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The Solution of a Sexual Harassment Case

Most of the women had weak and helpless characters its attached with theirselves.
And with that characters, oftenly the women get underestimeted with much of guy. And the
trennding one of the news as much as we know is sexual harassment case that experienced on
the women. This incident we can find everywhere, but oftenly experienced on the public
place such as market, street, office ect or public transportation such as at the train, busway,
plane, or online transportation. But, this incident cannot be allowed to continue, because after
all the women have the right to be able to live safely and respected.

Here are some solutions that can be applied to prevent sexual harassment :

 The goverment must be strict in implementing the rules for the perpetrators of sexual
harassment crime. Because, as we know now, that much of the perpetrators of sexual
harassment get a punishment that is not commensurate with the crime they have
commited. And then its not fair for the victims. After all, with the weak rules for
perpetrators of sexual harassment crime in Indonesia, that make the perpetrators feel
so safely to do their action anymore.
1. The women must be alert wherever they are. Because, they dont know the danger lurk
them. And if the incident sexual harrisment crime expetrienced on women, they may
to fast report it to the nearest security office. Then the officer can to take action as fast
as can do. And dont be silent on the incident, because that make the perpetrators feel
safely. Then they havent got the punnishment for they crime. Becuase it will prevent
sexual harassment from happening again and reduce the number of victims.
 The women must to protect theirselves for keep away the sexual crime. When the
perpetrator want to do their action must for mowen to keep theirselves. Its can by
learning self-defence. Because, when the women not do something to fight, then the
perpetrator will do what they want.
 Avoid averything can to provoke crime, such as wearing short dress. Because the
perpetrator more like to tease the women who wear short dress than women who wear
closed dress. And dont to walk alone at quiet street. Because its the most danger place.
And oftenly sexual harrisment crime expetrienced on the quiet place

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