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What is writing supposed to accomplish?

Ideally, it intends to form a text-body to deliver

messages. Naturally, this cannot be done instantly without research, analysis, imagination,
and most importantly, understanding of the purpose. While we may think this sounds routine,
the entire task requires us to maintain “moral codes of writing” which includes maintaining
structure, sequence, tonal cohesion, continuity, and professionalism to a necessary extent.

We must understand what’s at stake: the reader must understand & relate to it, and grab the
concept even before reading the entire document. Setting this goal immediately makes the
text more effective. This is where the moral guidelines of writing come in:

• Cutting out wordiness & “insider talk” is the first objective: this requires you to
assume that your readers are very busy and the time they spend reading your texts is
extremely valuable, and that they don't specialize in your field;
• Maintaining zero hostility, being polite and striking a balance between friendliness
and professionalism can win over your reader, even and especially the crudest ones.
Even replies to the most unreasonable and rude ones must be neutral and calm to
any emotional outbursts such as anger. It helps the recipients see their mistakes;
• Including a personal touch in writing goes a long way in accomplishing your goals.
Helping the readers relate to your texts and feel included may even put a smile on
their face and that, you cannot put a price on. Even bad news can be much more
acceptable this way.
Whereas hyper-formality makes you sound like an oppressive robot and honestly,
condescending to a degree. Written texts should be as close to in-person
conversations between the sender and the recipient as possible;
• Going through a researched and verified sequence is key to ensuring ease of
understanding. One such way is mentioned in the text referred to as the
process explaining roles at different stages of preparing the text;
• Taking feedback before publishing is crucial.

However, the do’s and don’ts of writing aren’t strictly confined to this box. We, as writers
should always make the effort to write our texts with consideration and respect for the

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