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This or these?

Tick the correct sentence in each pair:

1. a. People do too little exercise this days.

b. People do too little exercise these days.

2. a. After all this advice, I hope you'll come to the right decision.

b. After all these advises, I hope you come to the right decision.

We use these in front of plural nouns, e.g. children, mice, people, police

Where did all these people come from?

We use this in front of:

• singular countable nouns:

Why choose this place and time?

• uncountable nouns:
I hope this information will be helpful.

An uncountable noun has no plural form. Common uncountable nouns are: chaos, evidence, ice,
information, knowledge, lightning, literature, money, permission, pressure, success, thunder, traffic, work

We use this and these with nouns that we think are close in space or time and that and those with
nouns that we see as more distant:

Can you help me? There's a problem with this software.

I wish you'd stop playing with that computer!

Choose the correct answer: Look at all this/these traffic.

Are the sentences right or wrong? Where necessary correct the underlined expressions.

1. For all these reasons, I hope you will consider my proposal. ………………………………

2. Don't you think these money should go in the bank? ………………………………

3. In this changing times, we have to be prepared to adapt to new circumstances. …………………………

4. Can someone tell me why this children aren't in school? ………………………………

5. We couldn't have achieved this success without your efforts. ………………………………

6. People are doing very little exercise this days. ………………………………

7. We hope to continue these work for many years. ………………………………

8. How did you come by these knowledge? ………………………………

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