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Today, the world is entering the industrial 4.

0 revolution, where human life is dominated by

the advancement of information technology, the Internet, data, and artificial intelligence.
One of the technologies nowadays widely used by humans is motor vehicles, especially
private cars. Such large amounts of private car use could cause air pollution and increase
greenhouse gases to cause global warming. Of course, there must be a solution to this, for if
neglected, the earth and the humans on it will be affected.

Because of that issue, people compete to find the best solution. Some people think that
governments should spend money for the development of public transportation systems in
order to help solve the problem. Others think it is better to spend money for the
development of electric and other types of cars that may cause less pollution.

How do I feel about each other’s views?

Well, from the first view that says governments should spend money for the development
of public transportation systems. As we know, public transportation such as taxis, buses,
trains, rickshaws and others has not received much attention from the general public.
Perhaps to travel long distances between countries or islands, boats and planes are widely
used. But in the working world where people have to go to their office, they will prefer
private cars than taxis or buses. This may be due to its inadequate facilities that makes the
service less fulfilling or public laziness to go to the terminal or bus stop. So, I think it’s really
necessary to develop public transportation systems into modern systems which can be the
attraction of people to public transportation. Other than that, public transportation costs
cheap. It will be easier for them who don’t have private cars. But, it takes a long time to do
the job, since there is an adequate amount of public transportation in a country.

Not forgetting a second view that says governments should spend money for the
development of electric and other types of cars that may cause less pollution. From my
point of view, it’s really incredible because people can be free create with their minds and
creativity to make other types of cars that don’t pollute the air. People are encouraged and
active in the creation of cars with the latest systems such as electric cars, solar-powered
cars, animal-based cars, and many more. I believe it will enhance the quality of society in
today’s era. But, for making new modern cars cost extremely expensive than development
of public transportation because of the shape, the system, the way a modern car works is
totally different from the usual car. They need a lot of sophisticated spareparts and are
usually purchased from overseas. Also, for the car itself, it can range from hundreds of
millions to billions.

From both of views , I choose the first view that says governments should spend money for
the development of public transportation systems. It’s more effective in terms of cost,
quality, environment and air. In terms of the cost, public transportation costs cheap than
private cars. For example, in a month, people that use private cars can spend more than 1,4
millions mostly for paying fuel and paying for parking, but people that use public
transportation such as buses or trains can spend less than 400 thousands just for paying that
ride. Then, in terms of quality, if governments develop the system of public transportation
into modern system, people will be attracted to it. Naturally, people would be more inclined
to walk to the terminal, bus stop or station. Without realizing it, they will be healthy on foot.
And, last but not the least, in terms of the environment and the air, if a lot of people ride on
public transportation, then the interest in private cars would decline. It will automatically
reduce the air pollution and greenhouse gases to cause global warming. This is from my
experience in Japan. I was really surprised because the Japanese use public transportation
mostly. Everyday, they go to the station or bus stop on foot. Also, the air in Japan is
refreshing, mostly every morning. I was stunned at once proud of them. This proves that
global warming trigger would be weak if people were to choose public transportation.

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