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Danielle Carpenter

Data Analysis

The class is not doing very well on this mathematics test as a whole. Looking at the

number of students receiving As and Bs versus failing grades, there are significantly more

students receiving failing grades. One student doing well is Juan, he got every question correct

on the test. This means he did well in all the topics. Another student doing well is Hugh. He did

well in both addition and subtraction, though he did better in addition getting all those questions

correct. Cody also did well on both topics on the test; however, he did better on subtraction by

getting all those questions correct. A student who may need extra support is Luke, as he got the

lowest test score in the class. He may need support in both addition and subtraction as both

averages were low for him. Another student who may need extra support is Nathan, he also got a

low score on the test. Similarly, Nathan may need extra support in both addition and subtraction.

Patrick is another student who may need extra support. He could benefit from support in both

addition and subtraction, but he may need even more support in subtraction as that average was

lower for him.

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