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ent at
1) term ?
2) tone ? Yes --> keep baby
2) with mother
Not crying

Initial steps of neonatal resuscitation

1) Dry the baby
2) Maintain temperature (36.5 to 37.5 °C)
3) Position airway
- slight extension of neck (aka 'sniffing dog position')
4) Clear secretion
- mouth should be suction first followed by nose
5) tactile stimulation

If baby is still not crying

Assess HR and Respiratory rate

HR < 100/min
HR > 100/min
No respiratory effort
poor respiratory effort, cyanosis
1) Bag and Mask ventilation
In term: supplemental 02 2) Endotracheal intubation
In Preterm: CPAP
No response to PPV
(HR < 60/min)

Start Chest compression

Adrenaline no response
a) route: umbilical vein
b) dose: 0.1 - 0.3 ml/kg/dose
(1:10,000 solution)

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