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Who was victim

Definition of a victim

Victim can engage advocate to support advocate to support and help the prosecution

Statement of the Victim to be done in a safe place or a place of her choice and by a women
police officer

Use of Audio Video for Statements

Use of Audio Video for Confession/Statement

Investigations of Child Sex Abuse to be done in time bound

Witness Can Be Done By Using Electronic Means

Victim Compensation

In  Camera Trials and identity protection

Right to appeal for the Victim against the verdict of the Trial Court

Constitutional amendment

What is victims right

1) The right to be treated with fairness. Dignity .sensitivity, and respect.

2) The right to attend and be present criminal justice proceeding .

3) The right to be heard in the criminal justice process including the right to confer with the
prosecutor and submit a victims impact statement at sentencing parale and other similar

4) The right to of proceeding ad events in the criminal justice process include the release or
escape of the offender, legal rights and remedies and available benefits and services, and access
to records referrals and other information.
5) The right to be protection from intimidation and harassment .

6) The right to restitution from the offender .

7) The right to privacy .

8) The right to apply for crime victims compensation.

9) The right to restitution from the from the offender .

10) The right to the expeditious return of personal property seized as evidence whenever

12) The right to speedy trial and other proceeding free from unreasonable delay

13) The right to enforcement of these right and access to the other available remedies

What is trail ?

What is appeal?


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