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Jessica Ott

Professor Stanard

ENG 1201

5 July 2021

What a Wonderful World

Despite all the hate that we see around the world today, it is important to take a step back

and remember that we live in a wonderful world. The music video “What a Wonderful World”

sung by Louis Armstrong and the music video “What a Wonderful World” by Israel IZ

Kamakawiwo’ole both do a great job of reminding the audience that they live in a wonderful

world. The music video by Israel IZ Kamakawiwo’ole was released first, in 2007. The music

video that has the voice of Louis Armstrong was released in 2020, even though Louis Armstrong

passed away in 1971. Both music videos have similar claims about how the world can be

wonderful in many ways. That being said, the music video by Israel IZ Kamakawiwo’ole focuses

on how people make the world a wonderful place, while the music video with Louis Armstrong’s

voice focuses on how the beauty of nature makes the world a wonderful place. Overall, the music

video “What a Wonderful World” by louis Armstrong and the music video “What a Wonderful

World” by Israel IZ Kamakawiwo’ole share similar claims and audiences; however, the version

by Israel IZ Kamakawiwo’ole appeals to ethos with a more in-depth storyline on why the world

is a wonderful place.

To begin, the music video by Israel IZ Kamakawiwo’ole is longer than the Louis

Armstrong version and bases its claim, that the world is wonderful, off the relationships formed

and off the beauty of nature. The version by Kamakawiwo’ole is full of real pictures and videos
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of his life, making him the main character. Starting when he was younger and all the way up to

his children. In all the pictures, Kamakawiwo’ole and the other people in them appear happy and

seem to be enjoying the world around them. There are also clips of nature throughout the music

video that show just how beautiful Earth can be. All these pictures and videos are from Hawaii,

where he is from. Overall, the main claim is that the world is a wonderful place due to the

relationships formed and the beauty that nature brings.

The music video that is sung by Louis Armstrong is much simpler than the version by

Israel IZ Kamakawiwo’ole and bases its claim, that the world is wonderful, off the simple

beauties of nature. The music video sung by Louis Armstrong has no characters in it and is all

about the environment. The whole video is animated and shows how everyday life can be

beautiful. There are many settings within this music video, making earth the main setting of the

video. Furthermore, the colors in the video are bright, which represents happiness and warmth.

The video is full of scenes that most everyone has seen before, such as beautiful flowers or

drawings from children in a home. This version is a very simple music video that's main claim is

that the world is a wonderful place due to the beauty that nature brings. Overall, despite the

slight differences that the two versions of “What a Wonderful World” have, they both have the

same claim and they both do a good job of getting their point across.

The rhetorical appeals that can be seen in the music video by Israel IZ Kamakawiwo’ole

are pathos and ethos. Pathos can be seen in the Israel IZ Kamakawiwo’ole version because all

the pictures cause the audience to think about their own close relationships, which causes an

emotional response. Furthermore, in a way Kamakawiwo’ole is sharing a personal story to the

viewers, which causes a connection to be formed. Ethos can be seen in the Israel IZ
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Kamakawiwo'ole version because Kamakawiwo’ole supports his claim, that the world is

wonderful, by showing us real photos and videos. The fact that he has proof of his happiness is

how he shows ethos. The main rhetorical appeal that can be seen in the music video sung by

Louis Armstrong is pathos. Pathos is seen in the Louis Armstrong version because the music

video uses beautiful everyday scenes that the audience can form a connection with. Furthermore,

at the very end of the music video, the stars form a heart, which pulls on a human's emotions.

Since most everyone can make a connection, because of how pathos is used, I feel that the

targeted audience for both music videos is anyone with some life experience. Anyone who views

either music video can connect and take a step back to think about the wonderful world that we

live in. That being said for the Kamakawiwo’ole version, if I had to be more specific, I would

say that it could be targeting an older audience because it is following the life of an adult and

they may share similar life experiences. Overall, both music videos use rhetorical appeals and

have similar audiences.

Both versions of “What a Wonderful World” are very similar in many aspects, but the

version by Israel IZ Kamakawiwo’ole goes a bit more in depth and uses more rhetorical devices.

The world is a crazy place, and it is important to take a step back to appreciate how wonderful it

is. The two music videos by Israel IZ Kamakawiwo’ole and sung by Louis Armstrong do a great

job at making the audience do just that. From relationships formed, to the beauty of nature, the

world really is a wonderful place.

Works Cited
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Armstrong, Louis. “What a Wonderful World (Official Video)”. YouTube, uploaded by Louis

Armstrong, 20 Aug. 2020,

Kamakawiwo’ole, Israel. “’What a Wonderful World’ Video”. YouTube, uploaded by Mountain

Apple Company Inc, 27 Sept. 2007,

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