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Kelly Viviana ipia

Andrea Catalina Arango


María Isabel Orosco

NRC: 7570


Administration in occupational health and safety

One minute

Medellin - 2021

ves regard.

We are Kelly Viviana ipia from Argentina and Andrea Catalina Arango from Mexico, we
are pen pals for about six months, we met on the website "pen pals in funny letters"
where we have developed a beautiful friendship since we share the same tastes and
we want to speak good English. We also like to learn and learn about different
cultures. We constantly chat and share meals, tourist places and cultures of our
countries. Argentina is located in South America, their traditional dance is tango, they
really like to meet friends and have barbecue. Kelly is very good at grilling (grilled
beef and entrails), as well as empanadas. Mexico has a population of more than 115
million inhabitants. Andrea is very devoted to the Virgin of Guadalupe, she does not
miss the celebration they do every year, it is one of the most important and popular
traditional festivals. The typical food is burritos and tacos

We created a group on Messenger with friends to get together often to practice

and speak English. We share books, magazines, we also watch movies, also twice
a week we connect with people from all over the world, we chat and make forums,
in this way we practice English with people from different cultures. We also send
each other funny prayers and make video calls every night to tell us how our day
went. On the other hand, we created an account on Tik Tok and instagram to have
a little fun, where we make funny videos and tell our followers about our
experience learning English. In this way we have improved our English, now we
speak more fluently, so much so that we already understand the movies and the
messages that foreign friends send us on Facebook.

When we found out about the contest that she was making pen pals in funny
letters ”we were very excited to participate since we always talked about taking a
trip together to see each other in person, we finally decided to visit Australia and
started researching this country to be prepared. We were very struck by the
kindness and simplicity of its people, which is why it is known as one of the
happiest countries in the world. In Australia you almost never pay with cash in
most places you use a card, in addition to that the bills are made of plastic, one of
the typical foods of this country is not a dish, it is a popular drink all over the
world. that they should not, urinate in the streets or eat in public transport, the
most important meal of the day is dinner. It is usually held around 7:00 p.m. The
most prominent places to visit are The Bay Bridge, The Opera House, The Great
Barrier Reef among others. We want to win the contest because we want to get to
know this beautiful country, learn more about its culture, as well as people from
all over the world..

best regards


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