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This moment of our lives is crucial for our future.

Your actions and decisions about your

lifestyle will affect you when you get older. There are people who believe that this is not
something important, but exist a big part who thinks that we have to take care of our body and
health doing this. I support the idea of having a healthy lifestyle is something necessary.

First of all, having a better lifestyle gives you a better health. To begin with, if you have a
healthy lifestyle, you will have high defenses. In other words, you will be less prone to colds or
many other illnesses. Then, you can say that it makes your body working better. E.g. your
circulation will not have problems as a sedentary person has. At last, this also gives you more
energy in your day by days. One example could be that healthy people has a better performance in
their days. To sum up, your health will get better if you take care of your lifestyle.

In addition to the previous point, a healthy lifestyle will help you and your health when
you get older. First, your motion will be better than majority’s motion. For instance, most of
people who took care of them during years can still running when they get older. Another point
could be that you will not have to be worried about many diseases that appears at that age. Such
as, heart or lungs problems. Finally, we have to mention that we will look better than most of
people at that age. An instance could be that our posture and musculature will be better. In
contrast, you will be in a better condition when you get older if you start taking care.

Finally, you will look better if you have a healthy lifestyle. In the first place, is important to
mention that your musculature will increase. As an illustration, people who goes to the gym have
bigger arms and legs. Second, you will look healthier. For example, a brighter hair and better skin.
Its logical to say that it is a good option for looking better.

In summary, taking care of your lifestyle will help you in many aspects. Your body will work
better than before. You also will be better until you get older. And of course, you will look in your
best shape. In conclusion, having a healthy lifestyle is really good for you.

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