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At the social, economic, and political level, the most important decade in the history of Peru

seems to me to be the decade of the 90s, which was marked by the defeat of subversive
movements such as the “Sendero Luminoso” and MRTA.


 National Expansion of Terrorism

 New anti-subversive strategy (FFAA, DIRCOTE, anti-subversive counterintelligence)


 Penetration of terrorism in Lima

 Legalization of the Self-Defense Committees
 Barrios Altos massacre


 Tarata bombing
 Attack on Channel 2
 (12.09.1992) Capture of Abimael Guzmán, Leader of the “Sendero Luminoso”
subversive movement
 Recapture of Victor Polay Campos , Leader of the MRTA terrorist movement
 Signing of the Peace Agreement


 Decline and alliance with terrorists in the VRAEM


 MRTA's Takeover of the Ambassador of Japan's Residence


 Operation Chavin of Huantar, liberation of the residence of the Ambassador of Japan

 Death of Nestor Cerpa Cartolin, Leader of the MRTA


 Capture of Oscar Ramírez Durand, alias comrade Feliciano in the VRAEM

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