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Tips for using the samples:

Naming convention:


aOrig = Original drum sound recorded straight into the ULN-2.

C2A = Hitachi D-E7 Cassette deck with Dolby C on... recorded normal level.
C2S = Hitachi D-E7 Cassette deck with Dolby C on... fully saturated.
T1A = Ampex Valve 1/2 inch 2 track tape machine... recorded normal level.
T1S = Ampex Valve 1/2 inch 2 track tape machine... fully saturated.
X = Extra processing.
ST = Stereo.
R = For use in Round Robin Layering.

The Tape TR-66 has multiple samples of each drum sound and these can be used
with Round Robin to get a more analog feel. A lot of modern software samplers have
the Round Robin function... check your sampler's manual to see if it is available.
If it doesn't you can always just load up the multiple samples in different pads/keys and
trigger them alternately.

More Tips:
Imagine a drum sound that when played softly has the original sound... when played hard has the
1/4 inch tape sound and when played hardest has the saturated version.. . You get the idea.


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