Subject-Verb Agreement

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Subject Verb Agreement

● subjects and verbs must agree with one another in number (singular or plural).
Thus, if a subject is singular its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, it's
verb must also be plural.
● If the subject is singular the verb is also singular, same with plural:
My dog always growls at the postal carrier.
● When the subject of the sentence is composed of two or more nouns or pronouns connected by
“and”, use a plural verb:
The doctoral student and the committee members write every day.
● When using “or” or “nor” in a compound subject the verb agrees with the closest subject:
My mom or dad is coming to the play.

1.The boy (run/ runs) every day even when he is tired.

2.During the winter time birds ( fly/ flies) away to a warmer place.

3. Every time I have to do public speaking I (get/gets) and it (feels/feel) like I am going to
get sick.
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