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Nombre: Monserrat Guadalupe Sanchez Juárez

1. Tell about what you did for the last 24 hours.

 I looked a movie with my brother
 I ate pizza of pepperoni
 I did my englih homework
 I played the lottery with my mother
 I studied english for my exam tomorrow
 I visited my grandmother Maria
2. Tell about your last vacation. Where did you go? What did you do?

I went on vacation to the ranch, it's in Mina, Nuevo León, it was a beautiful
traveled, every year i go. My uncle planted watermelons on the ranch, i ate four
pieces delicious. I learned how to make flour tortillas and to ride horse, enjoyed
much my vacation here. My family and I played lottery in the afternoon ande I
visited my best friend Roberto, we talked about our childhood.

3. What kind of food did you eat when you were a child? Do you eat the
same things now?

I used to ate, for example: egg, chicken, shrimp, potatoes, nuggets, fish, soup.
Now I eat french fries my favorit food, pizza, fruits, vegetables, fish and soup.
I don´t like shrimp and nuggets

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