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The present research called "Pedagogical situated accompanying as a strategy for strengthening

the didactic knowledge of content of the initial education teachers of the educational Fernando
Rodríguez school of the municipality of Recetor - Casanare" this research is based on the report of
made in the year 2008 by the international consultancy Mckinsey , which dictates in one of its
sections, that in order to experience significant and successful changes in the educational systems
in the developing countries, it is necessary to incorporate educational peers into schools, in order
to achieve training and specific training one by one in the classroom.

This support strategy would guarantee the strengthening of the teaching content knowledge of
the teachers. The CDC relies on Lee Shulman's theory of the relationship between content
knowledge (disciplinary knowledge) and instructional knowledge to ensure improvements in
classroom practices.

To support the investigation, different investigations and authors are related that account for the
importance of pedagogical accompaniment, didactic content knowledge and essential elements in
the technical and political line in initial education in Colombia.

This research of the Participation Action Research (PAR) type is developed through a qualitative
approach, as it addresses reality in order to know and transform it; This is not only carried out by
the researcher, it is carried out with the participation of the community involved in it.

Likewise, a guide is presented as a pedagogical proposal that contributes and frames the process
of pedagogical accompaniment.

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