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Mobile apps.

● I want you to think about three things/objects that you use every day. Think about
these objects and write them in your notebook.
○ Think about the things you do every day
○ or something you take with you everywhere you go.
● Who can start by sharing what they wrote?
○ write down ideas in the whiteboard, ‘Write these other objects in your
notebook too’. The first time the same one comes up, ‘voting’ starts: Who else
wrote a mobile phone? Please raise your hands’.
○ vocabulary: mobile phone and cellphone, difference GA and RP
○ counting votes and seeing the most voted items
○ Why do you think the mobile phone was voted more times than x? (for
example, the computer. A mobile phone can sometimes do the same or even
more than a computer).
○ What can you do with a mobile phone?
○ Do you know how? What do you use? What can you download on your
mobile phone?
■ ‘apps’
● Now let’s read about apps!

● The definition could be presented:

○ with missing parts for pair work. Some terms could be removed and learners
would have to add the missing words (a list provided) to complete the text
○ again for pair work, I could cut the text and students would have to organize
the different pieces of paper to find the definition.

A mobile application, also known as a mobile app, is a type of application software designed
to work on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. Thanks to mobile apps, users
can access multiple functions without the need for a computer. Apps are generally small,
individual software units with limited function. We organize apps in different categories:
lifestyle apps, gaming apps, learning apps, and entertainment apps.

● Lifestyle apps help you to improve your health.

● Gaming apps are used to play video games.
● Learning apps are used to help learners, they can be used to learn a language, learn
how to solve math problems, or help students with a specific subject.
● Entertainment apps consist of apps to communicate on social media and watch
videos, movies, or series.

Gaming apps: They are similar to computer video games, they are one of the most popular
types of apps. Examples of gaming apps are Fruit Ninja, Pokemon Go...
Lifestyle and entertainment apps: They consist of apps for communicating on social media,
as well as sharing and watching videos. Apps such as Netflix, Facebook, Youtube, or
Instagram are part of this category.
Learning apps: They are apps used to help learners. They can be used to learn a language,
learn how to solve math problems, help students with a specific subject, and even learn by
playing games. Examples include apps such as Duolingo, Mathematics, and Quizlet.
Gaming apps, lifestyle and entertainment apps, and learning apps.

● The different types of apps could be presented afterward. This could be done in class
or for homework via crea
○ I could write three columns with examples of the apps and students would
have to come up with the name for that category

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