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Data structure and algorithm midterm exam

1. Write a C++ program to find the largest and smallest element of a 10 elements array.

1. Use header file iostream

2. Create a class

3. Declare Data members

4. Create methods/functions

5. Create the main function

6. Before creating your program, create a flowchart showing the logical process of your

2. Create a C++ program on a simple banking system with class and data members like account
number, name, deposit, withdraw amount and type of account(saving/current. Customer data is
stored in a text file file. A customer can deposit and withdraw amount in his account. User can
create, modify and delete account.(50pts)


1. Use header file iostream and fstream. sstream is optional but you can use it if your
program needs the same.
2. Create a class
3. Declare the data members to be used in your program
4. Create the methods that will be used by your program. To store data, use text file
5. Deposit, withdraw, balance inquiry, close account and delete account will ask for the
account no. and display all the information of the account
6. Create your main function
7. This program is almost the same with the last sample I have given to, based your code
from there

Sample output

1. Copy all codes in word document

2. Provide screenshots per output
3. Include title page
Data Structure and Algorithm
Midterm Exam



4. Convert to PDF and the leader will upload the file in your LMS
5. For questions, PM is the key…Good luck and God bless

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