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pasnormalstudios JE ii 1,411 posts 107k followers 21 PAS NORMAL STUDIOS Uncompromised cycling apparel with < Followed by wilsontjandra, abenkalter, nabieleffer } ~~ De) Limited Essential Mechanism... Me & posts @ IGTV S] TAG Our Ideal Customer cert Tele Peevey Soc TnL] cry = Working PaPLa at TCU e sta CL Roars ord Tae] * Biking 3 times a week Se rarcekert eer Peer Peer teeny Peers Me sens fertile tae) Research Commes Studio MEASURING RESULTS With the use of Google Analytics, Instagram Insight, and others we could analyse our key success results on a weekly basis. We plan to observe which content produces the highest level of engagement and analyse the content with the highest level of engagement. As we track the performance of our content we could plan for the upcoming content that wanted to be make. We also plan tracking views, shares and likes ‘of our content weekly. We will also distinguish between which content produces the most followers, engagement based on the data to see if there is a marked difference and whether that will be one of the factors in how we shape the overall marketing plan. ‘We also plan to use the let's say "Instagram Insight" to track where certain kinds of content end up leading our audience. We will get an overview whether the content ultimately leads people to our online stores, or profile or others.

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