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12 d /11 n

This special Peru birding tour will take you to unexplored newly accessible locations.  Most birding tours
take you to the southern tourist Mecca near Cuzco, or to Ecuador, but neither offers our world’s most
extreme endemic zones.  It stands to reason that Peru’s tropical northern cross-section would offer more
and better varieties despite not having a promotion budget to hype these.  This trip will start in the desert
coast of Lambayeque, across the high Andes, and end in the incredible jungle of Tarapoto.  We will visit
the most important places that Valqui mentions in his book.  Peru has more bird varieties than N. America
and Europe combined.  This program contains the best accommodations offered in the area.

Day 1  Lima – Chiclayo

Airport pick up in Chiclayo.  Chiclayo is Peru’s fourth largest city located in desert coast where the climate
is warm and sunny almost all year. We will visit Private Reserve of Chaparri seeking out the specialties
such as White-winged Guans, Tumbes Tyrants, White-headed Brush-Finches, Scarlet-backed
Woodpecker and other endemics of the Tumbesian region.  Night in Gran Hotel Chiclayo.  (BL)

Day 2 Chiclayo – Olmos

Early transfer to Reserve of Batan Grande these dense old mesquite have been declared archaeological
and ecological sanctuary. This beautiful birding site is 13,400 hectares, the biggest forest on the Peruvian
Coast.  Several species are found here as the Peruvian Plantcutter, Necklaced Spinetail, Rufous
Flycatcher, Coastal Miner, Supercilliaried Wren, Black-faced ibis,Savvana Hawk, Pearl Kite,  Aplomado
Falcon, Peruvian Pygmy-Owl, Shot-tailed Woodstar, Sacarlet-backed Woodpecker, Streak-headed 
Woodcreeper, Pacific Hornero, Necklaced Spinetail, and others… we will continue birding and probably
find Gray and Gold Warbler, Sooty-capped Flycatcher, Gray and White Tyrannulet, Tumbre Tyrant
(endemic), Sooty-capped Flycatcher among others. Night in a local hotel.  (B, L, D)

Day 3 Olmos

Olmos is well known for the relatively recent re-discovery of the White-winged Guan, first discovered en
the 1870s and not seen again for 100 years. This extremely range-restricted guan has been found now in
several valleys.  We have all day to explore the canyons and likely we will see Henna-hooded Foliage-
gleaner, Elegant Crescentchest, White-headed Brush-finch, Henna-hooded Foliage-glea, White-winged,
Tumbes Hummingbird (endemic) Red-masked Parakeet, plumbeous-backed Thursh, Cinereous Finchs
(endemic),  White-Winged Guan.  Transfer to the city of Olmos where we will spend the night in a local
hostel.  (B,BL,D)
Day 4 Olmos – Jaen

Today we will continue to Jaen, after passing Abra Porculla although not in the dry forest region, this more
humid montane area is not far away and has some very interesting birds that add to the Olmos birds. We
will stop in different key locations to observe the local endemics.  Birds that we may see are: Yellow-bellied
and Black and White Seedeaters, Andean Tinamou, Black-cowled Saltator, Elegant Crescentchest, White-
winged and Bay Crowned Brush-Finch’s Chapman’s Antshrike, , Rufous-necked and Henna-hooded
Foliage-Gleaners, Andean Tinamou, Peruvian Slaty-Antshrike, Spot-throated Hummingbird and Chinchipe
Spinetail, Gray-chinned Hermit, Ecuadorean Piculet, Rufous-necked Foliage Gleaner. In the afternoon we
will bird near the Monastery, located just outside Jaen.  Night in Jaen hotel.  (B, BL, D)

Day 5 Jaen – Choctamal

Early start to look for Little Inca Finch and several Maranon endemics. Later continue on to Choctamal and
night in Choctamal Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge.  Hot tub and dinner overlooking Fortress Kuelap, the
largest building of the Americas. (B,L, D) 
Day 6  Choctamal Huiquilla Forest

Early start with birding around Choctamal Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge. There are 328 varieties of
hummingbirds found only in the Americas, and less than 20 venture into the United States. The world’s
most spectacular and mysterious one is the Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigesia mirabilis) with less than
1000 estimated in existence, and can be seen daily at this lodge.  Near the lodge you can look for more
birds in Choctamal:  Timamiformes, Tinamidae, Nothoprocta sp. “perdiz” Tinamou, Galliforme, Cracidae,
Penelope ortoni “sachahuashpa”, ”pava de monte”  Guan Columbiformes, Columbidae, Columba fasciata
albilinea “Torcaza”  Band-tailed Pigeon Leptotila sp. Dove, Ciconiformes, Cathartidae, Cathartes aura
“gallinazo cabeza roja” Turkey vultur, Coragyps atratus “shuca”, “gallinazo cabeza negra”  Black vulture, 
Falconiformes, Accipitridae, Buteo albicaudatus “Gavilan” White-tailed hawk, Falconidae, Falco sparverius
“Cernicalo” Common kestrel, Strigiformes Strigidae Glaucidium brasilianum “Talacua” Ferruginous Pygmy-
Owl, Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae, Chordeiles sp. Nighthawk, Micropodiformes, Trochilidae, Colibri
coruscans   Sparkling Violetear,.  Night in Choctamal Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge..  (B, BL, D) 

Day 7 Choctamal – Kuelap – Choctamal forest

Today you will be free to explore the surroundings of the lodge in the morning at your own pace.   After
lunch we will head to the ancient Fortress Kuelap located only at 40 minutes from the Choctamal
Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge.  Birds around this fortress are: Aglaeactis cupripennis  Shining Sunbeam,
Chlorostilbon sp. Emerald, Thalurania sp. Woodnymph, Chalybura sp. Plumeleteer, Psittaciformes,
Psittacidae, Aratinga wagleri  scarlet-fronted parakeet, Piciformes, Picidae, Piculus sp. Woodpecker,
Passeriformes,  Tyrannidae,  Contopus virens, Eastern Wood-Pewee Myarchus tuberculifer  Dusky-
capped Flycatcher,  Todirostrum cinereum common tody-flycatcher,  Hirundinidae,  Notiochelidon
cyanoleuca “golondrina” Blue-and-white Swallow Turdidae,  Turdus fuscater Great Thrush,  Turdus sp 
Trush,  Troglodytidae,  Troglodytes aedon  House wren,  Icteridae,  Cacicus sp. Cacique,  Vireonidae, 
Vireo olivaceus  Red-eyed Vireo,  Fringilidae,  Dendroica sp. Warbler,  Vermivora sp. “reinita” Warbler, 
Pheucticus chrysopeplus Yellow Grosbeak,  Emberizidae,  Zonotrichia capensis  Rufous-collared Sparrow,
Certhiidae,  Donacobius atricapillus Black-capped Donacobius among others.  Night in Choctamal
Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge (B, L, D) 
 Day 8 Choctamal–Pomacochas

Transfer to Pomacochas & La Florida located at the 326 Km between Chiclayo and Tarapoto, vultures,
herons are divisible on the way to Pomacochas , check into the Pomacochas hotel.  The rest of the
afternoon if time allows we will be looking for the famous Marvelous Spatuletail around the area and other
birds like Black Crested Warbler, Andean Lapwing, Grassland yellow-finch, Silver-backed and Blue-
capped Tanagers, flowerpiercers, and Green-throated, Smoke-colored Pewee, Purple-throated Sunangel,
Three-striped and Russet-crowned Warblers, Green-tailed Trainbearer, Smoke-colored Pewee, Sierran
Elaenia, Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet, Streak-necked Flycatcher among others.  Night in Pomacochas. (B,
BL, D) 

Day 9 Abra Patricia

We will continue our exploration in the main points around Abra Patricia, this part can be muddy, make
sure to bring your boots.  Over 400 species has been recorded in Abra Patricia among them:  Owl &
Owlets, Toucan, Tiranidos , Guans, Royal Sunangel,  Tapaculo, the little-known Ochre-fronted Antpitta,
Cinnamon-breasted Tody-Tyrant, Bar-winged Wood-Wren, Chestnut-breasted Coronet and Long-tailed
Sylph, flycatchers, vireos and warblers, the little-known Ochre-fronted Antpitta, endemic Yellow-scarfed
Tanager, Cinnamon-breasted Tody-Tyrant, Bar-winged Wood-Wren and the splendid White-capped
Tanager, the little-known Ochre-fronted.  Night in Moyobamba, Puerto Mirador hotel that has a lot of
vegetation and we can observe some tropical birds, flowers, etc. from this hotel strategically located in the
shores of the Mayo River.  . (B, L) 
Day 10  Tingana Reserve

All day to explore the reserve and birds along our river cruise where we may see:  Herons, Kite,
Woodpecker,  Buff-thrioated, Woodcreeper, and Silvered Antbird, Sender-billed Kite, and the five species
of kingfishers, Horned Screamer and Limpkin, Agami Heron, Boat-billed Heron, White-banded Swallow,
Variable seedeate and others Night in Moyobamba, Puerto Mirador hotel that has a lot of vegetation and
we can observe some tropical birds, flowers, etc. from this hotel strategically located in the shores of the
Mayo River. (B, BL) 

Day 11  Morro de la Calzada

Today we will go to Morro de la Calzada, an isolated mountain that is located in the west side of the city. 
Morro de la Calzada is a local small reserve where we can observe some birds like:  White-throated, 
Pavonine Quetzals hum, Fiery-capped Manakins buzz, Blackish Pewee, Gould’s Jewelfront , Golden-
collared and Chestnut-tipped Toucanets , Black and Scale-backed Antbirds, White-lored Tyrannulet,
several flycatchers, Scale-breasted and Red-stained Woodpeckers, honeycreepers, dacnises, euphonias,
tanagers and saltators,  Striolated Puffbird, Amazonian White-tailed and Collared Trogons,  Eastern
Woodhaunter, Gilded Barbet (split from Black-spotted), Tawny-throated Leaftosser, Rufous-winged
Antwren,  Ocellated Woodcreeper among other species.  This afternoon we will bathe in natural thermal
pools.  Night in Puerto Puerto Palmeras.  (B, L).

Day 12 Tarapoto

We will go on the road towards Yurimaguas into the lower Amazon rainforest to see the Plumbeous
Euphonia, Northern-Slaty-Antshrike, Swalow-tailed Kite, Sulphur-bellied Tyrant-Manakin, Pavonine
Quetzal. The rare Dotted Tanager can be seen here. White-necked Jacobin, Painted Parakeet,Ocellated
Woodcreeper, Green Honeycrepper, Scale-backed Antbird, Striolated Puffbird, Collared Trogon, Bluish-
fronted Jacamar, Gilded Barbet,Blue Ground-Dove, Golden-collared Toucanet, Speckled Chachalaca. 
Return to Tarapoto for the afternoon flight to Lima.  (B, L)

THE TOUR INCLUDES:                                                  

All entrance fees                                                                      
Transfers to airport or bus station
Meals where noted in the program                                                     
All transportation specified in the program
Transfer between cities
Hotels specified in the program
Bilingual guide 

Alcoholic beverages
Airport taxes
Internal flights

E mail us for prices for this unique birding tour.


Day 1  Lima – Chiclayo

Airport pick up in Chiclayo.  Chiclayo is Peru’s fourth largest city located in desert coast where the climate
is warm and sunny almost all year. We will visit Private Reserve of Chaparri seeking out the specialties
such as White-winged Guans, Tumbes Tyrants, White-headed Brush-Finches, Scarlet-backed
Woodpecker and other endemics of the Tumbesian region.  Night in Gran Hotel Chiclayo.  (BL)

Day 2 Chiclayo – Olmos

Batan Grande or Pomac Historical Sanctuary, early transfer to Reserve of Batan Grande these dense old
mesquite have been declared archaeological and ecological sanctuary. This beautiful birding site is 13,400
hectares, the biggest forest on the Peruvian Coast.  Several species are found here as the Peruvian
Plantcutter, Necklaced Spinetail, Rufous Flycatcher, Coastal Miner, Supercilliaried Wren, Black-faced
ibis,Savvana Hawk, Pearl Kite,  Aplomado Falcon, Peruvian Pygmy-Owl, Shot-tailed Woodstar, Sacarlet-
backed Woodpecker, Streak-headed  Woodcreeper, Pacific Hornero, Necklaced Spinetail, and others…
we will continue birding and probably find Gray and Gold Warbler, Sooty-capped Flycatcher, Gray and
White Tyrannulet, Tumbre Tyrant (endemic), Sooty-capped Flycatcher among others.  Night in a local
hotel.  (B,BL, D)

Day 3 Olmos

Olmos is well known for the relatively recent re-discovery of the White-winged Guan, first discovered en
the 1870s and not seen again for 100 years. This extremely range-restricted guan has been found now in
several valleys.  We have all day to explore the canyons and likely we will see Henna-hooded Foliage-
gleaner, Elegant Crescentchest, White-headed Brush-finch, Henna-hooded Foliage-glea, White-winged,
Tumbes Hummingbird (endemic) Red-masked Parakeet, plumbeous-backed Thursh, Cinereous Finchs
(endemic),  White-Winged Guan.  Transfer to the city of Olmos where we will spend the night in a local
hostel.  (B,BL,D)

Day 4 Olmos – Jaen

Today we will continue to Jaen, after passing Abra Porculla although not in the dry forest region, this more
humid montane area is not far away and has some very interesting birds that add to the Olmos birds. We
will stop in different key locations to observe the local endemics.  Birds that we may see are: Yellow-bellied
and Black and White Seedeaters, Andean Tinamou, Black-cowled Saltator, Elegant Crescentchest, White-
winged and Bay Crowned Brush-Finch’s Chapman’s Antshrike, , Rufous-necked and Henna-hooded
Foliage-Gleaners, Andean Tinamou, Peruvian Slaty-Antshrike, Spot-throated Hummingbird and Chinchipe
Spinetail, Gray-chinned Hermit, Ecuadorean Piculet, Rufous-necked Foliage Gleaner, …  in the afternoon
we will bird near the Monastery, located just outside Jaen.  Night in Jaen hotel (B, BL, D)

Day 5 Jaen – Choctamal

Early start to look for Little Inca Finch and several Maranon endemics. Later continue on to Choctamal and
night in Choctamal Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge.  Hot tub and dinner overlooking Fortress Kuelap, the
largest building of the Americas. (B, L, D)

Day 6  Choctamal Huiquilla Forest

Early start with birding around Choctamal Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge. There are 328 varieties of
hummingbirds found only in the Americas, and less than 20 venture into the United States. The world’s
most spectacular and mysterious one is the Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigesia mirabilis) with less than
1000 estimated in existence, and can be seen daily at this lodge.  Near the lodge you can look for more
birds in Choctamal:  Timamiformes, Tinamidae, Nothoprocta sp. “perdiz” Tinamou, Galliforme, Cracidae,
Penelope ortoni “sachahuashpa”, ”pava de monte”  Guan Columbiformes, Columbidae, Columba fasciata
albilinea “Torcaza”  Band-tailed Pigeon Leptotila sp. Dove, Ciconiformes, Cathartidae, Cathartes aura
“gallinazo cabeza roja” Turkey vultur, Coragyps atratus “shuca”, “gallinazo cabeza negra”  Black vulture, 
Falconiformes, Accipitridae, Buteo albicaudatus “Gavilan” White-tailed hawk, Falconidae, Falco sparverius
“Cernicalo” Common kestrel, Strigiformes Strigidae Glaucidium brasilianum “Talacua” Ferruginous Pygmy-
Owl, Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae, Chordeiles sp. Nighthawk, Micropodiformes, Trochilidae, Colibri
coruscans   Sparkling Violetear,.  Dinner and hot tub in the Choctamal Marvelous Spatuletail lodge (B, BL,

 Day 7 Choctamal –Pomacochas

Transfer to Pomacochas & La Florida located at the 326 Km between Chiclayo and Tarapoto, vultures,
herons are divisible on the way to Pomacochas.  The rest of the afternoon if time allows we will be looking
for the famous Marvelous Spatuletail around the area and other birds like Black Crested Warbler, Andean
Lapwing, Grassland yellow-finch, Silver-backed and Blue-capped Tanagers, flowerpiercers, and Green-
throated, Smoke-colored Pewee, Purple-throated Sunangel, Three-striped and Russet-crowned Warblers,
Green-tailed Trainbearer, Smoke-colored Pewee, Sierran Elaenia, Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet, Streak-
necked Flycatcher among others.   Night  in Pomacochas (B, BL, D)

Day 8 Abra Patricia

We will continue our exploration in the main points around Abra Patricia, this part can be muddy, make
sure to bring your boots.  Over 400 species has been recorded in Abra Patricia among them:  Owl &
Owlets, Toucan, Tiranidos , Guans, Royal Sunangel,  Tapaculo, the little-known Ochre-fronted Antpitta,
Cinnamon-breasted Tody-Tyrant, Bar-winged Wood-Wren, Chestnut-breasted Coronet and Long-tailed
Sylph, flycatchers, vireos and warblers, the little-known Ochre-fronted Antpitta, endemic Yellow-scarfed
Tanager, Cinnamon-breasted Tody-Tyrant, Bar-winged Wood-Wren and the splendid White-capped
Tanager, the little-known Ochre-fronted.  Night in Pomacochas. (B, L, D) 
Day 9 Moyobamba

Ride to Moyobamba, the Orchid capital of Peru, located at 850 Km. On the way to Moyobamba we will
stop in the Yacumama complex to see some animals from the region, and a nice typical lunch in a jungle
setting restaurant.  We will see Aburria aburri, Ara militaris, Touit stictoptera, Phaethornis koepckeae,
Campylopterus villaviscensio, Heliodoxa gularis, Heliangelus regalis, Zimmerius villarejoi, Hemitriccus rufi
gularis y Henicorhina leucoptera. Night in Moyobamba, Puerto Mirador hotel that has a lot of vegetation
and we can observe some tropical birds, flowers, etc. from this hotel strategically located in the shores of
the Mayo River.   (B, L) 

Day 10 Tarapoto

We will go on the road towards Yurimaguas into the lower Amazon rainforest to see the Plumbeous
Euphonia, Northern-Slaty-Antshrike, Swalow-tailed Kite, Sulphur-bellied Tyrant-Manakin, Pavonine
Quetzal. The rare Dotted Tanager can be seen here. White-necked Jacobin, Painted Parakeet,Ocellated
Woodcreeper, Green Honeycrepper, Scale-backed Antbird, Striolated Puffbird, Collared Trogon, Bluish-
fronted Jacamar, Gilded Barbet,Blue Ground-Dove, Golden-collared Toucanet, Speckled Chachalaca. 
Return to Tarapoto for the afternoon flight to Lima.  (B, L)

THE TOUR INCLUDES:                                                  

All entrance fees                                                                      
Transfers to airport or bus station
Meals where noted in the program                                                     
All transportation specified in the program
Transfer between cities
Hotels specified in the program
Bilingual guide 

Alcoholic beverages
Airport taxes
Internal flights (we can provide upon request)


Day 1  Cajamarca

Airport pick up service in Cajamarca and night in Cajamarca beautiful Hacienda. 

Day 2  Cajamarca: Great Spinetail

Early Morning we were going to San Marcos that  is a reliable spot for the extremely localized Great
Spinetail. Returning to Cajamarca and if  the time permit we will visit in the afternoon the site for Grey-
bellied Comet. Hotel in Cajamarca. (B, BL)

Day 3-  Celendin

From the pass after Celendin you will have a spectacular view of your day`s birding rout. Your main reward
here might de the rare endemic Rufous-brested Warbling-finch, Andean Parakeet, Chestnut-crowned
Antpitta, Jelski`s Char- Tyrant, Gray-winged Inca-Finch and others. Hotel in Celendin. (B, BL, D)

Day 4-  Leymebamba

Early morning we were going to Leymebamba, a day with many special -endemic or near endemic- birds.
First we go to Hacienda  Limon where we can find Grey-winged Inca-Finch and Chestnut-backed
Thornbird. Afterwards we descend into the Marañon Valley and near Balsas at the bottom we will search
Marañon Thrush, Peruvian Pigean and Yellow.faced Parrotlet. Rufous-backed Inca-Finch and Black-
necked Woodpecker are other endemics, that are rather easy to find. Hotel in Leymebamba. (B, BL, D)

Day 5 Barro Negro

Above the town of Leimebamba there is a small remnant patch of forest which at first glance looks
unpromising for birds but there is a surprisingly interesting selection of birds to be found here not least of
which are the endemic Russet-mantled Softtail and Coppery Metaltail. Other interesting hummers here are
Rainbow Starfronlet, Purple-throated Sunangel and Sword-billed Hummingbird. Chestnut-crowned
Antpitta, Buff-bellied Tanager, Golden-rumped Euphonia and many others are possible. In the afternoon a
drive to dinner in the Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge.  (B, BL, D)

Day 6  Lodge Marvelous Spatuletail  Choctamal Huiquilla Forest

Early start with birding around Choctamal Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge. There are 328 varieties of
hummingbirds found only in the Americas, and less than 20 venture into the United States. The world’s
most spectacular and mysterious one is the Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigesia mirabilis) with less than
1000 estimated in existence, and can be seen daily at this lodge.  Near the lodge you can look for more
birds in Choctamal:  Nothoprocta sp.  (Tinamou),  Penelope ortoni (Guan), Columba fasciata albilinea
(Band-tailed Pigeon), Leptotila sp. (Dove), Cathartes aura (Turkey vulture), Coragyps atratus (Black
vulture),  Buteo albicaudatus (White-tailed hawk) ,Falco sparverius (Common kestrel),  Glaucidium
brasilianum (Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl), Chordeiles sp. (Nighthawk),  Colibri coruscans   (Sparkling
Violetear),.  Dinner and hot tub in the Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge.  (B, BL, D)

Day 7  Pomacochas

Early Transfer to Pomacochas & La Florida located at the 326 Km between Chiclayo and Tarapoto,
vultures, herons are divisible on the way to Pomacochas.  The rest of the afternoon if time allows we will
be looking for the famous Marvelous Spatuletail around the area and other birds like Black Crested
Warbler, Andean Lapwing, Grassland yellow-finch, Silver-backed and Blue-capped Tanagers,
flowerpiercers, and Green-throated, Smoke-colored Pewee, Purple-throated Sunangel, Three-striped and
Russet-crowned Warblers, Green-tailed Trainbearer, Smoke-colored Pewee, Sierran Elaenia, Tawny-
rumped Tyrannulet, Streak-necked Flycatcher among others.   Night in Pomacochas (B, BL, D)

Day 8 Moyobamba

Early Ride to Moyobamba, the Orchid capital of Peru, located at 850 Km. On the way to Moyobamba we
will stop in the Yacumama complex to see some animals from the region, and a nice typical lunch in a
jungle setting restaurant.  Night in Moyobamba, Puerto Mirador hotel that has a lot of vegetation and we
can observe some tropical birds, flowers, etc. from this hotel strategically located in the shores of the Mayo
River.   (B, L) 

Day 9 Tarapoto

We will go on the road towards Yurimaguas into the lower Amazon rainforest to see the Plumbeous
Euphonia, Northern-Slaty-Antshrike, Swalow-tailed Kite, Sulphur-bellied Tyrant-Manakin, Pavonine
Quetzal. The rare Dotted Tanager can be seen here. White-necked Jacobin, Painted Parakeet,Ocellated
Woodcreeper, Green Honeycrepper, Scale-backed Antbird, Striolated Puffbird, Collared Trogon, Bluish-
fronted Jacamar, Gilded Barbet,Blue Ground-Dove, Golden-collared Toucanet, Speckled Chachalaca. 
Return to hotel for the afternoon flight to Lima.  (B, L)

THE TOUR INCLUDES:                                                  

All entrance fees                                                                      
Transfers to airport or bus station
Meals where noted in the program                                                     
All transportation specified in the program
Transfer between cities
Hotels specified in the program
Bilingual guide 

Alcoholic beverages
Airport taxes
Internal flights (we can provide upon request)



Day 1  Lima – Chiclayo

Transfer to the airport in Lima for your early flight to Chiclayo.  Chiclayo is Peru’s fourth largest city located
in desert coast where the climate is warm and sunny almost all year.  We will visit a forest where we may
see the endangered endemic Rufous Flycatcher and the Peruvian Plantcutter among others.   Night in
Gran Hotel Chiclayo.  (L)

Day 2 Chaparri

Chaparri  is located between Chongoyape and Miracosta, two districts that belong to Chiclayo, this
reserve has  an ecuatorial  dry forest , the plants that domain here are the  Algarrobo (Prosopis pallida)
and a  mixture dry forest. This reserve give protection to  all the species that belong to the dry forest,
animals and plants;  and make investigations that are related to that kind of  nature. With this
investigations they were working with species that are in danger like the Spectacled Bear(Tremarctos
ornatus),  Guanacos (Lama guanicoe), White-winged Guan (Penelope albipennis) and Andean Condor
(Vultur gryphus). One of the most important profits of this reserve is that the communities like Santa
Catalina give a percent of their lands to create this reserve. Here there are 140 species of birds in 
different types of habitats of Chaparri like Penelopealbipennis, Leptotila ochraceiventris, Aratinga
erythrogenys, Forpus coelestis, Caprimulgus anthonyi, Picumnus sclateri, Tumbezia salvini y Phytotoma
raimondii.  We stay the night in this spectacular reserve. (B, BL, D)

Day 3: Olmos- Chachapoyas

Olmos is well known for the relatively recent re-discovery of the White-winged Guan, first discovered en
the 1870s and not seen again for 100 years. This extremely range-restricted guan has been found now in
several valleys.  We have all day to explore the canyons and likely we will see Henna-hooded Foliage-
gleaner, Elegant Crescentchest, White-headed Brush-finch, Henna-hooded Foliage-glea, White-winged,
Tumbes Hummingbird (endemic) Red-masked Parakeet, plumbeous-backed Thursh, Cinereous Finchs
(endemic),  White-Winged Guan.  Transfer to the city of Chachapoyas. Night in Chachapoyas colonial
mansion 3 star Hostel (B,BL)

Day 4: Gocta- Levanto

This is similar but bigger and more spectacular than gigantic waterfalls you might have seen in the movies
of pristine mountainous jungles. The measured height of 771 meters, This was just discovered in 2006ad 
by  Stefan Ziemendorff,  and testifies to the remoteness and unfolding discoveries of America’s newly
accessible and most pristine ecological and archeological destination. The best time to see it is from
November to May in the rainy season when there a few hours of rain every day. This is considered the
world’s 3rd highest waterfall. Although others may be higher, they only run off while it is raining. A unique
feature here is that it is a substantial river that doesn’t dry up in the dry season as Angel Falls and others.
Nowhere is there more spectacular high waterfalls than here! A unique feature near the falls is that the
canopy is full of passion fruit vines with year around ripe fruit. This sustains colonies of endemic yellow-
tailed monkeys (that exists only in northern eastern Peru) and unique bird species not normally found at
this altitude or anywhere else like the cock of the rocks, tucanets and others. We spend tne night in
Levanto lodge. (B, BL, D)

Day 5: Levanto

Early start with birding around Levanto Lodge. There are varities of hummingbirds found only in the
Americas,  The world’s most spectacular and mysterious one is the Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigesia
mirabilis) with less than 1000 estimated in existence, and can be seen  at this lodge.  Near the lodge you
can look for more birds in Levanto:   (Penelope ortoni) Guan ,  (Columba fasciata albilinea)Band-tailed
Pigeon, Leptotila sp. Dove, Mountain Cara cara (Phalcoboenus megalopterus ),  (Lesbia nuna) Green
tailed train-bearer, (Lesbia victoriae juliae) Black-tailed Trainbearer, American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)
and others. We spend the night in Levanto Lodge.  (B, BL, D)

Day 6:  Pomacochas

Transfer to Pomacochas & La Florida located at the 326 Km between Chiclayo and Tarapoto, vultures,
herons are divisible on the way to Pomacochas.  The rest of the afternoon if time allows we will be looking
for the famous Marvelous Spatuletail around the area and other birds like Black Crested Warbler, Andean
Lapwing, Grassland yellow-finch, Silver-backed and Blue-capped Tanagers, flowerpiercers, and Green-
throated, Smoke-colored Pewee, Purple-throated Sunangel, Three-striped and Russet-crowned Warblers,
Green-tailed Trainbearer, Smoke-colored Pewee, Sierran Elaenia, Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet, Streak-
necked Flycatcher among others.   Night in Pomacochas(B, BL, D)

Day 7: Moyobamba

Ride to Moyobamba, the Orchid capital of Peru, located at 850 Km. On the way to Moyobamba we will
stop in the Yacumama complex to see some animals from the region, and a nice typical lunch in a jungle
setting restaurant.  Night in Moyobamba, Puerto Mirador hotel that has a lot of vegetation and we can
observe some tropical birds, flowers, etc. from this hotel strategically located in the shores of the Mayo
River.   (B, L) 

Day 8: Tarapoto
We will go on the road towards Yurimaguas into the lower Amazon rainforest to see the Plumbeous
Euphonia, Northern-Slaty-Antshrike, Swalow-tailed Kite, Sulphur-bellied Tyrant-Manakin, Pavonine
Quetzal. The rare Dotted Tanager can be seen here. White-necked Jacobin, Painted Parakeet,Ocellated
Woodcreeper, Green Honeycrepper, Scale-backed Antbird, Striolated Puffbird, Collared Trogon, Bluish-
fronted Jacamar, Gilded Barbet,Blue Ground-Dove, Golden-collared Toucanet, Speckled Chachalaca. 
Return to hotel for the afternoon flight to Lima.  (B, L)

THE TOUR INCLUDES:                                                  

All entrance fees                                                                      
Transfers to airport or bus station
Meals where noted in the program                                                     
All transportation specified in the program
Transfer between cities
Hotels specified in the program
Bilingual guide 

Alcoholic beverages
Airport taxes
Internal flights (we can provide upon request)

PACAYA SAMIRIA NATIONAL RESERVE is located in Peru's Amazon region, 93 miles from Iquitos. The
Reserve is a triangular shaped area between the Maranon and Ucayali rivers. These rivers intersect at the
northeastern tip of the Reserve, marking the beginning of what is considered the Amazon proper.

The basins of the Pacaya and Samiria rivers have been protected by the Peruvian government since
1940. The area was declared a National Reserve in 1972 and enlarged to its present size of 5,137,000
acres in 1982. The Reserve is the largest in Peru, the second largest in the Amazon region, and the fourth
largest in all of South America. (Do you know what the first three largest reserves are?) The great size of
the Reserve assures that it will be ecologically and genetically representative of the region, with an
abundance of virtually unchanged areas.

Day 1 : Lodge

Reception at the airport by one of our bilingual guides. Transfer to pacaya-samiria amazon lodge (psal).
The travel lasts from 2 to 2.5 hours. We will visit the confluence of tha ucayali and marañon river, where
the amazonas river is born. Enjoy the spectacular view from a 100 feet watching tower. Arrival to the lodge
and accommodation. Lunch. In the afternoon, we will make a hike through the rainforest that surrounds the
lodge to apreciate rainforest flora and fauna. Depending of the climate conditions, we will observe a
beutiful sunset from our watch-tower. Dinner and briefing about the activities of the next day. Night at psal.

Day 2  : Pacaya - Samiria national Reserve - psnr

Jungle wild dawn. Birdwatching. Breakfast. Departure to the psnr. Boat excursion to nauta creek and the
surrounding lakes (cochas). Chance to observe flora and fauna (monkeys, sloths and wide variety of
aquatic birds). Lunch. Swimming. Fishing. Exploration of seasonally fooded forest (flat lands flooded each
year by the seasonal rainfall). Return to lodge. Dinner. Night at psal.

Day 3 : Pacaya Samiria National Reserve (full day expedition)

Birdwatching. Breakfast. Departure to the psnr. Excursion in search of gray and pink dolphins down to
yanayacu river visit to japon and plantano lakes (cochas) with a wide variety of flora and fauna. The black
water of the river reflects with the fidelity of a mirror, that is why psnr is known as the "jungle of the
mirrors". Lunch (box lunch). Swimming. Fishing. Identification of plants and trees. Return to lodge. Dinner.
Observation of stars and planets. Night at psal.

Day 4 : Lodge / Iquitos

Breakfast. Departure to the city of iquitos trough the iquitos-nauta road. Arrival to the city of iquitos at time
to board your flight.

Note: Our tariffs include transfer from the airport to the lodge and return, lodging, all meals, guided
excursions and entrance fee to the Reserve. The services do not include: alcoholic beverages, sodas,
transportation not specified in our programs, tips, personal insurance or laundry, internal tickets.

Special program


Programs 7 days / 6 nights

Day 1: Lima - Iquitos-lodge

Reception at the airport by our guide. Transfer by road to the
locality of nauta, the first population founded by the
spaniards on the shore of the marañón river. The trip lasts
approximately 1.30h with a route of 90 km (55.miles) totally
asphalted. In nauta the psal boats will be boarded to begin 
the program with a visit to the birht of the amazon river in the
confluence of the  ucayali and marañon rivers, the only place
where it’s possible to appreciate the amazon in all its
greatness on the peruvian side. From a tower of 100 feet of
height, guests will be able to take the best photographs and
videos from the immense river. We will observe herons,
birds of prey and borders birds on the shores. We’ll have the
opportunity to see the black skimmer. After this visit, we will
return to the shelter, located on the borders of the marañon
river. Reception and lunch. After a recovering rest, we will
walk through footpaths on the surroundings of the shelter
and will go up to the viewpoint, ideal place to observe birds
in the tree’s canopies. An excellent opportunity to see the
paradise tanager, hoodedtanager opal-cowned manager,
masked crimson tanager, pen--throated cotinga, to several
species of flycatchers. We’ll have the opportunity of see
parrots like the canary-winged parakeet, short-tailed parrot
and with luck, guacamayos. Supper and chat about the
activities of the following day. Night in the shelter.

Days 2, 3, 4:  Pacaya Samiria - Varina National Reserve

At dawn, after breakfast, we will board and sail across the marañón river to explore during the following
days, the Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria (rnps), and we’ll enter trough the basin of the yanayacu river.
This zone has been recently opened for tourism and is extremely rich in birds, (there are 467 different
species properly catalogued), flora and fauna. It will also be possible to be observed pink and gray
dolphins, turtles, different species from primates, sluggish bears etc. Besides the birds, we will observe
diverse types of kingfishers, like the amazon, ringed-green rufous kingfisher, and the spectacular
amnerican pygmyl kingfisher, wattled jacanas and anhingas. We will see the tanagers, aracari chesnut-
eared, woodpecker crimson-crested, cotinga spangled, lemon-throated barbet, jacamar white-eared,
donacobius black-cappet. We will sail through lagoons and hidden rivers in the wilderness, and will walk
across open footpaths in the forest in search of the horned screamer, black collared hawk, jabiru storks,
woodstorks, roseate spoonbill, piedlapwing and many more at noon, we will have a frugal cold lunch,
composed of sandwiches, fresh fruit, and fruit juices, that we will eat in the shade of the great trees of
forest.  In the evening, we will continue with the search of birds like the endemic one, black tailed antbird,
black necked network cotinga, gray cheeked nunlet, lettered and ivori-billed aracaris, bar-breastedpiculet,
black bushbird rofous capped, antthrush, tropical gnatcatcher and the yellow billed jacamar among others.
During the route we will visit the native community of yarina to know the life style of the inhabitants of the
river basin of the amazon. We’ll camp for the night. The accommodations will be in tents. At night, we will
walk across the forest, in search of owls and nocturnal birds, or fish in the rivers and look for black
caymans, depending on the wishes of the guests. On day 4 after breakfast, we will begin the return to the
shelter. Lunch. Free afternoon to rest. Supper and chat to analyze the results of the trip and information on
the activities of the following day

Day 5, 6: Lodge- Reserve Nacional Allpahuayo-Mishana-Iquitos

At dawn, and after breakfast, we will embark for the locality of Nauta. There, a vehicle will be waiting for
us, and will drive us to the national reserve Allpahuallo Mishana located 12.5 miles from the city of Iquitos. 
During two days, we will explore the reserve looking for birds, some of them new for science, and of
species different from those of the rnps as these are the ancient antwren, mishana tyralunnet, allpahuayo
antbird and northern-chesnut tailed antbird, in addition to other species like the gray-legged tinamou (nov-
sea), rufous potoo, cinnamon-crested spadebill, pompadour cotinga and the cinnamon tyrant-manakin,
among others. Cold lunches composed of sandwiches, fresh fruits and fruit juices will be served in the
forest. We’ll spend the nights in the city of iquitos lodging in the victoria regia hotel****. Supper and chat
about the activities of the day. The rest of the night, it’s free.
Day 7: Iquitos-Allpahuallo-Mishana

At daybreak we will return to the reserve nacional allpahuayo-mishana continuing with the observation of
birds until dawn. We will return to the city of Iquitos and will make a small city tour. During the route we will
appreciate among other places, the “plaza de armas”, the iron house, the district of Belén, the Itaya river,
visit to the stores of native craftsman’s etc.  Lunch, rest and transfer to the airport to take the flight back to




Day 1 : lodge
Reception at the airport by one of our bilingual guides. Transfer to Pacaya-Samiria Amazon Lodge (psal).
The travel lasts from 2 to 2.5 hours. We will visit the confluence of the Ucayali and Marañon river, where
the Amazonas river is born. Enjoy the spectacular view from a 100 feet watching tower. Arrival to the lodge
and accommodation. Lunch. In the afternoon, we will make a hike through the rainforest that surrounds the
lodge to apreciate rainforest flora and fauna. Depending of the climate conditions, we will observe a
beutiful sunset from our watch-tower. Dinner and briefing about the activities of the next day. Night at psal.

Day 2 : Pacaya - Samiria National Reserve (psnr)

Jungle wild dawn. Birdwatching. Breakfast. Departure to the psnr. Boat excursion to nauta creek and the
surounding lakes (cochas). Box lunch. Observation of flora and fauna. Return to lodge. Night at the psal
Day 3 : Pacaya - Samiria National Reserve
Early morning breakfast. Departure to the psnr. Boat trip down the Yanayacu river to the Yarina village.
The travel last 4 to 5 hours. Chance to observe gray and pink dolphins, acquatic birds, river turttles, sloths,
monkeys, parrots and macaws. Box lunch. Arrival at camping site. Afternoon and night excursions.
Caiman sightseing. Sound of the jungle. Dinner.  Night at camping site in tents.

Day 4 : Pacaya - Samiria National Reserve

Breakfast. In the morning, we will make a hike through primary rainforest to pona lake to observe rainforest
flora and fauna. Lunch. In the afternoon, we will make a canoe trip down the yagua creek. Dinner and
briefing about the activities of the next day. Night at camping site.

Day 5 : Pacaya Samiria National Reserve / Lodge

Breakfast. Morning, riverside village visit to learn about local people way of life. Lunch. Return to the lodge.
Night at psal

Day 6 : Lodge / Iquitos

Breakfast. Morning relax. Lunch. Departure to the city of Iquitos. Transfer to the airport at time to board
your flight.

Contact Us:



All year

On March 22, 2006 German explorer Stefan Ziemendorff reports he has found the third highest waterfall in
the world located in the isolated northern jungle near Chachapoyas.  In a two hours trek you can see a
pristine cloud forest jungle.   Passion fruit vines in the canopy have year around fruit that sustains a colony
of monkeys and varieties of birds feeding on this fruit.  You can see a variety of medical plants,
hummingbirds, toucans, monkeys, and butterflies.

The height of 771 meters is thought to be relatively accurate, though Ziemendorff suspects the true figure
could be within 13 meters in either direction.  The falls has a regular to high volume of flow becoming an
immensely powerful waterfall during the rainy season. However unlike other world class waterfalls, it
doesn’t dry up in the dry season. 
Day 1 Tarapoto
Airport pick up in Tarapoto and night in Puerto Palmeras Resort.

Day 2 Tarapoto-Chachapoyas

We will visit Lamas, located at only 22 km from Tarapoto City. 

The Lamistas are descendants of the Chancas who defeated by
the Incas when trying to invade Cusco, fled to the jungle for
shelter.  Lamistas still maintain their traditions and Quechua
language. Before lunch will visit an orchid display . We will see
jungle complex with variety of animals from the area and have a
typical lunch in a jungle setting.  We will spend the night in a 3
star hotel in Chachapoyas Colonial Mansion.  (B,L) 

Day 3 Chachapoyas – Gocta – Choctamal

Private transportation to within  two hours hike to El Mirador
where you can observe the Gocta waterfall.   During the hike you will be able to observe variety of
hummingbirds, toucans, birds, flowers, monkeys and other species from the region.   Night in Choctamal
Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge (B,L,D)

Day 4  Choctamal – Kuelap – Chachapoyas

We will spend the day at Fortress Kuelap known as "the Machu
Picchu of the North". Kuelap has over 400 buildings inside 3 levels
of walls, and is the largest stone structure in all South America. 
Orchids and bromeliads cover the walls and trees inside this
fortress.  On the way to Chachapoyas we will observe the
platforms of Macro located on a cliff overlooking the Utcubamba
River.    Overnight in beautiful Colonial Mansion, 3 star hostel.  (B,

Day 5 Chachapoyas – Chiclayo

Early departure to Chiclayo and transfer to airport for your evening flight to Lima.  (B, BL)


All entrance fees
Transfers to airport or bus station
Meals where noted in the program
All transportation specified in the program
Transfer between cities
Hotels specified in the program
Bilingual guide 

Alcoholic beverages
Airport taxes
Internal flights (we can provide upon request)


All year

Tarapoto – Moyobamba – Chachapoyas - Chiclayo




Northern Peru offers the world’s most extreme geography:  its greatest rainforest, driest desert, and 2nd
highest mountains. These offer thousands of mini-ecological zones with natives, plants and animals
adapted to each zone.
Tarapoto and Moyobamba transitions from the Basin to mountain jungles & huge waterfalls.  Kuelap is the
“Machu Picchu of Northern Peru” with Peru’s most mysterious and largest variety of ruins in the Andes.
We have many of the world’s most exotic and almost extinct hummingbird that we are working to preserve
at our lodges.

Day 1   Tarapoto

Airport pick up service in Tarapoto on the marginal jungle edge. Spend the night at the luxury resort Puerto
Day 2 Tarapoto-Chachapoyas

We will visit Lamas, located at only 22 km from Tarapoto City.  The Lamistas are descendants of the
Chancas who defeated by the Incas when trying to invade Cusco, fled to the jungle for shelter.  Lamistas
still maintain their traditions and Quechua language. Before lunch will visit an orchid display . We will see
jungle complex with variety of animals from the area and have a typical lunch in a jungle setting.  We will
spend the night in a 3 star hotel in Chachapoyas Colonial Mansion.  (B,L)

Day 3  Chachapoyas – Levanto-Choctamal

Private transportation to Levanto (1 hr), the most significant city of the Inca and colonial Spanish era.
Twenty minute walk up to explore the Yalape ruins. See the restored Inca Garrison built to guard this
major hub of Inca roads radiating out over 2000 miles from here. Spend afternoon in Levanto where we
donated a ceramics kiln to the community to reproduce pottery in the ancient style. Optional 3-hours
downhill walk on perhaps Peru’s best un-restored Inca highway.  We stay the night at the Choctamal
Marvelous Spatuletail Lodge high in the cloud forest looking down at the clouds and fortress Kuelap.  (B,
BL, D)

Day 4  Choctamal–Kuelap-Chachapoyas

We will spend the day at Fortress Kuelap known as "the Machu Picchu of the North". Kuelap has over 400
buildings inside 3  levels of walls, and is the largest stone structure in all the Americas.  Orchids and
bromeliads cover the walls and trees inside this fortress. On the way to Chachapoyas we will observe the
platforms of Macro located on a cliff overlooking the Utcubamba River.    Overnight in restored Colonial
Mansion, 3 star hostel.  (B, L)

Day 5  Chachapoyas-Chiclayo

Coach to Chiclayo 9 hours and stay night in a 3 Star Hotel.  On this trip you will have seen the world's
most extreme conditions, the mightiest rainforest, the 2nd highest mountains, and the driest desert. 
Americas’ most advanced culture left the richest gold tomb of the Americas, the Lord of Sipan.  This is on
the Pacific and a rich desert soil irrigated by a river and huge canals taking water from mountains over 100
miles away.  Night in 3 star hotel. (B, BL)

Day 6 Chiclayo- Sipan Museum- Sican Museum

Visit the Sipan museum, the most important discovery was the tomb of the lord of Sipan, who
archaeologists have concluded was a royal ruler from over 1600 years ago. The larger museum, the
Museo Tumbas Reales houses the magnificent collection of artefacts found in the tomb of The Lord of
Sipan, now world famous, as it is considered the most magnificent archaeological find in the Americas.  
After lunch we will visit the Sican Museum,  Sican Culture developed from 750 ad, as the descendants of
the Moche (100-800aD) and predecessors of the later Chimu cultures. The gold, silver and semi precious
stone artefacts and accessories are beautifully displayed in the museum in a very educational manner.
Transfer to airport for your evening flight to Lima. (B,BL)

 THE TOUR INCLUDES:                                                  

All entrance fees                                                                      
Transfers to airport or bus station
Meals where noted in the program                                                     
All transportation specified in the program
Transfer between cities
Hotels specified in the program
Bilingual guide 

Alcoholic beverages
Airport taxes
Internal flights (we can provide upon request)


Peru is very famous of the shamans and sacred places. In this opportunity the mysticism is inviting you to
clean your body, purify your soul and get protection from the Apus.

DAY 1 Chiclayo-Sipan-Shaman

This day we are going to visit the Lord of Sipan Museum. In the afternoon we will have a baño de
florecimiento to purify your body. Night in Chiclayo.(BL)
DAY 2 Chiclayo-Choctamal

Private transportation to Chachapoyas.  We will see beautiful panoramas on our trip to the unspoiled city
of Chachapoyas.  Night in beautiful Colonial Mansion, 3 star hostel.  (B, BL, D)

DAY 3 Choctamal-Sacred Place-Choctamal

Four hours horse back expedition to visit  sacred place up in the mountains.  Return to Choctamal Lodge
to spend the night.   (B, BL, D)

DAY 4 Choctamal-Kuelap-Chachapoyas

We will spend the day at Fortress Kuelap known also as “The Northern Peru Engineering Masterpiece”. 
Kuelap has over 400 buildings inside 3 levels of walls and is the largest stone structure of both Americas. 
Orchids and bromeliads cover the walls and trees inside this undiscovered gigantic fortress. On the way to
Chachapoyas we will check out the decorated Platforms of Macro located on a cliff overlooking the
Utcubamba River.  Overnight in a restored Colonial Mansion. (B, BL)
DAY 5 Chachapoyas - Tarapoto

Transfer to Tarapoto airport for your flight to Lima.  (B,BL)

THE TOUR INCLUDES:                                                  

All entrance fees                                                                      
Transfers to airport or bus station
Meals where noted in the program                                                     
All transportation specified in the program
Transfer between cities
Hotels specified in the program
Bilingual guide 

Alcoholic beverages
Airport taxes
Internal flights (we can provide upon request)

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