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OVERVIEW OF ADVANCED CARDIOVASKULAR LIFE SUPPORT (ACLS) INSTALASI PENDIDIKAN DAN PELATIHAN RUMAH SAKIT JANTUNG DAN PEMBULUH DARAH HARAPAN KITA a o hs Advanced Cardiovaskular Life Support (Acls) Provider course is designed for healthcare provider who either direct or participate in the management of cardiopulmonary arrest or other cardiovascular emergencies. Course Objectives * BLS, primary, secondary assessment Ecg rhytem interpretation for ACLS Rhythms Discuss how using Rapid response teams (RRTs)or medical emergency teams (METs) Discuss early recognition and management of ACS Discuss early recognition and management bradycardia and tachycardia + Discuss early recognition and management respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest + Perform early management of cardiac arrest until termination of resucitation or transfer or care, including immediate post cardiac arrest care reece Peat ian J ANTUNG ae Nona Course Design = Simulated clinical scenarios = Video or instructor demonstrations = Discussion and role-playing = Group practice to achieve effective high-performance teams Course Completion Requirements = Pass The Adult High-quality BLS Skill Test = Pass The Airway Management Skill Test = Demonstrate Competency In Learning Stations = Pass The High-performance Team: Mega Code Test = Pass The Open-resource Exam With A Minimum Score Of 70 % SYSTEMATIC APPROACH INSTALASI PENDIDIKAN DAN PELATIHAN, RUMAH SAKIT JANTUNG DAN PEMBULUH DARAH HARAPAN KITA ire Ey Unconscious BLS assesment ‘a. Check Responsiveness b. Active ERS/ get defibrillator c. Check breathing and pulse * No pulse —+CPR = Pulse present + 1 breath every 6 seconds Primary Assessment Pest INTUNG G@ Visits & = xin Conscious Primary assesment a. Airway : maintain an open airway, use advanced airway if needed b. Breathing : give suplemental oxygen when indicated, monitor the adequacy of ventilation and oxygenation Circulation : Monitor CPR quality, attach monitor, obtain IV NO access, give IV/IO fluids if needed, check glucose and temperatur, give appropriate drugs and check perfusion issues 4. Disability : check neurologic function, quickly assess for responsiveness, level of conscious, and pupil dilation, AVPU (alert, voice, painful, unresponsive) fe. Exposusre : remove clothing to perform a. physical ‘examination, look for obvious sign of trauma, bleeding, burns, unusual markings, or medical alert bracelets. SECONDARY ASSESSMENT 1. Focus history Sign and systoms . Allergies Medications |. Past medical history . Last meal consumed Event. 2.H'S andT’s aH’s = Hypovolemia = Hypoxia eee = Hydrogen ion = Hypo-/ hyperkalemia = Hypothermia b's = Tension pneumothorax Tamponade Toxins Thrombosis (pulmonary) Thrombosis (coronary) thank you

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