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Quiz-M7 (Framing & Composition in Still Photography)

1. A good composed image should not rely on:

A. Explanation, reveal or argue.
B. Function of Shot.
C. Direct Communication
D. None of these

2. Points that a photographer should ask before composing a shot :

A. Does it fulfil the purpose of the shot?
B. Is the image relevant to its context?
C. Does it confirm to the visual style & conventions of the programme genre?
D. All of the above.

3. Which one of the following is rule of thirds:

A. A compositional rule of thumb in visual arts such as painting, photography
and design.
B. Composition of head-room
C. Taking care not to cut to the body parts
D. Composition of looking room.

4. What composition rule refers to creating a border around a photo by placing objects in
the foreground to draw the attention to the centre of interest?
A. Framing
B. Centre of interest
C. Rule of thirds
D. None of these

5. Which direction of light helps emphasize the texture of your subject?

A. Top light
B. Back light
C. Side light
D. Front light

6. Where is the main light source - in relation to the camera - when you are using

A. Behind the camera

B. Below the camera
C. In front of the camera
D. At the side of the camera
7. Name the simple rule of composition explained on the DVD:
A. Look both ways
B. Rule of thirds
C. Mind the gaps
D. All of the above

8. Choose the correct option:

 __lines in the background make the subject stand out.
A. Diagonal
B. Repetitive
C. S-curve
D. None of the above

9. If you are taking a picture of a sunset, where should the horizon generally will be
A. Centered in frame.
B. Upper frame
C. Lower frame
D. Diagonal frame
10. The placement of items in the foreground that appear around your subject is referred to as:
A. Framing
B. Wraping
C. Front setting
D. Temporarily insanity

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