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NAME: .......................................................................................................... Mark:

A. Reading (20 points)


Most teenagers prefer to spend more time with their friends than with their family. But what does
friendship mean? We asked five teenagers what they thought.

Andrew, 16, Oxford

A close friend is someone who understands you, who knows when you’re happy or unhappy. It’s
someone who’s there to give you advice when you want it and to just listen when you don’t. I also think
that shared interests and opinions are important. I don’t think it’s very easy to get on with someone who
can’t stand your taste in music.

Eleanor, 19, London

I’ve got a lot of different friends but only one person who I can describe as a true friend. She is someone
who I can say anything to. I don’t think that I could have a best friend who is male. I’ve tried to do that a
couple of times but it got complicated.

Amanda, 17, Kent

I love getting to know people and I make friends very quickly but I must admit that I often fall out with my
friends as well. I don’t like it when friends want too much from me. Of course I think it’s important to
support my friends but I don’t like spending time with people who are permanently miserable and who
only want to talk about their own problems. When that happens, I get bored and move on to the next

Mike, 16, Cardiff

I’ve got a lot of online friends. In my opinion, friends are people who are into the same things (such as
music and films) as you and who can give you advice about different issues. Online friendships can give
me all of these things. For some people, especially people who aren’t confident, it’s much easier to make
internet friendships than ‘real friends’.

Jamie, 18, Newcastle

For me, friendship is about shared history. My closest friend is someone called Zac, who I’ve known all
my life. I think you feel a special connection with someone who has known you for such a long time. We
live in different towns now and only see each other once a year but I still feel as close to him as before.

1. Read the text and write true or false for sentences 1–4. Give evidence
for your answers from the text. (5 marks)

1 Andrew thinks that a good friend should always give you advice.

2 Amanda is a confident person.

3 Anu thinks that food and honesty are an important part of friendship.

4 Jamie thinks good friends should see each other regularly.

2. Answer the questions. (15 marks)

1. What’s Andrew’s opinion about friends liking the same things?

2. Why is Eleanor’s best friend not male?

3. Why does Amanda sometimes get bored with her friends?

4. What problem does Amanda sometimes have with her friends?

5. When did Jamie meet Zac?

6. How often does Jamie see Zac?

B. Grammar and Vocabulary

3. Complete the sentences with the infinitive or the gerund of the verbs in
(10 marks)

1. Sandra decided .................................. (study) economics in London.

2. She wants .................................. (buy) a book about animals.
3. Linda always helps me .................................. (clean) the house.
4. Don’t stop .................................. (sing)! You have a beautiful voice. You can
keep .................................. (sing) here.
5. Cheryl suggested .................................. (see) a movie after work.
6. Where did you learn .................................. (speak) Spanish? Was it in Spain or in Latin
7. Frank offered .................................. (help) us paint the house.
8. Stephanie dislikes ................................. (work) in front of a computer all day.
9. The child denied ................................. (steal) the piece of candy.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Use the present simple / continuous / perfect or the past simple /
continuous. (20 marks)

1. Danielle …………………………………(to get) lots of presents for her birthday last year, she
……………………………………… (to invite) all her friends.
2. The two brothers ………………………………………….…… (to go) to the doctor recently.

3. When my cousins …………………..………… (to be) 12 they …………………………… (to do) a lot of
sport, but Minnie ………………………………….. (not to like) it.
4. Her mother……………………………………… (to brush) her hair when her father …………………..
……………… (to open) the door.
5. We…………………………….…… (to paint) the fence next Monday, because father
……………………………… (to ask –just) us to give him a hand.
6. While the boys …………………..………… (to sing) their favourite song, Marilyn
………………………………… (to play) the piano last evening..
7. Angela’s mother ……………………………..……… (to take) her from school and …………..
……………………… (to study) with her every day.
8. ……………………………………………. (ever/you / be) to Paris?
9. Mary is not at home. She ………………………..…….. (go) to the library.
She…………………………… (probably/read) that new magazine there.
10. I usually ……………………………… (take) my dog for a walk in the morning, but this
morning my younger sister ……………………………… (do) it, as I ………………………… (not/have)

5. Complete the sentences with used to; be/get used to and the verbs in
brackets. (10 marks)
1. Hard work is a new experience for George
George ........................................................................ so hard.
2. I lived in London as a child, but not anymore.
I ........................................................................ in London as a child.
3. Judy always found it difficult to give people the sack in her job
Judy couldn’t ........................................................................ people the sack in the job.
4. I hadn’t cooked a meal for so many people before so I was very worried about the
I ........................................................................ a meal for so many people before so I was
very worried
5. He got drunk really quickly last night. He ………………………………………. (USED / DRINK)
so much.

6. Complete the sentences the correct phrasal verb. (10 marks)


1. Ian finds it normal now to ………….…………………. other people’s problems.

2. "What time did the party ……………………………. last night?"
3. “He's started getting worried about baldness because his hair is ………….……………
rather quickly”

4. You can …………………….………… them; if they have promised to do something, they'll do
5. “We always ……………………………………… the train at Plymouth and went up to London”

6. John …………………….…………… with his best friend because he lied to him.

7. We have always ……………………………… well.
8. I'm sorry to hear that their marriage ……………………. I'm sure the divorce will be
difficult for the children.
9. I didn’t know you …………………………………….. with Anna.
10. “ The teacher asked the pupils to …………………………………… with some work
quietly as she had to leave the classroom”.
7. Complete the sentences with adjectives. (10 marks)

1. ............................... people don’t get angry when they have to wait a long time for
something to happen.
2. Lisa thinks carefully before she does anything. She’s ..............................

3. Dean never shares his things. He’s ............................

4. ………………. people behave in an angry or violent way to other people.

5. Terry is comfortable in most situations and enjoys meeting new people. He’s
6. He’s like a donkey. He’s so ...............................

7. Leah always talks about the same topic. She’s ...........................

8. …………………… people show respect for other people and aren’t rude to them.
9. ................... is the opposite of hardworking

10. She is very sure of and positive about herself. She is ………………………

C. Writing

Write a brief paragraph about yourself: daily routines, personality, hobbies

and interests, etc... Write at least 60 words

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