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Matero mission district

 Any break in the skin or body tissues is

known as a wound. Open wounds allow blood
and other fluids to be lost from the body and
germs to enter. Closed wounds-if the
bleeding is purely internal the wound is
 1. Bruising

 2. Discoloration

 3. Swelling
1.Incise wound

2. Lacerated wound

3. Abrasion (graze)

4. Contusion (bruise)

5. Puncture wound

6. Gunshot wound
 Incise wound - A clean cut from a sharp edge,
such as broken glass. The blood vessels at the
wound edges are cut straight across so there may
be profuse bleeding. Incise limb wounds may
sever underlying structures such as tendons.
 Laceration - Crushing or ripping forces result in
rough tears or lacerations. They may bleed less
profusely than clean-cut wounds, but there is
likely to be more tissue damage and bruising.
They are also often contaminated by germs; the
risk of infection is high.
 Abrasion - This is a superficial wound in
which the top layers of skin are scrapped off,
leaving a raw, tender area. Abrasions are
often caused by sliding fall or a friction burn.
They can contain embedded foreign particles
that may result in infection.
 Contusion- A blunt blow or punch can
rupture capillaries beneath the skin. Blood
then leaks into the tissues, causing bruising.
Severe contusion may indicate deeper hidden
damage, such as fracture or internal injury.
5.Puncture wound- Standing on a nail or being
stabbed for example, will result in a puncture
wound with a small entry site, but a deep track of
internal damage. Since germs and dirt can be
carried far into the body, the risk of infection is
6. Gunshot wound- A bullet or other missile may
drive into or through the body, causing serious
 injury, and sucking in contaminants from the air.
The entry wound may be small and neat; any exit
 wound may be large and ragged.

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