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Fwd: Request for Certificate of Employment


Canossa Santa Rosa 9:11 AM (2 minutes

to me

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Canossa Santa Rosa <>
Date: Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: Request for Certificate of Employment
To: Sarah Angela Gacutan <>

Good afternoon Ms Sarah G! 

This is to acknowledge receipt of your email. I'll forward your request tomorrow to Ms Lea. 

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 1:39 PM Sarah Angela Gacutan <> wrote:

Sr. Jovy S. Benavides, FdCC
The Canossa School, Inc.
Santa Rosa City, Laguna
July 8, 2021
Dear Sr. Benavides:
Praise be Jesus and Mary!
“You can never put a good man down.”
– Rev. Fr. Mardie J. Maligat’s reflection on this week’s gospel Mark 6: 1-6
I hope this correspondence finds you well. Despite the demands of online learning, we as a team continue to
work hand in hand on top of reliving and moving along the mission and vision of St. Magdalene of Canossa
of making Jesus known and loved.
Other than this, I truly am thankful for the utmost support, and guidance that the school has given me in my
personal and professional endeavors in teaching. With this, it is with a humble heart that I wish to disclose to
you that I was accepted and is now in the final leg of accomplishing my pre-employment requirements with
the institution. Part of which is the request for the certificate of employment from The Canossa School, Inc.
I am deeply grateful to all of your support, sister, and I hope for your positive response in this matter.
Thank you and God bless!
In Christ,

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