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10 Quick Tips For Writing Your Own eBook

If you want to start making money from eBook sales then your options are to
outsource the content creation to a third party, or to try and write it yourself.
If you can write the product yourself then this is actually the preferable choice
as it will mean that you retain full control over the outcome of the product and
that you can offer some genuine insight and something truly new. Hiring a writer
will usually result in a passable book that covers all the basics � but if you have
something truly special to say you really need to say it yourself.
Writing an eBook is hard though, which is why you should follow these ten tips that
can really help:
Plan a Structure
If you're writing a blog post then you can probably get away with making it up as
you go along. With an eBook though, it really does pay to have at least a loose
structure in mind first so spend some time planning this out.
Read Other Books in Your Niche
This is a great way to get inspiration for your own ideas and to become better
versed in the subject matter.
Write Every Day
Writing that much content takes discipline. Make your aim to write everyday � even
if you only write a paragraph that's better than writing nothing at all.
Add Images and Tables
If you want to add value to your eBook and you're not sure about your writing
quality, then adding images and tables is a great way to give your product more
bang for the buck.
Choose a Subject You Know
There's no point in writing something you know nothing about. Pick a subject matter
you're an expert in � if that's your career, then that's fine!
Choose a Subject You Enjoy
More important still, make sure that the subject you're writing about is one you
enjoy. That way you'll be more motivated and your enthusiasm will come across in
your writing.
Pick a Small Niche
That said, writing a fitness book will mean going up against every other eBook
author on the planet. Try to pick a niche that's less saturated with a clear route
to market.
Get it Proofread
Even if you are the best writer in the world, it's very difficult to spot your own
typos and errors. Hire a proofreader to ensure absolute professionalism.
Focus on the Value Proposition
Your value proposition is defined as the way in which your book is going to change
the life of the person reading. Will they be richer? Stronger? Smarter? Famous?
Focus on this and tie each point into that.
Say Something New
Finally, make sure to say something new. Don't just rehash old ideas � come up with
something that's completely your own!

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