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Guillermo Tello

Camille Diaz

Math 1010

24 June 2021

Reflective Writing for Optimization Project

This project has helped me understand that linear programming can be useful in

many real world situations. First thing that came to my mind that could use linear

programming was transportation companies like buses, trax and airlines. To optimize

their cost with schedule efficiency. If I worked as an advertising agency it would be

important to explain this project and also compare and contrast it with other projects to

see what the company could change to improve efficiency. If the numbers were changed

for certain reasons, depending on the changes it could be a huge shift or a small change

depending on the number changes. If the numbers were decimals I would round the

number to a whole number.

Before this project I knew that math is used in many different settings in the real

world and for each setting certain math equations are essential. Linear programming and

graphing are really beneficial in the business field. This project also helped me have a

better understanding of how math could be applied to real world situations and how

useful it can be. Math is an important part of daily life and having a better understanding

about it can help you in future careers.

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