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Olympic Rings Art

To create the Olympic Rings, you will need

•Red, Black, Blue, Green and Yellow Chalk Pastels (Oil pastels
will work with similar results, but chalk pastels are much easier
to work with)
•5 circles for each kid, cut from heavy weight paper.
•White paper
Color the edge of each circle heavily with the chalk pastel.
Rub the chalk pastel off the circle into your paper.

If you are working with younger children, it might be helpful to use a bit
of masking tape on the back of the circles to help keep them from
moving while they are rubbing.
Overlap your circles slightly.
Since these piece are created with chalk, they will continue to smudge. If you want to keep them smudge free, spray your
art work with hair spray. It works as a great fixative and is super cheap. Any hair spray works, and honestly the cheaper
the better in my opinion

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