You are on page 1of 46


Clothing and personal What color are her gloves? Colors I

Compliment someone That's a nice blouse. Demonstrative pronouns ( fñaf, t

Look for a lost item They re on the table. ln, on, under, and behind
I don t have my keys! Possessive adjectives
Ask where something is ls there a telephone near here? There is
Give directions There's one upstairs.

Talk about the past Where were you? The past of be


Preview the conuersat¡ons.

What's Amanda's oroblem? What do
you think she does? .

The man abeve is giving a iriend a

compliment. Do you complirnent your
friends? When?

Unit 8 81
44. Lost and Found
H Amanda Kelly goes to the hospital to see her doctor.

Nurse Here you are, Mrs. Kelly. Your next

appointment with Dr. Wood is on Tuesday,
April 6th, at ten o'clock.
Mrs. Kelly Thank you.
Nurse By the way, that's a nice dress. You look
good in green.
Mrs. Kelly Oh, thank you. It's my favorite color.
Uh . . . is there a pay phone on this floor?
Nurse Yes, there's one next to the elevators.
Mrs. Kelly Which way are the elevators?
Nurse Down the hall on the rieht. Just follow the
blue line.
Mrs. Kelly Thank you.
Nurse Good-bye, Mrs. Kelly. See you next
Mrs. Kelly Bye.

Woman Excuse me. I found this wallet on ihe

floor over there.
Nurse Oh, thank you. I'll take it to the Lost and

82 Unit 8
Mr. Kelly Amanda! There you are. It's after
six. Where were you? I was worried.
Mrs. Kelly I was at the doctor's office,
Mr. Kelly Oh, that's right. Is ever¡thing O.K.?
Mrs. Kelly Yes, eyerything's fine. How was
your day?
Mr. Kellv lrlot bad.

ltrlrs. Kelly Oh, no!

Mr. Kelly What's wrong?
Mrs. Kelly I don't have my wallet!

Clerk Lost and Found. May I help you?

Mrs. Kelly Yes, this is Amanda Kelly.I lost
my wallet this afternoon. Do you have it by
any chance?
Clerk Let's see. . . . What color is it?
lllrs. Kelly Red.
Clerk Just one moment, please. . . . yes, it's
here, Mrs. Kelly.
frtrs- KeIIy Oii, wirat a- relief! (to husband)He
has it there.

Figure it out N ü Fq €_= t¿lS rC"i

l. Listen to the conversations.
Say tnrc orfalse.
t" Mrs. Kelly's wallet is blue. False There's one next
2. Mrs. Kelly's favorite color is green. to the elevators.
3. Mrs. Kelly lost her wallet in the elevator. Oh, thank you.
4. Mrs. Kelly's husband was worried. elevators? d. Dou¡n the hall on
4. How was yuur dair? the right.
5. rvVhat color is it? e. Not bad.

Unit I 83
4li. Thatt$ a nice dress!

H > Look at the picture. Match the questions and answers.

> Listen to check your work.
1. What color is Angela's dress? a. They're black.
2. What color are her gloves? b. It's blue.
Angela's dress + her dress

3. What color is Michael's suit? c. They're brown.

Michael's suit + his suit

4. What color are his shoes? d. It's gray.

> Ask and answer questions about thé people in the p



> Describe someone in your class. The E > Listentothe

other students will guess the person. people in the
A His pants aie blue. His shirt is yellow and white. 1.
And his shoes are browrr. 2.
B Is it Nick? 3.
A Yés, it is. (No, it isn't. It's John.) 4.

E > The four ¡reople above are talking. r-isten and complete their
1. Kevin That'sanice . You look good in Singular Plual

Angela Thankyou. That's a nice hat. Those are nice gloves.

It was a gift. They were a gift.
2. Michael Those are beautiful
Carla Thanks. They were a sift.
> Ccmpliment each of your alassmates on a personal belonging or itern of clothing.

84Unit8 r,
46, t tost mY lteYs!
\ >Listent rc.
'I > Act but the conversation with a partner'

A Hurry!We're late! A Is that it ?

B Wait. I dont have mY keYs, B YeÉ. Thanks. Now I just need my coat and hat'
A They're right there A Look. Your hat is
B You're right. But where's mY wallet? B Great! And here's mY coat . . .

¡n the '

the sofa '¡':¡,,,,

E¡ > Listen to
in the pictures'
> Practice g the inforúíiation

A Oh,no!
B What's wrong?
A I lost my gloves.
B Thevre over there cin the table.
h oft.wfrut a relief!

gloves on the table shoes behind the door

credit card underthe sofa


> FiI in the blanks with the corréc-t possessive adjectives.

O > study the frame.

\ Unit I 85
4T,locations in a buildíng

E > Answerthe questionsusingthe pictur,esbelew.

> Listen to check your ¿ilrswers.
1. Is there a telephone near here? Yes- There's one upstairs.
ls there a cafeteria here?
2. Exduse me. Whcre's the drinking fountain? It's down the holl on the left-
Yes, there's one downstairs.
3. Excuse me. Which way are the restrooms?
No, there isn't.
4. Is there a cafeteria here?
5. Which way i¡ the exit?
6. Excuse me. Which wav are the elevators?

upstairs down the hall on the left over there

downstairs down the hall on the right that way

> As! and,arswer questions about the places h th" floor plan below.
4t. lVhere wer€ you?
Study the frames: The Past of Be

Information questions nrirrrtiu, statements Neoative statements

he? He He
was she? lht was
She wasn't
your wallet'1 lI It (was not)'
Where I at work. I at school.
were' they?
We weren't
I ney They (were not)

ñO Ri\-/eS Et- U'BRO
ñ Complete the conversations r,vrth the past tense of be.
Listen to check your answers.
Act out the conversations with a partner.

l. A Where were you -.' 2. A I found my glasses.. 3. A You (not) at work

yesterday? B Where they? on Monday. Where
B I sick. How A They in my car. you?
class? B I'm glad you found them. B We at home.
A It interesting. - A Oh? What wrong?
B I'm sorry I (not) B Our son sick.

H > Listen to the ow.

Teacher Susan, you're late. Where were you?

Susan I was in the restroom.


.Un¡t g gZ
49" Tryout
H Carolyn Duval is trying out for apartin a television commercial.



Vicky Wu Here's the script. Take a /
minute or two to read it
over. That's Bob Velez
orrer there. He's also trying
out for this commercial.

lluslrand lÍIoliis try shirt) Honey, this

/ \z
\, I '

t1 I
,l I




--ank you very much, Ms Duval.

0.K Thanks for your
4. Listen in
,; ll call you in a few days. time, Mr. A.nderson.
Carol5m needs to make a phone call.
Read the statements below. Then
listen to the conversation and say


) --

5, Your tutn --.--

,...rolyn lost her umbrella at the tryout. -_,4

- Llmplete the conversation below. Then

=--r it out with a partner.

Yicky What's wrongi'

- arolyn
Vicky What color is it?
r, arolyn

\ icky I think it's cver there )

in the corner.

6, How to say it H 7. Listen in

Carolyn got the part. Two months
later, George and Loretta are
watching TV with Niók and Stella,
and they see Carolyn's commercial.
Read the conversation below. Then
listen to the conversation and fill in ,1
the missing words.
u- George Hey, look! It's
B Is this it? Loretta You're !What a
\ Yes! Whát a relief!
| \v / t Stella Carolyn Duval . " . r.r,''ho's I
- that?
Loretta She next door. She's {
Nick She's really
Loretta shhr
- II
Unit 8 89

50. Do People Watch Too Much TV? :


Koji Kan'abe
I knou. a 1ot of parents are worried because their children watch TV all the
time. In fact. I read somewhere that the average child in the United States
\\'atches 19.000 hours of TV by the time he or she finishes high school. And
that trul¡' is a lot. But personally, I don't think TV is so bad. There are a lot
of interestin,e programs on TV and you can leam a lot about the world. It's a
gfeat mYenllon.

Rosa Ilernandez
The real problem is the commercials. They stop every ten minutes to show a
commercial. When I get.home at night, I want to relax and enjoy myself.
I'm not interested in watching ads for perfume and laundry detergent and
breakfast cereal. I certainly don't think I'11 be a better person or more
beautiful or healthy if I buy those things.

William Owen
I like to watch TV, but I think people spend too much time in front of their TV
sets. There a¡e a lot of dumb progr¿rms on TV. Also, the teleüsion is not a
very social machine. People should do things together-spend time with
friends, play sports, go to plays and concerts, things like that.

Cheryl Brady
Definitely. We all waúch too much. TV influences and changes our lives not
always for the better. For example, many experts feel that üolent TV programs
make children more aggressive-they fight or intemrpt other children who are
playing calmly-and that they will grow up to be aggressive adults.

1. Read the sursey. Who doesn't answer the question?

2. What's your opinion? Do people watch too much television?

90 Unit 8

Talk about what people are He's reading a book. The present continuous

Talk about the weather It's hot and sunny. Weather

Make a suggestion Let's go to a museum. Let's . . .

Object or agree That's a good idea./That's too boring. Articles: a, an, and the
Ask what time it is What time is it? Time
Find out hours What time do you open? vr
Talk about movies What's playing this week? Subject questions
Talk about likes and dislikes I don't really like old movies. Placement of adjectives
Talk about feelings l'm having a wondedul time. z

Preuiew the conversat¡ons.

French influence is very strong

in New 0rleans, especially in
the French Quarter. There are
many good French restaurants
there. l¡¡

There is also a Soanish
influence in the city,
particularly in the architecture.


African-Americans in New
0rleans developed jazz in the F
late 1800s. it is now popular
all over the world.

Discuss these questions with the class.

1. Where's New Orleans?

2. Think of things that New 0rleans is farnous for.
3. What kincl of things can you do in New 0rleans?

Unit 9 91
51. Any suggestions?
H fatty and Paul Sasa are spending their honeymoon in New Orleans.

Patty What a beautiful Patty Paul . . . What are you doing?

day! Are you having a Paul I'm calling my mother. (Dialing phone)
good time? Mrs. Sasá Hello?
Paul Yeah, I'm having a Paul Hi, Mom. It's Paul.
wonderful time. Mrs. Sasa Paul! How's New Orleans?
Patty I am too. I just love Paul Greatl We're sightseeing and going to
New Orleans! museums.
Paul I do too! Mrs. Sasa How's the weather?
Paul Oh, it's sunny and beautiful.
Mrs. Sasa Lucky you. It's cold here, and
it's snowing.

Patty Uh-oh. .. Paul What do you want to do? Any
Par-rl What's wrong? suggestions?
Patty ljh...Ithinkit's... Patty Let's go to a movie. Love on a Rainy
rai ning! Afternoon is playing near the hotel.
Paul Come on! Let's run. Paul But we go to the movies all the time at
Patty O.K., then, let's go to a museum.
Paul Good idea. Oh, wait-what time is it?
Patty It's a quarter after five.
FauI Too late. The museums close at five.
Patty Oh, rigtrt. They're open from ten to five.

92 Unit 9
.¡¡ro P'
fL Lr
Figure it out
1. Listen to the conversations.
Say true, false, or it doesn't
1. Patty and Paul dont like New
Paul I'm hungry. Orleans. False.
Patty Me too. Let's go out to dinner. 2. Patty calls her mother from
Paul O.K. What do you want to eat? New Orleans.
Patty How about oysters? New Orleans 3. Patty likes oysters.
is famous for its oysters. 4. Paul likes French food.
Paul You know I don't like oysters. 5. Patty and Paul go to a French
Patty Well, how about a French restaurant.
restaurant? ó. At twenty to ten, Paul wants
PauI No. That's too expensive. to go back to the hotel.
Patty Well, where do you want to go?
2. Listen again and choose
the best response to each
1. I just love New Orleans!
@ I do too.
b. I am too.
2. How's the weather?
a. That's good.
b. It's beautiful.
3. Any suggestions?
Patty I'm exhausted. Let's go back to the a. Let's go to a movie.
hotel. b. We're sightseeing.
Paul It's too early. It's only twenty to
ten! Let's go to a jazz club. Now let's 4. Let's go to a museum.
see.."who'spiaying? a. Me too.
Patty Oh, honey. . . I'm.too tired. b. That's a good idea.' "
Paul Oh, look! Toots Rixler is playing at 5. What time is it?
the Savoy. The show starls at ten a. It's a quarter after five. -
o'clock. Come on! Let's so! b. It's sunny.
ó. What are you doing? -
a. I'm calling my mother.
b. Let's go back to the hotel.
7. Who's playing?
a. Inve on a Rainy Afternoon-
b. Toots Bixler.

Unit 9 93
52, What are you doingS

H > Study the picture and complete the sentences.

> Listen to check your answers.
l. Boris is dancing. 4. _ are talking in the street.
2. is drinking wine. 5. _ isplaying jazz.
3. _ is going to a moüe. 6. _ are eating oysters.

> Study the frames: The Present Continuous

Inforrnation questions Statements Yes-no questions Short answers

y0u l'¡ ll0u Yes, am..
ate A¡e No,
'm not. do+ing{doing
We they have+ingthaving
they lfP
TheY 're (not)
Yes, WC

. doing? eating. listening? No, they aren'1" run+ing+rufining

is he He rs he
:] YES, he ¡s.
She 's ,
she NO,
she isn't.
Ir rarn,ng. ls ¡t raining? No, isn't.

Ho > Listen to tüe conversation below.

> Have a similar conversation about the
> Talk with your classmates.
people in the picture. What are you doing? What about your family and
friends? Where are they right now? What are they
A What's Boris doing? doing?
B He's dancing.
A Is he having a good time? .My father k at workright now. He's probably talking
B Yes. he is. on the telephone.

94 Unit 9
53. Ilowts the weather?

H > Read the weather rnap and circle a or b.
> Listen to check yorrr answers.
1. In R.eykjavik, it's . . , 3. In Prague, it's . . .
2L: very cold and snowing. a.-sunny and warm.
b. very cold and raining. b. cloudy and cool.
2. In Dublin, it's . . . 4. In Lisbon. it's . . .
a. cool and snowing. a. warm and raining.
b. cool and raining. b. cloudyandgool.

It's cold. It's cool. It's warm. It's hot.

Ask and answer questions about the Talk wittr your classmates" Hov/s tfre
map- weathen in your country right nowi .

A How's the weather in Dublin?

B It's raining.

Unit 9 95
54. Letts go to the beach.
H her husband's objections.

EI > Listen to the two possible conversations.

> Act out the conversations with a partner.

A What do you want to do? Any suggestions?

Let's + verb + Let's go out to dinner.
R Let's go to a movie.
A That's a good idea. A That's too boring. Let's go dancing instead.

Study the frame. H > Complete the conversation witlr.a_(an\

or the.
Articles: a (an) and the > Listen to check yorrr answers.
Lel's go to a museum. A Let's go to museum.
0.K How aboutthe añ musi:i¡m on Ranroart Street? B O.K. How about Voodoo Museum on
Dumaine Street?
A No, I was there yesterday. Let's go to _ art
museum instead.
B No. I don't think that art museum here is
very interesting.

96 Unit 9
a quarter after five half past,five ten after five twelve noon .
' (midnight) '.
fivb fifteen five thirty five ten
5:15 5:30 5:10 twelve o'clock
' ,;
E Listen to each conversation and circle the time yciü hear.
I. a. 5:15 2. a. 9:00 3. a. 10:10 4. a. 12:00\
b. 5:45 b. 9:30 b. 9:50 . b. 12:30

What time is it, l'm sorry. I don't

please? have a watch.
> Ask and answer questions about t\e clocks in the picture.
A What timeis it?
B It's a quarter after eight.
What time is it now?

> Listen to the telephone conversation. '

> Act out the conversation. Call one of the places in the guidebook below.
A, (Dials number) Rrring, rrring on Mondays = every Monday
B Belle Monde Restaurant, may I help you?
A Yes. What time $o you openJ
B We're open from ó midnilht. a.m. = in the morning
A So you opeir at six o'clock? p.m. = in the afternoon
B Yes. in the evening '
A O.K. Thank you. at night

f.l É lY ORLEAN $3t.3i.ti\'2


The Voodoo Museum -flie Louisiana Savoy The Belle Mr¡¡de

724 Dumaine Street State Museum Bourbon Street 400 Esplanade A.'enue
10:00am -5:00p.m. 70 1 Chartres Eixler and his 6:00 p.m to Midnight
Closed Mondays 9:00 4:00, band. Closed lÍondays
p.m. to 2:Uü a.m. ('rea¡ FrencL iood

The Art Museum 11:00 3:0O, Sunday Expqriae

110 Rmpatt Street 9:00 - 12:00,
10:00 5:30 every day Music Hall Italiz¡ Villa
'old Rock and Roll i6C Bor¡bol St:eet
to Midnisht f(oon Ivlidni¿;ht everv day
night Jood ata inexPen-rl:t
Royal Street

unit g gr
55" IIo you want to go to a movie?

> Answer the questions using the inforrnation in the movie ads.
1. What's playing this week?
2. Who's inThe Doctor's Office?
3. Who's in Love on a Rainy Aftetnoon? Subject questions with who and what
4. Who's Da.vid Contrerasl What's playing? The Lost Galary (is'playingl.
5. What's playing at the Baker Street Theater? Who's in Rock and Roll Cowbot/? Gharlie Mills
6. What's playing at midnight? and Donna Sue Parker.
7. Who's in Rock end Roll Cowboy?
8. What's "the best science fiction movie in

Ftl{At A loue story for tbe yoang at beart STATE THEATER



"...the best science fiction

movie in years,"
2¿tft Mq{uMEr¡f AvE 3439556
6:oo A Ereat 7:fi) 9:25

8:OO r r
1:00 2:50 4:4O 6:JO 8:25 l}:lJ
Charlie lllills and Doni¡a Sue Parker tt5-rrcl THE

DosroR's 0rncr
Drew Young and Julia Williams
7:15 - 9:30
David Cor!l.rerüs i¡r

& and the &
6:OO - 8:OO
Route 6. Exit 4 - 55$2917

> Talk with your classmates.

l. The Doctar's'Cffice is pla"ying at the Bal<er Street Name a film for each category. Use the movie ads
Theater. False. above or talk about movies vou know.
2. l'he Lost Galax:1,is a gri'¿tt adventure movie.
3.' Cas(rblanca st.arls at rr-ridnight. Some kinds of movies
4. ]lessa Lake is in Cha,rlie and úte Last classic mo,¡ies -" comedies
Frontier. horror movies dramas
5. The Sta'Le Theater is oi'r. itrlcnunent Avenue. adventure movies westerns
6. lthe Circle Cinema is r1or^ ..i()v\¡n love stories science frction movies
. ílock tlnd Roil Cow!:oy is a cor--qedy. docu mentaries

98 Llnit I
R¡Yes h5 ffÉ
H Complete the conversation with the objections in the box.
Use the informatiori in the ads.
Listen to check your answers.
A Let's go to a movie. Casablanca starts at midnight.
B I don't reqlh like old movies . Besides, that's too late.
A O.K. Claws 11is at the'Circle Cinema. Some polite objections
;B The Circle is tgo far away and : "
A How about The Story of Civilization? I don't really like documentaries.
I don't reaily like love stories. .
B That's Loo long and
A oh, look! Love on a Rainy Afternoon is at thg Baker Street Theater. -l Con't really like movies..
I don't really like horror movies.'
A Well, what kind of movies do you like? *l don't realiy like old movies.

H > Listen to the conversation.
> Have a sirnilar conversation with a partner.
.A What kind of movies do you like?
B I like horror r,noüies. flow about you?
A I like love stories.


H Imagine you ¿rre at a movie theater with a friend. Listen

Placement of adjectives
to the possible conversations. ,
This movie is fantastic.
This is a fantastic movie.
B Yeah, I'm having a wonderful timc. É No, I'm having a terrible time. r
a I'm not. This movie is horrible. A I am too. This is an awful movie. Some adjeclives

fantast¡c horrible
wonderful awful
excellent terrible
good lousy

EI > Listen to this coi-rversation. Then act ii > Play these roles.
out with a partner.
Student A Telephone Student B and suggest
A (Dials number) Rring, rrring going to a movie. Use the information in the
B Hello. movie ads or your cwn newspaper to answer his
A go to a movie? or her questions.
B What,s playing?
A is playing at
Student B Student A calls to invite you to a
movie. You don't have a newspaper. Ask for more
B Oh, I dorrlt rpally like westerns. information about the movies. Agree with or
A How'aboitfhe Doctor's ffice? object to Sirrdent A's suggestions.
B Who's in it?
A Drew Young and Juli¿iWilliams.
B What time does it sta t?
A There are shows aí 7: t5 and 9:30.
B Hmm. The 9:30 show is too late. Let's go to the
7:15 show.
A O.K.

Unit 9 99 ,
5ó. Two tickets, pleosG.
El fhe Arnos go to a moüe to get out of their cold apartment.


Two,,please. Are
we late?

E¡ 4. How to say it
Practice these conversations.

z. a rffrL"l"ld movies.

B _t'r/e{ildon't.

100 Unit 9
Ioretta Uh-oh. . . 6. Your turn
George What's wrong? Aman andawomanare
Ioretta I can't see! (Turning to man) Excuse planning their evening. Act out
me, sir-is this seat taken? the conversation. Refer to the
Man Uh. . .flo, it's not. movie section of a newspaper
Loretta Let's mpve down a seat, George. if possible.
Woman Shh!
Woman What do you want to do
Woman O.K. What do you want
to see? Any suggestions?
Woman No, I don't like that kind
of movie.
Woman That's fine- Do you know
what time it starts?
Woman Let's go to the last show.

Loretta Oh, I just love Humphrey Bogart!

George Yeahlwell, at least it was warm in
Loretta Oh, I almost forgot. Remember that
contest you entered last month?
George Oh, yeah. For the free trip to
Miami Beach.
Loretta Well, this letter came today.

YAH00! Pack your bikini,

Loretta! We're going to
8. Figure it out
True orfalse?
1. It's very cold in the Arnos'
apartment. True.
2. George wants to see Casablanca.
3. Casablanca is an old movie.
4. George likes the movie.
5. George and Loretta win a trip to

Unit 9 101

New Orledns with its

famous French
Quarter (Vieux Carré)
is a never-ending
delight for visitors as
well as natives. For
shopping, dining,
entertainment or just
the pleasures of
walking and watching,
th'ere's no place tike it
in the world.
Greatcr New
OrÍeans Touristand
Convenfion Commission

New Orleans, at the mouth of France againlln 1803 president African-American community of
the Mississippi River. is a ciry Thomas Jefferson bought the the late nineteenth century.rAnd
over 274 years old. The French Louisiana Territory, including. every spring New Orleans
built the first town in 1718 and New Orleans, from. France. The celebrates its legendary holiday,
narned it in honor of the French cost: $15 million.4 Mardi Gras. From colorfui
Duc d'Orleansl Today, New The city of New Orleans has celebrations in the streets to
Orieans has over 600,000 people a tradition of good living.- formal masquerade balls, it is a
and it is an important U.S. port 'Perhaps that's why many magical time of costumes,
and center for tourism.T American writers, such as parades, ald parties{
New Orleans is a city with a Tennessee Williams ald ior more information see
European flavor and an William Faulkner, lived there at your travel agent or call or
interesting history. In l1 62, some time during their lives; Its wnte:
France gave New Orleans and restaur2-nts are famous for The Greater Ner¡' Orleans
part of its Louisiana colony to It has
Fiench and Creole food. Tourist and Convention
SpainYIt belonged to Spain for ryany old houses. and Commission
over 30 years. Then in 1800 governrr,ent buildingstJazz, a 1520 Sugar Bowl Drive
Napoleon Bonaparte asked famous musical tradition in New Orleans.LA 7OII2
Spairi to return the tc;"iitcry lo New Orleans, dates from the 504-566--5011

l. Read the article. Then circle the things you can 2. Answer these questions.
find in New Orleans.
1. What two were important
a. good shopping d gr-eat beaches in the hist
b. interesting old buildings excellent restaurants 2. What famous holidaV does New Orleans
c. good'r.veather f. jazz celebrate?

102 tjnit 9

Talk about favorite foods Steak is my favorite food.. Foods

Shop for food l'll take these bananas. Demonstrative adjectives: this, that, @
these, those
Ask about prices How much are oranges? How much
Ask for something you want I'd like some pears, please. Some and any
Do you need any onions?
IVlake a shopping list We need two pounds of chicken.

Preview the conversat¡ons.

$ i$,. J


In the United States, fruits and Do you think these ¡-rt'ices are
vegetables are weighed in pounds. expensive? How do they compare to
How are they weighed in your country? prices in your country?
1 Pound (lb.) = 453.5 grams (g)
2.2 pounds (lbs.) = 1 kilogram (kg)

Unit 10 103

5t. Anything else?
H B"fote they leave for work, Russ and Jill Perkins talk about what they want for dinner.

JilI What do you want lor dinner

Russ How about chicken?
Jill Anything bui chicken. We always
have chicken.
Russ Then let's go to a restaurant.
There's a new Japanese restaurant on
the corner.
JilI You know, I'd really like to stay
home tonight.
Russ Well . . . how about steak?
Jill Mmm . . . that's my favorite food.
And let's have a salad and some
potatoes too. . . . And then some
melon tor dessert-
Russ Great. You buy the fruit and
vegetables and I'll get the meat.
Jill O.K. I'll see you at six.

JilIOh, let me think. . . . Do you have

any melons?
Clerk What kind? I have these nice,
- fresh cantaloupes and those
watermelons over there.
Jill The cantaloupes look good. How
much are they?
Clerk They're $1.99 each.
Jill I'll take two, please.
Clerk All right. Would yo'r like anyrhing
JillNo, that's all. I{ow much is it?
Clerk'.Let's see. . . . That'll be 95.47.

104 Unit 10

Clerk May I help you? Jill
I'm really hungry. Where's the steak?
Russ Yes. I'd like some steak, Please. Russ Well . . . they were all out of steak'
Clerk I'm sorry. I'm all out of steak' So here's some chicken instead.
Russ Well . . . do you have anY chicken? Jill Chicken?
Clerk Sure. I always have chicken. Russ -Yeah. Chicken.
Jill Russ, let's go to a restaurant.
Russ Well, how about JaPanese food?
There's a new Japanese restaurant on
the corner, you know' ' . .

Figure it out No [iA7€s LD> es€fu,t{-tos;

1. Listen'to the conversaticrr and answer 3. Match.
the questions. 1 .How about Potatoesll a. They were out of Potatoes.
2. An1'thing else?
\b. Anything but Potatoes.
1. Does Russ rvant to eat dinner at home?
2. Does Jill realll'- r,r'ant to eat in a restaurant? 3. Where are the c. No, that's ali.
potatoes? d. s5.4 i.
2. Listen again. Say tt'uc, false, ot it doesn't 4. t{ow much is i"?

1. Russ wants to eat in a restaurant. True'

2. Tlne watermelons Iook bad.
3. Jill's favorite food is salad.
4. The store is out of chicken.
5. Russ and Jill are going to eat in a 1,9 lt

Unit 1011t5
Sg. Steak is mY tavorite food'

vegetable Group; the Meat, Fish' and Egg Group;
The four basic food groups are the Fruit and
Milk Group: and the Grain GrouP' potatoes'
grapes, apples, oranges, melons, spinach'
The Fruit and vegetable Group includes bananas, and
The Meat, Fish, and Egg Group contains fish' eggs'
tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, and many more.
and turkey' The Milk Group includes foods
like milk' cheese'
rneats such as beef, pork, lamb, chicken, cereals'
and yogurt. Finally, the foods in the Grain
Group are breads, pastas (like spaghetti)' and






106'Unit 10'

> -\nswer these questions. > Interview your classmates. Ask about
'= ihree kinds of fruit. each student's favorite foods.
--.= -hree vegetables. A What's your favorite fmit?
' -.r of the foods in the article do you eat? B Apples.
-: of these foods don't you eat? A What's your favorite vegetable?
- :: foods do you think are good for you and
B Carrots.
-r ones do you think are bad for You?


> Studv the frame.

- : - sr¿ative adjectives

this banana.
r' : these bananas.

_ _ ' '2nT lhal banana.

those bananas.


> Fill in the blanks withthis, that, these, > Compare the fruit at the two stands.
- or thosc. This wqtermelon is 49Q a pound. That watermelon is
> Listen to check your answers. 450 a pound.
\ O.K. What do we need? These apples are rotten. Those apples are fresh.
B Bananas, apples, and watermelon. These bananas are ripe. Those bananas are too ripe.
1 \Vell, bananas look terrible.
B Yeah, but bananas are ripe. And
ri-atermelon is fresh, too. 490 lb. = foü-nine cents a pound. Some adjectives
What about the apples?
- fresh old
B Ugh . . . look! apPles are rotten! rotten riPe
a Yuk! Let's take apples instead.

- Unit 10 107
Óo. How much are oranges?

t(úl > Listen to the radio ad.
Find the items in the
> Listen again. There are two
mistakes in the radio ad.
What are theY?
> Ask and answer questions
like the ones below. Potar.oes
o"r'rg." 3/$l
1. How much is a bag of
potatoes? Bananas 890 rn.
2. How
3. How
much are tomatoes?
much are oranges?
romaúoe" 8${ O ;;;"ñt;.4
4. How
5. How
much are bananas?
much is salmon?
illÍ#"ssc @ Waúermelo
ó, How much is chicken?
7. How much are these things T::,::$1.2$ rn. c"'p"" 9!|fl
at your local market? '

onions 5!|0 m. appr"" 550

55É ea. = fifty-five cents each

3/$'l = three for a dollar MAATS T'I$H
Pork chops $2.29 m. satmon $7.!|9 m.
potato+es t Potatocs
{ r,amb chops $3.1!| rn.
tomato+es tomatoes Ftounder $5.!|$ m.
chicken $2.4!| rn.


> Study the frame. > Complete the conversation with some
ot any.
> Listen to check Your work.
Some and any.
A I'd like some pears, please.
I have some
B I'm sorrl'. I don't have Pears.
I don't have any A Do you have aPPles?
Do you have any onions? B Yes.I have nice aPPles.
A -
Great. I'll take three, please.
B - else?
O.K. Anything
Some is used in Polite requests: A Yes. I'd like- bananas too'
B Sure, They're 89A a Pound.
Would you like sone onions?
A O.K. Give me six, please.
108 Unit 10
H > Listen to the possible conversations. You can say.
> Imagine you are at Nick's Grocery. Act out l'll take
the conversation with a Partner. l'd like two pounds, Please.
Give me
{ MuyI help you?
B Yes. I'd like two pounds of tomatoes, please.
I l'd like .. . is more polite than lwant. . .

Yes, they're right over here.

Great. Give me a pound, please.
Let's see. . . . That'll be $2.37.

H > Listen to the conversation.

A May I help you?
B Yes. I'd like two pounds of tomatoes, please.
A Anything else?
B Yes. I'd also like a pound of onions.
A I'm sorry. I'm all out of onions.
B Oh . . . do you have any garlic?
A Yes, it's over here.
B O.K. I'lI a head of garlic.
A Would you like anything else?
B Yes. I'd like a watermelon, Please. 2 t7s. pork.^^^.
A Sure. That'll be $ó.20. , .. ",tupg
> Have similar conversations
using the shoppiing lists.

H A woman is shopping-at Nick's
H > Listen to the conversation.
Grocery. Listen to the conversa-tion A What do you want for dinner? \
and check the items she buys. B Let's have chicken.
C How much is it?
tilt D It's $2.49 a pound at Nick's Grocery.
B O.K. We need two pounds. That'il be about
A What kind of vegetable do you want? . . .

> Solve this problern.

Work in groups of four. imagine you are preparing
dinner tonight only $10.00 for food.
Agree on what orn Nick's Grocery anri
make a shopping list.

Unit 10 109
6r. Ilepartment store
H Loretta is shopping for a bathing suit with

May I help you?

Yes. I'm going to Florida and I
need a new bathing suit.
Well, we have some very nice
bathing suits right over here. I'm
sure we have one just for you.
Wh do you wear.- a
(Laughs ) No. I need a fourteen.
The fourteens are over here. . . .
This is beautiful, don't you think?
Oh, that ls pretty, Loretta.
No. I don't like all those flowers.
But that's the style this year.
Everyone's wea g flowers.
Well. not me!

Stella How about those over there?

Clerk Those are bikinis.
Loretta (I^aughing) Me in a bikini? I don't
think so.
Clerk Well, do you like this?
Loretta Hmm . . . that's not bad. What do
you think, stella?
Stella Oh, it's very nice. I like it.
Loretta How much is it?
Clerk $59.98.
Loretta Oh, no. That's too expensive for ...
Stella Oh, come on, Loretta. Try it on!

Loretta Well? What do you think?

Stella You look terrific! George is going
to love it!
Loretta O.K. Ill take it.

4. Figure it out
True,false, or it doesn't say?
1. Loretta wants a new bathing suit for Florida.
2. Loretta wants a bikini.
3. George likes bathing suits with lots of flowers.
4. Loretta tries on a bathing suit rvitFr flowers.
5. Loretta buys a bathing suit for $59.98.

110 Unit 10
- y't
|f conversation
. First conversation .r-.,,(- W' | ¡i x{--"
2. second convcrsatio" @\Ñ
@\ñ ífij I r*

r\'\ _ld
/:\ \

í //

./'l l '
A. s. hTelthev?
\-l " I i-\'.{
ts $14.95, ve) ,"

1r^""* o&Etrm
EÉf,t: r, ,i,i:
A ..i' '..
.,'. : \ '..
A c- in iúe dep i+.i st.lre ¡¡¡a ts lr,r
*13 ;
ú '*' b*ly sorrre l¡rown surrglasses" Ac.t *¡;t :r r.l)¡is:tai-i5ii'
r:e¡rrversati o¡l l-¡etr¡¿een the custq¡vrae¡] all',il r.,.lie
C Ma-1'I hetrp -v*ou?
) q-, n-t-- ,. . - -\ -..,
Ct --t-
'\ Custo \ I

t. \
C ñt
. . . Fk:t't: \-(.,ti í11'
v.ii.i ir1' \
\i'l i
I C6cf,6.*^-
" \
Cersto / I

fr].-or. ;11r"!L!, ¡y- r.,r¡!., ¡ --. ---" )

üup;to \
C L f-t.]''
li._t\. 'J-i¡
lit Sl5.50.
JiJ,rv. 'r\
ll"il ':":':'¡,.
u! . !'-
It grows best in hot, wet weather and young plants
usually grow in fields under water. It originally
comes from India and China where it grew 3,000 to 5,000
years ago. Today it also grows in North and South
America, but more than 95Vo of the world's supply
comes from Southeast Asia. We only eat the seeds of this
plant, but you have to cook them.

In the sixteenth century, Spanish explorers found

them in Peru and took them back to Soain. At
about the same time, Sir Walter Raleigh introduced
them to England and Ireland. People have to wash them
very well because they grow under the ground. Today,
the French style of cooking them is very popular and North
America, Northern Europe, and the former Soviet Union
are the biggest producers.

Peru was their native home, but they first became

an important food in Mexico. Spanish explorers

America. You cut them when they are green, then they
ripen and turn yellow and sweet. They are delicious raw,
but you can also cook them. Central and South America
and the West Indies grow them for export.


I g story is that rs
I South Americai h
I m back to Spain. same
I trme, explorers probably carried them f¡om South
j America across the Pacific to China. The Spanish and

1. Read the article and rnatch the descriptions with the names under the pictures.

2. Answer the questions.

1. Which three foods are origi rally trom South America?
2. Which two are from Asia"?

112 Unit 10
i¡ Talk about past activities They visited their friends. The past tense \
They went to the ballet
Ask about the weekend How was your weekend?

Ask about the past What did you do? Information questions in the past

Talk about the past She went to the office. To, at, in with the definite article
She was at the office. ¿t
She was in the office.

Preview the conuersat¡ons. rn


0n Saturday night, Jenny and Sherry went to a movie. What movie

did they see? What did they do after the movie?

Unit 11 'N13 .
ó3. Saturday night . o o

E Jenny and her friend Sherrv see Gone with the wind for the third time.

rny Well, what did you think
of.,I the movie?

Sherry So, are you still working

at the Stop and Shop?
Jenn¡z Just on Mondays and
Wednesdays. Do you know
who works there now? Gary
Sherry No kidding! I saw him
last week at a party. He's a
pretty nice guy.
Jenny Yeah, he is.

114 Unit 11
Jenny How was your weekend?
Gary It was pretty boring, actually. I
visited my parents on SaturdaY and
I studied all day yesterday. Last
night I was tired so I went to bed
early. How about you? What did
you do?
Jenny Sherry and I went out
Saturday night.
Gary So, what did you do?
Jenny Oh, we went to the movies.
Gary What did you see? . ., f,
Jenny We saw Gone with the Wind.'
Gary Oh, I saw that last Year. I didn't
like it much, though"
Jenny Really? Why not?
Gary I guess I just don't like romantic

Figure it out Ñ O Ra"z€S i-.a> ejgRciCtos

1. Listen to the conversation. Then complete 3. Match each verb with its past form.
the sentences with good or boring.
Jenny's weekend was pretty 1f,'"f"-f,, sot
GarJ's weekenci -was pretty 3. study c. did
4.go d. sturdied
2. Listen again and answer truerfalse, ot it 5. do e. saw
doesn't say. 6. see f. had
7. love g. went
1. Jenny and Sherry went out Saturday night' 8. get h. loved
2. They had a pizza before the movie. ;¡9
3. They thought the movie was great.
4. They got ice cream after the movie.
5. Jenny worked on Sunday.
6. Sherry knows Gary.
7 . Gary studied on Sunday. , ,

8. Botil Jenny and Gary Like:d' Gone with the Wind.'\'

Unit 11 115
64, How was your weekend?

H Listen to what the people in the pictures did yesterday.

Match the descriptions with the pictures.
1. He had dinner with a friend. 6. She visited her parents.
2. She got ice cream. They studied at the library.
3. They went to the.ballet. 8. She worked all day.
4. She did her homewcirk. 9. He relaxed at home.
5. He losi his wallet. 10. They watched TV.


116 Unit 11
> Study the frames: Past Tense

Some irreguiar verbs

Aff i rmative statements Past tense of regular verbs

I liked ttl the movie a lot. like+ed + liked do- did have had
get gol lose lost
She studied [a] French last night. visit+ed + visited go went
He They went to the beach
They visited [ad] their f riends yesterday. study+ed + sludied

H Gary's weekend was boring, but the weekend before last, he had more
fun. Complete the conversation using the information in the pictures.
> Listen to check your zrnswers.
Jim How was your weekend, Gary?
Gary Oh, it was pretty good. On Friday night
Jim Hoi'i about Saturday?
Gary Well, inthe morning On Saturday night
Jim Sunday nlght too?
Gary No,

Friday 11:30 PM

Saturday 10:00 PM Sunday 8:00 PM

> Talk with your classmates. Ask about their weekend.

Unit 11 117
65. What did ,orÁo,
H Complete the paragraphs about Jenny's mother, Mrs. Wilcox. Use the
past tense of the verbs in parentheses. . _ r\
Liur.o to check r;;;i:"-Ñ'5"h'47ÉS )45 €ft-R¿-t cJc*--,
Mrs. Wilcox (have) a terrible day on Monday. You see, her
Some more irregular verbs ,
entire life is in her appointment book and she (lose) it.
She (go) to Chicago for a business meeting. At the meeting, she find found see saw
looked in her briefcase for her appointment book, but it wasn't there. leave left iake , took
put '
think lhought
She - (think) maybe she (put) it in her -----
-----o' but
- -- it
-- lli
say said
wasn,t there either.
- her meeting she _
After dinner and _ (see) a movie.
Then she returned to the hotel. At the hotel she (get) a surprise. There was a message from the
airline. They (say) they (find) her appointment
- book. She (leave) it on the plane.

1. Where did she go on Sunday afternoon? 4. Where did she go on Tuesday?

2. What time did she have a meeting at City Bank? 5. Who did she see?
J. What did she do Mondav evenins? ó. What did she do on Friday?


S*ncla! 7
qoÍ,o Chicago (4:OO 7M) have meelingwith my
Lake Daá Nq lunch for hie birthday
Call Jenny andinviteherto dinner

&{onday E
finieh reporl aboutbuei
have meeLinq at City 1ank (11:OO AM)
have dinner al home wiÍ,h Jenny
have dinner
see a movie (The Loet Gala4r) Fridav 12
íake lhe day offl
eeeLhe d,octor (1O:ZO AM)
Tuesday 9 qoto a Vlay (B:OO 7M,\
goto Naehvile (7:+5 AM)
)ee óud Lee at New Bank (1O:OO AM) r3
relurn f.o 9oeton (B:OO 7U) play +,ennio with friends )
cleanLhe houee


> Study the frame: Information Questions Imagine it's Saturday. Ask and answer
in the Past Tense questions about Mrs. Wilcox's week.
Information questions
Expressions in the past
llVhere g0? went to Nashville.
What did you do? i had a meeting.
Monday morning last Monday
yesterday afternoon yesterday evening
VVho see? sau; Bud Lee. last night last weekend

, 118 Unit 11
6ó. Yeterday No R*v€S EJ- L-l

E Jepny is talking to her friend Sherry. Listen and check the things she did
l. ' She went to the hosPital.
2. " She took some books to a friend.
3. She did her homework in the hospital.
4. She had lunch with her mother at home.
5. She went shopping.
6. - She looked for a new wallet.
7.'-- She got a new watch.
8. She went to class.

> Study the frame and look at the pictures.

To, at, and ln with the def inite article

. the office the office.

the hospital. the hospital.

She went io work. She was scn00r.
school n0me.
the office.
the hobpital.

horngi CIASS.

She went to the hospital. She was at the hospital. She was in the hospitai.

Complete the paragraph with to (tlrc), > Interview a classmate.

qt (the), or in (th.e) if necessary. ¡lno out what a classmate did yesterday. Use the
Jenny's friend Mark was
hospital' On questions in the br¡x or yoLlr own quesl-ions. Teli
anot her classrnate about yotrir partner.
Tuesday Jenny went hospital to visit
him. She was hospital for an hour, Then
she went work. She was Where were yorr yesterday?
What did you do there?
work all day. After work she went shopping arrd
Where were you last night?
then at six o'clock she went class" What did you do/see/hav"? Anything exciting?
Finally, at eight thirty she went home.

Unit 11 'l'19
ó?, Now think back o . .
[H George and Loretta arrive at the airport.

George What did you put in these ,_ lS

suitcases, lead? o(,

Loretta I'm sorry, George. We had a lot
of things.
1 ryt\
,' l- '=--.-
'-(n/ / \

Employee May I help you? I

Loretta Yes. We're going to Miarni.

Employee May I see your tickets, please?
Loretta George...
George Huh?
Loretta Give her the tickets.
George Oh, the tickets . . . uh-oh. . .
Loretta What's the matter?
George I don't have the tickets.


lialf an hour!
George Nou, calrn down, Loretta.
Loretta O.K. . . . I gave them to you this
mornrng, remember?
George Right.
]-oretta At breakfast.
George Right.
Loretta Norv think back. What did you do
after that?
George Let's see . . . I got up f?om the
table . . .

Loretta Yes...
George . . . and I went into the bedroom. .

Loretta Yes...
George . . . and I put them in the pocket of
my jacket . . . and now they're not
there. (George looks in his pocket.)
Loretta That's not pr-rssible, George. Look
again | 3. Figure it out
George Wait! Now I remenrberl I put them I
in the pocket of rny blue jacketl rt's ruo* think back and put the events in the
in m5' suitcase' |
| .o."ect order.
__-_ George went to the bedroom and put the
tickets in the pocket of his blue jacket.
__ ,._ Lcretta gave George the tickets.
_ , _ George remembered that the tickets were
in the pocket of his blue jacket.
_, ,_ George and Loretta found the tickets.
._ Loretta asked George for the tickets.
George and Loretta went to the airport.
George put his blue jacket in his suitcase.
,1,_' __ _ The tickets weren't in George's pocket.
'!20 UniI11/ \

4" fuEsÉe¡e Esr

is saying good-bye to a woman at the airporf. ,Read the questions

1\ ma-rr
below" Then li-ste¡a to the conversation arad answer the suestions.

\ \,
Á -^:.:?--H- /
?= Your turn
Anny mns into her friend tr-o¡r in th,e airtrrort. Tleey
were t¡oth a\¡/ay o!3 trips. Act otrt thr eonversati,o¡r.

Arny I-oui Horn are j/ou doing?

Amv So. r,viiere wc'lrr vou tiri¡ time?
.&rny i-cndt¡rr.
Amy Ch, mv trip. 1&'3t O"K. Bv tlte ¡¡¡a:r', l-ilr:tl,c
was c¡r thc Xlighr
i-cf r{
A¡n She's frne. Sire.says heilo.

Urii 11 1?'!
When Margaret Mitcbell was 3 5,
ót. herself at home in Atlanta with a broken
sbe found

E ankle and notbing to do. Sbe had read all of
tbe books in the local library so ber busband.
suggested tbat sbe write her own book. hs
original title was Tomorrow Is Another
Day. When it was pablisbed, more tban
100,000 copies sgld immediately. h became a
best-seller and Daaid O. Selznick at tbe
MGM rnozlie stadio bou.ght the moaie
rigbr. Mitchell neaer wanted to write a
sequel to ber noael. For bet, she snid, the
story bad ended. She died in 1949 before
anylne could change ber mind. In 1991,
Scarletg a nouel by Alexandra Ripley, was
pablished zuitb tbe apprlael 0f Margaret
Mitchell's estate.

1. What is the real nanie of this famous novel and movie?

2. Answer these ques'cions.

1 Who wrote the original novel?
2. Why did Clark Gable take the part?
3. Who played Scarlett O'Hara? Where was the actress from?
4. Is there a sequel to the novel? Who wrote it?

122 Unit 11
Review of units t-!I,
You are calling a friend who has moved
to Los Angeles. Complete the phone WEATHER REPORT
conversation. Athens 65e cloudy
Imagine your partner moved to one of
the cities in the weather report. Act out Gairo 95" sunny
a similar conversation. Hefsinki 20" snowing
B Oh, pretty good. How are you?
London 72" I raining
A Los Angeles 86" sunny
B Nothing much. I'm just sitting here and reading
a book, and I decided to call you.
Madrid 5Oo windy
A Moscow 40" cloudy,
B Yes. I like Los Angeles a lot.
B It's very hot today. So, what are you doing now?

Student.A follows the instructions below.

Student B follows the instructions on
page 124.
Student A Ask your partner if there's a department
store , a bookstore, a shoe store, and a grocery store in
the neighborhood shown on the map. Locate the
places if they exist. Then answer your partner's

Student A follows the instructions below.

Student B follows the instructions on page 124.
Student A You and your partner are coming óut of the elevators in Brennan's
Department Store. Ask your partner for directions to the cafeteria, the restrooms, the
drinking fountain, and the stairs. Locate each place on the floor plan. Then answer
your partner's questions.

. t1''
Review of units 8-11 123 ;.
Student B follows the instructions bel<¡w.
Student A follows the instructions on
page 123.
Student B Use the map to answer your partner's
questions. Then ask your partner if there's a video
store , a drugstore , a bank, and a movie theater in the
neighborhood. Locate the places on the map.

Student B follows the instructions below.

Student A follows the instructions on page 123.

Student B You and your partner are coming out of the elevators in Brennan's Department
Store. Answer your partner's questions. Then ask your partner for directions to the food shop,
the telephon¿s, the bookstore, and the Lost and Found. Locate each place on the floor plan.

H Listen to the radio commercial for

Brennan's Department Store. Then
complete the newspaper ad with the
correct address and store hours.




124 Review of units 8-11

> You are in the men's department of Brennan's. Look at the picture and
complete the conversation.
> Act out a similar conversation with a pantner, talking about other items
in the picture.
Customer Excuse me, how much are these silk ties?
Customer Oh, they're too exPensive.
Customer Yes. They are pretty nice. How much are they?
Customer Good. I'll take a blue tie and a green tie.
Customer No. That's all. How much is it?


> You are standing at the sale table in the men's department. Compare the
items on the table with those on the counter.
These ties are cotton.
Those ties are silk.

These wallets are $3.50.

Those wallets are $10.00.

> Complete the conversation. > Play a game.

A Your partner will hide one of your personal
B What's wrons? belongings. Act out a conversation like the one on
A the left.
B Your sweater? It's over there on the teacher's

Review of units 8-11 125

> You are in the food shop at Brennan's. complete the conversation.
> Look at the picture and act out a similar conversation with a partner.
You Excuse me. Do you have any pears?
You Oh, no! Well, give me six oranges
You No. That's all.

Imagine you are having coffee at Brennan's cafeteria and you see a
How was your weekend?
friend. Greet your friend and ask about his or her weeketri. t.ll
What djd you do?
about your weekend. Use the sentences in the box.

> Complete the conversation.

A Let's go to a movie.
A Gone with the Wind is playing at the Winthrop.
A How about Sylviá's Adventures? It's playing at
the Cinema Center.
B 3rd Ave & 6Oth 5t. . 555-6754
A There are shows at 8:20 and 10:30. A very funny comedy - ***ll2
A o.K.
¿fEI o
at 8:2O and 1O:3O
Act out a similar conversation with a
partner. Suggest going to see a movie shor,rm SUneommon Áovet
in the ad or one advertised in vour local 2. at 8:3O and lO:tO
52 W. 8th St. . 555-6515
newspaper. Science Fiction - Experience üre Future._.

STATE THEATER ¡ at 7:15 and 9:45

34 St. at 3rd Ave. . 555-7316
A Glassic Western - ****
. at
1O:OO and
22 Sutton Place . 555-4769

126 Review of units 8-11

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