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Longtime president of the Republic of Congo, Sassou is set for another five-year

term after getting over 88% of the vote. The election day was marred by the death
of his main oPponent. The African leader is one of the world's longest- serving
presidents, earning him the nickname emperor. "He has led Congo for a total of 36
years. The former paratrooper first became president in 1979 and remained in power
for three consecutive terms. World's Largest Floating Solar Farms being built in
Singapore. Congo presidential challenger dies of COVID amid election. CCHFV is the
most genetically diverse of the arboviruses: Its nucleotide sequences frequently
differ between different strains, ranging from a 20% variability for the viral S
segment to 31% for the M segment. iruses with diverse sequences can be found within
the same geographic area, closely related viruses have been isolated from widely
separated regions, suggesting that viral dispersion has occurred possibly by ticks
carried on migratory birds or through international livestock trade. Reassortment
among genome segments during coinfection of ticks or vertebrates seems likely to
have played a role in generating diversity in this virus. Based on the sequence
data, seven genotypes of CCHFV have been recognised Ticks are both "environmental
reservoir" and vector for the virus, carrying it from wild animals to domestic
animals and humans. Tick species identified as infected with the virus incude Argas
reflexus. several vacCine trials around the world against CCHF have been terminated
due to high toxicity. March 2011, the only available and probably somewhat
efficacious CCHF vaccine has been an inactivated antigen preparation then used in
Bulgaria. Vaccines are under development, but the sporadic nature of the disease,
even in endemic countries, suggests that large trials of vaccine efficacy will be
difficult to perform. Finding volunteers may prove challenging given growing anti-
vaccination sentiment and resistance of populations to vaccination against
contagious diseases. The number of people to be vaccinated, and the length of time
they would have to be followed to confirm protection would have to be carefully

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