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Planets similar to ours?

Scientists reported the discovery of seven Earth-sized planets orbiting a star called

TRAPPIST-1, 41 light-years from the Sun. The cool, low-mass star is located in the constellation

Aquarius. This is the first time that so many planets similar in size to our own have been found

orbiting the same star. This could indicate that the Milky Way is actually full of celestial bodies

that in size and firmness resemble our rocky world.

What is striking about the finding is the number of planets in TRAPPIST-1 that are in

relatively temperate orbits (the so-called habitable zone). These planets are some of the most

interesting to explore in the coming years.

An international group of astronomers announced the discovery of a stellar system with seven

planets of similar mass to our own, three of which are in a habitable zone and could harbor

oceans of water on their surface. The star and the system that revolves around it are called

Trappist after the Small Telescope for Transiting Planets and Planetesimals, located in Chile.

"Finding a new Earth is a matter of time." We must be extremely careful when inferring

biological activity from afar. Some of the properties of cool, low-mass stars could pose

challenges to the development of life. For example, some are known to emit large amounts of

radiation in the form of flares, which have the potential to sterilize the surfaces of nearby planets.

It is important to know these questions and answers about our system.

1. Does life exist on any of the planets discovered?

The only thing we can say for now is that there are necessary, but not sufficient, conditions for

life to exist.

2. What things do we not yet know that are fundamental?

We do not know if there is an atmosphere. This is the fundamental fact. Without it, life is

impossible (at least as we know it). If there were no atmosphere on Earth the average temperature

would be -40ºC, the radiation from the Sun would be unbearable.

3. Is it possible to go there?

No, not for now. The system is 39 light years away. This means that if we could travel at the

speed of light (which is impossible according to Einstein's theory of relativity) it would take 39


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