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Childhood – the best time of your life?

Childhood is a period of human lifespan between baby and teenager. It starts at the age of 2
to 12. Most people said that being a child is the best time of their lives. For all, childhood has both
advantages and disadvantages.

On the plus points of childhood, you have more free time than adults, so you can do what
you want to do. For instance, you have much time playing on the playground with friends, watching
your favorite films and cartoons, running around, playing sports, doing your hobbies, and many
more. One advantage is that you have few responsibilities so you don’t have to much worry about
something big and important. Other than that, being a child is really fun and exciting because
parents often grant some of your demands. Most of all are new toys such as toy cars, balls, dolls, and
more. Moreover, you are usually open to your parents, you can talk easily to them without fear and
Despite having many plus points, childhood has minus points too. Eventhough you have
more free time, you are rarely allowed to do whatever you want to do. For example, shopping in the
mall, going on holiday somewhere far away with friends, staying overnight in your friends’ house,
and more. Other than that, you really don’t understand the meaning of ‘price default’ when you are
asking your parents to buy it, like handphone, laptop, camera, and many more. What is more, most
parents definitely worry to give you communications device. In fact, children are still too young to
have it and has a heightened curiosity that can be negative impacts for them. Last of all, you have to
spend your weekdays studying in the school. You must do your homeworks and exams that most
children said those are boring and annoying.
In sum from both sides, although most people see childhood as the best time or their lives, I
think children have not yet developed strong opinions about everything. Their minds are still small
and depend on what is practical. Instead of that, they usually have heightened curiosity to learn
more about everything and theirselves. As children get older, they will gradually understand
everything and can take on many responsibilities.

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