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English Exam (3rd Opportunity)

I. Select the answer that best completes the sentence below:

1.- "If you want to pass the exam, you ____ study."

a. has to
b. have to
c. have
d. can't

2.- "My sister is ____ than my brother."

a. the most smart

b. smart
c. smartest
d. smarter

3.- "Is Patty _______ travel this year?."

a. traveling
b. going to
c. will
d. is go be

4.- "___ is she going to go to school?."

a. What
b. How
c. Were
d. Who
5.- "Saltillo is ____ than Arteaga."

b. big
c. the most bigger
d. the biggest

6.- "I ___ fly like birds do."

a. will can
b. could to
c. do can
d. can't

7.- "I ____ go to your party, I promise."

a. will
b. will isn't
c. going to
d. is going

8.- "My computer is ____ than yours."

a. slowest
b. the slower
c. slower
d. more slowest

9.- Select the answer that best completes the sentence below:
"I ____ go to the store."

a. will
b. will isn't
c. is going
d. going to

10.- "Will you take ___ to the airport?."

a. me
b. you
c. am
d. I

11.- "Pizza is _______ than sushi."

a. deliciousest
b. more delicious
c. the most delicious
d. deliciouser

12.- "Carol is going to visit ___ sister."

a. her
b. him
c. she
d. he

13.- "Spiderman is _____ superhero."

a. better
b. funny
c. more good
d. the best

14.- "I ___ go anywhere, I will stay here!."

a. wasn't
b. didn't
c. not going to
d. won't

15.- "The Latin American Tower is ____ than my house."

a. tall
b. taller
c. the tallest
d. more taller

16.- "___ Sunday, I will go to the park."

a. At
b. On
c. Is
d. For

17.- "I always run ___ the mornings."

a. in
b. to
c. on
d. under

18.- "My favorite show starts ___ 8 p.m."

a. at
b. in
c. on
d. is

19.- "I ________ a Caesar Salad, please."

a. would like
b. I wants
c. would likes
d. wont

20.- "______ can be dangerous."

a. To camping
b. Camping
c. To campings
d. Canps

21.- "The store opens _____ 10 and 10:30 pm."

a. in
b. between
c. at
d. from

22.- "The person who takes your order at a restaurant is:"

a. waiter
b. chef
c. helper
d. host

23.- "I study _____ 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m."

a. from
b. between
c. in
d. at
24.- "It is the place where food is prepared."
a. restroom
b. dinner
c. kitchen
d. fridge

25.- "___ the summer, I will travel to the beach."

a. On
b. In
c. From
d. At

26.- "I'm interested in _______ a teacher."

a. becoming
b. to become
c. becoms
d. became

27.- "I hope _______ strong in this difficult times."

a. stays
b. stayed
c. to staying
d. to stay

28.- "It is the person who cooks food at the restaurant."

a. dishwasher
b. chef
c. cashier
d. host

29.- "It is a description for drinks like coffee or tea."

a. cold
b. orange
c. hot
d. solid

30.- "The service is really bad, _______ to go now!."

a. would like
b. wants
c. I want
d. I wants

II.- Write the past participle form of the following verbs

1.- Clean
2.- Select
3.- Break
4.- Eat
5.- Take
6.- Study
7.- Write
8.- Fall
9.- Get
10.- Drive

I.- 22.- a
23.- a
1.- b 24.- c
2.- d 25.- a
3.- b 26.- a
4.- b 27.- d
5.- a 28.- b
6.- d 29.- c
7.- a 30.- c
8.- c
9.- a
10.- a
11.- b
12.- a
13.- d
14.- d
15.- b
16.- b
17.- a II.-
18.- a
19.- a 1.- Cleaned
20.- b 2.- Selected
21.- b 3.- Broken
4.- Eaten
5.- Taken
6.- Studied
7.- Written
8.- Fallen
9.- Gotten

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