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This graph is a yearly description which shows masks sales in a specific shop in 2020.

We have month by month and sales in thousand in thousand euros between two
thousand and five thousand.

- They started the year at 2000€.

-They fell to 1000€ in February.
- They rose sharply to 4000€ in March.
- They remained steady at 4000€ in April and May.
- They dropped to 3000€ in June.
- The revenues had a slight rise to 1000€ in July and August.
- The turnover had a Sharp fall by 3000€ in September.
-Income went up slightly 1000€ in October.
- They increased 1000€ in November.
- They remained steady at 4000€ in December.

Graph shows sales 2020

6.000,00 €

5.000,00 €

4.000,00 €

3.000,00 €

2.000,00 €

1.000,00 €

- €
y ry ch ril ay n e l y
r er r
ua ar Ap M Ju Ju g ob be
nu r M Au em t m m
Ja Fe
p t Oc ve ce
Se No De

Graph shows sales 2020

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