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Table 2, Development of Searing Rubries in Writing, Gitevia ‘Writing Literary Criticism Total | Assessment Very good Good Fa Poor Very poor scare points 5 4 3 z 1 Foeus ‘Al ideas and [ most ofthe ideas | a small wamber | ideas and sub- | all ideas and sub-topies and sub-topics | of ideas and sub | topics elaborated | subtopics claborsted in| elzboratedl in | topics elaborated | in literary | elaborsted in Interary enineisin | tetany eritieisn | a literary | criticism lackmg | biterary enticisin are detailed and | ate detailed but | evsticism are | an detail less | ate not specifics less specifics. | detailed and | specific, and | explained specitic dubious cleally Supporting [all criticisa of | Most criticisms | A stall portion | criticism of | all caiticim of reasons, literary works is | of literary works | of criticism of | literary works is | literary works is conveyed im | ate conveyed im | Iiterary works 48 | conveyed less in | conveyed im no depth, accurate, | depth, accuracy, | conveyed an | depth, Tess | depth, objective, and | objectivity. and | depth, accuracy. | accurate, less | inaccurately, not full of | has a credibility, | objectivity. and | objective, and | objectively. and caedibility provided quite caedible, but | bess of | uot edible. provided by | clarressous. | didu't provide | credibility clear reasons. any reasons, Reson | al The | Most of the | A. small portion | the descnphion | The devenpons descriptions im | descriptions in | of the | am Iiverary | am Iiterary literary crivicism | literary criticism | description in | criticism — does | crticista are not desuuibe describe the | literary criticism | uot provide a | provided by any selutious or | solutions describes a | solution solution constructive (constructive | sofntion (constructive | (constrictive criticisms, criticism) and | (constmctive | critics) enmticisin), and provided by | provided by less | criticism. provided by | personal clear personal | specific personal | accompanied by | insuitable Judgment are judements juklements unclear personal | personal incomeet juudgment judement ‘Orgauization |The sentence [The seuteuce | Ihe seateuce | The seutenve | The seutence simenure used in | stracmare used in | structure used in | structure used in | strucrare used in reviewing reviewing, reviewing reviewing reviewing, literary works is | literary’ works is ry works is | literature is good | literary works is ood and ight | good and right, | quite good Dut the sentence | not pool Dt has a slighrly is inconpl enongh ‘waiting error Convention | Grammar, Grammar, Grammar One of the | Grammar, diction, spelling and punctuation are all good and sight diction, spelling and punctuation are good and rit, but Tas a shelly writing ietion. spelling and punctuatior are quite good ranma diction, spelling and panctuation is not good enngh ‘tiction, spelling and punctuation are not good enongh inteeration All aspects oF Interary eninessm are good and fit the characteristics of literary cecism, Most aspects oF lnrerary criticism are good. there chavacteristes of Literary criticism Hat kave not yet Most aspects of fit into characteristics of literary criticism, Most aspects of Inerary enticism do not fit raracteristics of literary All aspects oF Inerary enicism do not fit the characteristics of literary Total Score

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