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1. Name some important features of Java 14 release?

2. Name some important features of Java 13 release?
3. Why Java doesn’t support multiple inheritances?
4. Why Java is not pure Object Oriented language?
5. How to sort a collection of custom Objects in Java?
6. Java Compiler is stored in JDK, JRE or JVM?
7. What does System.gc () and Runtime.gc () methods do?
8. What is Application Context?
9. What is JDBC?
10. What is Busy Spinning? Why Should You Use It in Java?
11.How to Make an Object Immutable in Java? Why Should You Make an
12.Do you know about Open Closed Design Principle or Liskov Substitution
13.Which Two Methods HashMap key Object Should Implement?
14.How do you share an object between threads? or How to pass an object
from one thread to another?
15. What is the difference between imperative and declarative programming

16. Does functional programming use imperative or declarative approach?

17. Where does FP shine?
18. Does constructor return any value?
19. Is constructor inherited?
20. Can you make a constructor final?
21. Can we overload the constructors?
22. Can we override the static methods?
23. What is the static block?
24. Can we execute a program without main () method?
25. What if the static modifier is removed from the signature of the main
26. Can we make constructors static?
27. Can we make the abstract methods static in Java?
28. Can we declare the static variables and methods in an abstract class?
29. What are the main uses of the super keyword?
30. What are the differences between this and super keyword?

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