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OSCAR LEESER ‘MAYOR August 4, 2021 ‘The Honorable Greg Abbott Office of the Governor P.O. Box 12428 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2428 Dear Governor Abbott: ‘As you know, last Fall, El Paso was one of the worst COVID-19-infected cities in the country. Due to the vaccination distribution efforts of the State of Texas, the combined leadership in El Paso, and the resounding response from our community members, we are now one of the highest vaccinated cities in the nation, with 69.8% of our 12+ population fully vaccinated, and 81.7% partially vaccinated, Our numbers for our senior population are even better, with 87.3% of our 65+ population fully vaccinated and 95.4% partially vaccinated. We must continue to encourage all residents to get vaccinated, especially now that the much more contagious Delta variant is in our midst. That said, our youngest citizens remain ineligible to receive the vaccine, and we are now faced with the great risk presented to them just as they have returned to school. El Paso’s three largest public-school districts joined other area schools in resuming in-person learning this week. As you know, the CDC has placed schools as areas of high risk of COVID-19 transmission, and recommends that everyone in K to 12 schools, including teachers, staff, students, and visitors, wear a mask indoors, regardless of their vaccination status. The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that everyone older than 2 wear a mask in school. Executive Order No. 36, which you issued on May 18, 2021 prohibits us from requiring the use of facemasks. The 254 counties in your jurisdiction are all unique. Each one faces different threats, rik factors, geographic challenges, and dynamics in underlying conditions of our populations that should be thoughtfully considered and uniquely addressed. The feedback we have received from educators overwhelmingly supports local discretionary authority for facemask requirements, especially since our young children cannot receive the vaccine. The use of facemasks will aid in the return to normalcy in school operations while providing the safety our little ones need, and the peace of mind parents year for. eee ity of ElPaso + 300N.Campbell + EI Paso, TX 79901 pt (915) 212-0021 Children this age are innocent and trusting. They may not be as vigilant with precautions as adults, especially since teachers and administrators are spread thin and cannot watch over each child every second of the day. They will gather, they will play, and they will put themselves at increased risk just at the time when the very contagious Delta variant is among us. This is an urgent need and an urgent, request for an unprotected, helpless, exposed and unguarded population. And the ones it is our responsibility to protect the most, our children. ‘We urge you to revise your order to allow local schoo! districts discretionary authority for facemask requirements to protect the youngest among us. sincerely, ob Me iiuda A Sameer Iscar Leeser Ricardo Samaniego Mayor County Judge City of Paso + 300N.Campbell + EI Paso, TX 79901 (915) 212-0021

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