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Being the best creatures on this planet, human beings are superior over all other

ceatures with an edge of ´ thinkingµ. this distinguishing feature originates from

the most vital and indispensable organ of he body viz ,µbrainµ. All the activities of

a human body are normally centrally controlled y the brain.

In brief a human body minus a thinking brain is a futile organism.

Patients with spinal cord injury,stroke,motor neuron desease,muscular

dystrophy,paralyses etc. are the subjects with thinking brains but with

dysfunctional limbs lacking communication or interface between the neurons

and the rest body. An assistive technology which creates a brain -machine

interface has baan introduced as Brain gate technology which develops product

design to turn ,µthoughts into actionµ the thoughts are originating from a

person·s brain and the actions can be performed through Robotics,electronic

communication system,digtal networks etc. so brain Gate is a system that is

designed to restore functionality to severely motor impaired individuals.

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