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1. Write 10 sentences using the following verbs in present.

● Play
● Cook
● Rest
● Invite
● Select
● Run
● Drive
● Ride
● Clean
● Shake

2. Write a short story about you, describing an important experience in

your life (Your most important achievement, your most
embarrassing moment, your favorite vacation, etc.)

3. Read the following paragraph, then re-write it correcting the

mistakes that you identify.

How Cats Became Pets? :

Long before today the cat lives in the jungle. She always wanted
to be friends with the strongest animal. Once she observated that
everyone feared the lion so she becoms the lion's friend.

One day, as they were sunbathing, an elephant passed by. All the
animals including the lion cleared the way to let the elefant pass.
The cat thought that the elephant was strongest than the lion. So
she became the elephant's friend. One day as the cat and the
elephant were at the lake, the elephant trumpeted, "There is
hunters here!" and he ran away. So now the cat left the elephant
and goed to the city to lives with the hunter thinking that the
hunter was stronger. In the city, the hunter tooked him home. His
wife shouted at him, "Ha! You could not kill a laion but why have
you brought this useless cat here?"

Suddenly a mouse passet nearby and the woman screamed. The

cat ran and catched the mouse. The woman was happy to get rid
of the mouse. So she keeped the cat as a pet in her house.
4. Imagine you are a psychic. Write a paragraph about some
predictions you have for the future, they can be about the topic of
your choice, sports, life, science, etc.

5. Write a composition talking about your life in 30 years, describe

how you see yourself, how you see your family, your job, your
house, etc. This paragraph must be at least 10 lines long.

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