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© A Muslim Home School 2018

This file is available free on, for personal and non-

commercial use only. Teachers are welcome to use this resource.

What you can do:

Print and use to teach your children / classroom
Send the original blog link to others so they can download free also

What you cannot do:

Sell the file, either digitally or printed
Share or distribute the file or the file link through any electronic means
(such as email, watsapp, telegram, your own websites etc – instead you
are welcome to share the original blog link where your family and friends
can also download free)

Any questions, please ask.

Describe a perfect day.

Imagine that you have 1 million pounds, what would you do with it?

How would you describe an orange to someone who is blind?

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be and why?

Describe the life of a penguin, from their perspective.

Write about your life so far.

What is your earliest memory? Can you retell it as a true story?

If you were told you would live on a Island for a month and can only take
with you 3 things, what are those things and why have you chosen them?

How do you think it would feel to be standing on the moon?

Can you describe your favourite food without naming it? Think
about how it looks, tastes, smells, feels to touch.

Close your eyes. Blindfold yourself if you want. Write without looking.

What do you think babies think about all day?

Write a news article about the place you live.

What do you want to do when you grow up?

What makes a good friend?

Sit in silence. Close your eyes. Write about what you can hear.

Imagine mobile phones were never invented. How would life be?

Write a day in the life of one of your parents.

What is your favourite word? Share why.

Describe your family. Who are they? What do they do? What do they
like and dislike? What is special about them?

What advice would you give someone who keeps making mistakes?

Describe how it would feel to jump out of an aeroplane and skydive.

How would you describe jelly to someone who has never seen or tasted it

What are you most thankful for?

What advice would you give to someone who says they are bored?

Write a news report about somewhere you have visited.

Write a news report about your parents.

What do you think life is like for a child who doesn’t have access to
enough food to eat every day?
What is your favourite colour? Write a list of as many things you can
think of that is that colour.

Write about greed.

What is happiness?

What is the most important thing to you? Share why.

Write about what you think life was like for your parents when they
were the same age as you now.
How do you think it would be possible to build an underwater city? Describe
what you would need and how people would live.

Write about yesterday.

Write about tomorrow.

Write about the last book you read.

Choose an object and write about it. What details can you spot? How
does it feel to touch? Does it make you think of anything?
Write about something you enjoy doing.
If you were able to build your own house, describe how it would be.

Just write. About anything.

Write about something you know a lot about.

Imagine what life would be like if cars were never invented.

Describe where you feel safest and why.

What does it feel like when you cry?

Look out a window, and write about what you see.

Write about the room you are sitting in.

Describe a perfect city.

What makes you happy?

Write about something that amazes you.

Write about yourself.

How does it feel to succeed at something?

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