DR 2/— against nonlethal damage).
Skilled (Ex): You gain 4 skill ranks per class level, rather Blackfire Pact (Su): Choose one of the following outsider
than only 2, and add the following to your list of class skills: subtypes: asura, daemon, demodand, demon, devil, div, oni,
Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Perception, Sleight of qlippoth, or rakshasa. Against outsiders with that subtype,
Hand, Stealth, and Streetwise. you gain a profane bonus on saving throws, Concentration
Cloaked Casting (Ex): At 9th level, your spells are more checks, Charisma checks, and Charisma-based skill checks
effective against unwary foes. The save DC (if any) for your equal to the saving throw bonus you would normally receive
sorcerer spells improves by +1 if you cast at a foe who would (maximum +6 at 19th level). You gain an additional pact
otherwise be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC against your subtype at 9th and 15th levels.
attacks. At 17th level, this bonus increases to +2. Accursed Sympathy (Su): Whenever you or a called or
Cloaked Penetration (Ex): Starting at 15th level, your summoned creature deal hit point damage to a target affected
sorcerer spells automatically penetrate the spell resistance of by your blackfire taint (see below), as a swift action you can
any creature that would normally be denied a Dexterity bonus increase the damage dealt by the attack by half your class
to AC against your attacks. level. If the target dies, you heal a number of hit points of
Master of Deception (Su): At 20th level, you are always damage equal to half the target's total number of Hit Dice.
treated as if you had the glibness and discern lies spells Once fully healed, any additional hit points are gained as
active; these effects cannot be dispelled. Additionally, you gain temporary hit points These temporary hit points last 1 hour
the ability to use disguise self at will as a spell-like ability. and do not stack.
Blackfire Taint (Su): As a standard action, you can corrupt
Blackfire Adept the planar substrate to create a destructive resonance
A loosely organized order of nihilistic alienists and between you and a single target within 30 feet. You gains a +1
demonologists, the Blackfire Adepts study the power of profane bonus on attack rolls and Concentration checks
unmaking as it manifests throughout the multiverse. They against the target, and the target takes a –1 penalty on saving
focus their obsessive research on blackfire. This eldritch throws against your attacks. The taint lasts a number of
phenomenon burns away the fibers of reality wherever it rounds equal to your class level, though a successful Will save
touches, thinning the walls between planes—especially reduces this to 1 round. The effect immediately ends if the
between the Material Plane and the dark and unholy pits of target moves more than 30 feet away from you. The
the Lower Planes. This initiation supersedes the prestige bonus/penalty increase by an additional ±1 at 9th and 15th
class of the same name, from Paths of Prestige. levels (maximum ±3).
Blackfire adepts gain the [Evil] alignment descriptor. Greater Blackfire Pact (Su): Starting at 9th level, when
Bonus Skills: Knowledge (the planes), Planar Sense. using a planar binding spell, you can call 2 additional Hit Dice
Bonus Spells: 1st—bane, 2nd—false life, 3rd—summon of outsiders with the chosen subtype, and those creatures
monster III (cacodaemon, doru div, dretch demon, auger gain temporary hit points equal to her class level, a +1
kyton, or cythnigot qlippoth), 4th—unholy blight, 5th profane bonus on saving throws, and a +1 profane bonus to
—darksoulRR2, 6th—planar binding, 7th—summon monster
the caster level DC for effects that would banish, dismiss, or
VII (pact subtypes only), 8th—blackfireCA, 9th—sphere of dispel them.
ultimate destructionCA. Riftward Breaching (Su): Starting at 15th level, whenever
Bonus Feats: Augment Summoning, Iron Will, Planar one or more creatures appear via a conjuration effect within
Breaching, Skill Focus (Knowledge: the planes), Spell Focus 30 feet of you, you can as an immediate action unleash an
(Conjuration), Supernatural Ability (eldritch blast), eldritch blast that targets all such creatures within 30 feet
Thaumaturgist, Vile Strike. (but does not affect other creatures).
Bloodline Arcana: When you summon a creature with one Exalted Blackfire Pact (Su): At 20th level, you gain the
of your blackfire pact subtypes, you can choose to allow that Fiendish simple template, although your character level and
creature to use any innate summoning abilities it possesses. CR are still treated as being the same as they would be
The creatures it summons are not under your control. Once without it. Your type changes to Outsider, and you gain a
this decision is made, it cannot be reversed until the subtype appropriate to one of your blackfire pacts.
summoned creature is sent back to whence it came.
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast manifests as an
eruption of darkfire, a searing ebon vortex that deals negative
energy damage.
Improved blast: Energy Admixture (unholy).
Greater blast: Summoned outsiders damaged by the blast
must also save vs. Will or be plane shifted to one of the
Lower Planes.
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—negative energy; saving
throws—blackfire pact (see below); damage reduction
—accursed sympathy (see below).
If you desire, you can attempt to make a bloody exit from
Bloatmage the destination creature. You burst forth explosively from the
Hemotheurges—more commonly and derogatorily referred creature’s body, dealing 10d6 points of damage unless the
to as bloatmages—are arcanists who believe there’s literal creature makes a Fortitude save. When you make a bloody
truth to the old aphorism that “magic runs in the blood.” By exit, you must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be
magically overriding their bodies’ fail-safes and producing stunned for 1 round from the shock of your expulsion.
more blood than they need, bloatmages are able to greatly Source: This spell emulates the Blood Magus’ prestige
increase their magical abilities, but at the cost of becoming class feature of the same name from Complete Arcane.
grotesque, bloated masses of engorged flesh. Even more Bonus Feats: Arcane Bond (homunculus familiar),
significant than any cosmetic changes, the stresses on a Defiance, Diehard, Fast Recovery, Fell Weaken, Great
bloatmage’s body can prove dangerous to both them and Fortitude, Skill Focus (Heal), Toughness.
those around them, for if the cephalic pressure on a Bloodline Arcana: For the purpose of making a
bloatmage’s brain becomes too great, she flies into a Concentration check to cast, concentrate on, or direct a spell
murderous rage before falling unconscious and quickly when he might be distracted by damage, you subtract your
bleeding out. Such obvious drawbacks keep most from class level from any hit point damage dealt to you by an attack
walking the path of the bloated ascetics, but the bloatmages that strikes you during the action (or whenever you are
dismiss those detractors who lack the courage to follow in subject to a source of continuous damage, such as acid
their footsteps, noting that in the pursuit of power and self- arrow). You still takes all the damage dealt to you, but the
perfection, all other concerns are secondary. This bloodline damage is less likely to affect your ability to cast, concentrate
supersedes the prestige class of the same name, from the on, or direct spells successfully. This subsumes the Blood
Pathfinder Chronicles: City of Strangers, and also stands in Magus’ “durable casting” prestige class feature from
for the Blood Magus prestige class from Complete Arcane. Complete Arcane.
Bonus Skills: Endurance, Heal. Some bloatmages conduct constant rituals involving
Bonus Spells: 1st—discern bloodlineRD or cure light leeches or exsanguination in an attempt to regulate their
wounds, 2nd—bull’s endurance or death knell, 3rd—vampiric systems. These rituals, which must be undertaken daily
touch, 4th—burning bloodCA, 5th—thalassemiaSW, 6th— during spell preparation, give you the option of subtracting 1
summon nature’s ally VI (blood elemental: as huge water point from any bloating rolls (see below) after the results are
elemental), 7th—bloodwalk (see below), 8th—avascular known, but at the price of a non-cumulative –2 penalty to
massLM, 9th—implosion. Constitution. This penalty cannot be removed, save by
BLOODWALK abandoning the rituals for a day (also during spell
School: Conjuration [teleportation] preparation), which removes it immediately.
Level: Sorcerer (bloatmage) 7 Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is a gout of blood
Casting Time: 1 standard action corrupted with arcane residue; it deals acid damage.
Components: Verbal, somatic Improved blast: Sickening Spell; greater blast: Fell Nausea.
Range: Personal (and touch) Eldritch Resistances: Energy—bleed damage, desiccation
Targets: You (and entry and destination creatures) damage; saving throws—polymorph and other transmutation
Duration: 1 round (see below) effects, plus Endurance checks to stabilize when unconscious
Saving Throw: None (or Fort negates; see below) (at 19th level you automatically succeed). Damage reduction
Spell Resistance: Yes Blood Pool (Ex): At 1st level, you gain a pool of blood
You can seamlessly enter any living creature (except an points, representing an overload of your system with excess
elemental, ooze, plant, undead, or other creature without blood to extend your arcane abilities beyond their normal
blood or a similar fluid) of a size greater than or equal to level. Your normal pool of blood points is equal to 1 + half
yours and pass any distance to another living creature on the your class level. Each day, when you rest to regain spells, you
same plane in a single round, regardless of the distance regain blood points up to 1 + half your class level but not
separating the two. You merely designates a direction and beyond (so if a 14th level bloatmage currently has 8 points, he
distance (“a living creature twenty miles due west of here”), or she remains at 8 until the extra points are spent).
and the spell transports you to a destination creature as close Blood points can be spent at the time of casting to cast a
as possible to the desired location. You can’t specify a named spell without using a spell slot. Retaining a spell slot in this
individual as the endpoint unless you have previously manner costs a number of blood points equal to the spell’s
obtained a sample of that creature’s blood and have it level, and these points must be spent at the time of casting.
preserved in a vial that you carry. The entry and destination
creatures need not be familiar to you. You cannot use yourself
as an entry creature. If an intended entry creature is
unwilling, you must make a successful melee touch attack to
enter (you can Hold the Charge on a miss). When exiting a
creature, you choose an adjacent square in which to appear.
Entering and exiting a creature is painless unless you wish
otherwise (see below). In most cases, though, the destination
creature finds being the endpoint of a magical portal
surprising and quite unsettling.
Bloat (Su): Starting at 9th level, you can exert yourself as a Blood Sacrifice (Sp): At 20th level, you gain the ability to
free action to instantly gain extra blood points, but doing so use bloat, or even raw blood, to enhance your spells with
puts you at risk of a dangerous collapse. At 9th level, you can metamagic. For each spell level increase that would normally
bloat once per day, gaining 1d6 blood points. At 13th and 18th be applied to a spell you are casting, you can expend 1 bloat
levels, you can bloat an additional time per day, and the die point instead. If you have insufficient bloat points to cover the
size increases by 1 each time (1d8, and finally 1d10 at 18th cost, you can use your own blood, taking Constitution damage
level). This type of exertion is a dangerous gamble. If your equal to the number of spell levels to be ameliorated.
current number of blood points is greater than 1 + half your By touching a wounded creature (requiring a melee touch
class level but less than or equal to your class level, you gain attack), you can use that creature’s blood to cover the spell
the sickened condition. If your exertions push you beyond cost instead; a Fortitude save prevents this transfer. You can
that, you immediately fly into a homicidal rage, striking out attempt to stack metamagic feats until the spell level is higher
randomly with your most damaging attacks and abilities at than you can normally cast (10th or above), but unless the
friends and foes alike for 1d6 rounds or until your blood pool Constitution damage (on top of its existing wounds) kills the
is reduced to 0 (whichever comes first). At the end of the rage, victim, this automatically fails. This ability supersedes the
your blood points drop to 0, your hit points drop to –1, and Blood Witch’s blood enhancement and sacrifice prestige class
you begin dying. features, from Relics & Rituals (Sword & Sorcery Studios).
Absorb Bloodline (Su): Starting at 15th level, you can
temporarily access all of the bloodline powers of a given Boreal
sorcerer bloodline (as if you possessed that bloodline in You are either descended from inhabitants of the lands of ice
addition to your own) by consuming blood tied to that and snow, or you gained your abilities through long nights of
bloodline. By drinking 1 pint of fresh blood (which inflicts 1 exposure out on the polar wastes. This bloodline is adapted
point of Constitution damage) from a sorcerer with the given from the bloodline of the same name from the Advanced
bloodline or from a creature affiliated with that bloodline, you Player’s Guide, and also by the similar one presented in The
gain the ability to use the bloodline powers (but not bonus Genius Guide to Ice Magic (Super Genius Games).
spells, feats, eldritch blast, and so on) as appropriate to your Bonus Skills: Endurance, Survival.
level for 1 hour. This ability is usable once per day and Bonus Spells: 1st—enlarge person (or enlarge self if not a
drinking the blood normally requires a full minute, but humanoid), 2nd—fog cloud, 3rd—elemental auraAPG (cold
bloatmages with the Craft (Alchemy) skill can distill the blood only), 4th—fire shield (chill shield only), 5th—freezing
into a potion-sized draught that can be stored and later glanceFB, 6th—freezing sphere, 7th—giant form I, 8th—polar
consumed as a standard action. ray, 9th—comet swarm (as meteor swarm, but dealing cold
In addition to sorcerers of the given bloodline, the damage).
following list presents a few examples of creatures whose Bonus Feats: Arcane Bond, Flash Frost Evocation, Great
blood is considered affiliated to a bloodline. There may be Fortitude, Piercing Cold Evocation, Skill Focus (Endurance),
others who work equally well, at the players’ and referee’s Spell Focus (cold), Toughness, or any [Winter] Domain feat.
discretion. Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that deals hit
Aberrant: any aberration. point damage, you can choose to have it deal cold damage
instead of its normal damage type. When you use this ability,
Abyssal: any chaotic evil outsider. affected spells gain the [cold] subtype. If the spell has an
Arcane: any creature with an arcane spell or spell-like effect in addition to damage, this effect is unchanged. You
ability of at least 3rd level. treat all spells of the [fire] subtype as if they were 1 level
higher than is actually the case (thus, fireball is a 4th level
Celestial: any good outsider. spell for you).
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is a ray of frost; it
Destined: any creature able to cast divination spells. deals cold damage (descendants of frost folk may have this
Draconic: any dragon. ray emanate from one eye, although this need not be the case
for all sorcerers with this bloodline). Improved Blast: Flash
Elemental: any creature with an elemental or energy Frost Evocation; greater blast: Numbing Cold Evocation.
subtype (air, cold, earth, fire, water), provided it has flesh Eldritch Resistances: Energy and saving throws—special:
and blood (such as a salamander, but not a fire elemental). you gain Favored Terrain (Arctic) with a bonus equal to 1 +
Fey: any fey. the saving throw bonus you would normally receive; at 19th
level the bonus improves to +8. Damage reduction—at 3rd
Infernal: any lawful evil outsider. level, a layer of icy rime on your skin grants you a +1 natural
armor bonus (this increases by an additional +1 per 4 class
Undead: any undead creature with flesh and blood (such levels thereafter).
as vampires or ghouls, but not skeletons). Eldritch Touch (Sp): At 1st level, you can use your eldritch
blast (q.v.) as a melee touch attack (you do not gain the ranged
application until 2nd level, as normal).
Cold Steel (Su): At 9th level, all weapons you wield are Magical Sight (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can cast
treated as if they had the frost property. At 13th level, this detect magic at will. While active, this power also provides
improves to the icy burst property; at 17th level, add the keen you with darkvision 30 ft. (you perceive things as if there was
property as well. You can bestow these properties by touch to a silvery, directionless illumination present, and cannot
one weapon or up to 50 pieces of ammunition as a standard discern color). This ability automatically manifests as a free
action; this bestowal lasts for a number of rounds equal to action whenever you cast spells, prepare spells, or use the
your sorcerer level, during which time you lose the use of this Spellcraft skill, lasting 1 round. At 7th level, this magical
ability. vision improves to arcane sight instead of simply detect
Piercing Cold (Su): Starting at 15th level, your spells and magic, and the range of your darkvision extends to 60 ft. At
powers dealing with frost are so cold they can affect even 14th level it improves again to greater arcane sight, with
those resistant to the chill. You automatically apply the effects darkvision at a 90-ft. range.
of the Piercing Cold Evocation feat (q.v.) to spells and spell- Prepare Spells (Su): Starting at 9th level, you can prepare
like abilities with the [cold] descriptor, without any increase a single spell in advance as if you were a wizard, “hanging” it
in casting time or spell level. in your personal image of the Broken Pattern. This spell need
Child of Ancient Winters (Su): At 20th level, you become not be one of your spells known, but if not, you must succeed
immune to cold, fatigue, and exhaustion. In addition, you 50% at a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + level of the spell) to prepare
Fortitude against sneak attacks and critical hits. the spell (on a failure, the spell slot and attempted spell are
both lost). Preparing a spell uses one of your spells per day
Broken Pattern slots of the appropriate level. You can prepare the spell with
“You bear the image of the Broken Pattern within you.” any metamagic feat you know; if so, it uses a higher-level slot
“And how do you conjure with this?” and can be cast using the normal casting time. You can
“Through the imperfection. You summon the image, and it prepare an additional spell at 13th and at 17th levels.
is like a dark well from which you draw power. But the break Dark Well (Su): Starting at 15th level, your personal image
is always with you.” of the Broken Pattern intercepts magic targeting you,
“The break? I don't understand.” absorbing its power. You may absorb a number of levels of
“The flaw in the Pattern. It follows you through Shadow. It spells per day equal to your charisma bonus, as with a rod of
is always there beside you as you travel, sometimes as a hair- absorption. Any unused absorbed spell energy is lost the next
fine crack, sometimes a great chasm. It shifts about; it may time you regain spells.
appear suddenly, anywhere―a lapse in reality. This is the This ability applies only to effects that specifically target
hazard for those of the Broken Way. To fall into it is the final you or which must pass through your square as part of a line
death.” ―Roger Zelazny, Knight of Shadows (1989) of effect. Effects requiring a melee touch attack cannot be
You are an initiate of the Broken Pattern, a scarred absorbed. This ability does not function if you are flat-footed,
reflection of the Pattern of Amber that maintains the denied your Dex bonus to AC, or whenever your magical sight
multiverse. This bloodline is loosely based on the second half is not currently active.
of Roger Zelazny’s “Amber” series. Fount of Power (Su): At 20th level, you can travel to the
Bonus Skills: Perception, Planar Sense. Keep of the Four Worlds and bathe in the Fountain of Power.
Bonus Spells: 1st—shocking grasp, 2nd—spectral hand, This treatment deals 5d6 each acid, cold, electrical, and fire
3rd—clairvoyance, 4th—rainbow pattern, 5th—teleport, 6th damage per round (this can be ameliorated with resist energy
—shadow walk, 7th—plane shift, 8th—scintillating pattern,
or protection from energy) and bestows the following
9th—gate. abilities: 1st round: permanent +4 enhancement bonus to
Bonus Feats: Arcane Blade, Imbue Item, Improved Strength; 2nd round: permanent +4 enhancement bonus to
Counterspell, Iron Will, Power over Shadow, Quicken Spell, Constitution; 3rd round: permanent +4 enhancement bonus
Skill Focus (Concentration), Skill Focus (Spellcraft). to Dexterity. Prolonging the ritual beyond 3 rounds confers
Bloodline Arcana: The flaws in your image of the Pattern the ability to teleport at will as a spell-like ability, but has a
exist as flaws in your own magic as well. You receive no tendency to remove one’s humanity (i.e., you become an NPC
bloodline arcana ability. villain under the referee's control). A Knowledge (the planes)
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast calls on the forces check might reveal the following:
that come together at the Keep of the Four Worlds. The DC 15: The Keep of the Four Worlds sits at the confluence
damage dealt is equal parts acid, cold, electrical, and fire of four elemental planes; the power released by their
damage. Improved blast: Energy Admixture (force); greater collision is harnessed in a magical fountain.
blast: up to 3 times per day you can deliver a spell through
your eldritch blast, per the Blast Spell feat (Chapter 7). DC 25: Those bathing in the Fount, if protected from
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—choose one: acid, cold, energy, emerge with enhanced strength and stamina, and
electricity, or fire; saving throws—conjuration and evocation reflexes.
spells; damage reduction—magic (+1 at 3rd level, +2 at 7th, +3 DC 35: Those who attempt to prolong their treatment lose
at 11th, +4 at 15th, and +5 at 19th). their humanity, becoming cruel mockeries of their former
Celestial Your ancestry extends to the Black Zone or to the very Courts
Your bloodline is blessed by a celestial power, either by a of Chaos themselves. In addition to drawing on the power of
celestial ancestor or through divine intervention. Although Chaos, you can ultimately become an initiate of the Logrus,
this power drives you along the path of good, your fate is your the shifting Sign of Chaos at the heart of the Courts. This
own to determine. bloodline is loosely based on the second half of Roger
You are affected by spells and effects that target [good] Zelazny’s “Amber” series. Note: the “official” Pathfinder
aligned creatures, and you detect as such. version is the Protean bloodline (q.v.).
Bonus Skills: Diplomacy, Heal. You are affected by spells and effects that target [chaotic]
Bonus Spells: 1st—bless, 2nd—aid, 3rd—remove curse, aligned creatures, and you detect as such.
4th—neutralize poison, 5th—dispel evil, 6th—greater dispel Bonus Skills: Planar Sense, Survival.
magic, 7th—holy word, 8th—holy aura, 9th—summon Bonus Spells: 1st—entropic shield, 2nd—alter self, 3rd
monster IX (celestials and creatures with the celestial —magic circle against law, 4th—confusion, 5th—summon
template only). monster V (chaotic creatures only) or heightened vigorCD (4
Bonus Feats: Combat Expertise, Extend Spell, Iron Will, hp/round), 6th—shadow walk, 7th—instant summons, 8th
Mounted Combat, Shared Shield, Skill Focus (Knowledge: —maze, 9th—shapechange.
the planes), Weapon Finesse, or any [Good] Domain feat. Bonus Feats: Arcane Bond (bonded item only—choose a
Bloodline Arcana: You treat all cleric spells with “cure” in wand, a weapon, or a specialist implement for any school of
the name as if they were sorcerer/wizard spells of the same your choice, even though you are not a specialist wizard),
level. You do not automatically gain these spells as spells Augment Summoning, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Minor
known, but can choose them as such when assigning known Shapeshift, Power over Shadow, Skill Focus (Planar Sense),
spells. You may also treat the following spells similarly: bless, or any [Chaotic] Domain feat.
remove disease, neutralize poison. Bloodline Arcana: You can manipulate the limbs of the
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is of heavenly fire, Logrus as if they were extensions of your own arms. You can
dealing half fire damage and half divine damage (not subject use mage hand at will as a spell-like ability; by spending
to energy resistance or immunity) against evil creatures. The unused spell slots of the indicated spell level, you can
blast heals creatures with an aura of good, rather than temporarily improve this ability as follows: 2nd—spectral
harming them. Good creatures can benefit from your touch; 5th--telekinesis.
heavenly fire a number of times per day equal to one-fourth Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast carries the effects
your class level. Improved Blast: Blinding Spell (evil only); of absolute entropy; it deals negative energy damage.
greater blast: Energy Admixture (holy), and neutral creatures, Improved Blast: Staggering Spell (vs. Lawful targets only);
as well as evil ones, can be blinded. greater blast: Fell Drain.
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—acid and cold; saving Eldritch Resistances: Energy—negative energy; saving
throws—petrifaction and poison; damage reduction—silver throws—polymorph and transmutation effects; damage
or evil. reduction—silver.
Soaring Soul (Ex): You gain Upper Planes as a favored Magical Sight (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can cast
terrain, as the Ranger class feature of the same name, with a detect magic at will. While active, this power also provides
bonus equal to half your class level (minimum +1). you with darkvision 30 ft. (you perceive things as if there was
Eldritch Touch (Sp): Also at 1st level, you can use your a silvery, directionless illumination present, and cannot
eldritch blast (q.v.) as a melee touch attack (you do not gain discern color). This ability automatically manifests as a free
the ranged application until 2nd level, as normal). action for 1 round whenever you cast spells, prepare spells,
Conviction (Su): Starting at 9th level, you gain one free or use the Spellcraft skill. At 7th level, this magical vision
hero point per day. Unlike normal hero points, these cannot improves to arcane sight instead of simply detect magic, and
be accumulated; if you start the next day with the previous the range of your darkvision extends to 60 ft. At 14th level it
day’s bonus point unspent, it is lost in favor of the new one. improves again to greater arcane sight, with darkvision at a
Wings of Heaven (Su): At 15th level, you can grow 90-ft. range.
feathered wings as a standard action, giving you a fly speed of Prepare Spells (Su): Starting at 9th level, you can prepare
60 feet with good maneuverability. The wings can be a single spell in advance as if you were a wizard, “hanging” it
dismissed as a free action. in your personal image of the Broken Pattern. This spell need
Ascension (Su): At 20th level, you become infused with the not be one of your spells known, but if not, you must succeed
power of the heavens. Your type changes to Outsider (Good). at a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + level of the spell) to prepare
Your +10 favored terrain bonus gives you all the benefits of the spell (on a failure, the spell slot and attempted spell are
the Celestial simple template, and you gain the ability to both lost). Preparing a spell uses one of your spells per day
speak with any creature that has a language (as per the slots of the appropriate level. You can prepare the spell with
tongues spell). any metamagic feat you know; if so, it uses a higher-level slot
and can be cast using the normal casting time. You can
prepare an additional spell at 13th and at 17th levels.

Chaos Form (Su): Starting at 15th level, as a full-round Construct Affinity (Su): Starting at 15th level, you are
action, you can assume a demonic form suited to chaos affected by spells that affect constructs; this allows you to
environs. You have a single favored chaos form, chosen when cast make whole, rapid repair, and unbreakable construct on
you receive this ability, that duplicates the effects of a beast yourself.
shape IV, elemental body IV, form of the dragon II, or giant Half-Golem (Ex): At 20th level, your type changes to
form I spell. Construct. You have no Constitution score, and use your
Summon Primal Chaos (Sp): At 20th level, you gain the Strength modifier in place of your Constitution modifier
ability to summon primal chaos—a field of total entropy when calculating your Fortitude save and hit points. You are
equivalent to a fixed disintegrate spell. As a full-round action, immune to death effects, disease, necromancy effects,
you can fill a 5-ft. cube; for each additional round you paralysis, sleep, stunning, and any effect that requires a
concentrate, an additional contiguous cube can be filled, to a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is
maximum number of cubes equal to your Charisma score. harmless). You are not subject to nonlethal damage, attribute
Creatures and objects unable to move out of an affected damage, attribute drain, or energy drain. You are not at risk of
square must make Fortitude saves each round as if targeted death from massive damage. You are immune to spells and
by a disintegrate spell. The field of chaos lasts for as long as spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance.
you continue concentrating, and for 1 round thereafter.
Construct A daemon, or its influence, lurks somewhere along your
You are something of a cyborg in that your “magic“ consists family tree. Your powers derive from these soul-devouring
largely of devices, either separate or cunningly wrought into fiends, who take pleasure and gain power from manipulating
your own body. As you gain power and additional personal mortal frailties like aging, pestilence, famine, and the horrors
abilities, eventually your modifications become extreme of war. Your lineage gives you great insight into how to exploit
enough that you are more construct than human. This the weaknesses of living beings and how to use leeched soul
bloodline can to some extent stand in for the Artificer base energy to enhance your wicked abilities. Source: Blood of
class from the Tome of Secrets (Adamant Entertainment), or Fiends; also draws from the Souldrinker prestige class from
can be used to create an “Iron Man”-like character. Book of the Damned, Vol. 3.
Bonus Skills: Craft (any one), Disable Device. You gain the [evil] descriptor; you are affected by spells and
Bonus Spells: 1st—fist of stoneCA, 2nd—make whole, 3rd effects that target evil-aligned creatures, and you detect as
—slow, 4th—unbreakable constructUM, 5th—rapid repairUM, such.
6th—animate objects, 7th—control constructUM, 8th—iron Bonus Skills: Bluff, Heal.
body, 9th—summon constructPH2. Bonus Spells: 1st—ray of enfeeblement, 2nd—touch of
Bonus Feats: Arcane Bond (heavy armor), Arcane Armor idiocy, 3rd—vampiric touch or bestow curse, 4th—blight or
Training, Craft Construct, Extend Spell, Great Fortitude, contagion, 5th—summon monster V (1d4+1 cacodaemons or
Heavy Armor Proficiency, Imbue Item, Skill Focus (any Craft). 1 ceustodaemon), 6th—circle of death, 7th—waves of
Bloodline Arcana: Your “spells” manifest as the exhaustion or creeping doom, 8th—horrid wilting, 9th—soul
discharges of various technological devices you create. For bind.
example, a burning hands might be the result of a spray of oil Bonus Feats: Arcane Bond (familiar; generally improved to
followed by a flare, or a lightning bolt might come from a a cacodaemon using the Thaumaturgist feat), Defiance, Fast
“galvanic ray gun.” You do not gain Eschew Materials as a Recovery, Great Fortitude, Sickening Spell, Skill Focus
bonus feat, and your spells always require material (Endurance), Soulcrafting, Thaumaturgist.
components. However, your spells have no verbal Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that kills an
components, as if Silenced (but with no increase in casting intelligent (Int 3+), you gain the effects of a death knell, as if
time or spell level). you had killed the victim using that spell.
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals fire damage. Eldrtich Blast (Sp): Like that of a daemon, your magic
Improved blast: Energy Admixture (force); greater blast: your derives from painful and lingering death. Your eldritch blast
eldritch blast deals any proportion of fire and force damage deals nonlethal damage. Improved blast: Blast Spell (cup of
that you choose (you may change the proportions as a swift dustAPG); greater blast: Fell Draining.
action). Eldritch Resistances: Energy—acid; saving throws—
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—electricity; saving throws [afflictions] and [debilitation] effects that target physical
—disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that attributes; damage reduction—good or silver.
cause either exhaustion or fatigue; damage reduction— Soul of Abaddon (Ex): At 1st level, you gain Lower Planes
adamantine. as a favored terrain (as the Ranger class feature of the same
Armored Chassis (Su): Starting at 1st level, you gain a +1 name), with a bonus equal to half your class level (minimum
bonus to natural armor. This bonus improves by an additional +1). You are affected by spells and effects that target [evil]
+1 per 2 class levels thereafter, to a maximum of +10 at 19th aligned creatures, and you detect as such.
Bionic Man (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent bonus
to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th level, and
again to +6 at 17th level.
Sadism (Su): Starting at 9th level, you gain a luck bonus to Eldritch Resistances: Energy—acid; saving throws—
attacks, saving throws, and skill checks equal to +1 per 10 special: you gain Favored Terrain (Underground) with a
points of damage you inflict that round; this bonus lasts until bonus equal to 1 + the saving throw bonus you would
the end of your next turn. If you defeat a credible enemy normally receive; at 19th level the bonus improves to +8.
without dealing damage (e.g., by petrifying it with a spell), you Damage reduction—adamantine.
gain the bonus as if you had dealt its full remaining hp in Fist of Stone (Sp): You gain a slam attack that deals 1d6
damage. This is similar to the spell of the same name from points of bludgeoning damage (1d4 if you are Small, 1d8 if
the Book of Vile Darkness, but is always active and is a you are Large), plus your Strength bonus. You can make
supernatural, rather than spell-like, ability. iterative slam attacks if your base attack bonus allows. At 3rd
Soul Pool (Su): Starting at 15th level, you can use level, and for every 2 class levels thereafter, treat your
enervation (range: touch) at will as a spell-like ability that Strength as if it were 1 point higher than is actually the case
does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Each negative level for purposes of this attack only. For example, a 17th level
you inflict with this enervation or with your greater eldritch earth bloodline sorcerer (BAB +8) with a 10 Str has slam
blast (starting at 16th level) counts as one energy level in a attacks at Str 18 equivalent (+12/+7 melee, 1d6+4).
“soul pool” you maintain. These energy levels can thereafter Rockseer (Su): At 9th level you can see through solid
be used as follows: objects as if using a ring of x-ray vision for a number of
Recharge staff or wand: This works like recharging a staff rounds per day equal to your sorcerer level. These rounds do
in the normal manner, but instead of spell slots, you not need to be consecutive.
expends energy levels equal to the spell level needed. Earth Glide (Ex): At 15th level, you can glide through any
sort of natural earth or stone as easily as a fish swims
Recover Spell Slot: As a full-round action, you can regain through water, with a burrow speed equal to half your normal
spent spell slots; this costs a number of energy levels speed. You do not leave a tunnel or trace of your passage. You
equal to twice the level of the spell slot to be regained. can use this ability for 1 minute per sorcerer level each day.
The duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in
One with Abaddon (Su): At 20th level, your body embraces 1-minute increments.
the unspeakable power of your daemon lineage. Reaching a Elemental Power (Su): At 20th level, elemental power
+10 favored terrain bonus gives you the Fiendish simple surges through your body. Your type changes to outsider
template, granting you resistance to cold and fire 10 and spell (elemental), and you gain immunity to sleep, sneak attacks
resistance 25; your damage reduction becomes 10/silver and and critical hits. You can command or rebuke earth creatures
good. Your type changes to outsider, and you stop aging. as an evil cleric with the Command Undead feat commands
undead, with an effective cleric level of 20th.
Deep Earth Deep One
The echoing cave-songs and the rumble and creak of primal Your family traces its heritage back to the ocean depths,
spirits deep below the ground thrum in your soul and whether scions of undersea empires left in the wake of
possibly in all your family line (which might include the blood nomadic sea-tribes, or the spawn of creeping ichthyic
of pechs or some other race of the deep subterranean places). infiltrators into remote seaside villages. The song of the sea
You are likely slow, steady, and stable in your thinking, little hums in your blood, calling the waves and all those within to
prone to wandering and preferring to instead find depth in your command. This bloodline is adapted from the “Aquatic”
contemplation. Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. bloodline in the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Bonus Skills: Athletics, Profession (mining). Bonus Skills: Athletics, Bluff.
Bonus Spells: 1st—expeditious excavationAPG, 2nd Bonus Spells: 1st—hydraulic pushAPG, 2nd
—darkvision, 3rd—shifting sandAPG, 4th—bladebaneUE
—slipstreamAPG, 3rd—aqueous orbAPG, 4th—geyserAPG, 5th
(earth creatures, stone or metal constructs, or oozes only), 5th —control water, 6th—acid fog, 7th—summon nature’s ally VII
—spike stones, 6th—stone tell, 7th—repel metal or stone, 8th
—earthquake, 9th—clashing rocksAPG.
(greater water elemental), 8th—seamantleAPG, 9th—world
Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight, Earth Devotion, Great Fortitude, waveAPG.
Imbue Item, Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Synergy (choose Bonus Feats: Deep Intuition, Dodge, Improved Natural
two: Escape Artist, Profession: Mining, Stealth), Still Spell, Armor, Innate Metamagic (Channel eldritch blast through
Tremor Step. touch), Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Athletics), Toughness, Water
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you and the target of one of Devotion (see cleric domain spells).
your spells are both underground, increase the spell’s save Bloodline Arcana: Creatures you summon that have a
DC by +1. swim speed or the [aquatic] or [water] type gain a +1 morale
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your standard eldritch blast takes the bonus on attack and damage rolls.
form of a thrown pebble (metamagic-shaped blasts may Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast desiccates those
resemble a burst of stones, a spray of rock shards, or boulder affected, dealing nonlethal damage. Those failing a Fortitude
rolling in a line). In any case, the eldritch blast deals save are fatigued as well. Oozes, plants, and creatures with
bludgeoning damage. Improved blast: Toppling Spell; greater the aquatic or water subtype suffer lethal damage. Improved
blast: Staggering Spell. blast: Sickening Spell; greater blast: Fell Nausea.
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—cold; saving throws—
poison, paralysis, and hold; damage reduction—piercing.
Aquatic Adaptation (Ex): You gain water (underwater) as a Touch of Destiny (Sp): At 1st level, you can touch a
favored terrain, as the ranger class feature of the same name, creature as a standard action, giving it an insight bonus on
with a bonus of +1 at 1st level. This bonus increases by +1 per armor class, attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and
2 class levels after the first (maximum +10 at 19th level). saving throws equal to half your sorcerer level (minimum 1)
Aquatic Telepathy (Su): At 9th level, you gain telepathy for 1 round. Alternatively, you bring a destiny of doom closer
(100 feet) and can communicate with creatures with a swim to enemies by touch. This allows you to use your eldritch
speed or the aquatic or water types regardless of intelligence. blast (q.v.) as a melee touch attack; you do not gain the ranged
You may cast suggestion on such creatures a number of times application until 2nd level, as normal.
per day equal to your Charisma modifier. This ability is It Was Meant To Be (Su): Starting at 9th level, you gain
telepathic and does not require audible or visual components. one free Hero Point (Chapter 1) per day. Unlike normal hero
At 17th level, once per day you can telepathically call and points, these do not “save up”—any not used are lost at the
request a service from an aquatic, water, or swimming end of the day. At 13th level, you gain two per day. At 17th
creature as if using demand or greater planar ally. level, you gain three per day.
Innsmouth Look (Ex): At 15th level, your eyes are huge Within Reach (Su): At 15th level, your ultimate destiny is
and staring, appearing almost lidless. You gain true seeing as drawing near. Whenever you roll a natural “1” on a saving
an exceptional ability that cannot be dispelled, and also have throw, roll again and use the second roll. In addition, once per
darkvision 60 ft. Unfortunately, you also gain light sensitivity, day when an attack or spell that causes damage would result
and are dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the in your death, you may attempt a DC 20 Will save; if
radius of a daylight spell. When submerged in water, you gain successful, you are instead reduced to –1 hit points and are
blindsense 60 ft. automatically stabilized.
Deep One (Ex): At 20th level, your skin is visibly scaled, Destiny Realized (Su): At 20th level, your moment of
and your type changes to Monstrous Humanoid (aquatic, destiny is at hand. You are immune to critical hits. Any critical
amphibious). You no longer age; barring death by violence or threats you score with a spell are automatically confirmed,
disease, you can live forever, but you cannot be raised or and you automatically succeed at checks made to overcome
resurrected if killed. You gain continuous freedom of spell resistance.
movement, even when not underwater. Underwater, you gain
evasion and blindsight 120 feet. Div
Destined You can trace your ancestry or training to one of the foul,
corrupted genies known as divs. You are affected by spells
You or your family are destined for greatness in some way. and effects that target [evil] aligned creatures, and you detect
Your birth could have been foretold in prophecy, or perhaps it as such. This bloodline is adapted from the one in People of
occurred during an especially auspicious event, such as a the Sands.
solar eclipse. Regardless of your power's origin, you have a Bonus Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (planes).
great future ahead. Bonus Spells: 1st—disguise self, 2nd—touch of idiocy, 3rd
Bonus Skills: Endurance, Perception. —summon monster III (doru div), 4th—bestow curse, 5th
Bonus Spells: 1st—bless, 2nd—blur, 3rd—protection from —insect plague, 6th—disintegrate, 7th—insanity, 8th
energy, 4th—freedom of movement, 5th—break enchantment, —earthquake, 9th—wish.
6th—mislead, 7th—spell turning, 8th—moment of prescience, Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight, Empower Spell, Improved
9th—foresight. Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Skill
Bonus Feats: Beginner’s Luck, Defiance, Diehard, Heroic Focus (Bluff), Weapon Focus.
Defiance, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Maximize Spell, Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you deal damage to more
Skill Focus (Endurance or Knowledge: Lore). than one creature with a spell or spell-like ability that affects
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with a range an area, you gain a +1 profane bonus to the save DCs of your
of “personal,” you gain a luck bonus equal to the spell's level spells and spell-like abilities for 1d4 rounds.
on all your saving throws for 1 round. Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast corrupts those it
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast carries the weight touches; it deals nonlethal damage and carries the effects of
of destiny. It deals nonlethal (subdual) damage. Improved the Sickening Spell feat. Improved Blast: Disruptive Spell;
blast: Fell Frighten, as those affected realize the helplessness greater blast: you can emit your eldritch blast as a 10-ft. aura
of their cause; greater blast: Dazing Spell (premonitions of for a number of rounds per day equal to your class level;
doom). these rounds need not be consecutive, but each activation
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—instead of a specific requires a standard action.
energy resistance, you gain evasion (as the rogue ability of the Eldritch Resistances: Energy—fire; saving throws—
same name) at 3rd level, improved evasion at 11th level, and poison; damage reduction—cold iron.
greater evasion at 19th level; saving throws—you gain an Spoiling Touch (Su): At 1st level, you can impose the
Alertness bonus equal to the saving throw bonus normally broken condition upon one object by making a successful
received, exactly as if you possessed that feat and a number of melee touch attack. Magical items or objects carried or worn
ranks in Perception equal to your class level +1; damage by a creature are allowed a Fortitude save to resist this effect.
reduction—you gain uncanny dodge and the other abilities Multiple uses of this effect do not stack.
associated with the Alertness feat. Cursed Gaze (Su): At 9th level, you gain a gaze attack (30-
ft. range) that causes victims to be shaken for 1 round (Will
negates). Any creature under the effects of protection from
evil is immune to your gaze.
Squander (Su): At 15th level, you gain the ability to force Planar Body (Ex): Starting at 15th level, the divine forces
others to waste the opportunities they are given. At will as a you embody allow you to survive nearly anywhere in the
standard action, you can cause a target within 30 feet to gain multiverse. You are constantly protected as by an planar
the staggered condition for a number of rounds equal to your adaptation spell (Advanced Players Guide), except that this is
sorcerer level. The duration is halved if the target makes a an extraordinary, rather than a spell-like ability.
successful Will save. Domain Exemplar (Su): At 20th level, you gain the
Ahriman's Favor (Su): At 20th level, you are filled with appropriate domain exemplar ability.
Ahriman's wickedness. You gain acid resistance 10 and
electricity resistance 10, and the ability to see perfectly in Draconic
darkness of any kind to a range of 60 feet. At some point in your family's history, a dragon interbred with
Domain your bloodline, and now its ancient power flows through your
veins; alternatively, your service to dragons has lent you a
You have undergone an initiation similar to the ordainment fraction of their power. A battle sorcerer (Appendix B) with
of the priest of some god, or else one of your ancestors was this bloodline makes an acceptable substitute for the Dragon
such a priest (or a celestial servant of a god). In either case, Shaman from the Players Handbook II and the Dragon
the power of a specific divine domain resides in you. This Disciple from the Core rules. The type of dragon determines
concept can easily be modified for Incarnate mysteries as your resistances and the effects of your eldritch blast,
well. according the table.
Choose one domain (see Cleric document). Most of your Bonus Skills: Fly, Perception.
bloodline powers are tied to the specifics of that domain. Bonus Spells: Choose by dragon type (or use one of the
Bonus Skills: As Archivist skill(s) for that domain, plus generic lists given).
Knowledge (the planes). Generic: 1st—mage armor, 2nd—resist energy, 3rd—fly, 4th
Bonus Spells: As per the selected domain. —fear, 5th—spell resistance, 6th—vigorous circleCD, 7th—
Bonus Feats: Arcane Armor Training, Deep Intuition, summon nature’s ally VII (juvenile black or green dragon,
Domain Feat (any for your domain), Expanded Arcana (divine young blue or red dragon, or young adult white dragon), 8th
spell), Great Fortitude, Medium Armor Proficiency, Serenity, —discern location, 9th—wish.
Skill Focus (Concentration or Knowledge: Religion). Linnorm: 1st—mage armor, 2nd—see invisibility, 3rd
Bloodline Arcana: When selecting new spells from your —arcane sight, 4th—bestow curse, 5th—spell resistance, 6th
expanded arcana class feature or favored class bonus, you —true seeing, 7th—greater arcane sight, 8th—form of the
can choose spells from the cleric/archivist spell list as if they dragon III, 9th—foresight.
were sorcerer/wizard spells.
Eldritch Blast (Su): Rather than a standard eldritch blast, Black: 1st—mage armor, 2nd—darkness, 3rd—plant
you gain the ability to channel energy (per the appropriate growth, 4th—acid pitAPG, 5th—insect plague, 6th—mass
domain’s variant channeling, as an archivist with access to suggestion, 7th—summon nature’s ally VII (juvenile black
your domain). In place of blast metamagic bonus feats, you dragon), 8th—mass charm monster, 9th—wish.
gain Channel feats instead. In addition, you treat channel
energy as a spell-like ability for purposes of applying the Blue: 1st—ventriloquism, 2nd—resist energy, 3rd—fly, 4th
Innate Metamagic feat. —hallucinatory terrain, 5th—call lightning storm or
mirage arcana, 6th—veil, 7th—project image, 8th—
Improved Blast: You gain Innate Metamagic, applied to extended elemental aura (electricity; 1 hour/level), 9th
your channeling, as a bonus feat. You may select any —sandstormSSt that also deals 2d6 fire/round.
associated metamagic feat with a spell level cost of +1.
Brass: 1st—sleep or speak with animals, 2nd—resist
Greater Blast: You gain Innate Metamagic, applied to your energy, 3rd—suggestion, 4th—blinding gust of wind, 5th
channeling, as a bonus feat. You may select any associated —control winds, 6th—extended elemental auraAPG (fire;
metamagic feat with a spell level cost of +1 or +2. 10 min./level) or control weather, 7th—summon nature’s
ally VII (juvenile brass dragon), 8th—whirlwind, 9th
Eldritch Resistances: Your resistances should reflect your —summon djinni.
domain in some way, subject to player and referee agreement.
For example, a sorcerer with the Chaos domain might be Bronze: 1st—speak with animals, 2nd—detect thoughts or
resistant to negative energy (entropy), reduce insight bonuses fog cloud, 3rd—create food & water, 4th—polymorph, 5th
used against him (along the lines of the Chaotic Mind feat) in —control water, 6th—repulsion, 7th—summon nature’s
place of a bonus on saving throws, and gain damage ally VII (young bronze dragon), 8th—extended elemental
reduction overcome by lawfully-aligned weapons. auraAPG (electricity; 1 hour/level), 9th—wish.
Minor Domain Power (Su): Per the 1st level granted Copper: 1st—grease, 2nd—hideous laughter, 3rd—slow,
power for your domain. 4th—stone shape, 5th—transmute mud to rock/rock to
Domain Power (Su): At 9th level, you gain the 4th or 8th mud, 6th—move earth, 7th—summon nature’s ally VII
level power for your domain, with an effective archivist level (young copper dragon), 8th—extended slow (1 hour/level,
equal to your sorcerer level. as an aura), 9th—power word: kill.
Greater Blast: Starting at 12th level, your breath weapon
Gold: 1st—bless, 2nd—resist energy, 3rd—daylight, 4th carries an additional effect based on your dragon type,
—polymorph self, 5th—spell resistance, 6th—geas, 7th— according to the table. This ability supersedes the
summon nature’s ally VII (very young gold dragon), 8th draconic ray sorcerer variant from Dragon magazine,
—sunburst, 9th—foresight. issue 332.

Green: 1st—mage armor, 2nd—plant growth, 3rd Eldritch Resistances: Energy—as appropriate to dragon
—suggestion, 4th—command plants, 5th—dominate type (see Table 2); saving throws—fear and paralysis (and you
person, 6th—acid fog, 7th—summon nature’s ally VII (1d3 are immune to sleep effects); damage reduction—magic (+1);
treants), 8th—control plants, 9th—summon nature’s ally IX and you also gain a +1 bonus to your natural armor, which
(mature green dragon). increases by an additional +1 per 4 levels after the 3rd (+5
natural armor at 19th level).
Red: 1st—mage armor, 2nd—pyrotechnics, 3rd TABLE 2: DRACONIC BLOODLINES
—suggestion, 4th—wall of fire, 5th—waves of fatigue, 6th Dragon Energy Improved Blast Greater Blast
—find the path, 7th—summon nature’s ally VII (young red Type Type Metamagic Effects
dragon), 8th—discern location, 9th—enlarged, extended Black Acid Shape Spell (ray Sickening Spell
elemental auraAPG (10’r., 1 hour/level). dragon to line)
Blue Electricity Shape Spell (ray Blinding Spell
Silver: 1st—feather fall, 2nd—fog cloud, 3rd—hold person, dragon to line)
4th—polymorph self, 5th—control winds, 6th—control
weather, 7th—spell turning, 8th—reverse gravity, 9th— Brass Fire Shape Spell (ray Blast Spell (deep
enlarged, extended elemental auraAPG (cold; 1 hour/level, dragon to line) slumber)
10’r.). Bronze Electricity Shape Spell (ray Explosive Spell
dragon to line)
White: 1st—mage armor, 2nd—fog cloud, 3rd—gust of Copper Acid Shape Spell (ray Blast Spell (slow)
wind, 4th—wall of ice, 5th—freezing fogCA, 6th—control dragon to line)
weather, 7th—summon nature’s ally VII (young adult Green Acid Shape Spell (ray Sickening Spell
white dragon), 8th—discern location, 9th—wish. dragon to cone)
Gold Fire Shape Spell (ray Fell Weaken
Bonus Feats: Animal Devotion (serpent’s strike—linnorm dragon to cone)
bloodline only; you need not meet the prerequisite), Blind- Red Fire Shape Spell (ray Blast Spell (waves
Fight, Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Fly, dragon to cone) of fatigue)
Knowledge: lore, or Perception), Staredown, Strength
Training, Toughness. Silver
Cold Shape Spell (ray Blast Spell (mass
to cone) hold person)
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell or use a
spell-like ability with an energy descriptor that matches your Steel Ac id Shape Spell (ray Blast spell (poison)
draconic bloodline's energy type, that spell deals +1 point of dragon to line)
damage per die rolled. White Cold Shape Spell (ray Flash Frost
Linnorm: If your bloodline is that of a linnorm, rather than dragon to cone) Evocation
a standard dragon, you instead curse those who harm you, Cairn Acid Shape Spell (ray Fell Drain
just as a linnorm bestows a terrible curse on those who slay linnorm to cone)
them. When an opponent damages you in combat, they must
make a Will save or gain vulnerability to your energy type for Crag
Fire Shape Spell (ray Burning Evocation
to line)
a number of rounds equal to half your sorcerer level
(minimum 1). An opponent who succeeds at his saving throw Fjord Cold Shape Spell (ray Blast Spell (slow)
is immune to your curse ability for 24 hours. linnorm to line)
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals energy Gare Fire Shape Spell (ray Blast Spell (solid
damage depending on the type of dragon in your bloodline, linnorm to cone) fog)
according to the following table (these energy types also Ice Cold Shape Spell (ray Numbing Cold
apply to your resistances, and the type of energy damage linnorm to line) Evocation
carried by your claws at 13th level; see below).
Taiga Electricity Shape Spell (ray Blast Spell (solid
Improved Blast: At 8th level, you gain Innate Metamagic linnorm to cone) fog)
(Shape Spell) applied to your eldritch blast as a bonus Tarn Acid Shape Spell (ray Fell Weaken
feat; the exact shape depends on your dragon type, and linnorm to cone)
can be applied at will, making the shaped blast a breath
weapon. When you become eligible for new feats, you can Tor
Fire Shape Spell (ray Burning Evocation
to cone)
learn metabreath feats (Draconomicon) to apply to it.
Claws (Ex): You can grow claws as a free action. These claws Eldritch Resistances: Energy—none; saving throws—
are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two instead of a racial bonus to saving throws, you gain a +1
claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack insight bonus to initiative, which increases by an additional
bonus. Each of these attacks deals 1d4 points of damage plus +1 per 4 levels after the 3rd (maximum +5 at 19th level);
your Strength modifier (1d3 if you are Small). damage reduction—instead of damage reduction, you gain an
At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for insight bonus to AC equal to the initiative bonus.
the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Dream Allies (Sp): You can call creatures from your
dreams to aid you in waking life. You gain summon monster I-
IX as a racial suite of spell-like abilities (Chapter 7).
At 9th level, the damage increases by one step to 1d6 Summoned monsters are limited to the following choices
points of damage (1d4 if you are Small). (and permutations thereof): I—entropic great horned owlPB3,
II—ghoul or zoogPB3, III—ghast, IV—nightgauntPF64, V—
At 13th level, these claws deal an additional 1d6 points of voonithPB3, VI—shantakPB2, VII—colour out of spacePF46 or
damage of your energy type on a successful hit. gugPB2, VIII—moon-beastPB3, IX—Leng spiderPB2.
Dreamshaper (Sp): At 9th level, you can manipulate the
At 17th level, they have the energy burst property dreamscape of others, drawing forth or tampering with their
(additional energy damage on a critical hit). subconscious minds. This power allows you to tamper with
the target’s memories as if using modify memory, or you may
.Dragon Form (Sp): Starting at 9th level, you can assume ask questions as if using speak with dead upon a corpse. A
the form of a Medium dragon once per day. This works successful Will save negates the effect. The DC of this save is
similarly to the druid’s wild shape ability, but duplicates the modified as the nightmare spell. You can use this ability once
effects of a form of the dragon I spell. At 13th level, you can per day at 9th level. At 13th level you can use this ability twice
instead become a Large dragon (as per a form of the dragon per day, and at 17th, three times per day.
II spell). At 17th level, you can become a Huge dragon (form of Eye of Somnus (Sp): At 15th level, once per day as a full
the dragon III). attack action you can project your consciousness as if using
Wings (Su): At 15th level, leathery dragon wings grow from arcane eye. In addition, at any point you can cause the arcane
your back as a standard action, giving you a fly speed of 60 eye to become visible as a free action. The eye can no longer
feet with average maneuverability. You can dismiss the wings be moved at that point, but it acts as a symbol of sleep to all
as a free action. who see it. Starting at 19th level, you may use this power
Power of Wyrms (Su): At 20th level, your draconic twice per day.
heritage becomes manifest. Your type changes from Solipsism (Sp): At 20th level, you can drift into the dream
humanoid (or whatever it was previously) to dragon. You also world, fading from the world around you. You can become
gain blindsense 60 feet or continuous true seeing (your incorporeal as a move action for up to 1 minute per sorcerer
choice). level per day. You gain the incorporeal subtype and take only
half damage from corporeal magical attacks (you take no
Dreamspun damage from nonmagical weapons and objects). Your spells
deal only half damage to corporeal creatures, but spells and
You dream not as ordinary mortals do, but rather as those abilities that do not deal damage function normally. The
who reach through and touch the supernal realm of dreams duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 1-
and the farthest shores of night. Whether it is a gift or curse minute increments, and each use requires a move action to
is not always clear, but your visions of the past and future call activate.
you ineluctably to a life of adventure. This bloodline, from the
Advanced Player’s Guide, obviously draws flavor from H.P. Elemental, Air
Lovecraft’s “Randolph Scott” stories (The Dream-Quest of
Unknown Kadath, etc.). The power of the elements resides in you, and at times you
Bonus Skills: Knowledge (lore), Planar Sense. can hardly control its fury. This influence comes from an
Bonus Spells: 1st—sleep, 2nd—augury, 3rd—deep elemental outsider in your family history or a time when you
slumber, 4th—divination, 5th—dream, 6th—shadow walk, 7th or your relatives were exposed to a powerful elemental force.
—vision, 8th—moment of prescience, 9th—astral projection. Bonus Skills: Acrobatics, Fly.
Bonus Feats: Bane Magic, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Bonus Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—resist energy, 3rd
Deep Intuition, Empower Spell, Improved Feint, Skill Focus —wind wall, 4th—defenstrating sphereCA, 5th—telekinesis,
(Perception), Transdimensional Spell. 6th—control winds, 7th—wind walk, 8th—summon nature’s
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you target a single creature ally VIII (air elementals only), 9th—elemental swarm (air).
with a spell, you gain an insight bonus equal to the spell’s Bonus Feats: Command/Turn Elemental, Dodge,
level (minimum +1) to your AC and saving throws against any Empower Spell, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Skill
attack, spell, or spell-like ability used by that creature within Focus (Fly), Wind Stance, or any [Air] Domain feat.
the next round. Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that deals
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals nonlethal energy damage, you can change the type of damage to
(subdual) damage, and also carries the effects of the lullaby electrical damage, changing the spell’s descriptor to
spell, with the penalty to saves against sleep effects equal to [electrical].
the highest-level spell slot you have in reserve. You can also
use lullaby at will as a spell-like ability. Improved Blast:
Coercive Spell; greater blast: Bewitching Spell.
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals electrical If the whirlwind’s base touches the ground, it creates a
damage. Improved blast: your enhanced blast also carries swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on you and
severe wind force, affecting those affected by the blast; has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind’s height. The cloud
greater Blast: At 16th level, this is equivalent to a windstorm obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet.
to those affected. At 19th level, the winds are hurricane-force. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, while those farther
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—electricity (this overlaps away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must
with, rather than stacking with, the energy resistance granted succeed on a concentration check (DC 15 + 2 x spell level) to
by your favored planar terrain bonus); saving throws— cast a spell.
special: you gain Favored Terrain (Elemental Plane of Air) While in whirlwind form, you cannot make melee attacks
with a bonus equal to 1 + the saving throw bonus you would or cast spells, and you do not threaten the area around you.
normally receive; at 19th level the bonus improves to +8. Elemental Power (Su): At 20th level, elemental power
Damage reduction—adamantine. surges through your body. Your type changes to outsider
Feather Fall (Sp): You can use feather fall at will as a (elemental), and you gain immunity to sleep, sneak attacks
spell-like ability; this ability activates automatically if you fall and critical hits. You can command or rebuke air creatures as
while unconscious. an evil cleric with the Command Undead feat commands
Elemental Body (Sp): Starting at 9th level, you can undead, with an effective cleric level of 20th.
assume the form of a Small air elemental at will, as if by an
elemental body I spell. Starting at 11th level, you can also Elemental, Earth
become a Medium air elemental (as per an elemental body II You are descended from a creature of elemental earth, or
spell). At 13th level, you can become a Large air elemental have been exposed to some great power of elemental earth
instead (as per an elemental body III spell). At 17th level, you yourself. Regardless of the exact earth creature in your
can become a Huge elemental (elemental body IV). ancestry, you probably have a hardy, solid-looking body and
Whirlwind Form (Su): At 15th level, you gain the ability to dark coloration, and you might even exude an earthy smell.
transform yourself into a whirlwind once per day as a Stone giants produce long, lean descendants who tend to be
standard action. You can remain in that form until you choose shy but playful. The progeny of earth mephits are generally
to re-assume your own. The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the stubborn. Characters with gargoyle blood tend to be
base, up to 30 feet wide at the top and up to 50 feet tall. You territorial and prone to violence, especially when it comes to
control the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet. In this protecting what is theirs.
form, you can move through the air or along a surface at a fly Bonus Skills: Endurance, Profession (mining).
speed of 60 ft. Your movement while in whirlwind form does Bonus Spells: 1st—magic weapon, 2nd—resist energy, 3rd
not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if you enter the space —stony graspCA, 4th—stoneskin, 5th—transmute rock to
another creature occupies. mud, 6th—move earth, 7th—summon nature’s ally VII (earth
Another creature might be caught in the whirlwind if it elementals only), 8th—earthquake, 9th—elemental swarm
touches or enters the whirlwind, or if you move into or (earth).
through the creature’s space. Creatures one or more size Bonus Feats: Command/Turn Elemental, Empower Spell,
categories smaller than you might take damage when caught Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun,
in the whirlwind and be lifted into the air. An affected Power Attack, Skill Focus (Profession: mining), or any [Earth]
creature must succeed on a Reflex save when it comes into Domain feat.
contact with the whirlwind or take 3d6 points of damage. It Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that deals
must also succeed on a second Reflex save or be picked up energy damage, you can change the type of damage to acid
bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, damage. This also changes the spell's type to [acid].
automatically taking 1d8 points of damage each round. An Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your standard eldritch blast takes the
airborne creature can attempt a Fly check each round to form of a thrown pebble (blasts shaped by metamagic may
escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but resemble a burst of stones, a spray of rock shards, or boulder
can leave if the check is successful. The save and check DCs rolling in a line). In any case, the eldritch blast deals
are equal to 23 + your Strength modifier. bludgeoning damage.
Creatures trapped in the whirlwind cannot move except to
go where you carry them or to escape the whirlwind. Improved Blast: Starting at 8th level, up to 3 times per day,
Creatures caught in the whirlwind can otherwise act your eldritch blast deals 1d6 damage per sorcerer level
normally, but must make a casting check (DC 15 + 2 x spell you possess, regardless of what level spell slot you have
level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a available (if any).
-4 penalty to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attack rolls. You
can have only as many trapped inside a whirlwind at one time Greater Blast: Explosive Spell. Use of this ability requires
as will fit inside its volume. You can eject any carried you to use the Shape Spell feat to make your eldritch blast
creatures whenever you wish, depositing them wherever the into a line, cone, or burst).
whirlwind happens to be.
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—acid (this overlaps with,
rather than stacking with, the resistance granted by your
favored planar terrain); saving throws—special: you gain
Favored Terrain (Elemental Plane of Earth) with a bonus
equal to 1 + the saving throw bonus you would normally
receive; at 19th level, the bonus increases to +8. Damage
Fist of Stone (Sp): You gain a slam attack that deals 1d6 Touch of Fire (Su): At 1st level, you can use your eldritch
points of bludgeoning damage (1d4 if you are Small, 1d8 if blast (q.v.) as a melee touch attack (you do not gain the ranged
you are Large), plus your Strength bonus. You can make application until 2nd level, as normal). Alternatively, as a swift
iterative slam attacks if your base attack bonus allows. At 3rd action you can cause any weapon you wield to burst into
level, and for every 2 class levels thereafter, treat your flames for 1 round, causing it to deal an additional 1d6 points
Strength as if it were 1 point higher than is actually the case of fire damage (as a flaming weapon). Starting at 7th level,
for purposes of this attack only. For example, a 17th level whenever you have a 4th or higher level spell slot remaining,
earth bloodline sorcerer (BAB +8) with a 10 Str has slam the weapon deals additional damage equal to half your
attacks at Str 18 equivalent (+12/+7 melee, 1d6+4). eldritch blast damage.
Elemental Body (Sp): Starting at 9th level, you can Elemental Body (Sp): Starting at 9th level, you can
assume the form of a Small earth elemental at will, as if by an assume the form of a Small fire elemental at will, as if by an
elemental body I spell. Starting at 11th level, you can also elemental body I spell. Starting at 11th level, you can also
become a Medium earth elemental (as per an elemental body become a Medium fire elemental (as per an elemental body II
II spell). At 13th level, you can become a Large earth spell). At 13th level, you can become a Large elemental
elemental instead (as per an elemental body III spell). At 17th instead (as per an elemental body III spell). At 17th level, you
level, you can become a Huge elemental (elemental body IV). can become a Huge elemental (elemental body IV).
Earth Power (Su): Starting at 15th level, as long as you are Searing Flames (Su): Starting at 15th level, your fires are
standing on stone or unworked earth (including normal soil), so hot they can affect even those resistant to flames. You
you can pull energy from the earth to you cast a bloodline automatically apply the effects of the Searing Evocation feat
spell or spell with the [earth] descriptor. When you cast a (q.v.) to spells and spell-like abilities with the [fire] descriptor,
spell in this way, it requires a full-round action rather than a without any increase in casting time or spell level.
full attack action, but you use a spell slot one level lower than Elemental Power (Su): At 20th level, elemental power
normal (e.g., you could use a 4th spell slot to cast wall of surges through your body. Your type changes to outsider
stone). You cannot use this ability on 1st level spells. (elemental), and you gain immunity to sleep, sneak attacks
Elemental Power (Su): At 20th level, elemental power and critical hits. You can command or rebuke fire creatures
surges through your body. Your type changes to outsider as an evil cleric with the Command Undead feat commands
(elemental), and you gain immunity to sleep, sneak attacks undead, with an effective cleric level of 20th.
and critical hits. You can command or rebuke earth creatures
as an evil cleric with the Command Undead feat commands Elemental, Water
undead, with an effective cleric level of 20th. The power of the element of water resides in you, and at
Elemental, Fire times you can hardly control its fury. This influence comes
from an elemental outsider in your family history or a time
The power of the element of fire resides in you, and at times when you or your relatives were exposed to a powerful
you can hardly control its fury. This influence comes from an elemental force.
elemental outsider in your family history or a time when you Bonus Skills: Athletics, Endurance.
or your relatives were exposed to a powerful elemental force. Bonus Spells: 1st—create water, 2nd—fog cloud, 3rd
Bonus Skills: Acrobatics, Knowledge (the planes). —water breathing, 4th—quench, 5th—transformation of the
Bonus Spells: 1st—affect flamesAPM, 2nd—pyrotechnics, deepSW, 6th—control water, 7th—waterspoutSW, 8th—
3 —protection from energy, 4th—fire shield, 5th—greater
rd summon nature’s ally VIII (water elementals only), 9th
fireburstCA, 6th—lingering flamesCM, 7th—delayed blast —elemental swarm (water).
fireball, 8th—summon nature’s ally VIII (fire elementals only), Bonus Feats: Cleave, Command/Turn Elemental, Dodge,
9th—elemental swarm (fire). Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Skill Focus
Bonus Feats: Command/Turn Elemental, Dodge, (Knowledge: planes), or any [Water] Domain feat.
Empower Spell, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that deals
Focus (Escape Artist), or any [Fire] Domain feat. energy damage, you can change the type of damage to cold
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage. This adds the [cold, water] descriptors to the spell.
energy damage, you can change the type of damage to fire Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast carries the chill of
damage. This also changes the spell's type to [fire]. the ocean depths; it deals cold damage. Improved blast: Flash
Eldritch Blast: Your eldritch blast deals fire damage. Frost Evocation; greater blast: At 16th level, those affected by
Improved blast: Sickening Spell; greater blast: Burning your eldritch blast experience a shock akin to drowning, and
Evocation (this stacks with the burn ability you gain from become exhausted for 1 round per 2 class levels you possess
favored terrain at 19th level). (a Fortitude save applies to be fatigued instead).
Eldritch Resistances: Energy and saving throws—special: Eldritch Resistances: Energy—cold; saving throws—
you gain Favored Terrain (Elemental Plane of Fire) with a paralysis, poison, and stunning; damage reduction—
bonus equal to 1 + the saving throw bonus you would adamantine.
normally receive; at 19th level, the bonus increases to +8. Favored Terrain (Ex): At 1st level, you gain Favored
Damage reduction—adamantine. Terrain (Elemental Plane of Water) with a +1 bonus. This
bonus improves by an additional +1 per 2 class levels
thereafter, to a maximum of +10 at 19th level.
Eldritch Touch (Sp): Also at 1st level, you can use your
eldritch blast (q.v.) as a melee touch attack (you do not gain
the ranged application until 2nd level, as normal).
Elemental Body (Sp): Starting at 9th level, you can assume Mad Certainty (Ex): At 9th level, your mad certainty in the
the form of a Small water elemental at will, as if by an power of entities beyond the reach of normal space and time
elemental body I spell. Starting at 11th level, you can also lend you an unnatural, insane gaze. You gain a +4 racial
become a Medium water elemental (as per an elemental body bonus to Bluff checks, and on Charisma-based checks to
II spell). At 13th level, you can become a Large elemental influence or control Far Realms entities. However, constantly
instead (as per an elemental body III spell). At 17th level, you dwelling on such beings is mentally corrosive, and your mind
can become a Huge elemental (elemental body IV). begins to fracture. You take a —4 penalty on all Diplomacy
Mantle of the Sea (Su): Starting at 15th level, your outline and Handle Animal checks made to influence non-
shifts like water; you gain the continuous effects of a blur pseudonatural creatures.
spell. While submerged under water, this effect improves to a Timeless Body (Ex): At 15th level, you learn the secret of
full displacement. perpetual youth. You no longer take attribute penalties for
Elemental Power (Su): At 20th level, elemental power aging (any penalties already taken remain in place), and you
surges through your body. Your type changes to outsider cannot be magically aged. Unless you achieve 20th level
(water elemental), and you gain immunity to sleep, sneak before then, you are stolen away by horrible entities when
attacks and critical hits. You can command or rebuke water your allotted time is up, and you are never seen again.
creatures as an evil cleric with the Command Undead feat Alien Transcendence (Su): At 20th level, because of long
commands undead, with an effective cleric level of 20th. association with alien entities and intense study of insane
secrets, you transcend your mortal form and becomes an
Far Realm alien creature. You gain the pseudonatural template from
You or your ancestors have made pacts with the elder spawn Complete Arcane.
of madness inhabiting the Far Realm. This bloodline Fey
supersedes the Alienist prestige class of the same name from
Complete Arcane (a wizard-based version is also presented The capricious nature of the fey runs in your family due to
here as an esoteric branch of wizardry). You are affected by some intermingling of fey blood or magic. You are more
spells and effects that target [evil] aligned creatures, and you emotional than most, prone to bouts of joy and rage. You are
detect as such. affected by spells and effects that target [chaotic] creatures,
Bonus Skills: Knowledge (the planes), Planar Sense. and you detect as such.
Bonus Spells: 1st—true strike, 2nd—detect thoughts, 3rd Certain sorcerers gain their power through pacts with fey.
—blink, 4th—greater invisibility, 5th—feeblemind, 6th These sorcerers, called “wild souls,” must swear allegiance
—eyebite, 7th—insanity, 8th—scintillating pattern, 9th—gate. either to the Seelie or Uneelie Court, gaining the [good] or
Bonus Feats: Augment Summoning, Great Fortitude, Skill [evil] alignment descriptor in the process. Wild souls have
Focus (Planar Sense), Spell Focus (Conjuration), different bonus spells, bonus feats, and bloodline arcana
Thaumaturgist, or any [Madness] Domain feat. You can also effects than other fey-blooded sorcerers. These options
choose any two metamagic feats in place of two other bonus supersede the Wild Soul prestige class from Complete Mage.
feats. Bonus Skills: Escape Artist, Stealth.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you would use any summon Bonus Spells: 1st—entangle, 2nd—hideous laughter, 3rd
monster spell to summon a creature with the celestial or —deep slumber, 4th—vigorCD, 5th—tree stride, 6th—mislead,
fiendish template, it instead has the pseudonatural template 7th—phase door, 8th—irresistible dance, 9th—shapechange.
(Complete Arcane). You cannot summon non-pseudonatural Seelie Bonus Spells: 1st—remove fear, 2nd—hideous
creatures (e.g., mephitis or howlers) with a summon monster laughter, 3rd—invisibility sphere, 4th—break enchantment,
spell. In place of any of your bloodline spells, you can instead 5th—baleful polymorph, 6th—true seeing, 7th—prismatic
learn a summon monster spell of the appropriate level. spray, 8th—sympathy, 9th—time stop.
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast carries the Unseelie Bonus Spells: 1st—lesser confusion, 2nd
inevitable decay of the sane universe; it deals negative energy —detect thoughts, 3rd—bestow curse, 4th—poison, 5th
damage. Improved blast: Entangling Spell; greater blast: Fell —endless slumberCM, 6th—mass suggestion, 7th—waves of
Nausea. exhaustion, 8th—horrid wilting, 9th—wail of the banshee.
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—acid or electricity (choose Bonus Feats: Entangling Spell, Fleet, Improved Initiative,
one); saving throws—special (you gain a +1 insight bonus to Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Stealth), Spell Focus
all saves, but lose 2 points of Wisdom); damage reduction— (Enchantment), Spell Focus (Illusion), Touch of Distraction.
magic (+1 at 3rd level, +2 at 7th, +3 at 11th, +4 at 15th, and +5 Bloodline Arcana: Add summon nature’s ally spells (fey
at 19th). and magical beasts only) to your class spells list at the
Arcane Bond (Su): At 1st level, you gain a familiar, as the appropriate levels.
wizard’s arcane bond. If you have the Thaumaturgist feat, you Eldritch Blast: Your eldritch blast deals nonlethal
can add the pseudonatural template (Complete Arcane) at the (subdual) damage; Improved blast: Coercive Spell; greater
cost of +1 CR. blast: Bewitching Spell.
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—none; saving throws—
enchantments and illusions; damage reduction—cold iron.
Woodland Stride (Ex): You can move through any sort of Eldritch Resistances: Energy—none; saving throws—
undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown special: instead of a saving throw bonus, you gain Favored
areas, and similar terrain) at your normal speed and without Terrain (Underwater) at a bonus equal to 1 + your saving
taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, throw bonus; at 19th level, the bonus increases to +8. Damage
briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically reduction—cold iron.
manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect you. Mindless Touch (Su): At 1st level, you gain a touch attack,
Eldritch Touch (Sp): Also at 1st level, you can use your usable as a standard action that does not provoke an attack of
eldritch blast (q.v.) as a melee touch attack (you do not gain opportunity. Any creature struck must save vs. Will or take
the ranged application until 2nd level, as normal). 1d4 points of Intelligence damage. Whether or not the save is
Fleeting Glance (Su): At 9th level, you can turn invisible successful, that particular creature is immune to further uses
for a number of rounds per day equal to your sorcerer level. of your mindless touch for 24 hours. Starting at 7th level, a
This ability functions as greater invisibility. These rounds saving throw no longer provides temporary immunity; you
need not be consecutive. can use this ability on a particular creature any number of
Fey Magic (Su): At 15th level, you may reroll any check times per day. Starting at 13th level, there is no saving throw.
made to overcome spell resistance. You must decide to use Fleeting Glance (Su): At 9th level, you can turn invisible
this ability before the results are revealed. You must take the for a number of rounds per day equal to your class level. This
second result, even if it is worse. You can use this ability at ability functions as greater invisibility. These rounds need not
will. be consecutive, but each activation is a swift action.
Soul of the Fey (Su): At 20th level, your soul becomes one Unearthly Grace (Su): Starting at 15th level, you add your
with the world of the fey. Your type becomes Fey, rather than Charisma bonus as a deflection bonus to Armor Class and
your former creature type, and you no longer age (existing CMD.
ability score modifiers for aging remain, but additional Soul of the Waters (Su): At 20th level, your soul becomes
modifiers do not accrue). You also gain low-light vision (if you one with the world of the aquatic fey. Your type becomes Fey,
did not already have it), and gain Mark of the Wild as a bonus rather than your former creature type, and you no longer age
feat. Finally, once per day, you can cast shadow walk as a (existing ability score modifiers for aging remain, but
spell-like ability. additional modifiers do not accrue). You also gain low-light
vision (if you did not already have it).
Fey, Aquatic
Your ancestry contains an aquatic fey creature―or perhaps Genie, Djinn
you dallied for a time with one yourself. The characteristics Though few sages put much stock in myths that humanoids
you display might depend in part on the kind of aquatic fey and genies share a common ancestor, there is no denying that
heritage you have. the races are very similar in form. Characters with a djinni
Characters with aquatic fey bloodlines vary in appearance, bloodline are often haughty but display great guile.
but are almost always strikingly beautiful. Those descended Bonus Skills: Craft (any one), Fly.
from water nymphs typically have pointed ears, and non-elves Bonus Spells: 1st—enlarge person, 2nd—invisibility, 3rd
often confuse them with elves. Descendants of sirines tend to —gaseous form, 4th—create food and water, 5th—major
be wistful, and—like their fey parent—often have a slight creation (created vegetable matter is permanent), 6th—wind
green tinge to their skin and silvery or light-green hair. walk, 7th—plane shift, 8th—whirlwind, 9th—wish.
Fossergrim-blooded characters are usually male, have light Bonus Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Extend Spell,
hair and striking blue eyes, and exude a rugged masculinity. Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus
Those descended from kelpies vary in appearance greatly but (Concentration), Skill Focus (Knowledge: the planes), Wind
almost universally possess evil hearts filled with darkness. Stance.
Characters with selkie blood typically have light gray, blond, Bloodline Arcana: You can use the wishes (verbal
or deep red hair, and often have slightly webbed hands and requests, not wish spells) of non-genie creatures other than
feet. yourself in place of the normal verbal components of your
You are affected by spells and effects that target [chaotic] spells. A creature can make a wish as an immediate action at
aligned creatures, and you detect as such. any time. You must be able to hear and understand a wish in
Bonus Skills: Athletics, Escape Artist. order to use it as a spell component. A wish doesn't need to
Bonus Spells: 1st—charm person, 2nd—fog cloud, 3rd— mention the name of a specific spell, but must describe an
nixie’s lureARG, 4th—siren’s callSW, 5th—feeblemind, 6th outcome that can be accomplished by casting a spell you
—control water, 7th—control weather, 8th—mass charm know (for example, wishing to be bigger could supply the
monster, 9th—shapechange. verbal component for enlarge person). You are under no
Bonus Feats: Combat Expertise, Deep Intuition, Dodge, compulsion to grant a creature's wish. Source: This simulates
Drowning Glance, Natural Spell, Skill Focus (Escape Artist), the Wishcrafter’s “wishbound arcana,” from the Advanced
Spell Focus (Enchantment), Weapon Finesse. Race Guide.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell or use a Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals electrical
spell-like ability of the [charm] subschool, increase the spell's damage. Improved blast: your enhanced blast also carries
DC by +2. severe wind force, affecting those affected by the blast;
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals nonlethal greater Blast: this is equivalent to a windstorm to those
(drowning) damage. Improved blast: Blast Spell (touch of affected.
idiocy); greater blast: three times per day you can apply the
effects of a feeblemind spell to your unshaped eldritch blast.
Eldritch Resistances: Energy acid;
acid; saving throws Eldritch
Eldritch Resistances: Energy acid;
acid; saving throws
Eldritch Resistances: Energy savingPlane
throws youResistances: Energy savingPlane
— —
with a you
bonus gain
gain Favored
equal to 1 + Terrain

— acid;
saving throw Plane
bonus youof
of Air)


would special:
with a you
bonus gain
gain Favored
equal to 1 + Terrain

saving throw Plane
bonus you of Air)

of would

with a bonus equal to 1 + the saving throw bonus you would with a
normally bonus equal
receive; at to
19 1 + the
th level, saving
the throw
bonus bonus
increases you would
to your
receive; at—
reduction 19
19 th

(+1), and
(+1), bonus
an gain to
gain aato+1
to your reduction

level, theand
(+1), and
an gain
gain aato
per 4 levels after the 3 (maximum +5 at 19 level). +1
your natural armor, which increases by an additional to
peryour natural armor, which increases by an additional +1
per 4 levels after the 3 (maximum +5 at 19 level). per 444 levels
levels after
after the
the 333rd (maximum
(maximum +5 +5 at
at 19
19th level).
rd th per levels after the rd (maximum +5 at 19 th level).
Feather Fall (Sp): You can use feather fall at will as a spell- Enlarge Self (Sp): At 15th level, you gain the ability to
like ability; this ability activates automatically if you fall while assume a larger form at will as a standard action. This
unconscious. duplicates the effects of a giant form I spell, granting a +6
Genie’s Guile (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent enhancement bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a
bonus to your Wisdom. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, a +4 natural armor
level, and again to +6 at 17th level. bonus, low-light vision, and a +10 foot enhancement bonus to
Whirlwind Form (Su): As the Air Elemental bloodline your speed. You also gain darkvision 60 feet, and your
power of the same name. resistance to fire increases to 30. This form lasts up to 1
Genie Apotheosis (Ex): At 20th level, you become a true round per class level.
genie. Your type changes to Outsider, you gain the [air] Molten Blood (Su): At 20th level, the flames in your blood
subtype, and you stop aging. You can grant one wish per year burn those who dare attack you: any creature striking you
to a mortal (not you, as you are no longer mortal), as you see with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or non-reach melee
fit. weapon takes fire damage per your heat ability (see above)
with each blow, and must save vs. Reflex (DC 20) or catch on
Genie, Efreet fire.
Characters with the bloodline of the efreet are most likely Genie, Marid
descended from slaves of that terrible and powerful race.
Bonus Skills: Craft (any one), Bluff. Of all the genies, marids most often take human lovers,
Bonus Spells: 1st—enlarge person, 2nd—pyrotechnics or whom they lure into the waters from the shore, promising
scorching ray, 3rd—gaseous form, 4th—wall of fire, 5th riches, lavish palaces, and a life of indolence.
—overland flight, 6th—permanent image, 7th—plane shift, 8th Bonus Skills: Athletics, Endurance.
—incendiary cloud, 9th—wish. Bonus Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—invisibility, 3rd
Bonus Feats: Dodge, Empower Spell, Improved Initiative, —water breathing or quench, 4th—control water, 5th
Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Searing Evocation —persistent image, 6th—elemental body III (water), 7th
(standard or innate), Skill Focus (Concentration), Skill Focus —plane shift, 8th—giant form II, 9th—wish.
(Knowledge: the Planes). Bonus Feats: Cleave, Empower Spell, Great Fortitude,
Bloodline Arcana: You can use the wishes (verbal Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Skill
requests, not wish spells) of non-genie creatures other than Focus (Concentration), Skill Focus (Knowledge: the Planes).
yourself in place of the normal verbal components of your Bloodline Arcana: You can use the wishes (verbal
spells. A creature can make a wish as an immediate action at requests, not wish spells) of non-genie creatures other than
any time. You must be able to hear and understand a wish in yourself in place of the normal verbal components of your
order to use it as a spell component. A wish doesn't need to spells. A creature can make a wish as an immediate action at
mention the name of a specific spell, but must describe an any time. You must be able to hear and understand a wish in
outcome that can be accomplished by casting a spell you order to use it as a spell component. A wish doesn't need to
know (for example, wishing to be bigger could supply the mention the name of a specific spell, but must describe an
verbal component for enlarge person). You are under no outcome that can be accomplished by casting a spell you
compulsion to grant a creature's wish. know (for example, wishing to be bigger could supply the
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals fire damage. verbal component for enlarge person). You are under no
Improved blast: Sickening Spell; greater blast: Burning compulsion to grant a creature's wish.
Evocation. Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is a jet of water,
Eldritch Resistances: Energy and saving throws—special: dealing bludgeoning damage. Improved blast: Blast Spell
you gain Favored Terrain (Elemental Plane of Fire) with a (hydraulic push); greater blast: Blinding Spell.
bonus equal to 1 + the saving throw bonus you would Eldritch Resistances: Energy—cold; saving throws—
normally receive; at 19th level, the bonus increases to +8. paralysis, petrifaction, and stunning; damage reduction—
Damage reduction—magic (+1), and you also gain a +1 bonus magic (+1), and you also gain a +1 bonus to your natural
to your natural armor, which increases by an additional +1 armor, which increases by an additional +1 per 4 levels after
per 4 levels after the 3rd (maximum +5 at 19th level). the 3rd (maximum +5 at 19th level).
Heat [Reserve] (Ex): Starting at 1st level, as long as you Favored Terrain (Ex): At 1st level, you gain favored terrain
have a 1st level spell slot uncast, your melee attacks deal an (Elemental Plane of Water), as the ranger class feature of the
additional 1d6 points of fire damage. As you gain access to same name, with a +1 bonus. This bonus improves by an
higher-level spells, this damage increases to 1d6 per 2 levels additional +1 per 2 class levels thereafter (maximum +10 at
of the highest-level spell slot you have available and uncast. 19th level).
For example, at 17th level, if you have a 9th level spell slot Eldritch Touch (Sp): Also at 1st level, you can use your
available, your melee attacks deal an additional 4d6 fire eldritch blast (q.v.) as a melee touch attack (you do not gain
damage. the ranged application until 2nd level, as normal).
Genie’s Might (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent Genie’s Might (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent
bonus to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th bonus to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th
level, and again to +6 at 17th level. level, and again to +6 at 17th level.
Mantle of the Sea (Su): Starting at 15th level, your outline
shifts like water; you gain the continuous effects of a blur
spell. While submerged under water, this effect improves to a
full displacement.
Mantle of the Sea (Su): At 20th level, you forsake the land to Might of the Earth (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2
claim an undersea realm of your own. Your type changes to inherent bonus to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4
outsider, and you gain the [water] subtype. You can also call at 13th level, and again to +6 at 17th level.
aquatic minions to do your bidding. You gain nine spell levels Grounded (Ex): At 15th level, you gain tremorsense 60 ft.
per day worth of summon nature’s ally (aquatic only) as a The range of this ability increases by 10 ft. per level
spell-like ability. These uses can be divided as you see fit (e.g., thereafter, to a maximum of 110 ft. at 20th level.
one summon nature’s ally IX spell, two summon nature’s ally Genie Apotheosis (Ex): At 20th level, you become a true
IV spells and a summon nature’s ally I spell, etc.). genie. Your type changes to Outsider, you gain the [earth]
subtype, and you stop aging. You can grant one wish per year
Genie, Shaitan (Dao) to a mortal (not you, as you are no longer mortal), as you see
Bonus Skills: Craft (any one), Profession (mining). fit
Bonus Spells: 1st—true strike, 2nd—glitterdust, 3rd—meld Giant
into stone, 4th—stoneskin, 5th—wall of stone, 6th—stone tell,
7th—plane shift, 8th—earthquake, 9th—wish. In ages past in the Northlands, giants mingled more freely
with smaller humanoids. Gifted with a mighty stature beyond
Bonus Feats: Explosive Spell, Favored Terrain (Plane of that of most men, the traits of your giant ancestor become
Earth or underground), Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, even more pronounced as you progress in power. If you wish
Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Skill Focus to determine your character's height and weight randomly, a
(Concentration), Skill Focus (Knowledge: the Planes). Medium giant bloodline sorcerer’s base height is 6'4" (male)
*Synergy: If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher and you or 6'0" (female), and your base weight is 210 lb. (male) or 170
have the Improved Bull Rush feat and a spell slot of at least lb. (female).
3rd level remaining, if you bull rush a target into a stone Bonus Skills: Athletics, Endurance.
barrier you can activate meld into stone on that opponent as a Bonus Spells: 1st—enlarge person, 2nd—bull’s strength,
free action. The target must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 13 3 —dispel magic, 4th—lesser globe of invulnerability, 5th
+ your Strength bonus) or be trapped in the stone until it —transmute rock to mud, 6th—chain lightning, 7th—giant
breaks free (which requires a full round action and a form I, 8th—summon nature’s ally VIII (1d4+1 hill or stone
Fortitude save at the DC listed above). This ability simulates giants, or 1d3 frost or fire giants, or 1 cloud giant), 9th
the shaitan’s “stone curse” from the Pathfinder Bestiary. —crushing hand.
Bloodline Arcana: You can use the wishes (verbal Bonus Feats: Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull
requests, not wish spells) of non-genie creatures other than Rush, Improved Overrun, Overhand Chop, Power Attack,
yourself in place of the normal verbal components of your Reach Spell, Skill Focus (Spellcraft).
spells. A creature can make a wish as an immediate action at Bloodline Arcana: Giantish mages (called the “Ka-Namol”
any time. You must be able to hear and understand a wish in in the Giant tongue) cast spells with broader effects. The area
order to use it as a spell component. A wish doesn't need to of the any area-affect evocation spell you cast increases by 50
mention the name of a specific spell, but must describe an percent. Source: Arcana Evolved (Malhavoc Press).
outcome that can be accomplished by casting a spell you Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your standard eldritch blast takes the
know (for example, wishing to be bigger could supply the form of a thrown rock (blasts shaped by metamagic may
verbal component for enlarge person). You are under no resemble a burst of stones, a spray of rock shards, or boulder
compulsion to grant a creature's wish. rolling in a line). In any case, the eldritch blast deals
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your standard eldritch blast takes the bludgeoning damage. Improved blast: Toppling Spell; greater
form of a thrown pebble (blasts shaped by metamagic may blast: Staggering Spell.
resemble a burst of stones, a spray of rock shards, or boulder Eldritch Resistances: Energy—per giant type (acid for hill
rolling in a line). In any case, the eldritch blast deals giants, stone giants, and mountain giants; cold for frost giants
bludgeoning damage. Improved blast: Toppling Spell; greater and taiga giants; fire for fire giants; electricity for cloud giants
blast: Staggering Spell. and storm giants); saving throws—exhaustion, fatigue, and
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—electricity; saving throws massive damage; damage reduction—you gain Deflect
—special: you gain Favored Terrain (Elemental Plane of Arrows as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the
Earth) with a bonus equal to 1 + the saving throw bonus you prerequisites. For purposes of that feat only, you have 1
would normally receive; at 19th level, the bonus increases to virtual rank in Sleight of Hand, and treat your base attack
+8. Damage reduction—magic (+1), and you also gain a +1 bonus as equal to your class level (if it is normally lower).
bonus to your natural armor, which increases by an additional Powerful Build (Ex): Your physical stature lets you
+1 per 4 levels after the 3rd (maximum +5 at 19th level). function in many ways as if you were one size category larger.
Fist of Stone (Su): You gain a slam attack that deals 1d6 You gain a +1 size bonus to your Combat Maneuver Bonus.
points of bludgeoning damage (1d4 if you are Small, 1d8 if You are also considered to be one size larger when
you are Large), plus 1½ times your Strength bonus. At 3rd determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on
level, and for every 2 class levels thereafter, treat your size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect you.
Strength as if it were 1 point higher than is actually the case You can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger
for purposes of this attack only. For example, a 17th level without penalty. However, your space and reach remain those
shaitan bloodline sorcerer (BAB +8) with a 10 Str has a slam of a creature of your actual size. The benefits of this racial
attack with the equivalent of an 18 Strength (+12 melee, trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that
1d6+6). change your size category.
Giant’s Might (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent bonus Wolf Form (Su): Starting at 9th level, at will you can take
to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th level, and the form of a Large dire wolf, as if under a beast shape II
to +6 at 17th level. spell, or of a Medium worg, as if by the beast shape III spell.
Forceful Attacks (Ex): At 15th level, you gain Awesome Feed (Su): Starting at 15th level, once per level you can
Blow as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the devour a humanoid's corpse as a full-round action. Doing so
prerequisites. grants you an inherent bonus of +1 to Strength or
Giant Size (Su): At 20th level, you come into the full Constitution. These bonuses stack, so that at 20th level, after
growth of your giant ancestry. Your size becomes Large, and devouring five humanoids, you have a total of +5 points,
you permanently gain the benefits of a giant form II spell: a divided between Strength and Constitution. Creatures
+8 enhancement bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, devoured in this way cannot be brought back by a raise dead
a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitution, a +6 natural armor spell; a resurrection or true resurrection is needed.
bonus, low-light vision, and a +10 foot enhancement bonus to Greater Barghest (Su): At 20th level, you come into your
your speed. You also gain rock catching and rock throwing full powers. Your type becomes Outsider, and you gain spell
ability (range 120 feet, 2d10 damage). If your giant ancestor resistance 31. You can plane shift once per day to Gehenna or
has immunity or resistance to one element, you gain that back as a spell-like ability.
immunity or resistance. If the giant has vulnerability to an
element, you gain that vulnerability. Hag
Goblin Misfortune, pestilence, and nightmares follow your family like
vermin drawn to carrion. Somewhere in your family history, a
One of your ancestors was a hobgoblin loremaster or a pukje hag’s foul influence entered your bloodline. You may actually
(goblin wizard) of the mountains—or possibly even a be related to the hag, or you may still be suffering the effects
barghest. Alternatively, you might have been stolen by goblins of a curse that a hag laid upon your kin in generations past. If
as a baby and raised as one of them for a time. you are female, you might have been “adopted” by a hag and
Bonus Skills: Handle Animal, Stealth. narrowly avoided becoming one of them. In any event, now
Bonus Spells: 1st—reduce person, 2nd—invisibility, 3rd the hag’s powers are part of your heritage. This bloodline has
—blink, 4th—dimension door, 5th—passwall, 6th—summon been merged with the “Accursed” bloodline from the Ultimate
monster VI (2-5 fiendish dire wolves), 7th—project image, 8th Magic supplement.
—mass charm monster, 9th—energy drain. Bonus Skills: Bluff, Perform (acting).
Bonus Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Leadership Bonus Spells: 1st—disguise self, 2nd—touch of idiocy, 3rd
(goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, wolves, worgs, dire wolves, —ray of exhaustion, 4th—bestow curse, 5th—baleful
etc.), Lightning Reflexes, Silent Spell, Skill Focus polymorph, 6th—eyebite, 7th—forcecage, 8th—mind blank,
(Concentration), Skill Focus (Stealth), Thaumaturgist. 9th—energy drain.
Bloodline Arcana: Your spells are more effective against Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight, Imbue Item, Great Fortitude,
unwary foes. The save DC (if any) for your sorcerer spells Leadership (ogres, hags, hagspawn, and hill giants), Skill
improves by +1 if you cast at a foe who would otherwise be Focus (Craft: alchemy), Toughness, Two-Weapon Strike (claws
denied a Dexterity bonus to AC against your attacks. only), Vital Strike.
However, you powers taint your being; starting at 5th level, Bloodline Arcana: You count as a hag for the purpose of
you are affected by spells and effects that target evil-aligned joining a hag’s coven. In addition, whenever you are within 30
creatures, and you detect as such. feet of another sorcerer with this bloodline or a witch with
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is a wave of the coven hex, you can use the Aid Another action to grant a
despair that deals nonlethal (subdual) damage. Improved +1 circumstance bonus to the other spellcaster’s
blast: Fell Frighten; greater blast: those failing Will saves are Concentration (and effective caster level) for 1 round.
panicked rather than shaken (and are still shaken on a Eldritch Blast (Sp): You can focus the power of the Evil
successful save). Eye on your enemies, dealing negative energy damage.
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—fire; saving throws— Improved Blast: Staggering Spell (3/day only); greater blast:
disease and poison; damage reduction—silver. once per day, a creature damaged by your unshaped eldritch
Darkvision (Ex): At 1st level, you gain darkvision to a range blast must succeed at a Fortitude save or be dazed for three
of 30 ft. (if you already have darkvision, its range increases by days, although remove curse or dispel evil can restore sanity
30 ft.). sooner. In addition, an affected creature must succeed on a
Fortitude save or die from fright. Creatures with immunity to
At 7th level the range increases by an additional 30 ft. You fear effects are not affected by the Evil Eye.
can also see in areas of shadowy illumination clearly Eldritch Resistances: Energy—negative energy; saving
without suffering the standard penalties. throws—charm and [fear]; damage reduction—bludgeoning.
At 13th level you gain the scent ability. Claws (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you can make two claw
attacks as a full-attack action. These claws are treated as
At 19th level, the range of your darkvision increases by an natural weapons, meaning that you are always considered
additional 30 ft., and you can see through any form of armed and you do not gain additional attacks for a high base
magical darkness. attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d6 points of damage plus
your Strength modifier (1d4 if you are Small). Starting at 11th
Eldritch Touch (Sp): Also at 1st level, you can use your level, a hit from one of your claws also deals 1 point of
eldritch blast as a melee touch attack (you do not gain the Strength damage.
ranged application until 2nd level, as normal).
Hideous Strength (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent You can use this ability on magic items held by other
bonus to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th creatures, but this requires a melee touch attack that
level, and again to +6 at 17th level. provokes an attack of opportunity. The creature holding the
Dream Walking (Sp): Starting at 15th level, once per day item is entitled to a Will save to prevent the charge or item
you can enter the ethereal plane as a spell-like ability. This from being drained.
functions like ethereal jaunt, but lasts up to 1 minute per 2 Metamagic Adept (Ex): Starting at 9th level, the spell level
class levels you possess. Once during this trip, you may cast adjustment for metamagic feats you apply to your spells is
nightmare as a spell-like ability on a creature you see on the reduced by 1 (minimum +1 level). For every 3 class levels you
Material Plane. (This is an exception to the normal rule that possess, you can defray metamagic costs up to 1 spell level
ethereal creatures cannot affect targets on the Material per day in this manner.
Plane). Retroactive Metamagic (Su): Starting at 15th level, you
Hagblood (Su): At 20th level, your type changes to can apply metamagic feats you possess to spell effects that
Monstrous Humanoid. You gain darkvision 60 ft. (if you do are already in place. For example, you could use Extend Spell
not already possess it) and spell resistance 31. to extend the duration of a wall of force or Maximize Spell to
maximize the damage dealt by a cloudkill. To use this ability,
Incantatrix you must be adjacent to or within the spell effect and make a
Unlike the Abjuration specialist described in Magic of Faerun successful Spellcraft check at DC 18 + (3 × modified spell
and the Players Guide to Faerun, the Incantatrix as described level). “Modified spell level” is the level of the spell slot that
here draws more heavily from Clive Barker’s Weaveworld. the spell would occupy if it were prepared with the
Many of the abilities of the Forgotten Realms prestige class metamagic feat applied. Spell slot increases for metamagic
are retained, in order to round out the bloodline abilities. An feats that were applied to affect the spell’s casting (such as
Incantatrix in the Aviona campaign must be female, although Still Spell, Silent Spell, or Quicken Spell) do not count
male equivalents (“Incantatars”) may be included in other toward the modified spell level, but adjustments for
campaign settings. metamagic that change the spell’s effect (such as Empower
Bonus Skills: Planar Sense, Spellcraft. Spell, Enlarge Spell, or Widen Spell) do count. The cost of the
Bonus Spells: 1st—chill touch, 2nd—Enkili’s prankRR, 3rd metamagic applies against your metamagic mastery capacity
—dispel magic, 4th—ghost touch weaponLM, 5th—wall of
(see above).
force, 6th—ghost trapLM, 7th—soulstrikeRR, 8th—create Snatch Spell (Su): At 20th level, you can attempt to seize
greater undead, 9th—energy drain. control over a spell effect created by another spellcaster. The
Bonus Feats: Imbue Item, Improved Counterspell, Iron effect can be one that depends on concentration, or that
Will, Skill Focus (Planar Sense), Transdimensional Spell. relies on or responds to the caster’s control (such as a
Also, each time you gain a new bloodline feat, you can select summon monster spell or spiritual weapon, but not a wall of
any metamagic feat (Chapter 7) instead. fire, for example). Furthermore, the effect (but not necessarily
Bloodline Arcana: Your powers are drawn from the the spellcaster) must be within 30 feet of you. The target
Menstruum; you must abstain from sex with men or lose all spellcaster and you make opposed concentration checks (a
spell slots (and your eldritch blast ability) for the next month. divine spellcaster receives a +2 bonus on this check). If you
While your powers are intact, you gain a +2 competence win, you gains control of the spell until its original duration
bonus to all Concentration checks made to dispel magic, or expires. The spell functions as though you had cast it, except
as caster level checks to harm, banish, or overcome the spell that any variables determined when the spell was cast
resistance of outsiders. (including its caster level) remain as determined by the caster.
Eldritch Blast (Sp): You are imbued with the power of the The original caster can be affected by his own spell, though
Menstruum, an unholy manifestation of ectoplasmic blood he receives a +2 circumstance bonus on any saving throw
with which you can blast your enemies. This deals negative allowed against it.
energy damage. Improved blast: up to 3 times per day, your Infernal
eldritch blast deals 1d6 damage per class level you possess,
regardless of whether you have any spell slots remaining. Somewhere in your family's history, a relative made a deal
Greater Blast: Disruptive Spell. with a devil, and that pact has influenced your family line ever
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—negative energy; saving since. In you, it manifests in direct and obvious ways,
throws—death effects and energy drain; damage reduction— granting you powers and abilities. While your fate is still your
bludgeoning or slashing. own, you can't help but wonder if your ultimate reward is
Drain Item (Sp): As a full-round action, you can drain a bound to the Pit. You are affected by spells and effects that
charge from a magic item (potions, wands, staves, or other 1- target [lawful] and/or [evil] aligned creatures, and you detect
use or charged item), using the magic to heal yourself. If the as such.
item drained is a staff, the spell level is that of the lowest-level Bonus Skills: Diplomacy, Profession (admin).
spell that uses a single charge. You gain 1d6 hit points per Bonus Spells: 1st—protection from good, 2nd—scorching
spell level of the potion or charge drained. If you have reached ray, 3rd—suggestion, 4th—vigorCD, 5th—dominate person,
your maximum hit points, any additional hit points acquired 6th—planar binding (devils and creatures with the fiendish
are temporary hit points (maximum +1 per class level) that template only), 7th—greater teleport, 8th—power word: stun,
disappear after 10 minutes. 9th—meteor swarm.
Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight, Extend Spell, Iron Will, Hell’s Bonus Spells: 1st—ventriloquism, 2nd—hideous laughter,
Corruption [Domain], Skill Focus (Knowledge: the planes), 3 —suggestion, 4th—shout, 5th—dominate person, 6th
Skill Synergy (Bluff, Perform: Acting), Skill Focus —mass suggestion, 7th—power word: blind, 8th—greater
(Concentration), Thaumaturgist. shout, 9th—wail of the banshee.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the Bonus Feats: Arcane Bond (musical instrument; see under
[charm] sub-school, increase the spell's DC by +2. Bardic Lore), Arcane Defense (enchantment), Deep Intuition,
Eldritch Blast (Sp): You can unleash a blast of hellfire, Disguise Spell, Skill Focus (Perform), Skill Synergy (Bluff,
dealing fire damage. Improved blast: Energy Admixture Diplomacy), Spell Focus (enchantment), Still Spell.
(unholy); greater blast: Empower Spell. Bloodline Arcana: If you have levels in bard, your sorcerer
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—fire; saving throws— level provides Full synergy when calculating your number of
special; instead of a saving throw bonus, you gain Favored rounds of bardic inspiration per day and your college.
Terrain (Lower Planes) with a bonus equal to 1 + the saving Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals sonic
throw bonus you would normally receive; at 19th level, the damage (this can be represented as a pneuma―an explosion
bonus improves to +8. Damage reduction—silver or good. of breath―as the Maestro Sartori used in Clive Barker’s
Corrupting Touch (Sp): At 1st level, you can cause a Imagica). Improved Blast: Shape Spell; greater blast:
creature to become shaken as a melee touch attack that does Deafening Spell), applied to your eldritch blast, as a bonus
not provoke an attack of opportunity. This effect persists for a feat.
number of rounds equal to half your sorcerer level (minimum Eldritch Resistances: Energy—sonic; saving throws—
1). Creatures shaken by this ability radiate an aura of evil, as if bardic inspirations and bard spells, sonic effects, symbols,
they were an evil outsider (see detect evil). Multiple touches glyphs, and magical writings of any kind; damage reduction—
do not stack, but they do add to the duration. You can magic (+1 at 3rd level, +2 at 7th, +3 at 11th, +4 at 15th, and +5
combine this ability with the effects of your eldritch blast (q.v.) at 19th).
as a melee touch attack. Beguiling Voice (Ex): At 1st level, you can use the sound of
Smite Good (Su): Starting at 9th level, you can designate a your voice to lull a target creature into taking no action. This
good-aligned creature as the target of this power as a swift ability acts as the daze spell, except it is language-dependent,
action. Thereafter, you gain a profane bonus to attack rolls has a duration of 1 round, and affects a living creature whose
and AC against that creature equal to your Charisma bonus, Hit Dice do not exceed your sorcerer level.
and a damage bonus equal to twice your class level. Your Perfect Voice (Su): At 9th level, you understand all efforts
weapon or natural attacks also automatically bypass any to communicate through sound, and can make yourself
damage reduction possessed by that target. These bonuses understood to any creature able to understand language. You
apply even to spells with attack rolls and/or that cause can speak to, and understand the speech of, any creature that
damage, and last until that opponent is dead or until the next understands at least one spoken language. The save DCs of
time you rest. You can use this ability once per day at 9th level, language-dependent spells you cast increase by +1. Synergy:
and an additional time per day per 4 levels thereafter If you already have the bardic gift of tongues ability (q.v.), you
(maximum 3/day at 17th level). also gain the powerful voice bardic lore.
On Dark Wings (Su): At 15th level, you can grow fearsome Inspire (Sp): At 15th level, your artistic magic can inspire
bat wings as a standard action, giving you a fly speed of 60 your allies to great accomplishments. You can use bardic
feet with average maneuverability. The wings can be inspiration (q.v.) as a bard of level equal to your sorcerer level,
dismissed as a free action. using inspire courage, your bloodline spells, or other
Power of the Pit (Su): At 20th level, your form becomes thematic spells. If you have levels in bard, your sorcerer levels
infused with vile power. Your favored terrain bonus increases provide Full synergy for purposes of determining the
to +10, granting you the Fiendish simple template, and you inspirations you can maintain effortlessly.
gain the ability to see perfectly in darkness of any kind to a Grand Maestro (Su): If you selected music or linguistics
range of 60 feet. Those killed by your eldritch blast must save as your focus, at 20th level the power of pure music flows
vs. Will or have their souls damned to Hell in a burst of through you. You cast any spell with a verbal component as if
brimstone (add a +20 profane bonus to the resurrection it had the Still Spell metamagic feat applied to it, with no
survival check, if raised by a non-evil spellcaster). increase to the casting time or spell slot required to cast it, or
any spell with a somatic component as if it had the Silent
Maestro Spell feat likewise applied.
The spiritual power of song runs strongly through your family Ogre Mage
line. This may be the result of ancient pacts made with azata
patrons, or even an inheritance from a lillend or trumpet Powerful ogres or half-giants sometimes intentionally allow
archon ancestor. It could also be the lingering taint of a less foul spirits to possess them, becoming oni and gaining even
savory heritage, such as from a harpy or a forefather driven to greater powers.
madness by the disquieting gibbering of a shoggoth. However Bonus Skills: Fly, Perception.
it came to be, your family’s artistic bent shows itself strongly Bonus Spells: 1st—sleep, 2nd—invisibility, 3rd—gaseous
in your magic. This bloodline is from Ultimate Magic, form, 4th—arcane eye, 5th—charm monster, 6th—freezing
modified somewhat here so as to facilitate multiclassing with sphere, 7th—giant form I, 8th—polar ray, 9th—regenerate.
the bard class. Bonus Feats: Arcane Armor Training, Armor Proficiency
Bonus Skills: Knowledge (linguistics), Perform (Music). (light), Flash Frost Evocation (standard or innate), Great
Fortitude, Imbue Item, Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
Skill Focus (Bluff or Concentration).
Bloodline Arcana: As evil spirits encased in mortal Eldritch Resistances: Energy—instead of energy
humanoid flesh, oni are nearly indifferent to the differences resistance, your toughened skin grants you a +1 natural
between the two. Your spells that normally affect only armor bonus (this increases by an additional +1 per 4 class
humanoids also affect monstrous humanoids, giants, and levels thereafter); saving throws—fear; damage reduction—
outsiders of size Large or smaller. you gain DR/— in the amount shown; this stacks with other
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is a ray of frost; it typeless damage reduction (as from adamantine armor or
deals cold damage. Improved Blast: Empower Spell; greater barbarian levels).
blast: Numbing Cold Evocation. Touch of Rage [Reserve] (Sp): At 1st level, you can touch a
Eldritch Resistances: In lieu of standard resistances, at creature as a standard action, giving it a morale bonus on
3rd level you instead gain fast healing 1 (negated by fire or attack rolls, damage rolls, and Will saving throws equal to the
acid damage). The amount increases by 1 hp/round per 4 level of the highest-level spell slot you have available and
levels thereafter (maximum fast healing 5 at 19th level). uncast, for 1 round.
Weapon Training (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you gain Strength of the Beast (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2
Martial proficiency with any one two-handed weapon of your inherent bonus to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4
choice (typically a greatsword or glaive). At 5th level you gain at 13th level, and to +6 at 17th level.
exotic weapon proficiency with the composite longbow as Orc Warlord (Ex): As the fighter’s Warlord class feature
well. (including a bonus to Leadership score equal to half your
Ogre Power (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent class level), except you gain this ability at 15th level and
bonus to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th attract orcs, ogres, and/or barbarians as followers. Your
level, and again to +6 at 17th level. stronghold must be in orcish territory (or in Aramni, if using
Flight (Su): Starting at 16th level, you gain a fly speed of 40 the Aviona campaign setting), as the more civilized peoples
ft. with good maneuverability. You can cease or resume flight generally will not tolerate your presence.
as a free action. Warlord Reborn (Su): At 20th level, you become a true orc
Oni Heritage (Su): At 20th level you are treated as an warlord of legend. You gain a +10 competence bonus to
outsider (rather than as your normal type) for purposes of Charisma-based skills when dealing with creatures with the
being affected by spells such as charm person and hold [orc] or [giant] subtype.
person. You can still be raised or resurrected normally. Also,
your fast healing improves to regeneration (fire and acid still Pestilence
deal normal damage to you). If you lose a body part, you can You were born during the height of a great magical plague, to
reattach it by holding the severed member to the stump for 1 a mother suffering from an eldritch disease, or you suffered
minute (extremities do not otherwise regrow). If your head or an eldritch pox as a child, such that your very soul now
other vital organ is severed, it must be reattached within 10 carries a blight of pestilence within it. This bloodline has
minutes or you die. been adapted from Pathfinder vol. 29: “The Mother of Flies.”
Orc Bonus Skills: Craft (toxicology), Heal.
Bonus Spells: 1st—charm animal, 2nd—summon swarm,
The rage of your ancestors burns within you, and the taint of 3 —contagion, 4th—repel vermin, 5th—insect plague, 6th
savage orc blood flows through your veins. Your anger is —swarm skinAPG, 7th—creeping doom, 8th—horrid wilting,
never far from the surface, giving you strength and driving 9th—power word: kill.
you to seek greater power. This bloodline, from Orcs of Bonus Feats: Defiance, Fast Recovery, Great Fortitude,
Golarion (Paizo Publishing), is most often combined with the Heroic Defiance, Skill Focus (Craft: Alchemy), Skill Synergy
Battle Sorcerer variant (see below). (Heal, Survival), Silent Spell, Toughness.
Bonus Skills: Endurance, Knowledge (warfare). Bloodline Arcana Vermin are susceptible to your mind-
Bonus Spells: 1st—cause fear, 2nd—bull’s strength, 3rd affecting spells. They are treated as animals for the purposes
—rage, 4th—divine power, 5th—righteous might, 6th— mass of determining which mind-affecting spells affect them.
daze monster (“Gruumsh’s glare”; creatures with 15+ HD are Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast takes the form of a
unaffected), 7th—blasphemy, 8th—Bigby’s clenched fist, 9th blast of biting, stinging winged vermin; it deals piercing
—storm of vengeance. damage. Improved blast: Sickening Spell; greater Blast: Fell
Bonus Feats: Great Fortitude, Intimidating Prowess, Nausea.
Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Endurance) Eldritch Resistances: Energy and saving throws—special;
Skill Focus (Survival), Toughness, Widen Spell. you gain Favored Terrain (swamps) with a bonus equal to 1 +
Bloodline Arcana: You gain the orc subtype, and all orc the saving throw bonus you would otherwise receive; at 19th
racial traits, including darkvision, ferocity, light sensitivity, level, the bonus improves to +8. Damage reduction—at 3rd
and weapon familiarity. If you already have darkvision, its level, you begin to attract a cloak of crawling vermin; their
range increases to 90 feet. Whenever you cast a spell that chitinous bodies increase your natural armor bonus by +1.
deals damage, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die This bonus improves by +1 per 4 class levels thereafter, to a
rolled. maximum of +5 at 19th level.
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast carries the fury of
your bloodline; it deals fire damage. Improved blast:
Empower Spell; greater blast: Explosive Spell (applies only to
a shaped blast).
Plague’s Caress (Sp): At 1st level, you gain Sickening Grasp Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is raw protoplasm
as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisites. At that damages the stability of its targets; it deals acid damage.
7th level, you gain Unclean Strike as a bonus feat as well, and Improved Blast: Entangling Spell); greater Blast: Starting at
treat your BAB derived from sorcerer level as if it were equal 16th level, your eldritch blast causes corporeal instability for 1
to your sorcerer class level, for purposes of determining that round unless a successful Fortitude save is made. An affected
feat’s effects (for example, a fighter 4/pestilence sorcerer 7 creature is unable to hold or use any item as its flesh melts,
would have an effective BAB of +11 for determining the flows, and warps. Clothing, armor, rings, and helmets become
effects of the Unclean Strike feat). useless. Large items worn or carried—armor, backpacks,
Shroud of Vermin (Su): At 9th level, swarms no longer see even shirts—hamper more than help, reducing the victim’s
you as prey. You can walk among swarms without fear of Dexterity score by 4. Soft or misshapen feet and legs reduce
being harmed by them at all, and by taking a standard action speed to 10 feet or one-quarter normal, whichever is less.
to mentally command a swarm in which you stand, you can Searing pain courses along the nerves, so strong that the
direct that swarm’s attacks and movements as long as you victim cannot act coherently. The victim cannot cast spells or
have more Hit Dice than the swarm. You can also command use magic items, and it attacks blindly, unable to distinguish
or rebuke giant vermin as an evil cleric with the Command friend from foe (-4 penalty on attack rolls and a 50% miss
Undead feat commands or rebukes undead. chance, regardless of the attack roll).
Pestilential Breath (Su): At 15th level, the sickness within Eldritch Resistances: Energy—acid; saving throws—
your body finally becomes so potent that your very breath is polymorph, petrifaction, other transmutation spells or effects;
deadly. As a standard action, you can exhale a cloud of damage reduction—starting at 3rd level, your internal organs
pestilence in a 30-foot cone. Those caught in the area of this shift somewhat, giving you 10% fortification against sneak
miasmic cloud receive a single Fortitude save to avoid attacks and critical hits. This fortification improves by 10%
suffering the effects of two different diseases. You can choose per 4 class levels thereafter, to a maximum of 50% at 19th
what two diseases you inflict on each target that succumbs to level.
your plague breath, but they must be two different diseases Touch of Chaos (Ex): At 1st level, your natural weapons, as
chosen from the following list: blinding sickness, bubonic well as all weapons you wield, penetrate damage reduction as
plague, cackle fever, filth fever, leprosy, mindfire, red ache, if chaotically-aligned. Starting at 13th level, they gain the
shakes, or slimy doom. The victim suffers the initial effects of anarchic property for as long as you wield them, and as a
these two diseases immediately—use the diseases’ frequency swift action you can also force opponents to treat them as if
and save DC normally to determine further effects as detailed they were made of silver, cold iron, or adamantine for 1
on page 557 of the Core Rulebook. round.
Plague Carrier (Su): At 20th level, your touch inflicts Also at 1st level, you can use your eldritch blast (q.v.) as a
mummy rot on those you strike. You can choose to suppress melee touch attack (you do not gain the ranged application
this ability for 1 round as a swift action. You can make a until 2nd level, as normal).
touch attack to inflict this disease on a target, or transfer it as Reality Wrinkle (Sp): At 9th level, you can surround
part of an attack with any melee weapon or touch-based spell. yourself with a mobile, 10-foot-radius emanation of mutable
The creature touched can resist contracting mummy rot by reality. This rippling distortion is similar to solid fog but does
making a Fortitude save. not provide concealment or block line of sight. Your
movement is not slowed by this aura. Attacks from outside
Protean the aura suffer a 20% miss chance against targets inside the
You have in your veins the ever-changing wildness of primal aura. You may use this ability a number of rounds per day
chaos, the raw essence of unbound creation. Your mind and equal to your sorcerer level, though this duration need not be
spirit burst with the constant inspiration of consummate continuous.
freedom, though you have difficulty following through on a Spatial Tear (Sp): At 15th level, once per day as a standard
task when another, new and exciting, catches your interest. action, you can unravel the fibers of reality and ride along
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. them as they snap back into place. This power functions as
Starting at 5th level, you are affected by spells and effects dimension door, while also creating a mass of black tentacles
that target chaotically-aligned creatures, and you detect as centered on your former location. At 19th level, you can use
such. this ability twice per day.
Bonus Skills: Escape Artist, Survival. Avatar of Chaos (Ex): At 20th level, you are infused with
Bonus Spells: 1st—entropic shield, 2nd—blur, 3rd the essence of raw chaos. You receive a +2 racial bonus to
—gaseous form, 4th—confusion, 5th—greater vigorCD, 6th
save DCs and on checks to overcome spell resistance against
—disintegrate, 7th—greater polymorph, 8th—polymorph any
creatures with the [lawful] subtype. Your internal anatomy
object, 9th—shapechange. also sometimes shifts unpredictably; you are immune to
Bonus Feats: Chaotic Mind, Defensive Combat Training, petrifaction and polymorph, can shrug off any unwanted
Enlarge Spell, Great Fortitude, Protean Aura [Domain], Skill transmutation effect after 1 round, and your fortification
Focus (any Craft skill), Toughness, Weapon Finesse. improves to 75%.
Bloodline Arcana: Your magic of creation and changing is
hard to unravel. The DC to dispel transmutation or
conjuration (creation) spells that you cast is increased by +4.
Incorporeal Form (Sp): At 15th level, once per day as a
Rakshasa move action you can become incorporeal. You may remain in
Brilliant and malevolent, rakshasas are nefarious outsiders an incorporeal state a number of rounds per day equal to
who cherish power and cruelty above all else. In their far- your class level; these rounds need not be consecutive. While
ranging quest for pleasure and worship, rakshasas often pay in this form, you gain the incorporeal subtype. You only take
little heed to the lives they destroy. One of the more indulgent half damage from corporeal sources as long as they are
of this race has left its mark on your family. This bloodline is magic (you take no damage from non-magic weapons and
adapted from the one by Rob Billingham, which appeared in objects). Likewise, your spells deal only half damage to
Kobold Quarterly online (, with corporeal creatures. Spells and other effects that do not deal
reference to the “official” version presented in Ultimate damage function normally.
Magic. Timeless (Su): At 20th level you gain a continuous mind
You are affected by spells and effects that target [Lawful] blank effect. In addition, your type changes to Outsider
and [Evil] creatures, and you detect as such. (native), and you no longer take ability score penalties for
Bonus Skills: Bluff, Perform (Acting). aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties you may
Bonus Spells: 1st—disguise self, 2nd—detect thoughts, 3rd have already incurred, however, remain in place.
—suggestion, 4th—greater invisibility, 5th—persistent image,
6th—mislead, 7th—plane shift, 8th—scintillating pattern, 9th Serpentine
—dominate monster. Your bloodline carries the lingering stain of ancient serpent
Bonus Feats: Arcane Blade, Deep Intuition, Evil Devotion races that ruled when the world was young; your forebears
[Domain], Improved Initiative, Innate Spell (detect thoughts), were likely favored slaves anointed by their reptilian masters
Searing Evocation (standard or innate), Skill Synergy (Bluff, and gifted with their cold cunning and subtle manipulation.
Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Concentration). While deception and a mesmeric charm are your birthright,
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a mind-affecting you may struggle for truth in spite of your heritage. Source:
spell, increase the spell’s DC by +1. Also, add half your class Advanced Player’s Guide.
level to the Spellcraft DC for others to identify spells you cast. Bonus Skills: Bluff, Craft (toxicology).
If their checks fail by 5 or more, they mistakenly believe you Bonus Spells: 1st—hypnotism, 2nd—delay poison, 3rd—
are casting an entirely different spell (selected by you when summon nature’s ally III (reptiles only), 4th—poison, 5th
you begin casting). —snake staffAPG, 6th—mass suggestion, 7th—summon
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals fire damage. nature’s ally VII (reptiles only), 8th—antipathy, 9th—dominate
Improved blast: Energy Admixture (unholy) as a bonus feat; monster.
greater blast: Empower Spell. Bonus Feats: Arcane Bond (viper familiar), Deep Intuition,
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—fire; saving throws— Innate Metamagic (channel eldritch blast), Silent Spell, Skill
divinations and mind-affecting spells/effects; damage Focus (Bluff), Skill Synergy (choose two: Bluff, Escape Artist,
reduction—piercing or good. Perform: Acting, Stealth), Still Spell, Weapon Finesse.
Claws (Ex): At 1st level, you can grow claws as a free Bloodline Arcana: Your powers of compulsion can affect
action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing even bestial creatures. Whenever you cast a mind-affecting or
you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using language-dependent spell, it affects animals, magical beasts,
your full base attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d4 points of and monstrous humanoids as if they were humanoids who
damage each (1d3 if you are Small) plus your Strength understood your language.
modifier. Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast carries the
corrosive power of Satha’s venom; it deals acid damage.
At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for Improved blast: you can apply the effects of your venom (see
the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. serpent’s fang, below) to your eldritch blast; each time you do
this, it counts against your total number of daily venom uses.
At 9th level, the damage increases by one step to 1d6 Greater blast: your eldritch blast always carries the same
points of damage (1d4 if you are Small). venom as your fangs; this does not count against your daily
At 13th level, these claws become flaming weapons, each limit.
dealing an additional 1d6 points of fire damage on a Eldritch Resistances: Energy—acid; saving throws—
successful hit. poison and Escape Artist checks; damage reduction—at 3rd
level your scaly skin grants you a +1 natural armor bonus,
At 17th level they becoming flaming burst weapons. This increasing by +1 per 4 class levels thereafter.
is a supernatural ability. Serpent’s Fang (Ex): At 1st level, you can grow fangs as a
free action. These fangs are treated as a natural weapon,
Spell Resistance (Ex): Starting at 9th level, you gain spell inflicting 1d4 points of damage plus your Strength modifier
resistance equal to 5 + your class level. At 13th level, it plus poison (Bite—injury; damage 1 Con/round for 6 rounds;
improves to 11 + your class level. cure 1 save). You can use your fangs to inject poison a
number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
At 5th level, these fangs are considered magical for the
purpose of overcoming DR, and the poison damage
increases to 1d2 Con per round.
Red Veil: The first veil an initiate learns is the red veil. A
At 9th level, your poison requires 2 successful saves to warding imbued with this veil blocks all non-magical
cure. ranged attacks and missiles. A creature crossing a red veil
takes 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level
At 13th level, your poison damage increases to 1d4 Con (maximum 5d6, Reflex half). A cone of cold spell or effect
per round. destroys a warding with this veil but is negated in the
Reptilian Telepathy (Su): At 9th level, you gain telepathy Orange Veil: A warding with this veil halts magical ranged
(100 feet) with reptiles (including various forms of dinosaurs, attacks, including spells that conjure missiles (such as
lizards, and other cold-blooded creatures). You may cast acid arrow) or create rays (such as disintegrate or a
suggestion on such creatures as a spell-like ability a number beholder’s eye rays) but not spells that do not require a
of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. This ability ranged attack (such as magic missile). A creature crossing
is telepathic and does not require audible or visual an orange veil takes 1d6 points of acid damage per caster
components. At 13th level, once per day you can telepathically level (maximum 10d6, Reflex half). A gust of wind spell or
call and request a service from a reptilian creature as if using similar effect destroys the veil but is negated in the
demand or planar ally. process.
Den of Vipers (Sp): At 15th level, you may summon a host
of writhing serpents once per day. This power acts as Yellow Veil: This veil prevents gases or clouds from
creeping doom, but the swarms’ poison inflicts Con damage entering the warded area, and it defeats petrifaction
and any creature other than you sharing a space with a attacks. In addition, a character inside a personal or area
swarm is entangled. warding imbued with a yellow veil has immunity to poison
Scaled Soul (Su): At 20th level, you gain the introduced from outside the warding (such as from a
[shapechanger] subtype, and you can assume the form of a creature with an envenomed weapon striking through the
reptilian humanoid (as alter self) or snake of Diminutive to barrier). A creature crossing a yellow veil takes 1d6 points
Huge size (as beast shape III) at will. You retain the power of of electricity damage per caster level (maximum 10d6,
speech and the ability to use somatic spell components when Reflex half). A disintegrate spell destroys the veil but is
transformed. You also become immune to poison and negated in the process.
paralysis. You may use serpent’s fang as often as desired, and
you may choose to inflict damage to any ability score. Green Veil: This veil stops the passage of breath weapons.
A creature with Hit Dice equal to half your class level or
Sevenfold Veil less who crosses a green veil must succeed on a Fortitude
save or die; on a successful save, the creature takes 1d4
Colors are imbued with their own magical properties. Just as points of Constitution damage instead. Creatures with HD
exotic substances and mystic words have the power to repel greater than half your class level take 1d4 points of
certain creatures, colors also harbor innate properties that Constitution damage (save for half). This veil is a poison
can be brought forth by the skilled mage, culminating in the effect. A passwall destroys a green veil.
perfection of the prismatic wall or prismatic sphere. Few
spells match the beauty and power of these potent Blue Veil: This veil blocks all divinations and mind-
abjurations. They are perfect defenses, representing a union affecting spells and abilities. Any creature crossing a blue
of magical lore and keen insight into the workings of nature. veil must succeed on a Fortitude save or be petrified. A
A master of defensive magic, the Initiate of the Sevenfold magic missile spell destroys a blue veil but is negated by
Veil approaches the prismatic barrier by mastering one by it.
one its constituent veils or layers. Her skillful wardings can Indigo Veil: This veil prevents the passage of all spells or
deflect many of the most perilous attacks enemy spellcasters spell-like abilities. Any creature crossing an indigo veil
or monsters can muster, shielding herself and her must succeed on a Will save or become permanently
companions against harm. This bloodline supersedes the confused, as if by an insanity spell. A daylight spell negates
Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil prestige class, from Complete and is negated by an indigo veil.
Given the legends about the Rainbow Bridge in Norse Violet Veil: This barrier destroys all objects and effects
Mythology, it is easy to envision a group of battle sorcerers that cross it, as if they were disintegrated. Living creatures
with this bloodline, devotees of Heimdall, calling themselves passing a violet veil must succeed on a Will save or be
the “Guardians of Bifrost.” shifted to a random place on a random plane (as the plane
Bonus Skills: Perform (any one), Sleight of Hand. shift spell). A violet veil is destroyed by a successful dispel
Bloodline Spells: 1st—color spray, 2nd—red veil, 3rd magic spell.
—orange veil, 4th—yellow veil, 5th—green veil, 6th—blue veil,
7th—indigo veil, 8th—violet veil, 9th—prismatic sphere. Note: Bonus Feats: Improved Counterspell, Improved Dispelling,
The veils emulate the layers of a prismatic wall and are Innate Metamagic (Shape Spell), Iron Will, Skill Focus
described below. When you create a warding (see below), you (Concentration), Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus
can choose to imbue the warding with any one veil you know, (Abjuration), Urgent Shield.
as long as you have a spell slot of the appropriate level Bloodline Arcana: You are accustomed to colors and light,
available to spend on the warding. and are immune to the dazzled condition and to the effects of
the color spray spell.
Eldritch Blast (Sp): At 2nd level, your eldritch blast is a weak Area: An area warding affects an initiate’s space and all
burst of color that deals nonlethal damage. Starting at 3rd adjacent squares (a sphere 15 feet in diameter for a Small
level, it instead carries the effects similar to those of the veil or Medium initiate, 20 feet in diameter for a Large initiate,
corresponding to the highest-level spell slot you have and so on). Any creature who remains adjacent to the
remaining, as follows: initiate gains the benefit of the warding’s protection, even
if part of its body lies outside the sphere. Moving out of the
Level Color Effects warding (stepping away from the initiate) is completely
safe, but anyone attempting to enter the warding—even
2nd Red 2d6 fire damage someone who was formerly inside it and left—becomes
3rd Orange 3d6 acid damage subject to the effects of the chosen veil. The warding
moves with the initiate, but she cannot force another
Yellow 4d6 electrical damage creature to pass through it (for example, by moving
5th Green 5d6 poison damage adjacent to an enemy). If she does force a creature to pass
6th Blue 6d6 desiccation damage (petrified if through, the warding has no effect on that creature. This
reduced to 0 hp) warding provides concealment to all within from
creatures outside, but anyone inside the warding can see
7th Indigo 7d6 nonlethal, plus Innate Metamagic out with no hindrance. It lasts for 1 round per class level
(Bewitching Spell)
or until dismissed.
8th Violet 8d6 disintegration damage
Wall: This warding takes the form of a wall, up to 10 feet
You can always choose for your eldritch blast to carry the long and 5 feet high per initiate class level. For example, a
effects of a lower-level veil. Improved Blast; Greater Blast: 3rd-level Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil could create a
Your eldritch blast automatically improves according to the warding wall 30 feet long and 15 feet high. The wall can
veils you know. You receive no other augmentations at 8th be made smaller, but it is not otherwise shapeable. The
and 12th levels. wall must begin within 30 feet of the initiate, but can
Eldritch Resistances: Rather than acquiring a standard extend beyond that distance. The wall is immobile once
suite of resistances, starting at 3rd level, you can instead created. An initiate may choose to make crossing through
create a warding (Su). You can choose one veil you know (see the wall in one direction safe, if she chooses. In any event,
bloodline spells, above, and descriptions below) to be imbued she can pass through her own warding wall with no
in the warding; this uses up a spell slot of the appropriate danger. This warding provides concealment to creatures
level. A warding lasts for a certain amount of time as on either side. It lasts for 10 minutes per class level or
indicated in its description, unless it is dismissed (the same until dismissed.
way a spell is dismissed).
The basic warding is a sphere 5 ft. in diameter that Unimpeachable Abjuration (Ex): Your abjuration spells
encapsulates you. It moves with you, but you cannot force are particularly difficult to defeat with spells or effects that
another creature to pass through it (for example, by dispel them. Add half your class level as a competence bonus
attempting to grapple an enemy). If you do force a creature to to the DC to dispel any abjuration spell or effect you create.
pass through, the warding has no effect on that creature. Any Reactive Warding (Sp): At 9th level, you learn to create a
creature striking at you with a melee weapon or natural warding (see above) in response to an attack. You can raise a
attack is subject to the veil’s effect (although creatures using warding as an immediate action, after an opponent begins an
reach weapons are not). The warding provides concealment action but before it is completed. For example, if you see an
to you, but you can see out with no hindrance. It lasts for 1 enemy warrior charging you, you can raise a warding to
round per class level or until dismissed. protect yourself. The opponent can choose to continue the
Synergy: Using the Innate Metamagic (Shape Spell) feat in charge through the warding or can halt outside it.
conjunction with the warding allows you two other Double Warding: At 15th level and higher, you can raise
configurations: two veils at once any time you create a warding. This costs a
spell slot of the appropriate level for each veil. The less
powerful effect (progressing from red up through violet) is
always considered to be “outside” the more powerful effect,
so a double warding consisting of a blue veil and a green veil
would subject any creature passing through to the green veil
first, followed by the blue veil. To negate the entire warding,
the outermost veil must be negated before the inner veil can
be negated.
Kaleidoscopic Doom (Sp): At 20th level, you learn the secret Shadow Jump (Su): At 9th level, you gain the ability to
of the awesome kaleidoscopic doom. Once per day as a travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension door
standard action, you designate one creature within 60 feet spell. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin
and turn magical effects currently affecting the creature and end in an area with at least some shadow, and you must
against it. This effect functions like a targeted greater dispel have a line of sight between the two shadows. You can jump
magic, except that for every spell or effect negated on the up to a maximum of 30 feet in this way. Synergy: If you also
target, the effect of one veil (see above) is visited on the victim have the Shadow Step feat, you can teleport in this manner
as if the subject had crossed it. The veils created around the once per day, with no line of sight needed. At 13th level, the
victim proceed through the spectrum from red to violet, with effect improves to greater teleportation.
one veil activated per spell negated. Thus, a creature with Shadow Form (Sp): Starting at 15th level, you can become
three spells negated would be subject to the effects of the red, incorporeal as a move-equivalent action. You can spend a
orange, and yellow veils. The subject is still entitled to the total number of rounds per day incorporeal equal to your
normal saving throws allowed by each veil. This ability is the class level; these can be split up however you choose. In this
equivalent of a 9th level spell. form, you can fly at a rate equal to your base land speed. You
lose natural and armor bonuses to AC, but gain a deflection
Shadow bonus equal to your Charisma modifier. You cannot attack
Perhaps you were born during an eclipse, and the shadow on with weapons, and your spells fail against corporeal targets
the sun or moon left its mark on you as well. Alternatively, a 50%, but you gain an incorporeal touch that deals 1d6 points
dweller from the Plane of Shadow may have dallied in the of Strength damage. Becoming corporeal again is a move-
light with one of your ancestors. A sorcerer with this equivalent action.
bloodline grows in the powers of Shadow, eventually Shade (Su): At 20th level, you come into the full power of
becoming a shade. In order to fit these powers, this bloodline your shade heritage. You gain fast healing 2 and spell
has been heavily altered from that included in the Advanced resistance equal to 11 + your character level. You also stop
Player’s Guide. aging; existing ability score modifiers for age remain in effect,
Bonus Skills: Acrobatics, Stealth. but no new ones are applied as time goes on.
Bonus Spells: 1st—silent image, 2nd—mirror image, 3rd Shai’ir
—deeper darkness, 4th—black tentacles, 5th—summon
undead V (1d3 shadows), 6th—shadow walk, 7th—power There are desert empires built by genies, who created
word: blind, 8th—greater shadow evocation, 9th—shades. towering spires and opulent palaces for the padishah
Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight, Improved Feint, Lightning emperor in the hopes that a future ruler will set their kinsfolk
Reflexes, Shadow Step, Shadow Veil, Silent Spell, Skill Focus free. But not all mages see genies as creatures to be bested
(Stealth), or any [Darkness] Domain feat. and enslaved. Instead of potential slaves, these Sha’ir, or
Bloodline Arcana: You gain a +1 competence bonus to daivrat (“brothers of genies”) treat genies as powerful allies,
Concentration and effective caster level when you are in wise counselors, and comrades-in-arms. Though few are
darkness or shadow, or when casting spells of the Illusion foolish enough to consider liberating the thralls of the
school or those with the [darkness] subtype. When in bright emperor, each daivrat considers herself a soldier, servant, or
light or outdoors during the day, or when casting spells with cousin to the genies. This initiation combines the Sha’ir base
the [fire] or [light] descriptor, treat your caster level as 1 class (from Dragon magazine, issue 315) with the Daivrat
lower than normal (and you take a -1 penalty to prestige class (from Qadira: Gateway to the East).
Concentration). Bonus Skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (the planes).
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals nonlethal Bonus Spells: Choose one of the Genie bloodlines
damage, and those who take full damage are dazzled for 1 presented above. You gain the bonus spells from that
round. Improved blast: Blinding Spell; greater blast: Fell bloodline, with the following substitutions: 4th—lesser planar
Weaken. ally (janni); 6th—planar ally (one dao, djinni, efreeti, marid, or
Bloodline Resistances (Su): In place of standard shaitan, or two jann)
resistances, starting at 3rd level you gain a 10% miss chance Bonus Feats: Command/Turn Elemental, Empower Spell,
from concealment whenever you are not in bright light (a Energy Shield, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Skill Focus
daylight spell or the equivalent). This miss chance improves (Knowledge: the planes), Spell Focus (conjuration), Spell
by an additional 10% per 4 sorcerer levels thereafter, thus Focus (elemental type corresponding to your gen familiar).
approximating a blur spell at 7th level, and a displacement Bloodline Arcana: Once per day while regaining spell
spell (50% miss chance) at 19th level. slots, you can send your gen familiar to the elemental planes
Nighteye (Ex): You gain darkvision to a range of 30 ft. If to find an unusual spell for you. Choose one spell you do not
you already have darkvision, its range increases by 30 ft. At know, such as a spell from a prohibited school or from
5th level the range increases by an additional 30 ft. You can another class’s spell list. The gen returns after 10 minutes
also see in areas of shadowy illumination clearly without and presents you with the matching spell energy. For the next
suffering the standard penalties. At 11th level the range of 24 hours you may cast the fetched spell as if you knew it.
your darkvision increases by an additional 30 ft., and you can Casting a fetched spell is more difficult than using spells you
see through any form of magical darkness. actually know; casting the fetched spell requires a spell slot 1
Eldritch Touch (Sp): Also at 1st level, you can use your level higher than the actual spell level.
eldritch blast (q.v.) as a melee touch attack (you do not gain Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast matches that of the
the ranged application until 2nd level, as normal). Genie bloodline of your bonus spells (q.v.).
Energy Saving Throw Damage
Spell Fetch (Sp): Starting at 9th level, once per day you
Sorcerer Resistance: Bonus: Reduction: can send your gen familiar to the elemental planes to fetch a
spell for you. Choose one spell you do not know (including
Level Gen’s Type Other Types Gen’s Type one from another class’s spell list). Your gen returns after 10
3rd – 6th 5 2 +2 minutes and presents you with the matching spell energy. If
7th –
the fetched spell is on the wizard/sorcerer spell list or has an
10 4 +4 energy or elemental descriptor matching your gen’s, it is
treated as 1 spell level higher than normal; otherwise it is
11th – 15 6 +6 treated as 2 spell levels higher than normal. Until you regain
14th spell slots, you may cast the fetched spell (using a spell slot of
15th – 20 8 +8 the level described) as if you know it.
18th Elemental Travel (Sp): Starting at 15th level, you can
19th - (Immune) 10 (Immune) plane shift once per day, as the spell, to any of the elemental
20th planes or from any elemental plane to the Material Plane. You
automatically gain the ability to survive on the plane you shift
Eldritch Resistances: Special. At 3rd level, you gain to, as do all companions within 30 ft. of you. At 20th level, you
resistance 2 to acid, cold, electricity, and fire, and also a +1 may use this ability at will.
racial bonus on all saves against acid, cold, electricity, and Genie-kin (Ex): At 20th level, your type changes to outsider
fire. You gain damage reduction 1/— against attacks made by (native). You gain damage reduction 5/— against all attacks
any creature with the air, earth, fire, or water subtype. These (not just those of elementals). You can command or rebuke
resistances are doubled against elementals or energy attacks creatures of the same elemental type as your gen’s as an evil
of the type corresponding to your gen, and improve by +1 per cleric commands undead.
4 levels beyond the 3rd (refer to the table).
Summon Gen Familiar (Su): At 1st level, you gain the Spellthief
service of a gen (“zhyen”) familiar, an intelligent outsider that You have a talent for stealing spells from others. Perhaps you
resembles a small elemental. The creature serves as a have a magic-devouring ancestor, or else your knack for
companion and servant to you. The elemental type matches stealing things does not end with the mundane. In either
that of your bloodline spells and eldritch blast. case, a rogue/sorcerer can use this bloodline to simulate the
GEN CR ½ Spellthief base class from Complete Adventurer.
N Tiny outsider (air, earth, fire, or water) Bonus Skills: Disable Device, Spellcraft.
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6 Bonus Spells: 1st—identify, 2nd—invisibility, 3rd—dispel
Languages Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran magic, 4th—detect scrying, 5th—quickened arcane sight, 6th
AC 17 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +2 size), —greater dispel magic, 7th—greater arcane sight, 8th—mind
touch 14, flat-footed 15 blank, 9th—disjunction.
hp 9 (2 HD; LW 4/HW 2) Bonus Feats: Alertness, Defiance, Disguise Spell,
Immune energy corresponding to elemental type Improved Feint, Lightning Reflexes, Open Minded, Skill
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, and fire 5 Focus (Perception), Skill Focus (Spellcraft).
Fort +0, Ref +4, Int +2, Will +4 Bloodline Arcana: Your rogue levels (if any) provide Full
Vulnerabilities energy corresponding to opposite synergy with your sorcerer levels for purposes of determining
elemental type the effects your Spellthief bloodline abilities and resistances.
Spd 20 ft., burrow 60 ft. (earth), fly 60 ft. (air or fire), swim Eldritch Blast (Sp): Rather than an eldritch blast, you gain
60 ft. (water) sneak attack (as the rogue class feature of the same name),
Melee touch +4 (1d4 acid, cold, electricity, or fire) with a number of dice equal to the level of the highest-level
Face 2 ½ ft. x 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. spell slot you have available and uncast. If you have levels in
Base Atk +1; CMB –3; CMD 9 rogue, your spellthief levels instead provide Full synergy
Special Atks air, water, or earth mastery; or burn (DC 11, towards your sneak attack ability.
1/rd.) Eldritch Resistances: Instead of gaining resistances
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd) yourself, you must steal them from others, as described under
At will—mage hand, mending steal spell effect, below.
1/day—endure elements, touch of fatigue, plane shift (self Steal Spell (Su): This ability requires a touch as a
only, to elemental planes) standard action. Alternatively, if you hit an opponent with a
Str 6, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 9, 14, Cha 12 successful sneak attack, you can choose to forgo sneak attack
Feats Weapon Finesse damage in order to steal a spell, spell-like ability, or the
Skills Concentration +7, Fly +6 (or Athletics +6), potential to cast a specific known spell or spell-like ability,
Knowledge (the planes) +3, Perception +6, Spellcraft +6, from the target.
Stealth +14

The target oforaashe
steal spell
spell attack loses one spell from The
The target
target oforaashe
steal spell
spell attack loses one spell from
slot (if heaaofspontaneous
ifif(ifhe or shestealprepares
daily ofspell
of a
or one
spell slot
slot (if heaaofspontaneous
ifif(ifhe or shestealprepares
of a
or one
sneak of
a maximum
dice (you spell
spell level
choose equal
how to
many your
dice of
to ability,
sneak of
a maximum
dice (you spell
spell level
choose equal
how manyto
to your
numberdice of
forgo attackusing
when dice (you
using this
this chooseAAhow
ability). many damage
spontaneous caster
casterdice to
also loses
loses sneak
forgo attack
when dice
using (you
this choose
ability). how
A many
spontaneous damage
caster dice to
also loses
the ability to cast the stolen spell for 1 minute.
the ability to cast the stolen spell for 1 minute. If the target If the target the
the ability
the ability to
ability to cast
to cast the
cast the stolen
the stolen spell
stolen spell for
spell for 111 minute.
for minute. IfIfIf the
minute. the target
the target
After stealing a spell, you can cast the spell yourself on a If the target has resistance to more than one type of energy,
subsequent turn. Treat the spell as if it were cast by the you can choose which kind to steal; otherwise, the resistance
original owner of the spell for the purpose of determining stolen is determined randomly from among those possessed
caster level, save DC, and so forth. You can cast this spell by the target. If you choose to steal a type of resistance that
even if you don't normally have spellcasting ability, or even the target doesn't possess, the stolen type of resistance is
the minimum ability score normally required to cast a spell of determined randomly from those possessed by the target.
that level, but you must supply the same components The resistance you gain from using this ability lasts for 1
(including verbal, somatic, material, XP, and any focus) minute. If the resistance is derived from a temporary effect
required for the stolen spell. (such as a spell), the stolen resistance disappears when the
You can instead use the stolen spell power to cast any spell effect expires.
that you know of the same level or lower (effectively, this gives You can use this ability multiple times, but its effects do not
you one free casting of a known spell). You must cast or use a stack unless they apply to different types of energy. For
stolen spell within 1 hour of stealing it; otherwise, the extra example, throughout a long combat, you might use this ability
spell energy fades harmlessly away. to gain resistance to fire and resistance to cold, but you could
At any one time, you can possess a maximum number of not use it twice on a creature that is resistant to fire to gain
stolen spell levels equal to your class level (treat 0-level spells twice as much resistance to fire (nor to reduce the creature's
as ½ level for this purpose). If you steal a spell that would resistance to fire by twice as much).
cause you to exceed this limit, you must choose to lose stolen Absorb Spell (Su): Starting at 9th level, if you make a
spells sufficient to reduce your total number of stolen spell successful save against a spell that targets you, you can
levels to no more than your maximum. You can't apply attempt to absorb the spell energy for later use. This ability
metamagic feats or other effects to the stolen spell unless the affects only spells that have you as a target, not effect or area
specific spell stolen was prepared with such an effect. spells. You can't absorb a spell of a higher spell level than you
Steal Spell Effect (Su): Starting at 3rd level, as a standard could steal with your steal spell ability (see above).
action you can make a melee touch attack to gain the effect of To absorb a spell, you must succeed on a Concentration
a single spell affecting the target. Alternatively, if you hit an check against a DC of 16 + the spell's caster level. Failure
opponent with a sneak attack, you can choose to forgo indicates that the spell has its normal effect. Success means
dealing 1d6 points of sneak attack damage and apply this that you suffer no effect from the spell and can cast the spell
effect as well. You can choose which spell effect to steal; later (or use its energy to cast one of his own spells known)
otherwise, the stolen spell effect is determined randomly. If as if you had stolen the spell with the steal spell ability (q.v.).
you try to steal a spell effect that isn't present, the stolen spell Your normal limit of total spell levels stolen still applies.
effect is determined randomly from among those currently in Steal Spell Resistance (Su): Beginning at 15th level, a
effect on the target. You can't steal a spell effect if its caster spellthief can use a sneak attack to temporarily steal some or
level exceeds your class level + your Charisma modifier. Upon all of a creature's spell resistance. A spellthief who hits an
stealing a spell effect, you gain the stolen effect (and the opponent with a sneak attack can choose to forgo 3d6 points
original creature loses that effect) for up to 1 minute per class of sneak attack damage and instead reduce the target's spell
level (or until the spell's duration expires, whichever comes resistance by 5. The spellthief also gains spell resistance
first). If the spell effect's duration hasn't expired by this time, equal to 5 + his class level (up to a maximum value equal to
the spell effect returns to the creature that originally the original spell resistance of the target). If the target is
benefited from it. willing, a spellthief can steal spell resistance with a touch as a
You can steal the effect of a spell only if the spell could be standard action.
cast on you. For example, you couldn't gain the effect of an The stolen spell resistance benefits the spellthief for a
animal growth spell unless you are of the animal type. If you number of rounds equal to the spellthief's Charisma modifier
try to steal the effect of a spell not allowed to you, the effect is (minimum 1 round) and then returns to the target creature. If
still suppressed on the original target of the spell for 1 minute the spell resistance is derived from a temporary effect (such
per class level. This ability does not work on spell effects that as a spell), the stolen spell resistance disappears when the
are immune to dispel magic (such as bestow curse). effect elapses. A spellthief can't use this ability on the same
Alternatively, you can temporarily gain resistance to an creature again until the creature's stolen spell resistance
energy type to which your target is resistant or immune (up to returns.
resistance 10 per die of sneak attack damage you forego). Master Spellthief (Sp): At 20th level or higher, you can use
Simultaneously, the target creature's resistance to that energy a stolen spell or absorbed spell energy as an immediate
type is reduced by a like amount. You cannot steal more action.
resistance than the amount possessed by the target. A
creature with immunity to an energy type retains that
Starsoul You trace your heritage to fierce and proud spirits of storm
You come from a line of stargazers and explorers who and sky, and living lightning sings in your veins. Source:
delved deeply into the darkness beyond the stars. In touching Advanced Player’s Guide.
the void, the void touched them, and your mind, spirit, and Bonus Skills: Endurance, Fly.
body yearn to span the gulf between worlds. Source: Bonus Spells: 1st—shocking grasp, 2nd—gust of wind, 3rd
Advanced Player’s Guide. —lightning bolt, 4th—shout, 5th—overland flight, 6th—chain
Bonus Skills: Knowledge (the planes), Survival. lightning, 7th—control weather, 8th—whirlwind, 9th—storm
Bonus Spells: 1st—unseen servant, 2nd—glitterdust, 3rd of vengeance.
—blink, 4th—dimension door, 5th—overland flight, 6th Bonus Feats: Deadly Aim, Dodge, Far Shot, Great
—repulsion, 7th—reverse gravity, 8th—greater prying eyes, Fortitude, Skill Focus (Fly), Widen Spell, Wind Stance, or any
9th—meteor swarm. [Weather] Domain feat.
Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight, Deep Intuition, Dodge, Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell or use a
Improved Counterspell, Fleet, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus spell-like ability with the [electricity] or [sonic] descriptor,
(Fly), or any [Sun] or [Travel] Domain feat. increase the save DC by 1.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast an evocation spell, Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals electrical
targets that fail their saves are dazzled by tiny sparkling damage. Improved Blast: Energy Admixture (sonic); greater
starlights for 1 round per level of the spell. blast: Deafening Spell.
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast takes the form of a Eldritch Resistances: Energy—electricity and sonics;
falling swarm of minute meteors; it deals fire damage. saving throws—deafness; damage reduction—starting at 3rd
Improved Blast: your bloodline arcana (see above) applies to level, you treat wind effects as being one step less severe.
your eldritch blast; the effect lasts 1 round per level of the Decrease the effects by an additional category per 4 levels
highest-level spell slot you have available, and has no saving thereafter, so that at 19th level you treat winds as being 5
throw. Greater blast: Blast Spell (steal breath). categories less severe (you treat a tornado as a moderate
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—cold and fire; saving wind, a hurricane as a light wind, and ignore any winds less
throws—inhaled poisons (at 19th level, you no longer need to severe than a hurricane).
breathe); damage reduction—none. Thunderstaff (Su): At 1st level, any weapon you wield
Suffocating Touch (Su): As a melee touch attack that does gains the shock property. At 7th level, any weapon you wield
not provoke an attack of opportunity, you can inflict the has the shocking burst property; at 13th, add the thundering
airlessness of space upon the victim. The creature touched property as well. Also at 1st level, you can use your eldritch
must succeed at a Fortitude save or begin suffocating. A blast (q.v.) as a melee touch attack (you do not gain the ranged
suffocating victim can attempt a new saving throw each application until 2nd level, as normal).
round to end the effect. Any creature touched is unaffected by Elemental Body (Sp): Starting at 9th level, you can
your suffocating touch for 24 hours thereafter, whether or not assume the form of a Small lightning elemental (Bestiary 2)
it succeeds at the initial save. at will, as if by an elemental body I spell. Starting at 11th level,
Aurora Borealis (Sp): Starting at 9th level, you can create you can also become a Medium lightning elemental (as per an
a sheet of cascading colors as a standard action. This power elemental body II spell). At 13th level, you can become a Large
acts as a wall of fire, but it inflicts cold damage and does not lightning elemental instead (as per an elemental body III
radiate heat. However, one side of the aurora designated by spell). At 17th level, you can become a Huge elemental
you also fascinates creatures within 10 feet, up to a (elemental body IV).
maximum of 2 HD of creatures per sorcerer level. A Will save Ride the Lightning (Sp): At 15th level, you can become a
negates this fascinate effect. You may use this ability for a living lightning bolt as a swift action and move in a straight
number of rounds per day equal to your sorcerer level. These line up to 10 times your speed as a full-round action. You do
rounds do not need to be consecutive. not provoke attacks of opportunity while moving in this way.
Breaching the Gulf (Sp): Once per day you can teleport a Creatures or objects in your path are affected as by your
single creature within 30 feet into the void of space if it fails a eldritch blast. Creatures do not block your movement but
Will save. The target can attempt a new saving throw as a full- solid barriers do unless they are reduced to 0 hit points. You
round action each round to return. While trapped in the can use this power once per day for a number of rounds
airless void, the target suffers 6d6 points of cold damage per equal to your sorcerer level.
round and immediately begins to suffocate. Storm Lord (Ex): At 20th level, you are one with the storm.
Starborn (Ex): At 20th level, you gain immunity to You gain immunity to deafness, stunning, and wind effects
blindness, and you can see perfectly in natural or magical and gain blindsight 120 feet against concealment from
darkness. In addition, you gain fast healing 1 when you are natural or magical fog, mist, or weather. Once per day, when
outdoors at night. attacked with an electricity or sonic effect, you may forgo your
saving throw and absorb the energies of the attack, healing 1
point of damage for every 3 points of damage the attack
would otherwise have dealt.

One of Us (Ex): At 20th level, your form begins to rot (the
Undead appearance of this decay is up to you) and undead see you as
The taint of the grave runs through your family. Perhaps one of them. You gain immunity to nonlethal damage,
one of your ancestors became a powerful lich or vampire; paralysis, and sleep. Unintelligent undead do not notice you
maybe you were born dead before suddenly returning to life; unless you attack them. You receive a +4 morale bonus on
or possibly you gained your powers through unspeakable saving throws made against spells and spell-like abilities cast
congress with the dead. In any case, the forces of undeath by undead.
move through you and touch your every action. Verdant
Bonus Skills: Endurance, Knowledge (the planes).
Bonus Spells: 1st—chill touch, 2nd—false life, 3rd Your progenitors infused themselves with raw plant life,
—animate dead, 4th—grasp of the dead1, 5th—waves of binding it into their own tissue and passing it down to their
fatigue, 6th—undeath to death, 7th—finger of death, 8th literal seed, giving you innate communion with nature.
—undead anatomy IVUM, 9th—energy drain. Alternatively, you might simply be descended from a dryad.
Bonus Feats: Command Undead, Defiance, Great Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Fortitude, Skill Focus (Knowledge: the planes), Spell Focus Bonus Skill: Profession (horticulture), Survival.
(Necromancy), Still Spell, or any [Death] domain or Bonus Spells: 1st—entangle, 2nd—barkskin, 3rd—speak
[Necromancy] feat. with plants, 4th—command plants, 5th—wall of thorns, 6th
Bloodline Arcana: Some undead are susceptible to your —transport via plants, 7th—plant shape III, 8th—animate
mind-affecting spells. Corporeal undead that were once plants, 9th—shambler.
humanoids are treated as humanoids for the purposes of Bonus Feats: Domain Access (Plant), Domain Channeling
determining which spells affect them. (Plant), Extend Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Grapple,
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals negative Skill Focus (Profession: horticulture), Toughness, or any
energy damage. Improved blast: Fell Frighten; greater Blast: [Plant] Domain feat.
Starting at 16th level, the [fear] effects of your improved blast Bloodline Arcana: Add all spells with “plant” in the name
stack; shaken creatures affected again become frightened; to your list of class spells. In addition, your powers of
frightened creatures become panicked, and panicked compulsion can affect even plant creatures. Whenever you
creatures become cowering. cast a mind-affecting or language-dependent spell, it affects
Synergy: Your eldritch blast is treated as channeled creatures of the plant type as if they were humanoids that
negative energy for purposes of qualifying for feats such as understood your language.
Command Undead. Affecting an area with such a feat also Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is a ray (or puff) of
requires you to also have the Innate Metamagic (Shape Spell) spores which immediately grow into vines on those affected,
feat. dealing 1d6 piercing damage per round for a number of
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—cold; saving throws— rounds equal to the level of the highest-level spell slot you
energy drain and death effects; damage reduction—slashing. have available. Improved blast: Entangling Spell), applied to
Grave Touch (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can make a your eldritch blast, as a bonus feat; greater blast: those
melee touch attack that does not provoke an attack of entangled are also considered grappled.
opportunity as a standard action that causes a living creature Eldritch Resistances: Energy: your need to eat and sleep
to become shaken for a number of rounds equal to half your is reduced as if wearing a ring of sustenance; saving throws—
sorcerer level (minimum 1). If you touch a shaken creature special: you gain Favored Terrain (Forests and Jungles) with a
with this ability, it becomes frightened for 1 round if it has bonus equal to 1 + the saving throw bonus you would
fewer Hit Dice than your sorcerer level. You can combine this normally receive; at 19th level, the bonus improves to +8.
ability with the effects of your eldritch blast (q.v.) as a melee Damage reduction—your gnarled, woody skin gives you a +1
touch attack. natural armor bonus to AC at 3rd level, increasing by an
Zone of Desecration (Su): At 9th level, you begin to additional +1 per 4 class levels thereafter.
project an aura of desecration (as the spell) in an emanation Tanglevine (Sp): At 1st level, as a standard action, you can
around yourself. This aura is centered on you and moves with create a 15-foot-long, animated vine that springs from your
you; it extends to a radius of 5 ft. per class level you possess. hand. This vine lasts for 1 round and can be used to make a
This ability supersedes the True Necromancer’s prestige single disarm, grapple, or trip combat maneuver, using your
class feature of the same name from Libris Mortis, and also sorcerer level plus your Charisma modifier in place of your
the minor necromancy esoterica from the Master Specialist normal CMB.
prestige class (Complete Mage). Massmorph (Sp): At 9th level, as a full-round action, you
Incorporeal Form (Sp): At 15th level, as a move action you can alter the size and health of plant life, as if using plant
can become incorporeal. You may remain in an incorporeal growth or diminish plants. Alternatively, you can transform
state a number of rounds per day equal to your class level; one willing non-plant creature per sorcerer level (no two of
these rounds need not be consecutive. While in this form, you which can be more than 30 feet apart) as tree shape. You may
gain the incorporeal subtype. You only take half damage from transform creatures as plant shape I at 13th level, or plant
corporeal sources as long as they are magic (you take no shape II at 18th level; you can transform non-plant creatures
damage from non-magic weapons and objects). Likewise, using this power once per day (or use it on yourself once per
your spells deal only half damage to corporeal creatures. day per 3 class levels you possess).
Spells and other effects that do not deal damage function
Liveoak (Sp): At 15th level, a tree animates itself as a treant
and does your bidding. This otherwise functions as a liveoak
spell, except the duration is unlimited (if your tree is killed or
you dismiss it, you can turn affect a different tree with 10
minutes of concentration).
Shepherd of the Trees (Su): At 20th level, your verdant
heritage fully manifests. You gain immunity to paralysis,
poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, sneak attacks, and
critical hits, and you gain tremorsense 30 feet even when not
Appendix B: Battle Sorcerer
The battle sorcerer (Chinese wuxia, or “martial hero”) is a capable physical combatant who mixes magical prowess with fighting
skill. Use of the martial way (“wudan”) options below provides a reasonable substitute for the Magus base class from Ultimate
Magic. Morrolan e’Drien, from Steven Brust’s Taltos novels, is an example of a battle sorcerer.
Capacity Special
Class Level Base Attack Bonus
1st +0 1st Bloodline or martial way, eschew materials, limited power

2nd +1 2nd Wudan feat, eldritch blast

3rd +2 3rd Eldritch resistances +2

4th +3 4th Blast metamagic

5th +3 5th Weapon form +2

6th +4 6th Wudan feat

7th +5 7th Eldritch resistances +3

8th +6/+1 7th Iterative blast

9th +6/+1 8th Wudan power, weapon form +4

10th +7/+2 9th Wudan feat

11th +8/+3 10th Eldritch resistances +4

12th +9/+4 11th Improved blast

13th +9/+4 12th Weapon form +6

14th +10/+5 13th Wudan feat

15th +11/+6/+6 13th Eldritch resistances +5, wudan power

16th +12/+7/+7 14th Greater blast

17th +12/+7/+7 15th Weapon form +8

18th +13/+8/+8 16th Wudan feat

19th +14/+9/+9 17th Eldritch immunities, powerful blast

20th +15/+10/+10 18th Wudan power

Saving Throws: Battle sorcerers gain a +2 class bonus to

Fortitude and Will saves.
Bonus Skills: You
Concentration. receive one
one free
otherwise free rank
treated per
per class level
a class in
in Bonus
Bonus Skills:
Concentration. You
Skills:This receive one
one free
otherwise free rank
treated per
per class level
a class in
does not
not count This
count against
against otherwise
your total treated
total number
number asof
of askill
skill skill,
points. but Concentration.
does not
not count This
count against
against otherwise
your total treated
total number
number asof
of askill
skill skill,
points. but
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Endurance, Fly, Wudan Feats: Arcane Armor Training, Arcane Boost,
Knowledge (any), Planar Sense, Profession (any), Spellcraft. Dispelling Strike, Greater Sudden Metamagic (quicken spell),
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier. Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (any), Spell
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Battle sorcerers have Focus (any).
Simple proficiency with all weapons, and also gain Martial Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast strikes like an
Weapon Proficiency with one weapon group of their choice (if invisible blade, dealing force damage.
already proficient with all martial weapons, you may gain Improved Blast: You gain Innate Metamagic (Channel
Exotic proficiency with one weapon instead). Spell and Imbue Missile), applied to your eldritch blast, as
Battle sorcerers are proficient with light armor, and have bonus feats.
Simple proficiency with shields. You can cast spells in light
armor without suffering the normal arcane spell failure Greater Blast: You gain Sudden Metamagic (Channel
chance. You can instead choose to trade armor and shields Spell and Imbue Missile) applied to your eldritch blast as
proficiency for the Canny Defense feat. well.
Class Features: Battle sorcerers are treated as standard
sorcerers except as specifically noted here (note that they do Eldritch Resistances: Energy—electricity; saving throws
not receive several of the class features gained by the —special (see below); damage reduction—adamantine.
standard sorcerer). Also, the levels at which they gain the Counter (Su): Instead of a bonus on saves, at 3rd level you
improved blast and iterative blast abilities are juxtaposed, as gain the ability to sacrifice a spell slot in order to reroll a
shown in Table B-1. failed save. You can use this ability an additional time per day
Bloodline or Martial Way: A battle sorcerer can use one for every 4 class levels above 3rd (i.e., 2/day at 7th, 3/day at
of the normal sorcerer bloodlines, or can instead select one 11th, 4/day at 15th, and 5/day at 19th level). You gain a
of the martial paths (‘wudan”) described below. competence bonus or penalty to the save reroll equal to the
Limited Power: Battle sorcerers cast spells as do level of the spell sacrificed -4 (i.e., -3 for a 1st level spell, -2 for
sorcerers, but generally know fewer spells and can cast fewer a 2nd level spell, +0 for a 4th level spell, etc., to a maximum of
spells per day. You do not gain the standard sorcerer’s +5 for a 9th level spell slot.
expanded arcana, rapid metamagic, impromptu metamagic, Hexsword (Ex): At 1st level, you gain an Arcane Bond (as
or impromptu spells abilities. In addition, you do not gain in the wizard class feature). You must choose a weapon as the
spell capacity at 8th or 15th level. object of your arcane bond.
Weapon Form (Ex): Starting at 5th level, you receive a +2 Soul of the Spellblade (Su): At 9th level, you gain Channel
competence bonus to damage with any weapon with which Spell and Imbue Missile as bonus feats.
you are proficient, and to spell-like abilities that deal hit point Spellblade Mastery (Su): At 15th level, you gain Battle
damage (including your eldritch blast). This bonus improves Touch as a bonus feat; you can apply this to channeled spells
by +2 per 4 levels thereafter, as shown in the table. If you or to your eldritch blast.
have levels in monk, your battle sorcerer level instead Dominion of the Dusk Knight (Ex): At 20th level, as a full-
provides Full synergy to the monk’s weapon form class round action, you may make a single attack (melee or ranged)
feature. and also cast a single spell with a casting time of 1 standard
Martial Paths (“Wudan”) action. You may decide to cast then attack, or attack then
cast. You can also cast a quickened spell in the same round,
These variant class packages work exactly as do bloodlines, using Quicken Spell or Sudden Quicken Spell.
but represent the fruition of martial training as opposed to
the development of some inborn bloodline. You can develop Green Star Adept
new martial paths using the following as examples; as always, A Green Star adept is a master of the strange and powerful
this is subject to referee approval. magic derived from the glittering green starmetal from the
Martial Arcanist (Ex): All followers of martial paths gain comet Alhazarde. He travels the land, searching for more of
Skill Focus (Concentration) as a bonus feat. In addition, if you the comet's fallen substance and mastering its eldritch power.
have levels in fighter, your fighter level provides Full synergy Turning his back on the traditional studies of the sorcerer or
for determining the effects of your wudan powers and wizard, he slowly infuses himself with starmetal, gaining
resistances, and your battle sorcerer level provides Strong immortality and invulnerability at the cost of his own flesh. At
synergy for purposes of determining the level-dependent each appearance of the comet, only a handful of adepts can
effects of your fighter talents. This ability replaces the complete the rites necessary to achieve this transformation.
sorcerer’s bloodline arcana. Source: Complete Arcane.
Archon Bonus Skills: Craft (alchemy), Knowledge (lore).
Wudan Spells: 1st—stone fistAPG, 2nd—chill metal, 3rd
This martial path supersedes the class of the same name —bands of steelCA, 4th—rusting grasp, 5th—telekinesis, 6th
from the Genius Guide to the Archon (Super Genius Games). —wall of iron, 7th—repel metal or stone, 8th—iron body, 9th
The Archon’s signature “rivenspell” ability is represented by —crushing hand.
selecting Arcane Boost as your 2nd level Wudan feat. Wudan Feats: Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Exotic
Bonus Skills: Endurance, Spellcraft. Weapon Proficiency (unarmed), Great Fortitude, Improved
Wudan Spells: 1st—shield, 2nd—mirror image, 3rd Bull Rush, Improved Natural Armor, Skill Focus (Endurance),
—vampiric touch, 4th—fire shield, 5th—cone of cold, 6th Toughness.
—disintegrate, 7th—greater teleport, 8th—shield of law, 9th—
prismatic sphere.
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is impregnated with Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast strikes like an
tiny metal particles that carry a charge; it deals electrical invisible blade, dealing force damage.
damage. Improved blast: Energy Admixture (bludgeoning, Improved Blast: The threat range of your eldritch blast is
piercing, and slashing); greater blast: Irresistible Evocation. 19-20.
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—special: you gain +1
natural armor at 3rd level, +2 at 7th, +3 at 11th, +4 at 15th, and Greater Blast: You gain Deadly Critical, applied to your
+5 at 19th. Saving throws—poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, eldritch blast, as a bonus feat (even if you do not meet the
disease, death effects, and necromancy effects. Damage prerequisites).
Starmetal Rigor (Ex): At 1st level, a Green Star adept's Eldritch Resistances: Energy—force; saving throws—
process of transformation has already begun. His flesh takes mind-affecting spells and effects; damage reduction—
on a faint emerald hue, and it becomes denser and stronger adamantine.
as the starmetal infusion takes hold. You gain a +1 racial If you have levels in fighter, your kensai level provides Full
bonus to Strength and a -1 racial penalty to Dexterity (to a synergy for determining the effects of the following abilities:
minimum of 3); these stack with existing racial modifiers. Signature Weapon (Ex): At 1st level, you gain the Personal
Later, you also gain a measure of protection from critical hits Weapon fighter talent.
and precision damage (fortification). These continue to Iaijutsu (Ex): At 9th level, you gain the Iaijutsu fighter
accrue as you gain levels, according to the following table (the talent.
modifiers shown are total, not cumulative). Ki Warlord (Ex): At 15th level, you gain the fighter’s
Class Level Str Dex Fortification Warlord class feature.
1st – 3rd +1 -1 — Weapon Mastery (Su): At 20th level, all your critical
threats are automatically confirmed, and you treat the critical
4th – 7th +2 -1 — multiplier of weapons you wield as one higher than normal
8th – 11th +3 -2 25% (this does not increase the threat multiplier of your greater
12th – 15th +4 -2 50%
16th – 19th +5 -3 75% Knight of the Arcane Order
20th +6 -3 100% Your martial path is an actual Order of Knighthood (see
Knightly Order fighter talent).
Otherworldly Vision (Ex): At 9th level, you gain darkvision Bonus Skills: Endurance, Knowledge (warfare).
60 ft. and low-light vision. Wudan Spells: 1st—compel hostilityUC, 2nd—shield other,
Null Metabolism (Ex): Starting at 15th level, you no longer 3 —phantom steed, 4th—fire shield, 5th—wreath of
need to breathe, eat, or sleep (although you still must rest 8 bladesUC, 6th—Tenser’s transformation, 7th—magnificent
hours in order to regain spells). You are immune to inhaled mansion, 8th—iron body, 9th—heroic invocationUC.
poisons, drowning, suffocation, fatigue, and exhaustion. Wudan Feats: Arcane Armor Training, Arcane Boost,
Emerald Perfection (Ex): At 20th level, you complete your Dispelling Strike, Great Fortitude, Martial Shield Proficiency,
transformation. You resemble a perfectly-sculpted statue of Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Skill
yourself, forged from green starmetal. Your type changes to Focus (Knowledge: warfare).
Construct and you lose your Constitution score, instead Eldritch Blast (Sp): Instead of an eldritch blast, you gain
determining hit points and Fort saves using your Strength the Challenge fighter talent (q.v.), using your battle sorcerer
score. You no longer heal naturally and cannot benefit from level as your effective fighter level.
[healing] spells, but you gain rapid repair (as fast healing) at
the rate of 1 hp per hour. You no longer age. Unlike most Improved Blast: The target of your challenge also takes a –
constructs, you gain no immunity to magic or mind-affecting 2 circumstance penalty to its AC against the attacks of all
spells and effects. opponents other than you (even though your BAB is not
yet +11).
Kensai Greater Blast: You gain any one Strike feat as a bonus
You are trained to focus your will like a knife, cutting down feat; the effects automatically apply to your first attack
anyone before you. This martial path replaces the Magus each round when using your Challenge, even if the normal
archetype of the same name from Ultimate Combat and the activating conditions are not met.
prestige class of the same name from Complete Warrior.
Bonus Skills: Bluff, Perception. Eldritch Resistances: Energy—force; saving throws—fear,
Wudan Spells: 1st—mage armor, 2nd—protection from and your saving throw bonus also applies to Endurance skill
arrows, 3rd—greater magic weapon, 4th—greater invisibility, checks; damage reduction—adamantine.
5th—Heightened bull’s strength (+8; self only), 6th—true Order of Knighthood (Ex): At 1st level, you gain an Order
seeing, 7th—ethereal jaunt, 8th—moment of prescience, 9th of Knighthood (see Fighter). You gain the corresponding
—foresight. edict(s), skill use, and 1st level Order ability. When you gain
Wudan Feats: Canny Defense, Combat Reflexes, Critical the Challenge ability at 2nd level, you also gain the
Focus, Lightning Reflexes, Perfect Strike, Skill Focus (Bluff), corresponding improvement from your Order.
Vital Strike, Weapon Focus.
Knight of Quality (Su): At 9th level, you gain the 8th level Magus
Knight of Quality ability that corresponds to your order of
knighthood. This martial path is intended to simplify efforts to simulate
Knight of Renown (Su): At 15th level, you gain the 15th the Magus base class from Ultimate Magic.
level ability for your order of knighthood. Bonus Skills: Endurance, Spellcraft.
Weapon Mastery (Ex): At 20th level, all your critical Wudan Spells: 1st—true strike, 2nd—bull’s strength, 3rd—
threats are automatically confirmed, and you treat the critical haste, 4th—fire shield, 5th—telekinesis, 6th—forceful hand,
multiplier of weapons you wield as one higher than normal (a 7th—spell turning, 8th—moment of prescience, 9th—time
×2 becomes a ×3, for example). stop.
Wudan Feats: Arcane Armor Training, Arcane Boost,
Living Monolith Combat Casting, Lightning Reflexes, Medium Armor
Proficiency, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spellstrike, Two-Weapon
The ancient lands of the desert are rife with aged ruins Fighting.
guarded by stony sentinels from bygone days, whose Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals fire damage.
implacable gaze can still the heart of a miscreant or scare off Improved blast: Versatile Evocation (force); greater blast: Ray
a would-be tomb robber. The ancient race of sphinxes is said Splitting.
to have endowed the first living monoliths with their powers, Eldritch Resistances: Energy—fire; saving throws--
raising statues to a semblance of life, but today, most of these evocations; damage reduction—adamantine.
paragons of justice are mortals who willingly take on the Athame (Ex): At 1st level, you gain an Arcane Bond (as the
mantle of immortal warriors through ritual and devotion, wizard class feature). You must choose a weapon as the
imbuing themselves with the patience and eternal strength of object of your arcane bond.
stone. Synergy: If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat and are
―Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Sands. wielding your athame in one hand and have the other hand
Bonus Skills: Endurance, Knowledge (lore). free, as a full-round action you can make all of your attacks
Wudan Spells: 1st—enlarge person, 2nd—see invisibility, with your athame at a –2 penalty, and also cast any spell (or
3 —speak with dead, 4th—mark of justice, 5th—contact
rd use a spell-like ability) with a casting time of 1 standard
other plane, 6th—stone tell, 7th—Heightened planar ally (12 action. Any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes the
HD max; sphinxes only), 8th— Quickened righteous might, -2 penalty.
9th—imprisonment. Knowledge Pool (Su): This functions as the Arcane
Wudan Feats: Arcane Defense (Enchantment), Diehard, bloodline’s “prepare spells” ability; it is gained at 9th level.
Divine Healing (enlarge self or righteous might), Innate Counterstrike (Ex): Starting at 15th level, whenever an
Metamagic (Quicken enlarge person), Innate Metamagic enemy within reach casts a spell defensively, that enemy
(Sudden righteous might), Iron Will, Skill Focus (Endurance), provokes an attack of opportunity from you after the spell is
Toughness. complete. This attack of opportunity cannot disrupt the spell.
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast carries the roar of True Magus (Su): At 20th level, you become a master of
sphinxes; it deals sonic damage. Improved blast: Deafening spells and combat. Any time you cast a spell in the same
Spell; greater blast: Fell Frightening (frightened). round in which you make a melee attack against the same
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—negative energy; saving target, you do not need to make a Concentration check to cast
throws—[death] effects and energy drain; damage reduction the spell defensively. In addition, you can choose to either
—adamantine. increase the DC to resist the spell by +2, or grant yourself a
Fortified Flesh (Ex): At 1st level, your flesh takes on some +2 circumstance bonus on all attack rolls made against that
of the hardness of stone. You gain 5% fortification (immunity target during that turn.
to critical hits and sneak atacks). At 3rd level and every 4 class
levels thereafter, your fortification increases by 5% Soulknife
(maximum at 35% at 19th level). This fortification doubles
while you are under the effects of an enlarge person or This martial path represents the base class of the same name
righteous might spell (maximum 70% at 19th level). from the 3.5 edition System Reference Document;
Tombsight (Sp, Ex): Starting at 9th level, you can sense enhancements to your mind blade are represented by spells
the ebbing of life forces and the pulse of necromantic energy known. If desired, replace the word “magic” with the word
around you. You gain the continuous effects of deathwatch “psionic” in the abilities below; the mechanics stay the same.
and detect undead (as the spells). You also gain tremorsense Bonus Skills: Athletics, Sleight of Hand.
30 ft. Wudan Spells: 1st—lead bladesAPG, 2nd—weapon of
Assumption of Stone (Sp): At 15th level, you can use meld energySS, 3rd—keen edge, 4th—ghost touch weapon, 5th
into stone and statue at will as spell-like abilities (self only), —greater energy surgePHII, 6th—brilliant blade or death
and you are immune to petrifaction. bladeRR, 7th—daggers of VaulRR or Mordenkainen’s sword,
Ageless Stone (Ex): At 20th level, you become immortal. 8th—black blade of disasterMF, 9th—soul bind (as swift
You cease aging (though any aging effects already accrued action, on killing blow with mind blade).
remain in place), though you can still be killed by other Wudan Feats: Concussive Strike, Exotic Weapon
means. You are also immune to all diseases, including Proficiency (short sword), Fleet, Lightning Reflexes, Skill
supernatural and magical diseases (such as mummy rot). Focus (Sleight of Hand), Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (light
blades), Whirlwind Strike.

Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast is like a thrown mind Wudan Spells: 1st—expeditious retreat, 2nd—blur, 3rd—
blade; it deals piercing damage. Improved blast—the damage haste, 4th—freedom of movement, 5th—teleport, 6th
is force damage; greater blast—any feats, spells, or magic —shadow walk, 7th—greater teleport, 8th—moment of
properties active on your mind blade also apply to your prescience, 9th—time stop.
eldritch blast. Wudan Feats: Canny Defense, Improved Initiative,
Eldritch Resistances: Energy—force; saving throws— Internalize Spell (haste), Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus
instead of you gaining a bonus to saving throws, your mind (Acrobatics), Skirmish, Spring Attack, Swift Surge.
blade gains an enhancement bonus equal to 1 less than the Eldritch Blast (Sp): Your eldritch blast deals sonic
saving throw bonus you would normally receive (maximum damage. Improved blast: your eldritch blast gains the effects
+5 at 19th level). Damage reduction—magic (enhancement of the Anchoring Blow feat (the BAB +11 and +16 effects do
bonus equal to your mind blade’s is needed to overcome your not apply); greater blast: Staggering Spell.
DR). Eldritch Resistances: Energy—sonic; saving throws—
Mind Blade (Su): As a move action, you can create a evasive celerity (special; see below) Damage reduction—cold
semisolid blade composed of magical energy distilled from iron.
your own mind. Each time you manifest it, choose one melee Evasive Celerity (Ex): Instead of a bonus to saving throws,
weapon; the blade is identical (except visually) to a weapon of you receive a miss chance (as if from a blink spell) as shown
that type. You can use feats in conjunction with the mind in the following table. Hostile spells that specifically target
blade just as if it were a normal weapon; any weapon-specific you also have that chance of failure (even if they do not
feats (e.g., Weapon Focus) that apply to your mind blade in require an attack roll), unless affected by the
one form also apply to the mind blade in all other forms. You Transdimensional Spell feat. You do not gain any other
can spend personal numen (Chapter 6) on your mind blade features of the blink spell.
as if it were a physical object, and its properties apply Class Level Evasive Celerity
whenever you manifest it.
The blade can be broken (it has hardness 10 and 10 hit 3rd – 6th 10%
points); however, you can simply create another on your next 7th – 10th 20%
move action. The moment you relinquish your grip on your
blade, it dissipates (unless you intentionally throw it, in which 11th – 14th 30%
case it vanishes after the attack). Spells you cast on your 15th -18th 40%
mind blade carry over to any new manifestation of it, if a 19th – 20th 50%
previous one is broken or dissipates.
Even in places where magic effects do not normally
function (such as within a null magic field), you can attempt to Mobility (Ex): At 1st level, you gain Mobility (as the fighter
sustain your mind blade by making a DC 20 Will save. On a talent), using your battle sorcerer class level in place of your
successful save, you maintain the mind blade for a number of fighter level (if you also have levels in Fighter, they provide
rounds equal to your class level before you need to check Full synergy to this ability).
again. On an unsuccessful attempt, the mind blade vanishes. Spelldance (Su): Starting at 9th level, you can cast any of
As a move action on your turn, you can attempt a new Will your bloodline spells as a swift action. This ability also
save to rematerialize the mind blade while you remains applies to spell-like abilities gained from Reserve feats that
within the negating effect. are dependent upon one or more of your bloodline spells.
Enhance Mind Blade (Su): At 9th level, any spells you cast Perpetual Options (Ex): Starting at 15th level, you can
that target your mind blade have a casting time of one swift perform even more actions with the haste spell. Instead of
action. In addition, you gain the Spellstrike feat, but it applies making one extra attack at your highest base attack bonus
only in conjunction with your mind blade. while under the effect of a haste spell that you cast yourself,
Pierce Magical Protection (Ex): At 15th level you gain the you now have the choice of making one extra move action or
Pierce Magical Protection advanced fighter talent; it applies one extra standard action.
to your mind blade. True Magus (Su): As the Magus ability of the same name
Mind Blade Mastery (Ex): At 20th level, you reach the (see above).
pinnacle of your art. You no longer require a Will save to
maintain her mind blade in a null magic field, and it retains
any enhancement bonus and magical properties. In addition,
you may cast spells affecting your mind blade as immediate
This martial path represents the Magus archetype of the
same name from the Advanced Race Guide. It also provides
the building blocks of the 3.5 edition Swiftblade prestige class
from the Wizards of the Coast web site.
Bonus Skills: Acrobatics, Perform (dance).
Appendix C: Summoner
The Summoner base class, from the Advanced Player’s Guide, is presented here as a variant sorcerer, although it would
conceivably work equally well as a 10-level prestige class for a conjurer. Theleb K’aarna, from Michael Moorcock’s Elric of
Melniboné saga, is a good example of a summoner―he has magical powers of his own, but is generally found with a very powerful
summoned ally (e.g., Quaolnargn in “The Stealer of Souls”).
TABLE C-1: THE SUMMONER HIT DICE: D8 Saving Throws: Summoners gain a +2 class bonus to
Intuition and Will saves.
Spell Bonus Skills: You receive one free rank per class level in
Class Base Attack Capacity Special Concentration and Knowledge (the Planes). These are
Level Bonus otherwise treated as class skills, but do not count against
1st +0 1st Eidolon, life link, your total number of skill points.
Thaumaturgist Class Skills: Bluff, Craft (any), Fly, Knowledge (any),
Planar Sense, Profession (any), Spellcraft.
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
2nd +1 2nd Bond senses Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Summoners have
Simple proficiency with all weapons. They are also proficient
3rd +2 3rd — with light armor, but gain no shield proficiency. A summoner
can cast summoner spells while wearing light armor without
4th +3 4th Shield ally
incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any
other arcane spellcaster, a summoner wearing medium or
heavy armor, or using a shield, incurs a chance of arcane spell
5th +3 5th — failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. A
multiclass summoner still incurs the normal arcane spell
6th +4 6th Maker’s call failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes..
Class Features: Summoners are treated as standard
sorcerers except as specifically noted (as shown in Table C-1,
7th +5 7th — they do not receive many of the class features gained by the
standard sorcerer or battle sorcerer). The lack of a bloodline
8th +6/+1 8th Transposition or martial path means that you gain no bloodline/wudan
arcana, eldritch blast, eldritch resistances, or bonus feats.
9th +6/+1 9th —
Spellcasting: Summoners cast spells as do sorcerers, but
generally know fewer spells and can cast fewer spells per day.
You do not gain the standard sorcerer’s eschew materials,
10th +7/+2 10th Aspect expanded arcana, eldritch blast, blast metamagic, rapid
metamagic, impromptu metamagic, or impromptu spells
11 th +8/+3 11 th — abilities. In addition, you reduce your spells per day
(Spellcasting Table 2 in Chapter 7) by 1 per spell level (to a
minimum of 0/day).
12th +9/+4 12th Greater shield ally Your bonus spells (Chapter 7, Table 1) are as follows: 1st
through 9th—summon monster I—IX. These spells cannot be
13th +9/+4 13th — exchanged for different spells at higher levels.
Eidolon: A summoner has no bloodline; he or she instead
14 th +10/+5 14 th Life bond
devotes her initiation to the binding of an increasingly-
powerful extraplanar being.
You begin play with the ability to summon to your side an
15th +11/+6/+6 15th — outsider called an eidolon. The eidolon forms a link with you;
forever after, you summon an aspect of the same creature.
16 th +12/+7/+7 16 th Merge forms Eidolons are treated as summoned creatures, except that
they are not sent back to their home plane until reduced to a
number of negative hit points equal to or greater than their
17th +12/+7/+7 17th — Constitution score. In addition, due to its tie to its summoner,
an eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by
18th +13/+8/+8 18th Greater aspect protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact
with summoned creatures.
19th +14/+9/+9 19th Gate

20th +15/+10/+10 20th Twin eidolon

You can summon your eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 minute Maker's Call (Su): At 6th level, as a standard action, you
to perform. When summoned in this way, the eidolon’s hit can call your eidolon to his side. This functions as dimension
points are unchanged from the last time it was summoned. door. When used, the eidolon appears adjacent to you (or as
The only exception to this is if the eidolon was slain, in which close as possible if all adjacent spaces are occupied). If the
case it returns with half its normal hit points. The eidolon eidolon is out of range, the ability is wasted. You can use this
does not heal naturally. The eidolon remains until dismissed ability once per day at 6th level, plus one additional time per
by you (a standard action). If the eidolon is sent back to its day for every four levels beyond 6th (maximum 4/day at 18th
home plane due to death, it cannot be summoned again until level).
the following day. The eidolon cannot be sent back to its Transposition (Su): At 8th level, you can use your maker's
home plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as call ability (q.v.) to swap locations with your eidolon. If it is
dismissal and banishment work normally. If you are larger than you, you can appear in any square occupied by the
unconscious, asleep, or killed, your eidolon is immediately eidolon. The eidolon must occupy the square that was
banished. occupied by the you if able, or as close as possible if it is not
The eidolon takes a form shaped by your desires. The able.
eidolon's Hit Dice, saving throws, skills, feats, and abilities Aspect (Su): At 10th level, you can divert up to 2 points
are tied to your class level and increase as you gain levels. In from your eidolon's evolution pool to add evolutions to
addition, each eidolon receives a pool of evolution points, himself. You cannot select any evolution that the eidolon
based on your class level, that can be used to give the eidolon could not possess, and you must be able to meet the
different abilities and powers. Whenever you gain a level, you requirements as well. You cannot select the ability increase
must decide how these points are spent, and they are set until evolution through this ability. Any points spent in this way are
you gain another level of summoner. taken from the eidolon's evolution pool (reducing the total
The eidolon's physical appearance is up to you, but it number available to the eidolon). You can change the
always appears as some sort of fantastical creature. This evolutions you receive from these points any time you can
control is not fine enough to make the eidolon appear like a change the eidolon's evolutions.
specific creature. Greater Shield Ally (Su): At 12th level, whenever an ally of
Life Link (Su): Whenever your eidolon takes enough yours is within your eidolon's reach, the ally receives a +2
damage to send it back to its home plane, you can, as a free shield bonus to its Armor Class and a +2 circumstance bonus
action, sacrifice any number of hit points. Each hit point on its saving throws. In addition, your shield other bonuses
sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage done to the increase to +4. These bonuses does not apply if the eidolon is
eidolon. This can prevent the eidolon from being sent back to grappled, helpless, paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious.
its home plane. Life Bond (Su): At 14th level, your life becomes
In addition, you and your eidolon must remain within 100 inextricably linked to your eidolon's. As long as the eidolon
feet of one another for the eidolon to remain at full strength. has 1 or more hit points, you are protected from harm.
If the eidolon is beyond 100 feet but closer than 1,000 feet, its Damage in excess of that which would reduce you to fewer
current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 50%. If than 0 hit points is instead transferred to the eidolon. This
the eidolon is more than 1,000 feet away but closer than damage is transferred 1 point at a time, meaning that as soon
10,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are as the eidolon is reduced to a number of negative his points
reduced by 75%. If the eidolon is more than 10,000 feet away, equal to its Constitution score, all excess damage remains
it is immediately returned to its home plane. Current hit with you. Effects that cause death but not damage are
points lost in this way are not restored when the eidolon gets unaffected by this ability. Likewise, this ability does not affect
closer to its summoner, but its maximum hit point total does spells like baleful polymorph, flesh to stone, or imprisonment,
return to normal. Because the eidolon’s maximum, rather or other spells that do not cause actual damage.
than current, hit points are reduced, its wound thresholds Merge Forms (Su): At 16th level, as a full-round action, you
change accordingly. can touch your eidolon and merge into its form. This
Thaumaturgist: You gain Thaumaturgist (Chapter 5) as a transformation includes all of the your gear. While merged in
bonus feat at 1st level, allowing you to control summoned this way, you are protected from harm and cannot be the
monsters. Your eidolon’s CR (Table C-2) counts against your target of spells or effects. All effects and spells currently
total CR limit; you are always able to retain an eidolon of at targeting you are suspended until you emerge from the
least the CR listed in the table, even at 1st through 7th level. eidolon (although durations continue to expire).
Bond Senses (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you can, as a You can cast spells while inside the eidolon by taking
standard action, share the senses of your eidolon, hearing, control of the eidolon for the duration of the casting. Any
seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching everything the eidolon material components used for these spells are taken from
does. You can use this ability a number of rounds per day your gear, even though they are otherwise inaccessible. You
equal to your class level. There is no range to this effect, but can direct all of the eidolon's actions while merged, can
you and the eidolon must be on the same plane. You can end perceive through its senses, and can speak through its voice.
this effect as a free action.
Shield Ally (Ex): At 4th level, whenever you are within your
eidolon's reach, you receive a +2 shield bonus to Armor Class
and a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws. These
bonuses do not apply if the eidolon is grappled, helpless,
paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious.
You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal
to your summoner level. You can end this effect at any time as
a swift action. You emerge in a square adjacent to the eidolon
if able. If the eidolon is returned to its home plane while you
are merged with it, you are immediately ejected, taking 4d6
points of damage, and are stunned for 1 round.
Greater Aspect (Su): At 18th level, you can divert more of
his eidolon's evolutions to yourself. This ability functions as
the aspect ability, but up to 6 evolution points can be taken.
Unlike the aspect ability, the eidolon loses 1 point from its
evolution pool for every 2 points (or fraction thereof) diverted
to you.
Gate: At 19th level, you gain gate as a bonus spell known,
as if you had selected the Expanded Arcana feat.
Twin Eidolon (Su): At 20th level, you and your eidolon
share a primal connection. As a standard action, you can
assume the shape of your eidolon, copying all of its
evolutions, form, and abilities. Your Strength, Dexterity, and
Constitution scores change to match the base scores of your
eidolon. You can choose to have any gear that you carry
become absorbed by your new form, as with spells from the
[polymorph] subschool. Items with continuous effects
continue to function while absorbed in this way. You lose your
natural attacks and all racial traits (except bonus feats, skills,
and languages) in favor of the abilities granted by your
eidolon's evolutions. You retain all of your class features. You
can keep this form for a number of minutes per day equal to
your summoner level. This duration does not need to be
consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. You
can end this effect as a free action.
An eidolon's abilities are determined by the summoner's level and by the choices made using its evolution pool. Table C-2 lists
many of the base statistics of the eidolon. Each eidolon possesses a base form that modifies these base statistics (Table C-3). In
addition eidolons gain the Bonded Companion template (see druid’s Mark of the Wild class feature).
Class Level: This is your summoner level.
Hit Dice: This is the total number of racial (Outsider) Hit Dice the eidolon possesses.
Bate Attack: This is the eidolon's base attack bonus. Eidolons do not gain additional attacks using their natural weapons for a
high base attack bonus.
Armor Bonus: The number noted here is the eidolon's base total armor bonus. This bonus may be split between an armor bonus
and a natural armor bonus, as decided by the summoner. This number is modified by the eidolon's base form and some options
available through its evolution pool. An eidolon cannot wear armor of any kind, as the armor interferes with the summoner's
connection to the eidolon.
Str/Dex Bonus: Add this modifier to the eidolon's Strength and Dexterity scores, as determined by its base form. Some options
available through the eidolon's evolution pool might modify these scores.
Evolution Pool: The value given in this column is the total number of points in the eidolon's evolution pool. Points from this pool
can be spent on a wide variety of modifications and upgrades that add new abilities, attacks, and powers to the eidolon. Whenever
the summoner gains a level, the number in this pool increases and the summoner can spend these points to change the abilities of
the eidolon. These choices are not set. The summoner can change them whenever he gains a level (and through the transmogrify
Maximum Attacks: This indicates the maximum number of natural attacks that the eidolon is allowed to possess at the given
level. If the eidolon is at its maximum, it cannot take evolutions that grant additional natural attacks. This does not include attacks
made with weapons.
Summoner Hit Base Armor Str/Dex Maximum
Level Dice Attack Bonus Bonus Attacks
Evolution Pool Effective CR
1st 1 +1 +0 +0 3 3 ½
2nd 2 +2 +2 +1 4 3 1
3rd 3 +3 +2 +1 5 3 2
4th 3 +3 +2 +1 7 4 2
5th 4 +4 +4 +2 8 4 3
6th 5 +5 +4 +2 9 4 4
7th 6 +6 +6 +3 10 4 5
8th 6 +6 +6 +3 11 4 5
9th 7 +7 +6 +3 13 5 5
10th 8 +8 +8 +4 14 5 6
11th 9 +9 +8 +4 15 5 7
12th 9 +9 +10 +5 16 5 7
13th 10 +10 +10 +5 17 5 8
14th 11 +11 +10 +5 19 6 8
15th 12 +12 +12 +6 20 6 9
16th 12 +12 +12 +6 21 6 9
17th 13 +13 +14 +7 22 6 10
18th 14 +14 +14 +7 23 6 11
19th 15 +15 +14 +7 25 7 11
20th 15 +15 +16 +8 26 7 12

Saving Throws: An eidolon possesses two good saving throws and two bad saving throws, determined by the creature's base
form (see below).
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft (any), Knowledge (planes), Perception, Planar Sense, and Stealth. In addition, at 1st level, you can
choose two additional skills to be class skills for your eidolon. Note that eidolons with a fly speed receive Fly as a free class skill,
even if they do not gain a fly speed until a later level.
Skill Points per Hit Die: 4 + Int modifier.
Base Forms: Each eidolon has one of three base forms that Claws (Ex): The eidolon has a pair of vicious claws at the
determines its starting size, speed, AC, attacks, and attribute end of its limbs, giving it two claw attacks. These attacks are
scores. These base forms also note any free evolutions that primary attacks. The claws deal 1d4 points of damage for
base form possesses. The bonuses from these free evolutions Medium eidolons. The eidolon must have the limbs evolution
are already factored into the starting statistics. (q.v.) to take this evolution. This evolution can only be applied
The eidolon is assumed to be Medium size at the start. to the limbs (legs) evolution once This evolution can be
Alternatively, any one of these base forms can be used to selected more than once, but the eidolon must possess an
make a Small eidolon. If the eidolon is Small, it gains a +2 equal number of the limbs evolution.
bonus to its Dexterity score. It also takes a –4 penalty to its Climb (Ex): The eidolon becomes a skilled climber, gaining
Strength and a –2 penalty to its Constitution. It also gains a a climb speed equal to its base speed. This evolution can be
+1 size bonus to its AC and attack rolls, a –1 penalty to its selected more than once. Each additional time it is selected,
CMB and CMD scores, a +2 bonus on its Fly skill checks, and increase the eidolon's climb speed by 20 feet.
a +4 bonus on its Stealth skill checks. Reduce the damage of Energy Resistance (Ex): The eidolon's form takes on a
all of its attacks by one step. If this choice is made, the resiliency to one particular energy type, which is usually
eidolon can be made Medium whenever the summoner can reflected in its physical body (ashen hide for fire, icy breath
change the eidolon's evolution pool (which causes it to lose for cold, and so on). Pick one energy type (acid, cold,
these modifiers for being Small). electricity, fire, or sonic). The eidolon gains resist 5 against
TABLE C-3: EIDOLON BASE STATISTICS that energy type. This resistance increases by 5 for every 5
Shape: Quadruped Biped Serpentine
class levels you possess. This evolution can be selected more
than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon
Speed: 40 ft. 30 ft. 20 ft., selects this evolution, it applies to a different energy type.
climb 20 ft. Gills (Ex): The eidolon has gills and can breathe
underwater indefinitely.
Natural AC: +2 +2 +2
Improved Damage (Ex): One of the eidolon's natural
attacks is particularly deadly. Select one natural attack form
Good Saves: Fort, Ref Fort, Will Ref, Int and increase the damage die type by one step. This evolution
Bad Saves: Int, Will Ref, Int Fort, Will can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each
time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different
Attacks: Bite 2 claws Bite, tail natural attack.
Strength: 14 16 12 Improved Natural Armor (Ex): The eidolon's hide grows
Dexterity: 14 12 16
thick fur, rigid scales, or bony plates, giving it a +2 bonus to
its natural armor. This evolution can be taken once for every
Constitution: 13 13 13 five class levels you possess.
Intelligence: 7 7 7 Penetrating Attacks (Su): The eidolon’s natural attacks can
penetrate damage reduction as if they had a permanent
Wisdom: 10 10 10 enhancement bonus of +1, with an additional +1 per 4 class
Charisma: 11 11 11 levels you possess (maximum +6 at 20th level).
Free Bite, limbs Claws, limbs Bite, climb, reach
Mount (Ex): The eidolon is properly skilled and formed to
Evolutions: (legs) (2) (arms, legs) (bite), tail, tail slap serve as a combat-trained mount. The eidolon must be at
least one size category larger than its rider. This evolution is
Evolutions: Each eidolon receives a number of evolution only available to eidolons of the quadruped and serpentine
points that can be spent to give the eidolon new abilities, base forms.
powers, and other upgrades. These abilities, called Pincers (Ex): The eidolon grows a large pincers at the end
evolutions, can be changed whenever you gain a new level, of one pair of its limbs, giving it two pincer attacks. These
but they are otherwise set. Some evolutions require that the attacks are secondary attacks dealing a base 1d6 damage for
eidolon have a specific base form or that you be of a specific Medium eidolons. Eidolons with the grab evolution (q.v.)
level before they can be chosen. A number of evolutions grant linked to pincers gain a +2 bonus on CMB checks made to
the eidolon additional natural attacks. grapple. The eidolon must have the limbs (arms) evolution to
Evolutions are grouped by their cost in evolution points. take this evolution. Alternatively, the eidolon can replace the
Evolution points cannot be saved. All of the points must be claws from its base form with pincers (this still costs 1
spent whenever you gain a level. Unless otherwise noted, evolution point). This evolution can be selected more than
each evolution can only be selected once. once, but the eidolon must possess an equal number of the
limbs evolution.
1-Point Evolutions Pounce (Ex): The eidolon gains quick reflexes, allowing it
to make a full attack after a charge. This evolution is only
Bite (Ex): The eidolon's maw is full of razor-sharp teeth, available to eidolons of the quadruped base form.
giving it a bite attack. This attack is a primary attack dealing a
base 1d6 damage for Medium eidolons. If the eidolon already
has a bite attack, this evolution allows it to deal 1½ times its
Strength modifier on damage rolls made with its bite.
Pull (Ex): The eidolon gains the ability to pull creatures Tail (Ex): The eidolon grows a long, powerful tail. This
closer with a successful attack. Select one type of natural grants it a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to
attack. Whenever the eidolon makes a successful attack of balance. This evolution can be selected more than once; the
the selected type, it can attempt a free combat maneuver effects stack.
check. If successful, the target of the attack is pulled 5 feet Tail Slap (Ex): The eidolon can use its tail to bash nearby
closer to the eidolon. This ability only works on creatures of a foes, granting it a tail slap attack. This attack is a secondary
size equal to or smaller than the eidolon. Creatures pulled in attack dealing a base 1d6 points of damage for Medium
this way do not provoke attacks of opportunity. The eidolon eidolons. The eidolon must possess the tail evolution to take
must have a reach of 10 feet or more to select this evolution. this evolution. This evolution can be selected more than once,
This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do but the eidolon must possess an equal number of the tail
not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it evolution.
applies to a different natural attack. Tentacle (Ex): The eidolon possesses a long, sinuous
Push (Ex): The eidolon gains the ability to push creatures tentacle, granting it a tentacle attack. This attack is a
away with a successful attack. Select one type of natural secondary attack dealing a base 1d4 damage for Medium
attack. Whenever the eidolon makes a successful attack of eidolons. This evolution can be selected more than once.
the selected type, it can attempt a free combat maneuver Wing Buffet (Ex): An eidolon learns to use its wings to
check. If successful, the target of the attack is pushed 5 feet batter foes, granting it two wing buffet attacks. These attacks
directly away from the eidolon. This ability only works on are secondary attacks dealing a base 1d4 damage for
creatures of a size equal to or smaller than the eidolon. Medium eidolons. The eidolon must possess the flight
Creatures pushed in this way do not provoke attacks of evolution, with wings, to select this evolution.
opportunity. This evolution can be selected more than once.
Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this 2-Point Evolutions
evolution, it applies to a different natural attack. Ability Increase (Ex): The eidolon grows larger muscles,
Reach (Ex): One of the eidolon's attacks is capable of gains faster reflexes, achieves greater intelligence, or
striking at foes at a distance. Pick one attack. The eidolon's acquires another increase to one of its abilities. Increase one
reach with that attack increases by 5 feet. of the eidolon's attribute scores by +2. This evolution can be
Scent (Ex): An eidolon's sense of smell becomes quite selected more than once. It can only be applied once to an
acute. The eidolon gains the scent special quality, allowing it individual attribute score, plus one additional time for every 6
to detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the class levels you possess.
opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if Constrict (Ex): The eidolon gains powerful muscles that
downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents can be detected allow it to crush those it grapples. Whenever the eidolon
at twice the normal range. Scent does not allow the eidolon successfully grapples a foe using the grab evolution, it deals
to precisely locate the creature, only to detect its presence. It additional damage equal to the amount of damage dealt by
can detect the direction with a move action. The eidolon can the attack used by the grab evolution. This evolution is only
pinpoint the creature's location if it is within 5 feet. The available to eidolons of the serpentine base form or that grab
eidolon can use scent to track creatures. with tentacles.
Skilled (Ex): An eidolon becomes especially adept at a Energy Attacks (Su): The eidolon's attacks become charged
specific skill, gaining Skill Focus with that skill as a bonus with energy. Pick one energy type: acid, cold, electricity, or
feat. This evolution can be selected more than once. fire. All of the eidolon's natural attacks deal additional energy
Slam (Ex): An eidolon can deliver a slam attack. This attack damage of that type equal to 1d6 per 5 class levels you
is a primary attack dealing a base 1d8 damage for Medium possess.
eidolons. The eidolon must have the limbs (arms) evolution to Energy Immunity (Su): The eidolon's body becomes
take this evolution. Alternatively, the eidolon can replace the extremely resilient to one energy type, gaining immunity to
claws from its base form with this slam attack (this still costs that type. Pick one energy type: acid, cold, electricity, fire,
1 evolution point). This evolution can be selected more than force, negative energy, positive energy, or sonic. The eidolon
once, but the eidolon must possess an equal number of the gains immunity to that energy type. This evolution can be
limbs evolution. selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time it
Sting (Ex): The eidolon possesses a long, barbed stinger at applies to a different energy type. The summoner must be at
the end of its tail, granting it a sting attack. This attack is a least 7th level before selecting this evolution.
primary attack dealing a base 1d4 damage for Medium Flight (Ex or Su): The eidolon grows large wings, like those
eidolons. The eidolon must possess the tail evolution to take of a bat, bird, insect, or dragon, gaining the ability to fly with a
this evolution. This evolution can be selected more than once, fly speed equal to its base speed. For 2 additional evolution
but the eidolon must possess an equal number of the tail points, the eidolon flies by means of magic, making this a
evolution. supernatural ability. The eidolon's fly speed can be increased
Swim (Ex): The eidolon gains webbed hands, feet, or by spending additional evolution points, gaining a 20-foot
powerful flippers, giving it a swim speed equal to its base increase to fly speed for each additional point spent.
speed. This evolution does not give the eidolon the ability to Gore (Ex): The eidolon grows a number of horns on its
breathe underwater. This evolution can be selected more head, giving it a gore attack. This attack is a primary attack
than once. Each additional time it is selected, increase the dealing a base 1d6 damage for Medium eidolons, with a
eidolon's swim speed by 20 feet. critical multiplier of x3.
p>Grab (Ex): The eidolon becomes adept at grappling foes, 3-Point Evolutions
gaining the grab ability. Pick bite, claw, pincers, slam, tail
slap, or tentacle attacks. Whenever the eidolon makes a Blindsense (Ex): The eidolon's senses become incredibly
successful attack of the selected type, it can attempt a free acute, giving it blindsense out to a range of 10 feet per 3 class
combat maneuver check to grapple the target. This ability levels you possess.
only works on creatures of a size one category smaller than Burrow (Ex): The eidolon grows thick and gnarled claws,
the eidolon or smaller. Eidolons with this evolution receive a allowing it to move through the earth. The eidolon gains a
+4 bonus on CMB checks made to grapple. burrow speed equal to half its base speed. It can use this
Limbs (Ex): The eidolon grows an additional pair of limbs. speed to move through dirt, clay, sand, and earth. It does not
These limbs can take one of two forms: legs, complete with leave a hole behind, nor is its passage marked on the surface.
feet, or arms, complete with hands. Each pair of legs You must be at least 9th level before selecting this evolution.
increases the eidolon's base speed by 10 feet. The eidolon Damage Reduction (Su): The eidolon's body becomes
does not gain any additional natural attacks for an additional resistant to harm, granting it damage reduction. Choose one
pair of arms, but it can take other evolutions that add alignment: chaotic, evil, good, or lawful. The eidolon gains
additional attacks (such as claws or a slam). Arms that have damage reduction equal to half your class level that can be
hands can be used to wield weapons, if the eidolon is bypassed by weapons that possess the chosen alignment.
proficient. This evolution can be selected more than once. Frightful Presence (Ex): The eidolon becomes unsettling to
Poison (Ex): The eidolon injects poison with its bite or its foes, gaining the frightful presence ability. The eidolon can
sting (pick one). Eidolon poison—type poison (injury); save activate this ability as part of an offensive action, such as a
Fort negates (DC 10 + half the eidolon’s HD + the eidolon’s charge or attack. Opponents within 30 feet of the eidolon
Con modifier); effect 1d4 Strength damage/round for 1 round must make a Will save (DC 10 + half the eidolon’s HD + the
per 2 class levels you possess; cure 1 save. For 2 additional eidolon’s Charisma modifier) or become shaken for 3d6
evolution points, this poison deals Constitution damage rounds. If the eidolon has at least 4 more Hit Dice than an
instead. This poison can be used no more than once per opponent, that opponent becomes frightened instead. Foes
round. with more HD than the eidolon are immune to this effect. You
Rake (Ex): An eidolon grows claws on its feet, allowing it to must be at least 11th level before selecting this evolution.
make 2 rake attacks on foes it is grappling. These attacks are Swallow Whole (Ex): The eidolon gains the swallow whole
primary attacks dealing a base 1d4 damage for Medium ability. Swallowed creatures take damage equal to the
ediolons. The eidolon receives these additional attacks each eidolon's bite damage each round plus 1d6 points of
time it succeeds on a grapple check against the target. This bludgeoning damage. A swallowed creature keeps the
evolution is only available to eidolons with the quadruped grappled condition, but can attempt to cut its way free with a
base form. This evolution counts as one natural attack toward light slashing or piercing weapon. The amount of damage
the eidolon's maximum. needed to cut free is equal to 1/10 the eidolon's total hit
Rend (Ex): The eidolon learns to rip and tear the flesh of points. The eidolon's AC against these attacks is equal to 10 +
those it attacks with its claws, gaining Two-Weapon Strike 1/2 its natural armor bonus. If a swallowed creature cuts its
and Vital Strike as bonus feats. The eidolon must meet the way out, the eidolon loses this ability until it heals this
prerequisites normally. damage. Alternatively, the swallowed creature can attempt to
Trample (Ex): The eidolon gains the ability to crush its foes escape the grapple as normal. Success indicates that it has
underfoot, gaining the trample ability. As a full-round action, returned to the eidolon's mouth, where it can attempt to
the eidolon can overrun any creature that is at least one size escape or be swallowed again. The eidolon must possess the
smaller than itself. This works like the overrun combat grab evolution, tied to a bite attack, to take this evolution.
maneuver, but the eidolon does not need to make a check, it Web (Ex): The eidolon gains a pair of spinnerets, giving it
merely has to move over opponents in its path. The creatures the ability to spin webs. The eidolon can use these webs to
take Vital Strike damage (Chapter 5), plus 1½ times the support itself plus up to one creature of the same size. It can
eidolon's Strength modifier. Targets of the trample can make throw webbing as a ranged touch attack up to 8 times per day,
attacks of opportunity at a –4 penalty. If a target forgoes the entangling a creature up to one size larger than the eidolon.
attack of opportunity, it can make a Reflex save for half The webbing has a range of 50 feet and a 10-foot range
damage (DC 10 + half the eidolon's HD + the eidolon's increment. Creatures entangled by the web can escape with
Strength modifier). A trampling eidolon can deal trampling an Escape Artist check or a Strength check (at a –4 penalty).
damage to a creature only once per round. This evolution is The DC of these checks is Con-based. The webs have a
only available to eidolons of the biped or quadruped base Hardness of 0 and a number of hits points equal to the
forms. eidolon's total Hit Dice. The eidolon can climb its own webs
Tremorsense (Ex): The eidolon becomes attuned to at its climb speed and can pinpoint any creature touching its
vibrations in the ground, gaining tremorsense out to a range webs. The eidolon must possess the climb evolution to take
of 10 feet per 2 class levels you possess. this evolution. You must be at least 7th level before selecting
Trip (Ex): The eidolon gains Maneuvering Strike as a bonus this evolution.
feat, which applies to trip attempts made with its bite.
Weapon Training (Ex): An eidolon learns to use a weapon,
gaining Simple Weapon Proficiency as a bonus feat. If 2
additional evolution points are spent, it gains Martial
proficiency with all weapons. If 4 additional evolution points
(total) are spent, it gains Exotic proficiency with all weapons.

3-Point Evolutions
4-Point Evolutions
Blindsight (Ex): The eidolon must possess the blindsense
evolution to take this evolution. The eidolon's senses sharpen
even further, granting it blindsight rather than blindsense.
Breath Weapon (Su): The eidolon learns to exhale a 30-ft.
cone or 60-ft. line of magical energy, gaining a breath weapon
that deals 1d6 acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage per HD it
possesses. Those caught in the breath weapon can attempt a
Reflex save for half damage. The DC Con-based. You must be
at least 9th level before selecting this evolution. The eidolon
can use this ability once per day, plus an additional time per 4
class levels after the 9th that you possess (maximum 3/day at
19th level).
Fast Healing (Su): The eidolon gains fast healing 1. This
fast healing does not function when the eidolon is not on the
same plane as its summoner. This healing can be increased
by 1 per round for every 2 additional evolution points spent
(maximum 5 hp/round). You must be at least 11th level before
selecting this evolution.
Large (Ex): The eidolon grows in size, becoming Large.
The eidolon gains a +8 size bonus to Strength, a +4 size
bonus to Constitution, and a +2 size bonus to its natural
armor. It takes a –2 size penalty to its Dexterity. If the eidolon
has the biped base form, it also gains 10-foot reach (any
reach evolutions the eidolon possesses are added to this
total). The eidolon must be Medium to take this evolution.
If 6 additional evolution points are spent, the eidolon
instead becomes Huge. The eidolon gains a +16 total size
bonus to Strength, a +8 size bonus to Constitution, and a +5
bonus to its natural armor. It takes a –4 penalty to its
Dexterity. This size change also gives the creature a 10-foot
reach. If the eidolon has the biped base form, its reach
increases to 15 feet (10 feet for all other base forms). Any
reach evolutions the eidolon possesses are added to this total.
The ability increase evolution costs twice as much (4
evolution points) when adding to the Strength or Constitution
scores of a Large or Huge eidolon.
Spell Resistance (Ex): The eidolon is protected against
magic, gaining spell resistance equal to 11 + your class level.
This spell resistance does not apply to spells cast by you.

1. This spell functions exactly as black tentacles, except it

belongs to the school of Necromancy rather than
Conjuration. The effect is that of skeletal hands, rather
than rubbery tentacles, bursting up from the ground.↩
Prospero and Roger Bacon, the two main characters in a Skill Ranks per Level: 0 + Int modifier.
story that seems crammed with wizards, were wizards. They Bonus Languages: You may substitute Draconic, Aklo, or
knew seven different runic alphabets, could sing the Dies Irae another arcane language for one of the bonus languages
all the way through to the end, and knew what a Hand of available to you due to a high Intelligence score.
Glory was. Though they could not make the moon eclipse, Favored Class: When gaining a level of wizard as a favored
they could do some very striking lightning effects and make it class, rather than choosing +1 hp or skill point, you can
look as though it might rain if you waited long enough. instead select one of the following options:
―John Bellairs, The Face in the Frost (1969)
Upon selecting this class, a mage must decide whether to Elder Craftsman (Ex): You gain a +1 competence bonus to
be a pure wizard, devoted to the study of all types of magic, or any Craft skill of your choice. You may select this option
a specialist wizard (presented separately below), devoted to a multiple times; each time, select a different Craft skill or
specific school of magic or esoteric branch of wizardry. increase the bonus of an existing skill by +1 (to a
Generalist wizards are masters of metamagic and item maximum such bonus equal to half your class level). This
crafting, but their main strength is in the number and breadth otherwise duplicates the effects of Skill Focus feat.
of their available spells. Such wizards are exemplified by Practiced Sage (Ex): You gain a +1 competence bonus to
Prospero (cited above). Mazirian the Magician, from Jack any Knowledge skill of your choice. You may select this
Vance’s The Dying Earth, is also a wizard. option multiple times; each time, select a different
TABLE 1: THE WIZARD HIT DICE: D4 Knowledge skill or increase the bonus of an existing skill
by +1 (to a maximum such bonus equal to half your class
Special level). This otherwise duplicates the effects of Skill Focus
1st +0 1st Arcane bond, artificer,
generalist spell
Spell Mastery (Ex): Each time you select this option,
2nd +1 2nd — choose one spell you know. You can prepare that spell
3rd +1 3rd — without referring to your spellbooks.
4th +2 4th Low arcana
Spell Knowledge (Ex): Add one spell from the class spell
5th +2 5th — list to your spellbook, familiar, or eidetic memory; this
6th +3 6th — does not count against your personal numen (see below).
7th +3 7th —
The level of the spell must be a level that you are capable
of preparing.
8th +4 8th Metamagic mastery
9th +4 9th — Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Wizards have Simple
10th +5 10th —
proficiency with light and heavy clubs, crossbows, daggers,
and darts, and Martial proficiency with quarterstaves. They
11th +5 11th — are not proficient with any type of armor or shields. Armor
12th +6/+1 12th Low arcana can cause spells with somatic components to fail (see below).
Spellcasting: You cast prepared arcane spells drawn from
13th +6/+1 13th — the sorcerer/wizard spell list. Your spellcasting attribute is
14th +7/+2 14th — Intelligence.
15th +7/+2 15th —
You must choose and prepare your spells ahead of time by
getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour studying your
16th +8/+3 16th Low arcana spellbook (see below) or consulting your eidetic memory or
17th +8/+3 17th — familiar (see Arcane Bond, below). While studying, you decide
which spells to prepare.
18th +9/+4 18th — He knew what he had to do the next day and he did not like
19th +9/+4 19th High Arcana it at all. But he shrugged and went to his satchel, and from it
20th +10/+5 20th High Arcana
he took his large manuscript magic book. Prospero leafed
through the book until he came to a section with the black-
Saving Throws: Wizards gain a +2 class bonus to Intuition letter heading ‘Necromancy.’ These pages did not have the
and Will saves. grease stains and bottle marks that the others did, because
Bonus Skills: A generalist wizard gains 1 free rank per Prospero had never had to use this section of the book. Years
class level in Concentration, Knowledge (linguistics), before, many years before, he had copied down what Michael
Knowledge (lore), and Spellcraft. These are otherwise treated Scott had taught him. Now, like a novice, he pored over
as class skills. pentagrams and circles, and his long tobacco-stained fingers
Class Skills: Craft (all), Fly, Knowledge (all except ran back and forth over strange curlicued words and dark-
Warfare), Planar Sense, Profession (all). sounding chants.
―The Face in the Frost
Spellbooks: Unless you have Eidetic Memory or a spell Artificer (Ex): At 1st level, a generalist wizard gains Imbue
storing familiar (see below), you must study your spellbook Item as a bonus feat. When crafting magic items, you spend
each day to prepare spells. You cannot prepare any spell not 10% less gold for raw materials. You also require 25% less
recorded in your spellbook unless you have the Spell Mastery time to create those items (this supersedes the Arcane
feat. You begin play with a spellbook containing all 0-level Builder discovery from Ultimate Magic). Items you personally
wizard spells (except those from your prohibited schools, if craft count only half of their effective price towards your
any; see Arcane Schools) plus three 1st level sorcerer/wizard magical item affinity score (“numen”—see Chapter 6).
spells of your choice. You also select a number of additional Low Arcana (Ex): At 4th, 12th, and 16th levels, you gain a
1st level spells equal to your Intelligence modifier to add to bonus Arcane feat (chapter 5) or Metamagic feat (chapter 7).
the spellbook. At each new wizard level, you gain two new You must meet all prerequisites normally.
spells of any spell level or levels that you can cast (based on Metamagic Mastery (Su): At 8th level, you can apply any
your new wizard level) for your spellbook. one metamagic feat that you know to a spell you are about to
You can potentially buy scrolls and transcribe the spells cast. This does not alter the level of the spell or the casting
thereon into your spellbooks (or imprint them into your time. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level and one
eidetic memory or familiar) with a Linguistics check, but additional time per day for every two wizard levels you
doing so uses up numen (Chapter 6) equal to the cost of the possess beyond 8th (maximum 7/day at 20th level). Any time
scroll (25 x spell level x caster level). You can also add spells you use this ability to apply a metamagic feat that increases
found in other wizards' spellbooks to your own, at the same the spell level by more than 1, you must use an additional
cost (again using Linguistics to decipher the other wizard’s daily usage for each level above 1 that the feat adds to the
writings). Because of the numen cost involved, it is spell. Even though this ability does not modify the spell's
inadvisable to assume that ready cash and/or a few wizard actual level, you cannot use this ability to cast a spell whose
friends always equals more spells known. modified spell level would be above the level of the highest-
If you have the Eidetic Memory arcane bond (q.v.) you do level spell that you are capable of casting.
not need physical spellbooks, but the above still apply, and High Arcana: At 18th level, you are acknowledged as an
you still have special requirements for preparing spells. archmage, a master of arcane magic. At 19th and 20th levels,
Bonus Spells: Generalist wizards are extremely versatile. an archmage gains the opportunity to select a special ability
They can prepare any spell from their class list as a bonus from among those described below.
spell (see Spellcasting Table 1 in Chapter 7) of the
appropriate level.
Arcane Bond (Ex): At 1st level, you form a powerful bond Arcane Spells and Armor
with an object, a creature, or your own mind. This bond can Armor restricts the complicated gestures required while
take one of several forms, as listed below. Once you choose casting any spell that has a somatic component. The armor
one of these options, it is permanent and cannot be changed, and shield descriptions list the arcane spell failure chance for
nor can you gain an additional option through a feat or other different armors and shields.
class feature. If a spell doesn't have a somatic component (or if a familiar
Bonded Object: You have a personal staff, wand, or is performing the somatic components—see below), an
weapon that serves as a focus for your magic. Bonded arcane spellcaster can cast it with no arcane spell failure
items, including wizard’s staves, are described in chance while wearing armor. Such spells can also be cast
Appendix A. even if the caster's hands are bound or he is grappling
(although Concentration checks still apply normally). The
Diligent Preparation: You spend great effort preparing metamagic feat Still Spell allows a spellcaster to prepare or
your spells to be cast with maximum efficiency. You use cast a spell without the somatic component at one spell level
your Intelligence modifier, rather than your Charisma higher than normal. This also provides a way to cast a spell
modifier, to modify Concentration skill checks. You also while wearing armor without risking arcane spell failure.
determine the saving throw DCs of your spells and school
abilities using your Intelligence modifier, rather than your
Charisma modifier.
Eidetic Memory: You do not need a spellbook (q.v.), either
to record spells you know or to prepare known spells. You
can learn spells normally, either through gaining levels in
wizard or learning from other spellbooks, and you must
pay all the normal costs for learning new spells (for
example, you might use special incenses when
memorizing the formulae in a trance, instead of using
special inks for transcription). Source: Dragon magazine,
issue 357.
Familiar: A familiar is a conjured being that takes the form
of an animal; it enhances your skills and senses and can
aid you in magic. Rules for familiars are found in
Appendix B.
Automatic Metamagic (Su): Choose one metamagic feat
you know. You can apply this feat at will to any spell you cast,
High Arcana without increasing the spell level or casting time. However,
The following are meant as representative examples; the total metamagic cost cannot be greater than +1 spell level
alternate arcana can be chosen with referee permission. For (metamagic cost reduction for stacking metamagic feats does
abilities that allow saving throws, the DCs, unless otherwise not apply). You can select this Arcanum twice, allowing you to
noted, are equal to 10 + half your class level + your Charisma add the effects of another +1 spell level cost feat, or else allow
modifier. the use of a single +2 spell level cost metamagic feat.
TABLE 1A: HIGH ARCANA Bonus Feat: You gain a bonus arcane or metamagic feat
for which you meet the prerequisites.
Arcanum Description Discard Item (Su): If you have a bonded item, you can
Additional bond Gain a second arcane bond internalize all of the benefits it grants you. Thereafter, you
Arcane fire Bolt of force deals damage
can discard the item itself; you no longer need it to cast spells
or gain its other benefits. This Arcanum supersedes the
Automatic Apply metamagic feat at no cost Magister’s greater aspect of power of the same name, from
metamagic Arcana Unearthed (Malhavoc Press).
Bonus feat Gain bonus Arcane feat Eldritch Breach (Su): You are adept at breaching magical
Discard item You gain all bonded item benefits
defenses and overcoming resistance to your magic. When
without retaining item attempting a Concentration check to dispel an effect,
overcome spell resistance, or otherwise determine whether
Eldritch breach Roll twice vs. SR, etc. your magic affects a target (such as with knock or neutralize
Epic mage armor Personal mage armor (+20) poison), roll twice and take the higher result. This Arcanum
supersedes the 1st tier Archmage ability of the same name,
Immortality You stop aging from Mythic Adventures.
Improved spell Gain 10th level spell slot Epic Mage Armor (Sp): Once per day you can cast mage
capacity armor as if affected by the Personal Spell feat (Chapter 7);
Knowing stare Hold monster gaze the effect is also Heightened to 9th level (+20 armor bonus).
Immortality (Su): You discover a magical stay against
Mastery of
Change shape of area spells aging, and from this point forward you take no penalty to your
attribute scores from advanced age. If you are already taking
Mind over Use Int bonus in place of other such penalties, they are removed at this time. Source:
matter Ultimate Magic.
Name of Speaking your name summons a hostile Improved Spell Capacity (Sp): When you select this
bondage monster Arcanum, you gain one spell slot per day of any level up to
Name of dread Speaking your name causes fear
one level higher than the highest-level spell you can already
cast (which can be used to hold lower-level spells or spells
Name of power Know when your name is spoken whose level has been increased beyond 9th by the application
Presence of the Morale penalties within 30 ft. of metamagic feats). You must have an Intelligence score of at
mage least 20 in order to prepare a 10th level spell. If you have a
Sanctum Permanent magnificent mansion
high enough ability modifier to gain one or more bonus spells
for this spell level, you also gain the bonus spells for this spell
Spell power You cast spells at +1 caster level level. This Arcanum supersedes the feat of the same name,
Unimpeded Your spells function normally on other from the 3.5 edition System Reference Document (“Epic
magic planes Feats”).
Knowing Stare (Su): Once per day you can invoke a 30-
Additional Bond (Su): You gain a second Arcane Bond foot gaze attack; each living creature within the area must
(q.v.). This can be the same form as the first (i.e., you could succeed at a Will save or be held for 1 round per class level
conceivably have two familiars), or a different one. you possess. This ability supersedes the Eldritch Master’s
Arcane Fire (Sp): You gain the ability to change arcane prestige class feature of the same name from Dragon
spell energy into arcane fire, manifesting it as a bolt of raw magazine (issue 280).
magical energy. The bolt is a ranged touch attack with long Mastery of Shaping (Sp): You can alter area and effect
range (400 feet + 40 feet/level), useable at will as a full-attack spells that use one of the following shapes: burst, cone,
action, that deals 1d6 points of force damage per level of the cylinder, emanation, or spread. The alteration consists of
highest-level spell you have prepared and uncast. If you creating spaces within the spell’s area or effect that are not
actually consume a prepared spell in order to create the subject to the spell. The minimum dimension for these
arcane fire, damage is doubled (2d6 per level of the spell), but spaces is a 5-foot cube. Furthermore, any shapeable spells
the spell is lost as if you had cast it. have a minimum dimension of 5 feet instead of 10 feet. Spells
cast in this way always have a somatic component that you
must perform, even if this would not otherwise be the case
(for spells normally without one, or by using a Stilled spell or
having a familiar to perform the somatic component for you).
Mind Over Matter (Su): You can use your uncanny intellect, Sanctum (Su): You gain access to your own personal
coupled with secrets learned while studying magic, in extradimensional sanctum. By concentrating for 1 minute
situations that usually demand other attributes. Any time you without interruption, you conjure the door to your own
would normally use some other attribute modifier (attribute personal sanctum, similar to a Widened (2x dimensions)
check, skill check, melee attack and damage rolls, CMB, etc.), magnificent mansion, but permanent and persistent (so you
you may instead apply your Intelligence modifier as an insight can store objects within the sanctum and retrieve them on
bonus. For example, to force open a stuck door, you can make future visits). When you conjure the sanctum's door, you
an Intelligence check to best position yourself for leverage decide which creatures can see and use it (to all other
and/or recall some secret knowledge about the magic stored creatures it's invisible and impermeable). The door remains
within the wood of the door to get it open. This ability until you dismiss it—a standard action with unlimited range
supersedes the Magister class feature of the same name, as long as you are on the same plane as the door. If you
from Arcana Unearthed (Malhavoc Press). dismiss the door while you are outside the sanctum, all
Name of Bondage (Su): Fell creatures hasten to the sound creatures other than your familiar are immediately shunted
of your name being spoken. Every time your name is said outside. Conjuring the door automatically dismisses any
aloud and you are not present, a random monster appears other active door. As a full-round action, your familiar (if any)
and attacks the speaker. Roll 1d8 to determine the strength of can enter or leave the sanctum from any square adjacent to
the creature; 1 = summon monster I, 2 = summon monster II, you, without using the conjured door. This Arcanum emulates
etc. You can choose the list from the summon monster tables. the Archmage ability of the same name from Mythic
The effect uses your caster level and Concentration bonus, Adventures.
but because you don’t really care if they’re controlled or not, Spell Power (Ex): You gain a permanent +1 enhancement
you need not have the Thaumaturgist feat. bonus to Concentration checks and to your effective caster
Name of Dread (Su): Anyone other than you who speaks level (this is a specific exception to the rule limiting your
or hears your name becomes unnerved. Listeners must save caster level to your number of ranks in Concentration). Your
vs. Will or be shaken (if of greater than or equal HD to you) or spell capacity is not affected.
frightened (if of fewer HD than you) for 1d4+1 rounds. The Unimpeded Magic (Su): Your spells function normally on
speaker receives no saving throw. This is a mind-affecting all planes except those that are dead-magic, without the need
fear effect. Source: Dragon magazine, issue 359. to succeed at Spellcraft checks to alter them, or to prepare
Name of Power (Su): You become instantly aware of it them specifically to suit the conditions of those planes. This
when anyone speaks your name (referring specifically to you). supersedes the wizard substitution feature of the same name,
You learn the location and name of the speaker. This from the Planar Handbook.
awareness is sufficient to allow you to scry on the individual
as if you had just met the speaker. It does not convey enough
information to allow you to teleport to the speaker’s location,
though such information could be gathered through other
magical means, including scrying. This Arcanum supersedes
the Magister’s greater aspect of power of the same name,
from Arcana Unearthed (Malhavoc Press), and also the
Eldritch Master’s “mastered name” prestige class feature
from Dragon magazine (issue 280).
Presence of the Mage (Su): Enemies within 30 ft. of you
are shaken (no saving throw). Natural animals shy from you,
becoming uneasy within 30 ft. Any attempt by you or your
allies to influence an animal using a Charisma-based skill or
ability (such has Handle Animal or wild empathy) within this
area suffers a –2 penalty. This is a mind-affecting, fear effect
from Dragon magazine, issue 359.
Specialists gain spells outside of their specialty more Spell Knowledge (Ex): Add one spell from your specialist
slowly than in the core rules, but have far more potent school to your spellbook, familiar, or eidetic memory.
abilities related to their school or branch of study. This These bonus spells do not count against your personal
version of the specialist wizard assumes a 20-level numen.
progression; however, it is equally possible to handle
specialists as prestige classes, as described in Appendix C. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Specialist wizards have
TABLE 2: THE SPECIALIST HIT DICE: D4 Simple proficiency with light and heavy clubs, daggers, darts,
crossbows, and quarterstaves. They are not proficient with
Class Base Spell Special any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a wizard's
Level Attack Capacity movements, which can cause his spells with somatic
components to fail.
1st +0 1st Arcane bond, arcane school, Spellcasting: You prepare and cast spells as a standard
school power wizard. Additional spells from high Intelligence can be of any
2nd +1 2nd Specialist bonus +1 school except a barred school (see below). For example, a 1st
level Abjurer with a 15 Intelligence could prepare one 1st
3rd +1 3rd — level abjuration spell (his school spell; see below) and one 1st
4th +2 4th School power level spell from a non-prohibited school (his additional 1st
5th 5th
level spell due to high Intelligence). You can learn spells from
+2 — your school that are on other class lists as if they were arcane
6th +3 6th Specialist bonus +2 (wizard) spells.
7th +3 7th — Bonus Spells: Your bonus spells (see Spellcasting Table 1
in Chapter 7) can be any spells from your specialty school of
8th +4 8th School power the appropriate levels. Spells prepared as bonus spells must
9th +4 9th — still be in the specialist's spellbook.
10th 10th
Arcane Bond (Ex): As per the wizard’s class feature of the
+5 Specialist bonus +3 same name, except that your default bond is a bonded item
11th +5 11th — appropriate to your specialist school (you need not select the
12th +6/+1 12th School power default item listed, although it is generally the most effective
and thematically-appropriate choice). Bonded items are
13th +6/+1 13th — described in Appendix A.
14th +7/+2 14th Specialist bonus +4 Some options are proscribed based on your barred
15th 15th
schools, as noted under each specialist school.
+7/+2 — Arcane School: Each specialist chooses a single
16th +8/+3 16th School power traditional school of magic (see below) or an esoteric branch
17th +8/+3 17th — of wizardry (Appendix D) in which to specialize. Once made,
this choice cannot be changed.
18th +9/+4 18th Specialist bonus +5 This choice limits the spells you can use; each specialist
19th +9/+4 19th School power school has two opposition (“barred”) schools listed below,
20th +10/+5 20th
representing the sacrifice of knowledge in one area in order
Master specialist to gain mastery in another. Barred schools for each school
are listed under that school’s description. You cannot learn,
Saving Throws: As wizards, specialists gain a +2 class prepare, or cast spells from barred schools without the Spell
bonus to Intuition and Will saves. Reprieve feat (q.v.). To use spell trigger items for barred
Bonus Skills: You receive one free rank per class level in schools, you must succeed at relevant Spellcraft checks, as if
Concentration. In addition, each school has one or more you had no spellcasting ability.
bonus skills, in which you receive 1 free rank per class level. You can learn, prepare, and cast spells from within your
These is otherwise treated as class skills, but does not count school from the cleric and druid lists. For example, an evoker
against your total number of skill points. could prepare divine power as a 4th level spell. However, you
Class Skills: Craft (all), Fly, Knowledge (all except treat them as if they were from non-specialist, non-barred
Warfare), Planar Sense, Profession (all), Spellcraft. schools.
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier. School Power: As you gain power, you learn an array of
Favored Class: Instead of +1 hp or skill point, you may potent abilities based on your school of specialization. School
select one of the following: powers are detailed for each specific specialist type in the
Spell Mastery (Ex): Each time you select this option, following section. You can always choose to take a bonus
choose one school spell you know. You can prepare that arcane feat in place of a school power. Other substitutions
spell without referring to your spellbooks. may also be possible with referee approval (for example, a
thematically-appropriate 9th level sorcerer bloodline power
might be substituted for an 8th level school power).
Unless otherwise noted, for school powers that allow saving Arcane Bond: Your default arcane bond is a talisman
throws, the save DC is equal to 10 + half your class level + (Appendix A). You cannot choose a familiar (Appendix B)
your Charisma modifier. If you have Spell Focus with your because Conjuration is a barred school.
specialist school, apply that bonus to your school power DCs Specialist Bonus: Your specialist bonus has four
as well. additional effects, as follows:
Specialist Bonus (Ex): Also starting at 2nd level, you gain Abjurant Armor (Su): Any time you cast one or more spells
a +1 competence bonus on certain effects related to your on yourself that grant you an armor and/or shield bonus to
school or esoteric branch of wizardry. This bonus improves AC, you gain an additional enhancement bonus equal to
by +1 per 4 class levels thereafter, as shown in Table 2. Your your specialist bonus. This bonus supersedes the Abjurant
specialist bonus applies to the following: Champion prestige class feature of the same name
Concentration, Spellcraft. and other skill checks related to (Complete Mage), and the Abjurative Potency feat from
spells, magic, and items of your specialist school. This also Dragon magazine (issue 325).
applies to your effective Concentration bonus for purposes
of determining how difficult your spells are to dispel. Energy Resistance (Ex): You gain resistance to all energy
types (acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative energy, and
Your saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities sonic) equal to 5 x your specialist bonus. These stack with
from your specialist school. This bonus does not stack existing resistances, if any.
with the effects of the Arcane Defense feat, and counts as
Arcane Defense in the appropriate school for purposes of Resistance (Ex): You gain a resistance bonus on all saving
qualifying for feats with Arcane Defense as a prerequisite. throws equal to your specialist bonus.
Add your specialist bonus, in rounds, to the duration of Swift Abjuration (Su): You can cast abjuration spells as a
non-instantaneous spells from your specialist school (thus, swift action, as if you had applied the Quicken Spell feat
a 6th level enchanter’s Enchantment spells last an (but without any increase in spell level). The maximum
additional 2 rounds). This ability supersedes the conjurer’s spell level you can quicken in this manner is equal to your
“summoner’s charm” ability from the core rules, the specialist bonus. This ability supersedes the Abjurant
Malconvoker’s “deceptive summons” prestige class feature Champion prestige class feature of the same name, from
from Complete Scoundrel, the “extended enchantment” Complete Mage.
ability from the 3.5 edition System Reference Document,
(“Class Variants: Specialist Wizard Variants”), the Bestow Abjuration (Sp): Starting at 1st level, when casting
“lingering evocations” ability from the Advanced Player’s an abjuration spell that normally has a range of Personal, you
Guide, and the Master Transmogrifist’s “extended change” can instead choose to cast it as a touch spell that affects a
prestige class feature from Complete Arcane. single creature. If the normal effect is an emanation centered
on you, you can instead choose to cast the abjuration as a
You gain school-specific application(s) of your specialist touch spell that emanates from the touched creature.
bonus, as described under the entry for that school or Improved Counterspell (Sp): Also at 1st level, you gain
branch (see below). Improved Counterspell as a bonus feat.
Halo of Shelter (Su): Starting at 4th level, you can help
protect your allies from harm. Each day, you receive a pool of
Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, you have obtained temporary hit points equal to 5 x your class level. These can
the deepest knowledge in your area of specialization. You be assigned as you see fit, dividing them between you and any
gain a “capstone” ability depending on your school of touched allies you choose. For example, a 4th level abjurer
specialization or esoteric branch of wizardry, as described with 3 companions might provide each party member with 5
under the school powers section for that school or branch. temporary hit points, or simply provide the fighter with 20.
These temporary hit points last until lost, or until you use this
ability again the next day.
Legion’s Protection (Ex): You are generally expected to
Specialist Schools protect your whole party from harm, not just selected
The following descriptions detail each arcane school members. At 8th level, you gain Communal Spell and Mass
specialty and its corresponding specialist school powers. The Effect Spell (Chapter 7) as bonus metamagic feats. The
specialist school abilities listed here represent the standard metamagic cost for using these feats in conjunction with
(default) array; however, variants are possible. Examples of Abjuration spells is reduced by a number of spell levels equal
variant specialists are provided below for abjurers and to half your specialist bonus (minimum +0). Note that using
necromancers. this ability with shield of faith simulates the abjurer’s
protective ward ability from the Core rules. This abilioty also
emulates the War Weaver’s eldritch tapestry, from Heroes of
Abjurer Battle.
The abjurer masters the art of defensive and warding magics.
Bonus Skill: Endurance.
Barred Schools: Conjuration, Necromancy. Keep in mind
that the mage armor spell has been moved from conjuration
to abjuration.
Energy Absorption (Su): At 12th level or higher, you gain The effects are cumulative and last a number of rounds
an amount of energy absorption equal to 5 x your class level equal to half your class level (minimum 1). This ability is
per day. Whenever you take energy damage, apply immunity, modeled after the invoke cerulean signLoM spell, and also
vulnerability (if any), and resistance first and apply the rest to subsumes the “unstable bonds” ability from Advanced
this absorption, reducing your daily total by that amount. Any Player’s Guide and the Riftwarden’s “planar scourge” ability
damage in excess of your absorption is applied to you from Paths of Prestige.
normally. Energy damage you absorb can be released as a Planar Purge (Su): Starting at 8th level, any extraplanar
standard action as a ray with close range, dealing the creature that fails its save against a your Cerulean Sign is
appropriate amount and type of energy damage on a hit. banished to its home plane (as the banishment spell).
Enduring Protection (Ex): At 16th level, your abjurations Extraplanar creatures that save against the channeled energy
last longer than normal. You gain Extend Spell as a bonus are unaffected by this ability, but still take half damage from
feat, and the metamagic cost for using this feat in conjunction planar channel as normal.
with Abjuration spells is reduced by a number of spell levels Portal Warding (Su): Starting at 12th level, you can place
equal to half your specialist bonus (minimum +0). a potent warding effect on any doorway or magic portal as a
Counterspell Mastery (Su): Starting at 19th level, when full round action. A summoned outsider or an aberration can
you counterspell a spell, it is turned back upon the caster as if pass through a warded doorway or magic portal only if it
it were fully affected by a spell turning spell. If the spell makes a successful Will save; otherwise it cannot use the
cannot be affected by spell turning, then it is merely doorway or portal and takes 1d6 force damage per class level
counterspelled. you possess.
Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, the effect of your Mental Backlash (Su): Beginning at 16th level, you
resistance specialist bonus extends to all allies within 60 ft. of reflexively lash out at any aberration, evil outsider, or cultist
you. that targets you but fails to affect you with a mind-affecting
spell or ability. When this power is activated, the attacker
Variant Abjurer: Keeper of the Cerulean must make a Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of damage per
Sign keeper level and become nauseated for 1d4 rounds. A
An abjurer of the Cerulean Sign is adept at keeping successful saving throw halves the damage and negates the
extraplanar menaces at bay. He or she gives up general skill nausea.
in magical duels in order to focus on this area of specialty, Aura of Protection (Su): Starting at 19th level, you are
which is an adaptation of the prestige class of the same name constantly surrounded in a 20-ft. radius by one of the
from Lords of Madness and of the Riftwarden from Paths of following effects: cloak of chaos, holy aura, shield of law,
Prestige. unholy aura. Each time you prepare spells for the day, you
Replace the standard Abjurer school powers listed above can select which effect to radiate.
with the following: Cleanse Aberration (Sp): At 20th level, as a standard
Specialist Bonus: Your specialist bonus has the following action you can attempt to utterly destroy a single aberration
additional effect: or evil outsider within close range. The target must make a
Fortitude save or be killed, as if by the 3.5 edition implosion. If
Eradication (Su): Apply your specialist bonus as a sacred the target is destroyed, you heal a number of hit points equal
bonus on saving throws against the spells and spell-like, to the number of hit points the thing had when it died.
supernatural, and extraordinary abilities of aberrations
and outsiders. It also applies to the save DC of, and Conjurer
Concentration checks related to, any spell or spell-like or
supernatural ability that you use against outsiders or The conjurer focuses on the study of summoning monsters
aberrations, or that counters, dispels, or prevents planar and opening gates between the planes.
travel or teleportation. Bonus Skill: Knowledge (the planes).
Barred Schools: Illusion, Transmutation.
Invoke the Cerulean Sign (Su): At 1st level, you can Arcane Bond: Your default arcane bond is a familiar
channel energy as if you had the Planar Channeling feat, but (Appendix B), which you can improve using your
only to damage aberrations and outsiders. Use your class Thaumaturgist feat. Alternately, you can select a specialist
level as your effective channeling level; if you also have levels implement appropriate to the school of conjuration
in cleric or archivist, they provide Full synergy. (Appendix A).
Planar Scourge (Su): Starting at 4th level, any aberration Specialist Bonus: You gain three primary effects.
or outsider failing its save against your Cerulean Sign is Augment Summoning, Greater (Su): Apply your school
affected as follows, according to its Hit Dice: bonus as a profane bonus to the Strength and
Target Hit Dice Effect Constitution of creatures you conjure with a summon
monsters spell. This stacks with the effects of the
Your level -10 or below Stunned Augment Summoning feat, if you have it. Source: 3.5 ed.
Up to your level -5 Dazed System Reference Document, “Class Variants: Specialist
Wizard Variants.” This also supersedes the Master
Up to your level Staggered Specialist’s minor conjuration esoterica (Complete Mage).
Up to 2 x your level Sickened
More than 2 x your level None
True Name (Sp): At 19th level, your researches into
Bolster Summons (Su): Your summoned creatures ancient tomes and your inquisitions of bound spirits have led
apply your specialist bonus to Will saves against you to one of the best-hidden secrets of the multiverse: the
banishment and dismissal. This ability supersedes the true name of an outsider—the name that defines the very
moderate conjuration esoterica from the Master essence of the creature and that gives the speaker control
Specialist prestige class (Complete Mage). over the being. Choose an extraplanar being with a CR no
greater than 22. You can call on this being once, to either
Calling, Improved (Su): Add your specialist bonus to your demand one service from it (this does not count against your
effective Leadership score, for purposes of the Thaumaturgy limits), or to attempt to bind it. After the first
Thaumaturgist feat. time you call on this being, your knowledge of its true name is
no longer sufficient for you to control it.
School Powers: You can select bonus arcane feats (e.g., Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, the doors of the
Augment Summoning, Cloudy Conjuration, Imbued multiverse are thrown wide open to you. You can use
Summoning) in the place of school powers, if you so choose. dimension door, greater teleport (self and up to 50 lbs. of
Rapid Summoning (Ex): Starting at 1st level, whenever gear only), plane shift (self only), and sending at will as spell-
you cast a prepared arcane spell from the conjuration like abilities.
(summoning) school that takes one full round to cast (e.g.,
summon monster), the casting time is reduced to a full attack Diviner
action. Conjurations that normally require a full attack action Diviners are masters of remote viewing, prophecies, and
take you standard action instead (allowing you to cast and using magic to explore the world. Pythea (the Oracle at
take a move action in the same round). This ability represents Delphi), the head of Mimir in Norse mythology, and the
the variant conjurer class feature of the same name from the manteis from the 2nd edition Celts Campaign Sourcebook
3.5 edition System Reference Document (“Class Variants: are diviners.
Specialist Wizard Variants”), and also supersedes the major Bonus Skills: Knowledge (lore), Perception.
conjuration esoterica from the Master Specialist prestige Barred Schools: Evocation, Transmutation.
class (Complete Mage) and the Academae Graduate feat from Arcane Bond: Your default arcane bond is a chalice as a
the Curse of the Crimson Throne Player’s Guide. specialist implement (Appendix A). Alternatively, you can
Thaumaturgist: You gain Thaumaturgist as a bonus feat choose the wizard’s Eidetic Memory bond, or a watchful spirit
(Chapter 5) at 1st level, allowing you to summon and control (see below). You cannot choose a wand because Evocation is
extraplanar beings. a barred school.
Spontaneous Summons (Sp): Starting at 4th level, you Watchful Spirit: Rather than a familiar, your arcane bond is
can sacrifice a prepared spell in order to cast a summon with a disembodied spirit that occasionally gives you
monster spell of the same or lower level. warnings of impending danger. Once per day, you can reroll
Creator’s Will (Sp): At 8th level, you learn to cast minor any initiative check just before learning your place in the
creation as a spell-like ability. You can have no more than one initiative order. If the second roll is worse than the first one,
minor creation active at a time; if you cast the spell again, the you can choose to disregard the watchful spirit and use the
previous casting immediately ends. At 10th level, this ability first roll.
improves to major creation. You can use this ability a number Specialist Bonus: Your specialist bonus manifests itself in
of times per day equal to half your class level. Source: the following ways.
Advanced Player’s Guide.
Contingent Conjuration (Sp): A 12th level conjurer can Diviner's Fortune (Sp): You can touch any creature as a
prepare a summoning or calling spell ahead of time to be standard action to give it an insight bonus on all of its
triggered by some other event. This functions as described attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws
for the contingency spell, including having you cast the equal to your specialist bonus for 1 round. You can use
summoning or calling spell beforehand. The spell is cast this ability on yourself as a move action.
instantly when the trigger event occurs. The conditions Forewarned (Su): You apply your specialist bonus as an
needed to bring the spell into effect must be clear, although insight bonus to initiative. As an insight bonus, this
they can be general. If complicated or convoluted condition as overlaps with (does not stack with) the initiative bonus
are prescribed, the contingent conjuration may fail when gained from your Alertness feat during surprise rounds.
triggered. The conjuration spell occurs based solely on the
stated conditions, regardless of whether you want it to, Occult Knowledge (Su): Apply your specialist bonus as an
although most conjurations can be dismissed normally. You enhancement bonus to Knowledge (lore) and Perception
can have only one contingent conjuration active at a time. checks.
This power supersedes the Thaumaturgist prestige class
feature of the same name, from the 3.5 edition System Alertness (Ex): You gain Alertness as a bonus feat (the
Reference Document. uncanny dodge abilities gained at 4 ranks in Perception
Summoned Legion (Su): Starting at 16th level, whenever supersede the moderate divination esoterica from the Master
you use a summon monster spell, you summon one extra Specialist prestige class, from Complete Mage).
creature of the same kind. This supersedes the Malconvoker’s
“fiendish legion” prestige class feature, from Complete
Evasion (Ex): At 4th level you gain evasion, as the rogue class Arcane Bond: Your default arcane bond is a pendant
feature of the same name. If you already have the evasion (Appendix A) as a specialist implement. You may instead
ability, your diviner level provides Full synergy for purposes of select to have a charmed slave, one who has been under the
determining its improvements (improved evasion, etc.). sway of your enchantments for so long that he or she serves
Foretell (Su): At 8th level, you learn to utter a prediction of you without question. The maximum CR of your charmed
the immediate future. While your foretelling is in effect, you slave is equal to half your class level; within this limit, you
emit a 30-foot aura of fortune that aids your allies or hinders advance your servant as you see fit (subject to referee
your enemies, as chosen by you at the time of prediction. If approval).
you choose to aid, you and your allies gain a +2 luck bonus on You cannot select a wand as your arcane bond because
ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. If Evocation is a barred school for you. You cannot select an
you choose to hinder, your enemies take a –2 penalty on those eidetic memory as your arcane bond because Divination is a
rolls instead. You can use this ability for a number of rounds barred school for you.
per day equal to your wizard level. These rounds do not need Specialist Bonus: This bonus applies as follows.
to be consecutive, but activation is a swift action. Source: Charming Smile (Su): Apply your specialist bonus as an
Advanced Player’s Guide. enhancement bonus to Charisma checks; to Bluff,
Scrying Adept (Su): At 12th level, you are always aware Diplomacy, and Streetwise skill checks; and for purposes
when you are being observed via magic, as if you had a of calculating your leadership score if you gain the
permanent detect scrying. In addition, whenever you scry on Leadership feat. Add Bluff and Streetwise to your list of
a subject, treat the subject as one step more familiar to you. class skills.
Very familiar subjects get a penalty on their saves to avoid
your scrying attempts equal to half your class level. When Powerful Enchantment (Su): For enchantments that affect
using a divination spell that requires concentration, you gain only a set number of Hit Dice (e.g., daze, sleep), add your
information from the spell 1 round sooner than normal (so specialist bonus to the total number of HD.
you gain information from the first 2 rounds with 1 round of
concentration, and information from the third round in the Unsettling Enchantment (Su): Any foe required to save
second round of concentration); this supersedes the Diviner’s against an enchantment spell you cast takes a morale
Delving feat from the Advanced Players Guide. penalty equal to your specialist bonus on attack rolls and
Revealing Divination (Sp): Starting at 16th level, gain true to AC for 1 round, regardless of the result of the save. This
seeing (as the spell) as a continuously active spell-like ability. is a mind-affecting fear effect. Source: Complete Mage.
This power supersedes the moderate divination esoterica
from the Master Specialist prestige class (Complete Mage). Dazing Touch (Sp): You can cause a living creature to
Guarded Mind (Su): Sometimes your peering into places become dazed for 1 round as a melee touch attack. Creatures
that mortals were not meant to see attracts unwanted with more Hit Dice than your class level + your specialist
attention, and you gradually learn to defend against that. At bonus (because of your powerful enchantment ability) are
19th level, you gain a permanent mind blank effect. unaffected.
Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, you can take 20 on Combat Enchanter (Ex): Starting at 4th level, targets of
all Knowledge skill checks. Your attunement to the your [charm] spells do not gain a bonus on their saves due to
fundamental underpinnings of reality has also become so being currently threatened or attacked by you or your allies.
advanced that once per week, you can cast wish as a spell-like In addition, subjects of your compulsion spells do not get a
ability. This ability does not require a material component bonus on saves due to being forced to take an action against
and has no base numen cost (the costs for creating magic their natures. This ability supersedes the minor enchantment
items or raising attribute scores remain in effect; see Chapter esoterica from the Master Specialist prestige class (Complete
7).. Mage).
Aura of Despair (Su): Starting at 8th level, you can learn to
Enchanter emit a 30-foot aura of despair for a number of rounds per day
I have reason to conclude that he who would get me into his equal to your wizard level. These rounds do not need to be
power without my consent would use me as he pleased when consecutive. Enemies within this aura are shaken, and also
he had got me there, and destroy me too when he had a fancy take a –2 morale penalty on damage rolls (no save).
to it; for nobody can desire to have me in his absolute power Force of Will (Su): At 12th level, you can send thoughts
unless it be to compel me by force to that which is against the and instructions telepathically to any creature within 60 feet
right of my freedom―i.e., make me a slave. that you have charmed or dominated as though you shared a
―John Locke, Concerning the True Extent and common language. Affected creatures can communicate back
End of Civil Government (1689) to you via the telepathic link as well. Source: Advanced
The enchanter uses magic to control and manipulate the Player’s Guide.
minds of his victims. Morgan le Fey, from Sir Thomas Stubborn Enchantment (Su): Starting at 16th level, any
Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur, is an enchantress. creature that successfully saves against one of your
Bonus Skill: Diplomacy. enchantment spells must save again 1 round later (as if you
Barred Schools: Divination, Evocation. had cast the spell again) with a +4 bonus on the save. You can
use this ability up to 3 times per day. This ability supersedes
the moderate enchantment esoterica from the Master
Specialist prestige class (Complete Mage).
Instant Daze (Sp): Starting at 19th level, as an attack of Counterfire (Sp): Beginning at 4th level, when a visible
opportunity, you can daze an enemy who strikes you in melee enemy within 60 ft. targets you with a spell or ranged attack,
(Will negates). This is a mind-affecting compulsion. Creatures you can spend an attack of opportunity to make a
with HD greater than your wizard level + your specialist simultaneous ranged touch attack against that opponent for
bonus are immune. You can’t activate this ability in response 1d6 force damage per level of the highest-level evocation spell
to an attack you are unaware of. Source: Players Handbook you have prepared and ready for use. Counterfire does not
II. provoke an attack of opportunity. You can’t activate this ability
Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, you are immune to in response to an attack you are unaware of. Source: Players
charm and compulsion effects, and all allies within 30 feet of Handbook II.
you gain a +5 arcane bonus to resist such effects (unless they Energy Manipulation (Su): At 8th level, you can radiate
come from you). Additionally, if an opponent attempts to use a your Versatile Evocation ability in a 30-foot aura. Choose an
mind-affecting ability against you, you can target that foe with energy type (from acid, cold, electricity, and fire), and a second
any mind-affecting spell you have prepared as an immediate type to transform it into. Any magical source of energy of this
action. type with a caster level equal to or less than your evoker level
is altered to the chosen energy type. This includes
Evoker supernatural effects from creatures with Hit Dice no greater
Bonus Skill: Knowledge (warfare). than your number of ranks in Concentration. For example,
Barred Schools: Enchantment, Illusion. you could transform a white dragon’s frigid breath weapon (a
Arcane Bond: Your default bonded item is a wand supernatural ability), but not a fire elemental’s fiery touch (an
(Appendix A). You may instead select a specialist implement extraordinary ability). If an effect lies only partially within
(generally in the form of a ceremonial dagger), a familiar your aura, only the portions within the aura are transformed.
(generally a winged one capable of scouting for you and You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal
calling in your artillery strikes), a bonded weapon, or eidetic to your wizard level. The rounds do not need to be
memory (spellbooks are easily lost or ruined on a battlefield). consecutive. Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Specialist Bonus: Your specialist bonus applies to the Evocation Mastery (Su): At 12th level, choose one
following. metamagic feat with the word “Evocation” in its name (except
Inexorable Evocation). You need not know this feat already.
Intense Spells (Su): Whenever you cast an evocation spell All of your evocation spells with the appropriate descriptor (if
that deals hit point damage, you deal additional damage of applicable) are automatically modified as if by that feat, with
the appropriate type equal to 1d6 x your specialist bonus. no increase in spell level or casting time.
This bonus damage applies only once to a given spell, not Clinging Evocation (Su): Starting at 16th level, any
once per missile or ray, but it can be split between creature that fails its save against one of your evocation spells
multiple missiles or rays as you see fit. The bonus damage takes damage again 1 round later equal to half the damage it
is not increased by Empower Spell or similar effects. took when you cast the spell. You can use this ability up to 3
times per day. This ability supersedes the moderate evocation
School Powers: In substitution for one or more of the esoterica from the Master Specialist prestige class (Complete
school powers described below, evokers can select bonus Mage).
feats such as Blistering Spell, Brimstone Spell, Irresistible Penetrating Evocation (Su): When you reach 19th level,
Evocation, Piercing Cold Evocation, Searing Evocation, etc. your evocation spells and spell-like abilities no longer allow
Versatile Evocation (Su): When you cast an evocation spell resistance (i.e., the text under the “spell description”
spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, you can heading changes from “yes,” if applicable, to “no”). Among
spontaneously change half or all of the damage dealt (your other things, this means that you can affect golems with
choice) to one of the other energy types listed. them. If you chose Irresistible Evocation as your 16th level
automatic metamagic feat, you receive no further benefit at
At 10th level, add sonic energy to the list, and you can mix 19th level (i.e., you cannot retrain your 16th level choice).
up to three energy types in whatever proportions you Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, your evocation spells
desire. and spell-like abilities that deal direct hit point damage carry
all energy types simultaneously. They ignore all energy
At 14th level, add negative energy to the list. resistance and spell resistance, and do not allow saving
At 18th level add force, and you can freely intermix any throws for half damage (if normally applicable). In addition,
number of energy types (the total damage stays the same). any creature with vulnerability to a specific energy type is
similarly vulnerable to all of your damaging evocations.
This ability changes the descriptor of the spell to match the Illusionist
new energy type. Any non-damaging effects remain
unchanged unless the new energy type invalidates them (an Illusionists use magic to weave confounding images,
ice storm that deals fire damage might still provide a penalty figments, and phantoms to baffle and vex their foes. An
on Perception checks due to smoke, but it would not create example of an illusionist is Coleman Collins, from Peter
difficult terrain). Such effects are subject to referee Straub’s Shadowland.
discretion. Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Bonus Skill: Sleight of Hand.
Barred Schools: Conjuration, Evocation.
Arcane Bond: Your default arcane bond is a specialist Chains of Disbelief (Su): Starting at 4th level, even if a
implement (Appendix A) in the form of a mirror (those with a viewer disbelieves an illusion created you and communicates
more theatrical bent can choose a mask, top hat, cape, etc. the details of the illusion to other creatures, those other
instead). You cannot choose a familiar (Appendix B) because creatures do not receive the normal +4 bonus on their saying
Conjuration is a barred school for you, and you cannot throws to disbelieve the illusion. Furthermore, even when
choose a wand (Appendix A) because Evocation is a barred presented with incontrovertible proof that the illusion isn't
school. real, creatures must still succeed on an Intuition save to see
Specialist Bonus: Your specialist bonus applies in the objects or creatures that the illusion obscures, although they
following ways: get a +10 bonus on the saving throw. Source: 3.5 edition
Cloak of Shadow (Su): You can cloak your form in shifting System Reference Document, “Class Variants: Specialist
shadows, providing you with a degree of concealment Wizard Variants.”
(miss chance 5% x your specialist bonus). You can dismiss Bedeviling Aura (Su): At 8th level, you learn to emit a 30-
or resume this effect as a free action. While your cloak of foot aura that bedevils your enemies with phantasmal
shadow is active, you can make Stealth checks as if you assailants. Enemies within this aura move at half speed, are
had concealment. Cloak of shadow doesn't function in unable to take attacks of opportunity, and are considered to
bright or full daylight, and it is the equivalent of a be flanked. This is a mind-affecting effect. You can use this
[darkness] spell of level equal to your specialist bonus, for ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard
the purpose of interacting with light spells. This ability level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Source:
supersedes the Shadowcraft Mage’s prestige class feature Advanced Player’s Guide.
of the same name, from Races of Stone, and also the Dazzling Illusion (Su): Starting at 12th level, whenever
moderate illusion esoterica from the Master Specialist you cast an illusion spell, you can choose to render all
prestige class (Complete Mage). enemies within 30 feet dazzled for 1 round per level of the
spell. Blind creatures are immune to this effect. This
Extended Illusions (Su): Any illusion spell you cast (of any supersedes the feat of the same name from Complete Mage.
level) with a duration of “concentration” lasts a number of Insidious Illusion (Su): Starting at 16th level, creatures
additional rounds equal to your specialist bonus after you can't identify your illusion spells with Spellcraft, including
stop maintaining concentration. checks attempted as part of arcane sight, detect magic, or
similar effects. When any creature employs an ability, magic
Shadow Illusion (Su): You are able to infuse certain item, or spell that would detect or pierce an illusion cast by
figments (silent image, minor image, major image, you, the user must make an opposed Concentration check in
persistent image, and programmed image) with material order to succeed. The detecting creature can check only once
from the Plane of Shadow, making them partially real, to per divination spell or effect used, no matter how many of
an extent equal to 5% x your specialist bonus (maximum your illusions are active in the area. Source: Races of Stone;
100% real). The subschool of these spells changes from this also subsumes the Fabulous Figments feat from Mythic
[figment] to [shadow]. This bonus is also added to the Adventures.
extent to which your shadow conjurations and shadow Coiled Illusion (Su): At 19th level, you can coil an illusion
evocations are real. This supersedes the Shadowcraft upon itself. Any creature that disbelieves the illusion sees a
Mage’s prestige class feature of the same name and second illusion within the translucent outline of the first, as if
“powerful shadow magic” class feature, from Races of you had cast the spell a second time. Effectively, after a
Stone, the Shadowcrafter’s “enhanced shadow spells” creature disbelieves the first illusion, it sees a second illusion
class features from Underdark, and the Shadowcaster’s in its place, which it must attempt to disbelieve separately.
“shadowy specialization” variant class feature from Inner You must determine the features of the second illusion as you
Sea Magic. cast the first. If the second illusion is especially similar to the
Stage Magician (Ex): Apply your specialist bonus as an first one, creatures that study or interact with it receive a +4
enhancement bonus to Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand, bonus on the save to disbelieve the effect. This ability
Perform (acting), and Stealth checks. Also add these skills emulates the Veiled Illusionist’s naga veil prestige class
to your list of class skills. feature from Paths of Prestige.
Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, you are immune to
illusions, automatically seeing them for what they are. In
Blinding Ray (Sp): As a standard action you can fire a addition, your ties to the Plane of Shadow are strong enough
shimmering ray at any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch that you gain the following spell-like abilities, usable 1/day
attack. The ray causes creatures to be blinded for 1 round. each: shadow walking, phase door, plane shift (Plane of
Creatures with more Hit Dice than your class level + your Shadow). The latter two abilities function despite your
specialist bonus are dazzled for 1 round instead. normal inability to access spells from the school of
Channel Negative Energy (Su): A necromancer works
Necromancer with the raw stuff of life and death. Starting at 1st level, you
Tribute was borne to them by fleshless porters from can channel negative energy as an evil cleric of level equal to
outlying realms; and plague-eaten corpses, and tall mummies your necromancer level (if you can already channel negative
scented with mortuary balsams… Dead labourers made their energy, your necromancer levels stack with the levels from
palace-gardens to bloom with long-perished flowers; liches that class when determining your channeling dice and the
and skeletons toiled for them in the mines, or reared superb, save DC). You also gain Command Undead as a bonus feat.
fantastic towers to the dying sun. Chamberlains and princes Grave Touch (Sp): Also at 1st level, you gain the effects of
of old time were their cupbearers, and stringed instruments the Daunting Strike feat, but by touch (melee touch attack
were plucked for their delight by the slim hands of empresses needed) rather than through a weapon strike. Your BAB for
with golden hair that had come forth untarnished from the purposes of the effect is equal to your class level.
night of the tomb. Those that were fairest, whom the plague Life Sense (Sp): Starting at 4th level, you can sense the
and the worm had not ravaged overmuch, they took for their ebbing of life forces and the pulse of necromantic energy
lemans and made to serve their necrophilic lust. around you. You gain the continuous effects of deathwatch
―Clark Ashton Smith,
and detect undead (as the spells). You can also cast speak
“The Empire of the Necromancers” (1932) with dead at will as a spell-like ability.
The dread and feared necromancer commands undead and Zone of Desecration (Su): At 8th level, you begin to
uses the foul power of unlife against his enemies. John Dee project an aura of desecration (as the spell) in an emanation
and Edward Kelley were supposedly amateur necromancers; around yourself. This aura is centered on you and moves with
on the other end of the scale, Wavyhill from Larry Niven’s you; it extends to a radius of 5 ft. per class level you possess.
What Good Is a Glass Dagger? is a more powerful This ability supersedes the True Necromancer’s prestige
necromancer, and Nathaire from Clark Ashton Smith’s “The class feature of the same name from Libris Mortis, and also
Colossus of Ylourgne,” is an extremely powerful the minor necromancy esoterica from the Master Specialist
necromancer. prestige class (Complete Mage).
Bonus Skills: Heal, Knowledge (the planes). Fearsome Necromancy (Su): Starting at 12th level, any
Barred Schools: Abjuration, Enchantment. Unlike most foe required to save against a necromancy spell you cast is
specialists, you can learn, prepare, and cast spells from your shaken for 1 round per level of the spell, regardless of the
specialist school from the Cleric list (and any spells with the result of the save. This mind-affecting fear ability does not
word “undead” in the name) as if they were wizard stack with any other fear effect (it can't make a foe worse than
Necromancy spells (i.e., they can be gained as school bonus shaken). This supersedes the feat of the same name from
spells). Also keep in mind that the entire conjuration (healing) Complete Mage.
subschool as been moved into the school of Necromancy. Bind Spirit (Sp): At 16th level, you learn to trap the spirits
Arcane Bond: Your default arcane bond is a specialist of creatures in gems. You must ready an action for the
implement in the form of a bone or similar fetish, or a moment the target dies (i.e., is reduced to –10 hp or below),
weapon (sickle, scythe, or other harvest-inspired implement). and it receives an Intuition save to avoid the effect. If trapped,
You can instead choose the familiar option, and declare one the target cannot be restored to life, etc., until its spirit is free
of your undead followers (attracted using the Command again (either by 1 day per class level passing, or by breaking
Undead feat) as your familiar as well. the gem prior to that). While you have possession of the gem
Specialist Bonus: containing the trapped soul, you may do one of the following
once per day: get the answer to a yes/no question from the
Flesh and Spirit (Ex): Apply your specialist bonus as an soul (it is compelled to speak the truth), speak one of the
enhancement bonus to Heal and Knowledge (the planes) spirit’s languages for 1 hour, or use the ranks of one of the
checks. Heal is a class skill for you. spirit’s skills for 1 minute. The gem must be worth at least
500 gp in mundane terms, but a trapped soul is worth far
Master of Undeath (Ex): Add your specialist bonus to your more: it can be bartered with night hags and other fiends, or
number of ranks in Knowledge (the Planes) when used in the construction of magical items (see Chapter 6,
determining your undead leadership score for the under “souls”). Source: Dragon magazine, issue 312.
Command Undead feat. Unhallowed Aura (Su): At 19th level, your zone of
Undead Resistances (Ex): Apply your specialist bonus as a desecration aura also carries the effects of an unhallow spell.
profane bonus to saving throws against fear, death effects, Because it is centered on a person (you) and not tied to a site,
disease, energy drain, and negative energy. You also gain you gain no fixed spell that operates in conjunction with the
resistance to negative energy equal to 5 hp x your unhallow effect.
specialist bonus. Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level you gain an aura of
animation. Creatures that die within your aura of desecration
are automatically animated 1 round later as zombies (not
School Powers: In addition to the powers listed below, necessarily under your control).
necromancers can learn Divine feats for which they meet the
prerequisites in place of school powers (examples of feats
often selected in this manner include Bolster Resistance and
Corpsecrafter). Substituting the Black Lore of Moil feat (q.v.)
is also popular.
Variant Necromancer: Deathwalker
This variant is from Dragon magazine (issue 312), and also He had once known a great Anduan magician who believed
draws on the Dread Necromancer from Heroes of Horror. A he had mastered the trick of changing his shape, but after six
Deathwalker is a necromancer who takes on traits of undeath months of meditation, and nearly a week of incantations in a
as he progresses in skill. This variant class is only 16 levels series of agonizing body postures, he uttered the last
long; 17th-20th levels are automatically taken as a lich (see awesome spell and succeeded only in making his nose nearly
Chapter 2). nine feet long and driving himself insane.
Arcane Bond: Your default arcane bond is a specialist ―Stephen King, The Eyes of the Dragon (1987)
implement in the form of a phylactery. Transmuters use magic to change the world around them.
Specialist Bonus: The witch Circe, from Homer’s epic The Odyssey, is a
Fortification (Ex): You have a chance of ignoring extra Bonus Skill: Craft (alchemy).
damage from sneak attacks, critical hits, and/or Vital Barred Schools: Due to the breadth of this school (even
Strikes equal to 5% x your specialist bonus. after moving some spells out of it), transmuters have three
Shroud of Death (Su): Apply your specialist bonus as a barred schools. However, transmuters are flexible as well, and
profane bonus to saving throws against poison, paralysis, no two are alike. You can choose any three of the following to
mind-affecting effects, sleep, and stunning. be barred schools: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination,
Enchantment, and Necromancy.
Undead Resistances (Ex): Apply your specialist bonus as a Arcane Bond: Your default arcane bond is a ring, which
profane bonus to saving throws against fear, death effects, follows the rules for specialist implements (Appendix A). A
disease, energy drain, and negative energy. You also gain transmuter with Conjuration as a barred school cannot
resistance to negative energy equal to 5 hp x your choose a familiar (Appendix B). A transmuter with Divination
specialist bonus. as a barred school cannot choose an eidetic memory.
Specialist Bonus: Your specialist bonus applies in two
Master of the Dead (Su): At 1st level, you gain the ability ways:
to channel negative energy (as a standard necromancer), and Physical Enhancement (Su): You gain an enhancement
also gain the Command Undead feat. You have pale skin, a bonus equal to your specialist bonus to one physical
low body temperature, and glassy-looking eyes. A DC 25 attribute score (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution) or to
Knowledge (the planes) check reveals these as traits of one your natural armor. Each time you prepare spells, you can
starting along the path of the Deathwalker. allocate the total bonus as you see fit. Starting at 18th
Charnel Touch (Su): Also at 1st level, you gain the ability to level, this bonus applies to natural AC and one physical
inflict negative energy as a melee touch attack with the same attribute score.
effects as your channeled negative energy. You can deliver
this touch through a spectral hand spell. Tenacious Transmutation (Su): If one of your
Fear Aura (Su): Beginning at 4th level, you can radiate a 5- transmutation spells is successfully dispelled or negated,
ft.-radius fear aura as a free action. Enemies in the area must its effects persist for a number of additional rounds before
succeed on a Will save or become shaken. A creature who dissipating equal to your specialist bonus. If a creature is
successfully saves cannot be affected by your fear aura for 24 responsible for the dispelling effect, it knows that the spell
hours. has been dispelled but is still temporarily functioning.
Death's Embrace (Ex): At 8th level, you no longer need eat, Source: This ability supersedes the feat of the same name
drink, or sleep (although you must still rest to regain spells), from the Advanced Player’s Guide, and also the minor
and are immune to magical sleep effects. You are also transmutation esoterica from the Master Specialist
immune to disease, sickness, and nausea. You gain the ability prestige class (Complete Mage)
to heal damage instead of taking damage from negative
energy (as an undead creature). However, your skin becomes Shapechanger (Sp): You acquire the [shape-changer]
stretched, and your eyes appear hollow. You receive a –2 subtype and the following suite of spell-like abilities (as
profane penalty on Charisma, Bluff, and Diplomacy checks Racial Spell-Like Abilities described in Chapter 7, but using
against non-undead. your specialist level in place of your number of ranks in
Enervating Touch (Su): At 12th level, you gain the ability Concentration): 1st—enlarge person, 2nd—alter self, 3rd
to bestow negative levels with your charnel touch attack. —beast shape I or monstrous physique I; 4th—beast shape II,
Each day, you can bestow a total number of negative levels elemental body I, or monstrous physique II; 5th—beast shape
equal to half your class level, but no more than two negative III, elemental body II, or momstrous physique III; 6th—beast
levels with a single touch. Activating this class feature is a shape IV, elemental body III, form of the dragon I, or
swift action. A dread necromancer can use the spectral hand monstrous physique IV; 7th—elemental body IV, form of the
spell to deliver this attack from a distance. dragon II, or giant shape I; 8th—form of the dragon III or
Edge of Apotheosis (Ex): At 16th level, your preparations giant shape II; 9th—shapechange. These abilities all have a
for the passing from life into undeath are nearly complete. range of Personal. Rather than using the standard durations,
You construct a phylactery (see lich entry in Chapter 2) which you can remain in an assumed form indefinitely (until either
does not count against your personal numen; subsequent you choose to dismiss it or the effect is dispelled). This ability
improvements in your phylactery as you gain levels in lich supersedes the Master Transmogrifist prestige class feature
likewise do not count against your personal magical item of the same name, from Complete Arcane.
Effortless Change (Ex): At 4th level, you learn how to change
your form through a simple act of will. You can choose to
apply the benefits of the Still Spell and Silent Spell feats Appendix A: Bonded
(even if you doesn’t have the feats) to any transmutation spell
or spell-like ability you cast on yourself to change your form
(such as alter self, beast shape, or elemental body). This
benefit does not increase the spell’s level or casting time, nor "...And [you are] a fool not to have borne a blade and so
it require any special preparation. This ability supersedes the enchanted it… or a mirror, a chalice, or a wand to brace your
Master Transmogrifist prestige class feature of the same magic.”
―Roger Zelazny, Prologue to Trumps of Doom (1985)
name, from Complete Arcane. Wizards who select a bonded object begin play with one at
Shifter Magic (Su): At 8th level, your spells are always no cost. Objects that are the subject of an arcane bond
treated as being affected by the Natural Spell feat when you usually fall into one of the following categories: specialist
are shapechanged, allowing you to cast spells in any form. implement, staff, wand, or weapon—although alternative
Ravaging Transmutation (Su): Starting at 12th level, objects are possible, subject to referee approval. These
when a creature successfully saves against a transmutation objects are always masterwork quality. Weapons acquired at
spell you cast, it takes 1d6 damage per level of the spell 1st level are not made of any special material. If the object is
(Fortitude save for half). This ability supersedes the moderate an amulet or ring, it must be worn to have effect, while staves,
transmutation esoterica of the Master Specialist prestige wands, and weapons must be wielded; mirrors, chalices, and
class (Complete Mage). the like need merely be held. You may use your bonded object
Override Transmutation (Su): At 16th level, as an in one hand to perform the somatic components of spells.
immediate action, you can reroll any failed Fortitude save A bonded object must be an actual object; you cannot
against a transmutation spell or ability. If the effects last more designate your fist as a bonded weapon, or your heart as a
than one round, you can attempt a new save each round as a specialist implement, etc., unless the said body part has been
swift action. This power supersedes the ability of the same severed and is now a separate item from you (removal of your
name from Races of Eberron, and also the minor heart would kill you, so this is not recommended).
transmutation esoterica of the Master Specialist prestige Enhancing Bonded Items: You can add additional magic
class (Complete Mage). abilities to your bonded object as if you had the Imbue Item
Transmutable Memory (Ex): Starting at 19th level, you feat and appropriate Craft skill, if you meet the level
can give up a prepared spells and prepare different spells in prerequisites of the feat. For example, a wizard with a bonded
their place, as long as the number of newly prepared spell dagger must be at least 5th level to add magic abilities to the
levels is equal to or less than the number of spell levels given dagger (see the Imbue Item feat). If the bonded object is a
up (0-level spells don't count). You can “trade out” up to one wand, it loses its wand abilities when its last charge is
spell level per 2 class levels you possess. For example, a 19th consumed, but it is not destroyed and it retains all of its
level transmuter who uses this power can lose one 5th level bonded object properties and can be used to craft a new
spell and two 2nd level spells from memory (a total of nine wand. The magic properties of a bonded object, including any
spell levels, half the character's class level) and prepare two magic abilities added to the object, only function for the
new 3rd level spells and a 4th level spell (for example). Using wizard who owns it. If a bonded object's owner dies, or the
this ability requires a number of minutes of concentration item is replaced, the object reverts to being an ordinary
equal to the number of spell levels given up. If your masterwork item of the appropriate type.
concentration is broken during this time, all spells to be lost You can designate an existing magic item as your bonded
are gone and no spells are gained in their place. Source: 3.5 item. This functions in the same way as replacing a destroyed
edition System Reference Document, “Class Variants: item except that the new magic item retains its abilities while
Specialist Wizard Variants.” gaining the benefits and drawbacks of becoming a bonded
Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, you can create item.
completely imaginary forms when you use polymorph, Damaged Items: A bonded object has a minimum
polymorph any object, or shapechange on yourself, choosing hardness of 5 + half your class level, and has 25 hp + 2 per
a single aspect of a second monster whose form you could class level you possess. If a bonded object is damaged, it is
assume using the spell you are casting, and adding it to the restored to full hit points the next time you prepare your
form you are actually assuming. Your available options spells. If the object of an arcane bond is destroyed, it can be
include the following: replace the base form’s natural armor replaced after 1 week in a special ritual that costs 200 gp per
bonus with that of the second form; add the second form’s wizard level plus the cost of the masterwork item. This ritual
movement modes; add one of the second form’s natural takes 8 hours to complete. Items replaced in this way do not
attack types (with the appropriate reach), if the base form possess any of the additional enhancements of the previous
doesn’t have that attack type already; add an extraordinary bonded item.
special attack of the second form; add an extraordinary
special quality of the second form; or replace one of the base
form’s physical ability scores, if both the base form and the
second form are the same size category. (For example, if a
young red dragon is the base form and a giant octopus is the
second, you could add the octopus’s eight tentacle rakes to
the dragon’s available natural attacks.)
Specialist Implement (Sp): Your implement, when used
General Bonded Item Abilities as an arcane spellcasting focus, grants you Spell Focus in
As you gain in power, you gain additional abilities your school of specialization as a bonus feat.
pertaining to your bonded item, as shown below. Also, the item can be used once per day to cast any one
TABLE A-1: BONDED ITEM ABILITIES spell from your specialist school that you have in your
spellbook and are capable of casting, even if the spell is not
Minimum Class Level Abilities prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by you,
1st Arcane focus, arcane implement
including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent
on level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or
2nd Attunement other abilities.
6th Arcane implement, improved Specialist Implement, Improved (Su): At 6th level, the
arcane implement also grants Greater Spell Focus.
10th Summon item In addition, all 1st level spells from your specialist school
14th Arcane implement, greater that you cast using the implement are extended to double
18th Swift summoning
their normal duration, as if by the Extend Spell feat, only
without an increase in casting time and without using up a
Arcane Focus (Ex): While using your bonded object, the higher-level spell slot. The highest level of school spells
object acts as an arcane focus component for your spells, affected increases by +1 per 4 class levels thereafter (2nd
eliminating the need for material components costing less level spells at 10th, 3rd level spells at 14th, and 4th level spells
than 5 gp. If attempt to cast a spell without your bonded at 18th level). This extension overlaps (does not stack) with
object worn or in hand, you must use the normal material the increase in duration normally provided by your specialist
components, and must succeed at a Concentration check or bonus. This ability supersedes the Abjurant Champion’s
lose the spell. The DC for this check is equal to 15 + (2 x the “extended abjuration” prestige class feature from Complete
spell's level). Mage and the Thaumaturge’s “extended summoning” prestige
A hand-held bonded item automatically has the somatic class feature from the 3.5 edition System Reference
property, allowing you to perform somatic spell components Document.
with the hand holding the item. Specialist Implement, Greater (Su): At 14th level, the
Arcane Implement: Your bonded object gains a special implement grants a +1 enhancement bonus to the effective
ability based upon its type (specialist implement, staff, wand, caster level for spells in your school of specialization. This is
or weapon; see specific bonded item descriptions below). a specific exception to the general rule limiting your caster
Attunement (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, you are always level to your number of ranks in Concentration.
aware of the approximate distance and relative direction of Staff
your bonded item. This ability supersedes the Reliquarian’s
“attunement” prestige class feature, from Relics & Rituals: “Do you know what happens to a wizard’s staff when the
Excalibur (Sword & Sorcery Studios). wizard dies?” Prospero saw the wavering cowled shape
Arcane Implement, Improved: Starting at 6th level, your reflected in the candlelit pane. It held a long black staff.
bonded item gains an additional ability dependent upon its Suddenly there was a loud crack and the staff bent, twisted,
type (see below). writhed into an ugly bent branch covered with cancerous
Summon Item (Sp): Starting at 10th level, you can scabbed growths. The figure cast the shuddering piece of
summon your bonded item to appear immediately in your wood to the floor and said quietly: “He is dead. Go home.”
hand as a standard action. The weapon can be up to 10 miles ―The Face in the Frost.
per class level away, although if it is in someone else's The staff is the quintessential generalist wizard’s bonded
possession or in a locked room, you must make a item, capable of storing a variety of spells. A specialist wizard
Concentration check (DC 25) to summon it. This ability with a bonded staff treats the item as a bonded weapon (q.v.),
supersedes the Mage Blade class feature of the same name rather than using these rules.
from Arcana Evolved (Malhavoc Press). Spellstaff (Sp): A 1st level bonded staff is treated as a Staff
Arcane Implement, Greater: At 14th level, the improved magic item, even if you do not have the Imbue Item feat. At
arcane implement ability gained at 6th level improves again. 1st level, choose one 1st level spell known to imbue into the
Swift Summoning (Sp): Starting at 18th level, you can use staff; this spell can then be cast using a charge from the staff.
your summon item ability as a free action once per round. When you gain access to a new level of spells, you can add
one spell known of that level to the staff’s repertoire. For
Specialist Implements example, a 5th level wizard’s staff would have one 1st level,
one 2nd level, and one 3rd level spell in it. When fully charged,
These bonded items are used by specialist wizards to focus your staff has a number of charges equal to 1 + half your
their already formidable powers within a single school of class level (maximum 10); it can be recharged as normal for a
magic. The most typical forms of implements are as follows: magic staff. Casting a spell from your staff costs 1 charge for
abjuration—talisman; conjuration—baton, bottle, or brazier; 1st – 3rd level spells, 2 charges for 4th – 6th level spells, and 3
divination—chalice or mirror; enchantment—pendant or charges for 7th – 9th level spells.
crown; evocation—ceremonial dagger; illusion—mirror or
cape; necromancy—bone fetish; transmutation—ring.
Alternatives appropriate to the character might also be
possible, subject to a reasonable explanation and referee
Staff Fighting (Su): Starting at 6th level, both ends of your Universal (generalist wizard): Your eldritch blast deals
staff have an enhancement bonus equal to half the number of force damage. Starting at 6th level, you can spontaneously
charges remaining in the staff. If you strike a foe with both apply any metamagic feat you know to your eldritch blast
ends of a magic staff in the same round, you can immediately as if it were an appropriate Innate Metamagic feat.
activate one of the spells from the staff as a swift action. The Starting at 14th level, you can instead cause the eldritch
spell must target or be centered either on you or the target blast to carry the effects of any spell you have prepared (or
struck (or on any corner of your or your target's space, in the that your wand is imbued with), in addition to dealing
case of an area spell). This ability supersedes the Eilserv damage; this uses up the spell (or charge) normally.
School feat, from Drow of the Underdark. Abjuration: Your eldritch blast deals force damage.
Retributive Strike (Sp): At 14th level, you gain the ability Starting at 6th level, it also creates a backsplash of force in
to intentionally break your staff as a standard action (ignoring front of you when activated, acting as a shield spell for 1
its hardness and hp). All charges in the staff are released in a round. Starting at 14th level, any creature struck is also
30-foot spread dealing force damage. All within 10 feet of the targeted by a resilient sphere effect (as the spell).
broken staff take hit points of damage equal to 8 times the
number of charges in the staff, those between 11 feet and 20 Conjuration: Your eldritch blast deals acid damage.
feet take damage equal to 6 times the number of charges, and Starting at 6th level, you can choose to reduce the damage
those 21 feet to 30 feet distant take 4 times the number of in order to cause the discharge to also summon a random
charges in hp. A Reflex save reduces damage by half. You monster to attack the target. This effect is equivalent to a
have a 50% chance (01–50 on d%) of traveling to another summon monster spell of level equal to half the number of
plane of existence, but if you do not (51–100), the explosive dice of damage sacrificed; the blast must always deal at
release of spell energy destroys you (no saving throw). least 1d6 damage. For example, if you have a 5th level
spell prepared, your eldritch blast could deal 1d6 acid
Wand damage and also create a summon monster II effect.
Black pointed with a cloven hoof at a streak of red among the Evocation: Your eldritch blast mimics that of the Kensai
rubble. "Pick it up." battle sorcerer.
"Jelerak's wand?"
“The Red Wand of Falkyntyne. There is nothing subtle Necromancy: Your eldritch blast mimics that of the
about it. It is one of the most efficient magical blasting Undead sorcerer bloodline.
instruments ever created.”
―Roger Zelazny, The Changing Land (1981) Transmutation: Your eldritch blast mimics that of the
Bonded wands are essentially blasting instruments, Protean sorcerer bloodline.
capable of focusing your arcane might into offensive Alienist: As Conjuration.
firepower. A character with Evocation as a barred school
cannot choose a wand as an arcane bond. Arcane Disciple: Your eldritch blast mimics the effects of
Eldritch Blast (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you gain the variant channeled energy (see Cleric) for that domain,
ability to fire a bolt of energy from your wand as a standard except in the form of a ray rather than a burst.
action. This strikes as a ranged touch attack (a ray) with close Argent Savant: As Evocation.
range (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 levels), dealing 1d6 damage per level
of the highest-level spell you have prepared and ready to cast. Magaambyan Arcanist: As Celestial bloodline.
If you have the Imbue Item feat, you can imbue your wand
with enhancement bonuses to attacks and damage and/or Rainbow Servant: As Elemental Air bloodline.
magical weapon properties which apply to the eldritch blast it Wild Magic: Your eldritch blast deals disintegration
creates. damage. Starting at 6th level, it also acts as a rod of
Your eldritch blast otherwise functions as the sorcerer wonder whenever you discharge it. Starting at 14th level,
class feature of the same name, except that you need your those affected can also be affected by corporeal instability,
bonded wand in order to invoke it. The nature of your eldritch as the protean sorcerer bloodline’s greater blast effect (DC
blast, and the type of damage it deals, depend on your 10 + level of the highest-level spell you have available +
specialist school or esoteric branch (as described below). For your Charisma modifier).
those that mimic specific sorcerer eldritch blasts, the
improved blast ability is gained at 6th level (in place of your Wu Jen: Your eldritch blast mimics that of the Elemental
improved arcane implement ability), and the greater blast is bloodline corresponding to your element, or the Verdant
gained at 14th level (in place of your greater arcane bloodline (for wood), etc.
implement ability). If you have levels in sorcerer, your wizard
levels and sorcerer levels stack for purposes of determining
your wand’s eldritch blast abilities. Weapon
A bonded weapon, or athame, is often favored by eldritch
knights. A bonded weapon counts as an arcane focus for your
spellcasting (replacing inexpensive material components) and
you always treat it as if it had the somatic property, even if it
has no remaining enhancement bonus.
Arcane Enhancement (Su): As long as you have an arcane Hit Points: The familiar has half your total hit points (not
spell of at least 1st level prepared and uncast, your bonded including temporary hit points), rounded down, regardless of
weapon gains an enhancement bonus when you are wielding its actual Hit Dice.
it. This bonus is equal to the level of the highest-level spell Attacks: Use your base attack bonus, as calculated from all
you have remaining (e.g., a 17th level wizard’s athame has an your classes. Use the familiar's Dexterity or Strength
effective enhancement bonus of +9 as long as he has at least modifier, whichever is greater, to calculate the familiar's
one 9th level spell prepared and uncast); as long as the melee attack bonus with natural weapons. Damage equals
enhancement bonus is at least +1, you can trade in the that of a normal creature of the familiar's kind.
remainder for special properties (as described in Chapter 6). Saving Throws: For each save, use either the familiar's
You can change out your bonded weapon’s properties each base save bonus (Fortitude +2, Reflex +2, Intuition +2, Will
day when you prepare spells. +0) or yours (as calculated from all his classes), whichever is
If any special weapon property’s cost is not fully covered by better. The familiar uses its own ability modifiers to saves,
remaining enhancement bonus potential, that property must and it doesn't share any of the other bonuses that you might
be downgraded (if possible), or becomes inactive, as have.
described for the ranger’s favored weapon lore. Intelligence: 6 + half your class level.
Athame Defense (Su): Starting at 6th level, your bonded Skills: 6 + Intelligence modifier skill points per Hit Die.
weapon strikes at anyone other than you who picks it up or Familiars treat Acrobatics, Athletics, Bluff, Concentration,
attempts to use it, unless you specifically command it not to. Fly, Knowledge (all), Perception, Planar Sense, Spellcraft,
The item strikes once per round until dropped, using your and Stealth as class skills.
attack bonuses. Resolve the attack as if you were wielding the TABLE B-1: FAMILIAR ABILITIES
weapon. This ability supersedes the Mage Blade class feature
of the same name, from Arcana Evolved (Malhavoc Press). Ranks in Abilities
Mageblade (Ex): Starting at 14th level, you gain the effects Spellcraft
of the Spellstrike and Battle Touch feats, but these apply only 1 Lookout, improved evasion, share spells,
to your bonded weapon. empathic link, store spells
2 Deliver touch spells
Appendix B: Familiars 4 Speak with master
A familiar is a fiendish, celestial, fey, or other arcane spirit 6 Speak with animals of its kind
that aids you in your study of magic. It appears in the form of 8 Guide magic
an Tiny animal (of CR no greater than ½) chosen by a you,
and uses that animal’s Hit Dice, base attack bonus, base save 10 Imbue with spells
bonuses, skills, and feats, but it is a magical beast (or fey) for 12 Spell resistance
the purpose of effects that depend on its type. You cannot
select a familiar as your arcane bond if you have Conjuration 14 Scry on familiar
as a barred school. 16 Cooperative magic
A familiar grants a bonus feat to you; choose from the
following, as appropriate for that creature type: Deep Familiar Ability Descriptions
Intuition, Fleet, Great Fortitude, Improved Deep Intuition,
Improved Iron Will, Improved Natural Armor, Lightning All familiars have special abilities (or impart abilities to their
Reflexes, Skill Focus (any), Superior Initiative, Toughness. masters) depending on the master's total number of ranks in
With referee permission, an alternative feat of similar power Spellcraft, as shown on Table B-2. The abilities are
might be chosen for a specific familiar. cumulative.
A familiar also gains additional abilities based on your Lookout (Ex): When your familiar is within 10 ft. per class
number of ranks in Spellcraft (Table B-1). level of you, you and the familiar each gain a +2 circumstance
If a familiar is reduced to 0 hp or below, it is banished, but bonus to Perception.
can be re-summoned by conducting a minor ritual that takes Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that
30 minutes. Until it is replaced, the master casts spells as if normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a
he or she were one level lower than is actually the case. A familiar takes no damage if it makes a successful saving
familiar can also be banished by a banishment, dismissal, or throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.
similar spell, but this entails no level loss. Share Spells (Su): You can cast a personal spell (with a
target of “you”) on your familiar as a touch spell, instead of on
Familiar Basics yourself. You may cast spells on your familiar even if the
spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type.
Use the basic statistics for a creature of the familiar's kind, Empathic Link (Su): You have an empathic link with your
but with the following changes. familiar to a 1 mile distance. You can communicate
Armor Class: Your familiar gains a bonus to its existing emphatically with your familiar, but cannot see through its
natural armor bonus equal to 1 + half your class level eyes. Because of the link's limited nature, only general
(maximum +11 at 20th level). emotions can be shared. You have the same connection to an
Hit Dice: The familiar has 1 HD per class level you item or place that your familiar does.
Store Spells (Su): You can choose to use your familiar as a Scry on Familiar (Sp): If you have at least 14 ranks in
repository for your spells. In this manner, your familiar gains Spellcraft, you may scry on your familiar (as if casting the
something akin to eidetic memory (see above), but can confer scrying spell) once per day. In addition, you can see through
the spells to you during the time you prepare your spells. your familiar’s eyes at will (rendering you blind in the
Although this eliminates the need for spellbooks, it is meantime) and/or hear through its ears (likewise rendering
incredibly risky, because if the familiar dies, all your spells are you deaf in the meantime)
lost with it until a new familiar can be obtained. You can Cooperative Magic (Su): If you have at least 16 ranks in
choose not to use your familiar as a spell repository, and to Spellcraft, your familiar can perform the somatic components
retain spellbooks instead. of your spells for you. You must still perform any verbal
Deliver Touch Spells (Su): If you have at least 2 ranks in components and supply material components (if applicable)
Spellcraft, your familiar can deliver touch spells for him. If as normal. However, you do not lose the spell if you fail to cast
you and your familiar are in contact at the time you cast a defensively unless the familiar also fails to cast defensively
touch spell, you can designate your familiar as the “toucher.” (using your Concentration bonus).
Your familiar can then deliver the touch spell just as you
would. As usual, if you cast another spell before the touch is Incorporeal Familiars
delivered, the touch spell dissipates. At your option, your familiar spirit can be fully incorporeal
Speak with Master (Ex): If you have at least 4 ranks in (this supersedes the Shadowform Familiar feat from
Spellcraft, you and your familiar can communicate verbally as Champions of Ruin). Such familiars have the advantage of
if using a common language. Other creatures do not being difficult to injure, but they have limitations that normal
understand the communication without magical help. Vermin familiars do not. Only you can see or interact with an
familiars communicate with their masters and other vermin incorporeal familiar, and it cannot leave your space. This
of their kind (see below) by way of a strange combination of means that such a familiar cannot be used as a messenger or
behaviors, slight changes in coloration, and even the scout. However, you are no longer limited to standard familiar
excretion of scents, subtle and otherwise. As with other types animal types, and can add the following creature types and
of familiars, other creatures cannot understand this associated bonus feats (for example): cougar (Leadership);
communication without magical aid. crane (Dodge); raccoon (Chaotic Mind); wolf (Improved
Speak with Animals of Its Kind (Ex): If you have at least Flanking).
6 ranks in Spellcraft, your familiar can communicate with
animals of approximately the same kind as itself (including
dire varieties): bats with bats, cats with felines, hawks and Improved Familiars
owls and ravens with birds, lizards and snakes with reptiles, He was not the conventional stuff from which familiars were
monkeys with other simians, rats with rodents, toads with made, of course. Most were simpering, mindless
amphibians, and weasels with ermines and minks. Such functionaries, plucked by their summoners from the In Ovo—
communication is limited by the Intelligence of the the space between the Fifth and the Reconciled Dominions—
conversing creatures. like lobsters from a restaurant tank. He, on the other hand,
Guide Magic (Su): If you have at least 8 ranks in had been a professional actor in his time, and fêted for it.
Spellcraft, you can assign your familiar the task of ―Clive Barker, Imagica (1991)
concentrating on a spell or spell-like ability that is maintained If you have the Thaumaturgist feat (Chapter 5), you can
through concentration. You can act normally while your improve your familiar as if it were a follower or cohort; this
familiar controls the spell. A familiar can concentrate on only supersedes the Improved Familiar feat from the core rules.
one spell at a time. Assuming it is hiding somewhere on your An improved familiar gains standard familiar abilities (Table
person (a pocket, etc.) or nearby, it need not make B-1) only if it is of a CR 2 or more lower than you would
Concentration checks to maintain the spell if you are normally be eligible for.
threatened or take damage. In addition, you can choose to imbue your familiar with
Imbue with Spells (Su): If you have at least 10 ranks in other abilities by investing personal numen in it, exactly as if
Spellcraft, you can imbue your familiar with a number of it were a magic item (Chapter 6).
spells that the familiar can then cast on its own. At 10th level,
you can imbue a single 0-level spell. Unlike other cantrips, the
familiar can only cast this spell once. At 12th level, and every Appendix C: The Prestige
two levels thereafter, you can imbue another spell into your Specialist
familiar, each one level higher than the previous (1st at 12th
level, 2nd at 14th level, and so on, up to a 5th level spell at 20th Instead of a wizard being able to specialize in a particular
level). This spell is cast as if you had cast it. Every spell school of magic from the start, specialist wizards can be
imbued in this way consumes two of your available spell slots treated as prestige classes instead. Using this option, the base
of that level until the spell is cast (0-level spells reduce the caster class is generally Wizard, although this need not be the
number of 0-level spells she can prepare by 2). When you case ― a character could just as easily be a bard/enchanter, a
prepare spells, you can remove imbued spells from your cleric/necromancer, or a battle sorcerer/abjurer. A
familiar. fighter/abjurer makes a good stand-in for the Abjurant
Spell Resistance (Ex): If you have at least 12 ranks in Champion prestige class from Complete Mage.
Spellcraft, your familiar gains spell resistance equal to 11 +
your number of ranks.
Level Base Spell Special Specialist
Spellcasting: Minimum ranks Concentration equal to 4 Attack Capacity Bonus
per level in Prestige Specialist to be gained –1 (i.e., in order 1st School power (1st and
to gain a 4th specialist level, you must also have at least 15 +0 —
ranks in Concentration).
School-Specific Requirements: Any wizard or cleric with 2nd +1 +1 level School power (8th) +2
Arcanist domain can enter any of the specialist prestige 3rd +1 +1 level School power (12th) +3
classes directly. Others must meet at least one of the 4th +1 level School power (16th)
prerequisites listed under each specialty, as follows: +2 +4
5th +2 +1 level School power (19th), +5
Abjurer: Aasimar race, or one of the following: Celestial or master specialist
Sevenfold Veil bloodline; access to Good or Protection
domain; Mercy mystery. Saving Throws: Prestige specialists gain a +2 class bonus
Conjurer: Amber, Broken Pattern, or Chaos bloodline; to Intuition and Will saves.
access to Artifice or Travel domain. Bonus Skills: You receive one free rank per class level in
Concentration. This is otherwise treated as a class skill, but
Diviner: Destined bloodline; access to the Knowledge or does not count against your total number of skill points.
Dark Knowledge domain; or access to the Oracular Class Skills: Craft (all), Fly, Knowledge (all), Profession
mystery. (all), and Spellcraft.
Enchantment: Bard class; feytouched race; Beguiler, Fey, Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
or Infernal bloodline; Charm or Mind domain. Favored Class: Any character with wizard as a favored
class also treats specialist wizard levels as favored class
Evoker: Druid or battle sorcerer class; half-fiend race; levels.
Abyssal, Boreal, Orc, Stormborn bloodline; Destruction, Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Specialist wizards gain
Fire, Fury, or War domain; Battle mystery. no additional proficiency with weapons or armor.
Spellcasting: Add all spells from your specialist school to
Illusionist: Bard class; fetchling or gnome race; Beguiler, your class list.
Fey, or Shadow bloodline; Trickery domain.
Necromancer: Undead race; Hag, Pestilence, or Undead
bloodline; Death or Repose domain; Graves mystery.
Transmuter: Lycanthrope race; Chaos or Protean
bloodline; Chaos domain.
Elementalist (Air): Feytouched (sylph) or genasi (air) race;
Elemenatal Air or Genie (djinn) bloodline; Air or Weather
domain; Wind mystery.
Elementalist (Earth): Mountain dwarf or genasi (air) race;
Deep Earth, Elemental (Earth), or Genie (shaitan/dao)
bloodline; Earth domain; Stone mystery.
Elementalist (Fire): Genasi (fire) race; Draconic (red),
Elemental (fire), Genie (efreet), or Infernal bloodline; Fire
domain; Flame mystery.
Elementalist (Water): Genasi (water) or water fey race;
Aquatic Fey, Deep One, Draconic (black), Elemental
(water), or Genie (marid) bloodline; Water domain; Waves
Insane Certainty (Ex): Add your specialist bonus to your
total number of hit points.
Appendix D: Esoteric
Mad Certainty (Ex): Add your specialist bonus as a racial
Branches of Wizardry bonus to Bluff checks, and on Charisma-based checks to
These esoteric branches of wizardry can be taken in place influence or control Far Realms entities.
of specialist schools (either for the 20-level specialist
progression or the Prestige Specialist variant), and generally Bonus Feats: You gain the following bonus feats at 1st, 4th,
work similarly. Because they are not traditional schools of 8th, 12th, and 19th levels. Choose from the following:
magic, a school specialist wizard cannot select an esoteric Augment Summoning, Spell Focus (conjuration),
branch as a barred school. Adjustments to school spells and Thaumaturgist, and any metamagic feats. You must meet all
barred schools are listed, and the specific powers associated prerequisites normally.
with the esoteric branch are described. Timeless Body (Ex): At 16th level, you learn the secret of
Esoteric branches represent a convenient means of quickly perpetual youth. You no longer take attribute penalties for
converting a variant type of magic or arcane prestige class, aging (any penalties already taken remain in place), and you
and additional esoteric branches can be added by player and cannot be magically aged. Unless you achieve 20th level
referee approval. before then, you are stolen away by horrible entities when
Bonus Skill: Unless otherwise noted, all esoteric branches your allotted time is up, and you are never seen again.
have Knowledge (lore) as the school bonus skill. Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, because of long
association with alien entities and intense study of insane
Alienist secrets, you transcend your mortal form and becomes an
Alienists deal with powers and entities from terrifyingly alien creature. You gain the pseudonatural template from
remote reaches of space and time. For them, magical power Complete Arcane.
is the triumph of the mind over the rude boundaries of
dimension, distance, and often, sanity. With knowledge and Argent Savant
determination, they pierce the barrier at the edge of time The argent savant regards spells that evoke or apply magical
itself. In the Far Realm, outside time, Herculean minds drift, force as the noblest and most fascinating spells at her
absorbed in contemplations of madness. Unspeakable beings disposal. This esoteric branch subsumes the prestige class of
whisper terrifying secrets to those who dare communication. the same name from Complete Arcane, and also the Force
These secrets were not meant for mortals, but the alienist Missile Mage from Dragon magazine (#378).
plunges into abysses of chaos and entropy that would blast a Arcane Bond: Argent savants generally select a wand as
weaker mind. An alienist's mad certainty is sometimes strong their arcane bond (which functions exactly as an Abjurer’s
enough to sway others to believe in her own future wand).
transcendence. This branch of wizardry supersedes the School Spells: Any spells with the [force] descriptor or
prestige class of the same name, from Complete Arcane. that create or use magical force.
Arcane Bond: You gain a familiar. If you have the Barred Schools: Enchantment, Necromancy.
Thaumaturgist feat, you can add the pseudonatural template Specialist Bonus:
(Complete Arcane) to your familiar at the cost of +1 CR.
School Spells: All spells from the Far Realm sorcerer Ablate Force (Ex): You gain energy resistance (force) in an
bloodline, Farspawn racial spell-like ability list, and Madness amount equal to 5 x your specialist bonus.
domain. In addition, you treat all summon monster spells as Bonus Missiles (Su): Add half your specialist bonus to the
school spells. However, whenever you would use any summon number of missiles you produce when casting a magic
monster spell to summon a creature with the celestial or missile spell.
fiendish template, it instead has the pseudonatural template
(Complete Arcane). You cannot summon non-pseudonatural Force Armor (Su): Increase the AC bonus from mage
creatures (e.g., mephitis or howlers) with a summon monster armor, shield, and similar spells, spell-like abilities, and
spell. supernatural abilities (those that improve AC by a [force]
Barred Schools: None. However, your contact with Far effect), by an amount equal to your specialist bonus.
Realms entities damages your sanity, and you gain the Force Specialization (Ex): Apply your specialist bonus as
following disadvantages: competence bonus on attack rolls made with [force]
Descent into Madness: Your Wisdom score is reduced by spells, and to the damage they deal (for magic missile, the
an amount equal to your specialist bonus. damage bonus applies to each missile, for Mordenkainen’s
sword, it applies to each hit, etc.). This function also
Mental Corrosion: You take a penalty to all Diplomacy and applies to your spell-like and supernatural abilities that
Handle Animal checks equal to twice the magnitude of have the [force] descriptor.
your specialist bonus.
Specialist Bonus: Urgent Shield (Su): At 1st level, you gain Urgent Shield as
a bonus spell; your specialist bonus applies to the effect, so
Alien Blessing (Ex): Apply your specialist bonus as an that it scales from +2 to +7 to AC.
insight bonus to all saving throws. Reflective Shield (Sp): At 4th level, you reflect magic
missiles that target you, as if constantly under a spell turning
Telekinetic Control (Su): Starting at 8th level, all spells you Improved Domain Access (Su): At 4th and/or 8th level,
cast with the [force] descriptor have no somatic component, you gain the appropriate domain powers in place of the
as if under a Still Spell feat (but with no increase in spell level corresponding school power.
or casting time). Domain Feats: For the remaining levels at which you
Extended Force (Su): Starting at 12th level, all spells you would normally gain school powers (12th, 16th, and 19th),
cast with the [force] descriptor last twice as long as normal, choose a domain feat for your domain (if applicable) or a
as though affected by the Extend Spell feat (but with no general divine bonus feat.
increase in spell level or casting time). Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, you gain the domain
Unbind Force (Su): At 16th level, you learn how to exemplar ability for one of your domains.
unweave a force spell or effect and liberate its magical energy.
As a standard action, you can attempt to dispel a single High Sorcery
[force] spell or effect within 60 feet (even those normally Very rarely, a wizard will learn to tap into some external
immune to dispel magic, such as wall of force). If successful, source of magical power, a wellspring of mana with which to
this immediately dispels the effect and deals 1d6 points of power his spells. Such a wizard is midway between a wizard
force damage per level of the dispelled spell to all creatures and a sorcerer, without the former’s feats and powers, and
and objects within 10 feet of the unbound spell. without the bloodline of the latter.
Absorb Force (Ex): At 19th level, you are immune to force Arcane Bond: You must choose a bonded object, which
damage and can pass through force effects (such as a serves as a conduit through which you draw arcane power.
forcecage) at will; you cannot be injured by force weapons. This item confers none of the normal abilities of a bonded
Whenever you successfully use your unbind force ability, you item (although all the drawbacks apply). Instead, this conduit
heal 5 hp per level of the [force] spell unbound. provides an array of daily spell slots, as shown in Table 2 of
Master Specialist (Sp): At 20th level, you are constantly Chapter 7. You gain additional spells per day according to
surrounded by a cylinder of force. This provides you with a your Charisma bonus.
permanent mage armor effect, but the armor bonus is +20 Barred Schools: None.
(including your specialist bonus); if dismissed or dispelled, Specialist Bonus: None.
you can restore the effect as a standard action. High Sorcery (Ex): At each level you gain, you choose how
Disciple, Arcane many of the spells from Table 1 in Chapter 7 are spells
known (which you can cast using spell slots channeled
You are a devotee of a specific deity or planar power, who through your bonded item) and how many are open slots that
grants you arcane insights and greater powers in exchange can be used to prepare spells. You gain additional prepared
for your loyalty and worship—or possibly your soul. Arcane spell slots for a high Intelligence score; these cannot be used
disciples have an alignment aura as do clerics. This option for spells known.
supersedes the feat of the same name, from Complete Divine. Preparing a spell uses up a “spells per day” slot of the
More focused versions include the Magaambyan Arcanist and appropriate level, but otherwise works exactly like a normal
the Rainbow Servant (see below). wizard’s preparation. Spells known work exactly as they do
Arcane Bond: You gain a holy or unholy symbol, which for a sorcerer.
functions as a specialist implement (Appendix A), except that You do not gain bonus spells (the “+1” notation in Table 1
the effects apply to your domain spells. Alternatively, you can of Chapter 7). You do not gain additional school powers at 4th,
choose a weapon (your deity’s favored weapon) or a familiar 8th, 12th, or 16th levels.
(some animal type favored by your deity). Prohibitions based High Arcana: At 19th level, you gain one high Arcanum,
on your barred school (see below) may apply. selected from the list provided under the generalist wizard.
School Spells: Choose two of your patron deity’s domains. Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, you are a High
Your school spells are chosen from the lists for those Magister, for whom the concepts of “prepared” and
domains. “spontaneous” spellcasting are interchangeable. Forget your
Barred Schools: Choose one barred school, which cannot existing spells known. Instead, each day you select and
be Abjuration or Conjuration. In addition, you cannot cast prepare an appropriate number of spells of each spell level, as
spells with an alignment descriptor opposite that of your a wizard; this requires no expenditure of spell slots. Instead,
patron’s alignment. the prepared spells can be cast spontaneously using your
Specialist Bonus: daily spell slots, as a sorcerer is able to do. In this manner,
you have all of the versatility of a wizard in terms of changing
Domain Channeling (Su): When channeling energy, your your spell selection, and all the versatility of a sorcerer in
specialist bonus applies to the save DC. terms of casting whatever spells you need from that selection
Domain Skill: For any skill listed as an “archivist skill” for at any time.
your domain, you treat that skill as a class skill, and also
apply your specialist bonus as a competence bonus to
checks made with that skill.
Domain Access (Su): At 1st level, you gain the 1st level
domain powers for both of your domains. You also gain
Domain Channeling (Chapter 5) for one domain as a bonus
Timeless Body (Su): Upon attaining 19th level, you stop
Magaambyan Arcanist ageing. You no longer take attribute score penalties for aging,
Magaambyan arcanists are students of the Magaambya, an cannot be magically aged, and will not die of old age. Any age
ancient academy of learning located in the heart of the penalties you may have already incurred, however, remain in
Mwangi Jungle. The legendary Old-Mage Jatembe and his Ten place.
Magic Warriors founded the school to reintroduce the light of Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, you gain the
learning to a world overcome by fear and despair. A Celestial simple template, although this does not increase
Magaambyan arcanist studies and follows traditions of magic your CR or effective character level. Your type changes to
originally discovered by Old-Mage Jatembe himself, and Outsider [Good].
utilizes these arcane secrets to continue Jatembe’s quest to Rainbow Servant
bring decency and integrity to civilization. Most Magaambyan
arcanists consider their studies to be a sacred duty and a Other stories say that under Quetzalcoatl’s wise rule, Tula
tradition that spans the ages. ―Paths of Prestige. became a center of prosperity, artisanship, and good order.
Arcane Bond: Domain bond—you gain access to the Good The ear of corn grew as large as a person’s arm, the
domain, including bonus spells and granted powers, using amaranth as tall as a palm tree, and cotton came in many
your class level as your effective cleric level. You gain an aura colors…
of [Good], and detect and are affected by spells as though ―Kay Almere Read and Jason J. Gonzalez, Mesoamerican
good-aligned. Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs
School Spells: The spells on your domain spell list are of Mexico and Central America (2000)
considered school spells, as are any druid spells you know A rainbow servant is a wizard who has penetrated to the
(see below). invisible step pyramid temples of the couatl in the high
Barred Schools: Necromancy. In addition, you are unable mountains and learned what they have to offer. This
to cast spells with the [evil] or [darkness] descriptors. simulates the prestige class of the same name from Complete
Specialist Bonus: Divine.
Arcane Bond: Domain bond—at 1st level, you gain Domain
Increased Spell Mastery (Ex): You gain an additional Access (Air, Good, Law) as bonus feats. You cannot trade this
number of mastered spells (as the spell mastery favored for a different arcane bond and still follow the path of the
class bonus) equal to your specialist bonus. rainbow servant. You yourself detect as both [good] and
Righteous Contravention (Su): Apply your specialist bonus [lawful], and are susceptible to spells that affect those
as a sacred bonus to overcome the spell resistance of alignments. You are also affected as if you had the [air]
[Evil] creatures or objects, and on checks to dispel spells subtype.
cast by evil creatures, spells with the [evil] descriptor, or School Spells: The spells on your domain spell lists are
evil magic items. considered school spells.
Barred Schools: You are unable to cast spells with any of
Halcyon Magic (Su): When adding spells to your the following descriptors: [acid], [chaotic], [earth], [evil],
spellbook when leveling up, you can learn druid spells as [water].
arcane spells, as if they were on the Wizard spell list. Specialist Bonus: Applies as a sacred bonus to saving
Spontaneous Spell Mastery (Ex): Starting at 4th level, throws against spells with the [chaotic] or [evil] descriptors,
each time you prepare spells, you can also change the spells and against spells and spell-like abilities cast by [chaotic] or
for which you have Spell Mastery. In addition, you can “lose” [evil] creatures.
any prepared spell to cast a spell of the same spell level or Servant of the Upper Spheres (Sp): Starting at 1st level,
lower for which you have Spell Mastery. you can use detect chaos/evil/good/law (one at a time) at will
Blessed Warding (Sp): Starting at 8th level, you are under as a spell-like ability.
a constant protection from evil effect. If this is dispelled, you Lesser Domain Powers (Su): At 4th level, you gain the 1st
can reactivate it as a swift action. level granted powers for the Good and Law domains, and 1st
Immediate Spell Mastery (Sp): Starting at 12th level, and 4th level granted powers for Air domain
once per day you can cast any spell you have mastered with Greater Domain Powers (Su): At 8th level, you gain the
the Spell Mastery feat, even if you haven’t prepared it that day. 8th level granted powers for the Good and Law domains.
Altruistic Guardian (Su): Starting at 16th level, when a Grow Wings (Su): At 12th level, you can grow
spell or supernatural effect that allows spell resistance multicolored, feathered wings like that of a couatl. The wings,
targets allies within 30 ft. of you (or they are within its area of which allow flight at a speed of 60 ft., have a daily duration of
effect), you can use this ability as an immediate action to 1 minute per class level, divided up however you wish. It takes
redirect the effects to yourself. You must make all appropriate a move action to grow or eliminate the feathered wings.
saving throws for each ally, possibly making multiple saving Restrictive clothing and armor of any kind prevents the wings
throws against the same spell or effect. You suffer all damage, from growing.
conditions, and other effects that your allies would have
taken, possibly taking these multiple times. Area effects with
a non-instantaneous duration can still affect your allies
normally at a later time.
Cleric Spell Access (Ex): Starting at 16th level, you can Random Deflector (Su): At 4th level, you gain the ability to
learn and cast spells from the cleric list as if they were wizard protect yourself from certain attacks with this ability. Using
spells, even if they don’t appear on the wizard spellcasting this ability is an immediate action. When activated, the
list. Cleric spells are considered arcane spells for you, random deflector lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
meaning that the creature does not need a divine focus to The random deflector redirects ranged attacks, ranged touch
cast them. This class feature grants access to the spells and attacks, and individually targeted spells (spells designating
enables you to read scrolls with cleric spells on them and use you as the sole target, but not area spells striking an area in
wands and staffs that contain cleric spells. which you happen to be the sole target) so that they instead
Telepathy (Su): Starting at 19th level, you can attack or affect a random target within 20 feet of you (include
communicate mentally with any creature(s) within 100 ft. You yourself and your allies among the possible new targets). Any
can also use detect thoughts at will as a spell-like ability, but creature targeted by a deflected attack is attacked or affected
with a DC equal to 10 + half your class level + your Charisma normally, so an attack roll is made normally against the new
modifier. target’s AC, the new target receives a saving throw if a spell or
Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, your type changes to effect allows one, and so on. You can use this ability a number
Outsider [native]. You stop aging, and suffer no age penalties of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
to attribute scores. In addition, you can use ethereal jaunt Chaotic Mind (Su): Starting at 8th level, the power of
3/day as a spell-like ability. chaos infuses your mind. You gain the feat of the same name
as a bonus feat. You also gain immunity to confusion and
Wild Magic insanity spells and effects, and are shielded by a continuous
This esoteric branch of magic supersedes the Wild Mage nondetection effect (as the spell). You must be at least 8th
prestige class from Complete Arcane. level to select this ability.
Arcane Bond: You can select the generalist wizard’s Reckless Dweomer (Su): At 12th level you learn how to
eidetic memory, or can choose a wand (Appendix A) as a spontaneously convert your own spell energy into random,
bonded item. unpredictable results. As a standard action, you can eliminate
School Spells: A wild mage selects his or her school a prepared spell or spell slot of at least 1st level to create an
bonus spells from the list of wild magic spells (see the 2nd effect similar to that of activating a rod of wonder. Your
edition Tome of Magic), or from choices approved by the student of chaos ability (q.v.) applies when you use your
referee. reckless dweomer ability.
Barred Schools: Enchantment, Necromancy. Wildstrike (Sp): At 16th level, you gain the ability to make
Specialist Bonus: a wildstrike once per day. A wildstrike affects a single
creature within 60 feet, surrounding the creature in an aura
of shimmering rainbow colors for 2d6 rounds. Spell
Student of Chaos (Ex): Whenever you use a power or resistance applies, but the target receives no saving throw.
magic item that offers a randomly determined effect (e.g., While a wildstrike is in effect, there is a 50% chance each
when you create a wild surge, or use an item such as a bag time the affected creature casts a spell or uses a spell-like
of tricks or rod of wonder), you can shift d20 results by up ability that its intended action fails. Instead, the creature rolls
to +/-1 per point of your specialist bonus (percentile as if it had activated a rod of wonder.
results can be shifted by up to 25% per point of your Wildstrike, Greater (Sp): At 19th level, a creature affected
specialist bonus). by your wildstrike automatically triggers a wild surge when
attempting to use a spell or spell-like ability.
Wild Magic (Ex): At wild mage casts spells differently Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, you continuously
from any other arcane spellcaster. Reduce your caster level by generate a wild magic zone in an aura with a radius of 30 ft.
3 for all spells you cast. However, every time you cast a spell, Your allies’ spells operate normally within this zone and do
your use of wild magic adds 1d6 to your adjusted caster level. not erupt into wild surges. Your own spells never result in
For example, a 9th level wild mage has a base caster level of wild surges unless you want them to.
6th, not 9th, but his or her actual caster level varies from 7th
to 12th for every spell cast. Caster level affects all level-based Variant: Wild Sorcerer
variables of a spell, including Concentration checks. The You can easily modify this esoteric branch of wizardry into a
minimum caster level is 1st (even if, for example, a 1st level sorcerer bloodline, using the guidelines below.
wild mage rolls a 1 on the 1d6). Class Skill: Disable Device.
Bonus Spells: 1st—patternweave; 2nd—nonsensical
nullifier; 3rd—alternate reality; 4th—there/not there; 5th
—vortex; 6th—wildshield; 7th—spell shape; 8th
—wildzone; 9th—stabilize. These spells are from the 2nd
edition Tome of Magic (David Cook et al., 1991).
Bonus Feats: Chaotic Mind, Deep Insight, Dodge, Eschew
Materials, Improved Dispelling, Lightning Reflexes, Silent
Spell, Skill Focus (Spellcraft).
Bloodline Arcana: Wild magic (see above).
Must make a daily offering (such as food, flowers, or
Eldritch Blast: As described under the bonded item incense) to one or many spirits;
(wand) for this branch, in Appendix A. Cannot bathe (-4 to saves vs. disease);
Bloodline Powers: 1st—student of chaos (+1, +1/4 levels Cannot cut your hair (-2 to Dex after 1 level);
thereafter); 3rd—random deflector (this replaces your
bloodline resistances); 9th—reckless dweomer; 15th Cannot touch a dead body;
—wildtrike; 20th—master specialist power.
Cannot drink alcohol or potions;
Witchcraft Cannot wear a certain article of clothing (belt, headband,
cloak, etc.—something that is a common magic item slot);
This is a secretive branch of wizardry, in which the
practitioner gains power from her communion with the Cannot light a fire (or use [fire] spells);
unknown. Generally feared and misunderstood, the witch Cannot sit facing in a certain direction, and are always
draws her magic from a pact made with an otherworldly flanked from that direction (even by single opponents).
power. Communing with that source, using her familiar as a
conduit, the witch gains not only a host of spells, but a
number of strange abilities known as hexes. The esoteric Specialist Bonus: The standard functions of your
branch of witchcraft is described in Appendix E. specialist bonus apply only to spells of the type or descriptor
that match your chosen element (for example, if your element
Wu Jen is air, it would apply to spells with the [air] or [electricity]
descriptor. In addition, you gain the following:
Wizards of the orient, wu jen are feared and frequently
shunned by society, and tend to be reclusive and withdrawn. Damage Reduction (Ex): If your element is Metal or Wood,
They rarely live among others, normally abiding in the you gain damage reduction equal to twice your specialist
wilderness where they may purify their minds and bodies and bonus against weapons made primarily from that material.
contact the supernatural powers which enable them to Elemental Mastery (Su): When casting spells of that type
command the elements and spirits. This version of the wu jen or descriptor, add half your specialist bonus as a sacred
draws on the class as presented in Complete Arcane, and bonus to the spell DC.
also includes the elementalist wizards in the Advanced
Player’s Guide. Energy Resistance (Ex): If you have one of the four
Each wu jen must choose one element—either a Western standard elements, you gain resistance to one energy type
one (air, earth, fire, or water), or a variant Oriental one (metal equal to 10 times your specialist bonus; at 18th level, you
or wood); a number of his or her class abilities depend on are immune. This overlaps with (does not stack with) the
that element. energy resistance granted by your favored terrain). Energy
Arcane Bond: Your default arcane bond is a watchful types are as follows: air = electricity; earth = acid; fire =
spirit, a disembodied spirit that occasionally gives you fire; water = cold.
warnings of impending danger. Once per day, you can reroll
any initiative check just before learning your place in the Planar Terrain (Ex): You gain favored terrain (appropriate
initiative order. If the second roll is worse than the first one, Elemental Plane) with a bonus equal to twice your
you can choose to disregard the watchful spirit and use the specialist bonus (maximum bonus 2 + half your total
first roll. character level).
Alternatively, you can gain a Tiny elemental (“gen”) familiar
(start with a Small elemental, then apply the Young simple Weapon Proficiency: A wu jen gains Simple proficiency
template). It gains familiar abilities normally, per Appendix B, with all weapons. In addition, you gain Exotic proficiency
or you can advance it if you have the Thaumaturgy feat. with one of the following: dart, light club, light blowgun, light
Some wu jen choose a wand (Appendix A); your eldritch flail, quarterstaff, sickle, sling, spear, tonfa, or unarmed
blast mimics that of the appropriate Elemental sorcerer attacks.
bloodline. Elemental Channeling (Su): At 1st level, you can channel
School Spells: A wu jen selects his or her school bonus elemental energy of the appropriate type as a cleric of level
spells from the list of wu jen spells given in Complete Arcane. equal to your class level. This works as the variant channeling
Other spells from non-core sources, particularly those with ability for the Air, Earth, Fire, or Water domain (or Forge
elemental themes, can be added with referee approval— domain for metal, or Wood domain for wood); once selected,
including spells from the druid class list. you are eligible for the Command Elemental feat (which you
Barred Schools: Instead of barred schools, you must can select as a school power).
abide by a number of taboos. Choose one taboo for each Energy Substitution (Su): Starting at 4th level, when
school power you receive. If you violate any of your taboos, employing a spell with an energy descriptor (acid, electrical,
you lose the ability to cast spells until the next time you are fire, sonic, etc.), you can modify the spell so that half or all of
able to rest and prepare spells. Example taboos include: the damage is appropriate to your element, as follows:
Cannot eat meat or animal by-products (including most
rations and the heroes’ feast spell);
Cannot own more than you can carry;
Specialist Element Damage Type Appendix E: The Witch
Air Electrical The esoteric branch of witchcraft supersedes the Witch base
Earth Acid class, as described in the Advanced Player’s Guide. Because
of the large page count, it is presented here, rather than with
Fire Fire the remainder of the esoteric branches.
Water Cold
Metal Piercing or Slashing Arcane Bond
Wood Bludgeoning A witch’s default arcane bond is a familiar with the “store
spells” option (Appendix B), although you can choose a
This works similarly to the Versatile Evocation and Energy broomstick (as a generalist’s staff) instead. A rare variant
Admixture feats (Chapter 7), but does not increase the spell witch known as a “gravewalker” gains a “spell poppet”
level or casting time. Source: 3.5 edition System Reference instead of a familiar. Each gravewalker carries around a
Document, “Class Variants: Specialist Wizard Variants” and gristly, inanimate poppet stitched from human skin and
“Divine Feats.” stuffed with shards of bone, fingernails, and grave dirt. A
Elemental Revelation (Su): At 8th level, you gain one gravewalker's spells come from the will of evil spirits residing
revelation from the Incarnate mystery corresponding to your in the poppet, and its ability to hold spells functions in a
specialist element (air = wind; earth = Stone; fire = Flame; manner identical to the way a witch's spells are granted by
water = Waves; metal = Metal; wood = Wood). Use your wu her familiar. The gravewalker must commune with her
jen class level in place of your incarnate level for determining poppet each day to prepare her spells and cannot prepare
whether you qualify for the revelation, and when determining spells that are not stored in the poppet. This ability replaces
its effects. familiar. The following familiar ability works differently:
Elemental Body (Sp): Starting at 12th level, you can Deliver Touch Spells (Su): At 3rd level or higher, a
assume the form of a Medium elemental at will, as if by an gravewalker can use her poppet to deliver touch spells.
elemental body II spell (the elemental type is appropriate to After casting a touch spell, as a full-round action, the witch
your specialist element; Wood and Metal wu jen use the earth can designate a target and stab a pin into her poppet,
elemental, with cosmetic changes appropriate to their delivering the spell as a ranged touch attack. The target
element). At 15th level, you can become a Large air elemental must be within range of her aura of desecration ability
instead (as per an elemental body III spell). At 18th level, you (see below).
can become a Huge elemental (elemental body IV).
Elemental Might (Ex): At 16th level, you stop ageing, as
the druid’s timeless body class feature. gain an inherent School Spells
bonus to one attribute score; the attribute and magnitude of At 1st level, when you gain your familiar, you must also select
the bonus depend on your specialist element, as follows: a patron. This patron is a vague and mysterious force,
Element Attribute Bonus granting you power for reasons that you might not entirely
understand. While these forces need not be named, they
Air Dexterity +2 typically hold influence over one of the forces listed below. At
Earth Strength +6 each level that you would normally gain a school spell, you
gain the appropriate patron spell instead. These spells are
Fire Dexterity +2 also automatically added to the list of spells stored by your
Water Constitution +2 familiar. The spells gained depend upon the patron chosen
Metal Strength +6 (use sorcerer bloodline spells, domain spells, etc. as choices;
“unspeakable cult” bonus spells and patrons are especially
Wood Constitution +2 appropriate).
Energy Affinity (Ex): At 19th level and above, you gain a +1 Barred Schools
competence bonus to your effective caster level when casting
spells of your specialist element’s subtype or descriptor. This All spells not on the witch spells list (Advanced Player’s
is a specific exception to the rule that your caster level can be Guide) are treated as being from barred schools. Note that
no higher than your total number of Hit Dice. Source: 3.5 the witch’s spells list includes some spells not normally found
edition System Reference Document, “Class Variants: on the wizard/sorcerer list; these spells are added to your list
Specialist Wizard Variants.” of class spells. Other spells from non-core sources,
Master Specialist (Su): At 20th level, you are immune to particularly curses and the like, can be added with referee
spells and effects related to your chosen element and its approval.
associated energy type. In the case of metal and wood,
overcoming your damage reduction requires epic weapons of Specialist Bonus
an appropriate material. None. The witch gains more powers than a normal specialist,
but lacks a specialist bonus.
Coven (Ex): You count as a hag for the purpose of joining a
School Powers: Hexes hag’s coven. The coven must contain at least one hag. In
Unless otherwise noted, using a hex is a standard action addition, whenever you are within 30 feet of another witch
that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The save to with this hex, you can use the Aid Another action to grant a
resist a hex is equal to 10 + half your number of ranks in +1 circumstance bonus to the other witch’s effective caster
Concentration + your Charisma modifier. You can use any hex level for 1 round. This bonus applies to that witch’s spells and
you know at will. all of her hexes.
At 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th levels (each), you gain one of the Disguise (Su): You can change your appearance for a
following minor hexes: number of hours equal to your number of ranks in
Aura of Desecration (Su): At first level, a gravewalker Concentration, as if using disguise self. These hours do not
witch can create a 20-foot-radius aura of evil power. This aura need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-hour
increases the DC of channeled negative energy by +2 and the increments.
turn resistance of undead by +2. At 3rd level and every 2 levels Evil Eye (Su): You can cause doubt to creep into the mind
thereafter, the radius of the aura increases by 5 feet, to a of a foe within 30 feet that you can see. The target takes a –2
maximum of 70 feet at 20th level. penalty on one of the following (your choice): AC, ability
Beast of Ill-Omen (Su): The witch imbues her familiar checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. At 8th level
with strange magic, putting a minor curse upon the next the penalty increases to –4. This hex lasts for a number of
enemy to see it. The enemy must make a Will save or be rounds equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. A Will save
affected by bane. The witch can use this hex on her familiar reduces the duration to 1 round. This is a mind-affecting
at a range of up to 60 feet. The affected enemy must be no effect.
more than 60 feet from the familiar to trigger the effect; Feral Speech (Su): This hex grants you the ability to
seeing the familiar from a greater distance has no effect speak with and understand the response of any animal as if
(though if the enemy and familiar approach to within 60 feet using speak with animals, though each time you use the hex,
of each other, the hex takes effect). The bane affects the you must decide to communicate with either amphibians,
closest creature to the familiar (ties affect the creature with birds, fish, mammals, or reptiles, and can only speak to and
the highest initiative score). Whether or not the target's save understand animals of that type. You can make yourself
is successful, the creature cannot be the target of the bane understood as far as your voice carries. This hex does not
effect for 1 day (later uses of this hex ignore that creature predispose any animal so addressed toward you in any way.
when determining who is affected). At 12th level, you can use this hex to communicate with
Blight (Su): The witch can curse an animal, plant creature, vermin.
or plot of land, causing it to wither and die. Blighting an area Flight (Su): You grow lighter as you gain power, eventually
takes 1 round, during which time the witch and her familiar gaining the ability to fly. At 1st level, you can use feather fall at
must be in contact with the target. If it’s used on a plot of will and gain a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks. At 3rd level,
land, the land begins to wither the following day, and over the you can cast levitate once per day. At 5th level, you can fly, as
next week all plants in the area die. Nothing will grow in that per the spell, for a number of minutes per day equal to your
area so long as the curse persists. A witch can affect an area class level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but
with a radius equal to her class level × 10 feet. Blighting a they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
creature is a standard action that requires a melee touch Fortune (Su): You can grant a creature within 30 feet a bit
attack. If used on a creature of the animal or plant type, the of good luck for 1 round. The target can call upon this good
creature gains the following curse: Blight Hex—type curse; luck once per round, allowing him to reroll any ability check,
save Will negates; frequency 1/day; effect 1 Con damage. attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, taking the better
Both types of curse can be removed with a remove curse or result. He must decide to use this ability before the first roll is
similar magic, using the save DC as the DC to remove the made. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is
curse. A witch can only have one blight in effect at a time. If extended by 1 round. Once a creature has benefited from the
another blight hex is made, the first immediately ends. fortune hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
Cackle (Su): You can cackle madly as a move action. Any Healing (Su): You can soothe wounds by touch. This acts
creature that is within 30 feet that is under the effects of an as a cure light wounds spell. Once a creature has benefited
agony, charm, evil eye, fortune, or misfortune hex caused by from the healing hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24
you has the duration of that hex extended by 1 round. hours. At 8th level, this hex acts like cure moderate wounds;
Cauldron (Ex): You receive 1 free rank in Craft (alchemy) at 12th it is equivalent to cure serious wounds; at 16th it is
per class level, with a special +4 insight bonus on all checks. equivalent to cure critical wounds; and at 20th level it is
Charm (Su): You can charm an animal or humanoid equivalent to a heal spell.
creature within 30 feet by beckoning and speaking soothing Misfortune (Su): You can cause a creature within 30 feet
words. This improves the attitude of an animal or humanoid to suffer grave misfortune for 1 round. Anytime the creature
creature by 1 step, as if you had successfully used the makes an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill
Diplomacy skill. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal check, it must roll twice and take the worse result. An
to your Intelligence modifier. An Intuition save negates this Intuition save negates this hex. At 8th level and 16th level, the
effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. This hex affects
cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. At 8th level, all rolls the target must make while it lasts. Whether or not
this effect improves the attitude of the target creature by 2 the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this
steps. This is a mind-affecting charm effect. hex again for 1 day.
Nails (Ex): Your nails are long and sharp, and count as Spontaneous Healing (Su): You can channel stored spell
natural weapons that deal 1d6 points of damage. These energy into healing spells that you did not prepare ahead of
attacks are secondary attacks. If trimmed or sundered, the time. You can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison
nails regrow in 1d4 days. in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower,
Poison Steep (Sp): You can use your cauldron to brew a even if you don't know that cure spell.
foul toxin in which you can steep fruits and other delicious Swamp Hag (Sp): You gain favored terrain (swamps), as
edibles, transforming them so that when eaten, they have the the ranger class feature of the same name, with a bonus
same effect as a poison spell. Brewing the toxin and then equal to half your class level..
steeping the food takes 1 hour in total; steeping can affect up Tongues (Su): You can understand any spoken language,
to 1 pound of food. The food is poisoned for 24 hours, and the as comprehend languages. At 9th level, you can use this ability
poison cannot be transferred to other objects. The food tastes to speak any language, as per tongues.
normal, but magic detects it as poisonous. You must have the Unnerve Beasts (Su): The target becomes offensive to
cauldron hex to select this hex. animals (Intuition negates). Animals become distraught and
Prehensile Hair (Su): You can instantly cause your hair aggressive in the victim's presence—horses buck, dogs snap
(or even your eyebrows) to grow up to 10 feet long or to and bark, bulls charge, and so on. The hex lasts a number of
shrink to its normal length, and can manipulate your hair as if hours equal to the your Intelligence modifier. A creature that
it were a limb with a Strength score equal to your Intelligence saves against the hex cannot be affected by the hex for 1 day.
score. You hair has reach 10 feet, and you can use it as a The reaction of the animals is a mind-affecting charm effect,
secondary natural attack that deals 1d3 points of damage. but the hex on the target is not.
Your hair can manipulate objects (but not weapons) as Ward (Su): You can use this hex to place a protective ward
dexterously as a human hand. The hair cannot be sundered over one creature. The warded creature receives a +2
or attacked as a separate creature. Pieces cut from your deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saving
elongated hair shrink away to nothing. Using your hair does throws. At 8th level and 16th level, the bonuses provided by
not harm your head or neck, even if you lift something heavy this ward increase by +1. The ward lasts until the warded
with it. You can manipulate your hair in this manner a creature is hit or fails a saving throw. You know when a
number of minutes each day equal to your class level; these warded creature is no longer protected. You can have only
minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in one ward active at a time. If you use this ability again, the
1-minute increments. A typical male witch with this hex can previous ward immediately ends. You cannot use this ability
also manipulate his beard, moustache, or eyebrows. on yourself.
Scar (Su): This hex curses a single target with horrible Water Lung (Su): An air-breathing target can breathe
scars of your choosing, whether something as simple as a water or an aquatic target can breathe air. This lasts 10
single letter on the target's forehead or blotchy, burn-like minutes per level. If you use this hex on yourself, you can
scars on his body. You must succeed at a touch attack (which maintain it while you sleep, allowing you to safely sleep
does not provoke an attack of opportunity), and the target may underwater.
make a Will save to resist. These scars do not hinder the
target's actions or abilities in any way, but scarring a creature Major Hexes
with the hex has two benefits: (1) you can use any of your At 10th, 12th 14th, 16th and, 18th levels, you gain major hexes.
hexes on that creature at a range of up to one mile, and (2) (In place of a major hex, you can select two minor hexes
you are considered to have a body part from the target for the instead.)
purpose of scry and similar divinations. You can withdraw Agony (Su): With a quick incantation, you can place this
this hex from a target as a move action at any range. The hex on one creature within 60 feet, causing it to suffer
number of supernatural scars you can maintain at once is intense pain. The target is nauseated for a number of rounds
equal to your Intelligence bonus; once you reach this limit, equal to your class level (Fortitude save negates). If the saving
you must remove the scar from a current victim in order to throw is failed, the target can attempt a new save each round
mark another. The scar is a magical curse, and it should to end the effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a
persist through changing shapes (lycanthropic, the change creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
shape monster ability, polymorph spells, and so on). Effects Beast Eye (Su): You can project your senses into an
that remove curses can remove the scar. animal within 100 feet, sensing whatever it senses. You
Sea Creature Empathy (Ex): You can influence the cannot control the animal's actions. You can project your
attitude of water-dwelling animals and animals that live along senses from that animal to another within 100 feet of it as a
coasts and shores, including birds, as if using wild empathy. standard action, and can continue to make these sensory
Uses your witch level in place of your ranks in Handle Animal. leaps, potentially viewing things very far from your actual
Slumber (Su): You can cause a creature within 30 feet to location. You may return your senses to your own body as a
fall into a deep, magical sleep, as per the spell sleep except free action. Normal animals get no saving throw against this
that there is no Hit Die limit. The creature receives a Will ability, but animal companions, paladin mounts, and similar
save to negate the effect. If the save fails, the creature falls unusual animals may resist with an Intuition save.
asleep for a number of rounds equal to your number of ranks
in Concentration. Whether or not the save is successful, a
creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
You may use this ability on your own familiar as if it were an Hoarfrost (Su): The target is rimed with a shell of frost
animal. If you have the coven hex, all other witches within 10 needles that slowly work their way into its flesh (Fortitude
feet of you who also have the coven hex can see through the negates). The target turns pale and blue, and takes 1 point of
target animal at will, although you still control the ability. You Constitution damage per minute until it dies, saves (once per
can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to minute), or is cured. Break enchantment, dispel magic,
your class level. These minutes need not be consecutive, but remove curse, and similar spells end the effect. If the target
they must be spent in 1-minute increments. saves, it is immune to this hex for 1 day. This is a [cold] effect.
Cook People (Su): You must have the cauldron hex to Ice Tomb (Su): A storm of ice and freezing wind envelops
select this hex. With it, you can create spells by cooking an the target, which takes 3d8 points of cold damage (Fortitude
intelligent humanoid creature in your cauldron, either alive or half). If the target fails its save, it is paralyzed and
dead. Using this hex creates one meal or serving of food of unconscious but does not need to eat or breathe while the ice
your choice, typically a delicious stew or a dough suitable for lasts. The ice has 20 hit points; destroying the ice frees the
cookies, pastries, or other desserts. Cooking the victim takes creature, which is staggered for 1d4 rounds after being
1 hour. Eating the food provides one of the following benefits released. Whether or not the target's saving throw is
for 1 hour: age resistance, bear's endurance, bull's strength, successful, it cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
cat's grace, eagle's splendor, fox's cunning, neutralize poison Infected Wounds (Su): The target's wounds become
(instantaneous), owl's wisdom, remove disease infected (Fortitude negates). The target takes 1 point of
(instantaneous). Alternatively, you can shape the dough into a Constitution damage per day. After the first day, the target
Small, humanlike creature, animating it as a homunculus for may save once per day to cure the infection. This is a disease
1 hour. Using this hex or knowingly eating its food is an evil effect.
act. Nightmares (Su): Calling upon fell powers, you can place
Empathic Healing (Su): You can minister to a diseased or a hex on a creature within 60 feet that causes its sleep to be
poisoned target, redirecting the affliction into yourself. For a tormented by terrible nightmares. This functions as the spell
poisoned target, you must tend to him as a standard action; nightmare each time the affected creature attempts to rest.
he makes his next saving throw against the poison as normal, An Intuition save negates this effect. If the save is failed, the
but you suffer the effects of the failed save instead of the target must make a new save each night or be unable to rest.
poisoned creature. For a diseased target, you must tend to Pariah (Su): You can cause a creature within 60 feet to be
the sick person for an hour; he makes his next saving throw shunned by its allies for a number of rounds equal to your
against the disease as normal, but you suffers the effects of Intelligence modifier. Any other creature attempting to
the failed save instead of the diseased creature. You do not directly assist the target with a harmless spell or aid another
actually become poisoned or diseased (and are not action must attempt a Will save. If the save succeeds, the
contagious and does not need to be cured), but suffers the aiding creature is unaffected by this hex. If the save fails, the
effects of the affliction as if you had been. A witch normally aiding creature can't follow through, the action is lost, and the
uses this ability to extend the life of someone near death, aiding creature can't directly aid the target for the duration of
giving him time to recover. This ability has no effect if you are this hex. This hex does not prevent the target from benefiting
immune to disease or poison. from area of effect spells.
Familiar Form (Sp): You can take the shape of your Retribution (Su): You can place a retribution hex on a
familiar (or a giant version of your familiar or a similar kind creature within 60 feet, causing terrible wounds to open
of animal) as if using beast shape II. For example, a witch across the target’s flesh whenever it deals damage to another
with a rat familiar can turn into a Tiny rat, Small dire rat, or a creature in melee. Immediately after the hexed creature deals
larger rodent; one with a cat familiar can turn into a Tiny cat damage in melee, it takes half that damage (round down).
or a Large feline such as a tiger or lion; one with a monkey This damage bypasses any resistances, immunities, or
familiar can turn into a Tiny monkey or a Large gorilla, and damage reduction the creature possesses. This effect lasts for
so on. You can remain in animal form for a number of a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. A Will
minutes per day equal to your class level. save negates this effect.
Hag’s Eye (Su): You can create a magic sensor that you Speak in Dreams (Sp): You can contact a creature as if
can see through. This functions as per the spell arcane eye. If using dream. You can use this ability on a number of
you have the coven hex, all other witches within 10 feet who creatures per day equal to your Intelligence bonus, but can
also have the coven hex can see through this sensor as well, dream-speak to those creatures as often as desired
although you still control it. You can use this eye for a number throughout that time period.
of minutes per day equal to your class level. These minutes do Twin Soul (Su): If you or your familiar is gravely injured or
not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1- about to die, the soul of the dying one immediately transfers
minute increments. to the other's body. The two souls share the surviving body
Hidden Home (Sp): You can conceal or disguise your peaceably, can communicate freely, and both retain their
home and the area around it as if using mirage arcana. ability to think and reason. The host may allow the guest soul
Before using the hex, you must spend 1 day pacing out the to take over the body temporarily or reclaim it as a move
border of an area that measures roughly 40,000 square feet action. You can persist in this state indefinitely, or the guest
(approximately 200 feet by 200 feet) to define your home can return to its own body (if available) by touch, transfer into
territory. Thereafter, you can use the hex to change the a suitable vessel (such as a clone), or take over another body
appearance of that area as a standard action as long as you as if using magic jar (with no receptacle).
are within the area. The illusion persists until you change or
dismiss it. For the purpose of this ability, you can only have
one “home” at a time.
Vision (Su): You can grant a glimpse of the future to a Dire Prophecy (Su): You curse the target so he is doomed
creature touched. Granting a vision takes 1 minute, during to die (Intuition negates). As long as the curse persists, the
which time you and the target must remain in contact with target takes a –4 penalty to his Armor Class and on attack
one another. At the end of this time, the subject receives a rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. While the curse
brief image of the future, usually no more than 1 year from persists, you may end it by bringing its full force upon the
the time of the vision (subject to referee discretion). This is victim. Doing so gives the victim a penalty equal to your
only one possible version of the future, making such visions number of ranks in Concentration to AC or on any single
unreliable at best. Most visions are slanted toward the attack roll, opposed check, or saving throw. You must decide
alignment of the witch that granted them. A creature cannot to apply this penalty before the roll to be modified is made. If
be subject to another vision until the current vision has either you do not have line of sight to the target, the full force of the
come to pass or been prevented. You cannot use this ability curse occurs when the referee considers it most appropriate,
on yourself. Unwilling creatures receive an Intuition save to such as when the target is in mortal danger. A target can only
negate the vision. have one dire prophecy upon him at a time. Whether or not
Waxen Image (Su): You can spend a full-round action to the target’s save against the hex is successful, a creature
create a crude and unnerving wax duplicate of a creature you cannot be the target of this hex for 1 day. This is a [curse]
can see within 30 feet. Once the image is complete, the effect.
subject must make an Intuition save. If the subject fails, you Eternal Slumber (Su): You can touch a creature, causing
gain a small measure of control over the creature. Whenever it to drift off into a permanent slumber (Will negates). If the
you exercise this control, the creature receives a new save to save fails, the creature falls asleep and cannot be woken. The
end the effect. As a standard action, you can cause the subject effect can only be removed with a wish or similar magic,
to do any one of the following things: move up to the although slaying you ends the effect. You can use this ability
creature’s speed in any direction, attack itself once with any to poison food or drink, causing those who ingest it to make a
weapon in hand (this attack automatically hits), lay down on save or fall into an eternal slumber. You can only have one
the ground, or drop anything held. Alternatively, you can such dose of poison at any one time, and it loses its potency
spend one of your uses to simply torture the image, causing after 1 minute if not consumed. Whether or not the save is
the creature to be both sickened and staggered on its turn. successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again
This effect occurs on your turn and does not impede the for 1 day.
creature’s actions on its turn. As soon as the creature has Forced Reincarnation (Su): You cause a creature within
succeeded on a saving throw against this effect, it is immune 30 feet to save vs. Will or die and be immediately
to it for 24 hours. You can use a waxen image a number of reincarnated into a new body, as the spell. Whether or not the
times equal to your Intelligence modifier before it melts. The save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex
is an enchantment (compulsion) effect. again for 1 day.
Witch's Brew (Ex): You must have the cauldron hex to Life Giver (Su): Once per day you can, as a full round
select this hex. When you use your cauldron to brew a potion, action, touch a dead creature and bring it back to life. This
you may spend double the cost to create 2 identical potions functions as resurrection, but it does not require a material
that day instead of just 1. At 15th level, you may spend triple component.
the cost to create 3 identical potions that day. Natural Disaster (Su): Using this hex calls down the
forces of nature to wreak havoc on an area. This functions as
Grand Hexes a storm of vengeance combined with an earthquake that
At 19th and 20th level, you gain a grand hex chosen from the occurs on the second round of the effect (while acid is raining
following list. (You can choose two major or four minor hexes from the sky). You must concentrate for the duration of this
in place of a grand hex.) effect. If disrupted, the effect immediately ends. You can only
Abominate (Sp): You can transform a creature within 30 use this ability once per day.
feet into an aberration. This hex acts as baleful polymorph, Summon Spirit (Sp): You call forth the ghost of a
except the target is transmuted into a Small, Medium, or humanoid creature with no more than 18 HD. The ghost has
Large aberration. The target's abilities are modified as its own personality and desires, but is willing to bargain with
monstrous physique IV. Whether or not its save is successful, you, as if you had cast greater planar ally. To seal an
a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day agreement, the ghost requires life energy from you equal to 1
Death Curse (Su): This powerful hex seizes a creature’s temporary negative level (this is in addition to the standard
heart (Will negates). This hex has a range of 30 feet. If this payment for the ghost's service). This negative level persists
save is failed, the creature becomes fatigued the first round of as long as the ghost remains in the service; you can end the
the hex. On the second round of the hex, the creature agreement as a standard action, immediately removing the
becomes exhausted. On the third round, the creature dies negative level.
unless it succeeds at a Fort save. Creatures that fail the first
save but succeed at the second remain exhausted and take
4d6 points of damage + 1 point of damage per level of the
witch. Slaying the witch that hexed the creature ends the
effect, but any fatigue or exhaustion remains. Whether or not
the saves are successful, a creature cannot be the target of
this hex again for 1 day.
Witch’s Hut (Su): You can animate a hut, small house,
covered wagon, tent, or similar construction as an Animated
Object. The hut can be of up to Huge size (approximately 15
feet by 15 feet). The animated hut’s hardness increases to 8
and its hit points double. You can give the hut the following
commands: guard (watches for trespassers within 120 feet
using your Perception modifier, and screams if it spots any),
hide (all entrances are hidden by illusory wall spells and
locked with arcane lock), and move (moves at speed 60 on
giant bird or bone legs as directed by you, even obeying
commands such as “follow me from 100 feet away”). The hut
remains animate for 24 hours, until you dismiss it or animate
another, at which time the hut stops where it is and reverts to
its non-magical state.
Chapter 4: Skills
List of Skills
Skill Key Ability Armor Penalty? Untrained Use?
Acrobatics Dex Yes Yes Balance and Tumble skills; Mobility feat

Athletics Str Double Yes Climb, Jump, Swim skills; other (skiing, diving, etc.); Run feat

Bluff Cha No Yes Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive skills

Concentration Cha No Yes Concentration skill; Combat Casting, Practiced Spellcaster feats

Diplomacy Cha No Yes Diplomacy skill, Knowledge (nobility & royalty)

Disable Device Int Yes No Craft (trapmaking), Disable Device, Open Lock, open secret door

Endurance Con Yes Yes Autohypnosis skill; Endurance, Diehard feats

Escape Artist Dex Yes Yes Escape Artist skill

Fly Dex Yes No Aerial maneuverability class

Handle Animal Cha No Yes Handle Animal, Ride skills; Wild Empathy

Heal Wis No Yes Heal skill

Perception Wis No Yes Listen, Search, Spot skills

Planar Sense Wis No No Breach sense, portal intuition, Teleport Sense feat

Sleight of Hand Dex Yes No Sleight of Hand; Quick Draw feat

Spellcraft Int No No Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, disarm magic traps

Stealth Dex Yes Yes Hide, Move Silently skills

Streetwise Cha No Yes Knowledge (local), Gather Information skills

Survival Wis No Yes Survival, Knowledge (nature) skills; Track feat

Bonus Skills: Certain classes gain free “bonus” skill ranks with each level (for example, all rangers receive 1 free rank per class
level in Endurance, Perception, and Survival). This was done in order to make “skill taxes” more transparent — for example, the
rogue’s Alertness abilities (including Uncanny Dodge) rely on the Perception skill, so the rogue was given Perception up front as a
bonus skill, rather than have a PC rogue reach 8th level and not be eligible to gain improved uncanny dodge.
Bonus skills work exactly as do class skills. They receive the normal +3 class skill bonus upon gaining 1 rank in the skill; with
sufficient ranks, they provide the “class skill” abilities listed below. The total number of ranks a character has in a bonus skill
cannot exceed his or her total number of hit dice (except in the case of virtual ranks from the Skill Focus feat; see Chapter 5).
Bonus skills cannot be traded in for discretionary skill points unless the player has a pressing back-story that somehow requires it,
and if the referee is in agreement with the change.
Class Skills: You gain a +3 class bonus to checks made with TABLE: CHECK DCS FOR FAST SKILL USE
class skills, as per the Core rules. If you have at least 10 Normal Time Unit: Time Unit Task Attempted In:
ranks in a class skill, you can always Take 10 on checks with
that skill, even if stress and distractions would normally Day
prevent it. In addition, certain skills have additional abilities Week +20
that can only be used if the skill in question is a class skill.
Passive Checks: In general, whenever you specifically call Day +0
for a skill check, you are entitled to roll it (an “active check”). Hour ―
For some skills, you may be allowed a check even without Minute ―
asking for one; in such cases, the referee will generally
provide you with a “passive check.” A passive check Round ―
essentially consists of you continuously “taking 10,” allowing Standard action ―
you success against any DC of 10 + your bonus in the relevant
skill, without you needing to roll (the referee will simply Move action ―
announce the results). In many cases (as specifically noted),
you are entitled to a passive check even if you could not Acrobatics (Dex)
normally Take 10. You can keep your balance while traversing narrow or
Passive checks also serve as a means of making “secret treacherous surfaces. You can also dive, flip, and roll, avoiding
rolls” without rolling dice behind a screen and then trying to attacks and confusing your opponents.
convince the players it’s not important. Because they totally Active Checks: This skill has several distinct uses. First,
know when you roll dice it’s important, and it’s not cool for you can use it to move on narrow surfaces and uneven
you to roll a 1 for them to notice an ambush or something, ground without falling. A successful check allows you to move
and have them get killed because of your lame roll made on at half speed through such situations; you can attempt to
their behalf. move at greater speed, but at a penalty (as shown in the
Role-Playing Skills: Players are generally expected to tables below). Only one check is needed per round to move
describe their characters’ actions before an active skill check across such surfaces. Use the following table to determine
for success is made. For example, rather than simply saying, the base DC, which is then modified by the Acrobatics skill
“I Bluff the guard; I rolled a 26,” the player should first modifiers noted below. While you are using Acrobatics in this
describe the bluff itself. What is the PC saying? Why is the way, you are considered flat-footed and lose your Dexterity
bluff believable or not? For skill checks being made “off- bonus to your AC (if any), unless you beat the check by 10 or
screen” or as part of unimportant side situations, or when the more.
description is obvious (“How do I climb down the knotted If you take damage while using Acrobatics, you must
rope? I sheathe my sword and climb down the knotted rope”), immediately make another Acrobatics check at the same DC
this requirement is waived. to avoid falling or being knocked prone.
Superior Assist: If you aid another with a skill check, you
can attempt to provide a greater than normal +2 Surface Width DC
circumstance bonus to the other character’s total skill check. Greater than 3 feet wide 0
This reflects the fact that a highly trained person can render
better help than an untrained or fumbling assistant. With a 1–3 feet wide 5
DC 15 check, you boost the bonus you provide by an 7–11 inches wide or dense forest 10
additional +1, +1 per +5 to the DC thereafter. There is no
limit to how high you can push the Difficulty Class and the 2–6 inches wide or medium forest 15
bonus, but this carries some risk: if your check to aid another Less than 2 inches wide or sparse forest 20
fails, you actually inflict a penalty equal to the magnitude of
the bonus you were attempting. You cannot Take 10 or Take * No Acrobatics check is needed to move across these
20 when attempting a superior assist, even if you have 10 surfaces unless the modifiers increase the DC to 10 or
ranks in the appropriate skill. This option is adapted from higher.
Iron Heroes (Fiery Dragon Productions). The following modifiers apply to all Acrobatics skill checks.
Take 10/Take 20: In the interest of dispensing with The modifiers stack with one another, but generally only the
extraneous and/or extremely repetitive dice rolls, the ability most severe modifier for any given condition applies.
to Take 10 has been expanded as indicated for certain skills.
In general, you cannot Take 20 if there is a potential penalty
for failure; in some cases, this is spelled out.
Time Crunch: There are times when you can’t afford to
spend the full listed time on a task, such as when it will take
2d4 rounds to disarm the trap that will kill you in 1 round. In
these cases, you can attempt to speed up the skill check by
increasing the DC, as follows (you do not automatically
succeed on a natural 20, nor can you take 20), according to
the table below. For results that strain credulity (weeks to
rounds), simply assume that you knew of some mostly-
complete example that was located nearby (for Craft checks),
or come up with some similar explanation.
Acrobatics Modifiers DC Modifier
You can use Acrobatics in this way while prone, but doing
so requires a full-round action to move 5 feet, and the DC is
Lightly obstructed (gravel, sand) +2 increased by 5. If you fail your check when moving past an
Severely obstructed (cavern, rubble) +5 opponent, you continue to move but provoke an attack of
opportunity as normal. If you fail your check when moving
Slightly slippery (wet) +2 through an opponent’s square, your movement ends before
Severely slippery (icy) +5 you enter the opponent’s space and you provoke an attack of
Slightly sloped (less than 45°) +2
opportunity as normal. You can attempt to crawl at half your
speed (rather than only moving 5 ft.), but this adds 10 to the
Severely sloped (greater than 45°) +5 check DC (in addition to the +5 for crawling).
Slightly unsteady (boat in rough water) +2 Kip up: You may stand up from prone as a swift action,
instead of as a move-equivalent action (if you succeed by 10
Mildly unsteady (boat in a storm) +5 or more, you stand up as a free action). If the check results
Severely unsteady (earthquake) +10 are high enough to move through a threatened square (see
Move at normal speed or greater +10
above), then you can also do so without provoking an attack of
Move at double speed (e.g., charge) +15 Class Skill: If Acrobatics is a class skill for you, you can
Run +20 spend an immediate action to make an Acrobatics check and
use the result in place of your CMB when attempting to avoid
More advanced uses of the Acrobatics skill include the a bull rush, overrun, or trample attempt. In addition, your
following: normal skill use is enhanced in the following ways:
Task Acrobatics DC Slow fall: For every 2 ranks in Acrobatics, you can ignore
Ignore difficult terrain 20 + 5 per additional 5 ft. 10 feet of falling distance; this supersedes the core monk’s
Landing roll 10 + trip results
“slow fall” ability.
Move through 5 + opponent's CMD Ledge walker: The penalty for moving at greater than half
occupied square speed using Acrobatics is reduced by 1 per rank
Move through Opponent’s CMD (+2 per add’l
(minimum -0). This ability supersedes the Legendary
threatened square threatening foe) Acrobat feat from Complete Adventurer. Along with the
Steady Stance ability (see below), it also supersedes the
Slow fall 5 + 10 per 10 ft. reduced rogue talent of the same name from the Core rules.
Kip up 20 Nimble moves: For every 3 ranks in Acrobatics, you can
Water walking 35 automatically ignore 5 ft. of difficult terrain, making
checks only when continuing to move through it
Ignore difficult terrain: You can take a 5-ft. step into or thereafter. This supersedes the Acrobatic Steps and
within difficult terrain with a DC 20 Acrobatics check. For Nimble Moves feats from the Core rules.
movement, you can move 5 ft. through difficult terrain on a
DC 20 check, and an additional 5 ft. per 5 points by which Sure step: If you are struck while using the Acrobatics
your check exceeds DC 20. skill, the check to avoid falling or being knocked prone is
Landing roll: If you are tripped, you can spend an made with a +1 competence bonus per rank in Acrobatics.
immediate action to attempt an Acrobatics check at DC 10 +
results of the combat maneuver check that tripped you. If In addition, as you gain additional ranks in Acrobatics as a
successful, you move 5 feet without provoking an attack of class skill, you gain the following additional abilities:
opportunity (this does not count as taking a 5-foot step). You
are still prone after this movement, however. This task Steady Stance: If you have at least 6 ranks in Acrobatics
supersedes the feat of the same name, from Ultimate as a class skill, you retain your Dex bonus to AC and are
Combat. no longer flat-footed while balancing. This supersedes the
Move through occupied or threatened square: When Thief-Acrobat, Dread Pirate, and Nightsong Infiltrator
moving in this way, you move at half speed. You can move at “steady stance” prestige class feature, from Complete
full speed by increasing the DC of the check by 10. You Adventurer.
cannot use Acrobatics to move past foes if your speed is
reduced due to carrying a medium or heavy load or wearing Water walking: If you have at least 11 ranks in Acrobatics
medium or heavy armor. If an ability allows you to move at as a class skill, you can “skim” across the surface of a body
full speed under such conditions, you can use Acrobatics to of water by making a skill check as if it were difficult
move past foes. terrain. The maximum distance you may cover in one
round in this manner is equal to your base land speed; if
you do not reach solid ground by the end of this
movement, you immediately sink unless you succeed at
another check. Rough water imposes a +5 modifier to the
check DC.
Example Surface or Activity
Wind step: If you have at least 16 ranks in Acrobatics, you (Cumulative; use all that apply) DC
can make a check as if moving through difficult terrain, with Mod*
an additional +10 to the DC, in order to exert no weight upon Climbing a chimney or other location where you can –10
the surface you are walking on. This allows you to use the brace against two opposite walls
Acrobatics skill to walk on clouds or smoke, to balance on a Climbing a corner where you can brace against –5
sword blade, to ride on a lightning bolt, etc. perpendicular walls
Action: Usually none; an Acrobatics check is normally made Surface is slippery +5
as part of another action or as a reaction to a situation. Water Accelerated climbing (half speed) +5
walking or wind stepping requires a full-round action.
Accelerated climbing (full speed) +10
Athletics (Str) One needed hand not free (e.g., holding lamp) +5
He had never seen Tarby ice skate, but he was sure that the Both hands carrying objects +10
team’s greatest home-run hitter was also the champion ice
skater of New Zebedee. While climbing, you can’t move to avoid a blow, so you lose
―John Bellairs, your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). Any time you take damage
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (1973) while climbing or swimming, make an Athletics check against
You know how to climb, jump, and swim, and are adept at the DC of the slope, wall, or water conditions. Failure means
other physical sports and activities (any such activity not you fall from your current height and sustain the appropriate
specifically covered elsewhere falls under Athletics by falling damage (if climbing), or begin to sink (if swimming).
default). Making Your Own Handholds and Footholds: You can
Active Checks (Climbing): With a successful Athletics make your own handholds and footholds by pounding pitons
check, you can advance up, down, or across a slope, a wall, or into a wall. Doing so takes 1 minute per piton, and one piton
some other steep incline (or even a ceiling with handholds) at is needed per 5 feet of distance. As with any surface that
one-quarter your normal speed. A slope is considered to be offers handholds and footholds, a wall with pitons in it has a
any incline at an angle measuring less than 60 degrees; a wall DC of 15. In the same way, a climber with a hand axe or
is any incline at an angle measuring 60 degrees or more. similar implement can cut handholds in an ice wall.
A check that fails by 4 or less means that you make no Catching Yourself When Falling: It’s practically impossible
progress; one that fails by 5+ means that you fall from to catch yourself on a wall while falling. Make a Climb check
whatever height you have already attained. The DC of the (DC = wall’s DC + 20) to do so. It’s much easier to catch
check depends on the conditions of the climb. Compare the yourself on a slope (DC = slope’s DC + 10).
task with those on the following tables to determine an Catching a Falling Character While Climbing: If someone
appropriate DC. climbing above you or adjacent to you falls, you can attempt
Example Surface or Activity DC
to catch the falling character if he or she is within your reach.
Doing so requires a successful melee touch attack against the
Slope too steep to walk up, knotted rope with a wall to 0 falling character (though he or she can voluntarily forego any
brace against. Dexterity bonus to AC if desired). If you hit, you must
A rope with a wall to brace against, knotted rope, or 5 immediately attempt a Climb check (DC = wall’s DC + 10).
rope affected by the rope trick spell. Success indicates that you catch the falling character, but his
Surface with ledges, such as a very rough wall or ship’s 10 or her total weight, including equipment, cannot exceed your
rigging. heavy load limit or you automatically fall. If you fail your
Climb check by 4 or less, you fail to stop the character’s fall
Surface with adequate handholds and footholds
(natural or artificial)—e.g., very rough natural rock
15 but don’t lose your grip on the wall. If you fail by 5 or more,
surface, tree, unknotted rope, or pulling self up when you fail to stop the character’s fall and begin falling as well.
dangling by your hands. Active Checks (Jumping): You can also use the Athletics
skill to jump across gaps and pits, as well as soften your fall.
Brachiation on vines, etc. 15 Instead of determining the base DC by the surface width, the
Uneven surface with narrow handholds and footholds 20 base DC is equal to the distance to be crossed (if horizontal)
—e.g., typical wall in dungeon or ruins; natural rock; or four times the height to be reached (if vertical). These DCs
brick wall double if you do not have at least 10 feet of space to get a
Overhang or ceiling with handholds but no footholds 25 running start. Modifiers concerning the surface you are
(e.g., cavern ceiling) jumping from (see Acrobatics) also apply. If you fail this check
by 4 or less, you can attempt a DC 20 Reflex save to grab
hold of the other side after having missed the jump. If you fail
by 5 or more, you fail to make the jump and fall (or land
prone, in the case of a vertical jump).
Long Jump Athletics DC
If you are underwater, either because you failed an
Athletics check to swim or because you are swimming
5 feet 5 underwater intentionally, you must hold your breath. You can
10 feet 10 hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to your
Constitution score or your Endurance skill bonus (whichever
15 feet 15 is greater), but only if you do nothing other than take move
20 feet 20 actions or free actions. If you take a standard action or a full-
Greater than 20 feet +5 per 5 feet
round action (such as making an attack), the remainder of the
duration for which you can hold your breath is reduced by 1
round. (Effectively, a character in combat can hold his or her
High Jump Athletics DC breath only half as long as normal.) After that period of time,
you must make a DC 10 Constitution check every round to
Any height 4 x number of feet continue holding your breath. Each round, the DC for that
check increases by 1. If you fail the Constitution check, you
Jumping Down: If you intentionally jump from a height, you begin to drown.
take less damage than if you just fall. The DC to jump down The DC for the Swim check depends on the water, as given
from a height is 15. You do not have to get a running start to on the table below.
jump down (the DC is not doubled if you do not get a running
start). If you succeed on the check, you take falling damage as Water Swim DC
if you had dropped 10 fewer feet than you actually did. Calm water 10
You can jump down upon an opponent as part of a melee
attack. Roll to attack normally and also roll an Athletics check Rough water 15
to jump; if you fail either one, you fall prone. If your jump Stormy water 20
check results exceed the opponent’s combat maneuver Hurricane conditions 25
defense (CMD), you deal an additional 1d6 damage per 10
feet dropped. This maneuver can be combined with the Tsunami 30
normal benefits of “jumping down” (see above).
Bounding Climb: With a 10-ft. running start, a DC 30 Each hour that you swim, you must make a DC 20 Athletics
Athletics check allows you to climb to a height of up to 20 feet (swim) check or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage from
(count this distance as part of your normal movement) by fatigue.
jumping and bouncing off walls or trees. You must have at Diving depth (without equipment) is limited to 10 ft. per
least two vertical surfaces to bounce off, and the two must be rank in this skill; with SCUBA gear or equivalent magical
within 10 feet of each other. aids, this limit is tripled. If you have ranks in this skill and
Pole Vault: When carrying any long pole or staff, you can come from a modern setting, you are assumed to be able to
use it to augment the height of a jump. Make a running high use SCUBA gear.
jump as normal, but make a second Athletics check at DC 15 Active Checks (Other): The Athletics skill is additionally a
to add the length of the pole to the total distance you jump. catch-all for other tasks that involve physical coordination
You may jump above the maximum distance normally and muscular effort, but that are not sufficiently useful to
allowed by your height after applying this modifier. If you fail merit the creation of separate skills in your campaign.
the check to use the pole, resolve your initial jump check, but Examples might include downhill skiing and rugby.
halve the height it would normally allow you to clear. This Class Skill: If you have Athletics as a class skill, your use of
application is from 101 New Skill Uses (Rite Publishing). the skill is improved as follows:
Active Checks (Running): When running, make a DC 20 The DC increase for accelerated climbing or swimming,
Athletics check to move five times your normal speed if or to catch yourself while falling from a climb, is reduced
wearing light, or no armor and carrying no more than a by 1 per 2 ranks (minimum +0).
medium load; or four times your speed (if wearing medium or
heavy armor with a check penalty or carrying a heavy load). If If struck while climbing or swimming, you gain a +1
untrained, your maximum running speed is 4 times your competence bonus per rank in Athletics to avoid falling or
normal speed. going under.
If you make a jump after a running start with a successful
run check, you gain a +4 bonus on your Athletics check to In addition, you gain the following abilities at the indicated
jump. number of ranks:
Active Checks (Swimming): Make an Athletics check
once per round while you are in the water. Success means If you have at least 6 ranks in Athletics as a class skill, you
you may swim at up to one-half your speed (as a full-round are no longer flat-footed while climbing or swimming, and
action) or at one-quarter your speed (as a move action). If you no longer lose your Dex bonus to AC.
fail by 4 or less, you make no progress through the water. If
you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater. If you have at least 11 ranks, you can attempt to climb
perfectly smooth, flat surfaces (such as a wall of force).
The DC is 30, or 35 if the surface is a ceiling or overhang.
If you have at least 16 ranks, you can attempt outrageous
feats like swimming up waterfalls or diving to the bottom
of the ocean.
Action: Climbing is part of movement, so it’s generally part of Task Bluff DC
a move action (and may be combined with other types of Lie / discern lie Opposed check results
movement in a move action). Each move action that includes
any climbing requires a separate check. Catching yourself or Browbeat Opposed check or Will save
another falling character doesn’t take an action. Demoralize Opposed check or Will save
A successful check allows you to swim one-quarter of your Demoralize, mass Opposed check or Will save
speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round
action. Elicit Information Opposed check results
Special: You can use a rope to haul a character upward (or Feint CMD or 10+Bluff bonus
lower a character) through sheer strength. You can lift double
your maximum load in this manner. A climber’s kit gives you Innuendo (simple) 15
a +2 circumstance bonus on Climb checks. Innuendo (complex) 20
A creature with a natural climb speed has a racial bonus on Innuendo (Dosadi) 30
all Athletic checks involving climbing equal to +1 per 5 ft. of
its climb speed. The creature must make a Climb check to Pantomime 20 (30 if different type)
climb any wall or slope with a DC higher than 0, but it always Sense Domination 15
can choose to take 10, even if rushed or threatened while
climbing. If a creature with a climb speed chooses an Sense Enchantment 25
accelerated climb (see above), it moves at double its climb Sense Motive (normal) 15 + Wis modifier
speed (or at its land speed, whichever is slower) and makes a Sense Motive (bluffing) Opposed check results
single Climb check at a –5 penalty. Such a creature retains its
Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and Lie: You can convince others that what you are saying is
opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. It true. Bluff is an opposed skill check versus your opponent’s
cannot, however, use the run action while climbing. Bluff skill. If you are actively using Bluff to fool another, with a
A creature with a natural swim speed can move through successful check you convince your opponent that what you
water at its indicated speed without making checks. It gains a are saying is true. Alternatively, if you are being deceived and
+1 racial bonus per 5 ft. of swim speed on any Athletics check your check succeeds, you can see through the lies that are
to perform a special action or avoid a hazard while being told to you by others. Bluff checks are modified
swimming. The creature always can choose to take 10 on a depending upon the believability of the lie. The following
swim check, even if distracted or endangered when modifiers are applied to the roll of the creature attempting to
swimming. Such a creature can use the run action while tell the lie.
swimming, provided that it swims in a straight line.
Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor Circumstances Bluff Modifier
check penalty and encumbrance penalty.
Take 10: When running or swimming under normal The target wants to believe you +5
conditions over a number of rounds, you can choose to pace The deception is believable +0
yourself instead of rolling a check each round. The deception is unlikely –5
Untrained: You move four times your speed while running
(if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more The deception is far-fetched –10
than a medium load) or three times your speed (if wearing The deception is impossible –20
heavy armor or carrying a heavy load). You are unable to use
SCUBA gear effectively, and are limited to 10 feet in diving The target is drunk or impaired +5
depth without gear. You possess convincing proof up to +10

Bluff (Cha) Browbeat: You can use this skill to bully others into acting
“You have always, I must say, a smooth explanation ready.” in a way that benefits you. This use of the skill includes verbal
“What do you want me to do? Learn to stutter?” threats and displays of prowess. You can use Bluff to force an
―Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon (1929)
opponent to act friendly to you for 1d6 x 10 minutes with a
You know how to tell a lie and how to notice when others successful check. An opposed Bluff check or Will save
are lying. You can also use your skill at bluffing to actively (target’s option) negates the effect. If your are successful, the
intimidate or even demoralize people. Games involving target will give you information you desire, take actions that
bluffing and the reading of “tells” (poker, etc.) are also do not endanger it, or otherwise offer limited assistance.
resolved using this skill. After the intimidation expires, the target treats you as
Active Checks: You can use the Bluff skill to accomplish unfriendly and may report you to local authorities. If you fail
the following tasks: this check by 5 or more, the target attempts to deceive you or
otherwise hinder your activities.
Demoralize: You can use this skill to cause fear in your You may use Bluff to detect that a hidden message is being
opponents. The subject is entitled to an opposed Bluff check transmitted by others you are observing. In this case, an
or Will save (whichever it prefers) to resist. Size modifiers (as opposed skill check is made against the character
to CMB) apply to both checks. If you are successful, the target transmitting the message. For each piece of information
is shaken for as long as you are present and continue to be a relating to the message that you are missing, you take a –2
visible potential threat to him/her. If you beat the DC by 10 or penalty on your check. If you succeed by 4 or less, you know
more (or if the target is already shaken), the target is that something hidden is being communicated, but you can't
frightened instead of shaken, if you so choose. If you beat the learn anything specific about its content. If you beat the DC
DC by 15 or more (or if the target is already frightened), the by 5 or more, you intercept and understand the message. If
target is panicked. If you beat the DC by 20 or more, the you fail by 4 or less, you don't detect any hidden
target is cowering. communication. If you fail by 5 or more, you might infer false
You can only threaten opponents in this way if they are information.
within 30 feet and can clearly see and hear you. You can take Pantomime: When you are faced with a creature whose
10 when making an demoralize check, but can’t take 20. A language you do not understand, you can attempt to
character immune to [fear] effects can’t be demoralized. communicate with it by making a successful Bluff. This check
Demoralize, Mass: You can attempt to intimidate more requires that you spend at least 1 minute listening to the
than one person at a time. Use the save or check of the most creature and watching its gestures and demeanor, or
resistant target and apply it the entire group, with a +2 performing your own gestures. The check's base DC is 20. If
circumstance bonus for each target beyond the first. the creature is not the same type as you, the DC is 30. With a
Elicit Information: Through conversation and misdirection, successful check, you learn the basic gist of the creature's
you can trick others into revealing information to you. This speech, or convey your own meaning. This ability gives you no
requires a Bluff check on your part opposed by the target’s special talent to speak the creature's tongue.
Bluff check to keep the information secret; DC of your check Sense Enchantment: You can tell that someone’s behavior
is modified based on the sensitivity information to be gained, is being influenced by an enchantment effect (by definition, a
according to the following table. mind-affecting effect), even if that person isn’t aware of it. The
Sensitivity Example Modifier
usual DC is 25, but if the target is dominated (see dominate
person), the DC is only 15 because of the limited range of the
Trivial What’s your name? -0 target’s activities.
Significant When does the guards’ shift change? -5 Sense Motive: This use of the skill involves making a gut
assessment of the social situation. You can get the feeling
Secret Where is the safe hidden? -10 from another’s behavior that something is wrong, such as
Top Secret What’s the combination? -20 when you’re talking to an impostor. Alternatively, you can get
the feeling that someone is trustworthy, or to intuit the
An unwilling target can simply refuse to talk to you person’s ulterior motives. This is an opposed check against
altogether, forcing you to rely on nonverbal cues; treat this as the other person’s Bluff results; if he or she is not attempting
if the target were taking 20 on his or her Bluff check to resist. to Bluff, the DC is 15 + the other person’s Wisdom modifier.
This function of the skill is described in the Crime and Passive Checks: The Bluff skill grants passive checks in
Punishment supplement (Atlas Games), under “New Uses for two situations:
Old Skills.” You automatically notice attempts to lie to you or deceive
Feint: You can also use Bluff to feint in combat, causing you, even if you have no reason to suspect the person
your opponent to be flat-footed against your next attack. The you’re interacting with, if their Bluff results are less than
DC of this check is equal to the opponent’s CMD. If your or equal to 10 + your skill bonus.
opponent is also trained in Bluffing, the DC is instead equal
to 10 + your opponent’s Bluff bonus, if higher than his or her In bad neighborhoods and the like, you can choose to walk
CMD. If you have at least 8 ranks in Bluff, you can potentially in a confident and/or threatening manner. Those with a
feint more than one opponent at a time, but doing so imposes Bluff bonus less than yours (or who fail an active check
the penalties listed under Mass Demoralize. against your passive one) assume that you pose a
Innuendo: You can use Bluff to imply hidden messages to legitimate threat, even if you are not aware of them.
another character without others understanding your true
meaning. The DC of this check is 15 for simple messages and Action: Attempting to deceive someone takes at least 1
20 for complex messages. If you are successful, the target round, but can possibly take longer if the lie is elaborate.
automatically understands you. If your check fails by 5 or Feinting in combat is a standard action. Exchanging a secret
more, you deliver the wrong message. Other creatures that message generally takes twice as long as the message itself
hear the message can decipher the message by succeeding at would take to relay. Using intimidation to change an
an opposed Bluff check. opponent’s attitude requires 1 minute of conversation.
With a DC 30 check, you can carry on complete Demoralizing an opponent is a standard action. Passive
conversations undetected, even while seeming to talk checks do not require actions on your part.
normally, as in Frank Herbert’s The Dosadi Experiment and
other works.
Try Again: If you fail to lie to someone, any further checks Combat Conditions DC Modifier
made to lie them about the same subject are made at a –8 Affected by a non-damaging spell + (Spell’s DC
penalty. You can attempt to feint against someone again if you – 10)
fail. Secret messages can be relayed again if the first attempt
fails. You can attempt to browbeat or demoralize an opponent Injured or taking continuous damage while + Damage
casting dealt
again, but each additional check increases the DC by +5. This
increase resets after 1 hour has passed. Threatened while casting (see below) + Opponent’s
Synergy: If you also have at least 5 ranks in Stealth, any BAB
time you win an opposed Stealth check by 5 or more you can Grappled, bull rushed, tripped, etc. + Opponent's
choose to sow terror as a standard action. You do so by CMB
scraping your nails slightly on a solid surface, causing a Spell Components DC Modifier
board to creak ever so lightly, or rapping on a window pane.
The victim cannot detect the source of the sound and Spell has no material components, but does –2
dismisses it as the wind or some other mundane source, but require a focus
the idea that something might be lurking nearby festers in the Spell has no materials or focus –4
victim’s subconscious. You gain an attempt to Demoralize, but Spell has no somatic components –4
the shaken condition lasts until you show yourself or depart
the area. This supersedes the Sow Terror feat from Classic Motion DC Modifier
Monsters Revisited. Violent motion +5
Extremely violent motion +10
Concentration (Cha)
Precipitation DC Modifier
Through a combination of skill and sheer force of personality,
you can shape magical forces (i.e., cast spells and activate Heavy rain or sleet +5
spell-like abilities) without losing control of them. Unless Winds DC Modifier
otherwise noted, your caster level is always equal to your
number of ranks in Concentration. This means that the Severe winds +2
Practiced Spellcaster feat is superseded, and that there is no Windstorm +4
need to calculate caster level for non-full casting classes Hurricane +8
according to a formula.
Active Checks: The primary task requiring Concentration Tornado +12
skill checks is to cast spells or activate spell-like abilities in
stressful or distracting conditions. Skill checks can also be Cast Defensively: If you are threatened by an opponent who
made to penetrate spell resistance or to dispel magic (in has at least one attack of opportunity remaining, you can
general, whenever a caster level check is called for). elect to attempt to cast defensively. If you choose not to do so,
you provoke an attack of opportunity. To cast defensively, you
Task Concentration Check DC must succeed at a Concentration check at a base DC of 10 +
Cast while distracted 10 the BAB of the threatening opponent, as shown in the table
Cast defensively 10 + BAB of threatening above; as noted, you take a penalty to the check equal to twice
opponent the level of the spell you’re casting. If this check fails, a
threatening opponent can spend an attack of opportunity to
Dispel magic 16 + caster level of magic automatically disrupt your spell. If the check is successful, the
Penetrate spell SR of target creature spellcasting continues uninterrupted.
resistance Allies of the threatening opponent who also threaten you
can choose to potentially spend attacks of opportunity
* These checks are made at a penalty equal to twice the themselves in order to Aid Another (see Introduction); each
level of the spell you are attempting to cast. one who does so adds +2 circumstance bonus to the DC of
Cast While Distracted: Casting a spell or activating a spell- the defensive casting check (and again, uses up the attack of
like ability in melee or other conditions of distractions or opportunity only if your Concentration check fails).
stress requires a Concentration check. Conditions triggering As a risky strategy against a skilled opponent, you can
a concentration check include casting in combat, casting ignore the threat and simply cast the spell normally, but doing
while in vigorous motion (e.g., on a running horse), or casting so provokes an attack of opportunity from all threatening
in wind and rain or in sleet. opponents. If you are struck by an attack of opportunity
The base DC to cast while distracted is 10; you take a provoked by not casting defensively, you must succeed at a
penalty to this check equal to twice the level of the spell you concentration check after all, but you also add the damage
are attempting to cast (or level of the spell-like ability you are sustained to the check DC (see table). Threatening opponents
attempting to activate). Modifiers are summarized in the table can disrupt spellcasting more reliably than noted above by
below. withholding an attack (see Preemptive Actions in Chapter 1)
and striking you as an immediate action.
Dispel Magic: When attempting to dispel magic using a Starting Attitude Check Modifier
dispel magic or similar spell, you must succeed at a Hostile -20
Concentration check at a DC of 11 + the caster’s
Concentration modifier (if unknown, use 1.5 x caster level to Unfriendly -10
estimate the caster’s Concentration modifier, so that a caster Indifferent -5
level 15th effect would have a default dispel check DC of 11 + Friendly 0
22 = 33).
Penetrate Spell Resistance: To penetrate spell resistance, Helpful +5
you must succeed at a Concentration check at a DC equal to
the SR of the target. You do not include your Charisma Your check results are opposed by a Diplomacy check on
modifier when making this check (i.e., you roll 1d20 + your the subject’s part (those untrained in Diplomacy can generally
number of ranks in Concentration + your bonus from Skill resist only through sheer force of personality, represented in
Focus, if any). This usage supersedes the Spell Penetration this case by a Will save). If you succeed, the character’s
feat from the core rules. attitude toward you is improved by one step (or worsened, if
Special: When casting a spell or using a spell-like ability in you prefer—you can use this skill to annoy people if you
combat that requires an attack roll, you can choose to take a wish). For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds
-1 penalty to the attack roll. For every 4 ranks in the subject’s opposed toll, the character’s attitude toward you
Concentration you possess, you can increase the penalty by increases (or decreases) by one additional step. If you fail the
an additional -1. For every -1 to attacks you accept, you gain a check by 4 or less, the character’s attitude toward you is
+2 circumstance bonus to Concentration checks to cast that unchanged. For every 5 by which your check fails, the
spell defensively or while taking ongoing damage, to avoid character’s attitude toward you is decreased by one step.
losing the spell if hit, etc. It is common for two parties to attempt to persuade each
Game Play Etiquette: Players of spellcasting characters other simultaneously; roll opposed Diplomacy checks, with
are expected to keep track of their Concentration check the loser’s attitude shifting, and the winner freely deciding on
modifiers, so as not to slow down play with calculations when his or her own attitude at each step.
such a check is called for. If unable to immediately roll the If the creature’s attitude toward you is at least indifferent,
relevant check, failure is automatic and the next person’s turn you can make requests of the creature. This requires
begins. Your skill check modifier should therefore be pre- additional Diplomacy checks. Once a creature’s attitude is
calculated for each level of spells you can cast, against the shifted to helpful, the creature gives in to most requests
base DC of 10. For example, a 10th level wizard with Cha 16 without a check, unless that check is against their nature or
would have the following Concentration bonuses by spell puts them in serious peril.
level: 5th level: +3; 4th level: +5; 3rd level: +7; 2nd level: +9; 1st
level: +11; 0-level: +13. You can then quickly subtract the Request Modifier
attacker’s BAB and throw the dice. Yes, this means you’ll Give simple advice or directions -5
know the attacker’s BAB. Give detailed advice +0
Diplomacy (Cha) Give simple aid +0
Rüdiger desired nothing better than to see the queen. He Reveal an unimportant secret +5
knew himself so skilful in speech that, could it be at all, he Give lengthy or complicated aid +5
must prevail with her. Give dangerous aid +10
―The Niebelungenlied (ca. 1200)
You can use this skill to resolve differences and persuade Reveal secret knowledge +10 or more
others. You are trained in etiquette, full of tact, and able in Give aid that could result in punishment +15 or more
negotiations; and you are able to recognize and respond
appropriately when others are using the same tools against Additional requests +5 per request
You cannot use Diplomacy against a creature that does not Additional Active Checks: In addition to the standard
understand you or has an Int of 3 or less. uses outlined above, use the Diplomacy skill to resolve the
Active Checks: Diplomacy is primarily used to change the following:
attitudes of others by persuading them to see your point of Task Check DC
view, or by convincing them that it is advantageous to follow
your recommendations. Complicate situation (Opposed check)
Change Attitude or Negotiate: You can change the attitudes Etiquette (Varies; see below)
of intelligent creatures with a successful check. You make Obfuscate story (Opposed check)
your pitch (describing your argument or actually making it
verbally) and then roll your Diplomacy, modified by the Steal story (Opposed check)
subject’s current attitude towards you (based on the
circumstances and on your approach).
Complicate: Sometimes you find it to your advantage to delay Passive Checks: When not particularly attempting to
the resolution of a specific discussion for a while (or even make a good impression, you nevertheless possess more tact
indefinitely). Every time you attempt to complicate the than most. All non-hostile social interactions are resolved as
situation in order to delay resolution you make a single if you were Taking 10 on Diplomacy, even if you make no
Diplomacy check. The other participants in the discussion particular effort. (You can choose to act poorly if you wish, by
make opposed checks (or opposed Will saves); if you succeed, rolling an active check to worsen the attitudes of those you’re
then you can prevent any of the discussion’s participants from dealing with.)
coming to agreement for that session, without seeming to be Class Skill: You can use the Diplomacy skill to produce the
interfering. Each participant that beats your Diplomacy check following additional effects; the 1- and 6-rank effects
by 5 or more realizes what you are doing. This is from 101 supersede the Renowned Courtesan feat from Dragon
New Skill Uses (Rite Publishing). magazine, issue 315.
Etiquette: If you are trained in Diplomacy, you have an Mutual Friend: If you have at least 1 rank in Diplomacy as
understanding of etiquette. If faced with a fine point of a class skill, you can change an NPC's attitude toward a
etiquette (correct address for a noble, for example, or proper person other than yourself. The DC is the same as if you
way to use cutlery at a Grand Ball), you may roll a Diplomacy were changing the character's attitude toward you.
check to indicate your mastery of that particular point. As it is
always impolite to fail to address nobles correctly, this Seduction: If you have at least 6 ranks and you
function of Diplomacy also subsumes the D&D 3.5 successfully improve a character's attitude toward you
Knowledge (nobility & royalty) skill—those trained in (only) to Helpful, you can choose to cause that character to
Diplomacy know the names, titles, and demesnes of the show romantic interest in you. The character thereafter
nobility. Using the Diplomacy skill in this manner may seeks every opportunity to be near you and makes every
require a skill check, as follows: effort to win your affection, within the bounds of relatively
Check normal behavior.
DC Information Gained
Voice of Reason: If you have at least 11 ranks, you can
5 Identify the borders of major kingdoms and the counter morale effects simply by “talking down” those
general state of relations between them. affected. All those to be affected must be within 30 ft. of
10 Identify the borders of smaller states; know the each other and able to hear and understand you; you
names/titles of kings and queens. choose one morale bonus or penalty source to counteract
15 Know names/titles of second-tier nobles, and/or (e.g., rage, inspire courage, etc.). Each target is entitled to
general information about the king/queen (“be an Intuition save (DC 10 + half your number of ranks +
warned—he trusts no one who wears blue!”). your Charisma modifier) to retain the effect; for any target
20 Know names/titles of minor nobles, and/or general
failing the save, the effect is suspended for as long as you
information about major nobles. continue talking (as a standard action each round) and for
1 round per rank in Diplomacy thereafter.
25 Know names/titles of nobles’ followers/servitors,
and/or general information about minor nobles. Legendary Statesman: If you have at least 16 ranks, you
30 Know names/titles and general information
can attempt a Diplomacy check as a full-round action. All
regarding almost anyone you have seen before combatants within 60 ft. who can hear and understand
(from having heard and remembered them you must save vs. Intuition (DC 10 + half your number of
previously). ranks + your Charisma modifier) or stop fighting and
listen to you instead; those who do are susceptible to
Obfuscate Story: While another individual attempts to give further Diplomacy checks in order to reach a truce. If you
an account of an event, make an opposed Diplomacy check to stop talking before a settlement is made, they immediately
deftly interject comments or statements over the course of begin fighting again.
the storytelling that cause the individual to muddle his ability
to recall accurate or specific details. If the attempt succeeds, Action: Using Diplomacy to influence a creature’s attitude
the target remains unaware that your interjections caused the takes 1 minute of continuous interaction. Making a request of
confusion. However, if the attempt fails, the target is allowed a creature or negotiating a specific concession takes 1 or
a Bluff check to sense motive check (DC equal to your failed more rounds of interaction, depending upon the complexity
Diplomacy check) to figure out that you made deliberate of the request. Seduction can take anywhere from hours to
attempts to confuse the story. This skill use supersedes the days.
rogue talent of the same name from the Advanced Race Try Again: You cannot use Diplomacy to influence a given
Guide. creature’s attitude more than once unless circumstances are
Steal Story: When you successfully obfuscate a story (see drastically altered. If a request is refused, the result does not
above), you may make another opposed Diplomacy check to change with additional checks, although other requests might
alter the details further in order to discredit, insult, or be made.
humiliate the target. If the check succeeds, the target takes a
penalty on Diplomacy and Bluff checks against anyone who
heard the altered story. The magnitude of the penalty is equal
to the your Charisma bonus (minimum -1), and lasts until the
target is able to repair his reputation or discredit you in
return. Source: Advanced Race Guide.
Special: Bribery. Offering money or another form of favor If the check succeeds, you disable the device. If it fails by 5
can, in the right situation, improve a character’s chances with or less, you have failed but can try again. If you fail by 6 or
a Diplomacy skill check. Bribery allows you to circumvent more, something goes wrong. If the device is a trap, you
various official obstacles when a person in a position of trust spring it. If you’re attempting some sort of sabotage, you think
or authority is willing to accept such an offering. An illegal the device is disabled, but it still works normally.
act, bribery requires two willing participants—one to offer a If you beat a trap’s DC by 10 or more, you can study a trap,
bribe and the other to accept it. When a character requires a figure out how it works, and bypass it (with your party)
bribe to render services, then your Diplomacy check without disarming it.
automatically fails if a bribe isn’t attached to it. If a bribe isn’t Setting Traps: The Disable Device skill enables you to
requires, you can add a bribe to get a bonus on your skill construct mechanical traps, using the Craft rules below and
check. This can backfire, as some characters will be insulted the custom items rules in Chapter 6.
by a bribe offer (their attitude changes one step for the worse) Open Locks DC
and others will report you to the proper authorities.
Simple (briefcase lock) 20
Disable Device (Int) Average (home deadbolt) 25
You can pick locks, bypass or disarm mechanical traps, rig Good (business deadbolt) 30
devices so that they fail, set mechanical traps, and construct
simple devices. Amazing (branch bank vault) 40
Active Checks: Various tasks that can be accomplished Ultra-high security (bank HQ vault) 50
with this skill, and the relevant time and check DCs, are
summarized in the following tables. If you attempt to leave no Open Lock: The DC for opening a lock depends on its
sign of your tampering, add 5 to the check DC. quality. If you do not have a set of lockpicks, these DCs
Searching/Troubleshooting Time DC
increase by +10.
Find concealed door 1 round 15+ Sabotaging Devices Time DC
Find hidden compartment 1 round 15+ Jam a lock 1 round 10
Find and operate secret door 1 round 20+ Modify device As above +10
Find item Varies 10+ Sabotage mundane item 1d4 rds 15
Sabotage clockwork device 2d4 rds 25
Find Trap, Hidden Compartment, Item, Secret Door, etc.: Sapper Full round Special
You generally must be able to touch the object or surface to
be searched. You can attempt a check at a distance, but at a Modify Device: With a few carefully considered changes to
-10 penalty if within 10 ft., and a -20 penalty if within 30 ft. a mechanism’s internal workings, you cause it to operate
Dealing with Alarms, Traps Time DC differently. The DC of this attempt equals the DC necessary
Delay trap activation Immediate +10
to disable the device +10. On success, you may change one
aspect of the item’s operation. For example, a trap set to
Detect/find a mechanical trap 1 round Varies activate when a chest opens may now spring into action when
Disarm a trap, reset a trap; circumvent 2d4 rds 20 the chest closes. If it fails by 4 or less, you have failed but can
cheap door alarm try again. If you fail by 5 or more, something goes wrong, if it
Disarm a complex trap, beat store 2d4 rds 25
is a trap you trigger it instead and you cannot try again. The
security cameras referee has the final say on whether a proposed modification
is feasible. Source: 101 New Skill Uses (Rite Publishing).
Disarm museum motion detector 2d4 rds 30 Sabotage Mundane Item: You can rig simple devices such
Disarm bank vault alarm 2d4 min 35 as saddles or wagon wheels to work normally for a while and
then fail or fall off some time later (usually after 1d4 rounds
Disarm ultra-high security system 2d4 x 10 40
or minutes of use).
Sapper: When attempting to smash down a door, gate, or
Set a trap (Varies) Trap other man-made fortification, make a Disable Device check
DC and divide the result in half, in place of making a Strength
check. You must have a sledgehammer, axe, portable
Delay Trap Activation: If you accidentally set off a trap, you battering ram or other large, destructive instrument to take
can attempt to delay its activation by making a Disable Device full advantage of this skill use. Otherwise, you may only make
check as an immediate action at the trap’s usual DC +10. This a standard Strength check. You may only make use of sapper
supersedes the Pathfinder Delver’s “thrilling escape” prestige against objects that allow a Strength check to break them. If
class feature, from Seekers of Secrets. it fails by 4 or less, you have failed but can try again. If you fail
Disable Device: For disabling, the Disable Device check is by 5 or more you cannot try again as you cannot figure it out,
made secretly, so that you don’t necessarily know whether and the tool suffers an amount of damage equal to the
you’ve succeeded. The DC depends on how tricky the device amount you missed the DC by (does not ignore hardness.
is. Disabling (or rigging or jamming) a fairly simple device Source: 101 New Skill Uses (Rite Publishing).
has a DC of 10; more intricate and complex devices have
higher DCs.
Passive Checks: If you are a rogue with the Trapfinding Condition DC Frequency
talent (Chapter 3), you receive passive checks to notice and to Drowning 10 + 1 for each Each round, starting after a
avoid setting off traps. and round since the number of rounds equal to
Class Skill: You can use this skill against constructs. Suffocation first check twice your Con.
Doing so requires a melee touch attack that provokes an Starvation 10 + 1 for each Each day, starting after 3
attack of opportunity. If successful, make a Disable Device day since the days without food.
check opposed by the construct’s CMD. If this check is first check
successful, you can sabotage the construct in different ways,
depending on your level of skill: Thirst 10 + 1 for each Each hour, starting 1 day
hour since the plus a number of hours
If you have at least 1 rank, as a standard action that first check equal to your Con.
provokes an attack of opportunity, you can attempt to Forced 10 + 2 for each Each hour, starting after 8
damage a construct such as a golem. Roll a Disable March hour since the hours of walking.
Device check against the construct’s AC; if successful, you first check
deal damage to the construct equal to your check results Run, in 10 + 1 for each Each round, starting after
(this bypasses any damage reduction the construct Combat round since the running a number of rounds
possesses). At your option, you can cause the damage to first check equal to your Con.
apply towards destroying the construct, or merely towards Sleep 10 + 1 for each Each hour, starting after a
deactivating it; if the latter, the damage can be repaired Deprivation hour since the number of hours equal to
with a successful Craft or Disable Device check. first check 20 + Con modifier.
If you have at least 6 ranks, you can cause the construct to Avalanche 15 Once, after falling
go berserk; and
Landslide, if
unconscious, to avoid
If you have at least 11 ranks, you can render the construct pinned
inanimate for 1 round per rank;
Exert: You can exert yourself (e.g. run, fight or cast spells
If you have at least 16 ranks, you can override the requiring concentration checks) for a maximum number of
construct’s programming and issue it instructions rounds equal to 10 + your Endurance modifier. After this
yourself. time, you are fatigued and must rest if able. If you wish to tax
yourself beyond these limits, you must succeed at an
Action: The amount of time needed to make a Disable Endurance check (DC 15 + 1 per round of continued
Device check depends on the task, as noted above. It takes a exertion) or become exhausted.
full-round action to search a 5-foot-by-5-foot area or a volume Hustle: A character can hustle (double normal speed) for
of goods 5 feet on a side. Disabling a simple device takes 1 one hour. Each additional hour of hustling in between sleep
round and is a full-round action. An intricate or complex cycles deals 1 point of nonlethal damage, and each additional
device requires 1d4 or 2d4 rounds. Attempting to open a lock hour deals twice the damage taken during the previous hour
is a full-round action. of hustling. A character who takes any nonlethal damage
Try Again: Varies. You can retry if you have missed the from hustling becomes fatigued.
check by 4 or less, though you must be aware that you have Walk: Eight hours is considered a standard march.
failed in order to try again. Additional walking in one day past this limit is a forced
Take 10/Take 20: You can take 10 when making a Disable march. For each hour of forced marching, an Endurance
Device check. You can take 20 to open a lock or to disable a check (DC 10, +2 per extra hour) is required. If the check
security device, unless you are trying to prevent the fails, you take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage and are
tampering from being noticed. fatigued. Eliminating the nonlethal damage also eliminates
Special: Possessing the proper tools gives you the best the fatigue. It’s possible to march into unconsciousness by
chance of succeeding on a Disable Device check. Opening a pushing yourself too hard.
lock requires a lockpick set (for a mechanical lock) or an Remain Awake: You can stay awake a number of hours
electrical tool kit (for an electronic lock). Disabling a security equal to 20 + your Endurance modifier. Each additional hour
device requires either a mechanical tool kit or an electronic requires an Endurance check, starting at DC 10 (the DC
toll kit, depending on the nature of the device. If you do not increases by 1 per subsequent check). An untrained character
have the appropriate tools, you take a –4 penalty on your makes Constitution checks instead of Endurance checks to
check. A lock release gun can open a mechanical lock of remain awake. If in the midst of combat or a similar situation,
cheap or average quality without a Disable Device check. the character need not make checks until the situation is
over, but the DC increases by 1.
Endurance (Con)
Through training, you are capable of feats of extreme physical
Active Checks: Use Endurance in place of Constitution
checks when dealing with drowning and suffocation,
starvation, thirst, etc., as shown in the following table.
Trained Only: A trained character is capable of the Ignore Fatigue: By succeeding at a DC 20 Endurance
following tasks: check, you can ignore the fatigued condition (and associated
Task DC
penalties) for a number of rounds equal to the margin by
which your check succeeds. If you are exhausted, you might
Delay poison onset As poison save DC be able to similarly reduce (DC 25) or ignore (DC 30)
Ferocity 20 + hp below negative Con score penalties for the same length of time, as shown on the table.
Untrained: The number of consecutive rounds a character
Ignore caltrop 20 can run or otherwise maximally exert him or herself is equal
Ignore fatigue 20 to the character’s constitution score. A character can hustle
Ignore exhaustion 30
(double normal speed) for 1 hour. Checks to avoid nonlethal
damage are Constitution checks. The chance to stabilize
Sleep in armor: when below 0 hp is a flat 10%. An untrained character cannot
Light 15 ignore wounds or sleep in armor.
Take 10: You can choose to Take 10 to stay awake,
Medium 25 automatically nodding off when the DC reaches 10 + your
Heavy 35 Endurance bonus. You can likewise Take 10 to resist
Stabilize 10 + hp below 0
starvation and thirst. Trained characters who regularly sleep
in armor can Take 19 to do so. Trained characters can Take
10 to ignore caltrops and ignore fatigue.
Delay Poison Onset: If you fail the initial fortitude save to Class Skill: If you have Endurance as a class skill, you
avoid being affected by a poison, you can attempt an receive the following additional benefits:
Endurance check against the poison’s DC as a free action. If
successful, the onset is delayed by one frequency unit as Reduce Armor Penalty: For every 3 ranks you possess,
listed for that poison (generally 1 round or 1 minute). When you eliminate –1 worth of armor check penalties for any
that time elapses, you can attempt another check to delay the armor you wear. If you reduce the armor check penalty to
onset again. There is no limit to how long you can delay the –0, then you suffer no penalties to your speed while
onset in this manner, but each check after the first suffers a -1 wearing that armor. For example, a paladin with
cumulative penalty. masterwork full plate (-5 check penalty) with 15 ranks in
Ferocity: If reduced to 0 hit points (disabled), you can Endurance as a class skill can wear that armor with no
attempt a DC 20 Endurance check. If successful, you can take check penalty and no penalty to movement.
a normal action while at 0 hit points without taking 1 point of
damage. You must make a check for each strenuous action Reduce Encumbrance: When determining your carrying
you want to take; the DC of each such successive check capacity, add your number of ranks in Endurance to your
increases by 1. On a failed check, you can choose not to take Strength score. This does not affect your actual Strength
the strenuous action and thus avoid the hit point loss; if you in any way, merely the amount of gear you can carry. It
take the action anyway, you drop to –1 hit points, as normal also has no effect on encumbrance due to armor. If you
when disabled. wear armor you still take the normal penalties for doing so
When reduced to negative hit points, on a successful regardless of how much weight you can carry. This ability
Endurance check at DC 20 + the number of hp below 0 (i.e., subsumes the Armiger’s “tough as nails” class feature,
DC 25 at –5 hp), you may choose to act as if you were from Iron Heroes (Fiery Dragon Productions).
disabled, rather than dying. You must make this decision as
soon as you are reduced to negative hit points (even if it isn’t Restless Slumber: If you have at least two ranks in
your turn). When disabled, you have the staggered condition. Endurance as a class skill, you regain hp and daily-use
You can take a move action without further injuring yourself, class features, including spells, after 7 hours of sleep/rest
but if you perform any standard action (or any other action instead of the normal eight. The amount of sleep you need
deemed as strenuous, including some free actions, swift is reduced by an additional hour for every 2 ranks
actions, or immediate actions, such as casting a quickened thereafter until it is reduced to 4 hours (at 8 ranks as a
spell) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. If class skill). The amount of sleep needed is reduced by one
you reach a negative number of hp equal to your Constitution additional hour per 4 ranks thereafter (minimum of 1 hour
score, you immediately die. of sleep to be fully refreshed, with 20 ranks as a class
Ignore Caltrop: If you are wounded by stepping on a skill).
caltrop, your speed is reduced to one-half normal. A
successful Endurance check removes this movement penalty. You gain the following additional abilities as you gain
The wound doesn’t go away—it is just ignored through self- ranks:
Sleep in Armor: If you sleep in armor, you do not become Stalwart: If you have at least 6 ranks in Endurance as a
fatigued for doing so if you make an Endurance check at the class skill, you are immune to effects that would leave a
listed DC upon awakening. (You cannot take 20 on this normal person fatigued. Effects that would normally leave
check.) you exhausted cause you to be fatigued instead.
Stabilize: When reduced below 0 hp, you can roll an Indefatigable: If you have at least 11 ranks, you are
Endurance check at DC 10 + the number of hp below 0 (i.e., immune to fatigue and exhaustion.
DC 15 at –5 hp) to auto-stabilize.
If you fail to escape from a grapple outright, your Escape
If you have at least 16 ranks, you are immune to magical Artist results might still ameliorate the effects of the grapple.
sleep and cannot be knocked unconscious (although you If you fail by a margin of 5 or less, you take no penalties to
must still sleep at least 2 hours a night). Dexterity, attack rolls, and combat maneuver checks when
you have the grappled condition
Try Again: No, for most uses. To reduce fatigue or Magical Entangling and Grappling Effects: Examples
exhaustion, you can try each round as a swift action. include animate rope, command plants, control plants,
entangle, Bigby’s grasping hand, and so on. The standardized
Escape Artist (Dex) DC listed here supersedes the arbitrary DCs given in those
When Dutilleul was taken inside La Santé prison, he felt as spell descriptions.
though fate had smiled upon him. The thickness of the walls Surreptitious Escape: In exchange for increasing the check
was a veritable treat for him. DC by 10, you can hide your efforts at escaping. Anyone who
―Marcel Aymé, Le Passe-Muraille (1943)
inspects your bindings must attempt a Perception check with
You are skilled at getting free of bindings and a +10 circumstance bonus (DC equal to the result of your last
imprisonment. Escape Artist check). If this Perception check fails, they do
Active Checks: The table below gives the DCs to escape not notice the work you have done to escape. For example,
various forms of restraints. For ropes, your check is opposed you could untie the rope that binds you but leave it in place so
by the binder’s Escape Artist check. Since it’s easier to tie a villain doesn’t realize that you’re free. Obviously if you free
someone up than to escape from being tied up, the binder yourself and escape, the villain notices you are gone. This
gets a +10 bonus on his or her check (included in the table function is from 101 New Skill Uses (Rite Publishing).
below). For manacles, the DC for manacles is set by their Take 10: Use this for prolonged squeezing or similar
construction. sustained efforts, rather than rolling each round.
Class Skill: As you gain ranks in Escape Artist, you gain
Restraints Escape DC access to additional abilities, as follows:
Ropes Binder’s check +10 If you have at least 6 ranks as a class skill, you can reduce
Net 20 the effects of passable magical walls and barriers on you
when you move through them. Make an Escape Artist
Magical entangling effect 20 + level of the spell check at DC 15 + twice the level of the spell; if you
Manacles 20 succeed, you suffer no effects for being near the barrier
Tight space 20
(such as fire damage from the hot side of a wall of fire),
and can pass through it and suffer only the effects of being
Masterwork manacles 25 nearby. If you succeed by a margin of 10 or greater, you
Solid stone 35 suffer no effects for passing through the barrier.
Grappler Grapple check result
If you have at least 11 ranks as a class skill, you can free
Surreptitious Escape +10 yourself paralysis or magical binding effects (DC 20 +
twice the level of the spell). Examples include anything
Squeeze Through Tight Space: The DC noted on the table from hold person to dimensional anchor to binding. For
is for getting through a space where your head fits but your spells with a duration of 1 round/level, you can make one
shoulders don’t. If the space is long you may need to make attempt per round as a full-round action. For spells with
multiple checks. You can’t get through a space that your head longer durations, the time between checks is also
does not fit through. When squeezing through a narrow increased accordingly (e.g., for a spell with a duration of 1
space at least half as wide as your Facing, or when moving hour/level, escaping takes an hour, and you can check once
through a low area (ceiling shorter than your height, but at per hour). For permanent effects, you can check once per
least half your height above the floor), each space counts as 1 year; the check takes an hour.
square of movement and you only suffer a -2 penalty on
attack rolls if you have at least 5 ranks in this skill. You also If you have at least 16 ranks as a class skill, you can find
retain your Dex bonus to AC under these conditions. If a your way out from solid walls, or a forcecage or resilient
space is both narrow and low, you treat it as if only one of sphere. As a move action, you can attempt to escape the
those conditions applied. physical world, stepping past the barrier on some other
Escape Grapple: You can make an Escape Artist check plane. You can potentially return from a maze or
opposed by your enemy’s grapple check to get out of a grapple imprisonment spell in this manner. The DC is 20 + twice
or out of a pinned condition (so that you’re only grappling). the level of the spell (DC 20 for mundane walls), +5 per 5
Escaping from a grapple or pin is normally a standard action, feet of movement attempted. Time between checks is as
but can be attempted in place of an iterative attack by taking a above.
-5 penalty on the check, as a move action by taking a -10
penalty, as a swift action by taking a -15 penalty, and as a free Action: Making an Escape check to escape from rope
action by taking a -20 penalty. bindings, manacles, or other restraints (except a grappler)
requires 1 minute of work. Escaping from a net or a spell is a
full-round action. Squeezing through a tight space takes at
least 1 minute, maybe longer, depending on how long the
space is.
Special: Optionally, apply the size modifier for AC and Collision While Flying: If you collide with an object equal to
attacks to Escape Artist checks as well; this variant makes your size or larger while flying, you must immediately make a
smaller creatures inherently better at escaping. DC 25 Fly check to avoid plummeting to the ground, taking
Try Again: You can make another check after a failed the appropriate falling damage.
check if you’re squeezing your way through a tight space, Avoid Falling Damage: If you are falling and have the ability
making multiple checks. If the situation permits, you can to fly, you can make a DC 10 Fly check to negate the damage.
make additional checks, or even take 20, as long as you’re not You cannot make this check if you are falling due to a failed
being actively opposed. Fly check (as from being attacked while flying) or a collision.
Untrained: You can try to escape mundane restraints or Recover from Trip: You can be tripped while flying; if the
entangling/grappling spell effects as a Dexterity check. maneuver is successful, you immediately lose 5 feet of
Squeezing causes spaces to count as 2 squares and the altitude (+1 foot per point by which the maneuver succeeds)
squeezing character suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls and and must succeed at a Fly check opposed to the Trip results;
loses its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. In a space that is failure requires you to spend a move action (provoking
both narrow and low, speed is reduced to one-quarter normal. attacks of opportunity) to fly from your current location
Escaping from paralysis, binding, or force effects cannot be and/or gain altitude, much like a creature standing up from
attempted untrained. being prone.
High Wind Speeds: Flying in high winds adds penalties on
Fly (Dex) your Fly checks as noted on Table: Wind Effects on Flight.
“Did I really fly, don Juan?” “Checked” means that creatures of that size or smaller must
“You flew. That is what the second portion of the devil’s succeed on a DC 20 Fly check to move at all so long as the
weed is for. As you take more of it, you will learn how to fly wind persists. “Blown away” means that creatures of that size
perfectly. It is not a simple matter.” or smaller must make a DC 25 Fly check or be blown back
―Carlos Castenada, The Teachings of Don Juan:
2d6 × 10 feet and take 2d6 points of nonlethal damage. This
A Yaqui Way of Knowledge (1968) check must be made every round the creature remains
You are skilled at flying, either through the use of wings, airborne. A creature that is blown away must still make a DC
spells or other magical means (carpet of flying, etc.), or 20 Fly check to move due to also being checked.
airplanes/spacecraft/whatever. You can perform daring Speed Blown Check
maneuvers while airborne. Note that this skill does not give Wind (mph) Checked Away Penalty
you the ability to fly. Light 0–10 — — —
Active Checks: You can perform maneuvers while flying.
Without making a check, a flying creature can remain flying Moderate 11–20 — — —
at the end of its turn so long as it moves a distance greater Strong 21–30 Tiny — –2
than half its speed, can turn up to 45 degrees by sacrificing 5 Severe 31–50 Small Tiny –4
feet of movement, can rise at half speed at an angle of 45
degrees, and can descend at any angle at normal speed. Note Windstorm 51–74 Medium Small –8
that these restrictions only apply to movement taken during Hurricane 75–174 Large Medium –12
your current turn. At the beginning of the next turn, you can
move in a different direction than you did the previous turn Tornado 175+ Huge Large –16
without making a check. Taking any action that violates these
rules requires a check. The difficulty of these maneuvers Take 10: You can Take 10 to avoid falling if attacked while
varies, as noted on the following chart. flying, even though you are under stress. This is done to
reduce dice rolling in combat; simply mark the damage
Flying Maneuver DC threshold that makes you fall (this is equal to half your Fly
Move < half speed and remain flying 10 bonus -5).
Action: None. A fly check doesn’t require an action; it is
Turn > 45° by spending 5 ft. of movement 15 made as part of another action or as a reaction to a situation.
Hover 20 Try Again: Varies. You can attempt a Fly check to perform
Turn 180° by spending 10 ft. of movement 20 the same maneuver on subsequent rounds. If you are using
wings and you fail this check by 5 or more, you plummet to
Climb steeper than 45° 20 the ground, taking the appropriate falling damage.
Special: Creatures with a fly speed receive a racial bonus
Note that hovering, as a specific task of the Fly skill, (or penalty) on all Fly checks depending on their
supersedes the Hover feat from the core rules. maneuverability: clumsy -8; poor -4, average -0, good +4,
Attacked While Flying: Any creature with no ranks in Fly perfect +8. Creatures without a maneuverability rating are
skill is automatically considered flat-footed while flying; those assumed to have an average maneuverability. Alternatively,
trained are not. Trained or otherwise, if you take damage you can scrap the entire maneuverability rating system and
while flying you must make a Fly check at DC 20 + twice the apply a simple size modifier instead (e.g., the modifier used
damage sustained. Failure means you 5 feet of altitude, plus a for AC and attack rolls: ±1/2/4/8).
number of additional feet of altitude equal to the margin by
which you fail the check (this descent does not count against
your movement). If the total altitude loss is greater than your
initial altitude, you crash into the ground, taking falling
damage as appropriate for the total amount of distance fallen.
Fetch (DC 15): Goes and gets something. If you do not
Handle Animal (Cha) point out a specific item, the animal fetches some random
You can train, care for, and ride domestic and even wild object.
animals. If you are skilled enough, you can apply this skill to Heel (DC 15): Follows you closely, even to places where it
vermin or magical beasts as well. normally wouldn’t go.
Active Checks: The DC depends on the task.
Perform (DC 15): Performs a variety of simple tricks, such
Task DC as sitting up, rolling over, roaring or barking, and so on.
Handle a tame animal 10 Roam (DC 15): You can let the animal loose to roam and
“Push” an animal 25 forage. It returns to the place you let it loose within the
Teach an animal a trick 15 or 20 time period you designate; this can be no more than a
Train animal 15 or 20
Seek (DC 15): Moves into an area and looks around for
Rear wild animal 15 + HD of animal anything that is obviously alive or animate.
Befriend animal Special
Stay (DC 15): Stays in place, waiting for you to return;
Ride an animal Special (see below) does not challenge other creatures that come by (still
defends self if it needs to).
* See the specific trick or purpose below:
Track (DC 20): Tracks the scent presented to it.
Purpose DC Purpose DC
Combat riding 20 Hunting 20
Work (DC 15): Pulls or pushes a medium or heavy load.
Fighting 20 Performance 15 Train an Animal: Rather than teaching an animal individual
Guarding 20 Riding 15 tricks, you can simply train it for a general purpose.
Heavy labor 15
Essentially, an animal’s purpose represents a preselected set
of known tricks that fit into a common scheme, such as
Handle a Tame Animal: You command an animal to guarding or heavy labor. The animal must meet all the normal
perform a task or trick that it knows. If the check succeeds, prerequisites for all tricks included in the training package. If
the animal performs the task or trick on its next action. the package includes more than three tricks, the animal must
“Push” an Animal: You can get an animal to perform a task have an Intelligence of at least 2.
or trick that it doesn’t know but is physically capable of Befriend Animal: You can use Handle Animal to improve
performing. This task also covers making an animal perform the attitude of an animal; this ability functions just like a
a forced march or forcing it to hustle for more than 1 hour Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person
between sleep cycles. If your check succeeds, the animal (see Using Skills). The typical domestic animal has a starting
performs the task or trick on its next action. attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually
Teach an Animal a Trick: You can teach an animal a specific unfriendly. Use of this ability on anything other than a tame
trick with one week of work and a successful Handle Animal animal results in a +4 modifier to the check DC; the DC
check against the indicated DC. An animal can learn a modifiers for non-animals (see below) also apply. To use this
maximum number of tricks equal to 3 x its Intelligence score. ability, you and the animal must be within 30 feet of one
Possible tricks (and their associated DCs) include, but are another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an
not necessarily limited to, the following. animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing
people, it might take more or less time. This task subsumes
Attack (DC 20): Attacks apparent enemies, or those you the Wild Empathy class feature from the Core rules.
direct it to attack. Rear a Wild Animal: To rear an animal is to raise a wild
creature from infancy so that it becomes domesticated. A
Come (DC 15): Comes to you. handler can rear as many as three creatures of the same kind
Defend/Guard (DC 20): Defends you (or is ready to defend at once. A successfully domesticated animal can be taught
you if no threat is present), even without any command tricks at the same time it’s being raised, or it can be taught as
being given. Alternatively, you can command the animal to a domesticated animal later. Typical riding actions don’t
defend a specific other character, object, or place. require checks.
Ride an Animal: You can saddle, mount, ride, and dismount
Distract (DC 20; bird or bat only): Flutters wildly around from a mount without a problem. The following tasks do
any enemy it would normally attack with the attack trick. It require checks.
makes a combat maneuver check against that enemy. If
successful, the enemy is shaken 1 round.
Down (DC 15): Breaks off from combat or otherwise
backs down. An animal that doesn’t know this trick
continues to fight until it must flee (due to injury, a fear
effect, or the like) or its opponent is defeated.
Riding Task Handle Animal DC
Fast Mount or Dismount: You can attempt to mount or
dismount from a mount of up to one size category larger than
Guide with knees 5 yourself as a free action, provided that you still have a move
Stay in saddle 5 action available that round. If you fail the Handle Animal
check, mounting or dismounting is a move action. You can’t
Control mount in battle 10 or 20 use fast mount or dismount on a mount more than one size
Cover 15 category larger than yourself.
Soft fall 15
Stand on Mount: You can stand on the saddle while your
mount is moving by making a successful DC 20 check.
Leap 15 Failure means you fall.
Spur mount 15 Quick Turn: You can make a DC 25 check as a free action
to cause your mount to turn up to 90 degrees while running
Fast mount or dismount 20 or charging, provided it can move at least 10 ft. after the turn
(armor check penalty applies) is made. This can be done only once in any given round. If the
check fails, your mount moves 10 ft. in a straight line and
Stand on mount 20 then loses the rest of its actions that turn.
Take 10: You can Take 10 to control a mount in battle, even
Quick turn 25 if stress and distraction would normally prevent it. This is
done to reduce the number of dice rolls in combat.
Guide with Knees: You can react instantly to guide your Modifiers: If you attempt to ride a creature that is ill suited
mount with your knees so that you can use both hands in as a mount, you take a –5 penalty on your ride checks. If you
combat. Make your Handle Animal check at the start of your are riding bareback, you take a –5 penalty on checks. If the
turn. If you fail, you can use only one hand this round because animal is wounded or fatigued, you take an equivalent penalty
you need to use the other to control your mount. on checks to handle it. If your mount has a military saddle
Stay in Saddle: You can react instantly to try to avoid falling you get a +2 circumstance bonus on Handle Animal checks
when your mount rears or bolts unexpectedly or when you related to staying in the saddle.
take damage. This usage does not take an action. Special: You can attempt to use this skill on creatures
Control Mount in Battle: If you direct your war-trained other than animals, but with a higher degree of difficulty.
mount to attack in battle, you can still make your own attack Refer to the following table for guidelines:
or attacks normally. This usage is a free action with a DC of
10. Controlling a mount not trained for combat riding while in Creature Type DC
battle requires a move action on your part, and has a DC of Magical beast (Int 3 or less) or vermin +4
20. If you fail the check, you can do nothing else in that round. Magical beast (Int 4+) or elemental +8
Cover: You can react instantly to drop down and hang
alongside your mount, using it as cover. You can’t attack or Lycanthrope or fey +12
cast spells while using your mount as cover. If you fail your Plant +16
check, you don’t get the cover benefit. This usage does not
take an action. Ooze +20
Soft Fall: You can react instantly to try to take no damage
when you fall off a mount—when it is killed or when it falls, Action: Varies. Handling an animal is a move action, while
for example. If you fail your check, you take 1d6 points of pushing an animal is a full-round action. (If you have a special
falling damage. This usage does not take an action. animal companion, you can handle your animal companion
Leap: You can get your mount to leap obstacles as part of as a free action or push it as a move action.) For tasks with
its movement. Use your Handle Animal modifier or the specific time frames noted above, you must spend half this
mount’s Athletics modifier, whichever is higher, to see how far time (at the rate of 3 hours per day per animal being handled)
the creature can jump. If you fail your Handle Animal check, working toward completion of the task before you attempt the
you fall off the mount when it leaps and take the appropriate Handle Animal check. If the check fails, your attempt to
falling damage (at least 1d6 points). This usage does not take teach, rear, or train the animal fails and you need not
an action, but is part of the mount’s movement. If you leap a complete the teaching, rearing, or training time. If the check
charging over a creature or obstacle, you can continue the succeeds, you must invest the remainder of the time to
charge. complete the teaching, rearing, or training. If the time is
Spur Mount: You can spur your mount to greater speed interrupted or the task is not followed through to completion,
with a move action. A successful check increases the mount’s the attempt to teach, rear, or train the animal automatically
speed by 10 feet for 1 round but deals 1 point of damage to fails. Mounting or dismounting normally is a move action.
the creature. For every 5 points by which you beat the check Other checks are a move action, a free action, or no action at
DC, add another 10 feet to the gain in movement (e.g., you all, as noted above.
can spur your mount to +60 ft. of additional movement speed
on a DC 40 Handle Animal check). You can use this ability
every round, but each consecutive round of additional speed
deals twice as much damage to the mount as the previous
round (2 points, 4 points, 8 points, and so on). This damage
increases by a base of 1 point per additional 10 feet of
spurred movement speed.
When fighting while mounted, in general you keep separate If the patient is diseased, you can identify the disease and
track of your actions and your mount’s. For example, your its effects with a successful check at a DC equal to the DC of
mount can make a double move while you full attack (melee the disease. If the patient has been poisoned, you can attempt
targets must be along the line of your mount’s movement). a Craft (toxicology) check, with a DC equal to that of the
Alternatively, your mount can make a normal move and one poison used, in order to identify the type, the effects, and the
attack, or a half-move and a full attack, while you also attack. duration remaining. If the patient was injured or killed by a
For a mounted charge, your mount supplies the double move spell, you can identify the exact spell with a Spellcraft check
and you make the attack. Certain feats (e.g., Improved at DC 20 + the level of the spell.
Overrun and Skirmish) can improve your action economy First Aid: If a character has lost hit points, you can restore
while mounted. some of them. A successful check, as a full-round action,
Try Again: Yes, except for rearing an animal. restores a number of hit points equal to your Heal check
Untrained: If you have no ranks in Handle Animal, you can results. You can take 20 on this check by spending 2 full
use a Charisma check to handle and push domestic animals, minutes. First aid can be performed on a character once per
but you can’t teach, rear, or train animals. fight in which he or she is injured, to a maximum amount of
damage healed equal to the amount sustained in that fight.
Heal (Wis) Revive: You can remove the dazed, stunned, or unconscious
The stuff she used on us did not sting, the cuts closed up, the condition from a character. This check is a standard action; a
flexible dressings she put over them did not have to be successful check removes the condition from the affected
changed, and fell off in time with no infection and no scars. character. You can’t revive an unconscious character who is at
–1 hit points or lower without first stabilizing (q.v.) him or her.
―Robert A. Heinlein, Glory Road (1963)
In addition to expanded mundane uses, in these rules, the Long-Term Care: Providing long-term care means treating
Heal skill is required for the successful use of curing and a wounded person for a day or more. If your Heal check is
restoration spells. successful, the patient recovers hit points at a daily rate equal
Active Checks: The DC and effect of mundane uses to your check results. Attribute score points (lost to ability
depends on the task you attempt. damage) are recovered at twice the normal rate (2 for 8
hours’ rest, 4 for a full day’s rest). You can tend as many as six
Task Heal DC patients at a time. You need a few items and supplies
Examine injury 10
(bandages, salves, and so on) that are easy to come by in
settled lands. Giving long-term care counts as light activity for
First aid (or malpractice – see below) 15 the healer. You cannot give long-term care to yourself.
Long-term care 15 Malpractice: You must have at least 2 ranks in Bluff to use
Heal in this fashion. Rather than making a Heal check to
Revive 15 perform first aid or some other form of treatment on a
Stabilize 15 helpless or willing creature, you intentionally bungle the job
Perform autopsy +1/day
in order to ensure that the creature is more severely injured.
You make the check as a standard action and deal hit point
Perform CPR 20 + hp damage to the creature at the beginning of your next turn
below 0 equal to the amount you would have healed providing first
Perform surgery 20 aid. If the creature is helpless, this is considered a coup de
grace attack. If under the watchful eye of others (including
Restore limb 40 your patient), your Heal check is opposed by the observer’s
Treat attribute damage 20 Bluff or Heal check; a failure on your part results in them
Treat disease Disease’s DC detecting your malpractice (and they may attempt to
intervene). If someone successfully performs a First Aid
Treat poison Poison’s DC check before the beginning of your next turn, the damage is
Treat wound from caltrop, spike growth, or 15 negated. This use is from the 101 New Skill Uses preview
spike stones from Rite Publishing.
Perform Autopsy: You can examine a corpse to determine
Examine Injury: If you succeed at the check, you determine the cause and approximate time of death. Cause of death is
the basic cause of an injury (a narrow blade, a small blunt as performing an “Examine Injury” check (see above), but the
object, teeth). If your check results are 15 or greater, you gain DC increases by +1 per day since death (unless the corpse is
a more specific detail about the weapon that caused the preserved with a gentle repose spell). Determining time of
injury (e.g., “a double-edged dagger”); on results of 20 or death requires you to succeed on the cause determination
higher you gain multiple specific details (e.g., a double-edged check by a factor of 10 or more. The accuracy of the
dagger with a non-serrated six-inch blade, balanced for estimated moment of death decreases with elapsed time
throwing). If your check results are 25 or higher, you also gain since the actual event. For instance, if the subject died an
information about the manner in which the wound was hour before the autopsy, the time of death can be fixed to
inflicted (the attacker was left-handed, about six feet tall, and within 1d4 rounds (after one day, the estimate is only
probably grabbed her from behind). This task is described in accurate to within 1d4 hours, and so on).
the Crime and Punishment supplement (Atlas Games), under
“New Uses for Old Skills.”
Perform Surgery: If you have at least 10 ranks in heal, you Class Skill: Only those with Heal as a class skill can
can conduct field surgery. This requires 1d4 hours and successfully cast [Healing] spells. As described in Chapter 7,
appropriate tools. Successful surgery restores all attribute use of a Necromancy [Healing] spell requires a number of
drain to a single attribute score (Strength, Dexterity, etc.). ranks in Heal as a class skill equal to twice the level of the
Surgery can only be used successfully on a character once spell (round up). In other words, only a character skilled in
per attribute in any 1-week period. A character who mundane healing can properly diagnose a problem and heal
undergoes surgery is exhausted for 24 hours, minus 2 hours it with magic.
for every point above the DC the surgeon achieves. The If you have additional class skill ranks in Heal as noted, you
period of exhaustion can never be reduced below 6 hours in can attempt the following tasks:
this fashion. If you have at least 6 ranks, you can try to resuscitate a
Stabilize: You usually use first aid to save a dying character. dead ally if you start the attempt within 2 rounds of his or
If a character has negative hit points and is losing hit points her death. You may attempt this procedure only if your
(at the rate of 1 per round, 1 per hour, or 1 per day), you can patient died after entering the dying state and
make him or her stable. A stable character regains no hit subsequently failing to stabilize. Allies slain in any other
points but stops losing them. manner are beyond your help. You must make a Heal
Treat Attribute Damage: By spending an hour and check (DC 20 + character’s negative hit point total) to
succeeding at a DC 20 Heal check, you can restore 1d4 bring your patient back from the brink. A success means
points of attribute damage to a single attribute. you increase her hit points to –9 and stabilize him or her.
If you have at least 6 ranks, you can increase the Difficulty Using Heal in this manner requires 1 full minute.
Class to heal additional attribute damage. The DC of the
check increases by +5 per additional point (for example, If you have at least 11 ranks, you can try to resuscitate an
you could attempt a DC 35 check to cure 1d4+3 points of ally who has been dead less than 1 day per rank in Heal
attribute damage). There is no limit to the maximum DC you possess. The check DC is 25 + 5 per day the victim
you can set for yourself, but a patient still can only receive has been dead. If successful, this works as a raise dead
one attempt per day. If you heal multiple points of attribute spell, but requires no diamond dust.
damage in this manner, you can divide them among the six
attribute scores as you see fit. If you have at least 16 ranks, when you provide long-term
care for a week, on a successful DC 27 Heal check the
If you have at least 11 ranks, a successful DC 30 Heal patient gains the effects of a greater restoration spell.
check cures all attribute damage to a single attribute. Alternatively, you can perform field surgery to re-attached
If you have at least 16 ranks, a successful check at DC 40 severed extremities; this requires a half hour of work and
heals all attribute damage the patient is suffering. requires a DC 27 check.

Treat Disease: You can tend a single diseased character. Action: Providing first aid, treating a wound, or treating
Every time he or she makes a saving throw against disease poison is a full-round action. Treating a disease or tending a
effects, you make a Heal check. The diseased character uses creature wounded by a spike growth or spike stones spell
your check result or his or her saving throw, whichever is takes 10 minutes of work. Providing long-term care requires
higher. If your check succeeds by a margin of 10 or more, the 8 hours of light activity. Performing an autopsy takes 30
disease is removed (although residual attribute damage minutes.
remains). Try Again: Varies. Generally speaking, you can’t try a Heal
Treat Poison: You can tend to a patients who has been check again without proof of the original check’s failure. You
poisoned and who is going to take more damage from the can always retry a check to provide first aid, assuming the
poison (or suffer some other effect). Every time the poisoned target of the previous attempt is still alive.
character makes a saving throw against the poison, you make Special: A healer’s kit gives you a +2 circumstance bonus
a Heal check. The poisoned character uses your check result on Heal checks.
or his or her saving throw, whichever is higher. If your You can use the skill on yourself only to restore hit points,
succeed by a margin of 10 or better, the patient fully recovers treat disease, or treat poison. You take a –5 penalty on your
(although residual attribute damage remains). check any time you treat yourself.
Treat Wound from Caltrop, Spike Growth, or Spike Stones:
A creature wounded by stepping on a caltrop moves at one-
half normal speed. A successful Heal check removes this
movement penalty. A creature wounded by a spike growth or
spike stones spell must succeed on a Reflex save or take
injuries that reduce his speed by one-third. Another character
can remove this penalty by taking 10 minutes to dress the
victim’s injuries and succeeding on a Heal check against the
spell’s save DC.
Take 10: You can always choose to take 10 when making a
heal check. You can take 20 only when restoring hit points or
attempting to revive dazed, stunned, or unconscious
characters, or when performing an autopsy.
* Favorable and unfavorable conditions depend upon the
Perception (Wis) sense being used to make the check. For example, bright light
Your senses allow you to notice things and alert you to might increase the DC of checks involving sight, while dim
danger. Perception covers all five senses, including sight, light gives a penalty. Background noise increases a DC
sound, touch, taste, and smell. This does not mean you gain a involving hearing, while competing odors penalize any DC
Perception check for each sense; rather, you get a single involving scent.
Perception check which is an abstraction of looking, ** As for unfavorable conditions, but more extreme. For
listening, sniffing the air, and so on. example, candlelight for DCs involving sight, a roaring
Active Checks: On a successful Perception check, you are dragon for DCs involving hearing, and an overpowering
aware of the presence of a creature or environmental detail stench covering the area for DCs involving scent.
(you “sense” it), and can determine which square(s) it is in. Ear for Detail: If you succeed on a Perception roll to notice
Unless there is something preventing you from using your someone by 20 or more, you automatically identify them (if
primary mode of sense (usually sight) to study it, you are able you know them), or know you have never met them, before
to discern anything you sense fairly clearly (“pinpoint” it). If they come into sight. If you have never met the creature
for some reason your primary sense is blocked with respect before, you know you have not met it, but you do know why
to the perceived creature or object, you are unable to pinpoint type of creature it is and what type of footwear, if any, it is
it, and it has “total concealment” against you (see below). using (or if it is using some other form of movement). Source:
The DC to notice details varies depending upon distance, 101 New Skill Uses (Rite Publishing).
the environment, and how noticeable the detail is. The Passive Checks: Most often, Perception is a passive check;
following table gives a number of guidelines. if the notice DC is less than or equal to 10 + your Perception
bonus, you sense the item or creature in question. You can
Target DC request an active check as a move action, allowing you a
Creature in plain view, still, not using Stealth 0
chance to notice something with a higher DC.
Special Senses and Concealment: Abilities like scent and
Concealed creature walking without Stealth 10 tremorsense do not result in automatic success. They are
Creature burrowing underneath you 25 instead adjudicated as follows:
Creature using Stealth (Opposed)
Blindsense: Hidden or invisible creatures within range of
Pickpocket using Sleight of Hand (Opposed) your blindsense are considered to be in plain view. If they
Sound of battle –10 are using Stealth to evade notice, you gain a +8 bonus to
Perception to sense them, provided that you have a line of
Stench of rotting garbage –10 effect. Any opponent you cannot see (or study with some
Smell of smoke 0 other primary sense such as scent) still cannot be
Spoiled food (active check needed) 5
pinpointed (i.e., has total concealment). Visibility still
affects your movement, and you are still denied your
Normal conversation or verbal spellcasting 0 Dexterity bonus to AC against attacks from creatures you
Whispered conversation 15 cannot see.
Key being turned in a lock 20 Blindsight: This ability is similar to blindsense, but allows
Bow being drawn 25 you to pinpoint any creature within range that you sense.
You maneuver and fight as well as a sighted creature;
Depending on conditions, a Perception check to sense a darkness and most kinds of concealment are irrelevant,
creature, object, or stimulus may be more or less difficult. though you must have line of effect to a creature or object
Conditional modifiers to the Perception DC are summarized to pinpoint that creature or object. Perception checks are
in the following table. still needed to sense creatures within range of the
blindsight ability.
Conditions DC Modifier
Darkvision: Dim light does not provide partial
Distance +1/10 feet concealment against you, nor does full darkness provide
Through a closed door +5 total concealment, within the stated range. Invisibility is
still effective, however.
Through a wall +10/ft. thickness
Favorable conditions* –2
Unfavorable conditions* +2
Terrible conditions** +5
Distracted +5
Creature making the check is asleep +10
Invisibility, Greater: As invisibility, but also provides the
Scent: Your primary sense is smell, rather than sight. This equivalent of total concealment against scent,
means that, by succeeding at a Perception check, you can tremorsense, etc.
sense things within 30 feet, even if those things are not
visible or audible. If the creature or object is upwind, the Search: Being skilled at noticing your surroundings does
range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. not necessarily allow you to conduct methodical searches, or
Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be even to recognize the significance of things you see. Most
detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering functions of the 3.5 edition Search skill is therefore not
scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be necessarily subsumed into Perception (as it is in Pathfinder).
detected at triple normal range. If you can see as well, the two Rather, searching for different things is covered by various
senses working in tandem grant it a +8 competence bonus to applicable skills:
Perception checks within range of your scent ability. You To Search For… Use this Skill…
cannot automatically pinpoint non-visible creatures and
objects unless they are within 5 ft. Clues Perception
Magical traps Spellcraft
Tremorsense: A creature with tremorsense is sensitive to Mechanical traps Disable Device
vibrations in the ground and gains a +8 bonus to Perception
checks to sense the location of anything that is in contact Records or files in an office Profession (Administration)
with the ground within the range specified. If it senses such a Secret doors Craft (Construction) or
creature, it can also pinpoint the target, even if no line of sight Disable Device
exists. Aquatic creatures with tremorsense can also sense Stonework traps, changes in Profession (Mining)
creatures moving through water. The ability's range is grade, etc.
specified in the creature's descriptive text.
Concealment, and its effects on Perception checks, is For other types of searches (finding finding a specific
handled as follows: treasure in a dragon’s hoard, for example), make an untrained
Intelligence check. High elves receive a +2 racial bonus on
Blur: Provides the equivalent of partial concealment this check from their keen senses racial trait; rogues receive
against creatures whose primary sense is vision. a bonus on this check equal to their class level, to simulate
Bright Light: Provides favorable conditions (-2 to visual their training in larceny.
check DCs) for those things that are illuminated. Find Clue: If there is a clue at a scene, you can attempt to
find it with a Perception check (DC dependent on how
obscure the clue is). If the scene has been somewhat
Concealment, Partial: Partial concealment applies a 20% disturbed, add 5 to the DC; add 10 to the DC if the scene has
miss chance in combat. In general, conditions of dim or been intentionally wiped.
shadowy light provide partial concealment against Action: As noted above, passive Perception checks are
creatures whose primary sense is vision. reactive, made in response to observable stimulus. Active
Concealment, Total: If you have line of effect to a target checks, when intentionally searching for stimulus, require a
but not line of sight (or other primary sense), the target is move action.
considered to have total concealment from you. You can't Try Again: Yes. You can try to sense something you missed
attack an opponent that has total concealment, though you the first time, so long as the stimulus is still present.
can attack into a square that you think he occupies. A
successful attack into a square occupied by an enemy with
total concealment has a 50% miss chance. You can't
execute an attack of opportunity against an opponent with
total concealment, even if you know what square or
squares the opponent occupies, unless you have the Blind-
Fight feat.
Dim Light: Provides “unfavorable conditions” (+2 to visual
perception DCs) to you unless you have low-light vision.
Displacement: You gain the equivalent of total
concealment against sight (but not against other senses),
but cannot use it to hide.
Invisibility: You cannot be pinpointed by creatures whose
primary sense is sight (i.e., you have total concealment
against them). You still must succeed at a Stealth check
against observers to avoid being sensed, and invisibility
provides a much lower bonus to this check than in the
core rules, as described in Chapter 7.
Passive Checks: When passing within 30 ft. of an open
Planar Sense (Wis) planar boundary, rift, or gate, you automatically notice it if
Man was deficient in sensitivity, had no awareness of the your Planar Sense bonus is at least +10. In addition, a
multitude of dimensions that filled the universe, each plane number of the Class Skill uses (below) are passive.
intersecting with several others. Not so the Vadhagh or the Class Skill: If Planar Sense is a class skill for you, you
Nhadragh, who had known what it was to move at will gain the following additional abilities at the indicated number
through the dimensions they termed the Five Planes. They of ranks:
had glimpsed and understood the nature of many planes, Witch Sight: If you have at least 1 rank, you can see into
other than the Five, through which the Earth moved. the ethereal plane. The range of this vision is equal to 5 ft.
―Michael Moorcock, The Knight of the Swords (1971) per rank in Planar Sense you possess. This ability
You are skilled at sensing and passing through the supersedes the Incantatrix’ see ethereal prestige class
interstices between worlds. This tasks listed for this skill feature, from Magic of Faerun. Note that basilisks and
subsumes many of the planar class substitution features of gorgons both receive 1 bonus rank in Planar Sense as a
the same names from the Planar Handbook. class skill per racial Hit Die (see 1st edition Monster
Check: The following basic tasks are possible: Manual).
Task Check DC Breach Sense: If you have at least 6 ranks, you
Planar magic 15 + (2x spell level) automatically sense the imminent opening of a planar
breach (for example, a plane shift or summon monster
Portal sense 20 spell) within 30 ft. As long as you have a line of sight to the
Portal intuition (directionality) 15 breach, you can pinpoint its exact location. This ability
Portal intuition (activation) 20
supersedes the planar substitution feature of the same
name from the Planar Handbook.
Portal intuition (destination) 25
Teleport Sense: If you have at least 11 ranks, whenever a
Sense planar trap 25 + spell level creature uses a spell or effect from the conjuration
Sense past breach 20 (teleportation) school to appear within 60 feet of you, you
Closed portal +10 automatically detect the teleportation, and you
automatically are not surprised by it and can act in the
Planar Magic: Spontaneous casters attempting to cast surprise round if combat begins immediately. If combat
spells on planes with different magical laws can attempt a against the creature that teleported near you begins within
Planar Sense check as part of the casting in order for their 1 minute of the teleportation, you gain a +4 circumstance
spells to have the normal effects (DC 15 + twice the level of bonus on the initiative check in that fight. If you also have
the spell); this increases the casting of a standard-action spell the Combat Reflexes feat, any creature using a
to one full round, so that the spell takes effect on the caster’s teleportation effect to enter or leave a square threatened
next turn. If you succeed by a margin of 10 or more, the by you provokes an attack of opportunity, even if casting
casting time is not increased. defensively or using a supernatural ability. This subsumes
Portal Sense: If actively looking for a gate or portal, the the feat of the same name, from the Pathfinder Chronicles
check is DC 20. The DC increases by 10 if the gate is closed Campaign Setting, and also the Teleport Tactician feat
(minimum bonus +20 to notice automatically, DC 30 if from the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide.
Portal Intuition: By studying an existing portal, you can Action: Passively sensing a portal or incoming teleport
determine whether it is 1-way or 2-way, and if the former, in does not require an action, although actively looking for a
which direction it operates (DC 15); any special gate or portal is a move action.
circumstances governing the portal’s use, such as knowing
that it can be activated only at particular times or under
particular circumstances (but not what they are), or whether a
key or command word is needed (but not what they are) (DC
20); and possibly the destination of a portal, gate or teleport
(DC 25).
Sense Past Breach: You can determine whether or not a
planar breach occurred within 30 feet of a particular spot
within the last 24 hours. To do this, you must succeed on a
DC 20 check. If you determine that a breach did occur in the
area, you may then use this ability to ascertain where it led, as
described above.
Sense Planar Trap: You can detect magical traps that
involve conjuration effects such as summon monster or
teleportation circle; the DC is 25 + the level of the conjuration
Check DC Standard Items Hidden Items
Sleight of Hand (Dex) 11 Swift action Move action
You are skilled at picking pockets. In addition, this skill lets 16 Free action 1/rd. Swift action
you hide objects on your person, and ready objects and
weapons (even concealed ones) more quickly than normal. 21 Free action 2/rd. Free action 1/rd.
Active Check: The tasks that can be accomplished with 26 Free action 3/rd. Free action 2/rd.
this skill, and the checks and DCs for each, are described +5 (etc.) (etc.)
Disguise Spellcasting: When casting a spell, you may make Special: If you would normally be able to draw a weapon as
a Sleight of Hand check to make your verbal and somatic a free action twice per round, you can instead draw a weapon
components less obtrusive, muttering magic words under as an immediate action (for example, as part of an attack of
your breath and making magic gestures within your sleeves. opportunity or during a surprise round, even if you are
Your Sleight of Hand check is opposed by any observer's otherwise flat-footed).
Perception check. The observer's success doesn't prevent you Action: Hiding objects and picking pockets is a standard
from casting the spell, just from doing it unnoticed. On action. You can attempt a Sleight of Hand check as a move
subsequent attempts, you take a -10 penalty on a second action by taking a -10 penalty to the attempt, and as a swift
Sleight of Hand attempt against the same target (or while the action by taking a -20 penalty. Quick draw times are
same observer who noticed your previous attempt is discussed above.
watching you). Take 10: To save pointless dice rolling, you can Take 10 on
Drink Potion: Actions such as drinking a potion normally quick draw checks in combat (even if this would normally not
provoke attacks of opportunity; with a Sleight of Hand check be possible due to stress), so that a character with BAB +11
opposed to threatening creatures’ CMD, you can do so and the Rapid Shot feat would need a +16 Sleight of Hand
without provoking. bonus to throw a weapon in hand, then draw and throw three
Frisk: You can physically search a person for objects, more weapons in the same round.
concealed weapons, or contraband. Roll a Sleight of Hand Synergy: If you are also trained (at least 1 rank) in Perform
check, opposed by the target’s check results (if any) to hide (acting), you can adopt mannerisms and postures that make
objects on his or her person (see “Hide Objects,” below). If you appear defenseless. This deception grants you a +1
your search is made openly, the target must be helpless or circumstance bonus on initiative checks and attack rolls
willing, and you receive a +5 circumstance bonus on the made with a hidden weapon during the first round of combat.
check. A secret check works like picking the target’s pocket These bonuses increase by an additional +1 per 4 ranks in
(see below). Perform (acting) you possess. They do not apply if your
Hide Objects: Hiding an object on your person is a Sleight enemies spot your weapons prior to combat. This subsumes
of Hand check opposed by a Perception check by those who the Deceitful Appearances feat, from Dragon magazine, issue
are looking for the item (such as a guard watching out for 333.
weapons at a coronation). In addition, someone physically Try Again: You can retry checks made to hide objects and
searching you can make a Sleight of Hand check to find the pick pockets. If the situation permits, you can make
object (see “Frisk,” above). Hiding an object that is equal to or additional checks, or even take 20, as long as you’re not being
smaller than the size of a short sword grants a +2 actively opposed.
circumstance bonus on your check, whereas anything equal Untrained: You can try to hide objects as a Dexterity
to or larger than a longsword imposes a –2 penalty on your check. Without this skill, you may draw a weapon as a move
check. A heavy cloak or other similar clothing grants a +2 action, or (if your base attack bonus is +1 or higher) as a free
circumstance bonus as well. action as part of movement. Without this skill, you can draw a
Pick Pockets: You can use this skill to pick the pockets of hidden weapon as a standard action.
an unaware creature. This is a DC 20 check, but the DC
increases if the item is large or firmly attached (referee’s
discretion). The target makes an opposed Perception check to
notice your attempt. If the target succeeds, he notices the
attempt, regardless of whether or not you succeed.
However, if you spend 1 full round studying the mark, and
then announce that you are making a Sleight of Hand check
to take something from him or her, the target must roll his or
her Perception check first, and you know the results. You can
then decide whether or not to roll the Sleight of Hand check
based on this information. If you elect not to make the check,
you can make an opposed Bluff check to prevent the target
from noticing anything amiss. This supersedes the “measure
the mark” talent, from the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s
Quick Draw: With a successful Sleight of Hand check, you
can draw a weapon faster than normal:
Activate Blindly: Some spells or magic items are activated
Spellcraft (Int) by special words, thoughts, or actions. You can activate such
Each line that he beheld represented a single unit of the an item as if you were using the activation word, thought, or
spell, spoken or gestured. That power which filled it was, of action, even when you’re not and even if you don’t know it.
course, entered by Jelerak himself, in accompaniment to the You do have to perform some equivalent activity in order to
ritual, drawn either from his own being or a sacrificial source. make the check. That is, you must speak, wave the item
The problem for Holrun was to determine the sequence in around, or otherwise attempt to get it to activate. You get a +2
which the structure had been created back on his own plane competence bonus on your check if you’ve activated the item
—a difficult task, for the beginning was not readily visible. It
in question at least once before. If you fail by 9 or less, you
was an exceedingly intricate piece of work, and Holrun felt an can’t activate the device. If you fail by 10 or more, you suffer a
unwilling admiration for the man’s technical proficiency. mishap. A mishap means that magical energy gets released
―Roger Zelazny, The Changing Land (1981)
but it doesn’t do what you wanted it to do. The default
You have a working knowledge of magic and its various mishaps are that the item affects the wrong target or that
uses, and can identify spells as they are being cast or identify uncontrolled magical energy is released, dealing 2d6 points
spell effects that are in place. You can also detect, bypass or of damage to you. This mishap is in addition to the chance for
disarm magical traps, and you can identify or even activate a mishap that you normally run when you cast a spell from a
magic items that you would normally be unable to use. This scroll that you could not otherwise cast yourself.
skill also allows you to identify the powers and abilities of Determine Aptitude: If observing an opponent cast a spell
magical constructs. or use a spell-like ability in action, as an immediate action you
Active Checks: Spellcraft is used whenever your can attempt a Spellcraft check to identify the opponent’s
knowledge and skill of the technical art of casting a spell caster level and the highest-spell level he or she can cast. The
comes into question. You can answer questions concerning DC of this check is equal to 10 + the target’s caster level + the
magic, symbols, spells, and magic items with a successful target’s relevant caster ability modifier. This ability is from the
check. The DC depends on the difficulty of the question: 10 101 New Skill Uses preview from Rite Publishing.
for easy questions, 15 for basic questions, 20 for difficult Emulate an Ability Score: To cast a spell from a scroll, you
questions, and 25+ for truly rare pieces of knowledge. need a high score in the appropriate ability (Intelligence for
You can use this skill to activate a magic item other than a wizard spells, Wisdom for divine spells, or Charisma for
scroll or tome. Spellcraft lets you use a magic item as if you sorcerer or bard spells). Your effective ability score
had the spell ability or class features of another class, as if (appropriate to the class you’re emulating when you try to
you were a different race, or as if you were of a different cast the spell from the scroll) is your Spellcraft check result
alignment. You make a check each time you activate a device minus 15. If you already have a high enough score in the
such as a wand. If you are using the check to emulate an appropriate ability, you don’t need to make this check.
alignment or some other quality in an ongoing manner, you Emulate an Alignment: Some magic items have positive or
need to make the relevant check once per hour. negative effects based on the user’s alignment. Spellcraft lets
You must consciously choose which requirement to you use these items as if you were of an alignment of your
emulate. That is, you must know what you are trying to choice. You can emulate only one alignment at a time.
emulate when you make a Spellcraft check for that purpose. Emulate a Class Feature: Sometimes you need to use a
The DCs for various tasks involving checks are class feature to activate a magic item. In this case, your
summarized in the table below. effective level in the emulated class equals your Spellcraft
check result minus 20. This skill does not let you actually use
Task Check DC the class feature of another class. It just lets you activate
Activate item or spell blindly 25
items as if you had that class feature. If the class whose
feature you are emulating has an alignment requirement, you
Emulate a class feature 20 must meet it, either honestly or by emulating an appropriate
Emulate an ability score See text alignment with a separate check (see above).
Emulate a Race: Some magic items work only for
Emulate a race 25 members of certain races, or work better for members of
Emulate an alignment 30 those races. You can use such an item as if you were a race of
Identify auras while using detect 15 + spell level
your choice. You can emulate only one race at a time.
magic Identify Spell Being Cast: You can attempt this check is a
free action. If the check succeeds, you correctly identify the
Identify magic item properties See below opponent's spell and can attempt to counterspell it (as
Identify a spell as it is being cast 15 + spell level described in Chapter 7). If the check fails, you can't do either
of these things.
Identify a spell effect that is in place 20 + spell level Identify Construct Weaknesses and Abilities: With a
Identify materials made by magic 20 + spell level successful check, you can also identify constructs, their
Identify a spell that just targeted you 25 + spell level abilities, weaknesses, and special powers, as described under
the general Knowledge skill heading.
Identify construct See Knowledge
abilities/weaknesses skill
Use a wand 20
Identify Magic Item Properties: You can identify the If you beat the DC by 20 or more, you can selectively edit
properties of a wand, staff, rod, or other spell-completion item the spell. If it allows specific creatures to pass it without
by handling the item for 3 rounds, during which time you danger, you can modify which creatures it allows to pass,
must succeed at a Spellcraft check at DC = 15 + the caster adding your allies and restricting enemies if you desire. If
level of the item. N.B. Identification of magic items other than it is keyed to a certain individual (such as a mental alarm
those have been moved to other skills, as summarized in the spell) you change the key to yourself or to a designated
table below. companion, if you choose. You can also cause it to
Type of Item Relevant Skill
detonate at will (as a free action) from any distance.
Rod, staff, wand, etc. Spellcraft Dispel an Active Spell: This works similarly to disarming a
Potion, elixir, oil, dust, etc. Craft (alchemy) magical trap, in terms of exposing you to the spell’s effects. If
Scrolls, librams, tomes, etc. Knowledge (linguistics)
the spell is not normally susceptible to dispel magic, the DC
increases by an additional +10.
Weapons, armor, shields Craft (smith) Heighten Spell: You can increase the level of a spell as you
Gems, jewelry, rings Craft (lapidary) prepare it. All effects dependent on spell level (such as saving
throw DCs, damage caps, and ability to penetrate a lesser
Misc. wondrous items Knowledge (lore) globe of invulnerability) are calculated according to the
Artifacts Knowledge (lore) heightened level. See Chapter 9 for more effects of
Relics Knowledge (planes)
Heightening spells.
Action: Identifying a spell as it is being cast requires no
Use a Wand: Normally, to use a wand, you must have the action, but you must be able to clearly see the spell as it is
wand’s spell on your class spell list. This use of the skill being cast, and this incurs the same penalties as a Perception
allows you to use a wand as if you had a particular spell on skill check due to distance, poor conditions, and other
your class spell list. This use of the skill also applies to other factors. Attempting to ascertain the properties of a magic
spell trigger magic items, such as staves. item takes 3 rounds per item to be identified and you must be
Passive Checks: You gain a passive check to emulate able to thoroughly examine the object. The check is made as
alignment if you enter an area warded by a forbiddance spell part of the action (if any) required to activate the magic item.
or other effect that is keyed to alignment, even if you are not Retry: You cannot retry checks made to identify a spell,
aware of the effect. monster, or item. If you fail to learn a spell from a spellbook
Class Skill: If you are trained in Spellcraft as a class skill, or scroll, you must wait at least 1 week before you can try
you can attempt the following additional tasks: again. If you fail to prepare a spell from a borrowed
spellbook, you cannot try again until the next day. For
bypassing magic, you can retry if you have missed the check
DC by 4 or less, though you must be aware that you have failed in
order to try again. If you ever roll a natural 1 while attempting
Detect a magical trap or latent spell 25 + spell level to activate a magic item and you fail, then you can’t try to
Disarm a magical trap 25 + spell level activate that item again for 24 hours.
Dispel an active spell 20 + CL Special: You can take 10 when making a Spellcraft check
to disarm a magical trap. You cannot take 10 nor Aid Another
Heighten spell 20 + spell level with checks to use a magic device (only the user of the item
may attempt such a check).
Detect/Disarm Magical Traps and Spells: For and If you are a specialist wizard, add your specialist bonus to
disarming magical traps, you don’t necessarily know whether your Spellcraft bonus to identify, learn, and prepare spells
you’ve succeeded. The DC depends on how complex the spell from your chosen school. You take a –5 penalty on checks
is (DC 25 + spell level). made to identify spells from your opposed schools.
If the check succeeds, you detect the presence of a
warding spell, or disable the magic.
If it fails by 4 or less, you have failed but can try again.
If you fail by 5 or more, something goes wrong. If the trap
is an attack spell, you activate it. If you’re attempting some
sort of sabotage, you think the magic is disabled, but it still
works normally.
If you succeed by 5 or more, you know what it does.
If you beat a warding spell’s DC by 10 or more, you can
study a magic, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with
your party) without disarming it.
Tailing: When tailing someone, your Stealth check is
Stealth (Dex) opposed to the tail’s Perception check to notice you; the
You are skilled at avoiding detection, allowing you to slip target gets a –5 penalty to the check if he or she has no
past foes, strike from an unseen position, or tail someone reason to suspect a tail and does not actively look for one. To
without being spotted (or lose a tail). It is assumed that a lose a tail, the subject makes an opposed Stealth check. If the
stealthy character is moving silently, using available cover, subject takes evasive maneuvers but is not actually aware of a
stepping on rocks or shuffling to avoid tremorsense, and tail, he or she declares a DC for his or her check; if this
taking basic steps to remain upwind and/or camouflage his or evasion check succeeds, any tail must succeed at the same
scent. Senses other than vision therefore do not Stealth DC to follow.
automatically defeat Stealth (see the Perception skill for Passive Checks: Even when not sneaking about on tiptoe,
details). If you successfully use Stealth against a creature’s you are accustomed to walking softly and refraining from
Perception, that creature is unaware of your presence and making a spectacle of yourself. Assume that your Stealth
location. results are equal to 0 + your skill bonus, even when walking
Active Check: Your Stealth check is opposed by the normally, unless you make an effort to be more noticeable.
Perception check of anyone who might notice you. The Class Skill: If you have Stealth as a class skill, the
stealth check is modified as follows. penalties for moving quickly while using this skill, for hiding
after attacking, and for attempting to hide in plain sight are
Your Size Check Modifier reduced by 1 per rank (minimum -0). This supersedes the
Fine +16
“stealthy sniper” rogue talent from the Pathfinder Advanced
Players Guide. In addition, as you gain ranks, you gain the
Diminutive +12 following additional abilities:
Tiny +8 Stealth Synergy: If you have at least 6 ranks, when you
Small +4 and allies within your sight must make Stealth checks,
Medium +0
they can use their own dice rolls or your die roll,
whichever is higher. Each ally uses his or her own Stealth
Large -4 modifiers, however. This supersedes the rogue talent of
Huge -8 the same name, from Ultimate Combat.
Gargantuan -12 Distraction: If you have at least 11 ranks, whenever you
Colossal -16
are detected while using Stealth, you can immediately
attempt an opposed Bluff check against the creature that
Condition Check Modifier
noticed you. If this check succeeds, the target assumes
that the noise was something innocent and disregards the
Move half speed -0 detection. This only functions if the creature cannot
Move 2/3 or ¾ speed -5 actually see you. This ability can only be used once during
a given Stealth attempt. If the same creature detects your
Move full speed -10 presence again, the ability has no effect. Source:
Move double speed (charge) -15 Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide.
Run (x4 speed) -20 Shadow Blend: If you have at least 16 ranks, you are so
Hide after making ranged attack -10 stealthy in combat that you are treated as having partial
Hide after making melee attack -20
concealment (as by a blur spell; 20% miss chance).
Distance to cover -5 per 5 ft. Action: Normally, you make a Stealth check as part of
movement, so it doesn’t take a separate action.
Hide in Plain Sight: You can use Stealth to hide even while
being observed, but you take a -1 penalty per foot of distance
separating you from the nearest cover or area of
concealment. You must have enough movement remaining to
you that round to cover the distance to your place of
concealment. You can attempt to hide even if there is no
cover present, but this is at a -20 penalty.
Creating a Diversion to Hide: You can use Bluff to allow
you to use Stealth. A successful Bluff check can give you the
momentary diversion you need to immediately attempt a
Stealth check without penalty while people are aware of you.
Identify Local Figures: You can use the Streetwise skill to
Streetwise (Cha) identify underworld figures, police, and the like. Upon
You know your way around towns and cities, are observing such a figure whom you do not know personally, a
conversant with local customs and laws, and have an DC 20 check allows identification (this is normally a passive
advantage over others when it comes to dealing with criminal check, successful if your bonus is at least +10). If the person
elements. You can easily obtain directions, hail a taxi, find a has the Bluff skill, the DC is equal to his or her Bluff results
hotel, get a decent meal, negotiate subways, etc. in strange instead (this does not require an action on that person’s part,
cities. This skill is also used when attempting to gather or on yours). If the person is in disguise (see Perform skill),
information about persons or activities ranging from the you must first penetrate the disguise before you can attempt
Mayor to a Mafia boss; when attempting to recognize local to identify the person.
people you come into contact with; and when attempting to Find or Fence Item: You can make a Streetwise check to
locate or buy almost anything: legitimate but unusual items track down an item that is normally too expensive to be
(an imported cuckoo clock from the Black Forest) or purchased in the town or settlement where you are currently
contraband ranging from drugs, through illegal arms, to child located. The DC of this check is 10 + (the item's gp cost
prostitutes. Attempts to hire an assassin also fall under this minus the community's gp limit, divided by 1,000). If this
heading. check succeeds, you learn of a merchant who can supply the
Active Checks: Streetwise has a number of more item to you. You must still purchase it as normal.
specialized uses described below, which do require checks. By increasing the DC by 10 (20 + item’s cost/1,000 gp –
community limit/1,000 gp), you can also sell stolen items on
Task DC the black market. If the check fails by 5 or more, you do
Identify accent or ethnicity 10
something to spook the market, and take a penalty on similar
checks for 1 week equal to twice the margin by which your
Identify creature 10 + CR check failed. Furthermore, those in control of the black
Know local laws, popular 10 market may alert the authorities to your presence in an act of
locations, etc. reprisal for spooking the market or to divert attention away
from their illicit activities.
Know common rumor or local
15 Pass as Native: On a DC 20 Streetwise check in an
unfamiliar village, town, or city, you can get by without calling
Gather secret information 20 undue attention to yourself (unless you are of a race not seen
Identify/read graffiti and thieves’ 20 in that locale, in which case a Perform (acting) check is
marks needed). If actually questioned, you can use a Streetwise
Identify local figure 20 or opposed Bluff
check (opposed to the questioner’s Buff skill check) to
check correctly answer questions regarding local geography and the
like (“Hey, I’m from Philly, too! What high school did you say
Pass as native 20 you went to?”). If you fail this check, you can still attempt to
Find or fence Item See below Bluff your way through the questioning, but the person
questioning you receives a +4 bonus to his rolls to see
Spread rumor See below through your bluff.
Urban tracking See below Spread Rumor: You can attempt to spread a rumor though
a small town or larger settlement. You can do so a maximum
Gather Information: You can use Streetwise to gather number of times per week equal to your Charisma modifier
information about a specific topic or individual. To do this, (minimum 0). The DC is based on the size of the settlement,
you must spend at least 1d4+1 hours canvassing people at and it takes a week for the rumor to propagate through the
local taverns, markets, and gathering places (you can attempt settlement. If the check succeeds, the rumor is practically
to reduce the time spent to only (1d4+1) x 10 minutes, but accepted as fact within the community (those subsequently
this imposes a -10 penalty to your check).. The DC of this gathering information gain the rumor only, if they succeed at
check depends on the obscurity of the information sought, a DC 18 check but fail to beat your results; if they beat your
but for most commonly known facts or rumors, it is 10. For DC as well, they learn the true information and are aware that
obscure or secret knowledge, the DC might increase to 20 or your rumor is false, and might attempt to follow the false
higher. The referee might rule that some topics are simply rumor back to you). A failed check means the rumor failed to
not known by the common folk. gain traction, while failing by 5 or more causes the opposite
Identify Creature: Identifying civilized peoples by sight by a of the rumor or some other competing story to take hold.
Streetwise check has a DC of 10 + the creature’s CR. Community Size Check DC
Success means that you learn one piece of information
(usually its place of origin and purported abilities). For every 5 Small town 18
points by which your check result exceeds the DC you learn Large town 20
another piece of information. This ability works with civilized
humanoids only. Small city 25
Identify Marks: You can identify the common marks made Large city 30
by a thieves’ guild. Identifying the marks of a local thieves’ Metropolis 35
guild is a DC 20 Streetwise check, but this might be much
higher if the guild is using specialized marks.
Urban Tracking: You can track down the location of missing Survival (Wis)
persons or wanted individuals within communities. To find
the trail of an individual or to follow it for 1 hour requires a Man congratulated himself on his generalized structure. He
Streetwise check. You must make another check every hour could live on desert, on plain or ice, in forest or in city; Nature
of the search, as well as each time the trail becomes difficult had not shaped him to a special environment.
to follow, such as when it moves to a different area of town. ―Jack Vance, “The Men Return” (1957)
The DC of the check, and the number of checks required to You are skilled at surviving in the wild and following the
track down your quarry, depends on the community size and tracks left by others.
the conditions: Active Checks: You can keep yourself and others safe and
fed in the wild. You can recognize the tracks of, and identify
Community Size DC Checks Required by sight, common creatures of the wilderness.
Thorp, hamlet, or village 5 1d3 Task Survival DC
Small or large town 10 1d4+1 Get along in the wild 10
Small or large city 15 2d4 Know direction 10
Metropolis 20 2d4+2 Avoid natural hazards 15

DC Detect poison 15
Conditions Modifier Predict weather 15
Every three creatures in the group being sought -1 Resist weather 15
Every 24 hours party has been missing/sought +1 Follow tracks:
Tracked party "lies low" +5 Very soft ground 5
Tracked party matches community's +2 Soft ground 10
primary racial demographic
Firm ground 15
Tracked party does not match community's -2
primary or secondary racial demographic Hard ground 20
Identify creature 10+
If you fail a Streetwise check, you can retry after 1 hour of Locate animal, plant, or vermin 20
questioning. The referee should roll the number of checks
required secretly, so that the player doesn't know exactly how Detect animals and plants 25
long the task will require. You can cut the time between Locate dragon, humanoids, etc. 30
checks in half (to 30 minutes per check rather than 1 hour),
but you take a -5 penalty on the check. Trackless step Opposed check
Passive Checks: Basic city living skills, like how to use
subway tokens or how to tell where not to park on street Get Along in the Wild: On a successful check, you can
cleaning day, do not require a check. You are also entitled to a move up to one-half your overland speed while hunting and
passive check to notice a tail in a city, and to identify marks foraging (no food or water supplies needed). You can provide
and local figures (see above). If attempting to appear at home food and water for one other person for every 2 points by
in an unfamiliar community, but not making any special which your check result exceeds 10.
efforts, you are entitled to a passive check to pass as a native Know Direction: When outdoors, you can determine where
(see above) unless you do something to give yourself away or true north lies in relation to you.
your appearance, race, or language would automatically do Avoid Natural Hazards: On a successful check, you can
so. keep from getting lost or avoid natural hazards such as
Action: Identifying marks and local figures does not quicksand.
require an action. Using Streetwise to gather information Detect Poison: You determine whether a plant or creature
takes 1d4+1 hours of wandering the town, searching for is poisonous. You can determine the general effects of the
rumors and informants. poison (e.g., deals Str damage, etc.) if the check meets DC 20.
Retry: You can retry Streetwise checks made to gather Predict Weather: You can forecast the weather up to 24
information. You cannot retry checks to identify marks or hours in advance. For every 5 points by which your Survival
people, or know local landmarks/geography. check result exceeds 15, you can predict the weather for one
Untrained: A character without this feat can use gather additional day in advance.
information to find out information about a particular Resist Weather: On a successful check, you gain a +2
individual, but each check takes 1d4+1 hours and doesn't bonus on all Fortitude saves against severe weather while
allow effective trailing. moving up to one-half your overland speed, or gain a +4
bonus if you remain stationary. You may grant the same
bonus to one other character for every 1 point by which your
Survival check result exceeds 15.

Survival (Wis)
Follow Tracks: To find tracks or to follow them for 1 mile For a group of mixed sizes, apply only the modifier for the
requires a successful Survival check. You must make another largest size category. Apply only one (the largest) modifier
Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to from the visibility category.
follow. If you are not trained in this skill, you can make A check at the same DC for following tracks allows you to
untrained checks to find tracks, but you can follow them only identify the type of creature (animal, giant, etc.) making them.
if the DC for the task is 10 or lower. Alternatively, you can use If you succeed by 5 or more, you know the specific type of
the Perception skill to find a footprint or similar sign of a creature (e.g., ogres), and if you succeed by 10 or more you
creature’s passage using the same DCs, but you can’t use know how many of them there are. If you succeed by 20 or
Perception to follow tracks, even if someone else has already more, you are also able to determine how long ago the tracks
found them. were made, and additional information as determined by the
You move at half your normal speed while following tracks referee, which might include the creatures’ general health
(or at your normal speed with a –10 penalty on the check, or (wounded, staggered, etc.), whether their behavior is normal
at up to twice your normal speed with a –20 penalty on the for its kind, how heavy a load is being carried, etc. (e.g., “three
check). The DC depends on the surface and the prevailing hill giants, probably Veng clan judging from the footwear,
conditions, as given on the table. passed by here two days ago, and one of them is lightly
Very Soft Ground: Any surface (fresh snow, thick dust, wet Identify Creature: Identifying creatures by sight by a
mud) that holds clear impressions. Survival check has a DC of 10 or higher, depending on the
creature’s rarity (see Knowledge, below). This ability works
Soft Ground: Any surface soft enough to yield to pressure, with animals, fey, magical beasts, plants, and vermin.
but firmer than wet mud or fresh snow. Locate Animal or Plant: Your knowledge of signs, growing
Firm Ground: Most normal outdoor surfaces (such as conditions, and animal behavior allows you to find a specific
lawns, fields, woods, and the like) or exceptionally soft type of animal or plant. A successful check leads you in the
ordinary indoor surfaces (thick rugs and very dirty or correct general direction when at a distance (e.g., “probably
dusty floors). The creature might leave some traces in the deepest part of the woods”). As you get closer,
(broken branches or tufts of hair, partial footprints). subsequent checks may be needed to pinpoint an exact
location (e.g., “now check in the hollows beneath the biggest
Hard Ground: Any surface that doesn’t hold footprints at oaks.”).
all, such as bare rock or an indoor floor. Most streambeds This ability works normally for vermin as well as animals
fall into this category, since any footprints left behind are and plants. It works on dragons, giants, humanoids, magical
obscured or washed away. The creature leaves only traces beasts, and monstrous humanoids as well, but the check DC
(scuff marks or displaced pebbles). is 30.
Detect Animals and Plants: This function duplicates the 1st
Modifiers are summarized below. level spell of the same name.
Trackless Step: You can pass through natural terrain
Condition DC Modifier without leaving a discernible trail. Roll a Survival check;
Per 3 creatures in group being tracked –1 anyone attempting to track you must succeed at an opposed
check, with the modifiers shown in the table under “follow
Size of creature(s) being tracked: tracks” (including the modifier for group size; you can
Fine +8 attempt to obscure your comapanions’ trail).
Passive Checks: You automatically move without leaving
Diminutive +4 an obvious trail; the DC to follow you is equal to your skill
Tiny +2 bonus (if you move at full speed) or your skill bonus – 10 (if
Small +1 you hustle or run). You can instead choose to leave a trail, if
Medium +0 Class Skill: If survival is a class skill for you, you gain the
Large –1 following additional abilities:
Huge –2 Swift Tracker: The penalty for moving at more than half
Gargantuan –4 speed while tracking is reduced by 1 per rank in Survival
you possess (minimum -0).
Colossal –8
Per 24 hours since the trail was made +2 Timeless Tracks: If you have at least 6 ranks, when
Per hour of rain since the trail was made +2 tracking, halve the increase in DC for elapsed time since
the tracks were made (to +1 per day).
Fresh snow cover since the trail was made +10
Poor visibility:
Sea Wolf: If you have at least 11 ranks, you can attempt to
track creatures across or through the water, looking for
Overcast or moonless night +6 telltale signs like flotsam, disturbed seaweed, or whatever
Moonlight +3 (base DC 25).
Fog or precipitation +3
Tracked party hides trail (moving ½ speed) +5
Legendary Tracker: If you have at least 16 ranks, you can
track flying creatures by looking for lost feathers or scales,
telltale signs of wind passage or disturbances in clouds, and
knowledge of local wind currents; the base DC is 30.
Action: Varies. A single Survival check may represent activity
over the course of hours or a full day. Finding or interpreting
tracks is at least a full-round action, and it may take even
longer. Identifying creatures by sight does not require an
Try Again: Varies. For getting along in the wild or for
gaining the Fortitude save bonus noted in the table above, you
make a Survival check once every 24 hours. The result of that
check applies until the next check is made. To avoid getting
lost or avoid natural hazards, you make a Survival check
whenever the situation calls for one. Retries to avoid getting
lost in a specific situation or to avoid a specific natural hazard
are not allowed. For finding tracks, you can retry a failed
check after 1 hour (outdoors) or 10 minutes (indoors) of
Secondary Skills
Secondary Skills
In addition to the primary (adventuring) skills shown above, there are a number of secondary skills which, while useful in
certain situations, are not always immediately applicable to adventuring. Every character gains 1 skill rank per class level in a
specific secondary skill for free. Additional ranks can be purchased using skill points normally.
Secondary skills are grouped as Craft (skills involving making things), Knowledge (academic or intellectual skills), Performance,
and Profession (generally service- or skill-oriented professions with limited or nonexistent combat utility). Adding non-adventuring
skills to these categories (e.g., Profession: Farming) is encouraged in order to flesh out characters. Adding more useful or
adventuring-applicable secondary skills in an effort to bypass the primary skills (e.g., Profession: Acrobat) is obviously prohibited.
Key Armor Untrained Supersedes
Secondary Skill Ability Penalty? Use?
Alchemy Int No No Craft (alchemy), Craft (brewer) skills; Brew Potion feat

Construction Wis No No Craft (carpentry), Craft (stonemasonry), Craft (woodcarving), Knowledge

(architecture & engineering)

Lapidary Wis No No Craft (jeweler), Craft (lapidary), Forge Ring feat

Fine Art Wis No No Craft (painting, etc.), Forgery skills

Needlework Wis No No Craft (leatherworking), Profession (seamstress/tailor), etc.

Smith Wis No No Craft (blacksmith), Craft (armorer), Craft (weaponsmith) skills

Toxicology Int No No Craft (poison-making), poison use class feature

Linguistics Int No No Decipher Script, Read Languages skills; read magic cantrip, Scribe Scroll feat

Lore Int No No Appraise, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (ancient nobility), Knowledge (history);
identify spell

The Planes Int No No Knowledge (the planes), Knowledge (religion)

Warfare Int No No Knowledge (military insignia), Knowledge (tactics & strategy / military history),
Profession (soldier), Profession (siege engineer) skills

Acting Cha Yes Yes Perform (act, comedy, oratory), Disguise skill

Dance Cha Yes Yes Perform (dance)

Music Cha No No Perform (keyboard, percussion, string, wind instruments, sing)

Administration Cha No Yes Knowledge (law), Knowledge (business)

Driving Wis No No Drive, Pilot

Mining Wis No No Profession (miner), Knowledge (dungeoneering); Stonecunning

Sailing Wis No No Profession (sailor) skill

Masterwork and Magical Items: The rules for masterwork
items and magical items are the same. Costs for
Craft enhancement bonuses, for working in special materials, etc.
You are skilled in making some class of objects. A Craft are provided in Chapter 6 (masterwork and special items also
skill is specifically focused on creating something (e.g., Craft: count against your maximum numen, as described in that
Cooking, not Profession: Chef, since you are creating meals); chapter). Unless otherwise noted, creation of expendable
if nothing is created by the endeavor, it probably falls under items requires 1 hour per 250 gp base value (8 hours/day of
the heading of a Profession skill. Examples of Craft skills are work maximum), expenditure of materials equal to half that
given below; others can be added using those shown as cost, and an applicable Craft check.
guidelines. The creation of most magic items requires an appropriate
Routine Maintenance: One rank in the relevant Craft skill Craft skill (see below), with a number of ranks equal to the
is sufficient to perform routine maintenance tasks for items caster level prerequisite. Single-use items can be created
of that sort. For example, a fighter with one rank in Craft using the appropriate skill and caster level. Permanent items
(smith) can care for his weapons, armor, and horseshoes also require the Imbue Item feat. Unlike in the core rules, in
without them rusting; a character with one rank in Craft which the item crafter begins with a normal masterwork
(needlework) can maintain the party’s boots, cloaks, saddles, item, these rules assume that the crafting of the item, and the
and so on; a character with one rank in Craft (alchemy) can imbuing of magic into it, are part of the same process.
check the corks on acid vials to keep the contents from Imbuing a pre-existing item is still possible, but adds 50% to
evaporating. Maintenance of this sort is assumed to take the total crafting time, as much of the initial work must be
place while resting. Routine maintenance does not require a modified or undone first.
check. A partial list of applicable Craft skills is as follows:
Failure to perform routine maintenance imposes the Item Craft Skill
Broken condition on the item(s) after one adventure.
Exception: magical items bound to the character using Metal armor, weapons, shields, tools, etc. Craft (Smith)
personal numen (Chapter 6) are exempt from routine Amulets, figurines, jewels, lenses, rings, Craft (Lapidary)
maintenance when in that character’s possession. crystalline items
Check: You can practice your trade and make a decent Boots, cloaks, bags, robes, etc. Craft
living. You know how to use the tools of your trade, how to (Needlework)
perform the craft’s daily tasks, how to supervise untrained
helpers, and how to handle common problems. (Untrained Potions, oils, etc. Craft
laborers and assistants earn an average of 1 silver piece per (Alchemy)
day.) Rods, staves, wands, pipes, etc. Craft
The basic function of the Craft skill, however, is to allow (Construction)
you to make an item of the appropriate type. The time and Scrolls, manuals, etc. Linguistics
DC to craft an item depends on the complexity of the item to
be created. Traps (magical) Spellcraft
Traps (mechanical) Disable Device
Item Time DC
Repairing Items: Generally, you can repair an item by
Very simple item (club) 10 min. 5 making checks against the same DC that it took to make the
Typical item (iron pot) 1 hour 10 item in the first place. The cost of repairing an item is one-
High-quality, simple item (bell, sword, 1 day 15 fifth of the item’s price.
etc.) Action: See above.
Try Again: Yes, but each time you miss by 5 or more, you
Complex or superior item (lock, suit of 1 week
plate armor)
20 ruin half the raw materials and have to pay half the original
raw material cost again.
Masterwork or magical item 1 hour per 20+CL
250 gp Craft: Alchemy (Int)
value You are able to concoct arcane substances, some with
dubious qualities, others with wondrous properties. You are
also capable of brewing beer, fermenting and aging wine, and
Use half to one-third of the item’s market price as an distilling liquor. Although the default impression is of glass
estimate for the cost of the raw materials. These are alembics and chemical reagents, this skill applies equally to a
obviously not in-depth rules, but it isn’t really important how druidic hermit making herbal infusions out of weird plants
much money an adventurer can make by weaving baskets, collected from the forest.
and an NPC’s wealth can be hand-waved by the referee or
determined using wealth-by-level tables.
Alchemy is an example of the Craft skill, and follows the Targeted Brewing: If you have access to some body part of
basic rules listed for that entry. To make a special alchemical an individual (blood, hair clippings, etc.), you can create a
item using Craft (alchemy), you must have alchemical potion that is especially effective against that person, gaining
equipment and be a spellcaster. If you are working in a city, a +1 on the saving throw DC or +1 to the effective caster level
you can buy what you need as part of the raw materials cost per +3 by which you increase Craft check DC for the potion.
to make the item, but alchemical equipment is difficult or The maximum improvement is +1 per 3 ranks of Craft
impossible to come by in some places. Purchasing and (Alchemy) you possess. This usage is described in Relics &
maintaining an alchemist’s lab grants a +2 circumstance Rituals: Excalibur (Sword & Sorcery Studios).
bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks because you have the Use Alchemical Item: When using alchemical items
perfect tools for the job, but it does not affect the cost of any (tanglefoot bags, etc.) yourself, you can add half your number
items made using the skill. of ranks in Craft (Alchemy) as a competence bonus to the DC
Check: Mundane liquids (beer, etc.) require a DC 10 check of the saving throws to resist the effects of those items.
(DC 15 for high-quality, and DC 20 for superior), and do not Class Skill: If Craft (alchemy) is a class skill, you gain the
require any magical talent on the part of the alchemist. Other ability to brew potions. You can create a potion of any spell (of
substances and items are summarized in the following table. maximum spell level equal to half your number of ranks) that
you know or can cast and that targets one or more creatures.
Item DC Alternatively, you might be able to substitute relevant talents
or feats for spellcasting ability, as described for the Imbue
Acid, mild (1d6) 15 Item feat. Brewing a potion takes 2 hours if its base price is
Acid, potent (2d6) 20 250 gp or less, otherwise brewing a potion takes 1 day for
each 1,000 gp in its base price. The DC is 15 + the spell level
Acid, concentrated (3d6) 30 for 0 – 3rd level spells, 20 + spell level for 4th – 6th level spells,
Alchemist’s fire, smokestick, or tindertwig 20 and 25 + spell level for 7th – 9th level spells. When you create
Antitoxin, gunpowder, sunrod, tanglefoot bag, or 25 a potion, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to
thunderstone cast the spell in question and no higher than your own level.
To brew a potion, you must use up raw materials costing one
half this base price. When you create a potion, you make any
Other Tasks Craft DC choices that you would normally make when casting the spell.
Advanced alchemy +10 Whoever drinks the potion is the target of the spell.
As you gain more class skill ranks, you also gain the
Augmented alchemy +10 following additional abilities:
Identify potion 10 + CL
Enhance Potion: If you have at least 1 rank, when drinking
Targeted brewing +3 per +1 to DC a potion, you can attempt a Craft (Alchemy) check at a DC
Use alchemical item Special equal to 20 + the potion’s caster level. If successful, the
potion functions at a caster level equal to your number of
Advanced Alchemy: By adding 10 to the Craft DC to create ranks in Craft (alchemy). On a failure, the potion fails to
an alchemical item or potion, you can add your Intelligence function at all. This supersedes the alchemist discovery of
bonus to the target DC values to resist the effects of the same name, from the Pathfinder Advanced Players
alchemical items you create. This supersedes the feat of the Guide.
same name, from Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist
(Open Design, LLC). Extend Potion: If you have at least 6 ranks, when drinking
Augmented Alchemy: When creating an alchemical item or a potion you can attempt a check (at DC 20 + the caster
substance, you can choose to make it more powerful than level of the potion) to cause the potion to last twice as long
normal by adding +10 to the DC required to create it and as normal. This supersedes the alchemist discovery of the
multiplying its price by 5. If the item or substance deals same name, from the Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide.
damage, double the base damage dealt (this does not multiply
a grenadier rogue’s sneak attack damage; instead, add the Create Oils and Dusts: At 11 ranks, you can create
increase in base damage to the total damage for the missile). magical oils and dusts; this requires all of the
If the item or substance doesn’t deal damage, double the prerequisites listed in the description of the item in
duration of its effect. If the item or substance doesn’t deal question and takes 1 day per 1,000 gp of the item’s base
damage and doesn’t have a specific listed duration (or has an price. The check DC is 20 + 1 per 1,000 gp of the
instantaneous duration), double all dimensions of its area. substance’s base cost. You use up ingredients worth half
This supersedes the feat of the same name, from the 3.5 the base cost. Substances that can be crafted in this
edition System Reference Document (“Epic Feats”). manner include, but are not limited to, the following:
Identify Potion: You are skilled in identifying a potion, candle of invocation, candle of truth, dust of appearance
either by the use of reagents (if a laboratory is available) or by (et al.), elixir of fire breath (et al.), sovereign glue, stone
sight and taste (if not). In either case, the DC is equal to 10 + salve, universal solvent, etc.
the caster level of the potion. Tasting a potion forces a saving
throw against poison, if the “potion” turns out to be an
ingested toxin instead.
Assess Damage: You can look over an item as a full-round
Dilute Potion: Also at 11 ranks, given an hour you can action and accurately measure how much damage the object
attempt to dilute any one potion or elixir, creating two has taken and how much more punishment it can take. With
doses of the same potion from one. Diluting a potion costs a successful check (DC 15 + the object’s hardness), you learn
a number of gp equal to one-quarter of the potion's market the object’s hardness, how many hit points of damage it has
value. A potion that has been diluted cannot be diluted taken, and how many more it can take before being ruined.
again. This task requires a check at the same DC as Source: 101 New Skill Uses (Rite Publishing).
brewing a potion; failure on this check ruins both doses. Assess Structural Weakness: When attacking an
This task supersedes the Alchemist’s “dilution” discovery unattended inanimate object, wall, or structure—or a
from the Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide. construct made of wood, stone, or other standard
construction materials other than metal—you ignore 1 point
Philospher’s Stone: If you have at least 20 ranks, you can of hardness or damage reduction per rank in Craft
create a philosopher’s stone (as the minor artifact) once (Construction) you possess. If you study an unattended object
per month; this requires a week of work, but uses no more for at least 3 rounds, you can attempt a Craft (construction)
materials than are normally stocked in your laboratory. check at DC 15 + the object’s hardness) in order to
automatically deal maximum damage possible against that
Personal Stock: You can create any number of potions or object (this does not work on constructs or undead).
alchemical items and flasks, but keeping them generally on Craft Ironwood: A successful Craft (construction) check in
hand forces you to count their value against your personal conjunction with the casting of the ironwood spell enables
numen (see Chapter 6). In that case, you pay out the you to make wooden items that have the strength of steel.
mundane cost once, tally the items against your numen, and Locate Structural Features: You can use your skill and
assume that the items are replenished whenever you are not experience at construction to help you notice things like
adventuring and have access to a laboratory and raw secret passages and the like. Searching generally requires a
materials. full-round action (although a passive check might be made by
Retry: Yes, but requires additional raw materials. A passing by); typical DCs are as follows:
confirmed critical failure during the process can potentially To Detect/Find: DC
destroy the laboratory area as well, particularly if gunpowder
or potions of flame breath are being created.. The restrooms in a restaurant 5
A concealed door 15
Craft: Construction (Wis) A hidden compartment 15
This skill allows you to design, build, and evaluate wooden, A typical secret door 20
stone, concrete, and metal structures (including bookcases,
desks, walls, houses, and so forth), and extends to various A very cunning secret door 30
fields such as plumbing, drywall, laying cement, and building
cabinets. For the sake of convenience, it also covers wood Craft: Fine Art (Wis)
carving, allowing you to craft wands and staves. “I suspect that the word [art] was invented by second-rate
Check: As per general Craft rules, and see below. intelligences to describe the incomprehensible activities of
Task Check DC their betters.”
―Jack Vance, Showboat World (1975).
Assess damage 15 + hardness
You can draw and sketch, and, with proper materials,
Assess weakness 10 produce works of fine art such as paintings and sculptures.
Build structure 15 (simple) to 30 (complex) Check Result Effort Achieved
Craft (ironwood) As Craft (Smith) DC 10 or lower Untalented amateur
Locate feature See below 11–20 Talented amateur
Build Structure: When building a structure from scratch, 21–25 Professional
the character describes the kind of structure he or she wants 26–30 Expert
to construct; then the referee decides if the structure is 31 or higher Master
simple, moderate, complex, or advanced in scope and
difficulty. Create Forgeries: Forgery requires writing materials (such
Type of Structure (Examples) Craft DC Time as ink, paper, and wax) appropriate to the document being
Simple (bookcase, false wall) 15 12 hr. forged. To forge a document on which the handwriting is not
specific to a person, you need only to have seen a similar
Moderate (catapult, shed, deck) 20 24 hr. document before, and you gain a +8 bonus on your check. To
Complex (bunker, domed ceiling) 25 1 week forge a signature, you need an autograph of that person to
copy, and you gain a +4 bonus on the check. To forge a longer
Magnificent (cathedral) 25 10 yrs. document written in the hand of some particular person, a
large sample of that person’s handwriting is needed.
Factor DC Time Initial Value Check DC
Document Type: 10 gp 10
Simple (typed letter, business card) 10 10 min. 50 gp 15
Moderate (letterhead, form) 12 20 min. 100 gp 20
Complex (driver’s license) 15 1 hr. 500 gp 25
Difficult (passport) 20 4 hrs. 1,000 gp 30
Extreme (secure military ID) 30 24 hrs. 5,000 gp 35

DC The check is then made, with the change in value of the

Familiarity: Mod. gem dependent upon the results:
Unfamiliar (seen once for < 1 minute) +5 Check
Fairly familiar (seen for several minutes) +0 Results Final Value
Quite familiar (on hand or studied at leisure) -5 DC -11 or Initial value decreases by 1 step according to
more the table above
Forger has produced other documents of same -5
type DC -6 to Initial value is cut in half
Document includes specific signature +5
DC -1 to -5 Initial value is unchanged
The check is made secretly, so that you’re not sure how DC +0 to Initial value increases by 20%
good your forgery is. As with disguise, you don’t even need to +9
make a check until someone examines the work. Your check DC +10 to Initial value is doubled
is opposed by a Knowledge (lore) or Profession +19
(administration) check of the person who examines the
document to check its authenticity. The examiner gains DC +20 or Increases 1 step according to the table above
modifiers on his or her check if any of the conditions on the
table below exist. A character trained in this skill can also identify the
Reader’s Condition Modifier properties of magical rings and jeweled wondrous items and
Type of document unknown to reader –2
jewelry. The DC is 15 + the caster level of the item, and
requires 3 rounds spent handling the item in question and
Type of document somewhat familiar +0 examining it under bright light.
Type of document well known to reader +2
Handwriting not known to reader –2
Craft: Needlework (Wis)
Handwriting somewhat known to reader +0
This broad skill heading encompasses the work of cobblers,
leatherworkers, seamstresses, tailors, tanners, weavers, and
Handwriting intimately known to reader +2 so on. You are trained in spinning thread, making clothes and
Reader only casually reviews the document –2 other garments, tanning leather and fashioning leather goods
(including boots), etc. In general, this skill receives most of its
Document contradicts orders or knowledge +2 use when crafting magical cloaks, boots, and the like.
A character trained in this skill can identify the properties
Action: Creating a forgery takes time as shown in the table. of magical cloaks, boots, belts, capes, and so on. The DC is
Creating a work of fine art requires anywhere from 1d4 days 15 + the caster level of the item, and requires 3 rounds spent
to 1d4 weeks, depending on the complexity and type of art. handling the item in question.
Craft: Lapidary (Wis) Craft: Smith (Wis)
You are trained in cutting gems and fashioning jewelry. In You are a skilled metalworker, and are capable of smelting
general, this skill receives most of its use when crafting ore as well as forging, tempering, welding, and machining
and/or identifying magical amulets, rings, and the like. metal tools and parts.
When finding a gem, a jeweler can attempt to improve its Check: The check DC depends on the item manufactured,
cut, thereby increasing its value. However, failure has a according to the following table:
chance of ruining the stone, so you cannot Take 20 on the
check. The DC is dependent on the initial value of the gem, as Item Craft DC
follows: Simple repair (patch a kettle) 5
Typical item (iron pot, horseshoe) 10
Armor or shield 10 + AC bonus
Weapon 15
Identify Item Properties: A character trained in this skill can Apply Poison: Applying poison to a weapon is a standard
also identify the properties of magical weapons, armor, and action. If you fail the check, you inadvertently expose yourself
shields. The DC is 15 + the caster level of the item, and to the poison and must save against the poison as normal.
requires 3 rounds spent handling the item in question. You This does not consume the dose of poison. Whenever you
can likewise identify exotic metal materials (Appendix B of attack with a poisoned weapon, if the attack roll results in a
Chapter 6) and their properties. natural 1, you expose yourself to the poison. This consumes
Class Skill: If you are trained in Craft (smith) as a class the poison on the weapon.
skill, when attacking an inanimate object crafted from metal A character with 10 or more ranks or Skill Focus in Craft
(such as a sword, door, or statue), or a metal construct that (toxicology) can take 10 while using poison, usually
possesses damage reduction (e.g., an iron golem), you ignore eliminating the chance for accidental exposure. He or she
1 point of hardness or damage reduction per rank you also has no chance of accidental exposure while wielding a
possess. poisoned weapon. This supersedes the assassin’s “poison
You can also work in special materials such as talonite, use” class feature.
alchemical silver, and Damascus steel (Chapter 6) with costs Concentrate Poison: You can combine two doses of the
less than 5,000 gp. same poison to increase their effects. This requires two doses
If you have at least 6 ranks, you can work in cold iron and of the poison and 1 minute of work. When completed, you
mithral. have one dose of poison, with the frequency extended by 50%
and the save DC increased by +2. You cannot re-concentrate a
If you have at least 11 ranks, you can work with concentrated poison.
adamantine. Detect/Identify Poison: You can detect a substance or
creature as poisonous by making a check against the save DC
If you have at least 16 ranks, you can work in planar of the poison. If you succeed by 5 or more, you identify the
materials such as Astral driftmetal. exact type of poison. You can identify poison by symptoms, by
taste, by scent (+3 to check DC), or possibly by sight alone (+4
Craft: Toxicology (Int) to the check DC). Use of this task requires a standard action;
you can attempt this task as a move action by adding 5 to the
“Some call it the coin-tree, others the good-for-naught. It is check DC, as a swift action by adding 10 to the check DC, or
completely inoffensive, either as a primary or an operative. as a free action by adding 15 to the check DC.
You might ingest the whole of it: leaves, bark, pith, roots, and Distill Poison: Given a proper lab and the requisite
note nothing other than a sluggishness of digestion. Recently materials (in many cases, a live monster or plant from which
one of our venefices became irritated at such insipidity. He to extract or distill venom), you may craft poisons at the DCs
made an intensive study of the coin-tree, and after several listed. This requires 1 day of work. If you fail with a natural
years finally derived a substance of unusual potency. To be “1,” you are exposed to the poison (because there are
useful it must be dissolved in methycin and wafted into the consequences for failure, you cannot Take 20 on the check).
air as a fog or mist, whence it enters the corpus through the Modify Poison: You can use this skill to change the
eyes, causing first blindness, then numbness, then complete exposure route of a poison. This requires 1 hour of work with
paralysis. Think of it! From waste, a useful and effective an alchemist’s lab and a skill check with a DC equal to the
poison!” poison’s DC +5. If successful, the poison’s type changes to
―Edelrod, Undermaster Venefice of Sarkovy (from Jack contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury (your choice). If the check
Vance’s The Palace of Love, 1967) fails, the existing poison is ruined. This function supersedes
You are skilled in making and using poisons. the Alchemist’s “poison conversion” discovery from Ultimate
Checks: You are skilled at crafting, modifying, identifying, Combat and the Daggermark Poisoner’s “master poisoner”
administering, and resisting poisons. ability from Paths of Prestige.
Task Craft (Toxicology) DC Class Skill: Your long exposure to poisons has given you
some measure of immunity. Choose one specific poison type
Administer poison See below (e.g., deathblade, blue whinnis, snake venom, or scorpion
Apply poison 10 venom). You become immune to that poison type, and you
also receive a cumulative +1 competence bonus on saving
Concentrate poison As poison’s save DC throws against all other poisons.
Detect/identify poison As poison’s save DC
For every 4 ranks you possess, select another specific type
Distill poison As poison’s save DC + 10 to gain immunity to, and your bonus against other types
Modify poison As poison’s save DC + 5 increases by +1.
Resist poison See below At 20 ranks in Craft (toxicology), you are immune to all
Administer Poison: When personally using poisons, rather
than simply using the poison DC as the Fortitude save DC to Action: As noted in the task descriptions.
resist, you can administer the poison with skill. The victim’s Source: This skill supersedes the assassin’s poison-based
Fortitude save DC is equal to your results on an opposed prestige class features, and also the Poison Immunity feat
Craft (Toxicology) check; you gain an equipment bonus to this from Champions of Ruin..
check equal to the poison’s DC –20 (if this number is below
zero, it acts as a penalty to your check).
Creature Frequency DC Modifier
Knowledge (Int) Common -5
Like the Craft, Perform, and Profession skills, Knowledge Uncommon 0
actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Rare +5
Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly Very Rare +10
an academic or even scientific discipline. Typical fields of
study include linguistics, lore (history, legends, riddles, and For example, learning the name, type, and environment of
unique items); religion and the planes; and warfare. a Rare creature would require check results of 20 or higher.
Check: Answering a question within your field of study has Action: Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge
a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or
or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). you don’t.
In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters Try Again: No. The check represents what you know, and
and possibly their special powers or vulnerabilities. Not all thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know
creature types have a dedicated Knowledge skill; some can be something that you never learned in the first place.
subsumed into other skills. Recommendations are as follows, Untrained: An untrained Knowledge check is simply an
although some overlap is assumed. Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only
Creature Type Knowledge Skill common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).
Animals, plants, and vermin Survival
Knowledge: Linguistics (Int)
Constructs Spellcraft
“I always enjoyed learning a new tongue.”
Dragons Knowledge (lore) “You always were a cunning linguist, James.”
Fey Survival or Knowledge ― Goldeneye (1995)
(lore) You are skilled at working with language, both in its spoken
Humanoids (civilized) Streetwise and written forms. You can speak multiple languages and can
decipher nearly any written matter ―including dead arcane
Humanoids (uncivilized) Knowledge (warfare) languages and coded messages―given enough time. This
Humanoids (monstrous), giants Knowledge (lore) skill allows you to create works of poetry and prose, and to
Oozes Profession (mining)
perform great feats of oratory.
Your native language is always most familiar to you; you
Outsiders, elementals, and Knowledge (the planes) receive a +8 racial bonus to linguistics checks in that tongue.
undead Other languages you know by virtue of race, intelligence, or
Sea monsters Profession (sailing) ranks in this skill use your Linguistics skill bonus.
When you select the Linguistics skill, you immediately
Subterranean (any) Profession (mining) learn to read any language you can speak. For every even-
numbered rank (2nd, 4th, etc.), you learn to speak an
The knowledge gained depends on the check results, as additional language. For every odd-numbered rank beyond
shown below; information gained is cumulative. the first, you learn to read the last language you learned to
Check speak.
Results Information Gained Check: Basic communication (ordering beer, etc.) normally
10 Type (fey, outsider, undead, etc.) and features
does not require a check; it can be assumed that you are
common to that creature type taking 10. More advanced communication might, depending
on the difficulty. Imitating and recognizing accents, making
15 Creature name and environment speeches or reciting poetry, and creating works of poetry and
20 Organization and (Ex) abilities prose all require checks as well:.
25 (Su) and (Sp) abilities
30 Information unique to individual

The various check DCs listed are in no way dependent on

the CR of the creature; however, the rarity of the creature can
modify the check DCs needed to gain specific information.
Monster frequency can be determined on a campaign-specific
basis by the referee, or can simply be taken from the
appropriate entry in the 1st edition Monster Manual, Fiend
Folio, etc.
Task Linguistics DC
Read Lips: A subject taking pains to avoid lip reading can
attempt a Bluff check to unobtrusively make them harder to
Basic communication (shared tongue) 10 read (use their Bluff results as an opposed check, rather than
General conversation 15 using the DC listed), or can simply put a cloth, etc. over his or
her mouth (no chance of reading lips, but the intent is
Complex, in-depth discussion 20 immediately obvious).
Compose work See below Read Magical Writing: You can decipher magical writings
Debate and oration Opposed checks
on a successful Linguistics check. This allows you to identify
scrolls, for example.
Decipher script See below Speak without Accent: A casual listener assumes that you
Identify accent 20 are speaking your native language. A listener who knows the
language you are speaking can attempt an opposed check to
Identify magical glyph 25 + spell level determine that something is very slightly off. Rather than
Identify regional dialect 30 simply speaking like a native, you can pull off a native-
Learn arcane spell from a book/ scroll 10 + spell level
sounding accent in a regional dialect with a DC 35
Linguistics check.
Prepare from borrowed spellbook 15+ spell level Understand Foreign Tongue: You can try to understand a
Read lips 25 language you do not speak. Each major idea conveyed
requires a separate attempt; your level of comprehension
Read magical writing 25 + spell level depends on your check results.
Speak without accent 30 Results Level of Comprehension
Understand foreign tongue See below 20 General sense of subject of major topic
Use scroll 20 + caster level 25 Some specific details, but shaky grasp
Compose Work: When creating a work of writing or 30 Pretty good idea of topic and details
oratory, the player simply makes a Linguistics check, the 35 Perfect comprehension due to linguistic
result of which determines the quality of the work. similarities with known languages
Check Result Effort Achieved
If the creature being conversed with attempts to speak
9 or lower Untalented amateur slowly and carefully, and makes liberal use of pantomime
10–19 Talented amateur (trying to make you understand), you can attempt a Bluff
check to interpret those efforts in place of a failed Linguistics
20–24 Professional check.
25–30 Expert Use Scroll: If you are casting a spell from a scroll, you have
31–35 Master
to decipher it first. Normally, to cast a spell from a scroll, you
must have the scroll’s spell on your class spell list. If you are
36+ Enduring classic trained in Linguistics, you can attempt use a scroll as if you
had a particular spell on your class spell list. The DC is equal
Decipher Script: You can decipher writing in an unfamiliar to 20 + the caster level of the spell you are trying to cast from
language or a message written in an incomplete or archaic the scroll. In addition, casting a spell from a scroll requires a
form. The base DC is 20 for the simplest messages, 25 for minimum score (10 + spell level) in the appropriate attribute.
standard texts, and 30 or higher for intricate, exotic, or very If you don’t have a sufficient score in that ability, you must
old writing. If the check succeeds, you understand the general emulate the ability score with a separate check. This use of
content of a piece of writing about one page long (or the the skill also applies to other spell completion magic items.
equivalent). If the check fails by 10 or more, you draw a false Class Skill: If Knowledge (linguistics) is a class skill for
conclusion about the text. you, you can scribe magical scrolls. To create a scroll of a
Debate and Oration: The linguistics skill can be used in a spell you know requires a linguistics check at DC 15 + the
series of opposed checks, to simulate the swaying of an level of the spell to be scribed. Scrolls of multiple spells
audience during a debate―somewhat like a Mass Diplomacy require multiple checks. If a check fails by 4 or less, the
skill. This function therefore generally supersedes the inscriber is aware of his failure. On a failure of 5 or more, the
Demagogue bard archetype from Ultimate Magic. You can spell appears to be scribed correctly, but fails when cast.
also use this task to potentially disrupt a language-dependent Failure by 10 or more indicates that the spell appears correct,
magical effect or skald’s bardic inspiration effect; this works but has a reversed or harmful effect when read. Scribing a
as described under the “countersong” function of the Perform scroll takes 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or less,
(Music) skill (q.v.). otherwise scribing a scroll takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its
Identify Magical Glyph: With a successful Linguistics base price.
check, you can determine the meaning or effects of a magical
rune, glyph, or symbol without triggering it (assuming it is Comprehend Languages: If you have at least 6 ranks, you
triggered by being read, not merely by being looked at). can puzzle out anything people say to you, as if under a
continuous comprehend languages effect.
Information DC
Enhance Scroll: If you have at least 11 ranks, when using a Recent or historically significant event 10
scroll you can cause the spell on it to function at your caster Approximate date of specific event 15
level, rather than the caster level of the scroll. This requires a
check at DC 20 + the level of the spell. This ability supersedes Obscure or ancient historical event 20
the Cyphermage’s lore of the same name, from the Pathfinder Creature abilities/weaknesses See
Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic. above
Name of item/place (e.g., “Sword of Kas”) 20
Gift of Tongues: If you have at least 16 ranks, you speak all Value of object 20
languages fluently, even ones you have never encountered.
Properties of standard item 20 +
Personal Stock: You can scribe any number of scrolls, but CL
keeping them generally on hand forces you to count their Properties of wondrous item 15 +
value against your personal Mojo (see Chapter 6). In that CL
case, you pay out the materials cost once, tally the scrolls
against your mojo (25 x spell level x minimum caster level), Rumored powers/effects of artifact/relic 25
and assume that the scrolls are replenished whenever you One specific fact about item or place (e.g., “cutting 30
are not adventuring and have access to parchments and ink. off the Hand will kill the host.”)
Synergy: If you have the Imbue Item feat, you can scribe Each specific fact thereafter +5
magical librams and tomes. This requires 1 day per 1,000 gp
of base cost, uses up materials (special inks, etc.) worth half Creature Abilities and Weaknesses: With a successful
that, and has a DC of 25 + 1 per 10,000 gp base price (round check, you can also identify dragons, fey, giants, monstrous
up). humanoids, and unique legendary creatures, and their
Action: Varies. Creating a work of writing requires at least abilities, weaknesses, and special powers, as described under
1 hour, but usually takes a day, a week, or more, depending on the general Knowledge heading.
the scope of the project. Deciphering a page of ordinary text Properties of Magic Items: You can determine the
takes 1 minute (10 consecutive rounds). Deciphering a properties of an artifact or relic, a wondrous item other than
written spell requires 1 minute of concentration. Learning a jewelry and written items, etc. with a successful check at DC
spell from a spellbook takes 1 hour per level of the spell (0- 15 + the item’s caster level. Any item of legendary repute (e.g.,
level spells take 30 minutes). Preparing a spell from a the signature bonded wand used by Rémy of Autrisch in the
borrowed spellbook does not add any time to your spell dungeons beneath Castle Greyhawk) can be identified
preparation. likewise. This takes one full round.
Try Again: Yes. You can also use this skill to identify other, more standard
magic items of any type, but this is more difficult; the check
Knowledge: Lore (Int) DC increases by 5 and the time required increases to 3
“Since spring the lords of An have been asking two questions rounds, during which time you must handle the item in
only: who is Raederle to marry, and what was the one riddle question.
Pevin couldn’t answer? Hagis King of An, my father’s Value of Object: If you succeed by 5 or more, you also
grandfather, died in Pevin’s tower for the lack of that riddle.” determine if the item has magic properties, although this
―Patricia McKillip, The Riddle-Master of Hed (1976) success does not grant knowledge of the magic item's
You are a scholar of history, legends, and old riddles. Along abilities. If your fail the check by less than 5, you determine
the way, you’ve become something of a walking storehouse of the price of that item to within 20% of its actual value. If you
history and trivia. fail this check by 5 or more, the price is wildly inaccurate,
Check: In addition to recalling esoteric facts and solving subject to GM discretion. Particularly rare or exotic items
riddles, with this skill you can evaluate the value of any object might increase the DC of this check by 5 or more.
or comestible, picking out priceless treasures from worthless You can also use this check to determine the most valuable-
junk. You might also be able to determine a place or culture looking item in a treasure hoard. The DC of this check is
of origin and/or some piece of information associated with generally 20, but can increase to as high as 30 for a
the item in question. You can identify unique historical particularly large hoard.
magical items (artifacts, relics, or weapons of legacy) or Special: Riddling contests (Cf. The Hobbit) and trivia
legendary places. The amount of information you have on the contests are resolved using a series of opposed Knowledge
item in question depends on the check results: (lore) checks.
Action: Appraising an item takes 1 standard action.
Determining the most valuable object in a treasure hoard
takes 1 full-round action;
Try Again: No.
Planar Resistance (Mild): If you succeed at a DC 20
Knowledge: The Planes (Int) Knowledge (the Planes) check upon arriving on a mildly-
He immediately commenced an almost profound stream of aligned plane, you are immune to ability penalties due to
profanity. Dilvish listened with admiration, for even in his alignment variance until you leave that plane. For every 5
military days he would have been hard put to find its equal. points by which you beat the DC, you can confer this
“You managed to blaspheme gods even the priests have resistance on one ally.
forgotten,” he said with awe in his voice. Planar Resistance (Strong): If you succeed at a DC 30
Roger Zelazny, The Changing Land (1981) Knowledge (the Planes) check upon arriving on a strongly-
You have a working knowledge of the multiverse, including aligned plane, you are immune to ability penalties due to
both the inner and outer planes. You are familiar with many alignment variance until you leave that plane.
of the conditions and entities found on different planes, from Planar Spell: As noted in the Introduction, in general,
minor spirits to divine powers. arcane casters attempting to cast unmodified prepared spells
Check: You can identify items of information related to on planes with different magical laws fail automatically, or
gods and goddesses, religions, ecclesiastic tradition, holy achieve questionable results (as a rod of wonder). Prepared
symbols, undead, and extraplanar beings. casters can attempt a Knowledge (the planes) check while
preparing spells (DC 15 + twice the level of the spell); if
Task Check DC successful, the spell prepared in that manner functions
Identify holy symbol/vestments 15
normally on the variant-magic plane. If the check succeeds by
10 or more, the spell functions normally on either plane.
Identify ritual 20
Identify mythic event 30 Knowledge: Warfare (Int)
Identify abilities and weaknesses See above You are trained in military tactics and strategy, and can direct
troops and operate siege equipment. In addition to military
Identify relic or extraplanar material 15 + caster level uses, this skill governs your proficiency at chess and similar
Identify a divine spell being cast 15+ spell level games of strategy.
Identify active divine spell effect 20+ spell level Check: Basic drills in non-combat situations do not require
checks. During an actual armed conflict, checks depend on
Identify materials of extra-planar origin 20+ spell level (if the task attempted.
or made by divine power applicable)
Task DC
Identify a divine spell or planar property 25+ spell level (if
that just targeted you applicable) Create battle plan 15
Planar resistance (mild) 20 Estimate CR 10 + CR
Planar resistance (strong) 30 Identify creatures & tactics 10 + CR
Planar spell 15 + 2x spell Identify enemy command 20
Identify feat or talent 10 + BAB
Identify Ritual: You can deduce the significance, purpose, Identify style (general) 15
and patron deity of any religious ritual you observe. You can Identify style (personal) 25
determine the sacrifices and/or prayers approved by various
deities. Large-scale tactics (Opposed check)
Identify Mythic Event: Upon observing an actual event or a Mask style (Opposed check)
depiction of one in painting or sculpture, you can determine Negate stance 20 + BAB
the religious or planar significance of the event. For example,
if you see a carving of golden rain falling into a bronze cell, Operate siege engine 15 or target’s AC
you can identify this as a depiction of the god Zeus entering
the prison of the princess Danaë, and you know that the Create Battle Plan: You can develop a tactical battle plan.
offspring of that union was Perseus, who slew Medusa. This task requires observation of the situation and opponents
Identify Abilities and Weaknesses: You can use this skill to as a full-round action; you can’t perform this task when
identify elementals, outsiders, and undead and their special surprised or otherwise unprepared. Because of stress and
powers or vulnerabilities, as described under the general distraction inherent in combat, you can’t take 10 unless you
Knowledge heading. have at least 10 ranks in the skill.
Identify Relic or Extraplanar Material: You can identify a A successful check provides a +1 circumstance bonus to
holy/unholy relic by succeeding at a check at the DC listed; either offense (attacks and skill checks) or defense (AC and
this requires you to study the item in question for 1 full round, CMD), your choice. For every 10 points by which you beat the
although you need not actually touch it. You can identify the check DC, you can increase the bonus by an additional +1. If
properties of planar items (e.g., a cubic gate or sword of the the bonus is greater than +1, you can divide the total bonus
planes) or religious magical items (e.g., a phylactery of between offense and defense as you see fit.
faithfulness) likewise. You can identify extraplanar materials
(Appendix B of Chapter 6) likewise.
These bonuses apply to you and a number of allies within 30 Operate Siege Engine: If you have at least 5 ranks in
ft. (and who can see and hear you) equal to your Intelligence Knowledge (warfare), you are proficient with siege weaponry
modifier. For each round that combat continues after the first and can head a siege crew. Hitting a target requires a
round that this bonus applies, the bonus is reduced by 1 (to a Knowledge (warfare) check by the crew chief against the AC
minimum of +0), as the vagaries of circumstance begin to of the target, modified by the range penalty as appropriate. It
unravel even the best-laid plans. takes a crew a full-round actions to load and aim a siege
Estimate CR: After observing a creature in combat for at engine; if you increase the hit DC by 5, your crew can load
least 1 full round, you can attempt a Knowledge (Warfare) and aim as a standard action; if you increase the DC by 10,
check at the DC shown as a free action. If successful, you your crew can load and fire as a move action. It requires a
learn that creature’s challenge rating. crew (size dependent upon the type of engine) to use a siege
Identify Creatures and Tactics: With a successful check, engine.
you can also identify uncivilized humanoids, their abilities, If you miss with an indirect-fire siege weapon, the shot
weaknesses, and typical military tactics. See the general lands 5 ft. away from the target square, plus an additional
Knowledge heading for details. foot per point by which you miss the DC (round up), in a
Identify Enemy Command: Your military experience makes random direction (roll 1d8). This task supersedes the Siege
you comfortable in a chain of command, and allows you to Engineer and Siege Gunner feats from Ultimate Combat.
identify comparative rank and possibly even the meanings of Try Again: If you miss a target with a siege engine, you can
military insignia. try again after reloading and re-aiming the engine (just as, if
Identify Feat: Upon observing a combat feat (including a you miss a target with a ranged attack, you can try again on
stance or strike) or fighter talent being activated or in use your next attack). If you misinterpret insignia or a perceived
(even if it fails, or if no effect is immediately apparent), a chain of command, you can try again only if additional orders
Knowledge (Warfare) check can be attempted as a free action are given while you are observing.
to identify the feat or talent and its effects. The DC of this
check is equal to 10 + the base attack bonus of the initiator of
the feat. If the check succeeds by 5 or more, you also identify Perform
the school or style of combat the initiator was trained in. Like Knowledge and Craft, Perform actually encompasses a
Identify Style (Personal): You can identify anyone you have number of separate skills. Obvious examples include acting,
ever seen fight before, based purely upon seeing them fight music, and dance (each described separately), but other
again. Even if the person is disguised or otherwise Perform skills can be included.
unidentifiable based on visual cues, by seeing them fight you Check: You can impress audiences with your talent and
can identify and correlate styles, personal foibles and quirks, skill.
and otherwise know that combatant for anyone you have seen
fight in the past. If the person you are observing is also DC Performance
trained in this skill, he or she can attempt to mask his or her 10 Routine performance. Trying to earn money by playing
particular style (see “mask style,” below). Special: If the in public is essentially begging. You can earn 1d10
person you are observing is using the same weapon you cp/day.
previously saw them fight with, you receive a +5 circumstance 15 Enjoyable performance. In a prosperous city, you can
bonus to the check. earn 1d10 sp/day.
Large-Scale Tactics: By directing a unit of soldiers, your 20 Great performance. In a prosperous city, you can earn
Knowledge (Warfare) check as treated as an opposed check 3d10 sp/day. In time, you may be invited to join a
against the Knowledge (Warfare) of the enemy leader. professional troupe and may develop a regional
Assuming troops of approximately equal strength and arms reputation.
and armor on each side, the difference between checks is the 25 Memorable performance. In a prosperous city, you can
number of soldiers on the losing side dead per 20 earn 1d6 gp/day. In time, you may come to the
combatants during that engagement. attention of noble patrons and develop a national
Mask Style: You can attempt to prevent an observer from reputation.
divining your true style, training, and expertise (“I know 30 Extraordinary performance. In a prosperous city, you
something you don’t know… I am not left handed!”). You roll can earn 3d6 gp/day. In time, you may draw attention
an opposed check against the observer’s “identify style” task. from distant potential patrons, or even from
Alternatively, you can go wild attempting to disguise your extraplanar beings.
style and set any DC you desire; you and the observer both
throw against this DC, but if you fail, the observer Gather Crowd (Ex): You can use Perform skills in an
immediately knows the truth. Special: Any creature with 10 attempt at drawing an audience. If in a settlement or
or more Fighter levels automatically sees through your ruse; populated area, you can dance, sing, etc. in order to attract an
see the fighter’s “threat assessment” class feature. audience to your impromptu stage. The size of the crowd
Negate Stance: If you successfully identify an opponent’s depends on the local population, but typically is a number of
Stance (see Identify Feat, above), you can, as a swift action, people equal to half your number of ranks in Perform x the
attempt to spare yourself from the effects of that stance (for results of your Perform check. The crowd gathers over the
example, you might be able to ignore the AC bonus from next 1d10 rounds. If you fail to engage the crowd thereafter
Combat Expertise when attacking that opponent). This (such as by performing, kissing babies, trying to use
requires the opponent to be within reach, and you must have fascinate, and so on), it disperses over the next 1d10 rounds.
at least one attack of opportunity available to you in order to This task supersedes the Celebrity bard’s variant class
negate the effects of an opponent’s stance on you. feature of the same name, from Ultimate Magic.
False Enchantment: If you successful save against a
Perform: Acting (Cha) [charm] or [compulsion] spell targeting you, you can attempt
When you take your first rank in the skill, choose one of the a check at the indicated DC as an immediate action to
categories below (e.g., comedy); you have access to that entire convince the caster that you were in fact affected. This lasts
category. For each additional rank, you may choose one until the spell duration would normally end, or until you act in
specific example from a different category (e.g., drama). a way contrary to the spell’s effects (this task is therefore
Gaining two examples from any category gives you access to most useful when paired with a Spellcraft check to identify
that entire category. At 5 ranks in the skill, you are proficient the spell, or when the caster issues verbal commands).
in all of the categories listed. Class Skill: If you are trained in Perform (Acting) as a
• Acting (comedy, drama, mime, disguise)
class skill, you gain the following benefits at the requisite
• Comedy (buffoonery, limericks, joke-telling)
number of ranks:
• Oratory (epic, ode, storytelling) Impersonation: If you have at least 6 ranks, you can
Disguise: Your Performance check result determines how attempt to impersonate a specific individual. Those who
good the disguise is, and it is opposed by others’ Perception know what that person looks like get a bonus on their
check results. If you don’t draw any attention to yourself, Perception checks according to the table below; they are
others do not get to make Perception checks. If you come to also automatically considered to be suspicious of you, so
the attention of people who are suspicious (such as a guard opposed checks are always called for.
who is watching commoners walking through a city gate), it
can be assumed that such observers are taking 10 on their Familiarity Check Bonus
Perception checks.
You get only one disguise check per use of the skill, even if Recognizes on sight +4
several people are making Perception checks against it. The Friends or associates +6
effectiveness of your disguise depends in part on how much Close friends +8
you’re attempting to change your appearance.
Intimate +10
Disguise Details Check Modifier1
Different age category –22 Façade: If you have at least 11 ranks, your disguises resist
Different gender –2 divination spells and abilities. If a divination spell is cast
on you while in disguise, the spell or effect reveals
Different race of same general body type –2 information that is consistent with your disguise, not with
Different size category3 –8 your true identity, alignment, etc. In addition, when
targeted by a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability
(1) These modifiers are cumulative; use all that apply. that affects creatures of certain alignments, you are
(2) Per step of difference between your actual age category affected as if your alignment were that of your disguised
and your disguised age category. The steps are: young persona (if you succeed at a Spellcraft check to identify
(younger than adulthood), adulthood, middle age, old, and the spell, you can choose to adopt a new false alignment as
venerable. an immediate action). This ability supersedes the rogue
(3) Maximum one category of difference. talent of the same name from Dragon #326, the
Usually, an individual makes a Perception check to see Spymaster’s “deep cover” prestige class feature from
through your disguise immediately upon meeting you and Complete Adventurer, and the Aspis Agent’s “mask
each hour thereafter. If you casually meet many different alignment” prestige class feature from Paths of Prestige.
creatures, each for a short time, check once per day or hour, Assumption: At 16 ranks, as a full-round action you can
using an average Perception modifier for the group. touch a helpless creature and cause your aura to
Taunt: You can use Perform (acting) to disrupt an impersonate that of the target. This confuses divination
opponent’s focus and concentration. As a full-round action, effects and spells, even ones as powerful as discern
pick a single foe who can see and hear you and who shares a location, such that they register you as being the target
language with you. Then make a Perform check opposed by creature. This ability is not proof against the actions of
your target’s Will save. If your check succeeds, your enemy deities or similarly powerful beings. The assumption of an
suffers a –2 penalty to all attacks but gains a +1 bonus to identity lasts until you end it (a standard action) or you use
melee damage. Your opponent knows that your are causing the ability on another creature or disguise. This
this effect, and may move to attack you if he can do so supersedes the Master Spy’s class feature of the same
without provoking attacks of opportunity; your allies can name from the Advanced Player’s Guide
forgo these attacks in such a manner as to signal the target
that they will let him pass. This effect lasts for a number of Master of Disguise: If you have 20 ranks, you can
rounds equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. voluntarily remove yourself from game play as a full-round
You can also accomplish the following additional tasks with action. Thereafter, at any time you choose, you can
this skill. “reveal” that any non-crucial NPC (i.e., a palace guard, but
not the party’s nemesis) is actually you in disguise, and
Task Check DC has been since any point past the time you activated this
False enchantment 15 + spell level ability (your choice). It is up to you and the referee to
invent some reason the real NPC isn’t present, if that
turns out to be important.
Action: Varies. Trying to earn money by playing in public Countersong: You can use your musical abilities to disrupt
requires anywhere from an evening’s work to a full day’s magical attacks or abilities that rely on song. You must have a
performance. Creating a disguise requires 1d3×10 minutes of Perform area that involves music and, if necessary, an
work. If you have at least 5 ranks in the skill and already have instrument. Any creature within 30 feet of you (including
a disguise prepared, you can don it as a standard action, but yourself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent
take a -5 penalty to the check. magical attack may use your Perform check result in place of
Try Again: Yes. Retries are allowed, but they don’t negate a saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform
previous failures, and an audience that has been check result proves to be higher. Creatures within range of
unimpressed in the past is likely to be prejudiced against the countersong who are already under the effect of a non-
future performances. (Increase the DC by 2 for each previous instantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack
failure.) You may try to redo a failed disguise, but once others gain another saving throw against the effect each round they
know that a disguise was attempted, they’ll be more hear the countersong, but they must use your Perform check
suspicious. result for the save. Countersong offers no benefit against
Special: Magic that alters your form, such as alter self, effects that don’t allow saves. You may start a countersong as
disguise self, polymorph, or shapechange, grants you a bonus a standard action and keep it up for a number of rounds equal
on Disguise checks (see the individual spell descriptions). You to your ranks in Perform.
must succeed on a Disguise check to duplicate the You can also use countersong to ruin another person’s
appearance of a specific individual using the veil spell. performance. In this case, make an opposed check. If your
Divination magic that allows people to see through illusions results are greater than or equal to your opponent’s, then the
(such as true seeing) does not penetrate a mundane disguise, performance is disrupted (this can prevent or end a minstrel’s
but it can negate the magical component of a magically bardic inspiration effect).
enhanced one. You must make a Perform (acting) check Special: A masterwork musical instrument gives you a +2
when you cast a simulacrum spell to determine how good the circumstance bonus on Perform checks that involve its use.
likeness is.
Perform: Dance (Cha) Profession
When you take your first rank in the skill, choose one of the You are trained in some profession not associated with an
categories below (e.g., ballroom); you have access to that adventuring class. Examples might include administration
entire category. For each additional rank, you may choose one (you can function in a bureaucracy), horticulture (including
specific example from a different category (e.g., polka). farming, etc.), mining (see separate entry below), sailing (see
Gaining two examples from any category gives you access to separate entry below), etc.
that entire category. At 9 ranks in the skill, you are proficient
in all of the categories listed. Profession: Administration (Cha)
• Ballroom (tango, waltz, salsa, etc.) “Control is necessary and even good—so long as I do the
• Ballet controlling.”
• Eastern folk/traditional (punjabi folk dance, Chinese ―Jack Vance, Emphyrio (1969)
ribbon dancing, etc.) You are at home in bureaucratic organizations and among
• Western folk/traditional (jig, polka, square dancing, line regulations, and can competently allocate personnel and
dancing, flamenco, etc.) resources, manage employees and tasks, and preserve your
• Modern (cheerleading, contemporary, disco, own status within the organization.
breakdancing, krump, etc.) Check: You can use this skill in the following ways; other
Once you have acquired proficiency in a category, if you are related uses should also be permitted.
exposed to a specific example in that category that you are Find Ally: A successful skill check (DC based on Diplomacy
unfamiliar with, you are able to quickly and easily master the rules) might allow a character with Admin skill to name-drop
steps. their way into a shared relationship, even in unlikely
situations; think “six degrees of separation” here.
Perform: Music (Cha) Garner Favor: With a successful check (DC 20 + creature’s
When you take your first rank in the skill, choose one of the CR) you can compel an NPC to grant you some boon or
categories below (e.g., string instruments); you have access to perform some favor for you, by leveraging personal
that entire category. For each additional rank, you may knowledge, organizational pressure, some obscure point of
choose one specific example from a different category (e.g., procedure, or other means.
harpsichord). Gaining two examples from any category gives Know Law or Regulation: You can look up, cite, or at least
you access to that entire category. At 10 ranks in the skill, you understand the gist of a given law or regulation. The DC
are proficient in all of the categories listed. varies depending on the scale of the regulation and your
• Keyboard instruments (harpsichord, piano, pipe organ)
familiarity with the regulating body:
• Percussion instruments (bells, chimes, drums, gong)
• String instruments (fiddle, harp, lute, mandolin)
• Wind instruments (flute, pan pipes, recorder, shawm,
• Singing (ballad, chant, melody)
Regulation Admin DC
Escape Grapple (Trained Only): The driver of a car can
make a Profession (driving) check to escape being pinned
Major law in your home country 10 against the curb, etc.; the pilot of a starship can make a Drive
Major law in foreign country 15 check to escape after being held or immobilized by another
starship’s grapplers or tractor beam; and so on.
Minor law in your home country 15 Overdrive (Trained Only): You can make a Profession
Minor law in foreign country 20 (driving) check as a swift action to make your vehicle perform
Regulation in your organization 15
beyond its normal limits. The increase in speed is equal to
1% x your check results; if the results are less than 10, there
Regulation in related organization 25 is no increase. You can't take 10 on this check.
Regulation in foreign organization 35 Racing Turn (Trained Only): You can make an accelerate,
decelerate, or turn action as a move action instead of a
Negotiate Red Tape: When encountering bureaucratic red standard action. Furthermore, when stopping a vehicle, you
tape, you can get past it by succeeding at an Administration subtract 10 feet from the roll to determine how many feet the
check opposed by an Administration or Bluff check by the vehicle moves forward before it stops. This task supersedes
obstructive official. You can therefore use the Administration the Expert Driver feat from Ultimate Combat.
skill to create red tape as well. Ram: You can make a Drive check as a full-round action to
Political Maneuvering: In general, a check is necessary only intentionally collide with your target. This replaces an attack
in the event of particularly involved political maneuvering or roll on your part; damage is dependent on the size and speed
organizational shuffling. In that event, play out the scenario of the vehicle.
as much as desired by group consensus, then roll opposed Special: You can take 10 on a Drive check, except when
checks. A bidding war (see Introduction) is possible. attempting to increase a vehicle's speed. You can’t take 20 on
Special: If you use the optional Social Class attribute, a Drive check.
apply your Social Class modifier, in addition to your
Charisma modifier, to administration and politics checks. Profession: Mining (Wis)
From training and experience, you are at home underground.
Profession: Driving (Wis) You can conduct mining assays for valuable mineral deposits,
Not once, but several times, Mary cried out in fear as Harlow and are skilled in excavating, traversing, and shoring up mine
took the Ferrari down through the hairpins of the Col de tunnels.
Tende. Harlow's face was still, implacable. To an observer, it Check: The DC and effect depend on the task.
must have appeared that the car was being driven by a Task Check DC
maniac, but Harlow was in complete control. To the Mining (per day)
accompaniment of the sound of tortured tyres and engine
bellowing in the lower gears, he descended the Col as no one Half a 5-ft. cube 10
had ever done before, and, assuredly, no one would ever do One 5-ft. cube 15
―Alistair MacLean, The Way to Dusty Death (1973) Each additional 5-ft. cube +5
Routine tasks, such as ordinary driving, don’t require a skill Conduct mining assay 20
check. Make a check only when some unusual circumstance Detect stonework trap DC of trap
exists (such as inclement weather or an icy surface), or when
the character is driving during a dramatic situation. Determine slope 15
Checks: Whenever you make a Drive check, the vehicle's Identify abilities and weaknesses See Knowledge
size modifier is added to your check (Medium –0; Large –1;
Huge –2; Gargantuan –4; Colossal –8). There are any number Identify underground hazards 15 + CR
of tasks you can perform with a vehicle using this skill; the Identify mineral, rock, or metal 10
following are examples: Intuit depth underground 20
Task Check DC Notice unsafe stonework 20
Avoid collision 15 Penetrate hardness (or DR) 10 + hardness
Engage the enemy Opposed initiative check
Escape grapple DC of grapple Mining: These rules are similar to those printed in Races of
the Dragon. A Profession (miner) check can be used to
Overdrive 20 indicate the progress of mining or digging operations.
Racing turn +10 Excavation is represented as a fixed number of 5-foot cubes
per miner, based on the Profession (miner) check result of
Ram AC of target the lead worker. Even a pair of unskilled miners can remove a
5-foot cube of stone with 8 hours of labor, while reasonably
Avoid Collision: You can make a DC 15 check as a reaction talented workers can remove twice or even three times as
to reduce or negate the damage from a collision. much.
Engage the Enemy (Trained Only): When driving a vehicle
in combat, you may choose to make a Profession (driving)
check instead of an Initiative check.
Two Medium miners can work together on a single 5-foot Penetrate Hardness: If you study an inanimate stone object
cube, with one using the aid another action to assist the as a move action and succeed at a DC 10 Mining check, you
other's check. Only a single large or larger miner can work on ignore 1 point of hardness thereafter per point above 10 by
any given 5-foot cube. Up to four Small or smaller miners can which your roll succeeds (DC 18 to ignore the full hardness
work together on the same 5-foot cube, with as many as three of 8).
miners using the aid another action to assist the lead miner's When faced with a stone or earth creature that possesses
check. Kobolds are an exception to this rule (see Special, damage reduction (e.g., a clay golem), you can make a Mining
below). check as a move action, and thereafter penetrate the
The table above assumes the miners are digging through creature’s damage reduction as if your weapon were of the
sedimentary rock, such as limestone, sandstone, or shale. appropriate material. The DC for this check is equal to 10 +
Other substances apply a modifier on the check, as shown on the creature’s damage reduction. For example, on a DC 20
the following table. Profession (mining) check, you would penetrate a stone
Substance Check Modifier
golem’s damage reduction (10/adamantine) as if you had an
adamantine weapon.
Gravel or sand +10 Action: A mining assay requires 1 week per 4 square mile
Loose earth +5 area. Actively searching for unusual or unsafe stonework, for
stonework traps, or for weaknesses in a stone wall or
Clay or silt +2 creature is a move action.
Packed dirt or frozen earth +2 Try Again: Yes.
Igneous rock -5
Profession: Sailing (Wis)
Metamorphic rock -10
“Down we go,” said Paddy. “Now pray to Saint Anthony if you
Kobolds mine more efficiently than other Small creatures. be a good Catholic—”
Treat them as Medium creatures for determining their daily “I'm not,” snapped Fay, “and if you'll give more mind to the
progress, but as Small creatures when determining how boat and less to religion we’ll gain by it.”
―Jack Vance, The Five Gold Bands (1950)
many kobolds can work on a given 5-foot cube. You are able to handle various watercraft, from small
Conduct Mining Assay: Given a week’s time, you can canoes to large sailing ships. You can steer, navigate, tie
determine what types of mineral resources are likely knots, handle rigging, tend and repair sails, and stand a deck
available in a 4 square mile assay area, and the best locations watch at sea.
to dig for them.
Detect Stonework Trap: You can substitute Profession General Tasks DC
(mining) checks for Perception checks to notice unusual Prepare for a voyage 15
stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new
construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone Chart course 15
surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that Coax speed 15
isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as
unusual stonework. You can use the mining skill to find Follow course (in sight of land) 10
stonework traps as a character trained in Disable Device can. Follow course (open sea) 15
If you merely come within 10 feet of unusual stonework, Follow course (in swift current) 20
you can make a Perception check as if you were actively
searching to notice that something is amiss, and then make a Identify sea monsters/hazards (Varies)
mining check to determine the nature of the feature that Predict weather 15
caused you to stop.
Identify Abilities and Weaknesses: With a successful check, Prepare for a Voyage: With a successful check, you can
you can also identify certain monsters associated with mines secure a vessel and crew (if in a harbor city) at cost, and
and the Underdark, their abilities, weaknesses, and special calculate and lade adequate supplies and cargo.
powers. You can use this ability with aberrations and oozes, Chart Course: You can read charts and plot a seagoing
and with other creatures that live exclusively underground course that takes into account prevailing winds, reefs and
(such as Morlocks). Details are listed under the Knowledge shallows, etc.
skill heading. Coax Speed: On a DC 15 check, you can increase the
Intuit Depth: With a DC 10 Profession (mining) check, you speed of a vessel you command by 5 ft. (or 0.5 mph). For every
can intuit depth, sensing your approximate depth 5 points by which you succeed, you can coax an additional 5
underground. Successive successful checks allow you to ft. of speed from the vessel. This task subsumes the Inner Sea
determine the approximate slope of a passageway. Pirate’s “windrigger” prestige class feature, from Pirates of
Notice Unsafe Stonework: This applies to unsafe ceilings, the Inner Sea.
inadequate shorings, and the like. Noticing these features
works as does detecting stonework traps, except that the
default DC is 20.
Follow Course: You can keep a ship generally on course; a
check is made each day. Missing one Profession (sailing)
check doesn’t mean the expedition is lost, but it does increase
the next day’s check to DC 10 (if in sight of the coast) or 19
(on the open sea). A second failed check increases the third
day’s DC to 13 (22 if at sea). Three consecutive failures
indicates that the ship is lost. A lost ship requires a DC 25
check to regain its course; this costs a day of travel per day of
being lost.
In a swift current, the base check is at DC 21 (DC 23 after
one failed check; DC 27 after two days of failed checks). In
general, three successful checks in a row enable you to steer
clear of the current.
Identify Sea Monsters/Hazards: With a successful check,
you can identify marine creatures and hazards and possibly
their abilities, weaknesses, and special powers (as described
under the Knowledge skill heading).
Predict Weather: Following adages like “red sky at
morning…” and watching the clouds and sea birds (and
barometer), you can estimate the general weather conditions
for the next 24 hours. You cannot use this ability indoors,
underground, or in other situations in which you cannot see
the sky.
Hazardous Tasks DC
Avoid sinking (holed ship) 15 + 4 per hole after the
Free ship 20
Navigate unfamiliar reefs, etc. 25
Weather storm:
Severe winds 15
Tropical storm 20
Hurricane 25
Apocalyptic whirlpool of 30

Avoid Sinking: If a section of your ship is holed, you can

keep the ship afloat on a successful check. If this check fails,
the ship sinks in 1d100 minutes (1d6 minutes if 25% or more
of its hull sections have been holed).
Free Ship: If you have run aground on a sandbar or reef,
you can free the ship on a DC 20 check. The hull is likely to
be holed in at least one place, but at least the ship is mobile.
Weather Storm: A DC 15 Profession (sailing) check is
required to maintain a course during a storm with severe
winds and avoid foundering; this check DC increases as
shown for higher wind speeds. Failure indicates the ship is
blown off course. In addition, these conditions require a
check each hour to avoid washing or rolling 1d6 times. A
wash or roll knocks overboard anything on deck that isn’t
secured (Acrobatics or Strength check to resist at DC equal
to the weather storm DC).
Action: Preparing for a voyage takes a week. Checks to
follow a charted course are made on a daily basis. Checks to
identify marine creatures or hazards are a move action.
Try Again: Yes, within the limitations described above.
Bastion of Righteous War
Divine Feats [Channeling]
All feats in this section have the [Divine] descriptor. Divine Prerequisite: Able to channel energy.
feats with the [Channeling] descriptor also require and/or Benefit: When an enemy scores a critical threat against
make use of the Channel Energy class feature. you, as an immediate action you can spend one channel
energy attempt in order to reduce or negate the threat. The
Aligned Strike [Strike] critical multiplier of the hit, if it is confirmed as a crit, is
reduced according to the number of dice worth of energy you
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single melee would normally channel, according to the following table:
or ranged attack that is treated as either a [good], [evil],
[chaotic], or [lawful] attack (depending on your original Dice of Energy Channeled Multiplier Reduced By
choice) for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. 1d6 -1
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, the weapon, 5d6 -2
while aligned, also deals +2d6 holy, unholy, anarchic, or 9d6 -3
axiomatic damage to outsiders of the opposite alignment
(or mortals whose souls are sworn to an aligned cause, Any multiplier reduced to x1 means that a confirmed crit is
such as clerics, paladins, cultists, etc.), as appropriate to treated as a normal hit. If the multiplier is reduced to 0 or
the alignment it carries. below, that hit deals no damage to you.
If your base attack bonus is +11 or greater, the weapon Source: Adapted from the magic shield of the same name
actually gains the holy (or unholy, anarchic, or axiomatic) from Complete Champion.
weapon property while aligned, dealing +2d6 damage of
the appropriate type (negative energy, radiant energy, etc.). Bleed Holy Power [Channeling]
Prerequisite: Able to channel positive energy.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or greater, the damage Benefit: When an undead creature damages you with a
bonus is +3d6. melee attack, you can expend one use of channeled energy as
an immediate action to channel positive energy to deal
You can use this feat in conjunction with a full attack, but damage to undead creatures around you. Alternatively, you
doing so reduces your effective base attack bonus by 5, for may focus this channeled energy so it affects only the undead
purposes of determining the effects. creature that hit you. If you focus solely on that creature, the
Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Psionic damage dealt by the channeled positive energy is increased
Feats.” This feat also supersedes the Align Weapon ability by +2d6.
from Complete Champion and the Planar Handbook. Source: This feat emulates the Hierophant’s 1st tier ability
of the same name, from Mythic Adventures.
Avenging Smite [Combat]
Your strength of will and strong sense of justice allow you to Castigating Strike [Channeling]
smite your foes. Prerequisite: Ability to channel energy, Channeling Smite.
Prerequisite: Patron deity or cause. Benefit: When you execute a Channeling Smite, the
Benefit: As a swift action, you can use the power of your channeled energy also affects a 30-ft. radius area from the
faith to enhance attacks you make against a single enemy of point of impact, although with only half as many dice. For
your deity or cause. You gain a sacred (or profane) bonus example, if you execute a Channeling Strike against an
equal to your Charisma bonus (if any) on attacks and damage undead opponent that deals 8d6 positive energy damage, you
you make against that opponent; these bonuses last until that would also fill a 30-ft. area from the point of impact with 4d6
enemy is defeated or slain, or until that encounter ends. positive energy.
You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to Special: If you expend an additional use of channel energy
your Charisma bonus (minimum 1). when using this feat, the full effects occur, rather than halving
Special: Instead of a single opponent, you can designate a the number of dice.
group of weaker opponents of the same type and general Synergy: If you also have the Debilitating Strike feat, you
specs (i.e., all the 1st level warriors in a tribe of goblins). can use that in conjunction with your Castigating Strike. This
Source: This supersedes the Avenging Strike feat, from is a specific exception to the general rule against activating
the Tome of Battle. multiple Strike effects. If you do so, enemies within 30 ft.
who take full damage from the additional channeled energy
(i.e., who do not save for half) also suffer half the attack
penalty as the target of the strike.
Source: Tome of Battle.

Bastion of Righteous War

Prerequisite: Channel energy class feature.
Channeled Metamagic Benefit: You can channel energy two additional times per
[Channeling] day.
Special: If a paladin with the ability to channel positive
Prerequisite: Able to channel energy. energy takes this feat, he or she can use lay on hands four
Benefit: This functions similarly to Innate Metamagic additional times a day, but only to channel positive energy.
(Chapter 7), but the metamagic effect applies when you
channel energy. Your total channeled energy is reduced by a Channeling, Improved
number of dice equal to the metamagic cost of the effect. [Channeling]
Each time you channel energy, you decide whether to apply
this feat and reduce the amount of energy channeled Prerequisites: Ability to channel energy.
accordingly, or whether to simply channel the full normal Benefit: Add +2 to the DC of your channel energy ability.
amount (without applying this feat). This stacks with the benefit from Ability Focus (channeling), if
Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time, applicable.
select a different metamagic effect.
Normal: Innate Metamagic cannot be applied to Channeling, Merciful [Reserve]
supernatural abilities. Prerequisites: Ability to channel positive energy.
Source: This feat subsumes the Profane Agony feat, from Benefit: As long as you have one of the listed spells ready
Drow of the Underdark. With the Sickening Spell feat, it for use, you can choose to infuse your channeled energy with
supersedes the Blasphemous Incantation feat from the effects of that spell. This affects all targets of the
Exemplars of Evil. channeled energy exactly as if you had cast the spell on them,
Channeling, Baleful [Reserve] and reduces the number of channeling dice by the amount
listed. If you channel an insufficient number of dice, you
Prerequisites: Ability to channel negative energy. cannot apply the listed effect.
Benefit: As long as you have one of the listed spells ready Dice
for use, you can choose to infuse your channeled energy with Reduced Spells
the effects of that spell. This affects all targets of the
channeled energy exactly as if you had cast the spell on them, 1d6 Bless, invigorate
and reduces the number of channeling dice by the amount 2d6 Remove fear
listed. If you channel an insufficient number of dice, you
cannot apply the listed effect. 4d6 Remove paralysis, lesser restoration
6d6 Remove blindness/deafness, remove curse,
Dice remove disease
Reduced Spells
8d6 Death ward, neutralize poison, restoration
1d6 Bane
2d6 Cause fear
Channeling, Planar [Channeling]
4d6 Death knell (apply channeling damage 1st)
Prerequisite: Ability to channel energy.
6d6 Bestow curse, blindness/deafness, Benefit: When you channel positive energy, [evil] creatures
contagion within the area also take damage as if they were undead. If
8d6 Enervation, poison you channel Law domain energy, you damage [chaotic]
creatures (including fey) and heal [lawful] ones; if you
Channeling, Contingent channel Chaos domain energy, you can damage [lawful]
creatures and heal [chaotic] ones; Evil domain energy
[Channeling] damages [good] creatures and heals [evil] ones.
You can imbue others with your healing energy so that they Synergy: If you also have the Turn Undead feat (q.v.), you
can use it at the moment of greatest need. gain the ability to dismiss evil outsiders by channeling
Prerequisites: Selective Channeling. positive energy. To attempt this, you spend a channel energy
Benefit: You can use a standard action to touch an ally and use. The total number of Hit Dice you can dismiss with one
expend one of your daily uses of channel energy to create a channeling attempt is equal to your channeler level + your
repository of positive energy within that ally. This repository Charisma modifier. Evil outsiders are entitled to a Will save
contains the same number and type of dice as normal for to negate the effect.
your channel energy feature, and it lasts for 1 minute. An ally If the outsiders in question have been summoned, you
who has such a repository can use an immediate action to instead make a Concentration check against a DC of 16 + the
roll the repository’s dice and regain a number of hit points caster level of the summoner (saving throws do not apply in
equal to the result. If an ally who has such a repository is this case). If the summoning creature doesn't have a caster
reduced to negative hit points, the repository triggers, level, use its Hit Dice instead. Success indicates that the
allowing the ally to heal without using an action. summoned creature(s) are returned to their home plane.
Source: Ultimate Combat. If you channel negative energy and Command Undead, you
can dismiss good outsiders the way a cleric who channels
Channeling, Extra [Channeling] positive energy dismisses evil outsiders.
You can channel divine energy more often.
Source: This feat supersedes the variant class feature of the You retain channeling ability you already had. Thereafter,
same name from the Planar Handbook, and also the Aligned each time you channel energy, you choose which type of
Channeling feat from the Pathfinder core rules. energy or effect you channel. You can also choose to channel
both types of energy at once by expending two uses of
Channeling, Practiced channel energy simultaneously. You do not gain additional
[Channeling] channel uses per day.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do
Prerequisite: Ability to channel energy. not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new
Benefit: Your cleric level for purposes of channeling energy domain channeling effect.
is 4 higher than normal, to a maximum effective level equal to
your total number of Hit Dice. Channeling Smite [Strike]
Special: The effects of feat stack with class synergy
features improving your effective channeling level; this a You can channel divine energy through a weapon.
specific exception to the non-stacking rule. Your total limit Prerequisites: Ability to channel energy.
based on character level, as described in Chapter 1, remains Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single melee
in force. attack and simultaneously expend a channel energy use. You
gain a sacred/profane bonus to the attack roll equal to the
Channeling, Quick [Channeling] number of dice of energy you channel; if it successfully hits,
also carries the effects of your channel energy ability upon
Prerequisites: Ability to channel energy. the target (if you channel positive energy, it damages
Benefit: You may channel energy as a move action by creatures with the [evil] descriptor or with an evil aura as if
spending 2 daily uses of that ability. they were undead). If the attack misses, you can Hold the
Source: Ultimate Magic. Charge, per the rules for touch spells.
Channeling, Selective
[Channeling] If you have the Lay on Hands class feature, you can
expend one of those uses to activate this feat, rather than
You can choose whom to affect when you channel energy. expending an entire channel energy use.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, ability to channel energy. If your base attack bonus is at least +6 and you have the
Benefit: When you channel energy, you can choose a Battle Touch feat, you can use this feat in conjunction with
number of targets in the area up to your Charisma modifier. iterative attacks, either expending one lay on hands use
These targets are not affected by your channeled energy. per attack, or else one Channel Energy use for one round
Normal: All targets in a 30-foot burst are affected when worth of attacks.
you channel energy. You can only choose whether or not you
are affected.
Source: This feat also subsumes the Crusader’s Fist feat
Channeling, Shaped [Channeling] from Ultimate Combat.
Prerequisite: Ability to channel energy. Command/Turn Elemental
Benefits: When you channel energy, you can create a
standard 30-ft. burst, a 60-ft. cone, or a 120-ft. line, at your He forgot where he was; he forgot his own identity; he forgot
option. Choose the shape each time you channel energy. those who were with him as his whole mind concentrated
Source: This feat supersedes the Holy Vindicator’s upon the Summoning. He sent his call out beyond the
“versatile channeling” prestige class feature from the confines of the world, unto that strange plane where the
Advanced Player’s Guide. elementals dwelled—where the powerful creatures of the air
could still be found—the sylphs of the breeze, and the
Channeling, Versatile sharnahs, who lived in the storms, and the most powerful of
[Channeling] all, the h’Haashanns, creatures of the whirlwind. And now at
last some of them began to come at his summons, ready to
Prerequisite: Channel energy class feature, access to a serve him as, by virtue of an ancient pact, the elementals had
domain. served his forefathers. ―Michael Moorcock,
Benefit: You gain the ability to channel energy for a A Sailor on the Seas of Fate (1973)
different effect, chosen from the following: Prerequisites: Elemental domain, bloodline, or mystery, or
Positive energy; elemental favored terrain; Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank.
Benefit: This feat functions as the druid’s mark of the wild
Negative energy; ability (Chapter 3), but applies to creatures native to an
elemental plane corresponding to your bloodline, mystery,
Domain channeling (choose one domain). domain, or planar terrain (this includes true elementals, as
well as creatures such as salamanders, arrowhawks, xorns,
etc.). Your control capacity is calculated using your ranks in
Knowledge (the planes), rather than Handle Animal.
If you have unallocated potential, as a standard action, you Contingent Channel Energy
can attempt to take control of one or more elementals of the [Channeling]
appropriate type within 30 ft. of you, so long as you do not
exceed your potential. Elementals receive a Will save to Prerequisite: Ability to channel energy.
negate the effect (DC 10 + half your number of ranks in Benefit: You can expend a use of your channel energy
Knowledge (the planes) + your Charisma modifier). ability to create a contingency, causing another use of your
Elementals that fail their saves fall under your control, channel energy ability to trigger instantaneously in response
obeying your commands to the best of their ability, as if under to some condition you dictate. The conditions needed to
the effects of control undead (but affecting elementals instead bring the channel energy into effect must be clear, although
of undead). Intelligent elementals receive a new saving throw they can be general. For example, you could create a trigger
each day to resist your command. that uses your channel positive energy if you are reduced to 0
Elementals of other types are turned instead of or fewer hit points. If you prescribe complicated or
commanded (see Turn Undead for details). convoluted conditions, your contingent channel energy ability
could fail to trigger.
Command Undead [Channeling] The ability triggers based solely on the stated conditions,
Using foul powers of necromancy, you can command undead regardless of whether you want it to. You make all decisions
creatures, making them into your servants. about the ability (type of energy channeled, etc.) when you set
Prerequisite: Ability to channel negative energy; the contingency, according to what you can normally do with
Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank. your channel energy ability; if you wish to exclude targets, you
Benefit: As a standard action, you can use one of your uses must name them at that time. If you have no uses of channel
of channel negative energy to enslave undead within 30 feet. energy remaining when the conditions occur, the ability fails.
Undead receive a Will save to negate the effect. The DC for Special: You can have only one use of this ability waiting to
this save is equal to 10 + half your channeler level + your be triggered at a time; if you use this ability again, the
Charisma modifier. If you use channel energy in this way, it previous use expires. This use also expires after 1 day if it
has no other effect (it does not heal or harm nearby hasn't been triggered. The use of channel energy required to
creatures). If an undead creature is under the control of create the contingency can't be regained until after the
another creature, you must make an opposed Charisma contingent channel energy ability is triggered or expires.
check whenever your orders conflict. Source: This feat emulates the 1st tier Hierophant ability
Mindless undead that fail their saves fall under your of the same name, from Mythic Adventures.
control, obeying your commands to the best of their ability, as Cursed by the Gods
if under the effects of control undead, and remain
permanently under control if within your CR limit (see You were cursed by the gods, but this curse comes with a
below). Intelligent undead are affected as if by command benefit as well as a hindrance.
undead instead. Mindless undead fall permanently under Benefit: Upon choosing this feat, select one of the curses
your control. below (once made, this selection cannot be changed). Level-
The total number and CR of undead you can control by this dependent effects are based upon your total character level.
or any other means is limited by your ranks in Knowledge Clouded Vision: Your eyes are obscured, making it difficult
(the planes) as described under the Druid’s mark of the wild for you to see. You cannot see anything beyond 30 feet, but
ability (Chapter 3) and Leadership feat (above), but you can see within this range as if you had darkvision. At 6th
substituting Knowledge (the planes) instead of Handle level, this distance increases to 60 feet. At 11th level, you gain
Animal or Diplomacy. blindsense out to a range of 30 feet. At 16th level, you gain
blindsight out to a range of 15 feet.
If you have at least 6 ranks in Knowledge (the planes), you Deaf: You cannot hear and suffer all of the usual penalties
can attract intelligent corporeal undead followers, as for being deafened. You cast all of your spells as if they were
described under Leadership. modified by the Silent Spell feat. This does not increase their
If you have at least 11 ranks in Knowledge (the planes), level or casting time. At 6th level, you receive a +3 competence
you are a master of shrouds and can attract incorporeal bonus on Perception checks that do not rely upon hearing,
undead followers, subject to the total CR limits described and the initiative penalty for being deaf is reduced to –2. At
for Leadership. 11th level, you gain scent and you do not suffer any penalty on
initiative checks due to being deaf. At 16th level, you gain
If you have at least 16 ranks, when you channel energy to tremorsense out to a range of 30 feet.
command undead, even intelligent undead are affected as Deliberate: You must carefully weigh dangerous situations
by control undead. before reacting. During the first round of combat, you must
delay your actions until everyone else has acted. This
Source: This feat supersedes the feat of the same name, reasoned approach allows you to recognize your opponents'
and also provides a means for low-level necromancers to weaknesses and grants you a +1 sacred/profane bonus to
control mindless undead, and for high-level necromancers to your first attack in any round. At 6th level, the +1 bonus
control armies of undead. It also provides more realistic applies to all of your attacks. At 11th level, you also receive a
limits than simply a large number of Hit Dice. +1 bonus to any damage you inflict. At 16th level, both
bonuses to attack and damage increase to +2. Source: Oracle
Curses (Above Average Creations).

than yourself) You must
for must choose
spell aa unique,
casting unique, living focus
focus (other
(including (other Dependent:
than yourself) You
for must
choose aa unique,
casting unique, living focus
focus (other
(including (other
abilities, ki
ki for
powers,yourand spell
and skill
tricks). (including
cast a
a spell-like
spell without
without than yourself)
abilities, ki
ki for
powers,your and
and spell
tricks). (including
To cast
cast a
a spell-like
spell without
level). you
you must first
Failure roll
first roll
the a concentration
lost, check
check (DC
(DC 10 isis ++
10 this
this focus,
focus, you
you must
first roll
roll aaaction
concentration check
check (DC
(DC 10 isis ++
not. level).focus
This Failure
focus means
replaces thematerial
any action
material lost, but
the spell
with a
a value
focus means
any action
lost, but
the spell
with a
a value
of 10
10 gp
gp or
or less.
less. At
At 66th level,
level, you
you gain
gain aa +4+4 sacred/profane
sacred/profane of
of 10
of 10 gp
10 gp or
gp or less.
or less. At
less. At 666th level,
At th
level, you
level, you gain
you gain aaa +4
gain +4 sacred/profane
+4 sacred/profane
Haunted: Malevolent spirits follow you wherever you go, Divine Accuracy [Channeling,
causing minor mishaps and strange occurrences (such as Combat]
unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and
faint noises). Retrieving any stored item from your gear Prerequisite: Ability to channel positive energy.
requires a move action, unless it would normally take longer. Benefit: As a standard action, spend one of your channel
Add mage hand and ghost sound to your list of spells known; uses to grant all your allies (including yourself) within a 60-
if you have no spellcasting ability, you can use each once per foot burst the ability to deal full damage to incorporeal
day as a spell-like ability. At 6th level, add levitate and minor targets, as if wielding ghost touch weapons. This effect lasts
image to your list of spells known (or you can use each once for a number of rounds equal to the number of channeling
per day). Any item you drop lands 10 feet away from you in a dice you would normally receive.
random direction. At 11th level, add telekinesis to your list of Source: Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead.
spells known (or gain it 1/day as a spell-like ability). At 16th
level, add reverse gravity to your list of spells known (or gain Divine Armor [Channeling,
it 1/day as a spell-like ability). Combat]
Lame: One of your legs is permanently wounded, reducing
your base land speed by 5 feet. Your speed is never reduced You call upon your deity to protect you in your hour of need
due to encumbrance. At 6th level, you are immune to the by wreathing you in divine power that wards off your
fatigued condition (but not exhaustion). At 11th level, your enemies' attacks.
base land speed is reduced by an additional 5 ft. (unless you Prerequisites: Ability to channel energy.
are size Small), but is never reduced by armor. At 16th level, Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend a channel
you are immune to the exhausted condition. energy use to gain damage reduction for a number of rounds
Wasting: Your body is slowly rotting away. You take a –2 equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round). If you
penalty on Charisma-based skill checks, except for Bluff channel positive energy, the damage reduction is overcome by
checks to intimidate or sense motive. You gain a +4 evil-aligned attacks; if negative energy, by good-aligned
sacred/profane bonus on saves made against disease. At 6th attacks The magnitude of the damage reduction is equal to 1
level, your penalty to Charisma-based checks increases to –3, hp per channeling die you would normally receive (maximum
but you are immune to the sickened condition (but not DR 10/evil or good at 19th level).
nauseated). At 11th level, your penalty to Charisma-based Source: Player's Handbook II.
checks increases to –4, but you gain immunity to disease. At
16th level, your penalty to Charisma-based checks increases Divine Cleansing [Channeling]
to –5, but you are immune to the nauseated condition. You can channel energy to improve you and your allies' ability
Tongues: In times of stress, you speak in tongues. Pick one to resist poison and curses.
of the following languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Prerequisite: Ability to channel positive energy, Cha 13,
Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, or Terran. Whenever you are in Extra Channeling.
combat, you can only speak and understand the selected Benefit: As a standard action, spend one of your channel
language. This does not interfere with spellcasting, but it uses to grant all allies within a 60-foot burst (including
does apply to spells that are language-dependent. You gain yourself) a sacred bonus on Fortitude saving throws equal to
the selected language as a bonus language. At 6th level, pick the number of channeling dice you would normally receive
an additional language to speak in combat and add it to your (i.e., +1 at 1st level, +2 at 3rd, etc.). This bonus lasts for a
list of known languages. At 11th level, you can understand any number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.
spoken language, as if under the effects of tongues, even Source: Complete Warrior.
during combat. At 16th level, you can speak and understand
any language, except your speech is still restricted during Divine Impetus [Channeling,
Source: This feat supersedes the Oracle’s curse from the Combat]
core rules. An Incarnate (Chapter 3) can gain Cursed by the Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, able to channel energy.
Gods as a bonus feat at any time. Benefit: You can expend one channel energy use as a free
action in order to gain one additional swift action this round.
Divine Healing Source: This feat supersedes the Ruby Knight Vindicator’s
Prerequisite: Divine (mystery or domain) bonus spells. prestige class feature of the same name, from the Tome of
Benefit: Every time you cast one of your domain or Battle.
mystery bonus spells, you heal a number of hit points of
damage equal to twice the spell’s level. Divine Interference [Combat]
Source: This emulates part of the Divine Scion’s domain You can convert a spell to interfere with an enemy’s attack.
specialization ability, from Inner Sea Magic. Prerequisites: Divine spellcaster, Concentration 10 ranks.
Benefit: As an immediate action, when an enemy within 30
feet hits an ally with an attack, you can sacrifice a prepared
divine spell or (if you are a spontaneous caster) an unused
spell slot and make the enemy reroll the attack roll. The
second attack roll takes a penalty equal to the level of the
spell you sacrifice. You must sacrifice a spell of 1st level or
higher to use this ability.

Divine Accuracy [Channeling,

Source: Ultimate Magic. If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the target is
instead affected by a holy word (or blasphemy, dictum, or
Divine Judgment [Combat] word of chaos, as appropriate to your deity’s alignment).
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, able to cast 1st level
cleric/archivist spells. Special: In addition to the normal activation conditions for
Benefit: Whenever you make a melee attack in the heat of a [strike] feat, you can activate this ability as an immediate
combat that reduces a credible threat to -1 hp or below, your action in response to a confirmed critical hit made against
blow also creates a death knell effect on that creature (DC 10 you (even if it incapacitates or kills you). In that case, you
+ half your base attack bonus + your Charisma modifier). The need not make an attack to inflict the spell condition (the
save DC is increased by +2 if your weapon has a ×3 damage opponent’s attack carries it for you).
multiplier, or by +4 if it is ×4. Source: This feat supersedes the Holy Vindicator’s
Special: If you are sworn to a good-aligned deity or cause, prestige class feature of the same name, and also the divine
this effect is considered the meting out of divine judgment, retribution feature, from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
and is therefore not an evil act.
Source: This feat supersedes the Holy Vindicator’s Domain Access
prestige class feature of the same name from the Advanced Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank; ability to cast
Player’s Guide. spells; must follow a god or philosophy consistent with the
chosen domain.
Divine Shield [Channeling, Benefit: Choose one domain consistent with the patron
Combat] deity or philosophy you espouse. You can select domain spells
You can channel energy to make your shield more effective. in place of your bonus spells (the “+1” notation in Table 1 of
Prerequisite: Ability to channel energy, Simple shield Chapter 7). If you have no bonus spell slots (as in the case of
proficiency. the ranger), you gain them and can fill them with the domain
Benefit: As a standard action, spend one of your channel spells.
energy uses to channel divine energy into your shield. For a Special: Having access to a domain also allows you to gain
number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier domain feats from that domain (see Cleric) in place of normal
(minimum 1 round), as long as you actively use this shield it feats when leveling up.
grants you a sacred/profane bonus to AC equal to your Synergy:
number of channeling dice (+1 at 1st level, +2 at 3rd, etc.). If you also have Skill Focus in the archivist skill listed for
Special: Instead of the limited duration, you can choose to the chosen domain, you gain the 1st level granted power
create a more fragile channeled shield effect that lasts 24 for that domain as well; it functions at an effective cleric
hours or until you are struck in combat, whichever comes level equal to your number of ranks in Knowledge (the
first. planes).
Source: Complete Warrior. This feat also supersedes the
Holy Vindicator’s “vindicator’s shield” prestige class feature, If you have at least 4 or 8 ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
from the Advanced Player’s Guide. and in the appropriate domain skill, you can select the 4th
or 8th level granted power (respectively) for that domain as
Divine Surge [Channeling] if it were a feat.
Prerequisites: Ability to channel energy, Channeling Smite.
Benefit: Before attempting a Channeling Smite attack, you Domain Channeling [Skill]
can also decide to take a number of points of Constitution Prerequisite: Domain Access; Knowledge (the planes) 1
damage equal to your channeling level or lower. For each rank.
point of Constitution damage you take, you gain a +1 bonus Benefit: You gain the ability to channel energy a number of
on your attack roll and deal an extra 2d8 points of damage. times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. The
After using this maneuver, you are considered flat-footed until effects of this channeled energy are as listed under the
the beginning of your next turn. Variant Channeling entry for your specific domain (see Cleric
Special: You cannot use this maneuver if you are immune Appendix A). You channel energy with an effective cleric level
to Constitution damage. equal to number of ranks in Knowledge (the planes).
Source: Tome of Battle. Special: If you already have the ability to channel energy,
you cannot select this feat; instead, use your existing
Divine Wrath [Strike] channeling ability and/or the Versatile Channeling feat (q.v.).
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, able to cast 1st level Synergy: If you have levels in Bard and choose the Plant
cleric/archivist spells. domain, you can elect to trade the channel energy ability,
Synergy: As a standard action, make a single melee attack. losing the ability to command plants. Instead, you gain the
Any creature struck must also save vs. Will (DC 10 + half benefits of the bard’s green ear lore.
your base attack bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be
affected as if by a bane spell.
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the target is
instead affected by bestow curse.
Lamashtu's Mark [Skill]
Godhammer [Combat, Reserve] You have been marked as one of Lamashtu’s favored minions.
You draw upon your divine power to enhance your Prerequisites: Con 13, Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank;
weapons. Lamashtu (or similar goddess) as patron deity.
Reserve Spell: 1st level divine spell (any). Benefit: Your abdomen bears several ugly scars, as if your
Benefit: As a swift action, you can imbue your deity’s belly had been torn open by a clawed hand. Lamashtu’s Mark
favored weapon (or heavy mace, if you have no specific deity) identifies you as favored of the Mother of Monsters, and if it is
with a fraction of your power. For 1 round, this weapon deals visible, you gain a +2 profane bonus on Bluff checks to
+1 sacred or profane damage (depending on the alignment of browbeat or demoralize, but a –2 profane penalty on
your deity or cause) per level of the highest-level spell or spell Diplomacy checks.
slot you have available and uncast, and is treated as aligned
(as your deity’s alignment) for the purpose of overcoming Deforming Strike [Strike]: If you have at least 6 ranks in
damage reduction. You must wield the weapon yourself to Knowledge (the planes), you may invoke Lamashtu’s name
gain these benefits. as you strike a non-evil foe with a melee attack as a
Special: The Holy Warrior domain feat (see below) works standard action. As you do, you cause the creature struck
similarly except it does not require a swift action to activate, to become deformed in some hideous manner (cloven
and automatically applies to all weapons you wield. hoof, horns, forked tongues, and vestigial limbs like wings
Source: Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press). and tails are common deformities). The deformity imparts
a penalty of 1d4 points to the target’s Charisma score for
Handle Relic 1 hour; the physical deformity vanishes as soon as the
Charisma penalty fades. The target can resist this effect
Prerequisite: Able to cast cleric/archivist spells or use rogue by making a Fortitude save; the DC is equal to 10 + half
skill tricks. your number of ranks in Knowledge (the planes) + your
Benefit: The power of your faith (or simply long practice) Charisma modifier.
allows you to handle cursed relics and other objects without
fear. Objects that would normally curse you, or magically If you have at least 11 ranks in Knowledge (the planes),
damage you due to class, alignment, etc., have no such effect any offspring you sire or give birth to gain the fiendish
on you. This includes things like bane weapons, books of vile template.
darkness, bracers of defenselessness, etc., but not items that If you have at least 16 ranks in Knowledge (the planes),
are simply trapped or inherently damaging (like burns from a any offspring you sire or give birth to gain the half-fiend
red-hot metal object). template instead.
Source: This feat supersedes the Reliquarian’s “Faith
Upholds Me” prestige class feature from Relics & Rituals:
Excalibur (Sword & Sorcery Studios). Source: Pathfinder Campaign Setting.
Holy Shield [Channeling, Combat] Lay on Hands [Channeling]
You can channel your faith into your shield, protecting any Prerequisite: Ability to channel positive energy.
nearby allies. Benefit: You can channel positive energy by touch, instead
Prerequisites: Channel positive energy; paladin or access of as a burst. The effects are the same, but apply only to the
to Good domain; shield proficiency. creature touched. A melee touch attack roll (that does not
Benefit: You can expend a channel energy use to grant one provoke an attack of opportunity) is needed to touch an
adjacent ally a shield bonus equal to AC equal to your own unwilling undead target; if you miss, you can Hold the Charge
shield bonus, including any increase from the shield’s as if it were a touch spell. A creature touched does not gain a
enhancement bonus. This bonus does not stack with any saving throw for reduced damage.
existing shield bonuses. You radiate light as a light spell while For every daily channel energy use you expend, you gain
the shielding is active. All effects last for 3 rounds plus a two uses of lay on hands.
number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus (if any).
Life Lure [Channeling]
If you can channel at least 3d6 hp of positive energy, the
effects extend to all adjacent allies. Your channeled positive energy is irresistibly sweet to nearby
If you can channel at least 6d6 hp of positive energy, this Prerequisites: Ability to channel positive energy.
protection expands to cover any allies within 10 feet and Benefit: As a standard action, you can channel positive
the radiance increases to the effects of a daylight spell. energy to fascinate all undead within 30 feet for a number of
If you can channel at least 9d6 hp, any allies within 20 feet rounds equal to the number of dice worth of energy you
are protected. would normally channel. Undead that succeed at a Intuition
save (DC 10 + half your channeler level + your Charisma
modifier) are unaffected. Channeling energy for this purpose
Source: This feat supersedes the Sacred Shield’s variant does not heal or harm creatures.
class feature of the same name, from Ultimate Combat. Source: Ultimate Magic.

Lamashtu's Mark [Skill]

Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend channeling
Lingering Immunities uses to recover a spell you have already cast that day. You
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 4th level necromancy spells must spend a number of daily uses equal to the level of the
or channel positive or negative energy. spell you wish to recover.
Benefit: Whenever you cast a necromancy spell or channel Source: Complete Champion.
positive or negative energy, you are immune to ability Sacred Radiance [Channeling]
damage, ability drain, energy drain, and negative levels for a
number of rounds equal to the level of the spell or the Prerequisites: Ability to channel positive energy.
number of dice worth of energy you channel. Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend a channel
Special: Remember that the conjuration (healing) use to bathe yourself in light. This light provides bright
subschool from the core rules is now the necromancy illumination in a 60-foot-radius emanation centered on you
[healing] subschool. and an additional 60 feet of shadowy illumination beyond that
Source: This feat supersedes the moderate necromancy area. The light moves as you move, keeping you at the center
esoterica from the Master Specialist prestige class (Complete of its area. It temporarily negates areas of magical darkness
Mage). created by spells of 3rd level or lower.
Any non-evil creatures within 60 feet of you gain a morale
Lolth's Caress [Channeling] bonus on saves against death effects, disease, fear, and
You can channel negative energy to accelerate poisonous poison equal to half the number of dice you would normally
effects. channel; evil creatures take a penalty of the same magnitude
Prerequisite: Able to channel negative energy. on saves against fear effects. This benefit lasts for 10
Benefit: You can spend one use of channel negative energy minutes.
to speed up the effects of poison, affecting all creatures Source: Player's Handbook II.
within 20 feet of you. Any poisoned creature within the area Shared Defense [Channeling,
immediately suffers the effects of all remaining rounds of the
poison, as if the appropriate number of rounds were going by. Combat]
Source: Drow of the Underdark. Prerequisite: Ability to channel positive energy.
Benefit: You can spend one use of your channel energy
Profane Lifeleech [Channeling] ability as a standard action to grant yourself a protective aura
You can channel negative energy to draw the life force from emanating to 5 ft. that affects you and all allies within the
nearby living creatures. area. Those affected gain a sacred bonus to AC, CMD, and all
Prerequisite: Ability to channel negative energy. saving throws equal to half the number of channeling dice
Benefit: When you channel negative energy, you can spend you would normally receive (i.e., +1 at 2d6, etc., to a
an additional use to heal yourself 1d6 points of damage per maximum of +5 at 10d6). The aura lasts for a number of
creature damaged by the channeled energy. This healing does rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.
not allow you to exceed your full normal hit point total. If you would normally channel at least 5 dice of positive
Source: Libris Mortis. energy, the bonus is granted to all allies within 10 feet,
and allies that are at fewer than 0 hit points within the
Resurrection Sense affected area are automatically stabilized.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks. If you would normally channel at least 7 dice, these
Benefit: You become supernaturally sensitive to the benefits are granted to all allies within 15 feet, and those
movement of the souls of those you kill. This allows you a affected are immune to bleed damage. Ongoing bleed
chance to notice if anyone slain by you within the last year is damage already incurred is suspended while the effects
brought back to life. If such an event occurs, you notice the last, but is not cured.
resurrection unless it takes place on another plane or in an
area that prevents scrying effects, and even then, you can If you would normally channel at least 9 dice, these
sense the previously assassinated life the instant it returns to benefits are granted to all allies within 20 feet, and allies
the Prime Material Plane or steps out of the protected area. within this area gain a 25% chance to negate any sneak
The sensation does not tell you where the resurrected victim attack or critical hit scored against them. This ability does
is located, only which victim has returned to life. not stack with the chance provided from the light,
Source: This feat duplicates the Red Mantis prestige class medium, or heavy fortification armor special abilities.
feature of the same name, from Pathfinder Adventure Path
vol. 9, “Escape from Old Korvosa.” These benefits are cumulative. Allies who leave the
emanation lose the effects; allies entering the emanation gain
Retrieve Spell [Channeling] them.
You can channel raw divine energy to recharge a previously Source: This feat supersedes the Paladin’s variant class
cast spell. feature of the same name, from the Advanced Player’s Guide
Prerequisite: Any two divine feats, ability to channel
Synergy: If you also have the Channeling Smite feat, each
Spell Focus, Malign die of negative energy you channel into the attack deals an
Prerequisite: Allegiance to an evil power. additional point of Vile damage. For example, a Channeling
Benefit: Add +1 to the DC for all saving throws against any Smite carrying 6d6 negative energy damage deals an
of your spells that have the [evil] descriptor. additional 8 points of Vile damage as well (+2 for this feat, +6
Special: You are treated as being [evil] aligned for for the channeled energy). This is a specific exception to the
purposes of alignment-specific spells and items. general rule of non-stacking of Strike effects.
Source: Champions of Ruin. If you can channel 10d6 hp worth of negative energy, all of
the negative energy damage channeled into your attack is
also Vile damage (this supersedes the feat’s normal effects).
Touch of Corruption [Channeling] You cannot use this in conjunction with a full attack.
Prerequisite: Ability to channel negative energy. Source: Book of Vile Darkness; the synergy effects also
Benefit: You can channel negative energy as a melee touch subsume the Vile Smite feat from the Wizards of the Coast
attack (that does not provoke an attack of opportunity), website (“Epic Insights: Book of Vile Darkness”).
instead of as a burst. The effects are the same, but apply only
to the creature touched. If you miss, you can Hold the Charge Violate Spell [Metamagic]
as if it were a touch spell. A creature touched does not gain a You can transform one of your spells into an evil spell, and the
saving throw for reduced damage. wounds the spell inflicts are tainted with the foulest evil.
For every daily channel energy use you expend, you gain Prerequisite: Any evil alignment.
two uses of this ability. Benefit: Choose one spell you know, or (for clerics) that is
Synergy: Your touch of corruption can deliver the effects of on your class list. This feat adds the [evil] descriptor to that
[Strike] feats as if it were a weapon. spell. Furthermore, if the spell deals damage, half of the
damage dealt is Vile damage, which can only be healed by
Turn Undead [Channeling] healing or restoration magic that is cast within an area
Calling upon higher powers, you cause undead to flee from sanctified by the forces of good (such as within a consecrate
the might of your unleashed divine energy. or a hallow spell). Natural healing, regeneration, fast healing
Prerequisite: Ability to channel positive energy and magical healing are otherwise ineffective in restoring the
Benefit: In addition to damaging undead, your channeled lost hit points or ability points.
positive energy also causes all undead within 30 feet of you to Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
flee for 1 minute, as if panicked (Will save negates; DC as per Special: A character may take this feat multiple times,
your channel energy DC). Intelligent undead receive a new choosing a different spell each time.
saving throw each round to end the effect. Source: Book of Vile Darkness.
Vile Strike [Strike]
Prerequisite: Sworn to an evil deity and/or cause, able to
channel negative energy (3d6 hp minimum).
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single melee attack
that deals an additional 1 point of Vile damage. This vile
damage is multiplied on a successful crit.
Vile damage cannot be cured by natural or magical healing,
fast healing, or regeneration; it can be cured only by healing
or restoration magic that is cast within an area sanctified by
the forces of good―such as within a consecrate or a hallow
If you can channel at least 6d6 hp worth of negative
energy, every successful attack deals an additional point of
Vile damage, even if the normal activating conditions are
not met. A Vile Strike made as a standard action, attack of
opportunity, etc. (normal Strike activating condition) deals
an additional 2 points of vile damage instead. In addition,
a consecrated area does not suffice for curing the vile
damage; the minimum effect is per a hallow spell.
If you can channel at least 9d6 worth of negative energy,
every successful attack deals an additional 2 points of vile
damage, and a standard-action Vile Strike deals an
additional 4. In addition, a hallow spell is insufficient; a
greater restoration or miracle within such an area is
Benefit: As a standard action, you can unleash a blast of air
in a 30-foot line. Make a combat maneuver check against
each creature in the line, making a Concentration check in
Domain Feats place of the combat maneuver check. Treat the results as a
All feats in this section have the [Domain] descriptor, and bull rush attempt.
unless otherwise noted also have the [Divine] descriptor, in Source: Complete Mage; this feat also supersedes the
addition to any other descriptors listed. They are intended as wind blast subdomain ability from the Advanced Player’s
selections for bonus feats for clerics and archivists with Guide.
access to the appropriate domains; other characters may
qualify as well according to the prerequisites listed. Thundercloud [Air]
Domain feats that require allegiance to an aligned deity or Prerequisite: Access to the Air domain, Winds mystery, or
cause also give the user those alignment descriptors, for Elemental Air or Djinni bloodline; or [air elemental] type;
purposes of detecting alignment and determining alignment- Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks.
specific spell effects. Benefit: As a standard action, you can summon a storm
Unless otherwise noted, the save DC for Domain feats cloud. This power functions as fog cloud except that creatures
allowing a saving throw is equal to 10 + half your number of inside the cloud are deafened while they remain within and
ranks in Concentration + your Charisma modifier. take 2d6 points of electricity damage each round from the
In order to keep like-themed feats together, Domain feats flashes of thunder and lightning. Once created, you can
are alphabetized primarily by their primary descriptors, concentrate on the cloud to move it up to 30 feet each round.
rather than by feat names. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal
to your number of ranks in Knowledge (the planes); these
Air Devotion [Air] rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Prerequisite: Access to the Air domain, Winds mystery, or Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Elemental Air or Djinni bloodline; or [air elemental] subtype.
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can shroud Animal Devotion [Animal]
yourself in a mantle of air. This effect grants you a +1 You enhance your own abilities with the characteristics of
deflection bonus to AC. This bonus increases by 1 for every animals.
four character levels you possess (maximum +6 at 20th level). Prerequisite: Access to the Animal domain, Bestial
In addition, thrown and projectile weapons have an automatic bloodline, or Nature mystery, or ability to wild shape.
50% miss chance against you while the air mantle is active. Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can give
This protection lasts for 1 minute. yourself the power of a specific animal. Select one of the
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining following abilities each time you activate the feat. Each effect
one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the lasts for 1 minute.
ability to channel elemental energy, you gain one additional
daily use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses Ape's Fury: Gain a +2 sacred (if your deity is good or
you expend. neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus to your
Source: Complete Champion. Strength score. The value of this bonus increases by 2 for
every six class levels you possess (maximum +8 at 18th
Far-Reaching Wind [Air] level). When you activate ape's jury, fur sprouts all over
Prerequisite: Access to the Air domain, Winds mystery, or your body and remains until the effect ends.
Elemental Air or Djinni bloodline; or [air elemental] subtype. Cheetah's Sprint: Gain a +5-foot sacred (if your deity is
Benefit: At will as a standard action, you can imbue a good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus to
weapon with the lofting of the winds as a supernatural ability. your base land speed. The value of this bonus increases by
All range increments of a missile affected in this way are 5 feet for every four class levels you possess (maximum
doubled; a melee weapon can be thrown with a range +30 feet at 20th level). Your body is covered in black spots
increment of 20 ft., even if this is not normally possible. The while cheetah's sprint is active.
effect lasts for 1 minute or until expended, whichever comes
first. Hawk's Flight: You can fly as if using the overland flight
Note that this is equivalent to the Arcane Talent feat, spell. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, you gain a
selecting longshot (Ultimate Combat) as the spell. +5-foot sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane
Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342. (if your deity is evil) bonus to your base fly speed
(maximum +20 feet at 20th level). Intangible, luminescent
Hurricane Breath [Air] wings grow from your back when you activate hawk's
flight and remain as long as the effect is active.
The power of elemental air you hold in your mind allows
you to exhale the wind. Serpent's Strike: You gain a natural bite attack (base
Prerequisite: Access to the Air domain, Winds mystery, or damage 1d4) that injects poison (injury DC 10 + half your
Elemental Air or Djinni bloodline; or [air elemental] subtype. class level + your Charisma modifier; damage ld3
Con/round for 1 round; cure 1 save). Your upper canine
teeth grow into fangs when you activate serpent's strike
and remain in that form as long as the effect is active.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one Chaos Curse [Chaotic]
additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the
ability to channel energy, you gain one additional daily use of Prerequisite: Access to the Chaos domain or bloodline, or
this feat for each three daily channeling uses you expend. You fealty to a Chaotic deity or cause.
can have multiple abilities active simultaneously. However, Benefit: You gain a ranged touch attack (a ray) with a range
you can still activate only one ability per round. of 30 ft. Any target struck must save vs. Intuition or become
Source: Complete Champion. stricken with random misfortune for 1 minute. Each round,
the target has a 50% of dropping whatever it is holding; if not
Eyes of the Hawk [Animal] holding anything, it instead provokes an attack of opportunity
from each threatening opponent. If not holding anything and
Prerequisite: Access to the Animal domain, Bestial not threatened, the victim falls prone instead.
bloodline, or Nature mystery, or ability to wild shape. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to
Benefit: As Skill Focus (Perception), and if you can act half your class level (minimum 1/day).
during a surprise round, you receive a +2 racial bonus on your Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342.
Initiative check.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Elysium's Call [Chaotic, Good]
Predator's Grace [Animal] Prerequisites: Access to the Chaos or Good domain; Chaotic
Good deity or cause.
Prerequisite: Access to the Animal domain, Bestial Benefit: With a touch, you can imbue creatures with the
bloodline, or Nature mystery, or ability to wild shape. spirit of Elysium, lifting their spirits and freeing them from
Benefit: As a swift action, you can grant yourself a +10-foot bonds. The creatures touched can immediately reroll any
bonus to your base speed for 1 round. This bonus increases failed saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities of
by 5 feet for every 5 ranks in Knowledge (the planes) you the enchantment [charm] and [compulsion] sub-schools. In
possess. In addition, you gain low-light vision for 1 round. You addition, targets receive a +2 sacred bonus on such saving
can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + throws and a +2 sacred bonus on CMB checks to escape a
your Wisdom modifier. grapple. Finally, targets can ignore up to 5 feet of difficult
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. terrain each round.
These bonuses last for a number of rounds equal to half
Aura of Chaos [Chaotic, Stance] your number of ranks in Knowledge (the planes) (minimum
Prerequisite: Access to the Chaos domain or bloodline, or 1), although the saving throw reroll only applies when the
fealty to a Chaotic deity or cause. creature is touched. You can use this ability for a total number
Benefit: While you are in this stance, whenever one or of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier; these
more of your damage dice show a maximum possible result rounds need not be concurrent, but each affected creature
(for example, one of the d6s when rolling greatsword damage counts against the duration. You can cancel the effect on each
results in a 6), reroll each such die and add its result to the subject with a free action.
original damage total. You can continue to reroll as long as a Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
die shows its maximum possible result, adding each new
number to the damage total until each die has shown less Fury of the Abyss
than a maximum result [Chaotic, Evil, Channeling]
Source: Tome of Battle.
Prerequisite: Ability to channel energy; access to the Chaos,
Chaos Devotion [Chaotic, Combat] Evil, or Fury domain; [chaotic] and [evil] alignment or subtype
or allegiance to a Chaotic Evil patron.
Prerequisite: Access to the Chaos domain or bloodline, or Benefit: As a swift action, you can channel energy to give
fealty to a Chaotic deity or cause. yourself an enhancement bonus equal to the number of dice
Benefit: As a swift action, you can summon the force of you would normally channel on melee attacks, melee damage
chaos to aid you. When you activate this ability, roll ld6 (when rolls, and combat maneuver checks. This bonus lasts for 1
you attain 10th level, the die you roll increases to a d8; when round. During this round, you take a –2 penalty to AC.
you attain 15th level, the die increases to a d10). If the result Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
is odd, add that number as a luck bonus on your attack rolls
until your next turn. If the result is even, add that number as a
luck to your AC. You can use this ability a number of rounds
per day equal to half your class level; these rounds need not
be consecutive.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining
additional daily rounds of use each time you take it. If you
have the ability to channel energy, you gain one additional
daily use of this feat for each three channel uses you expend.
Source: Complete Champion.

Chaos Curse [Chaotic]

Guarded Hearth [Community]
Protean Aura [Chaotic] Prerequisites: Access to the Community domain; Knowledge
Prerequisites: Access to the Chaos domain or Protean (the planes) 8 ranks.
bloodline, or planetouched (protean) race; Knowledge (the Benefit: You can create a ward that protects a specified
planes) 8 ranks. area. Creating this ward takes 10 minutes of uninterrupted
Benefit: You can surround yourself with a 30-ft. aura of work. This ward has a maximum radius of 5 feet per 2 ranks
wild energies for a number of rounds per day equal to your in Concentration you possess. When the ward is completed,
number of ranks in Concentration (these rounds need not be you designate any number of creatures inside its area. Should
consecutive, but activating this ability is a standard action). All any other creature enter the warded area, all of the selected
enemies within this aura must declare one type of action at creatures are immediately alerted (and awoken if they were
the start of their turn (attack, cast a spell, move, use an item, asleep). The designated creatures also receive a sacred bonus
or activate a special ability) and make an Intuition save. equal to your Wisdom modifier on all saving throws and
Creatures that fail the save must take an action other than attack rolls while inside the warded area. This ward
their declared action. If they succeed, they must take the immediately ends if you leave the area. The ward lasts for 1
declared action. Creatures cannot select actions that they hour per rank in Knowledge (the planes) you possess. You
cannot perform. can use this ability once per day.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Adoration [Charm] Energumen [Cultist, Skill]
Prerequisite: Access to the Charm domain, Beguiler Prerequisite: Access to the Cultist domain and/or demon
bloodline, or Lust mystery. lord/archdevil/Great Old One patron deity; Knowledge (the
Benefit: As an immediate action, you can attempt to thwart planes) 6 ranks.
a melee or ranged attack that targets you. This ability Benefit: Once per day, you can open your soul to a
functions as sanctuary, but only against one individual attack demonic spirit as a free action. This spirit possesses you for a
(Intuition save negates). You must use the ability after the number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum
attack is declared but before the roll is made. If a creature 1), granting you a +2 profane bonus to one attribute score of
has more than one attack, this ability only affects one of the your choice.
attacks. You can use the ability a number of times per day
equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This is a mind-affecting If you have at least 11 ranks in Knowledge (the planes),
effect. energumen grants a +4 profane bonus to one attribute
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. score, electricity resistance 10, and a +4 profane bonus on
saves vs. poison.
Anything to Please [Charm] If you have at least 16 ranks in Knowledge (the planes),
Prerequisites: Access to the Charm domain, Beguiler energumen grants a +6 profane bonus to one attribute
bloodline, or Lust mystery; Bluff 8 ranks. score and immunity to electricity and poison.
Benefit: You can compel a creature within 30 feet to
attempt to please you as a standard action. The creature When the effect ends, you become confused for a number
receives a Will save to negate this affect. If the save fails, the of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) as the
creature attacks your enemies for 1 round, gives you its most demonic spirit has its way with your mind. At the start of each
valuable item, or drops prone at your feet and grovels for 1d4 round of confusion, you can attempt a DC 25 Intuition save to
rounds (referee's choice). You can use this ability once per day end the confusion effect immediately.
per 4 ranks in Bluff you possess. This is a mind-affecting Energumen is a possession effect, and is negated by
effect. protection from evil or protection from chaos. You can
prevent or end the confusion side effect by having one of
Binding Ties [Community] these spells cast on you when (or before) the energumen
Prerequisite: Access to the Community Domain. ends, but being affected by such a spell before the energumen
Benefit: As a standard action, you can touch an ally and has run its course also causes the benefits granted to end
remove one condition affecting the ally by transferring it to prematurely.
yourself. This transfer lasts a number of rounds equal to your Source: This feat supersedes the Demoniac’s prestige
number of ranks in Concentration, but you can end it as a class feature of the same name from Lords of Chaos: Book of
free action on your turn. At the end of this effect, the the Damned, Vol. 2.
condition reverts to the original creature, unless it has ended
or is removed by another effect. While this power is in use, False Priest [Cultist]
the target is immune to the transferred condition. You can Prerequisites: Access to the Cultist domain and/or demon
use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your lord/archdevil/Great Old One patron deity and ability to cast
Wisdom modifier. divine spells.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Benefit: As long as you carry your unholy symbol, you are
immune to magical attempts to uncover falsehood such as
discern lies, zone of truth, and similar effects.
Source: Dragon magazine, issue 353.

Guarded Hearth [Community]

Benefit: You gain a gaze attack similar to the kyton ability
Night Hunter [Darkness] of the same name. Creatures within 30 feet must succeed at
Prerequisite: Access to the Darkness domain or Shadow a Will save or be shaken for 1 round. You can use this ability
bloodline, or Shade racial levels (Chapter 2). for a number of rounds per day equal to your number of
Benefit: As a standard action, you can blend into the ranks in Bluff; these rounds do not need to be consecutive.
shadows of the night, becoming nearly invisible. As long as Activating this ability is a swift action.
you are in an area of dim light or darkness, you are invisible You are immune to the unnerving gaze of kytons (whether
(as per invisibility) to creatures without darkvision. This or not your own unnerving gaze is active). This is a mind-
ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to half your number affecting fear effect that follows all the normal rules for a
of rounds in Concentration (minimum 1). You can use this gaze attack.
ability for a number of times per day equal to 3 + your If you have at least 11 ranks in Bluff, creatures that fail
Wisdom modifier. their save are shaken for 1d4 rounds.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
If you have at least 16 ranks in Bluff, they are staggered
Shadow Chains [Darkness] for 1 round and shaken for 1d4 rounds thereafter.
Prerequisites: Access to the Darkness domain, touch of Source: This feat emulates the Umbral Court Agent’s
darkness granted power; Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks; prestige class feature of the same name, from Paths of
service to a [lawful, evil] deity or cause. Prestige.
Benefit: When using your touch of darkness ability, you
manifest shadowy chains that increase the reach of the melee Death Devotion [Death]
touch attack by 5 feet. A creature struck by these chains must
succeed at a Reflex save or be entangled for 1d4 rounds in The power of death imbues your weapon with exceptional
addition to the normal effects of the ability. might.
If you have at least 11 ranks in Knowledge (the planes), Prerequisite: Access to the Death domain, Undead
the reach of your shadow chains increases by 5 feet (to a bloodline, or Graves mystery.
total 10 foot increase). In place of entangling the target, Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can cause one
you can attempt to grapple the target without provoking of your melee weapons to radiate life-draining energy for 1
an attack of opportunity, using your Charisma modifier in minute. When you make a successful attack with this
place of your Strength modifier for the purpose of weapon, the target must succeed on a Fortitude save or gain
determining CMB. If both you and the target are in an a negative level. You can bestow only one negative level per
area of dim or darker light, you gain a +4 profane bonus target for every four class levels you possess (maximum five
on this grapple check. You do not gain the grappled negative levels at 20th level).
condition when using your shadow chains this way. You Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining
may make combat maneuver checks to maintain the one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the
grapple for as long as the effects of the touch of darkness ability to channel negative energy, you gain one additional
persist. daily use of this feat for each three daily channel uses you
If you have at least 16 ranks in Knowledge (the planes), Source: Complete Champion.
the reach provided by your shadow chains increases by
another 5 feet (to a total 20 foot reach). When you Death's Kiss [Death]
successfully grapple a creature with your shadow chains, Prerequisite: Access to the Death domain, Undead
you can begin constricting the victim as a free action, bloodline, or Graves mystery.
dealing 1d6 points of damage per level of the highest-level Benefit: You can cause a creature to take on some of the
Darkness domain spell you have prepared whenever you traits of the undead with a melee touch attack. Touched
make a successful grapple check. Creatures constricted in creatures are treated as undead for the purposes of effects
this way are also considered strangled, and cannot speak that heal or cause damage based on positive and negative
or cast spells with verbal components. energy. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to half
your number of ranks in Knowledge (the planes) (minimum
Source: This feat emulates the Umbral Court Agent’s 1). It does not apply to the Turn Undead or Command
prestige class feature of the same name (and its Undead feats. You can use this ability a number of times per
improvements), from Paths of Prestige. day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Unnerving Gaze [Darkness, Skill]
Prerequisites: Access to the Darkness domain, Shadow
bloodline, or Shade racial levels; Bluff 6 ranks, Knowledge
(the planes) 6 ranks; must serve a [lawful, evil] deity or cause.
Destruction Devotion
Undying Fate [Death] [Destruction]
Prerequisites: Able to cast 2nd level divine spells, access Your attacks weaken your opponents' defenses.
to the Death domain, Undead bloodline, or Graves mystery. Prerequisite: Access to the Destruction domain.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can determine how close Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can call
creatures are to death. This extraordinary ability can be used upon the forces of destruction to weaken your opponents'
at will but otherwise functions like the deathwatch spell. In defenses. If you deal damage with a melee attack (but not a
addition, you add the following spells to your class spell list: melee touch attack) while this ability is active, you
2nd—false life; 3rd—halt undead; 5th—blight; 7th—finger of temporarily reduce the struck opponent's armor bonus or
death. natural armor bonus by 1. Reductions from multiple hits
Source: Races of Destiny. stack, to a minimum bonus of +0. If the opponent has both
armor and natural armor bonuses, it chooses which one to
Heat Shimmer [Desert] reduce. Once one bonus reaches +0, the other bonus
Prerequisite: Access to the Desert domain. automatically gets reduced until it too reaches +0 or the
Benefit: As a free action, you can surround yourself with effect ends.
heat distortion that acts as the blur spell. Creatures that This effect lasts for 1 minute, after which all armor and
strike you in melee while you're using this ability are dazzled natural armor bonuses reduced in this way return to normal.
for 1 round (Fortitude negates). You may use this ability for a Upon reaching 10th level, you reduce your opponent's armor
number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. or natural armor bonus by 2 per successful hit.
These rounds need not be consecutive. Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining
one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the
Priest of the Waste [Desert] ability to channel negative energy, you gain one additional
daily use of this feat for each daily channel use you expend.
You can swap out prepared spells for others that aid in Source: Complete Champion.
exploring and surviving in wastelands.
Prerequisite: Favored terrain (deserts) or access to the Fragile Construct [Destruction,
Sun domain.
Benefit: This works similarly to the Spontaneous Spell Reserve]
feat (q.v.), giving access to the following list of spells: 1st Your innate attunement to the forces of entropy allows you to
—endure elements; 2nd—resist energy; 3rd—create food and weaken objects.
water; 4th—communal protection from energyUC; 5th Reserve Spell: 1st level Destruction or Artifice domain
—control winds; 6th—heroes’ feast; 7th—control weather; 8th spell.
—whirlwind; 9th—antipathy. Benefit: You can enhance the inherent flaws of objects.
Source: Sandstorm. Using this ability requires a touch or a melee touch attack (if
used against an opponent) that does not provoke an attack of
Deadly Weather [Destruction] opportunity. For a number of rounds equal to your number of
Prerequisite: Access to the Destruction or Weather domain; ranks in Concentration, the hardness or damage reduction of
Concentration 8 ranks. the touched object or construct is reduced by an amount
Benefit: As a standard action, you can unleash a furious equal to the level of the highest-level reserve spell you have
call to the heavens, summoning forth an ever-changing storm available to cast. This ability cannot reduce an object's
of destruction for a number of rounds per day equal to your hardness or damage reduction below 0.
number of ranks in Concentration. This storm has a radius of
5 feet per rank in Concentration you possess. Each round, the Armor of Stone [Earth,
storm has one of the following effects: driving rain (–4 on all Channeling]
Perception checks and ranged attack rolls), howling winds (– Prerequisites: Access to the Earth domain, or Elemental
8 on Fly skill checks and ranged attack rolls), heavy snow (all Earth or Deep Earth or Genie (dao/shaitan) bloodline, or
terrain is considered difficult), or lightning bolt (as call Stone mystery, or [Earth] subtype; ability to channel
lightning). You choose which effect takes place each round, elemental energy (earth).
but no effect may be repeated on the following round. These Benefit: By spending one channel energy use as a standard
rounds do not need to be consecutive. action, you can grant yourself damage reduction (overcome
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. by adamantine weapons) to a number of points of damage
equal to the number of dice worth of energy you would
normally channel (e.g., a 5th level cleric would gain DR
3/adamantine). The effects last for 1 round per character level
you possess.
Source: This emulates the Divine Damage Reduction feat
from Races of Stone.

Destruction Devotion
Tremor Step [Earth]
Acid Resistance [Earth] Prerequisite: Access to the Earth domain, or Elemental
Prerequisite: Access to the Earth domain, or Elemental Earth or Deep Earth or Genie (dao/shaitan) bloodline, or
Earth or Deep Earth or Genie (dao/shaitan) bloodline, or Stone mystery, or [Earth] subtype.
Stone mystery, or [Earth] subtype. Benefit: While standing on a solid, natural surface (e.g.,
Benefit: You gain resistance to acid 5. This resistance fields or a cave floor, but not the upper storey of a tower) you
increases by 5 points per 4 ranks in Knowledge (the planes) can strike the ground as a free action to produce highly
you possess, to resistance 20 at 16 ranks. At 20 ranks, you localized seismic vibrations. Roll a Concentration check;
are immune to acid. those within 20 ft. with CMD less than the results are
knocked prone. You may use this ability once per day per 2
Earth Devotion [Earth] class levels you possess (minimum 1/day).
You can manipulate the earth to your advantage. Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342.
Prerequisite: Access to the Earth domain, or Elemental
Earth or Deep Earth or Genie (dao/shaitan) bloodline, or Aura of Tyranny [Evil, Stance]
Stone mystery, or [Earth] subtype; Concentration 3 ranks. Prerequisite: Access to Evil domain, Infernal bloodline,
Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can Planetouched (tiefling) levels, Incarnate (fiendish aspirancy),
affect one 5-ft. square of earth or stone per 3 ranks in or allegiance to Evil deity or cause.
Concentration you possess (minimum 1 square; maximum 6 Benefit: While you are in this stance, you drain hit points
squares at 18th level), changing it from normal to difficult from your allies. At the end of your turn, you can choose to
terrain. The first square you change must be within 30 ft. of deal 2 points of damage to each willing ally within 10 feet.
you, and all other squares must be linked to that one in an For each ally who takes this damage, you heal 1 point of
unbroken line. This change lasts for 1 minute. damage.
On attaining 11th level, you can cause stone spikes to grow Source: Tome of Battle.
from any surface you have changed to difficult terrain using
this ability. These spikes work like caltrops, except that the Evil Devotion [Evil]
bonus on attack rolls for each spike equals your base attack
bonus, and they cannot be swept away. This effect also lasts 1 The power of evil cloaks you and your allies.
minute. If you cause spikes to appear underneath a creature Prerequisite: Access to Evil domain, Abyssal or Daemon
on the affected surface, they immediately "attack." or Infernal or Rakshasa bloodline, Aspirancy (fiendish)
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining mystery, or Planetouched (tiefling) levels, or allegiance to Evil
one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the deity or cause.
ability to channel elemental energy (earth), you gain one use Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can
of this feat for each daily channel use you expend. surround yourself with an aura of evil that grants you and
Source: Complete Champion. each of your allies within 30 feet damage reduction that can
be overcome only by good-aligned weapons. The numeric
Roots of the Mountain [Earth, value of this damage reduction is 1 + l/5 character levels you
possess (maximum 5/good at 20th level). In addition, your and
Channeling] your allies' natural and weapon attacks are evil-aligned for
You can channel energy to make yourself immovable. the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. This effect
Prerequisites: Access to the Earth domain, or Elemental lasts for 1 minute.
Earth or Deep Earth or Genie (dao/shaitan) bloodline, or Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining
Stone mystery, or [Earth] subtype; ability to channel one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the
elemental energy (earth). ability to channel negative energy, you gain one additional
Benefit: As a standard action, spend one of your channel daily use of this feat for each daily channel use you expend.
energy uses to root yourself to the spot where you stand. You Source: Complete Champion.
cannot be bull rushed, tripped, lifted up, or thrown. A creature
with the improved grab ability must move into your space to Hell's Corruption [Evil, Lawful]
grapple you, since it cannot pull you into its space. If you are Prerequisite: Access to Evil domain, Infernal bloodline, or
grappling, you automatically win an opposed grapple check Aspirancy (fiendish) mystery; [Lawful] and [Evil]
when an opponent tries to move you. No spell or other effect alignment/subtypes or allegiance to a Lawful Evil deity or
can force you to move. If you become frightened or panicked, cause.
you experience the full effect of the fear but do not run away. Benefit: You can cause a creature to become more
You cannot move, even to make a 5-foot step, while this ability susceptible to corruption as a melee touch attack that does
is in effect. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to not provoke attacks of opportunity. Any creature touched
the number of dice you would normally channel, but you can takes a –2 penalty on all saving throws and must roll all
end it at any time as a free action. opposed skill checks twice, taking the worse result. This
Special: You must be touching the ground to use this feat. effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to half your number
Source: Races of Stone. of ranks in Knowledge (the planes) (minimum 1). You can use
this ability for a number of times per day equal to 3 + your
Wisdom modifier.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.

Tremor Step [Earth]

Honor Bound [Glory]
Whispering Evil [Evil] Prerequisite: Access to the Glory domain.
Prerequisite: Access to Evil domain, Abyssal or Daemon Benefit: With a touch, you can remind a creature of its
or Infernal or Rakshasa bloodline, Aspirancy (fiendish) duties and responsibilities, granting it a new saving throw
mystery, or [evil] alignment or subtype or allegiance to Evil against each enchantment [charm] or [compulsion] effect
deity or cause; Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks. that currently affects it. If the saving throw is successful, the
Benefit: As a standard action, you can whisper a enchantment effect is ended. This power only affects effects
hypnotizing litany of empty promises. Each enemy within a that allow a save. If you fail a save against such an effect, you
30-foot emanation that can hear you must succeed on a Will can use this ability as an immediate action to grant yourself
saving throw or become fascinated for as long as you an additional save. Once the target (either you or a touched
continue the litany. You can use this power a number of creature) has made one additional save per effect, this ability
rounds per day equal to your number of ranks in Knowledge has no further effect on that particular enchantment effect.
(the planes), but these rounds do not need to be consecutive. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3
This is a mind-affecting effect. + your Wisdom modifier.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Fire Devotion [Fire] Good Devotion [Good]
You can burn your enemies with your melee attacks. The power of good shields you and your allies.
Prerequisite: Access to the Fire domain, Elemental Fire or Prerequisite: Access to the Good domain, Celestial
Genie (efreet) bloodline, or Flame mystery; or [fire] subtype. bloodline, Aspirant (celestial) mystery; or [Good] alignment
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can sheathe or subtype.
your body in red and orange flames. The fire does not harm Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can
you, but you illuminate the nearby area as a torch would. surround yourself with an aura of good that grants you and
While you are thus alight, each of your melee attacks deals 1 each of your allies within 30 feet damage reduction that can
extra point of fire damage, plus an additional point for every be overcome only by evil-aligned weapons. The numeric value
three class levels you possess (maximum +7 at 18th level). of this damage reduction is 1 + l/5 character levels you
This effect lasts for 1 minute. possess (maximum 5/evil at 20th level). In addition, your and
Any foe injured by this fire ignites and burns for an your allies’ natural and weapon attacks are good-aligned for
additional ld4 points of fire damage per round unless it the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. This effect
succeeds on a Reflex save. A burning creature can take a lasts for 1 minute.
move action to automatically douse the flames. Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the
one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the ability to channel positive energy, you gain one additional
ability to channel elemental [fire] energy, you gain one daily use of this feat for each daily channel use you expend.
additional daily use of this feat for each two daily uses you Source: Complete Champion.
Source: Complete Champion. Protective Aura [Good]
Fire-Guiding Song [Fire] Prerequisites: Access to the Good domain or Lawful Neutral
deity or cause; Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks.
Your voice has a hypnotic power over fire. Benefit: You can emit a 30-foot protective aura as a
Prerequisite: Access to the Fire domain, Elemental Fire or standard action. Allies in this aura receive a +2 deflection
Genie (efreet) bloodline, or Flame mystery; or [fire] subtype. bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can cause an existing In addition, allies in the area gain the benefits of protection
fire to lash out at one creature within 10 ft. of it, dealing 2d6 from evil (although the AC bonus and saving throw bonus do
fire damage and forcing a Reflex saving throw to avoid not stack with those granted by this effect). You can use this
catching on fire. ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your number
You may also use this ability to automatically extinguish a of ranks in Knowledge (the planes). These rounds do not have
non-magical fire no larger than a bonfire. In either case, your to be consecutive.
total number of uses per day is equal to half your class level. Source: This is the Agathion subdomain power from the
Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342. Advanced Player’s Guide.
Aura of Heroism [Glory] Saving Grace [Good]
Prerequisite: Access to the Glory domain, Knowledge (the Prerequisite: Access to the Good domain, Celestial
planes) 8 ranks. bloodline, Aspirant (celestial) mystery; or [Good] alignment
Benefit: You can emit a 30-foot aura of heroism for a or subtype.
number of rounds per day equal to your number of ranks in Benefit: As a move action, you can grant one ally within 30
Concentration. These rounds do not need to be consecutive, ft. a sacred bonus equal to your Charisma bonus to the next
but each activation requires a swift action. Allies in the area saving throw, attack roll, or attribute check made within 1
are treated as if they were under the effects of the heroism minute. You may use this ability once per day per 2 class
spell. levels you possess (minimum 1/day).
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342.
Honor Bound [Glory]
Healing, Merciful [Healing, Skill]
Healing Devotion [Healing] Prerequisite: Access to the Healing domain or Life mystery
You can heal damage faster than normal. or Greenbond initiation; Heal 1 rank.
Prerequisite: Access to the Healing domain or Life Benefit: Choose one of the following harmful conditions:
mystery or Greenbond initiation. fatigued, shaken, or sickened. When you channel energy you
Benefit: Once per day, you can gain fast healing 1, +1 per 5 can also remove the chosen condition from one living
character levels you possess (maximum fast healing 5 at 20th creature that you heal within your channel energy burst.
level). This effect lasts for 1 minute. You can activate this feat
as an immediate action or, if you have a daily available, it If you have at least 6 ranks in Heal, you can choose
automatically activates if you are reduced to 0 hit points or another condition. It can be one of those you didn’t choose
below (but not killed). As a full-round action, you can transfer at initially, or one of the following conditions: dazed,
this ability to a willing recipient as a touch spell. Doing so diseased, or staggered. You can remove the selected
counts as one daily use of the ability. condition or the one you chose at initially from up to two
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining creatures within your channel energy burst.
one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the
ability to channel positive energy, you gain one additional If you have at least 11 ranks in Heal, you gain another
daily use of this feat for each channeling use you expend. condition, choosing an above option or one of the
Source: Complete Champion. following conditions: cursed, exhausted, frightened,
nauseated, or poisoned. You can remove that condition, or
Healing Kicker [Healing, Skill] a condition you previously chose, from one or two
Prerequisites: Access to the Healing domain or Life mystery; creatures within the burst.
Heal 1 rank. If you have at least 16 ranks in Heal, you can choose a
Benefit: Whenever you cast a cure spell, you can also lower-level condition or one of the following conditions:
imbue the recipient with a sanctuary effect (DC 10 + your blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or stunned. You can remove
Heal skill bonus). You can use this ability a number of times that condition or one she previously chose from one, two,
per day equal to half your class level + your Wisdom modifier. or three creatures within your channel energy burst.
If you have at least 6 ranks in Heal, you can instead
choose to imbue the recipient with a sacred bonus on Special: Feats and effects that affect a paladin’s mercy also
Reflex saves equal to half your class level. This effect affect this ability.
likewise lasts 1 round. Source: Ultimate Combat. Used in conjunction with the
Lay on Hands feat, this supersedes the Restorative Touch
If you have at least 11 ranks in Heal, you can instead ability from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
choose to imbue the recipient with a maximized aid effect
for 1 minute (or until the temporary hp so granted are Touch of Healing [Healing,
depleted, whichever comes first). Reserve]
Source: This feat supersedes the Combat Medic prestige Prerequisite: Access to the Healing domain or Life mystery
class feature of the same name, from Heroes of Battle. or Greenbond initiation; Heal 1 rank.
Reserve Spell: 2nd level Necromancy [healing].
Healing Light [Healing, Skill] Benefit: You can spend a standard action to touch a target
creature and heal 1d6 points of damage per level of the
Prerequisite: Access to the Healing domain or Life mystery highest-level [healing] spell you have available to cast. You
or Greenbond initiation; Heal 1 rank. can use this ability only on a target that has been reduced to
Benefit: Spells you cast with “cure” in the name have a one-fourth or fewer of its total hit points (heavily wounded or
range of Close, rather than Touch (as if affected by the Reach worse). The effect ends once you've healed the subject up to
Spell feat, but with no increase in spell level or casting time). ¼ its normal maximum hit points. This ability has no effect
You need not make a ranged touch attack against a willing on creatures that can't be healed by cure spells.
target, but you must do so to affect an unwilling target (e.g., If you have at least 11 ranks in Heal, you can use this ability
when using a cure spell to inflict damage on undead). on lightly wounded creatures as well, restoring lost hit points
If you have at least 6 ranks in Heal, the range is Medium up to half its normal maximum.
instead. Source: Complete Champion.
If you have at least 11 ranks in Heal, increase the effect to
Long range.
If you have at least 16 ranks in Heal, you can cast cure
spells on any willing recipient on the same plane.
Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342.

Healing, Merciful [Healing, Skill]

Inquisitor’s Zeal [Inquisition,
Your zeal in carrying out your duties prevents you from
being subverted by magical means.
Prerequisites: Access to the Inquisition domain; Bluff 5
Benefits: You gain immunity to [charm] effects.
If you have at least 11 ranks in Bluff, you are immune to
[compulsion] effects as well.
If you have at least 16 ranks in Bluff, you are also immune
to possession (including magic jar and the ghost’s
malevolence ability) and effects that would normally
displace or trap your life force or soul (soul bind, trap the
soul, etc.).
Source: This feat provides the immunities of the Church
Inquisitor prestige class, from Complete Divine.
Divine Inspiration [Knowledge]
Prerequisites: Access to the Knowledge domain or Akashic
or Oracular mystery.
Benefit: You can make Knowledge skill checks untrained.
Once per day per class level, you can grant yourself an
enhancement bonus equal to your Charisma modifier to any
Knowledge check as a free action.
Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342.
Paragnostic Disciple [Knowledge]
You gain enhancements to your spellcasting based on the skills knowledge you possess.
Prerequisites: Access to the Knowledge domain or Akashic mystery; minimum 6 ranks in the applicable skill, as indicated in
the table.
Benefit: Each time you select this feat, choose two abilities from the table for which you meet the skill prerequisites.
Source: This feat supersedes the prestige class of the same name, from Complete Champion.
Ability Name Skill Description
Accurate Spellcraft You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on your ranged attack roll with every ray spell that you aim
Retort at a creature with a natural armor bonus.
Backhanded Spellcraft If you successfully hit with an attack that deals hit point or ability score damage and requires a
Attack saving throw against an additional, non-damaging effect (such as the orb of acid spell, add 1 to
the DC of the saving throw.
Call of Worlds Knowledge Each creature you summon with a [summoning] spell gains the fast healing ability. The damage
(planes) healed per round begins at 1 hit point and increases by 1 for every three class levels above the
6th (maximum 5 at 18th level).
Discern Special Choose one creature type or subtype from the ranger's favored enemy list. If you have 8 ranks
Weakness in the appropriate Knowledge skill (such as Knowledge [lore] for dragons, or Streetwise for
civilized humanoids), the save DC of every spell that you target on a creature of that type
increases by 1. You can select this ability multiple times, choosing a different creature type
each time.
Divine Knowledge Choose one clerical domain. For the purpose of this ability, you can choose any domain,
Understanding (planes) whether or not your deity offers it. Your effective caster level increases by 1 when you cast
spells that appear on that domain's spell list. You can select this ability multiple times,
choosing a different domain each time.
Energy Knowledge Choose an energy type. Your effective caster level increases by 1 when you cast spells of that
Supremacy (planes) energy type. You can select this ability multiple times, choosing a different energy type each
Manifest Knowledge Choose one non-neutral aspect of your deity’s alignment. When you cast an energy-based
Ethos (planes) offensive spell against a creature with an opposing alignment component, one-half the hit
point damage dealt is pure divine power instead of its normal energy type, and thus not
subject to reduction by energy resistance. You can select this ability multiple times, assuming
that your deity’s alignment permits it, choosing a different aspect of your deity’s alignment
each time.
Mind over Survival Your effective caster level increases by 1 when you cast [healing] spells or transmutation spells
Body that grant ability bonuses or penalties.
Mind over Craft Whenever you cast a spell that creates a solid object, its hardness and hit points each increase
Matter (construction) by 2. When you cast a spell that provides an armor bonus, that bonus to AC also increases by
Mortal Coil Survival Your effective caster level increases by 1 when you cast spells that physically change the
subject's form (such as enlarge person or baleful polymorph).
Noble Diplomacy Whenever you cast a charm spell, or a compulsion that affects the subject's emotions but not
Presence specific actions (such as good hope or rage, but not dominate person), the save DC increases
by 1.
Penetrating Spellcraft You gain a +1 insight bonus on checks made to overcome spell resistance, or to successfully
Insight dispel another caster's spell.
See Through Knowledge Whenever you cast a necromantic spell that targets undead, the save DC increases by 1. In
the Veil (planes) addition, your effective channeling level increases by 2, if you possess the ability to channel
negative energy.
Spatial Survival Your effective caster level increases by 1 when you cast conjuration (teleportation) spells.
Awareness Furthermore, the subject of any spell that increases base movement rate or grants a new type
of movement gains an additional 10 feet to the designated speed.
Law Devotion [Lawful]
Prerequisite: Access to the Law domain.
Aura of Menace [Lawful, Good] Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can summon
Prerequisites: Access to the Law domain or Celestial the power of law to aid you. Upon activating this ability, you
bloodline or Aspirancy (celestial) mystery, or [Lawful] and immediately gain a +3 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral)
[Good] alignment descriptors or subtype; Knowledge (the or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on your attack rolls or
planes) 8 ranks. to your AC until your next action. At the beginning of your
Benefit: You can emit a 30-foot aura of menace as a next action, you can reallocate the bonus if desired. This
standard action. Enemies in this aura take a –2 penalty to AC effect lasts for 1 minute. The bonus increases to +5 when you
and on attacks and saves as long as they remain inside the attain 10th level, and to +7 when you attain 15th level.
aura. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day Synergy: If you have the ability to channel energy, you can
equal to your number of ranks in Knowledge (the planes). gain an additional use of this feat by expending a channel use.
These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. one additional daily use each time you take it.
Source: Complete Champion.
Aura of Perfect Order [Lawful,
Stance] Law Inviolate [Lawful]
Prerequisite: Access to the Law domain, [Lawful] alignment Your unshakable faith in law allows you to better apprehend
or subtype, or allegiance to a Lawful deity or cause. fugitives or overcome villains who transgress it.
Benefit: This stance allows you to treat a potential d20 Prerequisite: Access to the Law domain.
result as an 11. You must decide to use this ability Benefit: Your natural weapons, as well as any weapons you
immediately before rolling the d20. You can use this ability wield, are treated as [lawful] aligned for the purpose of
once per round. Using this ability does not take an action; you overcoming damage reduction.
simply decide to invoke it before rolling a d20 for any reason, In addition, you may add the following spells to your class
such as for an attack, save, or check. spell list: 1st—color spray; 2nd—daze monster; 3rd
—suggestion; 5th—passwall; 6th—mass suggestion; 8th
Source: Tome of Battle. —power word: stun.
Source: Races of Destiny.
Aura of Repetition [Lawful]
Prerequisites: Access to the Law domain; Knowledge (the Liberty's Blessing [Liberation]
planes) 8 ranks. Prerequisite: Access to the Liberation domain, or [chaotic]
Benefit: You can emit a 30-foot aura of repetition for a and [good] alignment, subtypes, or deity or cause.
number of rounds per day equal to your number of ranks in Benefit: You touch a willing creature as a standard action,
Concentration. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. granting it a boon. A creature with this boon can, as a swift
All enemies within this aura must make a Will save each action, make another saving throw against a single spell or
round or repeat their action from the previous round (if effect it is suffering from that grants a save. The DC of the
possible). Creatures that attacked on the previous round saving throw is equal to the original DC of the spell or effect.
attack again on the following round, although they may If the saving throw is successful, the effect ends.
change their target. Creatures that moved the previous round This boon lasts for 1 minute or until successfully used to
must take the same move action again, although they may remove a spell or effect, whichever duration is shorter. You
change their route. Creatures that drank a potion must do so can use this ability for a number of times equal to 3 + your
again, even they can only drink from an empty bottle. Actions Wisdom modifier.
that cannot be repeated are wasted. Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Inevitable Command [Lawful] Luck Devotion [Luck]
Prerequisite: Access to the Law or Nobility domain. Luck makes your attacks more effective.
Benefit: At will as a standard action, you can give a Prerequisite: Patron deity with the Luck domain.
creature an emotionless yet undeniable order, as per the spell Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can activate
command. A Will save negates this effect. You cannot target a this ability to improve your combat prowess. For 1 minute, if
creature more than once per day with this ability. If you have the result of any damage roll you make is below average, you
at least 12 ranks in Concentration, the effect is as a greater can increase it to one-half the maximum possible (rounded
command instead. up). This effect works for all damage you deal, whether from
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. physical or magical attacks.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining
one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the
ability to channel positive energy, you gain one additional
daily use of this feat for each channel use you expend.
Source: Complete Champion.

Law Devotion [Lawful]

Channel Magical Might [Magic,
Malign Eye [Luck ] Arcane, Channeling]
Prerequisite: Access to the Luck domain. Prerequisites: Access to the Magic or Mystic domain; able to
Benefit: As a standard action, you can afflict one target channel energy.
within 30 feet with your malign eye, causing it to take a –2 Benefit: When you cast a spell, you can expend a channel
profane penalty on all saving throws against your spells. The energy use as a swift action to make the spell more effective
effect lasts for 1 minute or until the target hits you with an against one target you specify, as follows:
attack. You can use this ability for a number of times per day
equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Target gains a sacred/profane penalty to its spell
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. resistance against the spell equal to the number of dice
you would normally channel.
Tugging Strands [Luck] Target gains a sacred/profane penalty to its saving throw
Prerequisite: Access to the Luck domain, divine caster level against that spell equal to half the number of dice you
8th. would normally channel.
Benefit: As an immediate action, you can force a creature
within your line of sight to reroll any one roll that it has just Source: D&D Next Index.
made before the result of the roll is revealed. The result of the
reroll must be taken, even if it is worse than the original roll. Divine Vessel [Magic]
You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and one
additional time per day for every 6 levels beyond 8th Prerequisite: Access to the Magic domain.
(maximum 3/day at 20th level). Benefit: Whenever you are the target of a divine spell, as an
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. immediate action you can grant each ally within 15 feet of
you a divine boon. This boon grants a +2 sacred bonus on the
Fearful Touch [Madness] next attack roll, skill check, or ability check made before the
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a melee touch end of their next turn. You can use this ability a number of
attack against a creature, causing it to experience terrible times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
hallucinations for 1 round. During this time, the creature Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
loses any resistance or immunity to fear effects it might Power Magic Device [Magic,
possess and takes a –2 morale penalty on attack rolls made
against you. In addition, the creature takes a penalty on Will Arcane]
saves made against fear effects equal to half your number of Prerequisites: Access to the Magic or Mystic domain.
ranks in Knowledge (religion) (minimum –1). This power is a Benefit: When activating a charged magic item, you can
mind-affecting effect. You can use this ability for a number of power the item with divine magic, rather than expending
times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. charges. You must have a number of ranks in Spellcraft
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. greater than or equal to the item’s caster level. You can use
this ability a number of times per day equal to half your class
Insane Focus [Madness] level (minimum 1/day); for activations normally requiring
Prerequisite: Access to the Madness domain. more than one charge, you must expend an equal number of
Benefit: You can touch a willing creature as a standard daily uses of this ability. This ability applies only to items with
action, granting it a +4 profane bonus on all saving throws finite charges, not items with a limited number of daily uses.
made against mind-affecting effects, and immunity to Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342.
confusion. This bonus lasts for 1 round per rank in
Concentration you possess. If the creature fails a saving Inspiring Command [Nobility]
throw against a mind-affecting effect during this period, it Prerequisite: Access to the Nobility domain.
loses its immunity to confusion and is immediately confused Benefit: As a standard action, you can issue an inspiring
for one round. You can use this ability a number of times per command to your allies. The inspiring command affects one
day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. ally plus one additional ally for every three ranks in
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Knowledge (the planes) you possess, who must all be within
30 feet of you. Affected allies gain a +2 insight bonus on
Arcane Insight [Magic, Arcane] attack rolls, AC, combat maneuver defense, and skill checks
By immersing yourself in the reverence of magic, you have for 1 round. This is a language-dependant, mind-affecting
unearthed magical secrets and gained special insight into effect.
arcane spellcasting.
Prerequisites: Access to the Magic or Mystic domain.
Benefit: You gain a +2 insight bonus on Spellcraft checks.
In addition, you may add the following spells to your class
and domain spell lists: 1st—true strike; 3rd—arcane sight; 5th
—telepathic bond; 7th—greater arcane sight; 8th—moment of
Source: Races of Destiny.
Channel Magical Might [Magic,
Protective Ward [Protection,
Sacrificial Bond [Nobility] Reserve]
Prerequisites: Access to the Nobility domain; Knowledge Your connection to the divine principle of protection shields
(the planes) 4 ranks. you or an ally from attacks.
Benefit: When an ally within 30 feet takes damage from an Prerequisite: Access to the Protection domain.
attack, you can, as an immediate action, transfer this damage Reserve Spell: 1st level Abjuration.
to yourself. This power also transfers any effects that Benefit: You can use a standard action to provide a sacred
accompany the damage. The damage done to you cannot be (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is
reduced in any way. You can use this ability once per day per evil) bonus to AC equal to the level of the highest-level
4 ranks in Knowledge (the planes) you possess. abjuration spell you have available. You can apply this bonus
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. either to your AC or to that of a single ally within 30 feet, and
it persists until the beginning of your next turn.
Splendor [Nobility] Source: Complete Champion.
Prerequisites: Access to the Nobility domain; Knowledge
(the planes) 12 ranks. Protection Devotion [Protection]
Benefit: This functions as the bardic lore of the same You exude an aura that protects you and those around you.
name (q.v.). Prerequisite: Access to the Protection domain.
Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can
Aura of Decomposition [Plant] activate a protective aura. While it is active, you gain a +2
Prerequisite: Access to the Destruction or Plant domain, sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your
Nature mystery, or Blighter initiation; Concentration 8 ranks. deity is evil) bonus to AC, as does every ally within 30 feet of
Benefit: You can emit a 30-foot aura of decay as a standard you. This bonus increases by 1 for every four class levels you
action. Living creatures in this aura (except you) take 1d6 possess (maximum +7 at 20th level). This effect lasts for 1
points of damage per round as their flesh rots. They also take minute.
a cumulative –1 penalty to Strength each round they remain Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining
in the aura. Once outside the aura, the penalty fades at the one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the
rate of –1 per round, but it begins building again if they ability to channel energy, you gain one additional daily use of
reenter the aura. Plant creatures take 2d6 points of damage this feat for each three daily channel uses you expend.
per round. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per Source: Complete Champion.
day equal to your cleric level. These rounds do not need to be
consecutive. Shield of the Martyr [Protection]
Source: This feat supersedes the Aura of Decay ability of Prerequisite: Access to the Protection domain.
the Decay subdomain, from the Advanced Player’s Guide. Benefit: When an ally within 30 ft. takes damage, you can
spend an immediate action to split the damage evenly
Plant Devotion [Plant, Skill] between that ally and yourself. You may use this ability once
Your body takes on the resilience of plants. per day per two class levels you possess (minimum 1/day).
Prerequisite: Access to the Plant domain, Verdant Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342.
bloodline, Greenbond or Verdant Lord initiation, or Nature
mystery; Profession (horticulture) 1 rank. Runic Spell [Rune, Metamagic]
Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can You can carve the words to spells in the form of runes on
force your body to take on plant characteristics for 1 round rocks or tablets.
per rank in Craft (horticulture) you possess. Your skin Prerequisite: Access to the Rune domain, Knowledge
becomes brown and bark-like, your hair becomes leafy, and (linguistics) 2 ranks per level of the spell to be affected.
your blood oozes like sap. While in this form, you gain a +2 Benefit: A Runic spell has no Verbal components. Instead,
enhancement bonus to natural armor (as barkskin); thus it gains an additional material component (the carved runes),
improves by an additional +1 per 4 ranks in Craft which cannot be eliminated using a focus or with Eschew
(horticulture) you possess. In addition, while this feat is active Materials. Carving the runes for a Runic spell can be done
you gain fortification (chance to ignore extra damage from when you prepare spells, or at any other time as a full-round
critical hits and sneak attacks) equal to 5% per rank in Craft action.
(horticulture) you possess. A runic spell is otherwise similar to a spell affected by the
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining Silent Spell feat.
one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the Metamagic Cost: +0 levels.
ability to channel elemental energy, you gain one additional
daily use of this feat for each two daily channel uses you Rune Shift [Rune]
Source: Complete Champion. Prerequisites: Access to the Rune domain; Knowledge
(linguistics) 6 ranks, blast rune granted power.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can change the location of
one of your blast runes. The rune must be within 30 feet. You
can place the blast rune in any square adjacent to you,
including one occupied by another creature.
Protective Ward [Protection,
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining
one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the
Warding Rune [Rune] ability to channel energy, you gain one additional daily use of
Prerequisites: Access to the Rune domain; Knowledge this feat for each daily channel use you expend.
(linguistics) 6 ranks, blast rune granted power. Source: Complete Champion.
Benefit: When a creature is damaged by your blast rune, it Torture Strike [Suffering, Strike]
cannot attack you for a number of rounds equal to half your
number of ranks in Concentration unless it succeeds at a Will Prerequisite: Access to the Suffering domain or the Evil
save, as per the spell sanctuary. Using this ability is an domain; base attack bonus +6.
immediate action when a creature triggers one of your blast Benefit: As a standard action, make a single melee attack
runes. The ability does not prevent you from being attacked with a weapon that deals nonlethal damage. If the target
or affected by area of effect spells or abilities. takes nonlethal damage from this attack, it also takes 1d4
You can use this ability once per day per 6 ranks in points of Strength damage and is nauseated for 1 round. A
Knowledge (linguistics) you possess. successful Fortitude save reduces the condition to sickened
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. and negates the Strength damage. In addition, for the next
minute you gain a profane bonus on Bluff checks to
Bestow Resolve [Strength] demoralize the victim.
Prerequisites: Access to the Strength domain or aura of Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342.
courage class feature; Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks. Blinding Flash [Sun]
Benefit: You can bless creatures with the boldness of your
deity. You can bestow a number of temporary hit points equal Prerequisite: Access to the Sun domain, Starsoul bloodline,
to your number of ranks in Concentration + your Wisdom or Heavens mystery.
modifier to all allies within 20 feet. The temporary hit points Benefit: As a standard action, you can emit a 20-ft. radius
remain for 1 minute. You can use this ability once per day per flash of light from your holy symbol or divine focus. Creatures
4 ranks in Knowledge (the planes) you possess. within this area who have fewer HD than your number of
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. ranks in Knowledge (the planes) are blinded for 1d4 rounds
unless they succeed at a Fortitude save. All creatures in this
Eternal Strength [Strength] area are dazzled for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your
Prerequisites: Access to the Strength domain. number of ranks in Concentration (minimum 1 round), no
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws to resist save. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal
effects that deal Strength damage or cause Strength drain. In to 3 + your Wisdom modifier
addition, you may add the following spells to your class spell Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
list: 3rd—heroism, 5th—waves of fatigue; 6th—greater Day's Resurgence [Sun]
heroism; 7th—waves of exhaustion
Source: Races of Destiny. Prerequisites: Access to the Sun domain, Starsoul bloodline,
or Heavens mystery; Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks.
Strength Devotion [Strength] Benefit: By performing a 10-minute ritual with prayers,
You can overcome an opponent's normal resistance to you can restore a single creature as if it had just completed 8
damage. hours of rest. If the ritual is disrupted, it must be restarted,
Prerequisite: Patron deity with the Strength domain. but it is not lost. At the end of the 10 minutes, a single willing
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can bypass creature that you have touched regains hit points as if it had
hardness with your melee attacks for 1 minute. In addition, rested for the night, and may make new saving throws against
you gain a slam attack as a natural weapon, and all your effects that require a save once per day. The target does not
melee attacks (natural or not) gain the adamantine property suffer any negative effects if such saving throws are failed, but
for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. success counts toward removing the affliction (if possible).
As a natural weapon, your slam attack does not provoke This ability does not allow a target to prepare spells an
attacks of opportunity. It deals damage based on your size additional time per day.
and character level, as given on the following table. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional
time per day for every 2 additional ranks in Knowledge (the
Character Damage Damage Damage
planes) (maximum 7/day at 20 ranks).
Level (Small) (Medium) (Large) Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
1st - 5th 1d4 1d6 1d8
Sun's Blessing [Sun]
6th - 10th 1d6 1d8 2d6
Prerequisites: Access to the Sun domain, Starsoul bloodline,
11th - 15th 1d8 1d10 2d8 or Heavens mystery.
16th - 20th 1d10 2d6 3d6 Benefit: You shed an aura instilling you with the warm
blessings of the sun. You and all allies within 10 feet gain a
If you already have a natural weapon, use whichever +2 morale bonus on all Will saving throws.
damage value is higher, and you gain a +2 circumstance Source: This emulates the Radiant Servant of Pelor’s
bonus on any damage rolls you make with that weapon. “aura of warding” prestige class feature, from Complete
Second Wind [Travel]
Sun's Fury [Sun, Channeling] Prerequisite: Access to the Travel domain.
Prerequisites: Access to the Sun domain; able to channel Benefit: As a standard action, you can touch one creature
positive energy. with your holy symbol and remove the fatigued condition. An
Benefit: You can channel positive energy (or Sun domain exhausted creature becomes fatigued instead. A creature with
variant channeling) solely to damage undead. If you do so, neither condition instead gains a +30 ft. enhancement bonus
undead take double damage and do not add their channel to its speed for 1 round.
resistance to their saves. Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342.
Vengeance of Day [Sun, Reserve] Travel Devotion [Travel]
Reserve Spell: 1st level Sun domain, Starsoul bloodline, or You can move quickly around the battlefield.
Heavens mystery spell. Prerequisite: Access to the Travel domain or Starsoul
Benefit: As a standard action you can project a 30-ft. cone bloodline.
of light. Those caught in the cone must save vs. Intuition or Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can activate
be dazzled for 1 round per level of the highest-level reserve this ability to move up to your speed as a swift action each
spell you have. Undead and creatures with light blindness are round. Thus, you can move your speed and then take a full-
blinded instead of dazzled on a failed save. round action, or move and take two other actions (two move
Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342. actions or one move action and one standard action). This
effect lasts for 1 minute. You cannot take a 5-foot step in the
Thief of the Gods [Thievery] same round that you use this feat to move as a swift action.
Prerequisites: Access to the Thievery domain or Spellthief Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining
bloodline; Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks. one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the
Benefit: When you make a Disable Device or Sleight of ability to channel energy, you gain one additional daily use of
Hand check, you can roll twice and take the higher result. this feat for each two daily channel uses you expend.
Using this ability is a free action. You can use this ability once Source: Complete Champion.
per day per 4 ranks in Knowledge (the planes) you possess.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Sudden Shift [Trickery]
Prerequisite: Access to the Trickery domain.
Door Sight [Travel] Benefit: In the blink of an eye, you can appear somewhere
Prerequisite: Access to the Travel domain or Starsoul else. As an immediate action, after you are missed by a melee
bloodline. attack, you can teleport up to 10 feet to a space that you can
Benefit: You can lay your hand upon any surface and see see. This space must be inside the reach of the creature that
what is on the other side, as if using clairvoyance. Using this attacked you. You can use this power a number of times each
power takes 1 minute, during which time you must be day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
touching the surface you want to see through. You can keep Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
looking for as long as 10 minutes with each use of this power,
but must touch the surface and take no other action the Trickery Devotion [Trickery, Skill]
entire time. The surface cannot be thicker than 6 inches plus You project a simulacrum of yourself that can perform limited
1 inch per cleric level you possess. You can use this power a tasks.
number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Prerequisite: Access to the Trickery domain, copycat
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. domain power, Concentration 4 ranks.
Benefit: Once per day as a standard action, you can create
Far Horizons [Travel] an exact duplicate of yourself up to 30 feet away. You can
By dedicating yourself to the philosophies of your domain, control this simulacrum's movements as a free action. This
you have become a more world-wise and capable traveler. ability is usable up to a maximum of 1 minute per rank in
Prerequisite: Access to the Travel domain or Starsoul Concentration each day.
bloodline. The simulacrum combines the characteristics of the silent
Benefit: Add Athletics and Survival to your list of class image and unseen servant spells. Its hit points are equal to 6
skills. Furthermore, you always know the direction of north + your character level. It ignores terrain effects and moves
from your current position (you cannot use this ability in any like an unseen servant, making no noise in the process,
environment where "north" does not exist. though it makes normal motions while traveling. If you have a
In addition, you may add the following spells to your class fly speed, the image appears to fly when not in contact with
spell list: 1st—expeditious retreat; 3rd—Leomund’s tiny hut; the ground; otherwise, it walks on open air. You can do
5th—overland flight; 6th—shadow walk. anything with this image that you could do with the unseen
Source: Races of Destiny. servant spell and are under the same limitations.
The image becomes more "real" as you advance in level:

Second Wind [Travel]

War Devotion [War, Reserve]
If you have at least 8 ranks in Concentration, you gain You control your abilities more effectively in combat.
more control over the simulacrum. At this point, it behaves Reserve Spell: 1st level War domain or Battle mystery
more like a major image spell, though it still performs spell.
actions like an unseen servant. As long as the simulacrum Benefit: When fighting defensively as a standard or full-
remains within 5 feet of your position (and you can direct round action, your penalty to attack rolls when fighting
it to do so as a free action), you can perform a Bluff check defensively or using Combat Expertise is reduced by –1,
in combat as a swift action. You gain a +4 bonus on this although you do not lose the corresponding bonus to AC.
check, which is opposed by your opponents' Bluff checks
to sense motive. If you are successful, your foes believe the If your highest-level reserve spell is at least 4th, your
image is you (and vice versa) for 1 round. penalty on attack rolls drops by an additional –1 (to a total
of –2).
If you have at least 12 ranks in Concentration, you can
spend a swift action to transfer your perceptions to the If your highest-level reserve spell is at least 7th, your
simulacrum and perceive the world from its point of view penalty on attack rolls drops by an additional –1 (to a total
rather than your own. You can move the image as if it of –3).
were your own body, using the simulacrum's movement
characteristics (ignoring terrain, "flying, " and the like). Source: Complete Champion.
You can also perform any skill and ability checks using the
simulacrum, as long as they do not require a Strength Wounding Blade [War, Skill]
score higher than 2. The image has phantom versions of
all your equipment (such as lockpicks), but any such items Prerequisites: Access to the War domain, Orc bloodline, or
that lose direct contact with it immediately dissipate. Battle mystery; Knowledge (warfare) 8 ranks.
Benefit: Once per day, you can give a weapon that you
If you have at least 16 ranks in Concentration, the image touch the wounding special weapon quality for a number of
can become more "real" at your command. It gains a rounds equal to half your number of ranks in Knowledge
Strength score equal to one-half your own and can (warfare). You can use this ability once per day; for every 4
perform combat actions using phantom versions of your additional ranks in Knowledge (warfare), you gain an
gear. Any of these items that lose contact with the image additional daily use (maximum 4/day at 20 ranks).
dissipate immediately. Thus, the image can wield a sword, Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
but if it shoots a bow, the arrow disappears as soon as it is
fired. Equipment that extends more than 5 feet from the Blackwater Invocation [Water,
image (such as a length of rope) also disappears beyond
that distance. In addition, you can now cast spells Channeling]
originating from the image as if with a project image spell, You can call upon negative energy to infuse normal water
with one exception. If you lose line of effect to the image, around you, transforming it into the dark, cold water found at
the effect does not end; you just can't cast spells the bottom of deepest ocean trenches. This feat is favored by
originating from the image until you gain line of effect the clerics of wicked sea gods and the masters of the deep
again. pelagic abysses.
Prerequisite: Cha 13; ability to channel negative energy.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining Benefit: By expending a daily channeling use while
one additional daily use each time you take it. If you have the standing at least waist-deep in water (or swimming), in
ability to channel energy, you gain one additional daily use of addition to the normal (instantaneous) effects of the
this feat for each three daily channel uses you expend. channeled negative energy, you infuse the water around you
Source: Complete Champion. for a 30-ft. radius with negative energy. The affected water
darkens and becomes bitterly cold for 10 minutes; those
Holy Warrior [War, Reserve] entering or within the water who are not protected from cold
must make an Endurance check or Fortitude save or take 1d6
Your zeal on the battlefield allows you to deal extra damage in nonlethal damage per die of energy you are capable of
combat. channeling. This damage is the same kind of damage dealt by
Reserve Spell: 1st level War domain or Battle mystery cold weather and is only taken once (as it would have to last a
spell. full hour to deal damage again). However, those leaving the
Benefit: You gain a sacred (or profane) bonus on damage area and then returning to it must make another saving throw
rolls equal to the level of the highest-level reserve spell you or take further damage, since their warmed bodies are chilled
have available to cast. once again. Those wearing warm clothing or otherwise
protected from the cold (whether by any amount of resistance
to cold or the endure elements spell) take no damage from
this effect.
Additionally, those within the area of affected water gain
concealment. Those with the ability to channel negative
energy are immune to the cold effects of this feat but are still
subject to its concealment miss chance.
Source: Stormwrack.

War Devotion [War, Reserve]

Minimum Elemental(s) Spell Duplicated
Sanctify Water [Water, Channeling] Ranks Summoned
You can call upon positive energy to momentarily 1st – 3rd Young Small Summon nature’s ally
transform normal water around you into holy water. This feat I
is often learned by the clerics and paladins of sea gods, as 4th – 5th Small Summon nature’s ally
well as aquatic clerics of all stripes. II
Prerequisites: Cha 13, ability to channel positive energy. 6th – 7th 1d3 Small Summon nature’s ally
Benefit: If you channel positive energy while standing at III
least waist-deep in water (or swimming), in addition to the
normal (instantaneous) effects, you infuse the water in a 30-ft. 8th – 9th Medium Summon nature’s ally
radius around you with positive energy, turning it into holy IV
water. All susceptible creatures in the affected radius take 10th – 11th Large Summon nature’s ally
damage each round thereafter as though they’d been struck V
directly by a flask of holy water. The water remains holy for a 12th – 13th Huge Summon nature’s ally
number of rounds equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. VI
Source: Stormwrack. 14th – 15th Greater Summon nature’s ally
Seastrike [Water, Strike] 16th – 17th Elder Summon nature’s ally
Prerequisite: Access to the Water domain, Elemental Water VIII
or Deep One or Genie (Marid) bloodline, or Waves mystery. 18th + Water-veiled assassin Summon nature’s ally
Benefit: As a standard action you can throw a weapon IX
underwater without the normal penalties for throwing
weapons. If your target is in or under the water, the weapon Special: If you have the ability to channel energy, you can
also acts as a returning weapon for that attack. expend 2 daily uses of channel energy to gain an additional
use of this feat.
Surge [Water] Source: Complete Champion.
Prerequisite: Access to the Water domain, Elemental Water
or Genie (Marid) bloodline, or Waves mystery. Gale Aura [Weather]
Benefit: As a standard action, you can cause a mighty wave Prerequisites: Access to the Weather domain or Stormborn
to appear that pushes or pulls a single creature. Make a bloodline; Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks.
combat maneuver check against the target, using your cleric Benefit: As a standard action, you can create a 30-foot aura
level + your Wisdom modifier as your CMB. If successful, you of gale-like winds that slows the progress of enemies.
may pull or push the creature as if using the bull rush or drag Creatures in the aura cannot take a 5-foot step. Enemies in
combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times the aura treat each square that brings them closer to you as
per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. difficult terrain (they can move normally in any other
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. direction). You can use this ability for a number of rounds per
day equal to your number of ranks in Concentration. The
Water Devotion [Water] rounds do not need to be consecutive.
You can create a water guardian.
Prerequisite: Access to the Water domain, Elemental Arctic Priest [Winter]
Water or Genie (Marid) bloodline, or Waves mystery. Prerequisite: Access to Winter domain, Boreal bloodline, or
Benefit: Once per day as a full attack action, you can pour Frost mystery.
the contents of a full waterskin on the ground and summon Benefit: You can channel stored spell energy into spells
forth a water elemental on that spot, as a summon monster that aid in surviving in the Frostfell. You can ‘lose' any
spell-like ability. The size and power (and possibly numbers) prepared spell that is not a domain spell in order to
of the elemental(s) are based on your number of ranks in spontaneously cast any of the spells that appear on the list
Concentration, as given in the table below. below, as long as the spell to be cast is of an equal or lower
level to the one you lose. Spells you can spontaneously cast
when using this feat include: 1st—endure elements; 2nd
—resist energy; 3rd—create food and water; 4th—communal
protection from energyUC; 5th—hibernateFB; 6th—heroes’
feast; 7th—control weather; 8th—sunburst; 9th—regenerate.
Bolster Resistance
Body of Ice [Winter] Undead you raise or create are more resistant to turning than
Prerequisites: Access to the Winter domain, Boreal normal.
bloodline, or Frost mystery; Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks. Benefit: Each undead you raise or create gains channel
Benefit: As a standard action, you can transmute your body resistance +4.
and equipment to ice. In this form, you are immune to cold Source: Libris Mortis.
and have DR 5/—, but you take twice the normal amount of
damage from fire. You can take on the form of ice for a Call of the Grave [Reserve]
number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. The
rounds need not be consecutive, but each activation requires Creatures near you feel the inevitability of death and resist
a standard action (you can dismiss the effect as a free action). attempts to keep them among the living.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Reserve Spell: Death domain, Graves mystery, Undead
bloodline, or Necromancy school spell.
Benefit: You exude an aura of radius 5 ft. x the level of the
Necromantic Feats highest-level reserve spell you have available. with effects that
Unless otherwise noted, each of these feats should be depend on the level of the highest-level reserve spell you have
assumed to have the [arcane] and [domain] descriptors, available.
specifically for the school of Necromancy and the Death Cure wounds spells (including heal) of a level less than or
domain. equal to your highest reserve spell level cure only half as
Prerequisite: All [necromantic] feats require access to the much damage as normal.
Death domain, Graves mystery, Necromancy specialist
school, or Daemon or Undead bloodline, in addition to any Channeled positive energy is reduced by a number of dice
other additional prerequisite(s) listed. equal to your highest reserve spell level.
The resurrection save DC (chapter ) is increased by your
Black Lore of Moil [Metamagic] highest reserve spell level (this is considered a profane
You have studied the sinister knowledge and spellcasting bonus)..
techniques of the long-dead Nightlords of Moil, making
necromancy spells especially potent. You can suppress this aura as a free action, but activating it
Benefit: Any necromancy spell you cast can be cast as a again requires a swift action.
Moilian spell, dealing an extra 1d6 points of negative energy Source: Dragon magazine, issue 342.
damage per level of the spell. If the spell normally allows a
saving throw, the target takes half the negative energy Charnel Miasma [Reserve]
damage on a successful save, regardless of the outcome of
the save on the spell's normal effect. Your close connection to death magic causes others to find
Metamagic Cost: +0. However, in addition to its normal your company unpleasant.
spell components, a Moilian spell requires a Moilian Reserve Spell: 2nd level Necromancy.
runebone as a focus—a small human bone (often a finger Benefit: You exude an almost imperceptible scent of the
bone) scribed with carefully prepared arcane markings. Only grave wherever you go. As a standard action, you can force
a character trained in the Black Lore of Moil knows the one foe within 30 feet to attempt a Will save or be shaken for
secrets of creating a runebone, which takes 1 hour to craft 1 minute. If you use this ability on an already shaken creature
and requires special inks and powders costing 1,000 gp per and it fails its saving throw, it becomes panicked for 1 minute
die of negative energy damage to be generated; this total or until it spends 1 full round out of line of sight of you.
counts against your personal numen (Chapter 6). For Creatures that succeed on this save are not affected again by
example, a runebone capable of adding 3d6 points of negative your charnel miasma for 24 hours.
energy damage to a spell costs 3,000 gp to craft. If your
arcane bond is with a specialist implement, you can convert Corpsecrafter
that implement to double as a runebone. Benefit: Each time you raise undead or create them by
While the maximum negative energy damage dealt by a means of a necromancy spell, you can choose to imbue them
Moilian spell is based on the spell's level, the actual damage is with the Advanced simple template (+4 to all attributes, +2 to
limited by the runebone. For example, if a sorcerer casts natural armor, and +1 to CR).
finger of death (a 7th level spell, so normally +7d6) with a Source: This feat subsumes the feat of the same name,
3,000 gp (3d6) runebone, the spell deals only 3d6 points of and also the Hardened Flesh feat, from Libris Mortis.
additional negative energy damage.
Source: Complete Arcane.

Bolster Resistance
Necromantic Presence
Deadly Chill Undead you control are harder to turn when they are near
Undead you raise or create deal more damage than normal. you.
Additional Prerequisite: Corpsecrafter. Benefit: Whenever undead you control are within 60 feet
Benefit: You can choose to imbue corporeal undead you of you, they gain +4 channel resistance.
raise (or create with any necromancy spell) with the chill of Source: Libris Mortis.
the grave. Such undead gain the [cold] subtype, are immune
to cold and vulnerable to fire, and gain an aura of cold and Nimble Bones
the freezing death ability (see below). They gain a +2
enhancement bonus to Charisma and +1 to their CR. Undead you raise or create are faster and more nimble than
Aura of Cold (Ex): Creatures adjacent to a deadly chill normal.
undead take 1d6 points of cold damage at the start of their Additional Prerequisite: Corpsecrafter.
turns. Anyone striking a deadly chill undead with an unarmed Benefit: Each corporeal undead you raise or create gains a
strike or natural attack takes 1d6 cold damage. The undead’s +2 profane bonus to Dexterity, a 10-foot increase to its base
own melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 cold damage as land speed, and, when taking a full attack, can make one
well. additional natural attack at its highest attack bonus. Such
Freezing Death (Su): A deadly chill undead explodes into a undead are immune to the staggered condition (meaning that
burst of frost when it dies. Anyone adjacent to the undead these zombies lose the staggered condition).
when it is destroyed takes 1d6 points of cold damage per 2 However, nimble undead lose any damage reduction they
Hit Dice the monster possessed (minimum 1d6). A Reflex would normally possess.
save (DC 10 + half the undead’s Hit Dice + the undead’s Source: Libris Mortis. This feat has been altered
Charisma modifier) halves this damage. somewhat so as to produce fast zombies, per the Pathfinder
Source: Libris Mortis. Bestiary.

Destructive Retribution Reaping Spell [Metamagic]

Undead you raise or create harbor a retributive curse that is The dark energy of your spell devours the soul of any creature
unleashed if they are destroyed. killed by it.
Additional Prerequisite: Corpsecrafter. Benefit: A raise dead, reincarnate, or resurrection spell
Benefit: Each undead you raise or create with any cannot return to life a creature killed by a reaping spell, and a
necromancy spell releases a burst of negative energy upon its true resurrection spell has only a 50% chance of succeeding.
destruction. This is similar to channeled negative energy, A reaping spell that fails to kill the target has no additional
except the radius is only 10 feet and the number of dice is effect.
equal to the CR of the destroyed undead. The save DC is 10 + Metamagic Cost: +3 spell levels.
half the undead’s HD + the undead’s Charisma modifier. Source: Champions of Ruin.
Source: Libris Mortis.
Master of Shrouds [Skill] Additional Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks,
Incorporeal and undead creatures you summon are stronger Imbue Item.
than normal. Benefit: You can craft magic items using the numen from
Additional Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks. trapped souls, instead of your own. The amount of numen
Benefit: Incorporeal creatures summoned by your available from a trapped soul is detailed in Chapter 6. In
summon undead spells (Chapter 7) receive an enhancement addition to the use of the soul’s numen, you can use any of the
bonus to attacks, damage, and Charisma equal to +1 per 4 spell-like abilities formerly possessed by the soul’s owner as
ranks in Knowledge (the planes) you possess. prerequisites for the item to be crafted.
Source: This feat subsumes the Master of Shroud’s Special: Any item created using this feat radiates evil as
“improved summoning” prestige class feature, from Libris well as magic.
Swallowing Glyph
Necromantic Might Benefit: Any time you slay a creature with a necromancy
Additional Prerequisite: Necromantic Presence. spell, you can spend a swift action to gain a number of
Benefit: Whenever undead you control are within 60 feet temporary hit points equal to 1d6 x the spell's level or the
of you, they are physically inspired by your necromantic aura, creature’s Hit Dice (whichever is lower). Temporary hit points
and gain a +2 enhancement bonus on their attack rolls and gained from subsequent uses of this ability do not stack.
saving throws. Source: This feat supersedes the Tattooed Mystic prestige
Source: Libris Mortis. class feature of the same name, from Paths of Prestige.

Necromantic Presence
Thanatopic Spell [Metamagic]
Your spells can pierce wards against negative energy or
even affect undead targets.
Additional Prerequisite: Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks.
Benefit: A thanatopic spell pierces defenses that protect
against death effects, negative levels, and energy drain,
affecting the target as if the protective barrier did not exist.
For example, you could cast a thanatopic vampiric touch or
enervation on a target under the effects of death ward and
they would suffer the normal effect of the spell. Saving throws
and SR (if any) still apply.
Undead are susceptible to spells augmented by this feat, as
it retunes the negative energy to be harmful to them. A
thanatopic spell that would kill a living creature (such as by
giving it negative levels equal to its hit dice) destroys an
undead (ghosts, liches, and vampires may reform as normal),
though they automatically make their saving throws to
recover negative levels after 24 hours.
Metamagic Cost: +2 levels.
Normal: Defenses such as death ward negate death
effects, negative levels, and energy drain. Undead are
immune to these attacks.
Source: Osirion: Land of Pharaohs (and reprinted in
Ultimate Magic).
Unnatural Vitality
Your sickly appearance belies your powerful vitality.
Benefit: Use your Charisma modifier in place of your
Constitution modifier when determining hit points and your
Fortitude saving throw bonus.
Special: Undead gain Unnatural Vitality as a bonus feat.
Chapter 5: Feats
Feats from other sources can be added to the list on a case- Alertness [Skill]
by-case basis, pending agreement from the group.
Descriptors: Most feats are provided with bracketed You have an intuitive sense that alerts you to danger.
descriptors, which are intended to make it easier to tell at a Prerequisite: Perception 1 rank as a class skill.
glance what sort of feats they are. For example, feats with the Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves
[Skill] descriptor are dependent upon a specific skill, and during surprise rounds and against traps; you also gain a +1
generally have effects that scale depending on your number insight bonus to initiative during surprise rounds. These
of ranks in that skill. In addition, several descriptors [Reserve, bonuses increase by +1 per 4 ranks in Perception you
Stance, Strike, etc.] have special rules governing their use. possess (to +6 at 20th level). The dodge bonus gained from
Several classes provide bonus feats that have specific this feat applies even if you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC
descriptors. (as from being flat-footed while surprised). Unlike the other
GENERAL FEATS 1 bonuses, you retain the bonus to AC for purposes of
ARCANE FEATS 3 confirming critical threats against you at all times (even after
ARCANE FEATS, RESERVE 3 the surprise round).
COMBAT FEATS, GENERAL 3 If your Alertness bonus is at least +2 (requiring 4 ranks of
COMBAT FEATS, ARMOR/SHIELD 3 Perception as a class skill), you cannot be caught flat-
COMBAT FEATS, WEAPON-AND STYLE-SPECIFIC 3 footed, even if the attacker is invisible. You still lose your
COMBAT FEATS, STANCES 3 Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. You can still lose
COMBAT FEATS, STRIKES 3 your Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully
DIVINE FEATS 3 uses the feint action (see Combat) against you.
NECROMANTIC FEATS 3 If your Alertness bonus is at least +3 (requiring 8 ranks of
Perception as a class skill), you can no longer be flanked
General Feats (i.e., opponents do not receive Aid Another bonuses to
attacks against you).
Ability Focus
Benefit: Choose one exceptional, spell-like, or supernatural If your Alertness bonus is +4 or higher (12 ranks
ability you possess, whether through a feat, class, or racial Perception), as a standard action you can become aware
feature. You gain a +2 competence bonus to the DC for all of the presence of any creatures with hostile intent within
saving throws against that ability. 30 feet of you, and their direction from you (but not their
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do specific location). This ability detects active aggression, as
not stack. Each time, choose a different ability. opposed to vigilance. You can make a Bluff check to sense
motive as a free action against anyone within 30 feet of
you. This is equivalent to the Psychic Warrior’s detect
Adaptability hostile intent power, from the d20 System Reference
Benefit: You are immune to all circumstance penalties. In Document.
addition, as an immediate action you can designate an If your Alertness bonus is +5 or greater (16 ranks
opponent and negate one source of circumstance bonuses Perception), you can always act during a surprise round,
against you from that opponent (e.g., advantage from even if you fail to make a Perception roll to notice a foe.
attacking from higher ground, or additional damage from the
Mounted Combat or Power Attack feat) until the start of your At an Alertness bonus of +6 (20 ranks Perception), you are
next turn. You need not know which of the opponent’s preternaturally alert, and cannot be surprised except as
abilities provide circumstance bonuses; the first one used described below.
against you by that opponent is negated. If more than one
apply simultaneously, the referee will select one (generally Special: A creature trained in Stealth as a class skill is
the highest numerical bonus, if immediately obvious). entitled to a Stealth check to negate your Alertness (with
Source: This is equivalent to the Oathsworn’s “greater respect to that creature only). The DC for this check is equal
adaptation” class feature from Arcana Unearthed (Malhavoc to 14 + your Perception bonus.
Press). Source: This ability subsumes the standard trap sense
ability from the core rules, and also the Sixth Sense variant
Agility Training [Skill] class feature from the Advanced Player’s Guide. It also
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 3 ranks as a class skill. includes subsumes the Barbarian’s and Rogue’s uncanny
Benefit: Through constant physical training, you have a +1 dodge class features from the core rules. It is presented as a
enhancement bonus to Dexterity per 3 ranks in Acrobatics feat in order to streamline mechanics and to avoid the need
you possess (maximum +6 enhancement bonus at 18 ranks for multiple descriptions in the class descriptions as a class
Acrobatics). Any condition that prevents this training for more feature or talent.
than 1 week eliminates the bonus until you can get back into
Alertness [Skill]
You are hyperaware of attempts to watch you.
Arcane Defense Prerequisite: Wis 13, Bluff 1 rank, Arcane Defense
Benefit: Choose one school of magic. You gain a +2 (Divination).
competence bonus to all saving throws against spells and Benefit: You gain a +4 insight bonus on Perception checks
effects of that school. This bonus improves by an additional made to locate a scrying sensor (if any), to notice someone
+1 per 5 character levels you possess beyond the first, to a watching or eavesdropping on you, and to the DC to
maximum of +5 at 16th level. At 20th level, you are immune to browbeat or demoralize you. You can attempt a Bluff check to
spells from that school of magic (as if you had unbeatable sense motive, instead of a Perception check, to notice scrying
SR). sensors.
Hit Dice Saving Throw Bonus
If you have at least 6 ranks in Bluff, you are automatically
aware of scrying attempts targeting you, and can spend a
1–5 +2 swift action to detect scrying sensors within 40 feet of you.
6 – 10 +3 If you have at least 11 ranks, you can attempt a Bluff skill
11 – 15 +4 check (opposed by a Concentration check on the part of
16 – 19 +5
the caster) to gain a visual image of the scryer and learn
his/her approximate distance and direction from you.
20+ Immune
If you have at least 16 ranks, whenever someone
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; each time, successfully targets you with a divination spell or effect,
you select a different school. you send that caster a nightmarish vision. This vision
Source: Complete Arcane. This feat also provides a functions as a phantasmal killer spell-like ability (using
template for the racial spell bonuses in the core rules. Arcane your ranks in Bluff in place of your ranks in
Defense (Enchantment) supersedes the still mind class Concentration).
Special: In addition to scrying attempts, this feat applies
Beginner’s Luck against attempts to record your image, such as by camera or
You constantly react in ways that no professional ever would, video surveillance.
which throws off opponents counting on you to react as they Source: Pathfinder Campaign Setting. This feat also
expect. Experienced adversaries are often at a loss for how to subsumes the Live My Nightmare feat from Unearthed
deal with you. Arcana.
Benefit: Competence bonuses do not apply against you. Chaotic Mind
For example, an attacker with Weapon Focus and Weapon
Specialization does not gain the benefits of those feats on The turbulence of your thoughts prevents others from gaining
attacks made against you; when making opposed skill checks insight into your actions.
against you, an opponent with Skill Focus does not apply the Prerequisites: Cha 13.
effects of that feat; etc. Benefit: Creatures do not gain insight bonuses against you.
In addition, you automatically receive a Stealth check to This applies to insight bonuses to their attacks against you
negate the benefits of the Alertness feat (q.v.) when used (such as from the Insightful Strike feat), to armor class
against you; if you have no ranks in Stealth, use your against your attacks (such as from the Canny Defense ability),
Charisma score in place of your Stealth bonus (i.e., you have etc.
a good chance of flanking and/or surprising opponents who Synergy: If your base Intuition save (including the class
are normally immune). bonus, if any) is +5 or higher, anyone attempting to read your
thoughts, communicate with you via telepathy, or otherwise
Bond, Practiced contact your mind is dazed for 1d4 rounds (Intuition save
Your bond with your animal companion or familiar is negates; DC 15 + your Cha modifier).
unusually close. Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Psionic
Prerequisites: Arcane bond (item). Feats.” This feat also subsumes the Warped Mind feat, from
Benefit: Calculate all powers, abilities, and effects of your the Pathfinder Campaign Setting.
arcane bonded item as if your class level granting that ability
were 4 higher than is actually the case, to a maximum
effective class level equal to your number of Hit Dice.
Special: If your bonded item is destroyed, you may
automatically apply this feat to the replacement. The effects
of feat stack with class synergy features improving your bond;
this a specific exception to the non-stacking rule. Your total
limit based on character level, as described in Chapter 1,
remains in force.
Source: This feat duplicates the Boon Companion feat
from Seekers of Secrets (Paizo Publishing).
Careful Speaker [Skill]
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus to Intuition
Claws, Eldritch [Combat] saves.
Prerequisites: Natural weapons. If you have at least 6 ranks in Perception, if you are
Benefit: You natural weapons are considered magic for affected by a spell or effect as a consequence of failing a
purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Intuition save, you can attempt it again 1 round later at the
If your base attack bonus is at least +6, they are also same DC. You get only this one extra chance to succeed
considered +2 (and therefore penetrate DR/silver as well). on the saving throw (unless the spell normally allows
additional chances).
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, they are also
considered +3 (and therefore penetrate DR/cold iron as If you have at least 11 ranks in Perception, instead of one
well). additional attempt, you can instead choose to gain one
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, they are also attempt per unit of time in which the effect’s duration is
considered +4 (and therefore penetrate DR/adamantine as measured (i.e., one additional attempt per round for an
well). effects that lasts rounds per level or HD; 1 per minute for
an effects with a duration measured in minutes, 1 per
If your base attack bonus is +21 or higher, your natural hour for an effect with a duration measured in hours, and
weapons are considered +5, and penetrate DR/—. 1 per day for an effect with a duration longer than 1 day
(up to and including permanent).
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. If you have at least 16 ranks in Perception, you are
immune to [charm] effects.
Claws, Envenomed
Prerequisite: Constitution 13+, natural weapons. Defiance [Combat]
Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Constitution modifier, you can secrete poison onto one set of Benefit: You can ignore one minor condition (Chapter 1)
your natural weapons (bite, or claws, etc.) as a swift action. for a limited period of time. You may use this ability a
This poison remains in place until you damage a target with maximum number of rounds per day equal to your Hit Dice;
that weapon. Any creature struck must succeed on a this is a total number of rounds, and is not tracked separately
Fortitude save or be poisoned: You are immune to your own for each condition separately. Once you stop spending rounds
poison. The poison you secrete cannot be collected or (or run out of rounds to spend), the suppressed condition
preserved. returns if it has duration remaining.
Poison—injury, DC 10 + half your Hit Dice + your
Constitution modifier; damage 1d2 Strength per round; If your base attack bonus is at least +4, you can
duration 6 rounds; cure 1 save. temporarily ignore moderate conditions as well.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, it
applies to a different mode of natural attacks. If your base attack bonus is at least +8, you can
Source: Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss. temporarily ignore severe conditions.
If your base attack bonus is at least +12, you can
Collector temporarily ignore critical conditions. You can also
You have a tendency to pick up and/or purchase random temporarily suppress any [compulsion] effects not listed
items in your travels. Although it may annoy your companions above.
that you are constantly browsing old shops, junkyards, and
even stranger places, you can always be counted on to have If your base attack bonus is at least +16, add bound,
some useful object in your pocket, whatever the situation. imprisoned, mazed, plane shifted, polymorphed, etc. You
Prerequisite: Total magical gear below “par” (see Chapter can also temporarily suppress any [mind-affecting] effects
6), but above minimum for that level. not listed.
Benefit: When you maintain a floating inventory of items
(see Chapter 6), you are not limited to the normal value of 10 Synergy: The rogue’s Opportune Strike ability applies to
gp per level for each item. Instead, you can produce any this feat.
item(s) you like, as long as the cost limit doesn’t put you over Source: Advanced Player’s Guide (Heroic Defiance); it also
par for your personal numen. emulates the Ignore Condition feat from the Collected Book
Special: You must specify a default encumbrance (light, of Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press). It can normally
medium, or heavy load) that you are always assumed to be substitute for the Warblade’s iron heart surge maneuver from
carrying, before selecting specific items; if an item would the Tome of Battle—although it merely delays the onset of the
cause you to exceed this load, it is not available to you at that condition instead of ending it, this often allows the character
time. to finish the fight before being affected. Used against fatigue,
it supersedes the Country Born feat from the Rise of the
Deep Intuition [Skill] Runelords Player's Guide.
You are especially difficult to beguile.
Prerequisite: Perception 1 rank.
If you have ranks in Knowledge (lore) and use it to attempt
Defiance, Heroic [Combat] to determine the value of an object, you are always within
Prerequisite: Defiance. 50% of the true value, even on a natural “1.” This enables you
Benefit: When you use the Defiance feat, you ignore all to discern worthless forgeries at a glance. In addition, you
harmful conditions affecting you, instead of just one automatically know if something is ordinary, masterwork, or
condition. magic when looking at it.
Source: This is similar to the Improved Ignore Condition If you have at least 6 ranks in Knowledge (lore), you can
feat from the Collected Book of Experimental Might handle an item for 10 minutes, after which time a
(Malhavoc Press). successful check (DC 10 + the item’s caster level) reveals
the properties of a magic item (including how to activate
Diehard [Skill] it, if appropriate—even if it involves a command word you
Prerequisite: Endurance 1 rank as a class skill. don’t know and have no obvious way of knowing); how
Benefit: You automatically stabilize when reduced to -1 or many charges are left (if it has them); the names and
fewer hp, without the need for an Endurance check. You still general backgrounds of famous owners; etc.
die if reduced to a negative hp total equal to your Constitution Ιφ ψου ηαϖε ατ λεαστ 11 ρανκσ ιν Κνοωλεδγε (λορε), οnce per
score, however. round as a free action, you can examine a magic item from
If you have at least 6 ranks in Endurance, you up to 30 ft. away and attempt a check (DC equal to the
automatically succeed at ferocity (acting while dying; item's caster level + 20) to determine its properties,
Chapter 4), without the need for a skill check. You are still including its functions, how to activate those functions (if
staggered, however. necessary), how many charges it has left (if it has charges),
and its entire ownership history.
If you have at least 11 ranks in Endurance, you are Ιφ ψου ηαϖε ατ λεαστ 16 ρανκσ ιν Κνοωλεδγε (λορε), you
immune to death from massive damage (you might still die pinpoint the most valuable item in any collection, such as
from hp loss, but need not succeed at a Fortitude save the most valuable magic item an enemy is wearing or the
when taking 50+ damage). You are similarly immune to most valuable object in a dragon's horde, just by looking at
coup de grâce attempts (you still take critical damage, but the collection; this does not require an action on your part.
need not save vs. Fortitude to avoid dying). As a full-round action, you learn the approximate type,
If you have at least 16 ranks in Endurance, you can act numbers, and value of every item in the collection. You
normally when at -1 hp until you die; you are not automatically recognize an artifact when looking at it.
staggered. Whenever you take damage and your final
negative hp total to exceeds your Constitution score, you Fast Recovery
can temporarily stave off death by succeeding at an
Endurance check (DC 10 + number of hp below zero). You recover from wounds more quickly and easily than
There is no limit to how many times you can attempt this, others.
but you must check separately each time you take hp Prerequisite: Constitution 13+.
damage, and eventually the DC becomes too high for you Benefit: You gain the following benefits:
to meet. This ability emulates the immortal fortitude You heal at double the normal rate (2 hp per character
stance from the Tome of Battle. level for a full night’s rest). With full bed rest for 24 hours,
you recover 6 hp per character level. Even when not
Normal: When reduced to below 0 hp, you must make resting, you heal 1 hp per character level every 8 hours.
Endurance checks to stabilize, and to act as if staggered
rather than immediately falling unconscious. If you ever You regain double the indicated hit points from a
sustain a single attack that deals an amount of damage equal successful use of the Heal skill, or from taking a breather
to half your total hit points (minimum 50 points of damage) (Chapter 1).
or more and it doesn't kill you outright, you must make a DC All magical healing you receive is treated as if it were
15 Fortitude save (+1 per 10 points of damage above 50 hp). empowered (as per the Empower Spell feat) for you only.
If this saving throw fails, you are dying with –1 hp. If you take
half your total hit points or more in damage from multiple You heal attribute damage more quickly than normal. You
attacks, no one of which dealt more than half your total hit heal a number of ability points per day equal to 1 + your
points (minimum 50), the massive damage rule does not Constitution bonus.
You recover from fatigue and exhaustion at twice the
Eye for Larceny [Skill] normal rates.
Benefit: You can use Streetwise in place of Knowledge Normal: With a full night's rest (8 hours of sleep or more),
(lore) to determine the value of objects. you recover 1 hit point per character level. Any significant
interruption during your rest prevents you from healing that
night. If you undergo complete bed rest for an entire day and
night, you recover twice your character level in hit points. You
heal ability damage at a rate of 1 point per day.
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus to Fortitude
Favored Terrain saves.
Benefit: You gain one favored terrain, as the ranger’s class
feature, with a +2 bonus. This bonus is static; it does not If you have at least 6 ranks in Endurance, if you are
scale with level. If you already have that favored terrain from affected by a spell or effect as a consequence of failing a
a class or racial feature, simply increase the existing bonus Fortitude save, you can attempt it again 1 round later at
by +2. the same DC. You get only this one extra chance to
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time, succeed on the saving throw (unless the spell normally
choose a different terrain, or increase the bonus to an allows additional chances).
existing terrain by +2, to a maximum bonus equal to 2 + half If you have at least 11 ranks in Endurance, instead of one
your total character level. additional attempt, you can instead choose to gain one
attempt per unit of time in which the effect’s duration is
Feat Mastery measured (i.e., one additional attempt per round for an
Prerequisite: Scaling feat. effects that lasts rounds per level or HD; 1 per minute for
Benefit: Choose one feat you possess that scales with base an effects with a duration measured in minutes, 1 per
attack bonus or number of skill ranks (e.g., Fleet or Power hour for an effect with a duration measured in hours, and
Attack). For purposes of determining the effects of that feat, 1 per day for an effect with a duration longer than 1 day
treat your scaling quantity (BAB, skill ranks, etc.) as if it were (up to and including permanent).
5 higher than is actually the case. For example, a character If you have at least 16 ranks in Endurance, you
with the Fleet feat (q.v.) and 2 ranks in Endurance normally automatically succeed at Fortitude saves for resurrection
adds 10 ft. to his or her base land speed. With Feat Mastery survival (Chapter 7).
(Fleet), he or she would add 15 ft. instead, as if he or she
possessed 7 ranks in Endurance.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. The Intimidating Prowess [Combat,
effects do not stack. Each time, select a different feat to which Skill]
it applies. Your physical might is intimidating to others.
Fleet [Skill] Benefit: You choose whether to apply your Strength
modifier or your Charisma modifier to Bluff checks made to
Benefit: Your base speed increases by 5 ft. This additional demoralize or browbeat.
speed is increased if you possess ranks in Athletics,
according to the following table: If you have at least 6 ranks in Bluff, you ignore all size
modifiers to Bluff checks to intimidate or browbeat, when
Ranks in Athletics Speed Increase it is to your advantage to do so.
0 5 ft. If you have at least 11 ranks in Bluff, add both your
1 to 5 10 ft. Strength and your Charisma modifier (if both are positive).
6 to 10 15 ft. If you have at least 16 ranks in Bluff, you can demoralize
11 to 15 20 ft. creatures that are normally immune to fear (although the
maximum condition is Shaken, regardless of the margin
16+ 25 ft. by which you win the check).
If you have multiple modes of movement, the primary Normal: The Bluff skill is Charisma-based.
speed (generally land speed) is increased; secondary modes
benefit only if they are expressed in terms of the primary
mode. For example, 6th level ranger with the Mountains Iron Will [Skill]
favored terrain has a climb speed equal to half his base land Your skill at browbeating and intimidating others, and at
speed. With this feat, he would gain a land speed of 45 ft. and avoiding the same, renders you resistant to compulsions and
a climb speed of 20 ft. On the other hand, a wyvern would fear.
simply gain an increase in flying speed. Prerequisite: Bluff 1 rank.
You lose the benefits of this feat if you carry a medium or Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus to Will saves.
heavy load.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects If you have at least 6 ranks in Bluff, if you are affected by a
stack. spell or effect as a consequence of failing a Will save, you
Source: This feat subsumes the Epic Speed feat from the can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. You get
3.5 edition System Reference Document (“Epic Feats”). only this one extra chance to succeed on the saving throw
(unless the spell normally allows additional chances).
Great Fortitude [Skill]
You are especially resistant to poisons, diseases, and other
deadly maladies.
Prerequisite: Endurance 1 rank.
Cohorts (aides or close companions): You may have up to
If you have at least 11 ranks in Bluff, instead of one one cohort of a maximum CR equal to 3 less than your
additional attempt, you can instead choose to gain one CR.
attempt per unit of time in which the effect’s duration is Retainers (servants or men-at-arms dedicated to your
measured (i.e., one additional attempt per round for an service): The maximum CR for additional followers is
effects that lasts rounds per level or HD; 1 per minute for an equal to your CR –5.
effects with a duration measured in minutes, 1 per hour for
an effect with a duration measured in hours, and 1 per day Hirelings (contractors with no particular loyalty to you
for an effect with a duration longer than 1 day (up to and beyond being paid): Hirelings do not count against your
including permanent). leadership potential, but also have no particular loyalty
towards you.
If you have at least 16 ranks in Bluff, you are immune to
[compulsion] effects. Advancement: As you gain experience, you can “level up” or
advance your followers as you see fit, as long as their final
Leadership [Skill] CRs conform to the above restrictions.
Loyalty: Followers are not mindless slaves; however, they
You attract followers to your cause and a companion to join respond well to good leaders. Whenever one or more of your
you on your adventures. This feat has been revised to allow followers must make an Intuition or Will save or an opposed
much greater flexibility in terms of selecting numbers and check to avoid being bribed, subverted, turned against you,
types of followers. etc., your Charisma modifier applies to the saving throw or
Prerequisites: Diplomacy 1 rank. check. For example, a follower with a +2 Intuition save bonus,
Benefits: You gain a Leadership score equal to your in the service of a 17 Charisma character, would have a total
Diplomacy skill bonus. This allows you to attract followers save bonus of +5 against charm spells, etc. When you
(retainers), as described below. Unaffiliated allies looking for personally lead followers into battle, they gain a morale
leadership will naturally follow the orders of the person with bonus to all Will saves equal to your Charisma bonus (if any).
the highest leadership score, in preference to other Special: You can use this feat to a more limited extent with
characters. Additional benefits depend on your number of skills other than Diplomacy. Substituting other skills limits
ranks in Diplomacy, as follows: the types of followers you are able to attract, however, as
If you have at least 6 ranks, you can attract a cohort as follows:
well, as described below. Craft (any): Apprentices and other craftspeople.
If you have at least 11 ranks, your sureness of command is Handle Animal: Animals.
so great that NPC allies within sight and hearing of you
automatically obey your orders without hesitation. If they Knowledge (Warfare): Warriors, men-at-arms, etc.
wish to disobey, they must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + Profession (Administration): Clerks, civil servants,
half your character level + your Charisma modifier). functionaries, etc.
If you have at least 16 ranks, you can bark an order that Spellcraft: Apprentices and magical servitors (improved
acts as a quickened greater command spell (DC 10 + half familiars, imps, homunculi, etc.).
your character level + your Charisma modifier). This is an
extraordinary ability that does not provoke an attack of Streetwise: Criminal gangs, etc.
opportunity; it supersedes the Legendary Leader’s greater
command prestige class feature from Heroes of Battle. Synergy: A fighter with the Leadership feat adds half his
fighter level as a competence bonus to Diplomacy, for
Followers: The number of followers you may attract is purposes of this feat. This supersedes the Warmaster’s “born
determined by the sum of all followers’ individual CR scores, leader” talent, from the Genius Guide to the Warmaster
as determined by the following formula (this total is your (Super Genius Games).
leadership potential):
Lightning Reflexes [Skill]
Potential = ((Diplomacy Score - 8) / 2) 2
You have faster than normal reflexes.
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 1 rank.
For example, a character with 9 ranks in Diplomacy as a Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus to Reflex saves.
class skill and a Charisma of 15 would have a leadership If you have at least 6 ranks in Acrobatics, if you are
score of 14, and a leadership potential of 9. He could attract affected by a spell or effect as a consequence of failing a
up to 27 first-level experts or warriors (CR 1/3 each x 27 = 9), Reflex save, you can attempt it again 1 round later at the
or up to 18 first-level fighters (CR ½ each x 18 = 9), or a same DC. You get only this one extra chance to succeed
kennel of 5 riding dogs (CR 1 each) and four 2nd level ranger on the saving throw (unless the spell normally allows
handlers (CR 1 each), etc. You may attract followers of any additional chances).
number and CR up to your leadership potential within the
limits described below. There are three types of followers you
may maintain:
If you have at least 11 ranks in Acrobatics, instead of Oath
one additional attempt, you can instead choose to gain one Benefit: You can swear an oath to accomplish a specific
attempt per unit of time in which the effect’s duration is task. Whenever you accomplish the task, you receive a small
measured (i.e., one additional attempt per round for an boon. You do not have to complete the task by yourself, but
effects that lasts rounds per level or HD; 1 per minute for you must meaningfully contribute to the completion of the
an effects with a duration measured in minutes, 1 per task to receive the bonus.
hour for an effect with a duration measured in hours, and Whenever you complete an oath, you can swear another or
1 per day for an effect with a duration longer than 1 day you can keep the existing oath, if it is still applicable. You can
(up to and including permanent). abandon an oath, but cannot then swear a new oath to
If you have at least 16 ranks in Acrobatics, you gain replace the abandoned oath for at least 24 hours. Oaths must
Evasion, as the rogue class feature of the same name. If be kept to maintain the bonus, and must be abandoned to
you already have evasion, use your total number of Hit select a different oath.
Dice in place of your effective class level to determine The following oaths are among the most common. A
improvements (if any). character might swear other oaths that grant different
bonuses, subject to the referee’s approval.
Oath of Chastity: You swear to avoid temptation. You must
Moral Training [Skill] avoid all physical contact with members of gender(s) you are
Prerequisite: Perception 6 ranks. attracted to for 24 hours to complete this oath. Upon
Benefit: Through constant pondering of moral puzzles and completion, you receive a +1 morale bonus on saving throws
koans, you have a +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom. A against [charm] spells and effects as long as you keeps this
condition that prevents this training for more than 1 week oath and continue to avoid contact. This bonus increases by
eliminates the bonus until you can get back into training. +1 for every five character levels you possess.
Special: You may select this feat up to 3 times. Each time, Oath of Greed: You vow to garner as much wealth as
the requisite number of ranks in Perception increases by 6, possible. Whenever you gain possession of an item worth at
and the enhancement bonus to Wisdom increases by +2 (to a least 1,000 gp per character level you possess, you receive a
maximum enhancement bonus of +6). +1 morale bonus on Bluff and Knowledge (lore) skill checks
for 24 hours. You lose this bonus if you willing give away
Natural Armor, Improved wealth or an object of value without receiving proper
compensation. This bonus increases by +1 for every five
Benefit: You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC, or your character levels you possess.
existing natural armor bonus increases by 1. Oath of Justice: You swear to bring a specific individual or
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, creature to justice, be it through capturing individual or
your natural armor bonus increases by another point. slaying him. Upon completing this oath, you receive a +1
Source: This feat subsumes the feat of the same name morale bonus on saving throws for 1 day. This bonus
from the core rules, plus the Armor Skin feat from the 3.5 increases by +1 for every 5 HD of the creature brought to
edition System Reference Document (“Epic Feats”), and the justice.
Ironhide feat from the Advanced Player’s Guide. Oath of Loyalty: You swear to remain loyal to your allies
and friends. When you make this oath, you select any number
Night Stalker [Skill] of allies that are within your line of sight. Whenever one of
Prerequisites: Skill Focus (Stealth), Large or larger. these allies calls for help and you respond with an Aid
Benefit: While you are in areas of natural darkness, you Another action, you receive a +1 morale bonus on saving
ignore all size penalties to Stealth checks. throws against enchantment [compulsion] spells and effects
for 1 day, as long as you keep this oath and remain faithful to
If you have at least 6 ranks in Stealth, this ability also your allies. This bonus increases by +1 for every five
applies in supernatural darkness. character levels you possess.
Oath of Protection: You vow to protect one individual and
If you have at least 11 ranks in Stealth, it applies in dim keep him from harm. When you make this oath, you
light as well. nominate one creature. If that creature does not take any
If you have at least 16 ranks, it applies in any light damage (lethal or nonlethal) for 24 hours, he or she receives
conditions except bright light or full daylight. a +1 morale bonus to AC whenever adjacent to you. This
bonus increases by +1 for every five character levels you
possess. This bonus lasts as long as you keep the oath and
Special: This feat is obviously intended for monsters, not the target is protected from harm.
PCs. It can be modified by the referee to apply to creatures
such as crocodiles, etc., while in the water.
Source: Classic Monsters Revisited.
Oath of Purity: You swear to remain pure in both body and Your endurance is a thing of legend, and people discuss how
soul. You must remain free of alcohol, curses, diseases, drugs, you can hold your breath for an hour or run a week without
and poisons for 24 hours to complete this oath (failing a tiring. Although these reports may be exaggerations, you are
saving throw against any one of these effects causes the nonetheless of astounding physical health.
duration to reset). Upon completion, you receive a +1 morale Prerequisite: Constitution 21+.
bonus on saving throws against curses, diseases, and poisons Benefit: You can automatically shrug off any non-magical
as long as you keep this oath and remains free from the listed poison or disease with a DC less than or equal to your
impurities. This bonus increases by +1 for every five Constitution score. Against magical diseases and poisons,
character levels you possess. and those with higher DCs, you receive a +4 competence
Oath of Vengeance: You swear to slay all creatures of a bonus on saving throws. You also gain this bonus to saving
specific kind, such as goblins, mummies, or bone devils. throws against effects that cause the sickened or nauseated
Whenever you kill a creature of the selected type, you receive conditions.
a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made against others of that Source: Relics & Rituals: Excalibur (Sword & Sorcery
specific kind for 1 hour. This bonus increases by +1 for every Studios).
5 HD of the creature slain. You can swear this oath more than
once, if you are able to swear multiple oaths. Paragon of Insight
Source: This feat supersedes the Cavalier class feature of The depth and scope of your perception is legendary.
the same name, from the Advanced Player’s Guide playtest. Complex puzzles of ethics and morality fall away with a few
Open Minded [Skill] key words from you, and your dedication, focus, and
discipline are almost beyond the pale.
You are naturally able to reroute your memory, mind, and skill Prerequisite: Wisdom 21+.
expertise. Benefit: You gain the extraordinary ability to see through
Benefit: You immediately gain a number of extra skill illusions, including invisibility (as if under a true seeing spell),
points equal to your character level. For each level you gain of a maximum spell level equal to your Wisdom score – 20.
thereafter, you gain one more skill point as well, so that the For example, a character with a 22 Wisdom would be able to
total number of additional skill points granted by this feat is see through illusion spells of 2nd level or lower, whereas a
always equal to your character level. character with a Wisdom of 29 could see through all illusions
You spend these skill points as normal. You cannot exceed of less than Epic power.
the normal maximum ranks for your level in any skill. Source: Relics & Rituals: Excalibur (Sword & Sorcery
Special: You can gain this feat more than once; the effects Studios).
Source: 3.5 System Reference Document, “Psionic Feats.” Paragon of Intellect [Skill]
Otherworldly Countenance Your intellect is vorpal-sharp, and you know how to use it
You are either stunningly beautiful or wretchedly hideous. Prerequisite: Intelligence 21+, Knowledge (lore) 1 rank.
Either way, your appearance can be terribly unsettling to Benefit: You are capable of puzzling out situations in a way
others upon whom you focus your attentions. that seems almost magical, though it’s really just a matter of
Prerequisite: Cha 15. pure thought. By spending 10 minutes in thought, you can
Benefit: When you take this feat, you must decide whether deduce the solution to any one problem as if you had cast an
you are unusually beautiful or unusually hideous. Once you augury spell, but this is an extraordinary, rather than a spell-
make this choice, you cannot change it. As a full-round action, like ability.
you can attempt to distract a target within 30 feet by focusing If you have at least 8 ranks in Knowledge (lore), the effect
your attention upon it. The target must be able to see you and is as a divination spell instead.
can resist your distracting appearance by making an Intuition
save (DC 10 + half your character level + your Charisma If you have at least 15 ranks in Knowledge (lore) and
modifier). Failure indicates that the target is fascinated (if you access to a library, you can gain an effect similar to a
are beautiful) or sickened (if you are ugly) for as long as you legend lore spell, with the same casting time and
remain in its line of sight. You can affect a specific creature in restrictions.
this manner only once per day. This ability is usable a number
of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. Source: Relics & Rituals: Excalibur (Sword & Sorcery
Special: Your appearance is so striking that it's difficult to Studios).
hide. You take a -2 penalty on Perform (acting) checks to
disguise yourself.
If you are using the optional rules for Comeliness (Chapter
1), your Comeliness score is either 20 + your Charisma
modify and racial modifiers, or else 0 – your Charisma bonus
(or plus your Charisma penalty) + racial modifiers.
Source: Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss.
Paragon of Health
Synergy: If you have levels in Prestige Paladin, you can
Paragon of Might also use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Charisma
You are among the mightiest of men (or elves, or orcs) that modifier for purposes of determining the benefits of
has ever lived, and you have trained and focused your great Charisma-dependent paladin class features (divine grace,
strength so that you are capable of phenomenal exertions. smite evil, etc.).
Prerequisite: Strength 21+. Normal: You use your Charisma bonus to determine save
Benefit: You can always choose to take 10 on any Strength- DCs and the effects of paladin abilities.
based skill check, even if stress and distractions would Source: Dragon magazine, issue 306.
normally prevent you from doing so. In addition, by first Skill Focus [Skill]
spending 1 minute warming up, you can add a +10
competence bonus to your Strength score for the next round Choose a skill. You are particularly adept at that skill.
thereafter, allowing you to lift tremendous weight or deliver a Benefit: If the skill in question is not a class skill for you, it
crushing blow. becomes one. This gives you the +3 class skill bonus and
Source: Relics & Rituals: Excalibur (Sword & Sorcery access to the “class skill” abilities listed under that skill
Studios). (Chapter 4).
If the skill in question is already a class skill, you gain a
Photographic Memory competence bonus on all checks involving that skill equal to
You have near-perfect recall. half your number of ranks (minimum +3). In addition, your
Benefit: At will, you can permanently memorize any text critical success range for that skill (Chapter 1) increases to
you read or hear, word for word. You can attempt to recall 19-20.
other incidental details (e.g., what each person had for dinner Special: If the skill is not a class skill for you, you can take
in a restaurant you ate at six years ago), but this requires a this feat twice: once to make the skill a class skill, and a
Perception check to see if you noticed them in the first place second time to gain the competence bonus and expanded crit
(DC 10 for obvious details to DC 30 for minute ones that you range. If the skill is already a class skill, you can select this
had little chance of being exposed to, much less noticing). feat only once with that skill, but can still take Skill Focus
with other skills.
Source: This feat supersedes the feat of the same name
Racial Heritage [Heritage] from the core rules, and also the Epic Skill Focus feat from
The racial heritage of your people manifests itself the 3.5 edition System Reference Document.
especially strongly in you.
Benefit: You gain one additional racial feat from the list of Skill Synergy [Skill]
racial feats for your race (Chapter 2). Alternatively, you can Benefit: Choose two skills. You can use the indicated skills
select two additional racial traits appropriate to your race. untrained, even if this is not normally possible. You also get a
+2 racial bonus on all checks made using those skills.
Resist Energy Examples of skill synergy feats (and the associated skills)
Benefit: Choose an energy form (acid, cold, electricity, fire, include Agile (Acrobatics, Escape Artist), Cosmopolitan
negative energy, or sonic). You gain resistance 5 against that (Diplomacy, Streetwise), Persuasive (Bluff, Diplomacy), Self-
type of energy; this stacks with any existing resistance to that Sufficient (Heal, Survival), etc.
type. Design Note: I’m aware that almost no one will ever select
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. If you this feat voluntarily. In general, skill synergies get handed out
choose the same energy form two or more times, the effects as racial traits (see Races), and consolidating them into the
stack. form of a single feat allows for a single feat reference to be
Source: Masters of the Wild. used there, rather than repeating the description each time.
This is the reason the bonus type is designated as a “racial
Resistance [Skill] bonus.”
Source: This feat supersedes the various similar sub-feats,
Prerequisite: Endurance 1 rank. and also the Breadth of Experience racial feat from the
Benefit: You gain a +1 resistance bonus to all saving Advanced Player’s Guide.
throws. For every 5 ranks in Endurance you possess, this
resistance bonus increases by an additional +1 (maximum +5 Skill Synergy, Secondary [Skill]
at 20 ranks).
Benefit: Choose one of the options listed below. You gain a
Serenity +2 racial bonus to all secondary skills in the listed category.
You can use these skills untrained, even if this is not normally
Your wisdom, inner calm and sagacity fuels your abilities, possible, and always treat these skills as class skills.
rather than your force of personality.
Prerequisite: Wis 13. Artisan: All Craft skills
Benefit: Use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Professional: All Profession skills
Charisma modifier to modify Concentration checks. In
addition, you may use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Sage: All Knowledge skills
Charisma modifier when calculating saving throw DCs of
your spells and extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like
abilities that rely on Charisma.
Social Training [Skill]
Through constant socializing, you have learned assert your
own personality and to dominate those around you.
Prerequisite: Diplomacy 6 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. A
condition that prevents your training for more than 1 week
eliminates the bonus until you can get back into training.
Special: You may select this feat up to 3 times. Each time,
the requisite number of ranks in Diplomacy increases by 6,
and the enhancement bonus to Charisma increases by +2 (to
a maximum enhancement bonus of +6).
Stamina Training [Skill]
Prerequisite: Endurance 3 ranks as a class skill.
Benefit: Through constant physical training, you have a +1
enhancement bonus to Constitution per 3 ranks in
Endurance you possess (maximum bonus of +6 with 18
ranks in Endurance). Any condition that prevents this training
for more than 1 week eliminates the bonus until you can get
back into training.
Strength Training [Skill]
Prerequisite: Athletics 3 ranks as a class skill.
Benefit: Through constant physical training, you have a +1
enhancement bonus to Strength per 3 ranks in Athletics you
possess (maximum bonus of +6 at 18 ranks). Any condition
that prevents this training for more than 1 week eliminates
the bonus until you can get back into training.
You have enhanced physical stamina.
Benefit: You gain +3 hit points. Also, for every Hit Die you
possess or gain, you gain an additional +1 hit point (e.g., a 10
HD creature would have +13 hp total from this feat).
Arcane Feats Bane Magic [Combat]
Unless otherwise noted, all feats in this section have the Your spells deal extra damage to a particular type of
[Arcane] descriptor, in addition to any others listed. creature.
Note: Metamagic feats are a more integral part of the Benefit: Choose a creature type from the Ranger’s favored
spellcasting rules in these house rules; they are therefore enemy list. Once made, this selection is fixed and cannot be
presented in Chapter 7, along with the other spellcasting re-assigned. Any spell that deals direct damage, when cast
rules. against the selected creatures, deals additional damage equal
to 1d6 per level of the spell. For example, a 3rd level giant
bane lightning bolt cast by an 8th level caster would deal the
Alacritous Cogitation usual 8d6 points of damage to any non-giant in its path, but
You can leave a prepared spell slot open to spontaneously would deal 11d6 points of damage against giants. This feat
cast a spell. has no effect on spells that do not deal hit point damage, and
Prerequisite: Must prepare arcane spells. the source and type of the damage remains the same. This
Benefit: If you leave an arcane spell slot open when feat cannot be used to increase the amount of healing dealt to
preparing spells, you can use that open slot to cast any undead by inflict light wounds and similar spells, but it can
arcane spell you know of the same level or lower. Casting a add to the damage dealt by casting cure light wounds on an
spell in this manner requires a full-round action. You can use undead creature.
this feat only once per day, regardless of the number of slots Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time,
you leave open. select a different creature type.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times; each time, Source: Heroes of Horror.
you gain an additional use per day.
Source: Complete Mage. Battle Touch [Combat]
Prerequisites: Able to cast touch spells; must not have
Arcane Smite [Combat] Evocation as a barred school.
You can channel spell energy into your melee attacks. Benefit: If you cast a touch attack spell or spell-like ability
Prerequisite: Able to cast 1st level arcane spells; must not and have multiple attacks due to a high base attack bonus,
have Evocation as a barred school. you can attempt iterative touch attacks as though using a full
Benefit: When you activate this feat (a free action that does attack action. This feat works only with attack spells such as
not provoke an attack of opportunity), you sacrifice one of shocking grasp or cause fear, not beneficial spells like cure
your spells for the day (of 1st level or higher) to do this. For 1 light wounds (unless cure light wounds is used to attack and
round, you gain a luck bonus on all melee attack rolls for 1 damage undead).
round equal to the level of the spell sacrificed, as well as extra Synergy: If you also have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat,
damage equal to 1d6 points x the level of the spell sacrificed you can Hold the Charge with two spells simultaneously; one
(this is not multiplied in the event of a critical hit). for each hand.
Source: Complete Warrior. If you have the Spellstrike feat, you can apply the spell
effect to each attack made with that weapon that round
Augment Summoning [Conjuration] (applying a -5 attack penalty for using a strike with iterative
attacks; see Spellstrike feat). If you have the Battle Touch,
Your summoned creatures are more powerful and robust Spellstrike, and Two-Weapon Fighting feats, you can use the
than most. Spellstrike feat in conjunction with a pair of weapons and
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (conjuration) or Conjurer level spells.
1st. Source: Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc Press).
Benefit: Each creature you conjure with any summon spell
gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution Blast, Arcane [Evocation]
for the duration of the spell that summoned it.
Synergy: If you have at least a +2 bonus to Conjuration Prerequisite: Arcane spellcaster (may not have Evocation as
spell DCs (as from feats or specialist bonus), your summoned a barred school).
monsters instead gain the Advanced simple template from Benefit: As a standard action, you can sacrifice a prepared
the Pathfinder Bestiary. spell or unused spell slot of 1st level or higher and transform
it into a ray of force, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a
ranged touch attack. This attack deals 2d6 points of force
damage plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every
level of the spell or spell slot you sacrificed. 0-level spells may
not be sacrificed in this manner.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Special: Unlike a bonded object or familiar gained through
Blistering Bands [Evocation] the class feature, a bonded item or familiar gained through a
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (Evocation) or Evocation feat requires some investiture of personal numen (Chapter 6),
specialist. equal to 1,000 x (half your effective caster level)2. For
Benefit: Whenever you cast an evocation spell that deals example, a bonded item with an effective caster level of 10th
energy damage, you can spend a swift action to deal damage would cost 25,000 numen. It is possible to “fall behind” on
of that same energy type to all creatures adjacent to you; the payments and have a bonded object or familiar operating at a
damage is equal to 1d6 hp x the level of the spell. If the spell lower effective caster level than your number of ranks in
deals more than one type of energy damage, you must choose Concentration.
which of those types of damage this aura deals. Source: This feat supersedes the Obtain Familiar feat from
Source: This feat supersedes the Tattooed Mystic’s Complete Arcane.
prestige class feature of the same name from Paths of Boost, Arcane [Combat]
You can burn arcane energy to empower your martial
Bloodline, Eldritch Heritage abilities.
You are descended from a long line of sorcerers, and some Prerequisite: Able to cast arcane abjuration spells.
portion of their power flows in your veins. Benefit: As a swift action, you can spend one of your
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Skill Focus with one of the bonus uncast spells or spell slots to grant yourself one of the
skills of bloodline selected for this feat, character level 3rd. following bonuses for 1 round:
Benefit: Select one sorcerer bloodline. You gain the first- Luck bonus on attack rolls or saving throws equal to the
level bloodline power for the selected bloodline. For purposes spell’s level;
of using that power, treat your sorcerer level as equal to your
number of ranks in Concentration –2, even if you have levels Luck bonus on weapon damage rolls equal to twice the
in sorcerer. You do not gain any of the other class abilities. spell’s level;
Synergy: You can apply the Practiced Bloodline feat (q.v.) Deflection bonus to AC equal to the spell’s level;
to the effects of this feat.
Source: Ultimate Magic. Damage reduction equal to twice the level of the spell
expended against all but one alignment or special material
Bloodline, Practiced [Heritage] (cold iron or silver);
Prerequisite: Sorcerer bloodline or Eldritch Heritage feat. Energy damage on your next weapon attack equal to +1d6
Benefit: Your effective sorcerer level for your sorcerer per level of the spell, of a type corresponding to the
bloodline increases by +4, to a maximum effective level equal sacrificed spell’s descriptor (acid, cold, etc.; you cannot use
to your Hit Dice (even if you can't benefit from the full bonus this function by sacrificing a spell that does not have an
immediately, if you later gain non caster-level HD you may be energy descriptor);
able to apply the rest of the bonus).
This increase in effective level applies to bloodline powers Resistance to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic energy
gained and the level-dependent effects of your existing equal to 5 x the spell’s level.
bloodline powers and resistances. It does not grant you
bloodline feats, improvements to your eldritch blast (if Source: This feat supersedes the Abjurant Champion
applicable), or any other sorcerer class features. prestige class feature of the same name, from Complete
Special: This feats stacks with class synergy features and Mage, and also the Arcane Shield feat from the Advanced
with itself (if gained multiple times), subject to a maximum Player’s Guide and the Daggerspell Mage’s energy infusion
effective level equal to your Hit Dice. In conjunction with the prestige class feature from Complete Adventurer.
Eldritch Heritage feat (q.v.), this supersedes the Improved and
Greater Eldritch Heritage feats from Ultimate Magic.
Bond, Arcane
Prerequisite: Concentration 1 rank, Spellcraft 1 rank.
Benefit: You gain a bonded item or familiar, as the wizard
class feature of the same name. For clerics and archivists,
this item must be your deity’s holy symbol or some other
religious reliquary or relic; others can choose normally.
For the purpose of determining familiar or bonded item
abilities that depend on your arcane caster class level, your
maximum effective level is equal to your number of ranks in
If you have at least 16 ranks in Knowledge (the planes),
Call for Aid [Conjuration] you can forcibly recall a creature that used teleportation to
Prerequisite: Able to cast Conjuration spells. exit an area within 30 feet of you since the end of your last
Benefit: As a standard action, you can sacrifice a prepared turn. If the target fails its save, the teleportation effect is
spell of 2nd level or higher to call a creature bound to you, reversed and the creature returns to the point from which
including an animal companion, eidolon, or familiar; a it teleported (or the nearest available space, if that space is
personally controlled construct, undead creature, or outsider; now occupied by another creature). It takes damage as per
or a creature telepathically linked to you (including by the teleport redirect effect.
telepathic bond, dominate person, or dominate monster). The
named creature appears adjacent to the Arclord, or in the Source: This feat supersedes the Riftwarden’s prestige
nearest open space if all adjacent squares are occupied. This class features of the same name, from Paths of Prestige.
ability functions like greater teleport, except the range limit is
determined by the level of the sacrificed spell: Counterspell, Improved
Level of Spell Range Distance [Abjuration, Skill]
2nd – 3rd Short 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels
You are skilled at countering the spells of others.
Prerequisites: Able to cast abjuration spells, Spellcraft 1
4th – 5th Medium 100 ft. + 10 ft./level rank.
6th – 7th Long 400 ft. + 40 ft./level Benefit: You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to all
counterspelling attempts. If you use a spell of the same
8th Unlimited Same plane school that is one or more spell levels higher than the target
9th Unlimited Any plane spell, your success is automatic, as if you had counterspelled
using the target spell.
Source: This feat supersedes the Arclord of Nex prestige If you have at least 6 ranks in Spellcraft, you can
class feature of the same name, from Paths of Prestige. counterspell as a standard action, allowing you to move
and counterspell in the same round.
Combat Casting [Combat, Skill]
You are experienced in casting spells in combat. If you have at least 11 ranks in Spellcraft, counterspelling
Prerequisite: BAB +1, Concentration 1 rank. is a move action.
Benefit: You are immune to the effects of the Disruptive At 16 or more ranks in Spellcraft, counterspelling is a
fighter talent, the Disruptive Strike feat, and the Disruptive swift action (in a magical duel between archmages, a
Spell metamagic feat. Quickened spell will often be used as a feint to draw a
When casting a spell or using a spell-like ability in combat counterspell, so that the “real” attack spell has a chance to
that allows a saving throw, you can choose to take a -1 penalty get through).
to the spell’s saving throw DC. For every 4 ranks in
Concentration you possess, you can increase the penalty by Normal: Without this feat, you must roll an opposed
an additional -1. For every -1 to saves you accept, you gain a Concentration check to counter a spell being cast.
+2 circumstance bonus to Concentration checks to cast that
spell defensively or while taking ongoing damage, to avoid
losing the spell if hit, etc. Dimensional Agility [Combat,
Counterport [Conjuration, Skill] Teleportation does not faze you.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks, Improved Prerequisites: Planar Sense 6 ranks; ability to use
Counterspell; able to cast Abjuration and Conjuration spells. dimension door or similar short-range teleportation effect.
Benefit: When a conjuration effect causes a creature to Benefit: After using dimension door, you can take any
appear in a square threatened by you, that creature provokes actions you still have remaining on your turn. You also gain a
an attack of opportunity from you. +4 competence bonus on Concentration checks when casting
[teleportation] spells.
If you have at least 11 ranks in Knowledge (the planes), As a full-round action, you use dimension door to make a
when you successfully counterspell a [teleportation] effect, special charge attack. Doing so allows you to teleport up to
you can forcibly redirect the teleporting creature to a new double your current speed (up to the maximum distance
valid destination within 30 feet of you. The wrenching allowed by the spell or ability) and to make the attack
redirection deals force damage to the redirected creature normally allowed on a charge.
equal to 1d6 x your number of ranks in Concentration. A
successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + half your caster level +
your Charisma modifier) halves the damage and negates
the redirection.
Synergy: Source: This feat supersedes the Initiate of the Sevenfold
You can use dimension door in conjunction with the Veil’s ”unanswerable strike” prestige class feature from
Spring Attack feat. This ability can be used only against Complete Arcane, and also the minor abjuration esoterica
opponents within 60 feet to which you have a line of sight. from the Master Specialist prestige class (Complete Mage). It
As a full-round action, you can dimension door up to the also subsumes the Destructive Dispel feat from Ultimate
target, make one attack using Spring Attack, and then Combat.
dimension door back to your starting point, assuming you Energy Abjuration [Abjuration]
do not exceed your total available distance from the
dimension door ability. Prerequisite: Must not have Abjuration as a barred school.
Benefit: When you cast a spell of the acid, cold, electricity,
If you also have the Skirmish feat, you can take a full- fire, force, sonic, positive energy, or negative energy subtype,
attack action, activating dimension door as a swift action. you gain resistance to that energy equal to 5 x the spell's level.
If your do, you can teleport up to twice your speed (up to This energy resistance lasts for 1 round per level of the spell
the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability), or until you are struck by that type of energy damage (acid,
dividing this teleportation into increments you use before cold, fire, electricity, or sonic).
your first attack, between each attack, and/or after your Source: Complete Mage. This ability also supersedes the
last attack. You must teleport at least 5 feet each time you “energy eddy” moderate evocation esoterica from the Master
teleport. The effects of Skirmish apply exactly as if the Specialist prestige class (Complete Mage).
teleportation were ground movement.
If you have the Skirmish, Spring Attack, and Adaptable Energy Shield [Abjuration, Combat]
Flanking feats, while using the Dimensional Agility feat Prerequisite: Arcane Boost; must not have Abjuration as a
you provide flanking from all squares you attack from. barred school.
Flanking starts from the moment you make an attack until Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend an unused spell
the start of your next turn. You can effectively flank with slot or uncast spell of 1st level or higher or with an energy
yourself and with multiple allies when using this feat. subtype (e.g., [fire] or [acid]) to spontaneously create an
energy shield around yourself lasting 1 round per level of the
Source: Ultimate Combat. This feat also subsumes the spell expended. This shield provides you with resistance to
Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, and Dimensional that energy type of 5 per level of the spell sacrificed.
Savant feats from Ultimate Combat, and the Elocator’s Whenever you are struck in melee while so shielded, your
dimensional spring attack ability from the 3.5 edition System attacker takes energy damage of the appropriate type equal to
Reference Document (Psionic Classes). 1d6 per level of the sacrificed spell.
Dispelling, Improved [Abjuration, Eschew Materials
Skill] You can cast spells without material components.
Prerequisites: Ability to use dispel magic or greater dispel Benefit: You can cast any spell that has a material
magic, Spellcraft 1 rank. component costing 1 gp or less without needing that
Benefit: You gain a +4 competence bonus on component.
Concentration checks to dispel magic. The casting of the spell still provokes attacks of opportunity
as normal. If the spell requires a material component that
If you have at least 6 ranks in Spellcraft, if you dispel costs more than 1 gp, you must have the material component
spells affecting a creature, you can choose to deal up to on hand to cast the spell, just as normal.
1d6 force damage to that creature per spell level dispelled,
to a maximum number of dice equal to your number of Evocation, Piercing [Evocation]
ranks in Spellcraft. Your evocation spells ignore some energy resistance.
If you have at least 11 ranks in Spellcraft, when you Benefit: When you cast an evocation spell that deals
successfully make a targeted dispel check against an energy damage (acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic), you can
opponent, that opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save choose to convert some of the damage dealt by the spell to
(DC equals the DC of the spell used to dispel) or be become untyped damage, to which energy resistance and
stunned until the start of your next turn. If the save immunity do not apply. The maximum number of points of
succeeds, the opponent is instead sickened until the start energy damage you can convert is equal to your number of
of your next turn. ranks in Concentration. If the spell deals multiple types of
energy damage, you choose how much of each type is
Synergy: You can use this feat in conjunction with the converted by this feat after rolling damage.
Dispelling Strike feat (q.v.). If you have levels in Fighter, when Source: Complete Mage.
making an Improved Dispelling Strike you can substitute
your fighter level for ranks in Spellcraft.
Benefit: Up to 3 times per day, your familiar can assume a
Expanded Arcana larger, more threatening form for up to 1 minute per rank in
Prerequisite: Able to cast spells. Spellcraft you possess. This works as a beast shape spell of a
Benefit: Add one spell to your list of spells known, of a level appropriate to your number of ranks in Spellcraft (as
spell level up to the maximum spell level you are able to cast. summarized in the following table), except the guardian form
You can add a spell from another class’ list, but at a spell level must be of the same general type as the familiar’s (for
one higher than the listing for that class (for example, a 7th example, a black cat familiar could become a Medium
level archivist could add fireball as a 4th level spell known). leopard at 6th level, a tiger at 11th level, or a Huge dire tiger at
In the case of spontaneous casters, the spell is simply 16th level).
added to your list of spells known, in excess of the numbers Ranks in Spellcraft Guardian Form Effect
listed in Table 1 of Chapter 7. For prepared spellcasters, the 6 – 10 Beast shape I
spell is added to your spellbooks, list of class spells, etc. and
does not require any expenditure of mojo. 11 – 15 Beast shape II
Source: This feat subsumes the feat of the same name 16+ Beast shape III
from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Source: This feat supersedes the Dancer of Sharess’
Fade Into Darkness [Darkness] “familiar shapechange” prestige class feature, from Dragon
You can draw from nearby magical shadow to cloak yourself magazine (issue 290).
in darkness.
Prerequisite: Darkness as a spell-like ability. Familiar, Morphic [Skill,
Benefit: As long as you are within 10 feet of an area of Transmutation]
magical darkness, as a swift action, you can spend one use of Prerequisite: Familiar; Spellcraft 1 rank.
your own darkness spell-like ability to make a Stealth check, Benefit: As a full-round action, your familiar can change its
even while being observed and without cover or concealment. form to that of another type of animal. You lose the previous
When activating this ability, you also gain a +5 enhancement familiar bonus feat and gain the bonus feat for your familiar’s
bonus to Stealth checks for a number of minutes equal to new form instead.
your number of ranks in Concentration.
Source: This feat subsumes the feat of the same name, If you have at least 6 ranks in Spellcraft, the familiar can
and the Blend into Shadows feat, from Drow of the change form as a full attack action.
If you have at least 11 ranks in Spellcraft, the familiar can
Familiar, Evolved [Conjuration, change form as a standard action.
Skill] If you have at least 16 ranks in Spellcraft, the familiar can
Your familiar is different from others of its kind. change form as a swift action.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Cha 13, familiar class feature,
Spellcraft 1 rank. Source: This feat supersedes the changeling wizard
Benefit: Your familiar gains evolutions as a summoner’s substitution feature from Races of Eberron.
eidolon (see Sorcerer in Chapter 3), to a maximum of 1 point
worth of evolutions, +1 per 6 ranks in Spellcraft you possess. Fast Study
These can be used to purchase multiple 1-point evolutions, or Prerequisites: Able to prepare 2nd or higher level arcane
fewer higher-valued ones. The familiar must conform to any spells, Eidetic Memory class feature.
limitations of the evolution(s). For instance, only familiars Benefit: Thanks to mental discipline and clever
with wings can take the wing buffet evolution. mnemonics, you can prepare all of your spells in only 15
Special: If you gain a new familiar, your old familiar loses minutes, and your minimum preparation time is only 1
all evolutions, and you can select new evolutions for the new minute.
familiar. Normal: It takes 1 hour to prepare your spells for the day,
Source: Ultimate Magic. or proportionately less if he only prepares some spells, with a
minimum of 15 minutes of preparation.
Familiar, Guardian [Skill, Source: Ultimate Magic.
In addition to its normal duties, your familiar can actively
protect you or your lodgings or valuables.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 6 ranks, able to cast
Transmutation spells, familiar.
Imbue Missile [Combat, Ranged]
Flickering Eye [Illusion] Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, ability to cast 1st level
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (Illusion) or Illusionist. spells.
Benefit: When you spend a standard action to concentrate Benefit: You gain the ability to place an area spell upon a
on an ongoing illusion effect created by one of your spells, projectile (arrow, sling stone, bullet, etc.) or thrown weapon.
you gain concealment (20% miss chance) until the beginning When the projectile is fired, the spell's area is centered where
of your next turn. Effects that negate invisibility negate this the projectile lands (or strikes), even if the spell could
miss chance. normally be centered only on the caster. This ability allows
If you are able to cast at least level illusion spells, the miss you to use the weapon's range rather than the spell's range. A
chance increases to 50%. spell cast in this way uses its standard casting time and you
can fire the weapon as part of the casting. The projectile must
If you are able to cast at least level illusion spells, you be fired during the round that the casting is completed or the
instead become invisible, as per the spell invisibility, until spell is wasted. If the projectile misses, the spell is wasted.
the beginning of your next turn. Synergy: If you also have the Spellstrike feat, you can
deliver a touch spell through a thrown weapon or projectile. If
Source: This feat supersedes the Tattooed Mystic’s the attack misses, you can retrieve the weapon and the
prestige class feature of the same name from Paths of charge is considered held if you do so (unless the
Prestige. ammunition is destroyed); anyone else touching the weapon
discharges the spell and takes its effects. If no one touches
Imbue Item [Skill] the weapon within 1 minute per spell level held, the spell
dissipates harmlessly.
“We make them. Later… when your studies are more Source: This feat supersedes the Arcane Archer’s imbue
advanced, I’ll show you how it’s done. It entails metalwork— arrow prestige class feature, and also the Daggerspell Mage’s
oh, yes. But so much more. A balanced heart, a deep taw, “arcane throw” prestige class features from Complete
silent as a mountain tarn…” Adventurer.
―Charles deLint, Moonheart (1984)
Prerequisites: Any Craft skill. Initiate of the Open Sky
Benefit: You can craft charged and permanent magical Prerequisites: Reach Spell, Widen Spell.
items, using the appropriate Craft skill (see Skills). The DC to Benefit: When you are casting outdoors and under an open
create the item increases for any necessary spell sky, all of your spells’ ranges and areas of effect are
requirements, per the magic item creation rules in the Core automatically doubled, as if by the Reach Spell and Widen
rules. Spell feats, although with no increase in casting time or spell
Special: For characters without spellcasting ability, certain level.
talents and feats can be substituted for spell prerequisites. Source: 1st edition rules for scale converted feet indoors to
Obvious examples include Weapon Specialization or weapon yards outdoors (3x); a doubling was used here as a
training in lieu of a greater magic weapon spell; armor compromise between that and the 3rd edition 1:1 scaling.
training in lieu of magic vestment; the Shared Shield feat in
lieu of shield other when crafting a defending weapon, etc. It
is also possible to waive spell requirements by substituting Innate Spell
exotic components. For example, a flaming sword might be Prerequisite: Ability to prepare spells.
made by quenching the newly-forged blade in the blood of a Benefit: You can permanently give up one of your spell
living salamander, rather than casting one of the listed fire slots to prepare one of your spells of that level as a spell-like
spells. ability that can be used twice per day.
In all cases, your maximum effective caster level and You may devote a higher-level spell slot to this feat in order
effective spell capacity cannot exceed your number of ranks to use the spell-like ability more often; for every spell level the
in the appropriate Craft skill, so that the maximum spell level slot used exceeds the level of the spell-like ability, you can use
of spell effects (Chapter 7) in items you craft is equal to half the ability an additional time per day. At 5/day, you can use
your number of ranks in the appropriate Craft skill (a the spell-like ability at will.
character with 6 ranks in Craft (alchemy) can potentially use Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time,
the blood of a displacer beast to brew a potion of select a different spell.
displacement; a character with fewer ranks than that cannot). Source: This feat supersedes the Hierophant and
Source: This feat supersedes the Pathfinder item Archmage “spell-like ability” high arcana, from the 3.5 edition
construction feats and Master Craftsman feat from the Core System Reference Document, and also the Spell Expertise
rules. feats from the Advanced Player’s Guide.

Imbue Missile [Combat, Ranged]

Benefit: When you attempt to call or summon a creature
Internalize Spell into an area where summoning is blocked by a magical effect
Benefit: Choose one or more spells, with total spell levels (such as magic circle against evil, forbiddance, or
equal to or lower than your character level. As an dimensional lock), or when a creature you have called or
extraordinary ability, you learn how to intuitively absorb these summoned would have its attacks against a creature blocked
spells into your body. While you are under the effect of any of by such an effect, as a swift action you can sacrifice a
those spells, the effects become extraordinary rather than prepared spell or spell slot of the same level as the warding
spell effects (and therefore cannot be dispelled by any effect. If your caster level is higher than the caster level of the
means). The spell otherwise functions as it normally would, is warding effect, it is immediately negated. If it is the same or
expended normally, and can be countered or disrupted during lower, an opposed Concentration check is required to negate
casting. the warding effect. The range of this ability is 30 ft.
Source: This feat supersedes the Swiftblade’s fortified If you have at least 11 ranks in Knowledge (the planes),
hustle prestige class feature, from the Wizards of the Coast when you summon a creature, you can choose to allow
website. that creature to use any innate summoning abilities it
possesses. The creatures it summons are not under your
Kin Mastery [Heritage] control. Once this decision is made, it cannot be reversed
You can channel the energies of your arcane bloodline to turn until the summoned creature is sent back to whence it
or rebuke creatures with which you share a common came.
heritage. If you have at least 16 ranks in Knowledge (the planes),
Prerequisites: Sorcerer bloodline (other than non- your breaching can penetrate and destroy an antimagic
applicable types such as arcane, destiny, etc.). At the referee’s field, a prismatic sphere, or an extradimensional shelter
option, incarnates with appropriate mysteries can select this like a mage’s magnificent mansion, though an opposed
feat as well (e.g., those with the Graves mystery might turn or Concentration check is always needed for this. You can
rebuke undead; those with the Flames mystery might turn or summon creatures into a naturally dead magic areas with
rebuke fire elementals, etc.). a successful DC 31 caster level check, but the magic-dead
Benefit: You can turn or rebuke creatures of the same type area is not negated.
as your bloodline (aberrations, dragons, elementals, undead,
etc.) as a cleric of half your sorcerer level with the Turn Source: This feat supersedes the Blackfire Adept’s prestige
Undead feat turns undead. You can use this ability a number class feature of the same name, from Paths of Prestige.
of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Synergy: You can take the Extra Channeling feat to gain
additional daily uses.
Source: Dragon magazine, issue 311.
The fact that you have given up your real name makes you
resistant to certain types of magic.
Prerequisites: You must give up your real name; you are
thereafter addressed only by rank or by a generic nickname.
Benefit: Anyone who attempts to use magic in order to
learn personal information about you, such as through
divination, scrying, or similar magic, must make a
Concentration check with a DC equal to 10 + your character
level + your Wisdom modifier to succeed. You are immune to
spells that require the use of your name in order to function
(such as trap the soul).
Special: If you ever choose a real name, you lose all
benefits of this feat.
Source: Pathfinder Faction Guide.
Planar Breaching [Conjuration,
Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks, Planar
Sense 6 ranks, Spell Focus (conjuration) or Conjurer,
Purge Magic [Abjuraton]
Power over Shadow [Skill] You know incantations that can free yourself or an ally of
You can manipulate the stuff of Shadow as a Prince of unwanted magic.
Amber or Lord of Chaos is able to do, allowing you to “find” Prerequisites: Intelligence or Wisdom 13+; Concentration
non-magical objects (“Oh, look, someone must have left this 6 ranks, Spellcraft 6 ranks.
masterwork longsword lying in the gutter over here!”), or Benefit: You can use dispel magic at will as a spell-like
change the odds of certain events coming to pass. ability, but only on yourself or a willing ally.
Prerequisites: Planar Sense 6 ranks. Source: D&D Next Index.
Benefit: You can look around and “just happen” to find
common objects or creatures. Your success is dependent on a Reabsorption, Arcane
successful Planar Sense skill check, as summarized in the
table below. Benefit: Whenever you cast a targeted spell that fails to
penetrate the target’s spell resistance (and has no effect at all)
If you have at least 11 ranks in Planar Sense, you can or is successfully counterspelled, you can reabsorb the arcane
adjust the odds of occurrences; change your clothing, energies as a free action, regaining the spell slot or prepared
cash, etc. to match those appropriate to your location; or spell as if you had not cast it.
move through the inner planes. You take 1 point of damage per spell level you reabsorb.
If you have at least 16 ranks in Planar Sense, you can This damage is internal and bypasses DR and resistances.
move alter the laws of physics in your personal space, Source: Dragon magazine #348.
allowing your spells to function properly on planes despite Seeker Arrow [Ranged, Strike]
their varying magical laws, or allowing technological
items to work in areas where they are normally Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, able to cast arcane
nonfunctional. You also develop skill at shadowmastery, spells, Precise Shot.
and can attempt to create and stitch together demiplanes Benefit: As a standard action, you can launch a projectile
(as the create demiplane spell). at a target known to you within range, and the missile travels
to the target, even around corners. Only an unavoidable
Task Min. Check DC
obstacle or the limit of the weapon's range prevents the
Ranks arrow's flight. This ability negates cover and concealment
modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally.
“Find” common item or creature 6 20 Source: This feat supersedes the Arcane Archer’s prestige
“Find” uncommon item/creature 6 25 class feature of the same name, from the core rules.
“Find” rare item/creature 6 35
Shield, Urgent [Abjuration]
“Find” very rare or unique item or 11 40
creature Prerequisite: Able to cast abjuration spells.
Benefit: As an immediate action that does not provoke an
Blatantly alter clothing, cash, etc. to 11 25 attack of opportunity, you can create a temporary shield of
local equivalents force granting you a +2 shield bonus to AC. This shield lasts
Move to very familiar inner plane 11 20 until the beginning of your next turn. This is useable once per
Move to plane visited briefly 11 25 day, plus an additional time per day for every 2 ranks in
Concentration you possess. You can’t activate this ability in
Move into Amber or out of the 11 20 response to an attack you are unaware of.
Courts of Chaos Source: Players Handbook II.
Slightly change probabilities in 11 10 + 2 per 5%
surroundings alteration Somatic Weapon [Combat, Skill]
Allow use of magical or tech item 16 30 You are adept at performing somatic spell components while
on other plane your hands are occupied.
Move into Shadow from Amber 16 40 Prerequisite: Spellcraft 1 rank.
Move to unfamiliar or distant plane 16 30 Benefit: When wielding a weapon (or holding an item of
comparable size) in one or both hands, you can use that item
Spontaneously alter spells to fit 16 15 + spell level to trace the somatic component of a spell, rather than using
magic rules of other plane your fingers. This allows you to cast spells with somatic
Create demiplane 16 30 components even while your hands are full or occupied, as
long as at least one hand is holding an item of proper size.
Changing currency or altering probabilities requires a full- If you have at least 6 ranks in Spellcraft, you can cast
round action. Moving throughout the planes, or finding items spells with material components while using a somatic
or creatures among them, requires a number of hours equal weapon (the components vanish during the casting, but
to the DC of the task. Failure while moving through the you need not physically remove them from the pouch).
planes can cause you to wind up in an extremely undesirable
alternate plane (e.g., Hell), so it is usually not possible to Take If you have at least 11 ranks in Spellcraft, you can use this
20 while walking in Shadow. feat even while in a grapple.

Purge Magic [Abjuraton]

Normal: You must have a hand free to cast spells that have Split Slot
somatic and/or material components.
Source: Complete Mage. Prerequisite: Able to prepare 2nd level spells.
Benefit: Once per day when you prepare spells, you may
Spell Focus treat any one of your open spell slots as if it were two spell
slots that were each two spell levels lower. For example, a 9th
Choose a school of magic. Any spells you cast of that school level wizard can split a 5th level slot into two 3rd level slots.
are more difficult to resist. For all purposes, the two lower-level slots are treated as that
Benefit: You gain a +1 competence bonus to the Difficulty lower level (so the split 5th level slot used for a fireball has a
Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of DC as if it were in a normal 3rd level slot). Splitting a 2nd level
magic you select. slot lets you prepare two additional cantrips (which you can
Instead of selecting a school of arcane magic, you can cast over and over, just like normally prepared cantrips). This
choose one energy type instead (acid, cold, electricity, fire, feat has no effect on cantrips or 1st level spells.
force, negative energy, positive energy, or sonics) and the Special: You may select this feat multiple times; each time
bonus applies to spells with the appropriate descriptor. you select it, you may split another spell slot when you
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The effects prepare spells. You cannot split a slot that you created by
do not stack. Each time, choose a different school of magic or splitting a higher-level slot.
energy type. Source: Ultimate Magic.
Spell Focus, Greater Spontaneous Spell
Prerequisite: Spell Focus. Benefit: Select a spell you can cast. You may spontaneously
Benefit: The competence bonus from your Spell Focus feat convert any prepared spell of the selected spell’s level (or
increases to +2. higher) into the selected spell, just as a cleric casts
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The effects spontaneous cure spells. You can apply any metamagic feats
do not stack. Each time, apply it to a different school or you possess to this spell when you cast it. This increases the
descriptor for which you have Spell Focus. minimum level of the prepared spell or spell slot you must
sacrifice in order to cast it but does not affect the casting
Spell Penetration time.
Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Concentration). At the referee’s option, this might be expanded to more
Benefit: When you roll a Concentration check to defeat an than one spell, provided the spells to be affected form a
opponent’s spell resistance, roll twice and use the better continuous chain (for example, summon nature’s ally I–IX).
result. The druid’s spontaneous casting ability, and the cleric’s ability
to spontaneously cast cure/inflict spells, would therefore
represent the acquisition of Spontaneous Spell as a feat. The
Spell Reprieve specific bonus spells of a bloodline or domain can also be
Your studies of the less restrictive arcane traditions of old considered a chain, for purposes of this feat.
allow you to cast one spell from a prohibited school. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time
Prerequisite: Barred school(s); Spellcraft 2 ranks per level you take this feat, it applies to a different spell or spell chain.
of the spell to be selected. Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Epic
Benefit: Choose a spell from one of your opposition Feats.” This feat also supersedes the Favored Spell feat from
schools of a level that you can cast. You can now learn and the Advanced Player’s Guide, and subsumes the cleric’s
prepare that spell normally. You can also use spell completion spontaneous casting and the druid’s spontaneous
items that release that spell. If applicable, instead of a single summoning, from the Core rules.
spell, you can learn chains of near-identical spells (e.g.,
summon monster I–IX) with referee approval. Staff-Like Wand [Skill]
Normal: You cannot use spells or spell completion items Your research has unlocked a new power in conjunction with
from barred schools. using wands.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times, each time Prerequisite: Spellcraft 6 ranks, Imbue Item.
choosing a new spell from any of your prohibited schools. Benefit: Similar to using a magic staff, you use your own
Source: Lost Empires of Faerun. Charisma score and relevant feats to set the DC for saves
against spells you cast from a wand, and you can use your
Spirit Chill [Fear] number of ranks in Spellcraft when activating the power of a
Benefit: Creatures affected by any [fear] effect you cause wand if it’s higher than the caster level of the wand.
(whether by a spell, class feature, or other source) take Source: Ultimate Magic.
nonlethal damage as well, depending on the potency of the
fear created: shaken—1d6; frightened—2d6; panicked—3d6;
Source: This feat supersedes the Nightmare Spinner’s
prestige class feature of the same name, from Complete

Split Slot
In this manner, a reasonable facsimile of the brilliant
Supernatural Ability energy swords summoned by Tulani eladrin (Book of Exalted
Prerequisite: Able to use at least one spell-like ability. Deeds) and LeShay (Epic Level Handbook) can be made (the
Benefit: Choose any one spell-like ability you possess. You latter would have to select flame blade twice, so as to gain
can create that effect as a supernatural ability instead. two such weapons, and could then gain the Two-Weapon
However, it is usable somewhat less often, as shown in the Versatility feat to extend the Personal Weapon effects to
following table: both).
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. This feat also
Original Use Frequency New Uses/Day supersedes the “minor magic” and “major magic” rogue
1/day 1
2/day 1 Talent, Magical Array [Skill]
3/day 2 Prerequisite: Magical Talent.
5/day 3 Benefit: You gain a suite of spell-like abilities following the
rules for racial spell-like abilities in Chapter 7. Your Magical
At will 3 + Cha modifier Talent spell-like ability becomes the spell-like ability of the
appropriate level in the array; the others must follow some
Source: An evil cleric’s channel negative energy ability is theme, built around the existing spell-like ability, but are
simply a Shaped eldritch blast (negative energy ray to burst; otherwise subject to your choice, conditional on referee
3rd level Reserve spell-like ability) made into a supernatural approval.
ability with this feat.
Thaumaturgist [Conjuration, Skill]
Talent, Magical [Skill]
Melbriniononsadsazzersteldregandishfeltselior had seldom
Prerequisite: Concentration 1 rank. been exploited by terrestrial adepts, inasmuch as use of a
Benefit: Choose one or more spells from one primary class demon’s name was necessary in those rites binding him to
spell list (cleric, druid, or wizard/sorcerer), whose total spell servitude. One missed syllable and the conjurer would step
levels are less than or equal to half your number of ranks in from the circle smiling, to discover that the demon was
Concentration (e.g., a character with 10 ranks in smiling also.
Concentration could select no more than 5 levels worth of ―Roger Zelazny, The Changing Land (1981)
spells). For purposes of this feat, zero-level spells count as ½ Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank as a class
spell level each. Once these spells are selected, they cannot skill; able to cast Conjuration spells.
be re-assigned. Benefit: If you have this feat, you are able to summon and
You can cast the selected spell(s) 1/day each as spell-like control outsiders and other extraplanar beings. The total
abilities, at a caster level equal to your number of ranks in number and CR of creatures you can have working for you at
Concentration. one time is as per the Leadership feat (q.v.), but substituting
If your number of ranks in Concentration exceeds the level Knowledge (the planes) for Diplomacy.
of the spell by a high enough margin, you can use that spell-
like ability more often, as shown in the following table: If you have at least 6 ranks in Knowledge (the planes), you
can retain a planar cohort or improved familiar, subject to
Ratio of Ranks in Concentration to Spell
Frequency of
the usual CR limitations. Such a cohort or familiar still
counts against your total CR of controlled outsiders.
2x 1/day
If you have at least 11 ranks in Knowledge (the planes),
3x 2/day when you cast a planar ally spell (including the lesser and
4x 3/day greater versions), you can attempt a Diplomacy check to
5x At will convince the creature to aid you for a reduced payment. If
your Diplomacy check succeeds against the creature’s
Synergy: A fighter with the Spellsword talent who selects opposed check by 10 or more, the creature will work for
this feat and selects one or more weapon-like spells (e.g., 50% of the standard fee, as long as the task is one that is
flame blade, spiritual weapon, etc.) can apply feats and fighter not against its nature.
talents to those effects as if they were weapons of the If you have at least 16 ranks in Knowledge (the planes),
appropriate type. With referee permission, personal numen you can dismiss any creature that you have summoned as
(Chapter 6) can be allotted to that end as well. For example, a an immediate action rather than as a standard action .
10th level fighter able to use flame blade at will might choose
to apply the Personal Weapon talent to his flame blade and Normal: Without this feat, all extraplanar beings you
provide it with an enhancement bonus and possibly summon are uncontrolled.
additional properties. Source: This feat supersedes the Thamauturgist’s
improved ally and planar cohort prestige class features, from
the 3.5 edition System Reference Document, and also the
Malconvoker’s safe summoning prestige class feature, from
Complete Scoundrel.
Source: This feat supersedes the Tattooed Mystic’s
Twisting Script [Skill] prestige class feature of the same name from Paths of
Prerequisite: Knowledge (linguistics) 1 rank. Prestige.
Benefit: Creatures that can see you are affected by your Warmage [Combat, Evocation]
language-dependent enchantment spells, even if they do not
understand the language you speak. Creatures without a Prerequisite: Int 13, eldritch blast ability; able to cast
language are immune to this effect. The range of the effect is Evocation spells.
equal to 10 ft. x your number of ranks in Knowledge Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell or use a spell-like ability
(linguistics). The maximum level of spell that can be affected that deals hit point damage, you add your Intelligence bonus
is equal to half your number of ranks in Knowledge to the damage dealt. If the spell deals damage for more than
(linguistics). one round, it deals this extra damage in each round.
Source: This feat supersedes the “warmage edge” class
feature, from Complete Arcane.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can imbue your weapons

Arcane Feats, Reserve with a fraction of your power (despite the name of the feat,
Despite their inclusion as [Arcane] feats, reserve feats need any weapons, including unarmed attacks but excluding spells,
not rely on arcane spells for qualification unless specifically can be affected). For 1 round, your weapons gain an
noted; normally, divine/druidical spells, ki powers, or spell- enhancement bonus to damage equal to the level of the
like abilities can also be used to qualify, as long as they match highest-level reserve spell you have available, and are treated
the minimum level and description listed. as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Reserve Spells: Feats with the [reserve] descriptor are Special: If you have a spell with the [force] descriptor
generally usable at will as long as you have a spell that meets prepared (or known, with remaining slots of that level) your
the “reserve spell” requirements; these are generally stated in Arcane Blade attacks deal normal damage to incorporeal
terms of a school and/or descriptor, and a minimum spell creatures. This supersedes the Arcane Strike feat from the
level. This reserve spell must currently be either prepared (if core rules and also the Blade of Force feat from Complete
you are a prepared caster); or known, with a spell slot of the Mage.
same or greater level available for use (if you are a
spontaneous caster); or have a daily use remaining (if you Clap of Thunder [Reserve]
have it as a spell-like ability). You can deliver a thunderous roar with a touch.
If you have a reserve spell of a level higher than the Reserve Spell: 3rd level evocation [sonic].
minimum spell level listed, the effects of the reserve feat often Benefit: You can deliver a melee touch attack as a standard
scale with that level. If you have no reserve spell of the listed action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This
level or higher remaining, you cannot use the reserve feat attack deals ld6 points of sonic damage per level of the
until you recover spells and meet the requirement again. highest-level reserve spell you have available. Additionally, the
You cannot “mix and match” reserve spells. Each reserve subject must succeed on a Fortitude save or be deafened for
feat has its own requirements for a qualifying reserve spell, 1 round.
and you cannot substitute another one that fails to meet Source: Complete Mage.
them, even if it meets the requirements for some other
reserve feat you possess. Daunting Visage [Reserve]
Unless otherwise noted, a reserve feat ability is a spell-like
power, with a spell level equal to the minimum level of Reserve Spell: 1st level (any).
reserve spell needed. The save DC (if applicable) is equal to Benefit: As a free action, arcane power surges through you,
10 + the level of the highest-level reserve spell you have causing you to seemingly grow taller and more menacing.
available + your Charisma modifier. You gain an enhancement bonus to Bluff checks to intimidate
equal to the level of the highest-level reserve spell you have
Aquatic Breath [Reserve] available.
Source: This feat emulates the Arcanist’s aspect of power
Your reservoir of magic allows you to breathe normally even of the same name, from Iron Heroes (Fiery Dragon
underwater. Productions).
Reserve Spell: 3rd level [water].
Benefit: You can breathe normally in both air and water.
This requires no activation.
Source: Complete Mage.
Arcane Blade [Combat, Reserve]
You draw upon your arcane power to enhance your weapons.
Reserve Spell: 1st level arcane.
Fiery Burst [Reserve]
Dimensional Jaunt [Reserve] You channel your magical talent into a blast of fire.
With a single step, you can cross an entire room. Reserve Spell: 2nd level [fire].
Reserve Spell: 4th level conjuration [teleportation]. Benefit: You can spend a standard action to create a 5-ft.-
Benefit: You can spend a standard action to teleport radius burst of fire at a range of 30 feet. This burst deals ld6
yourself and carried objects up to your heavy load a distance points of fire damage per level of the highest-level [fire] spell
of 5 feet per level of the highest-level reserve spell you have you have available to cast. A successful Reflex save halves the
available. You can teleport only to a location that you can see damage.
(including one you are currently scrying). You can't bring Source: Complete Mage.
along another creature (except for a familiar).
Source: Complete Mage. Gloom Attack [Reserve]
Dimensional Reach [Reserve] Prerequisite: Sneak attack +2d6.
Reserve Spell: 2nd level [darkness].
You can transport small objects to you. Benefit: Your sneak attack creates an aura of magical
Reserve Spell: 3rd level conjuration [summoning]. darkness that impedes your target's vision for 1 round per
Benefit: You can transport small items directly into your level of the highest-level reserve spell you have available. The
hand as a standard action. You must have line of sight to an target takes a -4 blindness penalty to Perception checks and
item you wish to transport in this way, and it must be treats all other creatures as having concealment. Neither
unattended. This ability works at a range of up to 5 feet per darkvision nor low-light vision pierces this effect, though the
level of the highest-level summoning spell you have available ability to see through magical darkness does. Any spell with
to cast, and the item can weigh up to 2 pounds per level of the [light] descriptor suppresses the effect.
that spell. Source: Drow of the Underdark.
Source: Complete Mage.
Hexblade’s Curse [Reserve]
Drowning Glance [Reserve] Reserve Spell: 1st level Necromancy.
Reserve Spell: 4th level [water]. Benefit: You can unleash a curse upon a foe as a standard
Benefit: You can use a standard action to transform a action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The
small portion of the air in a living creature's lungs to water, target must be visible and within 60 ft. The target takes a
making it difficult for the creature to breathe. The subject profane penalty to attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks,
must be within 30 feet. The target becomes exhausted for 1 and weapon damage rolls equal to the level of the highest-
round; if it succeeds on a Fortitude save, it is instead fatigued level necromancy spell you have available to cast; this penalty
for 1 round. Creatures that can breathe water (or who don't lasts for 1 hour. A successful Intuition save negates the curse.
breathe) are immune to this effect. Multiple hexblade curses do not stack, and any creature
Source: Complete Mage. that successfully resists the effects cannot be affected by your
hexblade curse for 24 hours.
Face-Changer [Reserve, Skill] Special: If you choose to expend a prepared spell or spell
Your mastery of illusions allows you to subtly alter your slot while using this ability, the curse’s penalty (based on the
appearance at whim. level of the spell sacrificed) also applies to attack rolls and
Prerequisite: Perform (acting) 6 ranks. saving throws for 1 minute. A successful save reduces the
Reserve Spell: 3rd level Illusion [glamer]. penalty to -1.
Benefit: You can alter your appearance as the spell You can inflict a hexblade curse through a weapon attack,
disguise self, except that the duration lasts up to 1 hour per subject to the activating conditions of a [Strike] feat (q.v.). You
level of the highest-level glamer spell you have available to can choose whether to expend a spell after determining
cast and the maximum enhancement bonus to your Perform whether the attack hits.
(acting) check is based on the level of your reserve spell (+10 Source: This feat supersedes the Hexblade class feature of
at 3rd, etc., as described in Chapter 7) This illusory the same name from Complete Warrior, and also the
transformation requires a standard action to activate. Spellthief’s Cursed Blow substitution feature from Dragon
magazine, issue 353.
If you have at least 11 ranks in Perform (acting), you can
activate this ability as a move action. Invisible Needle [Reserve]
If you have at least 16 ranks in Perform (acting), you can You can create tiny darts of force.
activate this ability as a swift action. Reserve Spell: 3rd level Evocation [force].
Benefit: You can use a standard action to hurl a tiny
Source: Complete Mage. This feat also supersedes the needle-shaped projectile created from pure force. This attack
Veiled Illusionist’s veil pool prestige class feature from Paths requires a successful ranged attack roll (not a ranged touch
of Prestige. attack), and the dart has a range of 10 feet per level of the
highest-level [force] spell you have remaining. The needle
deals ld4 points of force damage per level of the highest-level
[force] spell you have available. Because it is composed of
force, the needle can strike incorporeal creatures.
Source: Complete Mage.
Fiery Burst [Reserve]
Mitigate Suffering [Domain,
Magic Disruption [Reserve] Reserve]
You can use your powers of abjuration to interfere with You can temporarily relieve ability damage.
other casters' spells. Reserve Spell: 2nd level Necromancy [healing] or Healing
Reserve Spell: 3rd level Abjuration. domain spell.
Benefit: You can attempt to interrupt another character's Benefit: You can temporarily relieve lost attribute points on
spellcasting with a tiny burst of magic. As an immediate yourself or an ally. As a standard action, you can mitigate 1
action, you can force any character within 30 feet currently point per level of the highest-level reserve spell you have
casting a spell to make a Concentration check (DC 10 + twice available to cast. These ability points can be applied to any
the level of the highest-level abjuration spell you have single damaged ability, raising it to a maximum of its starting
available to cast + your Charisma modifier); if the check fails, score.
the spell's save DC and caster level are reduced by 2 (to a Attribute points gained in this way disappear after 10
minimum caster level of 1st). minutes, returning the subject to its previous damaged state
Source: Complete Mage. unless some other effect restores the lost attribute points
first. Multiple uses of this feat on the same damaged attribute
Mental Distraction [Reserve] do not stack, but do re-set the duration.
Your touch briefly clouds the mind of a foe, impeding its Source: Complete Champion.
Reserve Spell: 3rd level Enchantment. Mystic Backlash [Reserve]
Benefit: You can cloud the mind of a creature within 30 Your magic corrupts the spells of your enemies.
feet as a standard action. The target takes a circumstance Reserve Spell: 5th level Abjuration.
penalty on its next single attack roll or Reflex saving throw Benefit: As a standard action, with a successful melee
equal to the level of the highest-level enchantment spell you touch that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you can
have available to cast. If the target makes no attacks or Reflex infuse another creature with baneful magic for a number of
saves within a number of rounds equal to the magnitude of rounds equal to the level of the highest-level abjuration spell
the penalty, the effect ends. Multiple uses of this feat don't you have available. A successful Will save reduces this
stack. This is an enchantment (compulsion) effect. duration to 1 round. For the duration of the effect, each time
Source: Complete Mage; the name was changed from the target completes the casting of a spell, it takes damage
“Touch of Distraction” because no touch is required. equal to the level of the abjuration spell that determined the
effect's duration. Since the spell's casting has already been
Minor Shapeshift [Reserve] completed, this doesn't count as damage dealt during casting.
Your mastery of shapeshifting magic allows you to reshape Source: Complete Mage.
your flesh in small but significant ways.
Reserve Spell: 4th level Transmutation; or one use of Shadow Step [Reserve]
greater wild shape. Reserve Spell: 4th level illusion [shadow] or Shadow
Benefit: You can spend a swift action to grant yourself one bloodline spell, or Shade racial spell-like ability.
of the following benefits: Benefit: As a standard action, you can step through a
Might: +2 racial bonus on melee damage rolls. normal shadow into the Plane of Shadow and reappear in
another normal shadow (as a spell-like ability). In this
Mobility: +2 competence bonus on Acrobatics and manner, you can travel up to 5 feet per level of the highest-
Athletics checks. level reserve spell you have available. This movement does
Savagery: Primary claw attack dealing 1d6 points of not provoke attacks of opportunity. Travel through the
damage (assuming Medium size). Shadow Plane is imprecise; when you arrive, you re-enter 1
square off target, as per the rules for thrown splash weapons.
Speed: +5-foot enhancement bonus to any one movement If this would place you in an occupied square, you instead
mode you already possess. arrive in the nearest safe location.
You may also bring other willing creatures with you, but
Vigor: Temporary hit points equal to your HD. their travel counts against the total distance you have
available (thus, if you have a 6th level illusion [shadow] spell
The chosen benefit lasts for a number of rounds equal to prepared, you and two companions could travel a total
the level of the highest-level polymorph spell you have distance of 10 feet). Your companions also re-enter off target
available to cast, or the number of wild shape uses you have (roll location for each creature) and are cloaked in shadow for
left. If you activate this feat a second time while a previous 1 round.
benefit is still in effect, the first benefit ends immediately. Special: If you are a wizard specializing in illusions (i.e., an
Source: Complete Mage. Illusionist), when you arrive, you are cloaked in shadow and
gain concealment as the blur spell for 1 round.
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.

Mitigate Suffering [Domain,

Telekinetic Fist [Reserve]
Shadow Veil [Reserve] Reserve Spell: 1st level Transmutation.
You draw wisps of darkness across your enemy's eyes, Benefit: As a standard action you can strike with a
obscuring the world around him. telekinetic fist, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged
Reserve Spell: 2nd level [darkness] or [shadow]. touch attack. The telekinetic fist deals 1d6 points of
Benefit: You can obscure the vision of a subject within 30 bludgeoning damage per level of the highest-level
feet as a standard action. If the subject fails an Intuition save, transmutation spell you have available to cast. The telekinetic
it takes a circumstance penalty on Perception checks equal to fist is a 1st level spell-like ability.
the level of the highest-level reserve spell you have available Source: This is the transmuter’s 1st level school power
for 1 round. In addition, it treats all other creatures and from the core rules, revised as a feat to make room for more
objects as though they had partial concealment (miss chance thematically-appropriate abilities (a transmuter can always
5% x the level of the highest-level reserve spell you have choose to take this feat in place of his or her 1st level school
available). power).
Source: Complete Mage.
Umbral Shroud [Darkness, Reserve]
Sickening Grasp [Reserve] You control darkness and shadows.
You wreak havoc with the inner organs of a target, causing it Reserve Spell: 1st level [darkness] spell or Darkness
to grow ill. domain spell or Shadow bloodline spell, or shade racial spell-
Reserve Spell: 1st level Necromancy or Pestilence like ability.
bloodline spell. Benefit: Shadows and darkness appear to obey your will.
Benefit: As a melee touch attack that does not provoke As a standard action, you can direct these shadows to
attacks of opportunity, you can require any living creature hit obscure the vision of one foe within 30 feet. If your target
to become sickened for a number of rounds equal to the level fails an Intuition save, its attacks have a miss chance equal to
of your highest-level reserve spell. The subject can reduce this 5% per level of the highest-level qualifying spell you have
duration to 1 round with a successful Fortitude save. available to cast. This effect lasts until the beginning of your
Source: Complete Mage. next turn.
Creatures that do not rely on sight are unaffected by this
Storm Bolt [Reserve] effect, and those with Blind-Fight or similar abilities can fight
The electrical energy contained within your magic rages as they normally would.
inside you, begging to be released. As a secondary benefit, you gain darkvision out to 10 feet.
Reserve Spell: 3rd level Evocation [electricity]. If you already have darkvision, its range increases by 10 feet.
Benefit: You can fire a line of electricity as a standard Source: Complete Champion.
action. This bolt has a length of 10 feet per level of the
highest-level reserve spell you have available; it deals ld6 Wind-Guided Arrows [Reserve]
points of electricity damage per level of the highest-level Your mastery of the wind allows you to alter the flight of a
electricity spell you have available (Reflex half). ranged weapon.
Source: Complete Mage. Prerequisite: 2nd level [air].
Benefit: You can spend an immediate action to alter
Swift Surge [Reserve] slightly the course of an arrow, crossbow bolt, spear, or other
Reserve Spell: Haste (or Blinding Speed fighter talent, etc.). ranged weapon already in flight. You can't change the
Benefit: You gain the following benefits; these bonuses weapon's target, but you can apply a circumstance bonus or
stack with the bonuses gained from the haste spell, if active. penalty on its attack roll equal to half the level of the highest-
level [air] spell you have available to cast.
A dodge bonus to attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves equal This feat works only on thrown or projectile weapons; it
to half the level of reserve spell you have available or can't affect spells, powers, energy attacks, or the like.
active; and Source: Complete Mage.
An enhancement bonus to Acrobatics, Escape Artist, and Winter’s Blast [Reserve]
Stealth checks equal to half the level of reserve spell you
have available or active (round up). The frozen magic within you can burst forth in a hail of frost.
Prerequisite: 2nd level Evocation [cold].
Synergy: If you also have the Internalize Spell (haste) feat Benefit: You can create a cone-shaped burst of cold, with a
(q.v.), as an additional effect, you can also move across the length and maximum width equal to 5 ft. x half the level of
surface of placid or flowing water, but not whitewater rapids the highest-level cold spell you have remaining. This cone
or stormy water, by making two move actions in a round. You deals ld6 points of cold damage per level of the highest-level
immediately sink any time you make a single move action in a cold spell you have available to cast (Reflex half).
round or come to a complete stop while traversing water. Source: Complete Mage.
Source: This feat supersedes the Swiftblade prestige class
feature of the same name, and also the diligent rapidity
prestige class feature, from the Wizards of the Coast website.

Telekinetic Fist [Reserve]

Combat Feats, General Blind-Fight [Skill]
All feats in this section have the [combat] descriptor, in You are skilled at attacking opponents that you cannot
addition to any other descriptors listed. clearly perceive.
Credible Threats: Some combat feats require a target to Prerequisite: BAB +1, Perception 1 rank.
represent a “credible threat.” For purposes of these feats, a Benefit: This feat provides a number of benefits, as well as
credible threat is an opponent with a CR greater than or additional benefits as your skill in Perception improves.
equal to your CR –2, who is actively in combat with you In melee, every time you miss because of concealment,
and/or your allies with the intent and potential ability to you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to
incapacitate and/or kill you. These feats do not apply against see if you actually hit.
helpless opponents, random vermin, etc.
Note that a creature’s CR can be estimated as a free action You can deal precision damage (such as from a sneak
using the Knowledge: Warfare skill, as described in Chapter attack), against targets with concealment, but not total
4. concealment.
Scaling by ¼ BAB: A number of combat feats, including An invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting
Combat Expertise and Power Attack, apply bonuses and/or you in melee. That is, you don’t lose your Dexterity bonus
penalties equal to +/-1, with an additional +/-1 per 4 points of to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn’t get the usual +2
base attack bonus. For convenience, a summary table is circumstance bonus for being invisible. The invisible
included here: attacker’s bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks,
Base Attack Bonus Feat Bonus/Penalty however.
+1 to +3 +1 You do not need to make Acrobatics skill checks to move
+4 to +7 +2
at full speed while blinded.
+8 to +11 +3 As your base attack bonus and skill in Perception improve,
+12 to +15 +4 you gain the following additional abilities:
+16 to +19 +5 If your base attack bonus is at least +6 and you have at
+20 or above +6 least 6 ranks in Perception, you can also make attacks of
opportunity against opponents with total concealment.
Alert Bodyguard [Skill] If your base attack bonus is at least +11, you gain
You are trained to share your alertness of danger with those blindsense with a radius of 5 ft. per 2 ranks in Perception
you protect. you have, and the effects of your Blind-Fight feat extend to
Prerequisites: Perception 1 rank, Alertness. ranged attacks up to point blank range. Also, your melee
Benefit: Choose one willing ally as a swift action. As long attacks and attacks within point blank range ignore the
as that ally remains within your reach and can hear you, he or miss chance for less than total concealment (you may still
she gains the numerical benefit of your Alertness feat, using reroll your miss chance percentile roll for total
your number of ranks in Perception. concealment), and you can deal precision damage against
opponents with total concealment.
If you have at least 6 ranks in Perception, the designated If your base attack bonus is at least +16, you gain
ally also gains the rank-dependent benefits of your blindsight with a radius equal to 5 ft. per 2 ranks in
Alertness feat (uncanny dodge, etc.) Perception you have.
If you have at least 11 ranks in Perception and the evasion
ability, the designated ally receives the benefits of evasion Synergy: The rogue’s Opportune Strike class feature
as well. If he or she fails a Reflex save, you can attempt a applies to this feat.
Reflex save at the same DC; if successful, you push your Special: The Blind-Fight feat is of no use against a
ally out of the way (treat the save results as if your ally had character who is the subject of a blink spell.
succeeded and you had rolled a natural 1). Normal: Regular attack roll modifiers for invisible
If you have at least 16 ranks in Perception and improved attackers trying to hit you apply, and you lose your Dexterity
evasion, the designated ally also gains the effects of bonus to AC. The speed reduction for darkness and poor
improved evasion. visibility also applies.
Source: This feat now subsumes the Improved Blind
Fight, Greater Blind Fight, and Shadow Strike feats, from the
Source: This feat subsumes a number of the Bodyguard’s Advanced Player’s Guide.
prestige class features, from Dynasties and Demagogues
(Atlas Games).
Bolstered Resilience If you also have the Combat Reflexes feat, you can use
Prerequisite: Damage reduction. Cleave multiple times in a round. If your base attack bonus
Benefit: As an immediate action, you can double your DR is +6 or higher, you can take a 5-ft. step between each
against a single attack, to a maximum of DR 20. The type of attack when cleaving. The maximum number of such
the DR remains unchanged. If the attack you are guarding steps you can take is limited by your speed (e.g., 4 steps
against is not successful, the increased damage reduction maximum for a character with a speed of 20 ft.). This does
persists until you are hit with an attack or until the start of not give you the ability to take a 5-ft. step when you would
your next turn, whichever happens first. At the start of your normally be unable to (such as due to difficult terrain).
next turn, you become fatigued. You cannot use this feat while This supersedes the Supreme Cleave prestige class
you are already fatigued. feature of the Knight Protector and Frenzied Berserker,
Source: Ultimate Combat. from Complete Warrior.
Canny Defense If you also have the Staredown feat, if you make an
additional attack thanks to Cleave and drop your target
Prerequisite: Int, Wis, or Cha 13. with that attack, all enemies witnessing the event are
Benefit: Choose one mental attribute score (once chosen, affected as if by your Staredown feat. This is an
this cannot be changed). When wearing light armor or no extraordinary mind-affecting fear effect that does not
armor, and not carrying a medium or heavy load, you treat require an action on your part. This supersedes the
that attribute modifier as an insight bonus to Armor Class Terrifying Warrior feat from Dragon magazine, issue 343.
and CMD. This bonus applies even when you are flat-footed,
but not if you are immobilized or helpless. Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document. The
Special: The AC bonus granted by this feat overlaps with Pathfinder version of Cleave has been merged with
(does not stack with) the armor bonus granted by arcane Whirlwind Attack into the Whirlwind Strike feat (q.v.).
mage armor.
Synergy: You can gain the benefits of this feat when Combat Awareness
wearing medium or heavy armor, but only if you are able to
reduce the armor skill check penalty to –0 (e.g., through the You have an uncanny ability to sense the ebb and flow of your
Armor Training talent and/or sufficient ranks in Endurance opponents’ vitality.
as a class skill). Prerequisite: Wis 13, base attack bonus +1.
Source: This feat supersedes the monk’s wisdom bonus to Benefit: During melee combat, you automatically know
AC and the duelist prestige class feature of the same name whether each adjacent creature is fatigued or exhausted.
from the core rules, and also the “Armor of the Senses” During non-combat situations, gaining this knowledge
variant class feature from Dragon magazine, issue 340. requires a standard action. This ability scales with your base
attack bonus:
Careful Attack [Finesse] BAB +4: This ability extends to every creature you can
You are skilled at avoiding attacks of opportunity, see, not merely those adjacent to you.
counterattacks, and reciprocal damage. This feat has had
many names historically, including jam and prix de fer BAB +8: You automatically know if an unmoving creature
(“taking the iron”) you see is faking it, comatose, dying, or actually dead.
Prerequisites: Dodge, Weapon Finesse. BAB +12: You know the exact hit point total of every
Benefit: You gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against adjacent creature.
counterattacks and attacks of opportunity. This bonus
increases by +1 per 4 points of your base attack bonus (to a BAB +16: You know the exact hit point total of every
maximum of +7 at BAB +20). creature you can see.
When attacking a creature using fire shield or a similar
effect that damages creatures attacking it (such as a barbed Synergy: The rogue’s Opportune Strike ability (Chapter 3)
devil’s barbed defense), you reduce the damage from such also applies to this feat.
effects by an amount equal to your base attack bonus. Source: Players Handbook II.
Source: This feat supersedes the Savage Warrior’s “careful
claw” variant class feature, from the Advanced Player’s
Guide, and also the Attack with Opposition feat from Art of
the Duel (Sinister Adventures LLC).
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: If you deal a creature enough damage to make it
drop (typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing
it), you get an immediate attack of opportunity against
another creature within reach. The extra attack is with the
same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that
dropped the previous creature.
Synergy: If you also have at least one Strike feat (q.v.), you
Combat Reflexes can apply the effects of that strike to any confirmed critical
You can make additional attacks of opportunity and other hit, even if none of the normal conditions were met. This has
immediate actions. the normal effects unless otherwise noted in that feat
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. description. You still cannot add more than one strike effect
Benefit: The maximum number of immediate actions you to a given attack unless you also have the Striking Mastery
can take in a round is equal to 1 + your Dexterity bonus (or 1 feat (q.v.).
+ the number derived from your base attack bonus, whichever Special: You can apply the effects of only one strike to any
is higher). You gain additional options depending on your given blow, unless you also have the Striking Mastery feat
base attack bonus, as follows: (q.v.).
If your base attack bonus is at least +6, you may make an Critical, Dodge
attack of opportunity whenever an opponent you threaten You can turn even the luckiest blow into a grazing strike.
draws a weapon, readies or looses a shield, or attempts to Prerequisites: Uncanny Dodge.
feint in combat (even with the Improved Feint feat). You Benefit: You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC for
are able to make attacks of opportunity even when you are purposes of confirming critical hits against you. This bonus
flat-footed. increases by +1 per 4 points of your base attack bonus.
If your base attack is at least +11, your successful attacks In addition, you can attempt a Reflex saving throw to turn a
of opportunity interfere with the actions that provoked critical hit against you into a normal hit. The save DC is equal
them. Those actions are not completed, but are not lost, to 10 + the attacker’s BAB + attacker’s Strength bonus (for
either; they can be re-attempted immediately (which likely melee attacks) or Wisdom bonus (for ranged attacks). The
provokes an additional attack of opportunity from you). bonus you receive from this feat applies as a circumstance
You can make attacks of opportunity (when provoked) bonus to this save. You must be aware of the attack and not
even against foes with cover (but not total cover). flat-footed, and you must declare the attempt before damage
is rolled.
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, there is no limit Source: This feat supersedes the Darkwood Stalker
to the number of immediate actions you can make in one prestige class feature of the same name from Complete
round. You still can’t make more than one attack of Warrior, and also subsumes the Deny the Lethal Strike feat
opportunity or other immediate action for a given from Relics & Rituals: Excalibur (Sword & Sorcery Studios).
opportunity, however. You can make attacks of opportunity
even against opponents with total concealment. Crowd Control
Synergy: If you have this feat and at least one Strike feat You are skilled at making multiple assailants interfere with
(q,v.), you can add the effects of one strike to an attack of each other’s attacks.
opportunity. If you do so, you cannot make more than one Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Alertness.
attack of opportunity that round. Benefit: As long as you have at least one immediate action
Special: This feat does not allow more than one available to you in a round, when threatened by more than
counterattack using the Riposte fighter talent. one opponent you gain a circumstance bonus to AC equal to
Normal: A character without this feat can make only one the total number of opponents threatening you. This bonus
attack of opportunity per round, +1 per 5 points of BAB also applies to melee attack rolls you make against those
thereafter (Chapter 1). You cannot make attacks of opponents. The effects of this feat do not apply when you are
opportunity while flat-footed, or against an opponent with flat-footed or otherwise denied your Dexterity bonus to AC.
partial cover or total concealment. This ability scales with your base attack bonus, as follows:
Source: This feat also subsumes the Epic Combat Reflexes BAB +4: Whenever you damage an opponent with a melee
feat from the 3.5 edition System Reference Document (“Epic attack, until the start of your next turn, that opponent does
Feats”); the Canny Opportunist feat from Dragon magazine, not gain any circumstance bonus on attack rolls against
issue 340; the Deft Opportunist feat from Complete you from Aid Another (for example, while it is flanking
Adventurer; the Warblade’s “battle mastery” class feature you) and cannot deal sneak attack damage to you. It can
from the Tome of Battle and the “exotic reach” Exotic still provide Aid Another bonuses for its allies.
Weapon Master stunt from Complete Warrior. Paired with
the Staggering Strike feat, it subsumes the Flowing Monk’s BAB +8: Any opponent you damage in melee gains no Aid
“unbalancing counter” from Ultimate Combat. Paired with Another bonuses or flanking, and cannot provide them to
the Vital Strike feat, it subsumes the Impressive Cleave feat others, until the end of your next turn.
from the Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc BAB +12: Opponents adjacent to you do not provide Aid
Press). Another bonuses or flanking to their allies.
Critical Focus BAB +16: Opponents adjacent to you cannot provide or
benefit from circumstance bonuses of any kind.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: You receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attack BAB +20: The effects apply to all opponents within reach,
rolls made to confirm critical hits. at +8 BAB this feat become not merely those adjacent to you.
Improved Critical (effectively merging the two)
Source: This feat subsumes the Urban Barbarian’s variant The rogue’s Opportune Strike class feature applies when
class feature of the same name, and also the Flanking Foil determining the effects of this feat.
feat and the Flowing Monk’s “flowing dodge” variant class
feature, from Ultimate Combat. It also supersedes the chaotic Source: This feat now simulates the monk’s scaling bonus
good paladin’s Stand Against the Tide variant class feature to AC, and also the Free Hand Fighter’s “elusive” variant class
from the Book of Hallowed Might (Malhavoc Press), the feature (from the Advanced Player’s Guide).
swarm tactics stance from the Tome of Battle, and the
“cornered predator” option of the Reaping Talons feat (also Feint, Disengaging [Skill]
from the Tome of Battle).
Prerequisite: Bluff 1 rank.
Defensive Combat Training Benefit: As a standard action, use Bluff to feint against an
opponent. Instead of denying that opponent his Dexterity
You have been trained to defend yourself from a variety of bonus to AC, a successful feint allows you to move up to your
combat maneuvers. speed without provoking an attack of opportunity from the
Benefit: You treat your total Hit Dice as your base attack opponent you feinted for leaving the square you start in.
bonus when calculating your Combat Maneuver Defense. If
your base attack bonus is equal to your Hit Dice, you instead If you have at least 6 ranks in Bluff, as a standard action
gain a +4 competence bonus to CMD. you can make a Bluff check against all opponents
currently threatening you. If you succeed against at least
Defensive Rebuke one opponent, you can move up to your speed. This
movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from
You are better able to defend your allies against a any opponent you succeeded at feinting against.
designated enemy whose mettle you have tested.
Prerequisites: Shared Shield feat or Challenge class If you have at least 11 ranks in Bluff, whenever you use
feature this ability, you can make a single melee attack against
Benefit: When you strike an opponent with a melee attack, one opponent you succeeded at feinting against. That
you can select that opponent as the target of this feat. For the opponent is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC against this
remainder of the encounter, any time that enemy attacks one attack.
of your allies (not you), he or she provokes an attack of If you have at least 16 ranks in Bluff, you can make a full
opportunity from you by doing so (and is aware of this fact). attack as you disengage; opponents you succeeded in
This feat can be applied to only one target per encounter. Bluffing are denied their Dex bonuses to AC against these
Source: This feat duplicates the Crusader’s boost of the attacks.
same name, from the Tome of Battle.
Dodge Source: Ultimate Combat. This feat also subsumes the
Disengaging Flourish and Disengaging Shot feats.
Prerequisites: Dex 13.
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC and CMD. Any Feint, Improved [Finesse, Skill]
condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC
also makes you lose the benefits of this feat. Prerequisites: Weapon Finesse, Bluff 1 rank.
If you meet the following conditions, the dodge bonus Benefit: You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a
increases by +1 for every four points of your base attack move action. In addition to feinting normally, you can instead
bonus (to a maximum of +6 at BAB +20). These conditions choose to feint defensively (the “baffling defense”), using your
are: Bluff results in place of your AC for the next attack made
against you.
You are not wearing armor (or are wearing armor for Your ability to feint continues to improve with your skill in
which you have a –0 armor check penalty); Bluff, as follows:
You are not carrying a shield; and If you have at least 6 ranks in Bluff, whenever you use
You are not carrying a medium or heavy load. feint to cause an opponent to lose his Dexterity bonus, he
loses that bonus against all threatening opponents until
Synergy: Certain classes can gain the scaling benefits of the beginning of your next turn, in addition to losing his
this feat even if some of the normal conditions do not apply, Dexterity bonus against your next attack. If you use
as follows: baffling defense, you can use your Bluff results against all
attacks you are aware of that round.
An unarmored barbarian can use a shield and still gain If you have at least 11 ranks in Bluff, you can feint in
the scaling dodge bonus. combat (offensively or using the baffling defense) as a
A fighter gains the scaling bonus to AC even when swift action.
armored and/or carrying a shield, as long as his or her If you have at least 16 ranks in Bluff, all opponents with
total armor check penalty is –0. CMD less than 10 + your Bluff skill bonus automatically
A monk applies the dodge bonus from this feat even when lose their Dex bonus to AC against your attacks.
Special: In addition to the above benefits, you gain a +2 Source: This feat supersedes the Swashbuckler class
competence bonus with other tricky maneuvers (as described feature of the same name, from Complete Warrior, the
in Chapter 1); thus bonus increases by +1 per 4 ranks in Bluff Vexing Flanker feat from Player’s Handbook II, the Superior
you possess. Flanking feat from Dragon magazine (issue 343), and the
Normal: Feinting in combat is a standard action, and is Precise Assault feat from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
always offensive. Creatures you feint lose their Dexterity
bonus against your next attack only. Giant-Slayer
Source: This feat subsumes the Greater Feint feat from Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Acrobatics 5 ranks; or
the Pathfinder core rules, the Surprising Riposte feat from dwarf or Small sized race.
Drow of the Underdark, the Invisible Blade’s “uncanny feint” Benefit: You gain a +4 dodge bonus to your Armor Class
prestige class feature from Complete Warrior, and the against giants, or a +1 dodge bonus against any non-giant
Swordsage’s baffling defense counter from the Tome of creature two or more size categories larger than yourself.
Battle. This benefit does not apply if you lose your Dex bonus to AC,
Fight On or if your speed is reduced by wearing armor. You also gain a
+1 racial bonus to attacks and damage against creatures at
You call on deep reserves to continue fighting. least one size category larger than you are.
Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can For every 4 points of your base attack bonus, these racial
grant yourself a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 modifiers increase by +1, to a maximum AC bonus of +9 vs.
+ your Constitution modifier. These temporary hit points last giants (+6 vs. others), and maximum attack and damage
up to 1 minute per character level you possess, or until lost. bonuses of +6.
The number of temporary hit points increases by an Synergy: If you also have one or more Improved Combat
additional 1d8 hp per 5 points of your base attack bonus, to a Maneuvers feats, you can treat opponents larger than you as
maximum equal to 5d8 + your Constitution modifier at BAB if they were smaller when attempting appropriate maneuvers
+20. against them. This effective reduction reduces the opponent’s
Special: If you are at 0 or hp or less when you use this feat, size bonus to CMB and CMD against you (this does not stack
the effects are Maximized (as if by the Maximize Spell feat). with the racial bonus to attacks granted to you by this feat),
You can use this feat to prevent yourself from dying. and also permits you to perform maneuvers such as trip
You can gain this feat multiple times; each time, you gain against opponents that would normally be too large to affect,
an additional daily use. as follows:
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. This feat also
supersedes the Increased Vigor and Greater Increased Vigor BAB Effective Size Reduction
feats from the Collected Book of Experimental Might +1 1 step (e.g., Huge to Large)
(Malhavoc Press). +6 2 steps (e.g., Gargantuan to Large)

Flanking, Improved +11 3 steps (e.g., Colossal to Large)

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. +16 4 steps (e.g., Colossal to Medium)
Benefit: When you provide or receive an Aid Another
attack bonus in combat (Chapter 1), the total bonus improves You gain additional advantages if you meet a minimum
by +1. For every 4 points of your base attack bonus, this number of ranks in Acrobatics, as follows:
bonus improves by an additional +1 (maximum total bonus of If your base attack bonus is at least +6 and you have at
+6 at BAB +16). least 6 ranks in Acrobatics (or are a gnome with BAB +6),
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, allies for whom and you successfully use the Acrobatics skill enter the
you provide an Aid Another bonus to attacks deal an space of a creature at least one size larger than you are
additional 1d6 points of precision damage with each without provoking an attack of opportunity, then while you
successful melee attack against the flanked opponent. and that opponent continue to occupy the same space the
This bonus damage stacks with other sources of precision opponent is treated as being flat-footed to your attacks.
damage, such as sneak attack, but is not multiplied on a
critical hit. If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher and you have at
least 11 ranks in Acrobatics (or are a dwarf or gnome with
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, your allies gain BAB +11), you gain 50% cover against all attacks (+4
+2d6 damage, rather than +1d6. shield bonus to AC and Reflex saves), including those
made by the creature whose space you’re in, when sharing
Synergy: The rogue’s Opportune Strike class feature the space of a creature at least one size larger than you
applies to this feat. are.
When combined with the Distracting Strike feat (q.v.), this
feat supersedes the Nightsong Infiltrator’s “teamwork sneak Special: The rogue’s Opportune Strike ability applies to
attack” prestige class feature, from Complete Adventurer. this feat.
Normal: An Aid Another bonus in combat provides a flat
+2 bonus on attacks (or +1 for additional aid), and no damage
bonus unless the sneak attack ability is possessed.
Source: This feat supersedes the Gnome Giant-Slayer Source: Tome of Battle. This feat also supersedes the
“Crafty Fighter” prestige class feature. The expanded use of Marshal’s over the top aura from the Miniatures Handbook,
the feat simulates the wolf climbs the mountain strike and the and the Battle Herald’s sound the charge command from the
giant killing style stance, from the Tome of Battle; the Low Advanced Player’s Guide.
Blow and Improved Low Blow feats from Races of Faerun;
and the Earth Child Topple feat from Ultimate Combat.
Initiative, Improved
Your quick reflexes allow you to react quickly to danger.
Benefit: You gain a +4 competence bonus on initiative
Initiative, Superior
Benefit: You gain a +2 insight bonus on initiative checks.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times; each time,
increase the bonus by an additional +2.
Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Epic
Feats.” This feat also supersedes the duelist’s Improved
Reaction prestige class feature, and the “gunslinger initiative”
class feature from the Pathfinder Ultimate Combat playtest.
Inspirational Victory
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Knowledge (warfare) 1
Benefit: Once per encounter as a swift action, you may
designate an opponent who represents a credible threat as
the target of this feat. If you reduce that enemy to fewer than
0 hp during that encounter, your allies are heartened, and
gain a morale bonus equal to half your base attack bonus
(minimum +1) on all damage rolls for the remainder of the
Source: This feat simulates the lion’s roar boost, from the
Tome of Battle.
Lead the Charge [Skill]
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Knowledge (warfare) 1
Benefit: Whenever you personally lead a charge, other
charging allies within 60 ft. who can hear your voice gain a
+1 circumstance bonus to attacks made at the end of their
charge. This bonus increases by +1 per 4 ranks in Knowledge
(warfare) you possess. Affected allies gain a competence
bonus to speed while charging equal to 5 ft. x the attack
bonus granted by this feat, as shown in the table.
In addition, each affected ally deals bonus damage on his
or her first successful charge attack as shown in the table
below, based on number of ranks in Knowledge (warfare),
whichever is lower. This bonus damage is not multiplied on a
successful critical hit.
You can use this feat only once per encounter.
Skill Ranks Attack Damage Speed
+1 to +3 +1 +0 +5 ft.
+4 to +7 +2 +1d6 +10 ft.
+8 to +11 +3 +2d6 +15 ft.
+12 to +15 +4 +3d6 +20 ft.
+16 to +19 +5 +4d6 +25 ft.
+20 +6 +5d6 +30 ft.
Source: This feat now subsumes the Pathfinder Trample
Mounted Combat [Skill] and Unhorse feats; the roughrider fighter’s Mounted Mettle
You are adept at fighting from horseback and at guiding variant class feature from the Advanced Player’s Guide; part
your mount through combat. of the cavalier’s Mighty Charge class feature, also from the
Prerequisites: Handle Animal 1 rank. Advanced Player’s Guide; and also the Power of the Steed
Benefit: While you are mounted, you and your mount feat from the Collected Book of Experimental Might
receive a +1 circumstance bonus to damage against (Malhavoc Press) and the Indomitable Mount feat from Cities
opponents adjacent to your mount. This bonus increases by of Golarion.
an additional +1 per 5 ranks in Handle Animal thereafter Multiattack
(maximum +4 at 16 ranks).
Prerequisite: Multiple attacks.
If you have at least 6 ranks in Handle Animal, when your Benefit: This feat, when chosen, applies either to (a)
mount is hit in combat, you may spend an attack of iterative attacks with a primary weapon, (b) iterative attacks
opportunity to attempt a Handle Animal check to negate with secondary (off-hand) weapons, or (c) secondary natural
the hit. The hit is negated if your check result is greater attacks (your choice). The attack penalties for secondary
than the opponent’s attack roll. attacks or iterative attacks (depending on which option you
If you have at least 11 ranks in Handle Animal, you can selected) are reduced by 3. For example, a character with
also choose to make Handle Animal checks in place of iterative attacks at +11/+6/+6 could take this feat and have
your mount’s saving throws, at the same action cost. attacks +11/+9/+9 instead.
Special: You may select the feat multiple times. The effects
If you have at least 16 ranks in Handle Animal, you and do not stack. Each time, select a different attack mode.
your mount suffer no armor check penalty on skill checks
while mounted. When charging, you may jump from you No Retreat
mount toward your target. If you jump 10 feet, your charge
modifiers on attack rolls and to AC are doubled and you Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes.
are still considered mounted for purposes of damage, Benefit: Whenever a foe within reach attempts to take a 5-
mounted combat feats, and so on. This supersedes the foot step away from you, you may also make a 5-foot or 10-
Dragoon’s “leaping lance” ability from Ultimate Combat. foot step as an immediate action, so long as you end up
adjacent to the foe that triggered this ability. This ability can
Synergy: Mounted Combat can be combined with other be used against only one opponent per turn.
feats in various ways: If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, when using this
feat to follow an opponent, you receive an attack of
If you have the Improved Overrun feat, you can perform opportunity against that opponent if the movement from
overrun maneuvers using your mount. When calculating this feat puts you within reach. Against enemies you
the CMB, use the mount’s size modifier. Apply your base threaten that take a withdraw action, you can choose to
attack bonus and Strength bonus or your mount’s, forego pursuit and instead make an attack of opportunity.
whichever is higher. When you attempt to overrun an
opponent while mounted, your target cannot choose to If your base attack bonus is +11 or greater, you can move
avoid you. Your mount may make one hoof attack against any distance up to your normal speed in pursuit, rather
any target you knock down, gaining the standard +4 bonus than being limited to 10 feet. This movement does not
on attack rolls against prone targets. These benefits provoke attacks of opportunity.
supersede the Trample feat.
If you also have the Improved Bull Rush feat, when Normal: You gain no free movement against foes who step
charging an opponent while mounted and wielding a away. The withdraw action does not provoke attacks of
lance, resolve the attack as normal. If it hits, you may opportunity.
immediately make a free bull rush attempt in addition to Sources: This feat supersedes the duelist prestige class
the normal damage. If successful, the target is knocked off feature of the same name, and also the Step Up feat from the
his horse and lands prone in a space adjacent to his Pathfinder core rules, and the Following Step and Step Up
mount that is directly away from you. and Strike feats from the Advanced Player’s Guide. It also
emulates the Swordsage’s mirrored pursuit and stalking
If you have the Improved Weapon Maneuvers feat and shadow counters from the Tome of Battle.
your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can make a
check, disarm, or sunder maneuver as a free action any
time you successfully perform a mounted charge against
an opponent. This free combat maneuver does not
provoke an attack of opportunity.

If you have the Skirmish feat, the benefits apply to both

you and your mount (including hoof attacks made while
overrunning an opponent, if applicable).
When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4
Opportunist, Draw Attack points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Bluff 1 rank, Combat Reflexes. to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat
Benefit: When an opponent makes an attack of opportunity before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your
against you, you may immediately make an attack of next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks
opportunity against that foe. Using this feat counts against or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
your total number of attacks of opportunity in a round. Power Attack, Furious Focus
Even in the midst of fierce and furious blows, you can find
If you also have the Improved Feint feat, you can feint so focus in the carnage and your seemingly wild blows strike
as to intentionally provoke an attack of opportunity from home.
one melee opponent. If your enemy takes advantage of this Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack.
opportunity, you gain an immediate counterattack as Benefit: When you are wielding a two-handed weapon or a
noted above. The target of this feat is permitted an one-handed weapon with two hands, and using the Power
opposed Bluff check (against your feint) to see the feigned Attack feat, you do not suffer Power Attack’s penalty on melee
opening for what it is. attack rolls on the first attack you make each turn. You still
If you have the Distracting Strike feat, you can activate it suffer the penalty on any additional attacks, including attacks
automatically as part of the attack of opportunity you gain of opportunity.
from the use of this feat, even if the normal conditions are Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
not met.
Practiced Fighter
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher and you have
the Improved Critical and Killing Stroke feats (q.v.), as a Prerequisite: At least one fighter talent.
full attack you can allow one target in melee to deliver a Benefit: Treat your effective fighter level as 4 higher than is
coup de grâce against you as if you were helpless (the actually the case, to a maximum effective fighter level equal
target must still hit you, is subject to any miss chance it to your total hit dice. This applies to your weapon training
would normally have against you, and may decide to class feature, and also when determining the effects of fighter
forego the attack in any event). If the target decides to take talents such as Armor Training. It does not grant you
this opening and hits you, you may immediately attempt a additional fighter talents or feats, more advanced fighter
single coup de grâce attack against it as if it were helpless talents, or any other benefits of the fighter class.
(even if the opponent’s attack simultaneously incapacitates Special: The effects of feat stack with class synergy
or kills you). Your coup de grâce requires a roll to hit but is features improving your effective fighter level; this a specific
not subject to any miss chances, for you are using your exception to the non-stacking rule. Your total limit based on
target's attack as a guide for your own attack, even if the effective character level, as described in Chapter 1, remains in
target is invisible, in total darkness, under the effects of a force.
displacement spell, and so on. You and your target still
provoke attacks of opportunity from threatening Press the Advantage
opponents as normal. Benefit: Whenever you take a 5-ft. step in a round, you can
also take one additional 5-ft. step as a free action as long as
Source: Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc you then end your movement for the round.
Press). It also subsumes the Swordsage’s feigned opening You can instead take a single 5-ft. step into difficult terrain,
counter from the Tome of Battle, the Broken Wing Gambit but cannot then take the second 5-ft. step.
and Panther Style feats from Ultimate Combat, the orc Source: Tome of Battle.
Reverse-Feint feat from the Advanced Race Guide, and the
Reciprocal Slaying feat from Sean K Reynolds’ web site. Shatter Defenses [Skill]
Prerequisites: BAB +6, Bluff 6 ranks, Staredown.
Power Attack Benefit: You treat any shaken, frightened, or panicked
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1. opponent as flat-footed to your attacks.
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee If your base attack bonus is +11 or greater and you have at
attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 least 11 ranks in Bluff, creatures within your reach who start
circumstance bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to their turns with the shaken, frightened, or panicked condition
damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an provoke attacks of opportunity from you.
attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon Synergy: If you have the Vital Strike feat, it always applies
using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1½ against flat-footed opponents, even on a full attack.
times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to Normal: Conditions do not provoke attacks of opportunity;
damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an demoralized opponents are merely shaken, not cowering.
off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. Source: This feat subsumes the Pathfinder RPG feat of the
same name, as well as the Avenging Executioner’s “dread
blade” prestige class feature from Complete Scoundrel and
the Imperious Command feat from Drow of the Underdark.
Special: When you charge, you can make turns of up to 90
Skirmish degrees during your movement. All other restrictions on
Prerequisite: Dex 13, base attack bonus +6, Dodge. charges still apply; for instance, you cannot pass through a
Benefit: You can move your full speed and still make a full square that blocks or slows movement, or that contains a
attack that round. Because this is a full attack, rather than a creature (unless you have the Improved Overrun feat and
standard action, abilities that require a single attack as a overrun that creature). You must have line of sight to the
standard action do not apply (except as described hereafter). opponent at the start of your turn.
With this feat, you can also make a full attack at the end of a Source: This feat now subsumes the Bounding Assault
charge. and Rapid Blitz feats from the Players Handbook II, and also
Synergy: If you also have the Vital Strike feat and fulfill the the Focused Charge feat from the 3.5 edition System
following conditions, you can apply your Vital Strike damage Reference Document (“Psionic Feats”) and the shifting
to iterative attacks while moving (but not other strike feats, defense maneuver from the Tome of Battle.
nor improvements to Vital Strike damage from the Mountain Staredown [Skill]
Hammer talent):
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Bluff 1 rank.
You must use your full movement and all your attacks on Benefit: As a full-round action, you can make a demoralize
your turn (without holding or foregoing any movement or check (see Bluff skill) against all foes within 30 feet who can
attacks); see you, without the normal “mass demoralize” penalty.
You must move at least 5 ft. between attacks, unless you As your base attack bonus and number of ranks in Bluff
also have the Spring Attack feat; improve, the speed at which you can intimidate nearby
opponents also improves, as described below.
Movement must be generally in a straight line (with no
turn of more than 45 degrees), unless you also have the If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher and you have at
Spring Attack feat. least 6 ranks in Bluff, you can demoralize opponents
within 30 ft. as a move action.
Additional Vital Strike damage applies only against If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher and you have at
creatures that have not yet acted that round. If you have a least 11 ranks in Bluff, you can demoralize opponents
speed of at least 40 ft., you also gain a +1 competence bonus within 30 ft. as an attack action (using a later iterative
to AC per die of Vital Strike damage while performing this attack applies a penalty to the Bluff check equal to the
maneuver. This extra damage applies to ranged attacks, but iterative attack penalty).
only if the target is within point blank range (normally 30
feet, although this can be expanded with the Point-Blank If your base attack bonus is at least +16 and you have at
Shot feat). least 16 ranks in Bluff, you gain the frightful presence
Synergy: If you also have the Mounted Combat feat, you ability. When you draw a weapon, charge, or are in a rage,
can use this feat while mounted, using your mount’s speed your Staredown automatically affects opponents within 30
rather than yours. ft., without requiring an action on your part.
Source: This feat supersedes the Scout class feature and
the Highland Stalker prestige class feature of the same name, Synergy:
from Complete Adventurer. It also subsumes the Flyby
Attack, Ride-By Attack, and Shot on the Run feats from the If you have at least 6 ranks in Bluff and also have the
core rules, and the Dire Charge feat from the 3.5 edition Killing Stroke feat (q.v.), whenever you reduce an enemy to
System Reference Document (“Epic Feats”). 0 or fewer hit points (whether using Killing Stroke or not),
you can also make a Bluff check to demoralize all enemies
Spring Attack within 30 feet as a free action. Enemies that cannot see
both you and the enemy you struck are unaffected. This
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Acrobatics 6 ranks, Dodge. subsumes the Dreadful Carnage feat from the Advanced
Benefit: You can freely interspace movement and attacks, Player’s Guide, the Mortifying Attack feat from Champions
as long as any movement taken is in 5-ft. increments, and the of Ruin, the Gory Finish feat from Ultimate Combat, the
total does not exceed half your speed (or your full speed, if Fountain of Blood boost from the Tome of Battle, and the
you also have the Skirmish feat). Movement can be in any Ghost-Face Killer’s “frightful attack” prestige class feature
direction you choose, including backwards. from Complete Adventurer.
If your base attack bonus is +6 or greater, opponents Instead of only affecting targets who can see you, you can
targeted by your attacks cannot make attacks of also affect creatures within a darkness effect you create
opportunity against you in response to your movement. (you can cast darkness and also use this ability as a single
If your base attack bonus is at least +11 and you have at full-round action). This supersedes the Nightmare Weaver
least 5 ft. of movement in reserve as a held action, you can feat from Ultimate Combat.
use this movement to take a 5-ft. step as an immediate
action to remove yourself from a threatened square. Done Normal: Demoralizing multiple opponents applies a -2
in response to an attack, this can actually cause the attack penalty per individual to be demoralized. Demoralizing is a
to miss, whistling through the space you just vacated. standard action (see Bluff skill). Targets of demoralization
attempts must be within 30 ft. and able to see you.
Source: This feat supersedes the Dazzling Display feat from
the core rules, and the Kiai Shout and Improved Staredown
Samurai class features from Complete Warrior.
Stone Power
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you use an attack action or a full attack
action, you can take a -1 penalty to your attack rolls, with an
additional -1 per 4 points of your base attack bonus. You gain
temporary hit points equal to 1d6 x the number that you
subtract from your attack rolls. These temporary hit points
last until the beginning of your next turn.
Source: Tome of Battle.
Unskittering Attack
Benefit: Your attacks ignore 1 point of deflection bonus to the
target’s AC (if any). For every 3 points of your base attack
bonus, your attacks ignore an additional point of deflection
bonus (maximum +7 deflection at BAB +18).
Wild Swing
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes.
Benefit: With a full attack action, you can attempt to force
all adjacent foes to immediately move back 5 feet. Those who
choose not to move (or who cannot move) back provoke
attacks of opportunity from you unless they succeed at a
Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ your base attack bonus + your
Strength modifier).
Synergy: If you also have the Threat Zone fighter talent,
add the increased reach from that talent to the distance your
opponents must retreat.
Source: Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc
Armor Training, Arcane [Arcane,
Combat Feats, Skill]
Armor/Shield You have learned how to cast spells while wearing armor.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (Light), Concentration 1
As with general combat feats, all feats in this section have rank.
the [Combat] descriptor. Benefit: Reduce the arcane spell failure chance due to the
armor you are wearing by 10% for any spells you cast. If you
Armor Optimization, Heavy possess heavier armor proficiency and a sufficiently high
You have trained extensively in heavy armor, and you have base attack bonus and number of ranks in Concentration,
learned to take advantage of the protection it offers. greater reductions in spell failure are possible, according to
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Heavy Armor the following table.
Proficiency. Minimum: Spell Failure Reduction
Benefit: When you are wearing heavy armor, lessen the Armor Proficiency Skill Ranks
armor check penalty of the armor by 1, and by an additional 1
point per +5 points of your base attack bonus thereafter (i.e., Light 1–5
2 at BAB +6, 3 at BAB +11, and 4 at BAB +16). Medium 6 – 10
If your base attack bonus is +6 or greater, you also Heavy 11 – 15
increase the armor bonus by +1. Heavy & Shields 16+
If your base attack bonus is +16 or greater, the armor
bonus again improves by an additional +1. Special: This feat does not apply to armor and shields
separately. If you wear armor and carry a shield, first total the
Special: The effects of this feat overlap with (do not stack arcane spell failure chance, then apply the effects of this feat.
with) the effects of the fighter’s Armor Training talents.
Source: Races of Stone. Armored Trap
You prepare a counterattack against an opponent, timing your
Armor Proficiency, Heavy strike to connect just as your armor baffles his attack.
You are skilled at wearing heavy armor. Prerequisites: Heavy armor proficiency.
Prerequisites: Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Benefit: When wearing armor and using a held attack (see
Proficiency. Combat rules) against an opponent striking at you in melee,
Benefit: You are proficient with heavy armor. you gain a circumstance bonus to the attack equal to your
Normal: See Armor Proficiency, Light. armor training bonus (if any) and a circumstance bonus to
Special: Fighters and paladins automatically have Heavy damage equal to the AC bonus you receive from the armor
Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. They need not select it. (maximum +1 per point of your base attack bonus).
Source: This feat emulates the Armiger’s token ability of
Armor Proficiency, Light the same name, from Iron Heroes (Fiery Dragon
You are skilled at wearing light armor.
Benefit: When you wear a type of armor with which you Block Arrow
are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies
only to Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks. You can block incoming arrows with your shield.
Normal: A character who is wearing armor with which he Prerequisite: Dex 13, Shield Proficiency.
is not proficient applies its armor check penalty to attack rolls Benefit: To use this feat, you must be actively using a
and to all skill checks that involve moving. shield (not merely an animated shield or a shield spell). When
Special: All characters except monks, sorcerers, and you would normally be hit with a ranged weapon, you can
wizards automatically have Armor Proficiency (light) as a spend an attack of opportunity to deflect it so that you take no
bonus feat. They need not select it. damage from it. You must be aware of the attack. Unusually
massive ranged weapons, such as boulders hurled by giants,
Armor Proficiency, Medium siege weapon attacks, and ranged attacks generated by spell
effects (such as Melf's acid arrow) can't be deflected.
You are skilled at wearing medium armor. Synergy: If you also have the Shield Cover feat (q.v.), you
Prerequisites: Light Armor Proficiency. can parry ranged touch spells and attacks (such as rays) as if
Benefit: You are proficienct with medium armor. they were weapon attacks.
Normal: See Armor Proficiency, Light. Source: Heroes of Battle. This feat also supersedes the
Special: Barbarians, bards (skalds only), clerics, druids, Missile Shield and Ray Shield feats from the Advanced
fighters, inquisitors, paladins, and rangers automatically have Player’s Guide.
Medium Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat (unless they trade
it for canny defense; see individual class descriptions).

Armor Training, Arcane [Arcane,

Synergy: If you also have the Improved Bull Rush feat, any
Sacrificial Shield opponents hit by your shield bash are also hit with a free bull
Prerequisite: Martial shield proficiency. rush attack, substituting your attack roll for the combat
Benefit: When you are struck in combat while using a maneuver check. This bull rush does not provoke an attack of
shield, you can spend an attack of opportunity to apply the opportunity. Opponents who cannot move back due to a wall
damage to your shield. Subtract your shield's hardness and or other surface are knocked prone after moving the
hit points (Chapter 6) from the damage of the attack; you take maximum possible distance. You may choose to move with
only the remainder (if any). your target if you are able to take a 5-foot step or to spend an
If the shield takes enough damage to destroy it, it's action to move this turn. This supersedes the Shield Slam
destroyed. Otherwise, it gains the broken condition, even if feat from the core rules.
the damage was not enough to give it the broken condition Normal: Without this feat, a character that performs a
under other circumstances. shield bash loses the shield’s shield bonus to AC until his next
Synergy: If you also have the Shared Shield feat, you can turn. Magic shields do not apply their enhancement bonus to
use this ability to protect an adjacent ally. shield bashes.
Source: This feat emulates the 2nd tier Guardian ability of Source: The shield gag trick is from Adventurer’s Armory.
the same name, from Mythic Adventures. Shield Cover
Shield Bash, Improved Prerequisite: Martial Shield Proficiency.
You can protect yourself with your shield, even if you use it to Benefit: When actively using a light, heavy, or tower shield
attack. (not a buckler, animated shield, or shield spell), you retain
Prerequisites: Exotic Shield Proficiency, Two-Weapon your shield bonus while flat-footed. You also gain a +4
Fighting. circumstance bonus to AC for purposes of confirming critical
Benefit: When you perform a shield bash, you may still hits against you.
apply the shield’s shield bonus to your AC. If your base attack bonus is at least +6, you may apply your
If your base attack bonus is at least +6, when shield shield bonus to Reflex saves.
bashing with a magic shield, your shield’s enhancement If your base attack bonus is at least +11, you may apply
bonus to AC can also be applied as an enhancement your shield bonus to AC to your touch AC and your CMD.
bonus to attacks and damage as well. The maximum
enhancement bonus that can be applied in this manner is Normal: Shield bonuses do not apply to touch AC, nor to
equal to +1 per 4 points of your base attack bonus. CMD or reflex saves. Flat-footed characters do not receive
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, your shield bash the benefits of a shield.
deals damage as if your shield were one size larger (1d4 Source: This feat subsumes the Shield Ward feat from the
for a light shield, 1d6 for a heavy shield; or 1d6 for a light Players Handbook II, the Shield Specialization feat from the
spiked shield, 1d8 for a heavy spiked shield). This does not Advanced Player’s Guide, and the Knight of the Realm’s
stack with the bashing shield property. “knightly defense” prestige class feature, from Relics &
Rituals: Excalibur (Sword & Sorcery Studios).
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, your shield bash
deals damage as if your shield were two sizes larger (1d6 Shield Focus
for a light shield, 1d8 for a heavy shield; or 1d8 for a light Prerequisites: Martial Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus
spiked shield, 2d6 for a heavy spiked shield). This does not +1.
stack with the bashing shield property. Benefit: Increase the shield bonus to AC granted by any
shield you are actively using (not an animated shield or a
You can also force your shield into the mouth of a creature shield spell) by 1. This protection improves with your base
to prevent it from using bite attacks or other mouth-based attack bonus, per the following table.
abilities. Make a grapple check against a creature at least two
sizes larger than your size category. If you succeed, you Base Attack AC Bonus vs. Ranged
wedge your shield into its mouth. At any time you may release +1 to +5 +1 +1
your shield, which means you both lose the grappled
condition and return to your own squares, though your shield +6 to +10 +1 +2
remains in its mouth. The creature may remove the shield by +11 to +15 +2 +3
destroying it (or leaving it with the broken condition), forcing +16 or higher +3 +4
the shield out of its mouth with a grapple check against your
CMB, or swallowing it (if it has the swallow whole ability) as Special: The effects of this feat overlap with those of the
if the shield were a creature. armor training fighter talent; they do not stack.
While the shield is in place, the monster cannot use its
mouth to make attacks (such as a bite or a giant frog’s sticky
tongue) against anything but the shield and cannot speak
clearly enough to cast spells or use items requiring speech. If
it uses a breath weapon, its range is half normal and any
damage dealt must first get through the shield, with any
remaining damage affecting the area normally.
Special: Barbarians, clerics, fighters, and paladins
Shield Mastery automatically have Martial Shield Proficiency as a bonus feat.
Prerequisites: Shield Focus, Martial Shield Proficiency, They need not select it.
base attack bonus +1. Shield Proficiency, Simple
Benefit: Whenever you are actively using a light, heavy, or
tower shield (not a buckler, animated shield, or shield spell), You are trained in how to properly use shields.
you gain DR 1/—. This increases by 1 per 4 points of your Benefit: Simple proficiency with all shields.
base attack bonus (maximum DR 6/— at BAB +20). You must Normal: When you are using a shield with which you are
be aware of the attack to gain this bonus. Any effect that not proficient, you take the shield’s armor check penalty on
causes you to lose your Dexterity or shield bonus causes you attack rolls and on all Strength- and Dexterity-related skill
to lose this bonus. checks.
Special: This bonus stacks with all other forms of damage Special: Bards, druids, incarnates, and rogues
reduction without a type (such as the damage reduction automatically have Simple Shield Proficiency as a bonus feat.
gained by barbarians) with one exception—the effects of this They need not select it.
feat overlap with (do not stack with) the damage reduction
gained by a fighter with Armor Training who is using a shield. Shield Proficiency, Exotic
Source: Pathfinder Beta Playtest, “New Feats for Prerequisites: Simple Shield Proficiency.
Playtesting.” It also supersedes the Impact Reduction feat Benefit: Select one shield. You gain Exotic proficiency with
from the Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc that shield (see Equipment).
Shield Parry
Prerequisites: Martial Shield Proficiency, Armor Training or
Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When actively using a shield (not an animated
shield or a shield spell) you can use it to attempt one parry
per round (see Combat rules in Chapter 1) as an immediate
action against an incoming attack. Penalties for Two-Weapon
Fighting apply normally, but bonuses for Armor Training or
Shield Focus also apply.
Synergy: If you also have the Shield Cover feat (q.v.), you
can parry ranged touch spells and attacks as if they were
weapon attacks. If your base attack bonus is at least +11 and
you use a magical shield to successfully parry an incoming
ranged touch spell or attack (including a ray), you can redirect
the effect at any target within the attack’s remaining range,
including the original caster. Use the original spell’s attack
roll, save DC, etc.
If you also have the Blind-Fight feat, you master the art of
using the reflective surface of your shield to locate foes that
you dare not look at directly. On your turn, you may choose to
forfeit your shield’s AC bonus for 1 round to improve your
defenses against one creature using a gaze attack (if you also
have the Improved Shield Bash feat, you can use this trick
without losing the AC bonus). Your chance to avoid having to
make a saving throw against that creature’s gaze attack
increases to 100%, and the creature does not gain
concealment against you. For every 5 ranks in Perception you
have, you may simultaneously use this ability against one
additional creature with a gaze attack.
Source: This feat replaces the Improved Shield
Specialization and Reflective Shield feats, from the Collected
Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press). The mirror
shield trick is from the Pathfinder Adventurer’s Armory.
Shield Proficiency, Martial
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Simple Shield
Benefit: You gain Martial proficiency with all shields (see
Bull Rush Strike (Strike): If your base attack bonus is +6
or higher, you can make a single melee attack as a
Combat Feats, Weapon-and standard action; if it hits, you also gain a free bull rush
Style-Specific attempt against that opponent. At the end of this
movement, the target also falls prone if a second combat
The feats presented here are specific to certain weapons (forcing) maneuver check on your part beats his CMD. You
and/or combat styles, including dueling (finesse weapons), can use this maneuver as part of a full attack, but doing so
two-weapon fighting, and unarmed combat. Descriptors such causes you to take a -5 penalty to attack rolls and CMB
as [Unarmed] and [Ranged] are provided for ease of that round. This supersedes the Bull Rush Strike and
reference; as with general combat feats, all feats in this Pushing Assault feats from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
section have the [Combat] descriptor, in addition to any Combining the bull rush strike with Greater Overrun (see
others listed. below) allows the duplication of the Driving Attack feat,
from the Players Handbook II.
Axefighting [Axe, Slashing]
Greater Bull Rush: If your base attack bonus is +11 or
Prerequisite: Dex 13, base attack bonus +1, Weapon Focus higher, whenever you bull rush or reposition an opponent
(any axe). in place of an attack (rather than in addition to an attack),
Benefit: Whenever you drop a foe (i.e., reduce him below 0 the target’s movement provokes attacks of opportunity
hp) with a qualifying axe, you gain a +2 morale bonus to from all of your allies (but not you). This subsumes the
attacks and damage with your weapon for 1 round, plus 1 Greater Bull Rush feat from the core rules.
round per 5 points of your base attack bonus above +1 (e.g., 4
rounds total at BAB +16). Knock Back: If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher,
Source: Collected Book of Experimental Might. whenever you deal weapon damage (in hit points) greater
than a melee opponent’s CMD in a single blow in melee
Backswing [Two-Handed] (not including energy or spell damage), you immediately
gain a special bull rush attack against that opponent as a
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +6, Overhand Chop. free action. If successful, the opponent is pushed back 10
Benefit: When using the full-attack action with a two- feet; you do not move with him unless you choose to take a
handed melee weapon, add double your Strength bonus to 5-ft. step into the space he was formerly in. Knocking a
damage, rather than 1½ times your Strength bonus. target back into a solid surface (such as a wall) inflicts 2d6
Normal: You normally add 1½ times your Strength points of bludgeoning damage on the target, plus 1½ times
modifier to damage rolls with a two-handed weapon. your Strength modifier. This subsumes the Knock Back
Source: This feat supersedes the variant class feature of feat in Races of Stone and in the Collected Book of
the same name from the Advanced Player’s Guide, the Exotic Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press).
Weapon Master’s “uncanny blow” prestige class feature from
Complete Warrior, and the Master Samurai’s “blades of Synergy: You can combine forcing maneuvers with other
death” prestige class feature from Sword and Fist. feats in a variety of ways:
Bull Rush, Improved [Maneuver] If you have medium or heavy armor proficiency,
“If Igli manages to put on the brakes, I’ll hit him with a low respectively, you gain a +1 armor bonus to overrun
tackle and knock him in. Then we all play water polo.” attempts when wearing medium armor, or a +2 armor
―Robert A. Heinlein, Glory Road (1963) bonus to overrun attempts when wearing heavy armor.
You are skilled at blocking your foes, pushing them around If you have Exotic shield proficiency, you gain a +1 shield
the battlefield, and running them down. bonus to overrun attempts when using a light shield, +2
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack. with a heavy shield, and +3 with a tower shield.
Benefit: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when
performing the bull rush, check, drag, or reposition If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher and you have
maneuvers. In addition, you receive a +2 competence bonus the Improved Trip feat, you can attempt to overbear an
on checks made to bull rush, check, drag, or reposition a foe. opponent by making a trip attempt as a free action at the
This bonus increases by an additional +1 per 4 points of your end of a bull rush.
base attack bonus. You gain a like bonus to your CMD for If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher and you have
defending against these maneuvers as well. the Improved Weapon Maneuvers feat, on a successful
You gain the following improvements as you gain in combat bull rush you slam into an opponent hard enough to make
experience: him drop whatever he’s holding (in practice, you can make
a disarm check as a free action as the initial part of a bull
rush attempt).
Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when
performing a combat maneuver. Creatures moved by combat
maneuvers do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Synergy: If you also have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat,
Catch Off-Guard treat your cloak as a light weapon for purposes of making off-
“I’ll carry my weapons right through the check-point.” hand binds or parries with it.
“Oh, yes, I’d forgotten about that for a moment. Naked/kill Source: Art of the Duel (Sinister Adventures LLC).
and all that. Stab a man with a drinking straw. What a Clustered Shots [Ranged]
nuisance that’s been...”
―Trevanian, Shibumi (1979) You take a moment to carefully aim your shots, causing them
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. all to strike nearly the same spot.
Benefit: You do not suffer any penalties for using Prerequisites: Precise Shot, base attack bonus +6.
improvised ranged or melee weapons. Unarmed opponents Benefit: When you use a full-attack action to make multiple
are flat-footed to any attacks you make with an improvised ranged weapon attacks against the same opponent, total the
melee weapon. You also receive a +1 competence bonus on damage from all hits before applying that opponent’s damage
attack rolls made with thrown splash weapons. reduction.
Massive damage applies if the total damage you deal with
If your base attack bonus is +6 or above and you have this feat is equal to or exceeds half the opponent’s full normal
Exotic proficiency in unarmed attacks, increase the hit points (minimum 50 points of damage).
amount of damage you deal with improvised weapons by Source: Ultimate Combat.
one step (for example, 1d4 becomes 1d6) to a maximum
of 1d8 (2d6 if the improvised weapon is two-handed). Critical, Deadly [Critical]
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, your critical Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +11, Critical Focus,
threat range with improved weapons is 19–20. Improved Critical.
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, when you confirm Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a weapon
a critical hit with an improvised weapon, you can choose for which you have the Improved Critical feat, the critical
to increase the critical multiplier to x3, but the weapon damage multiplier increases by 1.
itself also takes full critical damage from the attack Note: This feat supersedes the Weapon Master’s variant
(subject to hardness), and is therefore likely to be class feature of the same name from the Advanced Player’s
destroyed. Guide, and also the Master Thrower prestige class’s
“Deadeye Shot” thrown weapon trick from Complete
Normal: You take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with an Warrior.
improvised weapon. Critical, Improved [Critical]
Source: This feat also subsumes the Throw Anything and
Improvised Weapon Mastery feats, and the “always armed” Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +8.
1st tier Champion ability from Mythic Adventures. Benefit: Choose one type of weapon. When using a
weapon of that type with which you have at least Martial
Cloaked Duelist [Finesse, proficiency, your threat range is doubled. If you have only
Maneuver] Simple proficiency, your threat range is expanded by 1.
You can gain Improved Critical multiple times. The effects
You use the very cloak on your back against an enemy, do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new
befuddling their attacks. type of weapon.
Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Improved Weapon Synergy: If you are a fighter, the effects of this feat apply to
Maneuvers, Weapon Finesse. an entire weapon group (Chapter 6), not just a specific type of
Benefit: When fighting with a cloak on and at least one weapon.
hand empty, you may as a free action sweep your cloak into Special: At 8th level or above, a wizard specializing in
your hand to aid you in a fight. You may perform Bind evocation spells (an Evoker) can select Improved Critical and
maneuvers with your cloak. designate “spells” as the weapon group; the effects apply to
If your base attack bonus is at least +6, you can parry with all of his or her spells and spell-like abilities that require
your cloak as well. If you fight defensively the cloak grants attack rolls and deal damage.
you a 20% miss chance from partial concealment, as if by Special:This feat also grants the Critical Focus Feat
a blur spell (this miss chance does not stack with other (Effectivly Mergeing the two).
concealment-based miss chances, as from the Wind
Stance feat).
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, when you use
total defense in fighting defensively, your cloak grants you
a 50% miss chance from concealment (as if by a
displacement spell).
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, the miss chance
is 50% when fighting defensively, and you are treated as if
invisible when using full defense.
Deflect Arrows [Finesse, Unarmed]
Crushing Blow [Bludgeoning] You can knock arrows and other projectiles off course,
Your bludgeoning attacks are powerful enough to damage preventing them from hitting you.
even heavily armored foes. Prerequisites: Dex 13, base attack bonus +1; Exotic
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization Weapon Proficiency (unarmed attacks), Weapon Finesse, or
with a bludgeoning weapon, base attack bonus +1. Weapon Focus.
Benefit: If you miss with a bludgeoning weapon by a Benefit: Depending on how you qualified for this feat,
margin less than your opponent’s armor and/or shield bonus using it requires one of the following conditions: Exotic
(if any), you batter the foe for half normal damage. Proficiency (unarmed attacks)—one hand free (holding
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you also ignore nothing); Weapon Finesse—holding manufactured finesse
up to 4 points of armor bonus. weapon; Weapon Focus—wielding appropriate weapon.
Whenever you would normally be hit with a ranged
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you ignore up to weapon, you can spend an attack of opportunity to deflect it
8 points of your opponent’s armor bonus. Also, when you so that you take no damage from it. You must be aware of the
use a full attack action while fighting with any bludgeoning attack and not flat-footed. Unusually massive ranged weapons
weapon, each attack that connects beats down your foe's (such as boulders or ballista bolts) and ranged attacks
defenses, granting a cumulative +2 circumstance bonus generated by spell effects can’t be deflected.
on attack rolls until the end of your current turn. If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you have at least
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you ignore up to 1 rank in Sleight of Hand, and have one hand free, instead
12 points of your opponent’s armor bonus. of simply deflecting a thrown weapon, you can catch it and
immediately throw it back. This requires a Sleight of
Source: Players Handbook II. This feat also subsumes the Hand check (DC = the results of the missile’s attack roll)
Foe Hammer expanded mastery (4) effect, from Iron Heroes and uses an additional attack of opportunity.
(Fiery Dragon Productions) and the Macefighter feat from the If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can deflect
Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press). ranged spell attacks and spell-like abilities as if they were
arrows, provided the attack in question specifically targets
Deadly Aim [Ranged] you and requires an attack roll. You cannot “catch” magical
You can make exceptionally deadly ranged attacks by attacks and return them, however.
pinpointing a target’s weak spot, at the expense of making the If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you can deflect
attack less likely to succeed. even boulders and siege missiles. You cannot throw these
Prerequisites: Wis 13, base attack bonus +1. missiles back unless your Strength allows it and you
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 feat penalty to ranged normally have the ability to throw such large missiles.
attacks, but gain a circumstance bonus on damage. For every
4 points of your base attack bonus, increase the attack Source: This feat subsumes the feat of the same name
penalty by 1 (maximum –6/+6 at BAB +20). The bonus to from the core rules, and also the Armed Deflection and
damage is dependent on the type of ranged weapon you are Exceptional Deflection feats from the 3.5 edition System
using: for thrown weapons, the damage bonus is equal to the Reference Document, “Epic Feats” (this feat subsumes both
magnitude of the attack penalty; for projectile weapons such the Armed Deflection and Exceptional Deflection feats). It
as bows or slings, you gain a +2 damage bonus per –1 to also supersedes the duelist’s “Deflect Arrows” prestige class
attacks; with crossbows and modern personal firearms, you feature.
gain a +3 damage bonus per –1 to attacks.
Special: Rays count as projectile weapons for purposes of
this feat; orbs and other “thrown” ranged touch attacks count Deft Blow [Finesse]
as thrown weapons. Prerequisite: BAB +1, Weapon Finesse.
Benefit: When using a slashing or piercing weapon in one
Defensive Weapon Training hand to which Weapon Finesse applies (or a claw attack or
You know how to defend yourself against a certain class of crossbow), attacks with that weapon ignore up to 5 points of
weaponry. your opponent’s armor bonus to AC (if any). For every 4 points
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1. of your base attack bonus, increase the amount of armor
Benefit: Choose a weapon group (Chapter 6). When an bonus you can ignore by 1 (maximum 10 points at BAB +20).
opponent attacks you using a weapon from that group, you Special: Unlike the Unstoppable Strike feat (q.v.), which
gain a competence bonus to AC and CMB equal to +1, with an resolves a melee attack as a touch attack, this feat can be
additional +1 per 4 points of your base attack bonus. used in conjunction with a full attack.
Synergy: If you have the Opportune Strike class feature, Synergy: The rogue’s Opportune Strike class feature
the effects of that ability apply to this feat. applies to this feat.
Special: You can select this feat more than once. Its Source: This feat supersedes the Deft Strike feat from
effects do not stack. Each time you select this feat, it Complete Adventurer. It subsumes the Free Hand Fighter’s
applies to a different weapon group. “timely tip” variant class feature, from the Advanced Player’s
Source: This feat emulates the Knife Master’s “blade Guide, being both more flexible (applying to armor and
sense” variant class feature, from Ultimate Combat. shield) and more efficient (not requiring a move action).

Deflect Arrows [Finesse, Unarmed]

If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you
Far Shot [Ranged] automatically gain a circumstance bonus to ranged
You are more accurate at longer ranges. attacks, as if by Aid Another, equal to twice the number of
Benefit: You only suffer a –1 penalty per full range allies threatening the target (even if they are not spending
increment between you and your target when using a ranged immediate actions to aid one another or you).
Normal: You can flank only in melee.
Windage Shot (Strike): If your base attack is +6 or higher, Source: This feat was inspired by the Distant Advantage
you can make a single ranged attack as a full round action feat, from the 4th edition Players Handbook II. It also
that increases all range increments by half (for example, a subsumes the Enfilading Fire feat from Ultimate Combat.
bow with a normal range increment of 100 ft. would have
a range increment of 150 ft.). Flay Foe [Slashing]
At a base attack of +11, you can modify a ranged weapon Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +6, Martial
and use in such a way that its range increments are proficiency with slashing melee weapon (or proficiency with
increased by 50% even when you use it to make iterative natural claw attack).
attack. If you make a windage shot, the weapon’s range Benefit: If you hit the same enemy more than once in a
increments are doubled instead (this supersedes the single round with slashing melee attacks, you deal an extra
Archer’s “legendary shot” class feature from Iron Heroes). +1d6 damage (cumulative) for each previous successful
slashing attack you made against that opponent that round
At a base attack of +16, your range increments are always with that weapon.
doubled. You also gain the Horizon Shot (Strike) ability: as Synergy: Applying this feat in conjunction with the Two-
a full-round action, you can make a single ranged attack, Weapon Strike and Vital Strike feats emulates the girallon
the range of which is limited only by how far you can see windmill flesh rip maneuver, from the Tome of Battle. (A 16th
(regardless of the normal range of the weapon). level fighter hitting with all eight attacks would deal an
additional 18d6 + 1½ Str bonus damage: 6d6 for the Vital
Synergy: If you also have Weapon Focus (splash weapons) Strike rend damage + 6d6 flaying for each weapon).
or the Grenadier rogue talent, when you hit with a splash Source: Champions of Ruin. This feat also supersedes the
weapon, select one additional square adjacent to the splash Hammer the Gap feat from Ultimate Combat.
area; creatures in this area also take splash damage. When
you miss with a splash weapon, you may adjust the miss Grapple, Improved [Maneuver]
direction on the grid by +1 or –1. For every 4 points of your
base attack bonus, add an additional square to the splash Prerequisites: Dex 13, Martial Weapon Proficiency
area and an additional +/-1 to the miss direction. (unarmed attacks) or proficiency with natural attacks.
Normal: You suffer a –2 penalty per full range increment Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when
between you and your target. performing a grapple combat maneuver. In addition, you
Source: This feat subsumes the Splash Weapon Mastery receive a +2 competence bonus on checks made to grapple a
feat from Adventurer's Armory, and the Distance Thrower foe. This bonus increases by an additional +1 per 4 points of
feat from Ultimate Combat. your base attack bonus. You gain a like bonus to the DC of
attempts to grapple or pin you as well.
Flanking Shot [Ranged] Grappling Strike: If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher,
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Precise Shot, Point- you gain the effects of the Maneuvering Strike feat (q.v.),
Blank Shot. but this applies only to grappling maneuvers made in
Benefit: Whenever two of your allies are in melee with an conjunction with unarmed attacks.
enemy and at least one ally is providing an Aid Another bonus Maintain Grapple: Also at BAB +6, once you have grappled
to the other’s attacks (i.e., is flanking it; see Chapter 1), you a creature, you can maintain the grapple as a move action.
automatically gain a like circumstance bonus to ranged You suffer no penalty on attack rolls and can make attacks
attacks made from within your point-blank range against that of opportunity while grappling, and you retain your
enemy. Dexterity bonus to AC when pinning an opponent or when
In addition, when armed with a loaded ranged weapon, you grappled. As a full attack you can make iterative grapple
can spend immediate actions to aid allies in combat (Aid checks to move, pin, and/or damage a grappled opponent,
Another) as long as they are within your point-blank range; as if you were making iterative attacks.
they need not be within your reach.
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can also Grab: If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, on a
receive Aid Another circumstance bonuses from allies to successful unarmed attack, you can choose to forego any
your ranged attack rolls against any targets, as long as the additional attacks that round and instead immediately
aiding allies are within your point-blank range. attempt a grapple as a free action.
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can use
these abilities at any range.
Inescapable Grasp: If your base attack bonus is +16 or Impaling Attack [Maneuver,
higher, creatures you attempt to grapple or are grappling Piercing]
gain no benefit from freedom of movement and magical You can catch your opponents on your weapon and hold
bonuses to Escape Artist or on checks to escape a grapple. them in place.
Your grapple also causes a dimensional anchor effect on Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +6, Improved
the grappled opponent (caster level equal to your base Grapple.
attack bonus), and you can grapple even incorporeal Benefit: Whenever you damage an opponent with a
beings, as if you had the ghost touch special ability. This piercing weapon, you can immediately make a grapple check;
supersedes the Tetori monk’s class feature of the same success means the opponent is impaled on your weapon and
name. you both gain the grappled condition. While the opponent is
impaled, as an attack action you may make a grapple check
Synergy: If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can on your turn at a –4 penalty to damage the opponent with
apply the effects of any Strike feat (q.v.) you possess when your weapon, even if your weapon cannot normally be used in
maintaining a damaging grapple or pin as a standard action a grapple. While you impale your opponent with your
(rather than attempting iterative damaging attempts using the weapon, you cannot use it to attack, and you must hold on to
maintain grapple function). Applying the Vital Strike feat with it.
this effect allows you to add 1½ times your Strength bonus to
the Vital Strike damage, as per the corresponding synergy If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, while your
effect using the Two-Weapon Strike feat; this supersedes the opponent is impaled in this way, each time he starts his
Constrict ability from the core rules. turn, it automatically takes normal damage from the
If you have a number of ranks in Escape Artist greater than weapon. As an immediate action, you can pull your
or equal to a grappling opponent’s base attack bonus, weapon out of your opponent. Your opponent can also
attempts to grapple you automatically provoke attacks of spend a move action to attempt a counter grapple check to
opportunity from you, even if this is not normally the case due pull your weapon out. When the weapon comes out, your
to feats or special abilities. If you deal damage with this opponent takes damage as if starting his turn impaled.
attack, the enemy fails to start the grapple unless it has the If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you can let go
Improved Grapple feat or a special ability such as grab. If the of your weapon, and the impaled opponent still must
enemy has such an ability, you may add the damage you deal spend a standard action to remove the weapon. Until the
as a circumstance bonus on your opposed check to resist opponent pulls the weapon out, his speed in all modes is
being grappled. This feat does not give you extra attacks of halved. When the weapon comes out, instead of dealing
opportunity when you would be denied one for being the damage normal, you can deal bleed damage equal to
surprised, helpless, or in a similar situation. If your base your weapon’s damage dice result once per round at the
attack bonus is +6 or greater, you can make this attack of start of that opponent’s turn.
opportunity level even if the attacker has concealment or total
concealment; at BAB +11, even if you are flat-footed, and at
BAB +16, even if your attacker has exceptional reach. This Synergy: If you also have the Slowing Strike feat, the
supersedes the Close-Quarters Fighting feat from Complete reduction in movement from that feat applies whenever an
Warrior, and also the Tetori Monk’s “counter-grapple” ability, opponent is impaled (even if you are not still holding the
from Ultimate Combat. If the attack of opportunity is used for weapon, if your BAB is +11 or higher; the victim is immobile
a trip attempt, this function also supersedes the Under and while you hold the weapon, is slowed to 5 ft. once you let go,
Over feat from the Advanced Player’s Guide, and the Felling and moves at half speed once the weapon is removed). If you
Escape feat from Ultimate Combat. have the Bleeding Strike feat, it automatically activates when
Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when the weapon is pulled out of the impaled foe.
attempting a grapple. Maintaining a grapple, or grappling to Normal: You can only attack unarmed, or with a natural
move, pin, or damage an opponent, is a standard action. weapon or light weapon, against opponents you are
Hammer Fist [Unarmed] Source: This feat subsumes the Hamatula Attack and
Hamatula Grasp feats from Cheliax: Empire of Devils, and
Prerequisites: Str 13+, Martial Weapon Proficiency the Impaling Critical and (with synergy) Improved Impaling
(unarmed). Critical feats from Ultimate Combat.
Benefit: You add one and a half times your Strength bonus
to damage when you hit with an unarmed attack. This extra Manyshot [Ranged]
damage does not apply if you are using Two-Weapon Fighting,
or if you are holding anything in either hand. You must use Prerequisites: Wis 13, Sleight of Hand 1 rank.
both hands to make the unarmed attack. Benefit: When making a full attack action with a ranged
Synergy: When using the Power Attack feat in conjunction weapon, you can attack one additional time that round with
with Hammer Fist, you gain the damage bonus from Power no additional reload time, if applicable. All of your attack rolls
Attack as if wielding a two-handed weapon. take a –2 penalty when using this function.
Source: Races of Faerun.
Improved Overrun: If your base attack bonus is +6 or
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher and you have at higher, you can overrun as an attack action, rather than as
least 6 ranks in Sleight of Hand, you can use this feat in a standard action (you can make iterative overrun
conjunction with a standard action, making two attacks attempts in this manner even if you do not normally
against a single opponent instead of one, each attack with receive iterative attacks, as in the case of creatures using
a –2 penalty. Precision-based damage or [Strike] effects, if natural weapons). If you fail to overrun an opponent, the
applicable, apply only once. target can’t knock you prone; your movement merely stops
in the last legal space you occupy. This subsumes the
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher and you have at boulder roll maneuver from the Tome of Battle, and also
least 11 ranks in Sleight of Hand, you can make the extra the Phalanx Fighter’s “stand firm” variant class feature
attack against a different target instead of both of them from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
targeting the same opponent. Precision-based damage Greater Overrun: If your base attack bonus is +11 or
applies to each attack. higher, whenever you overrun opponents, they provoke
If your base attack bonus is at least +16 and you have at attacks of opportunity if they attempt to avoid you or are
least 16 ranks in Sleight of Hand, in lieu of your regular knocked prone by your overrun. This subsumes the
attacks, you can make a single ranged attack at each and Greater Overrun feat from the core rules.
every target within range, to a maximum number of Charge Through: If your base attack bonus is +16 or
targets equal to half your base attack bonus (normal higher, you can charge through allies’ spaces without
reload times obviously do not apply in this case). Each impediment. When making a charge, you can attempt to
attack uses your primary attack bonus, and each enemy overrun creatures in the straight-line path of the charge as
may only be targeted by a single attack. free actions. If you successfully overrun a creature in the
way, you can complete the charge. If the overrun is
Source: This feat now subsumes the Rapid Shot and unsuccessful, the charge ends in the space directly in front
Manyshot feats from the core rules, and also the Greater of that creature. This supersedes the feat of the same
Manyshot and Storm of Throws feats from the 3.5 edition name from the Advanced Player’s Guide and the
System Reference Document (“Epic Feats”). It also subsumes Juggernaut Charge feat from the Collected Book of
the Arcane Archer’s “hail of arrows” prestige class feature, Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press).
and the Swarm of Arrows epic feat from the 3.5 edition
System Reference Document. Finally, it subsumes the Synergy: You can combine charging and overrunning with
Fighter-Archer’s “volley” variant class feature from the other feats in a variety of ways:
Advanced Player’s Guide.
If you have medium or heavy armor proficiency,
Medusa’s Wrath [Unarmed] respectively, you gain a +1 armor bonus to overrun
attempts when wearing medium armor, or a +2 armor
You can take advantage of your opponent’s condition, bonus to overrun attempts when wearing heavy armor.
delivering multiple blows.
Prerequisites: Martial Weapon Proficiency (unarmed If you have Exotic shield proficiency, you gain a +1 shield
attacks), Staggering Strike, base attack bonus +11. bonus to overrun attempts when using a light shield, +2
Benefit: When making a full unarmed attack against a with a heavy shield, and +3 with a tower shield.
dazed, flat-footed, paralyzed, staggered, stunned, or If you have the Skirmish and Vital Strike feats, you can
unconscious foe, you can make two additional unarmed use them to deal Vital Strike damage to creatures you
attacks at your highest base attack bonus. successfully overrun, in addition to the creature attacked
at the end of the charge (see Skirmish, q.v.).
Overrun, Improved [Maneuver]
You are skilled at ramming past opponents and running them If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher and you have
down. the Improved Weapon Maneuvers feat, on a successful
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack. overrun you slam into an opponent hard enough to make
Benefit: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when him drop whatever he’s holding (in practice, you can make
performing an overrun maneuver. In addition, you receive a a disarm check as a free action as the initial part of a bull
+2 competence bonus on checks made to overrun a foe. This rush or overrun attempt).
bonus increases by an additional +1 per 4 points of your base
attack bonus. You gain a like bonus to your CMD for Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when
defending against overruns, against the Counter Charge performing a combat maneuver. Creatures moved by combat
maneuver (see Chapter 1), and as a competence bonus to maneuvers do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Creatures
saving throws against trample attacks. that avoid your overrun or are knocked prone do not provoke
You gain the following improvements as your skill at an attack of opportunity.
combat improves:
Source: This feat incorporates the Hyborian Ranger class
Parry, Open-Handed [Unarmed] feature of the same name, from, and has
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, Combat Expertise, also been combined with the Ready Shot feat, from Heroes of
Dodge feat or agile dodge class feature, Exotic Weapon Battle. It supersedes the Sniper’s “deadly range” variant class
Proficiency (unarmed attacks). feature, from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Benefit: Once per round when you have at least one hand Power Throw [Ranged]
free and are either fighting defensively or using the total
defense action, you can attempt to parry (see Chapter 1) one Prerequisites: Strength 13+.
melee weapon attack that would normally hit you. This costs Benefit: You can apply your Strength bonus, rather than
an attack of opportunity. You must be aware of the attack and your Dexterity bonus, to thrown weapon attacks. For any
not flat-footed. An attack so deflected deals no damage to you. attacks made this way, you can apply the Power Attack feat.
Synergy: If you also have the Combat Reflexes feat, you You can also combine a charge with a hurled weapon attack,
can make an immediate counterattack (an additional attack moving towards the target and taking a -2 penalty to AC in
of opportunity) against any opponent whose attack you parry exchange for a +2 bonus to attack.
in this manner. Whenever you use two hands to throw a one-handed or
Source: This feat supersedes the Crane Wing and Crane two-handed weapon (not a light weapon), you gain a bonus on
Riposte feats, from Ultimate Combat. damage rolls equal to 1½ times your Strength bonus. Using
two hands to throw any weapon requires only a standard
Phalanx Fighter [Polearm] action for you.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (polearm or spear); Martial If your base attack bonus is at least +6 and your Dexterity
shield proficiency. is 13 or greater, you can also apply half your Dexterity
Benefit: You can use any qualifying polearm or spear of bonus (in addition to your Strength bonus) to damage rolls
your size as a one-handed weapon when using a qualifying with weapons thrown with one hand.
shield with your other arm.
Source: This feat supersedes the “phalanx fighter” variant If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can apply
class feature, from the Advanced Player’s Guide. your full Dexterity bonus (if any), as well as your Strength
bonus, to damage with weapons thrown with one hand.
Point-Blank Shot [Ranged] If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you can apply
You are especially accurate when making ranged attacks both your Strength bonus and your Dexterity bonus (if
against close targets. any) to attacks with weapons thrown with one hand.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You get a +1 circumstance bonus on attack and Special: You cannot use the Deadly Aim feat in
damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet. conjunction with this feat.
The range and bonuses increase according to your base Normal: Thrown weapon attacks use your Dexterity
attack bonus, per the following table: modifier. Power Attack can be applied only to attacks with
melee weapons. You add your Strength bonus on thrown
Base Attack Point-Blank Bonus to Atks, weapon damage, regardless of available hands. Throwing a
Bonus Range Damage two-handed weapon is a full-round action.
+1 to +5 30 ft. +1 Source: This feat subsumes both the Brutal Throw feat
+6 to +10 60 ft. +2
and the Power Throw feat from Complete Adventurer, and
the Charging Hurler and Two-Handed Thrower feats from
+11 to +15 90 ft. +3 Ultimate Combat. It also supersedes the Hulking Hurler’s
+16 and up 120 ft. +4 ranged power attack prestige class feature from Complete
Warrior, and the Hurling Charge feat from the Miniatures
Readied Shot: If you use a held or readied action to fire a Handbook.
ranged weapon at point-blank range at any foe who charges
you, each +1 damage bonus from this feat is +1d6 instead
(maximum +4d6 at BAB +16). Creatures immune to extra
damage from critical hits are immune to this effect.
The range at which you can make sneak attacks or
skirmish attacks is equal your point-blank range.
When using the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat
while wielding a melee weapon and a crossbow or
firearm, your attacks with the crossbow or firearm
provoke no attacks of opportunity from foes that you
threaten with your melee weapon. This supersedes the
Sword and Pistol feat from Ultimate Combat.
Precise Shot [Ranged] Ranged Maneuvers [Maneuver,
You are adept at firing ranged attacks into melee. Ranged]
Benefit: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an Prerequisites: Exotic Proficiency and Weapon Focus in
opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 the appropriate ranged weapon; Improved Combat
penalty on your attack roll. Maneuvers (any) and/or Cleave.
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, when you shoot Benefit: You can perform combat maneuvers with
or throw ranged weapons at a grappling or pinned qualifying ranged weapons, and can also apply the Cleave
opponent, you run no risk of hitting the wrong target. feat to ranged attacks. You must have the Improved Combat
Maneuvers or other feat to be applied, and must meet all of its
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, your ranged prerequisites.
attacks also ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by Source: This feat supersedes Ranged Mastery feat from
anything less than total cover, and the miss chance the Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press)
granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. and also the “meteor shot” and “trick shot” variant class
If you miss due to total concealment, you can immediately features, from the Advanced Player’s Guide. The ranged feint
reroll once to see if you actually hit. You gain no more than function replaces the Master Thrower’s “sneaky shot”
one reroll per attempt. prestige class thrown weapon trick from Complete Warrior,
and also can simulate the Archer’s “unerring shot” token
At a base attack bonus of +16, as a full-round action you ability, from Iron Heroes (Fiery Dragon Productions).
can take a single shot against an opponent with full cover,
by ricocheting the shot. Ranged Threat [Ranged]
Normal: Firing into a melee has a –4 circumstance Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot.
penalty; if you miss your intended target by a margin of 4 or Benefit: When armed with a ranged weapon that is ready
less on the roll, the shot targets an adjacent creature instead. for use, you threaten every square within 5 ft., plus 5 ft. per 4
Synergy: points of your base attack bonus. If a target in this area takes
an action that provokes an attack of opportunity, you may
If you have at least 11 ranks in Stealth as a class skill, make a ranged attack of opportunity at your highest bonus.
opponents struck by your ranged attacks (and observers) You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when making a
do not automatically know what square your attack came ranged attack of opportunity.
from, and must attempt to find you normally. If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can make a
If you have the sneak attack ability, you can make ranged covering shot as a standard action. Covering Shot (Strike):
sneak attacks against targets with partial concealment if When you miss with a ranged attack made as a standard
you have this feat and your base attack bonus (including action, you can pin down the target of that missed attack
the benefit from your Opportune Strike ability, if as a free action. The pinned-down target is treated as if it
applicable) is at least +6. You can make ranged sneak were entangled for 1 round. This supersedes the
attacks against targets with total concealment if your Gunslinger’s “covering shot” deed from Ultimate Combat.
effective BAB is +11 or higher.
If your base attack bonus is +11 or greater, you can choose
for the target of your covering shot to be flat-footed for 1
Source: The advanced usages of this feat supersede the round, rather than entangled. You cannot choose to
Improved Precise Shot feat and the Archer’s legendary shot purposely miss a target to gain this effect. This supersedes
class feature from Iron Heroes (Fiery Dragon Productions), the Gunslinger’s “startling shot” deed from Ultimate
and the Elven Accuracy feat from the Advanced Player’s Combat.
Pulverize Foe [Bludgeoning] If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you do not
provoke attacks of opportunity when using a ranged
You enjoy smashing your opponents into submission. weapon from a threatened square. This supersedes the
Prerequisite: Str 15, base attack bonus +6, Martial Combat Archery feat from the 3.5 edition System
proficiency with bludgeoning melee weapon (or proficiency Reference Document, “Epic Feats.”
with natural slam attack).
Benefit: If you hit the same enemy more than once in a
single round with bludgeoning melee attacks, you deal an
extra 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage for each previous
successful bludgeoning attack you made against that
opponent that round.
Source: Champions of Ruin. This feat also supersedes the
Hammer the Gap and Twin Thunders feats from Ultimate
Synergy: If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can apply
If you also have the Combat Reflexes feat, you can choose your full Dexterity modifier as a bonus to damage with
to forego threatening nearby squares and instead lay down ranged weapons. When using a crossbow or firearm, you
threatening fire. As a standard action, designate a straight can apply your full Dexterity bonus and your Wisdom
line of squares to which you have a clear line of fire. All of bonus (if any) to damage.
the squares must lie within the same range increment of If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you can apply
you. Opponents moving through those squares provoke both your Wisdom bonus (if any) and your Dexterity
ranged attacks of opportunity from you; this effect ends modifier to attacks with ranged weapons.
when you move. This supersedes the Suppressive Fire
feat from Swashbuckling Adventures (Alderac Source: This feat supersedes the Crossbowman’s
Entertainment Group). Deadshot chain of variant class features, from the Advanced
If you have the Manyshot feat, when making a full-attack Player’s Guide, and also the Gunslinger’s gun training class
action with a ranged weapon, you may choose to make a feature, from Ultimate Combat.
melee attack against an adjacent opponent with a drawn
arrow or bolt (or with the butt of the weapon itself) rather Scything Blow [Two-Handed]
than firing it. If the attack hits—whether or not it does Prerequisite: Str 13, base attack bonus +1, Cleave, Power
damage—your target is pushed back 5 feet away from you. Attack.
You can then fire the weapon normally, at the original Benefit: When using a slashing or piercing weapon in both
target, or at another target within range. This melee attack hands (or a primary bite or gore attack), your melee attacks
replaces the extra attack from Manyshot, and all of your ignore up to 5 points of your opponent’s armor and/or shield
attack rolls for the round (the melee attack and the ranged bonus. For every 4 points of your base attack bonus, increase
attacks) take a –2 penalty. If your initial attack leaves you the amount of armor/shield bonus you can ignore by 1
with no enemies threatening you, you can make the (maximum 10 points at BAB +20).
subsequent ranged attack or attacks without provoking Source: This feat is similar to the Deft Strike feat (q.v.)
attacks of opportunity. This subsumes the Stabbing Shot from Complete Adventurer, but applies to two-handed
feat from the Advanced Player’s Guide. weapons.
Normal: While wielding a ranged weapon, you threaten no Shared Precision [Ranged]
squares and can make no attacks of opportunity with that Your skill at archery inspires your allies to follow your mark.
weapon. Ranged attacks provoke attacks of opportunity from Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, Deadly Aim, Precise
threatening opponents. Shot.
Source: Dragon magazine, issue 350 and also Advanced Benefit: When you hit a creature with a ranged attack,
Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist (Open Design LLC). This feat allies within 10 feet of you gain the benefit of the Precise
also supersedes the Order of the Bow Initiate “close combat Shot feat against that target until the start of your next turn.
shot” prestige class feature, the Exotic Weapon Master’s Your allies must remain within 10 feet of you, and must be
“close quarters ranged shot” and the Master Thrower’s able both to see and hear you to gain this benefit.
“defensive toss” stunts, from Complete Warrior; the Close-
Quarter Fire feat from the Collected Book of Experimental If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you and any
Might (Malhavoc Press); the Close-Quarters Thrower feat and allies within 10 feet no longer provide cover against each
the Snap Shot feat chain from Ultimate Combat; and the other’s ranged attacks unless they wish to. Allies who
Point Blank Master feat, the Archer’s and Crossbowman’s cannot move or otherwise take action still provide cover,
“safe shot” variant class feature, and the Zen Archer’s as do flat-footed allies. You and your allies must be able to
“reflexive shot” variant class feature, from the Advanced see or hear each other to use this ability.
Player’s Guide.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, allies within 10
Reflexive Shot [Ranged] feet of you also gain the effects of the Deadly Aim feat
You are so practiced with ranged weapons that you fire them against the designated target, even if they lack the
from pure reflex and “muscle memory” as much as from prerequisites.
careful aim.
Benefit: When using a projectile weapon, you may use Source: This feat supersedes the Divine Hunter’s shared
your Dexterity modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier on precision, aura of care, and hunter’s blessing variant class
attack rolls. features, from Ultimate Combat.
If your base attack bonus is +6 or greater, you can apply
half your Dexterity modifier on damage rolls. When using
a crossbow or firearm, you can instead apply your full
Dexterity bonus to damage.
Trip, Improved [Maneuver]
Steady Aim [Ranged] Prerequisites: Dex 13, Martial Weapon Proficiency
You are skilled at making ranged attacks while in motion. (unarmed attacks or tripping weapon, or primary natural
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1. attack).
Benefit: The penalties you take in conditions involving Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when
movement (such as while mounted or on the pitching deck of performing a trip or unbalance combat maneuver. In addition,
a ship) are halved: -2 if on a mount taking a double move or you receive a +2 competence bonus on checks made to trip or
ship’s deck in choppy seas, -4 on a running mount or on a unbalance a foe. This bonus increases by an additional +1 per
ship’s deck in high waves. 4 points of your base attack bonus. You gain a like bonus to
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you reduce the CMD when defending against these maneuvers. Your ability
penalties by half again (to a total of -1 or -2, depending on to trip people improves as you gain in combat experience:
conditions). Drag Down: If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher,
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you take no whenever an opponent successfully trips you, you can
penalties for making ranged attacks in unstable attempt to trip that opponent as an immediate action. This
movement conditions (including earthquakes). supersedes the feat of the same name, from Ultimate
Normal: You take a –4 penalty when making ranged Maneuver Training: If your base attack bonus is +6 or
attacks on a mount making a double move or on choppy seas, higher, you gain the effects of the Maneuvering Strike feat
and –8 when the mount is running or in heavy seas. (trip or unbalance only), even if you do not possess that
Source: This feat subsumes the Improved Mounted feat. This supersedes the tripping function of the
Archery feat, from Complete Warrior. Punishing Kick feat, from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Greater Trip/Greater Unbalance: If your base attack bonus
Shorten Grip [Polearm] is +11 or higher, whenever you successfully trip an
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, Martial Weapon opponent, that opponent provokes an attack of opportunity
Proficiency (any polearm). from you. Whenever you unbalance an opponent as a
Benefit: When wielding a polearm with which you have at combat maneuver, he or she is treated as flat-footed and
least Martial proficiency and that has reach, you may treat the cannot make attacks of opportunity.
weapon as if it did not have reach. The weapon is unwieldy in Knockdown: If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher,
this fashion and you take a –2 circumstance penalty on attack whenever you deal damage (in hit points) greater than a
rolls when attacking an enemy you normally could not. melee opponent’s CMD in a single blow, you immediately
Normal: Reach weapons cannot be used against adjacent gain a trip attack against that opponent as a free action.
foes. However, you do not gain an attack of opportunity (see
Source: Dragon magazine, issue 331. This feat also below) when tripping an opponent through the use of this
supersedes the Short Haft feat from the Player’s Handbook function. This supersedes the feat of the same name from
II. the 3.5 edition System Reference Document (“Divine
Skewer Foe [Piercing]
A ruthless combatant, you like to impale enemies on spears Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when
and similar piercing weapons. performing a trip or unbalance combat maneuver. Creatures
Prerequisites: Str 15, base attack bonus +6, Martial that are knocked prone do not provoke attacks of opportunity;
proficiency with piercing melee weapon (or proficiency with off-balance creatures lose their Dex bonus to AC, but are not
natural bite or gore attack). otherwise flat-footed.
Benefit: If you hit the same enemy more than once in a
single round with a piercing melee attack, you deal an extra
+1d6 points of piercing damage for each previous successful
piercing attack you made against that opponent that round.
Source: Champions of Ruin. This feat also supersedes the
Hammer the Gap feat from Ultimate Combat.
Spearfighter [Piercing, Spear]
You keep foes at bay with jabs from your spear.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Weapon Focus (spear,
long spear, or short spear).
Benefit: When using a qualifying spear, any foe within
reach who makes a full attack against you, and any foe which
charges you, provokes an attack of opportunity. The attack of
opportunity provoked by a charging opponent counts as if you
had braced your weapon (Chapter 6).
Source: Collected Book of Experimental Might.

Trip, Improved [Maneuver]

Flurrying with a two-handed weapon limits your damage
Two-Weapon Defense bonus from Strength and Power Attack to that of a one-
So saying, he gripped his staff and threw himself upon his handed weapon, however. You can flurry with ranged
guard. Then the Tinker spat upon his hands and, grasping his weapons, subject to the normal reload times (for projectiles)
staff, came straight at the other. He struck two or three blows, and Sleight of Hand requirements (for thrown weapons).
but soon found that he had met his match, for Robin warded Special: In addition to attacking with two separate
and parried all of them. ―Howard Pyle, The Merry weapons (or a double weapon), Two-Weapon Fighting can
Adventures also be used in conjunction with any of the following:
of Robin Hood (1883) A single polearm held in both hands (taking the off-hand
Prerequisites: Two-Weapon Fighting. attacks with the haft; treat as a staff). Secondary attacks
Benefit: When wielding a double weapon or two weapons gain ½ your Strength modifier for damage, as normal for
(not including natural weapons or unarmed strikes), you gain two-weapon fighting, and gain damage bonuses from
a +1 shield bonus to your AC. Power Attack as if using a light weapon.
This bonus increases by an additional +1 per 5 points of A finessable weapon used in one hand (attacking with the
your base attack bonus thereafter (i.e., +2 at BAB +6, +3 at pommel as a knuckle-duster for your off-hand attacks;
BAB +11, and +4 at BAB +16). Also, when you are fighting treat as a light club).
defensively, using the total defense action, or using the
Combat Expertise feat, this shield bonus increases by an Alternatively, you can activate two wands (one in each
additional +1. hand) as a standard action, applying the attack penalty as
a penalty to Spellcraft checks made to activate them.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, apply the
enhancement bonus of your off-hand weapon also applies Normal: If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you
to the shield bonus to AC from this feat as well. can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. When
fighting in this way you suffer a –6 penalty with your regular
Synergy: If you have the Weapon Finesse feat and are attack or attacks with your primary hand and a –10 penalty to
fighting with a finessable weapon in one hand and a light the attack with your off hand. If your offhand weapon is light,
weapon in the other, you may choose to fight defensively with the penalties are reduced by 2 each (an unarmed strike is
your off-hand weapon, while fighting normally with your always considered light). Activating a wand is a standard
primary weapon. The penalty for fighting defensively applies action.
to all attacks with your off-hand weapon only, and you still Source: This feat now subsumes the Haft Strike feat from
gain the bonus to AC. You may not use total defense in this Dragon magazine, issue 331, the Double Wand Wielder feat
manner. This use of the feat supersedes (does not stack with) from Complete Arcane, and the Swashbuckler’s pommel
the normal AC bonus provided by the feat. swipe deed from the Advanced Class Guide.
Source: This feat supersedes the Two-Weapon Warrior’s
“defensive flurry” variant class feature from the Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting, Bear Fang
Player’s Guide and the Mythic Two-Weapon Defense feat [Axe, Maneuver, Slashing]
from Mythic Adventures. The synergy use also supersedes
the Dagger Defense feat from Art of the Duel (Sinister You have mastered the fierce style of fighting with hand axe
Adventures LLC). and dagger at the same time (historically, this was termed
fighting “Indian Style” on the American frontier). You can
Two-Weapon Fighting bring the fight to close quarters in the blink of an eye.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Trip,
You can fight with a weapon in each hand, making one attack Two-Weapon Fighting.
each round with the second weapon in addition to your Benefit: If you hit a creature with both your hand axe and
primary hand attacks. your dagger in the same round, you deal normal damage with
Prerequisites: Dex 13. both weapons, and you can choose to immediately attempt to
Benefit: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two start a grapple or trip as a free action without provoking an
weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand attack of opportunity, as if you had the improved grab or trip
lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. special ability. No initial touch attack is required.
Synergy: A monk can use the Two-Weapon Fighting feat to If you succeed on your grapple attempt, you drop your axe,
perform a so-called “flurry of blows” in conjunction with any but you immediately gain an additional attack against your
combination of weapons, unarmed attacks, and/or combat grappled foe with your dagger at your highest attack bonus
maneuvers (assuming the weapon(s) are in hand and the (without the normal –4 penalty for attacking in a grapple). In
monk has at least Simple proficiency with them).For example, subsequent rounds, you can use the dagger to attack while
a 1st level monk can attack with two unarmed attacks, or with grappling. If your base attack bonus is at least +6, you can
each of a pair of sickles, or twice with a single sickle, or with grapple with iterative attacks and attack with the dagger
a sickle and an unarmed attack, etc., as long as the total likewise as well, using Two-Weapon Fighting.
number of attacks matches that gained with the Two-Weapon
Fighting feat.
If you opt for the trip attempt (using your hand axe), you If you have the Versatile Unarmed Combat feat (q.v.) and
immediately gain an attack of opportunity against that have two hands free, your unarmed attacks count as claw
opponent if your base attack bonus is at least +6. You can also attacks for purposes of qualifying for this feat and
choose to automatically grapple to the tripped opponent. This activating it. This supersedes the Boar Style feat from
knocks you prone as well, but allows you all of the benefits of Ultimate Combat (in conjunction with the Daunting Strike
grappling in conjunction with this feat, as described above. feat, it also subsumes the Boar Ferocity feat; in
Source: This feat supersedes not only the feat of the same conjunction with the Bleeding Strike feat, it subsumes the
name, but also subsumes the High Sword Low Axe feat, both Boar Shred and Greater Rending Fury feats as well).
from Complete Warrior. When used in conjunction with Maneuvering Strike feat,
Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved this feat subsumes the Two-Weapon Warrior’s “deft
doublestrike” variant class feature, from the Advanced
You are skilled at fighting with two weapons. Player’s Guide.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, base attack bonus +6, Two-Weapon
Benefit: Add your full Strength bonus to damage rolls Two-Weapon Versatility
made with your off-hand weapon. Prerequisites: Dex 15, base attack bonus +6, Improved Two-
In addition, you can make iterative attacks with your off- Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting.
hand weapon. In this case, the Multiattack feat generally Benefit: When fighting with two different weapons, any
applies only to iterative attacks made with your primary weapon-specific benefits from feats or talents (such as
weapon; selecting Multiattack a second time allows you to Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, or the Improved
mitigate the iterative attack penalties with your off-hand Critical feat) that you receive with one weapon automatically
weapon as well. apply to the other as well. If you already receive one or more
Normal: Without this feat, you can only get a single extra of these benefits with the other weapon, the effects overlap,
attack with an off-hand weapon, and add only half your rather than stack.
Strength bonus to damage with an off-hand weapon. If your base attack bonus is +11 or greater, magical
Source: This feat subsumes the Greater Two-Weapon properties possessed by one weapon apply to both (if there is
Fighting feat, and incorporates the Double Slice feat as well. an overlap, use the best of each category; enhancement
bonuses do not stack).
Two-Weapon Fighting, Oversized Source: This feat supersedes the Tempest prestige class
You are adept at wielding larger than normal weapons in feature of the same name, from Complete Adventurer. It can
your off-hand. also be used to simulate the Two-Weapon Warrior’s “twin
Prerequisite: Str 13, Two-Weapon Fighting. blades” variant class feature, from the Advanced Player’s
Benefit: When wielding a one-handed weapon in your off- Guide.
hand, you take penalties for fighting with two weapons as if Unarmed Combat, Versatile
you were wielding a light weapon in your off-hand.
Source: Complete Adventurer. [Unarmed]
You employ a variety of unarmed fighting styles, allowing you
Two-Weapon Strike to alter the type of damage your attacks deal.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, base attack bonus +6; Two-Weapon Prerequisite: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (unarmed
Fighting and Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, or two claw attacks).
attacks. Benefit: As a swift action, you can opt for your unarmed
Benefit: If you hit an opponent with both your primary strikes to deal your choice of bludgeoning, piercing, or
attack and your off-hand attack (or both claw attacks) during slashing damage. Once you make this choice, your unarmed
the same round, you can apply the effects of one Strike feat strikes continue to deal the chosen damage type until you use
you possess, even if the normal activating conditions have not another swift action to change it.
been met. If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can change
Synergy: the damage type as a free action. In addition, for each
consecutive round that you change the type of damage
When used in conjunction with the Vital Strike feat in selected from the previous round, the threat range of your
melee, you also add 1½ times your Strength bonus to the unarmed attack increases by 1, to a maximum of 15-20/x2
Vital Strike damage. This supersedes the Two-Weapon after 4 rounds (2 rounds if you also have the Improved
Rend feat and the Rending Claws feat from the Advanced Critical feat).
Player’s Guide. You cannot also apply the Mountain
Hammer ability, however (see Advanced Fighter Talents).
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, your unarmed Weapon Finesse, Special [Finesse]
attacks can deal two different types of damage You can apply finesse to weapons that do not normally
simultaneously (e.g., bludgeoning and slashing). allow it.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 13, Martial Weapon Proficiency,
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, your unarmed Weapon Finesse.
attacks deal bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. For Benefit: Choose a weapon group for which you have at
purposes of increasing the threat range (see above), the least the Martial level of proficiency. You can use all weapons
damage type is treated as if it were re-assigned each round. from that group in conjunction with the Weapon Finesse feat,
even if this is not normally possible.
Special: If you possess this feat, your unarmed attacks are
treated as natural weapons for purposes of spells such as If your base attack bonus is +6 or greater, you can apply
greater magic fang and for purposes of qualifying for feats your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier
such as Eldritch Claws (q.v.). on damage rolls as well as attack rolls.
Source: Players Handbook II. This feat also subsumes the If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can apply
Hamatulatsu feat from the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign both your Strength modifier and your Dexterity modifier
Setting and the Mountain Breaking Fists feat from The to attacks, and choose which modifier to apply to damage.
Warrior’s Way (Sinister Adventures, LLC).
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you can apply
Weapon Finesse [Finesse] both your Strength modifier and your Dexterity modifier
You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as to both attacks and damage.
opposed to brute strength.
Benefit: With a light weapon, natural weapon, or weapon Normal: Weapon Finesse applies only to light weapons
with the “finesse” property made for a creature of your size and weapons with the “finesse” property.
category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your
Strength modifier on attack rolls and when calculating CMB. Weapon Focus
Additionally, you can substitute your Dexterity modifier Choose one specific type of weapon (e.g., longswords). You
instead of your Strength modifier when calculating any can also choose unarmed attacks or grapples (or rays, if you
Strength-dependent DCs for strike feats (q.v.) and/or strike are a spellcaster) as your weapon for purposes of this feat.
talents you possess. Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, base
If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack bonus +1.
attack rolls. Benefit: You gain a +1 competence bonus to all attack rolls
If your base attack bonus is +6 or greater, you can apply you make using the selected weapon. For every 5 points of
your Dexterity bonus instead of your Strength bonus on your base attack bonus thereafter, this competence bonus
damage rolls as well as attack rolls. Any Strength penalty increases by an additional +1, per the following table:
to damage still applies, however. Base Attack Bonus Attack Bonus
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can apply +1 to +5 +1
your Strength modifier and/or your Dexterity modifier to
damage, at your option, and can choose which modifier to +6 to +10 +2
apply to attacks and CMB. +11 to +15 +3
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you can apply +16 or higher +4
both your Strength bonus (if positive) and your Dexterity
bonus to attacks, CMB, and damage. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times; each time, it
applies to a new type of weapon.
Special: Other feats requiring this feat gain the [Finesse] Special: This feat is merged with the Weapon Focus feat
descriptor. Synergy: If you have the weapon training class feature,
Synergy: You cannot use this feat in conjunction with the Weapon Focus applies to a weapons group (Chapter 6)
Power Attack feat.The rogue’s Opportune Strike class feature instead of a single weapon type.
applies when determining the effects of this feat. Source: This feat scales so as to subsume the Epic
Source: This feat also subsumes the Agile Maneuvers feat Weapon Focus feat from the 3.5 edition System Reference
from the core rules, the Fury’s Fall feat from Cheliax: Empire Document (“Epic Feats”).
of Devils, the Shadow Blade feat from the Tome of Battle, the
Aldori Swordlord’s Deft Strike prestige class feature, and the
Mythic Weapon Finesse feat from Mythic Adventures.
Sunder, Greater: Whenever you sunder armor or shield
Weapon Maneuvers, Improved and destroy it, any excess damage is applied to the
[Maneuver] wielder/wearer (no damage is transferred if you decide to
leave the item with 1 hit point). If you sunder an
Prerequisites: Combat Expertise. opponent's armor or shield and destroy the item with a
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when single hit, you instead deal an amount of damage to your
performing a bind, disarm, or sunder combat maneuver. In opponent equal to the total amount of damage you dealt to
addition, you receive a +2 competence bonus on checks made destroy the armor or shield (this supersedes the Deadly
to bind, disarm, parry, or sunder a foe’s weapon. This bonus Concussion feat from Dragon magazine, issue 333).
increases by an additional +1 per 4 points of your base attack
bonus. You gain a like bonus to the DC for performing these If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you gain the
combat maneuvers against you as well. When attacking an following additional ability:
object, you ignore 1 point of the object’s hardness per +1
bonus granted by this feat. Sunder, Aggressive: When you successfully sunder a
If your base attack bonus is +6 or greater, you gain the weapon using your weapon, you cause broken pieces of
following additional abilities: the sundered weapon to strike its bearer. Immediately
Blade Binder: Whenever you successfully bind an make an attack roll (as a free action) against the weapon's
opponent’s weapon with yours, that opponent gains wielder (using only your base attack bonus and any
grappled and flat-footed conditions until he wrests his masterwork or enhancement attack bonus the sundered
weapon free (by succeeding at a combat maneuver check weapon had). If this attack hits, the target takes damage as
as an attack action) or drops it (as a free action) on his if he was struck by the weapon in its unsundered state.
turn. Dropping the weapon provokes an immediate attack This option is from Sean K Reynolds’ web site.
of opportunity from you (the opponent is aware of this if
he or she succeeds at a combat maneuver check against Synergy: There are two major areas of synergy:
you as a free action). This supersedes the Blade Binder Come to Grips: If you have the Improved Grapple or
feat, from the Pathfinder Campaign Setting. Improved Trip feat, after a successful parry or bind with a
Disarm, Greater: Whenever you successfully disarm an Finesse weapon, you may immediately make a trip
opponent, the weapon lands a number feet away from its attempt or initiate a grapple as a free action that does not
previous wielder equal to your disarm CMB check results, provoke an attack of opportunity. This option duplicates
in a random direction. You can choose the direction by the Come to Grips feat from Art of the Duel (Sinister
reducing the distance by 5 ft.; if you cause the weapon Adventures LLC). Historical Note: Wrestling was often
land within 15 ft., you specify the exact location (including used as a foundation for weapon training, and many sword
into your off-hand, if desired). instructors integrated swordplay with wrestling, especially
in Germany and Italy.
Blinding/Disarming/Sundering Strike (Strike): As a
standard action, you can make a single melee attack. If it Swashbuckler: If you have the Weapon Finesse feat, are
hits, you gain a bind, disarm, or sunder attempt (your wielding a light or one-handed weapon in one hand, and
choice) against that opponent as a free action. You can use have nothing in your other hand, then the bonuses granted
this attack in conjunction with the Vital Strike feat (q.v.). by this feat are doubled. (This allows a better simulation of
This emulates the Warblade’s disarming strike maneuver, the various swashbuckling movies with Douglas
from the Tome of Battle. Fairbanks and Errol Flynn.)
Sundering Parry: If you successfully use a held action to Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when
parry an opponent’s attack, you can automatically attempt performing a bind, disarm, or sunder combat maneuver.
to sunder the weapon; this does not require an action. Disarmed weapons and gear land at the feet of the disarmed
This emulates the Crushing Defense feat from Dragon creature. You cannot ignore item hardness when sundering,
magazine (issue 301). and excess sundering damage is wasted.
Source: This feat combines the Improved Disarm,
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you gain the Improved Sunder, Greater Disarm, and Greater Sunder feats
following additional abilities: from the core rules.
Halbschwert: You can wield any weapon with which you
have at least Martial proficiency against a foe grappling
you, without the normal penalty. This simulates one
function of the Weapon Supremacy feat, from the Players
Handbook II.
Source: This feat scales so as to subsume the Epic
Weapon Proficiency, Exotic Weapon Specialization feat from the 3.5 edition System
Benefit: You gain the Exotic level of proficiency with one Reference Document (“Epic Feats”).
specific weapon (Chapter 6).
Special: You can gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency multiple
times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different
Synergy: If you gain Exotic proficiency with two weapons
in the same weapons group (e.g., the broadsword and the
bastard sword, both heavy blades), you automatically gain
Exotic proficiency with all other weapons in that same group
(e.g., the falchion, greatsword, scimitar, and scythe).
Weapon Proficiency, Martial
Benefit: Choose one weapons group (see Equipment). You
have the Martial level of proficiency with all weapons in that
Special: You can gain Martial Weapon Proficiency multiple
times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of
weapon. Barbarians, fighters, paladins, and rangers have
Martial proficiency with all weapons. They need not select
this feat.
Weapon Proficiency, Simple
You are trained in the basic use of most weapons.
Benefit: You gain the Simple level of proficiency with all
weapons (see Equipment).
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not
proficient, you take a –4 competence penalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characters except for druids and wizards
automatically have Simple proficiency with all weapons. They
need not select this feat.
Weapon Specialization
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon
Focus with selected weapon.
Benefit: You gain a +1 competence bonus on all damage
rolls you make using the selected weapon. For every 4 points
of your base attack bonus, this damage bonus increases by
+1, as per the following table:
Base Attack Bonus Damage Bonus
+0 to +3 +1
+4 to +7 +2
+8 to +11 +3
+12 to +15 +4
+16 to +19 +5
+20 or above +6

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do
not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type
of weapon.
Special: This feat is merged with the Weapon Focus feat
Synergy: If you have the weapon training class feature,
Weapon Focus applies to a weapons group (Chapter 6)
instead of a single weapon type.
If your base attack bonus is at least +6, neither you nor
one adjacent ally are treated as being flanked.
Combat Feats, Stances
Unless otherwise specified, a stance requires a half-move If your base attack bonus is at least +11, you do not need
action to activate (i.e., you can still make a full attack, but an adjacent ally to gain the benefits this feat if you are
cannot make any other movement that round). Once initiated, within 5 ft. of a pillar, wall, etc.
it lasts until you adopt another stance (as a swift action), or If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, no adjacent
until you move (see below), after which time it can be re- allies are treated as being flanked while you are in this
adopted as a half-move action on your next turn. You cannot stance.
maintain a stance while dazed, helpless, staggered, stunned,
or unconscious.
While in a stance, you cannot willingly move from your Combat Expertise [Stance]
current position through any means (including normal Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
movement, riding a mount, teleportation, or willingly allowing Benefit: You can only choose to use this feat when you
allies to carry you). If you enter a stance while on a moving declare that you are making an attack or full-attack action
vehicle you do not control (such as a wagon or ship), you can with a melee weapon. You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your
maintain the stance even if the vehicle moves. However, if you armor class for 1 round. For every 4 points of your base
move under your own power as a result of an enemy’s attack bonus, the bonus to AC increases by +1. You take a
successful use of the Bluff skill or an enchantment spell―or penalty on all attack rolls that round equal to the AC bonus
suffer any uncontrolled movement, as by a Bull Rush or gained.
telekinesis effect―your stance ends. If you choose to give up all of your normal attacks for the
Unless noted otherwise in the description, it is not possible round, the bonus to AC is doubled (+2, +2 for every 4 points of
to gain the effects of more than one stance at a time unless BAB).
you also have the Stance Mastery fighter class feature (q.v.).
Special: All [stance] feats are also [combat] feats, although Base Attack Attack Defensive Total
the [combat] descriptor is omitted in the titles. Bonus Penalty Fighting Defense
+1 to +3 -1 +1 +2
Assassin’s Stance [Skill, Stance] +4 to +7 -2 +2 +4
Prerequisite: Stealth 1 rank as a class skill. +8 to +11 -3 +3 +6
Benefit: While you are in this stance, you gain sneak attack
+1d6 (or your existing sneak attack damage increases by +12 to +15 -4 +4 +8
+1d6). For every 5 ranks in Stealth you possess above the 1st, +16 to +19 -5 +5 +10
the sneak attack damage granted by this stance increases by
+1d6. +20 -6 +6 +12
Special: You can exceed your normal level-based
maximum sneak attack damage using this feat; this is a Synergy: If you also have the Vital Strike and Weapon
specific exception to the rule that sneak attack damage can Finesse feats, when in this stance and fighting defensively or
never exceed +1d6 per 2 HD you possess (rounded up). using total defense, you apply your Vital Strike damage to any
Synergy: If you have the Vital Strike feat, you can use the melee attack you make with a finesse weapon. This
Bluff skill in place of Stealth for purposes of this feat; you supersedes the Deadly Defense feat from Complete
increase your Vital Strike damage, rather than your sneak Scoundrel.
attack damage. Normal: The attack penalties when fighting defensively are
Source: Tome of Battle. double those shown in the table.
Note: In essence, this feat doubles the effectiveness of
Avoid Critical Hit [Skill, Stance] fighting defensively, and should logically be renamed
Improved Defensive Fighting. The name “Combat Expertise”
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Dodge, base attack bonus +6, is retained for the convenience of interaction with 3.5 and
Acrobatics 6 ranks. Pathfinder rules that reference this feat.
Benefit: While in this stance, you can attempt to cancel any
critical hit made against you as an immediate action. Note the Duck and Cover [Stance]
modified attack roll that confirmed that a critical hit has been
scored against you, and make an Acrobatics skill check. If Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to at least one ally and
your check result equals or exceeds the confirming roll (with both of you are required to make a Reflex saving throw
modifications) then the critical hit is instead treated as a against a spell or effect, you may take the result of your die
normal hit. roll or that of your ally (your modifiers still apply to the roll,
Source: Dragon magazine, issue 292. regardless of which result you take). If you take your ally’s
result, you are knocked prone (or staggered on your next
Back to Back [Stance] turn, if you are already prone or cannot be knocked prone).
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher and your
Benefit: While in this stance and adjacent to at least one adjacent ally is wielding a shield, you gain your ally’s shield
ally, you cannot be flanked (i.e., opponents gain no Aid bonus to AC against ranged attacks.
Another bonuses to attack you).
Synergy: You can use this stance in conjunction with
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, if your adjacent Combat Expertise; this is a specific exception to the non-
ally has the Evasion ability, you gain it as well (you do not stacking rule for stances. If you do so for more than 3
gain Improved Evasion or Greater Evasion, however). consecutive rounds, your opponent must save (DC as above)
each round after the third or be fatigued. A fatigued opponent
must save each round or become exhausted instead. Any
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you are not interruption in the combat before the opponent succumbs
knocked prone or staggered. means that you must start over to use this feat. If you use
Combat Expertise against a fatigued or exhausted foe for 1
Source: This stance supersedes the teamwork feat of the round, then attack the next round without using Combat
same name from the Advanced Player’s Guide. Expertise, your opponent is flat-footed for 1 round and you
gain an additional +2 circumstance bonus to attack him until
Evade Reach [Stance] your next turn.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Dodge. Source: This feat combines the feat of the same name
Benefit: As a swift action, choose one creature within your from Dragon magazine, issue 345, and also the Armiger’s
line of sight. As long as you maintain this stance, that target’s “draining defense” class feature from Iron Heroes (Fiery
reach is treated as if it were 5 feet shorter with respect to Dragon Productions).
you, to a minimum effective reach of 5 ft. Flanking, Adaptable [Stance]
You can move and eliminate the target’s threatened area
entirely for purposes of your movement, but you must end Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Combat Reflexes,
your movement adjacent to that creature. The other effects of Improved Flanking.
this stance end immediately upon cessation of your Benefit: Each round, designate a single opponent as the
movement. target of this feat. When the chosen target is within your
reach, you can provide Aid Another bonuses to allies’ attacks
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, designating the against it as a free action, and you can choose to count as
target is a free action, and you can choose whether to occupying your square or any square you threaten for
reduce the opponent’s effective reach by 10 ft. (to a purposes of determining whether you can provide or receive
minimum of 5 ft.) or by 5 ft. (to minimum of 0 ft., meaning flanking bonuses with allies.
that that opponent cannot make attacks of opportunity
against you). If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, the designated
opponent is always treated as flanked by all opponents
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the opponent’s adjacent to it, even if they do not spend immediate actions.
effective reach is reduced by 15 ft. (minimum 5 ft.) or by
10 ft. (minimum 0 ft.). If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the effects of
this feat apply to all adjacent opponents.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the opponent’s
effective reach is reduced by 20 ft. (minimum 5 ft.) or by If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the effects of
15 ft. (minimum 0 ft.). this feat apply to all opponents within your reach.
Synergy: If your base attack bonus is at least +6 and you Source: Player’s Handbook II. This feat also subsumes the
also have the Combat Reflexes feat, whenever an opponent Superior Flanking feat from the Collected Book of
with effective reach of 0 ft. against you attempts an attack of Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press); the Dedicated
opportunity against another character, you can spend one of Nuisance feat from Dragon magazine, issue 343; the Gang
your own attacks of opportunity to automatically negate the Up feat from the Advanced Player’s Guide; the Polearm
attempt. Master’s “flexible flanker” variant class feature from the
Source: This stance supersedes the Titan Mauler’s variant Advanced Player’s Guide; and the Swordsage’s island of
class feature of the same name, from Ultimate Combat, and blades stance, from the Tome of Battle.
also the Elusive Stance feat from Dragon magazine (issue
333), the covering strike maneuver from the Tome of Battle, Giant’s Stance [Stance]
the Running Circles feat from the Collected Book of Prerequisite: Power Attack.
Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press), and the Advance feat Benefit: As a swift action, you can adopt a stance allowing
from the Pathfinder Beta Playtest. you to put extra leverage into your blows. As long as you
Exhausting Defense [Stance] remain in this stance, you deal damage in melee as if any
weapon you wield (or any unarmed attack) was one size
You coax your opponents into wasting their strength. greater than actual. You gain no size modifiers; only base
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, Dodge. damage changes.
Benefit: Designate one foe per round as the target of this Source: Tome of Battle.
feat. The target must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half
your base attack bonus + your Constitution modifier) each
round when attacking you in melee or suffer an amount of
nonlethal damage equal to 1d6 + your Constitution modifier.
The target suffers this damage a maximum of once per round,
no matter how many times you are attacked.
Hold the Line [Stance] Menacing Stance [Skill, Stance]
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Dodge. While in this stance, you constantly harry and distract your
Benefit: While in this stance, you get a +1 dodge bonus to enemies, causing them to make mistakes.
Armor Class against charge attacks; this bonus improves by Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Staredown.
+1 per 4 points of your base attack bonus (maximum +6 at Benefit: While adjacent to you, enemies take a –1 morale
BAB +20). This bonus also applies to your CMB when penalty to attack rolls and Concentration checks. These
attempting a Counter Charge maneuver (Chapter 1). penalties increase by 1 for every four points of your base
attack bonus and 4 ranks of Bluff you possess (to a maximum
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, any opponent of –6 at BAB +20 and 20 ranks in Bluff). They overlap with
who misses you with a charge attack provokes an attack of (do not stack with) the penalties imposed by the shaken
opportunity from you. condition.
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can also Source: This stance supersedes the Brawler’s variant class
make an attack of opportunity against any charging feature of the same name, from Ultimate Combat.
opponent who enters the area you threaten, even if you
are not targeted. This attack of opportunity happens Mystic Phoenix Stance [Stance]
immediately before the charge attack is resolved. If you Prerequisites: BAB +6, able to cast arcane spells, Arcane
use a weapon with the brace property, this attack deals Boost.
double damage as if you had set it to receive the charge. Benefit: While in this stance, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to
AC and to Concentration checks to cast defensively during
Special: This feat does not grant you more attacks of any round in which you cast a spell or attempt to cast a spell
opportunity than you are normally allowed in a round. If you or use a spell-like ability. In addition, when you activate your
are flat-footed or otherwise denied your Dexterity bonus to Arcane Boost ability, the effects of that feat last for as long as
Armor Class, you do not gain the benefit of this feat. you maintain this stance (maximum 1 round per level of the
Normal: You only get an attack of opportunity against a spell expended).
character that exits a square you threaten. Source: This feat emulates the Jade Phoenix Mage
Source: Complete Warrior. This feat also subsumes the prestige class feature of the same name, from the Tome of
Sidestep Charge feat from the 3.5 edition System Reference Battle.
Document (“Psionic Feats”); the Phalanx Fighter’s “ready
pike” variant class feature from the Advanced Player’s Guide; Opportunist, Paired [Stance]
and the Resist Charge feat from the Collected Book of Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press). Benefit: Whenever you are in this stance and adjacent to at
Lunge [Stance] least one ally, enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity
from your ally also provoke attacks of opportunity from you
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1. so long as you threaten them (even if the situation or an
Benefit: When you adopt this stance, you increase the ability would normally deny you the attack of opportunity).
reach of your melee attacks by 5 feet by taking a -2 penalty to This does not allow you to take more than one attack of
your AC until your next turn. You can return to a normal opportunity against a creature for a given action.
stance (using your standard reach) as a free action.
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, the ally need not
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can activate be adjacent, but merely within your reach.
this feat as a swift action.
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, whenever an
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you do not ally successfully feints against an opponent, that opponent
suffer the penalty to AC. provokes an attack of opportunity from you.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you can activate If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, once per round
and de-activate this stance as a free action (i.e., it is no you can make an attack of opportunity against any
longer a stance, but a simple choice you make each time opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee.
you attack).
Synergy: The rogue’s Opportune Strike ability applies to
Martial Spirit [Stance] this feat (rogues with this feat also generally select the
Combat Reflexes and Vital Strike feats so as to apply sneak
Benefit: While you are in this stance, each time you attack damage as well).
successfully damage an opponent that represents a credible If your base attack bonus is at least +6 and you also have
threat with a melee attack, you or an ally within 30 feet (your the Pont-Blank Shot feat, when an ally makes a ranged attack
choice with each hit) heals 2 points of damage (multiplied on and hits an opponent within point-blank range of you, you can
a successful crit). This healing represents the vigor, drive, and make a single ranged attack of opportunity against that
toughness you inspire. opponent as an immediate action. Your ranged weapon must
Source: Tome of Battle. be in hand, loaded, and ready to be fired or thrown for you to
make the ranged attack.
Source: This stance supersedes the teamwork feat of the If your base attack bonus is at least +6, in an area covered
same name from the Advanced Player’s Guide, the Ranged in a layer of at least 1 inch of ash, dust, loose earth, or
Opportunist feat from Ultimate Combat, and the core rogue’s sand, as an immediate action you can supplement an
“opportunist” talent. attack made in that same round with flung or kicked
material. A foe damaged by your attack is blinded 1 round
Redirection [Stance] (Fortitude negates; DC 10 + half your base attack bonus +
You can adopt a stance allowing you to use an opponent’s your Dex modifier).
power against him.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Martial Weapon If your base attack bonus is at least +11, the blinding spray
Proficiency (unarmed attacks), Improved Bull Rush or of sand affects either a 5-ft. cone or a 5-ft. burst, at your
Improved Trip, Power Attack. option
Benefit: As an immediate action, you can attempt a
reposition or trip combat maneuver against an opponent who Special: Equivalent feats for different impeding conditions
charges you, who attempts a forcing maneuver against you, in other favored terrains might be allowed: Forest Dancer
or who attacks you using the Power Attack feat. This (undergrowth), Mountain Dancer (scree), etc.
maneuver counts as an attack of opportunity on your part. If Source: This feat subsumes the feat of the same name,
successful, the attack is foiled and the attacker is sickened for and also the Sandspinner and Sand Snare feats, from
1 round, plus an additional round per 4 points of your base Sandstorm.
attack bonus. A Reflex save (DC = 10 + half your BAB + your
Wisdom modifier) applies to halve the duration. Shared Shield [Stance]
You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on the combat Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.
maneuver check and to the save DC for the redirection if the Benefit: As long as you have at least one attack of
attacker is charging you or attempting a forcing maneuver opportunity left, when you fight defensively, you can apply
against you. If the opponent is using Power Attack, these that bonus to AC as a shield bonus to the AC of one ally you
bonuses are instead equal to the penalty to attacks from the designate within your reach (you gain no AC bonus yourself,
opponent’s Power Attack. If the opponent uses Power Attack in this case).
on a charge, the bonuses stack (this is a specific exception to If you are actively using a shield, you can instead simply
the non-stacking rule for like-named bonuses). choose to share the AC bonus gained from your shield with
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can use this one adjacent ally who does not have a shield (this does not
ability in response to one of the listed attack forms against require an action on your part), or share half this bonus with
an adjacent ally. all adjacent allies.
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can use
redirection against any opponent that attacks you in Improvements to fighting defensively (such as Combat
melee, even that opponent is not using one of the listed Expertise and Elaborate Defense) can also be applied
attack forms. when using this feat to protect one ally; this is a specific
exception to general rule of non-stacking of stance effects.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you can use If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, when you fight
redirection in response to any melee attack against an defensively or use the total defense option, the full AC
adjacent ally. bonus you receive extends to all allies in adjacent squares
as well, as long as you retain at least one unused attack of
Synergy: If you have both the Improved Bull Rush and opportunity. If you use the Combat Expertise feat or the
Improved Trip feats, you can make both a reposition and a Elaborate Defense talent, you receive the full benefit of the
trip maneuver as part of a single immediate action with this feat or talent, and adjacent allies receive the normal
ability. fighting defensively bonus (+1, +1 per 4 points of your
Special: This feat allows you to qualify for the Manticore BAB) in addition to the shield bonus.
Parry fighter talent (q.v.) as if it were a feat, provided you meet
the other prerequisites and your base attack bonus is +11 or You can use this feat in conjunction with the Two-Weapon
higher. This simulates the Elusive Redirection feat from Defense feat. When this is done with a polearm, the effect
Ultimate Combat. is similar to the Polearm Master’s “polearm parry” variant
Source: This feat supersedes the Flowing Monk’s variant class feature, from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
class feature of the same name, from Ultimate Combat.
Source: Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc
Sand Dancer [Stance] Press). This feat also subsumes the Covering Defense and
Saving Shield feats, and Phalanx Fighter’s “shield ally”
Prerequisite: Favored terrain (deserts). variant class feature, from the Advanced Player’s Guide, the
Benefit: If you successfully trip an opponent in any area of Cavalier’s “champion” class feature from Robert J. Schwalb’s
ash, dust, loose earth, or sand that is at least 1 inch deep, that The Cavalier’s Handbook (Green Ronin Publishing), and the
opponent must take a full-round action to stand during the Knight Protector’s “defensive stance” prestige class feature,
round after being tripped. Following that round, the target can from Complete Warrior.
get to his feet with a move action (as normal). The opponent
still provokes attacks of opportunity while attempting to
stand, as normal.
Shield Wall [Stance] Stance Mastery [Combat]
You are skilled at positioning yourself together with those You can maintain stances when others cannot.
around you for greater protection. Prerequisites: BAB +6; any stance feat or talent.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency. Benefit: While in a stance that normally ends if you move,
Benefit: Whenever you are wielding a shield and are you can move 5 ft. (or take a 5-ft. step) and still maintain the
adjacent to an ally who is doing likewise, the AC bonus from effects of the stance. If you remain immobile, you can instead
your shields increases. If an adjacent ally is wielding a light choose to maintain the effects of two stances simultaneously.
shield, your shield bonus increases by +1; if your ally is
wielding a heavy shield, your shield bonus increases by +2. If If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can move
your ally is wielding a tower shield, your shield bonus up to 10 feet and still maintain the stance.
increases by +3; if the ally instead uses the tower shield to
gain total cover, you also benefit if an attack targeting you If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you can move
passes through the edge of the shield (see page 153 of the up to half your normal speed and still maintain the stance.
Core Rulebook).
Source: This feat supersedes the teamwork feat of the Source: This feat supersedes the Warblade class feature of
same name, from the Advanced Player’s Guide. the same name from the Tome of Battle, and also the
Stalwart Defender’s “mobile stance” prestige class feature
Snake Style [Skill, Stance] from the Advanced Player’s Guide and the Master of Many
You watch your foe’s every movement and then punch Styles’ “perfect style” variant class feature from Ultimate
through its defense. Combat.
Prerequisites: Bluff 1 rank, Combat Reflexes, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (unarmed attacks), Improved Feint. Steadfast Pike [Stance]
Benefit: While in this stance, your baffling defense (see Prerequisite: Martial Weapon Proficiency (pole-arms or
Improved Feint) is always active; roll Bluff once per round spears).
and use the results in place of your AC against all attacks. Benefit: You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls
Your CMB in this stance is equal to your Bluff results + your with readied attacks and attacks of opportunity made with a
Strength modifier + your size modifier + any bonuses from spear or polearm with which you have at least Martial
Improved Maneuvers feats. proficiency. The bonus increases by +1 for every four points
If you have at least 6 ranks in Bluff, whenever you score a of your base attack bonus (maximum +6 at BAB +20).
critical threat with an unarmed attack while in this stance, Synergy: If you also have Exotic proficiency with a polearm
you can make a Bluff check in place of the attack roll to or spear with the “brace” property, you deal triple damage
confirm the critical hit. Whenever you confirm a critical against charging opponents, rather than double damage,
hit with your unarmed attack, you can spend an when set to receive a charge. Alternatively, when set to
immediate action to take a 5-foot step even if you have receive a charge from a mounted opponent, you can brace
otherwise moved this round; this step does not end your your weapon and deal double damage to the mount and
stance. normal damage to the rider if you hit the mount.
Source: This feat supersedes the Polearm Master’s variant
If you have at least 11 ranks in Bluff, when an opponent’s class feature of the same name, from the Advanced Player’s
attack misses you while you are using this stance (i.e., fails Guide.
to meet your Bluff results), you can make an unarmed
attack against that opponent as an attack of opportunity Steady Stance [Stance]
(assuming you have at least one attack of opportunity Benefit: While in this stance, you gain a +4 circumstance
remaining that round, after the one you used for your AC). bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense. This bonus
If you have at least 16 ranks in Bluff, if you make an increases by an additional +1 per 4 points of your base attack
unarmed attack of opportunity in response to a miss and bonus.
you score a hit, you can make another attack of
opportunity against the same opponent (assuming you Vigilant Defender [Stance]
have at least one attack of opportunity left after using the Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
other two with this feat). Benefit: Each round you are in this stance, select one
adjacent ally. Attacks made against that ally provoke attacks
Source: This feat duplicates the Snake Style, Snake of opportunity from you. These attacks of opportunity are
Sidewind, and Snake Fang feats, from Ultimate Combat. made with a morale bonus equal to one-fourth of your base
attack bonus (maximum +5 at BAB +20).
If your base attack bonus is at least +6, the ally need not
be adjacent, as long as he or she is within reach.
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, you can defend
two adjacent allies.
All [Strike] feats are also [Combat] feats, although the
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, you can defend [Combat] descriptor is omitted in the titles.
two allies within reach, or on any number of adjacent allies. Sources: Strike feats are meant to organize the various
“critical” feats from the Pathfinder core rules, the “assault”
Synergy: The rogue’s Opportune Strike class feature applies feats from the Advanced Player’s Guide, and the “martial
to this feat. strikes” from the Tome of Battle into a more or less unified
Source: This feat supersedes the Devoted Defender’s mechanic.
“defensive strike” class feature, from Sword and Fist.
Anchoring Blow [Strike]
Wind Stance [Stance] Your ties to the Prime Material Plane are stronger than most.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, BAB +1, Dodge. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: If you move more than 5 feet, you gain a 10% miss Benefit: As a standard action, you can perform an
chance (treat as due to concealment) against ranged attacks anchoring blow. Any opponent damaged by that attack is also
for 1 round. For every 4 points of your base attack bonus, the affected as if by a dimensional anchor spell (caster level
miss chance increases by 10% (maximum 60% at BAB +20). equals your base attack bonus). There is no saving throw, but
Special: This stance is a specific exception to the general spell resistance applies normally.
rule of non-mobility for stances; rather, it requires movement You can apply this talent to a full attack action, but this
in order to operate. imposes a -5 penalty to all attacks made that round.
Source: This feat subsumes the Lightning Stance feat as
well, and the Swordsage’s child of shadow stance from the If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you gain the
Tome of Battle. effects of a permanent dimensional anchor on yourself as
well as an extraordinary ability. You can lower or reinstate
it as a free action. While this ability is active, any creature
Combat Feats, Strikes you grapple is likewise automatically affected.
Strikes are a special subset of combat feats that add If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you can enter a
additional effects to your attacks, but generally at the cost of stance that expands your dimensional anchor to an aura
being able to make only one attack that round (some strikes to encompass a 20-ft. emanation (as a dimensional lock
can be applied to multiple attacks, but at a penalty, as noted spell). This effect has all the limitations standard to
in the description). Unless otherwise noted, Strikes that [Stance] feats.
require an attack as a standard action can also be used in
conjunction with a single attack at the end of a charge, or a Synergy: If you also have the planar tracking class feature
single attack made using the Spring Attack feat. (see Ranger), when a creature you are grappling attempts to
Immunity: In general, Strikes are ineffective against dimension door, plane shift, teleport, or use any similar
creatures that are immune to critical hits or that do not have transportation effect, you immediately know the intended
a discernible anatomy, although this latter condition is waived destination and can choose whether to apply your
if you have oozes as a favored enemy (see the ranger lore of dimensional anchor effect, lower the effect and allow the
the same name). effect as intended, or allow the effect and also “piggyback”
Saving Throws: Many Strikes allow a saving throw to along, as if you had no weight (for purposes of counting
mitigate the effects. Unless otherwise noted, the save DC is against the weight limit of effects like dimension door). This
equal to 10 + half your base attack bonus + your Strength supersedes the Guardian’s Dimensional Grappler ability from
modifier. If you have the Weapon Finesse feat and execute a Mythic Adventures.
Strike, you can instead choose to set the DC as 10 + half your Source: Dragon magazine, issue 306. It also supersedes
BAB + your Dexterity modifier. For strikes that activate on a the Aura of Stability power from the Planar Handbook.
critical and allow a saving throw, add +2 to the save DC for
weapons with a x3 critical multiplier, and +4 to the save DC Avalanche of Blows [Strike]
for weapons with a x4 critical multiplier.
Synergy: The effects of most strikes can be automatically Prerequisites: BAB +11, Combat Reflexes.
applied to certain other attacks, depending on the Benefit: As a full attack action, make a single attack. If this
prerequisites met: attack hits, you may spend an immediate action to make a
To a single attack of opportunity if you have the Combat second attack against the same opponent, albeit at a –4
Reflexes feat; penalty. As long as you continue to hit the opponent, you can
continue to make additional attacks against that same target,
To a confirmed critical hit if you have the Critical Focus but each additional attack suffers an additional –4 penalty (-8
feat; for the third attack, -12 for the fourth, -16 for the fifth, etc.).
Any miss breaks the tempo and ends your chain of attacks.
To a pin if you have the Improved Grapple feat; Synergy: If you have the rogue’s “surprise attacks” class
To a sneak attack if you are a rogue with the Opportune feature, you can activate the Avalanche of Blows feat
Strike class feature. whenever you successfully sneak attack an opponent during a
surprise round. This supersedes the Hellcat Pounce feat from
Cheliax: Empire of Devils.
Special: Unless you have the Striking Mastery feat (q.v.),
the effects of only one strike can be added to any given attack.
Special: If you have the Multiattack feat and it normally You can use this feat in conjunction with a full attack, but
applies to your iterative attacks, it reduces the attack penalty doing so imposes a -5 penalty to all your attacks that round.
of the second attack by 3, so that the second attack is at -1, The effects of multiple hits do not stack, but do increase the
the third at -5, the fourth at -9, and so on. duration.
Source: This feat simulates the avalanche of blades strike, Source: Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc
from the Tome of Battle. Press). This feat also supersedes the Rogue’s befuddling
strike talent from the Advanced Player’s Guide and the
Awesome Blow [Strike] Archer’s “distracting shot” token ability from Iron Heroes
Prerequisites: Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack; BAB +6 (Fiery Dragon Productions).
or Str 25. Bleeding Strike [Strike]
Benefit: As a standard action, make one melee attack
against a creature at least one size category smaller than you Prerequisites: Str 13 and Power Attack or Dex 13 and
are (or the same size, if you have the Powerful Build trait). If Weapon Finesse; base attack bonus +6 or sneak attack +1d6.
successful, the attack deals normal damage, and if the attack Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single attack
roll results exceed the opponent’s CMD, the victim is thrown with a slashing or piercing weapon that deals an additional
10 feet in a direction of your choice and falls prone. For every 1d6 points of bleed damage per round, in addition to normal
5 points by which your attack roll beats the opponent’s CMD, damage. You can use this feat in conjunction with a full
you can add an additional 5 ft. to the distance thrown. You attack, but this imposes a -5 penalty on all attacks that round
can only throw the opponent in a straight line, and the and reduces the bleed damage to 1d4.
opponent can’t move closer to you than the square it started The amount of bleed damage increases with your base
in. An enemy you throw with this feat does not provoke attack bonus, according to the following table:
attacks of opportunity for movement while being thrown. If
the thrown creature’s trajectory causes it to strike an object, Bleed Damage on a:
the creature and object take damage as if you had struck Base Attack Standard Action
them with an unarmed attack. +6 to +10 1d6
You can use this feat as part of a full attack, but all attacks
and combat maneuver checks that round suffer a -5 penalty. +11 to +15 1d8
Synergy: +16 or higher 2d6
If you have the Improved Grapple feat, you can use this A creature continues to take bleed damage every round at
ability in conjunction with an unarmed attack against a the start of its turn. Bleed damage can be stopped by a DC 15
creature of any size that you would normally be able to Heal check or through any magical healing. Bleed damage
grapple. This usage supersedes the Great Throw feat from from this feat does not stack with itself unless you also have
Oriental Adventures, the Ki Throw feats from the the Striking Mastery feat (q.v.).
Advanced Player’s Guide, and the various Swordsage Special: You can use this feat in conjunction with a full
“mighty throw” strikes, from the Tome of Battle (the latter attack when using a melee or thrown weapon with the fragile
particularly if combined with Vital Strike; see below). quality (i.e., that breaks on a 1, such as a stone weapon; see
If you have the Vital Strike feat, if an obstacle prevents the Special Materials under “Equipment”). You take no penalty to
completion of the opponent’s move, add your Vital Strike attacks, but instead give your weapon the broken condition
damage to the creature and impacted object. If the on a successful hit if you activate this feat. You cannot
obstacle is another creature, it is also knocked prone if the activate this effect with a weapon that is already broken This
damage dealt to it in this manner is greater than its CMD. supersedes the Splintering Weapon feat from Ultimate
Baffling Strike [Strike] Synergy: If activate this Strike as part of a sneak attack,
instead of rolling for bleed damage, you may instead set it
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. equal to the number of dice of sneak attack damage dealt.
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. Any This supersedes the Bleeding Attack rogue talent from the
opponent damaged by this attack is also hampered for 1 core rules.
round, taking a circumstance penalty to attack rolls equal to Source: This feat now subsumes the Bloody Assault feat
half your base attack bonus (round up). The penalty does not from the Advanced Player’s Guide and the Belier’s Bite feat
multiply on a successful critical hit, but the duration does. from Cheliax: Empire of Devils.
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, on a failed save
the effects last for 1 round per point of your base attack
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the effects
apply to the target’s next attack even on a successful save.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the effects
apply until the start of your next turn, even on a successful
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, in addition to
Blinding Strike [Strike] the auto-confirmation of crits against the victim, the
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. target’s Fortification (if any) is negated until the victim is
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single attack fully healed.
that inflicts normal damage. If you damage an opponent with
a discernible anatomy, the foe must succeed at a Reflex save You can use this feat as part of a full attack, but doing so
or be dazzled (suffering a 20% miss chance and -4 to imposes a -5 penalty on all attack rolls that round.
Perception checks, as noted in Chapter 1) for a number of Source: Tome of Battle.
rounds equal to your base attack bonus.
Charge, Heedless [Strike]
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, on a failed save Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6.
the target is blinded instead of dazzled. A successful Benefit: When you make a single attack at the end of a
Reflex save reduces the blinded condition to dazzled. charge, you gain a bonus on attack rolls equal to half your
base attack bonus, while suffering a penalty to AC equal to
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the feat causes half your BAB. These replace the normal attack roll bonus
blindness 1 round even on a successful save, followed by and AC penalty for charging. The attack bonus also applies to
the dazzled condition for the remainder of the duration. your CMB for Overrun attempts made in conjunction with the
On a failed save, in addition to temporary blindness in charge.
both eyes, one eye is permanently blinded. Thereafter, the
victim takes a -2 penalty to ranged attacks and Perception If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can charge
checks due to poor depth perception. through friendly creatures and difficult terrain.
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, the blindness in If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the AC penalty
both eyes is permanent. is reduced to ¼ your BAB, rather than half.
Creatures with multiple eyestalks are not blinded. However, Synergy: When using the Power Attack feat in conjunction
creatures with eye-related powers (such as gaze attacks) may with a charge, you can convert the attack penalty from that
be unable to use those attacks until the blindness wears off. feat into an AC penalty instead.
This feat has no effect on creatures that do not rely on eyes Normal: Charging applies a flat +2 bonus to attack rolls
for sight or creatures with more than two eyes (although and a -2 penalty to AC.
multiple hits might cause blindness, depending on the Source: This feat supersedes the Savage Charge from the
referee’s discretion). This blindness can be cured by heal, Advanced Player’s Guide, and also the “heedless charge”
regeneration, remove blindness, or a similar ability. function of the Shock Trooper feat, from Complete Warrior.
Source: Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc
Press); this feat also subsumes the Blinding Critical feat from Cold Iron Strike [Strike]
the Pathfinder core rules and the Blinding Strike feat from Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack that
The Warrior’s Way (Sinister Adventures, LLC). The dazzling bypasses DR/cold iron.
function supersedes the Dazzling Attack feat from Dragon
magazine (issue 344), and emulates the Swordsage’s clinging If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, all your attacks
shadow strike and obscuring shadow veil strikes, from the bypass DR/cold iron. In addition, as a standard action you
Tome of Battle. can make a single attack as if your weapon had the bane
property against demons, fey, and other creatures
Bonecrusher Strike [Strike] susceptible to cold iron.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1. If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, all your attacks
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single melee attack. are bane against creatures susceptible to cold iron. As a
Any opponent with a discernible anatomy damaged by this standard action, you can make a single attack that
attack must succeed at a Fortitude save or suffer a -4 penalty suppresses any deflection bonus to AC and/or blur,
to AC for purposes of confirming critical hits against it (only). displacement, or invisibility effect on the target for 1
This penalty lasts until the target’s hit points are restored to round per point of your base attack bonus (Will save
their full normal total. reduces the duration to 1 round).
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, the penalty is If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the BAB +11
equal to your base attack bonus, and the target’s [strike] effects always apply, even if the attack does not
Fortification (if any, regardless of its source) is reduced by meet the normal activating conditions.
25% until the victim is fully healed.
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, all critical
threats against the target are automatically confirmed
until the victim is fully healed, and the target’s Fortification
(if any) is reduced by 50% during that time.
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, the attack deals
Concussive Strike [Strike] 2d6 attribute damage. Each die can be assigned to
You strike your opponent’s head, rattling his senses and Strength or Dexterity as you see fit. Alternatively, your
causing him to lose focus. strike can inflict 1d6 attribute drain to either Strength or
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1. Dexterity, or 1d6 Constitution damage.
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. If this If your base attack bonus is at least +16, the attack deals
attack damages an opponent with a discernible anatomy, that 3d6 attribute damage (each die assigned to Str or Dex as
target also takes a penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom, or you see fit, and up to 1 die can be applied to Constitution)
Charisma (your choice) equal to 1d6 points (Will save for or 2d6 attribute drain (likewise).
half). The penalty lasts 1 round per point of your base attack
bonus. Multiple hits do not stack penalties, but do increase In all cases, a Fortitude save applies for half.
the duration. Source: This feat supersedes the rogue talent and duelist
prestige class feature of the same name, and also the
If your base attack bonus is at least +6, instead of a Swashbuckler’s weakening critical and wounding critical
penalty, the strike deals a like amount of attribute damage. class features from Complete Warrior, the Disemboweling
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, the attribute Strike ambush feat from Complete Scoundrel, the Wounding
damage increases to 2d6 (all to the same stat or divided Attack feat from the 3.5 edition System Reference Document
between two mental attributes, at your option), or you can (“Psionic Feats”), the bone splitting strike and bloodletting
inflict 1d6 drain to one metal attribute instead. strike maneuvers from the Tome of Battle, and the
Bonebreaker and Neckbreaker feats from Ultimate Combat.
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, the attribute
damage increases to 3d6 (each die assigned to a mental Daunting Strike [Skill, Strike]
attribute as you see fit), or you can inflict 2d6 total Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Bluff 1 rank.
attribute drain instead. Benefit: As a standard action, make a single melee attack.
Any opponent damaged by this attack must succeed at a Will
Source: This feat emulates mind strike maneuver from the save (DC 10 + your Bluff skill bonus to demoralize) or be
Tome of Battle. shaken for 1 minute.
Confusing Blow [Bludgeoning, If your base attack bonus is at least +6 and you have at
least 6 ranks in Bluff, if the target fails the save by a
Strike] margin of 10 or greater (or is already shaken), he or she
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Weapon Focus with a becomes frightened.
bludgeoning weapon. If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher and you have at
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack with a least 11 ranks in Bluff, if the target fails the save by a
qualifying bludgeoning weapon. If successful, the target must margin of 15 or more, or fails by a margin of 10 or more if
succeed at a Will save or be confused for 1 round. already shaken, or fails at all and is already frightened, he
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, there is no or she becomes panicked.
saving throw against the effect. If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher and have at
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the confusion least 16 ranks in Bluff, if the target fails the save by a
automatically lasts 1 round; on a failed save, the confusion margin of 20 or more, or by 15 or more if already shaken,
lasts 1 round per point of your base attack bonus. or by 10 or more if already frightened, or fails at all and is
already panicked, he or she becomes cowering.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the confusion is
permanent on a failed save; on a successful save it lasts 1 You can use this feat as part of a full attack, but doing so
round per point of your base attack bonus. imposes a -5 penalty on all attack rolls that round.
Source: This feat supersedes the Head Shot ambush feat
from Complete Scoundrel. If you have at least 6 ranks in Bluff and also have the
Power Attack feat, whenever you damage an opponent
Crippling Strike [Strike] with a Power Attack, you may make an immediate Bluff
check as a free action to attempt to demoralize your
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1. opponent. This happens regardless of whether you meet
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. If this the normal activating conditions for the Daunting Strike
attack damages an opponent with a discernible anatomy, that feat. This usage supersedes the Cornugon Smash feat
target also takes a temporary penalty to Dexterity or Strength from the Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of
equal to 1d6 points (Fort save for half). The penalty lasts 1 Devils.
round per point of your base attack bonus. Multiple hits do
not stack penalties, but do increase the duration.
If your base attack bonus is at least +6, instead of a
penalty, the strike deals 1d6 attribute damage.
If you have the Staredown feat, you can activate your
Daunting Strike whenever you deal nonlethal damage to a foe Dispelling Strike [Skill, Strike]
using a melee weapon, even if the normal activating Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, Concentration 6 ranks
conditions are not met. The target is shaken for a number of or fighter 6th level.
rounds equal to the damage dealt. If your attack was a critical Benefit: As a standard action, make a single melee attack.
hit, your target is frightened for 1 round with a successful If you hit, you deal normal damage and the target is affected
Bluff check, as well as being shaken for a number of rounds by a targeted dispel magic (you can use your fighter level in
equal to the damage dealt. This supersedes the Enforcer feat place of your number of ranks in Concentration when
from the Advanced Player’s Guide and the Merciful Strike attempting the dispel check).
feat from Complete Scoundrel.
If you have the Staredown feat and your base attack bonus If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher and you have at
is +6 or higher, you can attempt to demoralize all onlookers least 11 ranks in Concentration (or 11 levels in Fighter),
within 30 ft. as a free action whenever you perform a the effect is per a targeted greater dispel magic instead.
Daunting Strike. This subsumes the sword saint’s “terrifying
iaijutsu” ability from the Pathfinder Player Companion: If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher and you have at
Dragon Empires Primer and the Avenging Executioner’s least 16 ranks in Concentration (or 16 levels in Fighter),
“bloody blade” prestige class feature from Complete the target hit is affected as if by a mage’s disjunction spell.
Source: This feat supersedes the Crusader’s strike of the You can use this strike in conjunction with a full attack, but
same name from the Tome of Battle, the Terrifying Attack feat doing so imposes a -5 penalty to all attacks made that round.
from Drow of the Underdark, the “bravado’s blade” ability Special: It is possible to use a dispelling strike as a
from the Advanced Player’s Guide, and the Bandit’s preemptive action (see Combat rules) to attack a spell
“fearsome strike” variant class feature and the Dragon passing into or through your threatened area.
Ferocity feat, from Ultimate Combat. Used in conjunction Source: This feat supersedes the Suel Archanomach
with the Critical Focus feat, it supersedes the Rounding Blow prestige class feature of the same name, from Complete
feat from the Book of Exalted Deeds. Arcane, and the Iconoclast’s “dispelling attack” variant class
feature, from Ultimate Combat.
Deafening Strike [Strike]
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. Disruptive Strike [Strike]
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. If this Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.
attack damages an opponent that has a discernible anatomy, Benefit: As a standard action, make a single melee attack.
that target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be deafened An opponent damaged by this attack must succeed at a
for a number of rounds equal to your base attack bonus. On a Fortitude save or take a penalty to Concentration checks for 1
successful critical hit, all durations (if applicable) are round equal to your base attack bonus.
multiplied by your critical multiplier. You can use this feat as
part of a full attack, but doing so imposes a -5 penalty on all If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, on a failed save
attack rolls that round. the target incurs a 20% chance of spell failure when
casting any spell (or attempting to use a spell-like ability)
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, on a successful for 1d4 rounds + an additional round for every 4 points of
save, the deafness lasts only 1 round, but the target is your base attack bonus. Unless specified to the contrary,
rendered overly sensitive to sound; for 1 minute, he or she all spell failure penalties (as from armor, etc.) stack. On a
takes a -4 penalty on saving throws against sonic attacks successful save, the target takes Concentration penalties
and language-dependent effects. as described above.
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, the deafness lasts If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the spell failure
until the target has been restored to its normal maximum chance is 50%.
hit point total.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the target
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, the deafness is cannot cast spells or activate spell-like abilities until the
permanent (this deafness can be cured by heal, start of your next turn.
regeneration, remove deafness, or a similar ability).
You can use this feat as part of a full attack, but doing so
Source: This subsumes the Deafening Attack ambush feat imposes a -5 penalty on all attack rolls that round. Creatures
from Complete Scoundrel, the Ring the Ear feat from Dragon immune to critical hits cannot be affected by this strike.
magazine (issue 344), and the Deafening Blow feat from Source: This feat supersedes the Arcanopath’s “strike of
Dragon magazine (issue 345). confusion” prestige class feature from Dragon magazine
(issue 281), and also the Black Powder Inquisition granted
power and the Spellbreaker’s “foil casting” variant class
feature, from Ultimate Combat.
Distracting Strike [Strike] Eldritch Erosion [Strike]
You can make a ferocious attack that forces the foe to Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.
concentrate on you. Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. If it
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, Bluff 6 ranks. hits, the target’s spell resistance is reduced by an amount
Benefit: Make a melee attack as a standard action. If you equal to half your base attack bonus (round up) for the
hit, your foe turns his or her attention to you, and one ally remainder of the encounter.
who is in position to give you an Aid Another bonus in combat You can use this feat as part of a full attack, but doing so
can instead make an attack of opportunity against that foe. imposes a -5 penalty on all attack rolls that round.
Source: This strike supersedes the ambush feat of the
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, all allies same name from Complete Scoundrel, and also the
threatening that opponent and can make an attack of Duskblade’s spell power class feature, from the Player’s
opportunity against it in place of providing an Aid Another Handbook II.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, allies who that Empowering Strike [Strike]
have already acted that round and are not threatening the Prerequisite: BAB +6, able to cast arcane spells.
target, but who have retained sufficient movement, can Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. If it
use that movement in order to close in and make an attack hits, one arcane spell you cast before the end of your next
of opportunity against the opponent you hit. turn is automatically empowered, without any increase in
casting time or spell level. The spell to be empowered must
Synergy: include the target of the attack as one of its targets or in its
If you also have the Improved Feint feat, you can activate area of effect. You need not have the Empower Spell feat to
the effects of this strike whenever you successfully feint an gain the Empowering Strike feat.
opponent in melee, even if the other conditions are not You can use this feat as part of a full attack, but doing so
met. imposes a -5 penalty on all attack rolls that round.
Source: This feat stands in for the Jade Phoenix Mage’s
If also have the Paired Opportunist feat, a single ally prestige class feature of the same name, from the Tome of
threatening the target gains an attack of opportunity even Battle.
when you attempt this strike and miss the target. This
usage supersedes the “assault leader” rogue talent, from Fell Shot [Ranged, Strike]
the Advanced Player’s Guide. You target the weak points in your foe's armor.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, BAB +6, Precise Shot.
Source: This feat supersedes the Distracting Attack Benefit: As a standard action, make a single ranged attack.
variant class feature from the Players Handbook II and the The target does not gain any armor, natural armor, or shield
Distract Foe function of the Wolfpack feat from Races of the bonuses to its Armor Class. You do not gain the benefit of this
Wild. Used in conjunction with synergy from the Critical feat if you move this round.
Focus feat, it also subsumes the Outflank and Seize the Synergy:
Moment feats from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
If you can cast Conjuration spells and your base attack
Dragon Slaying Strike [Strike] bonus is at least +11, you can use this feat to fire a phase
arrow that travels to the target in a straight path, passing
Even when facing a larger foe, you aren’t afraid to take great through any non-magical barrier or wall in its way (any
risks in order to finish the fight. magical barrier stops the arrow). This ability negates
Prerequisites: Str 13, BAB +6, Power Attack. cover, concealment, armor, and shield modifiers, but
Benefit: Against a creature at least one size category larger otherwise the attack is rolled normally. This supersedes
than you, you can make a single melee attack as a full-round the Arcane Archer’s phase arrow prestige class feature
action, gaining an insight bonus on the attack roll, damage, from the core rules.
and critical confirmation roll (if applicable) equal to half your
base attack bonus. If you have a base attack bonus of +11 and at least 11
Synergy: If you also have the Vital Strike feat and the ranks in Sleight of Hand, you can use thrown weapons to
Mountain Hammer class feature, you can apply both of those make touch attacks, even in conjunction with a full attack.
effects to the effects of this attack. This is a specific exception If you do so, your Strength bonus does not apply to
to the general rule of non-stacking effects for Strike feats. damage. This effect does not apply to projectiles; only to
Source: This strike supersedes the Death or Glory feat weapons that you personally throw. This supersedes the
from Ultimate Combat. Master Thrower’s “weak spot” prestige class feature, from
Complete Warrior.
Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document (“Psionic Hamper Defense [Strike]
Feats”). In addition to reducing the prerequisites for the
Pinpoint Targeting shot from the core rules, this feat also Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
supersedes the Gunslinger’s “deadeye” class feature from the Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single attack
Pathfinder Ultimate Combat playtest, and the Archer’s a hampering attack. If this attack hits and deals damage, that
“armor-piercing shot” token ability from Iron Heroes (Fiery opponent suffers a penalty to AC and CMD equal to half your
Dragon Productions). base attack bonus (rounded up) until your next turn (no
saving throw).
Finishing Blow [Strike] You can use this feat as part of a full attack, but doing so
imposes a -5 penalty on all your attacks that round. The
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +6, Vital Strike. effects of multiple hampering attacks do not stack, but
Benefit: When you successfully execute a Vital Strike successive attacks add 1 round each to the duration.
against a lightly wounded opponent, that feat deals half again Synergy:
as many dice of bonus damage (e.g., 3d6 instead of 2d6). If
the opponent is heavily wounded, double the bonus damage If also you have Exotic shield proficiency, you can use this
dice from your Vital Strike instead. If the opponent survives, strike in conjunction with a shield bash (using Two-
it is immune to further use of this feat by you for the Weapon Fighting) at no additional penalty.
remainder of the encounter. If you have the Vital Strike feat and your BAB is +16 or
Synergy: The effects of this feat also stack with the effects higher, when making a Hamper Defense attack against a
of the Mountain Hammer class feature, so that an 11th level creature with a +13 or greater natural armor bonus, your
fighter with that talent and the Finishing Blow feat would Vital Strike damage is equal to 1d6 x half the creature’s
deal +10d6 damage against a lightly-wounded opponent, and natural armor bonus (this is similar to the squamous
+12d6 damage against a heavily-wounded foe. attackBEM2 spell).
The effects of this feat cannot be activated automatically
using synergy from the Critical Focus feat (q.v.).
Source: This feat simulates the Warblade’s finishing move Source: Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc
strike, from the Tome of Battle. Press). This feat also emulates the Crusader’s vanguard
strike from the Tome of Battle, the Disruptive Attack feat
Ghost Strike [Strike] from the Player’s Handbook II, and the Crushing Blow feat
from Ultimate Combat.
Your deadly strikes against incorporeal foes always find their
mark. Insightful Strike [Strike]
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single attack Prerequisites: Int, Wis, or Cha 13; BAB +1.
against an incorporeal creature using a non-magical weapon. Benefit: Choose one mental attribute modifier
If the attack hits, you deal half damage, as if wielding a (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma; once this choice is
magical weapon. made, you cannot change it). As a standard action, you can
make a single attack, adding that attribute modifier as an
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, as a standard insight bonus to damage.
action, you can make a single melee or ranged attack
against an incorporeal creature. The attack is treated as if If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you also add the
it were made with a ghost touch weapon for the purpose relevant attribute modifier as an insight bonus to the
of affecting the creature. You can use this in conjunction attack roll.
with a full attack, but doing so imposes a -5 penalty on all Starting at BAB +11, you always gain the relevant attribute
attack rolls that round. modifier as an insight bonus to damage, even on a full
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, this ability is If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you always gain
always active, even on a normal full attack. As a standard the relevant attribute modifier as an insight bonus to
action, you can make a single attack that deals normal attacks, CMB, and damage, even on a full attack. If you
damage against a target on the ethereal plane or the Plane make a single Insightful Strike as a standard action, add
of Shadow. Normal miss chances apply if you are unable twice the relevant attribute modifier as an insight bonus to
to see the target, and you cannot use this ability against a damage.
target you are unable to perceive.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, any armor or Synergy: If you have other [Strike] feats that permit saving
shield used by you is also treated as if it had the ghost throws, you may substitute your Int, Wis, or Cha modifier
touch property. (whichever you chose for Insightful Strike) in place of your
Strength modifier, when determining the saving throw DCs.
Synergy: When used in conjunction with Improved
Grapple on a pin, this feat supersedes the Tatori monk’s
“inescapable grasp” ability from Ultimate Combat.
Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Psionic

Hamper Defense [Strike]

Source: This feat has been modified from the strike of the If you have the Staggering Strike feat, apply the results of
same name, from the Tome of Battle, and supersedes the that feat to the opponent before referencing whether the
Swashbuckler’s class feature of the same name, from Killing Stroke applies (this is a specific exception to the
Complete Warrior. It also supersedes the Combat Insight feat general rule of non-stacking of Strike effects).
from the 3.5 edition System Reference Document (“Epic If you have the Improved Grapple feat (q.v.), each round
Feats”), the Intuitive Attack feat from the Book of Exalted you maintain a pin against an opponent counts as one
Deeds, the Weapon Trickery feat from the Adventurer’s round of studying, for purposes of activating this feat. This
Handbook: Genius Guide Volume 1 (Super Genius Games), supersedes the Reaping Mauler’s “devastating grapple”
the Focused Shot feat from the Advanced Player’s Guide, and prestige class feature, from Complete Warrior.
the Guided Hand and Kirin Strike feats from Ultimate
Combat. This feat also supersedes the Mysterious Stranger’s If you have at least 6 ranks in Bluff as a class skill,
“focused aim” variant class feature from Ultimate Combat. whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 or fewer hit points
(whether using a Killing Stroke or not), you can also make
Killing Stroke [Strike] a Bluff check to demoralize all enemies within 30 feet as a
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. free action. Enemies that cannot see both you and the
Benefit: You can perform a coup de grâce against a enemy you struck are unaffected. This subsumes the
helpless opponent as a standard action. Dreadful Carnage feat from the Advanced Player’s Guide,
the Mortifying Attack feat from Champions of Ruin, the
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can perform Gory Finish feat from Ultimate Combat, and the Ghost-
a coup de grâce against a stunned opponent as if he or she Face Killer’s “frightful attack” prestige class feature from
were helpless. Complete Adventurer.
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can
perform a coup de grâce against a cowering or dazed Normal: A coup de grâce can be performed only against a
opponent as if he or she were helpless. In addition, when helpless creature as a full-round action. You automatically hit
you hit with a melee attack and reduce your opponent to – and score a critical hit. If the defender survives the damage,
1 or fewer hit points, you can force that opponent to he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or
succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15 + the damage your die. A rogue also gets her extra sneak attack damage against
attack dealt) or die (this supersedes the Deadly Finish a helpless opponent when delivering a coup de grâce.
feat, from Ultimate Combat). Source: This feat supersedes the Dastardly Finish feat
from the Advanced Player’s Guide and the Death Blow feat
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, you can also from Complete Adventurer.
perform a coup de grâce against a staggered opponent as
if he or she were helpless. Knockout Blow [Strike]
If your effective base attack bonus is +21 or higher (see Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1, Exotic Weapon
below), you can also perform a coup de grâce against a Proficiency (unarmed attacks) or Martial Weapon Proficiency
grappled or flat-footed opponent as if he or she were (bludgeons), Staggering Strike.
helpless. Benefit: As a full round action, make a single attack. If it
hits, you do double damage and your Staggering Strike feat
Special: For every consecutive round in which you spend also applies.
at least a standard action studying an opponent, you can If your base attack bonus is +6 or greater, you can deal
make a Killing Stroke as if your base attack bonus were 5 normal, rather than double damage, but also attempt to
points higher than is actually the case. The killing stroke stun your opponent. On a hit that inflicts damage, the
must then be delivered within 1 round per round spent target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be stunned for
studying the target. In this manner, a 6th level rogue can 1 round (rather than merely staggered by the Staggering
spend 3 full rounds studying an opponent undetected, then Strike feat).
make a killing stroke against that target’s flat-footed condition
within the next 3 rounds. This supersedes the assassin’s If your base attack bonus is +11 or greater, when you elect
“death attack” class feature. Note that the save DC (10 + to deal nonlethal damage on a Knockout Blow, the target
damage dealt, including sneak attack damage) is likely to be is knocked unconscious on a failed save, rather than
more difficult than the death attack DC in the core rules (10 + dazed or stunned (unconsciousness lasts a number of
prestige class level + Int modifier). rounds equal to half your base attack bonus). On a
Synergy: successful save, the target is staggered 1 round.
If you also have the Critical Focus and Improved Critical If your base attack bonus is +16 or greater, the target is
feats, you can apply the effects of this feat to a confirmed dazed 1 round on a successful save.
critical (even if the attack is made as part of a full attack).
This use supersedes the Devastating Critical feat, from Synergy: If you have the sneak attack ability, when making
the 3.5 Edition System Reference Document, “Epic Feats.” a nonlethal sneak attack you can double the (nonlethal) sneak
It also replicates the Gunslinger’s “death’s shot” class attack damage rather than attempting to stun or knock out
feature, from Ultimate Combat. the target. This supersedes the Sap Master feat from
Ultimate Combat.
When used in conjunction with Improved Grapple (q.v.) on a Normal: You normally add 1½ times your Strength
pin, this feat subsumes the Reaping Mauler’s “sleeper lock” modifier to damage rolls with a two-handed weapon or single
prestige class feature, from Complete Warrior and the Choke primary natural weapon.
Hold feat from Oriental Adventures. Synergy: When used in conjunction with Improved
Special: This feat is a specific exception to the general rule Grapple (q.v.) on a pin, this feat supersedes the Crushing Hug
of non-stacking of Strike feat effects. feat from Dragon magazine (issue 313). The effects of this
Source: This feat supersedes the rogue talent of the same feat cannot be activated automatically using synergy from the
name from the Advanced Player’s Guide, the Monk’s Critical Focus feat (q.v.).
“devastating blow” variant class feature from the Players Source: This feat supersedes the variant class feature of
Handbook II, and the Knockout Punch feat from d20 the same name from the Advanced Player’s Guide, and also
Modern. the Power Lunge feat from Sword and Fist.
Maneuvering Strike [Manuever, Penetrating Shot [Ranged, Strike]
Strike] Prerequisite: Strength 15+, base attack bonus +11, Point-
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6. Blank Shot.
Benefit: As a standard attack, make a single melee attack. Benefit: When you make a ranged attack with a
If the attack hits, you can also initiate any combat maneuver manufactured weapon, you can instead choose to unleash a
against that opponent as a free action that does not provoke single, mighty attack that blasts through multiple opponents.
an attack of opportunity. If your base attack bonus is +11 or This attack requires a standard action, and your shot takes
higher, you can apply two non-contradictory maneuvers the form of a line extending out to your point-blank range.
simultaneously (e.g., bull rush and trip, but not bull rush and Make a separate attack roll against each creature in the line.
pull). If struck, creatures along this line take damage from your
You can use this feat as part of a full attack, but doing so shot, though any extra damage (such as from a sneak attack
imposes a -5 penalty on all attack rolls and CMB checks that or a flaming weapon) is applied only against the first creature
round. struck.
Synergy: If you also have the Ranged Maneuvers feat, you Synergy: If you also have the Critical Mastery feat, this
can apply this feat to ranged attacks within point blank range, ability activates automatically whenever you confirm a critical
in addition to melee attacks. This supersedes the Impact hit with a projectile weapon.
Critical Shot feat from Ultimate Combat. Source: Players Handbook II. This feat also subsumes the
Note: You can achieve similar results with a number of Crossbowman’s variant class feature of the same name from
specific maneuvers via the Improved Maneuvers feats (q.v.). the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Source: This feat supersedes the Bull Rush Strike,
Disarming Strike, Repositioning Strike, Sundering Strike, Penetrating Strike [Strike]
and Tripping Strike feats from the Advanced Player’s Guide, Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
and also the Elephant Stomp feat from Pathfinder Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. If it
Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony and the Storm of hits, this attack ignores up to 5 points of damage reduction of
Flying Strikes feat from Stormwrack. Used in conjunction any type short of “epic,” or up to 5 points of hardness (for
with the Vital Strike feat, it can be used to emulate the objects).
colossus strike maneuver from the Tome of Battle. Used in
conjunction with the Check maneuver, it subsumes the If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, the attack
overwhelming mountain strike maneuver from the Tome of ignores any amount of hardness or damage reduction
Battle, and also the Phalanx Fighter’s “stand firm” variant possessed by the target.
class features from the Advanced Player’s Guide). If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can use this
Overhand Chop [Strike, Two- feat in conjunction with a full attack action, but doing so
imposes a -5 penalty to all attacks you make that round.
When wielding a two-handed melee weapon, you can deliver If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, all of your
a devastating blow. attacks gain the benefit of this feat, without any attack
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +6. penalty for doing so. Alternatively, you can make a single
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack with a attack as a standard action that penetrates DR/epic.
two-handed melee weapon (or attack with a natural weapon
that normally applies 1½ times your Strength modifier to Source: This feat supersedes the Crusader’s foehammer
damage). If you hit, roll damage normally but add double your strike, from the Tome of Battle (especially when used in
Strength bonus to the damage roll. This multiplier scales conjunction with the Vital Strike feat), and also stands in for
with your base attack bonus, according to the following table. the Improved Domain Power feat (Destruction domain,
“shattering blow”) from Dragon magazine, issue 342.
Base Attack Bonus Strength Bonus Multiplier
+6 2x
+11 2.5 x
+16 3x
Synergy: If you also have the Penetrating Strike feat and
Perfect Strike [Finesse, Strike] your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the target’s damage
Prerequisites: BAB +1, Weapon Finesse. reduction (if any) is also suppressed for 1 round. Suppressing
Benefit: When using a weapon for which you have Weapon epic damage reduction in this manner requires a base attack
Finesse, you can make a single attack as a standard action (or bonus of at least +16.
as part of a charge) that deals maximum weapon damage Source: This feat mimics the Champion path ability of the
(rather than having to roll for damage). Additional dice of same name from Mythic Adventures.
damage, such as from a confirmed critical hit, the sneak Rallying Strike [Strike]
attack ability, or a flaming sword, are not automatically
maximized except as noted below. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single melee attack
If your base attack bonus is at least +6, all sources of against a credible threat. If it hits and deals damage, you
damage for the attack are maximized. recover 3d6 damage + 1 hp per point of your base attack
bonus (this represents taking heart and bolstering flagging
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, your first attack morale, not a magical healing of wounds). If already at full hp,
made in each round always deals maximum weapon you can gain temporary hp to a maximum amount equal to
damage. You can apply this effect to your iterative attacks your Charisma bonus. You can use this ability in conjunction
as well, but doing so results in a -5 penalty to all attacks with a full attack, but doing so imposes a -5 penalty to all
made that round. attack rolls that round and the damage healed is equal to
If your base attack bonus is +16 or greater, when using a your BAB.
finessable weapon in one hand (and nothing in the other), If your base attack bonus is +11 or greater, all allies of CR
all your melee attack damage is always maximized. less than or equal to that of the creature struck within 30
ft. regain hp equal to your Charisma bonus (or gain
Source: This feat supersedes the Kensai’s variant class temporary hp, if fully healed). In addition, each affected
feature of the same name from Ultimate Combat, the ally gains a +1 morale bonus on his or her next attack roll,
Weapon Master’s “steady aim” and “mighty blow” weapon if made prior to the start of your next turn.
style abilities from Iron Heroes (Fiery Dragon Productions), If your base attack bonus is +16 or greater, allies within 30
and also the Kensai’s “ki damage” prestige class feature from ft. regain as many hp as you do, in addition to gaining the
Oriental Adventures. morale bonus to attacks.
Positioning Attack [Strike] Source: This feat emulates the strike of the same name,
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. the crusader’s strike, and the revitalizing strike, from the
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single melee attack. Tome of Battle. It also supersedes the Savage Skald’s
If you hit, you can move 5 feet as a free action without inspiring blow variant class feature, from the Advanced
provoking attacks of opportunity. For every 4 points of your Player’s Guide.
base attack bonus, increase the maximum distance by 5 ft. (to
a maximum of 30 ft. at BAB +20). The movement must end in Second Chance [Strike]
a space adjacent to the creature hit.
You can use this feat in conjunction with a full attack action Even when you miss, you are in a position to turn your
(moving all at once or between attacks as you see fit), but misfortune into an advantage.
doing so imposes a -5 penalty to all attacks you make that Prerequisites: BAB +1, Combat Expertise.
round. Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack or
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. perform a single combat maneuver. You can Take 10 on the
attack roll or combat maneuver check. If you miss, you gain a
Punishing Blow +1 competence bonus to AC against that opponent until the
beginning of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single melee or If your base attack bonus is at least +6, instead of taking
ranged attack. Any opponent damaged by this attack cannot 10 on the attack roll, you can roll normally, but if the
heal that damage with fast healing or regeneration. attack misses, you can roll again with a +2 bonus. You
must accept the results of the second roll. If the second
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the strike also roll results in a miss, you gain a +2 competence bonus to
suppresses the target’s fast healing (if any) altogether for 1 AC against that opponent until the beginning of your next
round. turn.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, a successful If your base attack bonus is +11 or greater, if the attack
strike can also suppress regeneration for 1 round. A misses, rather than rerolling you can choose to
creature whose regeneration can't be suppressed or automatically deal half the damage that attack would have
ignored (such as the tarrasque) is immune to this effect. dealt if it were a hit (roll damage normally). If you do so,
you also gain a +3 competence bonus to AC against that
opponent until the beginning of your next turn.
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. Any
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, whenever you opponent with a discernible anatomy that is damaged by this
miss an opponent (whether using this strike or not), you attack must succeed at a Fortitude save or be sickened for 1
automatically gain a +4 competence bonus to AC against round. The duration multiplies on a confirmed crit.
that opponent until the beginning of your next turn. If your base attack bonus is at least +6, the sickened
condition lasts 1 minute (or 1 round even on a successful
You can use this feat in conjunction with a full attack, but save).
doing so imposes a -5 penalty on all attacks made that round.
You can wait until the results of your first attack roll are If your base attack bonus is at least +11, there is no saving
determined before declaring this use, if desired. throw against the sickness, and on a failed save the victim
Source: This feat supersedes the feat chain of the same is also nauseated 1 round.
name from the Advanced Player’s Guide. It also subsumes
the Weapon Master’s master’s accuracy, precise strike, and If your base attack bonus is at least +16, on a failed save
quick recovery weapon expertise abilities from Iron Heroes the victim is nauseated for 1 minute.
(Fiery Dragon Productions); the Warblade’s lightning
recovery counter from the Tome of Battle; and the Mysterious You can use this feat in conjunction with a full attack
Stranger’s “clipping shot” variant class feature, from Ultimate action, but doing so imposes a -5 penalty to all attacks you
Combat. make that round.
Source: This feat combines the Sickening Critical feat
Severing Strike [Slashing, Strike] from the Pathfinder core rules with the Brutal Strike feat
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Improved Weapon from the Players Handbook II. It also subsumes the Three
Maneuvers, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization with Mountains style feat from Complete Warrior, the Foe
same slashing weapon (or weapon training). Hammer feat from Iron Heroes (Fiery Dragon Productions),
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single melee attack the Sickening Blow feat from Drow of the Underdark, the
with a qualifying slashing weapon. If this attack successfully Painful Strike feat from Dragon magazine (issue 344), and
damages the target, the target must succeed at a Fortitude the Thug’s “brutal beating” variant class feature from the
save or one of its limbs (hand/foreleg, tentacle, or wing; you Advanced Player’s Guide.
choose one within your reach) is rendered useless for 1
round. A useless arm cannot be used to wield a weapon, hold Slowing Strike [Strike]
an object, or carry a shield; a creature with only usable wing You are able to maim a target and hinder its movement.
cannot fly; a quadruped with only one usable foreleg moves at Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.
half normal speed; a biped with only one leg has its base land Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. If this
speed reduced to 5 ft. attack damages an opponent with a discernible anatomy, that
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, the limb remains target gains the entangled condition (see Introduction). The
useless until all hp damage currently sustained by the condition ends when the target receives healing (a successful
creature has been healed. Alternatively, a successful Heal Heal check, any cure spell, or other magical healing). A
skill check (DC 10 + half your base attack bonus + your successful Fortitude save reduces the duration to 1 minute.
Strength modifier) made on the injured opponent will Against creatures with multiple types of movement, you
restore use to the limb; this requires 10 minutes of work must choose which movement type to affect. A flying creature
and a healer’s kit. affected by this attack has its maneuverability reduced by one
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, on a failed save, If your base attack bonus is at least +6, all the target’s
you actually lop off one of the opponent’s extremities movement speeds are reduced to 5 ft., rather than by half.
(again, you choose which, if more than one could apply), An airborne creature must succeed at a Fly check to
rendering it permanently useless. remain airborne (Chapter 4), and has its maneuverability
reduced to poor.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, on a failed save
you can choose to sever the opponent’s head instead (as a If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the target is
successful critical using a vorpal weapon). treated as grappled for 1 minute (pinned on a failed save),
and is entangled thereafter until healed. An airborne
Special: Similar feats could be devised for bludgeoning creature with a fly speed of 0 falls to the ground.
weapons (“Skull-Smashing Strike”) and piercing weapons. If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the target is
Source: Suggested by the “Stroke of Precision” heroic treated as pinned for 1 minute (paralyzed on a failed save),
feat, from the 2nd edition Celts Campaign Sourcebook. and entangled thereafter; the target is also under a
dimensional anchor effect until the entanglement ends.
Sickening Strike [Strike]
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. You can use this feat in conjunction with a full attack, but
this imposes a -5 penalty on all attacks that round.
Synergy: If you also have the Critical Focus feat, you can Benefit: When making a single attack at the end of a
apply the effects of this feat to any confirmed critical hit, even mounted charge, you deal double damage with a melee
if none of the normal conditions were met, and the duration weapon (or triple damage with a lance). As your
lasts until the target recovers all hp damage (a successful horsemanship and combat abilities improve, you gain the
Fortitude save reduces the duration to 1 minute). You still ability to perform more devastating charges, as described
cannot add more than one strike effect to a given attack below.
unless you also have the Striking Mastery feat (q.v.). Deadly Charge (Ex): If you have at least 6 ranks in Handle
Source: This is the Crippling Critical feat from the Animal and if your base attack bonus is +6 or greater, once
Advanced Player’s Guide, altered so as to fit the new Strike per day you can attempt a deadly charge (declare this
feats rules and renamed to avoid confusion with the existing before rolling to attack, so a miss ruins the attempt). On a
Crippling Strike feat. It also subsumes the Scorpion Style successful hit, you deal triple normal damage (quadruple
feat from the Pathfinder core rules, and to some extend damage with a lance). This benefit does not stack with the
stands in for the entangling blade, stone vise, and (in normal effects of the Spirited Charge. For each +3 to your
conjunction with the Vital Strike feat) crushing vice strikes, base attack bonus above +6 (i.e., at +9, +12, +15, and +18)
from the Tome of Battle, and the Wild Shadow’s harrying you may use this ability an additional time per day.
attack variant class feature from the Advanced Race Guide. It
also supersedes the Hamstring feat from Complete Warrior Mighty Charge (Ex): If you have at least 11 ranks in
and the Hinder feat from Dragon magazine (issue 344). Handle Animal and your base attack bonus is +11 or
higher, double the threat range of any weapons wielded
Spellstrike [Strike] during a charge while mounted. This increase does not
Benefit: You can deliver spells or spell-like abilities through a stack with other effects that increase the threat range of
weapon. Casting the spell (or activating the spell-like ability) the weapon.
and making a single attack requires a full-round action (spells Unstoppable Charge (Ex): If you have at least 16 ranks in
with casting times longer than 1 round use the full casting Handle Animal and your base attack bonus is +16 or
time). A successful attack deals normal damage from the higher, your deadly charge deals quadruple damage
weapon and delivers the spell or spell-like ability as well. (quintuple damage with a lance); this supersedes (does not
Saving throws and SR apply normally. stack with) the lower-level effects of this feat.
If a melee Spellstrike attack misses, you may hold the
charge. Even if the spell normally affects an area, ray, or
multiple targets, it affects only one target when channeled in Synergy:
this way. Saving throws, if any, still apply. Spells that have no If you do not use the Vital Strike feat in conjunction with a
effect on a target (e.g., wall of stone) cannot be channeled in spirited charge, you can apply the effects of one other
this manner. Using a spell or spell-like ability in this way does [Strike] feat instead. This is a specific exception to the
not provoke an attack of opportunity. general rule of non-stacking of Strike feats. Combining a
Synergy: If you have the Battle Touch feat (q.v.), you can mounted charge with a Staggering Strike emulates the
use this feat as part of a full attack, applying the effects of the Cavalier’s “supreme charge” class feature from the
spell to all successful attacks. However, all attacks and Advanced Player’s Guide and the Mythic Spirited Charge
combat maneuver checks you make that round suffer a -5 feat from Mythic Adventures.
Special: You can channel a spell into your hand, causing If you also have the Improved Overrun feat and your base
the spell affect the next creature you touch (this requires a attack bonus is +11 or higher, your mounted charges are
melee touch attack to discharge the spell, as opposed to a not blocked by friendly creatures or difficult terrain. This
melee attack roll to discharge the spell through a weapon or emulates the roughrider Fighter’s “unavoidable onslaught”
unarmed attack). variant class feature, from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Source: This feat supersedes the Spellsword’s “channel
spell” prestige class feature from Complete Warrior, the Special: Certain animals and monsters can use this feat by
Duskblade’s “arcane channeling” class feature from the themselves, without a rider. Examples include boars
Players Handbook II, the Daggerspell Mage’s “daggercast” (charging with tusks), falcons (making diving attacks), and
prestige class feature from Complete Adventurer, the Smiting centaurs (acting as their own mounts).
Spell feat from the Players Handbook II, and the Magus’ Source: This feat subsumes the Cavalier’s “deadly charge”
“spellstrike” class feature from Ultimate Magic. When used in and “unstoppable charge” prestige class features from
conjunction with the Critical Focus feat, this feat supersedes Complete Warrior, and the Cavalier’s “mighty charge” class
the Eldritch Knight’s “spell critical” prestige class feature feature from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
from the core rules, and also the Magus’ “critical strike”
arcanum from Ultimate Magic. Used with a sorcerer’s
eldritch blast ability, it duplicates the Warlock’s hideous blow
invocation, from Complete Arcane.
Spirited Charge [Skill, Strike]
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Handle Animal 1 rank,
Mounted Combat.
If the target’s channeling is reduced to 0 dice, the target
Staggering Strike [Strike] cannot use that ability at all for the duration. It is not possible
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1. to reduce the number of dice to below zero.
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. Any Source: This feat subsumes the rogue’s “stem the flow”
opponent with a discernible anatomy that is damaged by this talent from Champions of Purity.
attack must succeed at a Fortitude save or be flat-footed until Steely Strike [Strike]
the start of his next turn.
Your other enemies mean nothing to you as you press your
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, an opponent who attack.
fails the save is staggered 1 round as well. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the opponent is Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single attack
dazed 1 round and staggered 1d4+1 rounds on a failed with a competence bonus to the attack roll equal to your base
save, and is staggered 1 round if the saving throw attack bonus. However, until your next turn, all opponents
succeeds. other than the one you attack gain a circumstance bonus on
attack rolls against you equal to half your BAB.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the opponent is Synergy: The effects of this feat cannot be activated
stunned instead of dazed. automatically using synergy from the Critical Focus feat (q.v.).
You cannot use this feat if you also have the Adaptability feat.
You can use this feat in conjunction with a full attack, but Source: This feat supersedes the strike of the same name,
this imposes a -5 penalty on all attacks that round. Multiple from the Tome of Battle.
hits in a single round can increase the condition from
staggered to dazed, and from dazed to stunned. Striking Specialist [Combat]
Synergy: If you also have the Dispelling Strike feat, you Prerequisite: Critical Focus.
can activate the effects of your Staggering Strike feat any Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus to the save DCs
time you successfully dispel an opponent’s spells using that of any [Strike] feats you use, or effects you trigger by a critical
feat (this emulates the Destructive Dispel feat from Ultimate hit (e.g., from weapon properties such as thundering).
Combat). This is a specific exception to the general rule of Special: You can gain this feat a second time, increasing
non-stacking of Strike effects. the bonus to a maximum of +4.
A rogue using this feat in conjunction with a sneak attack Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
increases the duration of the Staggered condition to 1 round
per die of sneak attack damage. Susceptible Strike [Strike]
Source: This feat subsumes the Stunning Fist and
Gorgon’s Fist feats from the Pathfinder core rules; the Dazing Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Assault and Stunning Assault feats from the Advanced Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. Any
Player’s Guide; the Staggering Blow feat from Dragon opponent damaged by this attack takes a -1 circumstance
magazine (issue 279); the Staggering Strike feat from penalty to saving throws for 1 round (Intuition negates). For
Complete Adventurer; the Staggering Critical feat from Drow every 4 points of your base attack bonus, the penalty
of the Underdark; and the dazing strike, disrupting blow, increases by an additional -1 (maximum penalty of -6 at BAB
hydra slaying strike, white raven hammer, white raven strike, +20).
and strike of the broken shield from the Tome of Battle. It If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, the effects last
also subsumes the Low Blow and Hampering Shot feats from for a number of rounds equal to the penalty on a failed
the Collected Book of Experimental Might (Malhavoc Press), Fortitude save, and for 1 round on a successful save.
the “distracting attack” rogue talent from the Advanced
Player’s Guide, and the Gunslinger’s “stunning shot” deed If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, the effects last
from Ultimate Combat. Because a flat-footed opponent 1 round per point of your base attack bonus on a failed
cannot make attacks of opportunity, this feat also subsumes save.
the “slow reactions” rogue talent from the core rules.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, on a failed save
Stemming Strike [Strike] the effects last until the victim has been fully healed.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, sneak attack or Vital You can use this feat in conjunction with a full attack, but
Strike. this imposes a -5 penalty on all attacks that round. Multiple
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single hits in a single round do not increase the saving throw
attack. Any creature damaged by this attack is inhibited when penalty, but do extend the duration by 1 round per additional
attempting to channel energy or use an eldritch blast or hit after the first.
similar reserve spell-like ability. Subtract your number of
sneak attack dice or Vital Strike dice from the target’s
number of channeling dice or spell-like ability damage dice.
The effects last for a number of rounds equal to your base
attack bonus; the target is not necessarily aware of the effect
until it attempts to use the relevant ability.
Source: This feat supersedes the Aleval School feat, from Synergy: When used in conjunction with Improved
Drow of the Underdark. Grapple (q.v.) on a pin, this feat supersedes the Chokehold
feat from Ultimate Combat. In addition to the effects listed
Thief of Life [Strike] above, the target cannot breathe for as long as you maintain
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, Heal 1 rank, the pin.
Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank. Source: This feat supersedes the ambush feat of the same
As a standard action, make a single attack. If the blow name from Complete Scoundrel, and also the Arcanopath’s
reduces the target to below 0 hp, it also applies a death knell “chop of muteness” prestige class feature, from Dragon
effect on the creature struck (the victim dies, and you gain magazine (issue 281).
1d8 temporary hit points and a +2 enhancement bonus to Tiring Strike [Strike]
Strength for 10 minutes per HD of the victim).
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6.
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, whenever your Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack. Any
strike kills a credible threat through hit point damage, you opponent with a discernible anatomy that is damaged by this
gain immunity to fatigue and exhaustion for the same attack becomes fatigued. If your opponent is already fatigued
duration. (due to damage or some other fatiguing effect) he or she
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, whenever your becomes exhausted instead.
strike kills a credible threat through hit point damage, you If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, your opponent
devour a small portion of the victim’s soul. You stop aging is automatically exhausted instead. This has no effect on
for 1 year thereafter. exhausted creatures unless your BAB is 16 or higher (see
Source: This feat largely supersedes the prestige class of
the same name from Faiths of Eberron. If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, an exhausted
opponent affected by this feat must save vs. Fortitude or
Throat Punch [Strike] become disabled.
Prerequisite: Sneak attack +1d6 or Martial Weapon You can use this feat in conjunction with a full attack
Proficiency (unarmed attacks). action, but doing so imposes a -5 penalty to all attacks you
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single unarmed make that round.
attack (or successful sneak attack within point-blank range). If
you deal damage to the opponent, he or she must succeed at Unclean Strike [Strike]
a Fortitude save or be mute (unable to speak) for 1 round. A
mute creature cannot cast spells with verbal components, use You keep your weapons in a filthy condition, such that anyone
bardic inspiration requiring oratory or song, use breath injured by them runs the risk of infection.
weapons, or communicate verbally (which prevents the use of Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.
feats that require verbal communication). Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single attack
On a successful saving throw, the target’ speech is with a piercing or slashing weapon. Any living creature
hindered for 1 round; he or she takes a –5 penalty on any skill damaged by this attack must succeed at a Fortitude save or
check requiring speech and has a 50% chance of failure when contract filth fever (onset 1d3 days, effects 1d3 Dex and 1d3
casting a spell with a verbal component, activating a magic Con damage per day, cure 2 consecutive saves).
item with a command word, or using a breath weapon.
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, all your edged
If your base attack bonus is at least +6, on a failed save the weapon attacks carry the risk of filth fever; as a standard
target is mute 1 round and speech-hindered 1 minute (on action, you can make a single attack that carries bubonic
a successful save, its speech is merely hindered for that plague instead (onset 1 day, effects 1d4 Con and 1 Cha
full duration). Additionally, you can use this feat in damage/day and fatigued, cure 2 consecutive saves).
conjunction with any single action attack, even if it is not a If your base attack bonus is +11 or above, all your edged
sneak attack or unarmed strike. You can also use this feat weapon attacks carry the risk of bubonic plague, rather
in conjunction with a full attack, but this imposes a -5 than filth fever. As a standard action, you can make a
penalty on all attacks that round. single attack that carries demon fever instead (onset 1 day,
If your base attack bonus is at least +11, the target is effects 1d6 Con damage/day and second save or 1 point is
automatically mute for 1 round and hindered 1 minute. permanent drain; cure 2 consecutive saves).
On a failed save, it is mute for the full duration.
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, all your edged
If your base attack bonus is at least +16, on a failed save weapon attacks carry the risk of demon fever.
the target is mute 1 minute, and its speech is permanently
hindered thereafter (until receiving a greater restoration Unstoppable Strike [Strike]
or regenerate spell).
You can strike your foe with a melee weapon as if making a
touch attack.
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +6, Vital Strike or
sneak attack.
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can make a single melee Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.
attack as a touch attack. Any attacks of opportunity you make Benefit: In place of your normal array of iterative or
during the same round are normal attacks, not touch attacks. multiple attacks, you can make a single attack that deals an
Synergy: For obvious reasons the effects of this feat cannot additional +2d6 damage. This bonus damage increases to
be activated automatically using synergy from the Critical +4d6 if your base attack bonus is +11 or better, and to +6d6 if
Focus feat (q.v.). your base attack bonus is +16 or better. This additional
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. This feat also duplicates damage applies only to your primary attack, not to any
the Deep Impact feat from the 3.5 edition System Reference attacks of opportunity you might make that round.
Document (“Psionic Feats”), and also the emerald razor Synergy:
strike from the Tome of Battle. When making a single attack as a standard action, you can
Venomous Strike [Skill, Strike] use Vital Strike in conjunction with any one other strike
feat (unless this is specifically prohibited in the feat
Prerequisites: BAB +1, Craft (Toxicology) 3 ranks. description), even if you do not have the Striking Mastery
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack with an feat. This is a specific exception to the general rule of non-
envenomed weapon. If the attack deals damage, you receive a stacking for Strike feats.
circumstance bonus to the saving throw DC of injury poison
delivered by the attack equal to +1 per 3 ranks in Craft If you have the Sneak Attack class feature, you can use
(Toxicology) you possess. your sneak attack damage in place of your Vital Strike
damage, if it is greater (you cannot use this option in
If your base attack bonus is at least +6 and you have at conjunction with the Mountain Hammer fighter talent). In
least 6 ranks in Craft (Toxicology), you can apply poison to conjunction with the Critical Focus feat, this supersedes
a weapon in such a way that it is effective for two the Telling Blow feat from the Players Handbook II; in
successful attacks instead of one. You do not gain the conjunction with the Improved Grapple feat, it supersedes
circumstance bonus to the DC on the second attack, the Strangler feat from Ultimate Combat; in conjunction
however. with the Combat Reflexes feat, it supersedes the Sneak
If your base attack bonus is at least +11 and you have at Attack of Opportunity feat from the 3.5 edition System
least 11 ranks in Craft (Toxicology), you gain a 3rd poison Reference Document (“Epic Feats”).
application, with a -5 circumstance penalty to the save DC.
Source: This feat supersedes the Order of the Bow
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher and you have at Initiate’s “Ranged Precision” prestige class feature, from
least 16 ranks in Craft (Toxicology), you receive a 4th Complete Warrior, and also the Psionic Weapon feats from
poison application, with a -10 circumstance penalty to the the 3.5 edition System Reference Document (“Psionic
save DC. Feats”). It also stands in for the Overpowering Attack option
for fighters, in the Players Handbook II. Used in conjunction
You can use this feat in conjunction with a full attack with a charge attack, it supersedes the Powerful Charge feat
action, but doing so imposes a -5 penalty to all attacks you from the Miniatures Handbook, the Ronin’s “banzai charge”
make that round. class feature from Complete Warrior, and the Scout’s
Source: Drow of the Underdark. This feat also subsumes “skirmisher” variant class feature from the Advanced Player’s
the lasting poison rogue talent from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Whirlwind Strike [Strike]
Versatile Strike [Strike] Prerequisites: Power Attack, BAB +1.
Benefit: On a single attack made as a standard action, you Benefit: As a full-round action, make a single melee attack
can use one special ability (such as a ghoul’s paralysis) you against a foe within reach. If you hit, you deal damage
possess that normally applies only to a particular type of normally and can make an attack of opportunity (at the same
attack—unarmed, natural attack, etc.—with another weapon bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the first and also
or attack form (e.g., through a sword). within reach. You can only make one additional attack per
You can use this feat in conjunction with a full attack round with this feat, unless you also have the Combat
action, but doing so imposes a -5 penalty to all attacks you Reflexes feat. You cannot attack an individual foe more than
make that round. once in a round with this feat.
Special: Swallow whole, grab, constrict, and other abilities
that are dependent upon the form the attacking weapon
cannot be transferred by means of this feat.
Source: This feat supersedes the Exotic Weapon Master
stunt of the same name, from Complete Warrior. Applied to
domain powers, it subsumes the Domain Strike feat from
Ultimate Combat.
Vital Strike [Strike]
You make a single attack that deals significantly more
damage than normal.
You can take a 5-ft. step between each attack when following If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, all your attacks
through. The maximum number of such steps you can take is are bane against [shapechangers]. The true form effect on
limited by your allowable movement that round (e.g., 4 steps a successful Strike lasts for 1 round even on a successful
maximum for a character with 20 ft. of movement). This does save. A successful Strike also dispels any active
not give you the ability to take a 5-ft. step when you would Transmutation effects on the target, as if by a greater
normally be unable to (such as due to difficult terrain). dispel magic (check equals 1d20 + your base attack bonus
When you use this feat, you also forfeit any bonus or extra + your Strength modifier).
attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities. If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, the true form
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, when you use the effect lasts until the next full moon on a failed save (it lasts
full attack action, you can instead choose to make one 1 round even on a successful save). While affected, any
melee attack against each opponent within reach. creature that attempts to assume a different form must
succeed at a second Fortitude save or its shape changing
If your base attack bonus is +11 or higher, you can use this abilities spiral out of control; this effect is the same as the
feat as a standard action rather than as a full attack action. Protean Sorcerer’s greater eldritch blast (corporeal
You can still use it only once in any given round. instability) ability (q.v.).
If your base attack bonus is +16 or higher, as a full-attack Source: This feat supersedes the Tetori Monk’s “form lock”
action, you can give up your regular attacks and instead ability, from Ultimate Combat.
make two melee attacks against each opponent within
reach (one normal, one iterative).
Synergy: If you also have the Critical Focus feat, you can
apply the standard (BAB +1) effects of this feat on any
confirmed critical hit, even if none of the normal conditions
were met. You still cannot add more than one strike effect to
a given attack unless you also have the Striking Mastery feat
Source: This feat subsumes the Pathfinder “Cleave” and
“Great Cleave” feats, renamed to avoid confusion with the 3.5
edition Cleave feat, and the Whirlwind Attack feat from the
core rules. It also emulates the Warblade’s adamantine
hurricane, mithral tornado, and steel wind strike maneuvers
from the Tome of Battle, and is likewise similar to the
Warblade’s scything blade boost. It supersedes the expanded
mastery ability of the Cleave feat from Iron Heroes (Fiery
Dragon Productions), the Knight Protector’s and Frenzied
Berserker’s Supreme Cleave prestige class feature from
Complete Warrior, the Kensai’s ki whirlwind attack prestige
class feature from Oriental Adventures and the Mobile
Fighter’s “whirlwind blitz” variant class feature from the
Advanced Player’s Guide. Used in conjunction with unarmed
attacks, it subsumes the Roundabout Kick feat from
Complete Warrior.
Wolfsbane Strike [Strike]
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack that
bypasses DR/silver.
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, all your attacks
bypass DR/silver. In addition, as a standard action you can
make a single attack as if your weapon had the bane
property against creatures with the [shapechanger]
subtype/ descriptor. Any target damaged is subject to a
true formAPG effect (Fort negates), using your BAB and
Str in place of your CL and Cha. This effect can also end a
barbarian’s rage on a failed save.
Chapter 6: Equipment
Starting Gear: If the optional rules for Social Class are not used to determine starting wealth (see main house rules document),
then players can simply select gear appropriate to the PC’s back story. If the total value is somewhere within the range of starting
wealth for that class, it’s good. Certain groups more inclined to strict accountancy can of course roll for starting wealth and go
shopping with it, but that’s not required.

Armor and Shields

Armor types have been consolidated somewhat, as shown in the table below. These represent base armor types; it is possible to
custom-design armor using special materials and properties, as outlined in the Appendices to this chapter (for example, “full plate”
is made by simply applying a +1 AC bonus to plate armor).
Armor/ Shield Max. Dex Armor Check Arcane Spell Speed Weight Cost
Armor Type Bonus Bonus Penalty Failure Adjust-ment (lbs.) (gp)
Light armor
Leather or “buff coat,” padded gambeson, +2 +6 0 10% 0 10 10
arming doublet, etc.
Studded leather +3 +5 –1 15% 0 15 25
Chain shirt (haubergeon), ring mail, light +4 +4 –2 20% 0 20 75
jack, etc.
Medium armor
Hide armor +4 +4 –3 20% -5 ft. 20 15
Scale byrnie, brigandine, coat-of-plates, +5 +3 –4 25% -5 ft. 25 100
plated jack, do-maru, etc.
Chainmail hauberk, breastplate, or lamellar +6 +2 –5 30% -5 ft. 30 250
Heavy armor
Full laminar armor (including splint mail, +7 +2 –6 35% -10 ft. 40 500
banded mail, etc.)
Plate armor +8 +1 –6 40% -10 ft. 45 1,000

Notes on movement in armor

Movement speed penalties for all armor are eliminated if the armor check penalty is reduced to -0.
You cannot run in heavy armor unless the check penalty is -0.

As for weapons (see below), shields provide differing benefits depending upon your level of proficiency with them (Simple, Martial,
or Exotic, as with weapons). Characters who are not proficient with shields gain a flat +1 shield bonus to AC (regardless of the type
of shield), suffer a penalty to all attack rolls equal to the shield’s armor check penalty, and apply the shield’s armor check penalty to
all Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks.
If you use your shield as a weapon, you lose its AC bonus until your next turn. An enhancement bonus on a shield does not
automatically improve the effectiveness of a shield bash made with it, but the shield can be made into a masterwork weapon or
magical weapon in its own right.
Note that, unlike in the Core rules, shield bonuses do not apply to your flat-footed AC.
Martial: You carry other items in your shield hand,
Buckler/Dastana although you cannot use weapons or cast spells with it.
The buckler, or “target,” is a very small shield that can be You can bash an opponent with a light shield, using it as a
strapped to one arm and easily maneuvered. The dastana, or light weapon. If you use your shield as a weapon, you lose
vambraces, are metal forearm guards worn with light armor. its AC bonus until your next turn. It deals 1d3 bludgeoning
For the sake of simplicity, both devices share the same basic damage (20/x2), or 1d4/19-20 with a central spike or
game rules. A buckler or pair of dastana weighs 3 lbs., has a sharpened rim.
-1 armor check penalty, and has a 5% arcane spell failure Exotic: As martial proficiency, plus feat (Improved Shield
chance. It provides a base +1 shield bonus to AC. Bash).
Simple: You can use a buckler without suffering the non-
proficiency penalties noted above. You gain the shield Shield, Tower
bonus to AC, but cannot use one hand as long as the This massive wooden shield is nearly as tall as you are. 40
buckler is carried. A character with only Simple lbs., -10 check penalty, 50% arcane spell failure chance,
proficiency gains no particular benefit from dastana. maximum Dex bonus +2, base +4 shield bonus to AC.
Martial: You can also use your shield arm to wield a Simple: You can use a tower shield without suffering the
weapon (whether you are using an off-hand weapon or normal non-proficiency penalties (see Shields, above),
using your off hand to help wield a two-handed weapon), although you still suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls while
but you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. using it.
This penalty stacks with those that may apply for fighting
with your off hand and for fighting with two weapons. In Martial: You do not suffer the standard -2 attack penalty
any case, if you use a weapon in your off hand, you lose the for using the shield, and gain an additional +2 bonus to AC
buckler's AC bonus until your next turn. You can cast a against missiles (+6 total). By giving up all actions for the
spell with somatic components using your shield arm, but round, you can take total cover behind the shield.
you lose the buckler's AC bonus until your next turn.
Exotic: In addition to the AC bonus from the shield, you
Exotic: You can freely use both hands and still gain the gain a +2 shield bonus to Reflex saves and Evasion (as the
shield bonus to AC. rogue class feature). While using the shield as total cover,
you have Improved Evasion.
Shield, Heavy
A heavy shield is typically made of hide, wood, or steel, and is
large enough to provide substantial protection. You strap the
shield to your forearm and grip it with your hand; a heavy
shield is so heavy that you can't use your shield hand for
anything else. 10 lbs., -2 check penalty, 15% arcane spell
failure chance, base +2 shield bonus to AC.
Simple: You can use a heavy shield without suffering the
normal non-proficiency penalty.
Martial: In addition to the uses listed above, you receive
an additional +2 AC bonus against missiles (total +4). You
can bash with a shield as a one-handed weapon instead of
using it for defense; it deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage
(20/x2). A spiked heavy shield deals 1d6/19-20 piercing
damage instead.
Exotic: As martial proficiency, plus feat (Oversized Two-
Weapon Fighting, enabling you to treat the heavy shield as
if it were a light weapon for purposes of Two-Weapon

Shield, Light
A light shield provides less area of coverage but is more
quickly and easily brought to bear than a heavy shield. You
strap the shield to your forearm and grip it with your hand. 5
lbs., -1 check penalty, 10% arcane spell failure chance, base
+1 shield bonus to AC.
Simple: You can use a light shield without suffering the
normal non-proficiency penalty.
Double Weapon: You can use a double weapon to fight as
if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the
Weapons normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two
Many weapons have been re-categorized, and stats weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and
reassigned, from those listed in the core rules. In general, a light weapon.
some effort was made for the weapons here to reflect those Entangle: A successful attack also applies the Entangled
in historical use. Unlike in the core rules, in which weapons condition to the target. Unless otherwise noted, keeping an
are individually classified as “simple,” “martial,” or “exotic,” opponent entangled requires a CMB check on the wielder’s
these rules allow all weapons to be used with varying degrees part each round after the initial one.
of skill, depending on the level of proficiency of the wielder. Feat: Some Exotic usages duplicate feats. You need not
The Simple Weapon Proficiency feat grants the Simple level meet the prerequisites, but the feat applies only to the
of proficiency with all weapons. The Martial Weapon specific weapon in which you have the Exotic proficiency.
Proficiency feat grants Martial proficiency with all weapons Finesse: You can use this weapon in conjunction with the
within a particular weapons group (see below). Certain fighter Weapon Finesse feat (all light weapons automatically have
talents, such as Weapon Mastery, also apply to all weapons this property).
within a particular group. The Exotic Weapon Proficiency Melee: The weapon cannot be effectively thrown without
feat grants the Exotic level of proficiency with a single the Catch Off-Guard feat.
weapon. Weapon groups are as follows: Nonlethal: These weapons deal nonlethal damage (see
Group Weapons Ranged: The weapon can be thrown and/or used to fire
Axes Battleaxe, glaive, great axe, halberd, hand axe projectiles, with the listed range increment. Each increment
Blades, Bastard sword, broadsword, falchion,
beyond the first applies a cumulative -2 penalty to attacks.
Heavy greatsword, longsword, scimitar, scythe Maximum range is five such increments for thrown weapons,
or ten for ranged weapons.
Blades, Dagger, kukri, machete, rapier, sickle, short Reach: You use a reach weapon to strike opponents 10 feet
Light sword, smallsword away, but you can't use it against an adjacent foe.
Bludgeons Great club, heavy club, heavy mace, light club, Reload: Most projectile weapons take time to reload, as
morningstar, quarterstaff, sap, tonfa listed. More proficient users can reload faster. Reload times in
Bows and Blowgun, hunting blowgun, kestros, longbow, terms of actions are self-explanatory. A reload time of “one
Slings short bow, sling, staff sling iterative attack” means that a user with multiple attacks can
Close Gauntlet, heavy shield, light shield, natural
use one or more of them to reload during a round. Regardless
weapons attacks, punching dagger, garotte, sap, spiked of which attack(s) in sequence are used for reloading, actual
gauntlet, spiked shield, unarmed attacks ranged attacks are made at the normal attack penalty
progression (usually -0/-5/-5/-5). For example, a character
Crossbows Hand crossbow, heavy crossbow, light
crossbow, prodd
with base attack bonus +11 with a ready weapon can fire
once at +11, reload, and fire again at +6 in the same round.
Flails and Chain whip, heavy flail, light flail, meteor Trip: If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you
Whips hammer, pole flail, three-section staff, scourge, can drop the weapon to avoid being tripped. Unlike non-trip
spiked chain, whip weapons, weapons with the "trip" property allow you to apply
Hammers Heavy pick, great hammer, light hammer, light weapon bonuses (enhancement, Weapon Focus, etc.) and feat
and Picks pick, Lucerne hammer, maul, military pick, bonuses (Improved Trip, etc.) to your CBM when tripping.
warhammer Note: You can attempt unarmed trips even without a free
Polearms Glaive, guisarme, halberd, lajatang, long spear, hand, using a foot.
Lucerne hammer, mancatcher, morningstar, Multiple Options: Multiple options separated by an “and”
pole flail, ranseur are all available to a character with that level of proficiency.
Spears Harpoon, javelin, lance, long spear, ranseur, Multiple options with an “or” require the desired option to be
short spear, spear chosen at the time the appropriate proficiency is taken. For
weapons of this sort, the Exotic Weapon Proficiency can be
Throwing Bolas, boomerang, chakram, dagger, dart, hand
Weapons axe, javelin, light hammer, net, orc shot put
selected multiple times, in order to gain multiple options. For
example, the Exotic listing for the long spear reads as
A number of weapons have special properties: follows:
Brace: If you use a readied action to set a brace weapon Two handed melee, 1d8/x3, brace, feat (Lunge or Phalanx
against a charge, you deal double damage on a successful hit Fighter talent), reach; or two handed melee, 2d6/x3, brace,
against a charging creature. reach.
Choke: A successful pin cuts off the opponent's air supply;
use drowning/suffocating rules.
Disarm: When you use a disarm weapon, you get a +2
bonus on Combat Maneuver Checks to disarm an enemy.
A character with Exotic proficiency with the long spear can Martial: Two handed melee, 1d10/x3, reach.
either (a) learn to use the Lunge feat with that weapon, or (b) Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d10/x3, feat (Shorten Grip),
learn to use the Phalanx Fighter talent with that weapon, or reach, trip; or two handed melee, 2d6/x3, reach.
(c) learn to deal base 2d6 damage with the weapon (but gain
none of the feat options, in that case). The brace and reach
properties are gained no matter which option is selected. A Halberd
character could potentially gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency The halberd consists of a small axe blade topped with a
with the long spear up to three times, in order to gain spike, mounted on a shaft. It always has a hook on the back
multiple options. side of the axe blade, used for snagging mounted combatants.
A halberd can be used to perform trip attacks, and can be
Axes braced against an enemy charge; exotic proficiency
Unless otherwise noted, all axes deal slashing damage. supersedes the “dwarven warpike” from Races of Stone. 6
lbs, slashing or piercing damage.
Axe, Battle Simple: Two handed melee, -4 competence penalty to
This is the famous one-handed Viking Axe. Weapons of this attacks, 1d10/x2, brace.
type include the Indian parashu; larger examples include the
Danish axe and the dwarven war axe. Up to 6 lbs. Martial: Two handed melee, 1d10/x3, brace, trip.
Simple: Two handed melee, or one handed melee with -4 Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d10/x3, brace, feat (Lunge),
competence penalty to attacks, 1d8/x3. trip.
Martial: One handed melee, 1d8/x3 and two-handed Blades, Heavy
melee, 1d10/x3.
Exotic: One handed melee, 1d10/x3. Unless otherwise noted, all heavy blades deal slashing
Axe, Hand Falchion
An incredibly versatile weapon and tool, the hand axe can be Although the historical falchion was a form of broadsword,
thrown or used in melee, and can be used to make tripping the term is used here as in the Pathfinder core rules, to
attacks. Includes the hatchet, the tomahawk, and the specifically represent a hand-and-a-half scimitar or “great
francisca. 2 lbs. scimitar,” similar to the German Kriegsmesser or Chinese
dadao. Its exotic usage can also simulate the katana (or tachi),
Simple: One handed melee and ranged (10 ft.), 1d6/x2. the “elven curve blade” of Golarion, and the “elven
Martial: Light melee and ranged (10 ft.), 1d6/x3, trip. courtblade” from Races of the Wild. 6 lbs.
Exotic: Light melee and ranged (20 ft.), 1d6/x3, disarm, Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
trip. attacks, 2d4/18-20.
Martial: Two handed melee, 2d4/18-20.
Axe, Great Exotic: One handed melee, 1d8/18-20; or
Includes all heavy, two-handed axes without reach, such as
the bardiche and Lochaber axe. 12 lbs.
two handed melee, 1d10/18-20 and finesse; or
Simple: Two handed melee, -4 competence penalty to two handed melee, 2d6/18-20.
attacks, 1d10/x3.
Martial: Two handed melee, 1d12/x3. Scimitar
Any single-handed, curved sword that is lighter than a
Exotic: Two handed melee, 2d8/x3. broadsword, such as the sabre, the Russian shashka, the
Indian tulwar, the Chinese dao, the Persian shamshir, and
Glaive the Turkish yataghan, can be considered a scimitar. The
A glaive is a simple blade, mounted to the end of a pole. curve allows more momentum to be focused on a single point
Similar reach weapons such as the Japanese naginata, the along the blade, accounting for the weapon’s excellent critical
pollaxe (or “poleaxe”), the couteau de brèche, the voulge, and range. 2.5 lbs.
the longaxe (from the Advanced Race Guide) can all be Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
treated as glaives. The trip function of the Exotic proficiency attacks, 1d6/19-20.
can be accomplished by adding a hook to the back, creating a
glaive-guisarme, whereas the added damage option for Exotic Martial: One handed melee, 1d6/18-20.
use supersedes the heavy poleaxe from Complete Warrior. An Exotic: One handed melee, 1d8/18-20; or one handed
Exotic wielder with Shorten Grip option and the Two-Weapon melee (Light melee for purposes of Two-Weapon Fighting),
Fighting feat can use a glaive as a double weapon, striking 1d6/18-20, Finesse (this latter usage supersedes the
with the butt as if it were a staff. 8 lbs. Dervish Dance feat from Qadira: Gateway to the East, and
Simple: Two handed melee, -4 competence penalty to the Red Mantis Assassins’ “sawtooth sabre” from the
attacks, 1d10/x3, reach. Pathfinder Campaign Setting).
Sword, Long
Scythe The longsword is a multipurpose cutting and thrusting
A scythe consists of an S-shaped wooden shaft with a long, weapon, generally with a straight blade approximately 3 ft.
curved blade set on it. Although capable of dealing long. The cruciform arming sword, the knight’s sword, the
horrendous wounds, it is a clumsy weapon except in well- side-sword, the Walloon sword, the mortuary sword used in
trained hands. 5 lbs. A longer war scythe (e.g., a fauchard) is the English Civil War, the Viking sword, the Chinese jian, the
represented using the guisarme statistics (see Polearms). You Sudanese kaskara, and the Roman spatha are all represented
can use the scythe stats for a “mercurial greatsword” like by longsword statistics. 3 lbs., slashing and piercing damage.
Terminus Est from Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun. Exotic wielders become more adept with the point, rapier-
Simple: Two handed with -4 competence penalty to like, and have more finesse overall; this supersedes the
attacks melee, 2d4/x3. Taldori dueling sword of Golarion and the elven thinblade
from Races of the Wild.
Martial: Two handed melee, 2d4/x3, trip. Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
Exotic: Two handed melee, 2d4/x4, trip. attacks, 1d8/19-20.
Martial: One handed melee, 1d8/19-20.
Sword, Bastard
The bastard sword is similar to the long sword, but with a 4- Exotic: One handed melee, 1d8/18-20, Finesse; or one
ft. blade and longer handle allowing better leverage with two- handed melee, 1d8/19-20 and 1d12/19-20 vs. opponents
handed blows; it is often referred to as a “hand-and-a-half of size Large or larger.
sword.” Smaller claymores are bastard swords (larger ones
can be treated as great swords). 4 lbs. Blades, Light
Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to Dagger
attacks, 1d10/19-20. Any weapon with a blade about a foot in length―including a
Martial: Two handed melee, 1d10/19-20. Scottish dirk, a French poignard, a Somali bilao, an
Indonesian kris, etc. Most knives can be treated as daggers as
Exotic: One handed melee, 1d10/19-20, and two-handed well, only dealing primarily slashing damage. You get a +2
melee, 1d10/18-20 or special (1d10/19-20 and 2d8/19-20 bonus on Sleight of Hand skill checks made to conceal a
against Large or larger opponents). dagger on your body. 1 lb, piercing damage (secondary
slashing damage).
Sword, Broad Simple: Light melee, 1d4/19-20.
True broadswords—such as the schiavona, the falcata, the
backsword, the hanger, the Scottish broadsword, and the Martial: Light melee and ranged (10 ft.), 1d4/19-20
German Großes Messer—use the sword’s weight to add Exotic: Light melee, 1d4/19-20 and sneak attack +1d6;
power to the blow. The weapon’s balance is such, however, and light ranged (10 ft.), 1d4/19-20.
that it cannot be effectively wielded in two hands. A
broadsword is generally fitted with a basket hilt, providing a
+2 enhancement bonus against disarm attempts. 4 lbs. Synergy: If you have Exotic dagger proficiency and also
have the sneak attack class feature, the effects stack. In
Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to addition, if your base sneak attack ability (not including this
attacks, 1d8/19-20. feature) is at least +5d6, you gain an additional +1d6 when
Martial: One handed melee, 1d8/19-20. using a dagger (+7d6 total). If your base sneak attack ability is
at least +9d6, you gain +3d6 instead (total +12d6). This is a
Exotic: One handed melee, 1d8/19-20/x3. specific exception to the general rule capping sneak attack
damage at +1d6/2 levels (rounded up), and emulates the
Knife Master’s “sneak stab” from the Advanced Player’s
Sword, Great Guide.
The greatsword includes the two-handed sword or
Zweihänder, and also the Japanese no-dachi. 6 lbs. Kukri
Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to The kukri, or “Gurkha knife,” has a large, curved blade, with
attacks, 2d6/x2. the cutting edge on the inside of the curve. 1-2 lbs, slashing
Martial: Two handed melee, 2d6/19-20.
Simple: Light with -4 competence penalty to attacks,
Exotic: Two handed melee, 2d6/19-20 and 3d6/19-20 1d4/18-20.
against Large or larger opponents.
Martial: Light, 1d4/18-20.
Exotic: Light, 1d6/18-20 and feat (Lunge).
Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
Cutlass attacks, 1d6/19-20, Finesse.
A small cutlass includes any slashing weapon larger than a Martial: Light melee with -4 competence penalty to
simple knife but smaller than a full-sized sword. Examples attacks, 1d6/18-20.
include the machete, the Philippine bolo, the Malaysian
parang, the Old English seax, the Arabic jambiya, the Exotic: Light melee, 1d6/18-20, feat (Lunge).
Japanese wakizashi, and the “dogslicer” of Golarion. 2 lbs.,
slashing damage.
Simple: One handed melee, 1d6/x2. As their name implies, unless otherwise noted all bludgeons
Martial: Light melee, 1d6/19-20. deal bludgeoning damage.
Exotic: Light melee, 1d6/18-20 or 1d8/19-20; and one Club, Great
handed thrown (10 ft.), 1d6/19-20. The great club is simply a heavy, two-handed club. Fancy
versions might be bound in iron and set with metal studs, like
Sickle the Japanese tetsubo or kanabo. 6 lbs.
The sickle, derived from the grain cutting tool, is a wooden Simple: Two handed melee, 1d10/x2.
handle with a short, curved blade. Examples include the
Japanese kama. The kusarigama is a double weapon Martial: Two handed melee, 1d10/x3.
equivalent to a sickle and a chain whip (q.v.). 2 lbs., slashing
damage. Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d10/x4.
Simple: Light melee, 1d6/x2.
Club, Heavy
Martial: Light melee, 1d6/19-20, trip. Heavier bludgeons, such as an Iroquois ball-headed or
gunstock war club, a baseball bat, an Irish shillelagh, a
Exotic: Light melee, 1d6/18-20, trip. Japanese bokken (wooden practice sword)―or even a length
of metal pipe―fall under this category. A heavy club can be
Sword, Rapier swung two-handed to gain 1½ times your Strength bonus on
The rapier is a long, thin sword, usually with no cutting edge; damage. 2.5 to 4 lbs.
variants include the estoc. You can't wield a rapier in two Simple: One handed melee, 1d6/x2.
hands in order to apply 1½ times your Strength bonus to
damage. 2 lbs., piercing damage. Martial: One handed melee, 1d6/x3.
Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to Exotic: One handed melee, 1d6/x3, Feat (Staggering
attacks, 1d6/19-20. Strike); and one handed ranged, 1d6/x3, 10 ft.
Martial: One handed melee, 1d6/18-20, Finesse.
Club, Light
Exotic: One handed melee, 1d6/18-20, Disarm, Finesse Any lightweight bludgeon, such as a light mace, belaying pin,
and feat (Lunge). singlestick, Japanese hanbo, South African knobkierrie,
Filipino yantok (escrima stick), etc., is treated as a light club.
Sword, Short Light clubs do not provide sufficient weight and leverage to
Typically, this category consists of any thrusting blade longer gain additional damage from being used two-handed. Most
than a dagger, but shorter than a full-sized sword; the Roman styles featured training in Two-Weapon Fighting (such as with
gladius is an excellent example, as is the U.S. Model 1832 the paired sticks or the Philippine knife-and-stick) or
foot artillery sword. Larger cinqueadea daggers also qualify. 1 throwing (such as the Zulu iwisa). 1 to 2 lbs.
lb., piercing damage (secondary slashing damage). Simple: One handed melee, 1d4/x2.
Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to Martial: Light melee, 1d6/x2 and feat (Two-Weapon
attacks, 1d6/19-20. Fighting, with two light clubs or light club and dagger
Martial: Light melee, 1d6/19-20. only); or light melee and light ranged (10 ft.), 1d6/x2.
Exotic: Light melee, 1d8/19-20. Exotic: Light melee, 1d6/x2, feat (Two-Weapon Fighting);
and light ranged (10 ft.), 1d6/x2, feat (Far Shot).
Sword, Small
The small sword or smallsword (also court sword, French Synergy: If you have at least Martial proficiency with light
épée de cour or dress sword) is a light weapon designed for clubs and also Exotic proficiency with light flails, you can use
thrusting which evolved out of the longer and heavier rapier a dan bong (Korean rope stick) as a light club or as a light
of the late Renaissance. This weapon also supersedes the flail, depending on how you swing it. Until you do so, the
elven lightblade from Races of the Wild. 1 lb., piercing weapon appears to be nothing more than a light club to
damage. anyone lacking that proficiency.
Mace, Heavy Any light bludgeoning weapon with a side handle or prong in
A mace is made up of an ornate metal head attached to a order to catch opponents’ weapons and allow for variant grips
simple wooden or metal shaft. The Russian pernach and (including a billy club) can be treated as a tonfa. For example,
shestopyor are examples of flanged maces. The one-handed a sai is a metal spike flanked by a pair of prongs used to trap
“morningstar” in the core rules is treated as a heavy mace, as an enemy's weapon; though pointed, a sai is used primarily to
the Medieval morning star (q.v.) was a two-handed pole bludgeon foes and to disarm weapons, so it falls into this
weapon. The increased damage option for Exotic use category for the sake of simplicity (as does the jutte). The
supersedes the “warmace” from Complete Warrior. 2 lbs. to 6 aklys, owing to the side hook, can also be treated as a tonfa.
lbs. However, it is attached to a 20-ft. cord, and can be retrieved
Simple: One handed melee, 1d8/x2. after throwing as a move action. 2 lbs.
Martial: One handed melee, 1d8/x3. Simple: Light melee, 1d4/x2.
Exotic: One handed melee, 1d8/x3, feat Martial: Light melee, 1d6/x2, disarm, trip.
Exotic: Light melee and ranged (10 ft.), 1d6/x3, disarm,
(Crushing Blow); or one handed melee, 1d12/x3. trip.
Morning Star Bows and Slings
This is an infantry weapon in the form of a thick wooden
shaft up to 8 feet in length, slightly fluted toward the top, with The “Bows and Slings” group is also used as a catch-all for
a spiked head and topped with a stout iron spike. The projectile weapons (such as the blowgun) that don’t belong
Flemish goedendag and the English “holy water sprinkler” anywhere else.
are examples; longer Aztec macauhuitl can also be treated as Special: Standard short bows and longbows are
morning stars. The length of the morning star’s handle constructed for a person of average Strength (10-11).
distinguishes it from the one-handed weapon described in the Strength penalties to damage apply, but not bonuses due to
core rules. 10 lbs, bludgeoning and piercing damage. higher Strength unless a composite bow is used. Composite
bows have a greater “pull,” and require a minimum Strength
Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to score to use. A wielder meeting or exceeding that minimum
attacks, 1d10/x3. can add his or her Strength bonus to damage. Composite
Martial: Two handed melee, 1d10/x3, brace. bows also add 10 ft. to the range increments shown.
Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d10/x3, brace, and the long Blowgun, Light
shaft allows the morning star to be used as a normal Blowguns are generally used to deliver debilitating (but rarely
weapon (5 ft. reach) or as a reach weapon (10-ft. reach); fatal) poisons from a distance. They are nearly silent when
you can switch your grip as a swift action. fired. The smaller Japanese fukiya blowgun is a simple
weapon appropriate for ninjas; 2 lbs, piercing damage.
Sap Simple: One handed ranged (10 ft.) with -4 competence
The sap, or blackjack, is essentially a sandbag, used to penalty to attacks, 1d2, reload 1 standard action.
bludgeon opponents unconscious. 1 lb.
Martial: One handed ranged (10 ft.), 1d2, reload 1 move
Simple: Light melee with -4 competence penalty to action.
attacks, 1d6/x2 nonlethal.
Exotic: One handed ranged (10 ft.), 1d2, reload 1 iterative
Martial: Light melee, 1d6/x3 nonlethal. attack.
Exotic: Light melee, 1d6/x3 nonlethal, feat (Knockout
Blow). Blowgun, Hunting
The longer South American and Cherokee blowguns have a
Staff, Quarter
much longer range, with the disadvantage of being 6 to 9 feet
The simple staff, whether shod and weighted like the English long and unwieldy. 3 lbs, piercing damage.
quarterstaff, or simply made of strong bamboo, as the bo Simple: Two handed ranged (30 ft.) with -4 competence
staff, is a useful double weapon. 3 lbs. Note that the Maori penalty to attacks, 1d2, reload 1 full round.
taiaha is essentially a double weapon with a quarterstaff for
one end and a short spear for the other. Martial: Two handed ranged (30 ft.) with -4 competence
penalty to attacks, 1d2, reload 1 move action.
Simple: Two handed melee, 1d6/x2.
Exotic: Two handed ranged (30 ft.), 1d2, reload 1 iterative
Martial: Two handed melee double weapon, 1d6/x2, feat attack.
(Two Weapon Fighting).
Exotic: Two handed melee double weapon, 1d6/x3, feats
(Two-Weapon Fighting and Two Weapon Defense); or one
handed melee weapon, 1d6/x3.
Synergy: If you have at least Martial proficiency with the
Bow, Long sling and with Flails and Whips, you can use a loaded sling
Six-foot bows like the English longbow and the Japanese exactly as if it were a light flail (including any feats and/or
daikyu fall under this heading. The daikyu’s grip was off- talents you have that normally apply to the light flail). This
center, allowing it to be used while mounted by a wielder with supersedes the Sling Flail feat from Ultimate Combat.
Exotic proficiency. 3 lbs, piercing damage.
Sling, Staff
Simple: Two handed ranged (100 ft.) with -4 competence Made from a specially designed sling attached to a pole, a
penalty to attacks, 1d8/x3, reload 1 move action. staff sling can be used by a proficient wielder to devastating
effect. Your Strength modifier applies to damage rolls when
Martial: Two handed ranged (100 ft.), 1d8/x3, reload 1 you use a staff sling, just as it does for thrown weapons.
iterative attack. Exotic proficiency supersedes the warsling from Races of the
Exotic: Two handed ranged (100 ft.), 1d8/x3, reload free Wild. 3 lbs, bludgeoning damage.
action, or reload move action and can use while mounted. Special: You can hurl ordinary stones with a staff sling, but
stones are not as dense or as round as bullets. Thus, such an
attack deals damage as if the weapon were designed for a
Bow, short creature one size category smaller than you and you take a –1
A short bow is about 3 feet in length; examples include the penalty on attack rolls.
Mongol bow and the Japanese hankyu. You can use a short
bow while mounted. 2 lbs, piercing damage. Simple: Two handed ranged (40 ft.) with -4 competence
penalty to attacks, 1d6/x3, reload 1 full round.
Simple: Two handed ranged (60 ft.) with -4 competence
penalty to attacks, 1d6/x3, reload 1 iterative attack. Martial: Two handed ranged (80 ft.) with -4 competence
penalty to attacks, 1d8/x3, reload 1 move action.
Martial: Two handed ranged (60 ft.), 1d6/x3, reload free
action. Exotic: Two handed ranged (80 ft.), 1d8/x4, reload 1
iterative attack.
Exotic: Two handed ranged (60 ft.), 1d8/x3 and feat
(Steady Aim), reload free action. Close Weapons
Kestros Dagger, Punching
The Macedonian kestros is, in essence, a double sling for A punching dagger's blade is often attached to a horizontal
throwing heavy, javelin-like darts. 1 lb., piercing. handle that projects out from the fist when held. The Indian
katara is an example of a punching dagger, as is the riverboat
Simple: One handed ranged (30 ft.) with -4 competence gambler’s push knife. Also, the Malaysian siangham and
penalty to attacks, 1d8, reload 1 move action. Chinese emeici, and the
Martial: One handed ranged (40 ft.), 1d8/x2, reload 1 “Gehennan lancet” from the Planar Handbook, can
iterative attack. essentially be treated as punching daggers. 1 lb., piercing
Exotic: One handed ranged (50 ft.), 1d8/x3, reload free Simple: Light melee, 1d4/x3.
Martial: Light melee, 1d4/x3 and feat (Deft Blow).
Sling Exotic: Light melee, 1d4/x3 and feats (Deft Blow, Skewer
A sling is little more than a leather cup attached to a pair of Foe).
strings. Your Strength modifier applies to damage rolls when
you use a sling, just as it does for thrown weapons. You can
fire, but not load, a sling with one hand. Loading a sling Garrote, Cord
requires two hands and provokes attacks of opportunity. 0 This is nothing more than a simple strangling cord, such as a
lbs., bludgeoning damage. Thuggee’s silken garrote or a Mafioso’s “rope.” In order for
Special: You can hurl ordinary stones with a sling, but you to use a garrote, your opponent must be helpless or
stones are not as dense or as round as bullets. Thus, such an unaware of you. You must make a grapple check (though you
attack deals damage as if the weapon were designed for a avoid the –4 penalty for not having two hands free) to
creature one size category smaller than you. successfully begin garroting your opponent. If you have
Martial proficiency or better, your victim must make a
Simple: One handed ranged (50 ft.), 1d4/x3, reload 1 concentration check (DC 20 + your CMB + level of the spell)
move action. to cast a spell with a verbal component, use a command word
Martial: One handed ranged (60 ft.), 1d6/x3, reload 1 item, or use any magic requiring speech. Negligible weight;
iterative attack. special damage.
Exotic: One handed ranged (60 ft.), 1d8/x3, reload free Simple: Two handed melee, 1d4 on grapple.
action; or one handed ranged (60 ft.), 1d6/x3, reload 1 Martial: Two handed melee, 1d4 on grapple, choke, feat
iterative attack, feat (Staggering Strike). (Throat Punch).
Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d4 on grapple, choke, feats Exotic: Light unarmed (melee), 1d6/19-20 lethal or
(Improved Grapple, Throat Punch). nonlethal, and your unarmed attacks are treated both as
manufactured weapons and as natural weapons for the
Garrote, Wire purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve
A garrote is a length of wire with wooden handles at both either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.
ends. The wire is placed across a victim's throat and crossed
behind the neck; when the handles are pulled tight, the Synergy: If you also have the Improved Weapon
garrote strangles him. It is otherwise similar to a strangling Maneuvers feat, you can make unarmed parry, bind, and
cord (see garrote, cord). Negligible weight; slashing damage. disarm attempts (and sunder attempts against wooden
Simple: Two handed melee, 1d6 on grapple. weapons) as if you were armed.
Source: Martial proficiency in unarmed attacks
Martial: Two handed melee, 1d6/19-20 on grapple, choke, supersedes the Improved Unarmed Strike feat; Exotic
feat (Throat Punch). proficiency subsumes the Superior Unarmed Strike feat,
from the Tome of Battle.
Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d6/19-20 on grapple, choke,
feats (Improved Grapple, Throat Punch). Crossbows
Crossbows work similarly to bows, except their Strength is
Any armored glove or other means of adding weight and/or mechanical (through winding) rather than limited by the
hardness to a basic fist (brass knuckles, or even a simple roll user’s Strength. Default mechanical strength scores are 12
of quarters) uses these statistics (e.g., the cestus is a glove of (+1 damage) for a hand crossbow, 16 (+3) for a light
leather or thick cloth that covers the wielder from mid-finger crossbow, and 20 (+5) for a heavy crossbow. Crossbows can
to mid-forearm, reinforced with metal plates over the fingers. be constructed with higher mechanical strength scores (see
An armored gauntlet or cestus gives you a –2 penalty on all “Spring Steel” under special materials, below), but they are
precision-based tasks involving that hand (such as opening expensive and difficult to produce.
locks). 1 lb., bludgeoning damage. Some crossbows can be fired one-handed (as shown in the
individual descriptions), but all of them generally require two
Simple: Light melee, 1d3/x2. hands to reload.
Exotic Proficiency: If you have Exotic proficiency with a
Martial: Light melee, 1d4/19-20. crossbow that is loaded and in hand, any time you are hit with
Exotic: Light melee, 1d4/19-20, feats/class features a ranged attack, you can fire that crossbow at your attacker as
applying to unarmed attacks also apply to your gauntlets an attack of opportunity.
(q.v.). Repeating Crossbows: Repeating crossbows like the
Chinese chu-ke-nu hold 5 crossbow bolts. As long as it holds
bolts, you can reload it by pulling the reloading lever (a free
Gauntlet, Spiked action). Loading a new case of 5 bolts is a full-round action
Adding spikes to a gauntlet or cestus allows more damaging (regardless of your level of proficiency) that provokes attacks
attacks, at the cost of added weight. 2 lbs, piercing damage. of opportunity. Repeating crossbows have a mechanical
Simple: Light melee, 1d4/x2. Strength score 4 lower than normal (1d6+1 damage for light
repeating crossbows, 1d8+3 for heavy repeating crossbows).
Martial: Light melee, 1d4/x3. Hand crossbows and prodds do not have repeating versions.
Standard crossbows deal piercing damage; the prod deals
Exotic: Light melee, 1d4/x3 and feat (Skewer Foe). bludgeoning damage instead.
Sap Crossbow, Hand
See full descriptions under “Bludgeons.” You can draw a hand crossbow back by hand. You can shoot,
but not load, a hand crossbow with one hand at no penalty.
Unarmed Attack You can shoot a hand crossbow with each hand, but you take
A non-proficient character can make flailing blows without a a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two light
weapon; these blows provoke attacks of opportunity. At the weapons. Reloading takes 2 hands. 2 lbs.
Simple level of proficiency, unarmed attacks are basic Simple: Light ranged (30 ft.), 1d4+1/19-20, reload 1 move
punches, unable to deal lethal damage but not provoking action.
attacks of opportunity. Kicks, elbows, etc. can be added to the
repertoire at the Martial level, and at the Exotic level of Martial: Light ranged (30 ft.), 1d4+1/19-20, reload 1
proficiency the character is a skilled martial artist. iterative attack.
Simple: Light unarmed (melee), 1d3, nonlethal. Exotic: Light ranged (30 ft.), 1d4+1/19-20, reload free
Martial: Light unarmed (melee), 1d4/19-20, lethal or action.
Exotic: Two handed melee double weapon, 2d4/2d4; and
Crossbow, Heavy two-handed melee reach weapon 2d4 (shift grip as swift
You draw a heavy crossbow back by turning a small winch. action); disarm, entangle, finesse, trip.
Normally, operating a heavy crossbow requires two hands.
However, you can shoot, but not load, a heavy crossbow with Flail, Heavy
one hand at a –4 penalty on attack rolls. 8 lbs. A heavy flail consists of a long handle with a spiked metal
Simple: Two handed ranged (120 ft.), 1d8+5/19-20, reload striking end―rather like the end of a morning star―attached
1 full round (provokes attacks of opportunity). by means of a chain or swivel. 10 lbs, bludgeoning damage. 6
lbs, bludgeoning (secondary piercing) damage.
Martial: Two handed ranged (120 ft.), 1d8+5/19-20, reload
1 move action (provokes attacks of opportunity). Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
attacks, 1d10/19-20.
Exotic: Two handed ranged (120 ft.), 1d8+5/19-20, feat
(Fell Shot or Vital Stike), reload 1 move action. Martial: Two handed melee, 1d10/19-20, disarm, trip.
Exotic: One handed melee, 1d10/19-20, disarm, trip; and
Vital Strike damage is +1d6 if BAB less than +6. If you two handed melee, 1d10/19-20, disarm and special
already have the Vital Strike feat, you gain the effects of the (cannot be parried or redirected; not affected by Combat
Powerful Bolt fighter talent when firing a heavy crossbow. Expertise or defensive fighting).
Crossbow, Light Flail, Light
You draw a light crossbow back by pulling a lever. Normally, In addition to the familiar image of a handle with a spiked
operating a light crossbow requires two hands. However, you ball at the end of a chain (a “horseman’s flail”), the light flail
can shoot, but not load, a light crossbow with one hand at a – includes any one-handed martial bludgeon with a rope or
2 penalty on attack rolls. You can shoot a light crossbow with swivel, such as a grain thresher, a set of nunchaku, or a
each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if “flindbar.” 2 to 3 lbs, bludgeoning damage.
attacking with two weapons. 4 lbs.
Simple: Two handed ranged (80 ft.), 1d6+3/19-20, reload Simple: One handed melee, 1d6/x2.
1 move action. Martial: One handed melee, 1d8/x2, disarm.
Martial: Two handed ranged (80 ft.), 1d6+3/19-20, reload Exotic: Light melee, 1d8/19-20, disarm.
1 iterative attack.
Exotic: Two handed ranged (80 ft.), 1d6+3/19-20, feat Flail, Pole
(Focused Shot or Deft Blow), reload 1 iterative attack. This is simply a long heavy flail with reach, forming a sort of
polearm. 12 lbs., bludgeoning (secondary piercing) damage.
Prodd Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
The prodd is, in essence, a small hand catapult that fires attacks, 1d10/19-20, reach.
sling bullets rather than bolts. Normally, operating a prodd
requires two hands. However, you can shoot, but not load, a Martial: Two handed melee, 1d10/19-20, reach, trip.
prodd with one hand at no penalty on attack rolls. Like a light Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d10/19-20, feat (Crushing
crossbow, a prod has an effective mechanical Strength of 15. Blow), reach, trip.
4 lbs.
Simple: Light ranged (80 ft.), 1d4+2/x2, reload 1 move Hammer, Meteor
action. This weapon is a spherical or conical weight attached to a 15-
Martial: Light ranged (80 ft.), 1d4+2/x2, reload 1 iterative foot rope. This weapon includes the rope dart and the “dorn-
attack. dergar.” 6-7 lbs, bludgeoning damage.
Exotic: Light ranged (80 ft.), 1d4+2/x2, reload free action. Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
attacks, 1d8/x2, finesse, reach.
Flails and Whips Martial: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
attacks, 1d8/19-20, entangle, finesse, reach; and one
Chain, Spiked handed ranged, 1d4/19-20, retrieve by means of rope
Essentially a double chain whip (q.v.)―heavier, with bladed (adjust grip as move action).
tips at both ends, and it can be gripped anywhere along the
chain. 5 lbs, bludgeoning and piercing damage. Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d10/19-20, disarm, entangle,
finesse, reach, trip; and two handed melee, 1d10/19-20,
Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to trip (adjust grip as swift action; this supersedes the
attacks, 2d4, entangle. Darting Viper feat from Dwarves of Golarion).
Martial: Two handed melee, 2d4, entangle, finesse.
Attack: You cannot use your whip to attack while you are
Scourge using it to grapple an opponent.
The scourge is a short, heavy, multi-tailed whip, capable of Damage: When dealing damage to your grappled
leaving bleeding wounds. The “cat-o’-nine tails” uses the opponent, you deal your whip’s weapon damage rather
scourge statistics. 2 lbs, slashing damage. than your unarmed strike damage.
Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
attacks, 1d6/x2. Free Hands: You take no penalty on your combat
maneuver check for having fewer than two hands free
Martial: One handed melee, 1d8/x2, disarm. when you use your whip to grapple.
Exotic: One handed melee, 1d8/x2, disarm, feat (Bleeding These synergy effects supersede the Whip Mastery and
Strike). Greater Whip Mastery feats from Ultimate Combat.
Staff, Three-Section Whip, Chain
The three-section staff (sanjiegun or sansetsukon) is a flail Any one-handed flexible, whiplike weapon with a handle at
weapon that consists of three wooden or metal staves one end and a sharp edge or tip fits under the category of
connected by metal rings or rope. A more complicated “chain whips.” Examples include the scorpion whip, the whip-
version of the light flail, the staves can be spun to gather dagger, the kau sin ke, the urumi of the Punjab, the “nine-
momentum resulting in a powerful blow. 5 lbs, bludgeoning section whip” from Ultimate Combat, and the bladed scarf of
damage. More proficient wielders can use both ends Varisia. 3 lbs, Slashing.
simultaneously, as a double weapon; these stats therefore
cover the 3.5 edition “dire flail.” Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
attacks, 1d6/x2, reach.
Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
attacks, 1d6/x2. Martial: One handed melee, 1d6/19-20, finesse, reach.
Martial: Two handed melee, 1d10/19-20; and two-handed Exotic: One handed melee, 1d8/18-20, disarm, finesse,
melee double weapon, 1d6/19-20. reach, trip.
Exotic: Two handed melee weapon, 1d10/19-20, disarm,
feat (Lunge), finesse, trip; and two-handed melee double Hammers and Picks
weapon, 1d8/19-20, finesse, feat (Two-Weapon Fighting). Historically, warhammers and picks were generally combined
or even indistinguishable from one another; for the sake of
Whip game continuity, they are listed separately here. Unless
The whip is treated as a melee weapon with 15-foot reach, otherwise noted, all hammers deal bludgeoning damage;
though you don't threaten the area into which you can make picks deal piercing damage.
an attack. Using a whip provokes an attack of opportunity,
just as if you had used a ranged weapon, unless you have Hammer, Great
Exotic proficiency with it (Exotic whip proficiency supersedes Appearing as a weapon only in fantasy, a great hammer is a
the Whip Mastery feat from Ultimate Combat). massive, two-handed weapon akin to the thing used in Conan
the Barbarian, or the “earth breaker” in the Golarion setting.
Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to 16 lbs.
attacks, 1d3 nonlethal, finesse, reach.
Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
Martial: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to attacks, 2d6/x2.
attacks, 1d3 nonlethal, finesse, reach.
Martial: Two handed melee, 2d6/x3.
Exotic: One handed melee, 1d3 lethal or nonlethal (your
choice each attack), disarm, finesse, reach, trip. Exotic: Two handed melee, 2d6/x3, feat (Staggering
Synergy: If you also have the Ranged Maneuvers feat (q.v.),
you can use a whip to grasp an unattended Small or Tiny Hammer, Light
object within 15 ft. and pull that object into your square. To The light hammer is an especially short-handled, blunt-
do so, you must hit AC 10 with a melee touch attack. Further, headed warhammer, balanced for throwing. 2 lbs.
you can use the whip to grasp onto an object within 10 ft., Simple: Light melee and ranged (10 ft.) with -4
using 5 feet of your whip as if it were a grappling hook, competence penalty to attacks, 1d4/x2.
allowing you to use the rest of your whip to swing on like a
rope. As a free action, you can release the object your whip is Martial: Light melee and ranged (10 ft.), 1d4/x3.
grasping, but you cannot use the whip to attack while the
whip is grasping an object. Exotic: Light melee and ranged (20 ft.), 1d4/x3, feat
If you also have the Improved Grapple feat (q.v.), you gain (Staggering Strike).
the ability to grapple using your whip. To do so, use the
normal grapple rules with the following changes.
Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
Hammer, War attacks, 1d4/x3.
The historical warhammer, including the horseman’s Martial: Light melee, 1d4/x4.
hammer, was a lightweight, long-handled weapon designed to
damage even armored opponents. The small, pronged Exotic: Light melee, 1d4/x4, feat (Deft Blow).
hammer head is often backed with a military pick. 2.5 lbs.
Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to Pick, Military
attacks, 1d8/x3. The military pick, crowbill, or martel-de-fer, is a heavier
Martial: One handed melee, 1d8/x3. version of the light pick, ideal for penetrating armor in the
hands of a skilled user. The head of the pick is often backed
Exotic: One handed melee, 1d8/x3, feat (Crushing Blow). by a warhammer. 4 lbs.
Simple: One handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
Lucerne Hammer attacks, 1d6/x3.
This polearm has both a pronged hammer head for crushing Martial: One handed melee, 1d6/x4.
blows and a spiked head for piercing and peeling armor; most
attacks are made with the hammer. The long haft allows the Exotic: One handed melee, 1d6/x4, feat (Crushing Blow);
wielder to put amazing force behind the head of this weapon. or one handed melee, 1d8/x4.
The bec de corbin is very similar to the Lucerne hammer, but
the hammer head is blunt rather than spiked and the spike is
stouter and more hooked. The dwarven longhammer from the Polearms
Advanced Race Guide and the “ramhammer” from the Planar This is a varied group of weapons, many of which also belong
Handbook are essentially Lucerne hammers. 10 lbs, piercing to other weapons groups.
and bludgeoning damage.
Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to Glaive; Halberd
attacks, 2d4/x3, reach. See full descriptions under “Axes.”
Martial: Two handed melee, 2d6/x3, reach. Guisarme
A guisarme is a modified pruning hook, an 8-foot-long shaft
Exotic: Two handed melee, 2d6/x3, feat (Scything Blow), with a blade and a hook mounted at the tip. The curve and/or
reach. hook of the blade allows the guisarme to be used as a
tripping weapon. Such weapons as the bill and bill hook are
Maul similar enough that they can use the same basic statistics. A
A maul is a sledgehammer. It can be used as a two-handed fauchard is a scythe blade mounted lengthwise at the end of a
martial weapon, but is too heavy and unwieldy to be used in pole; although the blade is sharpened on the inside of the
one hand without Exotic proficiency. 8 lbs, bludgeoning curve, and the curve is less pronounced than in the guisarme,
damage. it is otherwise similar enough so as not to merit separate
statistics. 9 lbs, slashing damage.
Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
attacks, 1d10/x2. Simple: Two handed melee, 1d8/x2, reach, trip.
Martial: Two handed melee, 1d10/x3. Martial: Two handed melee, 1d8/x3, reach, trip.
Exotic: One handed melee, 1d10/x3. Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d10/x3, feat (Shorten grip),
reach, trip.
Pick, Heavy
The heavy pick is a mattock or pickaxe, which also Flail, Pole
supersedes the “dire pick” from Complete Warrior and the See full description under “Flails and Whips.”
tigerskull club from Frostburn. 8 lbs.
Hammer, Lucerne
Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to See full description under “Hammers and Picks.”
attacks, 1d8/x3.
Martial: Two handed melee, 1d8/x4.
Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d8/x4, feat (Scything Blow).
Pick, Light
The light pick, or horseman’s pick, is designed to allow a
skilled user to penetrate armor, despite its light weight. The
pick head is often backed by a light hammer (q.v.). Examples
include the Scythian sagaris. 2 lbs.
Lajatang The javelin (including the assegai and the pilum) is a light
A lajatang is a rare and unusual double weapon found only throwing spear. Thrown javelins are subject to the same
in the hands of martial artists skilled in its use. It consists of a breakage chances as arrows. 2 lbs. A javelin can be used in
three to five foot shaft with a crescent blade fitted at each end. melee as a short spear (q.v.) with a -4 competence penalty to
Such fantasy weapons as the thri-kreen gythka and the orc attacks (and no Exotic usage in melee).
double axe can be treated as lajatangs. 7 lbs, slashing
damage. Simple: One handed ranged (30 ft.), 1d6/x2.
Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to Martial: One handed ranged (30 ft.), 1d6/x3.
attacks, 1d8/x2. Exotic: One handed ranged (30 ft.), 1d8/x3. If you hit a
Martial: Two handed double melee weapon, 1d8/x3. shield-using opponent with a javelin, he loses the AC
bonus from that shield until he takes a standard action to
Exotic: Two handed double melee weapon, 1d8/x3, feat pry out the remnants.
(Two-Weapon Fighting), finesse.
Mancatcher The lance is a long spear, designed for use from horseback. If
This polearm consists of two curved metal bands that close used from the back of a charging mount, the lance deals
around a target when you attack, allowing you to bind an double damage on a successful hit. 10 lbs.
opponent. A mancatcher is built to capture a creature of a
particular size category (e.g., Medium) and doesn’t work on Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to
creatures of the wrong size. The kuo-toa “pincer staff” is a attacks, 1d8/x2, brace, reach.
mancatcher. Martial: Two handed melee (or one handed melee to
A wielder with Exotic proficiency can make a touch attack attack as a standard action), 1d8/x3, brace, reach.
to hit an opponent and a combat maneuver check to grapple
him (without the –4 penalty for not having two hands free); Exotic: One handed melee, 1d8/x3 (1d12/x3 vs. Large
success means you and the target are grappled. Once the and larger opponents), brace, reach.
target is grappled, you can perform a move or damage
grapple action against him. The mancatcher has hardness 10 Ranseur
and 5 hit points; it requires a DC 26 Strength check to break A trident-like polearm designed to parry and disarm weapons
it. If you drop the mancatcher, the target can free himself as a at a distance. The partisan, spetum, corsèsque, military fork,
standard action. 8 lbs, piercing damage. tiger fork, spontoon, and Bohemian ear-spoon are essentially
Simple: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to similar. 6 lbs.
attacks, 1d2, reach. Simple: Two handed melee, 1d8/x2, brace, reach.
Martial: Two handed melee with -4 competence penalty to Martial: Two handed melee, 1d8/x3, brace, disarm, reach.
attacks, 1d2, reach, entangle.
Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d2, reach, grapple. Exotic: Two handed melee, 1d8/x3, brace, disarm, feat
(Shorten Grip), reach, trip.
Morningstar Spear
See full description under “Bludgeons.” A war spear can be used in both hands as a simple weapon,
or in one hand (or thrown) as a martial weapon. Wielders
Ranseur; Long Spear with the Two-Weapon Fighting feat can use a spear in both
See full descriptions under “Spears.” hands, striking with the butt end as if it were a staff. Minor
variations, such as the trident, do not merit separate
Spears statistics. 4 lbs.
Unless otherwise noted, all spears deal piercing damage. Simple: Two handed melee, 1d8/x3, brace.
Harpoon Martial: One handed melee and ranged (10 ft.), 1d8/x3,
The harpoon is a heavy, barbed throwing spear with a brace.
socketed head. It is generally attached to a line so that it can
be retrieved on a miss (a move action), and/or used to drag Exotic: One handed melee 1d8/x3, brace, feat (Skewer
prey to the wielder on a hit. It can be used in melee with a -4 Foe); and two handed melee 1d12/x3, brace; and one
competence penalty. 8 lbs. handed ranged (10 ft.) 1d8/x3.
Simple: Two handed ranged (10 ft.) with -4 competence
penalty to attacks, 1d10/x2.
Martial: Two handed ranged (20 ft.), 1d10/x2, entangle.
Exotic: One handed ranged (30 ft.), 1d10/x3, entangle, feat
(Impaling Attack).
Spear, Long The boomerang is primarily a hunting tool, but it is not
In essence, a spear with a longer shaft, allowing it to be uncommon to carry these versatile weapons into battle. A
used as a reach weapon. Examples include the Macedonian boomerang (or hunting stick or “kylie”) is made of wood and
sarissa, and, for especially long examples, the pike and awl is flat, with a long haft, a pronounced forward curve, and a
pike. Exotic usage includes most pike options, and also sharp backward bend at the head. The Maasai throwing club
supersedes the greatspear from Complete Warrior and the (orinka) and similar weapons can also use these statistics.
dwarven war pike from Races of Stone if the greater damage A thrown boomerang does not fly in a returning path;
die is selected instead. 6 lbs. returning boomerangs are solely recreational. 1 lb.,
Simple: Two handed melee, 1d8/x2, brace, reach. bludgeoning.
Martial: Two handed melee, 1d8/x3, brace, reach. Simple: Light ranged (30 ft.) with a -4 competence penalty
to attacks, 1d6/x2.
Exotic: (a) Two handed melee, 1d8/x3, brace, feat (Lunge), Martial: Light ranged (40 ft.), 1d6/x2.
reach; or (b) two handed melee, 2d6/x3, brace, reach; or
(c) one handed melee, 1d8/+3, brace, reach. Exotic: Light ranged (50 ft.), 1d6/x2, feat (Staggering
Spear, Short
The short thrusting spear (“ixwa”―named for the sound Chakram
made when it was withdrawn from a wound) was made The chakram is an elegant and highly portable thrown
famous by the Zulu actions against the British at the Battle of weapon. It is a flat, open-centered metal discus with a
Isandlwana in early 1879, and the subsequent defense at sharpened edge; however, any exotic crystal throwing wedge,
Rorke's Drift. This category of weapon also includes the such as the thri-kreen’s “chatkcha,” can be treated as a
“halfspear.” 3 lbs. chakram.
Simple: One handed melee, 1d6/x2, brace. You can also use these stats for any of the various multi-
bladed African throwing knives such as the mambele or the
Martial: One handed melee and ranged (20 ft.), 1d6/x3, hunga munga (or the “kapok” from the movie The
brace. Beastmaster). The “annulat” from the Planar Handbook and
the Varisian starknife can also be treated as chakrams. 1 lb.,
Exotic: One handed melee, 1d8/x3, brace, and feat slashing damage.
(Skewer Foe or Spearfighter); and one handed ranged (20 You can wield the chakram as a melee weapon, but it is not
ft.), 1d8/x3. designed for such use; you take a –4 competence penalty on
your attack roll with the weapon and must make a DC 15
Throwing Weapons Reflex save or cut yourself on the blade (half damage, no
Strength modifier). You do not need to make this save if
Axe, Throwing wearing heavy armor or a gauntlet.
The throwing axe, such as the francisca, is a hand axe (see
full description under “Axes”). Martial Weapon Proficiency Simple: Light ranged (10 ft.) with a -4 competence penalty
with throwing weapons grants ranged proficiency at the to attacks, 1d6/x2.
Martial level, but no melee proficiency, with the hand axe. Martial: Light ranged (20 ft.), 1d6/19-20.
Bolas Exotic: Light ranged (20 ft.), 1d6/18-20.
A bolas is a pair of weights, connected by a thin rope or cord.
You can use this weapon to make a ranged trip attack against Dagger, Throwing
an opponent. You can't be tripped during your own trip The throwing dagger is simply a dagger (see full description
attempt when using a bolas. 2 lbs, bludgeoning damage (or under “Light Blades”) that is balanced for throwing. Martial
piercing damage with barbed bolas) Weapon Proficiency with throwing weapons grants ranged
Simple: One handed ranged (10 ft.) with a -4 competence proficiency at the Martial level with the dagger, but no melee
penalty to attacks, 1d4/x2, nonlethal. proficiency.
Martial: One handed ranged (10 ft.) with a -4 competence Dart
penalty to attacks, 1d4/x2, entangle, nonlethal. More similar to a lawn dart than a pub dart, this is a throwing
Exotic: One handed ranged (10 ft.), 1d4/x2, entangle, trip, weapon, much smaller than a javelin, typically fletched like an
lethal or nonlethal. arrow and weighted with lead. The Roman plumbata is an
example. For the sake of convenience, other small throwing
weapons such as shuriken can be modeled using these
statistics as well. Half a pound; piercing damage.
Simple: Light ranged (20 ft.), 1d4/x2.
Martial: Light ranged (20 ft.), 1d4/x3.
Exotic: Light ranged (20 ft.), 1d4/x3, feat (Manyshot).
Hammer, Throwing
The throwing hammer is simply a light hammer (see full
description under “Hammers and Picks”) that is balanced for
throwing. Martial Weapon Proficiency with throwing
weapons grants ranged proficiency at the Martial level with
the throwing hammer, but no melee proficiency.
See full description under “Spears” (q.v.).
A net is used to entangle enemies. When you throw a net,
you make a ranged touch attack against your target. A net
must be folded to be thrown effectively; after the net is
unfolded, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls with it unless
you have Exotic proficiency.
An entangled creature can escape with a DC 20 Escape
Artist check (a full-round action). The net has 5 hit points and
can be burst with a DC 25 Strength check (also a full-round
action). A net is useful only against creatures within one size
category of you.
Simple: A person with only Simple proficiency cannot use
a net effectively in combat.
Martial: Two handed ranged (10 ft.), entangle, refold 2 full
Exotic: One handed ranged (10 ft.), entangle and special
(+2 to attacks vs. entangled opponent with a weapon held
in your other hand), refold 1 full round (or two move
Synergy: If you have Exotic proficiency with the net and
also have the Improved Trip feat, you treat the net as if it had
the Trip quality. If you have the Improved Weapon Maneuvers
feat, you treat the net as if it had the Disarm quality. Exotic
net proficiency (and the synergy effects) supersedes the Net
Adept, Net and Trident, and Net Maneuvering feats from
Ultimate Combat.
Shot Put, Orc
A character with a Strength of less than 12 cannot effectively
wield an orc shot put at all, regardless of his or level of
proficiency. 15 lbs, bludgeoning.
Simple: One handed ranged (10 ft.) with -4 competence
penalty to attacks, 1d8/x2.
Martial: One handed ranged (10 ft.) with -4 competence
penalty to attacks, 1d8/x3.
Exotic: One handed ranged (10 ft.), 1d8/19-20/x3.
An unfortunate by-product of this system is the need to
track the total value of your items. If that’s too much of a pain
Magic Items and Wealth for a given group, they can simply accept the two-tiered
currency system and hand-wave the rest in terms of bartering
And as they rode, Arthur said, “I have no sword…” So they and so on, and the game can still work―but it’s more effort
rode till they came to a lake, the which was a fair water and for the referee, who in essence is stuck tracking your items
broad, and in the midst of the lake Arthur was ware of an arm for you in order to balance encounters appropriately.
clothed in white samite, that held a fair sword in that hand. Character Numen (or gp value equivalent of
―Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte d’Arthur (1470)
Level/CR gear):
An effort has been made to decouple magical gear from
monetary wealth. This allows characters to spend fortunes Minimum
on castles, lavish parties, or whatever else they desire, 1st 0
without automatically falling behind their peers in terms of 2nd
personal power. To this end, a number of the new feats and 780
class features are intended to supersede the “standard” items 3rd 1,650
(cloaks of resistance, belts of physical might, and the like). In 4th 2,400
addition, “wealth by level” as a measure of magical gear is, if
not abolished, at least modified heavily enough that material 5th 3,450
wealth no longer translates directly to magical power. 6th 4,650
Magic Item Economics: Because of the time and effort it 7th
takes to craft magical items, major magical items are not 6,000
openly for sale for mere money―a +5 sword can do things 8th 7,800
that any number of gold coins can’t do, and adding more tons 9th 10,050
of gold doesn’t change that. Major magic items generally
must be bartered for with items of equivalent value: other 10th 12,750
magic items, souls trapped in items or in the form of larvae, 11th 16,350
the stuff of raw chaos crystallized into gems (such as those 12th
used in Steven Brust’s “pre-empire sorcery”), etc. In general, 21,000
magical gear worth over 10,000 gp or so (based on the 13th 27,000
diamond value required for a resurrection spell) cannot be 14th 34,800
purchased for mundane coin under almost any
circumstances. 15th 45,000
This cash limit does not apply to mundane items such as 16th 58,500
sailing ships or electron microscopes: only to major magical 17th
items and certain special materials. 75,000
Magical Items as Class Features: In some cases, you 18th 96,000
receive enhancements to items directly as a class feature. 19th 123,000
Examples include the fighter’s Personal Weapon talent; the
prestige paladin’s bonded armor, holy symbol, or weapon; the 20th 159,000
wizard’s bonded item. Unless otherwise noted, these items do
not count against your personal numen (see below). However, A scroll or potion that is created, found, or purchased, and
they also do not generally function for people other than you, that is consumed almost immediately (not copied into a
so that selling or trading them is pointless. spellbook), does not count against your total gear. However, a
character who keeps one or more potions or scrolls “on
Personal “Mojo” (Numen) hand” must tally those items against his or her limits.
Minimal Gear: Characters with less than a certain
Even with a shift in currency expectations, you’re still in a minimum value of magical gear (as listed in the table; that
situation in which wealth (of whatever sort) directly buys column duplicates the Pathfinder NPC wealth table) are
power, and the hope is to diminish that. As a proposed treated as if their Challenge Rating (CR) were one less, so
alternative, irrespective of actual monetary wealth (of any that an 8th level monk with less than the minimum listed gear
kind) available for spending, a given character can only (7,800 numen worth) has a CR of 7, and is expected to
maintain a personal equipage of magical gear set by the adventure with a 7th level party against 7th level threats.
limits of his or her personal power, or “numen” (I preferred (They do not advance in levels faster than an 8th level peer,
“mojo,” but was outvoted). Each item “costs” a certain amount and if they insist on adventuring with 8th level parties, they
of numen to bind to one’s use; items not bound to a character get what they get.) This rule provides an explanation for why
can be retained only temporarily (see “Maximum,” below). To NPCs have CR = class level -1 (per the Pathfinder core rules).
bind an item to yourself, you must spend an amount of An NPC with more than the minimum listed gear has a
numen equal to the gold piece value of the item. Magical higher CR.
items obtained in excess of your maximum numen limit
cannot be bound to you.
Par: The character has the “correct” amount of gear for a 3.5 Manna from Heaven: If you are under “par,” there is no
edition PC. These values are slightly lower than those in the reason you have to make a trip to the nearest “magic mart”
Pathfinder core rules, which is appropriate for use with these (which do not exist in the setting, as no craftsperson will be
house rules because of the numerous ways in which feats and willing to have numen tied up in the form of inventory). Nor
talents can take the place of magic items. are you required to advance the items you already have, or
Maximum: The maximum value worth of magical gear that hope to find new ones placed by the DM in the nearest
you can personally retain, equal to the Pathfinder PC wealth- dungeon. Any item you find during the course of an adventure
by-level value for the next level. Items that exceed your can be declared magical, if you have the numen to spend on
maximum numen can be held temporarily, but sooner or later it. “I pull one of the dragon’s teeth, and will use it henceforth
will be lost, stolen, destroyed, or requisitioned by a more as a +1 flaming dagger!” is completely legitimate, if you have
powerful being―generally within one adventure or game the numen to spend. Magical heirlooms left to you by
session. This enables scenarios in which the party uses a ancestors are a favorite gimmick. King Arthur had his sword
more powerful item to fulfill a given purpose, but doesn’t Excalibur handed to him by the Lady of the Lake, and no one
automatically get to keep that item thereafter. told him that was “against the rules.” The general philosophy
Reaching Par: Whenever the total magical value of a PC’s here is that, because a character’s items are such an
gear is less than par, the player is encouraged to request that important part of the character, their exact origin and abilities
they “discover” one or more additional abilities, heretofore are best left up to the player’s creativity.
latent, in existing bound items (subject to referee approval), Expendable Items: For one-use items like potions and
or gain new items altogether (see below), until the total value scrolls, simply apply the standard cost against your numen
reaches par. For example, a player whose 3rd level character until used. On the other hand, to keep a supply of expendable
(par = 2,700 numen) has a suit of +1 full plate (value 1,000 items on hand, it’s easier to simply price large stock of
numen) and no other substantive gear might “discover” that potions of bull’s strength, for example, as a single command-
his or her armor also grants a +1 resistance bonus on saves activated item usable at will (see below), for 900 x spell level x
(+1,000 numen). He could not simply increase the armor’s caster level = 6,000 numen total (compare to 4,500 gp list
enhancement bonus to +2, because +2 armor has a magical price for a wand of bull’s strength, for example).
value of 4,000 numen, which exceeds his “par.” He could, Floating Inventory: As long as your total amount of
however, keep a suit of +2 armor that he found in a dungeon permanent gear is above minimum but under par, you can
or crafted himself (4,000 numen is still less than his declare the difference to be a “floating inventory” of mundane
maximum of 6,000). A suit of +3 armor (9,000 numen, or (and possibly minor magical) items, without bothering to
150% of his maximum) would certainly be lost, stolen, record their exact nature. Instead, you can simply assume you
destroyed, or whatever―and he knows it. have any needed item as long as it’s portable and within the
Combining Properties and Magic Item Slots: There is cost limit remaining to you. The item must be one that you
no increase in magic item costs for combining properties in could reasonably have picked up in your travels.
the same item. Rather, characters (and referees) are Additionally, no single item produced in this manner can
encouraged to combine multiple items into a single item that cost more than 10 gp per character level (the Collector feat
becomes a fundamental part of the character’s portfolio. For allows you to exceed this limit; see Chapter 5). Once your
example, a character who normally would have a +1 flaming “floating inventory” is depleted, it takes you 4 hours of
sword, a ring of protection +1, a ring of minor elemental shopping in a town (and an appropriate amount of money) to
resistance (fire), and a cloak of resistance +2 can instead replenish your inventory. This supersedes the Packrat feat
choose to have a single sword that combines all of those from Dragon magazine (issue 354) and the Well-Prepared
functions―a sword that could then be named and become feat from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
part of that character’s legend. Masterwork Items: These are priced in exactly the same
In addition, the standard chakra-like system of one suit of way that magic items are; see below.
armor, two rings, one amulet, etc. is abolished. You can keep Unbinding Items: You can choose to remove items from
an amount of magical gear equal to your personal numen, your personal inventory, generally to free up numen. If you do
and it doesn’t matter what “slots” it occupies or what form it’s so, the item released can never again become part of your
in (within rational limits: obviously no one can wear two suits personal inventory, and in general won’t even function for you.
of armor, but there is no reason why a character could not (If the item in question is one that you found and “declared”
wear three magical rings). as magical, it might become non-magical altogether, once
abandoned by you). This is to prevent exploits such as a
character giving away all his gear, spending his “par” on other
stuff, and then re-claiming the items just laid aside as “found”
treasure up to maximum.
Crafting: This system would appear on first glance to
devalue magic item crafting, since people can simple
“discover” magic properties in existing items. However, via
crafting you can exceed par and obtain custom items up to
the listed maximum numen, assuming you gave enough time
and money. Crafting an item counts against the maximum
numen of the craftsperson, unless it is transferred to a willing
recipient, at which time it counts against the new owner’s
numen instead.
Cursed Items: Cursed items are like parasites in that they Enhancement Bonuses
generally count against the cursed character’s numen as if
they were fully-functional magic items of the appropriate type. Enhancement bonuses to armor, weapons, skill checks, and
For example, a character afflicted with a suit of armor of so on are priced according to the following table. These
arrow attraction (with a “Magic Items: +3 full plate” listing in prices are used for both masterwork and magical items; for
the entry in the Core Rulebook) would have 9,000 numen example, there is no reason a suit of hydraulic mechanical
occupied by the cursed item, unavailable for other use. If this armor could not provide an enhancement bonus to the
causes you to lose other items from your inventory, you can wearer’s strength, much in the way that a belt of giant
re-bind those items later (as they were usurped rather than strength provides a magical bonus to the wearer’s strength.
voluntarily unbound), assuming you have sufficient numen to Non-magical (masterwork) items applying bonuses to things
do so. normally improved only by magic items tend to be large and
Magic Items and Followers: Followers use their own bulky, and can be disabled using the Disable Device skill (as
numen, based upon their character level. In general, their opposed to being rendered inoperative by a dispel magic
equipment is kept below “minimum” by their employers, spell).
because a character with equipment above that limit counts Cost Multiplier (x bonus
as CR +1 (making him or her more difficult to retain as a Enhancement Bonus To squared)
cohort: see Leadership feat). However, you can intentionally Armor or shield bonus to 600
over-equip a cohort and still keep him or her at the lower CR AC
by paying the excess numen cost (above minimum for the
follower) yourself. Armor check penalty (per 100
Souls: Because souls contain numen in their own right, it +/-1)
is sometimes possible to exchange souls trapped in gems for Armor or shield max. Dex 75
favors, wishes (Chapter 7), or magic items (night hags in bonus
particular are known to traffic in souls)―or to use the souls Armor spell failure (per 1,500
themselves as numen in magical items (using the -5%)
Soulcrafting feat). However, only half of the numen of a dead Damage reduction /― 500
creature can be harvested from its soul (this destroys the
soul). In addition, if the dead creature has outstanding numen Item hardness (per +1) 75
invested in the form of magic items, latent spells, etc., Item hit points (per +5 hp) 50
subtract that total from the creature’s before calculating the
harvestable total (i.e., a portion of the creature’s soul is held Natural armor 2,000
in each of these items and spells). It is always considered an Penetration of DR (per +1 1,000
evil act to traffic in souls. step)
Skill checks (single task 200
Appendix A: Designing only)
Skill checks (all tasks for 1 400
Custom Items skill)
The following are guidelines illustrating the types of things Speed (per +10 ft.) 1,000
that are possible and the type of thought that might go into User attribute score 1,000
designing a custom item. No matter what the design or item,
agreement between players and referee is always needed, and Weapon attack rolls 400
the referee can always ban, re-price, or apply limitations to an Weapon damage 200
item according to best judgment.
For the sake of brevity and familiarity, many costs are Bundled Bonuses: Most magic weapons and armor
presented in units of “gp,” but remember that equivalent provide “bundled” benefits. Each +1 of a magical weapon
personal numen must always be spent on custom items. provides a +1 enhancement bonus to attacks and damage, +2
to hardness, +10 to the weapon’s hit points, and +1 to the
Numerical Bonuses weapon’s ability to penetrate damage reduction. Each +1 of a
Bonuses are priced using a multiplier bonus squared, as in suit of magic armor provides a +1 enhancement bonus to the
the core rules. Numerical bonuses are always priced using armor’s AC bonus, +2 to the armor’s hardness, and +10 to the
this method; never as spells or feats. Therefore, a weapon armor’s hit point total. Total costs come out comparable to
with the true strike spell simply ignores miss chances due to those listed in the core rules (1,000 x overall bonus squared
concealment (i.e., has the seeking weapon property); pricing for armor and shields; 2,000 x overall bonus squared for
to gain an insight bonus to attacks is 2,500 x the bonus weapons).
squared, per the “other bonuses” table below. Damage Reduction: A +1 bonus (as bestowed by light
armor made of adamantine; see below) provides DR 1/— or
increases existing DR/— by one hp, etc.
Maximum AC Bonus: Because of the way offense scales
faster than defense at higher levels, the +5 maximum
enhancement bonus to AC is increased to +10 (costing
60,000 gp for the AC increase alone, or 100,000 gp for +10
magic armor).
Enhancement Bonuses
Penetrating Damage Reduction: Although many 3.5 edition Numen
players dislike the idea of enhancement bonuses overcoming Equivalent
materials-based damage reduction, it does provide a Total Enhancement Bonus Traded In
reasonable rationale for the cost of magic weapons with +1 6,000
higher bonuses, and also mitigates the “golf bag of weapons”
for fighters (or need to carry vials of oils). Enhancement +2 13,000
bonuses to penetrate damage reduction can be purchased on +3 20,000
an ascending scale as follows:
+4 28,000
Enhancement Bonus Overcomes DR
+5 37,000
+1 /magic
+6 47,000
+2 /silver
+7 58,000
+3 /cold iron
+8 70,000
+4 /adamantine
+9 84,000
+5 /—
+6 /epic Other Numerical Bonuses
Bonus types other than those shown below are generally not
Creatures with material-based damage reduction take an allowed.
additional +1d6 damage from weapons made from that
material that also have an enhancement bonus high enough Bonus Type Can Apply To Multiplier
to penetrate that material’s DR. For example, a +2 silver Alchemical Item hardness (per +1) 50
weapon would deal +1d6 damage against lycanthropes,
whereas a +1 silver weapon or a +2 cold iron weapon would Item hit points (per +5 hp) 100
deal normal damage. Weight reduction (per -5%) 50
Alternately, a weapon can be made to penetrate damage Luck Attack rolls, damage, saves 5,000
reduction corresponding only a single type of material (not
magic, or on an ascending scale) by using the pricing for use- Deflection AC 2,000
activated spell effects (see below): 2nd level versatile weapon Insight AC, attack rolls 2,500
spell (Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide) x CL 3rd x 500 =
3,000 numen. There is no duration multiplier because the Resistance Saving throws 1,000
use is contingent (creatures with specific DR). Shield AC (e.g., ring of force shield) 2,500
Examples of Specific Armors: The following examples (Other) Referee permission 5,000
indicate the use of enhancement bonuses to simulate special
armors from various sources. Because the numerical bonus pricing rules trump others,
Full Plate Armor (Core rules): Start with plate armor; add you cannot simply use a 1st level shield spell effect (see
+1 enhancement bonus to AC (600 gp), -5% arcane spell below) to simulate a ring of force shield or animated shield.
failure (1,500 gp) = 2,100 numen. Instead, you must use the cost for shield bonuses (2,500
numen x the shield bonus squared). A ring of force shield +2
Enhancement Penalties: For obvious reasons, it is not costs 10,000 numen. A +1 animated heavy steel shield costs
permitted to “sell down” the price of a custom item by 10,000 for the shield bonus + 1,000 for the enhancement
building in penalties that don’t really apply to the user. For bonus = 11,000 numen.
example, a fighter with no spellcasting ability cannot add a
+50% spell failure chance to armor and then try to claim a Feats
150,000 gp cost reduction for it. The spell failure chance An item that allows the user to use a feat is priced based on
could still be added to the armor, but the price adjustment in the prerequisites for use. The base cost is 2,000 numen x the
that case would be -0. minimum base attack bonus or number of skill ranks, etc.
Trading in Enhancement Bonuses: Some class features needed to gain the desired feat effects. For example, a magic
(the barbarian’s wrath of ancestors rage power, fighter’s mace that allows the use of the Crippling Strike feat (Str
personal weapon talent, the paladin’s divine weapon, and the damage only, BAB +6) would cost 6 x 2,000 = 12,000 numen.
ranger’s favored weapon lore, for example) allow part or all of The same item allowing use of the same feat, but dealing Str,
an enhancement bonus to be “traded in” for additional Dex, and Con damage (BAB +16) would cost 32,000 numen
numen. For ease of bookkeeping, players can still use the “+X instead. The user must meet the prerequisites, unless the
bonus equivalent” pricing from the Core rules. However, magic item cost is increased to cover those as well (by adding
because weapon and armor properties are no longer priced another feat, etc.).
as “+X equivalent” (see below), when trading in bonuses for Some examples of feat-based weapon properties are
properties it can be more advantageous to use the new provided below:
pricing rules herein. The table below lists recommended
“trade in” values for raw enhancement bonuses, which can
then be spent on properties à la carte.
Defending: Combat Expertise feat (BAB +1) = 2,000 Continuous: 1,000 x spell level x caster level x duration
numen for a +1 defending sword; BAB +4 = 8,000 numen modifier (x1 if hours/level, x1.5 if 10 min./level, x2 if
for a +2 defending sword; BAB +8 = 16,000 numen for a min./level, x4 if rounds/level, x8 if instantaneous). Continuous
+3 defending sword, etc. items/spells radiate the applicable effects at all times. For
Fortification: Fortification fighter talent; 2,000 numen per example:
5%. Light fortification armor, with a 25% chance to ignore A lantern of revealing is simply a permanent invisibility
crits and sneak attacks, would cost 10,000 numen). Note purge spell placed on a lantern; the cost is 3 (spell level) x
that it is normally not possible to use class features 5 (caster level) x 1,000 (continuous-effect) x 2 (duration in
instead of feats to create custom items; this is a specific min./level) = 30,000 numen—exactly that listed in the
exception. Core Rulebook.
Ki Focus: Versatile Blow feat, allowing the use of a 1st A ring of energy resistance uses the 2nd level resist energy
level ki power and +1 enhancement bonus from ki attack spell at CL 3rd (minor), 7th (major), and 11th (greater).
(1st level monk) = 2,000 numen; 12,000 numen for +2 (6th Rounding the values and smoothing the progression
level monk equivalent), 20,000 for +3, 28,000 for +4, and comes to an approximate value of 1,000 numen per point
36,000 numen for +5 (18th level equivalent). of resistance (i.e., 10,000 numen for resistance 10, etc.).
Metamagic Rods: Price according to the metamagic feat in Spell resistance is a 5th level spell x 1,000 x 2 (1
question (Chapter 7), and referencing the Sudden min./level). Assuming CL 1 grants SR 13 = (5 x 1 x 1,000 x
Metamagic feat for uses per day that would normally be 2 = 10,000 numen), SR costs 10,000 numen per point over
allowed. For example, a normal metamagic rod of 12, exactly as recommended in the Core rules.
empower allows the Empowering (+2 spell level cost) of An Apache hodentin sack, filled with the pollen of the tule
4th level spells. The item is therefore priced based on a sedge, was believed to ward off evil; no warrior would part
spell capacity of 11th level, the minimum needed to cast with his. 1st level protection from evil x CL 1st x 1,000 x 2
6th level spells. However, Sudden Metamagic (Empower (1 minute/level) = 2,000 numen.
Spell) normally allows only 2 uses per day; gaining the 3rd
use would require a 150% greater expenditure. Total cost
would be 11 x 2,000 x 1.5 = 33,000 numen (as compared Use-activated: These sorts of items must be wielded or
to a 32,500 gp price tag in the Core rules). otherwise intentionally employed for the effects to come into
play. Cost is half that of continuous spell-effect items (500 x
Nonmetallic: Druid of Earth and Metal feat (Chapter 3); spell level x caster level x duration modifier). As an example, a
base 2,000 gp. In addition to being usable by druids, rod of absorption could be priced using the 9th level
nonmetallic items are not treated as metal for effects such absorptionCA spell x CL 17th x 500 x 2 (10 min./level) x 0.5
as heat metal, shocking grasp, etc. (2nd level resist (50 charges only) = 76,500 gp. A rod of absorption that can
elements spell x CL 3rd x 1,000 x 1 (contingent spell hold up to 50 spell levels at a time, but that can be recharged,
effect) = 6,000 gp, for 8,000 numen total. would cost 153,000 numen.
Somatic: Somatic Weapon feat at 1 rank Spellcraft = Using these guidelines, it is also possible to have a magic
2,000 numen for the most basic function; 12,000 numen if item that is, in effect, a permanent spell. For example:
it also allows use of material components. The 2nd level flame blade spell makes a something of a
Throwing: Can be thrown with 10-ft. range increment, as poor man’s brilliant energy weapon, at a cost of 2 (spell
Catch Off-Guard feat (+1 bonus; 2,000 numen). level) x 3 (caster level) x 500 x 2 (duration in min./level) =
5,000 numen (for base fire damage equal to a normal
Vorpal: Severing Strike feat; BAB +16 effects = 32,000 weapon’s; the spell’s level-based bonus to damage would
numen cost. A sword of sharpness (as in 1st edition) have to instead be purchased separately using the
would use the same feat but allow only the BAB +11 numerical bonus rules). This is conceivably attainable by a
effects, for a cost of 22,000 numen. 4th level PC with no other items.
Wounding: Bleeding Strike feat; BAB +6 effects = 12,000 A paladin PC might wield a fixed searing light spell as if it
numen. were a sword (base 2d8 damage, or 5d6 vs. undead), at a
cost of 3 (spell level) x 5 (caster level) x 500 x 8
As always, an exception involves feats such as Weapon (instantaneous spell duration) = 60,000 numen
Focus that grant numerical bonuses. Numerical bonuses are (appropriate for an 11th level PC).
always priced based on the bonus, as described above, and
never as a feat or spell.
Spell Effects
Spell effects are an easy way to custom-make almost any item
imaginable. Note that numerical bonuses are always priced
by bonus (see above), never by spell level and caster level.
Command Word Activated: 900 x spell level x caster level.
If limited (4 or fewer) uses per day, multiply cost by (uses per
FAQ: Why are the costs so low? Observant players will note Brilliant Energy: 6th level brilliant bladeCA spell x CL 11th
that the continuous-effect costs are half those listed in the x 500 x 2 (1 min./level) = 66,000 numen.
Core rules for custom items; use-activated costs are one- Corrupt: Weapon is evil-aligned and auto-confirms crits
fourth of the values listed. A: This pricing not only better against good opponents. 1st level corrupt weaponBVD x
reflects most of the example item prices in the Core CL 1st x 500 x 2 (1 min/level) = 1,000 numen.
Rulebook, but it also allows all characters, not just casters, to
benefit from new books full of spells. In addition, martial Cortical (Underdark): 8th level mind blank x CL 15th x
characters are far more gear-dependent than casters; this 1,000 x 1 (24-hour duration) = 120,000 numen.
system makes that gear somewhat easier to come by.
Dancing: 4th level dancing bladeCA spell x CL 4th (dances
Armor and Weapon Properties only 4 rounds at a time) x 900 = 14,400 numen.
In keeping with the lack of a markup on multiple properties
for a single item, the “+1 enhancement bonus equivalent” Dimensional Sheath: When not in use, you stash your
pricing scheme has been exchanged for a menu of flat costs, weapon in an extradimensional space. 3rd level secret
generally using the use-activated spell effect rules above. This pocket spell (d20 Arcana) x CL 5th x 500 x 1 (hour/level) =
allows multiple minor properties (flaming, keen, returning, 7,500 numen, plus 1,500 per pound above 5 lbs. weight.
etc.) to be added without geometrically increasing the cost of
the item, whereas more powerful effects (i.e., higher-level Distance: 1st level longshotUC spell x CL 1st x 500 x 2 (1
spells) do greatly increase item pricing. min./level) = 1,000 numen.
Duration Multipliers: When creating use-activated spell Energy Resistance: 1,000 numen per point of energy
effect weapons, a straight duration multiplier is not resistance (see above).
appropriate for effects such as hold monster, that are applied
instantaneously to the target but then last for some period of Glamered: 1st level disguise self spell x CL 1st x 1,000 x
time. In such cases, use the instantaneous (x8) multiplier, not 1.5 (10 min./level) = 1,500 numen.
the actual duration. Given the high costs this typically
generates, most such effects are made contingent (e.g., as Ghost Touch: 2nd level ghost touch armorLM spell x CL
Strikes); as described in the following section. 3rd x 500 x 2 (1 minute/level) = 6,000 numen, or 3rd level
Energy Weapons: The caustic, flame, frost, and shock ghost touch weaponSC x CL 5th x 500 x 1 (contingent on
weapon properties (+1 bonus cost in the core rules) emulate fighting incorporeal opponents—see below) = 7,500
a use-activated shocking grasp spell (and possible application numen.
of a versatile evocation effect), for a flat cost of 1 (spell level) x Holy: 3rd level searing light spell (Chapter 7) x CL 2nd
CL 1 (1d6 damage only) x 500 x 8 (instantaneous duration) = (1d6 holy and 1d6 fire damage) x 500 x 8 (instantaneous)
4,000 numen. This allows the flaming property to be added to = 24,000 numen, plus 24,000 per +2d6 damage thereafter
weapons with higher enhancement bonuses without pushing (maximum 10d6 for 120,000 numen). Unlike the holy
the cost up unreasonably. The caster level could conceivably weapon in the core rules, the damage from this weapon
be increased to increase the damage: 8,000 numen for 2d6 applies to all opponents, except that undead take extra
energy damage on a hit, 12,000 for 3d6, 16,000 for 4d6, and and constructs less, and half the damage is fire damage.
20,000 for 5d6. Even higher damage could be obtained by
Heightening the spell to 3rd level (120,000 numen for 10d6 Impact: As keen, but applies to bludgeoning weapons. 3rd
energy damage at CL 10th). level weapon of impactMF spell x CL 5th x 500 x 1.5 (10
Applying the Versatile Evocation metamagic feat to the min./level) = 11,250 numen.
energy damage permits weapons that deal different kinds of
damage from those shown. Negative energy or sonic weapons Keen: 3rd level keen edge spell x CL 5th x 500 x 1.5 (10
cost 2 (spell level + metamagic cost) x CL 1st x 500 x 8 = min./level) = 11,250 numen.
8,000 numen per +1d6 (max. +5d6). Weapons dealing force Lead BladeAPG (or gravity bowAPG): 1st level spell x CL
damage cost 3 x 1 x 500 x 8 = 12,000 numen per +1d6. 5th x 500 x 2 (1 min./level) = 5,000 numen.
Other Properties as Spell Effects: Other examples are
handled similarly to energy weapons: Poison: 4th level poison spell (DC 16) x CL 7th x 500 x 8
(instantaneous) = 112,000 numen; this weapon is like John
Animated (shield): Not applicable as a spell effect; Daker’s sword Katajana, from Micahel Moorcock’s The
numerical bonus pricing rules (see above for shield Eternal Champion.
bonuses) always take precedence over spell effect rules.
Bashing: Exotic Shield Proficiency feat (2,000) + lead Reflecting: 7th level spell turning x CL 13th x 1,000 x 1/5
bladesAPG (5,000; see below) = 7,000 numen. (once per day) = 18,200 numen.
Blessed: 1st level bless weapon spell x CL 1st x 500 x 2 (1 ReliquaryUM (see Create Reliquary Arms and Armor feat):
min./level duration) = 1,000 numen. 2nd level consecrate or desecrate spell x CL 3rd x 1,000 x
1 (2 hrs/level) = 5,000 numen. The item can also be used
Blinding: 2nd level pyrotechnics spell x CL 3rd x 900 as a holy/unholy symbol; if within the area of another
(command-activated) x 2/5 (2 uses/day) = 1,800 numen, consecrate/desecrate spell (as appropriate), it counts as a
and 120 ft. range (DC 13, 1d4+1 rounds). permanent fixture.
Returning: 2nd level returning weaponUC spell x CL 3rd x Bane: 4th level foebaneCA spell x CL 7th x 500 x 1
500 x 2 (1 min./level) = 6,000 numen (the same cost as (contingent; specific creature type only) = 14,000 numen.
adding a +1 weapon property to a +1 weapon, as in the If you the effect somehow becomes non-contingent (i.e.,
Core rules). can be changed every so often), then multiply by 4 (for 1
Second Chance (Ultimate Equipment): 2nd level ricochet rd./level), for a total cost of 56,000 numen.
shotUC spell x CL 3rd x 500 x 4 (1 round/level) = 12,000 Blinking: 3rd level blink spell x CL 5th x 500 x 1 = 7,500
numen. numen. When attacking with a blinking weapon, roll
1d10: 1-2 = attack misses (weapon ethereal at the wrong
Seeking: This is the effect of the true strike spell, not time); 3-5 = normal attack; 6-10 = attack ignores armor
including the numerical attack bonus (which would have and shields (unless they have the ghost touch property).
to be added separately using the numerical bonus rules Any attempt to parry a blinking weapon fails 50% of the
above); 1 x CL 1 x 500 x 8 (instantaneous) = 4,000 numen. time.
ShieldbreakerBEM2: 2nd level shieldbreaker x CL 3rd x Cursed: 4th level cursed bladeCW spell x CL 7th x 500 x 1
500 x 1 (1 hour/level) = 3,000 numen; weapon ignores (situational effects) = 14,000 numen. Like the sword
shield bonuses to AC. Mundane (non-numen bound and Tyrfing from the Icelandic sagas, wounds from a cursed
non-magical) shields are destroyed on a hit. weapon cannot be cured by any means until the damaged
Slaying: 7th level finger of death x CL 13th x 500 x 8 individual has received a remove curse spell (or some
(instantaneous) x 1/50 (expendable ammunition) = 7,280 other effect that neutralizes a curse).
numen. The arrow, bolt, bullet, etc. is destroyed on a Disruption: 5th level disrupting weapon spell (DC 17) x CL
successful hit. 9th x 500 x 1 (fighting undead is contingent) = 22,500
SoulfireBED: 4th level death ward spell x CL 7th x 1,000 numen.
(continuous) x 2 (1 min./level) = 56,000 numen. EnfeeblingBED: 1st level ray of enfeeblement spell x CL 4th
Speed: 3rd level haste spell x CL 5th x 500 x 4 (1 x 500 x 1 (Strike) = 2,000 numen.
round/level duration) = 30,000 numen (the same cost as Enervating (Magic Item Compendium): 4th level
applying a +3 weapon quality to a +1 weapon, as in the enervation spell (1d4 negative levels) x CL 7th x 500 x 1
Core rules). (Strike) = 14,000 numen.
Transformative (Ultimate Equipment): On command, the Flaming Burst: 1st level spell x CL 1st x 500 x 1 (crit-
weapon can become another weapon type with the same contingent) = 500 numen for +1d6 on a crit, plus an
size and properties (as the morphic property from the additional 500 per additional +1d6 (up to +5d6). The same
Magic Item Compendium). 2nd level alter self spell x CL cost applies to icy burst, acid burst, and shocking burst
3rd x 900 (command word activated) = 5,400 numen. weapons.
Unholy: [1st level shocking grasp spell + Versatile Holy Burst: 3rd level spell x CL 2nd x 500 x 1 = 3,000
Evocation (negative energy; +1 level) + Energy Admixture numen for +2d6 holy damage on a crit, plus an additional
(unholy; +1 level)] x CL 2nd x 500 x 8 (instantaneous) = 1,000 per +1d6 thereafter (maximum +10d6).
24,000 numen. The weapon deals an extra +1d6 negative
energy damage and +1d6 unholy damage on a hit; this can Life Stealing: 9th level energy drain spell x CL 17th x 500
be increased by increasing the caster level (+24,000 x 1/5 (1 negative level only) = 15,300 numen.
numen per additional +2d6; maximum +10d6).
Morganti: As in Steven Brust’s novels, these are weapons
Vampiric: 3rd level vampiric touch spell x CL 2nd x 500 x 8 that destroy the souls of those killed (another famous
(instantaneous) = 24,000 numen for +1d6 damage; 48,000 example is Stormbringer, from Michael Moorcock’s Elric
for +2d6, 72,000 for +3d6, etc. of Melniboné saga). There are several possibilities for this:
Venom: 4th level poison spell (DC 16) x CL 7th x 900 x 1/5 9th level soul bind spell x CL 17th x 500 x 1 =
(once per day) = 5,040 numen. 76,500 numen; or
6th level barghest’s feastPnH x CL 11th x 500 x 1 =
Critical or Contingent Weapon Properties: Weapon 33,000 numen.
property spell effects that activate only on a critical (e.g., the
deafness effect of a thundering weapon, or the additional Alternatively, one could simply apply an
damage dealt by a flaming burst weapon) are priced as use- enhancement bonus to the resurrection survival DC
activated spell effects (see above). However, because the (see Introduction) for those killed by the weapon, at
effect occurs only contingent on specific activation a suggested cost of 100 numen x the square of the
conditions, spell duration pricing modifiers do not apply. In bonus.
these rules, critical-only properties are expanded so as to
activate on any of the conditions normally associated with
[Strike] feats (Chapter 5). Examples include the following:
Note that in the Aviona campaign setting, the elf-king has Applying this ability to your familiar allows you to emulate
declared possession of Morganti weapons illegal; this edict is the Tattooed Sorcerer’s familiar tattoo variant class feature
widely ignored by high elf nobles, who collect Morganti from Inner Sea Magic.
weapons in secret vaults simply to defy the prohibition on Enhanced Companions: A familiar, animal companion,
ownership (which they oppose in principle or simply out of bonded mount, etc. can be enhanced using your personal
rebelliousness). numen exactly as if it were a magical item. For example, a
Nine Lives Stealer: 7th level finger of death spell x CL 13th dog could be given a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution
x 500 x 1 (Strike) = 45,500 numen (but is not limited to 9 for 16,000 numen, or a +2 bite for 8,000 numen, or a
uses). permanent expeditious retreat effect for 2,000 numen (see
spell effects, above). In this manner, the special familiar
Sending (Lost Empires of Faerun): 6th level Trobriand’s abilities in 1st edition can be duplicated; by spending 10,000
baleful teleportWCS spell x CL 11th x 500 = 33,000 numen, for example, a pseudodragon familiar can be made to
numen. bestow SR 13 on its master.
Intelligent Items: There are a several ways to go about
Sound Burst: 2nd level spell x CL 1st x 500 x 1 = 1,000 this.
numen for +1d6, plus 1,000 numen per additional +1d6
(max. +5d6). This cost also applies for negative energy If you have the arcane bond class feature, one option is to
burst weapons. select a bonded object and also take the Arcane Bond feat
(Chapter 5), and designate the object as your familiar. The
Thundering: 2nd level deafness spell x CL 3rd x 500 = object then gains an Intelligence score equal to 5 + half
2,500 numen, plus [Strike] energy burst (sonic; 2 x 2 x your effective master level (see Wizard, Appendix B, and
500 = 2,000 numen) = 4,500 numen total for +2d6 sonic. also Chapter 5: Feats).
Wild Armor: This armor allows the wearer to retain its AC A 7th level character might gain the Leadership or
bonus while in alternate forms (wild shaped, Command Undead feat, apply the ghost template (+2 CR)
polymorphed, etc.), subject to the rules for stacking armor to the cohort gained, and end up with a 3rd level ghost
and natural armor bonuses (Chapter 1). Wild armor is sorcerer or incarnate (effective CR 4) bound to a personal
available in various “grades,” dependent upon the highest- item―thus allowing the “item” to have its own intelligence
level polymorph effect it can accommodate; refer to the and magical abilities.
following table.
Masking Objects of Power: For magical items that do not
Cost in register to detect magic and/or scrying, use the continuous
Grade Spell Effects Numen spell effect rules, with the contingent duration multiplier (x1)
Lesser Beast shape I, vermin shape I 15,000 if the effect applies only to the item. Typical spell effects for
Improved Beast shape II, elemental body I, 28,000
this include the following:
vermin shape II 1st level magic aura x CL 1st x 1,000 x 1 (1day/level) =
Greater Beast shape III, elemental body II, plant 45,000 1,000 numen (item up to 5 lbs. only; +1,000 numen per
shape I, polymorph additional 5 lbs.)
Superior Beast shape IV, elemental body III, 66,000 3rd level nondetection x CL 5th x 1,000 x 1 (1 hour/level) =
form of the dragon I, plant shape II 15,000 numen; protection also extends to owner as long
Primal Elemental body IV, form of the dragon 91,000 as item held/worn. The Concentration DC to pierce the
II, plant shape III protection is equal to 11 + (1.5 x CL), so increasing the CL
Mythic Form of the dragon III 120,000 (and therefore the cost) is a smart investment.
7th level sequester x CL 13th x 1,000 x 1 (1 day/level) =
Other 91,000 numen; the object is both invisible and immune to
Creativity is encouraged, especially in regards to ideas that detection/location spells. Given the spell’s long duration,
have no clear rules elsewhere. This section provides a however, it’s a lot more cost-effective to simply re-cast the
number of examples to showcase demonstrate ways to spell every week or two.
implement these sorts of ideas. 8th level mind blank x CL 15th x 1,000 x 1 (24-hour
Embedded Items: Applying the tattoo itemRR spell as a duration) = 120,000 numen. The object is immune to all
continuous spell effect is a simple way to create items that divinations and mind-affecting effects, and this protection
are physically embedded in your body. Although the spell as extends to anyone holding or wearing it.
written in the source material suppresses the item’s
properties, that’s a holdover from the “limited item slots”
paradigm in 3.0/3.5 and can be ignored in these rules. Also,
while embedded items can take the form of tattoos (as the
spell implies), there’s no particular reason an item couldn’t as
easily be a gem embedded in your forehead, a cybernetic
enhancement, an arcane symbiont, or whatever. Cost is as a
4th level spell x CL 7th x 1,000 x 1 (permanent duration) =
28,000 numen.
Power Conduits: For when you just can’t get enough spell Pure gold is too soft to hold a decent edge; unless
slots, a personal item might serve as a conduit for raw alchemically treated (as described in Magic of Faerun; use
magical power from the plane of your deity, from a circle of the custom items rules above), edged weapons made of gold
stones at the confluence of ley lines, or whatever. A power weapons take a -2 penalty to damage rolls. Untreated gold
conduit provides you with additional “spells per day” slots weapons also have the fragile property, gaining the Broken
(Spellcasting Table 2). This costs 2,000 numen x the quality on a natural 1 on any attack roll. Gold weapons deal
maximum level of spell slots x the spell capacity level. For damage as if one size category larger, due to their extra
example, a 7th level sorcerer could have an item that draws weight; however, they cannot be used in conjunction with the
additional magical power, adding six 1st level and three 2nd Weapon Finesse feat, and the wielder also takes a penalty to
level spell slots to his total, for 16,000 numen total (2,000 x 2 attack rolls as follows:
x 4). Note that there is no reason a fighter cannot take the Weapon Catgory Wielded in:
Arcane Bond feat, choose a wand as a bonded item, and
enhance it with this ability in order to power it. One hand
Individual spells, activated using the item’s spell slots, can Light -2
be added for 750 numen x spell level x caster level for the
first ability, ¾ that for the second, and half that for additional One-handed -4
spells thereafter (as a wand or staff). Two-handed n/a
Prepared Spell Slots: For casting additional prepared
spells, the suggested cost is 2,000 x (spell level)2 x number of Gold can be fashioned into light or medium metal armor.
spells. Thus, a 3rd level pearl of power costs 18,000 numen, The softness and the weight of the metal decrease the
and a ring of wizardry III costs 2,000 x 32 x 3 = 54,000 armor/shield bonus by 2, and increase the armor check
numen (again, bonus spells for high attributes or school are penalty by 2 (unless alchemically treated). The additional
not multiplied, unless added to the cost accordingly). weight also makes the armor count as 1 category heavier
than normal (light armor becomes medium armor, medium
Appendix B: Materials becomes heavy), increases spell failure chances by 10%,
increases armor check penalties by 3, and decreases the max
As noted in Appendix A, the use of special materials Dex bonus of the wearer by 2.
(mithral, etc.) is an easy way to create custom items. In Hide and Leather: The hides of various animals and
addition to some of the materials from existing sources, monsters (not only dragons) can be crafted into armor by a
described below, a character with enough ranks in an skilled leatherworker. In general, armor crafted from a
appropriate Craft skill could create new custom materials creature’s hide provides an armor bonus to AC equal to half
using the guidelines presented in Appendix A and using the the creature’s natural AC bonus.
examples here as a template.
Hides providing an armor bonus of +3 or less are made
Standard Materials into light armor (standard leather armor is therefore
assumed to be aurochs hide armor, although a normal
Basic materials are summarized in the table below. They crocodile would also be appropriate, for example).
do not count against numen unless enhancement bonuses or Wolfskin armor would provide a +1 armor bonus to AC,
other properties are imbued into them. but otherwise be identical to leather armor; grizzly bear
Material Hardness Weapon or Shield hp Armor hp leather would provide a +3 armor bonus to AC, etc.
Gold 6 7 4 x AC Hides providing an armor bonus of +4 or greater are
Hide/Leather 2 2 2 x AC
medium armor, rather than light armor, and use the base
mechanics listed for hide armor. “Standard” hide armor is
Steel 10 10 5 x AC made from the hide of a bison or elephant. Mastodon or
Stone 8 5 3 x AC bulette armor would provide a +6 armor bonus to AC, etc.
Wood or bone 5 5 2 x AC Hides providing an armor bonus of +7 or greater are
heavy armor, rather than medium or light armor, and use
Gold: Typically only used for ceremonial weapons and the base statistics for full laminar or lamellar armor (e.g.,
armor, metal equipment made from gold is fragile, heavy, and banded mail). For example, triceratops hide armor, dire
expensive. Often golden armor is gold-plated, rather than crocodile scale armor, and dire sharkskin armor are
constructed entirely from gold. Gold-plated items triple the exactly identical to banded mail, except they can be worn
base cost of weapons and armor (this does not count against by druids (add the nonmetallic property, using the feat
personal numen) and have the same properties as the base costs above). Armor made from the hide of an adult red
item. Items constructed purely of gold cost 10 times the dragon (+21 natural armor) would provide a maximum
normal cost for items of their type (again, not counting +10 armor bonus to AC.
against numen) and are double their normal weight.
Hides of exotic creatures are generally not available on the
open market; you must kill and skin the monster (the latter Special Materials
requires a Survival check at DC 10 + the creature’s natural Special materials such as mithral and adamantine are
AC bonus to avoid ruining it). Regardless of the size of the simulated using the rules for designing custom items, above.
creature being skinned, you can make only one suit of armor Examples, with calculations for costs, are provided here. The
from it for a creature one or more sizes smaller (smaller suits materials listed here are not meant to be representative of all
of armor use choicer bits of material to make up for the lack possible materials; new ones can be designed using the
of sheer mass). This requires a Craft (needlework) check, at a “Designing Custom Items” rules above. Unless otherwise
DC equal to that of the base armor + twice the AC bonus noted, special materials costs are tallied against a character’s
above normal. numen (see above). Not all special materials are freely
The cost and characteristics of exotic hide armors are available, particularly costly ones; referee approval is needed.
handled by assuming the armor is magical (+1 bonus per AC Adamantine: This ultra-hard metal adds to the quality of a
above 2 for light armors, above 4 for medium armors, and weapon or suit of armor. Adamantine is black in color, and
above 7 for heavy armors). For example, armor made from impossible to work without magical means and at least 11
the plates of the tarrasque (+17 armor bonus) would be ranks in Craft (smith) as a class skill. Items without metal
equivalent to +10 laminar armor, for a cost of 100,000 gp for parts cannot be made from adamantine (an arrow could be
the enhancement bonuses + 8,000 gp (nonmetallic) = 108,000 made of adamantine, but a quarterstaff could not).
numen. Wide is the fronting gate, and, rais’d on high
Steel: Steel is the standard material used for fabricating With adamantine columns, threats the sky.
metal armor and weapons in human and dwarven lands. Vain is the force of man, and Heav’n’s as vain,
When calculating custom materials costs, steel is generally To crush the pillars which the pile sustain.
used for “base” stats for items normally made from metal. ―Virgil, The Aeneid (29-19 B.C.)
Stone: The wood elves of Estren do not work metal; their
weapons, when not made entirely of wood, are often of Light armor and shields: masterwork (check penalty
stone―light and one-handed bludgeoning weapons, daggers, reduced by 1; 100 gp), +10 alchemical bonus to hardness
axe-heads, spearheads, and arrowheads can all be made of (5,000 gp), +10 alchemical bonus to hp (400 gp), provides
stone. Sling bullets can be made of heavy ceramic rather than DR 1/— (500 gp) = 6,000 numen.
lead. In some cases, edged weapons can be simulated by
setting obsidian into wood; the macauhuitl is essentially a Medium armor: masterwork (check penalty reduced by 1;
stone bastard sword. Stone weapons and armor are made 100 gp), +10 alchemical bonus to hardness (5,000 gp), +15
using the Craft (lapidary) skill rather than the Craft (smith) alchemical bonus to hp (900 gp), provides DR 2/— (2,000
skill. gp) = 8,000 numen.
Stone weapons are easier to sunder than their steel Heavy armor: masterwork (check penalty reduced by 1;
counterparts, as shown in the table. Also, they have the 100 gp), +10 alchemical bonus to hardness (5,000 gp), +20
“fragile” quality and are prone to breaking during normal use. alchemical bonus to hp (1,600 gp), provides DR 3/—
When you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll with a stone (4,500 gp) = 11,200 numen.
weapon, the weapon gains the Broken condition. Stone
weapons cost a quarter of what base items of their type do, Weapons: +10 alchemical bonus to hardness (5,000 gp),
and weigh 75% of what base items of their type do. If you +5 alchemical bonus to hp (100 gp), ignore first 20 points
have at least Martial proficiency with a stone weapon and of hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects
score a critical threat, you can intentionally break the weapon (30,000/2 for situational = 15,000), penetrates
(giving it the broken condition) in order to confirm the crit DR/adamantine (3,000 gp) = 18,100 numen.
without rolling; this supersedes the Disposable Weapon feat
from Ultimate Combat. Bronze: Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin, with weapon
Alchemically-treated stone armor is available as a properties superior to those of simple iron, but inferior to
breastplate, half-plate, or full plate only. Weight is roughly steel. Bronze armor and weapons are typically used by low-
150% normal, and movement speed is reduced to 15 feet for level high elves, who intensely dislike the touch of steel, but
those with a base speed of 30 ft. (creatures with a 20-ft. speed cannot afford more exotic materials such as mithral or
have their movement rates reduced to 10 ft.). Cost is the glassteel (q.v.).
same as for normal (steel) armor of the same category. Armor
crafted from seashells or the like can be treated as stone Armor and shields: -1 to hardness (-50 gp), -5 hp (-100 gp),
armor. -1 to armor or shield bonus to AC (-600 gp), -5% to arcane
Wood: Wood is used for the hafts of axes, the shafts of spell failure (+1,500 gp), +10% to weight (-200 gp) = 550
arrows, etc; clubs, staves, and so on are also typically made of numen.
wood. Wood can come in exotic types and be alchemically-
treated in a variety of ways, as described below. Weapons: -1 to hardness (-50 gp), -5 hp (-100 gp), = -150
Because wooden armor and shields can be used by druids, numen (i.e., the total cost of magical or masterwork
they receive no numen cost discount for their lower hardness enhancements to the weapon is reduced by 150 numen,
and hit points. Likewise, wood is a standard material for so that a +1 sword made of bronze costs 1,850 numen,
many types of weapons (clubs, staves, axe handles, etc.), so no rather than 2,000).
numen discount is provided.
Cold Iron: Cold iron is made from taenite or other high A psionic wielder of a deep crystal weapon can focus
nickel ore ― e.g., “meteorite iron” or “thunder-bolt iron” from psionic power through it, increasing the damage that weapon
fallen stars. It is essentially identical to steel, but is resistant deals. There are at least three ways of handling this; more
to corrosion, and requires at least 6 ranks in Craft (smith) to than one can be combined in the same weapon (although
competently work. It may display 60° cross-hatched costs are cumulative, in that case).
Widmanstätten patterns, allowing one to tell at a glance that Ki Channeling: As a free action that does not provoke
it’s not ordinary metal. Items without metal parts cannot be attacks of opportunity, the wielder can channel psionic
made from cold iron. power into a melee weapon or ranged weapon made of
… that sword that was kin to lightning grew weary of these deep crystal, sacrificing one daily use of a ki power to
defenses, for it had in its essence speed and desperate cause the weapon to deal +2d6 force damage, plus an
journeys; and, lifting Alveric’s hand along with it, it swept additional 1d6 per level of the slot sacrificed (minimum
blows at the elvish knights, and the armor of Elfland could 1st level). The weapon will stay charged for 1 minute or
not hold it out. until it scores its next hit. Missile weapons lose this effect
―Lord Dunsany,
The King of Elfland’s Daughter (1924) if they miss; however, they may be recovered and charged
again. Arcane Blast feat (2,000 numen, plus 4,000 numen
Light armor; shields: Grant SR 13 (10,000 numen). per +1d6 thereafter).
Medium armor: Grants SR 15 (30,000 numen). Mastery Weapon (Monk Only): The weapon carries
additional force damage, per your Unarmed Mastery class
Heavy armor: Grants SR 17 (50,000 gp). feature. Versatile Strike feat (8,000 numen per +1d6
Weapons: Penetrate damage reduction (cold iron; 3,000 mastery damage).
gp), ignore +1 of deflection bonus to AC (Unskittering Voidglass: The weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus to
Attack feat; 2,000 gp for +1 BAB effect), use-activated damage per level of the highest-level spell, spell-like ability,
contingent dispel magic (3rd level spell x CL 5th x 900 gp x or ki power slot the wielder has available. Arcane Blade
1 [Strike] = 13,500 gp) = 18,500 numen total. Cold iron feat (2,000 numen for +1 max. damage bonus, plus 4,000
weapons ignoring greater deflection bonuses and/or with numen per +1 thereafter; max. 34,000 for +9 maximum).
higher caster level for dispelling can be made by
increasing costs accordingly.
Glassteel: Glass magically transmuted to a material
Crystal: Certain types of crystal can be used in place of stronger than steel, glassteel is often used for high elven
metal in weapons or armor, using a special forging process weapons and plate armor. It functions similarly to mithral
(using the Craft (lapidary) skill in place of the Craft (smith) (q.v.), except it cannot be made into chain shirts, chainmail
skill). The fortified crystal possesses the properties of a armor, or chain weapons, and does not penetrate DR/silver as
similar steel weapon or armor, except for visual appearance. mithral does. Glassteel items are crafted using Craft
Weapons and armor made of mundane crystal are especially (glassblowing), rather than Craft (smith). They are transmuted
vulnerable to a shatter spell. Because the properties are after being formed, and are considered metallic for purposes
similar to those of steel, crystal armor cannot be worn by such as use by druids, etc.
druids unless you add the nonmetallic property (q.v.), for an Armor and shields: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness
additional 8,000 numen. Source: Expanded Psionics (1,250 gp), armor check penalties reduced by 2 (400 gp),
Handbook. +2 to maximum Dex bonus (300 gp), -5% spell failure
Crystal, Deep: This crystal is found at the hearts of large (1,500 gp), -50% weight (5,000 gp) = 8,450 numen.
veins or deposits of mundane crystal (Expanded Psionics
Handbook), or grown and shaped on other worlds Weapons: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 gp),
(“voidglass,” per Pathfinder Module The Dragon’s Demand). gain Finesse property (2,000 gp; Special Weapon Finesse
They are crafted using the Craft (lapidary) skill rather than feat) = 3,250 numen. Being able to apply your Dex bonus
Craft (smith). to damage, etc. would cost more, as per the pricing for
Armor made of deep crystal provides a resistance bonus to feats.
saves against mind-affecting magic and psionic effects, as
shown below. Dragonhide: Start with leather armor, scale mail, or
banded armor as a base, then add an armor enhancement
Light armor: (+1 resistance bonus)2 x 1,000 gp x 0.5 bonus (cost 1,000 gp x bonus squared, as normal) sufficient to
(conditional—mind-affecting only) = 500 numen. bring the total AC value equal to half the natural AC bonus of
Medium armor: (+2 resistance bonus)2 x 1,000 gp x 0.5 the dragon from which the hide was taken. For example,
(conditional) = 2,000 numen. armor made from the hide of an adult red dragon (+21
natural armor) would provide a +10 armor bonus to AC
Heavy armor: (+3 resistance bonus)2 x 1,000 gp x 0.5 (equivalent to +3 banded armor). It also has the nonmetallic
(conditional) = 4,500 numen. property (see above; 8000 gp). Dragonhide armor also
provides resistance 10 to the type of energy the living dragon
was immune to (10,000 gp). Total cost = enhancement bonus
cost + 18,000 numen.
Leafweave: As the name suggests, leafweave armor (from Most mithral armors are one category lighter than normal
Races of the Wild) is made from forest leaves, which are then for purposes of movement and other limitations. Heavy
treated with a special alchemical process that makes them as armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are
tough and flexible as leather. Leafweave versions of padded, treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light. This
leather, studded leather, and hide armor exist; leafweave decrease does not apply to proficiency in wearing the armor.
studded leather typically incorporates darkwood studs to A character wearing mithral full plate must be proficient in
make it druid-friendly. Leafweave studded leather is wearing heavy armor to avoid adding the armor's check
equivalent to the “leaf armor” described in the Pathfinder penalty to all his attack rolls and skill checks that involve
Inner Sea World Guide. moving.
Armor: Check penalty reduced by 1 (100 gp), +1 to max In the case of mithral weapons, the lighter weight gives the
Dex bonus (75 gp), -5% spell failure (1,500 gp) = 1,675 weapon the Finesse special property (even if it did not
numen. already possess it). However, the light weight means that, for
purposes of adding your Strength modifier to damage, two-
handed mithral weapons are treated as one-handed (1x Str
Creating leafweave armor requires a successful DC 25 modifier), and one-handed mithral weapons are treated as
Craft (alchemy) check in addition to the normal Craft light weapons (0.5 x Str modifier).
(needlework) checks. The secret of its manufacture is known Phoenix Stone: From Steven Brust’s “Dragaera” novels,
only to the wood elves of Estren. phoenix stone is a mineral that can be worked like metal.
Darkleaf: It is rumored that a type of leafweave can be Gold phoenix stone blocks arcane magic; any creature
made that incorporates darkwood (q.v.) as well; this is the wearing gold phoenix stone armor is immune to spells and
“darkleaf cloth” from the Pathfinder Advanced Race Guide. spell-like abilities, as if he or she were just inside the edge of
Only armor normally made of hide, leather, or cloth can be an antimagic field. However, he or she cannot cast spells or
made as darkleaf armor. use spell-like abilities or magic items while so armored.
Armor: +8 alchemical bonus to hardness (3,200 gp), +5 Gold phoenix stone weapons ignore spells and magical
alchemical bonus to hp (50 gp), check penalty reduced by protection, including enhancement bonuses of magical
3 (900 gp), +2 to max Dex bonus (300 gp), -10% spell armor. Gold phoenix stone weapons and armor cannot
failure (6,000 gp), -50% weight (5,000 gp) = 15,450 numen. themselves be imbued with magic, for obvious reasons. Black
phoenix is otherwise similar, but it blocks psionic and ki
powers and druid spells, rather than arcane magic.
Mithral: Mithral is a very rare silvery, glistening metal that
is lighter than steel but just as hard; the secret of its working Armor, weapons, and shields: Basic properties of stone
is known only to the eldest of high elves and mountain weapons and armor, plus 6th level spell (antimagic field) x
dwarves (requiring at least 6 ranks in Craft (smith) as a class CL 11th x 1,000 gp (continuous spell effect) x 1.5 for 10
skill). When worked like steel, it becomes a wonderful min./level duration = 99,000 numen.
material from which to create armor, and is occasionally used
for other items as well. Silver, Alchemical: This alloy, formed by a complex
Mithril! All folk desired it. It could be beaten like copper, process involving metallurgy and alchemy, looks exactly like
and polished like glass; and the Dwarves could make of it a silver, although it is much lighter. The material as presented
metal, light and yet harder than tempered steel. Its beauty here is a fusion of the alchemical silver from the core rules
was like to that of common silver, but the beauty of mithril did and from Magic of Faerun, and of the Qadarian “silversheen”
not tarnish or grow dim. metal, from Pathfinder Companion: Qadira, Gateway to the
―J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring (1954) East.
Weapons and armor made of mithral weigh half as much
as their steel counterparts. Armor and shields: 20% weight reduction (800 gp), +1
max Dex bonus (75 gp), armor check penalty reduced by 1
Armor and shields: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (100 gp), -5% spell failure (1,500 gp), resist electricity 2
(1,250 gp), armor check penalties reduced by 3 (900 gp), (400 gp) = 2,875 numen.
+2 to maximum Dex bonus (300 gp), -10% spell failure
(6,000 gp), -50% weight (5,000 gp) = 13,450 numen. Weapons: penetrate DR/silver (3,000 gp), -1 enhancement
penalty to damage (-200 gp; optional) = 3,000 (or 2,800)
Weapons: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 gp), numen.
penetrate DR/silver (3,000 gp), gain Finesse property
(2,000 gp; Special Weapon Finesse feat) = 6,250 numen. Steel, Damascus: The special Wootz ore (containing
Being able to apply your Dex bonus to damage, etc. would vanadium and other trace elements) used in this steel, along
cost more, as per the pricing for feats. with the secret methods of crucible forging, result in carbon
nanotubes within the forged metal. In addition to making this
steel far stronger than normal, it produces a “watered”
pattern when forged. The ore and forging techniques required
for Damascus steel are known only in Bailakash and eastern
Light armor and shields: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness Wood, Ironwood: Ironwood is a magical substance created
(1,250 gp), +5 alchemical bonus to hp (100 gp) = 1,350 by druids from normal wood. While remaining natural wood
numen. in almost every way, ironwood is as strong, heavy, and
Medium armor: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 resistant to fire as steel. Spells that affect metal or iron do not
gp), +10 alchemical bonus to hp (400 gp) = 1,650 numen. function on ironwood. Spells that affect wood do affect
ironwood, although ironwood does not burn. Ironwood allows
Heavy armor: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 gp), the fashioning of wooden items (using the Craft
+15 alchemical bonus to hp (900 gp) = 2,150 numen. (construction) skill) that function as steel items. Thus,
wooden plate armor and wooden swords can be created that
Edged Weapons: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 are as durable as their normal steel counterparts (but you
gp), +5 alchemical bonus to hp (100 gp), +1 enhancement cannot make chain weapons or chain armor from ironwood).
bonus to damage (200 gp) = 1,550 numen. Ironwood armor and shields are freely usable by druids.
Steel, Spring: Spring steel is a high-carbon, silicon-alloy Shields: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 gp), +5
steel with a very high yield strength. Crossbows (and prodds) alchemical bonus to hp (100 gp) = 1,350 numen.
constructed using spring steel can carry a higher mechanical Medium armor: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250
strength than normal, but at an increased cost. For gp), +15 alchemical bonus to hp (900 gp) = 2,150 numen.
mechanical Strength scores higher than the defaults shown
above, simply apply the additional cost formula for Heavy armor: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 gp),
enhancement bonuses to damage. Thus, a crossbow dealing +25 alchemical bonus to hp (2,500 gp) = 3,750 numen.
an additional +5 damage (e.g., 1d8+10 for a heavy crossbow)
would cost 5,000 numen (52 x 200 gp). Extraplanar Materials
Talonite: This dark blue-gray alloy of cobalt and other
metals, which is hot-rolled rather than forged, is often used by The following special materials are extraterrestrial or
goblins. Because of its high lubricity, it continues cutting even extraplanar in origin, and are almost never available on the
when dull; edged blades of talonite gain a +1 enhancement open market. Players wishing for their PCs to have items of
bonus to attack rolls and damage. When magically enhanced, these materials must present a reasonable source that fits
the metal takes on a deep blue color, identifiable with a DC into the ongoing campaign storyline, subject to referee
20 Knowledge (lore) or DC 15 Craft (smith) or Profession approval. At least 16 ranks in Craft (smith) as a class skill are
(mining) check. Talonite is equivalent to the “arundar” special generally required in order to work with these materials (this
material in Magic of Faerun. requirement is reduced for natives of the plane from which
the material originates). The additional costs for these
Armor and shields: +2 alchemical bonus to hardness (200 materials always count against a character’s numen (see
gp), grants sonic resistance 2 (2,000 gp) = 2,200 numen. above).
Weapons: +2 alchemical bonus to hardness (200 gp), +1 Abysium: Known also as “feverstone” (a somewhat
enhancement bonus to attacks (400 gp), +1 enhancement misleading name, as abysium is a metal), this glowing, blue-
bonus to damage (200 gp) = 800 numen. green substance can be a source of great energy. However, it
also causes living creatures who spend extended amounts of
time near it to grow ill and die unless proper precautions are
Wood, Darkwood: This rare magic wood is as hard as taken. Abysium functions as steel when used to craft
normal wood but very light. Items not normally made of wood weapons and armor, but anyone who carries or wears
or only partially of wood (such as a battleaxe or a mace) abysium arms or armor becomes sickened for as long as the
either cannot be made from darkwood or do not gain any gear is carried or worn, plus an additional 1d4 hours after it
special benefit from being made of darkwood. Darkwood can is removed. This is a poison effect. Weapons and armor made
be made into ironwood (q.v.), but the additional costs stack. from abysium glow with an intensity equal to that of a candle.
Armor and shields: -40% weight (3,200 gp), armor check Source: Pathfinder #61, Shards of Sin.
penalty reduced by 2 (400 gp) = 3,600 numen. Armor: 2nd level spell effect (stolen breath, from Dragon
magazine #314) x CL 3rd x 500 gp = 3,000 numen.
Wood, Heartwood: Heartwood of any kind is rare; it is the Weapons: Feat (Sickening Strike) = 2,000 numen.
center wood of a particularly ancient tree brought to thinking
life with the awaken spell. Heartwood comes in four main
varieties, each mimicking the mystic qualities of a special
metal: blue—alchemical silver; gray—adamantine; red—cold
iron; white—mithral. This quality allows these woods to
penetrate damage reduction as if they were the metal in
question. White heartwood weights half as much as normal
wood, and grey heartwood ignores 20 points of object
hardness. Despite these properties, heartwoods have the
same hardness and hit points as normal wood. Heartwood
can also be ironwood (q.v.), but the additional costs stack. An
item made of heartwood cost the same amount as one made
of the metal it mimics.
Astral Driftmetal: An extraordinarily rare mineral that is Weapons: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 gp), +5
mined only on islands of matter floating in the Astral Plane, alchemical bonus to hp (100 gp), penetrate DR/silver
as described in the Planar Handbook. It is very similar to iron (3,000 gp), gain Finesse quality (5,000 gp), blessed (1,000
but has the remarkable feature of being fully effective against gp) = 10,350 numen.
incorporeal attacks, as though it were made of force (Cf. the
metal “dureum” in E.E. “Doc” Smith’s Chronicles of the Only good-aligned characters may work, refine, forge, or
Lensmen). Armor crafted from astral driftmetal retains its full imbue celestrum. Non-good characters that hold or wear
armor bonus to Armor Class against incorporeal attacks. celestrum gain one negative level. The negative level remains
Astral driftmetal is not malleable enough to be worked into as long as the weapon is in hand or the armor is worn, and it
chainmail or scale mail; only a breastplate, shield, or any form disappears when this condition is no longer the case. This
of heavy armor can be made from it. negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot
be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while
Armor and shields: +2 alchemical bonus to hardness (200 the weapon is wielded or the armor worn.
gp), +10% weight (-200 gp); ghost touch property (6,000 Celestrum is found only on the planes that serve as the
gp) = 6,000 numen. home of good-aligned gods. Even there, the material is rare,
existing only where the plane has a natural portal to the plane
Weapons: +2 alchemical bonus to hardness (200 gp), of earth or in areas where the plane itself has been damaged.
+10% weight (-200 gp); ghost touch property (21,000 gp) = A vein of celestrum is thin and small, and the material must
21,000 numen. be removed without being broken or it becomes tainted by
the tools used to retrieve it. It must also be constantly
Bloodiron, Abyssal: Tainted metal harvested from the surrounded by holy scripts and song, in order that its removal
earth of the Abyss, where cataclysmic battles have been from the plane that made it does not taint it (tainted
waged for eons and the earth has been saturated with iron, celestrum is much less valuable, and acts as mithral). Doing
blood, and spent magic, Abyssal bloodiron is forged at a low this requires a DC 30 Profession (mining) check and a DC 35
temperature to preserve its innate powers. Weapons forged Knowledge (the planes) check. Once celestrum has been
of the metal usually appear dark except for their cutting safely removed, it can be forged and moved without risk of
edges, which are as red as freshly spilled blood. Source: taint.
Planar Handbook. Force: Armor and weapons can be fabricated from pure
Armor and shields: Grants SR 13 (10,000 numen) and magical force (use Spellcraft rather than Craft). Although
negates the critical hit confirmation function of blessed almost indestructible by normal means, if dispelled (or
weapons. brought into an antimagic field) they vanish completely for
1d4 rounds (or until removed from the field), during which
Weapons: Penetrate damage reduction (cold iron; 4,000 time they provide no benefits. Use these guidelines for more
gp), corrupt (1,000 gp) = 5,000 numen. fanciful examples as well, such as armor made of
Celestrum: Celestrum (from the celestial armor magic Armor: 1,000 gp x (AC bonus squared). Although the
item in the core rules, the celestial plate armor from armor provides an armor bonus, treat the cost as a
Pathfinder #11: Skeletons of Scarwall, and from Green magical enhancement bonus, so that you cannot stack an
Ronin’s Advanced Gamemaster’s Guide) is a holy metal enhancement bonus to AC on top of the armor bonus it
smelted from the raw stuff of the good-aligned planes. It can provides. Force armor has hardness 2 x the armor bonus,
be silver or gold in color, though it is vastly more valuable hp 5 x the armor bonus, no encumbrance or weight, no
than either metal. Celestrum is extremely light and strong, max AC, no skill check penalty, and no arcane spell failure
allowing armors made of it to be thin without losing strength, chance. It gains the ghost touch property by virtue of being
and easily maneuvered in. Angels and messengers of the gods made of force.
are often clad in full suits of celestrum, but it’s much rarer for
any mortal to acquire a suit. Items not primarily of metal are Weapons: +20 alchemical bonus hardness (20,000 gp),
not meaningfully affected by being partially made of +10 alchemical bonus to hp (400 gp), ghost touch property
celestrium (a longsword can be a celestrum weapon, while a (7,500 gp) = 27,900 numen. Force weapons deal force
quarterstaff cannot). damage rather than piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning
Light armor and shields: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness
(1,250 gp), +5 alchemical bonus to hp (100), armor check Greensteel, Baatorian: Mined from the Nine Hells of
penalties reduced by 3 (900 gp), +5 to maximum Dex Baator, this rare metal is veined with green flecks, and when
bonus (1,875 gp), -15% spell failure (13,500 gp), -50% properly alloyed can be made into weapons of amazing
weight (5,000 gp), and negates the critical hit confirmation sharpness. Slashing and piercing weapons of Baatorian
function of corrupt weapons = 22,625 numen. greensteel penetrate DR as if they were silver and lawfully-
Medium armor: As above, but +10 alchemical bonus to hp aligned, gain the keen enhancement even if not magical, and
(400 gp) = 22,925 numen. are also corrupt. Source: Arms and Equipment Guide.
Heavy armor: As above, but +15 alchemical bonus to hp Armor: +2 alchemical bonus to hardness (200 gp), and
(900 gp) = 23,425 numen. negates critical confirmation function of blessed weapons
= 200 numen.
Light armor and shields: -2 alchemical penalty to hp (-50
Weapons: +2 alchemical bonus to hardness (200 gp), gp), armor check penalties reduced by 2 (400 gp), +1 to
penetrate damage reduction (silver; 3,000 gp), corrupt (1,000 max Dex bonus (75 gp), -20% spell failure (24,000 gp x
gp), keen (11,250 gp) = 26,250 numen. 0.125 for applying to [cold] only = 3,000 gp), -30% weight
(1,800 gp) = 5,225 numen.
Horacalcum: The rarest of the known skymetals, this dull, Medium armor: -5 alchemical penalty to hp (-100 gp),
coppery substance warps time around it, making things seem armor check penalties reduced by 2 (400 gp), +1 to max
to speed up or slow down. Almost never found in amounts Dex bonus (75 gp), -30% spell failure (54,000 gp x 0.125
greater than a pound, horacalcum is the same weight and for applying to [cold] only = 6,750 gp), -30% weight (1,800
density as steel, but is much more durable. An entire suit of gp) = 8,925 numen.
armor made from this rare metal is fantastically expensive,
but since a suit of horacalcum armor simultaneously allows Heavy armor: -10 alchemical penalty to hp (-400 gp),
its wearer to react more quickly while perceiving time more armor check penalties reduced by 2 (400 gp), +1 to max
slowly, some consider the cost justifiable. Source: Pathfinder Dex bonus (75 gp), -35% spell failure (73,500 gp x 0.125
#61, Shards of Sin. for applying to [cold] only = 9,188), -30% weight (1,800 gp)
Light armor: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 gp), = 11,063 numen.
+2 alchemical bonus to hp (50 gp), +1 insight bonus to Weapons: -2 alchemical penalty to hp (-50 gp); plus frost,
initiative checks (5,000 gp) = 6,300 numen. keen, and/or icy burst properties (use appropriate weapon
Medium armor: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 property costs; see above).
gp), +5 alchemical bonus to hp (100 gp), +2 insight bonus
to initiative checks (20,000 gp) = 21,350 numen. Blue ice can also be used to build anything that is normally
built of iron (+400 gp/pound). Many dwarven fortresses in the
Heavy armor: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 gp), Frostfell make heavy use of blue ice for metal components
+10 alchemical bonus to hp (400 gp), +3 insight bonus to such as nails, tools, door hinges, utensils, and pretty much
initiative checks (45,000 gp) = 46,650 numen. anything else they can think of; blue ice goblets and mugs are
Weapons: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness (1,250 gp), +5 especially popular for export to warmer climates since they
alchemical bonus to hp (100 gp), +1 circumstance bonus keep their contents chilled. A room lined with sheets of blue
to attack rolls (5,000 gp) = 6,350 numen. ice remains at a constant temperature of about freezing,
making for an effective way to create refrigerated chambers
Ice, Blue: Found only in the depths of the most ancient for food storage. Items made out of blue ice weigh half as
glaciers on Frostfell planes, veins of blue ice are often sought much as normal. Source: Frostburn.
out by glacier dwarves. It appears as dark blue, opaque ice Styigian Ice: This extraplanar ice comes from Stygia, the
that sparkles in light as if it were coated with a tiny film of fifth layer of Hell. Infused with the soulless evil of that realm,
gemstones; this is merely a thin layer of frost that forms over along with the magical waters of the river Styx, stygian ice is
its surface when exposed to air. The material is cold and feels black and constantly crawls with a thin layer of pale blue
identical to regular ice upon casual observation, but blue ice mist. Stygian ice is much colder than normal ice, and it melts
only melts under intense and direct application of heat, slowly in nonfreezing environs. The coldness that this ice
similarly to iron. Those who mine this material from the exudes is magical in nature, and freezes the mind much more
ancient glaciers often do so simply by melting away the rapidly than flesh.
surrounding ice; this is a dangerous procedure, though, since Weapons: As blue ice (q.v.), plus Rattling Strike feat (+6
it can rapidly destabilize the surrounding ice. As a result, only BAB equivalent only; 12,000 gp). If the weapon is keen or
the most gifted miners attempt to obtain blue ice (+15 to the has the burst quality, this effect automatically activates on
DC of Profession: Mining checks). a confirmed crit. In addition, Stygian ice weapons are
Blue ice can be forged, shaped, and utilized as if it were corrupt (see Abyssal bloodiron; +1,000 gp) = 13,000
iron. When forged into a slashing weapon it keeps its edge numen.
much longer and is much sharper than a forged iron weapon.
Blue ice armor is much lighter than normal armor, although it Inubrix: This metal’s structure allows it to pass through
can be uncomfortable to wear for creatures not immune or iron and steel without touching them, seemingly shifting in
resistant to cold. Only armor normally fashioned of metal can and out of phase with reality. This quality earned the pale
be made from blue ice. If the creature wearing the armor is metal the nickname “ghost iron.” Inubrix is the softest of the
not resistant or immune to cold, he takes a –2 penalty to solid skymetals, being only slightly less malleable than lead. It
Dexterity from the general numbness caused by the armor. doesn’t function well for crafting armor as a result, and
An endure elements spell or effect is enough to prevent this though inubrix weapons can penetrate most metal armors
effect. Also, if the armor is bound to you (i.e., paid for with with relative ease, the weapons tend to break easily. An
available numen), you are immune to this effect from your inubrix weapon deals damage as if it were one size category
own armor. smaller than its actual size, and is always treated as if it had
Blue ice does not automatically have the nonmetallic the broken condition. It ignores all armor or shield bonuses
property (q.v.) unless you purchase that separately, in addition granted by iron or steel armor or shields. Inubrix weapons
to the costs listed below. cannot damage these materials at all (and, by extension,
cannot harm iron golems or similar creatures). Source:
Pathfinder #61, Shards of Sin.
Oerthblood: A residue of the creation of the World of
Weapons: -5 alchemical penalty to hardness (-1,250 gp), Greyhawk, this substance must be alloyed with metal
-2 enhancement penalty to attacks (-1,600 gp) and damage (generally steel) in order to be useful in armor and weapons.
(-1,200 gp), brilliant energy (66,000 gp), reversed keen Oerthblood items are red, with shimmering black flecks on
(-11,250 gp), reversed lead blades (-2,000 gp) = 48,700 the surface. Source: Dragon magazine, issue 351.
numen. Light armor and shields: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness
(1,250 gp), +10 alchemical bonus to hp (400 gp), DR 1/—
Morghuth-Iron: This is the product of a volcanic mineral (500 gp), +1 luck bonus to saves against spells and spell-
unique to the mountains of the Bleak Eternity of Gehenna, like abilities (2,500 gp) = 4,650 numen.
where it is occasionally mined. It forges poorly, making items
which appear pocked and pitted. It is also extremely toxic; Medium armor: +5 to hardness (1,250 gp), +15 alchemical
with each successful attack that deals at least 1 point of bonus to hp (900 gp), DR 2/— (2,000 gp), +2 luck bonus to
damage, slashing and piercing weapons made from saves against spells and spell-like abilities (10,000 gp) =
Gehennan morghuth-iron deliver a dose of poison (injury DC 14,150 numen.
12 +1 per point of the weapon’s permanent enhancement Heavy armor: +5 to hardness (1,250 gp), +20 alchemical
bonus, if any; damage 1d2 Dex/round for 5 rounds; cure 1 bonus to hp (1,600 gp), DR 3/— (4,500 gp), +3 luck bonus
save). Source: Arms and Equipment Guide. to saves against spells and spell-like abilities (22,500 gp) =
Weapons: -1 penalty to attacks (-400 gp), -1 penalty to 29,850 numen.
damage (-200 gp), corrupt (1,000 gp), poison (90 gp sewer Weapons: +5 to hardness (1,250 gp), +10 alchemical
centipede venom x 50 material component cost multiplier bonus to hp (400 gp), +1 luck bonus to attacks and
= 4,500 gp) = 4,900 numen. damage (5,000 gp), Susceptible Strike feat (10,000 gp) =
16,650 numen.
Noqual: Noqualis a metal that looks almost like pale green
crystal to the untrained eye, but can be worked as iron It is rumored that Oerthblood can be allowed with cold
despite its appearance. Noqual is light—half as heavy as iron, iron, mithral, or other exotic materials, in order to gain a
yet just as strong. Noqual armor weighs half as much as other composite with all the properties of both.
armors of its type, and is treated as one category lighter than Pearlsteel: Forged by triton metallurgists who work at
normal for the purposes of movement and other limitations volcanic vents deep in the ocean or on the Elemental Plane of
(light armor is still treated as light armor, though). Source: Water, pearlsteel is a gleaming, shining metal with a blue-
Pathfinder #61, Shards of Sin. white sheen, like that of mother-of-pearl. Created from rare
Armor: +2 to max Dex bonus (300 gp), armor check silvery pearls found only in the ocean depths, this metal is
penalties reduced by 3 (900 gp), +20% spell failure chance prized by all undersea races. It is very light, especially in
(-24,000 gp x 0.5 conditional penalty = -12,000 gp), -50% water. Source: Stormwrack.
weight (5,000 gp), +4 resistance against spells and spell- Armor and shields: Check penalties reduced by 1 (100 gp)
like abilities (16,000 x 0.5 conditional = 8,000) = 2,200 and no penalty to Swim checks (250 gp, as a least
numen. augment crystal of aquatic action from the Magic Item
Weapons: Bane property against constructs and undead Compendium), -20% weight (800 gp) = 1,150 numen.
(14,000 numen). Weapons: Gain the aquatic weapon quality from
Stormwrack (+1 enhancement cost = 2,000 gp).
Obdurium: An incredibly rare and hard metal, pale violet in
color, that represents the pinnacle of nonmagical strength. Proteum: Githzerai smiths in the ever-changing Maelstrom
Even dwarven metallurgists speak of obdurium as more of Limbo have found a way to alloy native metal with some of
legend than fact. Source: Stronghold Builder's Guidebook; the shifting chaos-stuff of their native plane. The resulting
this material is also referenced in Expedition to the Ruins of metal is heavier than iron but can be used to make effective
Greyhawk. weapons and armor; however, it can only be forged on
Light armor and shields: +20 alchemical bonus to chaotically-aligned planes.
hardness (20,000 gp), +20 alchemical bonus to hp (1,600 Note: this is the “entropium” material from the Arms and
gp) = 20,400 numen. Equipment Guide, renamed to maintain continuity with the
chaotic “proteans” in the Pathfinder rules, and because the
Medium armor: +20 to hardness (20,000 gp), +30 name entropium refers to a real-life medical condition (the
alchemical bonus to hp (3,600 gp) = 23,600 numen. inversion of the lower eyelid). Note that Jack Vance’s Trullion
Heavy armor: +20 to hardness (20,000 gp), +40 alchemical features nearly indestructible knives “forged from proteum.”
bonus to hp (6,400 gp) = 26,400 numen. Unfortunately, in chemistry, “protium” refers to hydrogen-1.
A suit of proteum armor actually shifts as its wearer moves,
Weapons: +20 to hardness (20,000 gp), +10 alchemical allowing incredible flexibility at the cost of increased weight.
bonus to hp (400 gp), penetrate damage reduction In addition to the properties below, the armor check penalty
(adamantine; 3,000 gp) = 23,400 numen. of the armor increases by 2 for Strength-related skills and
decreases by 2 for Dexterity-related skills. Proteum can be
used only for armors made primarily of metal.
Light armor and shields: +5 alchemical bonus to hardness Weapons: -2 alchemical penalty to hardness (-200 gp), -5
(1,250 gp), +5 alchemical bonus to hp (100 gp), +2 to alchemical penalty to hp (-100 gp), -1 damage (-200 gp),
maximum Dex bonus (300 gp), -10% arcane spell failure penetrate damage reduction (silver; 3,000 gp), entropic (as
(6,000 gp), +20% to weight (-800 gp) = 6,850 numen. blessed, but chaotic; 1,000 gp), fear effect: [3rd level
Medium armor: +5 to hardness (1,250 gp), +10 alchemical warcry spell (Book of Exalted Deeds) + Shape Spell
bonus to hp (400 gp), +2 to maximum Dex bonus (300 gp), (emanation; +1 level) + Lingering Spell (+1 level) + Extend
-10% arcane spell failure (6,000 gp), +20% to weight (-800 Spell (+1 level)] = 6 x CL 11th x 500 gp = 33,000 gp, for a
gp) = 7,150 numen. total cost of 36,500 numen.
Heavy armor: +5 to hardness (1,250 gp), +15 alchemical
bonus to hp (900 gp), +2 to maximum Dex bonus (300 gp),
-10% arcane spell failure (6,000 gp), +20% to weight (-800
gp) = 7,650 numen.
Weapons: +5 to hardness (1,250 gp), +5 alchemical bonus
to hp (100 gp), entropic (similar to blessed, but chaotic;
1,000 gp) = 2,350 numen.
Siccatite: This shining silver metal is either incredibly hot
or freezing cold when found. As of yet, scholars have not
determined whether siccatite is actually two similarly hued
metals or a single type that determines its own temperature
via some unknown process. Physical contact with siccatite
deals 1 point of energy damage each round (either fire or
cold, as appropriate). Hot siccatite can eventually ignite
objects, and cold siccatite in water quickly surrounds itself
with a 1-foot-thick shell of ice.
Armor: Energy resistance 5 (5,000 gp); also, those
touching or grappled take 1d6 cold or fire damage (as 1st
level corrosive grasp x CL 1st x 500 gp x 4 for duration 1
round/level = 2,000 gp) = 7,000 numen.
Weapons: Flaming or frost (4,000), plus heat metal or chill
metal when drawn (you are immune to this effect if the
weapon is bonded to you with personal numen).
Silver, Pandemonic: Mined from thin veins of ore on the
plane of Pandemonium, Pandemonic silver has all the
properties of alchemical silver (q.v.). In addition, a thin,
unearthly scream issues forth from a bladed weapon made of
Pandemonic silver whenever it is unsheathed in at least a
light breeze. This scream is a sonic, mind-affecting
compulsion that is a fear effect. Other than the wielder, those
within 30 feet who hear the scream must succeed on a Will
save or cower for 1d4 rounds. The DC of the Will save
depends on the strength of the wind, as indicated on the table
below. Source: Complete Warrior.
Wind Force Save DC
Light (0–10 mph) 10
Moderate (11–20 mph) 13
Strong (21–30 mph) 16
Severe (31–50 mph) 19
Windstorm (51–74 mph) 22
Hurricane (75–174 mph) 25
Tornado (175–300 mph) 28
Chapter 7: Spells
Standardized Spellcasting Rules
To avoid needless repetition
Standardized of standard rules Rules
Spellcasting in the class write-ups, standardized casting rules are provided here. In the class
descriptions for classes with spellcasting ability, relevant details are listed as needed only. In addition, some terms are clarified
Bonus Spells: Most casting classes provide bonus spells, such as the cleric’s domain spells, the sorcerer’s bloodline spells, the
specialist wizard’s school spells, etc. These are shown on Spellcasting Table 1 for the sake of convenience, but generally represent
class features, rather than automatic acquisitions. Multiclassed casters receive higher-level bonus spells only if the contributing
classes do (see Spell Theurgy, below).
Cantrips and Orisons: You learn or can prepare a number of 0-level spells (“cantrips” for arcane casters, “orisons” for divine
casters), as shown in the tables. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used at
Caster Level: This is the level at which your spells operate, Then I spoke the spell, slowly and clearly, leaving out the
used to determine duration, range, damage, and other level- four key words I had chosen to omit. The woods grew
dependent effects of your spells. Unless otherwise noted, your absolutely still about me as the words rang out. The spell
caster level for all spells and spell-like abilities is equal to hung before me like a crippled butterfly of sound and color,
your number of ranks in Concentration (not including “virtual trapped within the synesthetic web of my personal vision of
ranks” from Skill Focus, if any). Your caster level is not the Logrus, to come again when I summoned it, to be
necessarily the same as your Spell Capacity (see below). released when I uttered the four omitted words.
SPELLCASTING TABLE 1: SPELLS KNOWN/PREPARED ―Roger Zelazny, Blood of Amber (1986)
Spell Capacity Spells by Level:
You must choose and prepare your spells in advance. You
can prepare and cast only a certain number of spells of each
0 spell level per day. The number of spells per spell level you
1 st 3 can have prepared at a time is shown in Spellcasting Table 1:
Spells Prepared. In addition, you receive additional spells per
2nd 4 day if you have a high spellcasting attribute score.
4 th 4
5th 4 Spell Capacity 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
6th 4 1st 3 — — — — — — — —
7th 4 2nd 4 — — — — — — — —
8th 4 3rd 5 0 — — — — — — —
9th 4 4th 6 3 — — — — — — —
10th 4 5th 6 4 0 — — — — — —
11th 4 6th 6 5 3 — — — — — —
12th 4 7th 6 6 4 0 — — — — —
13th 4 8th 6 6 5 3 — — — — —
14th 4 9th 6 6 6 4 0 — — — —
15th 4 10th 6 6 6 5 3 — — — —
16th 4 11th 6 6 6 6 4 0 — — —
17th 4 12th 6 6 6 6 5 3 — — —
18th 4 13th 6 6 6 6 6 4 0 — —
19th 4 14th 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 — —
20th 4 15th 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 0 —
16th 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 —
The “+1” entries in the table indicate the class-granted 17th 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 0*
bonus spells, if any (see above).
18th 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3
Prepared Casting: 19th 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
20th 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5
* You can use spells of this level only if you have a high Spell List Access: Theurgy generally grants access to both
enough spellcasting attribute score to gain a bonus spell of class spell lists, subject to any limitations specified for the
that level. class feature granting it. For example, the Arcane Hierophant
Saving Throw DCs: For your spells that allow saving throws, druid (Chapter 2) can cast arcane spells only if the spell level
the DCs are calculated as 10 + the level of the spell + your is less than or equal to his or her arcane class level.
Charisma modifier. Characters with the Serenity feat may Stacking Theurgy: If you have more than one class
apply their Wisdom modifier instead of their Charisma providing theurgy towards a third class’ spellcasting
modifier when calculating save DCs; wizards with the progression, then theurgy works similarly to saving throws:
Diligent Preparation arcane bond can apply their Intelligence add all levels providing weak theurgy together and compare
modifier instead of their Charisma modifier. the total advancement in the appropriate column on Table 3;
Spell Capacity: This is your row on the standardized add all levels providing strong theurgy and check the total
spellcasting tables, which corresponds to an equivalent level against the advancement on Table 3; and apply the total
of a full spellcaster in the core rules. Your spell capacity advancement to your Spell Capacity on the Tables 1 and 2.
determines your spells known and spells per day, and the Theurgy and Bonus Spells: Classes that normally receive
highest level of spells to which you have access. bonus spells such as bloodline spells or domain spells (e.g.,
Spellcasting Attribute: Each class has a single attribute bard, monk) also allow acquisition of higher-level bonus spells
that governs spellcasting, as listed in the class description. when used for theurgy. Theurgy from classes without bonus
You are unable to learn, prepare, or cast spells from that class spells (e.g., ranger) does not count towards acquiring new
list if your attribute is less than 10 + the level of the spell. bonus spells. This is a specific change from the Pathfinder
Spontaneous Casting: You can cast any spell you know core rules, in which bonus spells are available to single-
without preparing it ahead of time. You know a certain classed characters only; it is intended to make multiclassing
number of spells (Spellcasting Table 1: Spells Known). You as a spellcaster less onerous.
can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per Racial Spell-Like Abilities
day. Your base daily spell allotment is given on Table 2:
Spontaneous Spells per Day. In addition, you receive Rather than have templated races like half-fiends and shades
additional spells per day if you have a high spellcasting acquire spell-like abilities haphazardly, a standardized
attribute score. mechanic is provided here. Races with access to suites of
spell-like abilities gain them according to ranks in
Theurgy Concentration, so that their racial spell capacity is equal to
their caster level.
Multiclassing as a spell caster often works differently in these Progression: One spell-like ability is gained at each odd-
rules than in the Pathfinder core rules. Rather than tracking numbered rank in Concentration, to a maximum number of
two separate spellcasting progressions, it is normally ranks equal 17 or your total Hit Dice, whichever is lower. The
possible to some extent to combine progression from spell level of each new spell-like ability gained is equal to half
different spellcasting classes. For example, there are a your number of ranks in Concentration (round up)—e.g., a
number of talents and other options in the class documents character with 5 ranks in Concentration will have one 1st,
(Chapter 2) allowing a caster to give up the normal one 2nd, and one 3rd level spell-like ability.
spellcasting progression in one class in order to improve Listing: A race receiving racial spell-like abilities will list
casting progression in another class. them by spell level, much as bloodline or domain spells are
This type of spellcasting improvement will be termed listed. For example, the list of spell-like abilities for the half-
“theurgy” in these rules, after the Mystic Theurge prestige fiend template reads: 1st—darkness, 2nd—desecrate, 3rd
class in the core rules, and because of the linguistic similarity —contagion, 4th—poison, 5th—unhallow, 6th—blasphemy, 7th
with the word “synergy.” Spell theurgy works according to the —destruction, 8th—unholy aura, 9th—summon monster IX.
general rules for class synergy features (see Introduction). Uses Per Day: When the first spell-like ability of a given
Applying Theurgy: When spellcasting theurgy is used, the spell level is gained, it is usable once per day. A spell-like
improvements shown in the class synergy table are applied ability is usable 3 times per day if your number of ranks in
directly to your Spell Capacity (q.v.) on Tables 1 and 2 (and Concentration is greater than or equal to 4 x the spell level of
not necessarily to the level in the class being advanced). For the spell-like ability. If your number of ranks in Concentration
example, a bard 6 normally has a Spell Capacity of 5th (Bard is greater than or equal to 6 x the spell level, you can use the
Table 1). Upon gaining 6 levels in ranger and selecting the ability at will.
Harper Scout ranger lore (allowing your ranger levels to Theurgy and Bonus Spells: When racial spell-like abilities
provide Weak synergy towards your bard casting), your new are given up in favor of spellcasting synergy (as described for
Spell Capacity would be 8th, allowing you to cast 4th level each race in Chapter 2), the racial spell-like abilities listed can
bard spells. This referral back to a standard table avoids be used in place of the standard bonus feats for the primary
unduly penalizing bards and other part-casters who gain casting progression.
improvements in those casting progressions from another
such class.
Class Level: As noted in Chapter 1, when another class
provides spellcasting theurgy, always use your actual number
of levels in that class, rather your your “effective class level”
obtained through feats, talents, etc.
Spells from Non-Core Sources Casting Spells on Other Planes
The rules listed above apply to Aviona and the rest of the
In various chapters, superscripts are used to reference spells homebrew world. In other places, the rules might work
from sources other than the Core rules. To save on space in differently: casting might be easier, harder, or even
repeating that list in each individual document, a central impossible. On Golarion, for example, the Concentration DC
listing of those sources is provided here. If your group does for casting defensively is a static 15 regardless of threatening
not own the source cited, substitute an appropriate spell opponents, as described in the Pathfinder core rules, and all
instead of the one listed. standard-action spells are cast as standard actions.
From Paizo Publishing: APG = Advanced Player’s Guide; Certain planes have wildly differing rules of magic; some
ARG = Advanced Race Guide; DG = Dwarves of Golarion; types of spells might work at improved efficiency, or not at all.
Dr# = Dragon Magazine (and issue); DrAn = Dragon In general, arcane casters attempting to cast unmodified
magazine annual (and volume); ISWG = Inner Sea World spells on planes with different magical laws fail automatically.
Guide; PB2 = Pathfinder Bestiary 2; UC = Ultimate Combat; Spontaneous casters can attempt a Planar Sense check
UM = Ultimate Magic. (Chapter 4) as part of the casting to cast normally (DC 15 +
From Wizards of the Coast: BED = Book of Exalted twice the level of the spell); this increases the casting of a
Deeds; BVD = Book of Vile Darkness; CA = Complete standard-action spell to one full round, so that the spell takes
Arcane; CAd = Complete Adventurer; CD = Complete Divine; effect on the caster’s next turn. Arcane casters who prepare
CM = Complete Mage; CW = Complete Warrior; DN = spells can make Knowledge (the planes) checks while
Draconomicon; ECS = Eberron Campaign Setting; FB = preparing their spells in order to prepare spells that function
Frostburn; FC1 = Fiendish Codex I; FR = Forgotten Realms on the new plane of existence.
Campaign Setting; GA = Greyhawk Adventures; GW = Clerical spells, incarnate spells, and monks’ ki powers
Ghostwalk; LM = Libris Mortis; LoM = Lords of Madness; work normally on all planes, except those with specific
ME = Magic of Eberron; MF = Magic of Faerun; MH = special magic traits that would indicate otherwise. However,
Miniatures Handbook; MP = Manual of the Planes; MW = most deities’ power and awareness does not extend to all
Masters of the Wild; OA = Oriental Adventures; PGF = planes. Clerics and archivists out of touch with their deities
Players Guide to Faerun; PHII = Players Handbook II; PnH = cannot regain spells above 2nd level. Druids’ connection to the
Planar Handbook; RD = Races of Destiny; RF = Races of natural world requires special adjudication; unless specific
Faerun; SC = Spell Compendium; ShS = Shining South; guidelines have been developed for a given plane, treat druids
SRD = 3.5 edition System Reference Document; SS = Savage as clerics.
Species; SSt = Sandstorm; SW = Stormwrack; TM2 = 2nd
edition Tome of Magic; UE = Unapproachable East; Und = Special Magic Zones
Underdark; WCS = Waterdeep: City of Splendors; WotC =
Wizards of the Coast web site. In some places, localized warping of reality—either though
From Other Publishers: AEST = Arcana Evolved Spell massive magical trauma in the past or the impingement of
Treasury (Malhavoc Press); APM = Advanced Players Manual another plane onto the Prime Material—can create
(Green Ronin); AUG = Arcana Unearthed Grimoire conditions in which nonstandard spellcasting rules are used.
(Malhavoc Press); BEM = Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc In the simplest case, use the rules for casting spells on other
Press); BHM = Book of Hallowed Might (Malhavoc Press); planes (q.v.). For example, a temple of Graz’zt might count as
RR = Relics & Rituals (Sword & Sorcery Studios); RRO = being part of the Abyss, for purposes of spellcasting inside.
Relics & Rituals: Olympus (Sword & Sorcery Studios). Other common examples follow.
Dead Magic Areas: The magic, or “mana” of the area has
been totally depleted. Spells, spell-like abilities, and
Casting Spells supernatural abilities do not work in a dead magic area.
Casting Spells in Combat Creatures and objects inside the area cannot be detected
using divination magic, and creatures cannot teleport, plane
Casting spells in combat is far more difficult in these rules shift, or otherwise magically travel into the dead magic area.
than in the core rules, as described under the Concentration Wild Magic Areas: Attempting to cast a spell or use a
skill in Chapter 4. This is ameliorated by the greater power spell-like ability in a wild magic area results in a wild surge,
and flexibility of spells (see specially Metamagic, below), and as described in the 2nd edition Tome of Magic (TSR, Inc.).
by the fact that other characters can generally guard an allied Supernatural abilities are not affected.
caster by holding enough movement and attacks to intercept
attacks―or if adjacent, simply by declaring that they are
doing so (see Chapter 1).
Casting Time: Spells with a listed casting time of “1
standard action” or greater (this includes most spells) are
difficult to cast if they have somatic and/or material
components. You may take a 5-ft. step while casting, but not a
full or half move. Spells with a casting time of “1 standard
action” with only verbal and/or focus components can be cast
as a standard action, allowing a full move in the same round.
Other Variations Counterspelling
Counterspelling uses the preemptive action mechanics
(q.v.); you hold a full attack action (or a standard action, if
Active or Latent Spells using a spell with no material or somatic components) to
counterspell when an enemy caster begins to cast.
Active or latent spells that are permanent or last until If the target of your counterspell tries to cast a spell, make a
discharged (such as explosive runes, glyph of warding, fire Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the spell's level). This check is a
trap, secret page, symbol of death, etc.) count against your free action. If the check succeeds, you correctly identify the
personal numen (Chapter 6). In general, the cost is as per a opponent's spell and can attempt to counter it. If the check
magic trap (spell level x caster level x 50 gp, plus the spell’s fails, you can't do either of these things.
listed material component cost, if any). The numen is To complete the action, you must then cast an appropriate
replaced when the spell is no longer potent, due to discharge, spell. You may use any spell to counterspell, but success is
dispelling, or whatever. Some examples: automatic only if you use the same spell as the one being
3rd level explosive runes x CL 6th x 50 gp = 900 numen cast, or one of equal level or greater with effects that are
each. exactly opposite (e.g., haste vs. slow). Use of any other spell
requires a Concentration check on your part with a special
For an 8 HD simulacrum: (6th level simulacrum spell x CL bonus equal to the level of the spell you are using as a
11th x 50 gp) + (8 x 500 gp) = 7,300 numen. counterspell. The counterspelling DC is equal to 10 + the
enemy spellcaster’s Concentration bonus + the level of the
Cantrips and Orisons spell you are attempting to counterspell.
Use of a spell from a school different from the one being
For 0-level spells that have non-instantaneous results, only cast results in a –4 penalty to your counterspelling attempt.
one such effect or result can be in existence from one caster The Improved Counterspell feat provides a +4 bonus on all
at one time. For example, in the Core rules, if you cast counterspelling attempts and allows counterspelling more
another light spell while a previously-evoked light is still in quickly, scaling with the caster level of the counterspeller.
effect, the first light winks out. This principle is extended to
other applicable 0-level spells: e.g., create water, endure Default Spell Parameters
elements, ghost sound, resistance, etc.
Playing a caster is hard work, because you generally have
Castles and Dungeons access to a lot of spells, and are expected to know what they
do without flipping through rulebooks or opening web
Spells (and abilities duplicating the effects of spells) with the browsers or PDF documents.
[teleportation] descriptor cannot penetrate to an area that is Game Play Etiquette: If a player is asked for specifics of a
entirely enclosed by more than 1 ft. of solid stone, 3 ft. of spell his or her PC is casting, and is unable to provide them
earth, an inch of metal, and/or a thin coating of lead (an instantly, the referee can instead resort to the use of the
exception is teleportation circle, which works normally). The following default parameters:
same restriction applies to scrying effects. This guideline,
adapted from the Dunegonomicon (Frank and “K,” The Casting Time: 1 full round
Gaming Den), not only curtails “scry-and-fry” tactics, but also Components: V, S, M
provides a rationale for the prevalence of both castles and
dungeons in a game world in which dragons exist. Range: Personal (if the spell provides some bonus or
Kings therefore live in stone castles, not for defensibility other advantage in combat), or Touch (otherwise)
from armies, but for secrecy; if a need to teleport or use Target: You or creature touched
scrying magic comes up, they can go to an outside room and
open a leaded-glass window, but while inside an inner room Duration: 1 round maximum
with stone walls and a lead-lined door, their councils are
protected from eavesdropping and teleporting assassins. Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 10)
Many wizards likewise live in stone towers with designated Spell Resistance: Yes.
divining and transportation rooms open to the outside. Tombs
and cultist headquarters are typically found in dungeons
underground for similar reasons. Obviously, keeping a set of index cards or sheet of notes
Divination and dimension door effects within a dungeon or handy will result in you being able to use the correct spell
building itself are normally not affected, as the doorways, parameters.
rooms, and corridors provide “open” pathways of effect within
the complex itself. However, rooms with stone walls and thick
stone or metal doors (such as all of the Tomb of Horrors
beyond the Chapel of Evil and Stone Gate) would fall under
these guidelines.
Attribute-Damaging Spells: Spells that impose conditions
Resurrection Survival associated with an attribute score of 0 (e.g., helplessness,
paralysis, death) instead deal attribute damage of the
In an ongoing campaign with loose time limits, races with appropriate type. Assume the base attribute damage spell is a
long life spans have a large advantage in their ability to wait touch attack dealing 1d4 attribute damage (save for half); this
out threats and to spend vast amounts of down time crafting is more or less equivalent to the lesser shivering touch spell
items. Re-instituting the 1st edition D&D “resurrection from the Frostburn supplement, or the boneblast spell from
survival” concept is an optional means of balancing this. In the Book of Vile Darkness.
this option, a character who wishes to be brought back from DAMAGE ATTRIBUTE
the dead must succeed at a Fortitude save at DC 5 + 1 per 10 School Enchantment (mental attributes) or Necromancy
years of the race’s “venerable” age up to 200, and +1 per 25 (physical attributes)
years thereafter. This translates to the following: Level cleric 1, druid 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Components V, S, M/DF
Race Venerable Age Resurrect DC Casting Time standard action
Half-orc 60 11 Range touch
Human 70 12
Target creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Halfling 100 15 Saving Throw Fort or Will half; Spell Resistance yes
Half-elf 125 17 This effect can be Heightened, increasing the damage by
1d4 per additional spell level; automatic heightening from
Gnome 200 25 applying other metamagic does not apply, however. For
Dwarf 250 27 example, slay living is a touch spell dealing Constitution
Elf 350 31
damage, Heightened to 5th level for 5d4 Con damage (Fort
save for half). Finger of death starts with 1d4 Con damage
Dragon 600 41 (1st level); add the Reach Spell feat (touch to ray; +1 level),
and the damage is still 1d4 Con. The spell is then Heightened
Failure on this saving throw means that the newly- to 7th level (+5 levels) for a final damage of 6d4 Con (save for
resurrected creature instantly dies again, and cannot be half). These spells are obviously especially dangerous against
resurrected thereafter barring the use of a wish or miracle. creatures whose attribute scores are already reduced through
fatigue or exhaustion.
Spells such as hold person and slay living can potentially be Stat Penalty Damage Drain
modified so that a failed save does not automatically knock a Str Weakened Helpless Withered
combatant out of the fight, but some seriously debilitating
effect occurs even on a successful save. This option uses the Dex Inhibited Paralyzed Petrified
conditions associated with attribute scores of 0 or 1 (see Con Infirm Dead Destroyed
Introduction), by applying attribute penalties, damage, or Int Feebleminded Mindless Mindless
drain as appropriate.
Important Note: These rules have not been tested and are Wis Confused Insensate Insane
not considered part of the official house rules. They are Cha Charmed Dominated Enthralled
presented here in hopes that they will get some use in-game
in order to gain useful feedback regarding implementation. To deal attribute drain instead of attribute damage, the Fell
Attribute Penalty Spells: Spells that inflict conditions Affliction metamagic feat is added to the effect.
associated with an attribute score of 1 (e.g., weakness, slow,
or confusion) are modeled after ray of enfeeblement, then
modified using the appropriate metamagic feats (see below).
Penalties and caps, by final spell level, are as follows.
Examples from the core rules are provided in Appendix B.
Spell Level Penalty & Cap
1st 1d6 + ½ levels (max +5)
3rd 1d6 + ½ levels (max +10)
5th 1d6 + 1/level (max +15)
7th 1d6 + 1/level (max +20)
9th 1d6 + 1/level (max +25)
Spell Effect Limitations Abjuration
All personal protective spells other than illusions (including
In order to cut down the need to track myriad spell effects on mage armor and shield) are specifically designated as
characters at high levels, as an optional rule, a character or Abjuration spells. Also, all warding spells on a place or object
monster can be affected by a maximum number of spell levels should be moved to the Abjuration school.
worth of non-harmful spells (“buffs”) equal to his or her CR. Changes to specific spells are summarized below.
Buff spells causing this limit to be exceeded have no effect. Exorcism: Spells such as dispel evil and banishment can
Permanent or use-activated spell effects from bound magic be used selectively to affect any undead, outsider, or other
items (Chapter 6) do not count against this limit. spirit possessing (through magic jar, malevolence, etc.) a
body. This either banishes the possessing entity (if applicable)
Spell Resistance or expels it from the host (if not). Likewise, dimensional
Spell resistance, as from a racial or class feature, can be anchor can be used to trap a possessing spirit in the host’s
selectively lowered against specific incoming spells at will. body.
This does not require an action. If you do not know what spell Freedom of Movement: Rather than outright immunity,
a dubious ally is casting on you (for example, by using the the spell confers an enhancement bonus to Escape Artist
Spellcraft skill) you must decide blindly whether or not to checks to avoid a grapple or pin equal to +1 per caster level
allow the spell past your SR. (maximum +10), as consistent with the general rules
governing “Spells That Supersede Skills and Class Features”
Spells that Supersede Skills and described above.
Warding Spells: Note the cost for active or latent spells, as
Class Features noted above.
Invisibility was likewise impossible, at least as far as Flagg
himself had been able to determine. Yet it was possible to Conjuration
make oneself… dim. It was necessary to actually hide when The school of Conjuration loses the [healing] subschool
one was dim only if one saw someone whom one knew (which is moved to the school of Necromancy) and also all
well―for, whether one was dim or not, these people almost energy/blasting spells (such as acid splash; these are moved
always saw. Dimness was useful, but it was not invisibility. into Evocation instead). It gains blink, ethereal jaunt and
―Stephen King, The Eyes of the Dragon (1987)
There are a large number of spells, both in the core rules etherealness (all of which move the caster to the ethereal
and in various supplements, that obsolete skills and plane).
supersede class features. This has the effect of allowing a Other specific changes are described below.
caster (or anyone with a wand and the Spellcraft skill) to be a Thaumaturgy: Summoning and controlling extraplanar
duplicate ranger, rogue, etc. It also severely devalues skills. In beings (through summon momster, planar binding, etc.) now
these house rules, many of the offending spells are modified requires the Thaumaturgist feat, which sets CR limits in the
or removed, as summarized here and in the appropriate manner of the Leadership feat. Without the Thamuaturgy
subsection under “Changes to Schools of Magic,” below. feat, all summoned extraplanar beings are automatically
Spells Providing Bonuses to Skill Checks: The uncontrolled.
maximum bonus is pegged at +1 per caster level, with a Summon Monster: In addition to the limits on control,
maximum of +5 for a 1st level spell, +10 for a 3rd level spell, prepared summon monster spells require you to state the
+15 for a 5th level spell, +20 for a 7th level spell, and +25 for a being(s) summoned as part of the preparation. As something
9th level spell (see Scaling Bonuses under Heighten Spell, of a counterbalance, the summon monster lists are expanded
below). In addition, all skill-enhancing spells and magic items to include almost any extraplanar creature of the appropriate
now provide enhancement bonuses, so their effects do not CR and HD for that spell level, according to the following
stack. table (the maximum CR is a hard cap; creatures with HD
New Spells: When new sources are introduced, use the exceeding the typical range should have a maximum CR of 1
above guidelines to evaluate whether to include them. For lower).
example, the guiding star spell from the Advanced Player’s Spell Maximum CR Typical HD Range
Guide and the deadeye’s lore spell from Ultimate Combat Summon monster I ½ 1-2
would be restricted to the ranger’s spell list, as they intrude
into the ranger’s area of expertise. Summon monster II 1 2-3
Summon monster III 2 2-4
Changes to Schools of Summon monster IV 4 4-5
Magic Summon monster V 6 6-8
The following adjustments are made to specific schools of Summon monster VI 8 7-10
magic and spells therein. Summon monster VII 10 9-12
Summon monster VIII 12 12-14
Summon monster IX 14 14-15
Summon Nature’s Ally: Summon nature’s ally spells do not Searching and Trap-Related Spells: In order to preserve
require a feat, but do share the preparation limitations of the role of the Spellcraft skill in detecting magical traps,
summon monster spells. However, these limitations can be detect magic now has a range of touch, as noted above. In
waived in a number of cases: addition, the detect secret doors spell is removed from the
If cast spontaneously using the druid’s or ranger’s mark of wizard’s spell list; the find traps spell is removed from the
the wild ability, any animal, elemental, fey, plant, or vermin cleric’s spell list; and all other search-related spells from
within the appropriate CR and HD guidelines can be alternative sources—quick search from Complete Adventurer,
summoned. spontaneous search from Dragon #325, safe search from the
Book of Eldritch Might 3 (Malhavoc Press), etc.—are removed
If cast in a specific terrain, you can choose to forego the from their respective standard spells lists. A multi-classed
prepared summons and instead summon a random rogue/caster with a rogue class level greater than or equal to
creature (or number of creatures, if using a Heightened twice the level of the spell can add that spell back to the
spell) appropriate to that terrain. Doing so prevents any appropriate list.
chance of summoning a porpoise into a desert, for
example. Enchantment
If cast in a specific terrain that is one of your favored Spells causing confusion, feeblemind, hold, slow effects and
terrains, you can choose the exact creature type(s). so on can be modified to deal attribute penalties or damage,
as described under “Save-or-Lose” spells, above. This change
affects most of the school of Enchantment; specific examples
Plane Shift: The casting time of plane shift is increased to are provided in Appendix B.
30 minutes, so that it’s now a ritual, not a combat spell. Also note that [Charm] effects, as well as confusion and
Teleport: Teleportation effects can be blocked by a insanity, now call for Intuition saves rather than Will saves
sufficient thickness of earth or stone, as described under (Chapter 1).
“Castles and Dungeons,” above. Pet Peeve: In game rules, the word “enchantment” applies
strictly to the school of magic, and not in any more general
Divination sense. You cannot “enchant” mindless inanimate objects.
Divination spells allowing a saving throw call for Intuition
saves, rather than Will saves (Chapter 1). In addition, Evocation
A number of spells within this school have been modified All direct-damage “blasting” spells (e.g., acid splash, orb of
or removed outright; the rationale for many of these changes force, etc.) are moved into the school of Evocation, especially
is given under “Spells that Supersede Skills and Class those designated as Conjuration in the 3.5 edition rules (as
Features,” above. well as a small number of Transmutation spells).
Analyze Dweomer: This spell should be entirely Appropriate metamagic feats make it possible to construct
superseded by the use of arcane sight coupled with relevant almost any direct-damage spell in the core rules from ray of
Spellcraft checks, and/or greater arcane sight. frost and the appropriate metamagic feats (Appendix B). This
Detect Magic: The range of this spell is reduced to Touch. means that an evoker with the ray of frost spell, the versatile
Lingering magic auras can still be detected, but you must be evocation ability, and the Shape Spell metamagic feat
in the same space as the former effect. Those wishing to automatically “knows” (can construct) burning hands as well,
detect magic at a distance will have to wait and use arcane without needing to put it in his spellbooks as a separate spell.
sight instead. Knock: This spell is moved from Transmutation to
Detect Undead: This spell can be used as written, or it can Evocation. It either removes an arcane lock or suspends
be set to activate automatically whenever you approach to magical treatment to a door’s hardness and break DC;
within 60 ft. of an undead creature (in this case, the effects otherwise, it deals 1d6 force damage per caster level to the
are as if you had cast the spell at that time, but it requires no door (maximum 5d6). It does not automatically bypass
action on your part). mundane locks, in keeping with the general rules governing
Find the Path: Tracking is the ranger’s stock in trade. The “Spells that Supersede Skills and Class Features,” above.
find the path spell is therefore removed from the cleric and Magic Missile: In keeping with its very fast casting time in
druid spells lists. Bards, with their focus on lore, retain the 1st edition, the first-level magic missile spell, unmodified by
spell on their class list. any metamagic, can be cast as an immediate action. Doing so
Read Magic: This cantrip is subsumed by the Linguistics uses up a full attack action on your next turn, however (this is
skill. a specific exception to the rule for immediate actions
Scrying: Scrying effects (including clairvoyance) can be described in Chapter 1). Activating a wand of magic missile
blocked by a sufficient thickness of earth or stone, as still requires a standard action.
described under “Castles and Dungeons,” above.
Illusion Transmutation
Because this school in the core rules covers almost any
Note that disbelief saves are now Intuition saves, not Will effect imaginable, spells in the existing Transmutation school
saves (Chapter 1). that could reasonably fit into other schools should be moved
Invisibility: The bonus to Stealth provided by invisibility is accordingly. For example, the etherealness spell, which
an enhancement bonus of +1 per caster level (rather than a allows travel to the ethereal plane, should be moved to the
flat +20), with a maximum bonus of +5 for invisibility, +10 for Conjuration school; the pyrotechnics spell, which creates a
greater invisibility or invisibility sphere, or +20 for mass burst of fireworks, should be moved to the Evocation school.
invisibility, as consistent with the general rules governing Changes to specific Transmutation spells are described
“Spells That Supersede Skills and Class Features,” above. below.
Shadow Spells: The effects of shadow magic (shadow Haste: Because of the substantial boosts to martial
conjuration and shadow evocation spells) have been prowess already inherent in these house rules, haste now
somewhat standardized; see “Effects of Heightening Spells,” specifically affects only one target. The Mass Effect spell
in the Metamagic section below. metamagic feat (q.v.) can be added to create a 7th level mass
Simulacrum: Reduce the final HD cap to your caster level haste spell.
-3, instead of your caster level. Also, simulacra cannot be Mage Hand: No longer targets only non-magical items, so
made of creatures with the Outsider type. For monsters with that this cantrip cannot do double duty as a ranged detect
spell-like abilities, use the racial suite rules (see above) and magic as well.
remove abilities as appropriate for the monster’s reduced HD. Spells Providing Bonuses to Skill Checks: As noted
In addition, the rules for racial levels (Chapter 2) suggest that under “Spells that Supersede Skills and Class Features,”
half-strength monsters do not have all the abilities that the above.
full-strength versions possess; therefore, the simulacrum of a
sea hag, in addition to having only 2 HD, would either lose Universal
her evil eye ability or have the frequency of use reduced to
1/day. Referee discretion is needed. Permanency: The permanency spell is removed in favor of
the Permanent Spell feat (see below).
Necromancy Wish: Pronouncing a wish is psychically taxing, and
Controlling Undead: Controlling undead, such as those represents a permanent drain on the speaker’s numen. For a
produced by the animate dead or create undead spells, full wish or miracle, the wish costs 12,500 numen (as if
requires the Command Undead feat (Chapter 5), which binding an item to you, but it cannot be unbound; see Chapter
functions much like Leadership for undead. If you do not have 6). A limited wish costs 750 numen. Dominating, forcing, or
that feat (or exceed your CR cap), undead that you create or otherwise coercing another creature into pronouncing the
summon are uncontrolled. wish for you does not transfer the cost to that creature. If the
Death Spells: These spells now deal Constitution wish would put you over your maximum numen, it fails or
damage/drain rather than hit point damage, as described backfires horribly. If you attempt to wish that subsequent
under “Save or Lose Spells,” above. Spells such as ray of wishes not carry this cost, the initial wish costs 12,500
enfeeblement also fall under those rules. Specific examples numen and also fails outright.
are provided in Appendix B. It is recommended that the wish spell have the same
Healing: The [healing] subschool is moved from effects as listed in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, with the
Conjuration back into the school of Necromancy (where it following additional use and exceptions:
was in 1st edition). This subschool includes the cure wounds Create Item: A wish can be used to create any item,
spells, neutralize poison, remove blindness/deafness, remove mundane or magical. However, you must immediately
disease, the restoration spells, raise dead and resurrection, spend enough additional numen to purchase the item. If
etc. (This change will please the many people inexplicably this causes you to exceed maximum, the item remains
clamoring for a “white necromancer” variant.) only so long as you are actively pursuing the current
In addition, use of a Necromancy [Healing] spell requires a adventure.
number of ranks in Heal as a class skill equal to twice the
level of the spell (round up). In other words, only a character Inherent Bonuses to Attribute Scores: Attribute scores are
skilled in mundane healing can properly diagnose a problem not “shuffled,” as in the core rules. Rather, use of a wish to
and heal it with magic. this end costs additional numen as if purchasing an
Summon Undead: Necromancy variants of the summon inherent attribute score manual, tome, etc. of the
monster spells exist that summon undead of appropriate CR appropriate bonus (this essentially falls under the create
and HD. Examples include (but are by no means limited to) item use described above).
the following: summon undead I—human skeleton or 1 HD
zombie; summon undead II—human zombie; summon
undead III—ghoul; summon undead IV—allip, ghast, shadow;
summon undead V—mummy, vampire spawn, wight;
summon undead VI—wraith; summon undead VII—bodak,
spectre; summon undead VIII—mohrg; summon undead IX—
devourer, dread wraith.
Heightened Spells
So the Warlock smiled and began moving his fingers in an
Metamagic intricate pattern. Primary colors streamed up from between
A great number of additional metamagic feats, beyond the Warlock’s fingers, roiled and expanded beneath the
those in the core rules, are presented in Appendix A. This is beamed roof. Heads turned at other tables. Then the
done in hopes of making the “building blocks” of existing clattering of table knives stopped. Then came sounds of
higher-level spells more transparent. Ideally, most of the delight and appreciative finger fingersnapping, for a spell the
higher-level spells in the core rules with obvious effects can Warlock had last used to blind an enemy army.
be treated simply as lower-level spells with appropriate ―Larry Niven, The Magic Goes Away (1978)
metamagic feats added to them. Specific examples are Heighten Spell, a separate feat in the Core rules, has been
provided in Appendix B. rolled into the Spellcraft skill. In addition, the effects of the
In addition, metamagic feats used in tandem, and the Heighten Spell feat (see below) are automatically subsumed
Heighten Spell feat in general, work somewhat differently, as into the costs of any other metamagic feats applied.
outlined below. For example, a Maximized fireball is automatically treated
as a 6th level spell, with the correspondingly higher save DC,
Applying Metamagic dispel DC, and damage cap (in this case, 15d6 rather than
10d6, for a total damage of 90 hp). Heighten Spell can also be
Metamagic can be applied normally, as in the core rules. applied by itself, without other metamagic feats; this requires
However, there are a few variations and additional options in a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + final level of the spell).
these house rules, as described below. Spells automatically heightened by the addition of
Metamagic Synergy: Each additional metamagic feat after metamagic feats always require a material or focus
the 1st applied to a spell has its level cost decreased by 1 (to a component unless the Eschew Materials feat (+1 spell level,
minimum of +1). This mechanism, in most cases, allows the for this purpose) is added to the chain of metamagic feats.
final modified spell level to match that in the core rules.
Examples: Effects of Heightening Spells
A mass cure light wounds spell is simply a 1st level cure The following effects are not meant to be all-inclusive, but
light wounds spell, with the Reach Spell (+1 spell level), rather to provide enough examples to adjudicate other
Shape Spell (ray to burst: +3 -1 = +2 levels), and Selective possibilities as well.
Spell (+1 level) feats applied, for a final level of 1+1+2+1 = Bonuses (Scaling): Spells providing scaling bonuses have
5th. a bonus cap based on the final (modified) level of the spell. In
By this math, mass heal works out to be a 10th level spell general, 1st level spells provide a maximum bonus of +5 to
(6+1+2+1), but as a specific exception is retained at 9th one person. Higher-level spells can provide higher bonuses,
level in accordance with the core rules. according to the table below.
Spell Level Single Target Multiple Targets
Pre-Modified Spells: Wizards and archivists might find 0 +2 —
pre-modified spells that can be scribed into their spellbooks
at the appropriate (modified) spell level; this does not require 1 +5 +2
the caster to know the metamagic feat in question. Likewise, 2 +7 +5
a spontaneous caster might gain a spell pre-modified with 3 +10 +7
metamagic directly as a spell known: for example, an
incarnate could simply learn maximized searing light as a 6th 4 +12 +10
level spell (with the normal casting time), rather than 5 +15 +12
selecting searing light as a 3rd level spell and also taking the
Maximize Spell feat. In this case, neither the unmodified 6 +17 +15
spell nor the metamagic feat (for use on other spells) is 7 +20 +17
available to the caster. 8 +22 +20
Innate Metamagic: Another option is to select the Innate
Metamagic feat (q.v.) and apply it to a spell instead of a spell- 9 +25 +22
like ability, allowing in essence a Sudden Metamagic feat
(q.q.v.) usable only with that particular spell, but usable either For example, invisibility no longer provides a flat +20
3/day (instead of 1/day), or at will with a sufficiently high bonus to Stealth, but rather a +1 enhancement bonus per
number of ranks in Concentration. Although far superior to caster level, maximum +5 (per the table). A Heightened
the above option in terms of spell level required, this option invisibility spell would allow a higher bonus cap; for example,
requires the expenditure of a feat. a 7th level heightened invisibility cast by a 20th level caster
Hero Points and Metamagic Feats: You can use action would provide a +20 enhancement bonus to the target’s
points/hero points to spontaneously apply any metamagic feat Stealth checks. Note that bonuses that scale by multiples of
you know without increasing the casting time and without levels (e.g., from shield of faith or greater magic weapon)
increasing the spell level. For each level by which the spell generally do not get high enough for this to be an issue.
level would normally be increased, this costs 1 hero point.
Bonuses (Static): Spells that provide a static bonus within Spell Level Arcane Spells: Divine Spells:
the above guidelines (such as bull’s strength or mage armor) Single Target Multiple Targets
have the bonus increased by +1 per level that the spell is
Heightened. For example, a black tentacles spell normally has 0 1d6 —
a static +4 Strength bonus to the tentacles; this would 1 5d6 5d6
increase that bonus by +1 per level it is Heightened. Infernal
healingISWG and vigorCD become a 1st level spell granting 2 10d6 5d6
fast healing 1 for 1 minute; the fast healing increases by 1 per 3 10d6 10d6
spell level by which the spell is Heightened. 4 15d6 10d6
Cure Spells: Cure moderate wounds, cure serious 5 15d6 15d6
wounds, and cure critical wounds are considered cure light 6 20d6 15d6
wounds spells that have been Heightened by +1, +2, or +3
spell levels, respectively. The same applies to inflict moderate 7 20d6 20d6
wounds, etc. This means that, for spontaneous casters, 8 25d6 20d6
anyone knowing cure light wounds and who has sufficient
ranks in Spellcraft also “knows” the other three spells as well, 9 25d6 25d6
plus 5th – 8th level versions healing a base 5d8 through 9d8
damage (with the level bonus cap increasing according to the Hit Dice Affected: Spells that affect only a set number of
scaling bonus table above, so that a cure wounds spell Hit Dice (e.g., sleep), add +2 HD per level the spell is
Heightened to 7th level cures 7d8 +1/level (maximum +20) Heightened.
damage. Shadow Spells: Shadow conjuration and shadow
Darkness Spells: The number of “steps” by which the light evocation (etc.) can be treated as single spells that can be
level is dimmed depends on the final level of the spell. For Heighted for greater effects. Start with the following base
reference, light levels are as follows: bright light (full spells:
sunlight); normal light (forest during the day, cloudy day, Lesser shadow conjuration: 2nd level illusion (shadow)
torchlight); dim light (moonlight, dense forest, storm), spell; mimics conjurations of 1st level or lower; creatures
darkness (cavern or moonless light); supernatural darkness are 10% real if disbelieved.
(as darkness, but darkvision does not penetrate).
Lesser shadow evocation: 3rd level illusion (shadow) spell;
Final Spell Level Light Reduced By
mimics evocations of 2nd level or lower; 10% damage or
0 – 2nd 1 step (e.g., bright to normal) effects if disbelieved.
3rd – 4th 2 steps (e.g., bright to dim)
5th – 6th 3 steps (e.g., bright to darkness)
For each level that one of the above spells is Heightened,
add +1 to the maximum spell level it can mimic and +10% to
7th + 4 steps (supernatural darkness) the reality of the effects when disbelieved. A greater shadow
conjuration (7th level spell; mimics 6th level; 60% real if
Lowering the light level in a 20-ft. radius by 1 step for 1 disbelieved) is therefore simply a lesser shadow conjuration
round per level should be a zero-level spell (gloom). Other spell that has been Heightened to 7th level.
darkness spells are then made using metamagic (see below): Summoned Monsters: A Heightened summon monster or
Darkness: Gloom (0 level) + Extend Spell (1 round to summon nature’s ally spell can summon additional creatures
minute/level; +2 levels) = 2nd level spell lowering light by 2 of the same type, according to the following table (this
steps. supersedes the core rules convention of using a higher-level
base spell).
Deeper darkness: Gloom (0 level) + Extend Spell (1 round Heightened By Number of
to 10 min./level; +3 levels) + Widen Spell (20’r. to 60’r.; +1
level) = 4th level; light level reduced by 2 steps. (Level Increase) Creatures

Direct-Damage Evocations: Damage caps for direct- +0 1

damage spells are increased based on the new spell level. +1 1d3
Standard damage caps are per the 3.0 edition rules, per the +2 1d4+1
table below. For example, the burning hands spell deals 1 die
of fire damage per caster level (maximum 5 dice) in a 15-ft. +3 2d4+1
cone. Reset the damage from fire to cold. Apply the Widen +4 3d6
Spell feat (see below) to increase the area to a 60-ft. cone (+4
spell levels). The new spell is a 5th level spell that deals 1d6 +5 4d8
cold damage per caster level (maximum 15d6, due to the new +6 10d6
damage cap for the new spell level)—in other words, a cone of
cold spell as written in the core rules.
Source: Used with the Innate Metamagic feat and applied
to a sorcerer’s eldritch blast, this feat stands in for the
Appendix A: Metamagic Warlock’s bewitching blast invocation from Complete Arcane.
Feats Blast Spell [Metamagic]
Unless otherwise noted, all [Metamagic] feats in this section Prerequisites: Able to cast spells spontaneously, eldritch
are also assumed to have the [Arcane] descriptor, in addition blast class feature or equivalent offensive spell-like reserve
to any others listed. ability (e.g., the Fiery Burst reserve feat, the cleric’s lightning
Prerequisites: In addition to the prerequisites listed, arc Air domain power, etc.).
learning a metamagic feat requires a number of ranks in Benefit: Choose one spell you know. By expending a spell
Spellcraft equal to 2 x the Metamagic Cost (see below). slot of the appropriate level, you can apply that spell to your
Metamagic Cost: The “Metamagic Cost” entry is the eldritch blast (or other offensive spell-like ability) as if using
increase in spell level that the feat applies to the base spell the Innate Metamagic feat (q.v.).
(e.g., a Metamagic Cost of “+1 level” means that the feat takes If the eldritch blast (or other attack ability) is a normal ray,
up a spell slot 1 level higher than the base spell). In many only the creature struck is affected, even if the spell normally
cases, this can be scaled in order to increase the effects. affects multiple targets or an area. Only if the eldritch blast
Special: These feats are presented with the assumption itself is modified to affect an area (as with the Shape Spell
that the optional rules for “save-or-lose” spells (see above) feat) or multiple targets (as with the Ray Splitting feat) can a
have not been fully assimilated. If those rules are being used, spell affecting an area or multiple targets do so. Likewise, if
feats such as Bewitching Spell are subsumed into Cascade the spell normally affects only a single target, but the eldritch
Spell, using the appropriate attribute-damage or attribute blast or other ability affects multiple targets or an area, then
penalty spell(s). the spell applies to only one of the targets within the area of
Ascendant Spell [Metamagic] Metamagic Cost: The metamagic cost (for determining
Benefit: An ascendant spell uses the mythic effects of that whether it can be applied, uses per day, etc.) is equal to the
spell (see Paizo’s Mythic Adventures). You can't use the level of the spell, so that applying a 2nd level daze monster
augmented version of the mythic spell or use spells effects spell to your eldritch blast would require a minimum caster
that require you to expend uses of mythic power. level of 2 x (1+2) = 6th level for 3/day use, or 12th level for use
Metamagic Cost: +5 levels. at will.
Source: This ability supersedes the Eldritch Theurge’s
spellblast and greatreach blast prestige class features, from
Bane Spell [Metamagic] Complete Mage.
Benefit: A spell that deals direct damage, when modified by
this feat, deals additional damage to one or more types of Blinding Spell [Metamagic]
creatures (examples from the core rules include water Your spells have the potential to blind your opponents.
elementals and plant creatures; fungi, molds, slimes, oozes, Benefit: A spell modified by this feat requires a creature to
and undead; etc.). Damage against the selected creatures is succeed at a Will save at the spell's save DC (or what would
increased by one die type (e.g., 20d6 becomes 20d8 damage). be the spell's save DC if the spell doesn't normally have one)
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. each time it is affected by the spell. Failure indicates the
Special: This is similar to the Bane Magic feat in Chapter damaged creature is blinded for 1 round. Success indicates
5, but with a spell level adjustment because the creature type the creature is not blinded, but it is dazzled for 1 round.
can be changed by the user. Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
Bewitching Spell [Metamagic] +2 levels: The duration increases to 1 round per final level
Prerequisite: Enchantment is not a barred school. of the spell.
Benefit: A spell modified by this feat requires one affected +3 levels: The duration becomes Permanent (Cf. Cascade
creature (your choice) to succeed at a Will save at the spell's Spell: blindness).
save DC (or what would be the spell's save DC if the spell
doesn't normally have one) each time it is affected by the Source: This feat duplicates the Radiant Spell feat from
spell. Failure indicates the damaged creature is confused for Dragon magazine, issue 314, but without that feat’s
1 round. prerequisites. It also supersedes the Flaring Spell feat from
Metamagic Cost: +2 levels. Ultimate Magic. Used with the Innate Metamagic feat and
+3 levels: The duration of the confusion is 1 round per applied to a sorcerer’s eldritch blast, this feat stands in for the
final level of the spell. Warlock’s beshadowed blast invocation from Complete
+5 levels: All those targeted or within the area must save
or be affected for 1 round per rank in Concentration you
Concentration Spell [Metamagic]
Bouncing Spell [Metamagic] With concentration, you can maintain spells beyond their
You can direct a failed spell against a different target. normal durations.
Benefit: Whenever a bouncing spell targeting a single Benefit: The duration of a Concentration Spell is equal to
creature has no effect on its intended target (whether due to the length of time you concentrate, plus the spell’s normal
spell resistance or a successful saving throw) you may, as a duration thereafter. Concentrating to maintain a spell is a
swift action, redirect it to target another eligible creature standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
within range. The redirected spell behaves in all ways as if its Anything that could break your concentration when casting a
new target were the original target for the spell. Spells that spell can also break your concentration while you're
affect a target in any way (including a lesser effect from a maintaining one, causing the spell to end. Spells with a
successful saving throw) may not be redirected in this duration of instantaneous cannot be made into concentration
manner. spells unless the Lingering Spell or Repeat Spell feat is also
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. applied (this makes the final duration concentration +1
Source: Advanced Players Guide. round).
Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
Cascade Spell [Metamagic] Conjuration, Cloudy [Metamagic]
Benefit: You can prepare two spells as a single cascade spell. Prerequisite: Conjuration is not a barred school.
The duration of the cascade spells is equal to the shorter Benefit: When you cast a cloudy conjuration spell, you can
duration of the two spells. The casting time equal to the choose to have a 5-foot-radius cloud of sickening smoke
longer of the two casting times. manifest. The cloud can appear in your space, adjacent to
Metamagic Cost: A cascade spell uses up a spell slot one you, or in the space of or adjacent to your target (if any). The
level higher than the total level of both spells in the cascade. cloud lasts for 1 round. Any living creature is sickened while
Special: Applying subsequent metamagic feats to a inside it (but not after exiting). The cloud in all other ways
cascade spell does not automatically heighten both acts like a small area of the fog cloud spell. Creatures
component spells; choose one or the other. immune to poison are immune to the sickening effect. The
Source: Feats of Metamagic (Super Genius Games), and cloud appears in conjunction with the spell taking effect (not
suggested by the magical research rules in the 1st edition before or after). Any creature you call or summon with the
Dungeon Masters Guide. spell is immune to the sickening effect of the cloud.
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. If you are a Conjurer wizard
Coercive Spell [Metamagic] specialist (Chapter 3), the cost is +0.
Living foes damaged by your spell become more pliable and Source: Complete Mage.
vulnerable to your commands.
Prerequisite: Enchantment is not a barred school. Creature-Specific Spell
Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so [Metamagic]
that any living creature dealt damage by the spell takes a –2
penalty on Intuition and Will saves for 1 round per level of the Prerequisite: Game designer (only)—not for PCs.
spell modified. Penalties from multiple coercive spells do not Benefit: A creature-specific spell is a baneful spell that
stack. affects only one creature type; others are immune. Examples
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. For each additional +1 spell include humanoids, plants, animals, aberrations and chaotic
level increase, increase the penalty to saves by an additional evil outsiders, creatures with the [aquatic] or [water] subtype,
-1. etc. Spells that already affect specific creature types (e.g.,
Source: Drow of the Underdark. hold person) are assumed to already have this feat
incorporated into them; it cannot be applied again.
Communal Spell [Metamagic] Metamagic Cost: -2 levels.
Special: This “feat” is included here only in order to show
Benefit: The effects of a communal spell can be applied to the theoretical construction of such spells as daze person. It
any willing creatures/objects touched. However, the total is not intended for general use as a feat, and should not be
duration is divided among the recipients as you see fit, in allowed as such.
increments equal to the duration’s time units (rounds,
minutes, hours, etc.). Harmful spells cannot be modified Dazing Spell [Metamagic]
using this feat.
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. Prerequisite: Enchantment is not a barred school.
Source: Ultimate Combat. Benefit: Creatures taking damage from a Dazing spell are
also dazed for 1 round. A dazing spell affects creatures with
HD totals less than or equal to 3 + the final level of the spell.
Any creature with more Hit Dice than that is unaffected. If the
spell allows a saving throw, a successful save negates the
daze effect. If the spell does not allow a save, the target can
attempt a Will save (DC 10 + level of the spell + your
Charisma modifier) to negate the daze effect.

Metamagic Cost: +3 levels (Cf.

(Cf. Cascade Spell
Spell feat
feat ++ daze Metamagic
Metamagic Cost: +3 levels (Cf. Cascade Spell feat + daze
monster spell).Cost: +3 levels
monster Spell Cascade
[Metamagic] daze monster
monster spell).Cost: +3 levels (Cf. Cascade Spell feat + daze
Source: Advanced Player’s Guide. Synergy: If you have the bardic inspiration ability and
maintain a bardic inspiration for 2 rounds prior to the casting
of the spell, and during the casting round, then the Disguised
Deafening Spell [Metamagic] spell does not use a higher-level slot.
You can modify a spell so it deafens targets. Source: 3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Divine
Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so Feats,” and also the Sandman’s “dramatic subtext” variant
that any living creature dealt damage by the spell is also class feature, from the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide.
deafened for 1 round per level of the spell. The effects from
multiple deafening spells do not stack, but do reset the Disruptive Spell [Metamagic]
duration. Your magical energies cling to enemies, interfering with their
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. If you increase the cost to +3 spellcasting.
levels, the deafness is permanent (Cf. Cascade Spell: Prerequisite: Abjuration is not a barred school.
deafness). Benefit: For one round after being affected by a disruptive
Source: Drow of the Underdark. This feat also supersedes spell, targets affected by a disruptive spell must make
the Thundering Spell feat from the Pathfinder Advanced concentration checks when using spells or spell-like abilities,
Player’s Guide. Applying this to an electrical-based eldritch even if they would not normally need to do so. In addition,
blast, via the Innate Metamagic feat, allows you to simulate during that time, the DC for all Concentration checks made
the deafness function of the Djinni Spirit feat from Ultimate by an affected target is increased by the final level of the
Combat. disruptive spell. Targets that avoid the base spell’s effects
avoid this feat’s effect as well.
Delay Spell [Metamagic] Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
You can cast spells that take effect after a short delay of your Source: Advanced Player’s Guide.
Prerequisite: Any metamagic feat. Drifting Spell [Metamagic]
Benefit: When casting a Delayed spell, you set a delay of 1 Your spell effects move slowly away from you; with
to 5 rounds before it takes effect. The delay time cannot be concentration, you can control their movement.
changed once set; the spell activates just before your turn on Benefit: This feat can be applied only to a spell with a
the round you designate. Only area, personal, and touch definite area of effect and a duration measured in rounds. A
spells can be affected by this feat. Any decisions you would Drifting spell moves away from you at 30 feet per round (10
make about the spell (including attack rolls, designating ft. if the effect is fog-like). Figure out the area each round
targets, or determining or shaping an area) are decided when based on its new point of origin. Any portion of the area that
the spell is cast, with any of its effects (including damage and would extend beyond your maximum range dissipates
saving throws) decided when the spell triggers. If conditions harmlessly, reducing the remaining area thereafter.
change during the delay period in ways that would make the By concentrating, you can make the area move in any
spell impossible to cast (the target you designate moves direction.
beyond the spell's range, for example), the spell fails. During Metamagic Cost: +2 levels.
the delay period, a delayed spell can be dispelled normally, Source: Suggested by the behavior of cloudkill, incendiary
and it can be detected in the area or on the target (as cloud, rainbow pattern, etc.
Metamagic Cost: +3 levels. Empower Spell [Metamagic]
Source: Complete Arcane.
You can increase the power of your spells, causing them to
Disguise Spell [Metamagic] deal more damage.
Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered
Prerequisites: Bluff and Sleight of Hand 6 ranks; or Bardic spell are increased by one-half, so an Empowered fireball
inspiration and Perform (music) or Linguistics 6 ranks; from a 10th level caster deals 10d6 x 1.5 damage. Range,
Illusion is not a barred school. duration, and other level- dependent parameters are not
Benefit: You have mastered the art of casting spells increased, but level-based bonuses and effects expressed in
unobtrusively, mingling verbal and somatic components into numbers of dice are. For example, an Empowered cure light
rhythm and performance (or some other activity) so that wounds from a 5th level caster heals (1d8+5) x 1.5 damage,
others rarely catch you in the act of casting a spell. Like a not (1d8 x 1.5) + 5. Spells without numerically-driven effects
silent, stilled spell, a disguised spell can’t be identified are not affected.
through Spellcraft. An observer must succeed at a Perception Metamagic Cost: +2 levels. These levels do not themselves
check (opposed by a Bluff or Sleight of Hand check on your count towards increasing the spell’s dice-based damage cap.
part) to even be aware that you are initiating some sort of For example, an Empowered fireball cast by a 15th level
magical effect; your performance or recitation is obvious to caster deals (10d6) x 1.5 damage, which is very nearly
everyone in the vicinity, but the fact that you are casting a equivalent to 15d6 damage; it does not deal (15d6) x 1.5
spell isn’t. Unless the spell visibly emanates from you or damage.
observers have some other means of determining its source,
they don’t know where the effect came from.
Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 1 rank (see table below);
Entangling Spell [Metamagic] Evocation is not a barred school.
Benefit: When you cast a spell that deals energy damage,
Your spell releases residual eldritch power that entangles you can cause half of the damage inflicted to correspond to a
your enemies. different energy type, according to the table below. The spell’s
Benefit: After an entangling spell is cast, lingering tendrils descriptor changes to include both energy types or
of raw energy persist; creatures affected by the spell are also descriptors―for example, a flame strike that deals half holy
entangled for 1 round. damage is an evocation [fire, good] spell.
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. If you increase the cost to +2 Metamagic Cost: As shown in the table below.
levels, the entanglement lasts as long as the original spell Ranks in Metamagic
lasts (1 round per level of the spell minimum (Cf. Cascade Damage Type Spellcraft Cost
Spell: entangle) +1 round; the spell is considered to be in
effect during this time and can be dispelled normally, ending Acid, cold, electricity, fire 1 +0
the entangling effect. Bludgeoning, piercing, 6 +0
Source: Champions of Ruin. This feat also supersedes the slashing
Rime Spell feat from Ultimate Magic and the Shadow Grasp Sonic, negative energy 11 +1
spell from Inner Sea Magic.
Holy, unholy 11 +2
Evocation, Burning [Metamagic, Force 16 +2
Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school. This use requires ranks in Knowledge (the planes) rather
Benefit: This metamagic feat can be applied only to a spell than Spellcraft. You can instead substitute a good bloodline
that has the [fire] descriptor. Creatures and flammable or allegiance (for holy damage) or an evil bloodline or
objects damaged by a burning evocation spell must succeed allegiance (for unholy damage).
at Reflex saves (DC equal to the spell DC) or catch on fire, Source: This feat supersedes the following feats: Born of
taking an additional 1d6 fire damage each round until the Three Thunders (Complete Arcane), Corrupt Spell (Complete
save is made or the flames are extinguished. A burning Divine), Lord of the Uttercold (Complete Arcane), Sacred
creature can attempt a new save each round; dropping and Spell (3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Divine
rolling on the ground as a move action grants a +4 Feats”); and also the Daggerspell Mage’s invocation of the
circumstance bonus on this save. knife prestige class feature (Complete Adventurer).
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. You can increase the burn Evocation, Flash Frost [Metamagic,
damage by using progressively higher-level spell slots: +2
levels for 2d6/round; +3 levels for 1d6 +1d6 per 2 levels of the Cold]
final spell level (e.g., a burning fireball, cast as a 6th level spell, Your spells that use cold and ice to damage your foes leave
would deal 4d6 burn damage per round). behind a thin layer of slippery frost.
Source: Used with the Innate Metamagic feat and applied Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school.
to a sorcerer’s eldritch blast, this feat stands in for the Benefit: This metamagic feat can be applied only to spells
Warlock’s brimstone blast invocation from Complete Arcane. that have the [cold] descriptor and that affect an area. When
Applied to a fire-based eldritch blast and channeled into you cast such a spell, the area of the spell is covered with a
unarmed attacks, it also subsumes the Efreeti Stance feat slippery layer of ice for 1 round. Anyone attempting to move
from Ultimate Combat. through this icy area moves at half speed and must succeed
at an Acrobatics check (DC as the spell’s DC) or fall prone.
Evocation, Conductive [Metamagic, Fighting within the area also requires a check. A creature
Electricity] that runs or charges through the area takes a -10 penalty to
the saving throw.
Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school. Metamagic Cost: +1 level. If you increase the cost to +2
Benefit: This metamagic feat can be applied only to spells levels, The slippery ice to lasts 1 round per caster level and
that have the [electricity] descriptor. Against metal-armored has the same effect as a grease spell (Cf. Cascade Spell feat),
creatures, creatures holding metal weapons/objects, or but is non-flammable.
creatures that are actually made of metal (such as iron Source: Players Handbook II.
golems), conductive spells gain a +4 circumstance bonus to
attack rolls (for spells requiring attack rolls) and/or a +4 Evocation, Inexorable [Metamagic]
circumstance bonus to the save DC (for those allowing a
saving throw). Prerequisite: Spellcraft 2 ranks per final level of the spell to
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. be affected; Evocation is not a barred school.
Benefit: This feat can be applied only to spells that deal hit
Evocation, Energy Admixture point damage. An inexorable evocation spell does not allow a
[Metamagic] saving throw for half damage.
Metamagic Cost: +4 levels. Unlike most metamagic spell
You have learned to marry the power of two different energy level increases, these levels do not also count towards
types. Heightening the base spell.
Creatures affected by a searing spell are still entitled to
Evocation, Irresistible [Metamagic] whatever saving throw the spell normally allows.
Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school. Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
Benefit: This feat can be applied only to spells that deal hit Source: Sandstorm.
point damage. An irresistible evocation spell does not allow Evocation, Versatile [Metamagic]
spell resistance.
Metamagic Cost: +3 levels. You can alter the damage type of the spell in question.
Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school.
Evocation, Numbing Cold Benefit: Choose a damage type from the table below.
[Metamagic] When you prepare or spontaneously cast a damage-dealing
spell, you can apply this feat in order to change the damage
Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school. type from the original type to the type you selected.
Benefit: You can alter a spell with the [cold] subtype so Metamagic Cost: Per the following table.
that any living creature that is dealt cold damage by the spell
also takes a –4 penalty to Dexterity for 1 minute. Damage Type Metamagic Cost
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. You can increase the cost to +2 Acid, cold, electricity, fire +0
spell levels (not reduced when stacking metamagic feats) in Sonic, negative energy +1
order to change the penalty to Dexterity to 1d4 Dexterity
damage instead (save for half); this is equivalent to applying Force +2
the Cascade Spell feat (q.v.) with a lesser shivering touch spell
(Frostburn). Special: An evoker (Chapter 3) can use this effect without
Source: This feat, modeled after the Fell Weaken feat from any increase in spell level.
Libris Mortis, can be also combined with the Innate
Metamagic feat (q.v.) to supersede the Warlock’s hellrime Evocation, Vitriolic [Metamagic,
blast invocation. Acid]
Evocation, Piercing Cold Your acid spells continue to deal damage after the initial
[Metamagic, Cold] effects.
Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school.
Your cold spells are so cold that they can damage creatures Benefit: This metamagic feat can be applied only to a spell
normally resistant or immune to cold. that has the [acid] descriptor, or that create a lingering fog.
Prerequisite: Evoker, boreal (or other cold-dominant) Any creature taking damage from a vitriolic spell continues to
bloodline, Frost mystery, or Winter domain. take 1d6 acid damage per round after the first, for a number
Benefit: Your spells with the [cold] descriptor are so of additional rounds equal to one-third of your caster level
horribly cold that they are capable of damaging creatures (maximum 6 addition rounds or until the acid is neutralized,
normally unharmed by or resistant to cold. Piercing cold whichever comes first).
spells completely ignore any resistance to cold a creature Metamagic Cost: +1 level. For each additional spell level
possesses, bypassing this resistance and dealing damage to increase, increase the continuing acid damage by 1d6 per
the target as if it did not possess any resistance to cold at all. round (so that a Vitriolic Spell with a metamagic cost of +3
They are still entitled to whatever other defenses the attack spell levels deals 3d6 acid per round until neutralized or the
allows (such as saving throws and spell resistance). duration ends.
Creatures normally immune to cold can be damaged by Source: This feat allows the construction of a number of
piercing cold spells as well; piercing cold spells deal half spells, as shown in Appendix B. In conjunction with the
damage to these creatures (or one-quarter on a successful Innate Metamagic feat and applied to a sorcerer’s eldritch
saving throw). Creatures with the [fire] subtype who are blast, this feat supersedes the Warlock’s vitriolic blast
damaged by a piercing cold spell take double normal damage invocation from Complete Arcane.
instead of the usual +50%.
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. Explosive Spell [Metamagic]
Source: Frostburn. You can cast spells that blast creatures back out of the area.
Evocation, Searing [Metamagic, Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school.
Benefit: On a failed Reflex save, an explosive spell ejects
Fire] any creature caught its area, sending it to a location outside
Your fire spells are so hot that they can damage creatures the nearest edge of that area and dealing additional damage.
that normally have resistance or immunity to fire. For example, all creatures in the area of an explosive fireball
Prerequisite: Evoker, elemental fire esoteric branch, that fail their saving throws not only take full damage but are
elemental fire (or other fire-dominant) bloodline, flame pushed to the closest square outside the perimeter of the
mystery, or Fire domain. spell's 20-foot-radius spread. Likewise, an explosive lightning
Benefit: This feat can be applied only to spells with the bolt moves targets that fail their saves to outside the area
[fire] descriptor. A searing spell is so hot that it ignores the defined by the squares the bolt's line passes through (any
resistance to fire of creatures, and creatures with immunity creature struck dead-on, determined by a ranged touch
to fire still take half damage. Creatures with the [cold] attack, is pushed the full length of the line).
subtype take double damage from a searing spell.
Any creature moved in this manner also takes an additional Metamagic Cost: For every 1d4 of attribute damage dealt,
1d6 points of damage per 10 feet moved (no additional a fell affliction spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than
damage if moved less than 10 feet by the effect; maximum the spell's actual level. For example, a spell dealing 3d4
10d6 if moved 100 ft. or more). If some obstacle prevents a Dexterity damage can be made into a Fell Affliction spell by
blasted creature from being moved to the edge of the effect, using a spell slot 3 levels higher than the spell’s actual level.
the creature is stopped and takes 1d6 points of damage from Special: The spell level cost for this feat cannot be
striking the barrier (in addition to any damage taken from the decreased through metamagic synergy; it is always a number
distance moved before then). In any event, this movement of levels equal to the number of dice affected.
does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Explosive Spell can
be applied only to spells that allow Reflex saves and affect an Fell Frightening [Metamagic]
area (a cone, cylinder, line, or burst). Living foes damaged by your spell are also shaken.
Metamagic Cost: +2 levels. Prerequisite: Necromancy is not a barred school.
Source: Complete Arcane. Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so
Extend Spell [Metamagic] that any creature subject to fear effects and mind-affecting
spells and abilities that is dealt damage also becomes shaken
You can make your spells last longer than normal. for 1 minute.
Benefit: An Extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or
permanent is not affected by this feat. +3 levels: The condition increases to frightened.
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. By using a higher level spell +5 levels: The condition increases to panicked (Cf.
slot, you can extend the duration further, as follows: Cascade Spell: fear).
New Duration Original Duration:
1 rd. Source: Libris Mortis. Used with the Innate Metamagic
feat and applied to a sorcerer’s eldritch blast, it stands in for
1 rd./level +2 the Warlock’s frightful blast invocation, from Complete
1 min./level +3 Arcane.
10 min./level +4
Fell Nausea [Metamagic]
1 hour/level +6
Prerequisite: Necromancy is not a barred school.
Benefit: Choose one creature targeted or within the area of
Fell Draining [Metamagic] the spell; that creature becomes nauseated for 1 round. If the
Living foes damaged by your spell also gain a negative level. spell allows a saving throw, a successful save reduces the
Prerequisite: Necromancy is not a barred school. condition to sickened. If the spell does not allow a save, the
Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so target can make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + level of spell +
that any living creature that is dealt damage also gains a your Charisma modifier) to negate the nauseating effect.
negative level. If the subject has at least as many negative Spells that do not inflict damage do not benefit from this feat.
levels as Hit Dice, it dies. Assuming the subject survives, the Metamagic Cost: +2 levels.
negative level disappears (without requiring a Fortitude save) +3 levels: The duration is 1 round per caster level (Cf.
after a number of hours equal to your caster level (maximum Cascade Spell: cacophonous call).
Metamagic Cost: +2 levels. +6 levels: All affected creatures are nauseated for 1 round
+3 levels: A Fortitude save is needed after 24 hours in per level (Cf. Cascade Spell: mass cacophonous call).
order to remove the negative level.
Source: This feat supersedes the Slimy Spell feat from
+5 levels: The effect increases to 1d4 negative levels (as Dragon magazine, issue 358, and also the “acrid fumes”
Cascade Spell: enervation). function of the Energy Gestalt feat from Complete Mage.
Used with the Innate Metamagic feat and applied to a
Source: Libris Mortis. Used with the Innate Metamagic sorcerer’s eldritch blast, it stands in for the Warlock’s noxious
feat and applied to a sorcerer’s eldritch blast, it stands in for blast invocation from Complete Arcane.
the Warlock’s utterdark blast invocation, from Complete
Fell Affliction [Metamagic]
Attribute damage from your spells becomes attribute drain.
Prerequisite: Necromancy is not a barred school.
Benefit: Attribute damage dealt by a Fell Affliction spell
becomes attribute drain instead. This feat as no effect on
spells that deal attribute penalties, rather than damage.
Normally the area must contain an illusory creature of
Fell Weakening [Metamagic] Small or Medium size. However, you can select one square of
Prerequisite: Necromancy is not a barred school. a larger illusory creature to threaten the target. For example,
Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so an illusory Large ogre takes up four 5-foot squares; you select
that any living creature that is dealt damage also takes a –4 one square to be the source of the threat, and its other three
penalty to Strength for 1 minute. Strength penalties from squares do not threaten anyone.
multiple spells enhanced by the Fell Weakening feat do not If the target has reason to believe there is an invisible
stack. creature in the vicinity, even an auditory illusion with no
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. You can increase the cost to +2 visual elements (such as ghost sound) is sufficient to convince
spell levels in order to change the penalty to Strength into the target that the selected square contains an actual threat.
1d4 Strength damage instead (this is equivalent to using As long as you maintain the illusion, you can change the
Cascade Spell: attribute damage, if the optional “save-or-lose” location of the threatening square as a swift action.
spells rules are used). When you threaten a target with this spell, the foe may
Source: Libris Mortis. make an Intuition save to disbelieve (DC 10 + threatening
spell’s level + your Charisma modifier). If the target makes
this save, the threatening effect of this feat no longer applies
Focused Spell [Metamagic] to it.
When you cast a spell that affects more than one creature, Metamagic Cost: +3 levels.
one opponent finds it more difficult to resist. Normal: Illusion spells do not threaten squares.
Benefit: When casting a spell that affects or targets more Source: Gnomes of Golarion.
than one creature, you can choose one target or creature
within the spell effect. The spell affects no other creatures, Innate Metamagic [Arcane, Skill]
but that individual target’s saving throw DC to resist the spell Prerequisite: Able to use spell-like abilities or to cast spells;
is increased by +2. You must choose which target to focus the Concentration 2+ ranks (see below).
spell on before casting the spell. Benefit: Choose one spell-like ability you possess or one
Metamagic Cost: +0 levels. If you have at least twice as spell known. You can apply any one metamagic feat of your
many ranks in Spellcraft as the level of the spell to be choice to that spell or spell-like ability, without increasing the
modified, this feat can be applied spontaneously, with no casting time or the level of the spell. You need not know the
increase in casting time. metamagic feat in question. Once the spell-like ability (or
Special: Spells that do not require a saving throw to resist spell) and feat are selected, they cannot be changed.
or lessen the spell’s effect do not benefit from this feat. You must meet a minimum number of ranks in
Source: Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. Concentration to be able to apply this feat to any given spell
or spell-like ability, depending on the spell level and the
Illusion, Dazzling [Metamagic] normal cost of the metamagic feat. If you meet the minimum
Prerequisite: Illusion is not a barred school. number of ranks, you can apply the metamagic effect
Benefit: Casting a dazzling illusion spell causes the air spontaneously up to three times per day (or less, if the ability
about you to be filled with flashing colors that dazzle your is normally usable only once or twice per day). If your number
foes. When you cast an illusion spell, you can choose to of ranks is greater than or equal to twice the minimum, then
render all enemies within 30 feet dazzled for 1 round. Blind you can apply the effect at will.
creatures are immune to this effect. Minimum Ranks for 3/day Metamagic =
Metamagic Cost: +1 level (+0 levels if you are an 2 x (Level of the spell-like ability + level cost to apply the
Illusionist). metamagic feat).
Special: Per the Introduction chapter, the dazzled For example, a spell-like ability of scorching ray (a 2nd level
condition now applies partial concealment (20% miss spell) could therefore be Empowered (normally +2 levels
chance) to everything the afflicted creature sees. In addition, cost) three times per day by a caster with at least 8 ranks in
it applies a -4 penalty to Perception checks. Concentration, and could be Empowered at will by a caster
Source: Complete Mage. with at least 16 ranks.
Spell-like abilities gained as class features that do not have
Illusion, Threatening [Metamagic] a designated spell level are treated as if they were of a level
equal to half the class level at which they are obtained (round
You’ve mastered the art of making illusions that force foes to up). For example, the various 1st level clerical domain spell-
divide their attention in combat. like abilities count as 1st level spells, for purposes of this feat.
Prerequisites: Gnome or Illusionist level 1st. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times; each time, it
Benefit: You can use this metamagic feat only on illusion applies to a different spell or spell-like ability and/or
[figment] spells. A threatening illusion spell causes one target metamagic feat. In the case of multiple Innate Metamagics
to believe your illusion is a threat. Choose one 5-foot square applied to a single spell or spell-like ability, calculate the
within the area of your illusion; that square threatens the minimum Concentration ranks using the total metamagic
target as long as it is adjacent. Thus, if you or an ally is on the cost (see Metamagic Feats introduction).
opposite side of the target, it is considered flanking.
Source: This feat supersedes the various spell-like ability
metamagic feats (Empower Spell-Like Ability, Quicken Spell- Merciful Spell [Metamagic]
Like Ability, etc.), and also provides a metamagic option not Your damaging spells subdue rather than kill.
available to sorcerers, bards, incarnates, etc. in the Core Benefit: You can alter spells that inflict damage to inflict
rules. When applied to a sorcerer’s eldritch blast, it nonlethal (subdual) damage instead. Spells that inflict
supersedes the Warlock’s various blast invocations, from damage of a particular type (such as fire) inflict nonlethal
Complete Arcane. When applied to a spell known, it damage of that same type.
supersedes the Wu Jen’s spell secret class feature from Metamagic Cost: +0 levels.
Complete Arcane and the Theologian’s domain secret variant Source: Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide.
class feature from Ultimate Magic.
Lingering Spell [Metamagic] Metamagic Spell Trigger
Your spell clings to existence, slowly fading from the world. You can apply metamagic feats you know to spell trigger
Benefit: You may cause an instantaneous spell that affects magic items you activate.
an area to persist until the beginning of your next turn. Those Prerequisites: Any metamagic feat, Spellcraft 12 ranks.
already in the area suffer no additional harm, but other Benefit: You can apply any one metamagic feat you know
creatures or objects entering the area are subject to its to a spell generated by a spell trigger item (such as a wand or
effects. A lingering spell with a visual manifestation obscures staff) that you activate. You expend one extra charge for each
vision, providing concealment (20% miss chance) beyond 5 change in spell level a metamagic feat normally requires. If
feet and total concealment (50% miss chance) beyond 20 feet. the metamagic feat's level adjustment would normally
Alternatively, you can apply this feat to a spell requiring an increase the slot of the chosen spell's level above the
attack roll. After casting the spell, you can use your next maximum spell level you can normally cast, you can't apply
standard action to attack with the same spell. You can the metamagic effect to the spell. For example, a caster with
designate either a different target or the same target. If any access to 9th level spells cannot apply Quicken Spell to an
other actions are taken, or the spell is disrupted before your antimagic field generated by a staff (since that would take a
next action, then you lose the Lingering spell (though any 10th level spell slot to cast).
previous effects remain). If sufficient charges aren't available in the item to power
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. You can increase the duration of the application of metamagic feats (or if the item doesn't use
a Lingering spell further using the Concentration Spell charges), the item fails to activate and no charges are used,
and/or Extend Spell feat (q.v.) but the action used to activate the item is wasted.
Source: Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. This feat Source: Complete Mage.
also supersedes the Ray Extension feat from Dragon Annual
#5 (Paizo Publishing). Natural Spell [Metamagic]
You can cast spells even while in a form that cannot normally
Mass Effect Spell [Metamagic] cast spells.
Your spells can affect more targets. Prerequisites: Wis 13, ability to assume non-speaking
Benefit: A spell that normally affects a single target (e.g., form.
hold person) can be modified to affect one target per level, no Benefit: You can complete the verbal and somatic
two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart. components of spells modified with this feat while using wild
Metamagic Cost: +4 levels. shape, beast shape, or the like. You substitute various noises
Special: For touch range spells, a similar effect can be and gestures for the normal verbal and somatic components
simulated using Reach Spell (+1 spell level) + Selective Spell of a spell. However, you cannot cast spells modified with this
(+1 Spell Level) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +3 spell levels, -1 feat while in your normal form.
for multiple effects = +2 spell levels), for a final metamagic You can also use any material components or focuses you
cost of 4 levels. possess, even if such items are melded within your current
Source: Suggested by the various “mass X” spells in the form. This feat does not permit the use of magic items while
core rules. This feat also subsumes the Chain Spell feat from you are in a form that could not ordinarily use them, and you
Complete Arcane. Combined with the Innate Metamagic feat, do not gain the ability to speak while shapeshifted.
this supersedes the Warlock’s eldritch chain invocation, also Metamagic Cost: +0 levels. If you increase the cost to +1
from Complete Arcane. level, you can cast the spell in any form you take.

Maximize Spell [Metamagic] Penetrating Spell [Metamagic]

Your spells have the maximum possible effect. Your spells bypass spell resistance more easily.
Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of a spell modified by Benefit: When casting a Penetrating spell, you gain a +2
this feat are maximized. Saving throws and opposed rolls are enhancement bonus to Concentration checks to overcome
not affected, nor are spells without random variables. the target’s spell resistance.
An empowered, maximized spell gains the separate Metamagic Cost: +1 level. You can use higher-level spell
benefits of each feat: the maximum result plus one-half the slots; each additional spell level increases the bonus by +2.
normally rolled result.
Metamagic Cost: +3 levels.
Metamagic Cost: +0 levels (plus the cost for Extend Spell,
Permanent Spell [Metamagic] as indicated above).
One of your spells is constantly active, without the need to Special: This feat may be disallowed by many referees; I
prepare or cast it. personally use it in order to avoid the need for tracking long-
Prerequisites: Able to cast 5th level spells, Concentration duration personal buffs (which I am too lazy to do).
8 ranks + 1 rank per level of the spell, Extend Spell feat. Poison Spell [Metamagic]
Benefit: Cast one spell you know, with duration longer
than “instantaneous,” using a spell slot 4 levels higher than You can mystically transfer a poison to the target of your
the spell’s actual level. The effects of that single casting of the spells.
spell become permanent. If successfully dispelled, the Prerequisite: Craft (Toxicology) 2 ranks per final spell
permanent spell is merely suppressed for 2d4 rounds. You level of the spell to be affected.
can use this feat in three ways: Benefit: You can add a contact or injury poison as a
material component to a melee touch spell you are casting.
On yourself. This can be any spell with a range of Doing this entails the same risk of poisoning yourself as
personal, or any spell that targets you specifically or has a applying poison to a weapon.
mobile emanation centered on you (it cannot be used on The target of the spell, in addition to being subject to the
spells that are discharged). For permanent spells such as normal effects of the spell, is also exposed to the poison (a
detect magic or detect thoughts, you need not concentrate melee touch spell must deal damage to deliver the effect of an
to be aware of the mere presence of absence of the things injury poison).
detected, but you must still concentrate to gain additional The dose of poison used as the component is expended
information as normal. Concentration on such a spell is a when you cast the spell, whether or not the spell or poison
standard action that does not provoke an attack of successfully affects the target.
opportunity. Metamagic Cost: +0 levels.
On an object or location. If in another creature’s Source: Drow of the Underdark.
possession, a saving throw applies, even if the spell being
made permanent does not normally allow one (Intuition Positive Spell [Metamagic]
negates, in that case). Your spells channel positive energy to deal extra damage to
On a willing creature. In that case, the recipient of the undead creatures, but are less effective against other
spell selects this feat (and need not meet the prerequisites opponents.
him or herself), but you cast the spell. For example, a 13th Prerequisite: Ability to channel positive energy.
level cleric could imbue a fighter companion with a Benefit: A positive spell is infused with positive energy; it
permanent +4 luck bonus to attacks and damage (by deals an extra 50% damage to undead creatures, but deals
means of a permanent divine favor spell); the fighter 50% less damage to non-undead creatures and to objects.
would have to select Permanent Spell as a feat in order to Metamagic Cost: +0 levels.
gain this effect. The recipient must also have a minimum Synergy: If applied to a damaging spell with the [light]
number of Hit Dice equal to 8 + the level of the spell to be descriptor, the spell also damages molds, fungi, oozes, and
made permanent, or the effect fails. slimes as if they were undead. If the spell generates light that
is at least equivalent to daylight, undead specifically harmed
Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, by bright light or sunlight are also destroyed by the spell on a
it applies to a different casting of a different spell. failed save.
Source: This feat supersedes the permanency spell from Source: This is the Energize Spell feat from Libris Mortis.
the core rules and subsumes the Permanent Emanation feat Pushing Spell [Metamagic]
(3.5 edition System Reference Document, “Epic Feats”). It is
also proposed as a means to allow somewhat the same effect Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school.
as the Persistent Spell feat from Complete Arcane, without Benefit: In addition to its normal effects, a pushing spell
that feat’s seemingly limitless potential for abuse. creates a bull rush effect on the target or those within the
area of effect, with a CMB equal to your Concentration
Personal Spell [Metamagic] bonus.
Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
Certain of your personal spells last all day.
Prerequisite: Extend Spell.
Benefit: A personal spell’s range changes from Touch to
Personal, and the duration is extended until the next time you
fall asleep. The following spells can be made personal:
barkskin, mage armor, extended (+1 spell level) resistance,
extended (+2 spell levels) bull’s strength (etc.), extended (+3
spell levels) blur, extended (+4 spell levels) displacement.
Spells extended in order to qualify for this feat are not
automatically heightened (see Heighten spell), although they
can subsequently be heightened in order to provide increased
Quicken Spell [Metamagic] Reduce Spell [Metamagic]
You can cast spells in a fraction of the normal time. A reduced spell is slightly weaker than normal.
Benefit: Casting a quickened spell is a swift action. You Benefit: A reduced spell has its damage cap and/or bonus
can perform another action, even casting another spell, in the cap reduced by two spell levels’ worth (1 step on the table).
same round as you cast a quickened spell. A spell whose For example, a 5th level evocation spell (normal damage cap
casting time is more than 1 full-round action cannot be 15d6 for multiple opponents) would have its damage cap
quickened. Casting a quickened spell doesn’t provoke an reduced to 10d6 if reduced. This feat cannot be applied to
attack of opportunity. spells that have no damage or bonus cap.
Metamagic Cost: +4 levels. Metamagic Cost: -1 level.
Special: This feat can be applied to any spell cast
spontaneously (including incarnate spells, sorcerer spells, Repeat Spell [Metamagic]
bard spells, and cleric or druid spells cast spontaneously), Benefit: The target of a repeated spell is subject to its effects
without increasing the casting time, allowing it to be cast as a again on the next round. For direct-damage spells, this cannot
swift action. be used to exceed the spell’s normal damage cap. Area-effect
Ray Splitting [Metamagic] spells and spells affecting more than one target cannot be
modified with this feat.
You can attack three adjacent targets with a ray spell. Metamagic Cost: +2 levels.
Benefit: This feat functions similarly to Manyshot, but it Source: Complete Arcane.
applies to ray attacks. One ray can instead be used to attack
two different targets; each attack takes a -2 penalty to the Residual Spell [Metamagic]
attack roll. If your base attack bonus is at least +6, you can Benefit: The area a residual spell affects is considered
make iterative attacks as well (or instead of) splitting the ray difficult terrain for 1 round per level of the spell. The exact
as described above. For example, a caster with a base attack reason for the difficult terrain depends on the existing terrain
bonus of +6 could attack with three rays at +6/+1/+1, or with and type of spell; explosive spells cast underground might
two rays at +4/+4. leave rubble; cold spells might leave jagged ice or snow; etc.
Calculate the damage or effects cap (see above) as if for a Creatures with appropriate favored terrain (e.g., underground
single target, based on the final spell level. Add +1/+1d6 per for the former case; arctic for the latter) ignore the difficult
final level of the spell to the cap, and divide the total among terrain created by the spell.
the total number of rays to determine the damage for each Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
ray. For example, scorching ray (essentially, a Split ray of Source: Strategists and Tacticians (4 Winds Fantasy
frost) is a 2nd level spell, which has a damage cap of 10d6 Gaming).
against a single target, or a total damage cap of 12d6 for
multiple rays. A BAB +6 caster can attack with 2 rays at
+6/+1 for 6d6 each, or with 3 rays at +4/+4/-1 for 4d6 each Ricochet Spell [Metamagic]
(the latter is similar to the scorching ray spell in the Core Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school.
rules for a 12th level caster, but with a lower attack bonus). Benefit: Spells you cast with an effect that is a line (e.g.,
Metamagic Cost: +2 levels. lightning bolt) or a ray (e.g., scorching ray) can be bounced off
Source: Dragon Annual #5 (Paizo Publishing). of walls or other solid barriers. In general, a ranged touch
attack against AC 15 is needed in order to hit the barrier in
Reach Spell [Metamagic] such a way that the spell reflects in the direction desired (a
Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of touch, close, or second ranged touch attack to strike the target is also
medium to increase its range to a higher range category, necessary, in the case of rays). Creatures whose spaces are
using the following order: touch, close, medium, and long. entered twice by a reflected line spell effect are potentially
Increases beyond long range can be made as follows: affected twice.
extreme (1,000 ft. + 100 ft./level), and line of sight. Spells Metamagic Cost: +0 levels.
modified by this feat that require melee touch attacks instead Source: Suggested by the 1st edition D&D lightning bolt
require ranged touch attacks. Spells that do not have a range spell description.
of touch, close, or medium do not benefit from this feat.
Spells with a fixed range of 30 ft. are treated as Close range Sanctum Spell [Metamagic]
spells for purposes of this feat. Your spells are especially potent on home ground.
Metamagic Cost: +1 level for each increase in range Prerequisite: Abjuration is not a barred school.
category. For example, a spell with a range of touch increased Benefit: A sanctum spell has an effective spell level one
to long range uses up a spell slot three levels higher. level higher than its normal level if cast in your sanctum (see
Source: Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. This feat below), but if not cast in the sanctum, the spell has an
supersedes the Enlarge Spell feat from the core rules. effective spell level one lower than normal. All effects
dependent on spell level (such as damage cap, save DCs, etc.;
see effects of Heightened spells, above) are calculated
according to the adjusted level.
Metamagic Cost: +0 levels.
Special: Your sanctum is a particular site, building, or
structure previously designated by you, and no larger than 20 Sickening Spell [Metamagic]
feet per level in diameter. The designated area must be a site Prerequisite: Necromancy is not a barred school.
where you have spent a cumulative period of at least three Benefit: Creatures that take damage from a sickening spell
months. Though a sanctum can be designated within a larger become sickened for a number of rounds equal to the level of
structure, its special advantages do not apply beyond the the spell. If the spell allows a saving throw, a successful save
maximum area. Once designated, it takes seven days for a site reduces the duration of the sickening effect to 1 round. If the
to become a sanctum, and if you designate a new area to be spell does not allow a save, the target can make a Fortitude
your sanctum, the benefits of the old one immediately fade. save (DC 10 + level of spell + your Charisma modifier) to
Source: Complete Arcane. negate the sickening effect.
Selective Spell [Metamagic] Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
Special: If the base spell effect also causes the creature to
Your allies need not fear friendly fire. become sickened, the duration of this metamagic effect is
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 1 rank per original (unmodified) added on to the duration of the spell.
level of the spell to be affected. Source: Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide; the effects
Benefit: When casting a selective spell with an area effect, also subsume the penalty caused by the Blistering Spell feat
you can choose a number of targets in the area equal to your from the Player’s Handbook II. Used with the Innate
spellcasting attribute modifier. These targets are excluded Metamagic feat and applied to a sorcerer’s eldritch blast, it
from the effects of your spell. Spells that do not have an area stands in for the Warlock’s sickening blast invocation from
of effect do not benefit from this feat. Complete Arcane.
Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
Source: Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. Silent Spell [Metamagic]
Shape Spell [Metamagic] You can cast your spells without making any sound.
Benefit: A silent spell can be cast with no verbal
You can alter the area of effect of spells, making them lines, components. Spells without verbal components are not
cones, bursts, or rays. affected.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 2 ranks per final spell level of the Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
affected spell. Special: Bard spells cannot be used in conjunction with
Benefit: You can alter the area of effect of any spell with this metamagic feat.
any of the following areas of effect: ray, burst, cone, or line.
You can change the area to any of the other options on the Staggering Spell [Metamagic]
list. The range for a line or burst remains the same. A line Benefit: Creatures that fail a saving throw against a
extends from you out to the full range in a 5-ft. wide path; a staggering spell are staggered 1 round. If the spell does not
burst is 20 ft. in radius as a default; a cone extends 30 ft. normally allow a saving throw, a Will save is permitted to
(these can be changed using the Widen Spell feat). negate the staggering effect.
Damaging rays changed to cones, lines, and bursts allow a Metamagic Cost: +2 levels. By using a spell level four
Reflex save for half damage, even if the original ray spell did levels higher than the spell’s actual level, you increase the
not. For area spells changed to rays, even if the original spell duration to 1 round per rank in Concentration you possess,
allowed a Reflex save to reduce or negate its effect, the ray and those affected are slowed rather than merely staggered
does not. However, if the original spell allowed a Fort or Will (Cf. Cascade Spell: slow).
save to reduce or negate the spell’s effect, that still applies.
Metamagic Cost: Dependent on the change in shape,
according to the following table. Steam Spell [Metamagic]
New Shape Original Shape: You imbue your fire spells with elemental water, transforming
them into powerful gouts of steam.
Ray Prerequisites: Water domain, elemental water bloodline
Ray — or esoteric branch of wizardry, or Waves mystery.
Benefit: You may increase the casting time of a [fire] spell
Line +1 to a full-round action, infusing it with elemental power (spells
Cone or wall +2 with a casting time of 1 full-round action or longer do not
Burst +3 have an increased casting time). The spell is treated as if it
had the [water] descriptor. All fire effects of the altered spell
Special: Instead of a burst, you can form a cylinder with instead manifest as superheated steam. The altered spell
half the radius (10 ft.) but double the height (40 ft.) for the works normally underwater without requiring a caster level
same metamagic cost. check. Unlike fire, the steam cannot ignite objects or set
Source: This feat supersedes the Ray Burst and Ray creatures on fire. As the spell still deals fire damage, fire
Coning spells from Dragon Annual #5 (Paizo Publishing), and resistance or immunity still applies to the spell's effects.
also the Spellwarp Sniper’s “spellwarp” prestige class feature Metamagic Cost: +0 levels.
from Complete Scoundrel. Source: Pathfinder Advanced Race Guide.
Still Spell [Metamagic] Sudden Spell [Metamagic]
You can cast spells without moving. You can cast a spell very quickly at the cost of greatly
Benefit: A stilled spell can be cast with no somatic reduced duration.
components (spells already without somatic components are Benefit: A Sudden spell is cast as a swift action. You may
not affected). A spell with no somatic or material components only use Sudden Spell on a spell with a range of touch or
can be cast as a standard action, rather than as a full attack personal, and only on spells that normally have a duration of
action. at least one minute (ten rounds) when you cast them. The
A stilled spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the duration of a swift spell is reduced to one round.
spell’s actual level. Metamagic Cost: +0 levels.
Source: Feats of Metamagic (Super Genius Games).
Sudden Metamagic [Metamagic]
Prerequisite: Metamagic feat to be affected. Threnodic Spell [Metamagic]
Benefit: Upon gaining this feat, choose one metamagic feat You can convert mind-affecting magic to necromantic power
you possess. A number of times per day according to the capable of controlling undead.
metamagic cost of the feat, you can apply the effects of that Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks, Spell
feat to any spell you cast without increasing the level of the Focus (necromancy); Necromancy is not a barred school.
spell or specially preparing it ahead of time. Keep track of Benefit: This feat works only on [mind-affecting] spells. A
what the spell level would have been if you had applied the threnodic spell affects undead creatures (even mindless
metamagic feat normally; the final spell level thus calculated undead) as if they weren't immune to mind-affecting effects,
must be less than or equal to the highest level of spells you but has no effect on living creatures.
can cast. Metamagic Cost: +2 levels.
Normal Metamagic Cost Uses per Day
Normal: Undead are immune to mind-affecting spells and
+1 spell level 3/day Source: Ultimate Magic.
+2 to +3 spell levels 2/day
+4 spell levels 1/day
Toppling Spell [Metamagic]
Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school.
+5 spell levels or more — Benefit: The target(s) of a toppling spell (or those caught
within the area) are knocked prone on a failed saving throw,
You can still use the feat normally. in addition to the spell’s other effects (if the spell does not
Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, normally allow a saving throw, a Reflex save at DC 10 + the
choose a different feat. Alternatively, you can choose the same final level of the spell + your Charisma bonus prevents the
feat and gain additional uses per day. target from being knocked prone).
Source: Complete Arcane. Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
Source: Ultimate Magic. Used in conjunction with Dazing
Summoning, Imbued [Metamagic] Spell, this also supersedes the Forceful Spell feat from
Your summoning spells gain an element of surprise. You can Dragon magazine, issue 358.
summon creatures that come into existence with the benefit
of a spell such as invisibility. Transdimensional Spell
Prerequisite: Conjurer or Spell Focus (conjuration). [Metamagic]
Benefit: When you cast a spell from the summoning sub- You can cast spells that affect targets lurking in coexistent
school, you can choose to grant the summoned creature(s) planes and extradimensional spaces whose entrances fall
the benefit of any spell of 3rd level or lower you can cast that within the spell's area.
has a range of touch. You cast the spell you wish to grant the Prerequisite: Conjuration is not a barred school.
creature (using a prepared spell or a spell slot as appropriate) Benefit: A transdimensional spell has its full normal effect
at the same time you cast your summoning spell. The on incorporeal creatures, creatures on the Ethereal Plane or
creature gains the benefit of the spell when it appears. the Plane of Shadow, and creatures within an
Metamagic Cost: +1 level. extradimensional space in the spell's area. Such creatures
Special: The summoning spell affected by this feat is not include ethereal creatures, creatures that are blinking or
automatically Heightened (see above). shadow walking, manifested ghosts, and creatures within the
Source: Player's Handbook II. extradimensional space of a rope trick, portable hole, or
familiar pocket. You must be able to perceive a creature to
target it with a transdimensional spell, but you do not need to
perceive a creature to catch it in the area of a burst, cone,
emanation, or spread.
Metamagic Cost: +1 level (+0 levels if it only affects
ethereal or incorporeal creatures, rather than material ones
as well).
Normal: Only force spells and effects can affect ethereal
creatures, and no Material Plane attack affects creatures on
the Plane of Shadow or in an enclosed extradimensional
space. Spells other than a force effects deal 50% damage
against incorporeal creatures.
Source: Complete Arcane. This feat also supersedes the
Ectoplasmic Spell feat, from the Pathfinder Advanced
Player’s Guide.
Unskittering Spell [Metamagic]
Your knowledge of arcane defenses allows you to cast spells
that bypass them.
Prerequisite: Evocation is not a barred school.
Benefit: This feat can be applied only to spells that require
an attack roll (melee or ranged; normal or touch). An
unskittering spell ignores deflection bonuses to AC and CMD,
and also ignores any AC bonus granted by mage armor or
bracers of armor.
Metamagic Cost: +1 level.
Special: There also exists a corresponding magical
weapon property, carrying an additional +1 (ignores
deflection) or +2 (ignores deflection and mage armor)
enhancement cost.
Source: This is the “Piercing Spell” home brew feat from
the Migdalia campaign, as hosted on
Volumetric Burst [Metamagic]
Prerequisite: Shape Spell; Evocation is not a barred school.
Benefit: When this feat is applied to a spell with a “burst”
or “spread” area of effect, the spell effects always fill the full
(normal) volume of space. Each square that an affected spell
is prevented from occupying (because of a wall or similar
obstruction) is added to the other side of the effect's area. For
example, a fireball normally bursts in a 20-ft. radius (1255
square feet, or 50 squares). When used in a long, 10-ft.-wide
hallway, a volumetric fireball would occupy 125 feet of the
corridor’s length (the target pair of squares, plus 12 pairs of
squares in either direction along the length of the hallway). If
cast in a totally confined area less than or equal to half the
total volume (for example, a fireball cast within a closed 20-ft.
x 20-ft. room), the spell deals double damage/effects to
everyone within the area.
Metamagic Cost: +0 levels.
Source: 1st edition Players Handbook.
Widen Spell [Metamagic]
You can cast your spells so that they occupy a larger space.
Benefit: You can alter a burst, cone, emanation, line, or
spread-shaped spell to increase its measurements in all three
dimensions. Alternatively, you can increase the size of
affected cubes or squares, for spells with areas calculated
that way.
Metamagic Cost: +2 levels to double the dimensions;
tripling them uses up a slot three levels higher, etc. At the
extreme end of things, a fireball could Widened to a 9th level
spell, resulting in a blast radius of 120 feet (allowing you to
envelop a large mansion).
Ear-Piercing ScreamUM: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile
Evocation (Sonic; +1 level) + Cascade Spell (daze person; +1
Appendix B: Examples of level) = 2nd level (damage cap 5d6).
Spells Built Using Fire Storm: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0
levels) + Reach Spell (close to medium; +1 level) + Shape
Metamagic Feats Spell (ray to burst, +2 levels, plus rearrange squares, +1 level)
+ Selective Spell (vegetation and plants; +1 level) + Widen
These examples include the synergy effects of metamagic Spell (+1 level) + Burning Evocation (+2 levels) = 8th level
stacking, and also the automatic Heighten Spell effects of (damage cap 20d6, plus 5d6 burn/round).
applied metamagic. Fireball: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0
levels) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +3 levels) + Reach Spell
Direct-Damage Evocations (close to long; +1 level) + Reduce Spell (-1 level) = 3rd level
Assume that ray of frost represents the baseline evocation. (damage cap 10d6).
Most other evocations can be “built” from that, using Fireball, Delayed Blast: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile
Versatile Evocation to alter the energy type and other Evocation (fire; +0 levels) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +3
metamagic feats to furnish the additional spell traits. Note levels) + Burning Spell (+1 level) + Reach Spell (close to long;
that many of these spells deal substantially more damage, or +1 level) + Delay Spell (+2 levels) = 7th level (damage cap
are otherwise somewhat more powerful, than their core rules 20d6 and catch on fire for 1d6/round).
equivalents (e.g., greater shout). FirefallAPG: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0
Acid Arrow: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (acid; +0 levels) + Burning Spell (1d6; +1 level) + Reach Spell (close to
levels) + Reach Spell (close to long; +2 levels) + Vitriolic long; +1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +2 levels) + Widen
Evocation (+1 level) + Reduce Spell (-1 level) = 2nd level Spell (20’r. to 60’r.; +1 level) + Blinding Spell (+1 level) +
(damage cap 5d6, and 2d6/round thereafter. Reduce Spell (-1 level) = 5th level spell (damage cap 10d6;
Acid Fog: Solid fog (4th; see below) + Vitriolic Evocation blinds 5 rounds).
(2d6/round; +2 levels) = 6th level. Flame Strike: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire;
Acid Splash: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (acid; +0 levels) + Reach Spell (close to medium; +1 level) + Shape
+0 levels). Spell (ray to cylinder; +2 levels) + Energy Admixture
Acidic SprayUM: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (holy/unholy; +1 level) = 4th level (max. 10d6).
(acid; +0 levels) + Shape Spell (ray to line; +1 level) + Vitriolic Flaming Sphere: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation
Evocation (+4 levels) = 5th level spell (max. 15d6 plus 5d6 (fire; +0 levels) + Lingering Spell (+1 level) + Concentration
lingering acid damage for 1 round/3 levels). Spell (+1 level) = 2nd level (max. 5d6, concentration + 2
Blade Barrier: Ray of frost (0) + Reach Spell (close to rounds duration).
medium; +1 level) + Lingering Spell (+1 level) + Extend Spell Frigid TouchUM: Ray of frost (0) + Reach Spell (close to
(2 rds. to 1 min./level; +2 levels) + Shape Spell (ray to wall; +1 touch; -1 level) + Staggering Spell (+3 levels) = 2nd level spell
level) + Versatile Evocation (force; +1 level) = 6th level; (damage cap 5d6 and slowed 1 rd./level).
damage cap 15d6. HaboobSSt: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0
Burning Hands: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; levels) + Energy Admixture (slashing; +0 levels) + Reach Spell
+0 levels) + Shape Spell (ray to cone; +2 levels) + reverse (close to medium; +1 level) + Lingering Spell (+1 level) +
Widen Spell (30 ft. to 15 ft.; -1 level) = 1st level (cap 5d6). Shape Spell (ray to emanation; +2 levels) + Cascade Spell
Call Lightning: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (obscuring mist; +1 level) + Reduce Spell (-1 level) = 4th level
(electricity; +0 levels) + Reach Spell (close to medium; +1 spell (damage cap 5d6).
level) + Lingering Spell (+1 level) + Extend Spell (2 rds. to 1 HellballSRD: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (sonic;
min./level; +2 levels) + Shape Spell (ray to vertical line; -1 +1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +2 levels) + Reach Spell
level) = 3rd level (damage cap 5d6). (short to long; +1 level) + Widen Spell (40’r., +1 level) +
Call Lightning Storm: As call lightning, but long range (+1 Empower Spell (+1 level) + Energy Admixture (acid,
level) = 4th level (damage cap 10d6). electricity, and fire; +0 levels) + Burning Evocation
Chain Lightning: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (2d6/round; +1 level) + Vitriolic Evocation (2d6/round; +1
(electricity; +0 levels) + Shape Spell (ray to line; +1 level) + level) = 8th level spell, damage cap 20d6 x 1.5.
Reach Spell (30 ft. to Long range; +2 levels) + Mass Effect HellfireBVD: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0
Spell (+3 levels) = 6th level (damage cap 20d6 for the primary levels) + Energy Admixture (unholy; +2 levels) + Shape Spell
bolt and 15d6 for the secondary bolts). (ray to burst; +2 levels) + Widen Spell (20-ft. to 5-ft. radius; -2
Cold Ice StrikeUM: Ray of frost (0) + Shape Spell (ray to levels) + Inexorable Evocation (+3 levels) = 5th level (damage
line; +1 level) + Maximize Spell (+2 levels) + Quicken Spell cap 10d6: 5d6 fire and 5d6 unholy).
(+3 levels) = 6th level spell (damage 6 x caster level, max. 90). Hellfire StormBVD: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation
Cone of Cold: Ray of frost (0) + Shape Spell (ray to cone; (fire; +0 levels) + Reach Spell (close to medium; +1 level) +
+2 levels) + Widen Spell (30 ft. to 60 ft.; +1 level) + Flash Energy Admixture (unholy; +1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to
Frost Evocation (+1 level) + Numbing Cold Evocation (+1 burst; +2 levels) + Inexorable Evocation (+3 levels) = 7th level
level) = 5th level (damage cap 15d6 plus -4 penalty to Dex for (damage cap 15d6).
1 minute, and area is slippery for 1 round).
Disc of Concordant OppositionGA: Ray of frost (1st) +
Versatile Evocation (negative energy; +1 level) + Energy
Admixture (holy; +1 level) + Maximize Spell (+2 levels) = 5th
level, damage 6 x CL (max. 90 at 15th).
Horrid Wilting: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation Meteor Swarm: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire;
(negative energy; +1 level) + Energy Admixture (desiccation; +0 levels) + Energy Admixture (bludgeoning; +0 levels) + Ray
+1 level) + Bane Magic (water creatures and plants; fixed, +0 Splitting (+1 level) + Reach Spell (close to long; +1 level) +
levels) + Reach Spell (close to long range; +1 level) + Shape Shape Spell (ray to burst; fire damage portion only; +2 levels)
Spell (ray to burst; +2 levels) + Widen Spell (20-ft. radius to + Widen Spell (burst radius from 20 ft. to 40 ft.; +1 level) +
60-ft. radius; +2 levels) + Selective Spell (+1 level) = 8th level Empower Spell (+1 level) + Cascade Spell (create pit; +2
(damage cap 20d6). levels) + Residual Spell = 9th level. Single-target damage cap
Ice BlastCA: Ray of frost (0) + Cascade Spell (touch of is 25d6, +8d6 for the Ray Splitting feat = 33d6 total, x 1.5 for
fatigue; +2 levels) + Shape Spell (ray to cone; +1 level) + Empower Spell = 49.5d6 total, divided among 4 meteors =
Reduce Spell (-1 level) = 2nd level spell, damage cap 5d6 and approx. 12d6 each. Therefore, each meteor gains a ranged
fatigues. touch attack to hit for 6d6 impact damage, then bursts in a
Ice Storm: Ray of frost (0) + Flash Frost Evocation (+1 40-ft. radius for 6d6 fire damage (Reflex half) and creates
level) + Energy Admixture (bludgeoning; +0 levels) + Reach difficult terrain within the blast radius. In addition, the spell
Spell (close to long; +1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +2 leaves one 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 30-ft. deep crater; those in adjacent
levels) = 4th level (damage cap 10d6, 5d6 cold, 5d6 squares may also fall in (see the Pathfinder Advanced Players
bludgeoning; save for half). Guide).
Incendiary Cloud: Fog cloud (2nd level) + Cascade Spell Orb of AcidCA: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (acid;
(ray of frost; +1 level) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0 levels) + +0 levels) + Sickening Spell (+1 level) + Irresistible Evocation
Shape Spell (ray to burst; +2 levels) + Lingering Spell (+1 (no SR; +2 levels) + Vitriolic Evocation (+1 level) = 4th level;
level) + Extend Spell (1 round/level; +1 level) + Drifting Spell damage cap 15d6 and sickens 1 round and deals 2d6
(+1 level) = 8th level (damage cap 20d6). acid/round for 1 round/3 levels (or until neutralized).
Inflict Light Wounds: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Orb of ColdCA: Ray of frost (0) + Blinding Spell (+2 levels)
Evocation (negative energy; +1 level) + Reach Spell (close to + Irresistible Evocation (no SR; +2 levels) = 4th level; damage
touch; -1 level) + Empower Spell (+1 level) = 1st level. 1d6 cap 15d6 and blinds 4 rounds.
damage x 1.5 is close enough to 1d8+1/level (max. +5 for a 1st Orb of ElectricityCA: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation
level spell). Note that the spell, using this construction, should (electric; +0 levels) + Entangling Spell (+2 levels) +
not allow a saving throw for half damage. Irresistible Evocation (no SR; +2 levels) = 4th level; damage
Lightning ArcUM: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation cap 15d6 and entangles 4 rounds.
(electricity; +0 levels) + Shape Spell (ray to line; +1 level) + Orb of FireCA: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire;
Reach Spell (close to long range; +1 level) + Energy +0 levels) + Irresistible Evocation (no SR; +3 levels) + Dazing
Admixture (fire; +0 levels) + Burning Evocation (+2 levels) + Spell (+2 levels) = 5th level; damage cap 15d6 and dazes 1
Empower Spell (+1 level) = 5th level (damage cap 15d6 and round.
3d6 burn damage if caught on fire). Orb of ForceCA: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation
Lightning Bolt: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (force; +2 levels) + Irresistible Evocation (no SR; +2 levels) =
(electricity; +0 levels) + Reach Spell (close to medium range; 4th level; damage cap 15d6.
+1 level) + Ray Splitting (+1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to line; Orb of SoundCA: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation
+1 level) = 3rd level. You can produce a single line with a (sonic; +1 level) + Irresistible Evocation (no SR; +2 levels) +
damage cap of 10d6, or fork the lightning into multiple bolts Deafening Spell (+1 level) = 4th level; damage cap 15d6 and
(per the Ray Splitting feat), for up to 13d6 total damage. Add deafens 4 rounds.
the Ricochet Spell feat to get a lightning bolt that bounces off Polar Ray: Damage attribute (1st; Dex) + Fell Affliction (+1
of walls, etc. level) + Cascade Spell (ray of frost; +1 level) + Reach Spell
Magic Missile: Ray of frost (0) + Reach Spell (close to (touch to medium; +1 level) + Inexorable Evocation (+3 levels)
medium; +1 level) + Versatile Evocation (force; +1 level) + Ray = 7th level; damage cap 20d6 and deals 1d4 Dex drain (no
Splitting (+1 level) + Reduce Spell (-2 levels) = 1st level save).
(damage cap 5d6 divided among missiles). This spell is only Ride the LightningUM: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile
very approximately equivalent to the one in the Core Evocation (electricity; +0 levels) + Reach Spell (close to
rulebook, and that version can be used in preference to this medium; +1 level) + Cascade Spell (dimension leapME; +2
one. levels) + Lingering Spell (+1 level) + Extend Spell (1
round/level; +1 level) + Staggering Spell (+1 level) + Quicken
Spell (+3 levels) = 9th level (damage cap 25d6).
Scorching Ray: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire;
+0 levels) + Ray Splitting (+2 levels) = 2nd level (damage cap
10d6 + 2d6 =12d6, divided evenly among rays).
Searing Light: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire;
+0 levels) + Reach Spell (close to medium range; +1 level) +
Energy Admixture (holy; +1 level) + Cascade Spell (light; +1
level) + Positive Spell (+0 levels) = 3rd level (damage cap
15d6 vs. undead, molds, oozes, etc.; 5d6 to others).
Shocking Grasp: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation
(electricity; +0 levels) + Conductive Evocation (+1 level) +
Irresistible Evocation (+2 levels) + Reduce Spell (-1 level) +
Reach Spell (30 ft. to touch; -1 level) = 1st level (damage cap
5d6, no SR).
Shout: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (sonic; +1 level) “Save-or-Lose” Spells
+ Deafening Spell (+1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to cone; +1
level) + Still Spell (+1 level) = 4th level (damage cap 10d6). These examples use ray of enfeeblement and damage
Shout, Greater: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation attribute (see above) as the base effects.
(sonic; +1 level) + Bane Spell (crystalline; +0 levels, fixed) + Blood MistUM: Damage attribute (1st) + Cascade Spell
Deafening Spell (+2 levels) + Dazing Spell (+2 levels) + Shape (murderous commandUM; +2 levels) + Reach Spell (Medium
Spell (ray to cone; +1 level) + Widen Spell (30 ft. to 60 ft.; +1 range; +1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +2 levels) +
level) = 7th level (damage cap 15d6 or 15d8 vs. for crystalline; Widen Spell (20’r. to 60’r.; +1 level) + Lingering Spell (+1
deafness permanent; dazes up to 10 HD). level) + Extend Spell (+1 level) = 9th level spell dealing 1d4
SiroccoAPG: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0 Wis damage and causing murderous rage and concealing
levels) + Bane Spell (water; +1 level) + Cascade Spell (touch conditions in 60’r.; lasts 1 minute/level.
of fatigue; +1 level) + Reach Spell (medium; +1 level) + Shape Charm Monster: Ray of enfeeblement (1st) + attribute
Spell (ray to cylinder; +2 levels) + Toppling Spell (+1 level) = change (Str to Cha) + Reduce Spell (-1 level) + Extend Spell
6th level spell (max. 15d6). (rounds to days; +5 levels) + limited combat use (ad hoc -1
Sound Burst: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (sonic; level) = 4th level spell inflicting penalty to Cha with respect to
+1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +2 levels) + Widen Spell the caster equal to 1d6+ ½ level (max +10) to a single target.
(20-ft. radius to 10-ft.; -1 level) + Dazing Spell (+2 levels) + Charm Monster, Mass: As charm monster (4th), plus Mass
Reduce Spell (-1 level) = 3rd level spell (damage cap 5d6, Effect Spell (+3 levels) = 7th level (splits the difference
dazes up to 6 HD). between the bard and sorcerer/wizard versions). Charisma
Sunbeam: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0 penalty is 1d6 +1/level (max +15 due to reduce spell effect
levels) + Reach Spell (close to medium range; +1 level) + from charm monster).
Cascade Spell (light; +1 level) + Positive Spell (+0 levels) + Charm Person: Ray of enfeeblement (1st) + attribute
Blinding Spell (+2 levels) + Lingering Spell (+1 level) + change (Str to Cha) + Reduce Spell (-1 level) + Extend Spell
Concentration Spell (+1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to line; +1 (rounds to hours; +4 levels) + Creature-Specific Spell
level) = 7th level (damage cap 10d6, or 30d6 vs. undead, fungi, (humanoids only; -2 levels) + limited combat use (ad hoc -1
oozes, etc.). level) = 1st level spell inflicting penalty to Cha with respect to
Sunburst: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0 the caster equal to 1d6+ ½ level (max +5) to a single
levels) + Cascade Spell (light; +1 level) + Positive Spell (+0 humanoid target.
levels) + Blinding Spell (+2 levels) + Reach Spell (long range; Charm Person, MassRD: As charm person, plus Mass
+1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +2 levels) + Widen Spell Effect Spell (+3 levels) – Reduce Spell (+1 level) = 5th level
(20 ft. to 80 ft.; +2 levels) = 8th level (damage cap 10d6, or spell; Cha penalty is 1d6 +1/level (max. +15).
30d6 vs. undead, fungi, molds, oozes, etc.). Chill Touch: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation
Tar BallUM: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0 (negative energy; +1 level) + Fell Weakening (+1 level) +
levels) + Burning Evocation (+1 level) + Irresistible Evocation Reach Spell (close to touch, for -1 level) = 1st level (damage
(+2 levels) + Cascade Spell (ray of clumsiness; +1 level) + cap 5 dice, or 1d6 negative energy +1d4 Str damage per
Reduce Spell (-1 level) + normal ranged attack (not touch; ad touch for up to 5 touches).
hoc -1 level) = 2nd level (damage cap 5d6 plus 1d6 burn). Circle of Death: Damage attribute (1st; Constitution) +
Tar PoolUC: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0 Heighten Spell (+1d4, +1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to 20-ft.
levels) + Burning Spell (+1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; burst; +2 levels) + Widen Spell (+1 level) + Reach Spell
+2 levels) + Lingering Spell (+1 level) + Extend Spell (1 (medium range; +1 level) = 6th level spell dealing 2d4 Con
round/level; +1 level) + Residual Spell (+1 level) + Entangling damage, save for half.
Spell (+1 level) = + Reduce Spell (-1 level) = 6th level (damage Confusion: Ray of enfeeblement (1st level) + attribute
cap 15d6; 20’r. difficult terrain entangles, catches on fire). change (Str to Wis) + Reach Spell (close to medium; +1 level)
Wall of Fire: Ray of frost (0) + Versatile Evocation (fire; +0 + Mass Effect Spell (+3 levels) = 5th level; up to one creature
levels) + Concentration Spell (+1 level) + Reach Spell (close per caster level takes a penalty to Wisdom equal to 1d6 + 1
to medium; +1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to wall; +2 levels) = per caster level (maximum +15), half on a successful Will
4th level (damage cap 10d6). save. Wisdom cannot be reduced below 1 by this spell; a
creature with a Wisdom of 1 is confused.
Patterns Death HailFB: Damage attribute (1st; Constitution) +
versatile spell (split damage between Str and Con; +0 levels)
Rainbow Pattern: Hypnotic pattern (2nd) + Extend Spell (C + + Reach Spell (touch to medium; +1 level) + Shape Spell (ray
2 rds to +1 rd/CL; +1 level) + Drifting Spell (+1 level) = 4th to burst; +2 levels) + Widen Spell (20’r. to 40’r.; +1 level) +
level spell affecting (2d4+4+level, max +15) Hit Dice. Lingering Spell (+1 level) + Extend Spell (1 round/level; +1
Scintillating Pattern: Color spray (1st) + Lingering Spell level) = 7th level spell dealing 1d2 Str and 1d2 Con per round
(+1 level) + Concentration Spell (+1 level) + Widen Spell (15 within the area.
ft. to 30 ft.; +1 level) + Shape Spell (cone to spread; +1 level) + DehydrateSW: Damage attribute (1st; Constitution) + Bane
Heighten Spell (+3 levels) = 8th level spell affecting up to 19 Spell (plants, oozes, and aquatic creatures; +1 level) + Reach
HD (use 1 HD/level for convenience). Spell (touch to medium; +1 level) + Heighten Spell (+2d4; +2
levels) = 5th level spell dealing 3d4 Con damage, or 3d6 Con
vs. plants, oozes, and aquatic creatures.

“Save-or-Lose” Spells
Destruction: Damage attribute (1st; Constitution) + Reach MindfrostFB: Damage attribute (1st; Intelligence) + Reach
Spell (touch to close; +1 level) + Heighten Spell (+2d4; +2 Spell (touch to close ray; +1 level) + Cascade Spell (ray of
levels) + Fell Affliction (+3 levels) = 7th level spell dealing 3d4 frost; +1 level) = 3rd level spell dealing 1d6 cold/level (max.
Con drain. 10d6) and 1d4 Int damage.
Dominate Person: Damage attribute (1st; Charisma) + ParboilSSt: Damage attribute (1st; Intelligence) + Heighten
Heighten Spell (+5d4; +5 levels) + Creature-Specific Spell Spell (+1d4; +1 level) + Reach Spell (touch to close ray; +1
(humanoids only; -2 levels) = 4th level spell dealing 6d4 level) + Cascade Spell (ray of frost; +1 level) + Versatile
Charisma damage (or 5th level for 7d4). Evocation (fire; +0 levels) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +2
Dominate Monster: Damage attribute (1st; Charisma) + levels) = 6th level spell dealing 1d6 fire/level (max. 15d6) and
Heighten Spell (+8d4; +8 levels) = 9th level spell dealing 9d4 2d4 Int damage.
Cha damage. Poison: Damage attribute (1st; Constitution) + Repeat
Domination, TrueCD: Damage attribute (1st; Charisma) + Spell (+2 levels) + Extend Spell (+1 level) = 4th level spell
Heighten Spell (+4d4; +4 levels) + Creature-Specific Spell dealing 1d4 Con damage per round for 1 round/level (save
(humanoids only; -2 levels) + Cascade Spell (telepathic bond; each round for half).
+5 levels) = 8th level spell dealing 5d4 Cha damage. PoxBVD: Damage attribute (1st; Constitution) + Reach
Ego WhipSRD: Damage attribute (1st; Charisma) + Reach Spell (touch to close; +1 level) + Mass Effect Spell (+3 levels)
Spell (touch to close; +1 level) + Cascade Spell (daze; +1 + Fell Affliction (+1 level) = 6th level spell dealing 1d4 Con
level) = 3rd level spell dealing 1d4 Cha damage; dazes drain.
humanoid of HD less than or equal to caster level (max 10 Slay Living: Damage attribute (1st; Constitution) +
HD) 1 round on a failed save. Heighten Spell (+4d4; +4 levels) = 5th level spell dealing 5d4
Feeblemind: Damage attribute (1st; Intelligence) + Con damage.
Heighten Spell (+1d4; +1 level) + Reach Spell (touch to Slow: Ray of enfeeblement (1st) + attribute change (Str to
medium; +1 level) + Fell Affliction (+2 levels) = 5th level spell Dex) + Reduce Spell (-1 level) + Mass Effect Spell (+3 levels)
dealing 2d4 Intelligence drain. = 3rd level; targets take Dex penalty equal to 1d6 + ½ caster
Finger of Death: Damage attribute (1st; Constitution) + level (max +10), half if save, for 1 round per caster level.
Reach spell (touch to close; +1 level) + Heighten spell (+5d4, Touch of Idiocy: Damage attribute (Intelligence, Wisdom,
for +5 levels) = 7th level spell dealing 6d4 Con damage (half if and Charisma = 3 levels) + Heighten Spell (+1d4 Int, +1 level)
save). + Extend Spell (days to 10 min.; -2 levels) = 2nd level spell
Flesh to Stone: Damage attribute (1st; Dexterity) + dealing 2d4 Int damage and 1d4 each Wis and Cha damage.
Heighten Spell (+2d4; +2 levels) + Reach Spell (touch to Undeath to Death: Disrupt undead (0) + Reach Spell
medium; +1 level) + Fell Affliction (+2 levels) = 6th level spell (close to medium; +1 level) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +2
dealing 1d4 Dex damage and 2d4 Dex drain. levels) + Widen Spell (20’r. to 40’r.; +1 level) + Cascade Spell
FrostbiteFB: Ray of frost (0) + Shape Spell (ray to burst; +3 (disrupting weapon; +5 levels) + Creature-Specific Spell
levels) + Selective Spell (+1 level) + Cascade Spell (damage (undead only; -2 levels) = 7th level spell; undead of up to 1
attribute, Dexterity; +1 level) + Heighten Spell (+1d4 Dex; +1 HD/level save vs. Will or destroyed; those not annihilated
level) = 6th level; deals 1d6 cold/level (max 15d6) and 2d4 outright take 1d6/level (max. 20d6).
Dex damage. Wail of the Banshee: Damage attribute (1st; Constitution)
Harm: Ray of enfeeblement (1st) + Reach Spell (close to + Reach Spell (touch to close; +1 level) + Mass Effect Spell
touch; -1 level) + Extend Spell (rounds to days; +5 levels) = 5th (+3 levels) + Heighten Spell (+4d4; +4 levels) = 9th level spell
level spell inflicting Con penalty equal to 1d6 + 1/level (max dealing 5d4 Con damage.
+15) lasting 1 day/level.
Hold Person: Damage attribute (1st; Dexterity) + Reach
spell (touch to ray; +1 level) + Heighten spell (+2d4; +2 level)
+ Creature-Specific Spell (humanoids only; -2 levels) = 2nd
level ranged touch spell dealing 3d4 Dex damage, or 3rd level
dealing 4d4 Dex damage.
Hold Person, Mass: As hold person + mass effect spell (+3
levels) + Heighten Spell (+2d4; +2 levels) = 7th level spell
dealing 5d4 Dex damage.
Hold Monster: Damage attribute (1st; Dexterity) + Reach
spell (touch to ray; +1 level) + Heighten spell (+3d6; +3 levels)
= 5th level spell dealing 4d4 Dex damage.
Hold Monster, Mass: As hold monster + Mass Effect Spell
(+3 levels) + Heighten Spell (+1d4; +1 level) = 9th level spell
dealing 5d4 Dex damage.
Insanity: Damage attribute (1st; Wisdom) + Heighten Spell
(+2d4; +2 levels) + Reach Spell (touch to medium; +1 level) +
Fell Affliction (+3 levels) = 7th level spell dealing 3d4 Wis
Monstrous ThrallCD: Damage attribute (1st; Charisma) +
Heighten Spell (+4d4; +4 levels) + Fell Affliction (+4 levels) =
9th level spell dealing 1d4 Cha damage and 4d4 Cha drain.

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