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NIM : 2520190029

How To Do Good Public Speaking

Public speaking (also called oratory or oration) is the process or act of performing

a speech to a live audience. Public speaking is commonly understood as formal,
face-to-face, speaking of a single person to a group of listeners.

To become a good speaker, especially in the field of public speaking, there are
several things that must be done. These things become important as a way for us to
have the ability to speak in public fluently and comfortably. The first thing we can
do is train self-confidence. Practicing self-confidence is very important because
this is a basic skill in mastering the science of public speaking. Self-confidence can
be formed by training yourself a fairly frequent time. If doing public speaking is
not based on self-confidence, things such as stage fright and forgetting the topic of
conversation will be the main problems that are most likely to happen to a speaker.
What must be done next as an effort to master good public speaking skills is to
understand how to attract the attention of audience with the interest topic. A
speaker can be said to be successful if the listener is interested and enthusiastic to
hear what we have to say. Make the atmosphere relaxed with some general
gestures and remain polite, invite the audience to some conversation like greeting
them with a sweet smile. Ask how they're doing and keep their attention on you.

After you have succeeded in attracting the entire audience's attention only to you,
then deliver your speech in a different way from the average speaker. Make your
own way so that the theme of your speech doesn't sound monotonous, to do this
once again you have to be really good at determining the topic of conversation.
Don't be too serious, but also don't take it too easy.

In learning how to be a good public speaker we can’t just read the tips above,
instead we have to really focus on practicing. Do exercises every day such as
starting to pretend like you are on stage when you face the mirror. Make this
activity to be a habit and you will see the comparison to when you don't do it at all.

Public speaking may sound difficult, but there are many things you can do to
improve these skills.


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