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The Spiritual Authority Of

The Christian
Conception of Christian man
Adapted By William Schnoebelen From Anonymous Job
From A Man Of God and translated by: Ussenito Bacar
Observing the existence of a major need for information
about the functioning of spiritual authority, and not
knowing significant writings in this area, I tried to offer a
description of this concept. The following material was
developed over (ao longo) several years of study and
counseling involving situations where (em que/ onde)
authority was a vital part of solving spiritual problems,
after seeking (buscar) God is much prayer, the author
believes this material is consistent with the word of God
and can be a real help to those who have used the concepts
presented here. Along with God’s own word, let the reader
face the concepts presented with sincerity. There is one
thing at stake (Jogo) in failing to be satisfied with
appropriating the benefits that God has made available to
the believer. The scriptures (escrituras) are very clear in
the definition of a position of authority. As presented in
the scriptures this is more a position of responsibility than
power. Paul declares the existence and puts Christian
authority and power in perspective when he says: for
though I may boast more of our power, which the Lord
gave us for, and not for you destruction, I will not be
ashamed. Corinthians 10:8. So we were as well as fond of
goodness, we wanted to communicate to you, not only the
gospel of God, but still our souls; by how much we’re very
dear. Why the memories, the brothers of our work and
fatigue, work on the day, not to be heavy none of you, we
preach the gospel of God. Voice and God is witnesses of
how holy, and just, and impeccable/unexceptionable we
had to have for you.

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