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Assessment Task 1 BSBADM405 Organise meetings

7. Describe two examples of cultural differences and how you might manage these in the
context of a meeting using appropriate techniques.

The cultural differences would demonstrate as

1. Dress code style, some culture wear formal suit and some culture wear the casual or
only shirt to meeting.
2. Communication style: some culture should have directly focus communication and
some of culture prefer to communicate indirectly.

To manage the culture diversity in the meeting by

1. Be mindful of different: The key to showing cultural sensitivity in the workplace is being
aware of the variations that exist among cultures and how those differences play out
2. Do not obsess over them, be respectful: It’s important to respect cultural norms but
don’t be rigid about them. You should have a working hypothesis but test it against
3. Set expectation: It’s important to create protocols and establish norms at the beginning
of meetings and want to be clear about what expectation and how meetings will run.

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