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BP/CLASS : 1701039/VII A



The PANDEMIC Covid-19 that is currently hitting Indonesia and most of the world
makes us ask again the true meaning of independence. This is because, in the current
situation, our independence is truly limited. Whether it's health or the economy. All of them
are faced with difficult choices, especially when it comes to choosing between health or
economy because these two things are both important and interrelated.

Until now, the development of the death rate continues to increase, seen from the
website "Media Indonesia" on 13 October 2020, positive cases worldwide reached
38,191,325; Healed 28,692,323; Died 1,087,371.

The increase in positive cases is in line with the enactment of "New normal". Sri
Mulyani also said that the government had followed the standards of the World Health
Organization (WHO) in easing the PSBB. Meanwhile, the new normal rules were
implemented by the government to mitigate risks so that the second wave of coronavirus
(COVID-19) would not occur, he explained. Although the "new normal" applies rules to
adhere to health protocols what happens is that most people do not comply with health

Basically, one of the goals of implementing the “new normal” is to restore the
economy because according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia's economic
growth in the first quarter of 2020 was 2.97%, slowing down compared to the first quarter
of 2019 which grew to 5.07%. This growth has resulted in Indonesia having a Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) at constant prices (ADHK) of IDR 2,625.2 trillion and a GDP at
current prices (ADHB) of IDR 3,783.9 trillion.

Between health and economy, both are equally important and must go together
because there is a very significant and inseparable link between economy and health. The
economic sector will support the success of health, in this case providing facilities and
infrastructure that are necessary for advancement in the health sector. If the income of both
the state and the family increases due to the success of economic development, it will be
able to provide sufficient funds to build health facilities and increase the ability to purchase
health services. Conversely, the success of development in the health sector will support
economic success due to an increase in population productivity. As is well known, the
success of the health sector will increase the public health status and in turn will increase
the productivity of the population itself. The higher the income, the better the public health
status. The better the socio-economic conditions in a household, the better the health status.
However, as can be seen, it is very difficult to balance between health and economy during
this pandemic, even so, health remains the main thing without neglecting the economy.


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