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Victimology- It is a subfield of criminology that deals purely on determining the factors that causes of

victimization and the contributory role of the victim to his own victimization.

Note: Victimization may be conscious/conscious.

Who is a victim?
Generally, victims refers to those person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident or
natural disasters or one who suffers the consequences of the event therein.

Victims may be categorized based on their involvement.

1.Primary Victim
2. Secondary Victim
3.Indirect Victim/Third Party
Victims Profile (Common Crime Victims)

1. The Young
2. Females
3. Old
4. Immigrants
5. Mentally Defective
6. The Acquisitive
7. Dull Normal
8. Minorities
9. Wanton
10. The Heartbroken
11. Tormentor
12. Depressed
13. The Blocked, Exempted and Fighting Bad Choice/Estafa

Theories of Victimization

1. The Lifestyle/Exposure theory- Is a model of victimology that posits that the likelihood an
individual will suffer a personal victimization depends heavily upon the concept of lifestyle. Most
victims are victimized at night. The lifestyle theory is constructed upon several premises.
2. The Deviant Place Theory- States that an individual is more likely to become the victim of a crime
when exposed to dangerous areas. The more frequently a person ventures into bad neighborhoods
where violent crime is common, the greater the risk of victimization.
3. Routine Activity Theory- From Cohen and Felson (1979) emphasizes that crimes occurs when three
elements converge.
a. A motivated offender
b. A suitable target
c. The absence of a capable guardian.

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