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Answer #1

require 'stripe'
Stripe.api_key = "sk_test_Ou1w6LVt3zmVipDVJsvMeQsc"

Stripe:: PaymentIntent.create({
amount: 3500,
currency: 'usd',
payment_method_types: ['card'],
customer: 'cus_abc',
payment_method: 'pm_123',
statement_descriptor: 'The Way The Cookie Crumbles',
metadata: {
order_id: '374',

Answer #2
Please find the explanation of the request below:

 Transaction object pi_436

 The date and time the traction object was created on Thursday, 21 January 2021 at
4:36pm (SGT)
 Customer was making a payment of 20000 jpy via credit card
 The Customer already exists in Stripe (ID: cus_123)
 The customer has already filled in the payment details using an existing payment
method with ID pm_ghi
 Stripe will automatically capture the funds when customer authorizes the payment
 If payment is confirmed and successful, the funds will be automatically transferred to
Stripe Connect User ID acct_123 account.
 No invoice issued to customer via email if transaction is successful
 The details of the user’s business that would be shown on customer’s credit card
statement would be “Cookie Crumbles”
 The customer did not confirm the payment of the transaction hence status response
is “status” : “requires_confirmation”
Answer #3
Hi Amal,
Thank you for contacting us about the issue you are currently facing.
Based on your mentioned scenario, please find below a few steps that can be done in Stripe
Billing to help you resolve this problem.
If you are using Payment links
Create a new price for the existing product you plan to sell by going to Dashboard > Product
> [Select your product] > Add another price.
1. Please note that when creating the product price Recurring and the Billing period
should be set to Monthly for subscription payment.
2. After the new price have been created, you may proceed to create a payment link
for the new price.
3. This new price link for your product subscription can be use by your potential
customer to make the purchase.
4. After the purchase has been completed you may proceed to Dashboard > Customers
> Subscriptions > [ Select the specific payment by the customer] > Actions > Cancel
5. Select ‘On a custom date’ under the Cancel section
6. Select the specific date that you would like the subscription to end. In this case it
would be 3 months from the payment date.
If your customer is making the payment in-store/offline
After you have created your customer with payment details into your Stripe billing, please
follow the steps below:
1. Create a new price for the existing product plan to sell by going to Dashboard >
Product > [Select your product] > Add another price.
2. Please note that when creating the product price Recurring and the Billing period
should be set to Monthly for subscription payment.
3. Proceed to Customers > Subscription > Create new subscription
4. Complete the relevant fields for the transaction (Customer, Product newly intended
price, automatically charged payment method)
5. After you have completed the fields select ‘Schedule subscription’ on the upper right
corner of the screen.
6. You will now be able to select a Start date and End date for the subscription. You
may insert a custom end date or input 3 billing cycles in the ‘After a specific cycle’.

Completion of the steps above will allow your potential customer to purchase the
subscription at your intended price with the subscription ending automatically after 3
months. I hope the steps provided will help in resolving the issue you are facing.
Feel free to contact us if you have any other enquiries.

Warm Regards,

Categorize the critical cases to check which should be done by the end of the
day for example a situation that would limit the client’s business operations. By
the hour --- or by the end of the day. Focus on the critical cases which can be
resolved within a shorter period of time because the team is already familiar
with this issue.

Analyse tickets and see which tickets need assistance from teams from
difference time zones and then look at the priority cases to see which ones fall
into those teams with the different time zone. From analysing this and seeing
which one of them appear to be the most important it would lead to the way
that I would approach the tickets.

This means that if the time zone for a team is a deciding factor of resolving a
priority ticket by end of the day these tickets will be looked into first.

A similar thing will be done with the non-priority ticket.

Data set for priority : Crtitical medium and low
Status : Complete, pending, pending over seas etc etc

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