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The Great Hatsby

I. Characters: Sir Lawst D. Hatsby, Queen Elizabeth the N th, Assorted Enemies and Bosses
and stuff.
II. Plot: The year is 18XX and Neo Great Britain has fallen under the tyrannical rule of Queen
Elizabeth the Nth.
III. Flowchart:


Level 1 Level 2
Floor 1

Level 3

Beat first 3 Levels

(Boss Fight)

Level 4 Level 5
Floor 2

Level 6

Final Level

Final Boss
I. Opening Scene
a. Screenshots/cutscene introduces the game’s premise
i. Lawst D. Hatsby awakens
ii. Lawst walks into the room
iii. His hat is gone! Oh noes!
iv. Monocle pops off in surprise
v. He sets off on his quest
II. Courtyard
a. what: tutorial
b. Where: Castle Courtyard
c. Explains game’s controls and features through a series of tasks
i. Tasks include small jumping puzzles, shooting targets, small enemies, collecting
health items
III. Overworld, Floor 1
a. What: Overworld Level
b. Where: Castle
c. There are three doors leading to levels, 1 of which is locked until the other 2 are beaten
d. The exit is revealed after beating all 3 levels
IV. Basement
a. What: The first (Or second if the player chooses) level
b. Where: The basement of the castle, which is flooded with molten lava
c. The player must make his way to the end of the level, avoiding pits of lava and fire.
V. Gallery
a. What: The second (or first if the player chooses) level
b. Where: The castle’s haunted gallery
c. This level is primarily in the dark, and you need to light torches to proceed. There are
also ghosts that come out of the paintings and other places to attack you that can only
be defeated with light.
VI. Kitchen
a. What: The third level, with a small miniboss at the end
b. Where: The castle’s kitchen, which has frozen over due to an open refridgerator.
c. The level is slippery and contains blocks of ice that work as puzzle elements and
platforms. The goal is to reach the end and close the fridge.
d. At the end of the level, there is a miniboss guarding the goal. It is a giant penguin with a
refridgerator in its stomach. It opens the refridgerator and releases smaller penguins
that follow you. When within a certain distance, the smaller penguins begin a
countdown sequence, then explode. You must climb slippery platforms in order to
attack the large penguin’s head (it’s weak point)
VII. Overworld, Floor 2
a. What: The second overworld
b. Where: The second level of the castle, with several large stained glass windows around
the perimeter that lead to different levels.
c. Like the first overworld, the player can beat the first two levels in any order, and the last
is accessible only after those are beaten.
VIII. The Mourning Woods
a. What: The fourth level (Or fifth if the player chooses)
b. Where: A vast forest area, with trees. And rocks. And grass. Some shrubs too. It’s a

IX. Inexplicably Floating Ruins

a. What: The fifth level (Or the fourth if the player chooses)
b. Where: Mysterious ruins, suspended in the sky.
X. The Hall of Treasure
a. What: The final level.
b. Where: The hall leading up to the Queen’s throne, filled to the brim with riches.
c. The level is a simple path containing numerous obstacles, including falling pillars,
showers of gold, and enemies.
XI. Queen Elizabeth the Nth, phase 1
a. What: The final boss’s first form
b. Where: The end of the Treasure Hall, in front of the Throne Room.
c. The queen hides behind obstacles and throws projectiles at you, while her minions
attempt to destroy you.
XII. Queen Elizabeth, Phase 2
a. What: The final boss’s second form
b. Where: The throne room
XIII. Rest Area
a. God hugging baby Jesus and peace restored
XIV. Final Boss

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